A variety of patterns... flowers, swirls and leaves

A variety of patterns... flowers, swirls and leaves - student project

Yes, here it is my first (or should I say second...) intricate repeating pattern.

The first one I was creating, that one just didn't come to completion as it should. All my mistake, Helen explains every step just right.

I'm pretty pleased with this one too, so I thought I should post it as a project. 

A variety of patterns... flowers, swirls and leaves - image 1 - student project

As I said, a world of possibilities is opening up with these mad patterns and Helen's class(es)

What do you think of this floral like pattern?

A variety of patterns... flowers, swirls and leaves - image 2 - student project

Inspired by the packaging of a tea bag (!) I created yet another pattern. 

A variety of patterns... flowers, swirls and leaves - image 3 - student project