5 icons/reminders to myself

5 icons/reminders to myself - student project

Hi Edward! I loved your class so much! Thank you!

I couldn't make just one icon, though. I need lots of reminders. These 5 sumarize pretty well this phase of my life.

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 1 - student project

I gave up the quit smoking idea right away, first because it's too common and obvious and second because I don't need any more reminders than the ones I already get everyday.

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 2 - student project

The "try new things / take risks" was also discarded because I found pretty much the same idea on a quick google search.

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 3 - student project

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 4 - student project

So I kept these 5.

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 5 - student project

Be grateful / Spread love

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 6 - student project

Keep learning / feed your brain

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 7 - student project

Finish what you start / Be organized / Be disciplined

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 8 - student project

Be optimistic / the glass is half full

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 9 - student project

Be resilient / Keep showing up

I'll post the mockups later on.




I made some changes in the brain, including more face features, like eyes and nose, and tried to minimize the inner tracesas much as I could. I tried to make the inner traces thinner, ut then I felt it didn't go with the rest of the bunch, so  left it all the same weight. I also removed the pencil from the "finish what you start", thought it was unneeded extra information.

I couldn't find the foam board or the glue in my city. I think I have to go to some especialized art supplies store (I wish we had Michael's in my country), so the real mockups are still missing.

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 10 - student project

5 icons/reminders to myself - image 11 - student project

What do you guys think?