Watercolor MilkyWay Galaxy - Let's Paint Two Starry Skies In Two Ways | Sukrutha Jagirdhar | Skillshare

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Watercolor MilkyWay Galaxy - Let's Paint Two Starry Skies In Two Ways

teacher avatar Sukrutha Jagirdhar, Watercolor Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome To The Class !


    • 2.

      Art Supplies


    • 3.

      Class Project 1 Color Palette


    • 4.

      Class Project 1 First Layer


    • 5.

      Class Project 1 Second layer


    • 6.

      Class Project 1 Final Details


    • 7.

      Class Project 2 Color Palette


    • 8.

      Class Project 2 First Layer


    • 9.

      Class Project 2 Second Layer


    • 10.

      Class Project 2 Final Details


    • 11.

      Final Thoughts !


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About This Class

Watercolor MilkyWay Galaxy Exercise - Two Starry Skies Two Ways

Space is full of dust, darkness and billions and billions of stars..if you look up at the sky from our humble planet..you get to witness a stellar view of majestic milkyway..our very own home galaxy..if you ever wanted to paint that picture onto your paper..you are in the right place..

In this class you will learn to paint milkyway galaxy in two methods..first i will take you through the art supplies you will need to get started..followed by a small discussion about color palette..and then straight to the class projects..

Each class project is divided into three parts..First layer, Second layer and Final details..

I will guide you through all the steps and by the end of this class you will have learnt two methods of painting a wobbly galaxy..you can use all the techniques learnt here to paint your own future galaxy paintings..

I am excited to welcome you into the class..and cannot wait to see what you create..!!

Materials You Will Need

Paper – Arches 100% cotton paper

Colors – Whitenights & Sennelier Paints

Brushes – Silverblack velvet no 14 & 6,Silver Hake Brush, Davinci rigger brush size 1

Tissues, A clean water jar, a masking tape and masking fluid

Ready ? Lets get started..!!

Meet Your Teacher

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Sukrutha Jagirdhar

Watercolor Artist


Welcome to this cozy and creative winter watercolor class! I'm so excited to have you here as we paint a peaceful winter landscape together.

This class is designed to be a relaxing and therapeutic escape--perfect for unwinding and enjoying some "me time" over the weekend. Whether you're new to watercolors or a seasoned artist, I hope you find joy and inspiration in every brushstroke.

Link to the Class - Let's get started and make something beautiful!

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1. Welcome To The Class !: Space is made of dust, darkness and billions and billions of stars. And if you look up at the sky from a humble planet, you get to witness a stellar view of majestic Milky Way, our very own home galaxy. If you ever wanted to paint that magical picture onto your paper, you're in the right place. This is a watercolor artist. And Theta I have been teaching watercolors for the past four years. Demystifying the watercolor medium, making it simple and easy for you guys is my goal. So today I'm back with a new exercise. Come on, let's paint to starry skies with the Milky Way galaxy. These two simple projects are designed in a way to let you relax and unwind. And I will be here guiding you step-by-step. It'll begin the class by discussing about all the art supplies we will need, followed by a short color palette video. And then moving on to the main class project. It's class project is broken down into three parts. First layer, Second layer, and final details. In this way, it will be easier to paint along without overwhelming yourself. Take this time to breathe and focus only on the process and not the end result. This class is perfect for the beginners as well as intermediate level artists. By the end of this class, you will have two class projects with Milky Way galaxy. You can use all the techniques and tips taught in this class to paint your own galaxy projects in the future. Are you ready to get started? Then let's move on to the next video where we will discuss that supplies we need to begin the class. 2. Art Supplies : Discuss that supplies that we're going to need. These are all the supplies that you're going to need to start the class. First, I'm going to tell you about the papers. This is Arches, 100% cotton, 300 GSM paper and a cold pressed as well. I buy the papers in roles and I cut them up into these sizes that I wish to paint. And you can buy the papers in parts as well blocks. So today I have cut them up in a mini size. And you can use any paper that you want. But make sure it is 100% cotton because we're going to be blending a lot of colors together in this class projects. And for blending, it's always good to have a good cotton paper. I'm going to the brushes I have used only for brushes for today's class. I have mostly use these two brushes, silver black velvet number 14, and number six, to paint all of these backgrounds. And this small brush I have used to paint a few details and foreground mostly. And this is also from Silver black velvet and it's a hockey brush. I used it to just wetting the paper initially. And this is from DaVinci. It's a rigger brush and it's one number one size. I have used it mostly to splatter the white paint and also a few trees on the foreground. And a water jar, a color palette. And this is a ceramic palette that I have used. And tissue papers, the most important part. So please keep them handy. This acrylic board that I use to stick the paper, of course, a masking tape. I have used colors from three brands, camel and White Nights and earlier, the camera one, I have used only for white color. I did not use any other color from the brand. So each class project has different color palette. So we're going to discuss the exact colors just before we paint the class project. So that is all for that supplies. In the next video, we're going to discuss about the color palette of class project one. So I'm gonna see you there. 3. Class Project 1 Color Palette: Let's discuss the color palette of class project one. Good news, there are only three colors. This is turquoise, green from White Nights, indigo from White Nights as well, and Naples yellow from a Sennelier. Take these colors onto my palette later, we're going to swatch them. Have taken a clean paper now. And I will first start with Naples, yellow. I'm going to swatch tacos blue color from white knight. Final color, indigo. That's it. That's the color palette that we're going to need to paint the class project one. And of course the white color from a camel. So in the next video, we're gonna get started with class project one first layer. So I'm going to see you there. 4. Class Project 1 First Layer: Let's begin class project one with first layer. Wet the paper with clean water. Although my water is not that clean. And I'm using hockey brush for this. I have taken my silver black velvet number 14 brush now. And let's get started with the colors and mixing. Turquoise blue with Naples yellow. And I get this bright green color. So my brush strokes very carefully. I have started first to paint a cone shape in the middle of the paper. And now I'm going to add a little bit of yellow color at the bottom of this cone shape. And then I'm going to paint another cone shape on the right side, my right of the paper as well. But you can see there is a white line in-between. So it's important to leave that whitespace. I will tell you why in a bit. Now, I'm going to add a law as we go down towards the bottom of the paper. And then followed by lots and lots of indigo at both sides of the paper. Adding indigo, it is time we blend all these colors together. For blending, it's important to wash your brush and remove all the excess water from your brush using a tissue, and then just blend these colors together. I'm trying to keep the whitespace that we left without adding any more color onto it. This is why I told you to keep that whitespace in the middle. As you can see, it is turning out to be the Milky Way galaxy usually see in the picture. Now it is time to add a few more details to the Milky Way galaxy while the paper is still wet. So I'm taking indigo and I'm just going to add a few random dots of paint. Then if you think these, these are looking too sharp, you can blend them using a damp brush like we have just done before. I have taken my silver black velvet number six, the smaller brush, and I'm going to do the same thing with white paint. That is, I'm going to add a few random dots. Then I'm going to blend these dots. Now repeat the process once more. That is now I'm going to add indigo color, those random dots and I'm going to blend those dots. But by adding the white color as well. So I'm going to leave the paper for drying now. And in the next video, we're going to start with the second layer, but make sure you keep the paper for complete drying. Do not attempt to paint the second layer just now. So yeah. See you in a bit. 5. Class Project 1 Second layer: Let's start with Class Project 1, s layer. This video will be very small and short. So my paper has dried up. Now I'm going to paint one more layer of the color. I'm going to start by wetting the paper. You can see how gently I'm reading. It's important to not press your brush against the paper or else the colors that we have already painted will come off. So be gentle. I'm going to start with indigo. In galaxies, the background sky should always look darker agonist this light colored Milky Way. So that's why I'm adding one more layer of the indigo color. Unlike the indigo, come near this milky way that we have already painted. We're at it. Let's also brighten up the Milky Way in the middle. So I'm going to add white color first and later I'm going to add indigo, those random dots. After adding these torts, blend them very carefully. By the way, your paper should be wet or at least Stamp while you're painting this milky way so that the blending will be easier. If you sense your paper is drying, then please stop painting, rewet, and then continue. Because you can't blend any colors while the paper is dried. Now I'm going to let the paper to completely dry. And in the next video, we're going to paint the final details of class project one. So I'm gonna see you there. 6. Class Project 1 Final Details : Let's begin class project one. Final details. I'm using my silver black velvet number six, brush and indigo. And I'm gonna get started on painting the pines on the foreground. You can see at the bottom of the paper, I did not paint it with any colors because that area will be covered up with the pine trees. Pints is not very hard. In most of my previous classes, I have mentioned a few easy techniques on how to approach the pine trees. If you already seen any of my previous classes, you would know one of my favorite technique that I would recommend to a beginner to paint pine trees is the first step, is to draw a straight line and then move your brush in a zigzag manner. And that automatically creates the shape of a pine tree. Like you can see here. You still are not sure on how to approach pine trees. You can take out a rough paper and then practice, like I have mentioned just now. So you can paint confidently while you are going for the main class project. Another important thing to keep in mind while painting pine trees is that do not paint them in a same shape and size. I've been painting these pine trees in this video in various different sizes. It's because the more different sizes and shapes that you show for the pine trees, the more depth you create in the landscape. That is actually the most important part while you're going for pine trees, or just any other trees, just to not paint them in a uniform shape. The process of covering the entire foreground with pine trees is a bit slow and we can easily get bored. So if you want, you can fast forward this video as well. I suggestion, especially if you are a beginner, is to watch how my brush is moving and how the shapes of the pine trees are forming. So that you will get an idea on how to paint the pine, pine trees in your own future projects. Now, after painting the last pine tree, I'm going to cover up the entire whitespace with indigo paint. Now. I'm going to take the white paint. And I have also taken the rigger brush. And I'm going to splatter the stars now. Splattering is a very fun process, but it's important to not overdo it. With the same rigor brush. I'm going to highlight some stars with the same white paint. Alright, we are done with class project one. Remove the tape only when the paper is completely dry that up. Now I'm gonna see you guys in the next video where we will discuss about the colors of class project two. So see you there. 7. Class Project 2 Color Palette: Let's begin the class project. Do with the color palette. I will first list out the colors. Later, I will swatch them. That is going up drawn rose from White Knight. And this is orange color from Sennelier. And this is blue from a white knight. And of course, my favorite color, indigo from a scenario. And I have this very special color from White Nights called royal blue. If you don't have this color, you can use cobalt blue or ultramarine blue instead. And then of course, the white watercolor from a brand called Gamblin. Me first take these colors onto my palette. Later, I'm going to swatch all of these colors. I'm going to change the paper now. This is a 25% cotton paper I use for switching the colors, especially. So I'm going to get started with light color to dark. So that means I'm going too fast. Take Sennelier orange, followed by quin rose from White Nights. And this blue color from White Nights. This is actually very similar to ultramarine. So you can use ultramarine color here instead. And for royal blue, you can use cobalt blue. You can even mix a little bit of white color to the cobalt blue, then you will get the royal blue color here. Finally, my personal favorite, white knight, indigo color. And obviously I'm not going to swatch the white color here. So this is it. This is the color palette we need to paint the class project too. So I hope you guys got all of these colors with you. Now, without delay, let's get started. 8. Class Project 2 First Layer : Let's start the class project to first layer. I'm going to wet the paper with clean water and I'm using my hockey brush. Now. I have taken my silver black velvet number 14 brush, and I'm using orange color. I'm going to get started on painting the sky. So we're gonna start with light to dark. So fast, orange, letter comes, Queen Rose. The colors are looking very bright here. But that's okay because watercolor always tries to shades lighter. So do not hesitate to go for a darker shade. Now, I'm taking a white knight blue color. I'm going to get started on painting with the blue color, just about the Queen Rose. And see that while you're blending the blue with Queen Rose, you get a very dull purple color. And that is perfectly alright. It's very common as well to get that shade. Now, I'm roaming all excess water from the brush using a tissue paper, and I'm going to blend all of these three colors together. Let me take royal blue color and then followed by indigo. Having 100% cotton paper really, really helps in blending of colors. That is what I'm doing here. I'm blending all of these colors together and the paper has to be wet as well. Now with a tissue paper, I'm removing all the excess water that is present at the edge of the paper to remove, to avoid the backflow. Now, watch this part very carefully. While the paper is still wet using a tissue, I'm going to just remove some paint. And I'm going to remove it in a triangular shape, as you can see here. Now it is time to make it look like a milky way galaxy for that time, taking White Nights blue color, and my paper is getting dried up, so I may have to hurry. Now. I'm going to take white color and I'm gonna just add a few random dots like we did in class project one. But it's now clear that the paper has dried up. So I think I may have to stop painting. One of the most important tips that I can give you in watercolor, if you send your paper is drying and you're not yet done with your work. Leave it, leave it there. And you can come back later, re-wet and continue work, but do not paint while the paper is drying. Following my own advice, I'm going to stop painting and I'm going to let the paper to completely dry up. And I'm gonna see you guys in the next video where we're going to paint the second layer. 9. Class Project 2 Second Layer: Welcome to class project to second layer. To begin rewetting. First step is to check if your paper is completely dried up on, not only when the paper is dry it you can start riveting. And wild riveting. Do not push your brush against the paper. Go with very gentle strokes that you are seeing here. Let's start with indigo and let's start from the top. In class project one. We did not disturb the Milky Way galaxy. In while painting the second layer, we have painted around it. That's what I'm doing here. Later, I'm going to walk on the Milky Way galaxy here. Indigo. I'm going to paint with a royal blue, followed by white knight blue color. And then the Queen Rose and the orange colors. We have painted with blue, royal blue onto the Milky Way galaxy in the first layer. So I'm just going to paint around it. But it is looking as if we are painting over that. But it's okay. It will still look like a Milky Way galaxy and then paint with orange and pink colors. And I'm going to blend all of these colors together. Once again, It's not let the paper dry. So we're going to have to work faster. I have just changed my brush. I've taken my silver black velvet number six brush, and I'm using a Queen Rose and blue mix. And I got this purple color. So I'm gonna just add a few random dots onto the Milky Way. As you can see, when the paint touches the paper, the paint is just spreading. That's when, you know, the paper is still wet and that is the right time to paint. I have just added the white color and I'm going to blend these colors now using a damp brush like we have done in class project one. It's perfect. Now I'm going to take this purple color that is there on my palette and I'm going to add few more random details, random dots. Blend them. Remove all the excess paint and water that is at the edge of the tape. And we're gonna keep the paper for drying. And in the next video, we're going to paint the final details. So I'm gonna see you there. 10. Class Project 2 Final Details : Let's paint the final details and make sure your paper is completely dried up. I have taken my silver black and white number six, smaller brush and indigo color. I'm gonna get started on painting a layer of pine trees. These spines are very small and will only cover about an inch at the bottom of the paper. The pine trees, the foreground for our class project two will be a bit different from a class project one. Here, after painting this layer of pine trees, we're going to paint a few dried a pine tree branches. There's going to be interesting. So now that I'm done with this layer of pine trees, I will change my brush. I'm gonna take my rigger brush and I'm going to use the same color, indigo. And I will paint the pine trees with lots of dried-up branches. That means there are not going to be an ileus here. We're going to only paint a few horizontal lines are zigzag lines. To get that fine picture. I'm not going to paint a lot of pine trees, dried pine trees here. I'm going to only paint a very few of them. This is the last one. Now, I'm going to take the rigger brush and I'm going to take the white paint as well. And I'm going to splatter the white paint onto the paper to create stars. Later, I'm going to highlight some stars with the same paint and brush. Do not overdo the splattering. And once your paper is dried up, you can remove the tape. And that is all for today's class projects. I hope you enjoyed painting with me today. I'm gonna see you in the next video where we will discuss some few important things about painting Milky Way's. So I'm gonna see you there. 11. Final Thoughts !: Congrats on successfully completing the class and class projects. In these two class projects, we have learned two ways of painting a Milky Way galaxy. The first project is about painting the Milky Way Galaxy using the whitespace in between the colors. We did not use any other technique like lifting. In second project, we have used exactly that. The lifting technique. We have used a tissue paper to lift the color off and then paint around it, creating a Milky Way galaxy. I hope you guys use these two techniques to create your own Galaxy paintings in the future. And I'm gonna be waiting to see your class projects so you can post them down below in the project section. And if you have any doubt regarding the class, I'll be happy to help and happy to answer. Just post your query in the discussion section below. If you guys like the class, please consider leaving a review and follow my profile here on Skillshare. And I'm going to see you guys in my next class. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining me today.