Tom's Style Class Project: 26 Days of Trail Running

Here are my exercises and daily project for The Style Class!
First, my inspiration case studies. I did 2, based on a couple of my favourite illustrated picture books!
This is my Creative Self-inventory, below. It's really just a summary of mostly recent work of mine that I've been into, including colours, lettering style, and the overall flat and textured look that is consistent here.
26 days of Trail Running
So for my project, I wanted to do something based on my inspiration of Blexbolex, and explore a Printmaking-inspired illustration style that I already use.
Here is a very cleaned up version of my project plan draft:
It used to look like this
The most important part of this messier plan sheet, above, is my brainstorm for my A-Z list. As you can see, there are a lot of ideas there that I had to pare back. My final selections are highlighted in red.
And below are the images I have so far for my 26 day project (It's been taking a little longer than that!). I'm not doing them in alphabetical order, but just doing the ones that feel most interesting to me in the moment.
A is for Alpine
D is for Downhill
B is for Bear
F is for Fuel
H is for Headlamp
L is for Lost
P is for Poop (long story!)
R is for Recovery (Beer is the official recovery drink of trail running)
T is for Trucker (Hat) — a very common sight in trail running races!
Update Dec 24/2020
This is what I have so far. Overall I have found that the first 3-4 images took the most effort, but once I had established my overall stylistic approach and some basic elements of my "world" — particularly the trees and ferns — I was able to apply these to subsequent illustrations.
My favourite so far is the Alpine scene, which is so lush and full! As you can see, I was able to reuse almost the whole thing in my Trucker Hat illustration.
Update Sep 24/2021
I added Downhill to the mix. I'm really happy with how that one turned out!