Sketchbook Creativity: Cultivate Freedom & Find Your Drawing Style [French with English Subtitles] | Marie-Noëlle Wurm | Skillshare

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Sketchbook Creativity: Cultivate Freedom & Find Your Drawing Style [French with English Subtitles]

teacher avatar Marie-Noëlle Wurm, Artist, illustrator, HSP

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Clases enseñadas por líderes de la industria y profesionales activos
Los temas incluyen ilustración, diseño, fotografía y más

Lecciones en esta clase

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Art materials/Matériel artistique


    • 3.

      Sensory Exploration/Exploration sensitive


    • 4.

      Sensory Exploration part 2


    • 5.

      Style & Inspiration


    • 6.

      Inspiration Dictionary/Dictionnaire d'inspiration


    • 7.

      The Ugly/Le Moche


    • 8.

      Transforming trees/Transformations d'arbres


    • 9.

      Questions to Ask/Se poser les bonnes questions


    • 10.

      See you soon/À bientôt!


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[en français ci-dessous]

The blank page... What joy... and what anxiety! If your stomach sometimes twists into little knots when you're face-to-face with a blank page, you are not alone, and this course is made for you! :)

Together, we're going to embark on a little adventure in your sketchbook to find new ways to approach drawing and developing your style. We'll expand our creativity in terms of mediums, techniques, and artistic styles, all while learning some handy tips for filling a sketchbook with a little more serenity, joy, and fun.

Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned artist in need of inspiration, you will learn how to:

  • Unleash your creativity
  • Begin a brand new, completely blank sketchbook with more joy and a sense of freedom
  • Explore mixed media by getting to know your tools one by one and understand the ways in which they interact
  • Vary your drawing styles and have fun while doing it!

[French version]

Ah la page blanche... Quelle bonheur... et quelle angoisse! Si votre ventre parfois se tord en petits noeuds face à la page blanche, vous n'êtes pas seul(e), et ce cours est fait pour vous! :) 

Ensemble, on va embarquer dans une petite aventure dans votre carnet de croquis pour trouver de nouvelles manières d'aborder le dessin et le développement de votre style! On va élargir notre palette de médiums, de techniques et de styles artistiques, tout en apprenant des petites astuces pour remplir un carnet de croquis avec un peu plus de sérénité, de bonheur et de rires.  

Que vous soyez débutant complet ou artiste aguerri mais en manque d'inspiration, vous allez apprendre à:

  • libérer votre créativité
  • comment entamer un carnet de croquis tout neuf et tout blanc avec un peu plus de joie et de lâcher prise
  • explorer les médias mixtes: apprivoiser vos outils un à un et leurs interactions
  • varier vos styles de dessins et s'amuser en le faisant! 

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Marie-Noëlle Wurm

Artist, illustrator, HSP

Top Teacher

I believe that every single one of us has a wealth of untapped creativity that lies within. Maybe there are brambles and thickets in the way so that it feels dark & scary or awakens the lurking beasts in the shadows. But it's there. I hope to lend a hand on this sometimes scary but beautiful journey of getting back in touch with your creativity, of expansion, exploration, of opening yourself up to the wealth of wisdom inside you--to help you gently brush away the brambles and the thickets, and clear away the path back to yourself & the creative fields that lie within.

Hi, my name is Marie-Noelle Wurm, and I'm a French, American and German artist & illustrator living in the South of France. You'll often find me sipping good coffee in local cafes, reading a book, working or plann... Ver perfil completo

Level: Beginner

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