1. Intro to Class: Hello everybody, My name is Zoe. Kiss him of and I'll be the
instructor for this class. Welcome to the ETC,
digital blueprint course. In this course, we're gonna
be learning about SCO, which stands for search
engine optimization. There are gonna be
learning about marketing and promotions, such as social media
and other places. Why should you sell on Etsy? It is easy to set up an account. There's going to be 40
if we always things in the course description that you can actually use in order to get started on Etsy. Best thing about Etsy is when
you sell digital products, you don't have to keep on
delivering this product. All you have to do is click
the listing just once, set it to automation
and you can get passive income month after month by doing
absolutely nothing. This is a onetime thing. Once you create an
automate the entire class, everything is going
to be just yours, WeVideo, and get paid. How awesome is that? If you would like to learn more about this and get
started with this class, I have created it just for you. One of them on how much
money you can make in this class and how much
potentially you can make. Well, I put my own improve
as well in this class. Hint, hint thousands of dollars today and get started right now, I can't wait to teach
you how to make money and be successful on Etsy.
2. Earning Proof: So how much potential money
can you make on Etsy? Right now I'm going to
be reviewing fall of my Etsy accounts
and you might be asking how come for well, the more accounts
you actually have, the more chances that you're going to actually have
a lot more sales. Some of this absolute gonna be way more successful
than Knossos. Plus not only that, another thing about
having more accounts is that you can separate them
into different niches. Let's go and get started. Checkout my number one account. First of all, I want to show you the actual online manager that shows you the stats for you. The first thing you have to
pick is the stats range. The one that will be actually
beginning is all time, but you can view last
year this month, whereas seven days and so on. Let's place an old time. This is actually the slowest
and the walls adult. All my shops. I just wanted to show you the
force up that I create it. As you can see, the Photoshop
was not that successful. It only got 16 sales
and animate 230 bucks. This is all the time
stats for death. Initially, when
they get started, I put alpha with
Endo, I got bade. Then they just
dropped this shop. This one thing woke well for me. Then of course, I have a few most shops that
are doing excellent. Let's go forest and
checkout number two. So this one was
doing not so good, but much better than
SAP number one. This specific shop
made a total of 1621 bucks from 61
different aldose. It's not as good as
though as to the sharps, but I wanted to show you the
traffic sources for them. Well, it is actually coming from most of the traffic sources
coming from Etsy itself. And some of it is coming
from external search, which is at 30% overcoming
form that the Elect is 17. Direct itself is, well, I go and promoted myself. Social media is only
4% of the total. One thing I want to
actually emphasize here is that orthosis are
media is very important. It's even more important for you to do actually on
traffic to the shop. And it's even more wider
for you to go and link it on Etsy SEO because that's where the majority of your traffic
is going to come along. Now, that said, if you woke really hard
on your social media, this could be number
one traffic source. This is actually just a
stats for my second shop. Go to my thoughts shop, which was even more successful
than my first second shop. This specific one is
made of wool being 6,879 bucks and it is making
money every single day. Well, knew every single day
that is 270 active odorless. Now, the interesting thing about those stats
is the following. You can see that every single
year I'm making more money until I put it towed and start going a little bit down in 2017. Now a lot more down
in 2018 as well. You might ask what is
going on over here? Well, one thing is my stop
is actually seasonal. That specific shops,
since it is seasonal, it means that the majority
of money I'm making around September to
dissemble time period. This shop is going
to exponentially increase in the year 2018. Once this is analogy
actually changes for 2017, It's a little different story. What happened here is that I put a lot more emphasis on
actually improving my margin, which means I'm doing Wes walk. I'm charging more for the
product and they'll fall. I'm not getting as many
sales as a guide in 2016, office getting a lot more sales, but my profit margin
was a lot more slow-mo. Now this is my thoughts up. Let's go to my folks up. This one that means 6,268 bucks. And in two years, I actually an expedited
time on the borders. I got in 20172 thousand bucks. In 2018, I made 4
thousand bucks. This one doubled the revenue. One shop went little bit down. Another sub went, Oh, at higher up in the
same exact time period. This shows you one
interesting thing that by using just adds the SEO, you can get a huge amount
of sales coming for you using the direct sources
such as mail marketing. Using direct sources such
as email marketing and promotions is gonna get you
The last of your sources, gonna get you off
more cash as well. The thing is that I could
do so much better in, is in social media. I know how to do it. I'm an export edit, but I've found by actually posting so much more
time into improving my actual Etsy and going and doing the best SEO
as a can for each. And then we listening,
I'm getting organic sales that make me not even need to
do any whatsoever. Social media marketing, all
value widow direct marketing, which is using my e-mail list, which is another way for you to make exponential amount of gas. So there we go. Those are all the earnings
that I'm actually making. How much money I'm
getting like now and that's how much money you
can make on it as well. Now the thing that you have
to really keep in mind is that the SEO keywords
for the search terms. This is one of the
things that's going to make a big difference how much money you'll be
actually making on it. In this one, I'm actually
also using social media are a little bit more whatever
we want on my stops, I'm doing a little
bit different kind of ways that our marketing my shop and actually showing really good
results in a process.
3. Get your 40 Free Listings: Are you ready for the
challenge of getting started on Etsy and studying to make money and make your wife March different
than it was before? If the answer is
yes, then go ahead. Use those 44 listings. That's gonna get you four
months to try out at all for free and see if
Etsy is right for you. The first thing you are
going to be doing is copying this down
the actual link. Then what you're
gonna be doing next. And then we're gonna be going to the private window to show you exactly what it's going to work like when you click
on this link. If you click on it, correct, you're gonna be seeing
something like this. You have to do is to go
to your web browser, makes sure it's a web browser, not the mobile phone. Use this exact link, copy and paste it. M person go. When you place a goal,
you will see this. You'll find the millions
of people around the world cannot wait
to visit your shop. Open an Etsy shop, and the West, you're 44 items or for free. And then it says,
open as sharp today. This is a great way
for you to get started for brand new business with
a minimum amount of expense. All you have to do is press on, open a shop today. And it's going to
go to this step. What you have to do next is
to use an e-mail address. Inputs on Continue. You can also sign in with
Google, Facebook, or Apple. One thing for you
to keep in mind is that you can actually open multiple amount of shops
using the same exact code. Reuse this code, and use different emails or
methods of signing in such as Google,
Facebook, or Apple. Then you can open more than one sharp to try it out because you just don't know which kind of niche is going to hit it big. And this way, instead
of just making one blend name to your sharp, you can make fully different
names or even more. Then you can go and
Sacco Fudan and test out a few different business
models while you're gonna be seeing which one is the best business model for
you to make money online. I do suggest for you to
try at least to the free, different free shops and see which one works
best for you.
4. Start Your Shop + 1st Listing: How to get started
selling digital products. On. In this video, I'm
gonna be showing you step-by-step of the way
had to open a shop. How do you use the 44 listings in specific or how to
get started creating thousands of doors of online passive income
using Etsy itself. Who am I and why
should you, isn't it? My name is Chris
and I have taught thousands of
successful students, such as yourself how to get started quickly on
business online. I have made over $45 thousand on Etsy since the year 2014, when I started my Photoshop. Just so Q I have started with
nothing enforced for user. Let's see. I have not been successful. I have not been able to
sell any single product. It took me quite some time to
figure out the Etsy itself, why it wasn't selling. What do you have to
do in order to get the sales? In this class? If you check my
whole entire class, you'll be wanting
everything you need to know about political
leaders, successful. They've walks just for you, The Holy cow shop to do it
step-by-step all the way. Over here, we're gonna
be learning how to create gets started
were distinct on Etsy. Creating on Etsy shop cleaning. The fourth sharp, the
steps you have to take in order to create
your forced wisdom. And get started
with Etsy itself, including using the
14th, we always things. Let's get started right now. You can see how you
can make and get started with Etsy
itself right now. I'm sure you're very
excited because now you're gonna get started with creating
your own digital sharp. The first thing you have
to do is to go into your desktop web
browser and do not use your mobile phone
because you won't be able to get the 44 listings. What you do is you copy and paste their listings themselves. You just put this in
your web browser. What it says here. And
if you do qualify, it's going to say the following. Open an Etsy shop in the way
steel forced 40 items for free and open the shop today and you can see a picture of McHugh. Now it doesn't look like me, but it's pretty close. Next thing we're gonna be
doing is pursuant open a shop. Now you have to find
ways for you to sign in. You can either send
him of Google, Facebook, or
continue with Apple. Or you can just use a spell
email address that you have. Let's go ahead and use
an e-mail address. Once you put your
e-mail address, next you have to do is
to personal continue. After you do this, it's
going to ask you for your false name
and the password. Don't make this easy for
somebody to figure this out. Especially in a password. When you're gonna be
doing the password, it's going to ask if mowing, don't use the previous
password on to use the name or
email in a password. And especially you have to use eight characters with
six being the minimum. Use a mix of numbers
and symbols. When you create your password
is gonna say strong, that means it's a very good
password by some register. For security purposes, makes
sure that you're a human. Next, you have to
identify a bunch of different squares to sort that you're actually
is a human being. Let's go ahead and do this. Prism Next again. Now we have to find the traffic
lights present to modify. The next step is to do
the sharp prevalences. One, figure out the language that you want the
sharp to actually say. We have a bunch of
different languages for us to pick one. I'm picking English. Next. What country is your sharp in? Mine is in the United States. The sub colon C is whatever currency that
you're gonna be using. Now it's going to ask you
the following question, which is the best describes you. Selling is my full-time job. I sell part-time by two. So full-time. I think the
bottom one is the correct one. But it was a few more
choices for you. I sell bullet time
and that's how I get. This is just a question you
it doesn't mean anything. You can pick any of
those in the mixed, no difference to Etsy
person Save and Continue. This is the big one which I highly suggest for you
to do this beforehand. You have to figure out the
name of the actual sharp. And you have four to 20
characters for you to pick one. Special car does no spaces, no accented widows. Get inspired. What do you want the
sharp to be caught? As you type this in? It's going to give
you suggestions. Right below there is a name, generally though, United
States blood-borne D, cool, That's a cool name. Let's put this in
as we go forward, is it gives us as names for
us to pick form as well. Because sometimes if
the name is unique, there's just not enough
names similar to it. We can have one with my knee. Right in there as well.
If you don't like this name at all, do
something creative. Just typing creative gives you some ideas. Creative by me. Let's wasn't much of a
query the way deal here. You can always use the
definition characterizes. It seems like some
people already awake, some of those cure those as
well, jquery to reach up. But it has been already taken. One thing for you to
understand that wherever those names have been taken, but this one has
not been creative. Eat, born dQ. This is a very nice name. Let's see why exit. Great
thinking the name is available. I5. Next thing we're gonna be doing, those on Save and Continue. It stand for us to stuck the sharp width as many
listings as v can. The question is, how many listenings should
we get started? This is essential for
you that you don't need to menu as things
to get started on Etsy. In fact, you just need one
listening to get started. I do suggest for you to agree, just want to list things so you can open the sharp right away. There was no need to put
many ways things yet. For the digital is thing, I'm gonna be using some of
my best part that I created. What is this? This is this
new world that they went to. And it also has clouds which are
photoshopped point in here. This is a digital listing
because I'm gonna be selling this picture and anybody
who wants to download it, they can get this in general, the rights to this image. When they bite. It's called Digital out. We're gonna be adding
the digital product. For this one, we only
need one victory. They do suggest for you
is for the primarily to have some kind of a
copyright thing to this. If somebody goes in here, they can't just steal
the actual image. How do you do it? You'll
pretty much go to one of their photoshops
and your ad copy or you do x or you do
something in there that shows that this
picture is going to have a walker to it
that is not gonna be available when somebody
buys the actual product. This is essential before you go ahead and sell a digital art. This knee. Digital. Next, this will made it I did. What is it a finished product? When did they make it? This specific one was made somewhere around
ten to two, 1018. This item is handmade. Now we have to go ahead and find what category
it is belongs to. This knee. This knee in digital, because it's this nucleation. Next week you're gonna be
doing is copying this. Also we can add subject
optional choral room, which was optional
worlds at orientation, height and so on. Most of those are not needed
for this specific product. When you options, we can do automatic or we can do manual. Manual is if you don't want
to have to pay the fees, are you decide this
listening doesn't walk. And I wanted to go
ahead and do this every few months you have
to do this by yourself. I suggest you to do a commended because you're
gonna be forgetting and then there's sharp is gonna
go dormant of the world while this type is
going to be digital, digital file that
people can download. Next is the description. Make sure you type in what
this product is about. Tell more about the
product. Above all. Let them know that the world. What they did here, I typed in exactly
what they're getting. First is their disclaimer, which is going to be the
first sign that they get, which the picture, once they boarded the copyright claim is gonna be taking away
format, which is the logo. That makes people less likely to download and
steal this picture. Next, I let them know
that they can have all the rights to use this pilot for whatever
project they need. But I still want the copyright
to the original image. Tags are DC. Japan pretty much tried to use all the different
keyboards that you can. The better keyboards,
the more wake we going to get sales
for this product. Next is the price. Sinek to do it too expensive. If it is too expensive,
Nobody's going to buy it since it's
a digital product, it makes no difference. And the quantities
can be unlimited. After you do this, what you
have to do next is to go to the digital files based
on Upload an open. It's going to download
it and save it for you. Then put us on
Save and Continue. Now did you start your sharp
with one digital product? You can go ahead and do the same exact thing
by placing on copy. And now you can create
even more of the same, similar wake products to this. It makes it so much
more easy once you have one file done. Because then what you have
to do next is just change the images and change the description or a
little bit around. And it makes your walk so
much more easier as well. After this, you have
to do the next thing, which is how you get paid. The important thing
for you to do is forced to conform
your e-mail account. Next, what you have to do is
to set up their business, which kind of business
is going to be at, which is individual also bought Periscope or
encapsulated business, which is a legal entity. What you have to do next is
set up then we go entity here and your legal information
including jurors, Nixon, business registration,
number, and so on. These are just wait
to get started is just to do individual. Well, you just have to tell
more about yourself and give your taxpayer windows and add your banking in
checking account, which has to do with
billing as well. After you do all this and
all those different steps, you'll be ready to get
started with your Etsy shop. And I hope you're really excited to get started with Etsy. If you are as excited as me, go ahead and do all
those different steps. And if you want to get started and create
even more shops, repeat the steps. Once again. Use their fleet 40
listings and get more listings by creating
additional shops as well. Using the same exact process. Once you already
created the listing, there was a few things
I wanted to get into those sensors when you create
an instance and download, there was a few things you
have to do in order to maximize and get people to actually want to
buy this product. Full steam is to
make sure that it says instant download white in the force viewer
at those over the actual summary of what
this listing is all about. Then you want to add or add
more keywords students. This specific one is as sunset. So you went way down, it's going to be point out sunset keyboard of the location, high-quality, original
point, and instant download. All of it will boost
their SEO and more likely we'll be able for
somebody to find it. Next thing you want to do is
to add or add more pictures. And you can see over here, I want you to edit one picture. That is actually a mistake. If you want to add
more pictures, it's definitely going to
get your Atmel sales. Whereas if you want to adjust the thumbnail person over here, you want to either
go ahead and zoom more in or you want to zoom out. It makes it more standout
and showcase its beauty. Also add a watermark. What I did hear a word
down on it, watermark. So people know
that this product, you're not getting the original until you actually
go ahead and buy it. After you do all of this, you have to go into the
actual description. This is the description that I put in here for this product. You got to add as
much description as you can to this to
make it stand out. The first thing you
want to do is to talk about the actual
product and let them know what the mooc protection
that is going to be removed when you
place a porches. So WCAG, two digital images with different variations
of this product, but you can actually
just give them one, the one that they'll
get it for me. They'll getting actually
two different variations, all the same product. Now also, you can tell what kind of a product that
you're selling to them. Mine is digital photograph. We touch with Photoshop with
one amazing looking image. This is a digital JPEG file. Now, also you can see here
those two different walls, instead they're getting one
of the sky and one without. So if I added that X
TO picture over there, it would have been an extra
bonus for them to see. Lastly, you want to let them know that this image
is calculated. And it says that
it is my product, it is my image, and it is resolved for
personal use only. Of course, you can go
ahead and give people the permission to give
commercial use of it as well. You're gonna get a lot more
sales if you give them more uses and as other things that they
can do with this image. So instead of them going
to stock photography and downloading the product and
the image that they need. They can go to get it from you. And they don't need to pay all those extra membership fees. It's a onetime fee. And other people can
download formula. It's a great way for
you to get a lot of extra sales and money with Etsy.
5. 25 Digital Download Ideas: Digital products is one of the most superior and fastest
way to make money online, because you only
have to make it once and you can deliver
it multiple times and limited amount of
time on Etsy by only creating one listing and adds
it as all the walk for you. What do you have to do
in order for you to get started doing exactly that? Falstaff, head off to You can go ahead and you can
design your own artwork. Needs to be an expert. You need to know what
you're doing too much. And over here, you can
just do it yourself. Query different
tempo and squeeze different things for artwork, for social media, for movies, for just about anything. You can sell this for much
more money on Etsy itself. How cool is that? One of the things
you can do here, you can create logos, you can create post-college, you can create all kinds of
things that people can be buying on Etsy itself and
sewing it as a digital product. If you're not good at this, or you want to make more professional things
that you're really good at. Yet, head over to on fibril. What you have to
actually do is just to search for the kinds of
things that you want to make. Pretty macho working
for a graphic designer. Just type in graphic design. And you're gonna be
seeing a bunch of different people
greeting different kinds of things over here. You can do Photoshop, you
can do anything else. Where they do suggest for
you is to specifically find a niche that you
want to resell for much more money on Etsy. And then you're
going to go ahead and create graphics for it. And you're gonna
be selling them on Etsy with the idea of
making more money. Initially, this might
not actually walk. And because of that, you want to go ahead and make different kinds of digital
products for you to test out. Go ahead, check things that
you think there's gonna be some market to it on Etsy and then you're
going to be signing it. How do we know if there was
a market for those products? With a simple head over, over here to Etsy. And all you have to do
next is just to type in the search for digital kinds of products that you might
be able to sell for money. The first one is e-books. So pretty much do this search
for e-books themselves. And over here you will
see other people who are signing in different
kinds of e-books online, whether people like
to read e-books. And over here it's
going to give you an idea of what kind of
e-books on in-demand, what kind of e-books
people are buying, and what kind of e-books
you can write yourself. If you can't write them, just hand over to
firewall and find somebody who is
selling e-books and can make one just for you
because you have to do things that are not white label
and our individual on Etsy, you can go ahead and sell
things that you can lease, sell for other places. It has to be an individual product that
is just made for you. And because of that on firewall, you can go ahead
and individualize the products to create
them on Etsy itself. So eBook is one of those ideals. There's gonna walk very well. Next ideal. This one has
a lot to do with fat C, and people always want those
is called Etsy banners. If Etsy banners, people need banners for those sharp
for things like that. And over here we have a
bunch of people who are saying Etsy custom banners. So by creating this business, you can actually
go ahead and get people to create the
custom banners folio. And then if somebody asked
for a sword and Custom Panel, you're going to
deliver it directly to them by using firewall
as intermediate. That's a very smart way
to make money here. Next one is clip
art is very good. But always like to have coupons for different
kinds of projects. And over here you can
see how other people are selling clip out on Etsy. And yeah, this one is funny. It's fairly irrelevant to
what is going on right now. You can definitely see
those a lot of demand for query part on Etsy
talking about clip out, something very similar
to that is called Paper. Those all kinds of
themes and niches you can get with wallpaper
or by itself. In fact, dice 399, thousands. All results for this product. So it definitely is very
popular or folio and you can specialize in different
niches for that as well. People like wallpaper
for desktop stuff, and some of them use it
for other things as well. And you can go ahead and do
this as a digital product. What kind of people
we are talking about? Well people, digital
download, press on it. You can see what people
are using it for, for iPhones and other things. And also a score of four. Things for the bedroom and everything else
included desktop, and even for pictures as well. Another thing that you
can do here is called something otherwise
known as both counts. And there was all
kinds of categories in niches in here as well. You can see that both the
carts for him for hole, for boyfriend, for mom, printable for wife, and so on. Lots of things here. In fact, there's a million
different balls of cards and that is
selling right now. Another thing that
they were awake for the weight sets in
digital download, make sure you're
always stayed in digital download
doing after this because it's going to come
to the irrelevant stuff that to be all going to be. Sewing. Everything else that's
on a digital download is not going to be
well, I've been to it. So those 157 search results for the digital download
or weight room. Brief sets for this thank-you. Another one q, is called. The web site. Deems. This one seems
to be also purple. We'll do another one. Stock, uglify digital downloads. This one comes with a
lot more in the search. It was 10 thousand of them. The good thing here is
any type of picture your take is already yours,
It's already calculated. This one, you cannot buy
it for myself people. And it's all about the
picture you already have, put it over there and
then start to sell it. You never know when your picture is going to get to
use some money. In other one, I highly
suggest for you to do is study guides. So go ahead and clear
this study guide for something that you've
been studying for. And then just put
it as a PDF file. And those overall and
powers of those sources over WHO as well.
Do it yourself. Guide for people who had
to do them on things, Do It Yourself things. There was actually rather people who sell something
like this on it. Those over a 100, thousands of them of
different do it yourself by that is all digital
out in digital download. That again about
things to download. Those also something else. This one is built brands. So let's put this in. If you want to build something, do it yourself and build anything such as this
wooden working desk, he'll such as different
things or combined? Yes, even a board house brand. People buy them
especially desks. People will like the
desk and they will pay more money for the bill. Plants, how do create depth
and talking about plants? Codes? Whereas college to study, this is something that's
always been barely palpable. Flashcards, digital download, though is to 1000 of them
in the search engine. Now the one, Blaine's, all kinds of different
keywords you can use. You use the points. There was odd, go phi2. Some of them are getting
are either Wizards, a 113 thousand of them. And it shows you there was a lot of demand for those items, for the items that
don't have as much in demand though it's still
a lot of them for it. This one has 0.5 million results for digital download
for our cards, this one is very intensely
PowerPoint business plans. This is important to
have a business plan and there's over a thousand
of them over here. And it was really nice amount of people who like to buy
those kind of things. And even NFT, an FTE up
di, digital download. And you can see there
was a lot of them, over 1000 of them. They cannot be sold as
standard one on Etsy, but they can be bought
as a digital download. What else we have here? You have to think about
different things. Bad lens. I'm coming up with
different keywords and you see there was a lot of them in the search
coming up for this one, those 218 thousand
for that as well. Females guidelines
is very popular. In those 16 thousand
of them over here to, there was a different kind
of bellow and instead people going out and buy for it. There was also something
called new people who wake up guys you like to
walk out or lose weight. This one is also heal
as well. Weight-loss. Digital download. Those sweet thousands of doors. A decoder. Here's another one. You can see a bunch
of them here too. This one has a lot
of search in here. Weightings super expensive
wedding invitations. If you have 2 and buying
them for every single guest, especially if you
have hundreds of people who are gonna
come to the wedding. So keep distinct and the cost for the running
to be super cheap. Especially for B where I want other people who are
gonna be coming. Once you create a
digital download and you can send them or e-mail them to come
to the wedding. You save money on the stamps, you save money on the cards. And this is one way that
people are saving money today, including saving tweets do. That's a good idea
for you to create. So you have to
think about things, what kind of things
you can come up with. I'd kind of things
that you can create. What kind of things that you
can get formed firewall, what kind of things that you can get somebody else to create folio and even on Photoshop if you have
the skills to do this. So pretty much
though It's so many different digital
downloads that you can do. Just by typing in
digital downloads. You can see the digital
download, Wayne's World, odd and all the ones adult, most in-demand showing up, forced on Etsy itself. So those are the ones in demand, but it was a lot of them
that I haven't talked about. If you come up with
some good ideas, go ahead and try it out. Because digital download,
the way for you to go to make passive income
and money on Etsy.
6. Successful Digital Download Stores: I want to show you
some successful digital photography
download stores that do stuck blends that you
can at least so for this, the most important thing you
have to have the images, your own images that
you take pictures. Or if you're gonna go to
the zoo, to the beach, or you have access to
those occasions to have beautiful views or
your egg to travel at. All you have to do is
just take those pictures. And the next thing
you're gonna be doing is creating a beautiful
working sharp and it's going to sell printable out digital download
and photography. I want to show you some
really successful shops that did exactly that and are making bank with selling
digital download. This one is the
longest point studio. It has over 20 thousand points. Everything is self automated. This sharp walks by itself. It is passive income generation for whoever created this sharp. Everything over here is
digital download print. After they created the point or that somebody has to do is to buy it now in the gated weight away with a digital download, you can see over here,
here is the picture, though is very nice
background to this, which is the decor to
the actual picture. And people actually buy
those kinds of things. But it's over here, you
can see all the sales, which kind of products
they actually sold. And people point this out. It's not that people don't
buy us kind of violence. They buy a lot of them, they wake it and enjoy it. And you can definitely have
a very successful business doing exactly that. So what is walking
for this sharp one? Very nice sub-band or their works really
sophisticated showing how this thing is going to
work in someone's house when they print out
those beautiful image. Next we have the
featured products. Those are probably the
best-selling wants that they get, the more sales form. After that they have
the organization of how the product is broken up into
different kinds of parts. So if you want and
you wake the ocean, you press on the ocean and BC, lots of different ocean images. And the cost here
is very essential. They are not getting greedy, those selling it at super discount because
it is digital download. They're making a lot of
money with their sales, so they don't need to
charge a huge amount. They wanted to be number
one in the search. I'm going to get it out of
people to buy those products. So they keep on. Making sales in 50% off
is a pretty good deal. You can see the quality of the actual point here in the
background to it as well. So this makes it look much more sophisticated and
really nice-looking. Also, they added
this waggle white in the back at the bottom of the
actual screen. Why is that? Because if somebody goes
and does a screenshot, this is not gonna work too good. When they buy this
specific blend. It comes out just like this. It looks gorgeous. That's a good way for
you to make money. You have to figure out things to stand out
from the competition. Here is another site. This one is actually
a star cell. It's one of the
best sells on Etsy. And you can see they're having a very interesting team that works very similar to
the azoles sharp as well. Also having four different
images over here showing, showcasing this in
different kinds of places inside the house. You have that featured
products over here. This one is not on sale. The prices are pretty steep, heal very expensive because this guy is selling
pretty good wall. He's more about capturing
people who want something very, very expensive in nice working. So he's going for the high-end
versus now's a guy who's going for them or low-end and yet getting
the bigger sales. Well, big difference, 20
thousand Sales Wars is 500. But this one is making way
more money with sales. You can see all the
details on this side here that this is going
to be a PDF wire with a link to the download of
the digital twins says all the information that
people need for this product. This is a very good
a deal as well. Last day we have a very small shop that just
started doing exactly that. And I wanted to show you that. Now when you're big shops are making money even
as small, sharp, it can be pretty
successful and he does the same exact thing here. He has four different planes. He broke them into pieces, showing cases over here. And of course, when
you press on heel, you can see the different
kind of ideals that the sharp actually has moved
the showcase feature. You can tell if this works
much better over here or not. But this is good. I will let you get
the idea that you can score for this and see all the different
kinds of things that you can actually
do with those sprints. Next, we have the digital
download and we have different kinds of other things that he is selling in
the store as well. You can see over here, we have the actual picture of the
pilot that he is sign. This guy is a newbie and
definitely he didn't put any copyright or
anything to this. And yet if you're
doing a screenshot, it's not gonna come up
really well because it has those errors on the site and
the heart shape over here. So he totally understands that most people are not
going to go ahead and do copy and paste of this plus
it's then going to look that good as an image quality. You really don't even need to go ahead and put some
copyright blocks on this. When you buy this,
you get a big file that you can use and you can point this right on your wall. He gives you heal examples or actual pointed product and how it's gonna work quake
in someone's house. You can have somebody on firewall to get images
that were quake. This will create this good or you can find somebody
who does graphic design. And we'll do something very similar to showcase
the actual product. Definitely, you can make lots
of money in this business. And those are just
some examples to get you inspired to
get your feet wet, to get you interested
in doing exactly that.
7. Creating Digital Design: So now that everybody is a digital designer or
a graphic designer, but you don't have to be
a graphic designer or even a digital designer
to sell stuff on Etsy. What you have to do is
definitely go to firewall. This is one of my
favorite sites, but those other sites
such as Upwork where you can find people to
design stuff for you. But this site is one
of the cheapest. Our dough. And places usually
started on five, but sometimes the places
are much more expensive. The first thing you
want to actually do here is take a look at the starting places for
the packages that they offer. Also important is
how many people reviewed that specific
solvers keep in mind that the more
expensive packages might not be Woolford
for you yet, your business is not at the web or to justify those bigger, biased for digital downloads. As you're just getting started. Take a look at their cover pictures and see if you see anything
that you really like. So for example, this
person is a newbie. He only has one review
equals 15 bucks to quit. Etsy digital. And other one says that we're going to set up Etsy store design and adds the digital product for
you for five bucks, which is much cheaper. You have to go for a bunch of those different
kinds of services until you find somebody who
you think you match with. For example, this
guy right here. He's going to design digital download wall
point for your Etsy store. And you have to find somebody
who's gonna do it for you. And yet you can reuse them and we sell
them for more money. So you have to ask them if it is okay for whenever
they design, if you can resell it on Etsy, if they'd give you permission, then you're all good. That is very essential when you're getting those
things formed him. Or of course you can create, eat something on your own. You can tell them
exactly the specs and the specification for the digital design download that you're going to be
getting informed them. Of course, the second
method for you to do this is to just go
into something. Well, it says that they
can design for you. And then what you have to
do next is come up with an idea and give it to them so they can
create it for you, the digital design that you
can resolve for more money. So it's gonna be your own creation
because you came up with the ideal delta ones who created the idea and
made it come true. And it has the following. So this is the most
important thing. Digital pilot plus
commercial use. You want to see
something like this. In depth fibril gig as a wise, it's not going to walk. The basic solvus is just 15. Standards is much
more expensive, but you get five digital
products and equilibrium, you get ten different products for your whole sharp to use. First off, just use one. It's only 15 bucks. The wet stick or get
their samples here, we have a wedding program printable template
that we can use here. You can see right here
how it's gonna work. Or IQ is another one, which is a greeting
card that you can use and you can resell
as a digital download. It gives you a few ideas and maybe you can
come up and walk with them or you
have to do is to contact the cell and ask them. One essential thing when
you are walking with firewall is not to go ahead and just do business of one Bolson who is selling
those digital ideas. You want to communicate with a few of them at the
same exact time. Here is another product
that they were awake in. This specific one for the basic, for the price of 15 bucks, you get commercial use. And that's actually pretty good. And you can see really
nice-looking ideas that they have for
something like that, that you can reuse and
you can at least so why should you contact a
bunch of different cells? One is to see what kind of products they can
come up with to, to find out how long
it takes them to do this and how fast they
communicate back to you. If you personal
contact the cell, you ask them a question and they don't respond right away, that's a bad sign. You want them to respond within at least 24 hours or less. Some of them will actually do all the work for you,
such as this one. They will create the Etsy shop with Etsy digital download. That is actually
great news because they go ahead and
make all the walk dad for you so you don't
have to go and create a lot of this
stuff all by yourself. Now, you can see here
a bunch of different. Examples that this
guy gives you over digital download that
you can potentially use. If you don't trust their cells for science stuff over here, you have to understand
one thing that they have about Firewall is that you can have an unlimited amount of times that you can reject
the walk they give you. And if you don't like
what they give you, you can go ahead and dispute and you're not
satisfied with it. So this is the good thing about doing business
with firewall. Way I will like to use firewall for this
kind of a business. Now one thing you can even do
here, which is really cool. It says that they
will actually do convener digital products for Etsy store for digital download. Now this sounds pretty
good to be ten bucks. Now for people who have
to do to yourself staff, you don't even have to pay
to create kind of stuff. Combiner is all flee. Going to the website
itself, can run They've been digital
download person's search. You see the list of 384
different templates that you can actually use here. You can create your own
different kinds of styles. For the pilots that
you are creating. You have to do is
to go ahead global. It says customize this template and you create
your own template, add the information to
it, and you're done. We can use this to create all kinds of
interesting paradox. Two, we sell on Etsy
as a digital download, and it even shows you how to use it with an educational video. It is simple to use and it has all the
information for you, such as how to add text, how to upload your own
images, show and download. And we're again and
save the design. You go for the different
kinds of designs over here. You just press on
here and it easily creates the actual
template folio. And then after you do a few changes and
make it interesting, you can even animated and so on. Once it is done as
a digital product, you download it and you upload
it to Etsy and the lease, sell it for more money. So spending some time
over here to get familiar finding the kind of digital download pilots
that you want to create for companies
such as business cards, such as greeting card. And you can give it a
mega customized as well. For example, I could
wedding template. So it has to be like a general thing that's going to give or other people something that
they might want right away. Waiting over here. Then of course, you can give
the option of customizing this wedding invitation and have a wide variety of different
designs do it as well. So this could be a deemed Pardo. And with a team product, what you're doing here, you're making different
kinds of niches. And those specializing
in the wedding niches on what everything is just
about wedding invitations. This is a great idea in the
grid method to read a whole, entire digital sharp that is all focused or about weddings
and wedding invitations. And give a customization
option for people who want to customize
it to their own needs. So they save huge amount of money by not selling
invitations. And yet people, we
buy it from you over and over again and you
get bead, passive income.
8. Creating & Enhancing listing: So let's go about and get started with how to
optimize your ad soliciting in order to get sales and enhance the amount of
selling to the next level. First thing I'm
going to go is to go and edit this listing
to show you what actually walk for
me and can walk for you also, the title, the title itself is one of the best ways for you to
get a lot of attention, to get the keyboard searching, and to get the item to be noticed by people inside of ETC. What do we have to
do is really simple. You have to type in exactly how somebody is going to
search for this item himself. So let's say they search
for donkey chain. So you're putting
that in though, Dan, dog gifts and so on. So you have to use it as
many keywords as you can. Fill up the whole title. Let me show you here
different keyboards all the way until the end. And they used up almost
every single one of these spaces folders. Now, you might think
that making it less confusing is
better for the quiet. If you're gonna be
deleting all of this, you have animal level
present, something like that. All you could say, dog mag net. That's it early. You don't have to describe
it in so many fancy words. It's going to make more sense. But if you're not using
all the ways things, you have a 109 spaces left. Which means I could
potentially get so much more. People finding my listing if I have more keywords in here. Now if you want to make
sure that it stands out the false thing
about the title itself and is different. What you can do here
is fairly simple. So what you're going to be doing if you want it to
stand out more. You can put in dog key chain. You're emphasizing
those methods by using very simple
thing using Shift key. You can do it up to
a point and don't teach in wobbles. Dog. See what happens is
you can't contain more than free or capital
worlds combined. But it's a good thing because over here what you're doing is, let's say your title for it
is dog, key chain the wobble. So you're going to be going
in and putting it in a debt. Everything else is
going to be lowercase. But it's going to
be more emphasis on this because it is in Shift key. Because it isn't Shift key, it makes most sense for them. You can't contain
more than four or capital worlds the listing, but it does, and people will pay more attention
to that phrase. So keep that in mind. Next thing that you can actually do in order to enhance
your listening and SEO is to go into
the description itself. Over here, just put in as
much keywords as you can, make sure it's all over
the place as well. So everything is in here. Brighten questions,
perfect, and so on. Next thing that is really
important for you to do is to go about an edit, the description of
the item itself. The description could
be used in the search, but it's not the main thing that gets people to find the
item that you're sewing. Because the way Etsy store
which actually works, it works for the title. And then it looks
for the keywords. Last thing it's
going to work for is phrases in the middle. This has really, for your
client to read about this. It's more likely to
actually show up on Google, this part right here. But I'll traffic from
Google is very small. Therefore, the biggest
traffic emphasis comes from the keyboard. And the keyboard keywords
are coming from the title. And the key word is coming
from another location, which is called tags. This is number two points. Well, you have to put a
lot of emphasis into. When you're putting
a lot of emphasis into the tags themselves. You've got to fill up
every single one of them. So you have total
tanks to be used, but you have to be
super smart heel when you use those stacks, you have to think
about how somebody, when he's gonna be
searching for the title, what kind of things
are there gonna be searching exactly four. Then you're going to
be posting it up. Also, when you're
actually doing this, you want to make sure that
you're not repetitive. And you actually using every single one
of those keywords. On the other hand, keeping in mind that
you don't have to use the same keywords
that you use in a tidal. You can WO SEO by using
different keywords in the title and the ones in
the tax section as well. So those are the few
things that you can do in order to enhance
your wasting and getting a lot more
SEO organic traffic coming into the
West thing itself. In this video, I'm gonna
be covering how to enhance the search
itself and how to get a lot more results
when somebody comes in in the listing itself
using the description. So the first thing that actually happens when somebody goes in eliciting and they started
to lead up about the pilot, they will make up their mind whether they're going
to buy this or not. Let's say that this
item or a little bit too expensive for the taste. Or let's say that del, not really sold yet
about buying it. But one defense, what's gonna happen is
when they go all the way to the bottom and they
lead this special note here. Well it says special, awful. If you love this item, you will love my other
super big dog magnet set. And when they lead
about this though, I think there was something else that could be
even better deal. Or of course you can
downgrade them and give them something
that is much cheaper. Either one of those ways, movie walks because what
actually happens, they go in, they go in to visit, and another one of your wisdom, then they might actually make approaches of the other product. So let's say that they go into the $50 thing and then they
go into the $20 thing. The bias is going to mark
down and watt might say, Hey, this is a great deal. I mean, by it all, of course, you're going from the $50 listening into the
59 ugliest thing, which gives you an
additional product that gives it even x value, it is fairly likely
they will still make the purchase side heel and actually show out the extra box. Just because you went about an offer them X dot
product on top of it. What is so great about this? The great thing
about this is that you made somebody who comes in and build one of those things to view two things
at the same time. If you get them to view even more than a few listings from 12 all the way maybe to up
to ten different listings. You're actually increasing
the organic traffic within the Etsy shop. When you increase
the organic traffic, it is more likely
that somebody is going to come in and they're
going to buy something. And also what's going
to happen is at C, it is going to notice
that there's gonna be more traffic within
your listing itself. It is more active. Therefore, they're
gonna be sending you even more clients into
your actual shop. That is one great thing
about having an Etsy shop. When you make a sale, you get even more sales because Etsy is gonna go and tries to find you even more people WHO interested in the
pilot that you're selling.
9. Your Shop's Banner Photo : A couple of image for
your shop could make a big difference
if you're getting the sales or you're not. This specific shop couple
that I actually created for my shop has been
made by myself. So I took the image
and I posted it up. I made sure it is all white, so it stands out a bit more. Now, you can go
ahead and you can weekly eat the images
all by yourself. And also you can
recreate the size of the image by placing
the Edit shop. When you post on Edit shop, you have to do next
is to persuade heel. On this button. You can change the
actual layout. The big battle is
the biggest one. There was a minimum banner
that you can use as well. And it looks exactly like this. And it shows you, right, you, how it actually looks like
on desktop and on mobile. If you don't like the
one that you have, you can post on at an image and choose the
one that you awake. If you decide that you want to create one using somebody
who is professional, you can instead
go to And over here you can type in
logo design wasn't so much. You're gonna have a bunch of different choices for you
to pick for them over here. Definitely pick the ones
that don't match cheapo, starting at 15 bucks
would be pretty cheap. And it's gonna give you
a decent logo design. Just make sure when
you post on this, a few things don't
actually happen here. One, it doesn't have too
many orders in quote, those 12 of them in quote, which is not doing good, it's gonna take them a
while to get back to you. Another thing that you want
to make sure is to take a walk at the actual
feedback of this Bolson. This one has pretty
good feedback. If you're not sure, you can go ahead and send him a message, whereas on contact me and the way down exactly
what you're looking for and what is your budget and see if he can create
this logo for you.
10. SEO for Digital Products: Hello and welcome
back to our class. And in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to go ahead and create an instant
listing where you can go and instantly download
the item that you assign. To do this, It's pretty simple. I have to pause, go well
it says add own testing and I have a few that I've
already created from scratch. So when you go
ahead and do this, who's do you want
to do is just to press on Edit listing mixture. You have 40 realistic
to get started. So you don't have to pay even a single penny for the
worst things that you create. Now you're going to
have something that looks exactly like this. And I suggest an
extent you want to do is to have your image which should already be already and
post it up white in here. After you download one image, make sure it is very
high-quality image. This specific one
is just a desk, so it's going to
be all commodity. I'll see you want to
make sure that you have every single image
boasted over here. If you can print it out
and take a picture, it's even better because now you can show them how
it actually works, such as CBS in the
United States. Or you can go and send it to Apple itself and there was
send you an actual image. This will be really
great because it enhances the picture itself and makes it look a lot better. So you can take a picture
of it into something that is outside of
nature and so on. And also add a flame to it. It's going to look
at more amazing. Also have a bunch of costs
of pictures to it as well. It's going to add or
add more value to this item and more people
are more likely to buy it. Also, make sure you protect
your image by putting some kind of a watermark
or a trademark on it. The reason for this
is just to protect TO image from somebody
just going ahead and doing copy and paste or taking a screenshot of
the image and deciding to sell themselves or just getting it for four years
without having to pay for it. And also when you are
putting a watermark on this, make sure you actually write
it in the listing itself. So now I'm gonna go
ahead and go into one of my actual listening
to actually show you how an actual reasoning
actually looks like. So it's very similar
to the listing. I already have up, but it's going to shortcut
and show you exactly how it is supposed to be done by using one of my
listings as an example. Let's go into here
are some copy. Here we go. We have one image that time
selling over here. This is a Photoshop image
in the title itself. The first thing
you want to write, instant download, people need to know exactly
what you're selling. Another thing I highly
recommend for you to do is to write down exactly
what they're getting, which is what kind of item
there were actually buy. Another thing you should
be doing is highlighting the instant download pod and
emphasizing something else. So the full skeletal
must be allowed to own a number and a disk like this. Let's go ahead and cheat this somehow by putting
like an undo it. So this is gonna be waltzing a, because I want to make sure people know what Don't getting. Now you want to emphasize
the item that they are getting by putting
the cap works on. And here we have 71
excellent species for us to actually use. Let's go ahead and
use it as a gift, a gift, give, ideal, and so on. So you want to use
every single one of those skeletons until you
get all the way to 0. This will get you more
likely to get sales. Also, you want to describe
the item even better. Beach, walk quick would be the description of
the item that time. So next thing is who
created this, which was me. I've finished product and
it is available right now. It is not made to auto and that's not good because
if you have me too, although people are gonna
hesitate about buying it, they can instantly downloaded. So it's not needed for you
to do that category itself. Now, we want to make sure
it is photography category. Just type in the code
category forward. Instant point could be one. And you can put it in digital. You can also do other
things such as photography, digital photography and so on. All those different categories
are gonna be great. But I do suggest
for you to waste different kinds of items
in different categories. One of those items
is gonna be in digital and other one is
going to be in photography, and other one is gonna be an
incident download and so on. And this is gonna be free
kinds of different listings. Now, there was other things
for you to pick from, and I suggest you skip
every single one of those. There was no need for you to go ahead and put more details. It's less likely
you're going to get sales if you actually do so. Next section is a new options, those two different
choices for you. One automatic, which
is going to actually use up $0.20 every four months. All manual. I like to use manual because this way I'm
in control here. And if you want to modify
anything before it actually goes public
again, you can do so. Plus you can go and fix things that you don't like in
the actual resting. Next is the most
important thing, which is what kind of
wasting do we actually have? And this is gonna be
a digital wasting. So make sure you post on
digital after you do this part. The next part that you
have to actually do is to write the description
of the item. Make sure you highlight where it says instant
download right here. Then you have to write
down the next bullet, which is exactly
what you're selling, which is gonna be
a digital point. Make sure you type it in. And then you write down
exactly what it is. Beach at the actual location, which is Aardvark quick, or whatever location
actually is. And it's gonna say
high-quality original point, including the following. This is really important. Well, it says
watermark vortexing be removed with porches. And everybody has
helped support my art. Thank you so much. Now there's more information he'll executive went
they were getting, which is a digital JPEG file, you will not receive a
physical item upon payment. They're gonna receive
instant access to the download file. Once you have two files, you can print it out in your home or at your
local Windows Store as many times as you like
this portrait in codes. And you make sure
you put this in exactly the type of file
that we're getting, the size and the measurement. Next, fill in as many
details as you can, including nanny vulnerable
and no exchanges. Exchanges. Not all images are
property over me. This is for personal use
only, you cannot sell, so copy or redistribute this
file in all rights reserved. This is the capillary
section at the end, please note them. Copyright section. But oxygen partner,
we are going to be skipping that specific
section because we don't have any customer
with those people can actually ask
for customization. So if they want you to suit a specific picture in mind and they want
to buy it formula, make sure this one
is highlighted and you have to actually write
it inside the scripts. This section world is
item is actually feature. There's gonna be instant
download section in the tags. You want to make sure
the tanks, carbo, a lot of things, not only
whenever that your site. I'll also include it
in the tax itself. A few other keywords to make sure the keywords of the
item are also encoded. Digital photography
for the week, instant download and so on. Some of those are really
important keywords. The material is going
to be a digital out. The price, the bias could change if you wanted to
make it much cheaper. So you can get more sales. It is a good thing. Of course, you can make it
much more expensive as well. If you're doing it with the
expenses such as 1598 view, all going to think
it's actually is a physical items or make sure you don't make
it too expensive. If you're doing it at a
decent points such as 788, make sure you go ahead and use the promotional
section while you go and this count the actual item Seventy percent off
or vectorially, well, they want the
discount actually is mixed so you're constantly because this way it's going to encourage or add more sales. The bias that I
like to do most is having it always discounted. Right now it is at five bucks, but you can definitely put 588, which is almost five bucks. The quantity, this
is also important. You can have as many as
you want because you have as many as you want here and the most you can have is 999. On the other hand, there
was no reason for you to have such a big
quantity of this item. By waiting just want, you're gonna have more
ugly, somebody buy it. But if you want a super automate this and you're going to
have a lot of downloads. You might as well just put higher quantity over
here because then it never actually
expands the listing before the time for this
listening to grow out. In fact, for $0.20, you're getting a lot of different things
that you can sell. You can potentially sell all
90 of doors and you only be $0.20 to wisdom asylum or you're getting
if we're wasting. And therefore you pick 0, do with this sign up for
the next four months. So keep this in mind when you're writing the
quantity here. Digital files, those
are the fast people get when they porches
this specific item. So make sure you upload
the actual file. If you don't actually upload
the actual file over here, there was nothing
for them to porches. This is the most
important step that you have to do at the end
of this twisting, the last section over
here, also important. You can go ahead and
adjust it thumbnail. Adjusting the thumbnail,
you can go and focus on a specific section
of the item itself. This way it gets more
attention to this item. If you want a super
zoom in, into it, you can do so over here as well. Or if you want to zoom
out and show them everything that is
in the picture, you can do so as well. You can drag it to make sure you highlight the best part
of the actual image. Then. Whereas on Save and this is it, This ends our
lecture about how to create a digital wasting. And now it is your turn
to do exactly that.
11. Search Engine Optimization: Let's talk about a
very important topic that is called etsy SEO. Search engine optimization. With at ASCO, you need to be able to
understand two things. First off, how do somebody actually finds
you? There was two ways. One is on Etsy, second is on Google. The differences between
the two is, for example, if somebody wants to find
your ads yourself and if you're gonna be using
my Etsy shop for example, I'm going to be typing in ETC. Go costumes. Then I'm going to be
typing from one of the items I'm actually
selling on it. When you type it in, you want to be able to
find the item that you're selling light in two
different places. One is in Google, too, is an Etsy over here, as you can see, when
they just typed it in, one of my items are showing up. Second item is mine. He was another one that's
item that is mine. Here's another one. Another one and another one. So I have a bunch of them
showing on the force page. When I type that in. Now, you want to
make sure it's also showing in a false speech
or with adults as well. Because then you're going to make sure that you
get a bunch of sales. Because if somebody is searching
for something similar, you want to make sure
that somebody can go and find it when they typed in a different variation
of the same keyword. Here is another one that
is showing up here. And a few of my
competitors as well. That's great because if somebody wants to buy it and
they see some of my items for sale
and we'll click on it and they will go
about and try to buy it. On the other hand, if
you're sharp is not showing up right
away in here and when somebody presses
on it and there's not gonna be able to find your
snap, that's not good. So you want to make sure the
SEO itself is tweaked in a way that you
always are showing up at one of the top sales. So this item is
unavailable weight now, but that's a different
competitor as well. Now the thing you could do
is to make sure your item is very discoverable
in Etsy itself. So if somebody goes
in heel and I've seen the Lego times in
in the storage. You'll want a few
of the items that you're selling to be
showing up here as well. So heel is one of
my items that times only a few competitors. Now it's really
important for you that your item is one of the highest quality and
it is reasonably priced. So if somebody goes in here, they see one competitor and then we'll compare
it to another one. This one is the cheapest, but it's not as good
looking as my item. So if somebody goes in
here and wants to buy it, they're gonna go and think
twice before they're buying. And those two more
right here as well. So it is showing in the fall speed of
search, which is good, you want to be shown on the first page of search for
whatever you're selling it. For example, we just
use Lego Batman and see what kind of items
are actually selling here. So you have a lot
more competitors under this field itself. So you want to make sure
you are on the full speech. Take a look at this though. 60 different pages
for Lego Batman. That's a very
competitive field here. Only the people who are
showing on the four speech. I'll definitely are
going to get sales here. And I'm gonna get a lot
of sales because they were showing right away
in the full speech. On the other hand, if you're not showing in the for
speech because you have a thousand different people who are selling the same item, it's pretty hard for
you to make any money whatsoever with this SEO, you want to make
sure your shop has the highest possible SEO search. Then if you go to Google, you go into ETC, internal, you will be able
to find your item. So let's go back into my edge is sharp
and show you one of my listings like he'll let me go into my Etsy shop itself, go into newest thing
manager and tweak their SEO for the item
that we'll actually start. Here's the item that I'm
actually summing right here. The most important thing, if I want to make
sure that it is showing in page one
of the results, the only thing that
matters on Etsy that makes the biggest difference
to your sales is the tax themselves. With the tags you want to cover as many variations
as you possibly can. The item that you're
actually selling and every single foliation,
foliation of it. Also, after you use up all
the different kinds of tags, the next thing
that's also really important to your
SEO or search on Etsy is the keyboards inside the description of the
item that also walks, but not as good
as the following. The keyboard of the title, the title itself is also
really important as well. But otherwise, all of those, the keyboard that I
just showed you with the tags is the number one thing that you should focus on. Number two is the title, and number three
is the description inside the item that
is actually sound. Then what's going to
happen is somebody who works at the item and
they look at the picture. Even if you did
everything else go act. You also want to
make sure that they liked the item after
they look at it. This is what you have to do. Go back into your Etsy shop, make sure you
optimize the title, the keywords, the tags. Then next thing you have to do is to go into
ad says Sign out of your actual account In type in the exact item that
you're actually sign. And you should be featured after oldest weeks you do
on the first page. And if you're not shown
on the fourth speech, either the item that you're selling isn't a very
competitive niche, or you haven't done great job enough to be featured
on the full speech yet. Which means you haven't had enough sales to actually
be featured yet. But you have to walk
your way until add C starts to feature you in
a false page of search. Because if you're not featured and if you're not shown on
the first page of search, it's gonna be very hard for people to not only
find your item, it's also going to get to
us in this humongous maze. And you can see those fleet
thousand different results. And anybody who is
not standing in a force few pages
of this search, it's just not going
to be found by anybody who wants to
buy this product. Also very important
for you to stand out in Google search as well. Because over here, if somebody
goes externally and tries to find the same exact item on Google and they
can't find you. It's the same exact deal. That's what you have to
do in order to optimize your Etsy listing and take
your sales to the next level.
12. Etsy Sale Dates Explained: Should you actually
want sales when everyone else is running a sale? This is a complicated question that needs an actual answer. The answer to that
is quite simple. Let's take a look at the actual sales that
they have up right now. And you'll be able
to see when you play a sort time with that, when you're on sales at the same time as Etsy
is running sales, you might be able to
make a lot more money. This is what I'm
doing right now. So those are the
sales that I want. In the same time when Etsy is telling me to
an actual sales, it does work pretty well. And you can see 11000 bucks
that actually made with it. Sometimes we make sales
and sometimes you don't, you can see sometimes
you get one sale, sometimes you get a few sales. Because of times like
Christmas for example, I got 16 sales over here
in 23 over del, and so on. In Thanksgiving. Sales times you have
very few sales instead. This brings me to
the conclusion that when actually you're
running sales, you tried to keep the sales at the same exact time that
Etsy actually wants them. But that's in conjunction with
the holiday season itself. If you have a holiday
season event, you want to keep the cell
going for a very long time, such as this one which started formed at symbol eight
until December 25th, they won't go your sale, the more likely you will
get a lot more money if you're running a sale for a really short
period of time, such as this one which
was only four hours long, but don't expect too
many cells formed that there was when you freeze sales for
that specific one, he was another one which
was only five hours along this specific cell and
then got to sales from that. The Thanksgiving one which
was on you for days. This one got me totally
different sales. So overload, the whole thing for you to do is to keep
running their sales. It is both smart
for you to do so. You want to learn the seals in this specific time
that Etsy has sales, you want to cover those specific dates and you
want to start them before the actual
sale actually starts. So if the cell starts
on December 17th, you want to start the exact
sale on December 13th. If I asked, you went
to end it after everyone else ends up as well, a few days after the
holiday season is actually going to expedite and getting a lot more sales for
you in the process. Now you can see this is only 11000 bucks that
they got formed this, but this is not the
whole amount of money that I made in my shop, which is totally
different of course, than the time that
they get their sales. I got all total of almost 7 thousand bucks from all those different
promotions that I want. And this encodes
the actual sales. The actual sales on the amount of 1000 bucks out of
the gland Dorado. Which means that
when you sales is important and it will
boost your bottom line. But overall, you
will be making money much more if you're gonna
be running this sales, not only during the
holiday season. And bias if you're
gonna be selling things that are selling outside
of their sales periods, you'll probably will
be making a lot more because you'll
be paid for boys. When you're running sales. It means that you're getting the discounted price of
the items itself sign, which is not very
good for you because you're actually discounting the items that you are selling. By discounting the items
that you're selling, you're not getting
paid for Bryce. Instead, keep the big sales on. You're going for very
specific amount of time such as In Christmas and
New Years and so on. And waiting hours,
you should keep it below 50%, let's say 25. And so this way when you
do on the beak sales, which are going from 50 to 70% off dealing fairly
specific time of the yeild, you're definitely going to get more sales in a very
short period of time, because those sales are
going to be very exclusive.
13. Organizing Sections: In this specific video, I'm going to go into and
show you how to create an instant download section
of your actual listing. Over here, when
somebody actually goes, they can see the
different kinds of categories and pick the
one they actually awake. Also, I do recommend for you to post on Edit section and create your own section for
every different nature of things that you're
selling in your Etsy shop. So let's go ahead now and create a different section that
says instant download. And we are going to be moving all the ones that are actually instant download
in my Lewis things into that specific section. To do so the first thing I would recommend
for you to do is to have it featured in
a specific section. And they have a section that is executive for that which is
called instant download, as otherwise known
in my section, it is outside and collectibles, you can actually call it
instead as instant download. It's probably better for
you to do so as well. To do this, what you
have to do is to post on Manage based on Add a section.
You're gonna be coined. Spent, down, throwed
person Save. Now this is going to
be another section in a list of other things that I'm selling in this specific shop. Now next step for you is to make sure the
ones that though instant download are going to actually become
instant download. Let's go ahead and
actually do this. Go well it says Change
section and move this into where it says instant download
and personal apply. Now you're all set now you have everything neatly and
nicely organized. In an instant download section. When somebody comes in here, the person instant download, there'll be able to see this
stuff that you're selling. Now this hasn't been
actually updated yet. It takes it a little bit
time to get updated. Let's see if it did right now. One of them already
updated in here, and hopefully the other two are gonna be updated very soon. If it doesn't for
any reason update. I do recommend you
refresh the browser. Let's go ahead and do this and see if this is
working right now. You should always double-check everything and make
sure everything is working right now from
some unknown reason. Two of them are not showing. So let's call in
highway buffalo dose. Now go into well, it says Edit Options and press on where it
says Change section. And beyond moving it to
instant download persona y. Now we're going to be
double-checking if this is still working on that, he'll be gone. So now it has been
updated and we have everything in the instant
download section.
14. Promoting with coupons: So let's go ahead and create a coupons and promotions
for your Etsy shop. It is easy and simple
to do four-step. Go to the sub manager
person this once, once you place on this, you're gonna go well
it says marketing. And after you press on that, you go all the way down where
it says sales and coupons. Now, next step for you is to
create a new special offer, bias on new special
awful on the plus. And we have three different
options for us to pick from. One, send awful to interested. Suppose this automatically
sends coupons to people who leave items in the shop in the account for oval 24 hours. This is good. For example, if somebody
wants to buy something, adds it to the sharp and
then fails to check out. This happens quite some
time, not too often. To do this kind of a promotion, you have to set your
own monthly budget. The one that I recommend
for you the most to do is the five-box one. So it's going to send 50
coupons Beaumont to H. And then we want all
those people who fail to actually go to checkout. Why does this happen? Well, somebody decides the
ones who buy something. Then they were thinking, let me wait until I sell actually comes in and
maybe they miss the cell. But if you give them
a good enough reason to change their mind, they might actually do so. Next step for you is to
figure out what type of coupon you want
to send to the pile. It was the fixed amount of dough is the free
standard shipping all the Waze app would
send off the percent of is probably the best one and you can come up with your
own inputs and all. Let's say we want to give
them 25 points and off, we are gonna give them
a specific coupon code, which is going to be code 25. And then you want
to make sure that this specific code is going to tell them exactly what kind of a discount they are getting. Next you'll be choosing
the coupon code, which is gonna be called 25. So you know exactly that
it is 25 points and off. But also the other reason for greeting a specific
code is to know that this is the special
checkout 50 code that is coming from
the specific offers. So you know, at this point
motion is actually walking. I would add another symbol
to this and add 52 days. So I know where this
promotion is coming from, so I can track this down. Once you are ready to check
this one out and send it out, your personal
review and confirm. So over here, it
lets you review and confirm what kind of
a promotion V0 doing. Who are the audience, which is the appended code, the maximum order, which is not a publishable
at this moment. The including resting
is going to be the whole entire
sharp monthly budget is only five bucks a month. Then we can launch the campaign. Of course, if you don't
want to waste five bucks, you don't have to do this. And plus it's not
going to waste my box. Most often it's
going to waste like maybe two to three bucks,
maybe even a book. It depending on how many people
have abandoned checkout. This actually is
pretty good because it almost never is going to
get all the way to five. And it's a very good way
for you to use this as a promotional way
to enhance and get extra sales that you wouldn't
get in the first-place. Next type of steel that we
can set up is to run a sale. But running a sale, they can just Poisson,
they're on sale. And now we can choose two
different kinds of cells. One is the standard shipping, and we can do this
domestic unease, so we don't have to go and pay all pies for items now,
shipping internationally. Now you can do a
quantity discount and this makes your
sale shop white. You won't be able
to actually specify which way things are going
to actually go folder. So you can do quantity
of two items. So you have to get at least two in order for the cell
to actually walk. You can do a total order. Well, somebody has to do a twist or the
twenty-five dollars of merchandise before they get the free shipping discount. But since you'll be
signing digital items, those no need for
you to actually charge the shipping price for the products that
you will be delivering. Therefore, you should
already have we shipping on all your items. Instead, what you have
to do is to Poisson, Let's send off because this is much better kind of a sale. Over here. I don't want to specify
how much All those people have to actually make since
we are selling digital goods, that you can resell a lot of them and you don't have to
make them over and over again. It is beneficial for you to get as many sales as you
possibly can get. Therefore, you're going to have a minimum order for
them to qualify. Instead, you should actually
specify a specific discount. You can discount up to
70% off as little as 10%. It's up to you to
decide which is the best number for you
to discount at your shop. The way I suggest for
you to do this is to figure out what kind of sale works best for you by experimenting with the
different numbers. So you can go to
twenty-five percent of, 50% of, 70% of, and just keep on
moving it around. Now, one thing I do suggest for you to try is to give them the biggest sale
during holiday seasons or special kind of
times during the year. So you never go oboe as certain amount such
as 40% off and below. This is only for
special occasions. I've very good
occasion will actually violent this sale to be 70% off. Most of the time
you want to go and experiment with 30 puts
into ten parts and off. That's the way you
should go about this. Let's go and put in 25 points
for this specific cell. Next step is the duration
of the actual sale. Let's wanted for an
entire week from the 19th all the way
until the next week, which is going to be the
26th dorms and conditions. You want to tell them what
kind of cell it is if there is a specific holiday that
is happening right now, make sure you put it in. Also, make sure
you let them know exactly the date this
cell actually ends. Let's post this in here. You've given them
a reason why they should actually
jump on this cell. Also make sure you
name the cells. They are not going to
see the actual name, but you will see it yourself so you can track this cell down. Therefore, this is going
to be a different code. It's also going to be 25.
But over here at the AMT, you want to make sure you post a different kind
of figures in here. So this is going to be
just a coupon sale. You can track this
down for yourself. Then you're going to be
pressing on Continue. Now next step for you is to add the different kinds of
products that you actually be. Sorry, if this is going to be one of their products
you'll be selling. You just post on this.
This is just some of the digital products
that they have in sharp. I posted this in and now I'm going to go
around and kind of form this specific cell on only some of my digital items
that I'm selling right now. Since this is instant download, it makes no difference for me how much Markdown and have
for those specific items. You definitely don't
want to discount it so much that it's going to
actually cause your money. For example, if the item
itself goes for five bucks, you discount it all the
way to rule out if Webex, and so I'll even do bucks. Now you're going to
get very close to the Etsy fees might be actually eating up
all your profits. And in fact, it
might be actually costing you money on this cell. So be careful with that. You want to make sure
there's enough overhead. So the actual sale price is
not eating into your profits. After you make sure
that this is the case, you want to review and conform. And also make sure
that even if you have a break-even sale
where you actually not actually winning
or losing anything, that's still good because every single kind
of a sale makes etsy search engine to go ahead and promote
yourself even more. Therefore, it is very
logical for you to get as many sales as
possible in your shop, even if you're not making any money in the
sales whatsoever, as long as you are
still in the black, which is getting profits, it is still all good
based on review and confirm and then conform
and create a discount. So we have twenty-five
percent off on those specific items and it
ends on Thursday at midnight. Now that the sale
is actually live, there was three ways
for you to show this. One on your Facebook page
to as a pin into a spin, as an actual tweet, I find pin into his
boat and actually using Facebook to be much
better than Tweeting. Now there is a third
way for you to go ahead and create
a discount code. Let's go ahead and do so. This actually involves
creating a coupon code, and here we have a
few choices as well. For shipping, we should
always have it already said fixed amount of 15 bucks
of specific Bolchoz. This is a little bit more
risky because you can actually sell an
item for almost 0, just because you went ahead
and you create it and post it up for sale at 12 bucks and the fixed
amount of is actually 15. It's not going to go into
the negative territory, but instead it's going
to go all the way to 0. So be careful with that. I recommend for you to use instead the port
sense of once again, over here with the coupon code, you can create any
ports and off. So if you've actually
charged and a 100 bucks with a digital item, you'll be getting a very
small amount for it. I don't recommend
sale that is this steep because it makes
the item doesn't seem like it is
really valuable the most and the biggest sale I do recommend for you to
try to run is allowed to 40% off anything
more than that, it just seems a little fishy, especially for a digital item. None of those other things
I recommend for you to do. Therefore, the minimum order to qualify should be actually none. Also, you can use
this coupon code to actually send out as
a thank you note. After somebody actually buys
any pilot in your shop, they're gonna receive a
coupon code that says, thank you so much
for buying this. And here is your coupon code. I already have one that is
running in my shop right now, so I'm not going to be using
this one as a coupon code, but this is something
for you to consider. This specific sale. For this specific coupon
can run a lot Hongo. In fact, since this
is a coupon code, you'll be giving out when your business scout or actually
to people individually. I suggest this one to one for lifelong goals such as
maybe a year or two. This specific one is going to run all the way
for a whole year. Of course, you can have no
end date for time on it, especially if you're
gonna be using it for your business cards. And if you're gonna be using
this for your business card, I would put in here called and then business
card at the end. And then I'm going to say 25 of this specific one is actually
going to be 40% of mixed. Well, it matches the
same number as you put in as a discount code. This way, you ensure that
whoever is getting this code, first of all, you can track it. Second of all, it matches the actual discount
puts an off that you actually are going to send it a mail it to the people
who are getting it. This concludes the
lecture of how to create a coupon codes and use
them as promotional items.
15. Etsy Ads campaign: Etsy ads, is it
actually Woolford for you in order to
get more traffic? And CIO's the answer is
kind of complicated. It is. And it's not forced off. It says you're
missing out because you're not having this
campaign for Etsy adds, the minimum is a bucket day. The maximum is 25. If you're just starting out and you want to get
started with fancy, but yet you don't want to get or people when you expenses, I suggest for you to
start at the bug. On the other hand, starting at a bucket day is then going to give you
the results you want. Let's take a look. It what happened when
they did a door day, Dollar Day in your study days, I got a huge amount of views. Overdose. I only got the 150 people who
clicked on the ad. The important thing is when
somebody clicks on the ad, this is the only time
you get charged. If you see here
the entire yield. When they did those ads, I got 19 thousand people
who viewed my ad. And of this on a 187 of them
clicked on the ad itself. And how much, All those I get 0, I wasted in 25 bucks in order to show you what you
should not be doing, which is wasting
money on Etsy ads. Now you might say,
but it might be a waste of money for
you to do ads, the ads, if you've got 0
all those and you only got nothing out of it. It's not really the case. I got nothing auto. I spent 25 bucks. I got a 187 potentials
who came to my place and some of them
might have favorite, some of my listings are wasted money and you only get charged when somebody clicks
on the actual ed. Yet, it got me potentially
future clients when they do the
product's going on sale. Some of those might actually translates into actual clients. So you get 0 from the ads. I did get traffic
into my listings. That is the good news about. The bad news is that it's
not the way that effective. Because of it. I suggest you to start
in a bucket day, try it for 30 days straight, and keep on experimenting with the products that
you are offering. When you want to do this, which you have to do
is desire and figure out how much money you want
to actually waste on this. Because either it
comes down to that you're wasting money initially. Now over time that
might actually improve. But in my case is
sometimes I just broke even as Okies is I was
money in this case, I lost money as well. The first thing
you're gonna be doing is restarting the campaign. And he is, I'm starting again advertising
width 41 listings, which is the budget
of a bucket a. And I want to show you
the stats over here to see what's going on
here. The ad views. Let's go into this year. You can see over here they had views is above 19 thousand. And you can see the months
that I ran this on, which was January, I
went on a February. I didn't want any March and I weren't a lot of it in April. The adclicks 50 clicks, 330, and then got all
the way to a 104 quirks. So it seems that the
more you run the ads and the more quickly
you get over time, those more interests
in my products. And fortunately,
there was no sales. Now after you run the ads for awhile and you decide
it's not doing too well. You can go forced to manage, advertise listing,
and get rid of those things that you
don't want them to learn. You can go to other options. Person turn off ads. So let's say you don't
want to want this anymore, just make sure you
turn off the ads. So it's no longer using your money because you
can actually forget this. And then you'll be
charged a buck a day for the entire year, which is pretty expensive, which comes down to 365 in
box a year, or even more. If you forget this for a
longer period of time. If you're doing more than
a bucket day, 25 a day, this can get to some
significant money that you might be
actually using. Let's say you're selling
vintage products. So now we are working at the specific products
or be advertising. Here are some products
that I actually am saying. If you want to run the
ad for certain products, that you'll be learning,
what you have to do is to pick the products
you want to advertise. Placed on over here, just once the bids will
be on for those listings, just press on it and you can
see it turns add on and off. If you want it off, you press on it again. And it's going to turn it off. Turn off the
advertising for debt. That's how it's gonna go. Pretty much what's
called into another one. We wanted this on,
we turn this on. And here is another one. Now we'll advertising
another product. Over here in the keywords. You can go ahead and post the keywords for the
products you're selling. So if you just want to
do focus on the vintage, you just type in the vintage, then you're picking the products you want to advertise for. And we have the listing
statutes which is active, advertised, not advertise
that an inactive and active, those are the active once
we have the stats here, which is the ad views, clicks, quick weight order,
revenue budget spent, and the return on the
advertising budget.
16. Promoting with Social Media: So let's get started
how to promote items on social media with Etsy. First thing we need to do is to sign up into your account. Then we are going to act
you to the shop manager. Now the next step for you is
to go and press on listings. After you go into
those things up there, you go into those things. You have to select the item that you want
to actually promote. The open gonna be
promoting this one which is the zombie building
those magnet. Because it's actually not sung. It needs external promotion. Over here, you're
gonna be pressing on this so-called awake menu that works like a 6 D
style or whatever. We're gonna go and
Poisson view on Etsy. Now after we do this, both, we can go ahead and promote this on social media
by pressing one. Well, it says shell. You can do this
directly for many of your listings as well. This is just one way out of two different ways
for you to do so. By saying on shell, We have four choices for us to promote. One on Facebook and
another on pin into list, and the last one on Twitter. It's up to you to decide
which one you want to use, but I recommend for you to
promote in all three of those. After you go ahead
and promote in those occasions such
as for example, by placing on twiddle. In fact, it gives you
the URL for this item. It gives you the keywords that
are used in the listings. And the best of all it gives you there certain URL of the item itself so you can use it and promoted Annual
your actual awake.
17. About Taxes and Expenses: So the end of the yield is here. It is time to pay taxes
and you'll probably wondering how much of your
owning goes to taxes, what is the breakdown of the cell fees and everything else? So in this video, I'm gonna
be showing you exactly that. First off, Etsy fees. The initial breakdown comes from the shop fee of the
listing of the products, which could be easily offset by using a 4D for your listings. If you use those, we're going to go
ahead and get to it. All of those fees. The list of product,
therefore, PS50, you're gonna be charged is
$0.20 for every product you're listening avidly, four months. And then it goes through
the whole cycle over again. That is the force fi. The second phi is the end of transaction
fee that you pay at sea. It used to be five. What's int? It's going to go all the
way to 6.5 wits end. But on the other hand, are
gonna increase traffic. So what can you do about this? You can easily increase
the price of the product. What is the OS to this stuff? Combined altogether,
it was more fees, taxes, and everything
else for that. The biggest one,
the yield taxes, self-employment taxes
that you have to pay on everything that
you actually sold. And this is gonna be breaking
down for you really easily, month for months until
the end of the year. So you don't have to go ahead
and do this math manually. How I used to do, which was a whole huge pain
overpaying to do this. Now, altogether,
the next biggest fee transaction for you
that you're gonna be concerned about is
actually shipping labels, which is shipping the product. You can go ahead and do this by not selling
heavy products. The more heavy it is, the more expensive
it is to ship and the more money it's
going to cause you to go ahead and do this. In fact, if you want
to get a list of all those shipping fees, go ahead and start selling
digital products on Etsy. Then there was 0
shipping fees for that. So that's going to get rid of this all entire expense for you. So overall, we probably are interested to see
an actual shop, to see the breakdown
of fees and to figure out which one is
which and everything else. So we're gonna go into this. Now. You'll see my actual shop, the breakdown in fees
and what can you do to reduce those fees and
see it month for month. It's really interesting.
Pay attention, take notes, and get started
watching it. Right now. Here we have the
actual shop which made about $30 thousand altogether over the yields
until I got to 2023, you can see a huge steep
drop. Why is that? Because it is the start
of a new yield and the matrix starts at
overall with this new year. Now we're gonna be looking at the next thing,
which is the month. We statements, how
much is the wig down for every single month? So over here you can see
November, October, September. And interesting
enough, take a look at this anomaly,
which is August. You would think that August
is one of the slowest months, but in fact, most people
take vacation in August. Not mean I was making
the extra money in August over here because
my sharp stays open, yield ground that's white. You can see the difference here between the amount
of money I make, waltzes their expenses, which is a hefty chunk of
everything that they sell. Most of the expenses are coming. Who you guessed it,
shipping labels. Let's go into August
and checking this out. This is the details
cells and credits, those over $1000 of sales. And here are the fees and taxes. The listing fees
though is none because I have opening credits. The shipping label is the next biggest
transaction fee here. You can see that I spent a
$141 shipping those products. So if I wanted to reduce
my extra expenses, either have to create
a digital shop or I have to go and reduce
the shipping fees for me. Now the twins Action, Everybody's complaining,
ETC, so expensive. You can see over here, is ETC, really that expensive? It's only 55 bucks that I'm
paying directly to add C at 1000098 bucks that they
made this entire month. My biggest expenses is
actually fees and taxes, which is mostly the
shipping label. Going back to the month
for month breakdown, you can definitely
tell that it does vary how much you're
paying in taxes, how much everything altogether, goals month by month. One thing for you to
keep in mind is if you want to bake the
big manual nazi, you will have to understand, you're going to be using
and paying more in taxes, which is totally understandable. Also because Etsy gives you your money back to you right
into your bank account. It doesn't use anything like a toad poverty such as PayPal. There is no transaction fees
that are getting into this. All the fees go
directly to add c, which is going to
go ahead and put all this money back
into your business.
18. Learn from Other Etsy Shops: Hello and welcome
back to our class. And in this video
we are going to be exploring some shops that are really not doing so
well and what you can do in order
to improve sales, especially if those were actually their shops
that you actually have. So we will just
explain those stops. But as a complimentary note, I'm going to go into some of your socks and check them out. So make sure you post it
in the discussion section. If you have a shop and you
want me to walk, edit, and give you a few tips
about how to improve sales. Well, that said, let's
continue with this work, Joel. This specific shop. And it's very nice
looking design. This is a good thing about this. It has had Z0 absolutely sales
since it opened in 2016. So I cannot go into the actual shop itself and
I can see the keywords, but I can see how they actually
presenting the material. One of the mistakes are
there specific shop is just the way everything
is written in there. You can't really
see much difference between one item and the Nado. The other thing that
is also a problem. You don't get any sense of
volume when you're buying this not on you can't tell the difference
between any of those. When you got here, then you're
blessed one item itself. You can see a few
more extra issues. Though. You might not get sales if
this was your actual shop. First of all, the price itself is just way too cheap. A book. Not everybody wants
to pay a buck with something they think is
Wolf next to an Alpha. And especially for
instant download, what do you have to do? You definitely have
to up your buys, at least 57 bucks here, and then you discount it using a discount code that will
encourage or add more sales. The picture itself, there's
only one picture right here. It hardly has any description
of what you are getting. It says there was
loosened and so on. But well, is the item that describes what
executive this is. The description is the
most important part when it comes to
a digital wisdom. The picture itself,
and none of those is doing any justice for
this specific item. The top it off the bill is 0
of useful this up as well. This specific shop for two years and 0 sales stick
I just gave up. Or whoever is actually
the boss of the sharp, what they have to
do is promote it. They have to get
people to actually buy this item by getting o
add more promotions, by getting people
to buy this item, more likely you're
gonna get sales. And if it's not working for you, make sure you change the graphic as well as the
keyboards themselves. It doesn't even say
instant download in the forest word
of this keyboard. And lastly, you can go ahead. You can go all the way to the
bottom and you can kind of doubt what is the competition for this actual item with you? What I do like about this, it has really nice logos
right here of the Shop Model. And also the logo itself was really designed
as other than that, this sharp is a total failure. This specific shop
was allowed to form 2017 and it has 17 steps, so it's not doing
that bad by this one is having a lot more
trouble getting traction. So what's the reason for it? Well, it has the organizer
on the side so you can see all the different categories of the niches that are
available in the shop, 17 sales, and 70. Before admiring
their specific shop, it must be doing
something wrong. First of all, the prices
are a little bit too cheap. That's why that would do GPU. Next thing is when you go
through the actual sup itself, you can really tell
the difference why they're not getting sales. It is really the picture
of what they're selling and the picture
is not this good. The picture is what
actually cells with instant digital downloads, you have to walk on getting
a very good picture to show exactly what people are getting when it based
on incident down. As always, nobody is going
to be pressing on this. There was no discounts that are running for the things
that they'll sell it. That's another big no-no here. The description a little bit too much over description too much of a good thing is really too much when you have too
much over description, more likely the person is
going to lead to much and it's not going to go and
do what he has to do, which is just buy the product. The whole purpose of
the description is to get the bile to be interested
in buying the pilot. If you fail to actually do so, you'll failed at your mission, which is to get sales. This is what this app
is actually doing. It's not that bad. They didn't make on
a walk in the shop. They dealt with a lot of
attention to the details, but this is something that
this UP could do a lot better. And it does have a few reviews. Unfortunately, most of those reviews are coming from the same executables, which is a little bit
suspicious as well. Next up, we'll be exploring is this shop which is not good, it's not having any
sales whatsoever. And here's why
this Bolson public just started this for
a few things in here. And he doesn't look
like a cilia is, ETC. Cell. Here is why there is
no even big shop logo. Logo is being, you'll
have to have a logo. There was just a picture of as small miniature
walk or you don't want to have just
mentioned where we want to have the big logo in this mode logo, it only has two items
listed for sale. Either command as
many items as you can at least than
items posted for sale. Next thing is this
specific item, and this is an actual
instant download it. And this one is
just really lame. What's it borrowed this one? Well, you can just
go ahead and try to save as because you're
kind of getting it here. It looks like those
are expelling things that are shown in
green light until it, you don't want to have this
to be Soon as a picture here. Kind of see what
you're getting here. I'm not sure I'm sold on this single image
of this product. And they did waste
that this sharp if it really wants
to be successful, you got to put a lot
more attention and time in details in your products.
19. Top tricks, tips and shop suggestions: How are they all?
Let's take a look at a few things that
you can do in order to enhance your sales
and move them to the next hour for this
upcoming holiday season. And the first thing we're
going to actually do is to take a look at my competition. This is very important. You should always
walk at competitors. For me is gonna be go-go knows
magnets, person so much. The ideal thing you
want to actually happen is for your keyboard, the item itself that
you're assigned to be featured on this page. And take a look at
this on a full speech. I'm ready. One of them is here. Second one, told for
56789101112131415. Different items are included
for the specific keyword, and this is all in Bij one. In fact, because my item is so unique and the keyboard
itself is so unique, I'm coming up number
one in this search. And it was normal competition for this specific, the world. That said, if I were just
want to type in dog magnets, that's going to be a
different keyword. This keyword, we're
going all the way to 17 thousand items
to be featured. Number one, with
17 thousand items in here is very hard
and competitive. So keep this in mind. You do want to own a
keyboard and you want to be featured in every single one of these soldiers
for that keyboard. And usually number one. But if a search has so many
different things for it, it's gonna be so much harder for you to be featured on page one. This is why paid ads
is so important. There we go. We'll get this four of the feature diagrams
or the way the tab of Beta ads and people are
using it to sell their items. Now, if you want to increase the amount of
money you're making, and since you will be
selling digital item, you might as well add a
fleece shipping to it. People are more likely
to buy it because take a look at this specific thing. If you just focus on this one, it says a twelv, it doesn't save, we're
shipping this one says 150 and for shipping, so think which is the one
most likely to get sales, the one that we are shipping is definitely gonna give it to you. Now. The ones that says
I wiggle all those, hopefully that's not as
good as we shipping. Now since you're
assigning digital items, there is no excuse for
you to have page shipping full a digital product
that's going to be delivered virtually anyways, if we're shipping is
just a given for that. Now a few other
things that you can do here is definitely have very beautiful pictures
with all white background. That's definitely going to
enhance the listing and make it look so much
better and professional. If you can see right here, this specific sour has a little bit
different background than this one which
is all white. But this right here, the picture didn't come out as well as a decorative reassured. Now, if you do want to decide not to have
all white background, it is totally fine
as long as you differentiate yourself
from your competitors, such as this guy who is
signed, magnet French bulldog. The way he differentiates
himself from everyone else, he has this wooden
background or white on it. So you definitely
want to differentiate yourself from any of
your competitors. But you want to
make sure your item is so much different and
so much more beautiful, that is going to get you this
sales you actually want. Here is a brand new
software it here. This one is selling
digital goods. And it is doing
executive right thing. By having all white background. It doesn't look messy. People can tell what kind
of item does tell him. It's definitely gonna get
you a lot more sales. Now the other thing
that they do suggest for you to get a
lot of sales is to have a lot of products in your SAP such as
this up right here, having a 105 items, then another thing is for you to feature all the items
that are saying, Well, we roll all the way
at the top and then organize it nicely in
different kinds of categories. And this shop is doing
very well as well because 87686 different sales. And it has a lot of
people who are in myelin this up after you, things you want to do
in the shop itself. First of all, the items that I'm gonna be
featured at the top of the screen here have to
be with this sigmoid here. And it says we shipping also, if you can add a
sale price to it, more people are going to be
likely to buy this product. I only have two items
featured right now. There is no excuse
for me not to add additional products to
my actual shop wet here. I can go ahead and
add more my shop. And to do so, it's
pretty simple. Next time we're gonna be
typing in B dog knows, right? You see what kind
of items featured. And I can actually use you
from this source itself. So let's go ahead and
add this one right here. Now I'm gonna be
just typing in dog. Any keyboard do you want to use? Then you see the items that
you're selling in the shop. You can just add them
using this method. Now, we can rearrange them and just post them up
in any way we like, in the order that we like
as well, embrace and done. Now we have a bunch more
items showing up in my shop. And I want to make sure that the item itself,
the first one, is going to be the cheapest one and keep on going until it gets to the most expensive ones or it's going to
change, way out. Move this one all the
way to the bottom. Place on Download here. The cheaper one. You want to make sure that the item that needs
the cheapest is forced and the items that are more expensive or
featured on in the shop. So it's more likely somebody
is going to buy it this way. Now, notice another way that
you can do this as well. We can rearrange the order of the items
themselves into shop. This is how it looks
like right now. And I don't like to you, I get some of the orange
items right here and we can drag the items over the place
that we actually want. So just press on it and move
it around if you want those. So this item should be moved
all the way to the top. And he was another one. You're gonna be moving
it to the top as well. We want to have all the
unique and different items be shown on a four speed
of the source itself. And then the items that don't duplicate and they
work very similar. You want to be, to
be shown later on. Now, the way you go about and rearrange this search
is pretty simple. Over here, there was
a number next to it. For example, if you
want this one to become number one and delete it, number one, and it's
going to be moved to the number one
position, and so on. Now if you want to move
it to the next page, That's a little bit more
tweaking person that right heel to peach one. Now it moved it all
the way to page one. So this way you can rearrange
everything in the shop and make it look more
interesting for somebody. Once they go in and see this, you definitely want to show them all the new stuff all
the way at the top. On the way for you to do
this is pretty simple. You can go ahead and
put in most recent, or you can put in the
lowest price forced. Now this morning about
putting the worst price items all the way up front is that went beyond just
come to the shop. They are looking at the prices and they might just buy
because it's cheap. Now this is not the smartest
thing that you can do here. And here is why,
when somebody who goes in and sees
those cheap items, and it's very unlikely
they will buy the expensive items instead. What you have to do
is the following. Why is it high or low?
Or the high items are gonna be some false. And when somebody goes
to something like, Oh, this is too expensive, they keep on working
and then they'll going to the items
that are much cheaper. This way. If they keep on going, eventually they will get to the cheapest items which
are on the last page. And then they will
see and think, Oh wow, this is a big sale. I can get. Those items will
only eight bucks for the cheapest
item in the shop. And now you're more likely
to actually get sales. So that's how you
go ahead and you do a small and very significant
amount of edits to yourself. And definitely this is going to increase the amount of sales. Also by changing
any of the items in the shop itself
and editing them. It's definitely going to
get you a lot more sales. It's going to improve
the SEO of the item. And how do you improve the SEO? It is very simple. Just go ahead and you edit one of the items for
sale every single day. You're gonna go ahead and add or edit one specific Louis thing. By going into the edit, you have to do is I just said
we only change the images. That's one thing that
you can do here. And they just did
it the right now. Next thing you can do is just change the title inside of it. You can also change something
in the description. And you can also change one of the keyboards and all delete
it. After you're done. Go ahead and change the
place just a little bit. It doesn't have to
be much edit to it, but as long as you get some
kind of edit down to this, it's going to enhance and
change the SEO for the item. But one thing I do
suggest for you is to create newest thing is the best way for you to up
your SEO in this search. Every single time you create a new item and your
listing and ended up, it's definitely going to win
in your shop much higher. Now, if you want to
do this for a while, I don't suggest for you to list four items in the same day. Instead, list1 every day. So every single time you add and modify things in
the shop itself, the search engine for this
sharp or Etsy is going to pick up on that and it's going to go ahead and enhance
those listings. Another thing I do suggest
for you to do is to go for every single item and make sure it says exactly
what it should say. Plus make sure the pictures and description and everything
else is top-notch. This is how you go
ahead and make sure you're gonna get
a lot more sales during the Christmas time. One of the last things
you should definitely do is to decorate the actual item with Christmas or holiday
poetic little lead it. Pictures such as right
here, as you can see, I edit something
that makes it look like it is a holiday
related item.
20. 10 Reasons why you NOT getting sales: So let's get started. The top ten reasons why your shop is not
getting any sales. What you can do actually about number one reason this is the most important
one, of course. It has to do with
the shop itself. So here is a specific
sharp white here. And we can already see the mistakes this specific
shop is actually doing. It has 136 hours, which is good. But here is what is
causing this sharp not to have as many sales as it
should have these daily views. You should have as many
reviews as possible. And it makes people
trust your shop or at models only for the clinical
views for this sharp. And one of them is
actually negative. That makes a big difference. So they start waiting for
this is only for style, other for reviews
that's then good. And having so many sales, this makes it no excuse
whatsoever for this chapter. Have so either reviews, what can you do about contact? And we want over the pupil, whole board something
formula and ask them to give you a review. By doing so, you will
get o add more reviews. By getting more reviews, you're gonna get a lot
more sales as well. Let's compare this to my shop. My shop has 292 sales, which has double the previous
chapter that I showed you. But to look at the
reviews for my shop, I have 64 reviews and
almost all of them are five-star reviews from people who bought
something for my sharp. This is the reason why
you're not getting a lot of sales or any
sales whatsoever. You got to get reviews
from your customers. You've got to reach out
to every single one of your clients and ask them to. We will review for your shop. Number DO isn't why
you're not getting sales. This is really important. You've got to have a
very nice desktop alt for whatever that
you're selling. You wanted to present
the product when they go exactly to your screen by representing the pilot
that you're selling, it's definitely going
to give them a deal what kind of product
you have up for sale. Therefore, people who are coming in are more likely to
stop in your store. Also have a picture and the small picture
for what you're doing posted as
well by handling, bringing nice artwork, It's also going to give
you more traction, which brings us to the number of free reason why you're
not getting any sales. You've got to have a very nice looking images for the pilot that
you're selling. Every single part of
the time selling, I use my best photography
skills to get the pictures and make it look as professional
as possible. Sometimes you have to even use Photoshop in order
to make your pilots stand out from your competitors by making it to a
great and amazing, you're more likely
to have people who are big fans of your pilot. And they are more likely
to buy the pilot number for reason why you're
not getting any sales, is that you are not
utilizing every single one of the keywords
that you have to use. Make sure you fill
out every single one of the keywords for
the product that you're selling right at the forefront of
the actual wisdom. Let's go into the listing
and sway where they mean. Inside the actual
listing itself. You're going to utilize
every single one of those keywords right here. And they do exactly that. I utilize every single
one older keyboards and themselves and they're
posting up for sale. And then whoever is actually buying it is more
likely to find by item, because everyone
of those keywords makes this search SEO enabled. Therefore, I'm gonna get
or add more traction for my item and it's going to be showing up for
speech or wasting. Which brings us to number five, where you're not
getting any sales. It is simple, you're not getting enough traffic in your Etsy SEO. Go to Etsy itself. Now, let's type in nose appeal. Reason number five,
you got to stand out from the rest of
your competitors. And you want to be, and for speech of the search
engine itself, how do you get to the full
speech of search engine? You have to use the
keywords themselves. My keyboard or dog knows magnet. Let's post it in. And he'll be gone for speech
of such wings out a bunch of my actual item on the full
speech itself of Etsy, which means that as soon
as they start a sale, it's gonna be wide featured
over here as well. By having your inner
featured on a false bleed of search for the keyboards
that you're actually using, you're more likely to
get them out of sales. Take a look at how many
of my listings are posted for speech
or Etsy search. 123456789101112, door Dean, up to 18 of them. I'll also turn. That specific keyboard itself, which is dog knows magnet. Now I did type in a different keyword,
which is dog magnet, and I'm not getting enough force PDO search for that keyboard. You can link for every
single keyboard out though. But you have to try to rank for as many keywords as
you possibly can. Because this will enable you
to get a lot more sales, which brings me to number six reason why you're not
getting enough sales. It is not using every
single one of the tags. And you want to use as
many tags as you can. You have up to 13
tags for you to use. Make sure you use
every single one of them in order to stand out. As the SEO and the top of
the search engine itself. Seo stands for search engine
optimization cemeteries and why you're not getting
enough sales is the following. You don't have
enough biasing for the product in the
valuation as well. This points being
too another reason. Also, the boys could
be too steep to, if the price is too high, it is totally fine as long as you make sales on the product. Which brings me to number eight where you're not
getting enough sales. You are not having enough sales. Therefore, you have
to go to marketing, sales and coupons and style it as sale for a few products. You have to on
sales all the time. When you're adding sales, you're gonna get
a lot more people buying the products
that you're selling. Doubtful. It is very important for you
to learn specific sales. This one is going
to be showing me the performance in
the past 12 months. And it shows this seasonality as well. As you can see here. I made 1000 bucks in 50 or those in this
specific Etsy shop. This is the one that coming directly from my
sales and coupons. Everything else is not what I'm actually making in the shop. So I make art more
money into sharp, but this is coming
directly from my sales. If you go to my stats, you can see how much
money I made so far in this specific shop, which has nothing to do
with their specific sales. You have different
kinds of traffic coming in from the coupons and different kinds of traffic
coming in without using the coupons and with using
the coupons and sales, you're gonna get a lot
more people coming in who are gonna be utilizing their sales and buying from you. And this brings me
to the next lesson, which is the reason number nine. Number nine is that you
can actually promote your listings and get
them to the next level. If they're not getting the
sales that you actually want. Etsy has a feature just for you. You can go ahead and
get every single one of your wish things
were murdered on Etsy. What you have to do
is pretty simple. You have to figure out which specific listening
you want to promote. Then you go to marketing. Let's go to promote a
listing so it heal. And you can actually turn
the primordium these things on by poisoning on
manager it here. You can advertise width
promoting Lewis things. But by saying on that, now next step for
you is to figure out how much budget you want
to do for promoters. Who is things you can do as
much as $50 budget for this? If you don't want
to do a $50 budget, it is totally fine. You can do a buck, which is the
cheapest you can do. Every single door
that you're gonna be spending on the
sharp is going to go back to the shop itself. And here's how for the next 30 days you're
gonna be spending 30 bucks. Every single day you'll
be spending a bug. And then what's going to
happen is you're going to get or add more traffic
coming Exactly. Also, you can advertise a new
listing that are gonna be added automatically every
time you make a new listing, it's gonna get
advertised as well. Next thing you're gonna
be doing is going to the advanced setting and you can do there set maximum
cost per quick wink. If you do this specific thing, what's going to happen
here is that you can set it much
cheaper than a Bach. But if you said it much tuple and they correspond quick heal, it might not actually
get you any results. So this is not really
recommended for you to do. Now, one thing about promoting
Lewis thinks is that you can actually pick which specific listings
you want to promote. I do suggest for you
to pick a few listings that you're actually
placed on them. And just dawning on. This specific one is
getting 11 sales for bid. This is the auto bit here. You can go ahead
and adjust it and create your own
bid for this item. You can go and put one
centered day if you wanted to. Again, I don't suggest for you to actually do this because you're not going to outbid
your competitors by actually, well boy, your actual listing. Therefore, you're not gonna
get any sales whatsoever. You're just going to
be losing money for anything that goes
on the 11th. Sense. Instead, what you want to do
is to beat your competitor, which is kind of simple. All you have to do
is go and promoted $0.01 higher than the
automatic beat over there. Which means that you
will now beating every single one of your
average competitor. Which means that you always
think is going to be promoted on a full
speech of etsy search. And you're gonna get
all the sales for this specific item that is promoted in that
specific category. Now, next thing you can
actually do is just to pick a few of those items
and post it up for sale, then promote those
specific listings. This one is more expensive. This one is $0.29, and this one is only $0.11. I recommend you promote that
cheapest listings instead, because otherwise you'll be spending more money
than you should be. So this one is also more
expensive and so on. It also has to do with
the price of the item. The higher the
price of the item, the more expensive is the bid
for this product as well. Now what you are trying to do initially is to get more sales. Were getting more
sales, you're gonna get more traffic to
your shop as well. Having a lot of
traffic and sales is gonna be getting this
up to the next couple. Once they shop is
getting enough sales, you no longer have to
do anything right now, because now you're
gonna go on your own. This is really important if you're just getting
started with your shop, is to get the first few sales in the door by getting the force
few people in the door. This is called the
grand opening. In fact, you're probably
better off getting every single one item
albedo that you have adequate now promoted
within this way, you get them out more
people coming in, more sales or add more
traffic initially. And let's see, is gonna
go and try to make even more sales come
in after that as well. This point's been
to the tenth reason why you're not
getting enough sales. You're just not utilizing
enough social media. You always thinks it is
really easy for you to use social media to get sales
with your listings. What you have to do is just to pick that item you want to sell. And it's gonna be
this point here, which I have not been
advertising it enough. So one thing you have
to do is just press on this left heel and you want to promote
this specific item. So porcelain view on Etsy. Now there'll viewing this
product on Etsy itself, whereas on showing here. So you can show it on
Facebook right here. I placed on that. It goes whitening
deal Facebook beach. And you type in checkout. My new product, bookstore
sub-bullet here. Next thing you'll be doing
after you did this part, I'm gonna be showing it again. We're going to be copying
this specific item as well. And you can pin it and twist it to student just for fun of it. I usually don't like to it, but it's worth a try. Let's go ahead and do that. It takes a second. Go to width the item. After you did this
specific thing, you're gonna go directly to
the PAG group and you can join any group that is related to something
that you're selling. By joining a bunch of
those groups on Facebook, you'll definitely utilizing social media in the correct way. It check out my new product. And we're gonna go and copy
and paste it there as well. So here it is. And Poisson post. And now we're going to get probably a few
sales heal because we have over 50 thousand people who are members of this sharp. And now they're looking
at the product that I posted in the Facebook group. And it's more likely I at least get maybe one or two sales. Now, if you advertise
in this place, you should dampen the advertise
in another place as well. So at sea, buyers and sellers would be one Etsy promotional
group would be another. Let's go ahead and go over here. Start discussion right here. Posted up here as well. Now this group is not niche
enough for me to promote, but it is still a
wolf or tried to promote in FCRA that way groups. So let's go into
this one as well. Next thing we have to do is to do copy and paste your awesome. Then we'll copy and base.
You're actually doing in different kind of Betsy
cells and bows groups. The more likely you'll
get or add more sales. It is soluble file for
you to join as many of those different groups
on Facebook that are related to Etsy as you can. Then the next thing you have to actually do is of course
to agree the rows, join up those groups
and start posting. Now, just posting in
groups is good enough, but all staying in other
places is even better. So make sure you post in a wide variety of
different locations. This is definitely
going to enhance your social media footprint on the items that you're sewing. And of course, it's going
to influence the amount of sales that you're gonna
be getting as well. Make sure you do this. And those are my ten
top reasons why you're not getting enough sales and what you can actually do about
21. Ending: Thank you so much we're
getting all the way to the end of this class. I'm psych, I'm so
excited for you. I'm happy that you finally
got all the way to the end of the class what your
journey has just started. What do you have to do next is if you haven't
done a weighty, create your Etsy shop and
get started twisting. This is the crucial and
most important step. Then watch this class orbital again and see if
anything is missing. Because just doing it once, just watching it
once is not enough. Make sure you take notes,
write down everything, and do it step by step of the
way because there's a lot of things that you
might have missed out. After you're done. Make sure to smash
that thumbs up button. We believe you and see you in
another one of my classes. Thank you. And see you in the next class.