Etsy Affiliate Marketing: Social Media Mastery Course | Sergey Kasimov | Skillshare

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Etsy Affiliate Marketing: Social Media Mastery Course

teacher avatar Sergey Kasimov, Entrepreneur, Photographer and Teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      About this course


    • 2.

      Welcome to your class


    • 3.

      Join Etsy Affiliate Program


    • 4.

      Deep Linking


    • 5.

      Url Shortener


    • 6.

      What Sells on Etsy


    • 7.

      Picking Best Selling Products


    • 8.

      Etsy Top Sellers


    • 9.

      Quora Marketing


    • 10.

      Monetize Instagram


    • 11.

      Twitter: Using twitter to promote your product


    • 12.

      Pinterest: Promote your shop using boards


    • 13.

      Pinterest: Creating, editing and marketing


    • 14.

      Youtube: How to market your shop


    • 15.

      Youtube #1: Writing titles descriptions


    • 16.

      Youtube #2: All about thumbnails


    • 17.

      Youtube #3: Using keywords & cards


    • 18.

      Facebook Store Guide


    • 19.

      Facebook Marketing


    • 20.

      Creating Facebook Ads


    • 21.

      Reddit Marketing & Campaigns


    • 22.

      Google Ads quick setup


    • 23.

      Domain Name Essentials


    • 24.

      Great job you completed this course


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About This Class

Etsy Affiliate Marketing: Social Media Mastery Course

Are you interested in making income from Etsy and online sales, but lack money to invest or products to sell? If so, our course is perfect for you! Designed for those seeking a modern, nomadic lifestyle or looking to make extra income from home, this class teaches you how to register as an Etsy affiliate and use deep linking, URL shorteners, and social media to drive sales. We focus on how to select the best Etsy shops to work with and show you how to promote them effectively.

In this class, you'll learn valuable skills such as affiliate marketing using Etsy, how to find the best selling products and Etsy shops, discovering the best sellers in individual Etsy shops, starting an affiliate store on Facebook, and creating an affiliate website with Wix. You'll also master marketing using social media.

Our course will teach you how to create your own virtual shop, where you can market various Etsy shops all in one location and get paid using affiliate links. Once you create your website, you'll just need to drive traffic to it. We cover various strategies to drive traffic in this class.

Overall, this course is essential if you want to learn how to make spare income from home without investing any upfront capital. Join us now and start your journey to earning money online!

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sergey kasimov

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Sergey Kasimov

Entrepreneur, Photographer and Teacher


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1. About this course: How would you like to create your own Etsy a period business without having to start and create your own Etsy shop? You don't think that's possible? Well, it is. It is simple, easy to dio and you can do it is easy as today. So what you have to do to get started is pretty simple joined the etc. A win affiliate program. With this program itself, you can pick any part of that is right now selling on Etsy. You can promote it using social media or any other promotional cello and get paid a put sent off the prophet. This is great for people who are living right now at home. They don't have time to quit doing business, but they want to get some spell income every single month. If you're interested, you want to become your own boss. You want to get started feeling marketing and promotions. This is the class that you should be joining every second you wait, You're not learning something new and you possibly could be making extra money. If this is something you're interested and you decided that you want to take the challenge and do this class is being offered 30 days to check it out. There was no way skill whatsoever. If you don't like it for any reason, you can get out of describes and get a full refund forward. There is a win win situation for you and there is no reason for you not toe grab this crisis right now and get started warning today how to make money with Etc. Affiliate program signing today and see on the inside. 2. Welcome to your class: welcome students at CIA period class. This course has been designed to teach you step by step over the way how to go about and clean your at sea. A few it empire. In fact, you could make thousands of those selling products online that are selling right now. When that see itself and this class is going to show you how you can become in a few it how to become a successful formula off pilots and how to join the That's a few it program. Why should you go and self on explore, etc. Forcible etc. Is a going market place those thousands off new cells coming in into the market all the time. Second of all, it doesn't cost you anything to become an answer. A few it. In fact, it only question firebox for the applications Get a pooled. Other than that there was evil cost. What's level, And you get that five bucks back once you become an applied to the program itself. So those actually zero cost to it now when you become a net separate. The great thing about this is that you can sell products on that and make pretty good cash in the passes and you don't have to invest even a single cent off your own cash. So this course is gonna go in tow and teach other promoting social media, Facebook, YouTube and even create your on weeks website or combined. This class is gonna be and has been designed to teach you the number one way of making money on answer by becoming in a few. Why should you join this class? Because I'm the one who is teaching it. My name is so gonna teach thousands off different students how to be successful online. So what you waiting for? You will not make money, maybe even up to thousands of dollars off extra income every single month. Is this something you want to actually do? If the answer is yes, using join in this class and I will teach you all the ways that you can do this. If you put enough time and effort in the process, you definitely could make some significant money seeing the class. And I can't wait to get started teaching you toe make money online. What? Patsy 3. Join Etsy Affiliate Program: So are you interested in making money online without having to pay even a single penny a point? If this is the case going to make money on etc. And you don't have any pilots, you can actually go. So you should become an etc. A few it To become a Nazi period or you have to do is to go on a win and on a win itself, just need to create an account to join the ads. A few IT program. The first thing you need to do is to sign up for the program that's called a win. The good news about sending up for a win, they accept new anyone to the program. All you have to do is to go for those few steps. Those force that process that is acquired for you once you into all of the required information right here, including your force name was named phone number, email data, both language setting address. Everything else here has to be included after include all these different information. The most important part off this is to give them and Web site for them to look at. You have to have some kind of a basic website, and then they're gonna approve you with new you 100% fortification and acceptance. Wait, your modern likely to get accepted to the A. Win a few eight program after you create an account in a neighboring. What you have to do next is five the marketplace that you can go about enjoy. So I joined a few different marketplaces here, which is Bible at sea. We express and a win those are there four different marketplaces that I actually join up, and each of them has a different, kind off payment system that pays you and work it out. Probably 800 puts in for fiber 99 put sent for at C 95 puts and for the Express in 100% for a win. So almost everybody who goes about and start something and one acquitted a period account, they give you a chance to do so. So when you just like in hell or you have to do is to press on all programs and pick the one that is best for you to join. Now there's a lot of different things that are available here, and it is available by different kind of region as well. So here it is, what is available in the United States. That's different kind of sectors over here, and also a different kind off conversion rate for those items. Now, what I'm working for is the one that has a high conversion rate to it. It is more likely that somebody is going to buy the specific product that time. So So those are the ones with some of the highest conversion rates that are available right here. So the Bogado sect has 100% conversion. Wait right there. This one that here's a spiral direct 47 puts and conversion, which is pretty good as well. Ali Express has toe well put sent. That's pretty high for that. And there was a little different kind off places that you can join us Well, and to suggest for you to join us, many different programs, as you possibly can, that are highly rated, with a very good amount off conversion rate to them, the higher they conversion lead. And more likely you're gonna be making sale for those specific products that they are actually showing you now. The average payment time valleys pulled their different kind of sponsors here. Some of it takes further, but a long time. Others are fast. So 19 days for some of them, some off the payment is gonna take your very long time to receive. And I don't suggest for you to go and join those program. Okay, this point toe, eight convoys in late. It takes 1000 days to get paid. Are you kidding me? That's no way I'm We're gonna join some program like this and even a win itself. The commotion leap forward is very small. Not that great. But you can look at the different kind off places and you can see that the payment amount of days is way too long for me to even consider joining them. When as a hand, when average payment time is about 19 to 30 days, that's about average. So you can definitely consider those programs and become a member off them. So let's say that we want out. Go and join a program that's called New forg. It was on it once when you press on it, What we have to do next is to present join program, and over here is gonna have a few things for us to go and do here forcible. It's gonna tell us about this, how you can promote things and so on. So make sure you, with all those rules and everything else, next thing it's gonna ask what kind of website you're gonna be using. So when you just sign them for a win, it's gonna let you go about and show what kind of content they accept from you. So I used my own website and they used YouTube to CNN for a win itself. So the one I'm gonna be using for this one is going to be geek Academy that come over here . You can go and type in exactly why they should accept you, what things that you can offer the specific program and why you should become a member over it. So material type descent. And by checking this box, you agree to abide by a specific terms and conditions for this program. So I can say will make New York I'm doing it is sure that's possible. You definitely should state some things that are way beyond good in this. Next I'm going to be doing is pressing on joint and this is it. That's all you have to do in order to join. Now, if they don't accept you, you can always go and send an email to the support. I even called them and asked them What's going on? What can you do in order to join the specific program? 4. Deep Linking: in this video, I'm gonna be cobbling out of deep wink using a win. First thing you gotta do is tow again into a win itself after you again. Next step for you is to go where it says wink and tools and then go all the way down. Well, it says a wink build. Oh, sometimes it goes directly to this page without you having to do anything. Whats travel. So this is great if it actually already did. That next step is to go and create your deep week. So you go and select the advertiser that you're going to be using, which is gonna be at sea. Next step for us is to find the destination you're out. Do it. So we go in tow, etc. We're going to be picking the pilot that you'll be selling, which is gonna be the specific product. The fact you like Next up, Ross, there's just to do a classic copied base. So it's copy it, go back to a win and over he'll basted in here next step. That we're doing after you did this is to go and copy the deep wink that should be with you after you're done. You can just do it This and you can go and grab another wink. So let's go and grab another one right here. This is a different kind of product. You're copping this one as well. Going back to a win and bee, sting it in here as well and waiting for it toward up. Sometimes it's not gonna load up if you have this problem just for us. The page just once and then go back. Select the advertiser. And if you see this showing up, that means you did the collecting destination. Your well, you just based it in and you're waiting for the entire message Toward up. This is all you have to do. So thank you for watching and see you in the next video. 5. Url Shortener: Let's go in tow a win itself, we're gonna work into it. And now what we're gonna be doing is generating some kind of a code. So let's go in tow our programs, the advertisers, my program, Seidel. Next thing on a win, we're going to go and generate a specific code for all these things. So all the hell you're gonna go into wink pudo points on that and now I'm going to be selecting at sea. Next thing I'm gonna be actually doing is going into etc. So he was the pilot that the actually wouldn't grab. Here it is. I'm getting it, like now, placing one copy. Now I'm going to go back to a win itself. The destination your hell is gonna be in tonight, here, pressing with based. So he was the deep wink that I'm gonna be copying and pasting and using it. So I'm going to go into Facebook now. I'm just gonna be basting in it, and you can see how long this specific code actually is. And it's not really practical for us to use, especially if I'm going to be posting it in a lot of places. So what? I'm gonna be doing is going to Google and typing in your way or shorten it light, heal, pressing it in. Now we have to the point choices for us to use the Google you are sort No. And the bitterly one I performed the Google one let's type and then in the Google or we have to do is very simple doing copy and paste place on, so to know your hell and waiting for it to actually world up. If it doesn't load up, something actually went to law. Now we're just gonna be copying this Super showed wink. Now you can taste it anywhere you want, but I'm gonna be testing and out over here just to show you if it actually works. He was not a way for it to work. Kind of cool as well in the glasses. So let's do that. So look what I just what? I'll be thinking this in now we're gonna be picking something that makes it work even better. And we have to pick the one that you like the best. Oh, just going to get the most attention. So after I just tape it in Next thing I'm going to be doing is core coding it. You have a lot of winter team here that we can use, but this one looks like it's gonna grab the most attention. So this is the one I will be using. So I'm pressing on post like hell. And now next day, I'm going to be doing in the comments section like undo it. I'm gonna say, check it out right here and using their Google your else. So to know that I just found Now, when you just typing it in, make sure you do eat their stuff that's not necessary, which is this part like you. The next thing for us to do is to press on in toe and see if this actually works. And if it loads up on that now, if it doesn't load up something when actually long and you delete it too much over it over hell, it did actually work. The great thing about this being like that. Now people know it is a legitimate site that says it goes toe at sea and they don't see the actual link right now. Otherwise, it's gonna be super long, wink, and people are gonna be thinking twice before going and pressing on it. Now you can do the same. Exacting, but just actually typing in right down. So book port. And now I'm just gonna be typing it. Whiting here on this, basting it in, make sure you do eat they're necessary stuff. That's something. Shows up here and person post trade out just to see if the sectorial walks. Sometimes it actually doesn't. So you want to make sure it does work. So you see what actually happened here when I take this in? I didn't do it. Corrected. It didn't load up the actual item. It went into the world one. So you have to make sure it is fetching the preview forced. And now I'm gonna be placing on save so you could see what actually happened here. Someone holding the page. And I'm sure you that this one actually walked and one of my attempts didn't work. But this gives you a good idea off. Why should be using the Google your a short now it is great for posting content and getting attention and getting paid. When somebody clicks on your week 6. What Sells on Etsy: welcome. And I'm happy to know that you have decided to take the next step in your success. In escaping night or five, there was three different things that you could potentially sell Onazi. And when you get started, you have to think Which one are you? Very good at sound. So forced off is the vintage product that you can actually be signed next, is handmade and told is a digital product that you can deliver to your quiet, out of off way of those you have to think forced the big picture. Which one are you very good at doing? Are you really good? Include aiding your own handmade product. Are you very good at finding bargains that the vintage going on go out shows and gathering them? Oh, are you really good as a creative artist and you can create a picture and the picture itself is so awesome that you could replicate and create a bunch of them and populate your shop with it. Lastly, if you decide that you're very good at all three of those categories, why not just post all three of them in one particular shop and see which one does its best , And then just pick one that does the best and keep on focusing on it. Because otherwise you just be spun yourself 10 off. Three different Alia's at the choir a lot or walk for you, and they're very unrelated to each other. It's gonna be much easier for you to organize yourself and make money in the end, because a journey for you to get started starts at the planning stage where you decide how you want to build your business. Then after you create your business plan, you go about and decide how you're gonna implement this in the long run. This is why it's so important for you to be able to figure out what you want to do it. Now, when you're just getting started, focus on it and continue with it every step of the way. And then if things don't go away the way you wanted to, you could modify your business point. This is like a joining Think about if you're going course country, how you're going to get to your destination. Which roads are you gonna take, how you're going to get there because eventually you have to reach your destination and the destination is something you want to think when you're just getting started, not on the world itself for staying that you have to do when you're getting started. To sell Nazi, you have to figure out which type of category you want to specialize and make money. And this is the main thing that people like to sell on. Etsy that requires the least amount of work on your part is to sell vintage items vintage. You can find those items any world on God's cells and just about anything. He was somebody selling the National Geographic Collection. You can sell handmade bags. You can sell all kinds of items that you found on garage shows. Vintage items are easy to find. One thing that I high recommend if you do decide to sell vintage items, is, of course, take amazing pictures. And another thing that you have to do is definitely poised them at the right price. Go on eBay. Compare how much this item actually wolf it and then sell it on Etsy itself. Also, you have to keep on finding things to sell. You can just go about and waste one particular item. It's much better if you have a bunch off different items that you're selling in that top of yours. And especially if you go about and sell niche items by nature, mean you have to actually specialize in whatever you're selling. So if you're selling Julie, you definitely have to have a bunch of different products for somebody to pick and buy form . Especially evidence have been to join ums. This particular stop, so is a bunch of them out there, and it has been very successful over six thousands in sales that seems very known for selling handmade products. This is what the shop adds. It all started about and distinguish himself from any other kind of market boys over hell. The small artist who is struggling and starting from scratch, has given out more opportunity and priority than big mega shops. That sees all about the mom and pop shops who liked to create different items that are creative and unique for you to be able to make a lot of sales creating handmade products, you definitely have to distinguish your item from the mass produced products that are sold everywhere else. This is well, your creativity comes a long way. The pictures you take are going to make the item different. Treat itself and lastly description off the item itself. And of course, the price. When you combine all those elements into one, you're definitely gonna take yourselves to the next level. So what you have to do is quite simple. You have toe pick something are very good at making handmade and something you could quit a bunch off those products Don't just get a few things, because then, of course, you will run out off items pretty fast. This is something you could easily reproduce, not one that then think about hundreds, maybe even thousands, because eventually, if you become very successful making handmade items, this is going to be something you could actually do for a living. The more you make very interesting and unique items and the most value related to each other, the more likely you will get sales. Some of the most successful people who are selling things on Etsy itself and those selling handmade. They sell very interesting products and all kind of related to each other. He was another very successful and made shop. It is making a lot of money as you can see, has 1000 sales, and that has been done in about two years, which is pretty impressive. The last thing that you could actually sell on Etsy itself is, of course, digital products. The best thing about selling something digital is that you have to create the product on the ones, and if you're good were for the sub or even photography or you have to do is stick the image, put a few effects into it, and you can digitally the level this particular product to your clients and let people download it with digital delivery. You only have to create the product once a month off different items that you can. The level is practically unlimited for some of the cells are very successful at keeping clean, aiding this same exact product, and then all they have to do is just posted in the shop itself with instant download. So once the post comes in, though, if they like the product itself, though by it and then the work, what else is around you? What else can I buy for myself that so fancy and interesting and unique as well? And this sums up or the free, different major ways for you that you could make money on that sea itself, which includes and made vintage and digital product. 7. Picking Best Selling Products: So the first thing you want to do, if you want to get started making real money on etc. As an affiliate, you want the fine things that are trending right now on Nancy that you Kenly. So since we're gonna be focusing on a niche topic, let's go into it and I will show you where to find the best selling pilots in its quest. So for staying I'm gonna be working for is dog knows magnets. The reason why I'm looking for this this is the stuff that actually sell myself. So when you go into their soldier itself and your present so much, you'll be shown this stuff that is best simulate now a Nazi in the specific category. So as you can see here, some of my listings are showing up here already. And since they were showing up here, that means the best selling products in it. And then all you have to do next is to pick those specific bottles, and we seldom. So here is one product right now that I am selling. So how do you know which are the politics that the best sound before you pick them from the specific shops. One awaited your show. Dio is to do as such in its topic and not a way for you to go about and do this is to go to the specific shop and just to see which are diamonds that are being featured in it. So those are the four different items that are being featured right now in the shop. Keep in mind, not all of them are probably best selling, but some of them might actually be by grateful the actual shop itself. You can go in it and you can pick and choose any of the products in the But now another thing that you could do is to work at what kind of products already sold in this up itself and for you to do this, you have to put zone who it says sales. So not only the reviews. Sometimes you will be able to check what kind of things actually sold in the shop by placing on sales by placing on the cells themselves, we can see all the different products that actually been sold in this specific shop. There's actually a lot of different pages for it that you can go into and you can kind of get in a deal Which buttocks are really sorry. Since 273 pilots actually been sold, That is great, because now you know, which are the products that actually been sold? You're picking one of those pilots right now, which is this product. And the next thing we want to do is to get a bunch off people who would be interested in this specific product. So since we already checked out a few off the piles of the best, so in one shop might as well get started and check out other shops that was selling as well . Here is another one spoken and iniquity. This specific shop has a lot of expensive bottles that they're selling. Those products are going for a lot higher price, which means their commending more money to them. So this is a good shop because it has expensive products, a lot of sales still 373 sales. So we're looking at which specific product actually sold here and we got an ideal this specific one been sewing. Ah, what in the shop with points on this. So this is the item that I only like from the specific shop because it is selling. A lot of it is sewing, and they are getting very good price points for it. 69 bucks for a really good commission off for port sent 69 times Point issue before it goes to those and 76 for air. We product that we sell using the wink. Now, if you sell about 200 of them spot looks, you get 276 box, which is really good when as a hand. If you find something like this product, which is only 18 bucks, let's go into the math for this. So 18 68 times 680.4 because 74 cents for product that is the commission that you're gonna be making now. On the other hand, if we're gonna be selling about 300 of those off 500 we're looking for a lot of money. So that amount of money that you can make something cheaper products is really in the quantities. So the math does end up. The more things that you actually are selling, the more money you'll be making Now. This specific shop has a lot more pilots to it. Some of them are more expensive. And if somebody buys not one product, but they are buying a bunch of them, your money is gonna be even bigger. So let's go to a different kind of product and see if we can go up. Ah, bunch of them in here instead. So this specific wanted hell, let's get this one. Look at that quantity right down. We can grab upto eight of those instead. So if somebody gets not one product, but getting eight off this specific product amount of money that you be making is much higher. So it's no little Matthew and figure out how much profit margin if somebody buys a bunch of the same exact product force. So 16 98 and you're gonna go and add and multiply it by eight of those somebody buying 135 box off this specific, although then we're going and multiplying it by 1350.4 which echoes 5 43 of them. So now that matter Margin to tell me making full product is going to be my child. The bill of the sale, the more money you'll be actually be making now, when somebody goes and shops and one of those substantive just by one specific park there, Go on by a bunch of them. You wanna have stores that sell multiple amount off products? One way for you to go about This is to include the whole your l and deep link to the actual shop instead. So instead of removing just specific items in the shop, you're promoting the whole entire shop. So when somebody buys products annual from the shop itself, you're gonna get commission for it. Now, the next step forced to do is to grab and get a bunch of people who are working for the same exact natures, and we're gonna go and promote this product to them. So what I'm going to be doing is very simple. I'm gonna go into Facebook and typing in dark now, since I did that, what I'm looking for is the dog groups. So the dog groups themselves. You wanna go in hell and join a bunch of those different dog groups? It is this one. Have my dog. I'm joining this one. So I like to sell this one. Those questions for us to ask and I'm just gonna answer them and I would say yes. Right heel. So now I'm joining just one group. But you want to join about 10 to 20 different kind off groups that are in the same category off the products that you're promoting By joining a bunch of those different kind of groups themselves you eventually will be able to promote in those groups. So they group that one joint is actually the Pargo. So it's 19 bug and I'm already joined. Two of those groups use box stuff right down. That's the next one will be joining as well. And they just pressed on request to it Now, after you joined one of those groups, Let's go in it. Progress off. That's the group that actually want in hell have to be joined the specific girl. Next thing for us to do is to promote a product that we're gonna be something. So over here we're dragging in back to a win itself. We're gonna go too deep linking, and then we're gonna go and add the shop that we want and promoted to that specific go. So it's go into the different kind of advertisements that we have here is the etc. One night, he'll and destination your l to it. Now I'm gonna go into some folly. And over here I'm gonna be camping and feasting the whole entire some instead. So I want to go and show them that in town shop and get paid for every part of that they might be buying Form it. So that's what I'm doing. Like hell. Next thing I'm gonna be typing in destination, you're away, don't you? It is. I just pasted it in, and here it is. Now it's the blinking, the whole entire, edgy shop for us. Now I'm gonna go in hell and tell them about this check. It's you shop. Amazing. Then you're gonna go and question one based. So he was there. Few it delinquent. He'll Q is the shop they see. It says at sea right down. Next thing I'm going to be doing it is placing on post. Now. Hopefully, this specific group is not moderating the stuff. I'm posting it in, and that's great, because now it's already showing up. So everybody who goes and presses on this and buys things from the shop are gonna give me an affiliate truck for everyone that I go about. And so which is amazing 8. Etsy Top Sellers: the jets you link that com website features some of the top selling people who are selling a lot of things on, etc. It doesn't want off the ground work for you over here. What you're doing is you're looking for people who have the most sales. This is for most sales form. Yesterday 874 sales. Now here are the top of hundreds and sells on Etsy newest as well. So what do you have to do next? You have to find the one that you want to pick and promote for So we're going to be using photo soup is one of those now I could have quick on anything that actually wanted hell, but this is just one shop. I decided to check it out. So once you click on this shop, you can see it's total sales. You can see it's global sales link sales link in the United States and the category off what things it is selling and average sales full day. So this shop was for five years with breast on total Super It He'll it goes, is directed to the actual shop and now we have a bunch of things that the shop is actually start and we have the on sale section. You have other things that is selling as well. What do you have to do next is to figure out which ones are the best selling products out of those because we don't want to go and advertise everything. We just want to advertise the stuff that's selling really well to do so you just have to go and quick in the shop itself. And it says 12,000 things that actually saw what We're just passing on this and he'll out the reviews off the items that actually been sold and the reviews off times that been sold showing you which kind of products are actually selling as well from the shop. So what you have to do next is just to pick the part of that you want to go and we So So what's big? This one, for example, I placed on it, and this one is super cheap. Now what? You're not gonna be making much money selling super cheap products. If you're gonna get a lot of sales on something that is selling a lot, you make a lot of money, so It is a few cents every single day, every single time somebody buys. But at the same exact time, people are not going to think twice about buying something that when you caused to box. On the other hand, if something cost a lot more money, it's gonna be much harder for you to make a cell. Now let's go back to the shop and try to find another shop that hands things for sale, and it is with a bit more expensive. Remember, the more expensive dynamics that highlight your commission is as well. So we have both family and finds this looks like an interesting name. Toe a stall. So here is the starts for the shop. It's been on at sea for seven years. As you can see, it takes time for a shop to get all the way here. But once it got toe the prime age of seven years, it's making a 1,000,000 doors in sales and a whooping off 463 box full day. So the first thing that we're gonna be doing in my family and finds we're gonna be working for whether the most expensive items that are selling in the shops. So there is a few things that we can sort for law despise my spies, most recent and, well, events. What we're working for is the highest possible points. So those of the items still searching for the highest possible price and those are custom made items. Some of them have been created specifically for this shop, such as does it? You can get those annual else because they're not selling them annual except in this shop. So there was the green version off this with new splint, and this one is the phone that talks like that. People really buy those kind of stuff. I bought this myself as well, which means that if you go and use your etc affiliate for this, you definitely were going to get at least a few sales for this bottle sense a day seven for 60 bucks. Your commission is going to be kind of high as well. Now that's only one product. But it was a barge of different products here that you can grab two. So what? See, Don't want Oh, this is so good looking. Now this is United States, but it has different kind off states to whip and you can collect all 50 different states. Look at this. Every state has its own one. So if you making Julie, this is great excessively. And you can access allies, whatever item that you're selling with one of those states and then you're getting all 50 states and only for 29 box Now hotel. You condone this as an affiliate marketing where you're re selling this whole thing for 29 and you're getting commissioned for everything That yourself. Now, this is really interesting, because if you divide this by 50 states, it tells me that every single one of those only cost 50 cents since every single one of those only cost 50 cents. If you're selling this individually and other places and locations and you charge anything bigger than 50 cents already would be making a few extra box and you charge anyone more than 50 cents apiece, you'll be making some good money. In fact, if you make two box for every single one off those 50 things over here, we're talking about 100 or profit justly selling this specific product in another marketplace. But since this is an al etc, I feel it. Class. What we're going to be doing is just simply copying this going toe eight win. I know and pasting this in with you. And now we're getting the holing for this product and we can go and we sell it and you will be actually want and get profit using their few eight link that we just generated. So let's go and look for told shop. And now, instead of looking in the most sales, we're gonna be working for categories. So browse top sales by category. We have Julie Electronics successfully is home and living shoes toys in games. This could be listening. Let's check out toys and games. So I placed on toys and games here and now we have the toys and games section that top cells that are selling the most in toys and games and gin Joe Mellon number one. So in its class in its category. So definitely, by going to this cell, I'm gonna generate some good money. So here we go there. Stop. Been on for eight years. Global seems drink is 362. So 20 bucks for sale pro day and total sales is 60,000 So now we'll add the shop itself, checking it out, and let's see the secret off the shop. Why are they having so many things for cell? Interesting enough. The shop it's featuring free, different items over here and all of them, Only six box at peace. So the way their shop actually generates money is mostly by selling a lot off what looks and featuring many of them. Look at this. 119 different things that it is selling at any given time. Now, over here. Since we're gonna be generating money by going and using a few eight wings, we have to find things that are most likely to be sold now they can easily get them from the reviews where we can see some the pilots that recent you've been actually sold all, Of course, we can go and grab things out of it. So this is a pdf file. Actually, that is something like hell and it is instant download. So this is a digital item that people can go buy and download, which is a little different than a different kind of marketplace where you go and you buy things and you're actually getting an actual item because they're not selling an actual item over hell. You're selling and digital download because of digital downloads. Anytime somebody downloads and product, you get paid for it pretty easy and fast and quick. Because of that, it is very better for you to go and sell things that digital downloads that is cheaper. So this product right here is only six box. But if we generate a bunch of sales for this one specific product, we're going to get a humongous amount of money. In fact, what I would commend for you to do is to start your own weak side and add a bunch of those products to it or even to your Facebook page. So when somebody goes to your Facebook page, they go the quick on the wink and they go directed to this location where they can go and buy the actual product, and it's gonna be instant download. So you're doing You're actually the middle man over here. You're directing people. You're marketing it for them, for the specifics up. And then we time to get actual sale. You get paid a commission for we falling them. Tow this shop. It is an ingenious and a great way for you to make cancer, found having toe have actual products and sell anything whatsoever. So thank you so much for watching. I hope this gave you a lot of excellent ideas to get started selling things, using a few it marketing with Etc. Affiliate. 9. Quora Marketing: one of the best places in the Internet to find quick answers for top questions is Kuala and nothing about is that you can actually go about and sell things on quality as well. So let me show you how you go about and do so. The first thing I highly suggest for you to do is to go to Google your hair short now and shorten your a win. Wink, This is exactly what I do myself. The great thing about this is that I can also see the results for the wings that I'm actually throwing, such as work. It is 50 quicks for this specific quicks. One quick with this 18 for this one. You know, he was the one that I would be created that's going to ready to my shop. So the first thing I'm gonna be doing it is going to the shop, placing on the actual shop, going all the way. Well, it says the actual shop itself, and it's gonna give me exact location that actually wants. Hewitt is I'm copying it now. Next step for me is to go toe a win sweat, Dan with Isa, which is gonna be at sea destination you l might heal and then copy this exact link. Now that they got the exact link, I'm gonna go to Google. Your hair shorter. No, feasted over hell and shorten the your out. So he was doing that actually want. Now I'm gonna be comping Just a link. The next step for me is to go to Kuala Now when I'm in Kuala, One thing you have to do is to where you still to be a member Since I'm a media member, next step for me is to go and start to answer questions. The next step for me is to ask the question that I actually want people toe answer. So dog gifs would be the question. And since I put an end, here are some answers for us. So what are some good gift for dog owners without great gift for dogs? So doesn't two good questions. So let's go for the fourth question right here and see if somebody actually responded to it . So here it is. There was actually eight different answers. Quiet on this. So what do I do next is very simple. I can either go and respond to any of those specific comments would heal. I can upload it as well. Oh, I can go and clear eight and light my own answer. Why did the top So it's person and so and told him about this. So let's go and do that. Well, the best gift I found his unique and declined. It is so on etc. Check it out in copy and peace the week Here we go. It's ready linking it to it now. Another thing that you can do If you don't like that you are short. No, because it looks a little suspicious over here. You might have to go full and use the directing for this. So let's go and do that. Gonna go and copy this like hell. And now going back to Kuala, we're gonna go in peace the entire wink. We know. So this is great because the next thing you have to do after you give them the wink is to go about and copy this person submit. And now the next step for you is to find more questions just like this and doing copy and paste 10. Monetize Instagram: hello and welcome everyone. And in this video, we're gonna be covering marketing with instant gram. So Instagram marketing is really quite simple. You create an INSTAGRAM account, you add some content into it, and then you get people to follow you. So here is my instagram account that they created for my dog. Now, when I go into this, I'm gonna show you a few things that you can actually do here and why it's so important for you to put all this information in. First of all, try to create an interesting user name for yourself. So I called myself mad Max that fog because my dog is a little bit crazy. And if you ever had a dog, he would more understand. It was Have you ever seen the movie that's called Mad Max? Well, that's why I got the name of one. Next thing you want to do is to create a user name that's unique to your instagram account . Now, if that name is already taken, you have to quit a different name in order to be unique and different, because it has to describe what exactly is your instagram is all about. Next thing you want to do is to promote yourself. So there's two ways for you to promote yourself. First way there will give you an access and to put your website over here. So that's exactly what I did. I put his own YouTube channel in here. Next step for you is to put your biography because it lets you only put and sort them out of Cal Atos for you to use. You have to be really so active about what kind of information you wanna put over here. So what I did here, I put in Welcome to the wife of Max. The dog. Get exclusive. Dog knows magnets in our shop and hell is my selling point. I doubt use promo code instant then and then their website. You can use any website you want Over here. You can use your Etsy website. You can use your supper fire website. Oh, eBay. It doesn't really matter what meadows is, how maney capitals you actually be using. So since we'll be using a lot of different kill, it does. We want to go and shorten it. This is just too many characters for us to actually use. So if you're going to go to Google. Type in your are short until person. You are short on the white here and type this in August. Campion Piece poison. Shorten your well and he will be Go. We get the shortened your code. I'm going back toe instagram, and based in this in and the leading everything. It doesn't need to be healed such as this right there. Now I'm gonna go. And that would check. So what? Hell, it says, Oh, the court it actually need and what it actually did. It added a few extra lines that are not necessary in here. So make sure you actually do this. So here it is. Here's that cold, Rideaux, and you can post this in as a show to know if you're using a Sota. No, it won't report a lot more information here. Hello? And how you and so on. You can put a lot more information in hearing now. It's not gonna restrict you as much, but eventually you're gonna run out of space. Now it doesn't tell you this and us you person submit when you present, submit it either gonna take it in all it's going to say your bag off. You must be 100 50. Cal toes off your as you can see, it actually did that. So I have to go and do it if you kill itto us in here and they can still use their so to know your L. Now, this is a big drama for you to figure out. If you want to use the shortening your well, all the actual you're going in, though Now, when somebody sees something like this, there was likely to quick this in. That is the bad thing about using this specific shortcut method. So think about voice before you decide to make it so, though, because you want to include more biography information. Let's go back to Instagram itself. Now, when you get as many people as possible, toe foul max the park to do so, I have to find the white kind of people toe. Follow me. I have toe do is type in Prague and here we go. We have a bunch of people showing up with hell, lots of them, actually. And in fact, the most interesting thing is the Haas tag would ideal for park itself. I'm pressing on that. And you can see how many people are waiting all posting things about dogs right here. Now, this gives me an a deal. What kind off things are trending on this. So look at the picture. Also it here by working at what is trending and what is at the top, it gives me an idea what kind of content I want a post myself in the future and what's gonna get a lot more attention to my INSTAGRAM account. So those are just the pictures. There was actual videos here as well, So he was a few videos still, and it's showing up here by using the hashtag world her stag bug so important for you to want to use hash tag because he has tickets one of their ways. You're gonna get a course of other potential on multiple amount off social media and networks, not just one. Now, those are some of the top post over here. That's person one of them. And take a look at what we have here. We have a whole gold mine off Instagram hashtags that we can use. What we have to do is tow person copy. Go back to my instagram might heal. And I'm gonna go into one of my posts such as this one here which got the other wakes, and I'm gonna be fixing it. So what I want to do here is add my half stack to this. Oh, out this picture, both my bug. And then I'm gonna be adding all the hashtag keywords like hell and just pressing it it. So here it is. This posted something story if we likes, but only if we is not enough. I am going to get to 34. You can actually make your comment. That's kind of cheating, but it still works. So who Cows? No. Next thing I'm gonna be doing here is trying to find more people who, like fogs themselves. So I'm just typing it. Bog present, soldier. And I'm getting this guy right here. So I'm gonna follow him, go back in here present, But again, take a look at a different kind of books. You Oh, cute pocket. He'll You got another one. He has a bunch of different people following him, and he's following a lot of them back. So I'm gonna follow this guy too. You can follow a lot of people using this method just point a bunch of something related to what you're actually doing and the more you phone in this guy. So I'm gonna go into this guy like you and just follow him as well and not a way for you to grab even more attention is to go to his post and that can comment right here as well. Wow, some cute bug. Well, so hopefully he will see this and he will return the favor. And like my actual instagram back as well, the more people like my instagram, the more likely that I'm going to get a lot more attention over here. Look at this guy has 1400 follows and he is following even more people. So definitely I know for sure that this guy is going to start to follow me because he follows more people than people are actually following him. But that's how he got 1468 hours by following a lot of people. So that's one way to cheat the system. Actually, now he doesn't have this many actual videos over here. Well, on that videos. But while pictures as well. Interesting things here that he's posting up. So what else is he doing here? Interesting enough. He's selling things as well. Grab unique Upon gift over here, let's puts on this and see what he's. He actually saw him, and he has more pictures like hell. It's hard to see what this guy's actually selling in here because he said he's selling something, but we don't know Well, he's actually selling this. So this guy is not doing a good job with actually selling whatever he is. Someone but you have to do is make sure you monetize your instagram by posting wings inside the messages. Are we? Will you go and posting it in? The people know exactly the product that you're selling and what kind off things people can buy form you. So I'm selling those dog magnets like here. So for me to actually sell them, I have to get a bunch of people to see what I'm sorry. So, for example, quite healed. I'm going to just end this as a comment right now, and I just did that. Took this. Now, after somebody works and this cute picture, he goes all the way down. He sees there, wink. So what? I'm selling. And then he sees the discount code in it as well that he can grab their discount and buy something for my shop. So I just made an actual quote toe action with a sale in hell. And here's how it goes. Most of all, there is the picture, the cute picture that draws the attention. Next thing there's a bunch of hashtags that draws the traffic into this post. And the last thing have the Coto action to buy whenever pilot the time selling when it is giving them the discount code and sending them directly to my shop. Why do I use at discount code? Well, the discount code is unique, and I know for sure that I'm gonna get a sale from Instagram if somebody uses this specific coats and make sure your code is unique and different and it is coming from instagram itself. Next thing you can actually do this two soldiers, your local area. So let's go so much work or and I'm just typing in the local city, I'm in and now we have a bunch of those coming from my city or close to my city you can do is to type in it again and seen actual city coming up here. By placing on this, you can see on Instagram a map off exactly what area targeting. Plus, you can see pictures that are coming form this specific area as well. Now, when you're doing a search, you condo's kobani and you can put pug in here. So I'm trying to find the POG that lives in the open alien behind a black parka. It hell that's coming from an open E vocation. Now, unfortunately, the open you occasion that they found is not in United States, but it's still a park. So it doesn't matter. It's the cocotte, this guy. So, yes, four different pictures over hell off his park. And he's also using different kind of hashtags like you. So what I'm gonna be doing is stealing. He's asked tags and using them in my own account. So let's go into another picture. How and I want to use a picture instead of a video. They were getting a lot more X. This one already been used. Where? For the crash tax. Do it. Someone to find one that doesn't have an ass tanks to them. Maybe I have to use a video. Here we go. You can't one with nothing in here. What's going piece? This It just wouldn't go for it. And the wheat stuff, That doesn't be long queue like he is name. So this is the guy I actually went about and stole. His has thank floor. So I don't want to use the ones to the coming directive from him. But I like some of the other ones that he's using. So might as well, you know, just keep them. So the good ones, I'm keeping the bad ones, actually went and do it it and I'm gonna be posting it in, but before posted in, I have to say something about the picture. My door. So he'll be going put this in off extra hashtags in here, and I liked my own picture. Now, when actually did this? I'm adding ought mode, different kind of hashtags in different kind of locations in my instagram account. By having extra locations and have stags, it gives me a lot more visibility to my instagram account. Next thing, we're gonna go back to Google itself, typing in Hashtags dog. We're going to get the top has tanks that we can use for that specific name that has tanks . That come website gives me a lot of extra and interestingly deals that they can use with you. What's typing pocket? He'll let me help. All different kind off pug instagram 10 stacks and which ones are trending like now and our best ports of Prague Wife is one of the best ones. Bug off Instagram Boggs, Bagila I go off and so on. Your job is to grab as many of those Instagram's hashtags as you can and use them up in your own instagram itself. So, instagram we're gonna be using the hash tag bag life. This one seems to have the most post as well. Look this six million post for bug life with this instagram hashtagged. You definitely wanna use this hashtag itself. Her steak is one of the best ways for you to grab a bunch off different visibility in instant glam. Let's take a look at the ones that got a lot of attentions. So this posing on a lot of different disabilities with those specific hashtags, what am I doing? I'm going to copy them and use them in my own INSTAGRAM account. So I just did that. Go back to my account, gonna grab and no one off. My boast that has nothing in hell. And now I'm gonna be posting an end sleeping I doubt and just foisting in those hashtags white here as well Those festering seems OK, so let's just go and added to this personally tone. And there we go. I got more hashtags that I'm actually using. That's one of the best ways for you to keep on doing this and so on. So keep on posting it different kind of occasions. The only thing that I did forget to do it is to go over here and add the extra information , which is the Coto action Well, to shop in my account. But the different thing I'm gonna do, he'll, instead of them going direct e and buying something for me. I'm gonna go in the link them directed to a specific resting instead. So I'm gonna go and present show it hell, maybe copying the listing, going back to Instagram, check out my amazing can heal a swell Well, it's a beast. Listen, go So here is what actually happened. He'll it went about improve linked. It directed toe the item that I'm sewing. Unfortunately, it was too much information in here, So let's go and shorten this specifically quit. Hell, he was this huge. You inkling that was short in your l. So this is where it actually comes in handy. I'm going to go back to the Instagram and I have to go and edit this comment. Soto added this comment. You can't go about and edit it like this. What you have to do is go simple. Check out some. Amazing. So I'm just gonna go and copy this whole wasting down and then what I'm gonna be doing, it's basting in. They're short on your l make here, including this boat, and I'm going to be posting it. So this looks so much better than the previous one. So when you're done with that, you go and do it the one that you don't want. So it's the with the comment right here. Now, after I posted this in, you want to give them that form a coat, So save, then put sent. Use no code thing. Let's get them the poem according to kill. So here is what I did. I went in and I typed in safety board sent use promo code and peace that in instant that my dough. So now when they go in hell, they see the hashtags, they see the post off the product I'm selling. And then they see the Coto action. We just them to buy it, but giving them a discount code to it. So I did that a metal piece as well. Now there's two ways for you to go and enhance your instagram ways things. One you go and you make videos. And now that you take cute pictures, you have to post a lot of content. The more content you post, the more waking people gonna watch you. Now, there was another thing that you can do in order to enhance the amount of people who are going to be watching you on instagram and following you The way you go about this, you go and use your mobile phone going live on Instagram by going wide one instagram and we single time you go live everyone off your fouls. I have 182 of them to get the notice to the cell phone and mobile devices so they can watch me live. And when they want to your life, they're more likely to go and buy whatever product that you're selling. So the way I'm promoting my magnets that I'm actually selling, I go about and I showed them something that interests them, which is dogs and dog aerated. Then when they watched this, they get opposed. That goes, and the extent directing toe my actual shop, which could be a Nazi, all it could be on Shopify. So this sums up Harry, do you need to know about Instagram and how to promote yourself using it? 11. Twitter: Using twitter to promote your product: hello and welcome everyone to my Etsy shop. And here we're gonna be using Twitter, and you're gonna use it in the most best possible way for you to market your Etsy shop using Twitter itself. So the first thing you need to do and this is the most simplest thing that you have to do is to pick which item you wanna tweet. So what you have to do is picked item itself president right here once go all the way, would says show. And here you can just press on the tweed. Oh, icon, it is that simple. But before you can go about and tweet this item out, you have to make sure your Twitter profile is ready. Let's go to Twitter itself, and I'll show you a few things you need to do to get a lot more attention for the items that you'll be tweeting. First off, you need tohave a lot or follows, but not just any flowers. You gotta have the right kind of follows. Doesn't matter if you have 5000 or 6000 fouls. If none of them are going to be engaged in your product or even gonna be interested in buying it, you need to find quality people who are going to be buying the item that you will be actually selling. So to do this, what you have to do is to go and work at what kind of people you're actually following. And they have to follow you for good reason. If they were following you because you're selling something that they like, they're gonna be engaged. That is exactly what you want. You want followers who are gonna be engaged in the things that you'll be selling on Twitter Oh itself otherwise is just gonna be a spam tweet. And nobody is gonna buy this particular item. Here are some people who are doing twits who I actually follow myself and this one night he'll is a sponsor. Tweet. It is something that people actually use when they buy at tweet and they can advertise on Twitter itself. Now that's not really effective on this. You have a humongous budget, so if you don't have a big budget, you can do it for free. Simple. This way for you to do this is to do exactly like this particular person did. This is another unit meets talkto. What he did is very simple. He's using a lot off different, kind off hashtags. Hashtag is a way to gain attention. And every time somebody soldiers for any of those but they call keyboards, they are going to see his post. So that's one way for you to get attention to your particular product is to use different, kind off hashtags and not a way for you to get a lot of attention is to use the trending. And those are the trending tweets off the day every single day. There is different kind of tweets out here, and what you want to do is to use one of those tweets that is most awaited to the product that you're selling in the tweed. Oh, itself. So, for example, today's Thursday those they thought would be a tweet that you could actually possibly use to get a lot of more people to pay attention toe whatever you're tweeting. So if you're going to be doing this, you will be doing the hashtag symbol hashtag Tuesday. And what's that gonna be doing for you is to gain a lot of attention in the force pages off tweed. Oh, for that particular day, especially if you have an engaging picture in it as well. One thing you want to do is to use the trending tweet used one of them, another one. You want to use tweets that have something to do with the item that you're selling and the last one you wanna add either a picture or even battle video off the item that you're selling on Twitter. So if you do the whole combination here, it's more likely somebody's gonna be totally engaged in what you're selling. And it's more likely that actually gonna buy something from you. The last thing you can do to get a lot of people toe actually buy stuff. Is Violet really simple? And what you want to do is to get a bunch of people who are going to be following you. So to get the white kind of follows, you have to make sure you're gonna be selling the white kind of product. So if I'm gonna be selling the waggle products that I sell, I type in the Lego and I'm gonna actually go and look at all the people who have a large poor file and following they have to do with Wango itself is you can see this particular person is having a bunch of people who are found him. 700. That's way more than I have. What I will be doing actually is very simple. To get more people to follow me. I want to go and look at who he is actually following and I will be adding them and following them myself. But you're not going to just follow those particular people you wanna go into the page itself. So, for example, if you like this particular person human, you have story free, different people who are following him, which is not a lot. This is very, very small amount. You want to get it? Somebody who at least has a good social media following toe him. So that's the first thing you want to do. You want to find somebody who has are a lot more followers than a few of them before you go and commit toe following them because you're looking for quality, not quantity. You don't want to get 1000 people who you're following who are not gonna be engaged. You want a group for people who have a lot off follows. Tow them, and then if you have people who have a lot of followers to them, next thing you'll be doing is using those follows and try to engage with them. So this prick oppose and he has 1000 followers. This is exactly what I'm looking for. At least 1000 follows he is using, as you can see his description, the hashtag words to get people toe, draw attention, toe what he's doing so you can have your whole tweet. Oh, poor file is so you can have your whole Twitter profile to be 100 put sent, engaged with their product that you're selling on Etsy. It could be everything to do with your niche product and then what you're gonna be doing next. You're going to create that can newscast, and every single time you'll be creating it. You will be showing something different and has to do with the key votes. And those are the hashtag symbols that you'll be using to get more attention to the latest news. And this guy is doing exactly that. He keeps on showing awesome pictures, using a lot of hash tags and getting his website attention to it because he is doing it constantly doing it day after day. He is getting people to actually with with his tweets and he's keep on getting people to follow him. As you can see, you got 1000 flowers and all of those guys are niche flowers. They're all interested in the same niche, which is Rangel's. So I'm just using language as an example. You can do it with any other topic. It doesn't matter what it is using the same exact ideal. So what they'll be doing next is, as you can see, I see or his follows. And now I know every one of those follows are exactly the same niche as I am. So what that would be doing is I'm gonna follow every single one of them that has a significant amount off people that they're following as well. So at least 50 or 100 people have been following that many people and they like their content. I'll be found them and then when you follow them, don't just go and just present fouled. You got to send them a message. You got to say, Hey, you have a cool, poor file when you follow them. So just placing on following them is not enough because you want them to go and return the favor for them to return the favor after your person foul. You gotta tweet, too. Damn. And you gotta tell them that they have an awesome profile. I like what you dio. And if you like my profile, please add me as a friend. I would put that exactly in hell and send him the message, and that is more likely to get him toe follow you back. So if you do this to a bunch of people do doing this copy and paste toe a bunch of them, at least a huge percent of them is gonna follow you back. So your poor file follows is going to go a lot higher. Now, my take on this is toe concentrate on the social media engine that you like to use the most . So for me, I like to do Facebook out more than Twitter. Oh, that's just something that I enjoy doing more. It's really up to you to pick, which are so media engine works for you the best, and then keep doing it so for Twitter. This is the strategy that works for most people who are doing it. They're creating a poor file, and they're doing the niche in it, and they are getting as much attention as they can to it. And then trying to send or the traffic light back to the website and for your example will be sending all the traffic back toe at sea itself to your auntie shop. And for every 10 to 20 tweets that you're just getting them interested in different kind of products unrelated to your shop. You want to send a twist one tweet that is selling the product in your shop itself. So that is the way that you're doing this, that we stand items that's going to give them value. And one item. Well, you're commercially trying to sell them a product. If you dough out more than that, you're going to get a lot less engagement, and it's more likely they're gonna just stop following you because you're trying to sell to March products. You don't wanna be somebody who is just a pushy salesman. Instead, you want to give them value. If they like the value and eventually they like your product, they will come back and will buy form. You 12. Pinterest: Promote your shop using boards: one of the best ways for you to make money and enjoy yourself is actually the great pins on pin interest. Been interest is an excellent platform walk. You take pins and you pin them. Then you construct and bold. Based on that, this is my own been interest account that I created myself. You can create that. Why Go account? Oh, a business account. Now, one of the things that you could do to definitely get a lot more people to buy your stuff on and see is to create different kinds off pins and pin them for every single topic that you're selling on. That's itself. Since I sell a lot of vintage products, handmade and custom Legos, I have decided to create for each of them. The on board. What happens is when somebody goes into my own pin interest account and they see that stop I penned. If they like some of it, they re pin it, and sometimes they buy the products as well. Let's take a look at my custom wiggle shop. As you can see, a lot of people do take a look at what I have here, and then they decide to buy it, especially if they like what? I'm actually So here. Now, how do I know people actually look at this stuff and buy it? You compress on analytics itself and then person over you. It's going to show you the traffic that I'm actually getting for everything that I actually post upon it. So he was my pin interest. Actual poor file. I'm having 45 people who are making impressions on it, which is not actually clicking on it. He was the amount of people out of those who are actually viewing it Pro Day, which is crying kind of quite a lot. Beaumont. I'm getting 824 different people to actually take a look at what I'm actually selling. And now, as you can see, those are the top items in my shop itself that is getting the most amount off impressions and peons as well. So this gives me a good idea off what kind of products that I'm selling that people actually like the most. Another stats that I can look at is on pin interest itself. It shows me the best ones and the highest performing ones as well. The next thing you could do if you're interested after you create your own PIN interest account is actually to go and create an ad for the product that is getting the most kind of impressions or in points. And then you would want to see how many of those people are actually gonna buy after you quit the ad itself. He was my next secret for getting a lot of people toe up in your stuff. One pin interest that don't you wanna create stuff that is actually related to what you're selling. You also want to create things that I have nothing to do with what you're selling in a certain way. But you will have at least one item out of your shop that's going to be featured in everyone off those boards. That's going to get people to want to buy items from you, such as with the Statue of Liberty that actually created when you look at it, you will see a bunch off pictures off the Statue of Liberty itself, and one of which is gonna be a picture off my way. Go custom creation, which is a smart way to get people to look at Statue of Liberty and then, hey, I want to get this is a gift idea 13. Pinterest: Creating, editing and marketing: welcome to marketing. We've been into a spin. Interest is a way for you to expand your social media presence and use it to your advantage to get a lot off sales. The first Channel command for you to do before you get started we've been interest is to add a pitiable pin for your Internet browser. My printable pin for my browser is gonna be the coma browser. So all you have to do is to type in peninsula spin for Cuomo, the specific spend the time looking for is a pen that is available for my coma. Bozzo, if you have a different browser, go into Google and so much that blouse up over here when you go into your make sure you're getting it from their legitimate websites. Sometimes you're gonna have some spam sites that are going to cream. This is gonna be a pitiable pin for your browser, but it's not. It's gonna be a virus, so be visible, careful with others that such results. The 1st 1 up is usually the correct one. So Ben Interest save button Coma Web store. That's the one I need for me. For you, it might be a different one. What you have to do next is to just person and to Cuomo, and you're gonna have a wink that looks exactly like this in your brows. Oh, since I already installed it, I'll show you exactly what I mean by this. If I go all the way to my browser all the way at the top, as you can see what he'll already have this extension installed in my brow zone. Now it's your turn to go about. Add this to your brows. Oh, so you can use it in orderto pin things that you're gonna do and market for this specific factual. Next thing that we're gonna be doing is going toe my Etsy shop. You made a cheese shop, We're gonna go and check out all the stuff, the time selling in it, and then I wouldn't go in hell. I'm gonna go into one of the products that time selling When I go into one of my pilots that I'm gonna be actually selling, I'm gonna be taking those items that I'm selling and pinned them. The wacky why I want them to go. So now that they went one of my listings on at sea. I go white over the picture and all the way on the west Side is going to say save on it. So I'm gonna be pressing on that. When you put on that, it's gonna have a menu that looks exactly like this. When you have this menu, you're gonna be starting a brand new board. So either you can start a new board when you're gonna be pressing and create a board. Oh, you can save it to an existing boat that you already have. I have a bunch of them. Let me quit. A brand new board was on, could eat a board right here. And then what I'm going to be doing is selecting and typing in what kind of bored I'm gonna create. Next thing you want to do is to create a board that has something to do with what you're actually sound. So my boat is gonna be give ideas that's gonna be my board. You can create a different kind of boat to squeeze misguided ideals. HoId, a gift ideas and so on. Anything that is an awesome idea was somebody to go and check it out. They're battle damn boats name, the more likely you would get people quickie on it. And when somebody clicks on it, they're more likely to engage with the board itself. So here is the bold gift ideas or even better, Dan best gets. That's gonna be the name of the board. Now, you could make it a secret. But if you make it a secret that defeats the whole purpose off payable pins, so don't after we do it. And now what we're gonna be doing next is going toe a different kind or a thing the time actually signed. So here is another one. I'm gonna be placing one save like hell. So now you're saving the next one in the top 10. Best gift. And now what you're doing is going and personal. See it now. So after we saved a few of those, this is how it actually works, like on the boat itself, and he'll we can go and actually edit it. So what person edit, We can change which kind of section we want. Here is the description off the item that you're selling and a link directly to the website . This is one out of many pins that I'm gonna be saving. This is two of them with now on my board. Let's go back and check out the boats that they have up going on right now. I'm a bunch of different boards up. He was one of diamonds that they saved. Here is another one. My job right now is to add as many capable pins my boat. So those are just pins that they have up here are the boards that they have as well. When you go into the boards, I'm gonna go into the board. I just could eat it and organize it. So here is the border. Have that they just could eat it, puts on it. And here I can put the description off what my boat is really about. Plus, I can add a link to my at sea or sacrifice store over here as well. So what me actually do that amazing gifts and shop you. Now we're going back to the Etsy shop itself, placing when at sea. So he went back in my Etsy shop over hell. I'm gonna be pressing on store manager and the next thing I'm going to be doing is going all the way down right here. It says the name of the shop placing on it once, and now what it's gonna give me it's gonna give me a wink to my actual shop. This is the front page of it. That's what you have to go and do Copy and P stores. So I did just dad placing when peace like hell. And you can also add a discount cold as well. Wait here. So use this groaned code put in the code that you'll be actually using. Q. So I just did there called me Del. And now what we have to do next is select the category that this is exactly for this old, different kind of categories here we can use. And I think the G. Quan is actually interesting, but he was a better one. Animals impact. So I did that for the Kabul pleasant change you have two pictures wants to select. If you had more pins, you would be able to select what more pictures? Person saved by dow. And now we're gonna go and actually save this board. So let's go all the way down. Plus on, Say what? Here? So now this boat looks a lot more better a mobile freshen on. The next thing I have to do is just add a lot more pins to it in order to enhance and make this boardwalk a lot more better. White, the West Oh my boats that I already could eat it using interest. 14. Youtube: How to market your shop: in order for you to promote your Etsy store to people who never seen it before. You definitely have to embark on a campaign, and I tightly suggest for you to actually use YouTube as the means to showcase some of your products that you're selling on. That sea itself is forced off to quit an interesting video. You're going to be filming it and telling all the benefits and features of your product also to make it entertaining and interesting, because people don't just want to see you trying to sell them something on YouTube. They want to see something that entertains and is interesting for them to actually watch. After you quit your actual video, you post it up on YouTube, then you have to use different kinds off keywords to definite. Get your items to be noticed. I highly suggest use as many votes as possible. That's gonna be actually getting people to notice your product. As you can see, my pilot itself was already watched by 1173 people. Another thing that I highly suggest for you to do is to create an additional link in your video. So when somebody prices on this in for about a minute. He'll they can actually see another pilot that I'm selling as well. Also, when you're clean eating your own YouTube channel and your queen your own YouTube wasting, make sure you use the correct tags. And here is a few tags that I actually added toe my product for it to actually be noticed, so make sure you use every single tag that you can actually possibly use. Also, keep the tanks the minimum around 10 tags. Also, if you start to use too many attacks, it's gonna actually work against you. Then what you have to do next is, of course, to quit a small description about what kind of item that you actually is selling. And after you do that, make sure you post a direct link to the etc wasting itself. And this actually concludes the quick summary on how to use YouTube to get your listings to be noticed. 15. Youtube #1: Writing titles descriptions: in this section out be showing you how to promote your etc. Business using YouTube itself. And this is a fire taking out a paid ad for you to do this. It is 40 and it is easy to do so. The first thing you need to do is, of course, to create a video or your product on YouTube itself and just uploaded to it, though, is more than one way for you to promote it. Once you do, quit the video over there and I will show you a few that are the most important things. When it comes to YouTube forced off, you're gonna have a channel that you'll be actually using. So I have a bunch of different channels that I'm actually using, one of which is my own channel, and then have Asil channels as well. So this is my way, Go channel. So when you quit Allegra Channel, you're able to do something different in it. And what I mean by creating on channel is to create a channel that's gonna be a niche channel. So the whole focus off a niche channel Mr Focus on just one product, and in this particular product, you keep on creating videos that have something to do with the product that you're selling . So when somebody comes and takes a look at the product itself, the more likely to buy it because your videos are very highly oriented toward one particular marketplace. And in my case it is. Red goes, because that's what I actually saw on my Etsy shop. So the force thing that you're going to be doing is to quit a video that actually showcases your product, and you don't want to do like a short video. You want to go into it. You want to sell details. You want to make it interesting. You want people to actually be engaged in the video for them. So when they watched the video itself, they're more likely to buy the product that you're featuring or they're just interested and what you're showing to them. For you to be effective, you have to do a few things that have to do with YouTube. Here. Forced is the name off the video itself. This is very important. So when you're greeting and video for you, tube, you want to go into it and use as many key votes as you can in the title. What I mean by that is quite simple because I used Legos. I have to put that in. And there was a lot of different keywords that I put in. So as many keyboards as you can come up with in the title off the video that you can put it in there is gonna be very effective for you. So I just published this particular video in the past few days, so, so far, only had 25 people to view it. The next thing I highly suggest for you to do is toe right down all kinds off, different things that this video actually is all about. So after you finish, tell him they're different kind of keyboards themselves in the video. You're gonna actually put the description of it inside the video itself. So the description has to be pretty long as well. They won't get a description, the more likely it's going to be picked up outside off YouTube, and it's gonna be picked up by Google itself. And then you have external traffic getting in and taking a look at the video 16. Youtube #2: All about thumbnails: add a Tom Neal. As you can see, there is an option. You can create a thumbnail, so either you can use one that comes directing for the video itself. Oh, you can upload one that actually comes from the Internet itself. Just make sure you own the copyright to it cleat the Tom Neo image that you can actually use. You want to make sure that it's not copyrighted. So we're gonna go and work for an image that's not copyrighted that we can actually use for our own YouTube Tom now. So the first thing you want to do is to type in what kind off item that you're actually looking for. And then we're gonna go into so much, does themselves press on it once. And then the next thing you want to do is to press on usage whites and look for items that says way but for reuse the items that the labeled for reuse you can go and you can copy them. But you have to be a bit careful for an item that looks like this. This looks like it's coming from a movie itself, so it's probably not good for you to use that as a thumbnail image. Other things that look a bit like something like this. It's definitely something that you could reuse. And there was a bunch of different images. Hell that work like that. You can actually use them. So you have to use a bit of your own judgment before you pick the image itself, and we use it on you to another safe way for you to do. This is just to go toe pics, obey type in the name off the product that you're working for and just pressing on the soldier itself and see what kind of images actually pops up. As you can see, this is the same exact image that I found four way. But for we use now, I have a few different choices that I can make and use for my own YouTube video. I can use the two images we have. What hell I can do a different kind of keyboard so much instead to see if I can find as a images or I can go to Google and take a look at all the images that are appealing like hell and labelled for reuse and pick a few of them and then experiment with them. The reason why I say experiment with them is that you just don't know which Tom Neo Image is definitely going to go and get your lot more friends to take a look at the video that you created. The image that is has to do with the Tom Neo itself is very, very important. In fact, you can even get a photographer one fireable to take a picture off the Tom nail for you. It is that important. 17. Youtube #3: Using keywords & cards: The next thing that you have to do is to find Web urban keywords that you can actually use for the video itself. Now what Google actually does. It works at the kind of keywords that you put in the West ing itself in the description and in the keyboard section. And then it links the video, and by ranking the video, it puts it up in the special linking on YouTube. So it also has to do with them out of wasting that you can drive within the post 48 hours that the listing is up on YouTube, which means that as soon as you create a new YouTube video, you want to get as many people as possible to take a look at it. One way for you to drastically increase the volume off people. Looking at your video is to put in relevant keyboards into it. So to do this, it's very simple. You have to come up with it to his 10 different keywords that have to do with the item itself that you are actually selling. So that's one off the things that's going to generate a lot more attention to your resting and I don't think that you could do that is also really simple. Is in the description itself to make sure you have a link to the product that you're actually selling. This is also available e important, because if somebody comes in to take a look at the wasting, their finally in, though, you have to make sure to get them to actually buy the product itself. So for you to do this, you have to have some call to action. One off course is in the description itself. Another way is to use either annotation or cards. And that's just another way for you to get people to actually one of by the pilot that yourself. So by ending a card you can actually promote either and other channel, you can get a donation. Oh, the best one is together link, and that's the one you want. You want people to actually go into your real website, and for them and what YouTube actually does. It only allows you to link to an approved website, and you can do active link the video itself that is on YouTube to the listing on etc. By just creating a coward to it. So we hear All you have to do is to type in the your well off the website itself. Just gonna be at sea that come and I don't have to do Act one would heal And we're gonna be pressing on next. And it's what's gonna actually do hell, it's going to create the card for you. And here you can just put in the Coto action, which is get somebody to buy the product. You can put a diesel taxed, which is tells you what kind of product you actually selling. And here is the image itself. So you can use the pre made images that they're already our existing over hell all you can go and plants on change image and use your own image over here. And eventually what you want to do is to create a coward. And the code is gonna definitely wink the video that you created on YouTube to your at sea channel. And this is an excellent way for you to drive traffic from YouTube to your at sea twisting 18. Facebook Store Guide: I would welcome everyone in this video. I'm gonna be sure you how to get started eating your force Facebook store. It is very easy. It is simple to dio. But to do this you have to create your own Facebook page. In fact, I have a bunch of different Facebook pages that already created or have to go is to go Well , it says manage pages and you can see our way single one of them that they have created for various type off businesses and for other people as well. So to create your own Facebook page or you have to do is to go down on this menu place on either page and get started. So now the next thing you have to do is to select which one you want to get started with. It really doesn't matter that much. It could be a local business. So ways company, organization, brand or product, whatever you choose, makes you think twice before you do this, there was no going back. Once you do create your Facebook page, let's use brand or product. Choose the category you want to get into. I'm gonna be putting in games and toys. And here is the name off the Facebook page. So think about this all that long ago. What would you like to name your Facebook page? Mine is gonna be dog nos magnets because that is their site that I will be using to sell my products. Now, if you decide to use something else, you can do so. But if you use the 11 you'll just have to go back into those steps over again. So the Post and I did hear his person gets started. So the next thing it's asking me to do on Facebook is to provide a picture. To do this or you have to do, is to go to a place that's called Picks obeyed. They'll come. This is what you can get pictures, but they're not gonna be copyrighted. Or somebody can support you for using a couple picture, and that will force you to get rid of it. It actually happened to me once, so I have to be simple careful now. So which one So they use from here? Well, I'm gonna be selling dog way that stuff, so I have to find something that works like a dog can be. We're in the picture. What you have to do is just type in dog. More likely, maybe a poppy. So popular it hell. And now we have a bunch off pictures we can use, So this is kind of cool, but there was not enough dogs over here. And one thing I do suggest for you, when you be so acting a picture to use, make sure it is amazing working. So this is the one I want. I'm gonna be down winning this one, my dough. And actually, we're not just used the same dog that they have myself. That could be a pretty cool thing to do. So it's typing it. It was another one. And we have a few pictures steady can select, and I like this one the best. So all we have to really do is to have two different images for us to use. Now it's asking the profile picture a port report file. And he was one picture. But I want the 2nd 1 that I doubt it as well. A big one I'm posting. Make you Let's see how it actually looks like. No uploading The cover picture is number two. So where to do that? And I'm using the same exact one. Hell, because I've made a small mistake and I will show you in a second what I did. So what actually did is I used the cover photo for one of them and another one for the bottom, so it didn't really work this. Well, I have to go and get rid of one of them, which is gonna be this one. Now, there was an extra feature that is so awesome about Facebook. You can put a video over here instead off just a picture. So what? Support the picture first. And this one is gonna come up for my desk up. So upload for the video right here, going back to the desktop, choosing the different picture, and we can just move it all out. So this is awesome. But doing something else I can do here toe take this to a whole other level. I can go on with you. Go to videos. President Sorge. Now there's no fogs over here, but it could be a party that can use adapted poppy. Let's see which videos be happy if we we can use and I like this specific one A Q. So it's down with down one. Listen, Howard, go back over here, change the Kabul and change it to upload a photo or video. So it's gonna be a video this time that I'll be downloading 15 seconds right here. Now, one thing. It says that the car video should be 22 90 seconds. That was close by the picture. Didn't have enough seconds for it. Which means that I either have toe, edit this and add more seconds to it. I have to find one that has 20 seconds. This one has enough seconds. But it is the long animal. Let's see this one. Hell, 23 seconds. That's good enough. That is not enough. Really interesting dog videos over here that I can use. But let's use this one is an example. So change the couple. A port photo and video Human history. Every second sight here that's up. Warding it off Facebook. I can't wait. I'm so excited just to see how it's gonna tone up. So here it is. The video is upholding. This book is processing. It even quotes the specific video. And this is very important because this is the presentation off your page. That's how it's gonna work quick. You have to do and put them with much effort, as you can in tow this cosmetic cook off your side while we're waiting. There's something else we can do as well. So we can go do the actual site that I'm gonna get everything form. This is their site itself. Gonna press on it is copied the name of the shop over the way, the top and it must actually say shop and then the name off the actual shop. After I go and copy this in, I'm gonna go into a win wagging into it. And after I get in, I'm gonna go who it says Lincoln Tools. And over here, person link building in the wink build. Oh, I'm gonna go into advertiser, which I joined. There was a bunch of different advertisers for us to choose from on placing a Nazi. He list the destination, your oil. So here it is. Just delete the extra that's not needed in hell. I'm going to go down and get the deep wing fourth. So I just did that going back to Facebook and the video is already done. They can reposition it over. The better it wants me. Yes, it does. Which is kind of go He was. The dog was the next. And now I'm gonna be president published with you. But since already got the deep link, what I'm gonna be doing with it, I'm gonna be pressing. Wood says at the bottom, my teal and he'll I'm gonna be choosing shop now and placing on next. So the bottom is sub now, and I'm gonna go and add a website doing to this. So let's go in at the website. Link Hewitt is the whole link with their affiliate enclosed in it. So anyone who goes to the chop anything thereby I get feed as an affiliate, a one will get paid full price because I also on that specific shop which is record. So now, after I did this at West own finish. Now I have this Facebook beach. What is starting up? Next up for our structure we do is to go and feature a few products in here to make it work more interesting. Next thing I'll be doing is adding a few products from this shop over here. So the way I go about to do this, I'm gonna go back over here, pick a product that actually like, which is gonna be the specific while quite hell. And next thing I'm gonna be doing is pressing on show. So he was doing that actually want Next step for you is to go back to a win. The hell is to eat all the stuff that's not needed. Destination you. Well, put it down. And it's supposed to automatically show up here if it doesn't show up Just a world of the page once again. So let's do that. Question at sea was based, and now he was the whole cold right here that we can use some. We're gonna go and copy this. Go back to the Facebook beach and tell them Check out this amazing forceps. You can write whatever you want. Hell, but make sure you read something into this thing, so people are more likely to buy Formula Next step is to present based. Now, this is well, you're well short. No might actually come in handy or co. Much tax isn't here. Now we're going to be pricing on publish. So here it is. Let's see how it actually looks like and not too bad, because you can't see all the other junk that's coming in from that case. You don't like it. You can go and make a euro. Certainly, on Google's, you're well shortened out quite here. Price on Google Yoyo Shorter now Place on base like hell certain you well, del and you're copying it. Just wait a few seconds to see if it really doesn't load out. Go back in here and want to go and change it. And at the post, the wheat, all this stuff in here and just put in the euro short now it still should go to the same location. There's a little bit of junk you that came up with it, and you have to make sure that it is complete. So F is the last one in it. So everything else should be the wicked, like you just read it by its own Done. Now it's time for us to quit eight something in the store. So let's go next to settings and enable the store. It's pretty easy to do. We have to go is what says edit the page oppressed on this one's. And now we have toe tone, the store actually on. So he'll we go. Well, it says at the tab and add, Wood says, Shop at the tab right here. So after I added the shop now feature those other cool things that can adhere as well, including live videos, we can add this stop and events plus offers as well. So it's had all those access services because it what's your actually do this here is even as services page, since I'm already talking about So this is what's at that, too, and those notes. But I don't know why I would actually use this next step. Are gonna go is present close. And now there was actually something that says Give you but I want to do is to add the most important tabs and move them all the way to the top of the speech. So here it is, a moving it as high up as they can make you and for those is number one. But I don't want it to be over there. I want shop to be the posting. People actually see ovals is gonna be 2nd 1 up here and so on. So the least important stuff Move it to the bottom. The most important stuff. Move it to the top. That's how you arrange this professionally and well, So I just did that. And there was even the groups want you to its person setting. And when you present setting those extra things that you can do, Hugh. So it gives you a euro choice. If somebody wants to go directing to the group, that is, we wait it to this Facebook page in about when we place on this. There was actually oil that goes straight to this. So there's an extra sayings that we can do and Weiqing fix it up and do something else that we want for Mitt. Going template is actually standard, and we can change this world toe business. That's the one we one director used. So let's go on looking at details. I like the way it actually looks. I'm gonna be applying this stump would like you in person. Okay, So changed a business standpoint after I did that. So now that we're done, we're gonna go back to this Facebook page and check out how it actually works. Are and now we're not done yet. So we have the shop that is ready in here. One place. Well, you go and you presence up now is gonna go directly to that. See store using their fury. Drink another one is when you go in hell, it's gonna go to the actual store and you can buy for Mitt. So let's go and look how this was. We arranged and something was wrong. Kill because it's not showing the store next year, so that's not good. So they have to go and fix this around again. So let's go into setting. We're gonna be changing what it says and that we're going to go and change the template. There's something probably want with a template. Maybe that's the reason why it's not showing up. You, what's going to see which one we can pick you and hell is the one I like, the one that says shopping. So it's place on view. Details and poison apply the specific tempo to it. Here, this up, an event stab will be visible. That's exactly what I wanted to dio. So now, after I did this, I want to make sure what's a shop is all the way at the top here, So I just moved it around. I think that was the mistake that I did before going back to the page itself. It should automatically save everything. And here this shop is showing as the second tab so people can actually see this a lot more QE So their stories with them to stop now when they pressed on shop have to agree to the terms of conditions off Facebook by some Continue it here. Next step I'll be doing is you can check it out on Facebook, or you can check it out to another site. So when I will be doing is checking it out on another site because I'm using in a fury drink and you're gonna do the same thing as well. So next step forces to person continue setting up the shop in U. S. Dollars. You can set it up in international currency as well, but it's on Say wait, he'll know you're saving. And now it is the fun part. Well, we're gonna be adding different kind of products to the shop. So it's person at products and add a few pilots students, so Let's go back to the park. That will be listening. This is a specific product pressing on Zoom really need actually one picture, so I'm gonna be saving it. Ideal going back here, ending their photo. I know. Let's get the actual photo place even open used a photo. I'm gonna make sure the points for this product is correct. So it's 2098. That is the starting price. So let's go and do that. So 20 98 this donation you out is like you. You know, it's to eat the extra things here and the description. We have to go back to this page and at the specific description. So make sure you go and copy in peace the whole actual link you So just did that. And I'm going back into hell and basting it in the next step. And don't you think that's missing? Is the name of Dr Park So let's go and copy and paste this as well Que it is. And now you can even add another picture and videos to this if you actually need to. And you can show this on your page so you can enable that now, Since anyone actually show this on my page? I'm gonna just turn this off present save. And now I have my force product already posted in my Facebook shop. Next thing you have to do is just keep on adding different products to the shop. Once you add enough pot of students, you can get started in Crete. Your own collection. As you can see, you can show a collection and you can even press on other collection. But you need the police to different products. So this is all we have to do to get started with phrasebook. And next thing that you're gonna be doing after you finish creating your Facebook page and add the very drinks to it. Pistol on Facebook ads on the post in that specific page so you can get even more people to go and buy piles that you're selling using your fury drinks. So go ahead. Great on Facebook Page and see you in the next video 19. Facebook Marketing: let's get started with Facebook marketing. So the first thing that is essential for you to do is to go to the page that you want a market on Facebook, which is gonna be the actual Etsy shop. So let's copy that. So now that we copied the entire anti shop, we're gonna goto a win poison on wing Bodo. And after that, selecting what says joined and then selecting a specific ones who it says etc destination uol is gonna be the actual website lead here. And now that we have the exact link wallet, it's just gonna be copying that one. Next step full us is to go, Go, go! And you? L short annoyed. Oh, going to go The short? No. And just cutting and pasting it right here. There we go. Certainly your well, and they're grabbing. This link went out as soon as this loads up. So now that we have this, it is time for us to get started with Facebook marketing the first place. Well, you want to get started with marketing. The product is to market toe all your friends more friends you have, the more likely you're gonna have a lot more traction for the item that your son. So here you're going to be posting Check out new products for 2018 and then be a posting going to it. Displacement beast. Make sure you the wheat, what doesn't belong here. As always, it's not gonna show up. So we're going to go back copying there once they're gonna walk for us going back in hell and pasting it again. So we have to force the pitch. So it's reload. Posting it right back in hell on placing one pieced. Now, let's see if this actually loads up person space ball one more time. And there we go. It actually walking. So actually always tested out toe, See if they wink actually works. Now we're going to go and do some hashtags. So how stuck Looks like this has tag dog stag dog knows? Yes, Dag. Cool plateau. Yes. Tag. Beautiful 2018. Some plastic that I'm gonna be using now. If you're not sure, we translate you won't actually use. You can go and find which hold the hottest hashtags out there. The next thing that I'm actually doing is searching for hair stacks that are trending right now that that will be using in order for my post to start trending. So the first thing I'm going to be doing is going toe web ste A, that Emmy Boyzone soldier right here and we have to do next is to type in the item that I'm searching for, which is gonna be something related to dog poison search. And now we have people have polices and the best of all, we have hashtags. And how many people actually following those specific hashtags? So here it is, a whole entire list off every single hash tag that we can use for this specific keyboard. So here we have to have stacked dog over the day. I didn't get that one. So it's going at it at the post and type in stag dog of the day we go stag dough the day right down and so on. So you want to go full the entire list of all the different hashtags and posed as many of them as you can to get your item actually trending over here now that we have a few things that are walking for us, So we have there on there, so think that those people, why they should go forward There was the Google your well, there was the Hashtags for every single one of those keyboards willing and as many as you can do it. Let's go toe the actual post and use it for something else as well. So let's copy it like hell. Next step for us is to go and find dog related groups, so just type in appeal. Dog was on so much and now breasts on groups right here. Next up for us is to join us many of those different groups as we can. You want to join the groups of a lot of members, So this one has 488,000 different people in it. He was a few groups that are already joint, such as this one with you, which says, I love my dog. So now that I am aware, the in a group, what they have to do next is just go and pieced this part of the time, selling way down all the way at the top of it Now, sometimes it won't let you paste or specific things because it's going to go against the rules of the girl. Just be aware over that. It's not always gonna work for you because over here it says this post has been submitted and pending approval by there means so if they don't approve their specific boast, you might actually get kicked out of the group. So you have to watch out for that. Make sure you read all the stuff that actually says he'll sometimes they would actually approved this in case they don't approve. Oh, you want to make sure they dio go to dead men. It's gonna say moderate awake next with that min itself. Question, they admit, and all you have to do next is just to send them a message, my placement message right now, and just let them know what you're actually selling and told them nicely what kind of things that you are actually doing. So that's one way for you to go about this. Now, if this doesn't work as well, there's always a different kind of group that you can join. Another thing that you can do is you can go and find a group of people in it. That is the way to it and send them a post as well. So let's go to a different group weight now. They could all great hell and go to this one. The animal the cat in the global is cooperate, though that's a different kind of group. And try to piece this one over here as well. So I'm basting it in waiting for it to load up. Has it satisfaction? Brivio If it doesn't match, you can always do a space. Sometimes that will actually speeded up. No next applause is the press on post and see if this gets instant above and it actually didn't. Now, another thing you can do here, you can get your post promoted all the way at the top over. A specific group we have to do is to contact the administrator off the group. It's gonna be usually the top one of depend post in it, and that's them. Hey, listen up. I got something to do with dogs. Would you like to go about and posted all the way at the top of the screen for maybe 20 bucks a week? And if they agree to this, that's great, because then you can go and post it up for a whole week and you get a lot of attention, especially in the big groups such as this one that has 14,000 members. Make sure you pick, then niche groups have something to do with the items that you're selling. It's more Wakely you will get, Oh, at most sales. 20. Creating Facebook Ads: So let's get started with Facebook ads. Now that we have already created the Facebook age, it is very simple for us to do the ads. One thing that you want to make sure before you start could eating your aunts is to look at the page itself and to make sure every single one has all the links included for So, for example, I have a link. Wait, Hell. And this link already has the deep wing to my a few it. And now I'm going to get money. Every time somebody buys women, another thing that I have is in the shop. Make sure your shop is complete and you have all the products that are necessary. Have one product right now, you won't have a twist. Five products before you get started with Facebook ants. So let's get started with the ads themselves to show you how you can go about and create your own adds. So you have to do is to person promote. And now we have a few choices for us to pick form. So your post a more people set up an ongoing promotion and this one is free quicks A day for two box. This is pretty cheap. Promote your app. What we don't need that you're not using up Promote your page. This is perfect because we do have a page, get more but and quicks and get more website with Atos, including customer contact, the best one for us and the best choice waas hell is to promote our page. So let's get started with promoting our peach person promoting page. And now it gives us all kinds of different choices for us and we have to go for this whole entire thing to get started with promoting. So this is how it looks like in desktop newsfeed reports in Mobile That's hard gonna work quick and mobile. And on the White column, this is an example of how it works work as well. The next step for us is to specify this and to make sure it is specific enough for exactly what we're doing. So add creative person edit. And now here is what it says. What I'm actually sell, which is connect with dog knows magnets. That doesn't sound good. So instead we have to change. It took by amazing dog knows magnets and here it is it changes to something else. Now I have a video that is right now playing, but it decided instead to change it into an image. So if you don't like it or you have to do is to person and a video instead, and then you could eat the video and you posted up down. Now I don't really suggest for you to use a video for the simple fact that if you're going to be using a video, it's gonna take more time for it toward up in people when that have the patience to watch it. So therefore, just having a picture is much better. So it's present cancer promotional hell, get back to promote. And now we have to start the global again. Or that happens sometimes. So promoting Page and Hewitt says the same exact thing again. So make sure you're really careful when you do some changes, because then if it goes away and you posted up as it's done, you have to start all over again. All you're making a mistake. So check out those amazing dog knows magnets. So this could be another thing you can post like you. I think I suggest for you to do is to go and add and elect linked to your feel its site right from hell. So what you can do is instead of them just quickly on the page, you can actually do the old fashioned copy and paste like you to the link to the deep wink . Exactly what your sour. So that's another thing that you can do it here and I'm not doing this week now, But this is just a suggestion for you to actually do. Next thing you're doing is checking the audience that this is gonna appeal to the person at it, and we have a bunch of different audience that we can use. So first thing you have to think about who is gonna become a dog owner, because this is the stuff that I'm actually promoting. And since I'm promoting dog on the magnets, we have to make sure that the kind of people who are buying it forcible they have enough spare money to buy the part of the time selling. Next thing, Make sure the age is the correct for the part that you're selling as well. The location, depending what kind of product that you're selling, you have to think about if the location is good enough for it, since you're actually selling affiliate marketing things on at sea, and it's going to cost a lot more money for people to order it from another country. Therefore, you have to think about which are the most likely countries that they're gonna buy this form. Now. You can take a country for you to do this, or you can even big specific geographically, such as New York City. So it's pick New York. Remember, if you're just picking New York, you're making a big mistake because New York is an entire state. So when you're putting New York, think about this way, it's it with the whole state of oil. People who were in the middle of nowhere in New York to New York is a humongous science state as big as it and the time country. In some locations, if you want to promote the yolk, you gotta do New York New York, which is their city now. They see the itself is much bigger for us to promote, and there was a lot of people who are living in it. Remember every kind of city has different kind of co chose people, even in the United States. So if you're promoting it to specific cities, it's probably much better than promoting it to an entire state or to an entire location now in as a chandelier. Let's put it this way. If you're gonna be promoting in entire United States, you're promoting also toe occasions such as our Askar, which is the middle of Novo, and you have to understand that there was probably a lot of US people who are interested in buying your product in Alaska. There might that be even concerned about the kind of things that you're selling. So unless you're selling specific items that you're targeting people who even Alaska, I don't really suggest for you to do so. Now, when you go about in your promoting something in New York, New York, you have to think about what is the radios that you want people to buy form. So if you're doing 40 miles radios there, including most of the city, if you want to include everything the whole entire city, you might have to go for all the way to 50 miles because of Long Island is also very, very close to the city itself. Does the suburbs off New York City itself. But they're not really the city. So if you want to just get that, you know, in the city and most of the city, I would promote 24 miles right here. Oh, you can go toe to us enjoys, which is another huge city in the United States because the sensuous is so spread out, you will have to go for all the way to 50 miles on us Angeles itself. So let's go do 50 miles on us, Enjoy. And you're still not covering the whole entire Los Angeles City because it is so spread out . It is a huge and wrong city. And like New York, which is very concentrated, what's Angelus is really far away. So remember this when you're going in promoting two things now, also, you can promote to different countries, So let's promote toe Canada as well. So I type in Canada now. You don't want to promote toe every location and can do you want to promote to specific locations in Canada, such as the big city on it, which is month. Once we are you back right here. Canada. So here it is, them metropolitan area off Montreal, Canada. Now, one thing you want to keep in mind with Facebook, you see the white and the green. There was a big difference between white and green. The white Ellie is what people work to live. The green Ellie is uninhibited. There was very few people who live in the green area from one of show You. If you want a zoom in here, you can see the areas that are more white. That's what more people, actually, then there is that are valuable green. That's mostly green area, which is trees and stuff like that. So you don't want to a promote toe green areas, but make sure you're so men, so you can see if those people who have, though or not, because if you zoom out, take a look at this. It looks like knowing the actual lives here, but they do what people do with in that location. That's also for you to keep in mind. If you don't want to use one of those who would say you picked a few of them, you don't like one of them person X and you get real with with you. So we got people from morning to the specific city. Now it looks like our potential audience is nine million people. We want a niche, it much, much more, father. So here is their stuff. The temper Morning right now to action figures and games, board games, online games. If you don't like those just person X and remove the ones you don't want. So I'm doing exactly that. We're moving all the ones we don't want. Instead, I'm gonna be promoting to people who like bugs. So far, globalist like hell was a net to a specific. There was only 10,000 people who like that. So it's trying other keyboard just park and let's see what kind of suggestions re actually getting here for that. So plug itself bugs that you opposed when it we got more people for that, let's keep finding people. It is very, very specific. So for ads to be shown, you have to get a lot more people for their, so it's type in dogs and present dogs. Now we got three million people interested in dogs. So what's stopping dog toys like hell and see what comes up with that. So don't go. Nose is coming up, Doc. Toys is not coming up Dog food and products time. I actually work. So I posted in here. So now it says your audience is to find a good job. It means it is walking. So we got what we want for this to work that we have to think about. What other things are good keywords for us to use? If you want, Add more keywords. But this is not necessary for this task. So we can experiment off all of those. And if we get on the people who are buying our products than the job is going down even as a hand, it's not really selling their stuff you want, such as this one dog food and products. I'm not so about this one. So I'm gonna go and exit out, and it's still well defined so we can still use freedom. Fone keywords for this. Next thing I'm gonna be doing is going and placing on Say what Here. So I choose the target location. I can switch the images around, but it all exploded good to me. So I'm not gonna be doing that. Next thing is budget and duration for us. So right now it is charging us firebox a day. But by spending limit is go than the budget for this promotion. So we have to increase it to 10 bucks to get the promotion. But if I don't want to get the promotion, that could just use the firebox full day, which check out for a buck a day, and it seems like it's gonna let me do this. So for a buck a day, I'm gonna be spending a total of 10 bucks and the ad we want for 10 days. That sounds pretty cheap today. Now, on the other hand, if you want to run this for 28 days, it will be charged for 28 box. Now, for experimental purposes, I want you to go and change the cheapest possible price, which is seven bucks and pocket day, just to see if those ads actually work. So that is what I really suggest for you to do. You want to use the cheapest possible price when you're standing up where Facebook ads because you're experimenting with a lot of different things you're experimenting with different names. Hell, you're experimenting with different images, pictures and everything else included. And if it doesn't work for you, you have to go about and we shuffle everything and do it all over again. So seven box will. Seven days is the experiment. Now, one thing you want to make show is you wanna make sure everything was is perfect before you go and placed on promote. All right, here's the bonus for this video. Now, a few things that you probably don't know is this interesting fact here. What you can do is instead of just going and spending seven box, you can spend a lot of rest and seven or you have to do is to press on the calendar feature and go about in person to it here. So when pressed on the second date, it's actually going around the promotion for only two specific days. So the project is a buck, and the promotion is only going for maybe a day. So this is a day, actually, let's go in the two days, which is your personal for you right here. And the only spending two box so two days learning by their it is pretty easy for us to experiment. So you don't do it. Cost you a lot of money for us to do this. Now, a few other things. I want you to keep in mind when you're running those promotions. It depends on the day that you are actually doing it. So over here it shows how many people are actually reached by the amount off money that you're spending forward. So if you spend 20 bucks, you're reaching form. Eat to totally wonderful people about your witching want to two different people, which is not so great. Now, another thing that I want to show you is this interesting feature here as well. When you're running the ads, make sure to think about the days that you're wanting it. If you're gonna be lining it on a holy day, you might get those people to quick on it, if only as a can you wanting it on the weekend, depending on what kind of weekend it is, you might get more sales over sales as well. So keep in mind that may be the best days off the week Other days that most people are more likely to buy the Islands. Maybe Wednesday and Thursday are gonna be better for the kind of product that you actually sound. So this is it. This is done. Now it is your turn to do the same. Exacting. Go ahead and start your own Facebook ads promotion. And then if it's gonna work for you, great. If it doesn't work, fix things around and change it because it's all about experimentation. 21. Reddit Marketing & Campaigns: Let's go start off marketing with who read it or what it is. The engine off the Internet and one thing about who had it itself. You can find almost anything in here. So first, about those all kinds of different categories in lead it they're highness categories. When you're realizing controversial top en graded and wiki. Now to get to the top off the reddit, what you have to do is to get it trending. It gets trending by a few things, and one of them is the amount off comments and upwards. It actually gets a. For example, this one is trending number one right now on what it and this is just opposed. So the wing goes to the specific post itself and you can post any kind of link. You actually want part by getting a lot of comments to that specific link. It gets trending, so he'll dow. There was about 200 comments for their specific link, and the more people about those comments and the move them both different kind of comments below and upward, every single one off those as well, the more likely it's going to get trending. You know what it by getting into the fourth speech off whether it is gonna take you quite some time and by just getting a bunch of different comments and getting a lot of people who come and stood them and up wording it, it's gonna take a lot of effort. So I don't really suggest for you to do so. One way for you to get trending on Reddit is just simply by posting a bunch of comments under it. And uploading are one of those comments as well. But you can't do this with one account. You need tohave either hundreds off different friends. Oh, you can go and do something very simple. You can promote opposed. Take a look at this. So the top one over here is a promoted post. It goes above anything else over here. Why should you go and use? Let it take a look at how many people are posting comments in all those that means oil. People are interested in it. Those millions of people who are using why that at any given time. So one thing I do suggest for you is to do a specific sorge for the topic that you want to go and post things in. So let's go and check out Boggs. Prague is a type of dog, in case you don't know what's type it in place on soldier and see what kind of things are trending. So here it is. There was a bunch of different post that have to do with bugs themselves. And one thing I'm working at is the locations that those specific Post are posted in. So that's one thing that you want to figure out, which are the exact locations for you to go and to post this comment in. Now, if you're not getting anything for the specific thing that you're using, maybe they keep all this to niche, so you have to go and check a different kind of cute. Now there was a bunch of different subway edits that we connect to use So those sub whether it's for dogs, so I'm gonna be subscribing to that. Another one is the following buggies gifts. I guess that's another one. Hewas well, so this one has 8000 subscribers. This one has 40,000 subscribers to this and down one has 29,000. So what's going to see which one has for dogs and see how many rabbits for them actually exists. So for dogs, there's 40,000 people who is discovered to that. And this one As we hunted 79,000 that's coming to the specific one. So by subscribing yourself, do it, you're going to get notifications and things about this. Next thing you want to go and do is to pass on the subreddit on the posting. I'm working. It is trying to figure out which ones are actually trending in the specific side rabbit. And this one has the featured one, which is all the way at the top here, which are stony, eight different worlds. And he was the 1st 1 goes with 354 different worlds and nine different comments. Someone to see which one is going on right here. So somebody got this specific one trending and hell is the wink to it. So this one has behind the 54 different points because it has a bunch off upwards to it and 97 puts in a way watered it positive up. So that's why it is we're trending in that specific category. So your next task is to go and create your own Promoted said to Abbott in here. So he was one of this promoted. I doubt on the way the top and you can up with this or you can down vote this specific one . She I just down voted to free. So here it is. This is the promoter one and we want to promote their own one as well. To promote one, you have to start off reddit ads and with whether that you can go and promote whatever you think that you're promoting And let's say, for example, we're promoting something that we want to sell as an affiliate. We can easily do this with around it adds. So let's go and co. Either campaign would heal my campaign interest. It is gonna be dogs right down. I'm typing in dogs and nothing is matching trying dog like you and nothing is matching as well. So next thing I'm gonna be doing is trying to see which are trending within those categories. So next thing I'm gonna be actually looking for is rewarding existing things that are already a category in it. So those are the big categories. So there was one about Pat's, we can add to it. He'll and there was another one about animals, so it's add those up. Now let's go and see if there's anything about dogs and they don't have that interview, So it's not used that. So the next thing we're going to be doing is targeting the specific sub who edits something , habits that targeting is gonna be dogs. So we got one already, which is great vocation. Let's find the country that will be using just gonna be United States like you. Now we want also your weaken due in New York State. We can do it in New York City, so we're adding that as well, and you can exclude the one you don't like. So let's go and exclude one. And let's say we don't want anything to do with one specific state such as Florida. So we're gonna be excluding for the other and the same thing of subreddit. We are including dogs and we're going to be excluding something else that we don't want to be included in here. So this is just an example for you, and you can do the same thing with interest as well and what he want to do all mobile devices. The next thing we're doing is targeting the exact time off the day and the week that we want a target. So over here we want to target the most and best time that we think the people about audience are going to actually watch those ads. So it's filling up, and to fill it up we have to do is just to keep on pressing on it. If you want to go and fill up the whole thing is just person it once and just school all the way down and drag it, so it should keep on feeling up the rest of the day. So he would is the audience somewhere. Four days We're talking the United States bats and animals someone. It is dogs excluding Why that's is none. And so on the schedule and budget for the specific Add the business to box. The budget is 20 and the budget period is every single day. Now that we're done with this specific time. Now we're moving into the project itself, so it is to box for your force 1000 impression, and that's the bid for that now If you don't like the bid going for this high, you can set it for a different kind. Overvalue. So the cheapest bid that you can go for is actually 20 cents pull bid. And for the budget, you can spend his widow as far box for day. Now, you can want this continue C starting today and you'll be spending six bucks full day on the specific campaign we checked. Yuriko sto Actually 20 cents pull impression passed the budget off five box. Nothing that you can do is to go and set that come in, start in ended so you don't get actually overcharge. So this one is going for actually a month, some paying for it. So this one is going for a whole entire amount and payment. So it is 100 92 box, so that's a lot of money. So if you want to spend this much money instead, we're gonna limit it 22 days, which is only 18 box. The next step for us to do is to choose their creative. You're going to be typing it in as my creative, or you could just name it whatever you actually break and you have two different wings that you can do a link post. Oh, you can do a textbook stealing post. I think it's much better than that exposed because it's more likely when somebody presses on it. It goes directly to the location you wanted to go, which is gonna be your few its site. Now you can have our comments on the Post, but I don't do is suggest it because it distracts people from going directed to the occasions that they will just keep on commenting to it. Although it is going to get it more likely to be trending, yours is already going to be trending because it is a promoter twisting. So there was no reason for you to really do that. The headline itself has to grab attention. So check out this amazing deal. And here is their wink. So even post with a wink, you actually need Teoh. I'm just gonna post This is an example, but they composed whenever I think you want, including their feud going to this The image he was the mobile image and the time image. You just have to pass on to you and pick the image We're gonna be actually using. And now I have to have a small mini image as well someone we post in. Both of them are now. One thing to keep in mind is take a look at what happened here. That thumb nail image looks very nice. The mobile image does not. So you probably are better off taking a new screen shot off this and replacing it until you find one that actually gonna work for you. So if this one doesn't walk your price on it again and you find a different kind of image and you posted instead So this one looks with a bed battle over here in the previous section, you're going to see how it actually looks like all in and asked out. That's how it's gonna look like you when in Bubble is gonna look like that. And a mobile Compaq is gonna look like this. So if I don't like the way it works on the mobile, Coward, go back right here and I'm gonna be actually switching this one around. So let's see if it looks a little battle. So mobile card, it still works. Not good. So we have to switch that on land. So there we go. This is all you have to do to get started with your Reddit campaign ads, and it totally suggests we to want it for a few days and see if you get any results. 22. Google Ads quick setup: in this video. Be sure you have to start your own Google AdWords campaign today so you can get started making money on wine fast and easy and Google AdWords is the force and one of the best places for you to get started advertising on the line. It has been there before Facebook before. Read it before any other paid campaign. And there's one of the best places for you to get the best possible exposure for your problem that you're actually selling. Forcing after, though, is to person. Start right now, it's going to link you to Google AdWords, and the most important thing that you have to do next is to put your website in here. Let's go and do that. One of the most important things when you're putting your website is to make sure you use the correct website every single time because it's gonna remember whatever campaign you started and it's going to go back to it again. So it is kind of like your password and including with your email account. So let's go in place and continue. So the next thing we're gonna be doing is setting up are forced. Edwards Campaign it's question campaign force. There's a lot of different choices for us to pick form, but the best one of the most government want for what we're doing is gonna be caught shopping. You can pick out the ones as well and experiment with them. But I find shopping is best for the same campaign and the best type of campaign that we're doing for us now. Over here, we can rename it instead of campaigning to do something more creative. That has to do with what you're doing. But I'm going to just leave it as is. The title devices is gonna show ads on every device possible, so you don't have much choice over here. Next thing is location, so you can tell Get directed a location you want to actually target. When Target New York City Just type in new yolk and we're reaching 23 million people. If you want to target a specific country, you can do this as well. So it's 12. Yeah, and began. A lot of different keywords weaken target direct different places that are called Australia or anywhere within the country itself. You can also add more than one occasion if they actually want. Oh, so we can add New York. We can add us enjoys as well or any other place that you work. So we're targeting two different locations at once. Another thing is location options and different choices we have for this medal. Weaken target. People searching in that are interested in this specific item. And they were in that location. All those people who are in the target location. It's self who live in that city. Of course, we can also target people who's searching for my targeted location. That's not the commander, So let's go. Whatever their commanders to actually do. One thing we can do here is to choose how we're bidding for this specific item. We can maximize that quicks themselves, automated or for you. And here is the bid Ouimet. So if you don't want it tow bill over a certain amount, make sure you put the highest possible amount you're willing to pay for it. I'm not willing to pay anything more than a buck for this, but if you want to go super cheap, you can. But I don't think you're gonna get any bids whatsoever for that specific amount. You can test it out and see what's going to actually happen. You can do targeted and with targeted your pressing on put sent on the tones forward you can set any percent you want and hand CPC and this one stategy is unavailable for what you're actually doing. So it goes back to automated now, the fourth bid for us and the bid itself and it's all gonna be you don't know really? What did the fort bid at the moment is you have to look at the keyboards just to find out how much you have to pay for it. My budget for this wonderful day is gonna be just a buck Cleveland Mefford And this one's kind of cool you can deliver that adds, and you can do live with them anyway you actually want. So do not optimize the little your reds and you spend the items about quick. Oh, and you can order the budget bill a very fast so standard is actually the best way schedule . You can schedule the start date, the end date. What they want to start this where they would end this and then you can always change this . Rado If you don't really want toe, so it's have a today. Next thing you can do, and this is kind of cool. You can set up the days of the week this and is connect you on. You can do specific days. You can do like the whole week, even set up specific time, and you can even set up directed the time you want. Plus, you can do army time. If you actually desire, which is 24 hour cloak schedule, it's person save and continue, and it's asking us to create a motion account, so make sure you link this to directed to your motion account. Otherwise, you won't be able to continue with this to create your motion account. It's going quiet, simple for you to actually do so. So let's go and posting and the link that count to a motion account. So now let's go use that Google keyword panel of Google keyword panel. You can go and search for anything you actually want, and it is awesome so you can find anything you want and you can find what kind of demand is for any of those storms. For example, cat and now you have to have a wedding page do this. So what's going to have a landing page to this? He was my friend Paige, and that's gonna be to it. Oh, you can definitely get a different kind of categories with them, or all can go is combine whatever you actually want. So let's get some ideas here. If you're searching for CAT, we will find all the terms if you want for them, including what is their sort and how much from volume happens every single month. So every single Monta is one million to 10 million people who are searching for the competition is very well, which is good, and the bid is super low. So that's great. And then it gives us a lot more ideas for us to actually useful. So kittens bo adopt in that has a higher competition. Cats for sale is even higher. The bids themselves are not this high, some of them Ohio the nozzles. As you can see this one night, he'll can't bleeds is a door 87. So instead of you experimenting and trying to find out what is exactly the bid that you should be using, you can just go and find the actual bed right here. And then you can go a little bit higher than it. So they suggested bid is 52 cents. You should go into 50 free sent. If you actually want to get actual bids for your product and overbid the competition, the higher you go up, then the suggested bid, the more likely you're going to get a high quality amount off people clicking on your product. And you want high quality people too quick on it. As always, you'll be wasting money. If you waste money, you're gonna get nothing done. And nobody is gonna buy the product that you actually sound. So another thing we can do is search for something very similar to the same exact thing that we sort before. Okay, after this person, get a dios, and now we're gonna see what kind off So it exists for this one. So this is great for finding the exact amount off the bids that we have to do forward the competition, how much people searching for those keywords, and if we should actually use it, we can go and do a lot more extra things. You as well present keyboard photo and find out an impression. So this is the port sent we had before keyboard options. We can go and change this as well. There was a lot of cool things you can do with that Google keyword planner, but this is great to get your feet wet to get you started to teach you how to do a simple Google Edwards. So now it is your turn to go about and start your own Google AdWords for the Shopify account and see how much sales you can do using the methods. I just thought you in this video. 23. Domain Name Essentials: Hello and welcome back to our class. Now, one of the most important things when it comes to taking your business to the next trouble is to have a domain name registered for the name of your shop. And it has to be related to the niche off the items that you're selling in the shop itself . Since I'm gonna be selling dog noses in my shop, I have to have a domain name that is related to dog things and magnets together. Now, as you can see here. And one thing I did do is to eat my own domain name and where you stood forward. So, for example, instead of somebody going in and having to type this huge domain name, all they have to do is to type in max left dot com going in hell and it the way their acts them deal acted. My Etsy shop. Now, why is this great? What? Take a look at this. Look how long the original domain name is for this. It's coming directly format. See, you have to type in everything that you see right here. It is long. People can remember this. It doesn't work well for your business card. And because of that, having you under me name is a vital thing that you have to do in order to take this shop and together what, most serious with it. So the first thing you want to do is to go toe go, Daddy, that come and over hell, you have to come up with something that has something to do. And we waited with the niche that you're gonna go and sell things with. And because I'm selling dog noses Dog knows is the thing that I'm gonna be searching for over here. What person? Soldier domain. Now we're gonna get a bunch of different domain names for us. Toe will use. Some of them are pretty cool. Such as Pat that come another one? Is that dog? Well, I could have used those as well, but the original one is the one that always looking for, Which is that? Come, there was a bunch of different names for us to pick form since I already bought one. I'm just showing you how to go about and finally for you, in case you wanted to find one. So there was a while names for you. to go full and trying to pick. If this doesn't work, you can go and make a space. Wasn't so much again and see what does the suggestions this actually gives you. There's all kinds of extension for you to pick form. Since I want something to do with a dog, I can do that that come, dog that come and heal and so on. But they do really suggest for you to become a legitimate business. Dot com is well, everybody wants toe have names for think about big businesses themselves. They don't use any other extension. And the end except at dot com. Everybody wants that dot com that is the domain. Just go for all the time. They should be always your force choice. Don't try to save money or not get creative enough. One thing you can always do is add free votes together. So dog knows Mac Net. Something like that is gonna walk out. Belden Just Dog knows present such again by having free different names combined. You're more likely to find results for you now when it gets too big like this. It's not a great deal, so let's go and come up with something even more creative. So if we d dog knows present such once again And here we go we d dog knows is that come is available for 11 99. Now, if you don't think this is big enough of a discount for you go easily to Google, type in. Go Debbie Code 2017 and you're going to get some really nice awful was over here that you can actually use, including Take a look at this, a bunch of different codes that we can just grab over here and check them out. Now, if you're not creative enough and you can't think over a good name for yourself, you can go to this site which is named Master. Come and come up with something, What we hear the dog knows like hell, price and Generate. And it comes up with a lot of different names that I can pick from so similar ones new ones , short ones, fund ones extra in mixes. And a lot of them are pretty good ideas for me to actually pick and use. So if you're into the dog knows business, this is great for you. If you're in a different kind of niche business. Go and come up with something else. Make sure the Legislature is actually go. Daddy, If it's not go Daddy and you're using something else such as Bull Host will type in blue Host and President generate. And you can do this as well. Now next step for you is going to go and by their domain name from Go Daddy. So let's go back to go daddy godaddy dot com became de go nose. That's the one we actually want. And here it is that secretary available for 11 99. That's really cool and took out to Adele and it has been added. Continue to call it And now what we can do here is go food this. So there was privacy protection, which we really don't need. It's just a waste of money. All those extra services continue without those option Now thinks I doubt, and you continue it hell, and it gives you the ability to buy this for five years. Now, remember, we went back to the former code. This is for you into the promo code right here to get the big discount. You know, when a pay 70 the box. Now when it comes for you to figuring out how long you want to be in business for, some people think, Hey, 10 years. Well, maybe that's better. I'm gonna save a bunch of money by getting it for a longer period of time. You're not saving a bunch of money. Let's say, for example, your niche changes your business change or you decide you don't want to do this anymore. I suggest two years to use is a good enough time for you to start this business. Do it. And if you decide you don't want to do this anymore or you want a different kind of name, change it. If you're somebody who constantly goes full and changes names, identities and so on, it's not a good idea to do this. But if you're somebody like this and you think you can come up with a better name way, the one in the future just use one year instead. But you have to do next is to register, sign in and go to check out. And this is going to be the name that you actually be using Now. Once you create the name itself, you want to go inside the panel in go Daddy itself and placed on manage and I'm gonna be using Great white ape has an example. So over here, when they go into it, there is something that's cold managed connection. I'm gonna go wait inside the manage connection itself and connected to a different site Right now it is winked directed to my shop. If I store, I'm gonna go it now and the link it somewhere else Well, I'm gonna be linking It is gonna be toe, etc. Question that. See what he'll I'm gonna do. You copy and paste right there. So let's go over here. Copy the shop name Goto based. Right now I'm gonna be pressing next. And if it was unfinished, what's gonna happen is when somebody is gonna go to that Web sites name, it's gonna redirect them directing to my answer shop White. I want to do this. Well, if I'm creating business cards, that will be called Great White eight. Which is gonna be the name of my shop. If somebody goes toe my specific shop, they were gonna go and gonna get redirected to my answer shop instead, it's going to save them time and not a lot of people can go about and right down this whole entire name. It is long and actually holds your business in the long on. You want to have a short domain name that is easy to use and you can use them on and business card. 24. Great job you completed this course: Thank you so much for taking this course. It took me a few months to actually create this class. Since you're taking this course, I want your feedback. I need to live use for me. I need to know what you think off this class. How well it was. How much did it help you and what you think in general, about this class and about my teaching method? If you like, this goes make sure to what others didn't know what you think of this class itself by writing your own honestly view. So let me know everything that you think this class is all about with that said thank you and see you on the inside, But