warming up exercises for urban sketching | Barbara Grünenfelder | Skillshare

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warming up exercises for urban sketching

teacher avatar Barbara Grünenfelder, time is art

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      about modes of seeing


    • 3.

      following shadows


    • 4.

      feeling lines


    • 5.

      blind contour drawing


    • 6.

      continos line


    • 7.



    • 8.

      going further


    • 9.

      bonus 1: architecture in a continuos line


    • 10.

      bonus 2: oneliner hahnenfuss


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About This Class

When observational drawings dont look right, it is often because we dont watch in an appropriate seeing mode. In the everyday mode, most people are not able to see, what is really there in front of them, and this shows in their drawings. This class is about seeing modes and how to tune into a suitable mode for drawing on location. I show four  effective and easy warming up exercises for observational drawing. The last exercise is also a technique for "real" urban sketches or travel sketches - a quick approach to draw everything you see.

This class is for both, beginners and intermediate sketchers - and also advanced ones with too much routine, that want to see again with a "beginners mind".

Meet Your Teacher

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Barbara Grünenfelder

time is art


I love to draw and paint, move and explore. i teach creative classes with adults and work as a coach. Drawing, painting and sewing for me are ways to explore both the outer and inner worlds, to deeply connect with life, to sharpen my awareness and to celebrate my playfulness. I am an urban sketcher in bern, switzerland.

about my classes:

at the moment, all my skillshare classes are about urban sketching. since 10 years ago, i teach many urban sketching classes on location, and every one is different, as i adapt them to the participants. there are some main topics that are important again and again, and some topics are fascinating just once in a while. most classes here are the essence of my on location classes in and around bern.

the most important ability ... See full profile

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1. intro: warming up for urban sketching is about tuning in tow, a seeing moat where we can really perceive for the Syrian front off us. In this course, we will see their most difficulties with drawing from observation come from, and we learned for short exercises to tune into a more suitable seeing mode for observational drawing. I will explain to Moz off seeing in the second lesson. Then we have four short exercises from 2 to 5 minutes. The exercise is also trained. Eye hand coordination on the last technique is also suitable for finished organs, catches or travel sketches. Hi and welcome to my first skill share class. I am Barbara Green and felt I loved to draw and paint on to explore life and consciousness through creative media. I'm in urban sketching in Switzerland, and I did drawing urban's catching and more in Ben and other places. This course is for you. If you love to draw from observation or if you would like to improve your observational drawing skills, for example, urban sketching or for travels catching, you will find the summary off the exercises to print out and to take out on location. This course is the first part off a serious about urban sketching, and I recommended for beginners or for intermediates, catchers that wonder why they're catches, don't look right or who want to loosen up to find the pdf. So you go to your project, then to the right toe attached files on there you can choose if you want a four or U. S letter. Form it as materials. You need just any pen and some paper and eventually water and the brush I use one off. The exercise is to introduce a technique with water soluble ink on the water brush that I like to use when travels catching with minimal material. I'm looking forward to see you in class. 2. about modes of seeing: being able to propose freely choose. The way I see is the key to my observational drawing skills and the first and most important step in my drawing classes. For many participants, this step is a breakthrough. You see it immediately in the drawings, and for some, the change takes more time to discover. If you don't feel the sitch in the exercises and the joyful flow when you draw, you probably try to heart. The exercises are relaxing. Try it when you're tired and stay with the very first easy exercises until you get into this easy flow. If you want to draw from observation, learning how to see what it's really here risible that not only known is the basis on like a stepping stone toe, all other drawing techniques and skills you needed for drawing architectural people, landscape plants, light and shadows. And so one on dit is a skill that can replace a lot of theory, for instance, about perspective or the human body. If you can observe and see clearly, you can draw anything. You see. Everybody sees the world in a different way, as he or she learned it while growing up and through cultural and individual filters. But there are also common patterns in our perception that I often recognize when people learn to draw from observation. In this lesson, I show you a very simplified model off Moz off seeing just what you need to see to understand why these exercises are so useful on what is essential about them. We don't see the world like a camera, or probably only in the first days off our lives. Growing up, we begin to name and to label things and store them a symbols. In the 19 seventies, Betty Edwards described to Moz off, seeing in her book, Drawing with the right Side Off the Brain, while Frederick Franck wrote Send Seeing San, drawing on de differentiated a contemplated drawing mode from on every day functioning mode . With the exercises in this course, we can choose how we want to see We can switch are seeing mode. We can out march this everyday mechanism if we concentrate on aspect off the objects that are brain does not recognize as Katha Gorey's or symbols. For instance, lines while use or negative space lines are technically the simplest, so we start here with lines to focus on contours and lines changes. The mode of seeing these exercises are so powerful a swarm up exercises because you can tune into a suitable seeing mode. I like them not only because they improve my apps observational drawing Andi because off the training for the eye hand coordination. I also like the contemplative state of mind and the peace and presence and relaxation that come with this way off drawing. Because language is connected with the seeing mode, which is not so suitable for observational drawing, I recommend not to speak while you do the exercises on not to speak when you warm up for drawing from observation, even not to speak while drawing until you can tune into this mode of seeing. Anyway, this makes it much easier. Instead, off much more theory. I invite you to use the discussion and Project section to share your thoughts and questions and experiences. I'm looking forward to see what you do and what you experience, and to answer your questions 3. following shadows: following Shadows is a playful and easy exercise, but it's also very powerful toe change, the mode off seeing. Instead of seeing an object, the brain is forced to focus on the edges between the light and the dark areas, so it changes its motor off, seeing to see what it's really visible here in front. Off the eyes, you get nice and crisp shadows if you go outdoors on a sunny day. And if the Leafs are rather close to the paper, the further away the leafs are from the paper, the blurrier the contours off the shadows become indoors. You can use a spotlight, followed edges and stay with the pen on the paper in one continuous line as long as you can . If the shadows move, just go with the flow off the movement. A summary off the exercises is in the class Materials have fun and if you like, take a picture and post it in the protects calorie as your first project with your experiences or questions 4. feeling lines: feeling Lines is a preliminary exercise to improve the feeling for following contours, and it also helps to change the mode off. Seeing you can do the exercise with anything, you can feel your fingers with an interesting solid shape. For instance, roots, vegetables or your face. I shall wait here with my face so you see that it's not about accuracy. It's about the mindset about experiencing the change into seeing mode. But later on drawing in this seeing moat, we lead to more accurate drawings. Begin with preparing your paper so it won't move. When you work with both hands, tape the paper onto the table or fix it with a clip. Put the pen in the middle off the paper and the finger in the middle off the face or object . Close your eyes and slowly feel and follow the contours of your finger and follow this felt contour with your pen on the paper. When you move from one part to another part with no connecting contour or line trust, stay with your pen on the paper and follow. Trace the path of your finger on the face. Remember that the exercise is not about accuracy but about getting a feeling for following contours and changing the mode of seeing take a moment to explore this change. When did you feel it? Where in the body and how? 5. blind contour drawing: blind control drawing. It's a short and effective warm up to make the brain change its mode of seeing from knowing something about an object toe. Seeing what it's really with people here at once. Skechers could drove college mountains and other structures like this for the exercise. You can take something from the kitchen order or parts of a plant outdoors, and faces are funny, too. Organic shapes are more convincing than take technical stuff. I only look at the object and not onto the paper. I can start somewhere in the middle or anywhere. I follow the contours and lines with my eyes and my pen living the pen on the paper. In just one continuous line, I see every contour and line. And because my brain doesn't know these single curse and lines, it allows me to really see what is visible here and not identifying with something that is stored within my brain. Somehow, like a symbol again, a summary off the exercise is on the pdf so you can take it with you. Feel free to share your experience and questions in the project Calorie. I'm looking forward to seeing what you did what you experienced toe answering your questions, and now you can continue watching me, drawing to the music off Kevin McCloud's or skip to the next lesson. 6. continos line: this exercise is both a short warm up on the technique for quick sketches. Onda basic for all kinds off drawings from observation. Staying with one line helps the brain toe focus on seeing etches. The exercise works like this look mainly at the object. Open yourself for its presence. Start anywhere with a line and follow the lines and contours like in the exercises before, if necessary, look on to the paper and then back to the object again. Stay with the pen on the paper, trace the contours and lines off the object With just one line. I draw the same garlic again. In this exercise, I stay in the same mode of seeing us before, but if necessary, I look onto the paper, for instance, toe get the edges to together where they belong together, or to estimate the length or how broad something is, so the object becomes more recognizable. This is also a technique that I like very much for Orton sketching travels, catching just quick sketches and longer sketches with lines. It allows me to stay in the flow but get to the soul or the impression off the object rather vividly and more accurately onto the paper. It's also a bit like a game, like a puzzle, finding the lines that connect all the contours and the lines off the object beside note. In this exercise, you see me turning the pen. Sometimes the broadside off the newbies on the paper for brother lines or red object is darker or the edges harder. And sometimes I drove with the nip upsides down, which makes a very thin line that I like for delicate drawing on the garlic for final lines . In this drawing, I am using water soluble ink on din. The next lesson you will see me painting or worried with the water brush toe make it more dimensional to get soft gray tones. 7. waterbrush: I like this technique for travelling light or just giving some dimension toe a simple object, and it can make a simple line sketch much easier to understand. I use water soluble ink and the water brush. The water brush is a brush with a small water bottle in it. This is very handy on the go because you need to know water cup. But the technique works with an ordinary brush on the cup of water as well. In the dark spots and in the shadows, I dissolved the ink and get a soft gray tone. It's a good idea to observe the shadow below the object and toothy solved being here as well. It makes the hope checked more solid, more on the earth. The disadvantage off this technique is that you can't paint over it with watercolor, or the colors become rather muddy to 8. going further: staying with one line is just unexercised to outsmart the brain so you can really see lines and contours a stay appear instead off drawing. What do you think you see lines from observation can be a foundation for any kind off drawing and painting. They are in excellent training for the eye hand coordination as well. And thes observational drawing skills make complex subjects like perspective or people much easier. You can just draw what you see instead of thinking about theory and applying it. In this mode, you're more likely to capture the essence off a place or situation when you have a feeling for this change in the seeing mode, you can stay in this observational mode on draw many lines instead off only one. And in my experience, it includes not only the optical impression but other senses as well. You can go further and feeling your body, the attitude off a person you draw or the sound off the wind or the dance off a plant in the wind. Experiment with observing all off your senses. This class is the first in a serious off urban sketching classes. Stay tuned for more, and this is a living growing course. I am happy about questions, criticisms or suggestions in the question or discussion part. Then I can go into it, answer or revise unclear parts. Thank you for taking the time for this course and have fun with drawing. 9. bonus 1: architecture in a continuos line: in this bonus video, you see me drawing the neighbor house out of the kitchen window. I begin with such a around bo and vile balcony in the left house, and then it goes down a cat step, and I just follow with the pen where my eye goes and I makes architectural with flower ports and plants and go from one thing to the next. Just with the floor. You can also see me change the direction off the pen with the front side or the back side off the nip for thicker and thinner lines. - Uh , - good and and do mm, no. 10. bonus 2: oneliner hahnenfuss: in this video, you see me doing a small plant I enjoyed with just one line. It's a demo over one liner, and I follow the immigrant out the contours off this plan. I start with the group of Leafs on. In the course of the drawing, I go to the next group of leaves and I just follow my ice and my impulses do .