1. Introduction Class: Hello guys, Dina here and welcome to another blender course told Futurama fancy are going to be modeling intriguing a famous crazy rabbit called banter. One of the main characters in the animated TV show Futurama, when they're often exhibit sociopathy behavior. He's a pathological liar and rarely shows any empathy. I'm a discourse how fear ago, but it's false sharing. You can find all references for this course. In the description of this course, we are going to start our character creation by muddling vendors body. We will be using basic modifiers and matches for the modeling part. Once we finish muddling vendors buddy, we will hop on right the way to the materials where we will add basic materials with some adjustments. After we applied the materials to the body, we will then rig our character and prepare it for animation. You will firstly make a bozo to our blender, a bottle of beer because the deceased favorite drink. Then we will add lights and a camera to the scene, and it will be ready for rendering. At the end of this course, I will show you how time is been there in evoking cycle and we will make a small animation of him walking. Also, we will do the same for the running Cycle course is mainly for beginners. But if you're invest three deactivates, it can help you to find inspiration for your portfolio. So let's begin and I will see you in the first video.
2. Importing Reference Image And Modeling Part 1: Hello everybody and welcome back to another blended tutorial. My name is Dina and told you to Rama fans today in this blender tutorial, we are going to create a vendor that crazy robots. So first thing that we need to do is we are going to open our blender. And as you can see here, we've got our default QC. So first drink as usual, I'm going to turn on my screen casts so it can see all shortcuts that I'm using right here at the right angle. So as usual, we are going to delete our default job and its shifts. We are going to import our reference image. So I've got mine. I found this on the internet. You can find also the same picture on the internet, ZZ. And I'm going to use S for scaling this up a little bit. And the G and X, I will move this front of the vendor in, in the middle of our grids. I will go now here in image editor under properties, properties of many. And here I will use alpha and I will decrease to 0.5. I will disable the speakers from being displayed in perspective view. And I'm more, just a little bit to be right here in the middle of our great, as you can see here. Now, I will go in top orthographic view, seven on an upbeat. And I will move our reference image just a little bit on the y axis and behind this. And let me just move this side. And I will use this icon here from disabling our image, from being selected. Now with shifting a I will create and so cylinders to our scene. And I will decrease here in this default settings that we've got the first time that Viet know Masdar scene. So make sure that to change this in the beginning. So I will change number of vertices to be 16 and is instead of 32, which is default. And I will scale these down like this. Now, I will turn on transparency, this x-ray and the g and z. I will move it up to the point where our head begins with this. And I was scale this down. Now with the tab, I will go and I will select this top part, n with g and z. I will move it up like this. And this part, I will move it down to about here. Now, by pressing out and left click, you will be able to select loop cut, or it can do it by dragging your left mouse button. It. The box selection here at the top. If you don't have buck selection, you can change it here. Or you can press W until you see this box select icon. So now with the E, I will extrude this up. And I will just get it down little bit and hold it down to about here. Now again, read the ER, looks through one more time, like this. One more time extra link up. And maybe one more time. And this time we will scale this all the way to about this part here. Now let me zoom in so we can see it better. And now with the, we will exclude this up, down, up, down. And maybe we can do it one more time like this. And now we are going to extrude our 100 top part of the heads, this with E and scale this down. Now based off our head is created. So now we are going to continue with the body of vendor. Now with the outer left link field, select this edge, look at the bottom, like this. And we will exclude it down, but not all the way down because we need to scale this up. Like this may be the are going to bring this up a little bit. And this bottles up, scaling down to about here like this. And find more time. And this time we are going to scale up this shift to have better control, control of scaling things up and down. So maybe to about here, scaled up a little bit. Now we are going to store the whole body. So we just know we remote down Lacan z-axis, grand scale down this. And that's it, created the base mesh of our vendor, but, and now we are going to continue it muddling color vendor rabbits, so good. It's shifted a, we will add new silicon deft arsine and IT Y. But first let's change number of vertices before rotating editing. So we are going to change to 16. And now let's start date for 90 degrees in y direction. Scaled is down on the x axis as well. And now let's go in edit mode and move our cylinders to decide. And we are going to apply mirror modifier to our scene. So like this, as you can see, smearing on the x axis. But we need to change that to mirror on the z axis. So now we got on the left side as well. So everything what we do on the right. It's going to be applied on the left side. And now we can continue with working on our arms. So let's scale this down on the x axis and with a little bit also scaled up this. And now we halt and left-click. We are going to select this edge lope and now weakness, excluding things out. So let, this may be a bit more on the X. And now the next thing you need to do, we are going to insert pace. And now we can exert, but it's all it, loop it and Vigo this. Now we can exclude this out. Sold this to about the size of the arms. Localism took longer to complete this. And now Part D. Hence, we will exclude one more time, but we also need to list out to scale up actually. And we are going to more keen writers definitely view by pressing D on an unfit. And we'd essence why we are going to scale this, the Y axis. So now we got shape like this, which is, which is going to be Hands of our vendor. Let's scale this up a little bit and Extrude one more time. So now for the fingers, let's go in right orthographic view. And now we are going to find knife cut, which is this or gay on a keyboard. And we are going to make two lines, or our fingers. So one or dare and one more here. This bit enter, you are going to enable cutting these did those faces. And now we are going to mall to our select box. And we are going to change from vertex elect to paste. And first of all, we are going to scale this down like this. And now next thing we need to do is we are going to insert a base on those two as well. Like this. And we are going to select all of these three phases, mall to the front orthographic view and just as doubt. And now we created fingers or Venter. Let's move this a little bit closer on the x axis. And this you can see here we also created arm on the left side is, so it's a good thing. And now as you can see here, we got 1234566 edge loops. We need to create. So we are going to move here where D is Android control and Arab, We are going to create edge loop. By scrolling mouse wheel, you will be able to control how many edge loops it is going to be created. Me need six, so 123456, like this. And we are going to make edge loops around like this. Now, we will select each edge lope, and by holding shift, we will be able to select more edge loops at a time. So those, and with the Babel, which is right here, we are going to Pebble those edges. Just like when, like this, which is going to be those parts for for DRM. And now we can apply a new modifier which is going to be subdivision surface store scene. And let's change to Face Selection. And it c, we are going to select all of these phases that creating arms slopes are how, how can I call it this? And now we are going to execute this like this, but we are going to deselect that option with the right-click. And now we can scale this down. Let's first we need to change to individual Arjun. So go back. And that's it. We created that edge loops that goes murky arms are, and as you can see, it's looking good so far. So now let's go back in up mode and we are going to change shading from shaped small groups, from shaped fled to shades mode. And there is a couple of things that we need to be x before we continuous. So let's go back in edit mode and let's turn off transparency for awhile. And now we need to create some of the edge loops. So here I'm going to go all the way down. The next one is going to be here, this part here as well. Like this. And now for the fingers, also the both sides. And just pressing control and you will be able to create edge loops like this and on the other. So that's fine. Now, can for example, select all of these phases and E, v are going to institute faces there. So that's fine for now. And for example, you can also do that part here, here as well. And here. You can also create this and scale it. And if X c is working on just creating one by one for each look like this. Just with control. And there we are creating edge loops. And we are fixing that issue that we have when we apply our subdivision surface to our scene. And as you can see, the created power, our or our vendor, we can further samples increased number of subdivision surface to do. And now let's go back and edit mode, select everything. And now bits shift from D. We are going to duplicate our arm. And we will use our arm for creating our lack is valid because you can see it's on the same. So now with and why we are going to rotate our arm. So y n Burbank to rotate two ninety, four, ninety degrees. And let's move our gold B of the arm to position mer, legs are. And now we can go and change to vertex select, turn on transparency. And we are going to de-select Bevel and change tool, box select and VR going to delete those vertices. And we can also delete those at the top because we've done me that. This one, we are going to keep just upload this. And let me see also this one. We can delete it. This one as well. So now it can continue. But by moving this down, actually, we can also delete this one and this one as well. And just select this inner, inner edge look. We will exclude it down to about part bare foot is beginning. And now we are going to extrude our foot, scale up with this, down one more time on the z-axis and scale it up. So that this term on transparency. And you can see the team need to create edge loop here, and maybe one more here as well. And now we've created our foot. Let's select this. But, and with f we will be able to create pace. And just no edge loop here, but not all the way down. Maybe two oboes here is going to be fine. And we are done with modelling our ports for the vendor. We can also are examples scale this and b, x just call Somalia and the y because I think it's going to be more stable if he, if he got pulled like this. But as you can see here, we can scale just so little bit those. So that's it about taking our legs and arms for the vendor.
3. Modeling Part 2: So now we can continue it muddling our body for bender. So let's select the body part. And here we are going to apply subdivision surface. And let's move in edit mode. As you can see here, we need to add edge look like this. And let's turn on transparency. So now we are going to work on more on up, on this, but this opening part where blender usually hide stings that he is dealing with controlled air. We are going to create here at the top and learn more at the back and at the bottom actually. And let's move gain K, select them of transparency for awhile. And the shift we will select those four phases. Now, less, more indirect orthographic view. So means so we can see it. And with E we will exclude this out. And now with control and we will create two edge loops at this. And also in object mode, we are going to change shading from flat, too smart. And we can also increase number of your force in our viewpoint. And we are done with that part, as you can see. So, Y'know, Dean, that he can do. And now for this bottom part, we can mold those two just a little bit down. So to about here. That's fine for now. So now we can continue. So the next thing, as you can see here, we need to separate our head. And we can do it by creating catch loop here, the bottom, all the way down. And one more here, this. So that's it about that part. And one more here, this. And we are done with that part. So now we can, for example, select all of these down because I want to have more space to work on. So for this part here, we will create edge look at slopes controlled and selecting the scene. So we need to actually look here one more here. And also to up here. And now we K, or selecting knife. We are going to march to those actually match, make an edge there. So also, let me just deselect everything and we will just merge those vertices. And also here as well. With that theory or confirming that you are cutting face. Solve this. Now, we can change the bucks left and let's turn on thrust principle now. And let's select everything insight. So let this all these vertices that think month. And let's more indirect orthographic view. Let's turn on x-ray or transparency. And now we are going to insert this energy and why we are going to move this insight just slightly like this. And weed control. And there we are going to create two edge loops with this and we are done with that part, as you can see, looking good. So now next thing became from D to a, the ice. So the ice. We are going to select knife this time. So nine and let me just zoom in so you can see it. And it's just making some forgotten. So one here, one here. And the year as well, all the way to the end. And here, one more here. And I met them together. This. And now we are going to change the buck select. And we are going to change the pivot point to medium point. And we will select the top part and S n, z 0. We are going to make sure that they are all in the same position. So this part here, I rest now S, Z and 0 to scale them. So they are in the same art. Also this part here and this bug. And now I will select ice and with the X, I will delete those spaces. Now with alt and left week, I'll create, I will select this edge loops on the ice. And E I will exclude this out on the why this. And S, y and z. I will, I will fled the webinar out like this. And also i was killed and on the X about here. So the next thing that you need to do is we are going to extrude this. But we are going to cancel that by pressing that we connect. But recreated and new edge loop above the previous one. So now we can scale this down. And now we will mall right orthographic view and change to wireframe. And we will exclude this insight just slightly like this. And here we will create an face by pressing f. Now let's turn on solid view of this. And here as you can, we need to pay some of the edge loops. So one here, one here for Dell site. Also we can create the bottom one here and one more here. Now we can select this part here. And for example, let me just mall in Mark frameworks. Give all this ALU out done with creating our score dependent. So now let's continue with the dub, dub parts. So let's go back edges mod. You can see the net delay at Azure. Look also on Marr here. Ultimately. This and on this part here. One bar here holds rate up. So maybe we can create a mark here. And this, we can actually donate that are going to now add one sphere. And it's going to be UV sphere. And let's change who's 16 segments. And they're going to move up, scaled all the way down, like this. So let's zoom in. And just like this, we've created that part here. But as you can see, it's not good because we created this sphere in edit mode. So now with b, we will be able to separate our sphere from front apart. And we are going to change the shades mode. Now we will select the sphere and body ended command or out, and j will join those bars together. So like this, and we are done with that part. So let's continue. Sodium tin. The slack is this part. Opening file right here. So we can get that by simply adding. Let us see for example, cylinder lets decreased number of vertices rotate from the x 90 degrees, skill it down. Let small all songwriters the graphic that G and buy more of it in the front. All the way. Small. Shape the flat sheets more textually. And now we can turn on x-ray to see this right here. Up there. Bringing in apply some threes and surface to it. And for example, it can also create one edge loop here. So this and also we can insert this font face. So they disband 35mm. Now let's move this insight and also x. So like this. To get more insight, we are going to be vector. So let's transparency. It's fine now. So now we can continually talking on the ice of vendors. So for the i simply, we will add u UV sphere and not by ecosphere is shipped and a UV sphere is right here. Scale down with j and Z up more in right? Orthographic number of beds, G and the G And why bring it from the eyes? Go down and of therm on transparency. So like this here. And now let's mall on E at its mode. Now we will select this proportionate editing or all and a keyboard. And now for example, as you can see, our circle is too big so, and you need to scale the circle down. By squatting up. You will decrease the size of proportional editing and scolded them down to be bigger. So as you can see here, let us wish the vertex select and we can grab, for example, this part here and adjust to our reference image just a little bit. So something that is designed to be fine. I'm just selecting some of those vertices and the G and moving them on the side. So that this part here. And now we can mall right orthographic view by pressing G and S And by we can scale down the Y axis. Folding this, let change our shading to smoke and the G. And why this insight. So something like this. Now, let's shift and see, make sure that your cursor is in the middle of our grid. And we directly, we are going to set R into 3D cursor. Now the next thing that we are going to add is mirror modifier. And as you can see, we created a second ice, second die as well. But there is only one thing that we need to do, just need promote this will get inside. So it doesn't touch together because it's, you. Also, this part's just a little bit down. This part as well. And that tip about modeling ice, maybe we can bring them to swoop it up this sum. Now, let's switch to lock down mode. And as you can see, we are done with muddling, banter.
4. Applying The Materials To The Character: Hello and welcome back to another blender tutorial. In this tutorial, we are going to continue working on our bender. And in this tutorial, we are going to apply materials to our character that you've previously created in previous video. So first before ever think you need to apply all modifiers on your character, on your measurement, on your scene. Bender. And also you will need to select everything and with Control N j to drain your mesh together. So now, as you can see, we have only one object. I will leave this plane here, and I will also highlight our reference image at the back. So now we can see that we only have bended left and we can start applying material to bender. So first, let's go here under material and we are going to apply just a basic silver material with base color change to silver solidus end. Let's also change to look Dem mode so we can see it, how it looks. And now we can start applying colors and some sunlight to bender. So first of all, let's begin with this part here. So I will go in with surgical select with a C and scrolling up, I will increase the circle selection and I will just draw a line. And I'm going to select this in our part of demand. Where did so just like this, the whole thing. And now with the middle mouse, I will just deselect everything around that I select previously and I don't want to be selected. So just like I think it's a little bit slow because it has so many mesh on it. And we need to be careful what we are selecting and the selecting as well. So we don't need this part here. Also, this part is going to be changed. So now we can zoom in and be more precise. What we are going to sue these, select and select some just selecting this outside faces that we don't want to be a different color than these right now. Also this part here. And this one. We can select this part here more. And just selecting those spaces that needs to be. Different color. This. We're almost done with that part. So only this case select. And we can select this one. And now we can go here, can create a new material under plus and practiced a neuron. And here we are going to apply black color and just press a sign. And you can see in the game of Black. So now we need to draw some line. And we need to return the reference image to the scene. And also let just move to the side so we can see how it should be. And as you can see, it has four different four vertical lines, psi with de-select everything. And I will zoom in. And I will just try to draw how it should be. So this is the middle line and I will mode. So this part needs to be yellow, different colored empties right now. So just, I'm just drawing around. So three lines here. And also one line here, solidus. And now this part here, like this. And we also want to have this part here, those vertical lines selected. So just like this, we can draw this part here. And now. So this is a middle line, I think it's right here. So on the one lines gift and just throwing things around like this. And now for a moment we are going to create a new material. And this one is going to be, it doesn't matter, it's going to be white for a while. Later on we are going to change that. So now let's go back. And with circle select, we are going to select everything that's, that needs to be yellow color. So I will zoom in and now I will increase size of circle selection. And I'm going to just select what is going to be yellow. So this part here. Now we can continue with this part. And this one here. So it See you will be able to go straight to circle selection and do it escaped geese you onto that option. And I'm just selecting those boxes that I will apply annual material to it. This part. Also this one. I'm just selecting, relate their own idle applying a material to our mesh. And t are almost done with gold. I'll undo this. And now I lose. Select. Just insight. And now we are done with that bud. So now we can create new materials. And here we are going to change color to some kinds of yellow. And for this material, we are going to change the basic black material that we had. So just like this and just press assigned to it. And we are done with that. But as you can see it, but I think we forgot to assign this material to those phase that we previously selected. And as you can see, our vendor is almost done. So now we can continue with 3D eyes. So for the ice, let's go back in edit mode. We WAV or going to deselect everything ends with l. We are going to select eyes. And for the ice is going to be easy. We are going to assign this same material that we have. And now it's circle selection. We will just select this box. And here it can assign any material. And you can see the made a mistake here. So I will select this part, and here I'm going to assign that. But for some reason, I'm not sure why. You have to do it again. And here, just press sign and we're bear that. So let's go back now and edit molt and L. I'm going to hide this part here. And now I'm going to select these inside box. And we are going to apply plaque material to that. But maybe it's going to be easier with the box selection. Just try. It's much easier and faster as well. With the shift I will select also this upper bar and now this part here. So let's see, As you can see in it, to deselect this outside with the circle selection. So we need to be precise if we want to have a good result and clean mashed as well. Now let's move on the other side and deselect those faces. Attending at this one. And also this part here. And just d selecting them. And now we can continue with working on this n by holding shift, you will be able to select loops, Shift and Alt. And now we select everything what's inside. So here we are going just to press a sign and we will apply. But as you can see here, we made the mistake. So we will need to deselect this part here. As you can see. I will just deselect this. And I will need to select this part one more time and let me see if it's everything correct and this one and those. And now we can press the sine and we are done with that. But, but as you can see here, we need to let also this, those faces here. So just to be the circle select, I will select those faces. And also I'm going to assign the same material for that part. Now we can select out and age third, turn our eyes and edit mode. And we are almost done with. Applying material to our vendor. But I want to have some outlines, some black outlines, star character because I wanted to make some sterilization for it. So for example, we can deselect everything. And here on this part has been so zooming with the alton shift, I will just select these horizontal is going to be a little bit harder because there are small one. So let me just sum selecting those edge slopes because I want to make them black. And we don't need this one. Actually. Let's do it again one more time. Now, that's perfect. So go here and apply for black materials to it. So now we got this line here. Also for this part, we are going to select just this edge loop by pressing out and left click on it. And here we are going to apply in the tail electron. So we got to this part here. Also equal select on this part. And here we are going to apply black material again. But as you can see now, we will also need to select this, this part as well and make it black. So now we can continue with this opening part. And also in edit mode, we are going to select those edge loops. With pressing and holding Alt and left-click. You're going to select those edge loops. And here we are going to assign plaque material to it. Also here. Now we are done with that part. Let's work on the handle as well. Also the same just with selecting this edge look. Yeah, then just to make it black, but it's hard because it's small. Black. Maybe we could also say that this inner bark, and that's better. And we are almost done. So here also, we can, we can make this hedge a little black as well. And also far and Diana. So let's go in front. And so min. So very small one. It's hard to be selected, but we will try and remind. So here it is. So just press assigned and Q applied with that way. And here also wanting to fix this. So it's just sine and we are done with that. But enters, you can see we are almost done. The only thing that's left is going to be arms and legs as well. Because I want to have also this vertical line. So I will just go on it in edit mode. Select those edge loops. So those six edge loops. And the plus sign to this one. Also, this one, same. Just press a sign. So just hold and select, hold Alt and select those faces around those edge loops. It's a little bit slow and take some time, but end result is goes so it doesn't matter the Hamilton just important. It's and resulting believed this is going to be a good exercise for all beginners. So we this way they will practice how to select Harish lopes around and also how to apply the material to it. So now we can continue with the other arm as well. So like this, let me just deselect real quickly everything. And we're just expecting those parts. And we are applying black material to it. So this just tried to be closer to dare to if you want to have these vertical lines. And we are almost done. Missy. Correct. You missed this one, the first one. So here also, just selecting this part. And you will need to go pneumonia to be in edit mode if you want to assign that part. And now let's work on the legs as well. Press sign, an anti believe. We are don t squared to be a loss fun for left leg. So let's we are almost there. So now young team that's left is going to be this right leg. And I will put that the same way that I did before. You could also delete this left part and applying mirror modifier to it too. But just for the purpose of the exercise of selecting and applying material, we are going to do this way. There is also a lot of ways that we can notice there are some Foster ones. But we're going to continue this till again because not much left. And as you can see, we are done with applying material to vendor. Maybe we could also select this face here. Besides look, actually. Also make it black and on the other feet as well. And now, as you can see, we are done with buying material to our bender. So for example, now we can create the new plane object scaled up and we down, that's going front orthographic view width, pressing one on an unfit, displaying a little bit closer to the feed. And we can change our shading view in render it. And this is EV, and this is how our vendor looks in EV. Don't think that it could change, is going to be this similar material. Here. We will make it metallic. Just type one here and you can see our vendor became metal as it's being sold here, can change color of it. And it will have betters result in cycles, I believe with this metallic material and we are done with with applying material to vendors. So stay tuned. In the next tutorial, we are going to wreak our vendor.
5. Rigging The Character: So first let's go in solid view and we are going to change the render engine to be Evie because of the faster workflow. And now let's return our overlays, all soft. We don't need this reference image anymore, so I'm going to hide it like this. And now I will select Bender and with, with going in edit mode, with the a, I will select everything. And now the g and z I will wind up on the z-axis to about here above this line, this red line. So now our origin, the vendor is right here in the middle with the 3D cursor on it. And now we can also delete this one or not. It's a basic Blaine object and then it is. Now. And here with the shift and a, we are going to start digging our bender with amateur. So basically this is a single bone and we need a couple more bones. If you've got, if we want to have a perfect date for our character. So before that, here under this picture, here in these properties channel, actually above this bone, there is under viewpoint display, we are going to select this in front. So what it does, basically, no matter where you are, you will build. You always elk able to see this bone and the other bone suit about salt. I will move it up and with S, I will scale down. And so now I will go in edit mode, anti. We'll grab this and move it to about there. And now we need more bones. You'd want to have better Rick. So with the e, I will extrude this on the position where it had. And so to about here. And now with a right click our 3D cursor to the point where shoulders are beginning. So now if you press shift and a, you will be able to get a new bone. Now. And we'll select this bone and i will rotate for 90 degrees. So here you can change manually for 90 degrees. So like this. And I will grab it and move it to this position. And those silos killed down and return back on the position that you have to be. Also just could move just a little bit. And Twitter, ie on the x axis like this. And now we need some new bones, four fingers. So I will move the cursor to position of this finger and with shift day, I will get the new bone to our scene. Angle rotate for 90 degrees. So again here, I can change many old leaf to 90 degrees like this. With the S, I will scale it down. So like this. And now with the shift in D, I will duplicate for all three fingers that vendor has sold like this. Now we can continue working on the legs. So I will move are again 3D cursor to this position. Don't worry about this left or actually his right side because we later on went to transform everything from the left to derived. So don't worry about that. So now with the shift decade new one, and we are going to rotate for 180 degree or minus 180. So like this, and with the g and z, no, we down, scale it down. And I will extrude one more bone down And one more for the foot. So now as you can see, we need to move all these bones to the correct position. So just press and g and you will be able to move the, those bones. And let's make this a little bit forward because we want to create those. So inverse kinematics. And it's like, and that one. With inverse kinematic, we will have better control of our character for animation. So this file needs to be here. And I'm all this slightly forward knee bone because for the poll target, and basically you will see what it does. So now we need to parent our bones. So we are going to parent this bomb with this one. So with the shift, I will be able to select those two bonds. And with controller P, I will making parent and keep offset solid disk also for this won't I will pan with the same bone. And now we need to parent fingers for diesel lower arm bone. So just controlling B, make it upset. And now we are done with that part. But as you can see here, we need to change position of the of these bones. So I will select those and move it in correct position and also those in-group bones as well. So with this, and now we are done with creating bones. So now we need only two more bones. If you want to have better control. And those are pulled target and invest schematic food bombs. So I will select this knee bone, this ball here, and extrude this on the y axis like this. And also now for the field bone is extruded and divide but on the opposite direction like this. And now I will select each bone. So first this one, and I will go here under this bone icon and I will unbiased it. And also I will turn of D form because I don't want to have this bone any effect on our mesh also for this part term of the form n unpaired. So now we can move our bones and I'll move this slightly forward. Now, I will select this lower leg bone. And if you go here under polis mode, you will be able to give him from constraint to this bone. So airline to slow this bond in post mode. And the next thing we are going to do, we are going to go and bomb constraint. And here we are going to apply it in inverse kinematic. So now for the target, we are going to apply an amateur for the bone. We're going to pick number 11 bone because this fun is number 11, I believe. Yes, it is. And it's fun is number ten. So let's return here and bomb constraint for the Poles target Gallagher and also to change to amateur. And here we are going to pick this bone. Now, as you can see, the whole character, it's malt and the whole race actually. And that's because we need to change chain length 22 because this bond is connected with toe bones. And here as you can see, we have wrong direction. So we will need to change this position to 90 degree like this. And now, if you grab this bone, you can see that we have good control of our rule-like. So now I will select everything and without them, Gee, I will, I will return everything into basic positions. So now we need to rename our bones. So first is going to be this, but the bone cells like this bone and rename it. But didn't like this. Now, this is going to be having, this one is going to be up there. Upper arm dot capital L and V are claiming with like this with a capital L. Because if we want, if we transfer this on the right, on the right side, blender, we'll automatically changed the name of this to capital F. So with that way you will be able to know which is which left to right. So we are going to do also for the other bonds on the left side. Same. So this one is going to be lower arm dot capital L. This is a finger, one, anchor, one, finger, one dot. This one is a finger dot capital L. And this one is a finger, three dot l. This paragraph to make this one capital and one. So like this, and now we need to select this upper, upper. The leg bone up and lab dot l. This one is a lower leg dot l. And this is a bold dyke and bone. So I will just name it bold dot l. This is a quote, dot l. And this one is going to be on foot dot foot IK bone. Actually. There is also one more constraint that we need to apply. And it's going to be on the feed bone. So if you have vector control, as you can see, it's moving. This universe kinematic is going. So now we need to pick this. So we are going to select this field bone. And here in the bunk strain, we are going to apply this copy rotation. And for the targets we are going to pick amateur. And for the bone we are going to pick foot IK bone. Now as you can see, it's in the wrong direction. So we need to change the space to locally to parent. And now, as you can see, if you rotate this, you will have better control of the feet bone. So basically that's it. And now we need to transfer everything from the left to the right side. So actually we are going to select everything on the left side. And let's go in objects mode. In edit mode, actually, NTP press right-click. There is a symmetrized button. If you press it, you can see blender immediately reflect everything from the left to the right side. And it also changed the name of all bones from with dot L, capital two dot. And now we are done with directing our vendor. But in order to make an emulsion with it and magneto part these phones to our mesh. And we can do this by going in a wave Paint mode. But before that we need to parent this amateur with the mesh. So let's select our bender first. Mesh first actually, and which shift we are going to select this arrow trip. Now with the control and B, we can set parent DO with automatic rate, which means that now blender, which will try to calculate how it shoots supposed to be. But the purpose of this tutorial is to learn how to weight bent. So we are going to parent with the empty groups. So just press here. And now we are going to select first armature and with a shift BAR going closer to select vendor mesh. And now we will go in weight-based mode. Now, as you can see, our mesh became law, which means no. Those bonds doesn't have any effect on our mesh, so we need to change that. And here if you go here you can see all empty groups that we have. And those are bones that We need to attach to mesh. So for example, if you go here and with the shift and left-click, you'll ever be able to select bonds that you would like to have control on and soul. Let's begin with the head. So isolate this had bones. And now I will go in edit mode. Now I will deselect everything and I will turn on transplants. So for the headphone, I will select this top part here, like this. And I will assign to head. So now if you go back in rate paint, you can see it that if you press head bone, you can see that this bond controls this part. So now we are going to do the rest for, for body bone or bone or whatever it is. So I will select this body bone and I will go in edit mode, turn on transparency and now deselect everything. Now with the box Select, which is going to be the fastest way. Actually, I will select this part of the vendor. Wait, I will select from here. Like this, maybe a little bit lower. And also this part here and this part here. Now I will press the sign. And now if you go back and debate bend, you can see that this bomb controlled this area. So now we are going to continue with the rest of the body. So I will select this upper arm, turn on transparency, deselect everything. And this bone will control this part here, also this part here. So like this, maybe this line as well, and I would rest assigned, go back and made paint. Continue selecting this lower arm. Now I will just select everything and I need to turn on transparency. And I will just draw a box around this and assign that part. So now you can see that with this poem we are controlling this part. So let's continue with this finger. So I will go in edit mode, de-select everything. Don't forget to turn on transparency because otherwise it will be not able to select other half Ogden mesh. So scientists 12 finger one left. This one needs to be to have control on this mesh. Assign out there enough transparency. Select now this bone here, deselect everything. Don't forget transparency and I'm just assigning to that part. So now if you go in weight paint, we can see that we created for the left arm. Now we are going to continue with the right arm solid select this bone non forgets to deselect everything done on transparency. And now you can draw drove box for this part. And here we are going to have controlled for the upper right are sort of the, this side to it. Not if you go in weight bearing, you can see that we are controlling this part with these bone. So let's continue with this part. Deselect everything, turn on transparency. And I'll just do box select. This may be also this small area as well here. So this is going to be fine. But as you can see here, we need to deselect some of those because we wanted to have bones for the finger to help control on this part of the mesh. Scientists D selecting this mesh here with the circle select. Now I will assign this to rollover upright our turn on transparency. Now we can continue. The next one is finger one on the right side. So deselect everything. Assign this. And we are done with that finger. Now. Also, next one, same fingers to sign. And the last one to be this one. So let's see if everything is correct. That's fine, that's fine. And this one's fine. So you can control one more time before you. You are done. And now we can continue with the legs as well. So I will select this part here, this bone, which is upper leg and the left side. I will deselect everything. Turn on transparency. And with the box select, I will select this part here, this. And I will assign to our character, but also this part here as well. And this one also TIS those faces. Ok. And I will assign this to upper leg. So now we can continue with lower leg and the left side that deselect everything, turn on transparency. And now we can draw a line. This. And here we are going to assign also this part here. We're going to assign that for debt. And the last one is going to be feed bone. So let's deselect everything down transparency. And again, with a box select, we are going to select this feed phone. And here I will assign this bone to that part. So now we can check if everything is correct. It looks fine for nasa now we can continue for the other leg. So I will select this bone which Shift and left click, go and edit mode, deselect everything, turn on transparency. And now again, I will draw a box selection for this part, this and also this part here. I will assign this to upper leg on the right side. Now I will go invade paint. So let's continue with lower leg. So going next mode, deselect everything, turn on transparency. And for the lower leg, we need to select this part here until this part. And we are going to press a sign. Now, again. Need to check one more time, if ever. Correct. And as you can see, we could have more control with this bond here at the top as well. So I will select those phases as well, n assigned to lower leg. So now we haven't the both controls the same on the left and on the right side. So the last one is going to be fought for the right one. And again, just draw a box for like this. And maybe. So let's see if everything is correct. So this bond controls this part. And now we are done with obeyed pain. So if you go now in object mode and select one of the armature, you can go and post mode. And now you can test your weight paints. So for example, if you grab this bone and with G and move it up, you can see that here we made the mistake. So we need to go back and we need to select these backbones on the feet. So let's do this. Select Mesh first, amateur. Actually, the opposite rates paint. Let's find this point here. So let's go in edit mode, disliked everything. And one more time we are going to assign this part with the foot bone. So now we can go in object mode and check if everything is correct. Done on transparency and the both mode. Now you can see that we fixed that issue. And, and you can see that now we have control on our vendor for this part is good. But here is something wrong. Let me see what it is. So as you can see, we didn't select any mesh for this part here. So we need to fix that again, object mode. So let's select an amateur and mesh and go and rate Ben, select this bone here. And as you can see, we need to fix the issue because this, this bone of the bone is not, it's not controlled with any bonds, so let's give control to this bone. So going at more deselect everything innovate being, we are just going to grab this and draw a line like this. And we are going to assign this for the logger are, I think we also made the mistake for the other R and T are going to change depth. So let's let this part nodes correct here, as you can see, now we have control on this part. And let's test it one more time. If you go in up mode, select one of the bones and the post mode. For example, if you grab this, you can see that it's working perfectly. And you can see we can also rotate this left and right, and we can make both of vendor.
6. Creating A Pose : As you know, we already created the rig and we did wait painting. So it's going to be easier for us to animate our character. So in this tutorial, we are going to create some interesting bows for rendering colour image. Erica denotes who watch Futurama debt vendor is alcoholic, so I'll do that for this tutorial. We are going to create some beer for him. So let's begin. As you can see, we can hide now for now this armature and also minutes bender for being here to be our reference. So we need to move our 3D cursor behind holding Shift and right mouse click, you will be able to more 3D cursor. And now let's get here. With the shift and a, we are going to create a new node cylinder, but before that we need to get some reference image. So go to Google and find some beer bottle image. So I got mine here and see where it is. Not this one. Didn't vendor, so I've got this one. So as you can see it, beer bottle. And you need to get to create this in right orthographic view. And let's go here in our image settings. So here we will disabled from being View in perspective, also decrease transparencies as well. And let's remove this from being selected. So now we can create a cylinder to our scene. And let's immediately go in transparency. We could also decrease number of and now we need to match our reference image. So let's go in edit mode. Select this button part. This part needs to be bit down this. And now we are made to x. So this up, this part as well. It's very simple and easy. As in all. This rape is not part of the created. So this one is B, this MBAs, but this part as well. And now we are going to extrude this out, bring it up. And one more time like this. V, E and S, you will be able to do that. And we need this. And just press f two field dot base. Delete. Let's try dissuade. Let's select every second. Second edge of the lit. This with the shift. And not that one. But we need Now this one. And this one. Also, this one. Telephone behind a two, this one. And let's go into top. And we can scale it up like this. And thus we, G and G, We are going to move them down. So let's see how it looks. Turn-off X-ray. It's not good because this needs to be flat like this. And maybe we could do like this soap, I collect them this out with S, Z and 0 on a keyboard. So let's just turn. So I press here S for scaling z to lock on, on, on the z axis and 0 to make them the same height. And now we can just, for example, insert page here and bring. And we are done with modelling, but those, so let's change, shade smaller. And also you can lie subdivision surface to it. But we've done the deaf too much. I think it's enough here. Maybe we could just make this a little bit. So that's fine, as you can see. And we could just scale this up. And when we're closest to the vendor toolbox here, and let's hide this reference image here. And now, as you can see, we are already getting some interesting result. So I want to make vendors to lean on the bottle. So let's add some material to our battle. And if you know, all it, as you can know, maybe you didn't, maybe you know, n Maybe you don't. There is atom, SHE calls blunder kit. And if you go here in, in, under Preferences, atom, atom, you will just need to type blender, get and enable this box. And you'll have a list of materials that you can use for free, which is awesome. And for purpose of this video, we are going to make it simple. We are going to just create a vast material. For example, a to this green button. And let's move in. And then in view, and this you can see it's good for the purpose of this tutorial and maybe we can change, for example, material for the lift. So let's go back to Soviet Union so we can fix it. Sort of just let those part and I'll get the material for this. And let's see. Should we make some plastic? Maybe metal can be better produce. Simple motto. Actually, let's make it plastic. Let's make this red one. And let's see how it looks. But we forgot to apply and integrate the new material under this. So again, just changed the plastic and just drag and we need to assign these are the dock. So here are the names change. And a son to this. And let's now again just select this top. And but done forgets to turn on transparency. So I'm just selecting this and applying this material. So let me just go on decent material to this and we are done with that part. Let me see if everything is correct that table. So now let's get some balls for vendor, some going to hide this with pressing n. And I will return overlays. And let's go back in object's moment. So now I will return our amateurs to our scene. And I will select just armature, and I will change from object mode to post. And now let's select everything with a and a little bit closer to the bottom. Now let's lift. Actually, let's grab this bone and this and facilitate forward with an error. Let me try height this because written into this anymore, it's another array. And now I will set the pulse. They're so maybe pulse like this one. And also just like for the ds. And now I will grab this left inverse kinematic bone and I will grab it with the air. I will rotate as well like this. And I will mold disk closer to the button. But we should go back and objects molt and scaled this bottle bit. Just so he could lean better on my bottle. Maybe we are going to scale this a little bit. Quantity z axis like this. So let's continue our, again, go back in pulse mode. And how I will just grab this and rotate slightly like this. So it's shifts. You will have better control on rotating. And for this one, I will bring the, bring it a little bit out. Now, I will select this pole target bone and it G in front orthographic view, I'll move to the right side. So like this would be fine. Now we need also to rotate hat, hence and arm. So I'll select this upper-right, upper-left bone. And with error, I will rotate for 90 degrees like this also for the other arm. So I rotate now they are about the same. So let's go in front orthographic view, I would gravity's Boone rotate down of songwriters to graphic, to rotate out. And maybe it is, put it inside, but it's going to be better if you work in orthographic view. Now, we could just bring it inside and select all these three fingers and it would rotate inside. Now let's move this down. Do this, but this answer, let's select all these three fingers. And with the error, we are going to rotate under side n. Now as you can see, let's high dollar amateurs to see what we got. And we've got some interesting result or our render. But here we need to fix this. So let's gravity's bond and bring it closer. Behind this. Now we can see that vendor is lean on on the bottom. So it can take some of the bonds to get a better result. I'm satisfying put disk barked. So this is going to be fine. So let's hide the amateurs to see if it's good. Maybe the flip rotate the slightly inside this. Now, it's better. But as you can see, it's a little bit insights lech, silently to rotate out like this. And also you cannot date, cite the head and also bender itself. So now if you go in cycles and tied everything, you can see that because some pretty good and interesting pause for rendering l, you can also create some better beer beer texture and beer bottle for this. But this is just as, as an example for creating some intersting. They're for your portfolio and to play with to play, read the posts and stuff. And as you can see here, we've got disk interesting detail, which is a reflection of banter. So that's it about this tutorial. In the next tutorial, we are going to create walking cycle and see you in the next one by.
7. Animating A Walking Cycle: In this tutorial, we are going to animate vendor and to be able to create walking cycles for our rubber, for food from Futurama. So first thing, we need to select armature first. And as you know already, we need to go back in postmodern indisposed module, be able to control phones and also mesh of the objects because we did already weight paintings. So now if you move any abode of these bones, for example, this left and you can see that we are moving with the bones. So let's go in solid fuel because it's going to increase our workflow. And first thing that we are going to do, we rotate our arms to be 90 degrees in right orthographic view. Because if you move this down, for example, this arm, you can see that position of hand is wrong because we want to be this and those fingers inside of the body. So let's go back and return this n. Now, let us go in right orthographic view with this bone select upper right, upper left arm. We are going to rotate this for 90 degrees. So now, as you can see, we rotate the whole arm. And let's also do work the other arm as well. And now we are done with that part. So the next thing for animation, let's change our workspace to animation here at the top. And let's decrease number of frames four to about 40, because it's going to be very short walking cycles. N3 doesn't need too much frames for these kinds of animation. So first thing that we are going to do, we will rotate our arms down like this. With air, you will be able to rotate, but make sure that you are in front orthographic view because it will rotate wrong way if you are in any other, any other view. And now let's move this to the side and let's zoom in so we can see it. And let's also mall on first frame. So here in this first frame we need to create both of the first step. So I will grab this body bone and move it slides to Don and the z-axis. And now I will, I will grab this inverse kinematic bone for the left foot and move it forward. Now I will select other leg as well like this and move it behind. And also this. This bone needs to be behind and other one need to go in front. But because this is a robot, it doesn't need to be that much movement in that arms. We only want to move our legs. Also, we can, for example, rotate this slides the forward, like this, and maybe let's bring it up. So here you can see how your post is looking so far. And now I will set key frame here. If you press, I will be able to see this many. And here I will select location, rotation, and scale. But here we made a mistake because we only selected this body bone. And here blender set only keyframe for the body. So let's select everything with the a and again with the AI, we will create a new key frame on the first frame. Now, I will select this dispersed keyframe, which is for some summary. And the shift and D I will drag all the way till the end, which is 40 at frame. So basically what I did here, I just copy first keyframe and set on the last frame as well because I want to be this lope animation. So now I will go back on the first frame and here I will copy key frames, or you can do it by often C or control C on a window. And here I will move to 20th frame and I will paste flipped. So now if you pray and play animation, you can see that vendor is moving. But we need to fix some of the bones before we are done with our animation. So first, let's stop here on the temp, temp frame. And here v, gravity's bucket bone and being a little bit. And also let's move in front orthographic view. And with the air, we will rotate on the right side. And now let's select everything with the i. And here you will see this many. And we are going to set key frame on location, rotation, and scale as well. And this keyframe, you need to copy this. And we will based on 30th frame, but we need to pay for it. So now if you play on a metric seed that venturi is moving. And we are with animations. So there's also things that you can change. So for example, as you can see, it's not smooth very well. That's because here I'm the ten frame. We need to move one of the legs up because it can see that those legs are moving only on 11 high height. And we need to make one of the legs moving up. So here we need to select, let me see. This behind bone. This inverse kinematics of the of the right leg. We need to bring it up like this. And now with the I, we need to replace this keyframe. Now again, we also need to replace the other one. So here, just press Copy key frame. And on the 30th frame also under T here, we need to base flipped. And now if you play animation, we can see that now is much better than it was before. So that's it about this. And there is also one more mistake can lead to fix. As you can see here, we don't need those frames, those key frames, so I will delete them by selecting them. And also let's move in right orthographic view by pressing country. And we need to enable excellent overlays. And now, as you can see, the first step is to get too much formats. So we need to fix that. I will just move slightly behind this. And now on the first frame, as you can see, we need to move it just slightly behind because it's too much. Now we need to replace this k keyframe. So insert another key frame, which is the same for the location, rotation, and scale as well. Here the last frame, I will delete it. Now I will copy these first keyframe, and I will paste on the last one here. Soil based keyframe. And lead this keyframe in-between, which is on the 20th frame. And I will again now based flipped give brink. So now if we play animation to see that our vendor is much better, now it's not going behind. And that's it about this tutorial. And see in the next month by.
8. Animating A Running Cycle: And now we are going to create some running cycles. In previous tutorial, we created walking, so now it's time to make him around. And first thing we need to do, we are going to select our amateur and we will change to both smoked. Now, let's change our solver workspace to animation and also solids view because it's going to be faster. We need that turn on overlays. As you can see. Now, the first thing that we need to do, we are going to decrease number of frames and we will make 20 because branding is a very fast animation and to be don't need that much frames. Also now, I will create a new workspace here. And I will change to image editor because I want to have some reference image on our workspace. Self-select image editor. And here I will open this picture that you can find on the Internet. Sock is just this reference image for running cycles. So here as you can see, first, we need to make these contact pose. So let's go on up first frame. And first we need to rotate our hands for 90 degrees. Both this and also we are calling just to move them down like this. So now on the first frame, as you can see, we need to rotate slightly. Vendor does but the bone, and it will select this first image. And also we will make this foot forward like this. Maybe we can just trust it's Lastly. And now let's grab the second leg and interrupted foot behind this. Almost something like this. And maybe we can rotate it and bring it up slightly like this. Let me just upside to turn on ski tests. But you won't see it for now. Now let's rotate this on this front and the section left arm and make behind it behind like this and also lower arm part like this. Nonetheless let the other arm, and we need to rotate this forward. So something like this. Now we can just slightly more rotate our body bone. And now with a, we will select everything, every bone and we die view, we will pick Location, rotation, and scale under this man. Now with the control and see our command and sienna MAC, we are going to cut the first stream and we are booked based on our last family to spend it failed. And now in-between frame, Tristan, frame, we will based flipped both. So now if I play this animation, you can see our vendors started moving. So let's stop this animation. And now let's go on fifth frame. And as you can see here, we need to make dispose, which is the down pose. So let's grab this, this left leg, and we will just make it like this. And also, let's put a little bit behind the slag, this. And now here, let's select everything with the a and B could gauge location, rotation, and scale. Now we need to copy this key frame. And here on the 50th varying, we will base clipped. So now if you play this animation, you can see our vendor is running. There is also one more thing that we can to, let's go on a sixth frame. And here we need just directed slightly this bone, this food bone like this. And now let's see everything today. And here we will pick again will occasional rotation and scale. Now, we need to copy this screen again on 16 frame, will face flipped and lead those because we attain those. And now as you can see, our animation is done. So as you can see, an animation is decent, but we can make better. And so let's try to make it better. And let's stop this animation. And here on the fifth frame, we made a mistake. So we need to select his buddy bone and to eat the air. We will rotate this buddy bones like this. And the right side and which gene Z. We need to move body a little bit down. So now we can select everything with a and we will replace this keyframe on the fifth frame. So now we need to delete this frame, which is sixth grade. And also we need to delete 15 frame and 16th, Graeme. And now let's let fifth frame here. We will copy keyframe. On the 50th frame, we will be flipped. So let's see how it looks. Is moving left to the right as it should be. So now let's go on a sixth frame again. And here we just need to rotate this forced by thin and breaking down this. Now let's select everything. Here we would inset location, rotation and scale, and on the 60th sub-frame. But first we need to copy this keyframe to sixth string, and now in 68 and need to base slipped. And as you can see, we are done with animation. So that's it about this tutorial, I hope you life kid and seeing the next one by.