1. Introduction : Hi everyone. Today we'll be learning
how to create all of these digital stickers
using Procreate. I'd be showing you
all the tips and tricks that I've
learned on my journey. I really hope you enjoyed this course and thank
you for watching. Please have a look at my other courses advantage
to planning to.
2. How To Create A Colour Palette: So the first thing that
I want to do is I want to think about a color
palette for my stickers. And the easiest way to do
this is you want to go into something like Pinterest
or for example, google, or if you've got a color
palette already in mind, I don't want I'm going
to do is just search for a neutral color palette. I'm just going to
pick this one here. I'm just going to
add it to my photos. And then what I
want to do is I'm going to go into Procreate. Click the Add button. And I'm going to just
click on my A4 size paper. Just turn it landscape. One excellent to
do is I want to go into my color pressure pair. What you want to do
is in Procreate. You've got a section at the
bottom called palettes here. What you want to do is
you want to click on it. And then you can click
this Add button up here. And you can actually add
the color palette that we found on Pinterest
and procreate will automatically
create a palette for us using those colors. I'm going to just click,
Add and click New from photos and add that photo
in of that color palette. So here we've got
the color palette and it's just got some nudes and pinks and some great colors.
I'm happy with this.
3. How To Create Notebook Stickers: The first thing I want
to do is I'm just going to switch on
my drawing guide. Like so. I'm going to go into my brushes, all of the brushes
that I'm using today, you can learn how to create in my Procreate Planet
stamps course. I link that course down below
in the description box. Or if you would like access to some of these free
shape brushes. And this now aligned
paper brush. You can sign up to my newsletter that you can have
access to those. The first thing I'm
going to do is I'm going to go into
my brush library and I'm going to select this
square filled brush here. Then I'm going to go
into my color palette and choose a light pink. Increase the brush
size a little. Actually decrease, decrease
the brush size. Tiny. One I'm going to do
is just click here. Just going to zoom in
and just align this. Here we've got one of
our sticker shapes. Next thing I want to
do is I wanted to go into my layer and
click Alpha Lock. And when you do this, what it does is anything that
you apply to this layer, only applied to the shape
that's in the layer. It won't go outside
of the lines. I'm going to do is I'm going
to go into my brushes. Just scroll down and go into
my narrow lined paper brush. I'm going to make sure that
I've changed the color to white of my brush. Make sure the Alpha Lock is on. Then I'm just going to zoom in. I'm just going to draw
some lines like so. These brushes are
really quick and easy to show how to do that in
my Procreate stamp scores. But these are really
useful when you're creating digital
planners stickers. As you can see, I'm just
going to zoom out tiny bit. My drawing guide back on. Shift this to the top. Next one to do is I went to
add a shadow to this shape. What I'm going to
do is I'm going to duplicate this layer. Then I'm going to go into
the layer at the bottom, switch off alpha lock. Then I'm going to make sure that my brush is set to black. Click on the bottom layer, click Select, and
click Fill Layer. And what it does is it creates a square of the same
size as the one above, but it just fills it with black. I'm going to select the
second shadow layer. And then I went to
go right at the top here into my blowing tools. And I went to click
on Gaussian Blur. Make sure its own layer I'm
going to do is just move it. And as you can see it, the
more I'm moving to the right, the more of a blurred
effect it gives me. So I'm just going to do this until I'm happy with the shape. I'm happy. Then what I
want to do is just go into the shadow layer and turn down the
opacity a tiny bit. Another pretty cool
thing that you can do is you can go
into this layer. This is our notebook layer. And you can click
on the Move Tool. If you go down here
to what you can do is you can just lift
this a little fleck so it gives it a bit more of a realistic notebook
effect. I really like that. Look. I'm just going to move it
a little bit like this. There is our first little
notebooks to get done. What we're going to
do is we're just going to create a
few more of these, but in a few different colors. That's why I wanted to do
is I want to group this. Then I'm going to
just duplicate it. Then I'm just going to
switch on my drawing guide. And I'm going to go into
my duplicated group, click on the moving tool, go into uniform down here. And you went to make
sure that snapping is on clicks, nothing up here. When you do that, what it does is it makes sure that your layers are
aligned properly. So as you can see here,
this is aligned perfectly. I'm just going to
put this down here. Then I'm going to go
into this new group that go and go into that
notebook layer appear, switch off alpha lock. Then I went to go into
my color palette and just choose another
color. From here. I'm going to choose this
sort of pink color here. And I'm just going to drag that in and change the
color of my notebook. Then again, I'm just
going to duplicate this. I'm going to move it down. Like so. Perfectly aligned. Going to open this group, go into my notebook layer, choose another color and
just change the color. Again, collapse this duplicate. Move it down. Open-air, go into
my notebook layer, and go back into my colors. Choose this color down here. So you can see we've got our notebook stickers in our
various shades and tones. What you want to
do now is because we've got quite a lot
of layers down here. And all I'm going to do
is just click flatten. When you do that it
is create one layer, flatter and flatter and flatter.
4. How To Create Grid Stickers: I'm going to switch on
my drawing guide again. What we're now going to
create grid paper stickers. Again using the
same exact method. I'm going to go into my brushes, go into my square
filled brush down here. Go to select this color. I'm going to do is just
draw another square. Then I'm just going
to make sure it's exactly the same size. Move it to the side. Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go
into my layers. And I want to add another layer. And I'm going to
go into my brush, make sure I'm on the
square field brush. Change my brush to white. Then I'm just going to
create another square. I'm just going to
make this a bit smaller than the one
we've gotten now and position it to the middle
right about here. Like this. Then what I wanted to do is
I want to make sure I'm in my white square layer and
then click on Alpha Lock. Then I went to change my
color to this sort of. Then I'm going to
change the color to the sort of a mink
color down here. I want to go into my brushes and click on my thin grid paper. Then when I zoom in, you can see we've got
our second sticker off the grid and the
pink background. Again, we want to add
a shadow to this. What you want to do is
you want to go into your bottom layer
and duplicate this. Make sure that you
selected the bottom layer. Make sure that your
brush is set to black. Then you want to click, Select, click Fill Layer. Then again, I'm just going
to go into Gaussian Blur. And you can just move slightly. Once you're happy, go
into the shadow layer. And I'm just going to
decrease the opacity a bit like this. And now what I'm going to do is I'm going to group all of these together using the same
process as before. Just duplicate and move
it down. That is aligned. Then just open the Layers, click on the color layer. Make sure I've got this color here selected and
change the color. Duplicate. Move this
underneath the layer, click on the color layer, change that color to the pink. Like so. Again, duplicate
the layer down. Click on the color layer, make sure I've got this
color here selected. So now we've got
our grid stickers. I wanted to do is I think I'm going to lift these
stickers off as well. I'm going to go back
into my stickers, going into the solid color, click on the Move Tool
and go into warp. Just slightly. Lift up a little bit onto
just go into the next layer, click on Solid Color again, and just do the same thing. Now that we've got
all of our layers we want to do again is just flatten these down so that
they become one layer.
5. How To Create To Do List Stickers: So the next thing
we're going to create some rectangles, tick boxes. What I wanted to do is I
want to go into a new layer, go back into my brushes, and I'm going to select my
rectangle Stanford brush. Then I'm just going to make sure I've got this
color here, selected. Switch on my drawing guide. I'm going to do is I
just want to click here. Just move my stamp to make it. I'm going to click on free form. Just make it a bit more narrow. Like this. Here we've got a little
rectangle shape. We're going to do is I'm
going to add a new layer. Then I want to go back into my brush and select this circle filled stamp down here and make sure that my brush
is set to white. Then I'm going to just
reduce the size of my brush. I'm just going to draw
a circle in here. I'm going to do is just
make it a bit bigger. I'll put it to the top. Like this. I think I'm just going to
go into my rectangle layer, just make it a tiny bit
more narrow enough. Go into my circle layer and
just move it into the middle. Again, you can see
that snapping tool. As soon as it goes
into the middle, it just snaps into
place like this. What you want to do is
just duplicate this layer. Just put one underneath. Again. I'm just going to just group these and then just duplicate, just move them underneath
again like this. Then I'm just going
to duplicate one of these and move it to the middle. Just going to click
on one of these. Just make this slightly uniform, make this slightly bigger. Like this. Is our first ticker, is we're just going to
flatten these layers again. Group. What you wanted to do is you just want to
keep this layer as it is. So with your circle layers
and draw rectangle layer, what I'm going to do
is within this layer, I'm going to just duplicate
this rectangle layer. Make sure that my
color is set to black. And we're just going to
create a shadow again. So click Select,
click Fill layer, back into Gaussian Blur, layer, blur, like so. Then I went to go
into the shadow layer and I'm just going to turn this down a bit like so. Here is our new sticker. Again, I'm just going to
follow the same process, just going to duplicate
and move them down. I'm going to go into the group. I click Duplicate, go into
my move tool, move it down. Like this. Open the group, click on my rectangle color. Select this color. Change. You can do
the same thing. Duplicate. Down. Open the layer, go into
my rectangle color, select this color here, change. Again, duplicate. Go into my color.
Select this color here. It tries to color. Those are our rectangle
tick stickers. I want to do is I just
wanted to go into the groups again and just flatten
these down now.
6. How To Create Shape Stickers: Next stickers, we're
going to create some simple circle shapes. I just wanted to go
into my new layer. Make sure the
drawing guide is on. Just make sure I've
selected this color here. Go into my brushes and click
on my circle filled stamp, increase the size and
just draw my circle. Then I just want to duplicate this layer at the bottom
and create a shadow again. Make sure my brush
is set to black. Click, Select, click fill layer, go into the Gaussian
blur to this, and then go into layer and just turn down the opacity slightly. Then all we're going to
do is just group this. Then just duplicate, open the layer and change the
color of the circle. I'm just going to
repeat this process. What we want to do is
just flatten layers. Now, we've got our
simple circle shapes. The next shape I'm
going to create is a sort of arrow shape. When I went to do
is add a new layer, go back into my drawing
guide and switch it on. I'm going to go into my brushes and click on my square
feet wet brush. I want to make sure I've
selected this color up here. Then I'm just going to
create a little square. Make this a bit smaller. Next, I want to do is I want
to go into my eraser tool. And I'm just going
to go to the middle. Just draw out sort
of arrow shape, the poster. Just drop. This is our, our shape. We're just gonna
do the same thing again and add a shadow. So just duplicate the bottom and we'll make sure our
brushes tend to black, click, Select, click Fill Layer. Then I wanted to go
into Gaussian Blur. Just increase the
shadow. Next cell. Just reduce the opacity of
the layer Lopez. Like this. Then I'm just going
to group these together and just duplicate street and just
add in the group. Go into my Color, Burn, go into this
color, change the color. And again, I'm just
going to repeat that process with the rest. Now that we've got all
of our arrow shapes, just going to flatten like we've done previously. Like this.
7. How To Create Washi Tape: The neck shapes,
I'm going to create our image gray sort
of washi tapes. So I'm going to click
on my new layer. And I'll make sure I've
got this color selected here on my drawing guide. I'm going to go into
my brushes and I'm going to go into my rectangle, filled his stamp and
just draw a rectangle, twist it into position. I'm going to make
it a bit longer. It like this. I want you to do is I want
to go into my eraser. And I'm just going to add a designed sort of a
wavy squiggly line. I want to do the same
to the other side. Like this. Then what I want to do is I want to go into my
layer and click Alpha Lock. Then I went to go to
my brushes and I'm going to search for my
flower stamp brush here. I'm going to change
the color to white. I'm going to do is
just put some flowers. Again. I teach you how to create these flower stamps in my
Procreate stamps course. If you check out the video in
the description box below, the BIBD, know how to create
these stamps as well. You just want to arrange them. That looks nice.
That looks good. Then again, all we're
gonna do is just duplicate this and add a shadow. Make sure alpha lock
is switched off. Make sure your brush
is ten to black. Click select, and then
click Fill Layer. Go into Gaussian Blur layer. Just add a little blur, going to the shadow
layer and just switch and put that
capacity down a tiny bit. There is our first washi tape. Then I'm going to group these. And again, just do the same
thing as we did previously. So just duplicate. Move it underneath. Again, you can see how
important the snapping tool is. Perfectly aligned. Lines. Then I want you to open this, go into my layer,
select this color. Then again, just follow
the same process. Just flatten the layers down. I'm going to create another
washi tape designer. Again. What I want to do
is add a new layer. Click this color, go back into
my rectangle photo stamp. Just draw a rectangle. Going into the drawing guide. Take this, increase the size a little bit, and just put a straight
underneath this. Then I'm going to go into my
layer and click Alpha Lock. Then go into my brush, go into my checked paper brush. What I want to do is I want to make sure that I've
got this color. And I'm just going to choose a slightly darker
color to match line. Then when making sure my
checked paper brushes on that, we've got alpha lock on. I'm just going to
draw the layer. As you can see, like this. Then again, I'm
just going to add a shadow such as duplicate. Go into the bottom layer, make sure my brush is
selected to black. Click select and then
click Fill Layer. Go into my Gaussian blur. Just add my slightly. Just tap the opacity down. Again, just group these
and do the same thing. We would duplicate,
move it down, which changed the color. Expand this, go to
the color layer. And then again, just flatten this down so that they
become one layer. I'm going to do is I'm going
to select all my layers. Then I'm just going
to make them a bit bigger. Like this.
8. How To Export Stickers: So they've got all
of our stickers. Now I'm going to show
you how to export them. What you want to do is
you want to make sure that each sticker
has its own layer. Then you went to go into your friend tool
and click Share. Go at the bottom and click
Share layers as PNG files. Save images. Then I'm going to
come into my photos. As you can see, is just
created all of our stickers. As PNG files. What you can do is in procreate instead of creating
them all on one page. But you can do, is you can
create them on a square page. If you click on the
square and create each individual sticker on this square page
and then export it. It will just show
as one big sticker instead of it being in
the position where he is. Like like this, where
we've got some down here. Sometime there will just be
one whole image on the page.
9. How To Import Stickers Into GoodNotes: So all I'm gonna do is
export this into GoodNotes. I'm going to do is for
example, this photo, I'm going to press
Copy, copy photo. I can go into GoodNotes. Click Paste. Then here is my sticker and I'm
just going to crop it. Click on crop. Like so. Then we can just move it
into place wherever we want. Use it in our journals.
10. Conclusion: Thank you for
attending this course. I really hope you
found it useful. And now you know how to create your own digital stickers using Procreate for your
digital planners. You can use these stickers on your digital
planners or you can create sticker packs to
sell on places like Etsy. I will hope you found
this tutorial useful. Please share any designs
or any stickers that you create using this
method that I've told you, I would love to see
what you all create and how you use them in
your digital planners. I'll possibly creating
a few more courses on Procreate and
digital planning. So please do keep an
eye out for them. Thank you everyone.