Basic Japanese particles | S Kuro | Skillshare

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Basic Japanese particles

teacher avatar S Kuro

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Wa particle


    • 3.

      Ga particle


    • 4.

      O particle


    • 5.

      E particle


    • 6.

      Ni particle


    • 7.

      De particle


    • 8.

      Ka particle


    • 9.

      To particle


    • 10.

      No particle


    • 11.

      Kara particle


    • 12.

      Made particle


    • 13.

      Mo particle


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This course teaches you about the basic Japanese particles that are essential to basic Japanese sentence construction and everyday conversations


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S Kuro

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: going into ominous on Show this. Hello, everyone. My name is Show Go and discourse. I would like to talk about the Japanese particles. The Japanese particles are kind of like IHS or and in English. The particles are very important part of Japanese language. And if you misuse of particles, the sentence could mean an entirely different thing on without mustering this basic particles. It's hard to pass the basic levels of jail Bt and there is a lot and I mean a lot of particles, but after discourse will be hunting them like a boss. 2. Wa particle: the first particle is what Before we start, there's an important thing to note about this. Particles pronunciation, This particle this written us to here are gonna huh? But when uses particle, it is red as well. First of all, this particles main function is being a topic marker because it comes after the topic of the sentence that Elsa listener, what the sentence is about. It's kind of like us for speaking off in English. Okay, it's an example. You know this this means as for color, it's red, you know, it's the topic here and what it comes after the topic of the sentence. But in proper English, this means the color is red. You can also use this particle a second thrust marker when you want the contrast to items he plays What, For example, if you say home musky this demo ego. Okay, Davis, this means elect books. But I ate movies normally for not contrasting two things Instead of saying home whiskey this normally it's written us home gasket this But since your contrasting the items you place what instead of god there you have it on to the next particle 3. Ga particle: Now we're going to be talking about the God particle. The gulf particles First function is being a subject marker. What this means is that it indicates the existence of the subject on it's often used with words like our Imus Imus, which means toe have existed, for example, on how it works. But I see so guardian Amos means over there, you know it's stuck. God, he's marking the subject. You must still word into getting the existence of something. So think about there is in English. Please note that we're talking about inanimate objects such a stinks or places. Please use our Remus instead of Amos. Guys also used to mark a object of desire you got market object with when she this which is I want or stoma barber blast. I like I want to eat ist about a I want to drink. It's no big day because attach it with God for acceptable what? That you couldn't go see this, which means I want a car. What does she would just I being? The topic is marked by what I got him up, which means car is the object of desire. The sentence it's marked by God Yoshida's, which means I want. So if you put them together, it becomes I want a car that's about it onto the next article. 4. O particle: the next particle is step particle. The O particle, when written in here, are gonna IHS read us walk. But when used as a particle, it is red as well. Its function is being an object marker because it comes after the object of inaction. For example, I say home William Amos, which means I will read a book point just a book and won't marking the object of the action followed by the birth which is to read making the sentence I will read a book okay onto the next article. 5. E particle: the next particle is a party. When you said that you were gonna it is read us. Hey, but when uses article is red mess section of the air Particle This it being a direction marker. It's kind of like two or words in English. For example, when I see you oink Amos, which means I'm going to Japan. You on is Japan. Hey, it's too talking where you're going, which is Japan. I think you must Yes to go. If you put them together, it becomes I'm going to Japan. Okay, Next listen. 6. Ni particle: the next particle is that neat particle. This particle functions as a location particle, which indicates a location off object or subject, plus the birth of existence. So it is used with Harry Must or Amos. For example, I see any union Amos, which means there is a dog in the house here, which is the house, a knee tugging, the location where in new is which is a dog and God, he must means it exists. So if you put them together, it becomes there's a dog in the house. He also functions us a time particle. It indicates a certain point in time when something takes place, like in or at in English. For example, when you say son January Michele, which means Let's meet at three songy, which is three need being the type article functions us at, and I'm a show means let's meet. If we put them together, it becomes let's meet at three. Please take note. The knee cannot follow a relative time expression such as today, this week next year you can't use neon that okay onto the next particle 7. De particle: the next particle is the day particle. Its first function is being a location party quote, for example. What I see, Mr Randy, I'm a show which means let's meet at the restaurant restaurant meaning restaurant Ystad by the location Particle there and I'm assured it means that's meat. If you put them together, it becomes let's meet at the restaurant. The second function of the day Particle is being a means marker, kind of like by or with in English. For example, if I say bus stick a Cockney Kiemas which means I go to the school by bus bus, which is the means is stuck by that gecko, which is school. Honey, Amos is I go to If you put them together, it becomes I go to school by bus. The less function of the de particle. Is it being a material marker? What this means is that it? Doug's what the thing is made off. For example, what I say Cordoba Coming addict Amos, which means this is made of paper. What a what means This is coming s paper, which is then sucked by debt. Acting as a material marker on deck. Dimas means made off. So if you put them together, it becomes this is made of paper. Oh, okay. Onto the next particle 8. Ka particle: the next particle is the cop article. The first function of the cop article is that it's a question particle Japanese. There is no need to rearrange words to make sentence into a question. We just merely add car at the end of the sentence to make it into a question. Here's an example. When I say a Nutella, did you decide this cop? Which means are you 22 years old? If you remove the cup from the sentence, it becomes you are 22 years old or another one. Did you decide this serious Scott at the last part of the sentence? It becomes a question. The second function of the cop article, he said. It's an alternative marker. It's kind of like or in English. For example, when I say cut a condom and got hepatitis, which means I want to eat curry for Robin. As you can see, Car is in the middle of curry and ramen, acting us or that God is talking both of them as an object of desire together with debit itis, which means I want to eat. When you put them together, it becomes I want to eat curry or rabbit. Okay, that's about it. Onto the next article 9. To particle: next particle is a particle. The first function of the toe particle. Is it being a connecting particle? It's kind of like and in English. For example, when I say being goto, arrange a toy to go. It means oppose oranges and strawberries. Notice the Taurus used in all the items listed, except for the last one in English. We use comma to enumerates several items on put on before the last item. But in Japanese, we just used toe and every bite them, except for the last one. So we didn't go. It's apples, oranges orangey on each ago. Strawberries. So you put them together. And because apples are ingested, strawberries, the other function off the top article. Is it being on involvement? Particle. It's kind of like with in English, for example. I see. Maybe you up Kevin Toe actually smashed, which means Mary shook hands with Kevin. Mary is the topic tugged by what topic? Marker on Kevin. He started by the involvement particle on Access Mestre means shook hands, so if you put them together, it becomes Mary. Shook hands with Kevin. Okay. Onto the next article 10. No particle: the next particles said No, it's particles function is being a possessive particle. It means it shows the position or the ownership. For example, when I say Cory What? John Nukaga teas. Which means this is John Key Quarter. What is this? Is John, owner of the possessor? It's marked by No making it. Johns Koucky Its key. If you put them together, it becomes This is John's key. Okay, that's it onto the next particle. 11. Kara particle: the next particle that we're gonna talk about this and Kara particle this particles function is that it's starting point particles. Kind of like from or starting from. For example, I say a Goa need you gotta this which means the movie starts a two Vega, which is movie Todd Biwott The Topic Particle Adeniji Istok Look mark by Kara, which is the starting point particle. So making the sentence The movie starts at two. Okay onto the next article. 12. Made particle: the next particle that we're going to discuss. System model party. It functions as until or till for example. I see. I said, Oh, I stomach this. Which means the sale is until tomorrow Se sale. What? The topic. Particle marking the sale. Which is the topic. Esta is tomorrow Monday which is functioning us until it's marking tomorrow. And he put them together. It becomes the sale is until tomorrow. Okay, there you have it on to the next particle. 13. Mo particle: the last particle that we're going to discuss is about the most particle. This particle functions us, too. Or also, for example, when you say subtle somewhat, Did you decide this example? The Jewish say this. This means Saturday's 21 years old, Please. Also 21 years old. Asi notice. A sentence stating, Seto said. Is 21 years old, stated asado. Some What did you say? This? The war here is simply replaced with more in the second sentence for mixing to make the sentence. Nixon is also 21 years old. That's it. That's the end of this course, CIA.