Paisagem aquarela - pinte um expressivo Cityscene Rainy comigo | Sukrutha Jagirdhar | Skillshare

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Watercolor Cityscape - Paint An Expressive Rainy Cityscene With Me

teacher avatar Sukrutha Jagirdhar, Watercolor Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome Back


    • 2.

      Class Overview


    • 3.

      Art Supplies & Color Palette


    • 4.

      Techniques - Sky Practice


    • 5.

      Techniques - Reflections Practice


    • 6.

      Techniques - Car Practice


    • 7.

      Class Project - Sketch


    • 8.

      Class Project - Sky


    • 9.

      Class Project - Foreground & Reflections


    • 10.

      Class Project - Car


    • 11.

      Class Project - Final Details


    • 12.

      Wrapping Up !


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About This Class

Watercolor Cityscape - Paint An Expressive Rainy Cityscene With Me

Hello welcome back to new class..We are going to be painting a wonderful watercolour rainy cityscape in this class..I always find my inspiration in Mother Nature and passing seasons..we have just welcomed monsoons here in India..rains bring a lot of moody scenes to of the things I wanted to paint is a cityscape ..naturally I want to share the process with you..

In this class, you will learn..

  1. To chose right colours to paint after-rain sunset scene
  2. To paint the sky with soft clouds in wet on wet technique
  3. To paint the foreground with trees in different shapes in wet on dry technique
  4. To paint reflections of trees and car on road, using wet on wet technique
  5. To paint a car in wet on dry technique

By the end of this class, you will have complete understanding on painting simple cityscenes in rainy atmosphere, you can even experiment on your own with different themes and colours..

This class is perfect for intermediate level artists who have an idea about wet on wet & wet on dry techniques..if you are a beginner and wish to learn a few new techniques that help further your watercolour journey, then this class is perfect for you

Join me and lets get started on painting a rainy cityscape with watercolours..

If you have any questions or queries regarding the class, please feel free to start a discussion below..I will be happy to help

Love, Sukrutha

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Sukrutha Jagirdhar

Watercolor Artist


Welcome to this cozy and creative winter watercolor class! I'm so excited to have you here as we paint a peaceful winter landscape together.

This class is designed to be a relaxing and therapeutic escape--perfect for unwinding and enjoying some "me time" over the weekend. Whether you're new to watercolors or a seasoned artist, I hope you find joy and inspiration in every brushstroke.

Link to the Class - Let's get started and make something beautiful!

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1. Welcome Back: The most beautiful season of the year, the man sensor here in India. With trains, they bring blurry windows, green blankets to the neighborhoods, and some breathtaking views. One of the things that I always wished to paint is a city scene in drain. Naturally, I want to share the process with you all. Hi, I'm Sagrada, watercolor artist and teacher. I'm here teaching on Skillshare for the past four years, I have 34 classes on Skillshare so far. I love to teach limited palette, watercolor landscapes. You can also follow me on YouTube and Instagram to keep up with my work. Today, I'm back with a new class where we're gonna beat painting, a watercolor ethnicities in. The class project is completed in three major steps. Painting the sky, painting the foreground, and reflections, and painting the car. We will start by practicing all three of these steps separately in technique section. If you are a beginner or if you are painting the citizen for the first time, I advise you to not miss out practicing the techniques. We will then proceed with the main class project, starting with painting the sky, painting the foreground, and reflection, and painting the car. This class is perfect for intermediate level artists who have an idea about wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry techniques. And if you are a beginner, there is no harm in trying something new. So join me and let's paint this wonderful class project. I'll be guiding you step-by-step without further delay. Let's jump into next video where we will discuss a little bit more about the class and class project. I'm gonna see you there. 2. Class Overview : Let's talk a little bit about the class project. Just looking at it, you can say it is divided into three major steps. One is painting the sky, and next comes the foreground and reflection. And finally, we move on to painting the car. And of course there'll be final details like painting the polls and vote. Before we start with the class project, we will discuss these three steps separately in techniques section. The first video in the technique section is all about the sky, right, from learning about the colors and painting this soft skies and clouds, everything is discussed here. The skies and the clouds are painted in wet on wet technique. In the second video of techniques section, we will discuss about the reflections, both from the trees and from the car. These reflections are also painted in wet on wet technique. And the third video is all about painting the car. This video has both techniques, wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry. Practicing all these steps, we can finally move on to painting the main class project. If you are an intermediate level artist and are familiar with wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry technique. These steps and the main class project should be easy. If you are a beginner, these techniques section will help you immensely in learning the most important watercolor techniques, wet on wet and wet on dry. So please do not skip those sections. And I'm sure you can paint the main class project very easily. That is all about the class and the class project. In the next video, we will discuss all the art materials that we're going to be needing and then the color palette. So I'm gonna see you there. 3. Art Supplies & Color Palette : Before anything else, we have to talk about the materials that we're going to need. First things first, let's talk about the paper. Have painted this on 100% cotton, 300 GSM Arches paper. I buy these papers in roles and I cut them up into the sizes that I need using a ruler. And the main reason to use are just 100% cotton render, GSM or any other 100% cotton is that they stay wet for a long time. That is what we need when we are going for wet-on-wet technique. So you will have a lot of time to work with your landscape. If you don't have arches, It's okay you can use any other brand, but makes sure it is under Present Gordon and re-enter GSM paper. And I have used this acrylic acrylic board to stick my paper to using a masking tape. You can buy these on any online store. Coming to the brushes, I have used a total of five brushes for this class. And two of them are from silver black velvet. And the rest three are from Da Vinci. All these brushes, so a different purpose. This one right here, the da Vinci flat brush, it is for washes. And these two are rigger brushes to paint small details. And the foreground, trees and the clouds, the sky are all. With this silver black velvet round brushes have used a ceramic color palette. You can use any of the palate that you have. Last jar for the water and then masking tape tissues. These are very important. The colors, I have used these paints from two brands and earlier and white knight class project has a different color palette made up of beautiful colors. Let's check it out, shall we? Let's find out the colors first. And this is French vermilion from the brand Sennelier. I have it here on my palette. The next is alizarin crimson from the brand Sennelier. I have it right here on my palette. And the last is quin rose from the brand White Knight. And I have it right here on my palette. I have kinda separate. I have separated the pinks and reds on one side of the palette and the rest on the other. Let's see what those are. The first one is pines gray. It's from White Nights and I have it over there. This is indigo, my favorite color from the brand White Knight. And this is Dax in purple, the most beautiful color. It's from Sennelier and I have it here. Let's watch these colors out and see how they are. Let's start with French vermilion. You can use any red color that you have. And this is alizarin crimson. If you don't have it, you can mix red and purple. Very light, very lightly. I mean, a lot of red and a very little purple. You will get the shade. This is quin rose. If you don't have it, you can use any pink shade that you have. This is dogs in bubble. If you don't have this, you can use any purple or violet shade that you have. I'm sure the next two shades, indigo and binds gray, is very common and we all have those. Next comes the most interesting part of this class project to get that Sunset Beach are pinkish color from these color mixes. So I'm going to show you the right mix now. I've taken a mix of Queen Rose, French, vermilion, and Alizarin crimson. And I have used a very light shade of whatever the color that I got to get that light pinkish or peach color for the class project. And this is the color that I'm talking about. You can check it out here in the class project. Our, there isn't another color mix that we're gonna be using, that is a mix of purple and indigo to paint the sky and clouds. There we go. We got the color palette for the class project. I hope you guys have all these colors and if not, I have already provided the alternatives. So in the next video we're going to see the techniques that we're gonna be needing to paint the class project. So I'm gonna see you there. 4. Techniques - Sky Practice : Let's begin the technique section with Skype practice. Particular class project. The sky is very moody and I have only used two colors. But to get these colors, I have mixed a lot of differentiate. So for that reason, have decided to make a sky practice as well. But you can see this whole sky is done on wet-on-wet. So I thought it'd be a nice technique to show you guys as well. I will begin by mixing the color. So I have taken Alizarin, crimson, Queen, Rose, and French Chameleon. It's a red color. So I have mixed stays at these are not equal proportions, I think. Have mixed them till I got the right shade. So use a lot of water and less pigment. You'll get the light. Peach color. Have used a shared only a few times in my previous class projects. So I'm always nervous about this particular peach color shade. Thank God, I have got right for this class project. And I've taken a little bit of indigo because I'm running out on my palette. We will need the Indigo and purple bags in purple mix to paint the clouds. Started to paint the clouds and sky, but now I'm wetting the paper with clean water. I'm using my Da Vinci wash brush. Begin with peach shade. So I'm going to be painting it very lightly. Of course. I'm painting this light color in stripes. You can also see there is a white empty space in the middle as well. So we will add one more layer here because I want a pink color to highlight. So now I'm gonna be taking my dogs in purple and indigo mix. And I'm going to get started on painting the sky and clouds with the same color. First step is to get the shared right. It should be, it should not be looking like purple, and it shouldn't be looking like indigo. It should be a perfect mix. And start very lightly and then slowly build up the layers of the clouds. A small brush comes in handy when you're painting clouds of T-shape. In this class project, the clouds are not huge or anything. They're just very straight lines. You will see we're going to paint them now. I'm mixing dioxazine, purple, and indigo, and I'm mixing it, it a bit darker. I'm using my silver black velvet number six brush the smaller one. The clouds are very subtle. In this class project, you have to just paint a horizontal line like you're seeing here. And do not go with a very detailed straight line. Just wiggle your brush a little bit and you'll get the cloud shape, just like I'm doing right here. The top part in the class project is darker, so we're going to just practice the same right here. And clearly see peach color and the violet indigo mix is not mixed up properly. So I'm taking a damp brush and I'm just blending all those two colors together. And you can see those colors are blending so perfectly. And this is because we are painting wet-on-wet and we are using a cotton paper. It is very easier for me to mix and to blend all of the colors together. So I would suggest 100% cotton paper. And also I would say this to use use wet-on-wet technique to paint Saturday clouds. When you're painting the clouds in this horizontal lines, do not overdo it. It is very, very important that the background color, the pink and peach color that we have here. So it's important for that color to be a highlight here and not the dark color. So make sure you're not painting completely over it. I'm taking my own advice and I'm going to leave it at this. I'm not going to overdo it. You can see it's very similar to our class project. So practice this video before you move on to the class project. To get the wet-on-wet technique and to paint the sky perfectly. The next video we're going to practice the second step that is reflection. So I'm gonna see you there 5. Techniques - Reflections Practice : Let's practice the reflections. Now. I've said before, the class project is divided into three major steps. The sky, the foreground and reflection, and the car. So we have covered the sky. And foreground is all about painting the trees. So I thought it'd be easier and we can manage it without practicing. But I thought for reflections, we might need a bit of practice. So here we are. I'm gonna get started by wetting the paper with clean water. Are only using two colors for reflections. One is pines gray, and red. Smaller brush, I'm gonna just border the foreground area. So from there we can paint the reflections easily. I've just painted to border areas, just like in the class project. As you can see. Let's paint the reflections. And remember, the entire paper here is wet, and this is wet-on-wet technique. I have taken my silver black velvet number 14, the bigger brush, and I'm not using any extra paint. I'm just dragging the paint that is at the foreground in straight lines. You can see the process. It is very, very easy. You have to leave a little bit of space between two vertical lines. For some adjustments. Let's remove all the extra water from our brush using a tissue and with a damp brush, you can blend Hen manipulate the paint in whatever the way we want. And I'm just dragging a few lines. I'm adjusting the reflections here as well. While the paper is still wet, I'm gonna be taking my silver black velvet number six, brush the smaller one. And I'm going to add the reflections of the car light as well. It's from the class project. Modelling a reflection vertical line using pine screen, the murder, and we're set. Now, let's do some adjustments according to the class project that we are using as a reference. The paper here is not soaking wet and it's not dry either. It's damp. And all the manipulation of the pains that is being done is because the paper is damp. If it is wet, the color will just spread everywhere and you won't see the shapes. And if it is dry, you cannot blend the colors properly. So it is important that you practice and you will have the knowledge of when to paint and when to stop. So yeah, that is it for reflection spot. I'm going to see you guys in the next video where we're going to practice the car. The most favorite part for me personally in this class. I'm gonna see you there. 6. Techniques - Car Practice : Let's begin the practice of the final step, the car. So I'm going to get started by sketching the car first. You have to do is remember where the light and shadows are, even in the sketch and in the painting as well. I'm going to guide you step-by-step here. So I will fast dry very simple sketch of the car, painting the backside of the car. And there are few things to keep in mind while we're painting it. So the first thing is draw a line on my right, the small one and the one on the top. And you're not supposed to paint these two lines. You're not supposed to be adding any paint in this these lines. And that's where the light falls and that's where you differentiate the car from the surroundings. You will understand this concept only after we finished the painting. So for now, draw these lines. So I'm going to get started with pines gray. And I'm going to first paint the back window. So I'm only going to be using two shades of pines gray, one is darker and one is lighter. Here I'm using the darker. I'm going to leave a little bit of space between the window and the body of the car. And I'm going to paint a light shade of pints gray for the body. Shade at the bottom. We using French vermilion, the red color. And I'm going to be painting the lights with it. All for now. For the ties, I'm going to be adding a darker shade of pines gray. The most important part here is adding the shadow. If you add the shadow, the structure becomes 3D and it looks very realistic. Now I'm going to be adding some color around it. And then you will understand those spaces that we have left as a highlight from the line that we have drawn before. Leave a little bit of space between the paint that we are painting now and the car. Both on my right side and on the top. You don't have to paint anything on my left. Since the light only false on two sides of the object because it is a sunset time. Just see how realistic the car is going to be turning out. Now. Just by falling to highlight, we're going to be painting a realistic car. And this is exactly how I have painted car in the class project. And I'm going to remove the tape. And that is all for the practice session. In the next video, we're gonna get started on painting the main class project, and we're gonna get started with the sky. So I hope you guys are already looking forward to paint the class project with you all. So I'm gonna see you guys in the next video. 7. Class Project - Sketch : Now that we have practiced all of the techniques, it's time to start with the main class project, and it begins with sketching. Sketching is very simple and easy. There is just a car and the road. So first of all, we will directly paint. We have already practiced the car sketch and car paintings, so this should be easy. Discard structure is quite small compared to the one we have practiced. But everything is similar, including this highlight areas as well. You just have to reduce the size. It's going to draw these few lines which are going to separate the trees and the road. If you see this final picture, you'll get the idea. Those same lines I'm going to be drawing on my right as well. You see those divider lines on the road, right? So I'm going to draw those as well. In the middle of the road. Catches fairly simple. But I'm gonna be adding the picture of the sketch in class resources below. You can sketch your project from seeing the picture as well. This is it, this is the sketch. In the next video, we're going to be painting the sky. So see you there. 8. Class Project - Sky: Let's get real now. The main class project starts from here. So as usual, the first step is to wet the paper. And I'm using my DaVinci flat brush. I used to use the silver brush, the hockey brush, but this one seemed very soft when I was doing my practices. This is a synthetic brush and I absolutely love it. If you have this, please go there. If you don't have, you can use any hockey brush or any round brush if you have to wet the paper. And remember to keep the tissues ready. We are painting the sky and we have to wet on day the sky area. Do not wet the paper. Where does the car and those two border lines that you're seeing there. So it's very important. I have already told you guys how to get that pinkish orange color. So I'm going to just mix up Alizarin, crimson, quin rose, and French Chameleon. These three colors in a very, very light shade. To get that pink sky. Let's begin. Start with very light strokes. And most of the pink stays in the middle of the sky. Top and bottom will be covered in violet color. So we only have to paint this pink color in the middle of the paper. Loved those white gaps in-between those pink strokes. So if you can leave those as well. But I think it will get covered because the paper is wet on wet. Now, I have taken a purple dioxazine purple mixed with indigo. And I'm painting very lightly. Slowly we can build up the color. So I've taken this side, tang, smaller brush, the round one. So this is very comfortable with, for me to paint these small clouds. I have taken the purple and indigo mixture and then continue to paint with that color. Just to observe my brushstrokes, how I'm painting these clouds. It's too much water on the paper. So to remove that, I have removed all the excess water from the brush and with a damp brush, I'm removing all extra water from the paper away the backflow of the water. Whenever you can please remove the excess water that is collected around digest using a tissue paper. Now, I have taken dioxazine purple mixed with indigo and have gotten this intense blue color. I'm going to paint the top of the paper first. And I'm using the same smaller brush. Now I'm taking a damp brush that is removing the excess water from the brush. And I'm going to blend those hard edges of the blue with the pink below. We just have to create a few brushstrokes. The water will take care of the blending. And that's the beauty of watercolor. I'll let start painting the bottom part of the sky with the same intense color. But first I'm going to remove the excess water. Just again with the same mix of dogs in bubble and indigo. I'm going to get started on painting the bottom part, observed the brushstrokes again, all I'm doing is painting these straight lines. Since the paper is damp, the colors are getting blended with each other perfectly. Paper has started to dry, so I have to work faster. Gonna get started on painting these smaller clouds. As you can see, all I'm doing right now is painting these straight lines with dogs and popular and indigo mix. And of course these are not straight lines. You can see a subtle flower shapes. It. Now I am using a silver black velvet number six brush. Using a smaller brush to paint these smaller clouds is really helpful for you in order to get the shapes right. Almost done. At this point. We have been painting the sky for at least six to 7 min now. So it is important for the paper to be wet for that amount of time. So make sure you're using 100% cotton and 300 GSM paper. And a percent cotton. Paper usually stays wet for a long, long time. So it gives you time to paint whatever the landscapes that you want to paint, what are the effects you want to create? Think I'm going to add one more layer of data clouds here at the bottom. And we're done in the next video, we're going to be painting the foreground, which is to be painted wet on dry. So you have to keep this, this one for drawing. Only paint the foreground in the next video, once this sky is completely dry. I'm gonna see you guys in the next video. 9. Class Project - Foreground & Reflections : We have successfully completed the first step, this guy. Now we are starting with foreground and reflections. Make sure the sky is completely dried up before starting this. Taken my Da Vinci rigger brush and pines gray to paint the foreground. Trees. For the whole of this foreground and the trees, we are only using one color that is pines gray. It'll be only trees and one small building, a shape that we are going to be painting. So get ready. You have to have a lot of patients to get to this video because this is the only one that is at least 15 min long. And we're only going to be painting the trees. In one of my experiments of this rainy city scene. I have painted only pine trees and I did not like, like it. So I have decided to paint different types of trees. I've studied a couple of pictures of Juarez and absorbed the shapes of all the trees. And I sort of combine all types of trees and update shapes here. So this might be a bit tricky for you. To just follow my brushstrokes. If you are comfortable in painting the pine trees, you can go ahead. But if you want to try some new types of trees, as you can see, I'm only making up the shapes here. This is actually fun. If you want to try this, you can paint with me as well. See that pencil sketch we have drawn before. The border between foreground on the road. Do not add any pine tree or the border at later, we have to paint the reflection for that. The paint has to be wet. So if you add pines gray right now at the border, the paint will dry up and you can't paint the reflections. So keep a little bit of space between the pencil sketch and the trees. The building. And it's not elaborate. Just a building with three windows. And I'm not painting anything in those windows. There'll be left alone without adding any pines gray. It indicates there is a light Now the three that I'm painting now, he is my favorite. And it actually brings out the whole cityscape. So this is gonna be a very large tree. This actually became my favorite after I have completed the painting. Because while I'm painting this right now, I have actually no idea what I'm doing. I'm just painting the right shape of the tree. Let's say it's very important for us artists to observe the nature, to observe the shapes of things. Even if you don't have a reference, even if you have no idea what you're painting. If you observe the nature and if you get the idea of what and how things should look like, you can paint anything on your own. This is my only first successful attempt at painting without reference. So I think I know a little bit what I'm saying right here. Please observe everything around you, especially the light and shadows. Wherever the light walls where the shadow is. It is all very important because you can't always rely on the pictures. Sometimes you don't like the color, you don't like the placement. Imagine if you can create anything on your own. So that's what I'm doing right here. I have created this entire foreground, entire shape of the trees on my own. Now, let's move on to my left and start painting the trees over there. It's the same thing that we have done on the other side. So I'm going to keep quiet for a few minutes now. And I want you guys to observe the brushstrokes very clearly. The shapes of all of these trees are done only by the brushstrokes. So yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna stop talking now Now covered up that distance we have created between the border line and the trees with pines gray. I have taken my silver black velvet number 14, brush the bigger one. And I will wet the paper. The road area with clean water. You guys know what to do because we have practiced the reflections part. You just have to drag the pines grade down in straight lines and that creates the reflections. Have to leave the car alone. We are not painting that. That is the only difference from the practice session and for the main class project, but we can manage it. I've quickly changed my brush. I've taken my silver black velvet number six brush. The smaller one, it gives more detail, the reflections. I'm going to just go through the reflections again. We're at it. Let's also paint the reflections of the car light as well, using French vermilion, the red color. Not forget to paint the car shadow using Payne's gray. Let's do a few adjustments using the smaller brush. Draw those lines straighter and some paint. To create those divider lines using a damp brush. It is all bar for ground and reflections. I hope you guys enjoyed the process because I have injured a lot painting these trees and deflections as well. So I'm going to keep this word drying. And I'm gonna see you guys in the next video where we're going to paint the car. See you there? 10. Class Project - Car: The foreground and reflections are dried up. Let's paint the car. Aside from the red for the light, there are only two colors. To paint this car. I'm in two shapes. One is tap pines gray, the other is a very light Payne's gray. That means we have to use a lot of water and very less pigment. You can see those two shades here. We have already practiced a car in one of our practice sessions, so the process is same. We will begin by leaving a little bit of space empty. It is a highlight. And we will start with the Payne's gray. And this is back, back window. Here, the body of the car. You have to leave a little bit of space between the top and the below part. It is a highlight as well. This should be painted in a very light pines gray color. Do not use the darker shade. It looks a bit darker, so I'm gonna remove a little bit of paint and make it lighter using a damp brush that it is. Now, let's paint the light using a French vermilion red color. Let's paint the bottom of the car now. This is darker, Payne's gray. I'm going to paint the wheels as well. Using darker Payne's gray. I paint a red color to these lights here as well. That is it. I think the car here in the main class project is much easier than in the practice. So yeah, that is it. In the next video, we're going to be painting the final details. So I'm going to see you there 11. Class Project - Final Details : Alright, we have arrived at the final details. Let's get started. I am taking my rigger brush and I started to sense this is not good with straight lines. So the brush is not moving at all. So I will change the silver black velvet number six, round brush later. So you might want to take that now itself. I'm going to use pints gray. I'm going to paint the poles. And then we're going to paint a few wires to those poles. And later a few birds. And I see I have changed. Does it look backwards? Let number six here. I think I don t need to explain here how to paint these poles because the process is very simple. You just have to draw a straight line and a few straight lines over this. And they go, you'll have faint one here and here, and a tiny one here. For now, I'm going to paint, if necessary. I'm going to paint a poll if necessary later. And now I have taken the rigger brush. Rigger brush are really good to paint. Very thin lines. I'm going to use this brush to paint the y's. I'm going to paint a final poll over here on my left. With trigger. I'm going to continue painting these wires. Final step. We're going to paint the bird. Few of them in the air and a few of them on the poles, on the wires. I always overdo the details. I have painted a lot of words here. I'm going to stop now. And that is all for today's class. I hope you enjoyed painting this very beautiful rainy city escaped with me. I especially loud painting the sky and of course, those spontaneous trees. The next video we're going to talk a little bit more about the class project and how the techniques we have learned here will help you in your future watercolor experiments. So I'm going to see you there. Thank you so much for joining me so far. 12. Wrapping Up !: Congrats on completing the class projects successfully. And I'm sure we have learned a lot about painting the city scenes, especially the rainy ones. And with that, we have also learned a few more things like painting a car and painting the sky wet-on-wet, and painting the reflections. Learning the techniques separately, we'll help you paint your own city scenes in future. I've done a few experiments with this same technique, and I have come up with a couple of different city scenes like this one right here. It has a major sunset scene going on here. One right here. This one is a little bit on a larger paper. And I have very moody scene here. So experiment with different colors and with different teams. I have also included a few reference pictures in the class resources. Resources below. You can check it out if you want. If you have completed the class project. From this class, please upload it in the project section below, and I can give my feedback. I will see you in my next class. Thank you so much for joining me.