1. Self Introduction: Hi, my name is Target. I will native Japanese shooter. I can teach Japanese by using English, any Chinese. Because Astro, my English level, my TOEIC score is a 100. What's more? I have a license, so a way to just get a level six. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me a hub tissue soon. As you very much debt packet is, what does your homework on a give us speak, I guess. Well, that's you are able to tube or promote Scott debt, the homo pseudo quadratic. He must announcing that up A1C, do our point cuckoo shock, danger to book ammonia to do up h squared or q or use data kindness. And you guys, it's a MongoDB. None demo what you got to Niki did when I say an attenuator cost or penalty munis steam us.
2. Asking for directions: Lesson 1, asking for directions. Japanese theme is how does sound has two other codecs come? Where is how the Son House? First of all, let's check does kick towards English subtitles. In this time, Chris focused on understanding, oh, sorry, let's begin. How does he said? Okay, next time, That's check-in desk eat quiz japanese subtitles. In this case, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how I would do read it. Let's begin. Okay, then let's check that vocabularies from Netscape. First word is semi mass M. It means, excuse me. And next word is how do some house. So how does townhouse it is just a name that sharing house. And the next word is Don't go. Don't go means where. For example, your quote is called. This sentence means, excuse me, where it's Tokyo Station, semi months in Tokyo and you want to put it, it's gone. And that's the example sentence is here. Cinemas. And let's put on whether what is COP, excuse me, where is the restaurant? So another example of sentences here. Semi Mohsen, got Collado, good esco, excuse me. Where is the school? Anyway? You can ask them place by using this wave semi Mohsen place. Well, they'll go Disco. So that's very useful crates. So please remember, do it. So let's check back to the vocabularies. The next word is out it actually on it doesn't have any specific meaning. This word is just express your surprising like, Oh, okay, so next word is OK, that's the book that she means. We, for example, bulk tank diva vaccine candidates. We are students. And another example sentence is here. Book That's UVA Pi shininess, VR, company employees. But actually hope that this word only men, use this word. So you need to remember this word as well. Here. This word, men and women, can use this word. So for example here, what does kindness? We are company employees, salaries, both expression Boccaccio and what the statute. So next word is booty, which he means home. And next word, cigarettes. Cigarette skype groups means very near. For example, are not done. We don't call them Scott. Where is your home? And that analogy rather corpuscle. And then you can non select that. Do to our cigarettes calculus. My home is very near. Not adequate ESCA Where is your home? Which you are cigarettes, calculus. My home is very near. And okay. So let's check. The next word is showing you is Shani, means to gather. And next word is it good? This word means go. For example. Here. Let's go together. This word is like here. It's showing you the Moscow we often use. This face is showing you must show pentagon together. So please remember to his race. Next word is close to t, means this way. For example, here. But that's, you know, diva called Judas. My house is this way, works in, for example, where is your home? Unorthodox, your Docker Desktop? And then you can ask, now, you can answer what astronauts you are called to this, my house is this way. So let's check the next word. High. So high means yes. And that's a basic word. So you're going to say hi or so high, it means yes and E means no. For example, Moscow. Feel they are in Japan. And you can now answer. Must admit yes, Island in Japan. Or you can say here, the whole single day must send. This sentence means, no, I don't live in Japan. So anyway, yes and a no is very basic response. So please remember both expression. Okay, let's back to the material. The last word is Legato was I unless you've got though was I must means, thank you very much. So actually I got the oversight, the polite expression. So you also can't say it like that. Just the idea that both, That's the casual version. So you can say a legato to your friends or family members, like the person who is close to you separately, remember both expressions. Anyway, that's the vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, you can understand how to pronounce the Japanese sent this. Okay, So please repeat after me that Pam said to me most n h2 cell has to adequately Scott. How do some house2 books touching know today on their cigarettes calculus. Is Shani schema show called 200. Hi, though it was a mess. Okay, so that seed, so that you can move on to the next section. In the key phrase Section IV or introduce Japanese grammar. This key phrases or biota asking for directions, example sentences. How do you somehow some other good esco? It means where his house and house. So let's check that explanation. To ask for directions, say placed law, local desktop. What is a topic market particle that comes out to a known? It's written as HA in Hiragana, but it's pronounced as Hua. Adding a desktop after the interpretative DLCO or where in the raising your intonation makes us question. So particle cup indicating a question. It's a particle that comes at the end of the sentence. It turns a sentence into a question, as in local desktop. Anyway, the point grammar is here placed, but Docker desktop. So you can ask about place. For example, are not done on up. Whereas your CD or not that moment shiva. Another example sentences here are not there, no Kaizala local desktop, wherever 0 company. Next sentence. I'm not gonna achieve other CodeSkulptor. Where is your home? Anyway? You can ask a place by using these grammar. Place, well, local desktop. Okay, then, so that's the next step. Next section. And this section really read that short dialogue which include key phrase we studied. So please repeat after me. Simon scent, play-doh adequately. Scott. Our so-called S. Okay, so points, tendencies ploidy about Docker Desktop. It means where is deployed it. For example, when you go to a Japanese restaurant or something, you can ask about plug by using this phrase, point about local desktop. Okay, so let's move on to the next. Try it out, try it out section. In this section, please try to translate three sentences into Japanese. The first question is, excuse me, where is the station? And the station is achy in Japanese. So at a time, the grammar is cinemas in place. Well, logo disco. And in this case, place is achi. So you can say like that, semi mass in Aikido CodeSkulptor, excuse me, where is destination? Semi ma send edu, other codecs. Got some tape. Okay. So let's check the next question. Excuse me. Where is convenience store? And a we say in Japanese, at a time, a place is convenient. So and so is here cinemas and convenient adequate ESCA excuse me, where is convenience store? Semi Mohsen company rather cortex can see. Okay, let's check the last question. Excuse me. Where is ATM and obese, say 80 and in Japanese? So as you know, the answer is here, semi mass than 80 and Nakoda, excuse me, where it's ATM, cinemas and AD MFA know what ESCA that t. Okay, so we can be run to the next section. In this section IV are introduced Japanese, he spoke place, experience, repeat after me. Legato was I must. This sentence means, thank you very much. This expresses gratitude. If you were thanking someone close to you, like a friend or family member. You can use a shorter version, ID Gato. Yeah, as I mentioned earlier, you can say aggregate go to your to your family members or friends like the person who is close to you. Okay, That seed. And in this section, I usually skip the kanji and the cultural section because conscious section just introduced there one word, I think it's useful. And culture section. This section introduce Japanese culture like the sound of a Japanese. But then all of the explanation is written by English. So you can understand yourself after the class. So we can skip this section as well. So let's check that on triptych, let's begin. Stands 634 meters high. The tallest building in Japan and attract visitors from abroad can buy a fast pass to reduce waiting time. So this bidder or intruders Tokyo's guide tree. So I make the example sentence. Toward your sky Docker Desktop. It means, excuse me, where is that? Tokyo's country. Semi Mohsen, Tokyo Skype that Eva ACOTEX got. Another example sentence is here. Semi Mohsen, Tokyo tele local desktop. X gives me wherever I see Tokyo TBA. So anyway, you can ask the place of the mid-sized things thoughts by using this phase, semi mass in place, whether cadenza, semi Mohsen, poco de la la, or Tokyo scribes lever up with ESCA, something like that. Anyway, that's the end of the lesson 1. Okay, so last three, let's quickly review the script with no subtitles. In this time frame is focused on understanding the whole story by japanese. Let's begin. Okay, Is your MSDN escape. Thus the end of the lesson 1. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for watching.
3. Introducing yourself with name and occupation noise removal: Introducing yourself which name and occupation? Japanese theme is Commodus GGAC. I'm Tom, I'm a student. First of all, let's check this kid's section with English subtitles. That's beginning to any nuts at all. Well, next time. But his focus on Japanese pronunciation and hard to read it through any nuts at all. Okay, so that's checked vocabularies from this gate. Okay, preserved beat out to me the first four days. As heard this word, this word means this sentence means welcome home. So paradigms and archive is the pair of phrases. So please remember both expressions. So next word, Karachi and next word, meaning, for example, it means he is a new resident. So a data sheet means new asphalt. Oh, you can say crudely, Catawba, who raise union. This is an old regiment. Right? So next word, scrip. Let's follow this word. Schemas. Though, gotten good schemas. That means I'll be there in five minutes. And another example sentences. I arrived stock company Chi Shannon schemas data. Word hi. Hi, it's a basic response. High means yes and 0E means now. Okay, so next word, yoke also. Ida, shadow. For example. Principia, Tommy, Yoko, solidous, seamus dot. It means welcome. So it has seamus dot is the Polite expression of the calm. For example, Kusama. This sentence means a customer came to the reception desk, Wilcoxon Aga, who get skinny. So it has seamus dot is the very important expression. You can say as varied as here, or gap. Some Aga, who PET scanning muster. A customer came to the reception desk. Bossa. Okay. So next word. So it doesn't have any specific meaning. This word express your surprising or something like o. So the next word is dot, dot. Dot, dot is just Japanese English. So we say Nobel, DO. Okay, so next word is, so for example, another one, Nihon homogeneous ska. I knew Japanese. And then you can answer like that. High. So this, yes, that's right. So solidus means that's right or just that? Yes. Okay. So next word is oh, yeah. All we are is just a noun which means none load or done. The lady. Next word is, has remained much debt. This word means nice to meet you. And next word, digoxin. And thus word euro schooling IS schemas. For example. What does she know my title this omega is that's the basic introduction. So when you meet someone firstly, you can say like that, had Jimmy Master Hua had all this. The other Schroeder guys, she must. Ok, that's the vocabularies. So let's move on to the next skit section. Okay, so let's practice to read the whole sentences together. For is repeat after me. Today, fema has done a data sheet tuning scheme, osteo high. Yoko, so he does shine mashed up. A Nobel DO SO ALL y'know Hudson, this has you may master Commodus, GSC fairness, your otoconia guys schema's. Okay, then let's move on to the next section. Today's key phrases about introducing yourself with name and occupation. Example sentences, Commodus, GSC status. It means I'm Tom, I'm a student. Okay. Let's check explanation. As a name or occupation desk. This comes after a noun to make a sentence in EVA BTS or a is b. A is the atomic core subject and be explains that in the key phrase that Eva part, which is what does Shiva or IM is omitted. Okay, so next sentence, omitting the topic or subject. If the topic or subject is clear from the context, it's often left out. For example, what does fema or chi m can be omitted to Roma self-introduction. So just the Talmud is, is fine. No need to say, what does she want, Tom oDesk or I'm town. For example. Here. Is that the original incentives? What does Shiva Tom and guess, what does fema Praxiteles? When new introduce yourself at a time, the counterpart and their stand, you are talking about yourself. That's why you don't need to say, let us Shiva again, again so we can omit the subject. So you can say like that, Commodus, Kock says that seat. So another example sentences. Hello, this this, this sentence means I'm thorough Island office worker, but as I mentioned earlier, you can omit the subject. So you can say like that had all this keychain desk that OK. So let's check. You visit section. So please repeat after me. Hasn't made much debt. Another's GSC status. Hejinian master Suzuki does. In this case, they are introducing themselves. So that's why they can omit bear subject. The woman said has remained much the unnoticed rock theaters. Although originally sentences but as Shiva, unnoticed, but that's Shiva, GSC, fair, that's omitted that subject. So you can say under this galaxy that's, that's fine. So he also said like that, Suzuki deaths, the original sentence. Bypass Shiva since the cadets, but he also omitted the subject bypass Shiva. So you can just say siliceous. Okay, so let's check that right out section. The first question is, nice to meet you. I'm Thomas, I'm accompany employee. Tomas is so we say tall masses. And the company employee is kind shine. At the time. You can say like that has remained much death toll mass. It is high shininess because original sentences, but that's Shiva TO massless. But as fema can shine this, either you can omit the subject. So has remained much Tomas this kind shine desk, that's okay. As full. Hello. Hello means cognitive up. For that's why accurate translation is. It's nice to meet you time Thomas, I'm a company employee, has remained master tall, massless, constraint S. Okay, so let's check the next question. Nice to meet you. I'm Erin. I'm a teacher. Her name is aiding in Japanese and occupation is Cauchy in Japanese. So as you know, the answer is here. Hazard may master adding this Kelsey deaths. That's fine. She omitted the part of law, Bathsheba. So that's dividing this up as she like geology, this is P originary centers. You can omit the subject. So adding this Kelsey desk, that's fine. Okay, so let's check the last question. Hello. I'm sin I'm an engineer. His name is Shin in Japanese and his occupy one is Tanzania in Japanese. As a you know, answer is here, has remained Master Ching, this engineer, this. That's fine. He also omitted the subject. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. Please repeat after me. Guys, schemas. It means nice to meet you. You scientists to a person who will be taking care of you. It's often used in self introductions. If the person you're speaking to, a friend or someone younger than you, you can shorten it to just so the auto-scaling eyes she must if they polite expression. You also can say to your friends or family members, like the person who approves close to you. Okay. So that's checked out. Paper. That's speaking Japanese bow instead of shaking hands with someone for the first time. On TV shows respect can also bound to apologize or show gratitude. In Japan, the Japanese day. Okay, so let's make the syntax homogeneous. Hiroshima. That's the Japanese culture. Nihon Geneva, Virginia, she must Japanese people bowed. But Demo, the homogeneous Muslim. But to Japanese do not shake hands. Okay, let's read whole sentences. The Han Geneva or genealogy mass demo, Nihon Geneva, Hiroshima. Japanese people doubt, let the Japanese people do not shake hence. So that's reviewed, escaped with no subtitles. In this time, please focus on kinda stunning hosts over by Japanese. Let's begin that. I'll see you soon enough. Trust at all. Okay. Did you understand this kid? That's the end of a lesson to introducing yourself is name and occupation. I hope you learned something new from the lesson. Thank you for watching.
4. Saying where you're from: Less than three. Sang radio from Japanese C means lucky Master. I'm from Vietnam. First of all, let's check that skater with English subtitles. This time, please focus on understanding the whole story. Let's begin with the title, GSC status, mandamus. So next time, phrase focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin our GSC status than Demosthenes. Okay, then let's check the vocabulary is from the skied. Okay, please repeat after me. The first word is Haxan. Next word is taboo. For example. Some doing it. This sentence means please eat a lot. Toxin tablet in. Another example sentence is clear. Axon long dinner, present drink a lot. And another example sentences here, like Sun Yat-sen Dennett. Please play alone. So let's check the next word, High. And next word, Beethoven. Beethoven is a kind of Japanese English. This word comes from Vietnam, occurs. Japanese word doesn't have R and B pronunciation. That's why we just play like they don't like that. So let's check the next word, critic. And next word, chew or good. For example, here, show you what this sentence means. I came from China. I came from China. And you also can set like that to vocal candidates. This sentence means I am from China. So you can, you can use both expressions. So next word, shushing God. Beaucoup. For example. What does Sheila? Shushing contests? The sentence means, I'm a photographer. What does Shiva? And next word. God, means a student. For example, o PVA, GSC status. I'm a student. Vocalized accelerate as another example, sentences here. Beaucoup archive shininess. I'm a company employee. And now another example sentence, it's here. Woke up Congo sheet as I am a nurse. Actually this word is a little bit weird because this word, Wolcott, only meant to use this word. And this word XY. Man and woman can use this word. So that's why that's for the sentence I mentioned earlier. This is better than that recipe that after me. But that's Shiva Congo. She does. I'm a nurse. So let's make let's check the material again. The next word is what actually, what actually means pi. And then that's applied expression. And the next word is oh yeah. Oh yeah. Is London load for lunch lady for example, laptop. She oh, yeah. This precipitate after me. What tax? Shiva. Oh, yeah. This this or this sentence means I am alone load or I'm a London lady about curves. So let's check the next one. None demo. She dated. For example, carnal job, cardinal Java. Run them all day mass. This sentence means she knows everything. So kindled job means xi. As xi. You get, say, cut it. Caracalla, non-members, famous. He knows everything. So next word, sold as current, IC. For example, caravan and the most famous. And then you can say here. So let's go. I see, okay. That. Okay, there next word, euro Schoning ice sheet mass. This sentence means, nice to meet you. For example. What does Shema cut all this. So when you introduce yourself, you can use this phrase, what that schema Totto, this Jurafsky coding. I, she must. My name is tolerable. It's nice to meet you like that. That's the vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, let's practice to read whole sentences together. Please repeat after me. Tomlinson, taxon tablet. Enter. High candidates. They don't undercut lucky Masdar is true book candidates. Hashing Perez. Vocal archival duck status. But actually all y'know, Herodotus. None demonstrate Amos saw discard your logical schemas. Okay, that's it. So let's move on to the key phrase section. This key phrases about saying where you're from. Example sentences. Beethoven mechanically mashed up. It means I came from Vietnam. That's checked explanation to say where your phone is place, Qatar chemostat. Kata is a particle that indicates the starting point or place of origin. Key mashed up is the past tense of the verb Kuti or to come. You can replace this with this and say, they don't have the Kennedys or I'm from Vietnam. Ok. Asking where someone needs from, say, Lucida candidates go or where your phone DO cheetah is an integrative meaning where there is more flights than Telco. For example. Don't Sedaka, aka the TSCA. Where from? You can answer. For example, gotta key mashed up. I came from Japan or the home candidates. I'm from Japan. One k, another example sentences here. Or maybe from Cara to mash it up. I came from the United States of America. America karaoke mashed up. Or you can say like that. A medical Canada's I'm from the United States. So you can express the Where are you from, where you're from. Right? So let's read a short dialogue which include a key phrase we studied. Phrase repeat after me, and don't cheat, aka disco America karaoke Master. So they'll Jidoka disco mean-square from He answered, America, lucky Master. The grammar is just that place. Jackie master. So you can say are mainly Calcutta, the mushed up. That's a. So next time please try to translate three sentences into Japanese. The first question is, I came from Thailand. Titan is high in Japanese. So at a time the grammar is place. Cuda Key Master. So here, pica, lucky Master is the answer. Naturally, I'm from Titan. It's a little bit wrong with translation. This is like, Hey goddess, because she mashed up, means cane. So high got lucky Master is I came from Highland. That's the difference. Let's check the next one. I'll change from Brazil. And we say in Japanese. So that's, you know, whoever is place collecting my stuff. And in this case lays this throughout. So answer is you cut out to master. So see, you also can say just, I'm from Brazil or we'd actually your candidates of Rect. So let's check the last question. I came from Russia and we say those Shia in Japanese. So uncertainty Whew, no shear collecting master. And as you know, we also can say, I'm from Russia, those share candidates. It's also OK. That's it. That's the Tried out section. So let's check the bonus raise. Please repeat after me. Soldiers got saw discussed is a response that acknowledged acknowledged. You understand what the person you were talking to had said, be sure not to raise your intonation at the end of the sentence. So you can say solidus got that take. For Japanese pronunciation is very flat. So you can say so this got okay, so that's checked. Trip did begin in Japan hands un, without waiting to be asked to wipe your hands before meals. In the ocean body might be cold in winter. And so here in Japan, most orbits or restaurants or chivalry and water and the grantee spoke free. So you can ask the club like that schema send outside. This sentence means, Excuse me, please give me a Aussie body. Ok. So all chivalry is a kind of hungry TO, We use it before eating the meal. Another example sentence here, cinema sense or musically downside. Excuse me. Please give me a water. Semi Lausanne or music could assign. One more example. Sentence, cinema send or Jacqueline aside. Excuse me, please give me a green Ricci. Yeah, like that. You can use these three sentences in the Japanese restaurant. Okay, so lastly, that's great. Review does speak to is no subtitles. In this time where his focus on standing whole story by Japanese. Let's begin. They don't duck status than Demosthenes. Okay? That's the end of the lesson three, saying where your phone. I hope you learned something new from this lesson. Thank you for watching.
5. Saying what you're going to do: Lesson four, saying what you're going to do. Japanese theme is diagram could be Hongo bank, your schemas. I'm want to study Japanese university. First of all, let's check that skeet towards English subtitles in this time frame is focused on understanding the whole story. Let's begin. I got cuddle hormone. Okay, next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and hard to reject that speaking. Gilligan. Okay, then let's check the vocabularies from the skate. Please repeat after me. The first word is the next word is for example. This sentence means, where is this? Another example sentences here. Cordova Autonoma de s. This is okay, Nala. Nala is 1000 Island in Japan. Okinawa. This next word, Okinawa. And the next word means just like icy, okay. Like that. Okay, so next word is name of the place and it kills. But kilter used to be kept out of Japan. For example, here. This sentence means character is very beautiful place to demo today. Another short list and another sentences, shorter one, which was the capital of Japan. To data like that. Okay, so let's check the next word for demo. You are so beautiful and not tomato, tomato. So K means a, beautiful, means Qd. And underwater thermal colliders. You are so pretty or You are so cute. Okay, so that's checked and X1. So this net so, so this is, I think Secretary or IC, like that. Next word is the home. 90. Suit. For example. I'm not going to do in Japan. Another one, you Honda and annual human skull. Headed for example. I'm going to embark to Japan to study Japanese beta1 xi one Nihon debt, the Hongo, thank goodness. Okay, so X4 is diagonal in the home. They go through that. So you can say it like that. Then the home World Bank, Joshua's IU studied Japanese at the University. The particle that express that place. So a dagger cadet means in Aalto University. So diagraph within the home call Banco schema's. Okay, so let's check the next word. E. E means clip. So you can say like that. It sounds good. That's good. Ida snuff like that. So next word is high. Shimmy. Shimmy is looking forward to. So I'm looking forward to it. And another example sentences. Another tiny yes. I'm looking forward to meeting you. And Nathaniel. Tunnel Civitas. So that's the vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. Okay, so let's practice to read the whole sentence together. Please repeat after me. Yoko desktop, Okinawa, this photo, this multi-day that CEO sold as snare, sound money, Honda nanny, OC Moscow, diagram, could any homebuilding Joshi must eat SNN. Hi, panache images. Okay, that's it for this practice to read whole sentences again, again. So let's move on to the next phase. The key phrase is about saying what you're going to do. Example sentences. Danica, credenza, Nihon will thank your schemas. It means I am going to study Japanese at the University. So let's check the explanation. To express what you're going to do. Use that verb is in massive form that ended with mass, such as Ben Qian schemas or IV study. This form is used when speaking planetary. There is a particle indicating a place, and o is a particle expressing the object. The verb comes at the end of the sentence. Okay? So various groups, berber groups and the conjugation, the basic form of a verb is called dictionary form because that is a way they are listed in dictionaries. Examples, color or to buy or to eat, and eventually oscillate or to study. Okay, but verbs, I divide it into three groups based on how they are conjugated. Group one, Berg's is n, the width and the 2P part, it's conjugated. They appear in firms like car or to buy, nominate, or to drink and what to go. And to make a Muslim from the dictionary form of curriculum births change that. Adding a to E and massive. For example. Here, I'm going to buy food, have a mono hyenas. Or you can send bypass Shiva. M10 Chi must find one to buy food. So you can omit the subject. Like you can omit the part of the lattice shiva. So that's the same meaning. So another example of sentences, what does Shiva has? I'm going to buy the clothes. Okay? So that's the group one. And the one more example sentences. Shiva, mommy mass. I'm going to drink the beer. What does Shiva B20 normally mass? Or you can say like that. What does Shiva lying on amoebas? I'm going to drink wine. But as Shiva flying Janani mass like that. Okay, so let's check the group to group two verse and with new and ending with conjugated. They appear in forms like me do over to Duke and Tibet or to eat. So as full group two, you can change the blue ending to massive like covariate to have a massive like that. So for example, potash schema, update. The massive, I'm going to watch. I'm going to see opera. But as shiva of data, all the massive and a one-way example sentences about it out. So for example, I'm going to eat the pizza. What does Shiva Pisano. And X1 is what does Shiva Nihon new audio tab a mass. I'm going to eat Japanese who like that. So let's check that group three, group savers, irregular conjugations. There are only two of them. Could it, or to income and a city, or to do. So groups, three verbs conjugated as recruited to Kim, us, and the city to schema's that take for example, does she know commonest she got Nihon schemas. So my friend is going to Japan. But national Tomonaga, eco Nikki mass, like that. Yeah, my friend is coming to Japan. Ok. Another example is citric acid, for example. But that's Shiva. For example. I am going to do basket or I'm going to play basketball. Ok, So another example sentences. But as she got she must, I'm going to play double or I played baseball. What Bathsheba, washing massive. So by the way, I spoke with a massive form, it must form of verbs can be used to express what you're going to do, as well as your current habitats and the genuine artifacts. So as for the sentence, but as fema, the IQ or she must. So for example, what does Sheila hold cargo Que all Shimazu. In this case, this meaning is, I'm going to play baseball after the school. So in this case, this sentence express what you are going to do. But that's for this sentence. Potassium I arcuation mass. That's the kinda of January facts. So please remember, the Muslims has several meanings like what you're going to do or colorant habitats and the general thoughts. That's the point. Okay, let's check uses section. Let's read a show dialogue which include a key phrase we studied. Please repeat after me. The Honda and annual she Moscow Chi mono schemas. So what are going to do in Japan? The Honda nanny, OCI Moscow. And then you can answer, I'm going to go shopping K10 schemas that date. So let's check out section. Restaurants. Please translate three sentences into Japanese. First sentences, I'm going to eat tempura. Ten put up in Japanese and it must form of IIT is have a massive. So grammar is object or verb. So in this case, you can say like that, pen Buddha, Tipitina's right object is ten feet up. And you want to say, I'm going to eat, you need to use multiple. So have a mass. Ten. Gammas is the answer. Okay, let's check the next question. I'm going to see Kabuki. I'm going to see Kabuki. And, uh, we say, Kabuki must form of the sea is the massive. So you can say like that Kabuki, o, because o object, space cover key and the mass flow of C is massive. So you can say cafe keel schemas that state. So let's check the last question. I'm going to I'm going to buy souvenirs. I'm going to buy souvenirs. So souvenirs is Amir get and mass form of Debye is C90 massive. So as you know, answer is here. Or Miyagi. Oh, tiny, massive. For me I Gail kindness. That's the. So let's move on to the next section. The bonus phrases. Tunnel shimmy. It means I'm looking forward to it. Yeah, this is a phrase to express something you will happily expecting. So please remember this expression. So let's check the attributed. Let's begin. Costs by combines the words people put on half its octet. And historical trauma has found visitors to Japan can give it a try at rental shops and other places. So I can have is a famous phrase, famous place, which is a well-known that Barrett a cosplay or animation unmeasured culture. So for example, this sentence means, I'm going to hover around. But Bathsheba, Aki harbor a niche market schemas. And you can say, alright, I'm going to do cosplay. What Sheila, building Oshima, like that. So last three, that's quick review desk eat no savvy titers. In this time. Please focus and then it's time to get host Hillary by Japanese. Okay, then let's begin. Okay. That's the end of the lesson for saying what you are going to do. I hope you learned something new from the listen. Thank you for watching.
6. Saying how you studied Japanese: Lesson 5, saying how you studied Japanese. Japanese seem nice, Laszlo their pain killers. She much that it means I studied by listening to the radio. First of all, let's check. This kid who has English subtitles in this time is focused on understanding the whole story. Okay, So that's making money home. Hello, Daniela, but a sale. Okay, so next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Okay, That's became law. Can they sell any home goal agility they seal. Okay, so let's check the vocabularies from the heat. Okay, So basically it out to me, the first word is CO, and next word is gonna go. Okay, so I make the example sentence that here. Okay, basically delta me kilowatt got colder snare. Okay, great, good. At school today. So cho means today. Another example sentence, it's here. In precipitate out to me. Canola got cold dish than air. So it means it was cool. Yesterday, wasn't it? Okay, so Keynote means yesterday, kill me today. And the next example sentence, It's here. Okay, precipitate out to me. Stomach, I'm going to snap gray. So I started got cold as NA means Tomorrow. School tomorrow. Okay. Tomorrow, isn't it? I still I've got cold ESnet. So anyway, Kino means yesterday, kill me today, and Asda means it tomorrow. Okay, so let's check the material. And X1. And X1. So on our model doesn't have any specific meaning on ummah, means 0 and 1 and 0 index 1. Suited. Okay, so how does some ask them like that? It's very useful place for is if reach out to me. Those 10 desktop. So those done this go with what's going on or like, What's wrong with you, dosed on this cup. That's very useful phrase. So please remember to it. Okay, So next one, the homo. And the next one, scene by Thomas sun on certain like that. And you get periods here. Please repeat after me, ni home go vaccine by this. Good. It means I'm worried about my Japanese language. The homo got shamed by this. Okay. Right. Okay. So next one, Josie. Yeah. How does sound said TOM, the sound when the hobo Joel's SEO, your Japanese language is very good, very skillful. Okay, so at X1 E Madame, other Japanese people tend to use a kind of humble expression here. For is a great item. E, E is no, it's not enough. Yeah. Yeah. It is. So for example, like horizontal said, your Japanese language is very good. Your Japanese language is very nice. And then you can answer like, No, it's not enough. Ea, mother, mother is like that as a kind of humble expression. Japanese people tend to use these humble expression. Okay, So next one, bet Donna. And next one bank. And one more phrase, lazy or so here. Participate after me. But don't paint goes, she must stop. It means I started in Vietnam. They don't have Anki or she musta. So you can use the particle day to express the place like place that bank your semester, like BED DO number that bank yours too much stuff or like Nihon the bank your smashed up like that. So you can express both. So like how to means the bank goes much deeper. You can say like that, please repeat after me. Lazy or they're being killed, she mashed up. Good. It means I started studied it on the radio. Radio is not the place, just the means. How to Latvia. Oh dear, thank your smashed up. Or like you can see like that. It brings up enough the mean Internet bank your smashed up. It means I started it on the Internet clients. So another example of sentences like, here, Home Day, Bank, he or she must have started it by reading the book. Yeah. Like that. And you also can select that online, their Vanco so much that I studied it online. Anyway. You know, the particle that express the place or two. That's very important point. So, okay, that's it. Okay, so next one please repeat after me. Sorted data. And last one, dinosaur with right. So how does sounds like that? Okay, participate after me. Sodium, not a dye job with SEO. In that case, you'll be fine. So sorted data is like in that case. Or then leisure with SEO, you'll be fine. Okay, right, That's the vocabularies. So next time, Let's move on to skip section. So in this section, Let's try to read whole sentence together. Precipitate out with the meal pattern. Some Kolkata got cold, snap. Hi. I don't have those Tunguska. The homework as seen by this kinda settled my knee. Hongo Ojos Del CEO. Not amanda, this middle number, the bank goes down this row. High Laozi or the bank or she must have soda. Not a bad job of the CEO. Okay, Great. So let's move on to next the key phrase section. In this section, I were explained grammar of this lesson. Today's grammar is about saying how you study with Japanese example sentences like Laozi or then Banco, she mashed up. It means I studied by a listening material, radio kinds. So to express something huge deal in the past changed the end of the various Muslim must do masida like Bain Co, she mashed up. They're in luxury or they're in the case that means held to the subject, what does she want or I band the object, the home go, o or Japanese had been omitted to be caused. Be clear from the context. You know, like original sentences like, what does she need Hongo, last GOD, bank, he or she must die. But in this case you can omit the subject. What does she run? And object Nihon go because they are clear from the context. Okay, so let's check the next one. As for particle day in Laozi or the bank or she musta or I studied by listening to the radio, they indicates that means how to today, being diagonally debt bank your semester or I studied at the University shows the location of these examples, is that as these examples indicate, one particle can have different usage is yeah, as I mentioned earlier, like that photo. So let's make the synthesis. Okay, so again, particle death have to can express two meanings, like place or how to. So let's check the example sentence of place here. Okay, there is a great outcome. Me. Got it. Thank yo she mashed up. Good. And another example, sentences like here, repeat after me. Yeah, they're vague. Yossi mashed up. I started at home. And one more sentence. Here is beta me, Ashoka bank EEOC, much done. Re, means I studied in your library. So anyway, you can exploit a place like Gap go they rank your smashed up postural convivencia a chemostat yearly main door. She mashed up like that. Okay, so let's check the next example. Thin, dense like means held to here. Again, there is a greater after me online they make your smashed up. I stirred it online. So another example of sentences like here, where it's a bit of me got gold it Thank yo smashed up. Great. Yeah, I studied it up to school. I think we got coal can be the place that Google can be both place and means. Yeah, Got go debit, goes to Moscow. Or like you can say like that, repeat after me. Bank your semester. I started it in all my own. Yeah, I studied it myself. I like that anyway. So you can express that. Means like magic when demand goes to muster, myself Internet to their banker, smashed up on the internet. Last year. They've been smashed up on the radio. Home Deb angular. She must start by reading a book. Yeah, like that. So that's the point of this key phrase section. Both kinds. So let's check the showed dialog, which include a key phrase where he studied precipitate out to me. The home girl, boy at the bank or she must, aka Internet bank goes, you must stop. You know, you can ask by using this race though, yeah, that banjos must occur. How did you study Japanese? Doi up their from our stack up. So that means how? And then you can answer. You can answer. That means k by using the key phrase. Like Internet though they're Danko, she must have I'm sturdy on the Internet. Yeah. Like that. Okay. So let's move on to the next section. And this section, British tried to translate three sentences into Japanese as 4 first 1, iss 30 by watching anime. So we can say anemic in Japanese at a time. You know, the grammar is the means. Then Bengio, she mashed up and means is anemic. So you can say like that here. Anemia day pain killers. Yamashita, I studied by watching anemic anemia, did think he or she mashed up. Okay, good. So let's check the next one. I sturdy artist school. I started out to school. So in this case, you can express that place by using the particle there. So school is gonna go in Japanese. So can say like that, participated with Amy. Got go that bingo, she mashed up. Good. So you can express the place. Okay. So let's move on to the third one. I studied with books. In this case, this example sentence, express that means how to, okay, so held to its books or home in Japanese. So you can say like that precipitate out to me. And then being closely matched up. Good. I studied with figs home the bank, you're smashed up. Okay, great. You can translate three sentences into Japanese. So let's move on to the bonus raise. Okay, participate after me. Mother, mother, this great. It means no, it's not good enough. Yeah. This is humble expression like this. Somebody expression can be used when someone places you. Yes means no, and mother Madonna's means not enough. Yeah, as I mentioned earlier, Japanese people tend to use a kind of humble expression. Yeah, E Amanda motherless. For example, like your Japanese skew is very good. Mother, mother is. You are so beautiful and other volatile than Wikipedia the snap and then you can answer. No, it's not enough. Manner medallist. Yeah, like that. This is the handbook expression, so please remember this useful phrase. So lastly, let's review today to skied and what's more? Let's check the trip for video at the same time. Okay, so please focus on understanding host or in Japanese. Okay. Speaking Japanese. Give it a try. Yo got I got modest net on a law on this guy. And he humbled I can sell any home goal agility with SEO. They don't know. That's Yoda in calcium. Sudden that digestible day sale sign in your cheeks were flashing? I can read other people's feelings. When I noticed something, my cheeks fresh. Especially happy today. It's something that happens, actually, yes, and, but it's secret. Now on to the lesson, Tan said Nigel, their bank mish-mash that today we learn a phrase to explain how you learn Japanese bank Kailash much that means I studied there is a particle to indicates how. So by listening to the radio is not geodetic. Well, good sound, good essay. You home or maybe the bank Yossi mass. Then you got, could you make your smash that? Don't move? There's always more than one way to study Japanese, but I'd recommend AZ Japanese. Let's practice the pronunciation. That's your bank goes, she must stop. Now. Thank Joshi musta. Trip to today's tip is about sushi. What lies between the fish and rice is most amine. It has a sterilizing effect and masks any fishy smell. If you don't like wasabi, just ask for sushi without it. Today. It means a dream. But stick with it. An easy Japanese will give you all sorts of phrases you can use every day. Okay, it's up to you. That's the lesson 5. I hope you learn something new from this lesson. See you next time.
7. Checking where public transportation is headed: Lesson 6, checking where public transportation is headed. Japanese theme is called n-channel. You give agreed on the key Moscow. It means, does this train go to the cab approval? First of all, let's check this getaway singer subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding host story. Okay, Then let's begin. If you look at a lot. Yeah, I'm I'm not just saying this sound bouncy and this mass back. Okay, Next time we spoke some Japanese pronunciation and how to read it with speaking. All right. Good on you. You can look at a lot. Yeah. I'm I'm not just saying this act sound bouncing back at you got them. I find that. Okay. So let's check the vocabularies from this gate precipitate out to me. The first word is SME, Mohsen and X1. Hi. Hello. Then shop. Ikebukuro. The good. Okay, so I make the example sentence. It basically doubt ME. Collodion Chama, he gave a good ONE key, Moscow. It means that this train go to Cape of Good Hope, cold and shall I give it could only key Moscow. So Ikebukuro is the name of the training station. It is located in the center of Tokyo. And another example sentences here participate after me, homodyne, Shahla, Tokyo, need to Moscow. It Ms. Does this train go to Tokyo? Okay. So let's back material. Okay. Next one, e Yeah, mano this and don't go. Okay, I make an example sentence. Agree, Dr. Me. Yeah, mano this a lot though God is good. It means where is the Yamanaka line? So Yamanaka line, it's the name of a train line. So another example of sentence, it's here. Precipitate out at me. K gives NVA Docker Desktop means where is KQ line? So yeah, I'm not on the line. And the KQ line, it's just the name of a train line. Okay, so let's move on to the next one. The sum bands and stuff like that. Okay. Precipitate out at me. Yeah, mano, this enema, some bands and is good. The Yamanaka line, it's own line 3, Yamamoto, Sandra sandbox and that's okay. Next one, log k2. So Thomas, I'll say it like that for you. Secrete FMI, LA County Master. So what Guardini musta is later a eye on this too or like it's like I see I got it. Like that much stuff. Okay. So let's check. The last one was IMS. So I got the logos. I must means thank you very much. Or you just gonna say like Adina, door to your friends or family members or the people who is close to you. So you got though is casual expression. Okay, so that's the vocabularies. So let's move on to skip section. In this section, British tried to, tried to read the whole sentence together for Zubaida me, seminars and high confidence Chama, he gave a good on IQ Moscow II schemas and you get a good Ola Yamamoto, S and S. Yamanaka, same model but it's got some Dan send this. Now Kadima stop. And you got though was I must. Okay, Great. So let's move on to the key phrase section. Okay, So in this section, I'll introduce the grammar. Today's grammar is about checking where public transportation is headed. Example sentences, corner then Shiva, be given codon ag Moscow. It means thus this train go to Ikebukuro. Okay, So to ask where public transportation is going, say Kono, be equal well, location knee Iike mascot. Kono means this and goes before a noun. It shows your asking about the vehicle in front of you. The particle NI indicates that destination Iike mass is the birth or to go in the muscle. Anyway, grammar is here. Kono, be equal, what location need a schema sql. See? So for example, like here. Okay, Let's check this example syntax for is a grid of dummy collodion Shahla, look good on a human scale. It means, does this train go to UDL? Okay, you can change that the equal like that. Okay. Precipitate out at me, Kono basilar. It gave a good on Iggy Moscow. It means does this bus go to the chemical? Okay, So another example sentences here. Okay, participate at any corner shin concept of Kyoto, Neechi Moscow. It means does this bread train go to kill them? Okay, so another example of sentences here. Okay, participate or be. Tokyo, Neechi, Moscow. Good. It means that the subway go to Tokyo. Okay, So another example sentences here. Okay, basically there for me, Chernoff who never count cocoa Neechi Moscow. It means, does this shape go to Korea? Okay, So another example sentences here. Okay, precipitate out to me. Or maybe Carnegie Moscow. Good, it means, does this plane go to the US? Okay, So another example, sentences like It's a little bit. Another examples and this precipitate after me contacts Shiva. No commodity kilopascal means how far can this cap goal? Because tax C can go anywhere, so called attacks Shiva, Kannada country abroad, bloody schema sql is a little bit weird example sentence. So I can change the example sentence like that. A taxi ride or commodity must come. How far can this cap go? Okay, so anyway, you can change the public transportation and you can change that be cool and the location like that. Okay, then let's move on to the next section. And let's try to read the show dialogue, which include a key phrase we studied. Okay, please repeat after me. Confidence Java are Kihara Neechi, Moscow II, schemas and our GitHub at ALA Ichiban senders. Good. So the guy asked like that, Kono be grew up location neat, Nicki, mascot, collodion, Sheila. Okay. How about any key Moscow? Yeah, like that. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. In this section, British tried to translate three sentences into Japanese. The first question that this bus go to the airport. Transportation is in B, coal is bus and the location is cuckold. Sorry, in this case, you can say like here, get rid of the mi, Como blastula, could go nicky mascot. Great. So when you come to Japan, I think this phrase is very useful. You can ask like colobus Iraq, oogonia key, Moscow. Yeah, that's the task. Go to the airport. Okay, so let's move on to the next question. Does this train go to Shinjuku? Okay, So be equal is densa and the location is Shinjuku. So in this case, you can say like the recipe, me confidence, Shahla, Shinjuku Nagy Moscow. Okay, right. So Shinjuku is also located in the center of Tokyo and adjust the next two, That's Shibuya Station and a Shinjuku is also your famous sightseeing spoke in Japan. Okay, so let's move on to the next one. Does this chin constant blood train go to Hiroshima? Okay, So be cool is cine concept and the destination is Hiroshima. So you can say like that. Please repeat after me. Call machine guns in Hiroshima sneaky Moscow. Grade. Yeah, from Tokyo. Hiroshima is very far too by using the train. So basically, we use the shingles and break train to go to Hiroshima and, uh, we don't use a airplane. Yeah, anyway, you can say like that. Kono can't say la Hiroshima Mickey Mouse Club. Okay, Great. So let's move on to the next step up section. Okay, so this is about the numbers. Okay, So let's count one to ten. Okay, precipitate out to be Ichi. Ni. Fun. One. Go, dog, good. Nana. Hotkey. Q do. Okay, so another one is here. And X1 Sen. Next one. It cima. Like that, for example. Okay, Please repeat after me. Call a q-dot. Is Scott. Great. It means how much is this? And then the cloud will just stay like that. Basically data me q0, q2 and this admin, it cost 990 yen Curie hacker, cuz you not hear me saying Q Jacqueline, this period means a 1900 yen. Here. Brace repeat after me. Each human both AN this means 15 thousand yen. Okay? Anyway, if you count numbers, you can understand what they say. Yeah. Okay, okay, right. So let's move on to skip gradient. Okay, so let's review the lesson again. Let's check the skin to video and trip as well. And this time for his focus and understanding host story in Japanese. Okay, Then let's begin. Japanese. Give it a try. I will not ask you again. If you look at a lot. Yeah, I'm I'm not yeah, no, they don't go to Psalm bumps into that got us back. And he got the time. Isn't shy about using Japanese. That's great. All right, talking with people is the best way to learn and Language. Today we will learn how to ask if a certain kind of public transportation goes to your destination. Ten said go nowadays, Shama. Key mascot. The formula is transportation method plus the particle walk, then destination, followed by the Mickey Mouse cop. And so me Maslow, who know most law, you must go sunni Moussa, Khufu off. Although if I need EQ Moscow and he got the mass transit and Tokyo can be confusing. That's why you need today's phrase. Now let's practice the pronunciation. Gone all day shot. It gave a good ONE Iike mascot. Gone all day, shall I? Gave a good donate it you must come to AMP. The valve we introduced earlier is a cruise ship on a river that runs straight attempt now, it looks on different types of urban landscapes. The river flows into Tokyo Bay. This is a sign of Tokyo always seen from the water. Today's Kanji, meaning cherry blossoms. Does ends up must know phrases by completing some Japanese. Okay, great. That's the less than six checking where public transportation is headed. I hope you learn something new from this lesson. So see you next time.
8. Asking someone to speak more slowly: Lesson 7, asking someone to speak more slowly. Japanese theme is you couldn't, and that sticker dots sign. It means please speak slowly. First the bow, let's check the escaped with English subtitles in this time for his focus and understanding host Dory. Oh, good. Then let's begin. Yes. Yes. Okay. Then let's check the japanese subtitles in their spine. Pretty spoke Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. That's speaking. Adopt new yoga luck I will say this. Sum. Get us going. I guess. Got it. Okay, Then let's check the vocabularies from this Keith. Basically it over to me. The first word is tonality. E. Yeah, she's like Okay, where is it grayed out for me tonight? Ie it mays May I sit next to you? Can I say next few like that? The original sentences like that. Okay. Chris agreed up to me. Well, that's Shiva Polanyi. Nice about the desktop. Admins. Can I sit next to you? Spoke to Japanese language. You can tell me the subject. So that's why you can tell me the pod to open up. And the pulmonic nice about the EEG is Scott. You also can all meet the particular needs. And what's more, you can make the sentence more casual, and this time you can omit the desktop. So that's why she's dead like that. Okay? Okay. Basically it out at me nowadays about the good, the meaning-based say, can I sit next to you? Okay, great. Let's move on to the next one. Precipitate out to be a grid. It doesn't have any specific meaning. It is just like what? In English. Okay, so next one, but is it good to me? Height. And next one. And next one? Do that sit. Yeah, I have got son said that. Repeat after me. Do that same nano period if all you're an exchange student. So originally was like that for Zubaida me. I'm not that LA new vaccine on all your admins. Are you an international student? So by, but you can omit the pot on that dialogue. That's why I like I said, just that like do that, say nano IU, I need to national security and right. Let's move on to the next one. Okay. Please repeat after me. Semi ma San. The next one. You all good luck. Got it. Yeah. Thomas, sounds like that. Pretty simply have to me. Cinemas then you'll go out Karima SAN admins. I'm sorry, I can't understand. Well, I don't understand. Well, your CPU then ingest that well. So cinema San Bernardino, san It's more polite expression. Done justice saying Sydney Lausanne, la Kadima said, you know, so if you want to say line tree, yes, semi Mohsen, Yoko got gammas n is better than just saying semi Mohsen forgotten lesson. So let's move on to the next one. Okay, precipitate out to me. You goodie. And next one, how nasa does appoint sentence. So if it is less than participate up to me, you could he had us take it outside. It means please speak more slowly. If you have a chance to come to Japan at a time, this phrase, It's very useful. Japanese people tended to speak faster, faster and the pastor, the Add button. So if you can't use this phrase, ubiquity Hannah, stick with that site. So please speak more slowly. And they would speak more slowly after that. So that's why I think this is very useful phrase. Anyway, I'm here to explain displays in the key phrase section. So let's move on to the next one. Okay, There's a beat out to be going in. And next one. And that that DACA like that. Okay. For you to repeat after me. Go man, on that though I do bucks in a little grid, sorry, Io and international student from Pakistan asked again, well men and that the idea of accidental and next one, but that's sheet. Next one. I have got some being produced elsewhere like that. For me. What does she ion by this yellow screen in? Good eye and it's nice to meet you. And next one. Nice. You must. Yeah. Sounds like it's a bit after me. Please repeat after me. Commodus, your school day dies. She must. It means I'm Tom, It's nice to meet you. Nice. You must apply the expression done. You know those good. If you want to say the oldest group. So you can use this phrase to your friends or the people who's close to you at a time, you can use a casual version like low-dose group. If we want to say Yoda scrolling guys, she must to your colleague. You'll like offshore members out of time. Polite expression, the auto scroll, they die, she must is better. Okay, so that's the vocabularies. That's move on to the next section. Okay, in this section, Let's read whole sentence together. Brings a great after me. Tonality. Ea. Hey, hey. I do that though. Do vaccine on all cinema sound. Yoko Kadima, send you a 100 stick with us. I go men, but men are not Java. Doc say desktop. What does she? My iPad is high, but that's xihuan Commodus died. She must. Okay, right. That's mere going through next section. In this section, I will explain the grammar of this lesson today to kilometer is about asking someone to speak more slowly. Example sentences. You could even our sticker that side. It means please speak slowly. Okay, so to make a request, use that Ted form of a verb plus sign. The telephone is a conjugated verb. It's at ten or den, Hannah's. There is the telephone, mobile, harness, food, or speak. Japanese verbs are categorized into three groups. Conjugation of the test foam arrives by group, has below. So you can check how to make that telephone like that. But I think it's not so important. The point is that test form of a book plus coulda site. And how to make that test phone. So you can remember, you can learn naturally by making a lot of example sentences. Okay, then let's make the send this again. Here. For me. You could even ask liquid outside. It means please speak slowly. You, goodie means slowly. And the grammar is 10 form of a verb plus side. In this case, therefore, about Berg is harnessed day. So Hannah's liquid outside is the answer. Okay, So next example. It's here. Okay, precipitate out to me. You could inhabit Ecuador site. Great. That means Please eat slowly because patented is that test form of poverty or eat. Okay, so X1 can precipitate out to me. You could in on the good side. Grade. It means please drink it slowly because none there is the octet form of normal or drink. Okay. Right. And next one is here. Repeat after me. You good? Yes. And they could outside gray, it means, you know, please take a rest. Well, yeah. Good. Yes. And that could assign because yes. And that is that teff form of Yassin it or take a rest. Anyway, the grammar is just like that. Telephone we could assign is the basic form. Okay, Then let's check the other example, synthase, which include a key phrase we study. Okay, Please repeat after me. Cinema send more inch, take it outside. Good. And X1, high grade. So don't go. The woman said like more geoid ticket outside. That means please say it again. So more when she not means again. And thicker side is just a grammar that telephone class could oxide is a platform of you or to say. So you can say more which you know, you take it outside. Please say again, I think this thread is also useful. Mike. You can't understand what Japanese say at a time. You can say more inch, good eyesight. You had asked liquid outside? Yeah. Like that. Okay. So let's move on to the next tried out section. In this section, priest writer translates through sentences into Japanese. Spoke first one and sorry, Please speak in English. You know, the test form of speaking, speaking in English is dead. Okay, so that's why the answer is here. Repeat after me. Suprema San Diego, they couldn't sign. Grade. A golden means in English, it tick that site. Please speak. So angle they eat, they could outside, please speak English well in the home or they take it outside. Please speak in Japanese to or Google a thick with us. I please speak in Chinese language. Yeah, like that. Anyway, glaucoma, it just a telephone plus could assign that Z. Okay, the next one. Next one is, I'm sorry, please write in the alphabet. Okay? The test form of a right is kite day. So you can say like low mushy there, hide them. So the answer is here. Please repeat after me. Semi Mohsen law, much of their high-tech with outside grade. Yeah. Semi mass and low mass, they're kinda like concern, please police writing the alphabet. You know, this phrase is also very useful because most of the Japanese can speak in English. But they have studied English in junior high school and high school and a university. And a Japanese education tended to like writing or reading, reading English. So that's why we are not good at speaking English and losing good at English. But we tended to be able to write the English. So if you can't communicate with Japanese people, you can use displays like semi ma sound nor Muslim kinda cut off site. Please write in the alphabet. Maybe they can do it. Okay, so let's move on to the next one. The third one is, I'm sorry, please teach how to read. The text form of the Teach is associate that. So you can say your Mika Dao or she had debt. So the answer is here. My cinema send your mean that the oceanic good eyesight gray. That means please teach how to be. Okay, so as full Yomi cut-off, your Mika is how to read because this word comes from your mood or your MOOC. And the whole hall is method. That's why your meat cut that gave how to read the Knesset over reading. And, uh, we often use this expression. Oh, like okay, Again, sentence, it's here, basically it after me. Yomi cut out she had a good upside. Great. Please tell me how to read. And another one is here. Repeat after me, know Niigata or shared it with our site. Very fit means please teach how to drink. For example, like it's first time to drink that socket, Japanese a socket. So please teach how to drink no Min cut Dao or share the good eyesight. So NAMI Kata is how to drink because no Niigata, this water comes from normal. Whoa, Whoa. And the normal means string and the whole, whole means method. So normally cut that is how to drink. Okay, Next one. Please repeat after me. Kobilka Dao or shared they could assign. It means please teach how to eat. You know, Tibet gotta come from tab2 hall or taboo means e. Ho, ho means muscle. So that's why in Taipei cutoff is how to eat. For example, like it's first time to eat, not DO japanese, not though. So please Pete had to eat publica, the oceanic good upside down like that. Anyway, today, got that. Nami gotta public autonomy, gotta, gotta, you gotta, it means how to block them. We often use this expression, so please remember to it. Okay, Then let's check the next section. Please repeat after me. Cinemas and Yakuza Karima SAN admins. I'm sorry. I don't quite understand. So use this when you can honest done what the speaker said to you. Putting the Yorker before Kadima send or don't understand, makes it more point. Yeah. Late theory. You just can't say like cinema San Juan County mass n, but it's not so polite. So when you use displays in the company or like plight, situation at a time, you need to say semi myosin. The myosin, this expression is better. Okay, great. So last three that's reviewed as Kate. Alright, so in this time, please focus and honest than whole story in Japanese. And what's mode? Let us check down trip as well. Okay, let's begin. Japanese. Knew. Good luck, fate. If that's you. I got a yes. Yes, got it. Nice. Has already made friends at school. I had that looks like the Big Sister type. I'm glad. Onto the lesson. When people speak too fast for you to understand, you can say, it could be how much they could eyesight. To ask them to speak slowly. For this next cuttable Mighty Mouse that's been colorized. That's gammas about what's it any less, I must got either stick with a site license, but did I miss you must set up an ICE initial mass. Armies of alcohol. Eddie and Josh stick with us. Fantastic. Now psi will slow down the pace. People will probably use simpler words too. Slow conversation is much better than no conversation. Let's practice the pronunciation. You could stick with that site. Hannah's state could recite. The first thing you get at restaurants in Japan is often a glass of water at no charge. Someplace thereof, green tea instead. And if you want more, just ask anytime today. Meaning I or me, but stick with it. An easy Japanese will give you all sorts of phrases you can use every day. Okay, That's the, that's the lesson seven, asking someone to speak more slowly. I hope you learned something new. See you next time.
9. Introducing friends and others: Lesson 8, introducing your friends and others. Japanese theme is per mole. That's, you know, I am custom domains. This is my friend. I S M. First of all, let's check the escape. There was English subtitles. In this time. Please focus on metastatic whole story than speaking. Okay? Okay, next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. That's baking. Okay. And what? It's not gone. Okay, Then let's check the book, Cadbury's progress keep precipitate out to me. And next one. And next one. Key there. Good. I have got sounds is a great app to me last year going ketone. So why? Man, just a while and English and it's a goiter means fantastic, and keyed. A means beautiful. Okay, so next one here. Please repeat after me. Height. And X1. O could edit the next one. Site. Okay. Guys, So basically be 0 could at their momenta site. Sorry. Oh, did they so you're probably the late well, good at that woman the site. Own time. So an X1 Tomonaga. Okay. Pretty severe enough to me. Tomography know IFS on this. It means this is my friend. I am acetal. So you can introduce your friends or family members, a colleague by using this phrase. Anyway, I've explained this grammar in detail in the keyframes section, is asked the points that point send this up this lesson. Anyway. Let's move on to the next one. Clinic Shiva. Okay, colon, need to up gains. Hello. Okay. And Islam, me. Ohio was I must. Good, but demands. And Exelon is here, precipitate out. I mean, Humbaba. Good at demand is your day been alkyne and the other three types. So the greetings like Ohio was IMS, good morning. Hello or good afternoon and good evening. Okay. So let's move on to the next one session you will go to. Third, I guess sounds like a pretty straight up to me. Touching you a little bit of initial intimate is you're taking a picture untrue. So does show is like an shoot shushing your local data in the show we were taking a picture is not untrue. All like you're taking a picture is right? Yeah. Like that. Okay. And X1, but that's G. Ok, Right? What that means, I, anyway, it's asking new vocabularies in this section. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, because let's read the whole sentence together. You can improve your Japanese pronunciation and you can understand how to read a sentence. Anyway, let's stop, repeat after me. Last we're going to end on a high. Done it. Oh, good at that woman. No sight. Tomos Latino. I assign this to me. This Nielsen data initial. What does she multiple thicker. That's the idea. Hi. Great. Okay, So let's move on to the next section. In this section IV or introduce the grammar in this lesson. Today's key phrases, introducing your friends and others. Example sentences. Tamagotchi know, I have gotten this. It means this is my friend. I have custom okay, to introduce amide members and the flows to others. Say your relationship with the person, no, name, some desk. The particle not connect one noun to honor the, the first known modifying the next sum is an honorific title that's added to a name, but it's not used for yourself or family members. Okay, anyway, here is the grammar, your relationship, no name or names, sound desk. Okay, so let's make some photosynthesis here. Okay, Here's a great actor, me, Tamagotchi know, I have got some, Yes. Good. This is my friend, I ACA. And X1 here. Basically it talks to me, dawdle know, I have class on this. This is my colleague IAP. Long time. You also can introduce your family members, for example. And in this case, you need to remove the honorific title. Some precipitate out to me. Haha, no, I have got S. This is my mother. I aka. So next one precipitate out to me. And I know I have got S. This is my sister, I AKA. And next one is here. Basically, let me immortal. I have got S. This is my sister, I ANCA. Okay, Another example sentences here where it says greater than b, ITO porno, I have got is good. This is my cousin. I had got all kinds. So next Monday is about man. Okay. To me. Paddle this. Good. This is my father. Hello. Okay. Next one is a precipitate out for me. Ani no, Patroclus. Good. This is mine brother Paolo. Next one. Okay. Precipitate out to me. Although don't know, paddle is good. This is my younger brother. Tallow. Okay, great. Anyway, the grammar is just your relationship. No. Name or name is some guess. When you introduce your family members, you don't need to predict on the honorific title. Some at it when you introduce your friends or colleague or something like that at a time unit to be your base carry need to quit on the honorific title. Some just the 0. Okay, anyway, that's checked the next section. Okay, Let's read a short dialogue. Reach include a key phrase restudied. Okay, please repeat after me. Homodyne genome Tanaka Sundays. And next one has remained much debt. Tanaka, this has remained much debt. You're scrolling guys, she was good. She said Tomonaga genome, Tanaka, sun, this point sentence. That grammar is your relationship. No, name is on this. She introduced ha friends. So friend is promo that G and a name is Tanaka son, Mr. Tanaka. So this is my friend that Tanaka. That's eight. Okay, that's an ape. On to the next section. In this section, British tried to translate three sentences into Japanese. The number one, this is my younger sister, honor. So younger sister is e molto and her name is unknown. So the answer is here. Reasonably me, email don't know. I'm not as good. If family members. That's why you don't need to put on the honorific title some. Okay. Next one. Number 2. This is my colleague. Johnson. Colleague is DO DO and his name is Yang sound. Mr. Young. Okay, so DICOM series here, there is a Beta after me. Do DO know young son this good. So when you introduce your friends or colleague at a time, you base carry need to create down the honorific title. So you need to say young son like that. Okay. That's check the number three. This is my son Curie. The sound if the scope and his name is TDD. So here, basically it up to me. This corner, ketone is good, QD is family members, so you don't need to put it on the honorific title. So the answer is just this go-no. Ketone is okay. Is that seat? Let's move on to the next step up section. So this is about gradings. Again, pretty secrete after me. Ohio was IMS. The next fun cognitive up. And thus one, homebound law. Okay, right. So in the morning, please use this phrase. Ohio was IMS and end at a time. We said Condi Tuan. And in the evening we said kombucha. That's it. The address three types of the great things in Japan. Okay. Right. You've finished, although the activities, so last three, Let's review today's video. In this time, phrase focus and understanding host story in Japanese. And the ones more, let us check that treat DIG. Okay, then let's speaking Japanese. Give it a try. Okay, I think I'll make this height. And let's not forget Gandhi. I love going up to observe a trains. You can find many elevated sides until kill. In this episode at Tam introduced the IOC God to me by saying Domo I, aka SanDisk. When introducing someone, you can say a word to explain the relationship, followed by noch, then the person's name. And finally is it will stop homesickness. It sun this to genome join this. Sun as an IAC. Hasan is an honorific used all the time. That's right. But not for family members. Now, pronunciation, Tamagotchi deaths. The law that she not assign this case observation spots opera you the big picture at the city of skyscrapers look majestic from the deck of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. The book just Civic Center is now for a kuwait Night Vale. Most of the observatories are free from this sounding and she react. You can get a bird's eye view of the famous scramble crossing. Come see for yourself. Today. Kanji, meaning book. You'll master does ends up must know phrases by completing the ISI Japanese series gum at that. Okay, exactly. This is the end of the lesson. Introducing offend others. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for your time. I hope to see you soon.
10. Asking the names of things you don't know: Lesson 9, asking you the names of things you don't know. Japanese BMI is Codio and on desktop it means, What's this? First of all, let us check that escaped with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on studying whole story. Let's begin. What I will call it the principal person, Japanese pronunciation and hard to read it. But Scott, I don't know. I don't want to get the yield a little dial. Okay. Then let us check the new vocabularies from the skied. Repeat after me. The first word is cocoa. And X1. Did bunch got that guy sit like that. You participate after me. Cocoa got a bunch, got IO. Good. It means that this is the basement. Okay. Because, you know, did Bob did bunch got a CFO? This word means the particle. So the particle is from the department store in English. And then you know, Scott. Scott means basement. That's why they've been shot, is the abbreviation of D, department to store, which is in the underground. So they bought Scott is the base and then to download it. Okay, so we call it. So let's check the next one. The next one, have a mono connects fun out of it. Great. Let's check the example. Here. Is a great app to me. The bunch cover. It means detailer all kinds of food in the basement. You know, I do means there is a you can't say like ID must be, must. Both mean is like berries. But how to use, how to use this race? For example, like something. Not moving. But the most fun thing. Moving got a mass. For example, like E coli. And many of us. It means they are their flowers in the pot. And I'll flower basically doesn't move. That's why you need to use RD must cool and i e must be all the flowers in their POC. And X1 precipitate out of the knee to knee could have my gravity mass. Ms. Taylor, cars in the parking lot, you know, dumb cop. Car parked in a parking lot. Don't move. That's why you need to use two sagittal 10k created MIGA. I must say X1 is here. So corny Tomonaga, Chennai you must pick means there is a friend over there. Flares, is the people. People is basically moving. That's why you need to use ASL pointing DO but Sega E must. And exponent's here. Okay, for is a great after me, calling me the new guy, he must get man's. There's a dog in the dog. It's also moving. That's why you need to use EMS coin money into that p.sit. Mass yeah. Like that. So you can use this plate varies or the other. So if you want to use if you want to say like something not moving, I don't need, you need to use something not moving. Uga ID must know if something is moving, you need to use E must, thumbs in the movie. The E must. Okay, So if that's the grammars. Okay, let's check the next word. Phrase repeat after me. E. E means good, then X1 and X1. So going, she said Just like last, last we're going to meet, wow, it's amazing. X1 code it, noun it. That's the point center. So let's get rid of the E coli one and it's got good at once. This quarter 10 desktop. That's very useful phrase. So you can use this phrase in variety situational like for example, when you go over to that Japanese this run, you can ask about clot. So what's this, what's this menu called a modern desktop? Yeah, I like that. Okay, so next one, DICOM. Dicom, next one. Skim on up. Great. Paella, no, precipitate out to me. Cordova dying called nodes came on all this. Great. This is Pico, the varnish, Cordova dipole, not skim over this. Next one. Habit. That guy's life tough for me today. Demeter. Good. Get them is do you want to try, try, try to eat, habit they needed fewer want to try to eat. And X1 data schemas. Here, recipe up to me. It data schemas. As I eat it, I eat Jackie mass. Let's focus word. This word is specific. Readings about the mu. When we have a mux, We always say it data schemas and then actually ate them. And after eating a meal, we say here, okay, precipitate out to me because somebody's gotta good, good. So some other factor is 0. So express your grateful for with nil. It means that the parishes are like, Thank you for with the food. You know, these P of, uh, phrases. So we said it data schemas and then actually eat, and after eating the meal, we say gods to solo somewhat f-stop. Thus the Japanese culture. So please do remember to it. So an X1 o means delicious. So always sheet as means to say it casual way. You can say like BMI is the minus means yummy. Always. She means delicious. Who might means yummy. Okay. Okay, so that's the new vocabularies from this section. Okay, then let's move on to the next one. Okay? In this section for is trying to read the whole sentence together precipitate out to me. Coca-cola, the Bachchan I owe. You don't not have a model got that. E n ross are going on desktop diagonals, camel no bio habit. They measured data schemas. Or is she this colon motivating me do it. Okay, right. Let's move on to the next one. In this section, I explained the grammar than this gate. The key phrase in this scheme is asking the names of things. Here we don't know example sentences called A1 and this can make the means. What's this? To ask the name of something here, don't know, point to the things and ask quota so that I am on, on this cop or something close to you. Use code it like this in English. For something close to the person you are talking to, use Solvay, like eat in English. If this thing is far from here and the person you are speaking to use audit like that. English noun is an interrogative meaning what? Anyway, let's move on to the next bone. None or 90, then none. In the scope of what's what eith has the same meaning as the nanny in 190 ci mascot or what we do. However, it's pronounced and known when it comes before desktop. Okay, so unknown and 90 means what? Anyway, point is here so that I don't know what drives. So for its beat up here, good at demand is basically there to me. So day one and it's got great. So what is what does it take for the spring is close to the person whom you are talking to. At a time. We use soda. And the last one, repeat after me out anyone on the SCOP domains, what is not if testing because fall from here, you need to use that. Add it. Okay, that's it. So let's check the show two variables which include the key phrase where you study the recipe, Dr. me, cinema sound. Good. Next one. What Janice? Good. So the guy said because of sin is close to a guy. So you need to say, what's this called M11 desktop. Okay, great. Let's move on to the next one. Please try to translate three sentences into Japanese. Number one, what is that? The woman cost? What is that? This thing is close to the God whom she's talking to. So I'd have time. She need to use a soda. That's why the answers here. Please repeat after me. Yeah. I yeah. Great. Yeah. So day one on top corner, tiny Oculus. Yeah. Like that for pi yucky is the Japanese food. Okay. So next one. What is that over there? The woman ask, what is that over there? You know, the thing is far from that. By the time you need to use audit, that's five ounces here precipitate out to me are a modern desktop. Great. Next one, adenoma, taco Jackie less. Okay, Right? So at that point IP based are so famous for in Osaka prefecture. Okay, then let's move on to death 31 one here. Maybe that guy asked, So what is it? What is it? So no doubt woman asked the room and asked what is the what once these What's this? Because the thing is close to the woman at a time. You need to use caught it. So please The answer is here it basically Dr. me, call A1 and desktop. Good. Next one. So Dava, she'll give us. Good. And the guy asked a guy on say like sodium has Shaoqi deaths, because the thing is close to the person who the guy is talking to, that's fine. The guy need to use soda and sodium up here. One more time. Precipitate out to me. Sativa. Good. That means it's a chopstick rest. Has she means chopstick and how she'll key is chopstick rest. Okay, great. Let's move on to the next section. Participate after me. Always see this. Good, it demands, it's delicious. Someone who trusts you will be happy if you use the space. You can also simply say, Oh, she has a degree of lightness or the most point. Then next one is Boise. And then next one is like my like that. It's delicious and yummy. And it will mind means the yummy. Okay, that's it. So we finished to most of the activities. Lastly, let's review today's lesson principle. It's in an aesthetic whole story in Japanese. And once more, let's check the trip deep at the same time anyway. Okay, let's check the skated video. Okay. Japanese Marcus, Michael multimodal, not a Demeter. I'm going to department store dallies kinda seems to know a lot about food. Yes. He really enjoys eating. He's a good cook till time. Asked quite a while. Anomalous car or when is this? When I say something for the first time and once know what it is, just say. Yes. Good Ella lambdas or pseudocode this as Q and a tree should any Amato, you did that three to 10 among this girl. Music in Tokyo, it's not just your notebook. I get ongoing us into the best. Put it on there nice and ask, what does he does semester? You'll have a better chance of learning about something new if you use this a half line like that. Let's practice the pronunciation. Kodak. Kodak man das Dann. Muss. Japanese department stores have a section on the basement floor and it's like a girl or a theme park with bread, deserts, main dishes and more. Shocks often offer free samples. So if you want a taste of something Neal, a department store, maybe the place to go. It's what we've been talking about today. Meaning progress. Isn't Japanese will help you master. Sounds obvious, full price. Okay, that's it. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having, having my class. See you next time.
11. Asking how much something costs: Lesson 10, asking how much something costs. Japanese seem nice. Recommends how much it gets drier. First of all, let's check the skip them is English subtitles. In this time, please focus and understanding host story. It's speaking. What do you what do you like? Next time? Let's check the japanese subtitles. In this time, Bruce, focus on understanding how to read the Japanese then dense and Japanese pronunciation. Let's begin. Okay, so let's check the vocabularies from the skeet precipitate out to me. The first word is dock some next one. Okay, so that's may fix that photosynthesis, for example. Okay, precipitate out at me. Show Huizinga taxonomy months. It means there, there are many products. Show him a taxonomy mass and not acceptable syntaxes here. Briskly, me still be daga taxon schemas. It means the other people. The ground Mary is here. Some sin. God. The mass, like some sync, not moving. He must. That's why they are there. No people taxon lived every toga images because the people, it's basically moving. And as for the product or show him in a product is not moving. That's Are you can say show him that body mass. That's something that products got ARIMA. Yeah, That's eight. Okay. Let's check the next one. Please repeat after me. So going and X1. The next one. Then one more word. Here is the expression for hair, for example, like okay, precipitate after me. And that I know Camila set aside as good at domains. Your hair is surrogates moose. So SATA, SATA means silky Smith delta expression to express the status of the here. Okay, so let's check the next one is a bit off to me. So yeah. And X1 data. That's foe that So yeah. Yeah. Okay. Precipitate out to me and hear me. I'm not done. Oh, Camila, COVID mass. It means your hair is shiny. So CSER this and Sarah, Sarah, this is Claudette expression for the hair. And up and over time you start us out of this. And I don't know, coming up like that. Okay, so let's check that X1 times X2 and X1. Okay? Check the example synthase. Repeat after me, Kono Pi desktop. It means how much is this typo dryer typer is just a Japanese Japanese to English over pipe. Cleaner pi is 0. So Japanese to English means dry year. You could others come. So you can ask the place by using displays, blah, blah, well, scum, that's very useful phrase anyway, either explain this grammar in detail in the key afraid section. I'll try so next one is a bit off to me, said, and X1 cuckoo. So here let's take the example of syntax. Okay, participate after me. Say that the chi getter. Good. It means it stays save on it. Yes. Scenario, the chi data center, it's also Japanese to English. It demands sale. Okay. Next one, pretty speed up. Sammy. Could you please repeat after me? Hey, in Sandy key, Daimyo, bury. It means here. Let's ask the shopkeeper 10 signing key then. Yeah. Oh, okay. Next one, semi must have. Nope. Okay, so let's check their sample sentence. For me. Cinema San columbaria, like Scott. It Min x gives me, how much is this hairdryer? And that's the same grammar. Bla, bla, bla, it could our desktop will precipitate out to me cuz thing through Jacqueline and X1, Y1, Y2. So the shopkeeper say like that, principally queue saying Q, we have to end this good admins. It cost 9,900 yen. And after that, Thomas sounds like that precipitate out to me. Yes. Good. It means it gets too expensive. Thus they know my expression precipitate after me. Al-qaeda's mean just that. It's expensive. You know, like so di means two. So that's why it means it's too expensive. So I like simple sentences here. No more one. Yes. So yes. Very admin, just that it's cheap. And you're gonna say like that here. Repeat after me. Yeses. Yes. It means it's Tiruchi. Okay, great. So you can use this expression for other datasets. Well, for example here, precipitate after me colitis. It means it's cute. And next one, you can say like that, please repeat after me. Collides the VDS. K is two cubed. Okay, so anyway, skewed means to bury. That's eight. Okay, so it does the new vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In this section does read a whole sentence together. Get recipient after me, pick somebody must know. Sigmoid I show here. See I've added a diaper. And it could, others can say that the chi, the other key Daimyo. Cinema sound like good at ASCO. Q. Q we have this taka schemas. Big. That's it. So let's move on to the next section. Okay, so in the key phrase section, I will explain the grammar of today's missing the key phrase. It's about asking how much something costs. Example sentences cannot derive. It could a desktop. It means how much is this hairdryer? When asking how much something costs, say it could a discount or how much of it. We didn't mention the name of the thing. Ask Kono sono uno thing. Well, you could either Scott is an interrogative meaning how much a spoke column, sono. I know these are the fonts use when demonstrate its cold soda, which you learned in lesson 9, modifying nouns they placed before we'd announced they modified. Anyway. You can use Kono, sono uno as well as the Cortes soda at it. Now if you want to pick the things out of time here, you're going to say Kono. So anyway, that's the plumber. Let's make the example centers. For example, like here. Where is a Beta of Tammy can only good at me like what are the skull? So it means how much is this stuffed animal? Columnar good of new anchor, this one. You can ask your friends like that. Oh, youth boat that back. So how much is that back? Repeat after me. So nobody could I could either Scott, How much is that bug? You know, this thing is close to you. And I'm sorry, seeing is close to the person whom you are talking to you saying this case, maybe your friends. Hold it back at a time. You can use this one. Sono. Sono back to I couldn't have Scott, How much is that? Bach. Okay, So other example sentence here precipitate out to me anonymously and on the audio I could our desktop admins, how much is the third at that restaurant? So in this case, an AMI set dot restaurant is far from you. If the string is far from, you added that your'e to use ANOVA so you could not escape how much food at that restaurant. Okay, that's it. Anyway, you can use Kono sono. So let's back to the material. Okay, so let's check the showed dialog, which include a key phrase we studied. Please repeat after me. Semi Lausanne, Cornel, see Hongkew, I could either Scott has seen and I have to end this. Good. The woman said, you could have a skull. It means how much is this rice cooker? Because this rice cooker is close to the woman at a time we use cold or cool, mostly hanky. We're good. Okay. How much is this polyline good at USCA or how much is this rice cooker? Kronos Lee Scott bot. So okay, anyway, let's move on to the next section. In this section, British tried to translate three sentences into Japanese. Number 1, x gives me how much though the year for 12 over there. Yeah. Fonts. If yeah, home in Japanese is a kinase, is Soto, Japanese to English. So in this case, you know, earphone is far from them better than you need to use nano. So that's why the answer is here. That's every cue for repeat after me. Cinema send via home law. It could either it's got great. Yes. I mean, less than a year home. I could at least come. How much how much is that here? Phones. Okay. So let's let's check the next one. Okay, So excuse me, how much is this risible? So in this case, maybe the guy asked, how much is this risible? And a risible is coulomb? And this challenge is close to the guy. At a time unit to use Como. That's why unsafe. Hear the phrase repeat after me. Cinema San Coachella. Likely that it's got good. Yeah. Semi Montana hometown line could at least come. After that. The clock would answer like that. Sono Java saying this, that rice bowl is 100 thousand yen. So the woman need to use the sauna because this rice bowl is close to the guy who the woman is talking to. Time that woman need to use sono. Okay, so let's check this third 1. Third 1 is about, excuse me, how much is that drawing? How much is done drawing. Drawing these it in Japanese. And drawing is close to the woman whom the guy is talking to at a time, that guy need to use sono. So the answer is here, participate after me. Semi mass m solenoid like we've got a skull. Right? And after that, the shopkeeper, shopkeeper who would answer like that. Era e t minus. It means this drawing is 10000 yen because this drawing is close to the shopkeeper. So that's why a shopkeeper can use como, these so called Nueva. Each Eli in this drawing, these 10000 yen, yeah, like that. Okay, so let's move on to the next one. Okay, so step up section explains the large numbers. So the basic point is ten gates Jew or 120,000 base Sen. And after the US folder, ten to 90, that's very easy. The rule, it's just a number plus j2. For example, like Ju San, Ju, young Jew goes through local shoe manager, hatches you, cuz you like that number plus and ju just the pattern. But then I spoke to 100 to 900 there the regular numbers. So let's check the gather. Shampoo me happier than normal one, but and I suppose 300. You need to use a sound. Yeah, could, you know, the pronunciation is changed, changed? I don't know why. But, um, you know, you only check record hacker, just a normal rule, but that's still 600. Unity said low CPU. And then nasdaq group nano hybrids no more 1.5. Yeah, crude is rarely a one and then QG kappa. So the point is Sunday ICU and low group. And there, there are three irregular patterns. I spoke from 100 to now, nine sandstone. There are also irregular numbers, so let's check it together. The first irregular one is here, Three 3000 sons. Then x1 is like, yeah, here, 8 thousand is half sin beta irregular one. So there is no specific reason. Yeah, please just remember the numbers. And then after that, if you ask how much is something at a time, you can catch up. What they answered. Example like here, if I again, repeat after me, Komaba, Guha, They, Scott. How much is this back up to that that sharp tip the shopkeeper would onset like that the precipitate out of me saying this. Good commands, it's 9,910 and the irregular pronunciations like that. But it's a great honor to me to send Jacqueline this it means it's nine hundred and eight hundred yen is the irregular pronunciation. Anyway. If you remembered all of expressions from 10 to 9 thousand to, you can count from ten to 9,900. And a 90. So yeah, here is remember, here, from ten to 90, from 100 to 900,129 thousand. Okay, That's it. Just the step-up section. Okay. So we've finished all over the activities. So lastly, let's review today's lesson. In the skin section, please focus in understanding host story in Japanese. What's more? Let's check that trip as well. Okay. That's speaking Japanese. What am I? What am I? Yeah, my database. Look at. Another good idea if you think you're talking to lots and lots of options, ER, right, you're sure to find at least the one that fits your needs perfectly. Any of you search well at a good price. And that's exactly today's theme. Tam asked fellow that I am not a good idea, Scott. If you want to ask the price of something, you can say, well, not meaning this followed by the item's name, then the particle walk. And finally, it could either stop me. Well, it couldn't just go. Go in this course. You could have a scar. Need to go in this Zoom and old-style candy store, it makes me nostalgic. You're on camera. Oh sorry. I'm sure today's rays will be useful when eating and in many other situations during your stay in Japan. Let's work on the pronunciation. It could either Scott, gone, all done, I got trapped and money tongs. Japanese coins come in six denominations. 1, 5, 105600 yen. There are four bills, one thousand, two thousand, five thousand, and ten thousand Yang each with its own design. Two days. You just saw a lot of this. It's meaning Yan, the Japanese currency. When you say Kanji, have some farm and check the meaning and pronunciation. Max, AZ, Japanese. Okay, that's less than 10. I hope you learn something new. Thank you for thank you for having my class. See you next time.
12. Asking whether what you want is available: Lesson you haven't asking whether what you want, it's debatable. Japanese theme is divided in Moscow. It means, do you have any lucky chunks? First of all, let's check with us, keep with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding the whole story that's speaking. Go unnoticed it to me to get the guy got it. Yes, I must say that it will not worry about with Danielle. Okay, Next slide. Please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. Go unnoticed it for me to get the identity map. Click on that. It will not worry about the Nanyang pigment out. Okay, let's check the vocabularies from this gave me their first word is an X1, t sets it. And next one, meter. Okay. Near sunset like that. Here. Okay, please repeat after me connotations the immediate period. It means look at this T-Shirt. Collocations immediate. So T shuts it is come from English. So k shots is a kind of a Japanese to English word. So next one named Jack. And X1. Concrete here. Okay, so let's read the whole sentence together. Precipitator dummy sets the mega, means that the chi data domains look up this t-shirt, it says Ninja on it means that id out. And X1, la, la, It's just wow. And angles if they're expressed. A surprising. Okay, so x1, it asked Shama said, yeah, you just silence. It means, it means literary. Welcome. It's like a specific greetings used in the shop. You guys shy my set. And X1 semi mass M for my Modi. Okay, there is a great after me semi mass and all normally you are in Moscow. It means executed me. Do you have a good luck charm? Yeah, blah, blah, blah. I did. Mascot is the $0.00 dense. In this lesson, it means, do you have blood lub dub that allowed the Moscow so you can confirm whether the product is debatable or not. Okay, anyway, I will explain this chroma in the grade section in detail. Let's move on to the next one. Chunk DO cocoa. The shopkeeper said like that here. Okay. Participate up ME. Choctaw, cocoa new ARIMA center, fitness like Well, I don't have that here. Chalk DO doesn't have any specific meaning. Total is like, Well, that's the yeah, like that. Cocoa. Cocoa means here. It must send means I don't have so well, I don't have it here. Chunked. Oh, okay. Next one. Kayla? Good. Yes, it like that. Principate up to me or detonate Daimyo. It means, Let's go to the tempo of Titanic demo. Okay, That's it. That's the new vocabulary. So for this lesson, Let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence together. Please repeat after me. Conocchia to the media. Means that the chi data law mean job. Yes. Same I say semi most n. Well, my multivitamins call choke DO Coca-Cola. You must then NADH time in all Modibo data on the outer your desktop. It kinda show. Okay, good. Let's move on to the next section. In this section, I'm going to explain the glomerular of this lesson. Today's key phrase, it's the biota asking whether what you want is available. Example sentences or mammillary body Moscow. It means, do you have any Lucky Charms? Renew want to ask whether a shelf has some sink you're looking for, say, Think law are the mascot. Law as a topic mark a particle RD Massu is the must form of the verb, which indicates the existence of something. Saying something isn't debatable. Artemis then is the negative bomb that can be used when something isn't debatable. But store clock sometimes avoid being derived direct with their customers, is that they may offer an ambiguous reply such as chuck DO or semi mass m, meaning, I'm sorry. Anyway, the grammar is here. Think, well are the Moscow. So let's make the examples. Here. For example, like okay, presumably after me, semi-metals and Moscow. It means excuse me, two, we have F that or like you can say like that. Another example sentences here for It's repeat after me. Semi Mustang or site. Admins, excuse me. Do you have a purse? Another example sentence is here. Please repeat after me. Semi mass n bores. You are in Moscow. It demands, excuse me, do you have a hot? Anyway, grammar is very simple, just that thing. Well, Ali Moscow, in the day decompensation, we tended to put down cinema at the, at the top of the Senate. That's big-O the small plate. So please remember that whole sentence like semi mass n bla, bla, bla are the Moscow. So many go to the shop. You can ask that block by using this phrase. Okay, let's move on to the next section. Let's read the showed dialog, which include a key phrase restudied. Please repeat after me. Cinema send. You must go. High. Coachella, this. The guy said, she's a value mascot. It means to have a knock. Maybe this is the information Theatre Center. Maybe the guy is looking forward that shock mach. So at a time, you also can use this phrase, Samy mass and she's allowed in Moscow. X gives me, do you have enough like that? It's very useful. Race. Anyway, let's move on to the next section. Please try translate three sentences into Japanese. So number one, excuse me, do you have any balding funds? As for folding fun, it means in Japanese. So the grammar is blablabla, mascot. In this case, bla. Bla is censored. So number 2 is answer. Repeat after me. Schema sen sensors are in Moscow. Great. Let's move on to number 2. Excuse me. Do you have Ninja t-shirt? Ninja t-shirt is named General tee-shirts in Japanese. So you can say it like that, principally dichotomy, similar san mean January th, that's the value must go. Okay, great. Let's move on to the third one. Excuse me. Do you have English brochure and a we call it a well-known pamphlet that, so answer is here. Please repeat after me. Semi mass n able opening through that duality Moscow. Great, I think it's very useful phrase. We didn't go to Japanese famous sizing spot. I think most over the cytosine with spot has Lusher, which is written by the age each country, Of course, there is English brochure certainly. You can ask the receptionist like semi mass and power for that daddy mascot. So please remember this place. Anyway. Let's move on to the next section. Okay, for is great after me. Either Shama set. Good. It means literary. Just tell welcome. But I think it's like How may I help you? So it's like a specific rating used in the shop. Okay. So yeah, here is the explanation as well. It's a grating use when costumers and shops and restaurants. So when it come to Japan, when you come to Japanese restaurant or the shop, so you can hear disgrace. He has timer set the clock and the shopkeepers who just say this phrase, it's like a specific greeting. Anyway, we finished most of the activities Last three. Let's review today's lesson. This time, please focus on the under. It prints focus on that as Dan whole story in Japanese language. And what's more, Let's check the drip tape as well. Okay, that's speaking. Japanese, were gonna give it a try. And you must pick 10, gets to visit a lot of places thanks to our friends at how to Son House. Yes. Tam and Mia seem to have really enjoyed themselves. In this episode, we'll learn how to ask if a shop or a person has a certain item. Towns said, homodimer, Animoto sketch it first the item's name, then the particle walk, and finally mascot. Mother data my Slack. And all the mascot. So my mouse picked up, I do my scarf. Let me go, let us know. And he must feel very nice. Gives it an extra kick. Whenever you're not sure if someone has what you want is today it sprays, just don't ask for it to match. Now the pronunciation and the homodimer adding Moscow. Moscow subito gotta she means seven flavor chili pepper. It's a mixture of spices. In addition to red chili, it has sesame seeds and four other ingredients. It goes well with the codon yak story and many other Japanese dishes. Some shops let you mix your own based on your preferences. Today's Kanji, it's what TAM and Leah as through at the temple and mon, meaning gate. That's all for today. We hope easy Japanese makes your time in Japan even more fun. Santa Ana. Okay, that's it. That's the less than 11 masking whether what you want is debatable. Thank you for having my class and I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. See you next time.
13. Expressing impressions and explaining things: Lesson 12, expressing and impressions and expressing the same spot one, Japanese CMEs, color your mom only destination. That means this is a cute omelette, isn't it? First of all, let's check could escape to with English subtitles in this time for his focus on nano stemming host DO RE, let's begin with normal mode. Okay, next time, Chris, focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. Kodak. Glenn. So they were enlisted, nobody desk. Okay, Then let's check the vocabularies from the skied. Principally data me, the first word is codec. And next one. And next one or more morally. Okay, Then I make the example sentence here, presumably there with me, call a colony or memory, that's net. And this is a cute omelette, isn't it? Coda, Hawaii or Memoria destination. Okay, So this sentence simply you can say like that. Repeat after me. Cordova, Kali, your mom only does it mean just that this is a 2D omelette. It tells the fact. On the other hand, Q at the men, at the end of the sentence, it means calling my Kali your memoryless net and demands, this is a cure to hammered, right? This is a cute omelet, Isn't it? Like that? You can express your impressions by using this brace. Okay, So it's just a difference. Okay, let's move on to the next one. Please repeat after me. Home Depot. So next one. Okay, please repeat after me. Han daughters net. Good. On daughter's name means it. It really is on daughters net. That's true. Home daughters net like that. Okay. X1 ie X1, soda, MCB. The shopkeeper explained like that, precipitate out to me. Solera emissivity Norm, I'm already there is good and this is the unlit for much making. It goes emissivity means matchmaking. So that's why that people who want to, lovers to buy the unmistakably know my body. That's the omelet for matchmaking. By the way, in this case, there is no net at the end of the sentence because it tells just a fact. So there are in the seminar tomorrow, yes. This is the outlet for matchmaking. This is just the Fock. On the other hand, if you put them at the end of the ascenders or descenders, It's a little bit weird because like sodium ion must have been all my money desk. This is the dominant matchmaking, right? You know, the shopkeeper didn't say it like that. And a shopkeeper don't need to express their impressions in this line. So yeah, sorry, I missed that. We know are one body this is the correct descendants. So next one creates a greater me. How Jacqueline? Good. Next one, Nenad it. For example, like death. Precipitate out dummy. Call a Gradescope. Good. How much is this? How much is this? Amulet for matchmaking. And then shopkeeper answer like that. Please repeat after me. Happy or creatinine mass. Good. It means it costs 800 yen. The ground Mary's bla, bla. Bla bla. Yet rather a mass or like shopkeeper really simply say like that precipitate out to me. Have Becker and this isn't just a it's a 100 yen. So whichever okay. Shopkeeper would say like that. So anyway, if you ask the place of there something, you need to catch up, what shopkeepers say? And a shopkeeper would just say like, Hub get graded in any mass or have their greatness. So please remember it is race as well as your question, how much is it called a good idea, Scott? Okay, next one, coital. Good. Korea middle means loggers, which include boyfriend and girlfriend. Okay, next one, they call it cure rate. The shopkeeper explained what the the city normal more ease. She said it like that. Here there is a Beta me, Cordova coyly be dogmatic, your mom only this. It means this is a good luck charm to make a lover call era COVID over there on my desk. This is the n must be norm or Molly, the avalanche fold matchmaking. Okay, next one job. And thus one could ask basically dichotomy curricula side. Good admin. Then please give me this or like then I take this one like that. Oh, okay. So yeah, when you decide to buy something at a time, you can say this phrase. Jacqueline couldn't say, okay, then I take this one like that. Okay, That's the new vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence together. Please check the pronunciation of each sentences. Okay, participate after me. Colony or memoryless men. Home. Do Kali, call emerita snap, sativa, emissivity nor my Morty deaths have deco, any naughty mass. En su. In a city called a veto by the kiddo, my money. Char courtyard could aside. Okay, Great. Just no problem. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, I will explain a grammar in this skit. In this lesson. Today's grammar, today's key phrase is about expressing impressions and explaining things. Okay, example sentences, Kami or memoryless, net. It domains. This is the acute dominant, isn't it? So adjectives are placed before nouns. They modify, as in Hawaii or memoryless or cute omelette. A sentence can also end up with an adjective. Adjectives that end there is ih, such as chi or cued. Code e adjectives. And adjectives in Japanese, adjectives come in two types, e adjectives that end with E, and now adjectives that end though it's not like key Dana or beautiful. This lesson concerns e adjectives. We will learn about adjectives in lesson 16. Anyway, the point is here. Let's check the example sentence. Here. Recipe Dr. me, Calabi-Yau memoryless. That means it's a cute lucky charm. Is acute. Chong Yeah, like that. In this time. This then this just tells you that fact, this is a cute omelette. Color your memory this, right? Okay. As I mentioned earlier, if you want to explain your questions, you need to say like that presumably Dark dummy, Calabi-Yau, memoryless net. Good, that means it's a cure Talmud, isn't it? I think it's cute outlet. Yeah, Let's cured unmet. It skewed, right? Yeah, like that. You can express your impressions, your opinions by attach that net at the end of the sentence. Or mammary desk net like that. Okay? Only this one is the point of this lesson. Okay, Then let's check the show to dialogue, which include a key phrase three studied, Please repeat after me. Meta corner geisha to almost surely this net. Good. The guy said almost surely does. Now, that's interesting, isn't it? You know, on the other hand, so almost surely doesn't then he expresses his impressions by using this phase. If he said just a mosquito Aedes, it just tells you the fact. For example, like amusement park is interesting. You idiots you up almost sure it is, you know, just the general fact. But in this case, he tried to express his opinions, his impressions by using by attach the name at the end of the sentence. Like almost surely that's net. Okay, so let's check it out. Try it out section. Please try to translate three Japanese sentences into three English sentences into Japanese. The first one, it's big, isn't it? So big? Piece old key. And you just attach this net, end up with a sentence. So the outsides here. Okay, good. So all key, there's an n, right? It's big, isn't it? Like that? And in this case, they are talking about the breadth. And you can sell like that. You can attach the noun like that. Dr. me. All key pandas, net, good. Pizza, beak, bread, right? It's a big breath, right? Or CHI, understand. Okay, so next one. Let's wise, it's expensive as an IP. Expensive means peptide. So you just attach this net at the end of the sentence. So the answer is here, for excreta me, Takeda is good and, uh, she is talking about the wallet or Japanese. So you can say like that. Here, there is a great after me Pakistani food as net. Good. That means it's an extensive wallet, isn't it? Back ISI for this now, I think this law that is expensive. You can express your opinion, your impressions like that. Okay. The next one next one is its code, isn't it? Okay. So code is a summary. And then you can adjust the destination at the end of the ascent. This the answer is here. Please repeat after me, summary the snap grid. And then he is talking about the weather off course. And the weather is 10 key II japanese. So you can say like that. Please repeat after me. Timely, edentulous net. Good. It's called today. It's called the weather, right? It's called the weather right? Summary tank, Enos net. Yeah. Like that. By the way, you can attach the kilowatt or today like that. Please repeat after me. Co our summary. Thank you. This net. It's cold weather today, right? Cool, Awesome. Thank you. The snare like that. Yeah, we often use this phrase to start a conversation. Yeah. Kill us. Summary. Thank you. Just like that. Okay. Does the questions and let's move on to the next section. Okay, then repeat after me. Codio could oocyte. Good. It means I take this one. Technically called hero could assign. It means literally like, please give me this one. But then, you know, please give me this one. It's like I, you know, I take this and yes, that does a specific phrase. By work when we buy something. Yeah. Codio could our site. So it's like a yeah, I'll take this one. So we say displays and appointed an item you want in a restaurant or a shop. So you can use disgrace in a restaurant or a shop somewhere else. When you want to buy something, you can say like that. I'd take this one called Heroku, that side. Okay, That seed. We've finished all the, most of the activities. So lastly, let's review the video. Okay, so either skip section, please focus and understanding host or even Japanese. And what's more? Let's check the trip and the kanji section as well. Okay, let's begin. Japanese. Give it a try and pull. Good. And if so, do a lot in this abnormal motor, this buccal, anybody must be done at a genome a movie canal could affect how to assign your tics are clashing. Is that because tan bought the matchmaking amulet? Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, today we learned how to express your impression of something. Said, come along ONE this, you can use any adjective that ends with like colleague, followed by the name of the object. And finally, this Knit to this guy. Why you think about something? What digital has those who are very much there, IE bullshit and say that the mascot up with net. I guess some big muscles don't mean your stone with everything. That's true. Adding to this as an alanine shows you're seeking the other parties agreement. Try different adjectives to express your impressions. Pronunciation. Hawaii alone, 10, this D-alanine, mom wanted a snake trapped. And you can find to ambulate charms for various purposes at temples and shrines in Japan. The matchmaking ones are for finding romantic partners. They're set to work for business ties to. Other types of charms cover things such as childbirth and dry thing. Vocabulary by learning. Leaning myself. That's all for today. Please help AZ Japanese makes your time in Japan even more fun. Okay, That's it. That's the lesson 12, expressing in progressions and explaining things and hope you learn something new. Thank you for having my lesson. See you next time.
14. Saying what you want to do: Lesson 13, saying what you want to do. Japanese theme is your king. I mean, it is, it means I want to see it as no. First of all, let's check it escaped with English subtitles. In this time for it's focused on understanding whole story. Let's begin. Next time. Please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Yet speaking. Hokkaido, meet at me, I guess. Okay, Then let's check the vocabularies from Mesquite. Grids repeat after me. The first word is Nihon and X1. Okay, so let's check the example synthase. Okay, repeat after me. Nihon new and I must have got good at demand, has gotten us to Japan. Nihon neuroanatomist aka. Okay. Next one basically it out to me. Hi. Don not kowtow. Suit. Okay, I make the example sentence. Okay, Let's read two sentences together precipitate out to me, Nihon newer that I must occur in the home. They don't know what the other side it's got good. Nihon, they don't tighten scope means what do you want to do in Japan? Or like what I going to do in Japan? New home. They don't have photographs Titus got. Okay. Next one. Though. You Thomas says said that increasingly that for me you keep gametes good at demand. Well, I want to see deaths. No. Etl doesn't have any specific meaning at Manchester. Well, let's see, like that. You keep that means I want to see this, no. So, So it means want to see. Basic sentence is like that. Okay. Precipitate out to me. Ukiyo-e me mass. It means IC is no. But I'm Meta means want to see just a tie form of mass or C. That's why you can say your key gamete, I guess I want to see does know. You can express what you want to do. Anyway, I will explain this place in the key phrase section. Let's move on to the next one. Please repeat after me, Hokkaido and X1. So next time she said like that. Okay, repeat after me. Hokkaido 10k diet is good. It means I want to go to Hokkaido. In the same way. Let's check the basic sentence precipitate out at me. Hokkaido need schemas. Very Hokkaido and ag mass means I go to Hokkaido, I, we'll go to Hokkaido like that. On the other hand. Hokkaido. And each time I guess that means I want to go to Hokkaido, just the difference between two centers is 0 kinds. So each die is that type form or chi form of Iike mass or to go. So you're going to express what to, what do you want to do? Okay, so let's move on to the next word, t0, then X1, upto Tamagotchi. Okay. Leah said like that precipitate with ME. Either snap. It means that scared the soundscape like that. And then Douglas said, like, there is a great after me, after Tomonaga Cine, I tie this by also want see my fence. Outdoor promo destiny I tie it is. Okay, so let's check the basic sentence. Recipe that funny at all. Tomonaga engineer in mass. Good. That means I also ongoing to see my friends. I will see my friends. That's eight. On the other hand, tomography I tie this bit means I want to see my friends because I type is the type of or to see. So let's move on to the next macaron recipe. It after me. Oh yeah. Danger of a cold. Our guy. That's me. I said like that principally depth to me. We are digestible. Coulda. That means oh, I or you or your face is red like that. Oh yeah. Also doesn't have a specific meaning. Meaning just like Oh, and English. And they die is rolled with it. I okay. Cao. Cao volcano. It. Literary means your face is red, right? It's like a U or flushing column volcano. Okay, ready, just the new vocabularies in this scheme. Okay, so let's move on to the next escape. In this section. Let's read the whole sentence together. Okay, precipitate out to me. Nihon new add-on I must aka high. The Honda don't know protocol, status quo. Echo, UK economy tie this. Hokkaido and dy this Hokkaido until Tomonaga CNI, I tie this diagonal over. Coulda guy, you're good. That's great. So let's move on to the next grade, next section. In this section, I will explain the grammar in this good, Today's key phrases about saying what you want to do. Example sentences. You click on it, I guess it means I want to see a snow. So to say, what you want to do change massive in the very recent must form. To tie me, time is the time for more would be massive. Or to see this at the end, make it played to indicate the object of what you want to do. Use particles or, or gun. So asking what someone wants to do. 90, don't know quarterbacks tie ESCA means, what do you want to do or what kind of things do you want to do? She tie. Is that tie form of Shimazu suited, meaning to go. Anyway, let's check the example sentence where you want to say like what you want to do, either reuse hyphen here. Okay, precipitate out to me. You keep on diabetes. It means I want to see That's no because meantime, is that Typhon OF MY massive or to see. Okay, Let's check another example sentence here. Okay, please repeat after me. Sushi data better, I guess. Good. That means I want to eat sushi because tablet I is that tie form of tabular or to eat. And X1 visibly delta mi be nanometer less. It means I want to drink beer because NAMI time is that tile form of normal or to drink. Okay, so let's check the, another example of this. Here. Repeat after me, kind Shani, each Titus. Good. That means I want to go to the office because each tai chi form of or to go yeah, like that. Anyway, you can choose that type form and you can express what you want to do. Okay, then let's check the next section. In this section, Let's read a show dialogue which include a key phrase we studied. Okay, please repeat after me. Ni Honda, nanny gas, diarrhea, Scott. Now manga diabetes. She asked like that, the home dynamic has died and scalp. It means what do you want to do in Japan? And he answered like learning a tablet, I guess that means I want to eat it because poverty is the time form or poverty or to eat. Okay, that's it. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, please translate. Please try to translate three Japanese sentences, sorry, three English sentences into Japanese. Okay, first one, I wanna go to kink apogee tempo. Okay? And so keen calculate your tempo is kinda QG. And a goal, tiny form of the goal is Iike pi, right? So in this case, you can say like that, please repeat after me. Kinda Eugenie. Yes. Good. Each tile is the title of a good or to go. And then you can attach this at the end of the sentence. So kinda cotinine, digress. I want to go to Kinko's your tempo. Okay, let's move on to the next one. I want to buy some multi-modal. I want to buy some are key mono. And, uh, we say some AKI mono is like you've got that in Japanese. And then want to buy is Kai Di in Japanese. So you can say like that here. Please repeat after me. You got dagger high diabetes or like you also can say like that, please repeat after me. You got that. All right, I guess. Okay, great. Because the particle or all express that object. In this case objects, there is some arche mono, or you've got that data. You can say you've got di, di, di this or you got that. Okay, I digress both. Okay. Which are whichever out. Okay. So bossa say the meaning. So it means like I want to buy some AKI mono because it's the tight form of calm or to buy. That's a, as folk, the first question, it's about a place. In this case, you need to use the particle NI. So I want to go to that destination. So the glomerulus is like Destination, need divest. That's it. Okay, so let's check the third one. I want to do, cherry blossom viewing. Okay, So cherries brought some viewing his or her enemy in Japanese. And the wan to do is style. Style is a Typhon of solute or to do. Okay? So you can say like that, please repeat after me. Hi, I'm Eva state is good or you can say like all her NAMI or status. Okay. Right. Both. So okay. Okay. That's it. You've finished all of the questions. So let's move on to the next one. Okay, I will introduce bonus race. Please repeat after me, dinosaur, but it means I. Okay. So use this phrase when you are concerned about someone I multiply diversion is dying job with ESCA. So yeah, you can say die a job because Scott, to your colleague or your balls like that. And you can say die Java to your family members or to your friends or something like the person who is close to you because it's more casual, done Diageo with Scott. Anyway, the meaning-based just like Are you okay? Yeah. Like that. Okay. So we finished most of the activities. Lastly, let's check desk eat together. In this time. In the skills section, please focus on understanding host or eating Japanese. And it wants more. That's true. And the content section as well. Okay, that's speaking. Japanese, were going to give it a try. The Honda don't neglect your guide on each side. Callback. I think that person, Tam wants to see it as more than just a friend. I think you are right now This time we'll learn how to say why you want to do. Tan said You keep on meat diet is the verb to see is minimised. If you replace most with kindness, you can say, I want to see what dy this Shabbat on this. Thank you. I bet he will fight the iris. Correlate. So-called talk to you all. Let me much. I just got it. You got us there. So anyways, just where plays with kindness. So kind mass becomes tide. Tide is to want to buy I'm sure visitors, lots of things they want to do. That means plenty of chances to practice. Well, let's work on the pronunciation. You click on me, Dionysus. Dionysus. I can have our AI is one of the most popular tourist spots in Tokyo. It developed around electronic gates and specialized shops still exist to ride around the station. Some places let you try assembling computer circuits. It's definitely a neighborhood beds plugged in. Today. It's something you can take it and make meaning. Felt. Oh, when you say Khanjan, have some fun and check the meaning and pronunciation. That's ASI Japanese. Okay. That's saying, what's your one today? I hope you learned something new from this lesson. Thank you. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
15. Saying what you want to try: Lesson 14, saying what you want to try. And Japanese theme gives me who's a Democrat, I guess it means I want to try to go to Japan first the bow, let's check desk eat with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on extending the whole story. Let's begin. Thus, you just feel okay next time periods focus on Japanese pronunciation and hard to read next speaking. Okay guys, feel okay Then let's check the vocabulary is from the ski. Please repeat after me. The first word is called Nicira. The next one, what does X0 and X1 booklet? I make an example sentence. Read after me, Cognitive up. What does she want to hammer this? It means hello, I'm Tom. Then you've got the guy said that like that here for his agree that with the MI beaucoup, I guess it means I'm a Yuki. As flow. What does she then? The Volcker, both meaning I spoke or what does she? So men and women use these word. But a placebo with that book could only men use this word. That's the difference between what mass G and the book. Okay, then let's move on to the next one. Please repeat after me. Ni homo. Next one. They gave it. The guy said like that, preserve read off to me, Tomlinson, new home robot and given this net, Ms. Thompson. So Tom you can speak Japanese, can treat me home with either given this name. So X1 and X1, that kit. And as she said, like that, please agreed to me. Scotia jacket is yes. Means like a li a little bit. Like a Scotia decades is be humble expression. So Japanese people tended to use a hub Hamburg special like that. Suppose you that got is when someone places you at a time in a Japanese people tend to use humble expression like for example, you are very smart, you are beautiful. And then after that you can say like, oh, no school she jacket is only a little, just a little bit like that Does be humble expression. Okay, Next one, last GO. Ben kills it. And as she said like that, Hey, please repeat after me. Last year they Banco she musta. It means I studied STI studied it on the radio. And as you would have in Schorske mushed up. As suppose a particle, the particle express like how to or place. In this case, you know, last video is how to. Okay, so other examples, sentences here. Me, Internet bank goes, you must have studied on the Internet. And other examples here. Get pretty secrete out to me. Home day bingo. She must have varied. These expressions are both sentences of how to write. So I study by radio or internet for booth like that. One more expression. One more expression is like place. All right. So bowl-like here precipitate out any new home they bingo, she must stop. I is dotted in Japan. All my suspicion is here principally, me got gold eventual smashed up. I studied at school. And last one is here. Please repeat after me, EA day bingo, she must die. I studied at home. These example sentences are place. So anyway, the point is the particle dead expressed, that means how to or place. Okay, That's the point. And X1 precipitate out to me here. So going and the guy said just the hairs are going. Oh, that's interesting. As they're going. And X1, new home. And X1. Sounds like that. Please repeat after me. Ni Jorge dermatitis. Admins, I want to try to go to Japan in the hallway. Then we tie it is it means I want to try to go to Japan because this sentence has hidden meaning like, I've never been to Japan so far. So you have never been you haven't ever done something at a time? You can use the sprays. I want to try to do something new home a dermatitis. I wanted to drink a beer. Be your non baby tigers like that. Anyway, I explained this example, this grammar in the key-frame section in detail. So let's move on to the next one. Please repeat after me. An X1. O there guys. Precipitate after me. Take other side. Good. It means please come. Please come to Japan and say, Hey, take it aside. Okay, next one on nicely to breastfeed of three. Boko Haram Nashima CEO. Irish, show you a wrong. So the guy said like the he can take it outside, okay. Down nitrile osteo. Please come to Japan. I'll show you a ride. Okay. That's it. That's the new vocabularies. Then let's check the skin section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence together. Please repeat after me. Coordinate Shiva, what does she want homologous. What do you get this new home? We're going to be doing this there. It is. That's you owe the bank goes you must stop the whole 8 Titus. Each ticket outside. Glucagon, Nice. Okay, right, it's that big. So let's check the key phrase. Okay, so today's key phrases about saying what you want to try. The example sentences me home a dermatitis. It means I want to try to go to Japan. Okay, to say what you want to try use the tech form of class. Meantime. In the meantime, is that TEFL or with a verb, or to go adding the desk at the end the May exit blind. This expression is used to express things you've never experienced that before. And that's for particle a. Particle a, new home or to Japan indicates the direction of movement. Bows bla, bla, bla bla need or go to a bla, bla are used. Anyway. They're glamour is here. Let's say for example, sentence. Okay, participate up to me. And he hung a demi Titus. It means I'm gonna try to go to Japan. And this sentence 0. So it has a hidden meaning, like, I would never been to Japan so far. At the time. You can use this race. Okay, let's go back through the basic syntax. Here. Please repeat after me. Nih only schemas. Your admin's, I'm going to Japan and the homemaking must IV or go to Japan. Paris agreed after me, NIH only eight days. Good at demand. I want to go to Japan. Okay. Next one precipitate out the me, me home. Yeah, they may die. This group, it means I want to try to go to Japan. And only descendants has hidden meaning. I've never been to Japan, so fall. Okay. So as far as second understand this. If you have been to Japan so far, you still can use the sprays Nihon each day this I want to go to Japan again. But if you have been to Japan so far, other time you can say the surge center is near Hong eight dammit, itis. Because this sentence include a meaning like, I would never been to Japan so far, only this case, you can use this expression. Okay, So let's check that x. Other example sentence. Here you go. Please repeat after me B2 or NAMI Titus. It means I want to drink beer. And X1. Maybe the child said, child can say this phrase, phrase a breeder that mean be due or non dermatitis. It means I want to try to drink a beer because I been never drank beers so far. All right. Next one here for Zubaida. Okay. They preserved reach out to me to guide the Audio tab or Titus. Good. That means I want to eat Chinese. Heard the sentence. On the other hand, here. Precipitate ectomy to guide your audio tablet, they may die. This very intimate. I want to try to eat a Chinese heard. And this sentence has hidden meaning like, I've never eat and Chinese food so far. Only this case you can use this phrase. Okay, that's eight. So let's check this showed that I overlook. Include a key phrase we study. So please repeat after me. Ni Honda nanny does tie this cup, sawdust and then small Omega me die this. The guy asked, like you honed in on you guys started desktop. What do you want to do in Japan? And then after that, the onset like small Meta, Meta itis. That means I want to try to see some Mo. I want to try it to see some mo symbol. In this case, you know, you can honest than the woman had never seen snow ever. Right. So because it's small, meet ME diabetes, this K-fold bluff me type, this sentence include a meaning. I've never done so far. Okay? Okay. All right, so let's check the try it out, try out section. In this section, British tried to translate three English example synthesis into Japanese. Person benefits like I wanted climb on the cruises summer day. Okay, climb Mount Fuji is huge, is suddenly no border. A tet foam is pretty soundly noble. Death. And the grammar is dead form of a book plus meet tight, right? So the answer is here. Please repeat after me. Who's he suddenly notebook dermatitis. Good. I want to try to climb Mount Fuji. And this sentence has a hidden, hidden meaning like, I've never climbed Mount Fuji so far. Okay, great. Let's check the next one. I want to ride us Xing constant blood train. I want to write machine guns and bread train. And the, you know, careful of this sentence is like chewing gums and neat little bit. Okay. The drama is telephone plus meet I know David Ty say honestly, it's here. Pretty SciPy. Does that mean Cinco saying, you know, Timmy Titus? Right. It means I want to try to ride a chink constant blood train. And this sentence or so has hidden meaning like, I've never lived in a sinc Gaussian breads trained so far. Okay, great. Let's check the next one. I want to wear chemo. I want to try to wear a kimono. Okay? Telephone is like key mono step, and the grammar is dead phone plus Meta, steady die. So honestly is here, presumably they're hemi, chemo launched Amy Titus. Good. Okay. It demands, I want to try to where he mono, where our key mono. And this sentence also has hit a meeting like I've never worn a chemo so far. So yeah, that's it. Okay, great. Year finished. All of the questions. Let's move on to the next section. Okay, in this section, either introduce used for phrase basically delta E school she dot get this very intimate. It's only a little. This expression of humility is used when someone plays. It's your ability. This is like a humbler expression like your Japanese. It's very nice on a Danone home lost their balance sheets, then you can answer like, Oh, no, only a little. Supposedly that kid is like that. That's the Humboldt expression. Anyway, you've finished to most of the activities last three. Let's check the escaped again. To review today's class section, please focus in Afghanistan and host or in Japanese. And what's model that's checked and candy section as well. Let's begin. Japanese. Give it a try. Like that's you had lukou UCAS. Measurements. Feel handsome. It seems like Tim likes and if you know what I mean, he might be one of the reasons she decided to come to Japan. Anyway, today we'll introduce a phrase, nuclei. This, that means wants to do something that you haven't done before. Towns set and the whole leg good thing of Titus. It means I want to know Sunday. They cannot guess. Given the whole book. And then we started here. But it's the boss noticed that I do now atopic dermatitis, a whole queue, click it in your fleet that you collect them excited. It's openly available, it's getting excited. He did say he do anything for her though. And to express your wishes, change your verb into a form that ends with ten and add an diode. This technique diet IS the pronunciation goes like this guy, this guy, this tab. You can enjoy the Nike around Tokyo from different angles. Maybe take a bus tour of the city. It shows you landmarks like Tokyo Tower and Rainbow Bridge all in one trip. A factory viewing credence is another option. The bright lights and reflections are short memories for you. Today. Candy Land, the sun goes down. That day, tanks. Yet it, meaning night. That's ASI Japanese. Visit our website for past episodes and other learning materials. Gum up back. Okay, That's the that's the less than 14 saying what's you're going to try? And I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
16. Telling the taxi driver your destination: Lesson 15, telling the taxi driver your destination. Japanese seem it's sudden all the same Madonna guys you must, it means to the monkey hot spring, please. First of all, let's check the skin with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on nano standard understanding the whole story. Let's begin. Watch it on Monday. When he dies, she has you make it a senior studying each night. So this got somebody got started, got that's not only thing you hate the muscles. Okay, next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. Georgia demo day. When they die, CMS has made it to Scott, has senior coding each nest. So this got somebody got started. Got you. Okay. Then let's check this check the vocabularies when this gate okay. Presumably Dr. me to first four days. Doj is deployed. Docker. Anyway, let's check the example sentence. That guy's like that precipitate out to me. Don't cheat Armada. Good. It means where two. So we need to use that taxi in Japan. Taxi driver, who would ask you like that? So where do you want to go and build Toyama? They're all like here, precipitate after me. Don't see dharma. They got in Moscow. Where that's more polite expression. Where do you like to go? And then you can say your destination. Okay, X1 varies a bit off to me, hadoop. And next one's own sin omega. I see that you can express your destination like that. Phrase, agreed, after me started on sand mother on a guy's schema's. It means to the monkey hot spring. Please tell us the points sentence, sulphides lesson, but it's very simple. You just go here. Destination, mother, on a guy she must, for example, like to the Tokyo Tower, please. Tokyo Tower armada, or you guys, you must do that. Tokyo sky tree, please. Tokyo skyline city, medea on the guys she must to the Kyoto Station police, Kyoto achy money, mass like that. Okay. Next one, principally dichotomy, high rock garden. And then the taxi driver list bones to like that. Please reach out to me. Hi, regarding mashed up. Good. It means yes, Tai understood. Got it. Like that. Next one, please repeat after me. Coachella. Has he met it into the taxi driver asked like that. Precipitate up. Coachella has limited it's got good. Is this your first time here? Has immigrated Scott. And X1 shushing your body? It could. He have said that? There is a grid of Tommy, hi, shushing your authority, Mickey Mouse. Good. It means yes, I'm going to take some pictures. High shushing, you alternate the mass. Next one. So this guy, Joe summary, axon. Own set, new hire. That guy say it like that. Okay, That's a long sentence, precipitate our tummy. So this guy, KOH, a summary, gotta toxin, Masada own s0 height, Demasio. I saw this guy means IC, okay, like that kilowatt somebody gotta, it's called today taxon or taxon Masada onset height Demasio. A lot of monkeys in a hot spring. Own sun is hot spring pack. Sono had satellite is a lot of monkeys. Okay, that's it. That's the new vocabularies. Okay, let's move on to the next section. In the script section, Let's read the whole sentence together, principally delta mi, mama Dan. Sudden onset modelling guys schema's. Hi regarding mashed up. Coachella has limited, it's got high, has emitted as sudden no trashing your schemas. Saw this guy, Joe or somebody got a salary of Antioch sounds and you hide Demasio. Okay, good. Let's check the key phrase. Today's key phrases about carrying the taxi driver is your destination. Example sentences, southern on sand, mother, omega is schema's, it means to the monkey hot spring, please. To tell the taxi driver your destination, say place nowadays, omega and schemas. Now there is a particle itself means two and indicates the destination. Omega is she mass is the mass form of the verb Omega Institute or to ask. It can be used when making requests. Asking about a destination. When you get in the taxi, driver will ask though cheetah, mother or daughter, mother, the desktop or where to remember the ladies don't cheetah is a polite way of saying docker or where. It's what taxi drivers say when they address passengers. Anyway, the grammar is very simple. Here. Place it on a nice and taxi driver who would ask you like it or don't cheat on my desktop. Okay. Though cheetah, Madagascar. Yeah, Basically there are three Tokyo Tower mother only guys from us. Good to Tokyo tolerably is just the PRB phrases. Built. You download it. Don't you download the desktop? Tokyo Tower mother, only guys, you must like that. Okay. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, let's read the shorter dialogue, which include a key phrase we studied. Please repeat after me. Don't cheat. I'm Scott. Could go mother only by the schemas. Good. The guy asked like filtered out by the disco, where would you like to go, where to? And then the guy answered like Coke or muddy or neglect, she must do the airport. Ways could go means airport. And I think that's a very useful. When you come back to your home country at a time, you can use the taxi and, uh, you could say like could go mother, owning my schema's all kinds. So let's check the try it out section. Okay, in this section please try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Number 1 to Tokyo sky tree, please. Tokyo psychiatry is Tokyo sky to be in Japanese, you know, like Tokyo psychiatry is a kind of Japanese shame, grief. This word come from English. Anyway, the grammar is just the place mother, omega HMS, in this case, place these Tokyo skyline to read. That's why you can't say like the parties agreed after me, pull kills sky and sodium are the only guys she must. Okay, Great, That's it. Let's move on to the next question. Number 2 to this hotel, please. This hotel is corner hold data in Japanese. So answer is here. Please repeat after me. Cornell hot day, too muddy on a guy's she must. You can point the screen, you can point the screen on the phone. And what's more IV or introduce more simpler expression, precipitator me, COCOMO. They only got it from us. Admins like please go to here, COCOMO, the only values you must. For example, like if you have a map or like map in your form, at a time you point to the screen or the mat and you're just going to say cocoa mother only guys UMass. To displease. Yeah, like that. It's very simple place. Okay, so let's check the SRD question. Okay, So the question is to Yokohama station please. So Yokohama is in Kanagawa Prefecture. Coming up prefecture is located next to Tokyo. Go Hama is the one of the city, Kanagawa Prefecture. And Yokohama station is like Yokohama key, right? So you can say like that, please repeat after me. You'll go home. I don't wanna guys from us. Okay, Great. That's it. So you're good answer all the questions. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, we will study how to use owner guys. She must depending on their situation. Okay. So basically Dr. me, check go donate guys, UMass. Good. And X1 call heat on a balance sheet mass. And last one, okay, Gail, negative schemas. Very first expression. When you check in or check goat, the hotel in Japan at a time you can say like Check green or the United she must or take on a guy's she must check green. Check from English. So it's very easy to remember for yourself. And next one, call key on a guy's schema's. It's obviously like you can use these rays in the restaurant or something like a store. Yeah, coherently, guys from us sublease these coffee. Coffee, please. Like that. Okay. Last one is OK. I get all my guys you must or chi Get means check. So when you want to check at a time, you can say like check ways, okay, K only nice, UMass. And then you can pay the money. Okay, that seat. So we've finished with low store with activities last three. Let's review that today's lesson. In the skin section, please focus on understanding the whole story in Japanese and what's more, Let's check that trip did and the conscious section as well. Okay, Then let's begin. Japanese go to Demo Day. Sadly, the lymphoma death when the guy CMS has emitted, Scott has maybe to see that in assessing you're doing each nest. So this got somebody got started, got That's what I was thinking. Do you know where the monkey hot spring? It's in the mountains of about 2.5 hours by train from Tokyo. I can't wait to say that. That doesn't mean that it's going to take sad, sad, and not on standby that on a nice mouse. And you can tell a taxi driver, where do you want to go by saying that destination? And my bet on NIGMS, Digital other device was to convert it, go away your scott, typical dorsal multiple Lambdas for global trade off. So this got only a moment in nice and most place names can be confusing, especially when they sound similar. That's true. But whatever your destination may be, my day on a guy's schema's is a polite way to ask the driver. Let's practice the pronunciation. Signing the same mother on a guy and she sat in the on-state Monday on a guy's mass. More information on taxis. In Japan, taxi doors open and close automatically. Nowadays you see lots of camps with an updated design. They were introduced in time for the Tokyo Olympics and a surge of visitors. The spacious interior makes the ride more comfortable for everyone, especially with a lot of luggage. Today's Kanji. The general term for a four wheeled vehicle is could a map, meaning car. Thanks for watching and come back. Okay, That's it. That's the lesson. And 15, getting a taxi driver or your destination. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
17. Expressing impressions and explaining things: Lesson 16, expressing a progressions and explaining things pod to Japanese theme is you may not own send this. It means this is a famous hot spring. As your job, Let's check the escaped with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on notwithstanding whole story. Let's begin. You know, up. Okay, next time please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. Okay, so let's check the book Cadbury's from this keep precipitate out to me, the first word is law. Started. By the way, I say it like that. Basically, I mean last header and I buy. It means, wow, so many monkeys. We know LA, LA, this word that comes from English, it means just that. Wow. And English, last adder got eight bytes. And each byte means a lot of time. So X1 precipitate out to me, toxin and X1 shushing your daughter. So at the passengers said like that. Okay. For his agree that to me. Sounds hashing your data and on their domains. You take a little pictures, right? You take a lot of pictures, don't you? You know, like total day even though ne'er, hills like right. Don't you? Yeah. Like that taxon session. We would take a lot of pictures, right. And X1. Hi, Coco. Kind of guy. You may not own stem response to precipitate out to me. Hi Coco Al-Qaeda in them or you may send this admins. Yes, this is a famous hot spring a road Hi, Coco alkyl guy demo. You remain on this guy road and you may not means famous and offspring is ohms then cocoa Al-Qaida where you may know, send this. This is a famous helps bring up road. Okay. And X1 basically it over to me. So NANDA on Send me hide it. May zeta xi, the guys there like that. Okay. Basically directory. And so on, on the side and our own senior high norm is it actually got Ana Good of IC. It's rare to see monkeys in a hot spring. Okay, hey, so Ananda is just that response. It's like, oh, I see here. So under standard old saying the high and low on, is it actually Khurana, you know, like she means rare. Uncommon. Yeah. There's data sheet. Okay. So let's move on to the next one. Precipitate out at me. I've got John. And X1 Kublai. And the last three Mia say it like that. Okay, he's a great actor. Me, law setting, aka John colony. Here the domains while baby monkeys us. So cute. Yeah, Well I have Sinaloa concha. Aka John means baby. We studied all of new vocabularies. Let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence together. You can improve your Japanese, but I've session. Anyway, let's begin by toxin session. You updated on that. Hi Coco Al-Qaida, will you remain on senders? So NANDA scattered owns any higher than one, but it actually got an a southern aka John colony. Great. So let's move on to the next section. In the key phrase section, either interpreters that Japanese grammar in this scape. Today's key phrases about expressing the inflections and explaining things. Japanese example sentence a spike. You may not own, send this, it means this is a famous hot spring. Now, adjectives, adjectives that end. We said Not when modifying a noun like you may not. A sentence can be made by putting an adjective, The end, and replacing it with desperate. You made us, or it's a famous. Anyway, let's just hear, basically done for you and then I'll send this kit demand. It is a mass on a spring. Really modify a noun that at, I usually do put on the end that with this adjective, you may not send this. You can simply say like that, just the removed Anna and this, repeat after me. You man is good at domains. It is famous. Or like you can say like the recipe that I mean, Kronos and LA, you may add as good. This hot spring is famous, carnivals and law you made as. The other may be two ways of expression like kono Sandra, you made this whole like here. Again, pretty simply delta me, Coca-Cola, human own send this means, this is that they must tell Spring. Now, whichever, okay, Como se and why you made this or Coca-Cola. You may not understand this. Okay, Let's make another example sentence here. Okay, please repeat after me. I know how UVA stickiness. It means that actor is wonderful, fun, that fantastic. Okay, next one here, principally Dr. me, cut era, sticking out how you this command, he is a wonderful actor. Sticking up is the object. Good? It makes wonderful. Rainy modify a noun. You just can use. Now adjective plus noun, like sticking up high you wonderful actor like that. Okay? When you want to say like the actor is wonderful at a time, you can remove that not and attach this. So you can say like, I know how you love sticky disk. Okay. So let's move on to the next section. Hi, Let's read that show dialogue which include a key phrase we studied. Okay, produce beta at me. Again in a Saturday snare. Home DO Genki does net. Good. She said again, keen on Saturday snap. It means it's a lively monkey, isn't it? Okay, So again, kina, if the non adjective gain kinesthetic ESnet, if the liability monk, it isn't it? And after it that the woman answered like on dog enqueued ESnet. It sure is. It's my ugly. Okay, so that's eight. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. In this section, please try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Let's check the first one. The first one is, it's a quiet place. Isn't it collide to place or she isn't gonna show in Japanese. Schizogony is the adjective. And in this case, she's gonna modify a noun, Barstow or place. You can say she's the kinda shown here precipitate out to me. Sorry. Schizogony. Good. At min, it's a quiet place, isn't it? She's the cannabis or the SNF. Okay. So let's check the next one. It's a beautiful scenery, isn't it? You know, like beautiful is now adjective, key Dana. And, uh, you need to modify a noun, cache key scenarios. So you can say keep a cache key, right? So answer is here, repeat after me. Keda, in that case. Good. It's a beautiful scenery, isn't it? Okay, so let's move on to the third one. Number three is about it's magnificent. The building, isn't it? Okay, Magnificent the building. It's not that they mono. Okay. The answer is here for incipient out to me, the pinata demo, this net. Okay, right. So let's review three questions. So that's full first one, Shizuoka navbar. So this net all like you can say, like the fact that this place is quiet, isn't it? Coca-cola. She's gone up. Sorry, Connor Bhatia. She's a goddess net. It's also okay. Kono bash realizes that got its name. You can remove enough and that's this. Okay? So next one, GD and T, that's net, right? Or like you can say like that. This is cinerary. It's beautiful. Isn't it? Common case Kiva Key dataset. And so, so cut, you can remove it or not. And the pit on this. Okay, so let's check the third one. The pinata demo, this net. Or you can say that this building is magnificent because it cannot attend MANOVA D, But isn't it? Okay, in this case you can remove it and not kind of Britain desk. But the point is, really modify a noun by the time you need to say not the Barna key, Dana, sticking up like that. But I'm on the other hand, you just can't say like, this building is magnificent, cannot attend one over b minus net. We need to modify a noun. You just can't use that now adjective by removing that not from the non-projective. Okay, that's the point. So let's check the bonus raised precipitate of Tami. Hey, good head. I mean just a bow. This phrase is used to express admiration or a surprise at what someone has said. Oh, okay, okay, I see. So we finished most over the activities. Lastly, let's redo today's skeet. Skeet section is focused on understanding host story in Japanese. And what's more, Let's check the attributive and the contact section. Okay, that's speaking japanese. Give it a try. But I'm touching and what both high Coca-Cola, finite evil. You name them fitness. So none. So I don't know saying you hide in the metadata. You gotta know that. I wanted They then a hot spring myself. Don't you run on battery? Hi, I'm waterproof or really, I hope you're right. In the stead, me sad. Not own SanDisk. In addition to Agile, test that and click like. We have some that ends with not. For example, you may not. It can use both types before nouns to describe places and objects and other things. May not. Onset means famous hot spring. Bush will show guy Seamus George. But an alternative. Although she kinda show obtain guy this. I don't know what mystical Artemis results from a conjugate. Don't not immediate, Scott. Wow, speaking of consciousness neck. And yes, that's my favorite country. Today we've been talking about agile chimps ending and not like you may not. Speaking up. Adjectives add color to your conversation. Let's practice the pronunciation. On sameness. You may not own Sandel. And this is the onset featured in the skids. Animal soaking in the warm water of a Japanese hot springs are quite a sight. And not just monkeys. Jackie Berra's have an onset of their own. Both hot spring retreats are 2.5 hours from Tokyo by train or bus. Today. It's something enjoyed my people and animals alike. Onset. You probably know the meaning. Okay, that's it. That's the lesson 16, expressing the impressions and expanding the things that are too. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
18. Telling people what you're doing now: Lesson 17, telling people what you're doing now, Japanese Si meets the home world, your cost Amos. It means I am being traveling around Japan. Okay, first of all, let's check this. Keep the ways English subtitles in this time. Please focus on understanding the whole story. It's speaking about me. I'm like, okay then next time please focus on Japanese pronunciation and hard to read it. Let's begin. Okay, so let's check the vocabulary is from Kate. Please repeat after me. The first word is sober up. And X1, X2 and X1 Omega. So they make an example, synthase. Hear me, sober meets only nine, she must meet three. So about bleeds, syllabi need three months when you order it and many at a time, you can say like that. Okay, Great, I have to be sober. Ashdod 2 omega is seamless. And X1, X2 Omega HMS like that. So you can, to count the number like that. That's it meets it. So let's move on to the next one. Please repeat after me. Hi. Ni Hong Kong goal. Precipitate after me. Nikola can call this got. It means like did you come to Japan for site seeing the homework Common Core, Let's go. Original sentences like that. For me. Mahoney la Concorde, they can disco. Minutes like this. You're coming to Japan. Both sides theme. So the whole welcome. Scott is the abbreviation over this. Originally I was sent dance. Okay. So let's move on to the exon. What that sheet trashing got. Cto. Show me. I said like okay, pretty simply delta me. What does she was hashing? The whole Novocain guy initial guy Stay months. It means, Well, I'm a photographer and I introduce Japan to the ward. It'll doesn't have a specific meaning. It's like well, let's see, like that. What does she want? Shushing, got it. I am of a program file, Nihon Nakamoto kinda initial Christ Amos. I introduce Japan period award. So kinda means of road. And it showed guys CIDR means introduce. So let's move on to the next one. Sorted it. The Of course it is. Yeah, I'll continue to say it like that. Please repeat after me. So they did the whole module goto statements. So I'm traveling around Japan. So what I did is like so or like, that's why I'm traveling around Japan and behold, of course the mass. Okay, and X1. After that, that guy said, like precipitate out that e. So DevOps, Ibarra Sheena. Good, that's great. So they've asked the balance sheet. That's one or multi-session mashed up. Okay? So Oman consumption must stop, is, here you go. So Nazis means weight. So what does this so much that it domains literary. I lead to wait. But I'm into specific phrase used in the restaurant. Somatosensory mushed up means like, here you go. Here you are like that. When you come to a Japanese less run. Yeah, you can listen disgrace. So that the new vocabularies, let's move on to the next section. In this section, we read a whole sentence together. You can improve your Japanese pronunciation. You can not, it's done and how to read a sentence. Anyway, let's get this dotted. Also by meets only guy she must. Hi. Welcome. Called eschar. Then though, she was hashing CUDA in-home locatable C99 is Yochai's team AS so that any homo your course team has seen us about CNN or what ancestry mashed up. Good. Okay, so let's move on. Our next section. In the key phrase section, either individually or Japanese grammar. Today's key phrases about telling people what you're doing now. Example sentences. The homo Yoko, stay mass. It means I have been traveling around Japan to express something what you're doing now, use the verb is TEFL plus e massive, Yoko, stay mass. Is that teff form of your core suited or to trouble, which is DLCO step followed by the massive. So grammar is very simple, just active form. So let's make the example sentence. I know, uh, you can ask like that, please repeat after me. Email nanny state or no. It means like, what are you doing that fema and H2O. So when you call to your friends Now the time you get say like that, basically direct to me. Mostly mushy. Nanny state no. Admit low. What are you going? So motion where she is creating used in the telephone, mostly mostly in my nanny state at all. And you can unselect that. Repeat after me. Email law, Banco osteomas. It means I'm starting now. Vein cure stay must just be polite expression. Or you can say like that to your friends or the people close to you. Please repeat after me. Email a banker was stereo. It also means I am, it's dying now. And so that's another example sentence for is a bit of that meet email or go out everyday buzz. It means like I'm having a dino know imago. How about the mass? Okay, so X1 here for dissipate out to me, e-mail or sample schemas. Good admins, I'm taking a walk now. Let's make some more examples. Okay. Precipitate out to me. E-mail our Q Gail stay mass means I'm taking a break now. Anyway, the grammar is Jessica, Telephone plus emails, like stay mass. Go whoa, tablet that you must. Samples they must Q Gail, stay mass. Like that. You can express what true I doing. Now, let's check the next section. In this section, that's really does show the dialogue which include a key phrase based study. Please repeat after me. I'll call this gum. High school GO course. Dana's. The guy asked like, Scott, are you on a trip? And this valine your answer like high school, junior quote, stay mass. That means yes, I've been traveling here and there. At scot-free means hearing bear. And of course the mass test form is, they'll go step plus e mass. So of course they must mean I'm traveling or like I being dropping. Okay, so let's check the try it out section. In this section, please try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Let's check number one. I'm starting with Japanese. You know, like study Japanese, its new home, go paint your city. And a test form of study is painkillers step. And the grammar is tenfold plus D mass. So onset, it's here, pretty simply delta mi, me humble Bengio, stay mass. I am starting Japanese language and the homophobe and go stabilise. Okay, so let's move on to the next one. I'm working. I'm working. So walk TEN test form is a scotoma or step. Okay, so answer is here, precipitate out to me. Sql doors, famous, very famous and walking. And X1, I'm teaching English and teaching English. You know, like the test form or the teaching of history is a goal, or she had 10. So our answer is here for your repeat after me. Go or she had the MST. I'm teaching English. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, that grammar is just a tip. Hobo burger plus E must express what you are doing. Okay, then let's move on to the next step up section. So I've introduced a useful plays or knowledge. Okay, Today's step up section is about the numbers use when all drink. Yeah. As I mentioned earlier. Okay. So let's count from one to five. Please repeat after me. Starts it starts it me too. Your pizza to do. So let's make an example sentence. Okay, so S3, so but please, please repeat after me. Also about me, the only guy cmos, gate and X1. Find a sober, please. Okay. Presently up to me. Also by its sea ice cream us. Okay. Great. Okay, So that's the step section and elif finished and most over the activities. So last three. Today's lesson in this kit section, please focus on now that's stunning whole story in Japanese and resize. Let's check trip and the conjugate section as well. Okay, That's begin. Japanese. Also about me, steepness. And what does this you must try and local specialties is one of the best things about traveling. I agree, but I often end up eating too much. In today's lesson, we learned how to say what you've been doing lately, has said new home audio, go stay mass. The point is changing as a good policy matches to take them AS famous. I'm not the law new Honda scarf. So why should that they must cocoa Nuwa Geico, could, you know, days have died must still. You know, it's beautiful. It's always a good your big go, save us. It's delicious. Thank you. Stay mass in this context is a phrase that means I've been studying by changing mass as m Bank your schemas to take us. Thank Joe. Yes, it can explain why you're involved in doing these days. That's right. Let's work on the pronunciation. Naoko stamens. Now Gordon's famous Silva noodles hold a prominent position and Japan's colonial culture. Making noise, it's expected. Slurping is thought to bring out the flavor of soda and the SaaS by bringing in a lot of air. Try it yourself when you come to Japan. Today. Meaning black, we can read it. They must be a content expert. Is a Japanese. Okay, it's at less than 17, telling people what you're doing now. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. And I thank you for having my class. See you next time.
19. Expressing impressions of what you've experienced: Lesson 19, expressing the impressions of what you've experienced. Japanese CMEs see book tunnels. That is, it means it was very fun. First of all, let's check that escaped with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding the whole story. Let's begin. English guys saw this that yoke that MIT, now that I know they're still have taught them with C6, the stack. And I'll see you. Next time. Phrase focused on Japanese pronunciation and how would you read it? That's speaking. Okay. Any guess that nonetheless, the milk and the Scott Base SESI you accidentally miss, city codec will fill them, they must stand tote. Then we saw that yoke that, that is now electrochemistry 60 snap. And I see. Okay. Then let's check the vocabularies from the skied parties. Agree, Dr. me, the first word is or guiding aside for is the freedom for me here. Tonight, Lima. Peru. Lima means I'm home. And while more fleas, it's pretty speed of me. Or gaiety? Gaiety means welcome home. So Nyima and Hokkaido are the pair of phrases. So when it come to, really come back to home, you need to say ta-da EMA in Japan. And the people in Hong said, Okay, yeah, welcome home, like that. And o is the more polite expression than OK, ID, whichever. Okay. So remember boats expressions, ta-da, EMA, and or, or guide Innosight. So let's move on to the next one. Please reach out to me another door. Okay. So how does sounds like that? Here? There is a Beta with me, nanowire DoorDash taka. It means how was Niigata? Okay. means like, how was gloved up? Now Galois, the oldest, aka. If we want to say this phrase in the present tense at a time, you can't see it like that. Okay. Greta me. Now going to add all day. Scott Howe is an ago. When your friends when your friend is now at a time, you can text to your friends like how is Nevada Nevada model, that's GAAP. If it's the past, you can say like, how was nagana not gonna let though this took up a breezy use, both raised depending on their situation. Okay, So next one, please repeat after me, Sudoku. The next one panel. She, in this skit, We basically study about the past-tense. So yes, like that. Please repeat after me. So GSC Tunguska ab.js. Good. It means it was really fun. That is. So the present tense here gets here like that. To me. So GSC tunnel sheet is myth. It's very fun. Okay, so next one is beta of the mean. Sassanian or the axon. Yes, like this, then there's, it's also positive, hence precipitate out at me. Cox-1 shushing or Dadi mashed up. I took a lot of fixtures. Taxon shushing your body mass. It's the present tense. I take a lot of pictures. A lot through that link from protein product. Also bought. Have a sheet like that. Okay, but he's a great actor. Me, sorry, I gotta or so about half a mashed up. It means like Then we solve. So they've gotta also vowed to have a master. Silica is like and then yeah, and then like that toxin shushing are pretty much that. And then also allow today my stuff like that. Okay. Next one, please reach out to me, talk demo. She and she expressed in professions like that. Basically it after me to demo this. Good. That means like it was very delicious. Put them away. Scot, that is an X1. Yoga. Yoga is the past tense of good OR. So. Here basically dark that me. You got that ESnet. It means like it was good, right? You've got that ESnet US versus X1 synsets. And she said like me, now gonna put them machines as a desktop admins like the people in LA berry kind. Okay, now got the machine sets. So nano is the nose and prefecture in Japan. Okay. X1, your call. Okay. There is a bit odd to me. Tunnel shade your college Donna. Man's like it was a fun trip, wasn't it? It was a fun trip, right. Panel sheet. Okay. That's it. That's the vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In a skip section, Let's read the whole sentence together. In this section, you can improve your Japanese pronunciation and that you can understand how to read. Each sentence is anyway, let's get this started. Please, please repeat after me. Okay, editing aside. Now going to add all these DACA single McDonald's cup that is shushing neurotoxin tori must stop. Select line up. Also been multibeam, I stop. Told them always come into this. So this guy yogurt that is net nano much Dora to Demosthenes has this top panel shader polish than n squared. So let's check the next section. In this section, either explained about the Japanese grammar in this kid. Today's key phrases expressing a progressions of what you experienced. Example sentences, smoke tunnels, cup, that is, it mean, it means it was really fun to make the past tense. So e adjective, replace the final E with cut, that is, with adjectives and nouns changed the end of the sentence from desk to desktop. Okay, so let's check the example. Okay, expressions as rho, e adjective, you know, that's the present tense, principally Dr. me. Panel sheet is here. It means it is fun. If you want to make the past tense by the time you need to replace that, find out E, we cut this. So please repeat after me, tunnels. That is Good. It was fun. Oh kinds. So as for now adjectives, it's very simple. Now adjective and the noun, it's the same way. Okay, let's check the nonobjective plus 3. Please repeat after me. Synsets this. Gerd and men is kind as TO now adjective and a noun. You just need to replace desk to desktop. So please agreed with the Me scene sets a desktop. It is what it was kind. So let's check that now as well as now adjective. Please repeat after me. Tunnel. She Yoko, this bear pigments. It is a fun trip. And next one, panel sheet, your code, they stop. Means like it was a fun trip. Okay. So that's it. That's the potting e, adjective and noun, adjective and noun. You can make the sentence in the past tense and what's more, you can express what you've experienced. And let's check this explanation. Okay? Note that the past tense of the e adjective, e or gerd, it's conjugated in your leg in a way, it becomes yoga. This or was good. So that's the regular product. You just need to remember the past attendance. So yoga is the past tense of good or e. Anyway, let's practice to read the showed dialog, which include a key phrase be studied. Please repeat after me. Also talk about DoorDash DACA, yoga database, put them on nearby stuff. Hey, the woman ask like all second-order stuck-up. How was the Osaka renew on to say, how was it bla, bla, the grammar. It's just that blah, blah. Well, though this DACA or Sakalava goal is to occur. And the guy answered like yogurt, that is, put them on eniac or they stop. It means like it was good. It was very lively. You know, like yoga, 50 irregular pattern. It's the past tense of E or good yoga. That is. And he said, put them on EGFR, they stopped me yada, it's not adjective media Ghana. Now present tense is Nagy. I've got this, right. So you need to replace this with desktop. That's why you can say put them on Iggy, I got this right. Okay, Great. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, please try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Let's check the first 1. First 1 is about, It was wonderful. Wonderful is e adjective, it means like Sugata, she, in this case, you need to replace the E with cutback. This, right? So that's why you can't say like that. Here. Please repeat after me. See basket, that is good. Savella Scott that is, in this case you can say like for example, like the Kyoto was wonderful. Kyoto savannas cut that if I like that. Okay, Let's move on to the next one. Next one. Next one is about, it was beautiful, right? And a beautiful is now adjective, key day. Now, the present tense is keyed a desk. And a you need to make that pass the test by replacing this with desktop, so on. So it's pretty speed after me. Key data is data. You also can add the object, object like blablabla, kid a desktop. So in this case you can say like, for example, like Hokkaido was beautiful. Hokkaido. Here a desktop. Okay, Hope guide or is the nose and most prefecture in Japan which has a beautiful flower like this picture. Anyway, let's move on to the next one. It was interesting. And adjust the e adjective almost surely. So as I mentioned earlier, you need to place the final E with cut that is, so answer is here. To me, almost silicate, that is OK. And you can say like participate after me, you learn Java almost silica is very advanced, like the amusement park was interesting. So you can add that subject like that, blah, blah, what almost yoga is. Okay, Great. So let's move on to the next section. In the bonus section, I will introduce the use for flavor with a Beta of me. Okay. The item is welcome home. Like I said. Okay, it's a great info. Someone who has returned home. A casual version is tidy and very formal way of saying it is. Okay. No sign of it. Okay. So we basically don't say it this way. If you go to like Japanese don't gun or a Japanese hotel at a time you would hear is placed for guiding us. I am offset. It means like welcome home said, it's very bland expression. So in our daily life, we use here or guiding SI unit 89. Anyway, this expression has a meaning. It means like just a welcome home, welcome back. Oh, kinds that seed. We studied most of activities. So that's today's lesson rebooted. Today's lesson. In the skin section, please focus and understanding whole story in Japanese. And what's more? Let's check the trip and the cons of section as well. That's begin. Japanese. Give it a try. Guiding asset and then analyze the milk then this can any SESI you accidentally misspell. City can have both film. I'm going to stamp that out, that that is now done and are still I put them with C6, the stack. And I'll see you there. I wanted to travel all across Japan. Each region has lots. Do I enjoy good things to see and eat? Today we're learning how to express impressions of what you've experienced. Man senate, palace out. But this with adjectives that end with a blank color shape and just draw up and add Aedes mosquito. It's cuz got that this phaco sidewalk 130, so bad, actually got feathers. Buddhism or yoga. Thank you. Metro. Looks like a serious climb where savannas got the NES is a past form of Savannah shape. By replacing it with cut them this, they can express your feelings about things you've seen or done. That's right. Another example is collide. Collide, got back. Yes. Okay, let's work on the pronunciation. Cinco anos got several good Penrose-Carter. Tab. Japan's highest peak is Mount Fuji. The climbing season runs from July to early September. The summit is much colder than ground level, so bringing warm clause is a good idea even in summer. One popular way to enjoy the mountain is watching the sunrise from the peak. This is what you see on a clear day. Today's candy, meaning a mountain. Thanks for watching Japanese. Okay, That's it. That's a less than 19 expressing the impression. So what JB experienced, I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
20. Saying what you want to buy: Lesson 19, saying 12, 12 by Japanese name is public, good or bad. Whole changes have gone into means. I like uphill globes. First of all, let's check that escaped with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding the whole story. Let's begin. It. It could a lot. Thank you. Hi Skyler. Okay, Then next line, Chris, focus on Japanese pronunciation and harder to read it. Let's begin. What I think too. Tight. Okay, so let's check the vocabularies from this gate. Pretty Zubaida me, the first word is, I know an X1 semi mass M typical. Or she she said like that. Okay. Please repeat after me. No steamy Matson, typical level Xin gets to go. Good. And also me, my sand means, well, excuse me. So you know, I know doesn't have any specific meaning. It's like a well, sorry, like that. And also the mass m table, good or bad. Cop. Pivot is, I need blows. It will like original sentence is like that. Read after me. Take Fukuoka whole sheet is it means, it also means I need a pair of gloves. So what's the different, what's the difference between two sentences? You know, typically legato shingles ago. It's like this sentence has a hidden meaning. Like, where is the globes like that, you know, typical got home. She gets it meant just that I need to appeal to logos. But then when you want clump the person to do next action at a time we tended to use this ago, typical got host gene gets ago. And a hidden meaning is changed depend on, depending on the occasion. In this case, she is looking for the glucose. So that's why if she said typically regardless, shooting this ago, at a time, shopkeeper realized that she need a pair of boots. So that's why she asked me. So where is the globes? Okay. Anyway, so that's the Times sentence in this escaped and I will explain the grammar section. Okay, so let's move on to the next one called cheetah. And the shopkeeper said like that. But he's a great actor. Me. Good. Yeah. It's this way called June 1990 mass. And X1 codec. That guy. And a ton, the sunset and I got a precipitate out to me. That guide is commenced. This is warm and X1 ie. And the MeSH like that precipitate out to me. Yeah, that's nice. It sounds good. And X1 and Thomas asked me, how much is this a good Other Scott. And next one. Thank you. Jacqueline. O'clock. Sit like that. Please repeat after me. Thank you. We have to end this period. It's 1900 yen and apply the expression is linked to me saying Q Jacqui and the United class. Period, if there are so like it costs 100,910 and X1 cargo. And Thompson asked like that. Okay. Presumably Dr. me Carlo OT sky mascot. It means can I use my credit card? So we basically say, we basically say just the cardo means credit card in Japan. Towards guy in Moscow. Or like you can't ask like that. If there is a paid out at me, Genki, what's guy Moscow? Gang game means cash. So can I use cash, Genki Moscow, Moscow, or can I use my credit card catalogs guy mascot, bossa, very useful phrase. So please remember, do these expressions. And X1, high res agree that the mean height sky I'm us. Admins? Yes. You can use it. Hi, Skye, MS. Okay. Just the new vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence together for is a root. Remember how to read descent this and improve your Japanese been a session. Anyway, let's get this started for the bridge. Repeat after me and also me, my SEM. The Luchador. Luchador quotidian is dukkha. So ie this net, cauda equina, this guy. This guy and US GAAP, height sky, I'm us. Okay, good, so that's fine. Let's move on to the next section. In the key phrase section, I will explain Japanese grammar in this skit. Today's key phrases about it's saying what you want to buy. Example sentences, table good or bad. It means I like a pair of loaves. Okay, so to tell o'clock what you want to buy, say, think, gut or gene, does he got home? She means want. By adding this ago, you can explain your situation to the person you're talking to and plumped that person to respond. We can your pH as you Lord intonation at the end of the sentence. And okay, Next one of objective indicating a particle got Hoshi or want, is an adjective to indicate what you want object. And the particle God as a table could all got home. She or I like a pair of gloves to show the object of a verb. You use a different particle or as a table. Or I buy uphill the globes. Anyway, let's remember the basic one. Queue. The thing GF or she wakes up. Okay. Please repeat after me. Public good or bad. It's got good. And I like a pair of tableaus. And like I said, this sentence has reheater meaning. This set, this sentence, try to prompt the person to respond. In this case may be hidden. Meaning is like, where is the globes? Yeah, typical little girl. She industrial or like what is your recommendation? Yeah. Like that. Okay. Next one. Okay. Basically Dr. Me or meogeoyo sagacity you doing I'm good at demand is I'm looking for or souvenir, right? In this case, what is seeing? What's the hidden meaning? In this case? I think hidden meaning is like what is your recommendation? Yeah. Or yeah, simply aware of any a corner like that. Anyway, both sentence has Kato, meaning. Tried to prompt the person to respond. I think that's the one of the Japanese characteristics because we don't say everything. That's why it gets stated that the, it's very important to react to understand the whole picture in Japan. Guys. Next one. For example, like when you go to Japanese, Japanese hotel or your column at a time, you can't use the air conditioner at a time. You can say like that. You can call the receptionist and then you can say like that principally it up to me. Could attach guy and this guy at demands. I can't get the Kula to work. Okay, so in this case, what is think, what is the codomain in this sentence? This like, you know, could you fix the cool Could you fix the air conditioner in my room or like okay, So because you bring someone to my room or something like that. Anyway, in decimal, when you use Jessica, all of the sentence has a hater Meaning and a hidden meaning is changed depending on the situation. Okay, So let's move on to the next one. Let's read a short dialogue which include a key phrase, preserve, preserve, read after me and all semi mass n Hokkaido know Miyagi got sold as net Konopka. She might go about it. Scott. Good day. Now she said, Hokkaido, know me aggregate Hoshin desk, got it means literary. I like souvenir of Hokkaido. But then as I mentioned earlier, this sentence actually have hidden meaning. And in this case, maybe hidden meaning is, what is your recommendation? Because she is already in the souvenir co-owner. So she knows. So where the souvenir ys. So that's why the shopkeeper answered like kono, BestBuy, dot, dot and Scott, How about the sweets? Because he already realized once she won't. Okay. So thus the point of this phrase. Okay, let's move on to the next section. Creates tried to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Number one, excuse me, I like got traditional rubbing close. We call it philosophy in Japanese. You know, like okay, I like It's like Hoshi. And you just get this up and over the sentence. So the answer is here. Please repeat after me. And also amino San, who don't speak up, pushing this ago. Good. In this case, maybe hidden meaning. It's like where is traditional rubbing glows. Who lost you out? Local desktop like that. Okay, So next one, number 2, x gives me, i like an umbrella and a read call. It cost up in Japanese. So obviously it's here for repeat after me. I know cinemas en casa Hoshin, guess I got good. The demand is like x gets me. I like leather and I think hidden meaning it's link where it's umbrella. All like do you have an umbrella? Yeah. Like that. Okay. So next one, number 3, x gives me I like Bob tree and we call it then in Japanese. So answer is here. Please repeat after me. I know cinemas and then giga machine that's got good. And also the mass. And then Chagall's gene that's got maybe hit a minimum. It's just like where is the battery? Okay, so let's move on to the next section. In this section, either introduced Japanese useful phrase. Please repeat after me. Cardo watts guy in Moscow grade. It means, can I use a credit card? You know, like use this phrase to find out if you can use a credit card. Skype or canoes is the potential form of sky or to use SOHCAHTOA up sky Moscow, Can I use a credit card? Genki and what's guy Moscow? Can I use a cache? Yeah, like that? Versus remember both sentence. Okay, we finished most of the activities. Lastly, let's review today's lesson. In this section is focused on understanding host DO RE in Japanese and it What's know, let's check them. And the Kanzi section as well. Let's begin. Japanese were team-based and etiquette a lot today. At the same Q I cam is going on a trip to Hokkaido. The winters there get pretty cool. It's a shoots the gloves. As useful when telling store clerks what you want. Tan said typically don't got machine-based. It's sinful. Cut the Holstein best after the name of the object. It and say my Sigma saying, well how she got machine this puts it out there. Listener, I guess you know, Hussein and remediate. It could either Scott, I'm sure you'll come across, plan to have things they want to buy while in Japan, subclass, say whatever it is that pushing this out. Let's practice the pronunciation. A whole chain does not look good on that was soon this. Japan's traditional arts of bone sign is now loved around the world. Bone sign artists manipulate the shape of living trees to create a universe in a pot. A bonsai museum in Tokyo has many kinds of trees. 100 pots in all. This line is 200 years old. The price tag is filled with zeros, adding up to 100 million. Today's trees we've been talking about a bonsai, meaning it bonsai. When you say Kanzi, have some fun and check the naming and pronunciation. That's a Japanese. Less than 19 saying what you want to buy. I hope you learned something new from today's best and thank you for having my class. See you next time.
21. Asking someone not to put something in your food: Lesson 20, asking someone not to produce something in your food. Japanese theme is less savvy value then I take that site. It means please don't put wasabi. First of all, let's check that skeet there was English subtitles in this time. Please focus on understanding host DO RE, Let's begin. Connor Swiss cytokines, endogamous. That only got that pretty. I like having my last video. Next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Then speaking of cytokines endings. Hi, Good out pretty you. Okay, Then let's check the vocabularies from this. Keep it out to me. The first word is also Summit. And X1. None. Let's check the example sentence. Okay. Let me also Cinderella none disco could demand is, what do you recommend? So what is your recommendation? Old kinda X1 through Xn agreed out to me. Corner. Space shattered. Kaizen, don't o'clock on sort of like that. Okay. Please agreed up with ME corner space shuttle system and i o he said, I recommend this special kinds and don't shatter this word come from English. It may special. Okay, and a Kaizen dm is like us see who the bowl. Okay. Especially of seafood bowl special endocrine system. It i 0, 0, X1, X2, and X1. We need booty. How you did explain like that. Okay, precipitate out dummy data when you got pretty high Dario. And demands as fair to with some a row and a C arching. Top goodie. This word essay must hear toxin then at that bleed, it's almost the same meaning. Its mean like a lot, many. Okay. Next one. Soda at sign. So she says like, crazy bid up to me just so they could assign the middle like, then I don't have it. Then please give me this one. Like that. Just means like then. And it's told it means this could assign means. Please give me. So then I'd have that one. Okay, Excellent. Well that's cheap. Plus ib. Common son ask like that. Okay, Where is it beat out to me? What does that site? Very intimate slide. Please don't go to Assad. The IDA and i, o means could be an ETA and I mean, please do not put in. So when you want to make a negative sentence at a time, we use nice iPhone. Was I eat at night, aggress like please do, go down pretty savvy. Column B, YouTube, I know monadic site. Please don't drink this beer. Anyway, I'm here to explain is raised in the key for each section. So that's the point of this skipped point sentence over this. And X1 new key. So Judah, the clock standard like that. Okay, or is it better to me? I've been looking at so Java. Okay. Meals like without the SRD, right? So today, Well, what about true? So Ngugi means without, so what's savvy? New key means no savvy. And as such it Allah is, what about you? So when you go to Japanese sushi restaurant and you can't eat what savvy at a time. You can't say that. That's a specific expression. Okay. Prezi be Dr. Amy. Tab Inaki d omega is she must. Good morning, guys. You must. It's like I know wasabi please. So Sabina key is that specific expression. It means know what, study without the WhatsApp. So prison, remember this phrase and a police use disgrace in the Japanese institute S R1. Okay, next one. Taxane. Taxane means a lot. So Mia said, okay, recipe, Dr. me, let us say well, let's have you all talk sign of decadence side. Okay, she said, Please put a lot of wasabi in what that's us IBM tech sign it a good eyesight. I'd have a little more savvy. Okay. Right. That's the new vocabularies. Let's move onto the next section. In the script section, Let's read the host and bands together. Remember how to read a Japanese sentence and the prison cobe, your Japanese pronunciation as well. Anyway, let's get this started. Please repeat after me or system A1 and this got colonoscopy shadow, Kaizen dongle system and i o the loony got booty height, digital foot, I could assign that symbol less heavy, right? You didn't either good eyesight. Last time in looking at Sochi Dava. What does she well, what's ideal tuck cited that could assign. Okay, Great. Perfect. Okay. Let's move on to the next section. In a key phrase section, I re-explained Japanese grammar in detail. Today's key for it. It's about asking someone, not, not, not the print something in your food. Example sentences must have Eva, you get an idea, could assign. It means please don't press down. Period. Was savvy enough to ask someone not to print something in your farrier drink used night form of a verb plus bit could outside. The iPhone is negative conjugation and the West night dynein form of EAD or to put it in its ENI. As for particle one, when asking someone not they built something, you know, food. Then topic mark particle, what to the item itself as a bla. Bla, what EDA, Eda could assign. Anyway, when you want to make the negative reform do is use a knife fold over Burge. Okay? Okay. Let's check the example sentence. Dr. E. Let's have you identified a good eyesight. Good at demand is please do not put wasabi in. Please do not add what's not be. Here. Let's make another example sentence or is it read after me? Be due and Romana illiquid aside. Please do not drink beer. For example, you are teenagers. Please do not drink beer. B, do I know monadic? That's like Okay. So next one. Okay. It's a little bit long sentence, please repeat after me. Die yet to traditional. Am I Manoa termini? They could recite. Good at the minutes like you're on a diet, right? Please don't eat anything sweet. Okay, So when you want to reduce your weight at a time, you don't need, you shouldn't eat sweet anything that sweet. I'm I Manoa have a Niedecker that site. Okay. And next one here for disagree dr. me. Game who asks united to that side? Good. And to me it's like, please done the play video games. You know, like you you don't find it. You didn't finish the homework. So please do not play video games. Game in rots, you need to get outside. Anyway. Just a key phrase. Really want to make a nigga day before or the tie, we need to use that nice iPhone or whatever. Okay, Then let's check the showed dialog, which include a key phrase there he studied. Please repeat after me. Orange juice, which don't call you identify with that site. Customer money must stop. Okay, raid. The guy said cold evaluate and neither could assign. It smells like please do not put any ice cubes in this same phone like last night. A good eyesight quality by DNA that got slight bow set a complete tree. Same structure. Okay, let's move on to the next one. In the tryout section. Tried to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Let's check the number one. Please don't pour the dressing on. Okay. So we call it Doris Xing. This was definitely come from English. And a cockatoo means poor on. And when he wanted to do, got to inform. You, need to say cocky night, right? And the grammar is love with what? End night form. There could outside, right? Okay, So honestly it's here. Sorry. Here. Basically it after me. Can I take that side? Good. Bla bla up nightfall could assign daughters she grew up. I can either take it outside. Please don't pour the dressing on. Okay. So let's move on to the next one. Please. Don't use two pepper, right? Please don't use shoe pepper. And what we'd call read. Paul got us should in Japanese and a night form of US scholar nine. Right? Okay, so let's check the answer. But it's a great app to me. Told that asks you about scholar. Neither could off-site. For example, like, I don't like spicy food, so please don't use jail pepper. Told that she was colonized, they cannot sign. Okay, let's move on to the next one. Please. Don't put spring audience in. Okay. So that's the same phone, like plus ib you've identified it could outside. Okay, so spring onions are Nagy in Japanese and a knife phone or putting EDI, right? And a grammar is love now, wow, 94 could assign. So our answer is here principally Dr. me, naked eye, you didn't either side. Good. Navy, right. And I took it outside. I can't eat the spring, the audience. So please done period. Spring onions e, negative up. He didn't I integrate outside. Okay, Great. Just try it out at section. So let's move on to the next section. In the bonus phrase, either introduce useful Japanese phrase. Today's crazy, it's here, please repeat after me. Also cinema none desktop grade. What do you recommend? What is your recommendation? This phrase is used to ask about restaurants would recommend that to recommend it to dish. Also cement means recommendation. So when you go to a Japanese restaurant, sometime it's a little bit difficult to read the menu at a time. You cannot step look like what is your recommendation system? No one on this cup. And then the grok it would recommend is some special food in a restaurant. Anyway, please remember this face and the priests used this phrase in the Japanese restaurant. Okay, so we finished the most of activities. Let's review today's lesson. In the skin section is focused on not as Dunning host or in Japanese and what's more productive and conscious action as well. Let's get started. Japanese try colonoscopy cytokines in the analysis when I got out pretty high. But it could affect how you might imagine could be Niki did that. Let's have you plan has finally arrived and her dream destination, 000 kind owl. She must be so happy. Remember, if there's something you don't want or can't eight tes expansion. The formula is the name of the ingredient, the particle one. And finally, classic cinema say, all right, I'm going to go up, it didn't I think with us I thought well, that's I put aside the site. Ok. I skip along. If in either put aside because things get as many such semester. I thought we could assign cornua it and ended up with SI. You'll have plenty of chances to try and new dishes when you're traveling. So don't be shy. But if there's something you don't want, just put today's phrase to work. Let's work on the pronunciation. Once I'm a math class, I gave you that go on site. And when you go to Hokkaido, you won't want to miss this dish. Chi seen done is a bowl of rice with all kinds of fresh seafood. Have for that day is one of the best places to enjoy it. To million people visit the morning market every year. You might want to try two or more balls to bind your favorite candy. A D for rice or noodles. Looking at contagious your imagination. That's okay. It says the less than 20 asking someone not that there's something in your food. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my glass. See you next time.
22. Describing where you are: Deaths in 21, describing where you are. Japanese theme is Tokyo and I don't have any images. It means I am in the clock tower. First of all, let's check the escaped with English subtitles. In this time, Bruce focus and honest dining host or read it speaking. Came out. Don't want you to knock off. Also going up there. Next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how do you read it? Let's begin. Came out. Not got it. So Booking will see results uniqueness. Well, so get up there. Okay, let's check. Could you put Cadbury's from this key recipient after me know first word is mushy, mushy and X1. And X1. E to think about the sentence. Okay, precipitate out to me. Most emoji in Mato need to know. It means Hello, Where are you Muslim or she? Is this specific grading used in that telephone motion machine image open, you don't know? Okay. And X1. Okay. And I got that guy like that. Please repeat after me. Colgate. I know none of us at demands. I am inside their clock tower. Okay. And I know that guy he must does the points sentence in this case, in this gate, you're going to express V or you are by using these rays. Anyway, I'll explain this in detail in the key phrase section. Let's move one. Jab. Both good. Surrogate. So G. Okay, breezy, reach out to me, john beaucoup, vascular tunic and then good at males like then I'll be right over there. Right. And so John is like then yeah. And then UGA, I saw Ginny ingredient IV right over there. Soon. Suger means soon to AS1. It's nonetheless one. Well, I've got to call G. Going in. Also cannot to get groups agreed out to me regarding mashed up Lagarde much that means a gun it and after that. Okay, there girl said like that, but he's a great FMI called j equal j. Here. Let's like we are here this way, this way called g. And the like. Okay. Pretty zippy Dr. me. Go men also can not that good at domains. Sorry, I'm late. Go men also cannot fit. Okay, Great. So that's the new vocabularies. Let's move on to the next section. In this case section, Let's read the whole sentence together. You can improve your Japanese pronunciation. Let's get this dotted precipitate out to me. Most famous she Thomasson in Mato need to know. Okay. And I know knock on Eva's NACA. John Walker, most successful unique unit. While Karima stop. Kind of called G-code Ji. Wo Men also cannot debt. Good. Let's move on to the next section. In this section, I will introduce Japanese grammar. Today's gave phrase is about describing where you are. Example sentences, okay, I know that guy name has domains. I'm in the clock tower to tell someone where you are. Use place images to give a more precise description. Use the name of a London work and you say London smog, know your location, knee emails. Okay, That's the key phrase. Here. Let's check this grammar. So for example, let's take the example of sentence again. So he's a great actor. Me, Tolkien, I know knock anemias. That demands I am in the clock tower. Okay. And I know Lakhani must. And X1 here. Repeat after me. Okay, I know you're going emus. That demands I am next to the clock tower. We know like NACA means inside and a Yoko means next. So you can change. That is one, London mark know your location. Nina's. Okay. Next one. Please repeat after me. Okay. I know Stephanie MAS. Good. Commands like I'm below the clock dollar, I am under Doug clock tower X1 and precipitate out with me. Okay. Now you know my name us commands in front of the clock tower. Okay. And I know my name AS X1. Okay. Pretty secrete out to me. Tolkien, I know was she don't email us at domains like I'm behind the clock tower. Case not impossible in the real word, but in this example sentence, please repeat after me. Tolkien, I know we rename us. Good. Whew it means about, so it means I am about that clock tower. I don't know. Maybe he or she is writing up a airplane or something at a time. You all about your clock tower, okay? And I know many of us. Anyway, the Grover is London smog know your location Neechi mass as full expressions or is like inside NACA. Next to your quote, below, step in front of my behind was shadow above. Preserve. Remember we did expressions. So we often use this race. For example, like Hello, Where are you? Mostly, mostly you don't know. And then you need to explain your place. So please use this place. Okay, let's move on to connect, explaination. The must, and you must, must, must form of the verb or B. And a is used with people in the living things. Arima is the mass bone of the verb or be misused to follow things. But technically, there is a, you know, it's not precise. Explanation. Actually is used for something moving and Artemis is something not moving. Okay, let's check the example sentence, ie mass, RD muscle. Okay, So for example, like birds agreed after me, Cohen Ni Nu dioramas. Good. It means there is a dog being a POC because e, new dog, it's basically moving. So you must is useful something movie. Okay, next one. Basically Dr. me, coin still biomass. They alert people in the park. People is also pays Curry moving. So we need to use, he must sell. Next one is like here. Please repeat after me. Ni H2 biomass and demands like the other patrons, the POC. Okay. So let's move on to your next explanation. Okay, participate after me. Coin need Buddha and oh God, ID us. Admins like this is, there is a string and sat in the past. Who doesn't go. Swaying, is not moving at just the things at a time we use are the muscle. Okay. And X1. Pretty zippy Dr. me, Sabeti diagonally. Most good. It means like there is a slide in the park, so slide is also not moving. Please use ID must folk something enough. And the next one is better. Good point varies. A great after me. 100 Artemis. Very intimate. It's like a dialogue. Flowers in the park. For we use ID must fall. Flowers. I still just the explanation you must use for leaving things. But flower is living thing, but flower is not moving. So take an inquiry. We use ID must fold them, not moving. So in this case you need to use RD massive, coy and neat Hannukah Artemis. Okay. That seat. And we already studied or indicating locations. Okay. And asking someone asking where somebody's say, Don't go near Moscow, where are you now? Okay, so let's move on to the next section. Let us read it, show it to dialogue together at various agree. Dr. Me in Moscow. Hi sets. No, miny Moe has great. In Madani Moscow. Where are you now? Kinase adds to know my name AS grammar is lambda mark, no location, knee in US. I'm in front of the ticket to gate like that. Okay. Let us move on to the next section. In and try it out. A section tries pretty strongly to translate three English sentences into Japanese. That's the number one. I'm inside the convenience store and we call it cone beanie in Japanese. And inside is NACA and the grammar is landmark. Know your location, knee images. So once you produce a PDF to me, convenient on Afghani LAS. Good. So where are you now? The mother one, even though I am inside the convenience store. Convenience now Carney MAS. Okay, so let's move on to next question. I'm next to influential Information Center. Okay, so we code it in inflammation in Japanese, the Japanese to English. And X1, your goal in Japanese. So our answer here, basically that was to me, any information No, you're going E must grade. I don't know. Maybe she is in the shopping mall or something like that. And a way or I you know, I'm next to the Information Center. Information or not, you're going to e-mail us. Okay. So next one, I'm below the escalator and below the escalator. And we say it's got it in Japanese, etc. So Japanese to English and X1 step. Okay. So answer is here. Basically doubt to me is got it? No, Stephanie muss. Es got it on all study must. Okay. Let's check the next section. Okay. Please repeat after me. La County mashed up. Regarding mass. That means I got it. I understood. Okay. So this expression indicates you an astute what the speaker said. It comes from the verb la carte or to understand. Okay, For example, like where are, you know, you know, I'm inside a convenience store, convenient otoconial masses and got it. Okay. Any mashed up like that? Okay, we've finished most of the activities. That's review today's lesson. In the sketch section is focused on extending whole story in Japanese and what's more, Let's check the triptych and a conjugate section. That's well, let's get this started. She comes home, email. They'll gave a knockoff. Its citizens uniqueness. Giga got Scotty. Also going up their clock tower in this ghetto is a famous spot in Socorro, right? Yes, it's a landmark there. To make someone buy you can't find each other. Yesterday sprains. Towns said, Okay, I made a mess. When a place name and it can explain where you are. Going to pick a minute site, even a documentary oscar. A lot more charge on it. Was language nim us. What could undermine NIMA? At too bad? It could have been a fun day. Being able to explain your location is important, especially when you're lost. That right. Now Let's practice the pronunciation. Helped us, helped us. Trapped. As the largest city in Hokkaido. Set 40 has much to offer. Food is one of the biggest attractions. The ceramide with rich and savory soup is a favorite. The Land Barbecue is another specialty. Curry originated in Socorro and had spread across the country. Be careful not to overeat. Today's candy. It's something that famous power in SAP bottle has held meetings. That's all for today. A-z Japanese makes your time in Japan. Okay. That's it. Just the less than 21, describing where you are. I hope you learn something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
23. Inviting someone to do something together: Lesson 22, inviting someone to do something together. Japanese theme is shushing old OD must show. It means let's take a photo. So first of all, let's check the escape the width. English subtitles in this time brings focus on understanding. Host. Don't read it speaking. Let me get this bad boy up. That's good thumb, but all new session. Okay, next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. Okay, Then let's check the book, Cadbury's from this gate. Okay, please repeat after me, the first word is still going. And X1 meter kinds. So she said like that for integrated with me. So going meet any debt. Good at demand is like, Oh great, look at this. Oh my God, they've got days like that. So let's move on to the next one. Law and X1, all key. So she just said that to me. Law all c0. Good. It means, wow, it's beak. Japanese Law. This word comes from English. So yeah, resign. You're going to express your surprising by using this race Lao Qi speak. Okay, and X1 has he meant IT? Guy? Thomas sounds like that precipitate out with me. How do you make them? You must up. Good. It means literary bits the first time to see it. But yeah, you can notice down admins like I've never seen one before. Okay. How much stuff? I saw it in the first time. Okay. So next one. Okay. Guys, the precipitate out to me. And oh, yeah. That's good. Done though. That demands like, I wonder how it was made. Okay, So let's check how the example sentence okay, precipitate out to me the way up to Tibet. Done that all demands like I wonder how they ate so well, my example synthase. Okay, for is agreed out to me though. Yeah, that's come. I've done that all good. It demands I wonder how to code it. I think you guys can not as done, you know, that'll means like I wonder in English. So let's move on to the next one. Key example sentence. Okay, precipitate out to me. And I will show you done that. Drew it demands it's a beautiful castle. Or you can say like that here. Please repeat after me. Or pseudo one kid on it. It means like the castle is beautiful, right? So that's the not adjective. Rainy modify a noun at a time. You need to say, no, Qi De not bla, bla. On the other hand, or street or one kid on in that castle is beautiful. About a time. You don't need to say, now, you get below a knot. And then you need to attach that in this scenario like that. Or pseudo archaeology done it. Or pseudo Aikido, this net. Right? Okay, so next one, meaning that it touching your polar. So yes, Like that. Okay, please repeat after me. I mean nowadays shushing you autonomous show. That means let's take a photo together. 1990s, she must show martial means. You know, let's do something. Okay, so let's make that another example. Centrist parties agreed after me. Mean not there or second-order me must show. And to me it's like, let's have a drink together. Why don't we have a drink together? Okay, so that's the point. Set this up, this lesson. I will explain this phrase in detail in the operating section. So let's move on to the next one, e. So lastly, simply say like that, basically it up to me in advance, like, it's nice. Okay, great, That's the new book, Cadbury's. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence together. You can improve your Japanese pronunciation and that you can understand how to read the Japanese sentence. Anyway, let's get started. Please repeat after me. So going hammer, meet ME. Debt law or G listener. Has you met them? You must stop. Doorway up. That's good done that all. Cheer this net. Meaning that they're touching your body must show. Okay, Great. So let's move on to the next section. In the keyframes section, either inverters Japanese grammar. Today's give raises about inviting someone to do something, to gather example sentences. Sashimi autonomous show. It means, let's take a photo. So to invite someone to do something with you, replaced that must end of that variables must from the ways, must show the verb in total or to take a photo is taught it. That must form of that is Tony Massu, which it becomes pretty much show. And, uh, to accept the invitation renewed wanted to do what to being invited to do, say E desk, or good idea. Anyway, here is the grammar. You need to replace the mass at the end out with the various mass for missed my show here. Okay. So breeze agree, Dr. me, shushing your body mass. Good. It turns like I will take a photo. And you can say, they're going to change this and things like that. So please reach out to me. Shushing your party must show. It means like, Let's take a photo together. So you need to replace mass with Moscow like that. So let's do this. Check the next example. Sent this recipe Dr. me, be too hard on me mass. Good, Let's meal NYC, I drink beer. Basic sentence. And the youth can change this sentence to invitation, phone. Okay. Parties agreed after me, beat or NAMI not show. Good at demand is like, let's drink beer. Right? Next one here. But he's agreed to me. Dina or tablet mass. Good. That demands like I eat dinner. So Dina is Japanese to English, this word come from English. Data. You can change this one to invitation. Precipitate out to me. Dina will have a Moscow that trance-like, let's eat dinner, all kinds. So another example sentence here, precipitate after me, Ben kill or schemas. Good at demands like I studied. All like I'm gonna study. And you can buy it to your friends by using predates, phrase grades it be Dr. me, Banco or she must show. Good. It means like lead to study. You also can say like dot principally there to me is showing you Banco Oshima show. And to me it's like lead to study together because it's showing me means together. Okay? So like that anyway, the point is just replace mass with my show. And then you can use the invitation phone. You can invite someone to do something. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. Let's read our show today about which include a key phrase restudied. Okay, please repeat after me. Konami senior high in Moscow. Eat ESnet. Good. Girl said Konami, s0 Heidi must show. It means like, let's enter the store. Konami s0 Heidi much show, you know, like original sentence is just that. Konami s0, Heidi must vitamins like I end, I will enter the store, but I can change this form to imputation form. So let's go in this store. S0, Heidi must show, you just need to replace master must show like that. And, uh, you can accept that invitation by using this phrase eat ESnet. It's a good idea. Yeah, like that. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. In this section, please try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Number one, Let's go to the clock tower. Oh, kinds. So Moscow is like Tolkein, I need mass. So you need to replace mass with my show. So answer is here. Please repeat after me. Tokyo iodine EQ must show. Good. That to me is like, let's go to a clock tower. Or you can say like that. Shown you took it, I need you must show it means Let's go to the clock tower together, whichever. Okay. So let's move on to the next one. Let's rest for awhile. The must form is like Dojo ostomy mass and you need to replace mass with Moscow. That's why cancer is here. Pretty screwed up, dummy, tilt doing SME must show. It means Let's rest there for awhile. Okay, so let's check the number three. Let's go home by taxi. Must form is tax she did. Heidi must write to you and need to replace must with Moscow. So on series here, please repeat after me. Pack Shi a KID must show good and domains. Let's go home by taxi. Okay, great. We finished all of the questions that's made one to the next section. Okay, Please repeat after me. So going good. It's me like that's amazing. That's used when you were surprised, pressed, or moved. A more pointed version is sigmoid ESnet Moses and meaning sigmoid desk net is deployed expression and its goal is just a casual one, whichever it okay, so please use both sprays depend on the situation. Okay, we've finished most of the activities. Lastly, let's, let's review today's lesson. India skipped section is focused on understanding host or in Japanese. And what's more, Let's check the trip tip can conjure section as well. Let's get this started. Japanese. Give it a try. That's good thumb, but all mean, maybe sculpture looked magnificent. The event is the animals null festival and submittal. Now onto the lesson. Tam said, shushing Kadima Shaw toward a mass is to take a picture back toward a man. Show means relax. Take a picture. If you change less, birth to my soil, it can encourage someone to do something wrinkle in this course yesterday. But so let me show you how I do my soul. Well, a couple hit thinking about that, medical science sake. Now, you must know rollercoasters. I hope alias today's phrase to make lots of memories and Japan. Sneaky, Marcia. Hi. Okay, let's work on the pronunciation. What's up? Forest snow festival takes place in early February in Hokkaido is capital. More than 200 sculptures, large and small, make for a magnificent display. Since the festival started in 1950, it's become a major tourist attraction. You can also watch artistic lighting displays projected on the snout and the love and enjoy. Today. Meaning, now. Today, we hope the Keynesian Japanese makes your time in Japan more fun. Okay? See, that's less than 22. Inviting someone to do something together. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
24. Saying what you like: Less than 23, saying what you like. Japanese theme is, what does fewer colon equal basket? Yes, I like this cat. First of all, let's check the escaped with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding the whole story. Let's begin. Look at again. Tiny guy. Clinical mesquite. Natasha. Okay, Next time for his focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it, Let's begin. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. Okay, So please repeat after me. Ye can X1 mean now, call home. Okay, guys, so let's check the example sentence. Okay, please repeat after me. I mean now go How are you good at demand and secured? They are all eating food. So Kublai means Queued, mean that means everyone, all cause mortality Internet. They're eating meals, alkynes. So let's move on to the next one. Is agreed out to me. Home donee. Oh, he then Conoco. Sucky. Okay, so let's make the example sentence. Okay, so let us check the second sentence for me. Oid means like it's really cute, Pantone color Eden or EDA, come here. And then the girls said like that, beta me, what does she well, colloquial best c0. Good. That means I like this cat, potassium, I'm Conoco Gramsci alkynes. So let's move on to the next one. Repeat after me, Kono, net go. So again, let's check the example sentence. Okay, please repeat after me canonical kali command. Just the discount is cute. Okay, next one. And then coca data access it at home. And guys, hear me. Nicole co-head the redox IDIQ, the Jonelle. Good. It means like it's nice to relax in cat the cafe, isn't it? And then the guy said, like the precipitate out to me on DO Dan. Good and demands. That's true. Okay. So that's the new vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, we will read the whole sentence. You're going to improve your Japanese pronunciation and, uh, you can honestly don't know how to read it. Anyway, Let's get this started. Please repeat after me. Cava I-I mean, now go how debit the mass? Home Taniqua. Yeah. Oid. But as you are Conoco gas key. What does your canonical ascii does? Nicole, ducks and equity on their onto this array. So let's move on to the next set, next section. Okay, So in this section, I will explain Japanese grammar. Today's key phrase. It is about saying, what's your like example sentences. What does she lot canonical vasculitis. It means I like this cat. Okay. So to say what you like, you think got skeet. Skeet or like is a noun, adjective to indicate that thing you like at the particle, God. If you like, net goal or cats, say Nicole got skied as I spoke, casual expression. In a casual conversation, you can know me two deaths at the end of a sentence and just say bla bla ski, to ask someone what key or she likes, say Nanjing ascii or what you like. And next one, what does Shiva blah, blah. When saying once you like the subject, what does she wrote? Or I is usually only did just say Nicole dusky. For example, if you want to emphasize what you're seeing compared to others, the subject, what does Shu up or I, in that case say, well, does she wrap Nicole vasculitis? All kinds. So that's an example sentence. So that's the general question precipitate after me. 90 gaskin and Scott. Good at me. Why do you like better? And it's very general question. We can judge. What is a topic. So for example, like you get say like that. Okay, breeze agree Dr. Me, the orbit to a 90 dusky desktop. So it means like, you know what, Animoto your link door widths around any gossipy desktop? Then you can answer like that. Precipitate out Amy, Nicole GSK, EDS. Good at twins like I like cats. I think. The second sentence is very unique sentence because you can, this sentence has two ways of meeting. First meeting is like, what unimodal do you like? Or the sentence also has meaning. What do unannounced like? The meaning is changed depend on their situation. So if you want to say like, Okay, precipitate out. I mean, none not orbits the GFC desktop. Good admin. Just exactly what unmasks do you like? Nanobots or GKE desktop. Okay. So I'll make some sense. Physically it out for me. A new gasket is good. I like dogs. And other examples than like here. Started about ski deaths. Good at the men's eyeliner monkeys. So let's check another example assembly test for Zigbee Dr. me. None not have a monograph skied at Scott. And commands like, what kind of food do you like? Say like dot here for easy read after me. What does you are to Guardiola dusky, this kind of means like, I like Chinese food and you owe so again say like principally. What does Sheila Nihon DOD vasculitis, elements like iron, like Japanese heard. Anyway, you can ask what logged out or you're like, No, no, bla bla got ski desktop and you can answer. I like bla bla, bla, bla bla guts key that you can express what you like. Grammar. Okay, then let's move on to the next section. In this section, let's read the show to dialogue, which include a key phrase we studied. Okay, Then please repeat after me. Today, Manoa, non-vascular Scott. So sika scheme is good and the guy asked to like, have a MANOVA and kilopascal. What's your favorite food? Or literary like? What food do you like? So she got lucky this ionic sushi. The grammar is just that thing. Got mosquitoes or yours against like, well that's you up. So she got skeet is whichever. Okay. But in Japanese language tended to omit the subject. So we've tended to use these sentence. So she got skewness in a day, decompensation. Alkynes. So let's move on to the next section. In the trial section, please try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. That's the number one precipitate out to me. I like Jacob. Good. We also can say like DJ Paul boot in Japanese. And the grandma is, think we've got skewness, so on. So if here for easy breed out with me example, so that's good, That's good. It means like I like J bulk and a J bulb is the abbreviation of Japanese pop music. Okay, so let's move on to the next one. I like manga, right? And we also say like manga gene Japanese. So anagram is being gossipy test. So please repeat after me. Manga, that's key, That's good. I like monger. Okay, great. So let's move on to number three. Number three is about, I like soccer, okay? And we say in Japanese. So answer is here for you. Repeat after me. Fat Gaga ascii desk. Good. Okay, So we've finished all of the questions. Let's move on to the next section. In their bonus phrase section, either introduced values for phrase, phrase Dr. me, haunt Odessa. Good at mean. It really is. It's used to strongly agree, I agree with someone's opinion or your progression. Home Depot is a shortened from chokes showed you in the form of Home Depot or remarry. For example, like cannonical collide as net. This cap is very cute. And then you can not say like Honda less than it really is. You can agree someone's opinion by using the sprays. And now the example sentences like CO or summary, ESnet, it's called today. And you can say like Honda RESNA, it really easy. Okay, Great. Just the bonus rates. Okay. So we finished the most overt activities. So last three, Let's review today's lesson. In the skids section, please focus on understanding host ovary in Japanese and what's more, Let's check it on a trip and the conscious conscious section as well. Let's get this started. You know, gave it a try. It again, rest. Han Dynasty guy. I like this. You are going up or Mesquite. Maxilla, canonical definition. Directed equity with their cafe would be heavily with our cat lovers. Animal cafes are popular around the country. Phrase expresses what you like, Senate. Going on, make it simple. People, places or things you like. Plus that's gibbous. Google I give out the cumulative value. This good look ahead and guess what? The Hubble also give us. All right. Well that's locked. Picabia, that's their last name. Honey news and events. Led by SILAC, Amy, I skied. Let's work on the pronunciation of Aeschylus. Aeschylus. Trapped. Cafes that let you interact with animals are all the rage in Japan's. One time that gets a lot of attention is filled with ALS. Guests can socialize with a big eye birds awhile having something to eat and drink. Getting close to animals in sign is quite different from seeing them in zoos, let alone out in the wild. Today's Kanji, meaning cat. That's easy Japanese. Our website for past episodes and learning materials, Santa Ana. Okay. That's just the less than 23 saying what you like. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
25. Explaining what you can't eat: Lesson 20-fold, expanding. Once you can't eat Japanese, Amy's now metanoia tablet or MSN, it means I can get rho x. First of all, let's check the escaped with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding whole story. Let's begin. Now. Schema. Got St. John. Okay, next time, but his focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. As ITMS. Nihon shot black ankle and you put a no knock and I will discard. Got the SDK number. Okay, Then let's check the vocabularies from this gate. Okay, let's check the word that precipitate out to me. The first word is a data schemas. Good. Okay, so let's check this word. And I will introduce one more example sentence precipitate out to me. Good, So some other stuff. Actually, the data schemas and the gods. So someone Ashdod is the pair of greetings used in eating something. So when we have, where we have the meal at a time, recite it that Jackie mass. After eating a meal, we say, Good, So some other stuff every time. That's the Japanese culture. So please remember both race. Okay, Next one, please repeat after me. He hones shocker. Can go ie. I like that. Improves. Repeat after me. The whole shock UA can go knee in this. Yeah. Oh, good. It means Japanese food is good for your health. Your home. She'll go, I can't go in either. 0, x1. Now Macdonald Thomas, sounds like that. Please repeat after me. Know Madonna would, let's go. Is this a raw egg, Coretta? Scott? I think that's the Japanese you need culture. Japanese people eat raw eggs as break fast. So next one, please repeat after me, semi mass m. What does she say it like that? Okay. Participate after me. Semi Lausanne. What does she know? Amartya Sen? It means, sorry, I can't eat raw eggs. Semi my scent or gastrinoma must send all kinds. So next one. So job not TO dammit. Tomlinson, ask them like that. Okay, there is a great honor to me. So John Doe, Madonna. Good. Okay. So you can't eat too. You can't eat, not do as well. So Jana thermodynamic. So means jar, means so then. Now. That means not. Okay. So in that though is not okay for you, not though madame n. Okay, next one, dice qui Is there like that? Here? Please repeat after me. Not doh di skills in domains either. Not though. Okay, Great. Does the new vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence together. You can notice down how to read the Japanese pronunciation and what's more, you can improve your Japanese pronunciation. Anyway, let's get this started. Please would be to me, it had AKI mass. Nihon Shakira can go on in the field. Hi, I'm semi Mohsen. And what does she know? Montana Gua. So don't want them in. Doe dies. He does. Okay, good. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, either explained Japanese grammar, today's key phrase is about explaining once you can't eat the example sentences. Now Mata Magdala tablet on MSN, it means I can't eat rho x. To express what you can't eat, say food. Well, tablet on MSN or I can't eat food. Tibet on MSN is the plight negative the form of a tablet RAD dot potential form of the verb diabetic or to eat. Hey, expanding what you can drink. The verb no, no, or true drink is the potential form is no matter or can drink. The negative form of that is normal mass m or count streak can't drink. So to express blood, you can't drink. Say the name of the drink. Well, no, ma'am. I send or I can drink the name of drink. Okay. Anyway, that's checked. The example sentence here. Okay, precipitate out to me though are Tibet and MSN. Good man, just I can't, he'd not doeth. Another example sentence here. Please repeat after me. Last time you are Tibet on MSN. Good. Get me is I can't lead to a savvy and X1 precipitate out at me. Now I'm not gonna go out Tibet on MSN. Sorry. Again. Now nasdaq ANOVA, Tibet RMS then it means I can't eat row fish. And next one, just the number with them and go. Okay, Please repeat after me. Now Madonna, who sent it means I can get rho x. Anyway, grammar is very simple. To food, well, tablet or the mass then I can eat food. So when you go to a Japanese restaurant or something, you can express what you can't eat by using this race. Brava. Msn, for example, like when you go into the Japanese sushi restaurant at a time, you can say like, I can't eat wasabi plus Aviva, Pamela, MSN. Next one. Please repeat after me. Be River know MSN. Good. And I can string the next one. Here. Please repeat after me. Show too well. No, ma'am, I'm good. That means I can drink. Show true. Okay. That i example sentences here. Three secrete after me. Peninsula, no minima sent. Good. That means I can drink soda. That's the you can express what you can't drink. Bla. Bla. Bla? No, ma'am. All right. I can drink beer, be run on my mouse and I can drink. Shelter. Showed you on on my mouse and I can drink soda, can someone on MFN like that. So by using these phase, you can express what you can't eat or drink. Let's go back to your explanation as well. Particle wall or got in this good food at Tom is talking about, is right in front of a half. So the topic particle, while it's used. As in bla bla bla MSM, you want to cite for the first time that you can eat something as a responding to a question. And the third itself is not incite. Use the particle God, does food got parabola at MSN or again eat. Okay, That's so let's move on to the next section. In this section, please try to read the showed dialog, which include a key phrase. Okay, please repeat after me. Those are taxon Tabitha could assign cinemas n, But she sashimi or MSN grade. So the woman answered, like sashimi, why? I can't eat raw fish? You know, grammar is just the food, but Tibet on MSN. And you also can't put the subject at the beginning of a sentence like what, That's Shiva sashimi or MSN or Mahasi sashimi or whichever. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. In this section, British tried to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Let's check the number one. I'm sorry, I can't be the shrimp. Shrimp is AB in Japanese and the grammar is just that bla, bla, bla tablet or a mass m, right? So uncertainty is here. Please repeat after me. Semi ma send. But as she said. Great. Let's move on to the next one. I'm sorry, I can't eat pork. K. Polk is a good Danny in Japanese. Okay, so answer it here. Please repeat after me. Cinema send but as she Bhutanese UA. Okay, Great. So let's move on to the last one. I'm sorry. I can't drink alcoholic beverages. So alcoholic beverages is all socket in Japanese. So you can say like that, but he's a great actor. Me semi myosin. What does she or saccular known? Msn. Okay, great. When you want to express what you can't drink, the grammar is just the bla. Bla, bla, no, mama said, I can't drink, blah, blah. Okay, we've finished all of the questions. So let's move on to the next section. Today's bonus phrases here. It is. Repeat after me. Jackie mass. It means literary, let's eat. But, and this grading has the heated Kato meaning like, I'm grateful for his meal. So people say this phrase before eating. It expresses thanks to those who prepare the meal, wants the meal is over. It's customary to say God, so some other stuff. Okay, So we've finished most over the activities. Lastly, let's review today's lesson. In the skin section. Please focus on standing whole story in Japanese. Let's take a big deep into Kanzi section as well. Get the studied Japanese game editor. I've ITMS, Nihon shock like ankle and EBSCO. Nonaka. Goodness. You know, my job not to dominate. Not DO is fermented soybeans. They don't get, as a Japanese tradition, raw eggs to their set to be good for your health. Now I'm not gonna go up or down. I must say, I can't eat raw eggs. If there's something you can't or don't want to say the name of the item and then I name or the pasta wasteful mindset shoe that you'll find with elementary school? Yes, I was. And he got done on this book, didn't come up with habitat and method. This is the prays to manage our culinary opportunities and Japan. Now the pronunciation, now not now not Tamagotchi. In safety standards for eggs sold in Japan ensure they are edible without being cooked. Raw eggs are often mixed with not dog. Beaten eggs are almost always served with sticky Yankee. Probably the simplest way of eating them is with white rice and a bit of soy sauce. You can buy fresh eggs at supermarkets and convenience stores. Today. Making progress isn't Japanese will help them start dozens of useful phrases. Okay, That's the, that's the lesson 20-fold explaining what you can't eat. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
26. Saying you're not feeling well: Less than 25 saying you are not feeling well. Japanese theme is nodal, got a D9. This, it means my throat hearts. First of all, let's check the skin towards English subtitles in this line, please focus on understanding the whole story. Let's begin. So not ducking ACL, amazon bridge title. Or guys. Next time for his focus in Japanese pronunciation. And I want to read it. That's speaking. I don't even see Norristown. Yeah. So I'm not ducking. Ela Sheldon had to meet diet. I eat ACL guy to my Ymax could things. Next I look, I see. Okay, Then let's check the vocabularies from this Kate precipitate out to be Kuwait over about a nodal. Okay, so let's check the example of sentence. Okay. If precipitate out to me, Colorado gelato. Good. Good to me. Is you the pale column? We don't know about a year. And then Thompson said like that, please reach out to me. Is great. It means I have a sore throat. Know though GKE dying this. Okay. So let's move on to the next one. We are, we are. So not Tolkien. Show got hot, she meets do. And how does something like that? Okay, it's a little bit long sentence or integrate out to me. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So Nadeau give a toga hace Min. So you got either 0. Great meals like, Oh, well, in that case, ginger honey hot water is good for good Foley, right? Oh, yeah. Oh yeah. Means like, oh, dear. And, uh, so not lucky. Well, in that case, shoulder has limits your ginger honey water. Ginger, ginger honey, hot and water. You got e. E, e is good. Okay. So X1, EMA scooted and the chi sit like that. Okay. Bruce, me, emails. Good enough. Drew. It demands I make now y1 squared and f and x one. The Q goes up. And the title says, precipitate out to meet those demands like, it's ready. Here you go. They can tie those. X1, o dies uni. Take care. Okay. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence together. You're getting honest on how to read a Japanese sentence and, and what's more, you can improve your Japanese pronunciation. Anyway, let's get this started. Amazon Cognito go out or you didn't see all those done disco nodal value time this oh yeah. Oh yeah. So another gingiva shoulder hatching 800 by IDA seal, kite, WMAP script name us. Tomlinson digital. High dose or die Ginny. Okay, Great. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, I will explain key phrase. Today's key phrases about saying you are not feeling well. Examples of sentences note though about the time this, it means Mysore hearts. To explain your situation such as not being well, period. At the end of the sentence. When part of your body hearts use the e adjective ETI or hurt and assign. Body pod, got the Dine does. The particle indicates the body pot in pain. And it way, this is the grammar. Body plot, adopt diabetes. So let's check the example sentence. Repeat after me. Know though valentine this I had a sore throat. And X1. For me. I've done Law. This man's my head hurts. I had a headache. Next one. Repeat after me. Will not go now you're dying this great. It means like I have a stomach ache, I have a pain in my stomach. Right. So next one. This group, it means my feet Art Brigade up. That means this. It means my arm hurts, right? And on S1 precipitate out to me. Maybe iodine this good. It means like my eyes for X1 precipitate out to me. How non-data ink this. Great. It means my notes hertz. Anyway, the grommet is very simple. It's just the body pod got a kindness, right? And although by tying is a dominant iodine, this or not primarily dinos like that. That's the grammar. If you're sick in Japan and then you can go to hospital and, and, uh, you can express your actuation by using this phrase, okay, a checkbox. Do your material. Like asking about someone's helps when someone looks or different from the usual, say those done this cup or it once one. So you can ask and actuation by using this raise. It means like, you know, what's wrong. And then you can answer like this, or they die dying this like that. Okay, next one. It's about hells expressions. All the various ways to set and you're not feeling well. Know though, Donna own I've got a tie or sword, head, stomach, hearts, and Cimon Shiga lottery or field sake, use e adjective and it's a God or have a fever and may lie aggressively or Theo Daisy Bose use verbs. Anyway. If del is some regular expressions, Let's check together. So please reach out to me, chemotherapy gelato in this group, admins like I feel have sake, gigawatt Angus. And please repeat after me. Doing this. Great pens like I have a favor to me. And then I got through doing this. Good. It means like I would do is eat. These then bins are irregular at one. So chemo treatment water in this next forgotten this may minus again, this is expression is always a very useful. So please remember both blob that I gotta eat kindness and. These expression as well. Okay, so let's check the showed dialog which include a key phrase be studied. Please repeat after me. Those Tunguska, a Tamagotchi dying this incident and this. Good. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. And this section, British tried to translate and three English sentences into Japanese. Number 1, mind stomach hurts. My stomach hurts. It's like, well not guy got type. And the grammar is just a body plot, a time this right, and embody pot is my stomach or not gotten? So answer is here. Please repeat after me or not that naive time this good. Let's check the next one precipitate out to me. I feel stake. Okay. I feel sick. That's the one over D in there. Get all ones. Okay. So if you have stickers like chemotherapy, got lottery, repeat after me, chemo giga about doing this. Good. I feel sick. And nonetheless, three, I hear desi, thus the oversaw a layer 1. So it's like may lie in GA city. So please repeat after me. Ma'am, I got through doing this. Period IMP with dizzy name. I got sudo in this. Okay. So let's move on to the next section. Okay, Today's bonus raises about ODI Zuni or Chi Minh's take care, take care of yourself. This phrase is used when you grew up. Can you care about someone who is ill or has been injured? It expresses the hope is that person will get some rest and the field medicine. Admins like take care of yourself all times g. O kinds out seat. We finished most of the activities. So let's, let's review today's lesson. In the skin section, please focus and anesthetic host or aiding Japanese and, and what's more, Let's check it out. Drip tape and the conscious section as well. Let's get started. Gave it a try. Doors, Don. Julio. Yeah. So I'm not ducking ELA show that I had to meet Dio di EBSCO guy climax could be missing. Thomas on Thursday. All those guys are getting sick is always a pain, especially when you're abroad. Dinner, honey, tea, warm shoe. I recommend it to anyone who catches a cold. We learned how to say what ails you. Town said that Olduvai get dying, this, my throat hurts. Let's write down the sentence. First. The body part you have trouble with. The particle got followed by additives to explain your condition like a diet, meaning a painful. And finally, in this dose was the Oswego, you find this Suetonius me was up. When these are sort of done this go without causing this. So told bustle chromosome dose must stop doing this. For a guy? Yes, but at least he had plenty of chances to practice dying guess. It works for any part of the body. Let's practice the pronunciation. Know though, got a guy in this, that if kindness, knowing the phone number to call in an emergency gives you a sense of security. 119 is for an ambulance, the same number is used to report a fire. If it's a crime like robbery, call 1, 1, 0. With the numbers, you'll be ready for just about any circumstance in Japan today. Something that could be wrong too much. Meaning leg. You're making progress. Ac Japanese will help a master and dozens, this whole phrase. Stick with that. Okay, It's definitely less than 25, saying Q, not feeling well. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
27. Expressing multiple Impressions: Lesson 26, expressing multiple impressions. Japanese name is Cannata. Nagasaki are not good. They always shade is it demands this Japanese omelet. It's 310 deletions. First of all, let's check the skin with English subtitles. Let's begin. Next time. Please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how would you read it? Let's begin by going back. Okay, Then let's check the vocabularies from mesquite, principally down to me. Though. Beaucoup. Screw like that. Crazy bid up to me. Kono Bento beaucoup, God's good, done that. Good. That means I made this lunchbox myself. Corner Bento. Okay, that's good. I'm done. Let's move on to the next one. Precipitate out to me. Those are going there, guys. Okay. Again, please repeat after me. Locally. That's good. Panda. Those are kinda survey. Good. Yeah, The first sentence, I made this nuns box and here you are. Those means like here your. And after that, the woman said, Well, care will come from English. So amines while an English. Wow, it's beautiful. So going, say go. I mean, it's amazing. So let's move on to the next one. The data schemas. Everyone said that like dot utah dot d must be that lucky mass means, let's have a meal. Let me as like it that I came AS, Okay, I introduce one more expressions here for is agreed out to me and got so some other stuff. Good. Jackie mass and God saw some other stuff. Here's the care of a phrase used in having a meal and the specific gratings. When you have a meal in Japan, you need to say like Jackie mass. After that, you can actually eat the meal. And after eating the meal, you need to say like gold. So some other stuff. It means like you can appreciate, appreciate your appreciate more with the food. Anyway, please remember both gradings, it data schemas and GOCE, so some other stuff. Okay, So let's move on to the next one. Repeat after me tomorrow. Loyalty. And X1. And X1? Or is she the woman said like that? This is the point sentence over this lesson. Please repeat after me. Karnataka, wacky. I'm OK there. Good. It means like this. All it is so sweet and delicious. I'm I mean, street and debt issues means or is she? So you can come you can include two more adjectives in one sentence. In this case, the form of adjectives has changed and older, it's very important. So let's check the next example. A precipitate out to me. Jackie, always, there. Am I. Good to me is like this homeland. It's so delicious and sweet. You can see like the last adjective or a mine is the normal form. If you want to add the adjectives before that, you need to follow the other rules like amok, they're always shake with that, like that. Like my change too. Mock and oil. Change to my orange. There is some rooves of changing adjectives. Anyway, we can study how to change the unexpected in detail in the thrombin section. So let's move on to the next word for it. Repeat after me, home, Tony. Dod. Josie. Let's check the example sentence. Here. There is a great doctor, me, Antoni Gaudi, that's always done it. And to me it's like cogito is a really good cook. Chi dwell home don't need you already got jaws dotnet. Josie means literally like skillful. But in this case, I drew a home.html gigajoules. Then it gives me like chi door is good at cooking the meal. Okay. So at X1, X2, title says like that. Various me bokeh short, I shake, we need vitamins. I want to be a shift in the future MOOC Russia, what I shared with the next one, e, The woman said miked up principally delta mi ie. That means is sounds good. So that's the new vocabularies from the faith. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence. You can improve your Japanese pronunciation and, uh, you can not have done it. How to read a sentence. Anyway, let's get started. Please repeat after me. Oh, Ben thought i o bokeh, That's good. Dunder those up. Segue into donkey mass. Cornel Tamagotchi, I'm OK. The fetus. High dollar home. Dani, you already got those dotnet, beaucoup, Shakyamuni 99, that okay, Great. So let's move on to that key frame section. So this gave rise is about expressing multiple impressions. Example sentences. Kono Tamagotchi, Iraqi, our mock the oil shaders, means this Japanese omelet and sweet and delicious. Okay, so let's check the explanation. Two, here's two more adjectives. Concept stably with an e adjective, replace the e and the width could debt and connected to the next objective. Reason now replaced the end the width. The example. Beautiful key does not change to keep that like that. Ok. So let's check the example synthase. Again. Here. That e adjective. Repeat after me. Cannata Nagasaki, I'll knock the OH, group at me. Is this omelette as sweet and delicious? In this case, my change to a MAC, there it goes. The loop is like you need to replace e with cooked it. Okay, so let's move on to the next one. Let's bowl. Now, adjectives. For example, like here. If you please repeat after me. Could you sound what she did? Is she this group that means like Mount Fuji, and it's beautiful and wonderful. In this case. Now, logic does not change. Hey, there, if you need to replace with the thusly bu, of changing the e adjective or now logically. Okay, that's the explanation of the first polygraph. So let's move on to the next paragraph. How to express the impressions. In this Kate tom implied three, tells her impressions to others by saying, cool know Tamagotchi hockey, MAC, they always sheet is or this Japanese omelet, it's 310 delicious. To express area and progressions right away, you say down without desk. And as they encounter Palmer wacky, mock the only sheet. You know, like she said, it's like that Cornel Tamagotchi IT market. They always see this. But you also again select up Como tomorrow, wacky, I'm OK. They always see. The difference is just the here. Politeness. If you want to say the sentence applied tree at a time, you need to add this in the end of the sentence, Cannata now Gracchi, and like they always shade is if your talk with your friends or family members or the people who is close to you at a time, you can make the sentence casually like keynote on Nagasaki marketing or is she okay? So this is the same. It was like cancer, like crazy sound love, keda, and it's about us. She, whichever is okay, whichever have the same meaning. Ok. So let's move on to the last paragraph where anyone to share your impressions with someone in particular and net up the end of the sentence to seek agreement as in Kono tomography on AAC, they always, she'd ESnet or this Japanese omelet and sweet and delicious, isn't it? So here and here please repeat after me. Kollontai Mongolia key, I'm OK. They always see it as net. Almost at this. Lucky. I'm OK. They always Xia Wo sentence have meaning 12. If you want anyone's agreement out of time, you need to use these expressions. Just add the net at the end of the sentence. Or she does not always like that. It feels like it's so dangerous, isn't it? Is so WCS, right? Yeah, something like that. Okay. Now, each sentence has the same meaning, but if you want to change the lightness or is she always She and I want to have the agreement at a time unit to quit the net at the end of the sentence. That's the point of this sentence. Okay, that's it. Anyway. You can improve. You can combine two more adjectives in one sentence. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. Please repeat after me. Who enter colon door, they stack up sheet OK, that Qaeda told them, oh, yoga is good, not go and all their stuck-up, how once it went up OK. And, uh, you can express your impressions. Hit OK there cadet, tell them why you got that Is it was spacious and beautiful and very nice. You know, like this centers. You can use two more verbs in one sentence. In this case, last adjective, don't need to follow the route. We studied the first one and it's check on the one. Need to follow the roof of a key phrase. In this case, she'll eat e adjective change to Quito could get because you need to replace e with debt. And next one is just the adjective, qui da noch colon, key to nudge dot like that. So that's why you need to change. You need to replace now with that. So you need to say key date. And the last. Last one, yoga. Yoga into either good, you need to change this form. So you can say like, hey, look at that kid and told them loyal, got this like that. Anyway, yeah, you can combine two more adjectives in one sentence. Some say just like we did occur and all their stuck-up after that, they say like, hello, got that is key to a desktop. Yoga that is like that. Well, you can combine in one sentence, hillock the Keita that told them we'll get into this. It's more natural. Rate is more like a native speaker, native Japanese speaker. So I recommend you to use this expression. Okay, so let's move on to the next section. Please try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Number one, it's a small and cute, isn't it? Gets small means P site, and the cute means Kublai. In this case, the last adjective. Don't need to be changed, don't need to be changed the form. But a CI sight need to change the form. You need to replace e with could day. So our answer is here, sorry, here breezy. Read after me. Ci sac that colitis net change, dr. Colliders neck. What's more What's more? Your sentence said like that, isn't it? You need to have an agreement at a time unit to put that at the end of the sentence. So G sec, they collide, ESnet is the onset. So an X1. It's punctual and a convenient isn't it? You know, punk draw means Senkaku, not convenient means. Then Dina. I do need to change the form of adjective one, silica could not. That's a logic gate. So you need to replace not with the answer is here. Please repeat after me. Say cup with a bendy guess net. Good. For example, like Japanese, trend is punctual and a convenient new home. No, Then shall we say, then bend it ESnet like that. Okay, Great. That's me, wrong, period. Last question. It's gorgeous and beautiful, isn't it? Maybe this mixture is Kim Dakota tempo is located in Kyoto. Anyway, go just means gold now and a beautiful means good sushi. In this case, we need to change the form of a goal. Now, you need to replace now with the that's why the answer is here. Please repeat after me. Go by that. Cushy this net. Good. For example, like baking temperatures, tempo is go just send a beautiful were not keen couples era. Go because he has an air like that. How about this sentence? It's beautiful and gorgeous, isn't it? In this space, you need to change the form of a good school. She to push that. So answer is like goods Kush, cadet, keyboard, ESnet. The point is, anyway, last adjective, don't need to be changed, right? So if you use two more verbs, if you use two verbs, for instance, at a time, the first adjective need to be changed. Okay, and what's more, the order of adjectives is very important. Anyway, finished all of the questions. So let's move on to the next section. Please repeat after me. Those are good. Those amines. Go ahead. Here you are like that. This word is used when offering someone a meal or giving permission and servers the years to when you hand a sound seemed to someone in the sketch section also said like those. That means like here you are, please have meal. Yeah, we often use this word. For example, when you go to a Japanese restaurant or something, that crack would just say like dorsal When they serve the meal. Okay. Anyway, the medium is like go ahead or here your okay, great. So we've finished most of the activities last three. Let's check the video to review it. In the script section, please focus on understanding host or in Japanese. And what's more, Let's check the kanji and the trip. Trip did second section as well. Let's begin. Okay, let's get those off. And that can really see that guide the Antoni Gaudi. Synchrony United Linda, Japanese bento box lunches tastes good and look good too. They sure do. Farhat does this time. Let's deck adjectives back to back. That will give you more ways to express your impressions. Tam said, gone out, Tamagotchi, amok the oil Shi this first the object's name, then the first adjective. But here's the key change of ANDing adjectives to, for example, like I like that. Then say the next adjective as is. And finally, this, you don't know, mono go, there must be an orchestra pit. Almost, you know this. I don't know. Maybe it's not tacos and Beta snow high SES office. Yes, I see this. Amy, you were just there. Now as you want, if it was let's work on the pronunciation. Gone all Tamagotchi, Jackie, I'm OK that OCI this gone into Mongolia and luck? Or is she this in Oshima is only 90 minutes from Tokyo. But if feels like a world away, the food is fabulous. If you come to n Oshima is gotten dolls and she does too dark rice with fresh white paint. Is delicious. Excellent. Then go see the Oshima see candle. The iconic Observatory provides a spectacular view. That's just a sampling of what's on the island. Today's Kanji. And Oshima is known for this meeting. That's easy Japanese. Visit our website for past episodes and other learning materials. Okay, it's at the end of the lesson 26, expressing multiple impressions. I hope you learned something new. See you next time.
28. Asking which one to choose: Lesson 27, asking which one to choose. Japanese theme is no date, I guess got. It means which one is the most tasty? First of all, let's check it escaped with English subtitles. In this time frame is focused on understanding the whole story and it's beginning to submit i all the homeodomain. Well, OK. At that. Next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. Gimawat homeodomain. Well, OK. Okay, Then let's check the vocabularies from this deep. Repeat after me, called chew mom, 90. Okay, let's make the example sentence here. Basically there to me and go to Moldova 19 each Moscow. It means link. What would you like to 0 to renew, go to Japanese restaurant or something, you know, the clock would ask you like go to mobile and that in each Moscow. Okay, let's check the next one and go to Ichiban. Sushi guy Oscar. Okay, Presumably them to me, don't always see desktop. Good. It means like which one is the most tasty though data Ichiban desktop. Okay, Next one we sold I'm in also submit the clock on certain like the freedom to me, Minnesota, I'm angles and submit I oh, good. It means like me slow down and is my recommendation I recommend you to help me, sir, on bestowed on angles Islam and i o right away. You also can ask like that. When you go to any Japanese restaurant first time, you can now see the blood by using these rays, principally Daphne, nine eagles to submit this. Got it means what is your recommendation? 19 ounces. Okay, let's move on to the next chord. New home. Now I'm in precipitate out to me. I always CEO admins, Japanese rum and it's delicious. And you hold the next one. Is a book. That's kinda good. I like missile Rahman. Okay, That's the new vocabulary. Let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's try to read the whole sentence together. You can improve your, if you can improve your Japanese pronunciation and then you can notice done, I would do read it. Okay, Anyway, let's get this started. Please repeat after me. Go to the mola. Thomas on desktop. Minnesota and angles to submit. I owe me Salaam in the home node, our memory, our CIO book. Let me slow down and that's kinda what does she mean sodium initial mass. Okay, great. Let's check the key phrase. The key phrase is about asking which one to choose examples and then face donate IT about an issue that's got, it means which one is the most tasty? To ask, which one to choose from. A few things, say, though, each today, right, Jeevan parabola disco daughter, or which is used to choose from three or more items. The GBA or a number one coming before an adjective means the most. Okay. So it's both densities like that? Or is she the skull? We already studied this sentence. It means like, which one is the most tasty? No grandmother is just here. He been adjective this cup cards. So for example, like here, basically that to me, don't collide. And Scott, at the baseline, which one is the cutest? Notice how I eat is stop. So when you go shopping in Japan, you can ask the club like that where it's a bit of the me. See desktop. It means which one is the cheapest. On the other hand, you also can't ask like that. Dot-dot-dot Ichiban, IT Scott. Good fishing is like which one is the most expensive? So other, you can make a little bit some sentence like for example, daga, daga ICI button. When you want to buy the latest product, you can now scan of luck with a guy. And I'll show you that stuff for like Bottega, Jeevan, Florida skull, which one is the oldest? Of. Other examples sentences like I changed the sentence a little bit. For example, like you also can add. Now by using Domo, right? Though not be your guide, Jeevan, talk IT Scott. That the mean is like, so which building is the tallest? Right? Don't want to be there direction. Japanese would answer like that. Tokyo Skype city got Ichiban itis, Tokyo's country. Is that told us? Anyway, don't Ada, what I got means which one? Right? Balance sheet, ESCA, bodega and Jeevan kaleidoscope like that. If you want to add the specific. Now, you can say like I don't know, now, cg bond, blah, blah, this go as r. So okay. That's a, that's a key phrase. So let's check the usage section and let's read the sentence which incurred a key phrase to be studied. Please repeat after me. Know Degas IT band inky body, Moscow. Summit as okay, Nine do when asked, like key-value Moscow mean king or other means, or pyrene. That's why this sentence means which one is the most popular? And the clock unsuited like Kool-Aid L system it is, I recommend this one like that. For example, like when you buy some souvenirs in Japan, you can ask her club by using this phrase. Okay, let's try to try it out section. In this section, please try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Number one, which one is the cheapest? Okay? Like I said, cheap. Yes, three. So the answer is here for you. So repeat after me yesterday that Scott bid. And if you want to add the specific products, in this case, maybe the guy asked, like, which bag is the cheapest, right? In this case, you can say like that. Again, repeat after me. I don't know that HE by us a desktop. Good. So which reach back is that? I don't know. Okay, so let's check the number two. Which one is the most economical, right? The economical means, oh, good. Oh, so answer is here for me. Good at Scott. Good. As I mentioned earlier, if you want to add the specific noun, in this case, maybe the guy asks like which menu is the most? So you can say like that. There is a Beta for me. I don't know, man, you got Ichiban, although for desktop, menu is the most economical, whichever is. Okay, let's check the last question and then the three. Which one is the most the font? Which one is the funniest? Right? Which one is funniest? And have fun means almost surely. So on. So it's here though they've got Ichiban, omohyoid is Scott. Okay, So for example, like P1 to ask, like which manga visited the funniest. This case, you can say like that. Don't know. Okay. There is a greater than me. I don't know, man, giga. Almost Chinois, yes, got it means like which Rechnungen is the funniest reach? Which mankind? Most interesting. Okay, Save. Let's move on to the bonus phrase for is repeat after me. Go to Moldova. It means like what would you like? Clocks use this phrase when talking to odors. Chou means o. The end goal is a task before it to show respect through to cost them on. Yeah. X-ray Go doesn't have any specific meaning button. It shows just a respect to the customers. Anyway, when you go to Japanese restaurant that correct, we would ask you go to Table 1 and the ear can unselect bla bla. Bla, bla. Oh, nice from us, something like that. Okay, great. We finished most of the activities. So let's review today's lesson. In the script section, please focus on understanding host DO RE in Japanese and white snow. Let's check the kanji and attributed section as well. Let's begin. Japanese. Try. Not easy to sort out. The homeowner may well. Ok. Then goes kinda like I see. Time is thinking about UK again. We'd better keep an eye on her. Today they learn how to ask about superlatives. Which one amongst three or more things is the best or the most? Tanf said, Don't I got a boy, she desktop. I've got a Chiba means which one is the best or most. So A's that and an adjective like oil shake. And the sentence with this guy. Come up with my style. But I got it's a bi-unit. If somebody took follicle of chemotherapy, see top-heavy need give myself. Just sounds like bodega. It evolved into the company. Didn't know, didn't want us. Thought I got active on the essay desktop database. Amy, dotted IT band. I like this one. Let's work on the pronunciation. Guide. Ichiban. Oh, she, they Scott donate IT bound Boise. They, Scott. Raman is one type of food that's popular among young and old. It served with various kinds of soup. Me so fermented soy bean paste is the favorite. Many people opt for the tone called Pig bone broth tube. You'll never run out of options. Two days. You can't do without this and Raman. It's mer, meaning noodles. This is pretty difficult even for Japanese. If you can read it and write it, you must be a content expert. Come back for more AC Japanese, but then I okay, that that's less than 27. And asking which one to choose. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my glove. See you next time.
29. Asking for permission: Less than 28 asking for permission. Japanese seem it's shushing you taught them or eDiscovery. It means may I take photos here? First of all, let's check the escaped with English subtitles. In this time for his focus and understanding the whole story, Let's begin. Next time. Please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's be owning I took immediate. Okay, then let's check vocabularies from this heat for distributors to me, although not study for the guys to do. Okay, So let's start there some posts and this produces a PDF to me. Although Nash study on there guys, GMOs means one about least. Another extends both indices here. It's a PDF to be. Although enough daddy, omega is, you must. Good, it means pure doubts. Please. Do. Reach out to me or my guys. She must admit three adults, please. Ready to go to that to get bugs. You can audit a ticket by using the phrases auto 1930, daddy, older guys, you must like that. Okay. And X1 to me, my son. Yes, it is agreed up to me. Sunni mouse in a disco admits Excuse me. May I take the photos? It's going to be my desktop. Okay. Next one. Ie. The receptionist said, please if you don't have to be a CEO. There, it means like Yes, sure. Ida, CEO. And X1. Sticky. It means wonderful. Mesh. Sticky. It's wonderful. And X1 oak eczema, cocoa, tacky. Ngos, serious. Presumably there for me. Or eczema Kobilka going DO could assign. Good advanced like so. Please refrain from taking pictures from here NADH. So we'll catch them up. It means literary customer by then, in this case, or get sama means like Sir or Madam. Called okazaki mean from here. From here, Koko, gotta thank you. Well, go end up with our site. Going. Nucleoside means do not. Doing. In this case, please refrain from taking mixtures. So next one, semi Masan. Yeah, Near just said, sorry, semi Mohsen. Ok. So that's the new vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, that's right to read the whole sentence. You can improve your Japanese pronunciation and then you can understand how to read it. Anyway, Let's get this started. Please repeat after me. Automatically ordering guide schemas, schemas and poke them or a desktop. Ie the CEO, sticky oak, eczema, Coca-Cola stock. You are going to look at our side. A funny My sense. Okay, great. Let's move them to the key phrase section. Today's grammar is about asking for permission. Example, sentences, subshell, put them on a desktop. It means may I take photos? Okay. To ask permission to do something? Say that verbs plus 8 is 10 War II. Guess means you can bla, bla and indicates permission. Such in your book, there is touching or taller, or to take photo into TEFL. Anyway, grammar is just here. And here. Oh, okay. Please reach out to me. Demo, desktop. Demo either CEO. Okay. So shinier told them, I guess got it means mirror. Take photos such in your book demo Ada CEO. You may take the photos. Yeah, that's it. It goes It's shushing is the test form of take the pictures. And the more eDiscovery is grammars such demo eDiscovery. And, uh, you can, you know, given the permission by using lab not Timo EDS, in this case session, you will need a seal like that. Okay, so let's move on to the next example sentence Here. Okay. Repeat after me. Tobaccos them on the desktop. Tobaccos demo either CEO. It means like Tobacco's done my desktop, there's smoke a cigarette and then tobaccos to demo it is still, yes, humans. But either way, we basically omit this part because we are clearly talking about smoking, right? So tobacco suits them. Waiters come and you can simply say like either CEO, it's okay. Okay, so let's move on to the next one. You'd have to be toyed. I need them on your desktop. Ebsco varied toy they need them we just got is like, May I go to the toilet or bathroom and they eat SEO? Yes, you have a seat because it's a tiff form of the GO TO it. Any demo eDiscovery 0. So another example of sentences like when you go to the Japanese restaurant and you want to the menu at a time, you can use this phrase, repeat after me. Menu or that item or EDA Scott. Good. It means like they have a menu. So you can say like that. Okay, grids repeat after me or me 0 it'd item or EDA Scott. Good. It means like, May I have some water? And you also can say like for example, like radio, go to the shoot us to them. You can see like right then and there when you want to wash your hands before having the meal, you can say like, well, she bought your data item or a desktop. That means like marrying, have the 100 top. Anyway, grammar is here, gloved up. More e-discovery. Rob them will be this. That's eight. Okay, then let's move on to the next exponentiation. We didn't want to constant to a request for permission, say either CEO or yes, you can. Those are called please or more chiton this, or of course, you know, like there, there are some expressions like, you know, like just like I said, the the CEO or like those off. And X1 is what she don't like that either CEO, is it that's okay. Those are it's like here you go. More Troodon. This means sure that you can use anything, whichever is okay. Okay. Let's check the showed dialog which include a key phrase we studied. Okay. Please repeat after me. Check wished him or your desktop. More gentleness. Good. The woman asked like colostrum, which Jack wish them well, it has got that trial deed closes on multi-domain this of course, outcome. So she check which means it's like the Tet form of check suited. Try on. Ok, so let's move on to the next section. Please try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Number May 1 enter. Enter means how you do. And the test for means high debt. And the grammar is Ted form plus more Thetis gum. That's why I'm Sue is here. Freeze, repeat after me. Hide them or a desktop. There. It means may enter. And okay, where is beat after me? Or Nuan, you hide them on your desktop? It means like, May I enter the Gurdon was the one you hate them. I just scuff. This picture is about the Gurdon. And a year can say specific praise by using only one E. Okay, so next one, Mary rest. Okay? So the test form of rest is Yat-sen that so here precipitate out to me. Yat-sen, their money desktop. Good. That makes me a rest. Maybe this is talking about bench. May I rest on the bench, right. So if you can sit like that for is speed up the corner. Benji Deir Yassin, demo IDA Scott. The rest on this bench. You know, you can express specific place called the event today. Awesome memory. Just go. Okay, next one. May I sit here? Right? Okay. The test form of a sip here is sulla bit. Okay, so answer is here, grids repeat after me. Chobani slot them on the desktop. But it means like, May I sit here? Then when you go, because cocoa n0 means here, swap them a desktop. May I see? Okay, That's eight. We can move on to the next section. Step up section is about to come to you and people. Ok, please repeat after me. Let's try to count the people from one person to ten person versus repeat after me. Study, study. Sunny, yodeling, golden, low Cooney, nano mean. Chaining. Chaining. Cuny. June. Okay, good. You're going to like the others, some irregular expression like daddy, Neal, like sunning, go in, it's very normal one, you know. Three means the sun. Five means go plus knee, right knee going. On the other hand, we don't say Ichi Ni, we say study. And the we don't stay. Meaning we said Daddy, like that. There is no specific reason. You just need to remember these expressions. Based curry, when we buy some ticket on the ticket bucks at a time be used like, you know. Your think IT months, old enough, study on again, sum of two adults breeze or like Kodama of study on the guys from us. Two children please like that. So at least please remember from 1 to 5, because we often use this word over 6, we rarely use kind of expressions. But yeah, that's very important to remember how to come to people here in Japan. So please remember these expressions. Alright, we finished most of the activities. So let's review today's lesson. In this section, please focus on pandas than 0 story in Japanese. They know what's more. Let's check the country and a triptych section as well. Okay, let's begin. Japanese auto industry owning Eisner, CSE, you took and read if it's not, thinking about going into that performance was fantastic. It was a Chopin, The assign a know about classical music to. Today's subject is asking for permission. Asset, chassis, felt demo, Aedes gap. If you want to ask to do something, James, the end of the verb to the test style. For example, told to talk debt, then add a desktop. Keep them up high, legibly so high if it's your skin. So over choke thought. It must have taken a lot of courage for him to say bad. Now, pronunciation, gesturing all both demo, Ada, Scott, shushing, you adopt them all either Scott. Come a chorale is about an hour from towel GL. It's filled with historic temples. First goal to glean the Great Buddha really is gigantic, over 11 meters tall. Hog it reveals the beauty of bamboo forests. Really magic ball. Comma Girl has more than 100 temples, each with its own distinctive character. Today's meaning ten Paul. When you see Kanji, have some fun and check the meaning and pronunciation. That's ASI, Japanese girl, not that. Okay. So that's the less than 28 asking for permission. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having Mike Love. Next time.
30. Saying what you've done: This in 2009 saying, once you're done, Japanese CMEs, piano and so skinny key mushed up. It means I went to listen to a piano recital. First of all, let's check this kid who has English subtitles in this time, please focus on understanding host story that's being told. Next time, it's focused on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. The TLB me piano infiltrating the Jewish. Jesse, you look at? Me. Okay. So let's move on to your e-book section, please. Your data to me, Michio, be piano. And so group. Okay, So let's check for example sentence. Okay, for is a great after me. Nietzsche ovine, piano, no end. So OK, unique style. On Sunday, I went to listen to a piano performance, piano recital. Like I said, you can express them, pass things by using Iike much stuff like that. So the key mashed up, means I went to okay. And skinny means like it's the purpose of going to a piano recital. Piano the n. So to the need to listen to a piano performance, I went to the chemo stuff like that. So let's move on to the next one though. Fibonacci. Here. Please repeat after me. Though this DACA. Good, though they stack up. How was it me? See, by mascot that is good at me, Is, it was wonderful. Eight sentences are past-tense. The JOB, the PLO is so much stuff and adore this taka, say about us and things like that. I spoke present tense. You can say like though the ISA, how is it, Satoshi, this, It's wonderful like that. So though this top part express that positive, hence the key master, though this top copy. This. Let's move on to the next one. Sort it. You've got the basic enough to me. So they've got that ESnet. It means that was great. Yoga is the past tense of E is made, it's just a good. Okay. So next one, shushing Pakistan. You precipitate of me. So she, you know, toxin pretty much stop. Good. It means I tick a lot of pictures. So it pretty much done means 2k. Okay? And let's store the present tense. You can say like such a neurotoxin pulley mass. I take a lot of your fixtures. Next one, immediate quota. If it is a Beta for me, meet they meet a look at this picture and realize that he is huge. Some grids repeat after me. When you some good, This is huge. Some new vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. And this section, Let's try to read the whole sentence together. You can improve your Japanese pronunciation and, uh, you also cannot understand how to read the sentence. Anyway, let's get this started. Nietzsche ovine, piano. And so you need the mushed up. The oldest, aka Silvano Scott. For this. Let me take that aside. Huge, some huge sum. Okay, good. Let's move on to that key phrase section. Today's key phrases about saying what you've ever done. Example sentences, piano and so skinny chemostat. It means I went to listen to a piano recital. Interior explain the purpose for going somewhere. Use the burbs must perform without mass plus 10k. Here, the purpose is piano, and so it's good or to listen to a piano recital. So we move that mass from the massive and add neat eat good. Anyway, here is the sum, here, it's a promise. Okay, So let's check their samples. Okay. Okay. Very severe enough to meet. Piano is so skinny. Iike musta. It means I went to listen to a piano recital. Know like suppose this sentence. You just can say like piano and so schemas, I'm going to listen to a piano performance, right? So you need to rebuild with that mass plus 10k, right? In this case, me is the pasta dense? You need to say Neechi Moscow. So that's why you can say piano and so D must stop it. So let's check the another example sentence. For example here for is it beat up to me. Or data will be, must admit. I will look out the tempo. They all be mass. How about next sentence? Here? Basically delta me, albedo mini musta. The advanced LIGO. I went to see that tempo. You know? So the point is updateable, meaning she said because grammar is you need to remove that mass and a plus mi could write, in this case, that's the positive 10. So you can say like We need the key master, hold data out, meaning mashed up. That's eight x one. Raise it paid off. That mean go home or Tibet 10k, you must stop. The domains. We went to have dinner. You know, the purpose is you have to have dinner. Go home. Tab a, neat. It goes original sentences, tablet, mass. You need to remove a mass plus knee. Good. So you can say go home, time a neat achy muscle. So next one. Crazy speed up to me. I need, you must stop. Good. It means I went to see a friend. In the purpose of it. It's sentences like to see a friend told me, I need, right? So the original form, these eye muscles. You need to remove the mass and then plus 100k, say can say tomorrow that you need, I need the P MOSFET. Anyway. By using this phrase, you can add the purpose in one sentence. That's very convenient. So let's check the showed dialog, which include a key phrase be studied. Please repeat after me. Kill, don't go Neechi Mastaba. How does your Cooney, who go kind of 10k, you must stop. Good. Kyoto pointed the Mastaba where it is. Today, how does your quitting school? Carnegie Moscow. I went to how azure, good to buy some clothes. You know, the purpose of HA is like to buy some clothes. Who could tie any. Original form is if Google C90 massive, you need to remove mass and sneak against say, ookinete, achy must stuff like that. So let's check the try it out section. Let's try to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Number one, I went to eat sushi. Okay, So eat sushi, she'll Tibet muscle and you need to remove math plus Nikki. Nikki muster, right? So our answer is here. Please repeat after me. So she'll type in achy must stop. There. I went to E to secede. If you want to express the future seeing you can say like sushi or type any achy mass, I'm going to eat this issue. So whichever is okay. And next one, I went to see a baseball game. You know, mass form is yucky. And the union, you need to remove the mass. So the answer is here, principally to me. Yeah. Q Mini the musta grid means I went to see a baseball game. If you want to express the future, think I'm going to see a baseball game by the time you can say like, Yeah, q Mini Iike massive. Okay, that's it. Okay, let's check the third one. I went to meet defend. They must form is Tomonaga chimney, I must say. So. You need to remove the mass for us 10k. So answer is here for repeat after me. Tomonaga Cine I and II musta. Good. That means I went to meet a 5'-end of time and a hidden want to decide on going to meet a friend. You can say like Tom, all that you need, I, Iike mass, that's eight. So let's move on to step up section. So today I will explain about the days of the week from Monday to Sunday. Okay. So let's read each word together. Repeat after me. Gets the OB, OB, COV. More curiosity. Key, OB, Dojo be Nietzsche OB. Okay, that's it. There is no point about this section. You just need to remember all the expressions from Monday to Sunday. Oh, say we finished most of the activities. So let's review today. Gather. Skip section for his focus and understanding whole story in Japanese or what's more? Let's check the chip section as well. Let's get started. Japanese. Try TLB, need piano infiltrating each mustache. Nowadays that that Friday my Jesse, you look exemplary, missed me. Finally got a hint about how she might find UK. What a coincidence. Today, we'll learn how to say what your purpose was for going somewhere. And I said, Ghana, Guinea. Just drop last from a verb and add it to my stack. So cheeky mass to listen, because kicking it a chemostat went somewhere to listen to something or wine only till viva, your semester. Come up with unique dying with zooming into my staff. At the fatal diving, eating less than then what the Nazca law local Nicholas PPACA. Actually, why not? With today's phrase, you can say where you went and what you did all in one sentence. Another step towards smooth conversation. Now the pronunciation, piano, not skinny. And it's that piano and saw guinea, lucky my staff. Damned. Hearing comma could, I tried to cultural activity that calms you down. Stop by hussy Then at temple and you'll have a chance to experience, Chuck, you're tracing the sutras. It involves being mindful of what you're doing for an hour ourselves. Chapeau is a Buddhist training method by anybody can enjoy it for peace of mind. Today's it can't be refreshing to do this. It's shop, meaning writing. They are making progress. Isn't Japanese will help you master and dozens of useful phrases. So stick with it. Don't let that. Okay, That's the that's the less than 29 saying what you've done. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you. Thank you for having Mike Love See you next time.
31. Expressing a variety of past and futer actions: Listen, so D, expressing a variety of past and future actions. Japanese theme is it's showing you that daddy, daddy, she must stop. It means we some songs and Donald stick together. First of all, let's check the skin with English subtitles in this line for its focus on understanding host over you, misspeaking. No cardiac ischemia. Fill it up. I can. Okay. Next time for his focus on Japanese pronunciation and hard to read it, Let's begin. Extrude cut no cardiac cell that respect. You stumble in fact that each older patients feel about each can. Okay, Then let's check the vocabularies from this cape precipitate out to me. The first word is middle, Buffett. Date goes IM us 0. So that's just the example sentence. Repeat after me. Middle bucket equals animus. It means like it's a metal and parfait middle above hit equals I minus X1. Here. Where is it beat out to me? Or she saw? It means like it looks yummy or is she so it looks delicious. Okay, next one. Local. Okay, let's check the example sentence. Basically, laughed at me. Huge Santo Domingo data, no. Good. It means rare. It is your meat. You tunnel. And next one, Beethoven. Frieze it be enough to me. It means we met the bit numb. I must stop and X1 show up, go. Suited for Zubaida, the meat shoulder, or their boat on the Oshima stop. It means we volunteered up an elementary school, show up, coded one until she must have an X1. Is showing me the old order Here Okay. For is a bit off to me, is showing you that daddy, daddy, she must have. Good read, sung, and danced together. This sentence is the point sentence of this lesson. You can include two more verbs in one sentence at a time unit to use. How do you form like Daddy, Daddy, like that? Anyway, I will explain this drama in the ground section. So let's move on to the next vocabulary. So hi, Here is a great app to me. So that thunder. Okay, I see sold up. Here for me. Santa Monica iodide is good. It means like, I would like to see you again. Lyrics and neat. I like this. Okay. The new vocabularies. So let's move on to the next section. In this section, Let's read the whole sentence together. You can improve your Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Anyway, Let's get this started. Middle, Buffett equals nine months old. She saw Tommy UC, Santa Dakota tunnel. Based on Amadeus. Show that golden brown TO she must stop. It's showing you that daddy, daddy, she must have sold that Bono. Hi, Sandy, I digress. Okay, good. So let's check the key phrase. Today's key phrase, It's about expressing a variety of past and future actions. Example sentences is showing you that daddy, daddy, she must stop. It means we sang songs and dance together. To list some examples out of a number of actions. Use the Terraform of above. Change that at the end of the verbs telephone to target, to express something here with Don and the sentence with chemostat or deed. On the other hand, if you want to express something, you are going to do. The verbs telephone can be used to express both what you've done and what you're going to do. Four things in the future. Say Paddy, Paddy schemas or situs. Situs, meaning we'll want to do alkyne. So first of all, let's check the past tense. Okay, here. Principally it up for me is showing you that daddy, although she must stop. That's the posture tense V, song and dance together. We want to express the future tense. You can say like that precipitate of me is showing you that daddy, daddy, she must fit means like, we will sing and dance together. We're going to sing and dance together. If you want to do something, you can say like that. Repeat after me, is showing you that daddy daddy status. The admins like I want to sink and downs together. Okay. It means like I want to do something. I want to sing and I want to dance together. Okay, that's it. So let's check the, another example of sentence. For example, like when you go to somewhere. So for example like okay. So for example, like So what did you do in Japan? And, uh, you can answer it isn't like that. You can answer like that. Principally data me, cohort habitat d chi mono study cima stop. It means like we, we had a meal and did and went shopping. So for example, like so for example, like what are you going to do it in Japan? And you can answer like that. Principally Dr. me, go, daddy came and studied schemas. It means like I will have a mu and go shopping. It is future dance. Go home and everybody time almost each. So for example, next one. So what do you want to do in Japan at a time? You can answer like that. Please repeat after me. Go home or tablet daddy, tie mono, study. Each side is big. It means like I want to have a meal and go shopping because it's status means I want to do something. Anyway. You can use tardy form of each sentence is like, you know, past tense, future tense, and something you want to do. So that's very useful grammar because you can combine, you can include two more actions in one sentence. Two more verbs in one sentence separates, remember through this expression. Anyway. So let's check the showed dialog which include a key phrase we studied. Okay, presumably, repeat after me. Hope guide or the nanny OC Moscow. Hiking GWA study own standing height. A guy asked Mike hope guide or the nanny, Oshima scott, what I'm going to do in Hokkaido. So you need to answer by using future tense for like. You can use the something. What you want to do. In this case, the guy answered, what, what he wants to do. So in this case you need to use that status. So he said like hygiene GWA study on saying Hi daddy status. I want to go hiking and go battling in hot springs. Okay. Or you can simply like answer like hiking or study on certain height that eats she must. Yeah. In this case, it's like you already had a plan to go hiking and go baffling. Anyway, whichever is okay. Please choose the appropriate or appropriate one from the context. Okay. So that's checked the trial section. So in this section for its tried to translate English sentences into Japanese. Number 1, I1 shopping and swam in the ocean. So go shopping is calling on our city, but you need to change that toddy forms. So kind mono, study and a swim in the ocean will meet it or your daddy. And as that's the past attempts. So that's why you can say like she mashed up. Okay, so answer is here, precipitous mean chi mono study media or your EDC much done. Good. I went shopping and swam in the ocean. And I want to say the future tense. You can say like Cayman or study, remedial your daddy schemas. Or if you want to express what you want to do, chi mono study the medial, your NADH, Titus, like beads then dense that are all kind. Okay, so let's move on to the next one. Next one is what you want to do. So I want to go to a temple and we're AKI mono, right? So the telephone or go to a temple is hi mommy, daddy. And a toddy form of wear a kimono is key mono study. And then you need to attach status because you need to express what you want to do. So here, please repeat after me. Or did I need 30 key mono study stylus? Okay, good. I guess if you want to say like I went to a temple and a war or chemo at a time. You can say like, Oh Daddy, Daddy, She master. And he wanted slide. I want to go to a temple and where I came on at a time, you can say like, let me Daddy daddy status. Okay. That's 87 X1. X1 is 1 to d unit to use the past tense. The past tense is status. No, sorry, past-tense is she mashed up. Okay. So I watched a TB and the tick not right. So tardy form of watching TV is tailored, mommy, daddy. And a tablet form of taking enough is hidden in your study and then you need to attach she mashed up because does the past tense. So answer is here, precipitous after me, 1080 or Meta lea. He do NAOH study cima. Stop. Okay, Good of that. They say he wanted to say what you want to do. You know, like I want to watch TV and, uh, take not, you can say like data beyond Italy. He studied stylus. Okay? So please choose the appropriate incentives from the context or like what you want to express. Okay, that's it. So let's check the bonus phrase reasonably after me. She saw and feels like they look delicious. It's used when something looks delicious to say the dishes while eating cues? Or is she all time? So we saw means like they look delicious. And while eating, while actually eating the food at the time, you need to say, because you already know that's actually delicious. So OC mean, it's simply, it's delicious. Before eating the meal, you can say they look their wishes or itchy. So please distinguish each side, each phrase, which is so and or ICI. Okay, That's it. We finished most of the activities. So let's review today's lesson. So in the sketch section. Focus and understanding the whole story in Japanese and what's more, Let's take the county and the chip dip section as well. Let's get this started. Japanese. David, a. Try. We don't have y equals. I can extrude cut, no Kodak now, they can remedy that 40 black youngsters that you send me your back body, although fetish, fill it up too high. I guess. It was in Vietnam where TAM and Yuki met each other for the first time. I hope somehow still be able to see him Independent to today, we'll learn how to say did several things at the same time, multitasking. Tan said a Senate that, that Betty, although that HTML stack, first change that conjugation of the verb to that tiny form. For example, journey without too, but that daddy did the same with the second verb. And finally end with she must stop. I really isn't a raging do a did on this got home ID or she must have 30 Omega d, Omega d of Fe3C. Much the Book of a hard as you could tie Manoa steady states or tablet. That is my stuff. Either sled, walkable or Martinique must. Jan van Eyck enough about the shrine and the shopping area are just a few minutes walk from hunted to extinction. You can be traditional and trendy in the same day. Now the pronouns a Shani with that Benny, although that HE mesh that is Shani with that Betty, although that each smash them. Here's a bit of advocate for visiting a shrine. Just dumping and bowing before entering our signs of respect leaves the center of the approach opened our deities. Rinsing your hands also is supposed to purify your mind. Dwell in offering into the box. Bow twice, clock twice. Bow once again. Today's meaning, trying. That's easy. Japanese. Visit our website for past episodes and other learning materials, not going to. Okay, That's the that's the lesson. Charity expressing variety of past and future options. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my glove. See you next time.
32. Inviting someone to do something together: Lesson 31, inviting someone to do something together. Part of two Japanese theme is, is showing you the methane. Got. It means why don't we all go together? First of all, let's check that escaped with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding whole story. Let's begin. Guided on the geometry. What's going to be just like Selma Antonioni mean that I know you'll be typical. My decimal. Math. Study decor. Next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. Guided on the geometry. What's going to be just hasn't got a typical job studied equal. Okay, So next time, let's check the vocabularies. Whereas a great actor, me, condo, Dojo, OB mean job. How qubits gone? Okay, that's mimic the example sentence. Okay, Let me hold on. Adobe ninja huckleberry is gonna equal the domains. Let us go to the ninja museum next Saturday. One, home donee. Ski. Here. Repeat after me. Homophony ninja Baskin on the net. It means you like ninja, don't true Antonioni, skin underneath. The next one minute it is showing me. Okay. Is it grayed out to me? I mean, nowadays Shani go good. It means let's all go together. Mean that a shot ego in X1, Choctaw. What does she do go for? Is it beat out to me that she got there? It means, well, I have to go through the class. So what I suggest you do go about then next one, exam, then Java. Here for is agreed after me examine Donna, job started a goal. Good. It means what? A BD. Then let's go together and end on a goal. Okay, That's eight. So next time, Let's move on to skip section. Okay, basic beat out to me. Condon, Adobe, kite, Dada, ninja hackable, Skynyrd schemas, myxoma home dawning in Djorgovski does net height. Meaning that a shown you give Masanga Dojo vibrato. God you must examine. Starting a goal. That's me run through the key for its section. Today's grammar is about inviting someone to do something together. Example sentences is Shani chemo saying got. It means why don't we go together to invite someone to do something changed. The mass of the vermis must perform to Masanga. And the rates that intonation, mass m is a negative form. But it was my saying, got, it becomes an invitation to accept that invitation, say EDS net or Sounds good. Okay, Masanga and in Moscow. Moscow is also an expression of invitation, but it has the nuance of encouraging that person to accept. On the other hand, massage is used when you want to check the other person's availability. So it's more light. Okay. So let's check the sample sentence. Or is it B, Dr. me, Shani schema saying, got it, men, why don't we go together? So X1 here, please reach out to me. Is Shani, Italian Masanga, blue. So why don't we eat together is shown in type I must say. And that's one of the sphere. Repeat after me, is showing you how she must. Thank God. It means, why don't we run together? So last example sentence, it's here. Presumably delta E is shown, you know me, my Sangha. Good. It means why don't we doing together? Anyway? Mass NCA means, you know, why don't we need to do something. But you're right to do with me like that. Okay. So let's move on to our next section. Visibly, Dr. me. Kanban is showing you go home or tabernae chemo, same cup. E ESnet schema. Show. Good. Okay, next one. Try it on a section. In this section, there is tried to translate three English sentences into Japanese. Number one, why don't we have a barbecue with everyone? We know have above a queue with everyone is meaning that the barbecue or she must and a unity to replace mass with mass NCA, right? So answer is here. Sorry, presumably Dr. me. Mean that it bother you or someone saying got good, meaning that they're barbecue or somehow sync up. Why don't we have a barbecue with everyone? Okay, good. Next one. So why don't these things together, you know, thing together is, is showing you the mass and the early to replace mass with mass NCA. So our answer is here, basically down to me, is showing you a Dima sync up. Dude. Showing you a diamond sync up. Why don't we think together? Let's move on to the last one. Why don't we try doing, okay, so try doing it yet, the mean must sit and you need to replace must with my Sangha. So our answer is here, basically dichotomy. Yet then you must send got. Okay, great, That's eight. So let's move on to the next bonus phase. Breeze. Repeat after me though, your viva Choctaw. Good admin. Saturday for me. So this expression is used to decline an invitation. Chunk door means a little. However, shredding, stretching out the ending and a weak name, weakening that page creates the nuance dot uk. Lucky country declining. For example, like Dojo, all the SLB must show. Let's play together on Saturday, Saturday. And the you can say Dojo Viva child DO. It means though your B soda a day is not good for me. And next one is like. Why don't we go drinking tonight? Comb been normally leaky Moscow at a time. You can say like kombucha child domains tonight is not good for me. So you can use that Cellco to decline some invitation. Okay, It's that seat. He finished most of the activities. So lastly, let's check the video skeet. Skeet section. Please focus on understanding the whole story in Japanese. And what's more, Let's check the kanji and a triptych section. Anyway, let's get started. Japanese. Give it a try. Doing an ordinary guy dotted into my Excel. Antoni means and mosquito net. Mean that I wasn't gut. Though you'll be like typical. Let us study decor. Mike knows a lot about Japanese culture. He has to live with us and I explained everything to him. Why? Today's phrase is to ask someone to go somewhere with you. Mike said, it's shiny, it schema, same cat is Shani means together. After that change the verb conjugation mass to mass, and that is a polite negative. For example, turn, it came us to edema. And finally, the question form, cup up to the sky doesn't show me into my second question was do this at your leisure. But the sooner you can also go. What kind of mashed up that you measure? Secret? He's no slouch at the billiard table. Things are definitely more fun if you can ask people to do them with you. Now the pronunciation is Shani, it came, I say ANCA. Hey Shani, edema, same. Ida near Kyoto is known as the home of ninja, including the ADEA ninja museum. You can try mean gets it, the art of being a ninja. Watch a performance and steady real implements. If you can't get to IGA, maybe you can try this spot in Tokyo. Throw sure again ninja stars and take photos with the folks in black. Today. They hide and seek, you know, them. Thanks for watching. Okay, so that's the list insert D1, binding someone to do something together. Okay, I hope you learn something new from today's lesson. Thank you for my class. See you next time.
33. Asking how to get to your destination: Lesson 30 to asking how to get to your destination. Japanese is Ninja hackable? It's governed by the door. It means, how can I get to the ninja museum? First of all, let's check this with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding host story that's begin at all. So Scott called a micelle must pick it up. Next time. There is focused on Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. In the Jacobites that I just got. Told me till my daddy daddy. How do you got all was I guess. Okay. Then let's check the vocabularies from this gate for is read after me. Sentence precipitate out to be good. That means you look good. Mike Johansson. Okay, Next one. I know seminars and Ninja. How good scan. Do? A good Okay. I like that. Presumably Dr. me know, ninja Hollywood's comedy doing that, I desktop the demands. Well, how do I get through it? An Indian Museum. Now in Jacobites come by. There are no intermediates go. I know doesn't have any specific meaning. Like, you know, x gives me or something like that. The purpose is to pay others attention. And also we must m means though is that I just go like that. Okay. Next one, corner. Meaty. Must surrogate. Daddy. Outer. Precipitate out to me. Konami TO massively give up. He died in the early months you do. It means just go straight down this road and then you'll be on your left corner mature. The 1990, my CEO. Okay. Next one. And you got though was I must agree, Dr. Me, Bacardi musta are either DO was a mass. It means. Okay. I got it. Thank you very much. Okay. I developed over time AS next one. Down for me. Achy, my show. Good. It means now let's go alkyne. So these categories, let's move on to the next skill section. In this section, Let's read horror sentence together. You can improve your Japanese pronunciation and you also can understand how to read the Japanese sentence. Anyway, let's get this started. Please repeat after me. Like neon, there are no semi Mohsen ninja hukou goods government in doing that I desktop, AmiGO must similarly they could assign nearly mass. Bacardi Mazda or IGA door was I must go. Okay, great. Let's check the key phrase. Okay, so today's grammar is about asking how to get to your destination. Example sentences mean Jacobins comedy though it that I desktop. It means how can I get through the Ninja museum? To ask R to get to your destination, say destination, mother. Boy, that I eat, Scott. E is the verb, or to go into conditional form. In this case though, just memorize the phrase as a question. Destination, muddy though. The parameter space, the example sentence for its agree Dr. Me told Gautama there, knowing that I Scott. Good, it means how can I get to Tokyo Tower? That's another example sentence. Here. Where is it read after me? Shibuya, my drawing that I did. Scott. How can I get through Shibuya? And the one more example sentence, phrase, agreed after me. Who's he? Somebody that I guess Scott good demands, how can I get to mount a huge it? Anyway? The grammar is just the destination Medea drawing that I discovered. It means how can I get to the destination? For example, when you come to Japan, you can ask people, how can I get 2 bla, bla. So you can understand how to get to your destination or like something, sightseeing spots. That's very useful phrases, so please memorize it. Anyway, let's check the show to dialogue which include a key phrase we studied previously. Read after me and all cinema sound keen Taguchi Model, knowing that I eat, it's got no bus and enough ticket aside. The guy asked to like Jean cappuccino, boy, that I desktop the destination is keen QA QC. So you can ask like that, how can I get to keene competent tempo? And and the men answered, Mike, great job on no bus and you know, to get outside, please get on buffs number 11. Yeah, like that, you can understand how to get to your destination. Let's move on to the next section. In this section, British tried to translate the English sentences into Japanese. Number 1 executes me. How can I get to this hotel? Okay, so this hotel is Kono hold data and the grammar is destination mother, though each data ie the skull. So our answer is here, precipitate earth and me. And all cinema sound. Kono, whole data model though is that I desktop? Okay, great. Let's move on to it. And lambda2. Excuse me, how can I get to the platform for the Xing guns and blood train? Okay. It's the chin counts and not home. So the answer is here. Please repeat after me. I know cinema San Xin concept of Holman Monday though in tonight ESCA Ooh, it means, excuse me, how can I get to the platform for the shin plants and lead train? Okay. Next one, number 3. Excuse me, how can I get to this store? And the store is Konami set? So answer is here, precipitate out to me. And all cinema sound, Konami, same and they're doing that I desktop. Okay, how can I get to this store, Konami? Same idea though, is that a desktop? Okay. Let's move on to the next section. Okay. Step up section is about direction's a precipitate out. Me. Maggie. She daddy. Mass. Now got it. For example, like when you ride on a taxi in Japan, you can say like that. Here. Please. A bit of a not-so-great decadence I grew contains. Please go straight. Next one. Here, principally Dr. B. So again or Shingo or minimi that they could assign admit at the next trophic light turn right? So the notion of meaning about ticket offsite, or you can say like it's again or she or he that any site. So he daddy means left. So turned out the next traffic light. So muscle group. Hey, daddy. Yeah. And my boundary means turn right, turn left. Okay, so that's the basic expression. So we finished most of the activities. So let's move on to the review today's lesson. In the script section, please focus on understanding the whole story in Japanese. And what's more, Let's check the culture and a trip that section as well. Anyway, let's get this started. Our goal at all. So you need to come at a low IQ that I called AMI till my sweet, because I could with Scala, daddy, daddy must start adding other words, I guess. Islands where a ninja have BED, local rent one at a shop near the ninja museum. Today we'll learn how to ask for directions. Like said, ie they Scott, say the name of the place you want to go to, then? That Ada Scott on all right. Mobutu. And my goal is that I eat, it's got Dima. They would smother. Though we've got as a goal making him an article. I didn't feel I got those. I'm asking for directions is essential when traveling. As long as you know how to ask, just the gesture may be enough for an answer. Let's work on the pronunciation. Mean to have go but scum my day that I either Scott in Jacobins gun law, they believe that our aid is Scott. Ueno is one of Tokyo's library as neighborhoods. North of the train station is Ueno Park. The park includes a zoo to museums and other attractions. Back down near the station, you'll find the vehicle shopping streets as fresh food, clothing, and much, much more. Today. You go to a zoo to see them and go the meeting and animals. When you see Kanji, have some fun and check the meaning and pronunciation. That's easy. Jaffe. Okay, that's it. That's the less than 32 asking how to get to your destination. I hope you learned something new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
34. Asking how long something will take: Lesson 33, asking how
long something will take. Japanese theme is, don't know, could I much Moscow, it means how long does
it take to getting? First of all, let's check desk eat with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding
the whole story. Let's begin audited them. Okay, next time,
but his focus on japanese subtitles. Let's begin. The today multitasker. Duvall, who could I guess? Like I must have homonymous
region doc element on the negative side
or just shut down. Okay, Then let's check the
vocabularies from the skied. Okay. Please repeat after me. The first word is doe, not good I MET. Okay, so let's take the example sentence here
precipitate out to me. I don't know, could I
must go good at demand? How long do I need to wait? Don't know. Could I
MHC Moscow? Okay. So let's move on
to the next one. Jew whom could I okay, here precipitate out to me. Google whom could I guess? Good at domains. It's about 50 minutes. Dubois whom could I guess? And next one, Makari. A precipitate out to me. Lagarde mashed up.
Yeah. Well, God, he must die means I got it. I honestly okay. Next one, single homeowner. Trudy can hear
precipitate out to me. Silly boy. Homeowners should
be kinda good at Mays. Well, that's a real sure
we can say void homeowner. No, she kinda next one. Ohno. Motto. Navigated. The guy said like that. Okay, precipitate out to me. I know not only negative side. Good admins, please throw
a dot-dot-dot target site. Okay, next one, a or to precipitate out to me. A chat. Good. It means, oh, it's fallen. All kinds. So that's
the new vocabularies. Let's move on to
the next section. In this section, Let's read
the whole sentence together. You can understand the how to
read a sentence and you can improve Japanese pronunciation
as about anyway, let's get this started. Please repeat after
me. I don't know. Could I must you must go Google whom could I this
Lagarde mashed up. So Goya, homeowner, nor
should you kinda know motto. A chat. Okay, great. So let's move
on to key for it section. Please repeat after me. I know in this
section I'm going to explain how to use
the Japanese grammar. Today's key phrases about asking how long
something will take. Example, sentences don't know, could I much in Moscow? It means how long does it
take to get in literary? It means how long do I wait? Okay, So to ask how long
something takes US, DO NOT Q, which is an interrogative, all lengths of time,
distance, or amount. It's used with much. You must go Matsui or
to wait or Kulkarni, Moscow, cockatoo, or to take 0. So let's check the
example sentence again. Please repeat after
me. I don't know. Could I much in Moscow? Good. Don't know, could
I much in Moscow? It means literary. How long do I wait? But it means like, how long does it take to
get in, in this situation? We often use this raised, so please remember to it. Anyway, let's move on
to the next section and let's check the showed dialog which include a key
phrase we studied. Okay, So please repeat after me a similar sense at
all. I don't know. Could I forgot in Moscow? Burn good itis. Okay. Yeah. Something like that. When you get into a taxi, you can ask the taxi driver by using this phrase like outdoor, don't know, kinetic
occurred in Moscow. It means like how much
longer will take. And then the driver answered, you're doing could itis at
the man's about 20 minutes. You know, could I means a plugs matri about
around yeah, like that. So in Egypt could I guess. Okay, So let's move on to that. Try it out a section. Okay, So in this
section is try to translate three English
sentences into Japanese. Number one, how
long is the work? Principia, how long is the work? So work is leukemias. Okay. So answer is here. Sorry, here
precipitate out to me. I don't know could Iraqi Moscow? Good. Grammar is very simple. You need to say, I don't know, could I? Verbs caught? Yeah, like that. And a verb
is followed by a Master form, in this case, our
key muscle, right? So don't know, Could
I add a key mascot? You need to attach the end of the sentence
to make a question. So answer is I don't know, could I autarky Moscow? So and a CFO, this picture may be the woman asked to
school or something. So at a time you can add the specific
destination like that. Got Coumadin. Here. Please repeat after me. Got Goma. Don't know, could I autarky Moscow? Good. It means how far do
I have to walk to school? Got Gaumont a donor? Could I autarky Moscow? Okay, so let's move on
to the next question. How long does it last? So last means more Teamocil. So our answer is here. I don't know, could
I see Moscow? Good. It means how
long does it last? And the maybe the guy asks
about x or something. So in this case, against it like that
precipitate out at me. Cannata mango, don't know, good. I'm sorry here. Okay. Again, please
repeat after me. Know Tamagotchi, don't know, could I multi Moscow? Good. It means how long do these x last corner
Tamagotchi, don't know. Could I mostly Moscow. Okay. So next one. How much longer
are you in Japan? You know, how much longer
are you're in Japan? And a must form is Nihon
need images, right? So our answer is here, precipitate out to me
at all. I don't know. Could I knew horny Moscow? Good. How much longer
are you in Japan? So yeah, in this case, example sentence over
the test specific place, Japan, new home sales, that's the yeah, and
try it out section. So let's move on to
step up section. Today's step up section is about lengths over time, alkynes. So let's check the time. Bruce, repeat after me. Go often. Gip and Judah whom? Nice and neat. You go home. Son Japan. Okay, That's it. And next one is about outwards
vertically it off to me. It is, you can hang. Come on. Come on, come on. Come on. Could you come down? Good. That's it. You know, unique expression is
about ECG can hunt. It means 1.5 hour. So HM means heart. For example, like here. Okay, precipitate out to me. Tokyo Tower, muddy. Don't know, could
I gotta Moscow? It means how long
does it take to get to Tokyo Tower? Hung? Could I this good? It's about an hour and a half. Okay. So it is you can
hung come means heart. Okay. So that's it. So okay, we've finished
most of the activities. So let's review today's lesson. In the skip section, please focus on understanding host story by Japanese
and what's mole. Let's check the kanji
and a triptych, triptych section as well. Okay, so let's get this started. Link here and bottom-up, GSC. Could I guess, I guess that
you minimise Richard Bach. I'm uploading under
the old stuff done. And don't worry, it doesn't is the road to becoming a
ninja isn't so easy. That's right. Practice makes perfect. So keep at it. Today we'll learn how to ask
how long something takes. Said I don't know, could I must to Moscow? Go No, Could I means
how long and how much? After that? A verb like
much less to wait. And finally the particle
for a question. Or you also see
some other donor. Could I came on Skype
meeting with good, I guess. Well, good. I once your scope
foo uncomfortable because the wholesalers in shops have Tsukiji Market have moved to the new
tuberculosis site. Sketchy operated for
more than 80 years, but Plato says, already popular. Now the pronunciation,
they'll know, could I lunch in US? Gaap, the look good. I went to Moscow, trapped him. So as the market is now
Japan's largest food market, it moved about three
kilometers from sketchy 2018. The wholesale section is outfitted with the
latest equipment. The restaurant row is
open from five AM. For those who want to know more about auction ins and outs, there is a free tour to it gives new landmark is a
feast for the senses. Today's candy. I'm not meaning fish. That's ASI Japanese. Visit our website or past episodes and other
learning materials methods. Okay, let's see. That's the less than 33 asking how long
something great, retake. I hope you learned something
new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
35. Saying what you've experienced: Lesson 34 saying, once you've experienced Japanese theme
is Yolanda go to body mass. It means I will read it. First of all, let's check. Could just skip that
with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding the host
DO RE, let's begin. Okay, So next time lipstick the Japanese pronunciation and how to read it. Let's begin. Okay, so let's move on to the vocabularies
from the skied. Please repeat after me. La manga. Okay. So she said like that
precipitate out to me. Law, manga that axon. It means while so many comics, wow, so many mangas. Toxin and X1 cannot. She did it? And then they're guy ask
the precipitate out to me. Does she do? It means
do you notice manga, Kono Manga sheet to do? And next one, Yeoman. And Thompson answered
like dot precipitate, precipitate out to me. You own Dakota Artemis group
if domains, I will read it. You own Dakota Artemis. And next one, the homo. And the guy asked like
that for Zubaida, me, me homebody on Domo. What you read it in Japanese. The Homewood El Nino and X1 EA. But don't undergo. And she's still here. Please reach out to me. If they don't undergo
the AMI musta interface? No, I read it in bed enemies. They don't undergo
the AMI mashed up. And next one, demo
almost surely. So she said like that
precipitate out to me. Told him almost Jidoka, this Greek, it means it was very interesting for them
almost, you know, got this. Okay, these are
new vocabularies. So let's move on
to skip section. In this section, Let's read
the whole sentence together. Please repeat after me. La manga, that toxin. Thomas son, Connor
manga should do. High. You'll end
up with Artemis, the homebody on dunno. Yet they don't undergo this. Pull them almost Jidoka
this. Okay, great. Let's move on to the
key phrase section. Today's grammar is about saying
what you've experienced. For example, sentences. You own Dakota Artemis. It means I've read it. To express what
you've experienced, use the top form of a verb plus CTO got anemias,
kowtow, Artemis. Verbs. Top form ends
with PTA or dot, indicating the action took place in the past or has
been completed. To make the top form change that TE or the of the
verbs Terraform to pop or saying what you
haven't experienced, replaced the verb Artemis with 90 days or ARIMA
SAN or have not. Example bla bla kowtow
night S or bla bla CTO, Hadi mass m. So let's check
the example sentence. You're going to say what you've experienced by using this race. For example, like here. Okay, precipitate out to me. Be two or non Docker images. It means I've drawn a beer be due on
undergo toga, Artemis. And X1 is here. Okay. Please repeat after me. Mahoney, Dakota Valley MAS good. It means I being too Japan. Mahoney Dakota. Well, as for the negative form, you can say like, Hey, please repeat after me. Ni hao need Dakota
value, must send. Good. It means I've never been to Japan and Hong Ni
Dakotas or the mass n. Or you can say like that, Mahoney, it Dakota on ideas. That's the same meaning. I've never been to Japan,
whichever is. Okay. And another example
sentences here. Okay, presumably delta me to cardio audio tablet
October, Artemis. Good. That means I am Adrian, Chinese food to
guide your audio. Tobacco toga, party mass. Okay, Next one is here. Please repeat after me. I know is 0. Meet up
Autauga, Artemis. Good. It means I'm seen, I've watched that
maybe ago. Ani mass. Anyway, baby, you can
understand the potter. The grammar is the top
form of a verb plus CO2. Olga Are you must or kowtow
Artemis, whichever is. Okay. Hey, want to make
the negative form. You can say like
here, CTO, night IS, or Kaltura or like CTO
Artemis, artemis N. So whichever is okay. O times. So we studied today's grammar. Let's check the showed dialog which include a key phrase VSD. Okay, please repeat after me. Stop bold or the latae
muscle bone modally. Totemic Dakota Artemis demo, home monoamine on iOS. Oh time a woman said Ashdod
board or the value must seal. Tomorrow there will
be a Bone Dance. Bone Downs is the kind of
traditional Japanese dance. And the guy said, bone modally, meta kowtow,
Artemis, them all. Homeowner, whammy taco
night is, you know, he used bows expression positive and the negative
net put them into kowtow. Artemis means I've seen
that on the internet, but Demo homeowner, whammy, taco night is vol, I've never seen the weird thing. So we can use, you know, what you've experienced
by using this grammar. Anyway, let's check
your understanding. In the trial section, British tried to translate three English sentences
into Japanese. Number one, I have
a bean to Okinawa. So Okinawa is just a
Okinawa in Japanese. And the top form
of gold is e dot. Okay, and a grammar is
performed plus CO3, body mass or kowtow Artemis. So answer is here, produce a beautiful to me. Okinawa, Dakota RMS. Good. Iv into Okinawa. Okinawa. Go to Artemis. Okay. Let's move on
to the number 2. Number 2 is about, I haven't I haven't
eaten tempera, right? I haven't eaten tempera. And tough form of e, this tablet dot and 10 buddha. Yeah, that's the Japanese
through 10 boot up. And the US forward and
negative form grammar is tough phone plus coastal night is more like
kowtow Artemis. And so answer is here. Please repeat after me. Ten boot up tablet
or proton itis. Okay, good. Let's make one more
example sentence. Repeat after me. Ten boot up, tablet up auto
Artemis and okay, great. So whichever is okay, tablet that got Oneidas tablet, Dakota Artemis n. So both
has the same meaning. I haven't eaten habit. And let's check the last one. I have I have heard that story. That's the positive one
I have that I have hard. The other story and
tough form of here is t dot and adopt story
is sono Hannah's sheet. So the answer is here, precipitator mi sono Hannah, she key Dakota Artemis. Okay. Good. Just the positive one. So no Huldah, she key
Dakota, Artemis. Okay. Then let's move on
to the bonus raise. Participate after me. She did or the
admins. Do you know? So she did it. This phrase is used among family and friends to
asking a point way, say sheet the Moscow, right? So she did it and the sheep, the Moscow both cell
saver meaning just, uh, do you know, do you know it? But there is the more
casual expression then they must go. So you can use the sheet
due to your family members or friends or the people
who, who is close you. And in formal location, you need to use the Moscow because it does
deployed expression. That's very simple expression, but it's very useful. So please remember to
this bonus phrase. Okay, then we finished
most of the activities. Lastly, let's review the
video in the script section, please focus in
understanding host story in Japanese and what's
more, Let's check. Can do section and
the section as well. Anyway, let's get this started. Japanese DMAT and try the young and the old even
though they got equities. But then when I was here and
Mike are Adam NACA cafe, manga cafes have tons of
comic books to choose from. Today we'll go over
a phrase to save down something. Dan said. You'll end up with the ID must first convert a verb
to a past tense. For example, Yeoman to rape becomes young that to have read. Then add caudal end. I am us. I think other was I was totally sure what to do because
you don't need was like at the dock
autonomous tool, trophic aloha without
what the ID was, draw moisture from a lot
of ethical dilemmas. Soon as that, conservatives
who are there to less, I rearrange my schedule. If I had the chance to eat. Maybe you could just buy it for yourself and skip the date. The pronunciation, that
with the ID mouse, you'll end up with
the IMS. Trick to. Nanga cafes are common sites in Japan with tens of
comics and magazines. The charge is usually based
on how long you stay. The fee includes coffee,
tea, soft drinks. Of course, the Y fine too. I can't face are typically
open 24 hours a day. Many half private
rooms and showers, making them inexpensive
alternatives to hotels for people miss
the last train home. Today. Candy, meaning
comic book Conscious, pretty difficult
even for Japanese. It they can read it. You must be a content expert. I've gone back for more
easy Japanese, nothing. Okay, That's listens 31st
saying what you've experienced. I hope you learned something
new from today's lesson. Thank you for having my class. See you next time.
36. Expressing past or future actions in sequence: Less than 35, expressing the past or future
actions in sequence. Japanese theme is
or could I needed? It means I want to go
to overcome your knee. And then eight, the block egg. First of all, let's check that skipped with English subtitles. In this time, please focus on understanding whole
story. Let's begin. Call him and he could
only listen to that. Next time, please focus on Japanese pronunciation
and how to read it. Let's get this dotted. Needs Kleon, many nice guy. All I could just call him and he
could only elicit, but generally they come up. Okay, that's the skit
we will study today. Let's check the
vocabularies from the scape recipe that non-GAAP. Okay, Let's make an example sentence here. Okay, precipitate out to me. How can anyone
non-genetic ski Moscow? It means what time will
we arrive in a corner? How can anyone non-genuine
schemas dot next line, 90. City. Repeat after me. Akuna, nega study. It means one-to-one to do in Hakone, accorded
analogous study. And next one, all ICD-10. Could OTA mango. Repeat after me? Or kundalini, that could alter
mango tablet itis. It means I want to go to home
ICD-10 and ate a blanket. Or could I need good automorphic
all-time it I guess. Next one, mango Antoni. Okay, please repeat after me. Tom Angola home, Tony Scott. It means all the x variable. Ok. Pamela Antoni,
desktop and X1 demo. So toga. Okay. Precipitate anatomy
demo corona was satyagraha k? It means yes, but the other
only black on the outside. Demo kilo per hour than K. Naca. You data mango. Okay, please repeat after me. Knockoff to know
your data mango. The inside is just an
ordinary boiled egg. Makerbots know your
data Mongo. Next one. Okay, these are
new vocabularies. So let's move on to
the next section. In the skip section, Let's read the whole sentence together for is repeat after me. How could anyone needs grill? Pamela could
automatable, got tablet. Its I have a son, Tamagotchi. Balloon. Demo. Could only know
also forgot what I get.