Writing - How To Write A Great "How-To" Book Fast | Dave Espino | Skillshare

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Writing - How To Write A Great "How-To" Book Fast

teacher avatar Dave Espino, Digital Marketing Trainer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Let's Talk About Your "Why"


    • 3.

      Creating An Amazing Book Title That Sells


    • 4.

      Why Is Your Book Title So Important?


    • 5.

      3 Super Fast, Super Simple Book Writing Methods


    • 6.

      Method #1 - Traditional Method (With Faster Tweaks)


    • 7.

      Method #2 - Transcription Method (My Super Fast Method)


    • 8.

      Method #3 - Course Creation Method


    • 9.

      3 Faster Ways To Create Books That Build Your Authority Positioning


    • 10.

      Your Book Cover - The Critical Importance Of Your Graphics


    • 11.

      Preventing Writer's Block - What To Do If You Get Stuck


    • 12.

      A Step By Step Approach To Beating Writer's Block


    • 13.



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About This Class

Have you ever wanted to write your own "How To" book, but just weren't sure how to get started?

Do you want to help thousands of people with your book, but are nervous about the process?

Want to develop a new business through your "How To" book, but you seem to get "stuck" all along the way?

If you want the benefits of writing your own book:

  • "Expert" status among your prospective customers, audience and peers

  • Credibility & authority positioning

  • Helping thousands of people with your message

Then, be sure to check out this course, because I am going to show you a super-simple system for writing your book that is quick, easy and painless.

Not only that, but I'm also going to show you how to write a book that SELLS.

You see, it's one thing to write a book, but it's an entirely different thing to create a book that SELLS...

I've written over a dozen books and have sold 300,000 copies of my books to people all over the world, so I know what I'm talking about when it comes to writing books that sell.

The feeling you get when you know you've helped hundreds of thousands of people with your message is PRICELESS...

So, I've come up with a course that is more like a powerful "workshop" in that, throughout the course, I give you step-by-step activities and actions to take in order to bring you to your goal of having your own book written and published...

This is a short course (less than one hour) but it is PACKED with ONLY the information you need to get up and running with your own book, asap.

  • No more struggling with "what do I do now"?

  • No more "getting stuck" with writer's block...

  • No more wondering if you're doing it right, or failing miserably.

Believe me, with this course, (and my help inside this course) you can do this.

Very soon, you will have your own "library" of books that you can point to - a book catalog that will have people thanking you for helping them through your books.

You can do it, let me show you the quick and easy way to write your books.

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Dave Espino

Digital Marketing Trainer


Hello, I'm Dave.

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1. Introduction: This is Davis Pino, and welcome to writing easily write a great how to book that sells. Let's take a look at what you're gonna get inside this course. In this course, you're gonna receive a very simple yet powerful way to write a how to book. More importantly, you'll understand how to write your book from a marketing angle so that your book generates a lot more sales. As a result, by knowing these marketing strategies going in, you'll be in a much better position toe. Have a successful book. This isn't just a good thing for you, but it's also a good thing for your future book buyers, because you can't help lots of people with your book if you do not do whatever you can do to sell a lot of books. Now, this course is meant to get right to the point and does not contain a lot of fluff. It's designed to get you to writing success as quickly as possible. So let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Davis Pino, and I've been writing how to books since the year 2000 when I wrote my very first E book. Since then, I've written and published at least a dozen books and have sold over 300,000 copies of my books. Over the years, I've developed a proven system for writing books that is quick and easy. In this course, you'll learn my system for writing books fast, and you'll also learn several variations on this system so you can choose the one that works best for you. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of taking this course. When you complete this course, you'll have my proven system for writing your book fast. Having your own book has several excellent benefits. First of all, your book acts as a powerful business card. It's something you can hand to somebody and instantly gives them your expertise, your knowledge and your authority. Your book says you're the expert. Your book positions you as an authority on your topic. Your book can lead to interviews, which can lead to all kinds of other opportunities. Your book can generate sales and income, and your book can lead to speaking engagements. In my case, my e book led to an entire infomercial that went for 11 years and made me millions of dollars. So one book can literally change your life. Your book can lead to being hired as a coach or as a consultant, and one of the biggest benefits of having your own book is you can help thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people with your message. I've done it. And let me tell you, there's nothing more gratifying than knowing that I've helped 300,000 people with my book and my information and my experience. There's just nothing like it. There's nothing like that satisfaction you'll get when you know you've made a difference in other people's lives. So let's get started and let me show you my super simple system for writing your book very , very quickly. 2. Let's Talk About Your "Why": This is Davis Pino, and welcome to writing easily write a great how to book that sells in this course, you're gonna receive a very simple, yet powerful way to write a how to book. More importantly, you'll understand how to write your book from a marketing angle so that your book generates a lot more sales. As a result, by knowing these marketing strategies going in, you'll be in a much better position to have a successful book. This is not just a good thing for you, but it's also a good thing for your future book buyers, because you can't help lots of people with your book if you do not do whatever you can to sell a lot of books. This course is meant to get right to the point and does not contain a whole lot of fluff. It's designed to get you to writing success as quickly as possible. My name is Davis Pino, and I've been writing how to books since the year 2000 when I wrote my very first e book. Since then, I've written and published at least a dozen books and have sold over 300,000 copies of my books. Over the years, I've developed a proven system for writing books that is quick and easy. In this course, you'll learn my system for writing books fast, and you'll also learn several variations on this system so you can choose the one that works best for you. Are you ready to get started? Let's go. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of taking this course. When you complete this course, you'll have my proven system for writing your book fast. Having your own book has several excellent benefits. First of all, your book acts as a powerful business card. It's something you can hand to somebody and instantly gives them your expertise, your knowledge and your authority. Your book says you're the expert. Your book positions you as an authority on your topic. Your book can lead to interviews, which can lead to all kinds of other opportunities. Your book can generate sales and income, and your book can lead to speaking engagements. In my case, my e book led to an entire infomercial that went for 11 years and made me millions of dollars. So one book can literally change your life. Your book can lead to being hired as a coach or as a consultant, And one of the biggest benefits of having your own book is you can help thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people with your message. I've done it. And let me tell you, there's nothing more gratifying than knowing that I've helped 300,000 people with my book, my information and my experience. There's just nothing like it. There's nothing like that satisfaction you'll get when you know you've made a difference in other people's lives. So let's get started and let me show you my super simple system for writing your book very , very quickly. 3. Creating An Amazing Book Title That Sells: Now let's talk about the very first step, in my opinion, to writing any book and that is focusing on your why. The very first step in writing a book is to focus in on your why we've just finished looking at the benefits you receive from writing your book. But let's dig a little deeper and ask, Why do I want to write a book? This might sound like a philosophical question, but it's actually super important that we do this mindset exercise. Right now, let me explain by using my own Y story as an example. Ever since I was 19 I wanted to be the person who taught others to be successful in their own business. When I was 19 years old, my mom took me to a real estate investing seminar, and at the seminar I was transfixed by the speaker, Dr Al Lowry, who was obviously successful real estate investor and who was speaking to a large hotel ballroom of about 500 people. Because I was 19. I was definitely impressed by his obvious wealth, but I was even more impressed with how his life mission seemed to be to help people escape the 9 to 5 employees grind. He was helping people by introducing them to a different lifestyle than they had heard of one that had the potential for financial independence. And he had plenty of success. Stories 2.2. It was at that moment that my why was revealed to me. But first, let me do a little bit of a flashback when I saw that real estate speaker up on stage. I instantly imagine myself being that person, the person who could lead hundreds of people out of the 9 to 5 grind and into success from that moment with my why in clear view, my plan was simple. I would learn everything I could about real estate investing, and then I would become successful at it. Once I became successful at it, I would be the man on stage, helping others to do the same thing. Once I learned the business. Within three years, I started buying properties. By the time I was 23 I had bought four properties totaling 12 units, and I was excited, but very soon because I was not mature enough to stay with it. I ended up selling my properties when I saw another bright, shiny object business that I could build Fast forward to 1999. I had discovered eBay and have been making some great money at it. I wrote my first e book, titled Beyond eBay, because I have discovered a very powerful strategy, and I wanted to help my fellow eBay sellers by teaching them that strategy. I decided to sell off all my collectible hot wheels, which was about $30,000 worth, so I could have the money to live off of while I built my E book business to a full time income. Within a year, that one e book, plus the up cells, was earning me $3000 a month in passive income. More importantly, this little e book and all the hard work I put into it led to my being featured on a national eBay infomercial. Suddenly I was the man on the stage. I was the man on TV, actually encouraging and teaching people to start their own business. Through that infomercial, I was able to help 300,000 people learn how to start their own small business. My why had led to my destiny. This is why you're Why is so important? What is your wife? Take some time to focus on your why and write down all the deep seated reasons why you want to write your book. What drives you? What are you passionate about? Why do you want to influence the world? The answers to these deeper questions will come in handy as you move forward in your book writing journey. 4. Why Is Your Book Title So Important?: Now let's talk about creating a killer book title when beginning a new book project. One of the most important things you could do is invest a good amount of time in coming up with your book title. In my opinion, the title of your book is one of the key elements that will have the biggest impact on your book sales. This is because when people are looking for a how to book, they're looking to achieve a specific benefit, saw the particular problem or do something more quickly or efficiently. The number one thing to remember when writing a book that will sell is this. Write the book people want and are looking for. Do not write the book that you think people need. A great how to book title gives the reader a big, bold promise of a powerful benefit that they want to achieve. It should be bold and compelling, but also true. It should spark the imagination and get the reader excited enough to look inside, look at the back cover and look at the table of contents. In short, a great book title should sell the book almost by itself. Let's talk about creating a killer book title step by step in Step one, I recommend taking some quiet time when you're at your most creative. Whether that's morning or evening, it's up to you and listing all the benefits that your readers will receive when they read your book. Step number two. Prioritised These benefits from the strongest benefit or the best benefit to the weakest or the least benefit step number three. Begin brainstorming and writing down headlines that air benefit rich in other words, there just filled with benefits for the reader headlines that offer a bold promise. Headlines that present a compelling solution to a big problem that they have and headlines that sell the book almost by itself. Step four create 20 to 30 headlines and, by the way, do it right up to 20 to 30 headlines. I know this sounds like a lot, but it's critical that you are able to compare many different headlines and come up with the best one. So create 20 to 30 headlines, typing them out in list format and then prioritize them, using the four guidelines that I've just mentioned. A boat step number five. Visit this page on Amazon this is the best seller books page on Amazon, and you can see the link here amazon dot com for it slash best hyphen sellers hyphen books , hyphen Amazon forward slash zg be s forward slash books and then click on your books category and subcategory until you find the best sub sub category that your book would fit in. Now this. These categories were found in the left side panel of this page. Step number six Study the top 50 book titles and look at which benefits they promise. What are the benefit driven titles that you see there in the top selling books? Study the words they use study the imagery that these words create and convey. What you're looking at is you're looking at the top selling books on Amazon, which is the world's largest bookstore. So why not emulate some of the wording? Some of the imagery, some of the benefits that you see in the top selling books? The public is already telling you what they want through that top bestsellers book lists, so why not just go through that and use that as part of your book title writing project Step number seven. Use this Research to determine the top five titles for your book, come up with five amazing titles. Step Number eight, Create a survey and ask your audience Which of the five titles would compel them to buy your book. Now don't ask them which titles they like. Ask them which of these titles Which of these book titles would compel you to buy this book and maybe even make it clear to them you're not looking for a title that's catchy or fun or curious or interesting. You're looking for a title that would make them by the book. It's a very important distinction. And then step number nine if you don't have an audience of hundreds of people or more. If you don't already have an audience like that, choose the most compelling benefit rich title that makes someone want to buy your book. Maybe do a small survey around your friends. Ah, but I would say what you really want is hundreds of opinions in your survey. If you could do that, if you can't do that, no problem. Just choose it yourself. And now you have a formula for creating a killer book title. Now, remember your book title is critically important to use selling a lot of books, so do not skimp on this. Make sure you take the time. Take these nine steps and you're gonna end up with an incredible title for your book that is gonna almost cell the book itself for you. 5. 3 Super Fast, Super Simple Book Writing Methods: Now we've just covered some foundational elements that I believe you need to be clear about before you write your book. You now understand the many benefits of having your own book, and you are now clear on your why. So with this clarity, you should be excited and ready to begin writing in this section, I'm gonna present three super simple book writing methods that I've used to write books. Let's get started. 6. Method #1 - Traditional Method (With Faster Tweaks): now, Method Number one is what I call the traditional method of writing a book. We're going to look at that traditional method here, but I'm also gonna be adding my special tweaks that make the traditional method work even faster. The traditional method of writing a book is pretty well known. You begin with a title for your book, and then you create an outline or a table of contents for your book, and you begin writing your book by covering the topics inside the outline. Using this method, though, it's easy for some riders to get stuck and to experience what we call writer's block or you just can't write anymore. You're you're stuck, can't move forward. That's why I have included an entire lecture in this course on how to prevent writer's block. Now let's take a look at how I would use the traditional method and some of the more important tweaks or changes to the traditional method that I recommend the first and most important part of writing a book that sells is the title of the book. Now I've given you my nine step system for creating a killer title that will help sell your book. Once you have your title, you'll want to create an outline. However, this is not a typical book outline process. To create this type of outline, you're gonna make a list of all the questions someone could possibly have about your book topic. I like to write this list of questions on a yellow pad because I find that the process of hand writing the list unlocks my creative side and allows me to come up with more and better questions than I might otherwise. Next. You're gonna number the list of questions placing them in order, meaning you want the questions to flow logically from one question to the next from one thought to the next so that it goes in a systematic approach. The goal of this is to create a book that takes the reader from beginner questions and answers and in a logical sequence, builds upon those early answers as the book goes into more and more advanced topics. By designing your book in this way, not only will you create a book that flows well from thought to thought, but you'll also create a book that teaches your readers in a very powerful way. So let's take a look at the initial draft phase of writing your book. Once you have your questions written out and placed in the proper order, you'll want to begin the actual writing process. Now. I sometimes like to just walk away from my outline for a few days and let my subconscious mind work on it subconsciously before I go into full writing mode. So by simply taking a few days off of your writing process and letting your mind work on it , it does wonders, because you're not rushing yourself and you're letting your brain do. It's natural processing of how your book is gonna work out. I recommend starting the writing process with a clear mind, ideally at the start of the day, if that's when you were at your most clear so that you don't have anything else distracting you. A lot of people say you should have goals for your writing, such as I'm gonna write 10 pages a day or I'm going to write 2000 words a day. I find that this can either limit me or intimidate me, so I don't do this now. You can do this if you wish. If that's something that works for you, I find that for me, putting that kind of pressure on myself is not really healthy. It's not really productive. Instead, I believe you have to know when to push forward. That is when you're in your high creative state and you have to also know when to retreat. That's when you're in your low energy or low creative states. Don't try to push yourself forward when you're at a low energy state. If you stay in tune with yourself, you'll know how to regulate your writing activity so that you're always at your best. So at this point you begin writing. This is the initial draft. Avoid editing too much. Just let the creative process take over and just right, right, right, right as fast as you can type is faster. You can just get it all out on to the paper or onto the word document, and you're gonna come back around and do your editing in the next phase. So don't worry about getting it perfect just right as much and as quickly as possible. Get it all down on paper as quickly as possible. Once you're done with the initial draft. It's a good idea to take a break again from writing for a few days and go do something fun to reward yourself. You've just created almost like a birthing process. You know, writing is the process of getting stuff from your brain onto paper, and it's it's almost like a birthing process, and you'd be surprised at how much mental energy it takes. So take a break and know that with this initial draft of your book, you've accomplished something great and you're on your way to success. Now let's look at the editing phase of this process. Now you want to come back with fresh eyes. Maybe you've taken a few days off, maybe even a week or two off. Come back with fresh eyes and edit your initial draft Now. Often when we write that initial draft, the tendency is to overwrite or use a lot more words than are necessary to convey what we're saying. So pay close attention to the flow of the book and how you can make things clearer, more efficient and more focused. Once you've completed your editing phase, you should have a complete book that is now ready to publish. At this point, you'll want to begin looking at formatting your book for the particular publisher or the self publishing venue that you're using Now. You can either follow these guidelines that are at this u r l that is create space dot com forward slash e n forward slash community forward slash docks forward slash capital D capital O Capital C hyphen 14 82 You can follow these guidelines to format your book for create space. Or you can go to Fiverr and have someone do it for you now fiber dot com is a website I'm going to be mentioning throughout this course because it is an amazing site where all kinds of people will do things for $5.10 dollars, $15. Very small amount of money. Here is an example of an ad that I saw on fiber dot com, where this person will professionally format and convert your pdf for your word document into a Kindle e book or a create space book for $5. Now, as you can see here down below, where it says how to order, he can see that they have different pricing for a different number of pages, so if you have up to 200 pages, it'll be $20. But that's no big deal. I mean, for the kind of work that you're getting, that's pretty amazing. The great thing about fiber is you can look at people's portfolio of work. You can look at their feedback and what kind of ratings they're getting. To determine whether you want to do business with them or not. This person apparently has a great record. Great feedback. And, as you can see here, they hand tweak line by line to deliver error free, crisp and perfect, finishing according to your print or e book specifications. They'll even work according to Create Space Lulu KDP Guidelines. Katie Pia's Amazon's Kindle And so this is where I would go fiber dot com f i v e r r to get your book formatted properly. Four. Create space. What if you need a quality book cover? Consider using Fiverr again for quality book. Cover their graphic artists on fiber that will create good quality book covers. Now that we understand the traditional method along with my special tweaks, let's take a look at the second method, a powerful way to turbocharge this traditional method 7. Method #2 - Transcription Method (My Super Fast Method): all right now. Method number two for quickly and easily writing your book is what I call the transcription method. This is the method I strongly recommend for you. This special twist on the traditional method will dramatically speed up your writing outputs such that you'll be able to write a lot more books in a shorter period of time. Let's take a look at this method step by step, and, by the way, it's very, very simple. Step number one. Begin with your outline the way we described in the traditional method. You want a list out all the questions somebody might have about your topic, put them in order and begin to prioritize the question so that they flow from beginner questions all the way to intermediate questions all the way to advanced questions. Make sure that it just flows really nicely. Step number two. Record yourself speaking about each question or topic on your list, so pretend that you're doing a talk that you're a speaker on a stage and you're just talking about that topic. You might even ask yourself the question and then start answering the question. By doing this, you are working your writing verbally, you're actually speaking your book out. Ah, and you're recording yourself so you can either use a recorder app on your phone. Whether you have a smartphone or an iPhone or an android phone. You can get a free or inexpensive app to record your voice. Or you can use a free program called Audacity and that's available at audacity. Teen dot orb Step number three is Get that recording transcribed by a transcriber on fiber dot com. Now you'd be amazed at how inexpensive transcribers are on fiber dot com. I have a transcriber that I used for all kinds of projects, whether I have videos that I want transcribed audios that I want transcribed, and it's very, very inexpensive. By doing this, you are now gonna have a rough file that you can then step four at it. So now you have the initial draft ready to edit because you're transcriber sent you the transcription of the recording. Now you can begin the editing process and continue with the other steps that we've gone through under the traditional method. So this is just a super simple way to get your book onto paper from your brain as quickly as possible by speaking it out. And don't even add it. Just speak it out the way that you want to speak it. Because the edits are going to come in the second part. When you get the transcription back and you're gonna be able to then go through and edit this dramatically speeds up your time to get your book completed. Let me tell you, it is a super fast way to do it. I wanted to create a small e book the other day, and all I did was I fired up my recording. I started talking the e book. I had a little outline. I started speaking the e book and Wallau within a very short time, had a 40 page e book done transcribed it, got it edited, and then it was done. So this is a very, very fast way. This is the way I recommend that you do write your books and write your books quickly and easily 8. Method #3 - Course Creation Method: now, the third method for writing your book is another take on the transcription method, but it adds an extra bonus. I call it the course creation method. Here's an interesting twist on the transcription method in this case, Since you're already planning on riding a how to book, why not take your book outline and turn it into an online course first, and then once the courses completed, you can have the course transcribed and turned into a book just like you see this course on you. To me, I have additional courses that teach you and walk you through how to create your own. You Timmy course. It's actually a very simple process, just like the simple process I've described here. So I'm gonna have information about that in the very last lecture in this course. This way. By having a course and then getting the course transcribed, you have to income streams from one product. Let's take a look at this strategy step by step. First, you're going to begin with your book outline, and instead of creating a book, you're going to create a Power Point presentation very similar to this one that I'm using here next Looking at your outline, you want to turn each question and each answer into its own lecture or set of lectures that you're going to record number three. Record your course using a screen recording tool like screen cast a Matic dot com. Now this is an amazing tool that I use to create all my courses. I've used it even before I got started on you to me, and it's an amazing tool that does great, great work for you. Now you can get more details on how to create a you Timmy course in the final lecture of this course, and then step number four is once your recourse is recorded, give your transcriber access to your course so they can transcribe it. And by doing that, you now have the basic draft to be able to go in and edit and turn your course into your book. So now you end up with both a online course that makes you an income as well as a book that makes you an income to and that's it. You've got your book and you've got a course. Now you have two different ways to make an income from the same content. Pretty powerful stuff 9. 3 Faster Ways To Create Books That Build Your Authority Positioning: next. Let's look at some fast book creation methods if you want to quickly create an inexpensive book that you can give out sort of like a business card as a way to build authority and credibility. In this lecture, we're gonna look at some super fast and easy ways to create books. What you'll see in the next few minutes are super simple books that anyone can write or create in just a few hours or less, and that will have the same and sometimes even better effect than a full blown traditional 200 or 300 page book. The other benefit is these air small paperback books that will be super inexpensive to print and to ship. Yet they will give you great credibility and authority because you've authored a book. So let's take a look at simple book number one what I call the quote book. What you can do here is go online and research quotes that relate to people in your niche. These might be motivational quotes, it might be business quotes. They might be spiritually quotes, but go on research all the different quotes that relate to the people in your niche topic compile all those quotes in an organized, flowing way and have someone on Fiverr create some illustrations for you illustrations that relate to the quotes or illustrations that relate to your book. Could a quote on the left page and an illustration on the right page and do that for all the pages? For all the number of quotes that you have and you now have a book, see how simple that is. Super, super simple. And yet you can put your name on it, your picture on the back. As a person who authored that book, let's take a look at another simple book method, and that is a tips book with this. Ideally, what you're gonna do is put together 20 tips or 30 tips or 52 tips. If you want to do 11 per week for a whole year, about your main topic that your readers will benefit from. This is the type of book that you could write on an airplane flight. You could just sit down and write down 52 tips that would apply to your niche or somebody who's interested in your niche market. Make a short name for each tip as the headline of the page and then add a few paragraphs, in other words, describing the tip itself he loathe headline. And that's your book. That's a very simple tips book that you can put together literally on an airplane flight. Simple book Number three is called the Interview Book. In this case, you interview top experts in your niche, and then you get the interviews transcribed so you might interview somebody on Skype. Or you might interview somebody using a webinar software. You might interview somebody using a brand new site called Blab B L. A. B, where you can record the interview and then have that recording transcribed. Be sure that you also get each experts biography, get their bio, their information about who they are, what they've achieved and then add that to their introduction in your book. And there you go. You have an interview book, all done. Now you just add a forward or an introduction to your book and then add in the interviews. And there's your book easier, super simple books that you can create very, very quickly to give you additional credibility, additional authority and additional experts status 10. Your Book Cover - The Critical Importance Of Your Graphics: I want to talk about the critical importance of graphics. In other words, your book. Cover your front, Cover your back, cover your insert every aspect of your book that conveys what your book is about. There's an old saying that says You can't judge a book by its cover, But I say you can sell a ton of books with the right cover one of the most important elements when creating a book that sells his recover and, more specifically, the graphics you use your book cover should be a visual representation of the feelings and emotions you want your buyer toe have as they contemplate buying your book. Just A Z took some time to brainstorm titles for your book. You need to take some time to brainstorm. Cover ideas for your book. Ask yourself these questions as you begin brainstorming. What is the overall feeling or emotion I want to convey with my book cover? Do I want to convey a feeling of authority of trust? Of confidence in me is the author, So I want to convey credibility, so I want to convey speed action, you know, like this is gonna be a quick solution. I don't want to convey efficiency, something that'll get things done more efficiently. Do I want to convey that I'm solving a problem? What is the overall feeling or emotion that you want to convey? This is gonna go a long way towards choosing the right graphics and the right layout for your book cover. Now, what is the best way to create this feeling? What are the colors that are gonna work the best to convey that feeling? What are the graphics? What types of imagery? What types of fonts are the best to use for this feeling? How can I combine these feelings with my book's title? In other words, can I make a cover graphic that relates to the title of my book? Really, in an excellent way. And that's really an important thing that you want to do. I see so many book titles that do not relate to the graphics that are on the book cover. Now. You may also want to sketch out the cover in rough form, so you can clearly describe what you're looking for to your graphic artist. Now you're gonna be looking for a graphic artist who does great work once again. A great place to find this person is on fiber dot com, because the artist there will show their portfolio of past work and you'll be able to determine which artists and which designs you like. You can even point out certain designs to the artists and say, Look, I really like the look of this one, and I would like these changes made to this look that way it fast forward you to what you want. You can even tell the artist which design of theirs do you like so they can do a similar design for you. So this is critically important is getting the right graphics the right book cover that is also going to help sell your book? I read somewhere statistically that the primary elements that sell your book are your book title and your book cover typically the front cover in the back cover, so make sure that you do not skimp on these two areas. It's critical that you get these right, so do not settle for less than awesome work. Your cover is the primary element that will help you sell your book, so be sure you apply a strong effort to getting it right 11. Preventing Writer's Block - What To Do If You Get Stuck: now in this lecture, we're going to talk about preventing writer's block. You know, when you're writing your book, you get stuck. You're not sure how to move forward. Your brain just kind of gets locked up. We're gonna talk about how to prevent that. Let's talk about writer's block. This happens when a writer gets stuck and can't seem to break through to begin writing effectively. When someone has writers block, it could be difficult to begin writing, but Writer's block can also happen in the middle of your writing when you hit a snag and you get stuck in the process of writing your book. That's why I like the strategy of speaking your book because we can always just start talking and it starts the process flowing. In my opinion, writers Block happens for the same reason that overwhelmed happens. Either There is a lack of clarity on the goals that you have for the book or the writers. Focus has been distracted by other thoughts. The best way to prevent writer's block is to focus on what the reader will get and how they will benefit from your book. In other words, stop putting the focus on yourself. Stop living in your head and start focusing on what you're gonna benefit the reader with. What, you're going to show the reader how you're gonna help the reader. You start benefiting the reader and start focusing on them. You're gonna come out of writer's block. In effect, you need to get out of your head and focus on the benefit you're giving to your readers. Now. One way to do this is to rewrite your book outline or to review your existing book outline and clarify what you want to write step by step. Another thing to do is to go to the chapter or the section of your book that will be the easiest to get started on and start there. What you want to do is build some forward momentum by just getting past that writer's block phase. I also believe that it's best to start the day with your writing or creative pursuits. This is because you can feel like you're starting fresh, and this gives you the forward momentum to get something great done. If you get stuck, chances are this is happening in the afternoon or in the evening after you've had a long day. You're tired or you had a lot of different things to think about or a lot of different fires to put out during the day. But this can even happen in the morning if you've had some setbacks or if you have things you're worrying about, so just give yourself permission to start over the next day. Don't push yourself and don't stress yourself if you're not feeling it, and know that you'll begin the day fresh without all those things that we're bogging you down today. 12. A Step By Step Approach To Beating Writer's Block: So let me give you a step by step process for getting rid of writer's block number one. Make a decision that you'll begin fresh the next day. Ideally, first thing in the morning. Don't even check your email. Don't check Facebook Twitter anything. Just go right into writing from the very beginning of the day. Number two. The night before you want to take a good look at your book outline and choose a section of your book that will be fun, exciting or interesting to you. Toe work on Focus in on your reader and how you want to convey something good and exciting and powerful for your reader. Step number three. Think about your reader and the value they're gonna get from your book. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself what they would want from your book. Step number four. Clear off any distractions so that you can start the next day with a good, clear focus. In other words, any task that you're gonna need to do the next day any chores that you need to do any errands that you need to do any bills that you have to pay any of that kind of stuff. Just get rid of it the night before, so that when you start the next day, you're starting fresh with nothing to worry about, nothing to think about and number five on writing day. Loosen up whether that means singing something dancing whether it means anything that will relax you and loosen you up. Then use that record yourself methods. So is to begin just speaking your book into the recording. Remember, with no editing and do that as freely as possible. And let me tell you, if you take these five steps, you prepare the day before you decide that the next day is when you're gonna actually get started. And you're gonna do that from the very beginning. The very first thing you do, it's start writing. You're gonna cook. Tell yourself you're gonna give yourself forward momentum, and it will take you through the rest of the day and continue to your book writing success . So be sure that if you ever hit that snag and you hit writer's block, you take these five steps and implement them, and I'm sure that you'll do fine 13. Conclusion: Well, here we are at the conclusion that was pretty fast, right? I told you that this was gonna be a very simple and easy step by step no fluff course. And that's what I gave you. I hope you've enjoyed this course as much as I enjoyed creating it, you can now see that the process of writing a book does not have to be scary and does not have to take months. In fact, I believe that when you follow these strategies laid out in this course, you could have your book ready for print within weeks. So be sure that you follow the step by step examples that have given you throughout this course and begin today to write and create your book. When you do, you'll open up a whole new world of excitement, credibility and opportunities because the book could be your ticket. Tow all these things get started right away. You'll be so glad you did. And by the way, I've added some additional bonuses for you in the last lecture of this course. So be sure you check it out. And if you enjoyed this course, I hope you'll write a quick review of this course. By doing this, you'll be telling future students about how my course impacted you positively and you'll be helping them make a wise decision to enroll in this course. Thanks so much for enrolling, and I look forward to seeing your book. Send me a message and let me know when your book is ready.