Path of Resistance to Vices
My greatest distraction and mode of procrastination is Reading Novels which I do on my tablet device.
A method I have implemented to create a path of resistance is to intentionally leave my tablet battery uncharged so that whenever I'm tempted to skip a task and just "go finish that ONE chapter" (which is a slippery road that often leads to reading entire books late into the night if you know what I mean...), I'll usually find that the tablet is off and thinking about going through the stress of and waiting for it to power up is usually sufficiently discouraging, as I love to read in the comfort of my bed and the location of the power outlet in my room makes that difficult.
I also employ a similar method by letting my mobile phone battery run down when I have "offline" tasks like chores or other non-virtual projects to complete.
Also, getting back to my books or social media when I'm done usually serves as a great reward for completing my tasks!