Example project

Example project - student project

Hello everyone,

just to kick start this part of the class I decided to create an example project and invite you to join the conversation on how to make our drawing time more efficient, fun, enjoyable or what ever you would like to call it. 

All you have to do is to share with the rest of us what tip you found most useful and why. Also, if you like, you can tell us some of your tips on drawing, why not. We are all here to learn and get better at things we love to do. In this case, drawing. So join the fun.

With that out of the way it's time to tell you what is my favorite tip and if I had to pick just that one I would have to go with #7. It really helps me simplify the subject mater into shapes that can be then easier transferred onto two dimensional surface of the paper. It comes down to playing games with your mind, abstracting 3d objects into something that can be 2d. At least that is how I see it. 

What do you think? Do you agree? Fell free to tell us what is your take on this project and/or create your own.

In any case, have a great day and happy drawing. :)