Crochet Mosaic Blanket , A Beginners Guide To Mosaic Crochet | Charity Limbithu | Skillshare

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Crochet Mosaic Blanket , A Beginners Guide To Mosaic Crochet

teacher avatar Charity Limbithu, Modern Crochet Designer

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Foundation chain


    • 4.

      Mosaic Blanket Foundation Row


    • 5.

      How to read a mosaic chart


    • 6.

      Mosaic chart row 1


    • 7.

      Mosaic chart row 2


    • 8.

      Mosaic chart row 3


    • 9.

      Mosaic chart row 4


    • 10.

      Mosaic chart row 5


    • 11.

      Row 7 on mosaic chart


    • 12.

      Row 8 on mosaic chart


    • 13.

      Row 9 on mosaic chart


    • 14.

      working the double border


    • 15.



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About This Class

A Beginners Guide To Mosaic Crochet

In this crochet class, we will learn how to work a mosaic crochet blanket. 

After learning how to crochet a mosaic blanket, i got hooked on mosaic blankets. They are called difficult simply because of their beautiful complicated appearance. 

When i made my very first mosaic crochet blanket as a gift for my mother, she was so sure it was store purchased and not hand made. 

From my self taugh mosaic crochet skills, i have learnt and mastered how to make the crochet mosaic approachable for the beginner crocheter. 

Secret To Mosaic Crochet

The secret to approaching the mosaic crochet patterns is to master the graph. In the classes, there is a special class that will walk you through how to read a mosaic crochet graph, once you understand it, then you wil realize, there reall is nothing to fear. 

The mosaic crochet pattern is all worked from two stitches namel the single crochet (SC) and the double crochet (DC). A slip stitch will be used when we work the double border. 

Once you get a hang of working a crochet doube border, you will use if for all your crochet blankets. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Charity Limbithu

Modern Crochet Designer


Hi, I'm AlenaCharity Limbithu, the crochet artist behind

I come from a family of crocheters even though my crochet hobby was self taught. I live in Malawi, the warm heart of Africa, when i am not crocheting, you can be assured to find me to be looking into my next crochet project.

I have a smile for a resting face, and i hope to put that smile on your face too with these easy crochet classes.

I am obsessed with crochet and making crochet sweaters and cardigans. I love a challenge, and i do not believe crocheting is hard, i figured out how to make anything crochet easy and i plan on teaching you to do the same.

Let's get to know each other better:

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi there makers. Eleanor here of silane crochet. And then today's class, I will be walking you through how to make this beautiful mosaic crochet blanket. Mosaic has been rumored to be super difficult. But I promise you, once we work our first three rows, it's going to be so easy. All you need is that graph. Know how to do that single crochet and know how to work a double crochet and these are all beginner friendly stitches are crochet. Blanket will be finalized by a double border, which gives it that beautiful finished touch. And mosaic blanket is only one-sided because the other side is just two stripes. And I will show you how we can bring this to life in any size that you want. If you want a baby blanket or trustee throw, then gone and click on Enroll and let me walk you through how to make yourself crushing will say blanket. 2. Materials: So to work on our crocheting was a blanket. We're going to need to color Yan's of your choice. For the, for my blanket, I used a pink and peach and a great. So for the demonstration, I'm using this blue and gray. And then you're going to need to size crusher crochet hooks, a five millimeter crochet hook, and a six millimeter crochet hook. Also with scissors. I do not know where I've left my scissors. I'm going to find that later. And not forgetting that crochet pattern in that PDF that we have attached to this class, you're going to find a printable. So we want to make sure you print this off before it gets started on the class. So now then let's start working on that mosaic blanket. 3. Foundation chain: For the body of a blanket, we'll be using the five millimeter crochet hook. So you want to pick which color you want to begin with. It really doesn't matter. So for the sake of this, I'm just going to begin with my blue. And you want to start by making that slipknot. To make a slipknot, I'm just going to grab my yarn, the short tail, onto my two fingers, wrap around like that. Bring my five millimeter crochet, hook it underneath and hook that you can pull through and just tighten that up like that. So when we look at a chart, it's going to tell you that this is the blanket is worked in multiples of eight plus three. So depending on how long you want your blanket to beat, just chain in multiples of eight plus three for the blanket, for the actual blanket, I change to a 152 plus three, which ended up being a 155. So for this, for the sake of this tutorial, I'm just going to chain multiple face. I'm going to change 16 plus three. So to make that change your desk, my yarn over, pull through that loop. Yarn over, pull through that loop. And I'm going to repeat this for a total of 16 times plus three. So I ended up changing 27, which I change multiples of 83 times. So I drink 24 plus three, making it 27. So I'm sure that by now you have changed the number of chains that's required for your foundation chain. If you haven't, I'm going to stop this for now. And I'm gonna let you guys chain the number of genes that you need. Remember if you're trying to make this size that I made, you want to change a 155? If you want us to be bigger or smaller, you can just make sure you're chaining in multiples of eight plus three. 4. Mosaic Blanket Foundation Row : So for row one, we're gonna be working into the back bumps. If I change the bug bumps or when you turn that chain around or you're going to see the funny-looking side. So we're going to be pulling onto those loops. But that appeared at the center. Because as we're working the board that will now make sure we have a clear agenda to work into. It's gonna make sense once we're done and we're working out double border. So you want to turn around and into that second chain from the hook. When I go into that back loop and place a single crochet into that second. Insert your hook. Yeah, I'm pulled up, pull up the yarn, yarn over and pull through O2. And that's your single crochet. So you're gonna be placing single crochets through the entire row. Just as I'm doing right here. You're going to repeat this all the way to the end of the rope. So I'm going to finish off this row off camera we're doing is placing your single crochets. I have reached the end of that row, so now I'm just gonna do a chain of 110. So a general one does not count as a stitch. And now for the rest of the second row, with the second row, we're gonna be working the back bumps except for the first stitch and the last stitch. So in that first stitch you're going to place a normal single crochet. Just like that. And for the rest are gonna be going into the backup bumps of that chain. Placing our single crucial the buck loops, placing our single crochets. When you hold your chain like this, you're going to see those back v's. That's where you want to place your single crochet into those boundaries. Just like that. Let me go on doing this and I'll meet you at the end so I can show you how we finish off the room. So I've written it into that room and into that last stitch. Instead of going into the BCG group, I will enter, I'll make a normal single crochet just like that. So I don't have my scissors. But once you get here, you're just going to chain one like that and cut off that yet. So I might be using a knife to cut this because I have lost, I have misplaced my scissors, but I'll find means of cutting the urine. So right here you just want to cut off that yet you can cut it off as close as you can to the hook because we've finished that row. So go ahead and cut that and just around here. And we'll get started on our mosaic pattern. 5. How to read a mosaic chart: I'm going to quickly teach you how to read a mosaic chart. As we're reading was each chunk we start from the right, going to the left, and from the bottom and work our way upwards. So if you look closely at the chart right here, this has a little demonstration. You're going to have a mixture of clear boxes just like that. Boxes with an x and boxes that have C, which means single crochet, the estimates and normal single crochet, the x means a drop down double crochet. Then blank boxes, which can be the great white, means a buck loop, single crochet. So this single crochet, their normal single crochets are always the first and the last one as we did in that second row. So what we've done, what we've done right here is this row and that row. So if you're going to notice this row, it's full of blank boxes. Which means it was just, it was just this one's just that first row of them are crushes. The second rule was enormous and we're crushing the beginning, followed by back loop single crochets. And we finished with a normal single crochet. So from here on we're gonna be starting on Wall Street when I work. But when we look at the graph, it's going to show as row to be starting in row two on the graph, but rather through on our actual project. So this is when now the mosaic pattern is going to start to show, because you're going to see that on row two on the mosaic pattern, we're going to start having these x's. So what we're working on say, Todd, is every row we change colors except for the first two rows because we're making that foundation of our crochet blanket. But starting from row two on the chart, which is rotating on a blanket or gonna be changing colors. So go ahead and drop your next color, which is the gray for me. And we're gonna get started on row two on the graph. 6. Mosaic chart row 1: So you just want to make a slipknot. And I like to leave as literally on as I can at the end because I really hate having to cut the yarn. So you just going to chain one just like that. And then you want to connect to that first stitch. And remember, it's going to be a normal single crochet just like that. I'm going to make a normal single crochet. Just like that right there. And then into the next 123 stitches, I'm gonna be placing back loop single crochets. So that's 123. And then into the next one, which is this one right here. The fourth, I'm going to have to, there's an x, which means we're going to have to place a drop-down double crochet, two, double crochet, we yarn over. And then to drop down, we're gonna be going into that first robot single crochet. So you're going to notice that there's that stitch that's sticking out since we're working to the bug loops. So we're going to go into the front of it and place our double crochet. Just like That's what that double crochet has placed that stitch back there. So after that X, we're going to notice that we have two more stitches to do single crochets before we do another drop-down double crochet. So we're going to place two back loop single crochets, followed by a drop-down double crochet. And then we're working one more loop, single crochet. If you follow that graph, followed by a drop-down double crochet, right there, followed by two more single crochets. Backlog single crochets. He dropped down double crochet and come back loop single crochets and a drop-down double crochet. That's all, that's all you're going to keep doing following that graph. When you see the X, be sure to place a drop-down double crochet, and so on. So you're going to see that for this row is going to be a drop-down double crochet, two, but groups in the crochets top-down double crochet, one buck loops, nuclear, she dropped down, double-click, and then the sequence is gonna go on just like that. So you go on repeating that uniform. And I will meet you at the end of your row. 7. Mosaic chart row 2: So we're ending row two on the graph should have been a normal single crochet, just like I did right here. So now we're going to begin on row three on the graph. Going back to your primary color, which is a blue for me, we're gonna begin with a normal single crochet. And then our graph tells us to work to back loop single crochets before we begin on our dropdown double crochet. Then that drop-down double crochet is I'm to that previous blue row. Just like that. And then that's going to be followed by one mole, buck lub dub, lub, single crochet. And then it dropped down double crochet. And then I'm going to work, we're going to work two single crochets, followed by drop-down double crochet. Two backflips, single crochets, followed by drop-down, double crochet. We're right here. Two more bankruptcy in the crochets. Dropped, dropped down double crochet. And then while working one back loop, single crochet. And then it dropped down. Double crochet. This row is similar to the first row, where we'll be working two single crochets and then drop down double crochets to buckle up single crochet, drop-down, double crochet, one back-up, single crochet, drop-down on double crush it. And you're going to repeat that toolbar groups and with Russia is dropped down to bubble up single crochets, top-down, dropped down, one back-up single crochet and dropped down. And you're going to repeat that for the entire row. So I'm going to finish this off camera being making sure that for that last stitch, you're working in normal single crochet. 8. Mosaic chart row 3: So beginning row three on the graph, I'm going to place our normal single crochet. Actually there are four, sorry. So when you get makes them a teacher trick, when you are not sure where you are on the graph. Remember, this first two rows are all single crochet. We're working from right to left to know, to know where you are on the graph. You can see since we go from right to left, you're going to be counting the tassels on your left. So far we've got three castles on the left, which means we have worked from one to three rows. So it does equal 0. So since we've got 3 thousand siemens with what Dr, third row, we're gonna be starting on our fourth, so we're on the fourth row. So we've already placed that single crochet. Now we're going to work on but groups single crochet followed by a drop-down, double crochet. I've placed that back loop single crochet. And I'm coming in with that drop-down double crochet. And now I'm gonna be working three backlog single crochets in between. And then it dropped down double crochet. This is actually a favorite of mine because it's just repetition of three but groups and recruit sheets and then a drop-down, three big groups and necrosis and I dropped down if that's what we're gonna be doing for the entire row. So that's three back loop single crochets, followed by a drug group, a drop-down, double crochet, three back loop single crochets. And then I dropped down double crochet. So you're going to repeat this for the rest of the row, 3-bit groups in the crochets. And then I dropped down double crochet. Just like that. So let me finish off camera and I'll meet you at once. You're done with that row. 9. Mosaic chart row 4: Beginning when row five on our graph, we're going to begin by that single crochet with our blue yarn or whatever color you're using. And then we're beginning with a drop-down double crochet. So by now, the graph is trying to start to show, but it's still not quite showing. After that drove down double crochet, It's gonna be followed by two back loop single crochets. Then they dropped down double crochet, and then two single crochets. And then they dropped down double crochet. And then one bucket of single crochet. And then it dropped down double crochet. And then I'm going to repeat again to buck loop single crochets. Then a drop-down double crochet, followed by two buck loop single crochets, a drop-down double crochet, and then one back loop single crochet and a drop-down double crochet. I'm going to assume that was a little too fast for you. So you just want to pause the video and repeat doing that for the rest of the row five. Remembering to end your role without normal single crochet. So I'm going to finish off my room and I'll meet you so that we can get started with row six. 10. Mosaic chart row 5: Beginning row six, we're going to start with, as usual, normal single crochet, followed by two but groups, single crochets. Normal single crochet. And it's gonna be followed by two single crochets. And then they dropped down double crochet. And then we have one back loop, single crochet followed by drop-down. And then if you look at your chart because I almost have this memorized now, it's going to tell it to do to backup single crochets, a drop-down double crochet, and then two single crochets. Then I dropped down double crochet and then one bathroom single crochet. And they dropped down double crochet. And we're repeating that pattern again to back loops. Single crochets drop-down to public single crochets dropped down, one bug loop, single crochet and dropped down. So you're going to repeat this for the entirety of the rest of the row. You're going to finish off row six. Pause the video, pause the lesson, and I'll meet you in the next lesson to get started on row seven. 11. Row 7 on mosaic chart: So row seven, as usual, we begin by a normal single crochet, which I have already done. And then it's going to be followed by one back loop, single crochet. And then it dropped down double crochet. And we're back to one of my favorite rules where we place three double crochets, backroom single crochets in between. And then it dropped down double crochets. And by now you can see that our mosaic pattern is starting to show. Replacing three buck loop single crochets, followed by a drop-down double crochet, three buck loop single crochets, followed by a drop-down double crochet. And you're repeating that for the entire row seven. So you go and do that. Backup single crochets and the drop-down double crochet. Repeat that and I'll meet you at the end. 12. Row 8 on mosaic chart: So to begin row eight, you're going to do that normal single crochet that I have already done. And then it's gonna be followed by a drop-down double crochet, followed by two back loop single crochets. He dropped down double crochet, two buck loop single crochets. He dropped down double crochet, one buck loop, single crochet, a dropdown, double crochet. And that pattern is being repeated to back loop. Single crochets. And I dropped down double crochets to buck loops and appreciates drop-down, one buck loop and a dropdown. And as you go, you're going to see that our pattern is actually now starting to form. 13. Row 9 on mosaic chart: So after 17 rows, and this is what your work should look like. You can properly see another pattern. It's for me. Like I said, after 17, Rose was going to come back to row two are going to be repeating words true to through 17. So when you connect to your green or whatever color, primary color you have. And begin row two with that single crochet. Just going to pack loop single crochet into three stitches, 23. And then there'll be followed by that drop-down double crochet. And we're just completing the pattern. So it's going to work perfectly. So you just wanted to do that by two single crochets and drip down double crochet. One loop, single crochet, a triptan, double crochet. And repeat that whole pattern. All right, now you should know that the next we're going to be dropping down here and then we're going to be placing true drop-down double crochets here. You'll get the hang of the pattern. You won't even be needing the graph anymore. It's just gonna be in your head. You go on and repeat this repeating road to through 17 for the number of rows that's required. For what I would advice is, make sure you work the number of rows equivalent to the number of changes you made love, we changed 155. So we're kind of going 55 rows, just have that perfect square. So go on and keep on working. And then I'll meet you in the next class so that we can now work the border of our crochet blanket. 14. working the double border: In this case, I might say, great. And you're just going to grab a larger book. So in this case is six. You're gonna go one size, larger. And then assuming this is a different color, I would suggest, great. They can mingle with this. You're going to connect Joey on to the center of your work anyway. But the cheater has often been watching. They've been connecting to the center. And then into that same stitch you're gonna go in with your first slip stitch and you still want to make it loose. And then you're going to slip stitch into every stitch around. This is also how I worked mine, but I did use the same color as I was working. However, it did pose a challenge, especially on the double crochet row since I was using the blue yarn for the border. So sometimes I couldn't see properly. But, you know. So that's why I'm saying it would be best to use a contrasting color. So after you reach a corner placing your slip stitches, I changed one and turned. Turning now this side, I was placing a slip stitch into the side. Single crochet, whereas the ones I want slip stitch for each single crochet row on the double crochet rows. When you reach the double crochet rows, you will know please, to slip stitches and a double crochet and then one slip stitch in the next row. And you want to automate like that. I'm just gonna go on placing these slip stitches. Just like that. You're gonna do this, go all the way around, back up until you can pay once you reach it. Once you reach the top, gloomy, you are going to slip stitch into that first lips to meet chain one. And we're going to go back to the five millimeter crochet hook. You're going to chain one your ANOVA and then into the slip stitches, you're going to have tissues and this side stitches on the back soon to the flat stitches you're gonna go into both and place a double crochet. And you're gonna keep on going through both loops. Placing double crochets all the way around. You're going to go all around your work once you reach backup, slip stitch to join chain one into the same stage, if you're doing towards this is go back around placing double crochets. Once you reach the coordinates, however, you're going to place a double crochet chain to the same stitch double crochet and then turn. That's going to help you turn without it making your workforce at the corners. You're going to do that for the numbers. 15. Outro: So congratulations on completing your very own crochet blanket. I hope you absolutely love it as much as I love mine. I will see you in the next class.