Class Sketchbook 2.0

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - student project

Finished the second class! Looking forward to round three and beyond...

These are my experiments thus far:

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 1 - student project

Quick Exercise - Built a simple random number generator for my first animation.

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 2 - student project

Recursion Test - Had the idea of mapping a 3D cube onto the surface of itself.

Video here:

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 3 - student project

Video Test - Here's the link:

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 4 - student project

Making waves...

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 5 - student project

Video utilizing Joshua's swarm texture technique:

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 6 - student project

HDrawablePool HRotate HOscillator HColorPool

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 7 - student project

Binary Rain - full project on my website:

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 8 - student project

Red Green Blue

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 9 - student project

Eq Bars - Also got it working with Minim, but used HOscillator for looping GIF.

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 10 - student project

Wireframe Worm

Class Sketchbook 2.0 - image 11 - student project
