1. 1 Introduction: Hey, welcome to this skill share class dedicated to sustainable fashion. My name is ever, and today I will show you different ways in which you can explore existing clouds and create new interesting ideas to redesign and modify the into fashion masterpieces were first introduced. My name is Abigail Barber and fashion designer based in the UK. And my expertise is in Sustainable, passionate and sustainable fashion design and background teaching in higher education. And our work with people to show how to make the most of their clothes. There's classes. Do you enjoy experimenting with your own style? This class is for you if you're curious about redesigning or upcycling. This plasma was for you. If you are curious about sustainable fashion, this class is for you. If you are thinking of studying passionate or radial fashion students. Because using existing loans will enable you to generate more complex ideas. By the end of this class, you will learn to look at existing clubs in different light. You will learn what to look for and how you can change different types of details. You will also learn where to look for current trends and how to incorporate these ankles you already have. When we explored is that in both theoretical and practical terms. So if you are ready to join me, let's delve into it.
2. 2 Class project: Well completion or this class, you'll be asked to submit a project. And this project is to choose a grandma that you own, the darn mind, experimental. And using one or more of the techniques and ideas that she would use class to reinvented into something else and something. You can document your process of experimentation. And Shanda IN0 result o, each you announce us the plasma when it comes to selling. You can show the progress of your theoretical ideas using those you already have as your class project. I suggest they use something that I have had for a while. You hadn't read form that you have a house float of giving away or something that is just an until mid damaged. And you could cut into it and make something that is completely new and unique out to that. Choose something that you have a wall and give yourself a challenge to make something that you're going to wear a novel if you not sure what to choose and work with them, stick around to the end of the class. And perhaps it will be easier for you to choose once you know what techniques at media file.
3. 3 For this class you will need: This class, you will need a pen and pad silts, a camera, because use regular camera or a camera on your phone if you prefer. Access to internet, also, magazines and passion books, old clothes that you won't for a while and you don't mind cutting into an experiment in wet, some extra materials, perhaps some Fabric scraps, and also anything that you can use. Embellishment as well, things like buttons and other trends. So your equipment and ironing equipment, if you choose to complete your course project to the end and create a new found in practice.
4. 4 How to choose what to work with: We're living in a world where fashion is very easy to get. And so this means that our job's really pull clubs. And because of this, it may be little bit difficult to choose what to play around with what to leave. And I wanna just share a few tips on how to choose what to work on. First, have a look through clubs and see what you wouldn't really mind playing around with. This maybe is what kind of clothes you may have not worked for awhile. You may have those that may be damaged and just hadn't thrown away. But you could actually use to create your decides where. You could choose all curves. You are bored when you have a wall, something for a long time, there's a good chance because you just find a little boring and you just never feel like I'm wearing it. But if you reinvent it into something else and this may not be the case. So look at those close to, you can also look at the complexity of where you choose what clothes to experiment with to generate ideas. So if you are less advanced level, so more beginner level, then I, I'd advise you to choose clouds that bit more playing like a T-Shirt to start with, maybe a pair of jeans. And if you add to a more advanced level, you could play around with more details and have more complexity in your new designs, then you could choose Close the have goal at more detail to things like jackets by complex dresses with lots of layers, for example, or a low seems. You could choose and something that has caught, perhaps leaves, because they can be quite complex. It's about thinking about your own label where you ran. So you can build on the skills that you learn. So if you are not quite as advanced at the moment, because towel with some things. And then they'll, you cannot choose garments based on your current abilities in terms of selling. For example, if you have clothes, even if you have more than for awhile, but if they're made using materials that are to be tricky to work with. For example, strange materials that required specialist equipment, or really lightweight materials that require tricky to work with. And some materials can be quite slippery. If you don't have the knowledge of how to work with materials that tricky like lambda and PVC for example, I leave these for the time being. If you are to lot of OS level, then by all means, go ahead and challenge us now. Lay p-naught, Iceland jazz. Go for something that's woven, non stretch and something which is not slip. Reanalysis of medium waves. Anything that's made from cotton, perhaps culture will be quiet good. Polyester Gelman's can't be okay to work with. And of course, there's so many different types of polyester feast days that I stay away from Shiny slippery to pin pieces and gotten something. And it's a little bit wrong with the look and feel of cotton.
5. 5 Generating ideas: Let's talk about generating idea because you could do this in two different ways. You can start by using a pen and paper and clothes they have chosen. You could choose between 13 Gelman's at this stage because we're only going to work a little bit. And you could start looking at the different techniques that I show you in a moment. I'm generate ideas on paper. Then later, you could take one of these garments or you can just have one must. Move on with the practical part process. So looking at the ideas you have, generate two non-paid, but you could try and play around with those in practice. Or you can start practically play around what you have and come up with new ideas and document using a camera. So you always know what you have done it, you could get back to it. Just be aware that when it comes to redesign and we have just movies of clever name. Once you've cut into that piece back stage, you need to commit to net. So if you are at a level where you know us confident to do this, I suggest that you focus on theoretical stage to start with and really think through what, whether it's what you really want. And then you could cut into the, now. You could just picking things and they can be easily sound together again. So in that respect, practical exploration is okay. For example, if you are taking a top and a bottom half of a dress because he wanted to play with this cup pot on top patch. You always put these back together, so that's fine. You can do that by if you, for example, cutting this cartoon half than you do talk to commit to that. The best thing to do is to create theoretical ideas and then looking at these two bond and then develop in practical terms on the garment itself for your class project, if you are not at the stage where you feel competent, practical creation, redesign of clothes, you could just stick for the time being to the theoretical part to generate as many as ideas as they can, share them in your project.
6. 6 It's all about the details: Let's get to the exciting part of this class. And that is the actual tips and ideas that I'm sharing with you in terms of idea generation. And first thing that I wanted to share with you is the focus on detail. And what I mean by this is that if you look at the closed all the gun may have chosen, you will find that it has the details. Although this could be, seems, that could be all kinds of differences alone with the government. Or maybe the garment is quite simple and down that means seams. But there's something special about the sleeve of the ankle. If there no sleeves, or maybe there's a detail on the shoulder. Perhaps there is a waist band. People talking about trousers or a dreads made it. I, cubs do BED sleeps omega. And, but you can think about adding comes. Perhaps if you are using trances, there is an interest in detail at the Hamm or at the back on the kids. Maybe interesting lib details. Look at all these things depending on what you've chosen, there'll be all different. Instead, thinking about how you can use these details to really add to the ground and to really make it more interesting. It could be that you focus on that one detail and create smaller transformation that would make it exciting and you wait, it doesn't have to bend over the term redesigned. It can be something as simple as looking at a car, for example, on the shirt. And then thinking, okay, if I picked that, then what can I do to make you more? It could be that you trap some thing in that scene between the cuff and sleep. For example, some plates or some guidelines or some layering of different kinds of materials or different kinds of colors. It could be a completely flat piece that's just added extra. Maybe they have a different kind of shape. So then you have the original cup and then another shape of some kind on top of that. It could be that you worked with a job that doesn't have a cough by has quite a big sleeves. So you can gather the bottom of the slaves. You could attach a company you make. And then that will in itself be an interesting detail. It could be that you don't know how to make a cough. You just attach it to a piece of trim, like some kind of tape or binding on ribbon and then tie them on one side. That would be quite interesting also. You can look at things like the color. If you are work with Tops, What is the shape of the color? And what can you do if you are working with something really simple, like a T-Shirt for example, and it has a scoop neck, curved neck. Could you cut metal and then create some kind of a V-shape that way. And could you ask them, Are the trim, for example, some fringing, for example, things like buttons or beads. Or even if you're feeling confident with embroidering things, you could add a piece of embroidery or an employer to read badge. There are many possibilities. If you are working with seams and you want to really make seems interesting could be that something as simple as changing the stitching or adding extra stitching to see. A lot of the time seems dumb, show a detail around them, but you could use a long stitching inside machine. And I'm contrasting thick thread to make interesting top stitch detail. Or you could add something like tape to make it more interesting. For example, a contrasting tape on top on the scene. It could be that, again, not pick the steam and you insert piping, for example, as dish the same again. And that will create a completely different effect. And the moment we're working with your integral part of idea generation by it is about thinking, Okay, what can I do with this particular detail on this particular garment? And then just throw your ideas out and have a little think about what you would be prepared to play around with and the practical stage. And think about what your capabilities are the moment, what you can do. And if this is your very first time, go through the, maybe the most simplest idea. If it isn't your first time, maybe challenge yourself a little bit. And if you're at a more advanced level, go for regrade ambitious and complex ideas and challenge us though. I look forward to say what you have come up with in terms of theoretical stage and in practical terms.
7. 7 Practicality and placement: The next thing we're going to look at is the placement. So the placement of adding something to those that already exist is important. Let's think about this. Let's say that we have got a top which doesn't have any names. While you may be able to add sleeves. And even if you know someone who does platinum, platinum to drive to sleep, could you grab some extra fabric they have and maybe gather it and creating a tool. So a slave like I've got here, when these, these upcycled sleeves that were made without pattern, it was simply just playing around on molecule using just little pieces that had backed and gathering them to one side. So it's something you might want to look into. Now, if you're working with something like us cut or a trouser which has got pockets of the map. And you want to play around with and embellishment and those pockets. Think about how practical this could be, because he's sitting on something and it has got lots of beans. You'll wonder particularly comfortable. So practicalities and important thing. The other thing is the violence of the government in regards to your own body shape. For example, if you are a pear shaped, so you've got big heads, then if you have a curved and you want to think Maybe I'm going to add a detail below the waist band to make something like a pig. And there'll be extra poverty that's limited to bear gathered to create a bit extra, a little bit extra volume. This may not be a great idea. But if you want to add some gathering to a top around this kind of area and you are a shave this and violence sound out of it and you would be appropriate. So it really is very individual us to go for replacement. But think about these things is you have got big compost, for example. You probably don't want too much details around the burst in the chest area, but you want to add more towards the hip area. If you want to create the illusion of a smaller waist, you probably don't want to add things like those of beef and embellishment and at the waist area. But you want to do that on both the hip area and also shoulders, bust. So it's, it's about thinking about your body shape. It's thinking about practicality in terms of where it's appropriate for things to be added to or taken off. Because my feet moving around and sitting and the details that we adding should not be in the way it is. And it is also about what we, where we want things to be visible. Do we want what we are reaching to be really, really visible and really over the top. It could be that you do asymmetrical design where you add some interest to launch, but not to Diablo. And it's very, very visible. But it's important where you choose your placement and make sure that you're comfortable with balancing out things that seeking the best you're comfortable with. Where the details and that there will be comfortable ones there are provide to that transformation.
8. 8 Bulky vs flat details: Another thing to consider is whether you'd like a bulky or flatted details. Some people put a lot of embellishment. Some people prefer yellow beading, buttons alone, and so on. And suddenly people like very minimalist flat kind of details. Or it could be that you are adding a panel that's a different color. You can technically is a flat detail and make things really interesting and a very easy way to show you this later.
9. 9 Trend research: Another thing that you can do is to look at the trend of the season or for the m. And to do this, these days, it's quite easy. Now you can go to a high street shop, but we've got this thing called temptation. So if you do that and be aware that you may end up buying a lot of things that you don't actually need. And into p the point. So for trend research, that's okay. But you can also go and look at patriots and also Instagram by ideas using relevant hashtags like fashion trends 2020, or whatever the year is. You could also say to her, google Other. And to do this, you just need to go to and then tied the key words of what you want to be alerted about. It could be fashion brands. Some trains, train to the winter, twins 21, for example, and anything that word pair that Google deems work There will be sent directly to your inbox. So that's one thing you can do. Another thing you can do is to look her passion magazines, whether it's online or in political terms. And you can also invest in some books. But ideas, I've got a very interesting book actually with a lot of fashion details, which has got so many ideas. They take each one of them and embed into the more ideas. And that's a very, very cool book to have an output. The book details. With this lesson. I don't sell it, but I think it's a very good book to less than so. I'll just put the details for the book at the bottom, knowing what are the trends out for the season of the year. You could then look at the clothes that you have chosen. And you could think about where you could apply that to. For example, some transporters share happen hard fashion, which is why I made this arch of two men's shirts. There's also a bulk trends. So that could be an interesting way whether you could incorporate bulk adopt within government by adding extra material to the gardener's got home, could arts on it, or whether it's adding up your cake or could yachts, I'll open the garment just, just this year. Is there the interesting big sleeves again. So something I incorporate it here as well. Have volume, Economic volume to the shoulder area in some way, whether that's to add something within the theme of the shoulder or top-down o. Then that might be something to explore. So you could choose a trend, and then you could look at one of your garments that you have chosen and see how you can incorporate that trend in different ways. Just this particular garment. For example, if we take a garden that I have and then I choose to go for the trend lightweight God, this, which is also a big one in this year, then I could decide to put them in a various areas along the garment. And I document the ideas by drawing them on paper. And then I can choose a which one I may want to explore. The practical part of this lesson.
10. 10 Garment complexity: And I think you can do is to look at placement in terms of how complex the garment is. So if you have a garment which has got a lot going on already, this may be more challenging, so it might be definitely more about adding to the actual components of the Garmin searches seems all just due to changes to things like carbs or hems, for example, waste bands. But if you go into quite plain and it got big areas to work with, you can read, play around with these. And could it be that some flat surfaces on top of those areas? You could add a lot of different things. That island nations became. One somebody a bit more than a job. But when you have space to work with that's quite large. You could think of as a canvas and you can use it to generate a lot more ideas. You can also add a lot of interesting three-dimensional shapes when you have large areas to work with. And if you haven't seen my class on textile origami, I've shown you how to make the most and that technique and you could apply it to big empty spaces on closure. You have to so be sure to check them out if you haven't enrolled in it already. I think you'll be very useful to you if you are interested in redesign and interesting creative ways in which to reinvent clones and create more interesting and complex and designs.
11. 11 Combining ideas: This stage, we can combine the ideas that we have come up with. For example, if you have some ideas on a part when it comes to trends, we also have some ideas on paper when it comes to details. Then you might want to combine these. Maybe you could add a trend to a particular detail. Or you could look at the placement to redesign exploration, and look at the trends and think about where you might want to add an example. Let's say God. As an example. Let's say you want godless somewhere because gardens Darby fashionable at the moment and where the placement be most suitable. Again, think about your body shape and how you could balance out by adding those extra bits of material. Material is, is that if you acquire a phlegmatic, you could add a bit extra in the top area, then you could have gaba has led over. This would be quite interesting and how you could attach it as well. It's nothing you need to think about. Go into the steam, can InVEST, stitch straight on. And once you have looked through your ideas that you have drawn under commands in this way, you could have you choose though, with some practical ideas, do you think that clothes over gun that you have chosen to walk?
12. 12 Practical exploration: Take a garment that you want to play around with if you decide to go for a more practical approach. And you can use the ideas that have given yourself to experiment in practice. If you have pieces of fabric, just little bits and bobs, they have us crab in outbreaks, for example. If you have embellishments and beads and things that you can ask to the government on an unpaid Coatney term pick seems they go ahead and play around and take pictures. Those who go. It could be something as simple, adding a cluster of beads to particular area. It could be that, that own the if you have genes for example, it could be something as simple as making a feature to a one of the loops on the way spanned by adding some beads on that, they'll be time-consuming, but it would be quite nice little detail that you don't see very often and document as you go. It could be that you have a few different things going on. One government where it would be quite an interesting, very quirky garbage to garbage. And they can learn on bevel, Frankenstein supports. And you can just change. And then around with that and use it to apply techniques and see what works and what doesn't. You could be they start cutting into things like sleeves or even the sides of the skirt and frightened by adding extra materials. Or it could be really flat kind of transformation that makes them. So instead of having a lot of volume and then log embellishments, it could be now we add some flat pieces. And you can do that by playing around with tape onto the diamond itself. And this is what I will show you next, just as a little extra tip.
13. 13 Adding flat pannels bonus technique explained: Earlier, I mentioned that you can create interesting details not only by adding embellishment and cutting into things and adding a volume, you can also do it by adding some flat pieces to the government already had. So it's a very non-invasive technique with interesting results. There are two ways in which you can do this. The first thing is if you want to clone or parts of abandonment, you could use the masking tape. For example. You want to clone a column and you want to have two of those. You could put masking tape allover the column. Just keep layering the masking tape again, again, again, and this time two miles to the outer shape of the column. And then we can do is then peel that masking tape off and then stick it to some paper and cut off. So you now creating a pattern which has gone the shape that you want to replicate. And then we could add on top of the column or somewhere else if you want color shape for another party, for example, side of on either side, that line. Quite interesting. Gelatin that you can do is use masking tape told you could use paper and then paper, anyone the garment where you might want to have a extra shape. And it could be a kind of a shape and advance. It could be that you choose the shape whilst you are working in the garment. Let's take a shirt, for example. If you put an A4 sheet of paper on one side of the ship, and then you decide what kind of shape you want to add, maybe in a contrasting color onto latch. And then you could cut the piece of paper to that kind of shape. And then there'll be a pontoon. You can then cut the shape into material and answer them. Extra seam allowance, which can then go and press. And then you could place it onto the garment and stare job. And now create an interesting flat detail with different material without having put into the original garment to start with. You can also use paper to trace. So things like we earlier did using the masking tape. But if things are not flat, for example, coal is not really flat. It's easier to deal with a mosque intake then by just basically on top of paper and tracing into detail onto that string. So the masking tape makes things a little bit easier and more flexible. Hope you have those extra tips useful, and I hope they have Hill change in your own practical exploration of the design of your own.
14. 14 Final thoughts: Playing with ideas is a great way to get your creative juices flowing and come up with exciting and design and redesign ideas. And hope that by now you have started looking at your close differently and that you feel inspired to start experimenting where your clothes to get more creative way of firms entering race implants, animal style, and experiment. Whether you do this on paper or more practically. I'd love to see your projects. I'd love to see you documenting your progress and your ideas on paper. Or if you have taken notes as do submit them in your course project. Let me know if you have any questions about this class. And let me know what other plasmas you want to say. Until next time. Stay creative and look for single projects and see you soon.