My Inner Critic's Name is Mrs Scared

My Inner Critic's Name is Mrs Scared - student project

This project is an example and I explain a little more about how you can do yours. I look forward to seeing it!

Because my Inner Critic is always afraid that I am not performing well enough (as a result of which I won’t be loved), I called her Mevrouw Bang, meaning Mrs Scared. As soon as I realised that was why she was acting so stressed and nasty, this started to change. And the more aware I became, the kinder she became. (Of course it meant that I was becoming kinder to myself and kinder to that part of myself.)

I added these name tags to this third class in the Inner Critic Series (without Mrs Scared's name). You can download them under resources and use one to create a name tag for your Inner Critic. You can of course create one from scratch if you feel inspired! And it doesn't have to be a digital one either.

Share a little (or a lot!) about your experience with this assignment.


This is my contract:

My Inner Critic's Name is Mrs Scared - image 1 - student project


And a photo of the contract on my bookcase.

My Inner Critic's Name is Mrs Scared - image 2 - student project

It is in good company, hanging next to Mrs Scared's portrait and a portrait I took of Buddhist teacher Vinny Ferraro. There may or may not be some cat snot on the contract too.

Even though I printed a small version and I can't read it from where I am sitting; it is a good reminder for me to stay in the saddle and not let her come too close to me while I am learning or creating something new.

Take a photo of your contract too! And if you took the previous class, (From Self Doubt to Creative Power) you could also put up a portrait of your Inner Critic. If you need help waking up your Inner Critic, go to the first class in this series: Creative Confidence: Learn to Overcome the Critical Voice.

Share your thoughts and questions

Let me know everything you feel like sharing about this process and feel free to ask me questions in the comment section of your project. That way, I get notified and won't miss anything.

Enjoy the ride and keep creating!

- Lucy


PS. If you want to chat some more in private, you can reach out to me via Instagram as well.