Renderscapes - Volume 01 - Thematic Render Studios
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À propos de ce produit
Harry Helps
Professional 3d Artist
Renderscapes are pre-lit and ready to render scenes that can bring your characters and objects to life!
If you're tired of rendering your newly created characters and objects on plain white backgrounds that don't show off all of your hard work and creativity, Renderscapes are here to help!
Renderscapes: Volume 01 contains 3 unique and thematic environments:
- Dungeon 01
- Forest 01
- Sci-fi 01
All 3 of these pre-lit and ready to render scenes focus on fun and thematic environments that can help show your project in the best light possible without all the work of creating a new environment every time you want a cool looking render. Simply import your character or object into the scene and hit the render button for a stunning result!
These Blender files utilize procedural materials exclusively, so they won't require relinking any texture images before you're ready to use them. The Cycles render engine settings are preconfigured for a speedy image, complete with basic compositing effects such as bloom. They also include a placeholder to-scale human model (5'10" or 1.8m) to give you an idea of how the lighting will affect your own model.
All 3 files are fully organized into labeled collections, making file asset navigation simple. This file structure also makes it easy to customize which objects are toggled on/off so you can get the exact look you're after for your render!
All 3 files contain 3 different cameras with preset levels of depth of field blur. Simply click the green camera icon next to your desired level of blur to change the look of your render!
Lastly, each of these environments can serve as mini-asset packs of models, materials and lighting set ups if you'd like to append individual elements into your own projects! Everything is clearly named, so you won't have any confusion while selecting objects to append from the environments.
Product Contents and Details:
- 3 pre-lit and ready to render environments (.blend files) created in Blender version 4.2
- Compatibility with Blender versions older than 4.2 is not guaranteed. Download the newest version of Blender completely free using this link: https://www.blender.org/
- Compatibility with Blender versions older than 4.2 is not guaranteed. Download the newest version of Blender completely free using this link: https://www.blender.org/
- Preview renders of all 3 environments are included with and without the human placeholder model. This will allow you to quickly get an idea of what each environment looks like before opening it
- All 3 files are preconfigured with the Cycles render engine and a 1:1 ratio render (2048x2048 square)
- These environments were developed exclusively with the Cycles render engine in mind, and as such can't be guaranteed to look identical when using the EEVEE render engine. If you want to use the EEVEE render engine, you may need to tweak some of the materials or render settings to achieve a similar look.
- These environments were developed exclusively with the Cycles render engine in mind, and as such can't be guaranteed to look identical when using the EEVEE render engine. If you want to use the EEVEE render engine, you may need to tweak some of the materials or render settings to achieve a similar look.
- All 3 files are fully organized into labeled collections making navigation of the file's assets simple.
Terms of Use:
The contents of these 3 environments (.blend files) from this product CAN be used for:
- Personal and commercial projects
- Unlimited renders, animations, etc.
- Unlimited end products for sale
The contents of these 3 environments (.blend files) from this product CAN NOT be used for:
- Redistributing the assets of this pack (models, materials or lighting setups) fully or partially in any way.
- Renders, animations and otherwise transformative works are free to utilize these assets in any way you would like. You just can't extract assets from these packs and redistribute them as-is, free or paid.
Looking for more from me? Check out my Teacher Profile for a bunch of other great products and classes such as:
My ‘Staff Pick’ “Complete Beginners Guide to Blender 3D” class!
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