Utilize The Power Of AI Video Editing - InvideoAI | Aleksandar Cucukovic | Skillshare

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Utilize The Power Of AI Video Editing - InvideoAI

teacher avatar Aleksandar Cucukovic, Improving lives, one pixel at a time.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Intro


    • 2.

      Why Use AI to Edit Videos


    • 3.

      Interface Walkthrough


    • 4.

      Art of Great Prompts


    • 5.

      Generation and Highlights


    • 6.

      Making Changes


    • 7.

      Exporting Options and Formats


    • 8.

      Working With Other AI Tools


    • 9.

      Licencing Rights


    • 10.

      Sklillshare Class Project


    • 11.

      Conclusion and Links


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About This Class

Video creation can be complex and time consuming process sometimes. From shooting, to editing, Brolls, transcripts and voiceovers there is a lot to do. Not to mention all the formats and social media sizes you have to worry about these days. 

With the rise of AI tools it's tempting to let the computer do all the work, but without the human touch, results are not that great. So in this class we will combine the two, AI to do the heavy lifting and you to be the creative behind the process.

Hey there, my name is Alex and in this class you will learn: 

  • Why use AI to edit videos
  • Art of great prompts
  • How to generate and edit AI videos
  • Exporting options and formats
  • Working with other AI tools to boost productivity even more
  • Licensing rights and what to pay attention to

AI can help you a lot these days and you should optimize your time the best you can. By doing it in an ethical and honest way, you will save a lot of time and your audience will be happy because they will get great content they can enjoy in return. 

I look forward to seeing you in class and what you will make! 


Meet Your Teacher

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Aleksandar Cucukovic

Improving lives, one pixel at a time.


For the last 10 years i have designed websites, products and apps for different companies, big and small.

With my wife i have started 3 startup companies and through the process met some amazing people from all over the world.

For the last five years i have created over 500 design products, improved the lives and workflows of over 100.000 designers from around the world.

Now my mission is to improve the lives of others, and to pass on my knowledge back to the community and to all those who want to learn about the amazing worlds of design and business.

Thank you for reading and have a creative day!


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1. Class Intro: Ai revolution has truly begun. And if you utilize it in your tool and arsenal, you're just going to be in front of everybody else who denies it and who tries to push it back. There's nothing holding AI back. And as soon as we realize that, and as soon as we utilize it in our daily workflows, it's going to be better for everybody. Hey, there my name is Alex. And in this skillshare class, we're going to utilize AI. And in video, AI to create videos fully in browser, going to explore what are some potentials of AI and why we should use it. In our videos, we're going to go through interface and I'm going to show you some tips and techniques for best possible results. We're going to cover the art of great prompts. What makes the prompt great? And how to utilize it the best to work with. In video AI, we will go over generation and highlight how to edit your videos, how to make changes regarding the script. Regarding the videos you will use use different voice overs. And we're going to cover the best exporting formats and options depending on your needs. We're going to cover how to use different AI tools and utilize them the best way possible in your workflow. And also talk about licensing rights, why are they are important, and where to familiarize yourself with different licenses which are available online. Finally, you're going to get your project task you're going to work on, and really excited to see your results. Making videos has always been the tedious task and really time consuming task because you have to find all of these different clips, you have to find different audio, you have to sync them together, you have to edit them, you have to export them. So why would you do that by hand if you can get help from AI to streamline your process and to make all of this work really enjoyable and fun? I'll see you in the course. 2. Why Use AI to Edit Videos: Many different reasons why would you use AI to edit your videos and to get help with editing your videos? I'm going to break this video down into four different sections. Number one is B roll. B roll is this really time consuming thing where you have to get additional shots for the topic that you're talking about in your video. This can be somewhere around you. Or if you're doing travel videos, for example, the ideal thing to do would be to travel to that destination. Which of course means you have to invest your money and you have to spend time to actually travel to that destination. You have to bring your gear with you perhaps sometimes it's not going to be sunny, it's going to be rainy, so your shots are not going to be that great. So it's really, really time consuming and it can be extremely expensive to actually travel to those locations to get the bureau even around your house. Maybe you want to get a shot of you making a coffee, but your coffee machine is not that clean or not that great or it just doesn't work that day. So what would you do in those cases? You would use some online tool which is going to contain a large library of these stock videos, which is great. You can utilize that in your workflow. Trouble is, it's extremely time consuming. You can even spend days looking for the right video just for a few seconds to use in your own video for B roll. It can be extremely time consuming. Not to mention that vast majority of these tools are premium, so you would have to pay for them in order for you to utilize them in your workflow. Number two, this is really crucial thing these days because the time span and attention spam is really short with people these days is voiceover. If you don't want your voice to be in the video or you're just getting a call that day or you're just not feeling all that great that day and you want to get additional voiceover or you're working client and your voice just doesn't suit their needs, you still have to find that voiceover. If you're booking a voiceover talent, usually they have to go into the external studio, which means they need to book the time in that external studio. You have to prepare the script, You have to send them the script over. They have to read it in their natural voice, send the script and the voiceover back to you. You have to check it and then integrate it into the video. If they have a studio at home still, this is really time consuming manner because you have to send them the script, they have to record that voiceover, send it over to you. If it doesn't work, then you have to rewrite it again, they have to rerecord it again. So it can be really time consuming. There are platforms out there, of course, who have these voice over artists, but the process is generally the same. You have to write the script, so invest your time writing the script, sending it over. They have to record it when it suits them. Perhaps it's not working for them today, maybe next week you have to wait for them, your video has to wait, your client has to wait. There is this additional wait time. When it comes to this voiceover stuff, it can be really time consuming and not to mention extremely expensive. If the voice over artist is really well known in the industry, they're going to charge high premium rates, which is fine because it's their talent. This is what they do best. But you can expect to charge your client even more just because of this voice over. Number three is audio. I cannot tell you how many times I've searched for a great song to incorporate into the video. Sometimes it just doesn't work. The tempo is a bit of, maybe a bit rate is a bit low, or I just cannot find the category of song which I want to use for my particular video. Sometimes the section of a song is great, but it's too short, so you have to manually extend it, or is way too long, you have to manually cut it. This, of course, is a huge time investment and it's something that I really dread when it comes to video editing personally, because I'm not really that good when it comes to choosing the right audio for my videos because it always sounds just a little bit off. And I always feel I could do better when it comes to choosing the right tracks for my videos. There are, of course, services out there which are free, and there are many of them which are paid when you pay for a premium service. You can explore by different genres, different lengths of audio, different categories, and many different things. But all of this is a huge time investment and sometimes your client just says, no, you have to do it all over again. Of course, you can create different collections, You can save these tracks into a collection. But this is still a huge time investment because you have to find the right track. Because the track is actually what gives the video life and it gives it this energy that your viewer is just going to feel. If the track is off, your viewer is not going to feel that great, hence they're going to drop off much faster. And your video is not going to get the best retention time it could just because you chose the wrong track. Choosing the right audio for your videos is extremely important. And this is what I'm probably most excited about, AI, and how it's going to help us in the future just by cutting the time of choosing these tracks down. Finally, one of the best things is in video, AI is in the browser. It doesn't matter which machine you have. You can just open your favorite browser they recommend me and I recommend it as well. You can just start editing, continue editing where you left off, and just enjoy all of the benefits that browser is going to get without worrying about things. Expensive, gear like graphics card or more Ram memory or huge screens or something like that. You can do all of it inside of your browser. Speaking about browser. In the next video, I will walk you through the interface on in video AI. And I'm going to show you how to get around the tool and how to get started. So I'll see you there. 3. Interface Walkthrough: This video, I'm going to show you the interface of Invideo I. I'm going to explain how to get around the tool and what's involved inside of making great I videos. Here we are. This is the Invideo I website. I'm going to leave a link in the PDF. You can quickly access it if you want to just click and go to this website, which is going to be really easy for you. Again, just open up a PDF, click on the link, and you are going to be here. If not, then go to video and create your free account to get started. How it looks like when you are here at home is here. When you click home, you will come to this screen where all of your previous projects are going to live. You can see your history and what your team, if you're part of the team or if you are a solo creator, then you can see all of your previous projects which are just going to live here. Here on the top, you have Create I video. And you can start the video from scratch, which is what we will do a little bit later. Then here you have exports, which are actually the videos you exported previously for various different platforms. And you can see when you actually done it. For example, this video has been exported eight months ago. You can keep a clear track about your previous creations and generations and about in which file formats have you exported them for which length? You exported them for which projects. It's really great place to organize your projects, to organize your videos, you can easily find them a little bit later. Before I move on, you have this helpful little chap support bubble right here. You can always reach out to invideo AI support. They're really quick with it and they're really prouding themselves on the fact that they are quick of it responding to any questions that you might have. Next up, we have media library. If I click there, you have different albums which you can create. You can create your media library or you can see all. You can just basically drag and drop your videos right here or your images because you can combine different videos and different images into the final result you want to get. Make sure to upload your assets here if you want to use them in your generations. Next up we have plugins, for now, we just have voices. How this works is you can add your own voice. If you see right here, it says you can create a digital clone of your voice by uploading your voice recording over here. For best possible results, I would recommend you to record a voice over of you reading a script of some sort. Or maybe that can be a blog post or something where you can just immerse yourself into reading and make sure that it lasts at least 60 seconds To give AI the best possible chance to actually recreate your voice to highest possible standards. Because your voice is your own and you want it to sound like you do. If you do want to add your voice right here, make sure just to try and explore it for at least 60 seconds to get the best possible results. Then below that, we have the history. Again, same like in home, you can see all of the previous history that you created here. Below, make sure to join their discord community if you want to ask questions, If you are curious about future updates, if you want to chat with the team, if you have some suggestions about what they should create in the future, make sure to visit them there. Also, right here we have the app for iphone. If you're using iphone, make sure to click right here. Android versions are going to come really soon in the future. While you're waiting, if you are an iphone user, make sure to select this. If you want to edit your videos using AI on your phone, then here are some social links if you want to follow the team. Again, here you have the Create New, if you just want to start from here, then here it says Max and this is actually the plan. Speaking about plans, you have the free plan, which is for anyone who wishes to try the AI video creation, and you have four videos per month completely free, which you can generate for free with watermarks. If you want to export without any watermarks on them, then you have to upgrade to one of the plans, which is plus or max in my case. Of course, if you go to pricing, you can see how they look like and you don't have to pay yearly. You can also pay monthly. If you're not sure, for example, how many videos you want to create or how many minutes you will need, then you can just scroll the slider down here, you get different minutes of AI generation. What does this mean? If I slide it just tiny bit up, maybe actually leave it like this. This is less than 1 hour per month of AI generation. Why is this important? Because it really depends on how much content you're going to create. If you're going to create longer videos and you're going to create three a day and you're going to post them four times per week for example. Then this plan might not be good for you. And you should really increase this slider right here because you're going to get this AI generation. If I have a right here, I generated 50 minutes of videos with script media, text and voice over. All of it is included in those 50 minutes of generation. Just make sure to have that in mind. Then what we have right here is stock royalty free stock media worth $1,000 plus per month. You have 80 of those. Again, just make sure to keep track. There is also free stock media which is also included inside of, in video AI. But this is stock, this is premium. And of course, with these premium services, the quality of videos and images is much higher than with the free tools. Also, there is one added advantage. Those are collections. For example, if you're choosing videos of let's say New York, then if you like a collection from a certain videographer, in this case, you can just use that collection because you really like their style, you really like their pacing, you really like their colors or whatever else. This is the great advantage of using a premium tool like stock. Then we have 100 gigabytes of storage. This might not be that big of an issue for you, but if you're making bigger videos, longer videos, then this can quickly add up and you can quickly fill up this storage. You have unlimited exports, which is great. And you have two voice clones. Why is this important? If you want to clone your own voice and somebody else's, then you have those two. Maybe you want something like a male and a female voice, for example, for your, let's say Youtube channel or Instagram profile or whatever. Then you can do that and up to one user, so you can control it. If you need more, you can again slide this slider and you can see the price increases. You can see the increase in options right here. Of course, you can always reach out to the team if you need a custom offer for your videos, that's basically it. That's how the tool looks like. It's really simple as you can see, but it's really, really, super powerful with what you can do inside of Invideo I. In the next video, we're going to talk about art of great prompts. What is a prompt? What makes it great? And how you can work with invideo AI to create the best possible results using your prompt. I'll see you there. 4. Art of Great Prompts: In order for text based AI to generate a video in this case or an image in some other cases or a blog post in some other cases, you need to give it clear instructions. These instructions are called prompts. And there are many different ways that you can write prompts. And it usually varies from AI generator to AI generator. And of course what you're trying to achieve, if you're generating something which is a little more simpler, like an image, then your prompt doesn't have to be that detailed. But in majority of cases, the detailed the prompt, the better the response the AI is going to give you. And fewer changes you will have to make later down the line. Generally, there are hundreds of different approaches online, but you can basically break it down to seven different steps to creating great prompts. Number one is clarity. You have to be clear with what you want AI to create, because again, it's a text based tool. The better your sentences are and the better structured they are, the better the responses are going to be. If you need to put or period, make sure to do so. And make sure not to drag out your sentences too long because AI might get confused. Remember, you're not talking to a person. You're talking to the computer computer. Which is not really that smart unless you explain it in really well defined sentence, what you want it to create. Number two is specificity. Make sure to be really specific with what you want to be generated. Don't just be too broad if you don't want your video in this case to be too broad. If you want to be specific, then make sure to be specific in your text because that way AI is going to produce the best possible results. Don't just say, for example, for all the platforms or for all video formats, or for all audiences. Make sure to be really specific with what you're trying to create, who you're trying to target, on which platform you're going to post, how long your video is going to be, and many other things. I'm going to talk about that in the second part of this video. But make sure that you are really specific with what you want your AI to create. Number three is relevant. Make sure to be relevant with your output input. In this case is your sentence, your prompt, what you write to AI, and the output is what AI gives back to you in order for it to be relevant. Make sure you write relevant sentences into your prompt so the AI has the best possible chance of understanding what you're trying to say as technology evolves, as time moves on, as we have these new AI models, and as they get smarter and smarter and their databases are richer and richer, of course, this is going to improve. But just make sure that you always try to be as specific and as relevant as possible and concise as possible if you need to be just to get the best possible output from AI. Number four is context. Make sure to have a clear context in mind about what you want your AI to output. In this case, we want a video. Don't just go ahead and explain everything that you want it to create and forget that you want the video to be generated. Also, what type of video? So make sure to put it in a context. Again, try to tie in your interest group with your video for best possible result, because the context really matters to AI if you want the best possible results out of it. Number five is creativity. Remember, AI is just a machine. It's not creative. You are the one who is creative. The more creative you can be with your prompts, the more detailed responses you can provide it, then the better output is going to be. Again, this is just a tool which is going to help you do your work faster. You have to be the one who is creative here, not AI. The more creative you can be with generating your prompts. Because the prompt is the only communication channel between you and AI, the best your results are going to be. Number six is engagement. The more engaging your prompt to the AI is, and the more it picks its interest, the better the results are going to be. Again, it's all in your tone of voice. Try to talk with it like you would talk with any other person. And try to be as relevant as possible, as concise as possible, as creative as possible to pick its interest and curiosity it to give you the best possible results. Finally, number seven is the feedback loop. Nothing is ever done from the first try when AI provides you with a response video. In our case, make sure to try and give it a proper feedback about what it got wrong, at which time what you would like to change and how you would like to look it. Make sure to be really specific with the feedback you're providing to the AI, because once again, you are talking with the machine. The more specific you can be about which points in the video you would like it to change, the better your results are going to be. Again, there is an option inside of individual AI where you just want another generation. Because for whatever reason you're not happy with the generation it provided you you're really going to use it if your prompts are really good and really specific. Because again, the prompts are the only communication channel between you and AI. The more specific you can be, the best results are going to be, and the best results you're going to get. The feedback loop is going to be much shorter. If your prompts are lacking, then the feedback loop is going to be much, much bigger and broader. Because you're going to invest so much of your time into creating the best possible prompts. Now let's switch over to in video I, let me show you a prompt we're going to use for this course, how we're going to write it, what's important when it comes to writing this prompt and what you can learn from it. Let's get started. Here we are back in, in video I. For this particular use case, what I want to do, for example, is, let's say I have this nice video here. Let's not focus on video specifically. Let's talk about, for example, photography. Photography can be a really broad topic. You can talk about framing of your photos. You can talk about positioning your models differently in your photos. You can obviously talk about gear, which cameras, which tripods are the best, which lenses you can use for various different purposes. Let's start broad, and let's see where we can take it. When we start writing our prompt to get started, what I'm going to do is hit this Create AI video. And it's going to give me this, this is what I told you. This is the only communication channel you have with the AI. It's this prompt. So it's really important that you are going to be really detailed and really specific and really to the point with what you wanted to create to get the best possible results and to reduce the feedback loop. This is really important. You have some workflows down here. You have script video, you have Youtube shorts. You can click Explore or Tiktok video or Instagram real. So these are your workflows. What I'm going to do for this course is let's say Youtube shorts. Because I really like Youtube shorts and I'm going to use them. What you can do is click here. You can choose any settings right here, or you can tell it all that inside of your prompt. Again, let's quickly explore this. If you want to go down this route, you can click here and enter what your Youtube shirt is about. Basically, enter up brief description here, give more details. You can use settings who is going to give you the voice, Is it a male, female, or your voice? If you uploaded your voice there, like I told you, then you can just select it from here. Then any voice you can get clear American voice voice, a California accent. So you can be really specific and choose the one which you think is going to bring the most interest from your video, Youtube shot in this case. Let's collapse all this. You can add subtitles. Don't add any subtitles because I want my viewers to be engaged in a different way. Subtitles are generally extremely important because in this day and age, people really don't have a good span of attention. If you don't provide the text with your video, your video is going to do much worse on social media. Because just remember, some people are in the transit, they're going to work, they are in the public transit. They have the headphones in, for example. They don't want listen to your voice when they can read it, if this makes sense. Other people in their break, for example, Other people are in school, other people are on vacation or in crowded places. A voice over and subtitle is really important when it comes to this audience. And this audience is actually huge because you never know, maybe a parent with a child. They go to bed late and they just don't want the audio to blast from their device and wake up their child or a pet or whatever. So make sure to always add subtitles which are generated automatically. But if you want to add your own subtitles which you've written, then you can do so here. Add word by word subtitles where the current spoken word is in yellow. That basically means it's going to show three words for what I just said. You can add subtitles with a standard look and feel, which is basically what I would recommend if you're getting started, add subtitles with an outline, which is an outline around it or below it. Where one word is shown at a time. Karaoke subtitle. You can play around with these settings. And you can see the colored box right here. And you can perhaps play around with that, see if it works. And then you can use Istock. Normally don't use stock which, remember if you are on a free plan, you don't need to use stock, you can just use their default library. You can use fewer stock media, which is basically a combination between premium and free media. You can use stock just normally prefer using stock when you can and only use stock. You can take all of these boxes or just let the AI do the work for you right now. What we are going to do is finally write our prompt. In this case, what I will do, because we are actually going to do a Youtube shot, but I'm not going to select from here. So imagine what we have to tell it. Let's start like this, Make a Youtube short video about, let's see five tips on photography, for example. I'm not going to be really specific about lenses. Here is your creativity when it comes to play. Actually, if you're creating a brand new channel, for example, and you want to create a bunch of these Youtube shorts, then maybe you can divide them into separate categories. In one category, it can be tips about photography. You can be specific here if you are going to cover wedding photography. What you would write here is five tips on wedding photography. I'm going to start broad here and I'm going to start in general. This channel, for example, in the future might have hundreds of shorts. But we can create different series because your audience might be familiar with photography. But not these tips. They are curious about them. If you just want to focus on wedding photography or car photography, or event photography, or baby photography, or animals photography, it doesn't matter. You can put that as a separate topic. This gives you additional topics that you can create using in video AI. So just keep that in mind for this prompt. I'm going to go really general, but you can use the same structure I'm going to create here and you can add details inside of it. Member specificity, you can be really specific to get specific results which AI actually wants and likes because it's going to provide you with the better results. Again, make a Youtube short, so we tell it for which platform. This is going to be about five tips on photography. Let's go. Like this video should be, let's say, 50 seconds long. We are telling AI how long we want our videos to be. It doesn't end up creating a three minute video which you have to manually cut yourself later. Of course, remember it's going to use your stock credentials if you want to do that. In this case, I don't. I want to make a Youtube short, which is going to be 50 seconds long, which is going to obviously reduce the stock usage in this case and the premium stock in general. This is actually just counted after you export your video. So keep that in mind. It's not going to count it when you're making changes because you're not going to end up using it until you actually export where you actually have to remove those watermarks. Just one thing to keep in mind. Let's go with start by introducing the topic using title as text. What we did right there is our topic is five tips on photography. Ai is going to start with that. It's also going to use that text as title of our short in this case, which is going to be 50 seconds long and it's going to be Youtube short. You can see how specific we are, how clear we are with what we wanted to make and how long we wanted to actually be. Then explain the photography tips and give a, maybe give a conclusion. That gives a summarization of all five tips and illustrates. The best use cases. What I wrote right here is I wanted to start with five tips on photography, then explain the photography tips. You see what I did there. We have five tips on photography. It's going to explain those photography tips and give a conclusion that gives a summarization of all of those five tips. So it's really important to structure your prompts so I can understand them and to give you the best possible results. In this case, I want to grab their attention. I'm going to give you five tips on photography. Then I'm going to break down all of these five tips because our video is 50 seconds long. Perhaps we can even make it 60 seconds long. Because if we have five, then each of them is going to be only 10 seconds long. They're not going to be that detailed. Again, you can really play around with this if you think that five is too much. Maybe you can go with three. Maybe you can make your shirt longer. This is really that experimentation part and where you need to be creative as someone who is writing these prompts. Let's go with the voiceover. For example, use English male voice over. Let's give it a note, conclude a video by using a call to action. I'm going to put this in parentheses because this is actually the call to action. It is going to use, I told it to use the English male voice over. Maybe we can even make this British because it's maybe going to be more attractive to some people. British, British, English mail voiceover. And then note, conclude a video by using a call to action. This call to action, it's going to pronounce in the British English mail voiceover is going to be, let's see. Want more photography tips. Subscribe to my Youtube channel. There we go. This is actually all I wanted to create. Let's format it like this. Let's go over it again. Maybe we can tweak it while we are here before the actual generation. Make a Youtube short. We told it for which platform we want it to create a video about five tips on photography. This is our topic, We are really specific, but again, really broad. As I already explained, video should be 50 seconds long. Now that I think about it, you want to pronounce this? Maybe we can go with 60 seconds. Let's just go with 60 because we have five tips. I already explained that video should be 60 seconds long. Start by introducing the topic and using title S text, so you can imagine it's going to start with something like in this video we're going to talk about five tips on photography because this is what we told it. Then explain the photography tips again, really important because it's going to take these five tips and break them down. And explain each of them, which is going to give us the actual meat of the content, the main part of the video, and why your viewers are actually watching this Youtube show. That gives a summarization of all five tips. Again, all five tips illustrate the best use cases. Use a British English male voiceover again, because I'm not using my own voiceover right here. I want it to generate a voiceover. Which type of voiceover should I generate? I will use with a British English male voiceover again. Remember when I told you and showed you this short cut right here for creating Youtube short. There you can select which type of voiceover you're going to use and from which, let's say country or county, you're going to use that voiceover, which again, it's not really that important. But if you want to be really specific with your audience, then it is really important. Because if you're targeting, let's say high level executives which are from London, and majority of them are male for example, then British English male voice over might do the trick because that's basically your audience. This is really an important part of prompt creation. And then finally, to conclude the video by using a call to action, Want more photography tips? Subscribe to my Youtube channel. That's pretty much it. I know this has been really a long video, but it's really important video to understand what prompts are, how to formulate them. You can go and recreate this part by part, and perhaps I'm going to actually select this and make a copy, which I will provide in the PDF. You can jump into PDF, you can copy this, analyze it, and then tweak it. Remember how I told you five tips on photography? Maybe car photography or wedding photography. Maybe you want to go with 20 tips or ten tips and the video which is going to be 2 minutes long and you want it for Youtube, which is a Youtube explainer. You can see right here, that's a long form video. Make sure to use this, it's going to be in the PDF. Make sure to tweak it to get your own best results. It doesn't have to be on photography. Maybe you want to explain space facts, for example, then maybe three fun facts about Pluto or five fun facts about Jupiter, or how far is Jupiter from Earth, or how fast Earth rotates against Jupiter or against Sun. Or you can really play around with these prompts to get the best possible results. And remember what I told you about collections. Creating collections about topics is really going to give you a leg up when it comes to prompts, because you are not going to have to create a new prompt every single time. You can just re, use the prompt that you created and then add more to that topic, expand that topic, divide it into different groups, and target your audience. Because in Youtubes case, for example, you can go into your Youtube studio dashboard and there you can see who your audience is, how long they're watching, how old they are from which country they are, what they like, what they don't like. You can use this to your advantage when it comes to prompt creation. And you can adjust it to fit the needs and wants of your audience. Which again, is extremely important because you are, at the end of the day, creating these videos for somebody else. And if you know what they truly want and how you can deliver what they want, then your job is going to be that much more enjoyable and that much more fun at the end of the day. In the next video, I'm actually going to click this button and I'm going to show you what happens next, and I'll see you there. 5. Generation and Highlights: Continue where we left off in the previous video. I'm going to start with generating the video. And I'm going to show you the process and what's involved with the video generation using in video. Ai. Here we are, where we left off the previous time when I hit Generate a video. You're going to start with analyzing. It's going to analyze our prompt and what we told it to be. So you can see here it says it might produce inaccuracies. Please review and edit as needed. Again, you're talking with a computer, so make sure to always check what you wrote. It says done analyzing title. Snap it right. Five quick photography tips. So you can see it created a title for us. Then it's going to start preparing our video based on the prompt and the title it created. Again, the more detailed we can be, the better these results are going to get. Again, here you can see the history, history of your changes and what happened before this particular point in time. You can always jump back and see. Then this is extremely important. What we see right here is the audience. We have photography enthusiasts, we have Youtube learners, and we have beginner photographers. Who is your target audience? In this case, I'm going to select beginner photographers for example. But if your audience is photography enthusiasts, those people already know about photography, they know a lot about it. Make sure to structure your prompt according to that. You don't have to be really beginner specific. You can tell them about lenses, you can tell them about different extensions about flashes, about UV filters and polarizing filters and stuff like that. But if they are beginners then they're really interested in photography, but they never done it, or they're just starting to do it. Or Youtube learners are just people who want to educate themselves about photography. They might not want to do it, unlike beginner photographers who want to do it and they started their learning journey. But Youtube learners are just people who watch, let's say Mr. Beast video and then went over production video, and then a car video and then a photography, a real or short. Then look and feel of the video. This is going to determine which videos in video AI is going to use to create your video minimalist, modern, crisp or professional. Again, this is going to determine the usage of the videos in the background. I'm going to go with Minimalist modern because I really like that aesthetic. Then the platform is Youtube shirt because again, this is what we told it. Then you can edit Prompt. At this case, if I want to edit something I can do at this case before it actually generated the video, I can just click Continue. Because I think our prompt is quite good at this stage. We can always edit it later, which I actually want to show you at the next stage. When I hit Continue, it's going to start generating, depending of your prompt, depending on what you told it to be, depending of the platform and depending on the changes that you made. And of course, at the end of the day, how fast your Internet connection is, this process might take anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to maybe 5 minutes. So I'm going to pause the video here and come back when this is done. Now our video has been made and it's been generated. Let's go over in this video what we can see right here. In the next video, I'm going to dive a lot deeper into what we created right here, how we can edit it and stuff like that. Before we do, let's just see this. I told it 60 seconds, it created 105. Maybe we should addit our prompt, because this is over a minute long and it might not fall into category about Youtube shots. I might get an error saying that my video is too long, so there is a clear place where we can do something about it. Maybe reduce a call to action. Maybe that's going to reduce it by 5 seconds or something. But before actually play the video, what we have right here is you can basically told it really good job. I really like it from the first time you did a good job, you didn't get a good job. And you can provide a quick feedback to the team about what happened. Then you can give it a command right here and generate. You can undo, redo, edit, and export. But we'll cover that in the next video. For now, let's just see, The video that we got are the art of photography, a realm on where light and shadow dance in harmony, ready to enhance your skills. Here's five tips to transform your shots. First up, rule of Thirds. Imagine your frame divided into a grid of nine equal parts. Place your subject along these lines or their intersections for a more balanced photo. Second, lighting the best light for photography. The golden hours, dawn and dusk embrace these moments for stunning shops. Third, depth of field. Play with your raperture settings to create a blurry background or a sharp focused scene. Fourth, composition, experiment with different angles and perspectives. An unusual viewpoint can make an ordinary scene extraordinary. Find the post processing. Don't shy away from editing a little Tweaking can elevate your photos from good to great. So there you have it. Rule of Thirds Light. Apply these five tips and watch your photography skills blossom. Craving for more. Subscribe to my Youtube channel for a wealth of photography wisdom. There we go. This is our first generation. This is what we got. Obviously, this is not what I wanted. I have many different changes I want to make. Actually, purposely made it. If I showed you the perfect result from the first try, you're not going to learn basically anything from it. In this case, I purposely structured it. You can still use the prompt by the way, which I provided you, but just make sure to tweak it a little bit the way I'm going to show you in the next video, but this is not really all that great. First of all, I don't really like the voice over. I'm going to use the American voice, I think. Second of all, I don't really like the music. Thirdly, there is a lot of empty space at the end and also the script is wrong in a couple of places. I saw that it's skipping the words and it's not using the words correctly and stuff like that. But from the first go, I think we got a really good starting point and a really good base point from which we can take this video to the next dimension. Let's jump into the next video of this course, where I'm going to start editing this and I'm going to show you how you can tweak these results to get the best possible result out of your video. I'll see you there. 6. Making Changes: That we got our video, we need to make some changes to it. As I said in the previous video, I purposely made few of these errors here and there just to show you. But even with these errors you saw, we got a pretty nice result. You still need to change something anyways. Because let's just imagine that you're not creating this for yourself, but for our client. Clients always change their mind. In some cases, in the very last moment, you always need to jump back in and make a couple of changes here and there. This is the ideal example of how you can do that. Also, I'm going to show you some further, a little bit more advanced features in video. Again, don't be afraid of changes. But you saw with these errors how much time we saved right here. Let's jump back into, in video AI, and let me show you how to work with it. Here we are back in, in video I, You saw that for all of this it took maybe 5 minutes to create. You can just imagine, even with these errors, as I said for the voice over artists, how long that for the music, how long that would take for the video finding of these stock videos, for putting them together for animating all of these transitions for creating subtitles all over it. And all of that is going to last for days, and it did all of that in just a couple of minutes time. This is what I talk about when I say we need to work together with AI and not be afraid of it, but use it to our advantage. And to just go in front of the people who are either afraid of it or deny it or just don't care about it, use it to your advantage. Let's jump right in and let's watch the video again and see what we can do about it. Oh, a realm where light and shadow dance in harmony, ready to enhance your skills. Here's five tips to transform your shots. First up, rule of thirds. Imagine your frame divided into a grid of nine equal parts. Place your subject along these lines or their intersections for a more balanced photo. Second, lighting the best light for photography. The golden hours, dawn and dusk embrace these moments for stunning shots. Third, depth of field. Play with your aperture settings to create a blurry background or a sharp focused fourth composition, experiment with different angles and perspectives. An unusual viewpoint can make an ordinary scene extraordinary. Finally, post processing, don't shy away from editing A little tweaking can elevate your photos from good to great. So there you have it. Rule of Thirds Light. Apply these five tips and watch your photography skills blossom. Craving for more subscribe to my Youtube channel for a wealth of photography wisdom. As I said in the previous video, you can clearly see that, for example, from this part to this part. This is an empty part of the video which should actually be trimmed. But how can you actually do it? You can hit at it right here. What it shows you is this. First of all, we have this script which it came with. I'm not really a big fan of the script, but we can change it here. What I want to show you is this, when you want to edit media, what you can do is you can replace the clips right here using the stock or all you can include or di, select the premium stocks. Again, from stock you can upload your own media. Which of course, if you're working for a client and they have a really specific use case and they want their logo animation for example, or something like that uploaded. This is the place to do it. I'm going to touch upon videos a little bit later because first I want to touch upon the script. I don't really like the script it came up with because it's not really all that great and it's not something which I want. First of all, this short pause, we are going to get rid of it. Then this call to action. If you remember, if I pull up my script, it says, conclude the video by using a call to action. Want more photography tips? Subscribe to my Youtube channel. It got that a little bit wrong. I'm going to copy that. It says, Craving for more subscribe to my Youtube channel for a wealth of photography wisdom. I don't really like that. I'm going to cut that heat paste and say you want more photography tips? Subscribe to my Youtube channel, which is what I actually wanted there. We have it. A Rule of thirds, lighting, depth of field composition, and prose processing. I don't really like that as well. I'm going to cut all of this. There you have it. Apply these five tips and watch your photography skills blossom. Something about word blossom? I'm not really sure. Apply these five tips and increase your skills. Or maybe improve your photography. Improve your photography. Want more photography tips? Subscribe to my Youtube channel. Maybe I can get rid of this because we're using photography way too often. Want more tips? Subscribe to my Youtube channel. There you go. The art of photography al wet, light and shadow dance in harmony, ready to enhance your skills. Here are five tips to transform your shot. I'm not really sure about this intro, Maybe we can get rid of it. Let's say something like interested in photography. Here is five tips to transform your shots. First up, rule of thirds. Imagine a frame divided into a grid of nine equal parts. Place the subject along these lines and then intersections. For more balanced photo, that's actually good. Second lighting, the best light for photography the golden hours is a golden hour. Let's just clean that a bit. Is a golden hour. Get rid of this dawn and dusk, maybe we can get rid of that as well. Is a golden hour. Second lighting, the best light for photography is a golden hour. Embrace these moments for stunning shots, I think that's good. Third depth of field, so play with your aperture settings to create a blurry background or a shop focus scene. This is actually fine. I'm going to keep it as it is. Fourth composition, experiment with different angles and perspectives. Unusual viewpoint can make an ordinary scene extraordinary. I'm not really sure about that. Let's get rid of that experiment at different angles and perspectives. I'm just going to leave it like that. Finally, post processing, don't shy away from editing a little tweaking and elevate your photos from good to great. We are really getting there with the script and what I essentially had in mind. Basically, I will just leave it like this. I think this is good enough. Hit apply changes, you can see it's going to do its magic in the background. I think this is actually going to make our video shorter, or at least it should, because I removed a bunch of texts. And this is actually great because in some cases you want it to be longer. You can play around with different settings. You can include more text, You can broaden your sentences. But in some cases like this one, because this is actually a really quick tip, I wanted to be a little bit shorter. And what happened? We have a video of 45 seconds now. What happened? Change script is what I told it to do. Snap it, right. So five quick photography tips. If I expand this up, we don't have any additional changes, but if we do, we are going to have it before making any other changes. Let's see what we got Now, interested in photography, here's five tips to transform your shots. First up, rule of thirds. Imagine your frame divided into a grid of nine equal parts. Place your subject along these lines or re intersections for a more balanced photo. Second, lighting the best light for photography is a golden hour. Embrace these moments for stunning shots. Third, depth of field. Play with your aperture settings to create a blury background or a sharp focused scene. Fourth, composition, experiment with different angles and perspectives. Finally, post processing, don't shy away from editing a little Tweaking can elevate your photos from good to great. So there you have it. Apply these five tips and improve your photography. One more tips. Subscribe to my Youtube channel. Okay, So this is much better than what we had previously, but what I want to do is explore these pauses a little bit, especially with post processing. If I go right here, you can see what it says finally. And then post processing, it creates a bit of a pause. Just listen, angles and perspectives. Finally, post processing. Yeah, it looks like it's confused for whatever reason. Hit edit again. Go to script. Then what I'm going to do is get rid of these parentheses. Just use first up, then rule of Thirds, second lighting. Try that and see if it makes any difference. Third, depth of field. Fourth composition. There you go. Finally, post processing, maybe we can reduce this and just bring it a little bit closer and see if that makes a difference. Also, there you have it. I'm going to put in parenthesis short pose just before it gives me the call to action. At the end, hit apply changes and let's see what we got. Now remember we are playing around with around 1 minute because this is actually what we wanted in the first place. If it introduces a bit of pause there, maybe that's good because it sounds just a tiny bit, somehow like a machine still. Because it's just reading this without any natural pauses. Maybe you can say something like insert a 1 second pause or something like that, just so that we can see what it does. This is basically your game now. You have to change it, update it, see what works, see what doesn't increase, decrease some things. And I'm going to give you a lot more tips after this, but this is really a first and crucial step. Let's give it a list, again, interested in photography, five tips to transform your shots. First rule, you see divided into a grid of nine equal parts. Place your subject along these lines or their intersections for a more balanced photo. Second, lighting the best light for photography is a golden hour. Embrace these moments for stunning shots. Third, depth of field. Play with the raperture settings to create a blurry background or a sharp focus. Scene four, composition, experiment with different angles and perspectives. Finally, post processing. Yeah, much better. Shy away from editing a little Tweaking can elevate your photos from good to great. There you have to apply these five tips and improve your photography. Want more tips? Subscribe to my Youtube. Again, it didn't give me that pause, but I think we are fine because it's the tail end of the short. Perhaps people at that point, if they liked it, they are still going to subscribe because obviously they watch the entire thing. But maybe, if not, maybe we can help it eight a little bit more. Maybe I can say longer pause or pause for 1 second, or pause for 2 seconds, or something like that. Or I can even increase the length of the video by telling the prompt, which I'm going to show you right now in a different way. It says, give me a command to edit this video. Change the tempo of a voiceover to a slower or slow. Slow the voice over a little bit and extend the video by 5 seconds. Let's see if we can get that. It usually allows me to change the voiceover, perhaps this is something we have to do manually a little bit later. But either way, let's see what we got after the generation has been finished. But again, it's all about tweaking. It's all about trying different things. See what works, see what doesn't. Maybe in this case it just got confused. Change the duration to 0.75 minutes. Let's see what we got there. Also, you can always go back and upload your own voice, or you can start the prompt all over again, or you can go back or you can refresh Regenerate. As you can see right here, there are plenty of different options that you can use to get the best possible results. Now that it's done, you can see it increased it by 3 seconds, which is fine. We are still in 1 minute realm. If a hit play, there you go. Here's an essential to elevate. First, embrace the. You can see how much calmer it is right now, subject. Let's just go to the end equal to action and see what it did right there. And that's it for today. Apply these five tips and witness an improvement in your photography. Create more tips. Subscribe to my Youtube channel. Yeah, it changed the script again, but I'm not really that mad about it. So if I go to edit script, really apply these five tips and witness improvement in photography. Create more tips. Subscribe to metubel. It's still included in that call to action which I wanted. It just added this little sentence, I'm not really that mad about it. Let's speak about videos. Finally, if you don't like any of these videos, you can hit Edit. You can see, for example, at which stage of the script it is using certain videos. If we go, you can see one right here. I'm not really sure about this, I can just click right here. I can see the ideal duration is 5-11 seconds. You can change the center point. Why is this important is in the next video, I'm going to show you some exporting options and formats. But basically, is the video horizontal or vertical? Is it portrait or landscape? This is really important because if we want the center focus of that video, then you will play around with the center point of it. If you want the video where the subject, let's say a person standing next to a lake is on the right hand side of the video. In video, I tries to recognize it. It does a good job, but not the best job. Then you can apply the centerpoint and just move it around a little bit to properly center your subject into frame the way you actually want it. How to do this, it's actually really quite simple. Let's say I want to change this video. I'm going to select it and then I can search right here. Let's see, Interested in photography, here are some essential tips to elevate photos, printed photos on a table. Hit Enter or return. How I envision this is maybe we are starting with a bunch of printed photos on a surface, in this case a table. Maybe we can do something about that. Here we have this option, as you can see, we have, we have a person just browsing through different photos, which is also a great option. Here we have a person just looking at photo album, maybe that would be a good option. They are flipping between different photos, maybe this is good as well. But I actually like this. I'm going to hit Replace. As you can see, it placed it on top of our original video, which is great. All I have to do is just click this Apply Changes button. Remember this is our first frame. Let's see what it did. There we go. It changed it to, in my opinion, a much more interesting video. However, this is not really what I want because it's showing some scene which is not really appropriate. Let's go with pictures on a. I'm going to get rid of this one because I'm not really a good, big fan of it. But let's go with something different. I want to give the viewer some a nice feeling and welcoming feel when they go into the video. We have a bunch of images here. Maybe the person looking at the photo at the desk, maybe that's going to be a good option for us. Let's see, Yeah, maybe, let's start, there we go. Apply changes, let's see how that looks like. So when I play interested in photography, here's an essential Ts, it's not really that great. Perhaps that idea didn't work, so I can get rid of it from here. I can just click delete And then show, let's say camera on a table or DSLR camera on a table. And see what we get because interested in photography. Then the next frame is this person looking at the camera. Then the next frame is this person taking photos. Maybe we can do something about that. Let's see. Let's see what we can take. Yeah, maybe something about this. Let's see what we can do there. Again, instead of this video, we're going to get this video or this image. This is actually what I wanted to show a little bit later. But this is great because it gives me the opportunity to talk about images. If you have custom images, let's say I want to introduce a three D camera, which is fun and bright, which is in tone with my Youtube channel, for example. Then I can just insert it here into my media library, Include it here. And then I can place it instead of this video. But here, it just did it for me. So you can just see how that looks like. Equal part and position. You're subject to the intersections of these lines delivering a balanced picture. Second, cherish the Golden hour the best? Yeah, about the golden hour. I'm not really a fan about it. Cherish the Golden Hour. When this video comes in, I'm going to choose Golden Hour Paris, for example, and see what we get. Again, if you're doing a wedding photography, then maybe you can choose the shot, which is more balanced when it comes to that. But I really like this. Let's see, yeah, I got a bunch of these photos, Paris. Let's go with video and see what we got. Because the Golden Hour is really specific about photography, but it doesn't have to be as you can see right here, because we have this nice drone shot. Maybe we can use that or explore a little bit more. Yeah, let's go with this one. I really like it. Hit apply changes here. You will see that centering, which I was talking about, if I switch to where it was here. There you go. You can see how it nicely centered the Eiffel Tower. Don't worry about four ADP, we will talk about that in the next video. When it comes to exporting, this is just a much faster way for AI to process these videos, to organize everything and to put that into perspective, I think it did a better job here. The best time for photography the toy with aperture. Yeah, of course, you can go in and say how long this video is going to be, because we have 7 seconds, we have 7 seconds, we have 7 seconds. I can jump in right here. Ideal duration is from 7 seconds. It says four, as you can see right here. Maybe I want this to be five. Maybe I want this to be something different. Let's go with five for this one. There you go. Let's go with, I don't know, maybe five for this one as well. There we go. Just slight little touches here and there. Then what we have is when it talks about lenses, let's keep editing and apply changes. There we go. And let's go to detail end. Significantly advance your pictures. And that's it for today. Apply these five tips and witness an improvement in your photography. Creating more tips. Subscribe to my Youtube channel. What I want to do there is when the very last video is shown to this, I want to see video of people taking pictures with the SLR camera. Let's try to be more specific with what we want right here. Or maybe with the SLR camera or with the SLR camera. But I want a video here. Video of a person, because this is the conclusion of the video. And I want to be able to show that maybe videographer or photographer with camera video. Let's try that because it's pulling from external website. In this case talk, you have to be specific. Sometimes we have this one which is great. We have this one which I really like and I'm actually going to use it. Hit Apply Changes, and remember this is our very last frame, somewhere around here. And witness an improvement in your photography. Creating more tips. Subscribe to my Youtube, Somehow it replaced this one. And that's it for today instead of this one. It doesn't matter. Let's try something else. Let's try to select this one. Maybe we can use the same prompt person with a camera, a DSLR camera. Let's go with that. Let's see what we are going to get because I really want to end on some high notes. I don't want these effects showing here. Maybe this is a good option. Let's see if we can get something a little bit different. Yeah, maybe even this is good. There we go. It gave us this option before, I'm going to go to the end and see it applied. There you go. But for some reason it didn't apply. Let's try again. There we go. Improvement in photography. Creating more tapes. Subscribe to my Youtube channel. Yeah, definitely looks much better. Now what else you can do is let's go with this. Reduce the volume of the voiceover or different inspiring background song song, which has more tempo. Let's try that because this background track in this case is too slow for me. It distracts a little bit, if I'm honest, and it doesn't give me any connection with the video. In this case, I want it to be something just a little bit different. Let's see now, photography. You can see already what it did. First, embrace the rule of thirds. Imagine your frame as a grid of nine equal parts and position your subject of the intersections of these lines, delivering a balanced picture. Second, definitely, much better what we can also do, let's say we slow down the voiceover. We can reduce its levels. We can make the voiceover less loud, for example, or lower down the volume of the voiceover, or increase the volume of the track, or do things like that. But what I want to do finally before we move to the export, is actually get rid of this photo here. I want DSLR camera in a store video. Let's try that. And if it doesn't, then let's try with something else because it's not giving me any videos of it. Mm hmm. Okay. New DSLR camera. Let's try with that new DSLR camera. Let's try that, because I want to open with a camera, maybe we can use this. It's from story blocks, it's not from stock, it's from story blocks, which is the premium feature. But let's just go with something a little bit different person using SLR, SLR camera. Let's see what we get there. Because that prompt gave us the most variation. I think. No, we're not going to do this. Yeah, maybe we can go with something like this. There you go. Or this. Yeah, let's include this. There we go. Hit Apply Changes. With that, I think our video is going to be good again. You can play around with different settings. You can go into previous settings, you can go into history and then apply that. But you can see it's change in media. Sometimes when the video is too large, perhaps it's four in its natural and stuff, maybe that is what's taking too long. Sometimes your internet connection might not be that good. Just keep all of those things in mind because the more changes you make, the more requests you are making to AI, and the more time it takes to think and to provide with the output, this is actually where the tweaking of the original prompt can really be beneficial. Because you can get started with something which is a lot less complicated and a lot more to the point, unlike I did. But again, I did it this way just to show you what the bad result is and what the good result is. I'm really happy with what it gave us. It's just with the videos, I want to make a couple of changes here and there. And perhaps in the future maybe, let's say my client is not going to like the music. I might come back with the music. I'm going to pause here and come back when it's done and show you the final result. There we go. Now that we made the final change, let's watch it for one more time and see what we got at the end. Interested in photography, here are some essential tips to elevate photo. First, embrace the rule of thirds. Imagine your frame as a grid of nine equal parts, and position your subject of the intersections of these lines, delivering a balanced picture. Second, cherish the golden hour, The best time for photography. Third, toy with aperture settings to tweak the depth of field, resulting in a blurry background or a crisp scene. Fourth, explore composition. Experiment with unusual angles and perspectives for a unique. Lastly, post processing, never fear editing minor tweaks can significantly enhance your pictures. And that's it for today. Apply these five tips and witness an improvement in your photography. Creating more tips. Subscribe to my Youtube channel. What I found there is, it's great, but we have one mistake in the script. Let's see, Explore Composition, Westly Force Processing. You see perspective for a unique and it just stops there for a unique look. Let's give it that and hit apply changes. Why unique look? Because it didn't really finish the sentence. I wanted to finish the sentence and this is basically why I chose that. But apart from all of this, we got a really good result because we are making so many changes to this video, it takes a bit more time to generate. Just keep that in mind. Again, it always comes down to a good prompt and about how good your idea was. I'm extremely happy with the result. It's just that one little bit I wanted to change. What I didn't mention is you can go back to the previous results. Do let's say I changed the script right now. I can go back to the point where I didn't. And you can see right here what it did at all times. As I said, that's basically it for this video. Let's now jump into exporting. And in the next video, I'm going to show you how to do that, how to play around with different file formats for ideas, and what to consider when it comes to formatting, when it comes to exporting, and when it comes to optimizing your videos for best possible results. I'll see there. 7. Exporting Options and Formats: This video, we're going to talk about exporting options and what in video AI has in store. And also how to think about different formats when you're shooting, when you're thinking about videos, when you're thinking about social media, and when you're thinking about optimization for your audience and for your personal use case. Let's jump into it and let me show you what I mean. Here we are. Back where we left off again. I'm pretty happy with the video when I hit export right here. It's just going to give me this option export video. When I click there, I get these options. Basically what all of this means, if you're just getting started, you can think about videos for two basic formats. And if you take your phone and basically just rotate it around, this is a landscape, this is a portrait. Basically, this is all you need to care about. How your video is consumed is in one of the two orientations. It's either landscape or a portrait. Majority of social media these days, especially Tiktok and Youtube shorts and Instagram reels are in that portrait orientation, like you're holding your phone. Like this, majority of longer videos like Youtube explaining videos or movies are actually landscape. Why all of this matters is when you're thinking about the quality for your video, you always have to think about the highest possible quality. Because screens these days are getting much better than they used to be. Let's say just five years ago, let alone ten years ago. You have to think about the quality because your content is going to be watched on a higher quality screen than it was a couple of years back. Then there is the orientation which I mentioned how it is consumed. Majority of content which is consumed in portrait orientation is a fast based content. Again, Tiktok, Instagram, and Youtube shorts are all consumed like that because it's just the content on the go. While majority of landscape videos these days are consumed in longer form. Quantent's either you're going to turn your phone landscape and just take a rest or assume a position which is good for you and then just invest a lot of time into watching the videos, or in majority of cases, movies, movies are consumed that way because it's just more pleasing to the eye. Why I'm saying all of this is because the quality of the video is important, the orientation of the video is important. And at the end of the day, the platform for which you are creating these videos is really important. What you see right here is said export for Youtube. Because we put it as Youtube short, but even if you select Instagram real for example, in some cases it's going to say export for Youtube. That doesn't really matter. What matters here is how you started and what you defined in your prompt. If you said like you saw with our video, you can see the black borders around our video, which is in landscape, are black. What that means is they are not filed. What that means is we have a portrait video which is placed inside of a landscape video. Again, this is really important because of the exporting purposes. Because you have to tell in video AI, what you want to export for. Not to make this any more confusing, as I said, you have portrait, which is what we created right here. You have landscape, which is what this basically is. But the end result is going to be what we said, platform related. Then what we have here is it says optimized for high quality Youtube publishing. Again, don't worry about it because it says Youtube. It doesn't really matter. It's going to be high quality on any social media, on Instagram, on Tiktok, whatever you're posting on X maybe, or something. Then we have stock watermarks or no watermarks. This is important if you're on a free plan. You have to show the stock watermarks if you're on a Pre plan, if you're not, then you just click No Watermark, or in my case it's already been selected. Then select in video I branding. If you want, you can choose normal, subtle or none. It's because of the plan you selected. In subtle terms, it's just going to show the logo mark, for example, just in a corner or something. While with none, with my plan for example, it doesn't show you anything. Then select video resolution, four AP seven 20 P, and ten ADP. What this is basically is just the number of pixels on a page. In the next video, I'm going to show you that when we actually work with different tools in combination with in video I, but basically always try to aim for ten AP, because that's usually the full resolution and that's usually what you actually want. Finally, it says right here in video is a creative tool and it is not intended to be factual. You are responsible for the content of the final video. You use zero out of 3,200 I stock license, the video would use seven out of quota resets in 29 days. Which is important because it's going to give me this amount again in 29 days. When I hit continue, it's going to start rendering. And you can see what it does right here. It's rendering the video, it's using my ten credentials. Don't let that confuse you. Finally, we are going to get the final result right here, and it already started downloading the video. You can see it right here, or I can click download from right here. What we have here is we have no views, we have the outline. And I can just click right here to copy. I can go ahead and send this over to my client or my teammates or whoever. What I can also do is I can divide it into chapters, which I don't really want because it's a Youtube short, it's going to just be looked at as a single piece of content. And I also have settings so I can play at different speeds if I want to. Finally, let's look at the final result we cut from this video. Here are some essential tips to elevate photos first. First of all, you can see how high quality it is, because remember, it was four AP during the creation process. Now it's ten ADP. So it's much, much, much higher quality, not just of the video but of the sound as well. Because remember it does this because it's much faster to make generations and to make changes in lower resolution than in higher resolution. To embrace the rule of thirds, imagine your frame as a grid of nine equal parts, and position your subject at the intersections of these lines, delivering a balanced picture. Second, cherish the golden hour, The best time for photography. Third, toy with aperture settings to tweak the depth of field, resulting in a blurry background or a crisp scene. Fourth, explore composition. Experiment with unusual angles and perspectives for a unique look. Lastly, post processing, never fear editing minor tweaks can significantly enhance your pictures, and that's it for today. Apply these five tips and witness an improvement in your photography. Creating more tips. Subscribe to my Youtube channel, you can see that it got rid of the vatermarks, which is great because I am on max plan right now. As I said, you can see that quality is much higher. So, you can just rest assured when you use this video for a Youtube shot, in this particular use case, it's going to retain that high quality. What I forgot to mention is that you can share it from here as well. When I hit that, you can set the permissions if you want it to be private, unlisted public, whatever, or you can just copy this video and share it over. That's pretty much it. If I go back to home, if I hit show more and see all of the projects, then in a couple of minutes it's going to show here as a previous project and I can go ahead and edit it further, but that's pretty much it. In the next video, I'm going to tackle some different AI tools which you can use with in video I, because it's really important to combine different AI tools which are going to help you increase the speed with which you provide these videos and with which you are producing them. I'll see you in the next video. 8. Working With Other AI Tools: Let's now talk about working with different AI tools and some different results that we can get. Because there are plenty of things you can achieve inside of invideo AI, but the best route you can take is to combine it with other tools. They don't necessarily have to be AI, but just like we used in video AI for video editing and for video creation, you can use some other AI tools to help you with some other tasks. Like, for example, image editing, which is really important because especially with Youtube, but also with other social media platforms out there. The cover image is the actual attention grabber. The better your cover images, the better it reflects to what you created inside of the video, the higher chances are of people actually clicking on it and actually watching it. Which in turn is going to give you enough data so you can know and understand how to improve it over time. Especially if you're doing this for clients. If they have big Youtube channels for example. Then you're going to look at the stats and let's say that they have a design system in place, for example, for the colors and for the logo, and let's say the branding guidelines in which cases you're using, what. This can be really complex over time and it can be really difficult to get your head around it. But just to get you started, in this video, I'm going to show you a couple of different options that you have for creating these thumbnail images as they are often called, or cover images, however you want to call them, to give you a bit of a leg up and what you can expect when you start with the creation. Let's just get started and I'm going to show you what I mean. First things first, what we have here is in video I, this is where we left off the previous time. First. First, let me show you the most popular tool out there, it's called Mid Journey. And to use it, you need to actually have access to discord. You can go to Mid Journey website and then find this Discord channel and then you can join it. You have these new Es right here. These are the rooms where you actually jump in and you start your prompt by creating what you actually want. You can see right here a laughing long curly hair teenage girl with Frack Los in white. This is the prompt again. The more detail the prompt is, the best result it's going to give you and the best result you will actually get at the end as the output. Just keep that in mind. Everything around AI is around prompts and good prompts get good outputs which are actually the most time saving. You can go ahead and get started. Right here it said, imagine you have to go with and then with your prompt, what I don't like about this is that you have to wait for all of these people to finish their generation if I go. And then imagine which is the prompt and then space. Now I have to write my prompt three D model of the DSLR camera. Let's go with, for example, black body with wide angle lens attached. And just click now. It requires the subscription for me. So I have to subscribe because I think, yeah, due to extreme demand, we can provide a free trial right now. Just keep that in mind. I managed to do it some other time. This time I didn't. Just because of this, you can use Leonardo AI, which in my opinion is a much better tool either way because it gives you so much more options right here just out of the box. Unlike mid journey, you don't have to use this court because they have their own website, they have their own platform, and they also have many different models which you can use to generate your images. First of all, let's quickly go through what we see right here. They have personal feed, which is what you upload. They have community feed with what everybody from the community uploads, training and datasets, which basically means if you are a photographer, you can upload your photos, train your own model based on that model that you trained. You're going to get the images at the end. Just imagine the possibilities you have right there. Especially if you're somebody who is drawing. Then you can do the same thing here as well. It's going to export the images based on your drawings in that style, in that line. Work with those colors and stuff like that. Then we have fine tuned models. If I click right there, these are actually the models that they already fine tuned. They gave them names and you can see what each of them does and basically what each of them is going to give you. Then you have different tools. We have image generation, we have real time canvas where you can actually do some painting in real time over the canvas, real time. En, again, just like image generation canvas editor where you can basically expand your canvas. If you start with let's say portrait and you want to go to landscape because you either change your mind or you have another project. Then you can do that there. You can just cut it right there and expand it and add an additional layer on top of it, which you cannot do in mid journey, for example. Then you have the up scaler, let's say you generated your image to be either too low of quality or at a different orientation, or at a different size. Then you can do that there. Finally, they have motion, which is brand new and not really all that refined as of making of this course. But in the future maybe it will. The models you generate, you can actually animate. Just think about those possibilities. You can then export those animations as either video files or gift files, which you can upload back into in video I and then inserted into your video. You can just imagine possibilities you have right here. And then finally we have texture generation. What we're going to do, I'm going to switch to image generation and again we have the prompt. What I'm going to do here is write the same thing again. Three, the model of a DSLR camera, black body, because majority of these cameras have black body with a wide angle lens on it. I'm going to say playful style. Playful style. Let's just see what we are going to get inside of Leonardo AI. You can choose different models. I'm going to go with either three D, animation style or dream shape or Pastel Dream or something. Let's go with this. Let's see what we're going to get and generate. This will use four tokens and you have some free tokens to get started. I have 150 before I upgrade, so you will too just hit Generate and see what you will get. Usually what you can do at that stage is export this image as a transparent PNG and that's what we're going to do if it's not transparent, I'm going to show you a way to get rid of it inside of Photoshop. Because you have to work over these obstacles. Ai cannot do everything for you. The idea here is that it's going to provide majority but not everything. For example, from this case, I really don't like these results because perhaps the model was not good for me, three D animation style. Let's try that. I'm not really sure it's going to do me any favors here as well, but if not, I'm just going to go with the good old realistic style and see what it gives me. Of course, here you can see the image dimensions. They are all in the landscape format. They're just going to go up from here. And here you can change and make your custom dimensions. You can choose the guidance scale you have the orientation and the aspect ratio for example. You can click here if you want it to be photo real, if you want it to be transparent, If you want the alchemy, all that good stuff. For example, I like this one. I'm going to select it and you have a couple options here. You can copy it to clipboard. You can download it as it is. You can zoom, you can remove Background, which is going to cost you two extra tokens. What I'm going to do is just download this image. I'm also going to show you how it looks like when you remove the background here. Also you have a bunch of these different options right here. But let's not drag it too long. I'm just going to click right there. And ideally what you would do is you want to grab the attention when people see this image, it doesn't look like a normal camera. And maybe that's the point, maybe that's what you want. You have the original image and you have no background, which is how this looks like. I think it did a great job. I'm going to download this image as well. We will have two images, one with background, one without a background, and basically that's Now what to do with this particular image. Now, you can go about it in many different ways, but there are premium ways and there are three ways. Of course, you can use something like Canva, which is free to get started, and you have plenty of templates out there. You can adjust those templates and then insert these images inside of there. Or you can go the custom route if you want full, complete control of it, which also has a free and premium versions. Free version of that would be Figma. Inside of Figma, what I would do is hit for frame and then just draw frame for the width. I will go with ten, 80 pixels for the height 1920 pixels. Because that's going to give me this dimension which is in portrait orientation. Now I'm going to call it thumbnail image just to give you a idea. Going to hit control D and then rotate it for example. Or just click right here and it's going to show me how this looks like. This is now landscape, this is now portrait. And you can basically adjust it like. So what I did previously is I downloaded this image from this website, which I really recommend. It has many great assets. It's called Icon Scout, and if you are a fan of this style and you think it's going to work for you, I'm going to switch to three D illustrations and I'm going to type in camera. You can see what it gives me right here. Many playful styles, many different options, you can do that. You also have lot animations. Animations right from start. You have illustrations, icons, acts, all that good stuff. I download this little camera, I'm going to pop it in right here for the thumbnail image, I'm going to go with a different fill color, maybe something like this. Or maybe I can go with color like this maybe, or something like that. Then I'm going to enlarge it by holding shift, rotate it a little bit, maybe position it here. Now what this needs is a bit of text I'm going to hit. Let's just quickly find our video. The exported video is called five quick photography tips. Snap it right. I can either write snap it right, or five quick photography tips, or we can do both. Let's duplicate this. Let's call it snap it right. There we go. And I'm going to increase the size of it by a lot by holding my shift key. There we go. We're using Inter, which is fine as a font. I don't really care about it too much. But what I would do in this case is perhaps maybe put this like, maybe make this centered. Maybe make it extra bolt. There you go. Maybe make this, let's say bold, but I don't want it to be this big. Maybe something like this. Then what you can do is hit shift A, which is going to put it in something which is called auto layout, which basically is just a group which you can work with. In this case, here are the settings left and right, top and bottom spacing. Here, I'm going to say, let's just increase it a little bit to maybe 16 and here to 16 as well. I'm going to include a fill color. Let me hide myself so you can see it. Here it is. Click Criteria for the Fill Color. What I will do is maybe sample this because I think it looks good. Then I can insert a bit of corner radius, which is to make the corner around it. Maybe I can do something like this or maybe 50 to make it really pronounced. Then just increase this a little bit. Maybe like this and maybe like this. There we go, I'm going to snap it here and then here. What this is going to allow me is to grab their attention even more. But I don't think that this font size is really that great. What I will do is just reduce it in size a little bit. There we go. Hence, I don't need this much spacing top and bottom. But let's just say I want to keep it, you can whole shift 1-234-567-8910 Same here. And then just frame your camera just a little bit better to something like this there. Maybe I can position this here and then enlarge this even more, something like this. There you go. You can see what? I can click here to make it centered. And maybe I can cut it just slightly. There you go. You can really play around with these different settings. You can achieve different results. You can maybe put some abstract shapes in the background. You can do all cool stuff right here. The important bit here is to make this image pop and to attract attention. What you can also do is hit maybe for the circle. Place it roughly around here. And then you can right click and send it to back. Then I will choose a bright color attention grabbing like this, some fire or something. You can leave it like this or you can add different effects to it. Instead of drop shadow, I'm going to go with background blur and I'm going to increase it by a lot. Or instead of background blur, I can go with layer blur. There we go, Instead of this amount, maybe I can go with something a little more subtle. There we go, we can either select the ellipse and make it larger or make it smaller depending on what you want. I can also reduce its opacity if I think it's a bit too bright, maybe something like this. Just because I want this camera to stand out and to grab attention. But you can also do is put frames around it. The easiest way is just to select your entire frame and then just add stroke to it. Click right here, Add a thick stroke of let's say ten points or something, and then change the color of it. Let me him myself again to white. And you can see how much more of a better framing we got just by doing this again, stroke color and then just maybe 20 or something. But in this case, I would maybe reduce this down just slightly, I don't know. Maybe keep this as it is. It's just playing around at this point. Maybe this is good. Yeah, there you go. With just a couple of little clicks. We got what we wanted from the model, which is created in blender, from this particular website, and using Figma, which is a free tool which you can just log in today and use. And you can use it in various different formats. What I want you to see is if I select this fill color, Copy it Hoops, click here, Fail control. There we go. Then I'm going to add a stroke of 20 and I'm going to go with white color. Then I'm going to select these two. Control C, control V, place them in the center. There we go. But I might want to position it here. Then copy this text and make sure it's left aligned by clicking here. There we go. Yeah, I don't want it to be this big. Perhaps this is good. Now you can put it in the center, or you can put it a bit lower down, because I want to select this and paste it here. There we go. I might want to reduce this to 48, for example, or even 40, because I don't want it to be this big. Now I can select these two, hit shift A on it and create a group. I can say 40 for example, and just snap it in the center like this. Then finally select these two and just move them around. With just a couple of clicks, you can see that we've got two cover photos, which are basically the same two Tom Nail images. Why is this important? If you're using these assets already, it makes sense to create templates which you can reuse later, which you can think of as prompts. Because these templates are going to allow you to create hundreds of these images for hundreds of these videos, which in video is going to allow you to create. Just remember what we talked about about these collections. This can be a general photography collection. Maybe this can next be a wedding photography with a different background, with a different image. Just think in terms where you can create multiple items at the same time, which is going to increase your speed in creation and productivity. Just think about where you can get with this workflow where you set everything up. Use in video, use something like Figma. Use something like Leonardo AI. For these models, you're just going to be unstoppable with what you create. Also, you can work with different clients to earn a lot of money by creating these things, because this is going to increase their productivity as well, lower down their costs. Because again, they have to hire five different people for ten different things where you can do all of it yourself with the help of AI. Finally, what I want to show you for this video is the use of Photoshop. Now, Photoshop obviously is a well known tool. There is not really that much that I can explain here, but here we have the same orientation. If I go with image and then image size, you can see if I switch this to pixels that we are ten, 20 with 1920. Which is actually what we did with Figma as well, with this stamnail image basically. I'm just going to recreate it in Photoshop, but using the image that we downloaded from Leonardo. I, let me show you this first. If I scale it up just slightly like this, then go here and then select and mask. I want to select the subject because again, I want to get rid of this subject. I don't really want it in my image. But before we do, I have to rasterize it because it was a smart object. Select a mask, select subject. Once again, it's going to do its magic. Hit, okay, And then just hit right here behind myself, so you can see it. You see this little photo image. This is going to just create a mask. And there we go. It just created this mask. But if I hide this and we use their ones there, it basically has, if I put them maybe side by side, this is the one created by Leonardo. You can see the blur edges around it, but it only took us one click. You can see the Photoshop version which is much cleaner. It doesn't have any blur, but it took us maybe five or six clicks to create. If you need to get rid of something, like for example, let's go with the one we got in Photoshop for example. Here we have this weird logo thing which I don't really want. What I can do is, again, with the help of AI, or I can just hit shift F five, which is going to bring in the content aware tool. I can just hit, okay and it's going to fill it in. Or if you don't like what it did there, you can just go with clone stem tool. And I'm explaining all of this because if you start using these in combination with Figma or with Photoshop, you're going to get a lot of these because AI is still not that great when it comes with recognizing text, recognizing hands, and recognizing different logos. It still requires a human touch for you to be able to work with it. This looks really messy, but I'm going to show you a bit of a trick which you can use to clean up these images. And to make it nice and smooth, I want to finalize this edge, which I think looks good. Now you have a blur tool right here. So you can select a blur tool and just click and blur this entire section because it's not really all that relevant to our image. Now we got rid of the logo and now we blurred this section of the image. How would you go ahead and recreate what we did inside of Figma? Well, I'm going to select this hex code, which is actually the color code for it. Jump into Photoshop again, and then click in my Color Picker. Hit control just to paste it. Click here, hit for the Paint bucket tool, click here, and I have the same blue color. Then how I would go about in creating the rectangle around it is just use this rectangle tool. And here you can type in your dimensions. Ten, 80 with 1920, there we go. And you can just click here and position it wherever you want. Let's select the rectangle. Hit A on your keyboard. I don't want any fill color, but I want the stroke color to be white. I want it to be 20. There we go. Now what I can do is just position it here, but for some reason it went outside. If I hit control D, yeah, you can see what it did. Instead of 1920, it went with 19,220 Let's get rid of that. There we go. Now we have the same result as we do in Figma. What we can also do is, I will go ahead to Figma copies, go to photo shop, click here, paste it. Select the text, make sure it's here. Make sure to change the color to white so you can see it. Let's see if we have inter here. We don't have inter, but maybe we can use lato bad in this case for example. Or let's go with aerial. Aerial black. There we go. Works just fine. Then you can select this and the background click right here to make sure that it's in the center, like so. If you think it's too small, then you can nudge the size a little bit. Do something like this. I think this works fine. I'm going to hit control J to duplicate this. And what did we say in Figma? Snap it, right? I can even copy this. There we go. I'm going to select this, take the color, there we go. I'm going to say snap it right. There we go. I'm going to go with much smaller text like so. Then I'm going to take the rectangle tool and position this inside of a rectangle, which I will increase this to 50% for the field color. I'm going to use this, which is the color which I just copied and pasted from Figma. And then because this has a stroke, I don't want to stroke. There we go. Snap it right. This can go on top, and you can put it in a group control. Then you can do this and select the text. Put it in the center. There we go, Control D. Now you can export this image already, because I think it looks great. The one in Figma is amazing as well. The final thing which is left is basically this blurred background. But you can even achieve that here in Photoshop. Just make sure you're above the rectangle because it's going to be easier to create. Just hit new layer, select a circle, drop it in hold shift while you created position it roughly around here. Then select hit control V to paste this same color, or you can select it from here. Hit and then just paint pocketed in. I think this looks great already and we don't maybe even need the blur for this example. But in case you decide you can select it, go to filter blur, then Gazan blur usually works really good. You can come here and crank it up all the way you want. There you go. You got your blurred effect result. If you want to make it smaller, control or command and just reduce it in size to make it fit. There you go. We have this nice example, but I'm going to expand it. You can actually go ahead and hit Export and quick export PNG. And then you can export it to your desktop, for example. And then just go back here two in video where it says media library. You can upload your media library. What we can do in this case is because I actually, I like the Photoshop version better. I will do file export. And then when it's done exporting, I'm going to go inside of here, inside of my image library. Just drag and drop it. It's uploading, obviously, you don't want it to be this pick. Maybe you can reduce it a little bit in size, but basically you have started creating your media library which you can reuse later and you can upload and put inside of an album, for example, thumbnails. I can create that album and I can put all of my images there. That's how easy it is to work with this stuff. Just remember, it's really important. If you want, you can go with Leonardo I for the image creation or use a tool like this. This is just one I really like, Icon Scout. And then you can use Figma for free generation. Basically, you never really have to pay for Figma because they have this awesome free plan for everybody and you can use it for free. Then we also have Photoshop, which is the premium tool with a subscription. But it's obviously go to standard and the golden standard in the design community because it's decades in the market and it has so many functionalities, that's why it's premium. But what I forgot to mention is Photoshop has its own AI functionalities. If I select this and put it right here, for example, I can go with generative film and I can say something like camera lens and hit Generate. Now it's going to give me a couple of different options which are going to show right here. And you can adjust the prompt Again, it's all about the prompt and how well you describe it. Because this is so simple, I'm not really going to poder about it. But as you can see, it added a lens to our camera. Maybe this is good, this is good. I think this actually is because it's showing like a video camera. You have this option as well, especially for these quick little edits where you can make some quick changes here and there. I think this is going to work out just fine. Remember, you can work with these tools in tandem to create an amazing result, which is going to increase your productivity and speed. Which is why I would highly recommend to use a tool like in video, AI and AI in general. Because as time moves on, these AI generators are just going to be better and better and stay ahead of the curve by start using them early, not to be left in the dust later. This is really important because just two years ago nobody really talked about these AI generators and now they are everywhere. The sooner you start, the better you're going to be and the faster you're going to be in front of everybody else, when clients really decide what they want to do and who they want to hire. 9. Licencing Rights: Crucial thing about working with AI, our licensing rights. There are many different talks online about unethical usage of AI, which is basically when AI is fed to information from around the world from various different creators and artists without their consent. Consent is something where you approach to somebody else and say, hey, can I use your video or audio or drawing or three D model or whatever else in my work? If they say yes, then you're good to go. If they say no, you cannot use it. Obviously, there are legal implications here. This is really serious stuff. And I wanted to make a video about this in this course because it's on one hand amazing that we have these AI's. But on the other hand, just be careful what you are using. Now with, in video, I, you don't really have that problem. Because if I take you here again, they are using premium tools where the content has been created by humans. Which is why I love this tool so much. The content created by humans is already licensed, and you already have the right to use it if you pay to invideo I. Why? Because that's the premium source as well. They have to pay those creators at that end. That's why you have to pay for it using invideo I. It's just straightforward and just obvious. However, if you go with a tool like this, obviously the camera we generated is not really possible. And not really feasible, it's just an attention grabber which is actually what we wanted. But you can just imagine that it's going to create something which is so true to the point where if this is a Canon camera and it looks so similar to the Canon camera, in some cases maybe Cannon is going to approach to you and claim a lawsuit against you and sue you because you used their image against their will, basically. Or if you go ahead and create a person which resembles a drawing from a famous artist, then that artist can sue you. As well as the AI in which you created it. Just make sure to pay attention to that. It's really, really, really important to do that, especially with audio. Because if you're using audio that you just found on Google, or if you're using famous tracks, like, I don't know, Taylor Swift of somebody, you're pretty much guaranteed that your content is going to be taken down or flagged as inappropriate for monetization. Because if you want to make money with your content, like for example with Youtube, you have to make sure that you're using content, you have a legal rights to do so. You cannot just Google things and put them inside and hope for the best and see what happens. Because it's going to be flagged down because you are using AI to create content, they are using AI to scan content. You can be pretty sure you're going to get caught. If not today, then at some point, pretty sure, just make sure to have the proper usage rights for the content that you create and for the content that others will consume. The website I mentioned, you have to pay for it, for example, this Icon Scout. But they also have some free versions inside of here, just like these guys have, just like an splash has for images, for example. Just make sure to inform yourself about licensing rights, about different license types, about usage rights. Because in some cases, if you're using videos, which you go ahead then upload here to in video I. If you don't have the proper licensing rights for it, it might be taken down and flagged down. This is extremely important if you're working with a client because not only they are going to be sued, you are going to be sued by them, by original creator, by the platform you posted. So it can be really messy. Not to scare you too much, but you just have to be smart about it. And you just have to think before you use somebody else's content. This is really crucial and really important to familiarize yourselves a little bit with these licenses and licensing rights. I'm going to leave this website, which is Creative Commons website in the PDF. You can read through about different licenses. You can go with licenses and tools if you want to adapt a certain license to your rights or something, which is not what you're really concerned about, you're more concerned about what you are allowed to do. Now you should really look at it on the platform at which you're posting, and see what sort of regulations do they have. And also where you took the content from, for example, if I go with this website. I might go into settings or about and see the licenses for it. So for example, if I click right here, I can see purchased all access subscriptions. Unlimited. Unlimited. Unlimited. And I can use it for whatever I want basically because that's the license they are going to provide to me. But here you can see that the CC platform is with these companies. They exist across millions of websites, the majority hosted on Quantum Platforms to provide CC license options for their users. This is a creative commons user license about CC licenses, so you can see different options. Cci enables users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. Imagine an image you took, you use it right here. Or a video. You have to attribute the original creator. You have to set who created this actual piece of content. Credit must be given to the creator. Here in this one, credit must be given to the creator. Adaptations must be shared under the same terms. It's different here, only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted. What that means is if you post this on Youtube, for example, you cannot monetize that content. You cannot make money from that content under this certain license. If that content piece was under that license, you can see noncommercial adaptation must be shared on the same terms, no derivatives here. Noncommercial, again, CC Zero is a public dedication tool which enables creator to give up their copyright and put their works into worldwide public domain. Again, worldwide public domain. In some cases you have country specific domains, so make sure to check that out. Cc Zero enables re users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format. With no conditions from all of this, take this as a crucial information. With no conditions. You don't have to attribute anybody. You don't have to say where you got the content. You don't have to post a link to the original creator. You don't have to worry about a lawsuit. You don't have to worry about anything if it's under CC zero license. Make sure to check this. This is extremely important for whatever you are creating. Just make sure also if you're using tools like this or Mid Journey, especially Mid Journey, in some cases, you will see those logos which we removed in Photoshop. If you see a famous logo like Cannon or Mercedes Benz, or Apple or whatever, make sure to get rid of it if you decide to use that image, because those companies might come after you, because you used it in unethical and unlawful way inside of your content, which you are monetizing or which somebody else is monetizing, for example, your client. Again, these licenses are extremely important. Again, I'm going to leave the link to creative commons licenses in the PDF. Make sure to check it out, just to familiarize yourself with different types of licenses. Now, it's worth noting that those are not the only licenses out there. Again, make sure to explore, to learn about this yourself, because it's a pretty big topic when it comes to usage of somebody else's work. Which at the end of the day you are doing, except if you're not creating everything from scratch. Again, with invideo AI, you are fine because they are using content from pre approved platforms like stock, for example. But if you're using content from somewhere else that you got for free and you inserted it into invideo AI, they are basically renouncing the obligation about that, right? And you are the one who is going to get claimed by the third person if they discover that you use their content without their consent. Again, pretty important topic. Make sure to familiarize yourself with it and you're going to be good to go as soon as you understand which sources are good to use the content from and which sort of sources are not that good. 10. Sklillshare Class Project: Skillshare class project for this class is to use the type of prompt that we created during this class and to create your own video using it. Try using in video AI. And then try to adjust it to suit your needs. It doesn't have to be photography. It can be any other topic that you choose. Just try to fine tune the prompt because the prompt is what actually gives you the best results. And try following what you saw in the course to understand how to get the best possible results for your project. Remember, don't give up. Just try to fine tune a little bit to get to the best possible results. 11. Conclusion and Links: We go, we reached the end of this course. I really truly hope you enjoyed it and that you learn something new and that you're going to utilize AI in your workflow. I'm really excited to see your results. Make sure to tag me on social media. Make sure to let me know what you guys can create and I'm really excited to see your final results. Remember, it's all about refining your prompt and it's all about explaining your intentions to AI to get the best possible result. Make sure to check out the PDF because it has some helpful links inside of it. And also make sure to reach out if you have any questions, both to me and also to invideo AI team because they're really prouding themselves on quick response times. If you have a problem at any point, make sure to reach out to them because I'm sure your feedback will be extremely valuable to them. To continuing improving invideo AI, and to making it really this awesome tool that everybody can use. Thank you once again for watching this course. I really truly hope that you're going to utilize this tool in your arsenal and I look forward to see what you guys can create. Take care.