1. Introduction: Kourtney Charming show with us. Hello, everybody. My name is Shoko. In this course, I would want to talk about the basic Japanese vocabularies that they're useful and everyday life. We're just learning Japanese. I want to talk about this basic Japanese book. Binaries such as, Um, Good morning. Good afternoon. Uh, what is that To get you started in there, Any Japanese? Let's begin.
2. 1st batch of phrases: Let's begin with the first batch of races. The first phrase is Ohio. It's a greeting used in the morning, but this translation is Good morning for the next freeze. It's lunk. What? The hood Esca. It means where is blank? Uh, this phrase is particularly useful because you can fit in any word that you're looking for . Let's say you were looking for the bathroom. You can put what about the disc up or you're looking for a restaurant. You see restaurant with a Gradiska, Say you're looking for a train station. You say Ecuador Gradiska. This phrase is pretty useful when your brother directions like I am the next phrase is your wish. Corning, I must roughly means treat me well or please treat me well. But, um, uses after you meet someone for the first time. So it translates to Nice to meet you. The next phrases is she It means tasty or delicious. Well, if eat something tasty, make sure you let the other person know that you enjoy the food the last freezes done. Say disco. It means, How old are you? Usually when you meet someone for the first time in Japan, they usually ask for your age. So thistle useful phrase to know. Okay, um, onto the next batch
3. 2nd batch of phrases: now for the next batch of phrases The first phrases cinema said, um, it means excuse me or sorry. You can also use this while asking a question. Before you ask someone a question, you see the message the next phrases admits. Yes. You can also use this during roll calls or attendants. When you call your name, you just see height the next praises yet no means no. Take note that you cannot be used if you're denying something. When you're denying something used to go, I must instead be it the next phrases Caraway gradiska. It means how much is this? But is particularly useful course. Uh, you could just point at the thing or hold the thing. Ask how much to prices Even if you don't know that much Japanese, you can get by just pointing on asking. What are we gonna discover for the less freeze? We have beans. Good night. Okay. Onto the next freeze
4. 3rd batch of phrases: offered an ex patch of freezes. Next, phrases does. Oh, it means after you Or here you go, Eustis. When you offer your seat to someone or you let them go first. Next races get this, Scott. It means How are you if you're fine? You answer to this question. I think this the next race is what? God, he must stop. Which means I understand next phrases when you don't understand, you see what kind of message, which means that I understand. But if you're asking if they understand, you say, What kind of Jessica Okay, under the next topic,
5. 4th batch of phrases: enough for the next batch of phrases. The next phrases more adored English. Which means could you repeat that one more time? Well, if you misheard something or you didn't quite catch what the person said, this is useful to use. The next race is Oh, no, great. By this, which means every full did expresses. We're not going ahead. He messed up, which means I'm hungry. Next phrases, Jeff, about that. See you again. Less freezes. Don't. Which would mean hello. Buy or things this Remember toe the use domo in an informal setting. Okay, on to the next batch.
6. 5th batch of phrases: Let's start the next batch of phrases first phrases committing the same. Which means I'm sorry. I'm going to do something wrong. Please apologize. Using this. A second phrases combo. It's a greeting used in the evening. The next freezes Did you? Which means hello or good after doing, miss Hello. But you can only use it in the afternoon, so it effectively means Good afternoon, Hajime. Must it? It means nice to meet you, or how do you do? Um, Eustis, when you meet someone for the first time, you see? Still introduce yourself. Let's see if I want to introduce myself. I say, how'd you must show? But this, but the less freeze is desk a ticket to say which means the police help me figured in some kind of trouble. This a useful phrases. Okay, on to the next batch.
7. 6th batch of phrases: for the next batch Phrases. The first phrases have you got Which means thank you. The next freezes. So you want that? Which means good bye. In an informal something you can also use baby as well. Next, phrases on a diet, which means there's no problem. Um, if someone rescued there is a problem on there isn't one uncertain with this next freezes on that might wanna discuss which means What is your name? His handy for meeting new people. Less freezes, you know, Which means, of course, if they ask you something that you agreed to it you say you want, you know? All right, next batch.
8. 7th batch of phrases: now for the next batch of phrases. First phrases. So in authority, when someone says something that you agree with, you see so in authority, the next freezes what I want undiscovered. It means what? This? This. This is particularly useful because he could just point at something. Andi, ask what it is. But if you want to say, What is that? Instead of what is this you say? So they went on this card, the next freezes, none to discuss. It means, what time is it? The next phrases. So I either snip, which means that's good. When someone tell you something that you think it's delightful, you say so they will eat a snake. The less freezes, so maybe a little means congratulations. You So Milito. In a lot of cases, you can either use it for New Year's or birthdays. If it's for a new year, you say you must deal with it. Benefits Birthday, you say what on Joe? Be a minuto. So I'm going to tell us a lot of uses. Okay, on to the next match
9. 8th batch of phrases: now for the next batch of phrases. The first phrases. Was it a night? It which means don't forget, this is useful for reminding. Someone will not forget the next phrases. It doesn t mass which roughly means elite. Now it is a phrase you used before eating to show respect as a police not forget the Eustis before eating. The next phrase is good. So some of this stuff which means the rich roughly means that was a treat or thanks for the food. Uh, if someone greets you to food or someone feeds you, you have to use this freeze to be respectful. Next phrases, though it doesn't must. Which means you're welcome. If someone thanks you, you respond By doing that, you must stay less phrases. So I don't know anything good to say. Which means don't touch me or don't touch it. Basically, it is useful when someone is strength that your stuff or someone strength to do. I don't want the defense's towards you. Then you could use this word. Okay, on to the next batch
10. 9th batch of phrases: now for the next batch of phrases. The first phrase is just a month ago to say, which means, please wait. It is useful when you want the other person to wait or you want the other person to slow down. Um could use this the next phrases, which means I see when you understood something, the other person said. You see next phrases Seamus, which means, I premise. It is useful for swearing if you keep your premise the next phrases you it's getting, which means be careful or daycare. You can use his adult someone to be careful. Or you can use this when someone's leaving a telling until them take care on the less phrases much moss. Which means though, excuse me well, emotional Shias. Hello can only be used in the telephone. Hello, other than the telephone will be. Excuse me. It's an informal way off calling up to someone You see what's Moss To get people's attention, but it's only not inform on something. Okay, on to the next much
11. last batch of phrases: now for the last set of freezes. The first phrases dunk body Muska. It means it's their blank. Uh, this is useful when you go to the store and you're looking for something and you ask a clerk on what you're looking for that say, if I am looking for oranges, I can see or enjoy the Muska. Or if I'm looking for T shirts, I'll be like t shirt. Celebrity Muska you can use is to ask for anything in the store. The next phrases. What could I say? It means Give me this, um, Eustis. When use this when you're buying something, you tell them they're gonna buy this. You say, What could I say? No, it's kind of like it functions us. I'll have this next phrases. Yeah, I think it s a please step. It is useful when someone is doing something that's annoying you and you want them to stop , You say, Yeah, I think of the same. The next race is sesh buddy, which means long time no see uses when you have been seen each other in a while. When you say excessive body, the last freezes somebody must, Which means I'll do my best. But if you want them to do their best, you say gum but thing. Okay, that's it for the basic phrases CIA.