MadPattern Madness

I'm supposed to be doing paid illustration work but I keep hearing the siren call of the MadPatterns.
Amazing what you can do with one little doodle with the Blob brush.
I had these butterflies and bees lying around doing nothing so put them through some MadPattern workouts.
This is called "Butterfly Conference" because they look like they are conferring in little groups.
This is called "Busy Bees" of course. Might put some leaves in the background one day.
Hope to post some more when I have time.
Thanks again, Helen for teaching us about these amazing pattern generators.
Later - I have worked out how to use these Mad patterns on photos, in Photoshop using the nested smart object technique I learnt in Helen's Kaleidoscope class. Here's an example. It's LOTS of fun playing around with photos.