1. Introduction: Hi everyone. Today we're
gonna be learning how to create this digital
planner using Procreate. And we'll learn how to
create hyperlinked tabs. How to create monthly pages,
adequate daily pages, adequate and notes page,
adequate stickers page. All of the brushes that
we use in this course. You can learn how to create in my procreate brushes course. Or you can sign up
to my newsletter to get some free brushes. Alternatively, because
it my Etsy store. If you wish to purchase
the full collection. I really hope you enjoyed this course and thank
you for watching. Please have a look at my
various other courses that I've done on digital planning.
Thank you very much.
2. Thinking About Planner Design & Best Practice: The first thing we want
to do is we want to think about the layout
of our planner. What we want to include
in our templates, and what we think would be
best suited for our needs. So I'm just gonna do
a roughly or drawing of what my front page
is going to look like. So I wanted to be a
sort of curved shape. I think. I don't want it
to be a vertical planner. And I think I might have a
sort of green color perhaps. Then I also want to add
some tabs to the top. So I want to add tab. This will be my sticker
tab and my notes tab. Also want to add some tabs to the side for my months here. This will be January here
for the rest of the month. So something like this. And I also want a
bit where I can write my name at
the front as well. I'm just going to use this
pair is likely to name them. This doesn't have to be perfect. It's just a rough
sketch of what we want our pattern to
perhaps look like. It doesn't have to be perfect. It's just a rough
sketch, a rough idea. So I want my planner to
look something like this. I also want to add some
ring binders to the side. Going to use. This code
indicates a ring binder. Something like this. This is what I imagined my
planner cover to look like. What an X1 to think
about is what I want my monthly pages to look like. Because I wanted to
include a monthly and a daily template
for my planner. Want it to be sort of
open spread like this. I want to blank pages
either side, like so. And up here, I want
to add a calendar. I'm going to just
draw a little box for my calendar and just
insert a low textbook. Like so the dissection that is going to be my
monthly tasks, tasks. For this page, I think I just
want to add a notes page. For any sort of notes I
may have about the month. He notes page here. This is a rough idea of what my monthly planner template
could perhaps look like. Again, it's not set in stone. This is just a plan. Now
I'm just going to think about how I want my daily
template to look like. And I want to add a hourly
task section on this side. Here I'm just going to add
a section for IoT tasks. Insert textbox. And then on this side, I want to add a notes page at the bottom and I want to add a section at the top
called daily reflections. Here I want my daily reflection. So what went well in the day? What I could do, improve
things like that. I think that's a
really good idea. I mean, you're creating
a daily planner. I'm just going to add it. So this is a little rough
guide of my daily template. I also want to add
some pages at the end for some notes pages,
just blank pages. And I think I'm
going to just have a page where I forgot
it, just lined paper. I might have some
lined paper here. And I also think
might want to add grid paper and perhaps some
polka dots paper as well. I would advise that you
create a plan first because when you're creating a dish
or palette from scratch, it can become a
bit overwhelming. So it is a good idea
to have a plan to start with and you can work
your way through your plan.
3. Adding A Digital Planner Background: The first thing
I'm going to do is I want to go into Procreate and I want to create
an A4 sized canvas. I'm just going to
turn it around. What I want to do
is I want to add a background to my
digital planner. And you can get
backgrounds from anywhere, you can get it from online, you can get it from
pinterest wherever you like. But obviously you make sure that you're allowed to use them. I usually like to get my
background from free pig. And they've got lots
of backgrounds here. So I satisfy to
put in background. There's lots of
different options here. And you do need a premium
account to download these buys, really affordable,
and it comes in useful when you're creating
things like digital planners. I would recommend
signing up for this. So I've already got a few wouldn't backgrounds
that I like. So I'm just going to go
back into procreate. Then I'm going to click on
the wrench tool and click Add and click, Insert a file. Because that's where
I've saved it. I'm going to do is I'm
just going to search for my wooden picture that I've got. And it was good. Input
this into procreate. And I'm just going to align it so they fit the canvas size. Like so.
4. Thinking About Colour Palettes: So next thing I want
to do is I want to create my basic planner shape. The next thing I want to
do is I want to think about what color palette
my planner is going to be. Really simple and easy way to do that is if you go
into Pinterest. Pinterest, and I'm just
going to search for a neutral color palettes because I want my
plan to be neutral. I really like this
color palette here, even though it's non-neutral
as a nice blend of colors. So I'm, what I'm going
to do is just click on it and click add to photos. Then I'm going to go
back into procreate. I'm going to go into
my color selection. And what I want to do is
under the bottom here, if you click on pallets, here, you can create your own
palettes using a picture. So procreate is really
easy and simple like this. And it's got lots
of little affective features with stuff like this. So what you want to
do is if I click the Add button and
click New from photos. And if I just click on the photo that I just got from Pinterest, if I click on this photo here, you can see automatically
it's imported a whole color palette using the photo that
I've provided it. And it's really
simple and really useful technique that everyone
should know how to use.
5. Designing Our Planner Cover: What I'm now going to do is
using my rounded rectangle. I'm going to go into my
color palette and I'm going to pick a color for my cover. I think I'm going to go for
this light green color. I'm going to make sure
that my brush size is as big as it could be. Then what I'm going to
do is I'm just going to move it to the edge, going to free form and just
make it bigger, wider. Make sure you leave
enough space at the top because you'd need to put your tabs
in there as well. Like this. And you want to make
sure that you've got your snapping on as well. Because that way it just aligns
things perfectly for you. So this is halfway
as you can see, when we get to this line it
shows okay, it's halfway. Like here. I'm just going to make it a tiny
bit smaller, like this. This is a cover page that
I've got at the moment. The next thing I
want to do is I'm going to design my cover. So I'm going to add
a new layer and then I'm going to go into
my brushes again. And I'm going to click on this rectangle
stump filled brush. And I'm going to go into
my color palette and just choose a really light blue. I'm going to sit here. Then I'm just going
to turn it around. And then I'm just
going to increase the size. Like so. Then again, because our
snipping tool is on, it will automatically just
place it where the middle is. Here is the middle. So I'm
going to just leave it here. Just put it right
here in the middle. Like this. The next thing
that I want to do is I want to create
some ring binders on the side and do this. What I'm going to
do is I'm going to click on a new layer. I'm going to go into my inking Library and
click on the studio pen. And I'm going to select a sort
of dark green color here. And all I'm going to do is
just draw a little line, assuming stroller or
thick line like this. The next thing I
want you to do is I'm going to create
another layer. So I'm just going to click Add. And I want to change the
brush color to white. And I'm going to do is inside this green little line that we just created and
decrease the brush size. I'm just going to create
a line in the middle. Like this. Like so. What I'm going to do is while I'm
still on this white layer, I want to go into
my blending tool and click Gaussian blur. Going into layer one, I'm going to choose just one I'm going to do is just
slide to the right. And as you can see,
it just gives us this plaid sort of
effect like this, which is what we want. Going to create
another layer again, make sure my brush is whites. And again, just draw a tiny little line right in
the middle again and again, make sure the layer is selected. Go into my Gaussian blur. Click on Layer just slightly, slightly again, it
gets blurred effect. The more I want to
do is I want to go into my green line layer. And you can see that
it's a tiny bit big. So I'm going to
just make it a bit smaller, tiny bit thicker. Like so. Like this. This is our ring
binders template. The next thing I want to
do is I want to go into my green layer and I'm
going to duplicate this. And I want to go into
the duplicated layer, the one underneath, and make sure that the brush
is turned to black. What I'm going to do is click select and click Fill Layer. And what it does is it gives
us a layer underneath, which is a black color, but it's exactly the same as this green line that we created. I'm going to do is
click on this layer. Go into a move tool. Just move it down slightly
like this. Like so. Then I'm going to click and make sure I'm
in my shadow layer, go into Gaussian Blur layer
and just blur like this. Go to the side and keep blurring it until
we're happy with it. I like this. There
is our ring binder. Then what I'm going to do
is create a new layer. Change my brush to
this green up here. Then I just wanted to create, decrease my brush size. Just create a little circle. In the y I want to do is just move this little
circle that we just created. My underneath. Like so. Here is our little ring binder
that we've got to, I want you to do
is I'm just going to group these together. Cml. And then I just want to move it right to the top here. And then just make
it slightly smaller. Like so. I'm going to go into this little circle layer
that if go here and just change it to
life like that. Just make it a bit
bigger. Like this. That's a pretty
quick and easy way on how to create a ring binder. So I'm going to do is I've
got this ring binder group. So I'm just going to
rename it. Binds up. And I'm just going to duplicate
it and move underneath. And again, make sure you go, you're snapping tool on
because it will just tell you where it is. Again, I'm just going to
go to these together. Duplicate. I've got to now. And then I'm just going to group these and then click duplicate. Just simple, and
I'll just color. As I just go forward, I can quickly just move down. Again, just duplicate this down. I'm just keep doing
this until we're happy with how many we've got. I'm happy with those. So I'm going to do
is I'm just going to flatten some of these down. But I'm going to keep this group as it is because we're going to
want to use it later. Here we've got our planet
cava without having binders and our little section where we can write our name.
6. Learning How To Create Our Planner Tabs: Next thing I want to
do is I want to add some tabs on the side for
all of the 12 months. Again, what I want to do is
I'm going to add a new layer, go into my brush, go into my brush library, and select my rounded
rectangle again. Then I'm going to go
into my color palette. And I'm going to choose, for example, one of these
colors that I like. So I want to make
it a bit colorful. So I'm going to
click on this pink. Then I want to decrease
the brush size. Then I'm just going
to dot it here. And I'm just going to
put it right at the top. And I can make it a bit like so. And then what I want to do
is just move this layer right underneath a
couple of layers. You can see it's a bit out. Like so. We've got
our first tab here. What I want to do
is I want to make this look a bit more realistic. So to do that, I'm
going to go into my tab layout and I want
to duplicate it like so. Then I'm going to click on
this bottom layer down here. And I want to make sure that
my brush is set to black. Then I want to go into Select. Then I'm going to
go into Fill Layer. All this does is it creates a layer underneath
that original layer, which is just filled with black. Part. The same shape we want to do is click
on the shadow layer. Click on the shadow layer and
Gaussian blur appear layer. And you can just blow at
slightly as if example, I go to the right quite a lot. It automatically
pairs quite a bit. I'm just going to leave
it here, for example. I'm happy with that. I'm going to go into
my shadow layer. And I'm just going to decrease the positive tiny bit like this. As you can see, it gives it
a more realistic effect. Your tab looks a bit more
realistic on your panel. Now, what I want to do is I'm going to just
group this together. Then I'm going to click flatten. Then I'm going to duplicate. And I'm just going to move this second layer
right next to it. But make sure it's
underneath the first layer. So that would be a sort
of overlapping effect. Then I'm going to go into my color palette and I'm
going to change the color. I think I'm going to go
for this pink shade here. And I'll just change
the color like this. Again. Go into this
layer, click Duplicate. It's easy if I just click
this bottom layer here, click on my move tool. Make sure snapping is on. You can see where it's aligned. Put it there, go into my color
palette, change the color. And I'm just going to keep doing this for the rest of the month. I'm going to speed
up this process as it can get a bit tedious. I've got all my tabs and I'm just going to
click on all of my tabs. I just swipe to the right
so I can select them all. And I'm going to go into the Move tool and just make
them a tiny bit smaller. Like this. Like so. The next thing I want
to do is I'm just going to go into my cover layer. So it's this layer
here that we've got. And I'm going to add a
shadow to this as well. So I'm going to click Duplicate. Go into that second layer. You make sure that my
brush is set to black. Click select, and then
click Fill layer, which dramatically you can see, it sort of creates a
little outline underneath. I'm going to go into
my shadow layer. While I'm in my shadow
layer, go to the top, click on this blur tool, and click on
Gaussian Blur layer. I'm just going to slide. So the more you
slide to the right, the more bloody becomes. So I'm going to leave
it here like so. Then go into my shadow layer
and reduce the opacity slightly like this to
create some more realistic. Effect now also wanted to go into this little white
box layer that we created. Click Duplicate,
click underneath. Make sure I've got my
brush selected black. Click on Select, and
click on fill layer. Again, we've got
an outline there. And I'm going to click
on my shadow layer, going to Gaussian Blur and
just blow it slightly like so. Go into the shadow layer
and just reduce it to here. Like this. The next thing I want to do is I want to add a few tabs at the top for my notes and
for my sticker page. So I'm going to go
into a new layer. Go into my brush tool, and make sure I've got
my rounded rectangle on again and select a color. And I'm going to just draw it here and just move
it to the top. Then I want to make sure that
this is underneath cava. Again, all I'm going to do
is just duplicate this. Click on the second layer, make sure that my brush
is selected to black, like select and
click fill layer, shadow, go into Gaussian Blur. Layer, swipe to the
right a little bit. Think, go back into
my shadow layer and turn down the
opacity of tiny bear. So we've got a little
nodes up there. What I'm going to do is just
click on these two layers. Click group, then click
flatten, like so. Then I'm just going
to duplicate this and move a second one
right next to it. Make sure it's underneath that notes pages
that we created. So this will be
for our stickers. So I'm going to
go into my layer, go into my color, choose a color that I like. So now that we've got our
tabs and our cover page done, what we're going to do is
we're going to label our tabs. Now, what I want to do is I'm going to go
into a new layer. I'm going to go into
my calligraphy brush, go into mono line, and I'm going to keep
the color as black. I think what I'm going to
do is I'm just going to rotate my planner. Zoom in. Make sure I've got the brush down to a small size and workers do is just go in and
just write the month. Like so. What I might do is I might
change the color of the brush. I'm going to do is just again, I've just labeled
one of my tabs. So you can hand label
them if you wish. Or you can also do is you
can create any layer. If you click on the wrench
tool and click Add text, if for example, and change
the color to black. In here, I can just
write this to the top. I can do is just move this heel, rotate, slightly, put it here. And then just copy this
all the way down and just change the letters. I'm going to do is
just, I'm going to hand write my labels to go back into my
brush and just try. Just try. Notes. And rights stickers appear. Like so. Here is our finished cover page. And you can really play
around with this and add extra things if you'd like. You can add some
stitching, for example, to display ad stitch
into the cover. Can add an image to the cover. You can change your tabs around. It's really up to
you and how you want to personalize
your digital planner. I'm just going to do is
because this cover page is slightly to the left. I just want to make this cava, go right into the
middle so that, so that way when we create
our weekly planner pages, it will sort of align. So I'm going to do is I'm
just going to click on my page and just make
it a bit smaller. And then go into my
little white box. Make it a bit smaller as well.
7. Design Our Monthly Planner Templates: The next thing we
do is we want to create our monthly pages. So to do that, what
we're going to do is we're going to
go back into gallery. And we're going to
select this color. And then we're
going to duplicate. Then we're going to
click on the name and rename this page. Then we're going to
go into monthly page. This is our monthly
page at the moment. So what I'm going to
do is just get rid of this box because we
don't need anymore. And I'm going to
duplicate my cover page. Again, make sure you're
snapping tool is on so that a n lines are all perfectly
for you like this. What I want to do
now is I want to just adjust my ring
binders slightly. I'm going to create a new group. Make sure that my
brush is set to white. I'm going to do is just draw in some of these
Started got hail. Then I'm just going
to fill them in. Then I'm just going to
move this underneath. Flipping binders, like this. Gaussian Blur. Just blow
a little like that. Alarm ring binders and our page. I'm just going to select all of my pink binder layers
and group them now. And then in them, instead we've gotten
more layers. Here. We've got our monthly page without having
pine is completed. So what I want to
do now is I want my digital planner to have
a sort of flipping effect. As we're going
through the months. I went, for example, as we've just pass
through January, I want January to
go to this side as well on the February
page for B2B on that side. So I want to do is I want
to go into my January tabs. Like so. I just wanted to
move it to the other side. Again, it's really
important to have a snapping tool because it will show you exactly
where you need to stop. I'm going to put it
right here, January. Then I want to go
into that layer where I wrote down
all of the names. Then I'm just going
to use my eraser. To just get rid of
January section. I'm just going to add a
new layer and just go back into my calligraphy, my mono line brush, make
sure it's set to white. And then just try. On this side. As you can see, we have that
sort of flip in effect. The next thing I want to do is I want to go into my brushes, and I want to go into
my square filter brush. Make sure that my
brush is set to one. And I just want to draw
a square right here. Then I'm going to just
make it a bit bigger. Just put it into the middle. Then again, I'm just
going to duplicate this and move it
to the other side. Next thing I'm going to do
is I'm going to click on my settings and click Add Text. Change the color to black. Dendrite January. The smaller, put this right here. I think I'm going to put
it right in the corner. Actually. I'm just
going to click on my text and you
can change the font. Then I'm going to
add a new layer. So what I want to do is I
want to create a calendar. So to do this, I'm
going to go into my settings and put
my drawing guide on. Then I'm going to
make sure I'm in my monoline brush under calligraphy, calligraphy,
monoline brush. And then I'm going to
click on Drawing Assist. This will help us create
some straight lines. Then I want to make sure that
my brush is set to black. So we're going to
create a calendar, shape them in Excel. Then use my eraser. Just to erase any of
these extra lines. I'm going to draw
my brush again. Just draw some lines. Then I just wanted to split. This into six. That is our calendar section. So I'm just going to switch
off the Drawing Guide for now. Got our calendar. So I'm going to do
is I'm going to change my brush to white. Go into my brushes and select my square
filled brush here. And then click stamp. Obviously we can't see
it because it's white. I'm just going to
adjust my white. Two books here, like so. Then on my Webex, I'm going to click Alpha Lock. Then I want to go into
my brushes again. And I'm going to search for my wide lined paper brush here. I'm going to change
the color to black. I'm going to do is just paint over that scrapbooks
that we just created. Like some. See, you get these lines. Allow me to do is
just add a new layer, change my brush to black, go into my calligraphy
monoline brush. In this section here, where we can put
our monthly tasks. We'll also add a little
tick box if we wanted. We can really just personalize
this half will be one. Next thing I'm going to
query is I want to create a section for goals
for the month. So I'm going to click
on a new layer. Make sure I've got my mono line brush on
anti set to black, switch on my drawing guide. And make sure I've got
Drawing Assist on again. I'm just going to
create my box. Perfect. Because we are
going to fix that. Then I'm going to just go
into my eraser, zoom in. Just erase out. So it's aligned again. Then again. Go back
into the brush. And I'm going to split
this into three. This is our gold section. What to do next is I
want to add a new layer. Then I want to go into
my brushes and click on my square outline brush that I want to reduce
the brush size. Just put a little
square in the corner. So that way if we've
completed our goal, you can just take it down. Then I'm going to click
Duplicate. Next one. Duplicate again.
Move it to the top. Next cell. I want to go into my wrench tool
and click add some texts. Monthly goals. Also going to do is go into
a text and right tasks. And put this up here and go
back into my base layer, just delete this and
monthly tasks here. So we've got January, you've got a calendar,
I've got multitask. We've got our monthly goals. Why can do is just click
add some text, right? One. Yeah. Duplicate this. I did this to go on. To. Again, just duplicate
the bottom. Click, edit text. Three, hey, we've got
our monthly goals. Goal one, goal two, got three. There at the bottom here, I just want to add a notes page. So what I'm going to
do is add any layer, go into my brush, go into my square favored. Again, make sure it's
set to white straw on hail. Bit wider. And then I want to
alpha lock this, come into my brushes again, go into my white
line paper again, change my brush color to black. Just two minutes page there. And then I'm just going to add some text and just write notes. Smaller. Just put it right here.
8. Giving Our Planner A Realistic Page Effect: January templates. So I'm going to go back into procreate, rename this as childbearing. Then I want to click on this duplicate layer and then
rename this into February. So I want to go into this
into the layer where it says January and February. There. What I'm going
to do is I want to if this February tab over
to the other side, go down into my tab layers to
move in to the other side. Again. Make sure snapping tool is that it's all
perfectly aligned. This time round. You want the February layer to be above the January layer, as you flip into
February page would obviously be on top
of the January page. I'm going to do is just make this writing January
writing a bit smaller. Just put it out there. I can just go into a new layer, make sure that my brush is
set to white and I've got my monoline brush on. And just flip it
over just right. With a slightly to the side. Like so. Now we've got the January and
February on this side. And over here, I'm just
going to go back into that layer or my
father month names. Then I'm just going to
erase this. Like so. And again, I'm just
going to go back into gallery, duplicate this, rename this march template, and then do exactly the
same thing I did the month. Then I go into much detail. On the way to the other side. Make sure it's on top of
all these layers. Like so. Then again, go back into
my mono line brush, go into calligraphy, add a new layer around
and just fry in. Like this. Think of back into this layer here that's
written all at once. Erase this out. And I just want to continue doing this
for all of the months. I'm just going to
speed this process up as a is a bit tedious again. Hey, we've got all of our monthly pages
that will cover page I'm going to do is
just select all of these. And I'm just going to
stack them together. Label this digital planner. And we've got one
of our pages here.
9. Creating A Useful Daily Planner Templates: So next thing I want to create some daily pages for my planner. So to do this, I'm going to duplicate the January
monthly page. And I'm just going to rename
this generally daily. Like so. I'm going
to come into it. I'm just going to do is just delete some of these
layers that we created. Group. Delete. Like. So. What I want to do is
in my daily page, I want to create an hourly
sort of template here. I'm just going to add a new
layer and click Add Text. Just center this to the middle. Then what I want is to add
the date underneath here. I'm going to create a new layer. Then I want to make sure I've
got my monoline brush on. Then I'm going to
my Drawing Guide. Then I'm just going to draw a straight line and just
click on Drawing Assist. I'm just do a straight line. And then I can just
switch this off for now. Then just going to add a
layer and just write date. Just put this right
here. Like so. Next thing I want
to do is I want to create my hourly
schedule on this side. So to do that, I'm going
to add a new layer, go into my brushes, and go into my
square filled brush. Make sure my brush
color is set to one. Let's draw it here. Again because it's white. We can't really see it. But I'm just going
to increase it. I don't want to do is again, I'm just going to
alpha lock this, go into my brushes again and search for my
wide lined paper. Make sure my brush
is set to black. And just draw it here. I've got my hourly section here. So what I'm going to do is add some text and write
our daily tasks. Make this a bit smaller. I just put a here. Then what I want to do is I want to add a little tick box. What I want to do is
go back to my brushes and click my square
outline brush. Ten, the color to
black. It's true. Unit tool. Boxes like this duplicate. The bottom. Typically made
it to the bottom again. And then group these
together, just duplicate. It can just move three
down like this and just duplicate it again like this. Then I'm just going to flatten these free up some layer space. Then what I want to do is I
want to go into a new layer. I'm going to do is just
increase the size. Go into my calligraphy, go into my monoline brush. And now it'll do
is for each line, I'm just going to
write the time. So I'm going to stop at six
AM and then work my way down. So now we've got our
planet template with our date and our hourly tasks. On the next slide, I want to
have a few boxes for things. I think when violin the day, things, I think I could have
done better in the day. Just a sort of reflection books. And then underneath,
I'm just going to put another little
notes page as well. So again, I'm just going
to go into my layer. I'm just going to group
all of these together. Just flatten them down. So we free up some space
because as you can see, we've got quite a lot
of layers right now. So what I want to do is
click on a new layer. Go back into my calligraphy, go into mono line, switch on the drawing guide. Like so. Then I'm just
going to draw some boxes. I forgot to add. Click the drawing assist so that we get our
straight lines. Zoom in a little bit. Then again, we can just
go into our eraser. Then just lines which aren't
perfect, just erase this. Then I'm just going to
go back into my brush and just draw three n. Just draw three lines. I'm just going to
switch this up. I'm going to do now is
I'm going to go into my text and just write
daily reflection. Again. Just go into my text. Just try things. Today. Just duplicate this and just edit this text. Not go today. A bit bigger. Then I just want to
duplicate this underneath. So, and then just
edit this as well. That's right. Things. I want to improve. The last thing that
we want is just to add a note section to
the bottom as well. I'll go into a new layer, go into my brush, and select, go into
my brush library. Select the square failed, change the color to life. Great stamp. Make
this a bit bigger. Free format as well. Then click Alpha Lock. Change my brush color to black, and go back into my lined paper. Then just add a layer. Daily notes. Kaylee, bit smaller. So here we've got a template
of our daily planet page. What we want to do
is we need to copy this into each of the month. So what you want
to do is you want to group all of these together. All of the daily sections
that we created, put them into one group. Also want to take these pages, put them into the
same group as well. So blank white pages. The reason that
we've done this is because we need to
go into this group. For example, if I hide it, you can see all of the pages go. What I want to do is I need
to flatten this, like so. Then I went to press Copy. Then I want to go
back into my gallery. Then I want to go into
my february template. I want to duplicate my february
monthly template and then rename this into
February daily template. The reason we're doing
this is obviously because the February
tab has been switched over onto the other side
on our February pages. So we can't use the same pages that were made for the
January date your pages. So we need to just create a
February daily page as well. We want to do is just
delete these extra layers. I can just group these like so. It's group leads. Take this one to this one, swipe down and click Paste. And it automatically paste our daily planner page from the January page
that we created. Again, what I want
to do is press Copy. Go back to my gallery, go into my March template, duplicate my much template. Rename this into
March daily template. Like so. Go into air all these
sections together and just swipe down click paste. And I'm just gonna do the same again for all of
the months as well. Now we've got one of
our templates done. So we've got our
monthly and our daily. So I'm just going
to rearrange them. So all of the months are in order to qualify pages in order. January, February, March,
April, May, June, July.
10. Design Notes & Sticker Pages: The next thing I want to
do is I want to create my notes pages and
my sticker pages. I'm going to do is duplicate the January month, the
template duplicate. And right here notes template to create a
few different ones. So here I'll just go in. I'm going to do is just get
rid of all of these again. Like so, so we've
got blank page. Then I'm going to just move
this January section back to delete this one. And then go into my
mono line brush. Change my color to white. Just right here. I'm just going to move
it slightly like this. This is going to be my
template for my notes pages. All I'm going to do
five minutes patients is I'm just going to go into these white pages I created
and just alpha lock them, then go into my brushes, go into my white lined paper, turn the brush tool black, and then just simply
draw in some lines. Then I'm going to do the
same to the next layer. So just alpha lock
it and then just draw my lines are going
to be my notes page. The next thing I'm
going to do is I'm just going to duplicate my notes outline template. Just right. Notes. Template page. This notes page. I want it to be
polka dot design. I'm going to do is make
sure that alpha lock is on. Go into my brush and
going into inking, go into the syrup brush. Ten, the brush to white. I'm going to do is just
erase these lines like self. Then come into the next one
until exactly the same thing. You raised this. Before I do anything else, I'm just going to go into the
gallery and just duplicate this blank page I created was
easier for our next pages. So I'm going to go back
into my notes pumpkin page. And then make sure these two layers have
got alpha lock on again. Go back into my brush. And then I'm going to search
for my polka dot brush here. Change it to black. Just draw in my polka dots and select the layer underneath
and do the same thing. There is our pocket oh, page. Then I'm going to just
duplicate that blank page again and rename this as notes. Grid paper. I'm going to do is
go into my brush, go into my white with paper. And again, all of his brushes
that I'm using right now. I've taught how to create in Procreate stamps for
digital planners course. So please do check the
description box below. Again, I'm just going to draw my lines like so into
them underneath. I guess. We've got our polka dot are aligned
and our grid paper. So I'm going to rename this
one as my sticker page. And this is just going to be a blank page for all
of our stickers.
11. Using Keynotes & Importing Our Planner: So what I'm going to do
is I'm going to select these pages and then just drag them right down
to the end here. This is our planet page
completed in Procreate. So we've got our planet cover, our monthly template,
outdated template, all of our months. I've got my monthly. I've got my daily with all of
our tabs flipping as well. What we now want to
do is we want to add some hyperlinks to
all of our tabs. And unfortunately in Procreate, we don't have this feature. So what we want to do
is we want to go into gallery and we want to click on every
single one of these. Then you want to click share. And you want to click JPEG. And you went to
fix, save images. I'm going to do is, I'm going
to go into keynotes here. And I'm just going
to click the Plus. I click choose a theme. Just do the basic why. We've opened up
keynotes at the moment. So I'm going to do is click
on these three dots at the top and go to
Document Setup. And I want to go to slide size. And I want to go to Custom. And then I went to go into, and I want the width to be
358 and the height to be 0. And this is the
dimension for a A4 size. And click Done to here, we've got our A4 size done. So I'm going to click Add
and right at the end. This one, I'm going to
click on photo or video. And then what I'm going
to do is I'm going to insert all of my pages. I'm going to insert
my cover page. I'm going to do is just
insert the rest of my pages. I'm just going to click Add, go into a new slide,
go back into ad. And I'm just going to
add all of my pages. I'm going to speed this process up because it's
just really simple. You just import them in. I've imported all of my
pages into keynotes. I just want to
rearrange them now. So I'm going to click
on this and go into light table and just move them around so
that the inorder.
12. Adding Hyperlinks To Our Planner: Now we've got all of our
pages in order in keynotes. So we've got January
monthly, daily. So on. So I'm going to do now is they want to add some hyperlinks. Now, the way you want to do this is we need to go
into our Add button. We're going to start
with the cover page, go into the Add button
and go into shapes here. And then I'm going to
select this little, well I'm going to
do is I'm going to click on the shape and just
move it to the top here. Make it a bit smaller. Wanted to do is I'm going
to click it object. And if I go into link, and if I go to LinkedIn slide, I can link it to slide two. And that's where our
January month starts. So I want to do is
go back and click this link and click
link to slide, and click link to
slide two cells. If I click on this, it goes
straight to the January. Then I want to do the same. I'm going to just copy this. Copy. Click paste. Then I'm just going to
move this in February is make it a bit
smaller like this. Then I want to click on this and click Settings link to slide. And I'm going to link it. Then I'm going to link
it to slide four because that's where our
February month starts. And click link to
slide for this done. So we've got two hyperlinks now. Then I'm just going to
repeat the process again. So click on it,
press Copy, click, press paste, move this, inhale, make it a bit bigger. Then go into the arrow settings. Now to link it to page six because that's
where March starts. Link to page six, like so. Then again, I'm just going
to do the same thing. Copy, paste, move this to April. Ikea. Then link
this to page eight. Because again, that's
what April starts. Excel. So I'm just going to do this for all of the months. And I'm just going to
speed this process up now. So we've now linked to all of our tabs, to all of the months. To now I'm going to link
the notes pages as well. It's going to press copy, paste this to the top. So then I'm just going to check where the
notes page starts. It starts on page 26. I'm going to go back to the top. Click on this click
Link settings. Link it to slide 26. And then right at the bottom
is how blank sticker page, which is slide 29, got to copy this, copy. Paste this link, this link this to
the last slide. Like so. Now that we've got all
of our links completed, one X1 to do is I need to
copy all of these links into each of the pages and
click on objects. Hold down with your left hand, and then just click on every
separate object, like so. Then I went to press Copy, go into the next slide
and press paste. Again, press paste, paste. And just keep doing this for
every page that we've got. Now we've added in all
of our hyperlinks. But we need to do is come
into our individual pages. And if we remember the
move to January tab here, all I'm going to do is
just move this side. This up. I'm just going to go next page. It's the same thing to the side. So then again, do the same. I moved to January and February to this side,
increase the size. And it is a bit of
a tedious process. So I can take January, February. And then I'm going
to do this for the rest of the pages I've got. And I'm just going
to speed this up. Now that we've got all
of our hyperlinks in place on both sides of the page. We now need to do
is we need to click on all of our objects. So click, hold your left
hand, click them all. Then you want to go into
the paintbrush tool. I'm going to fail and
then come to know fail. What this does is it
keeps a hyperlink, but without that black shape
that we had previously. So again, I'm going to
go into the second page. Hold down interface,
click no fill. And I'm just going to
repeat this process again. All of the tabs on every page. And again, it's a
very tedious process. Now that we've changed all of our tabs to
transplant them, you want to go into light table. And what we want to do is for
every daily planner page, for each of the months, we
want to duplicate this. I'm going to duplicate
this fatty one times. Because obviously
for each month, we will have either
30 or 31 days or if it's February 2928, depending to all, I'm just going to use
just click Duplicate. But
23456781819202122232562728293031. And what I want to do is just do the same for all
of the other months. So for January we've got
that at the monthly page, then we've got 31
of the daily pages. Then I want to go back
into February here. And then I want to go
into the database. And again, just duplicate
this 130 times on. I just wanted to do this for
all of them on March now, just duplicate that, duplicated
all of my daily pages. And I'm just going to duplicate some of my lined pages as well. And then add another one to
three of the grid pages, three of the pocket of pages. And just add another three
of the blank sticker pages. And then I'm going to go
back into the slide view. So none of our
full planner here. And because we did
at the beginning was we put the links on each of the pages because we've added more pages in-between. What happens is these links because they were a reference
to the original page. So what it will do is
keynotes will look for the link there that February
page was the first one. We'll go all the way down and it will automatically be
reference to page 34. So we have a look,
think settings. You can see it automatically
goes to link 34 because when we first put the links
in with set it to link, is set it to page four. But because we've added
so many in-between, it just references this
to the new slide number. That makes sense.
13. Importing to GoodNotes: So now we've got
our whole planet. So what we want to
do now is click on the three buttons at the top. Click Export, export as PDF. And then click Export. Just going to save
it to my files. And then what I'm
going to do now is I'm going to go into GoodNotes. Going to click on New, click on Import and
choose my file. Here's our panel typically
congenital, For example, because January to March, May, we've got our
daily pages in-between. That goes to note section. I've got my lined pages, got my grid pages, and I pick it up pages
that go to the stickers. It takes us to the
blank sticker pages. Can you forgot January again? If I'm Bree, just
click back to January. And this is how we create a hyperlink digital planner
using Procreate and keynotes.
14. Conclusion: I really hoped you enjoyed
this tutorial on how to create a digital planner
using Procreate and keynotes. I would love to see what
everyone comes up with, what designs you have for
your digital planners. So please do share
them with the class. I have a few different
classes that I've created on procreate that I
will link below. For example, I've got
my stamps course as well as creating some
stickers courses as well. So will, I will just
show you right now, is just going to impose some stickers I've
created into my planner. This is one of the
stickers that we learned to create in
my stickers course. You can copy this. Go back into GoodNotes.
Click Paste. Just going to crop this swell. So for example, this is one of the washy tapes that
will integrate. And you can use these tickers to design your digital planners. What we'll do now
is just some notes. You can just make
this planners and personalize them to
your preference. I will hope you
enjoyed this course. Thank you for watching
and please do follow me for more courses on digital planning and
different softwares that we can use to create these
planners. Thank you.