1. HELLO: Hi. My name is Natalia Telco Scott, and I'm the founder off Talcott Design design and Creative Agency, based in London. And we specialize in visual storytelling and engagement, and I also pounded doodly doo, which are creative experiences for strangers. Anyone that says I can draw. It's a mix off. Drawing in mind games running up in over 20 countries are old World. I also run podcasts, resist the usual and draw politics. You'd like to join that you could find your BC All social media. Now, today we'll be talking about something very, very important about visual storytelling. I want you all to start using visuals and visual communication more at work in the way you communicate in the way you sell your work. You promote, you pitch, you engage with everyone around you. So let's jump in, and I hope you enjoy it. And I hope you take the challenge, and that's a fun
2. WARM UP: Hi, Ed. So before we jump into it and we learned all about visual storytelling, I always like to start with a bit of a warm up. Why? No, right? We need to warm apart race and have a little game. So how about you have a look at the slides that he can see in front of you and there's a bit of a note with, Let's say how I prepared myself for presentation to a client. Now go. Not going to tell you anything more. You need to figure it out. What this picture is all about. I know it looks messy. I know what? It probably doesn't make any sense to you. But just have a look. And if you were to tell what this meeting will be about, what would you say? Well, would you kind of tell me you're free to leave comments below? I'm very curious to find out what you think. I'm not going to tell you anything, but just have a look. Doesn't make sense. Any doodles from their anything in that messy little world that you can figure it out and trust me, guys, it makes a lot of says to me. So I guess through this exercise I just wanted to show you how my brain works. And I'm very aware that it might be a bit more heightened version that that's a most of us off how visual visual storytelling is being used here. But I've always sort of pictures. I'm very known. Let's say even now, to kind of whenever I speak, I speak in metaphors very visual, and I just see everything in pictures since I was a little kid. So this is me preparing for a meeting where had no nose. The meeting went well, trust me. But basically, that's how I prepared myself to say the things that I wanted to say and still make sense on . Trust me, it really did. Now, I don't know what you've kind of seen there, but it was definitely with a bag and it waas a pitch, and it was all about different challenges. And things that we want to do is I'm gonna leave it. They're gonna see your comments first, but I'm very curious what you think now, basically, I won't leave you through a few little classes where I'll commute practical examples of how visual storytelling can be used to engage, to sell, to promote, to strategize and to entertain as well. Because I think nowadays we forget how, especially social media. It's all about as well being entertained, really. If you're spending a lot of type old line, might as well have a good laugh on often Runs used that much more these days in terms of communicating what everyone s o. I also encourage you to use visual storytelling much war than you do right now, but we're going to dive into it when it makes more sense. Step by step. In a class, I encourage you to wash them all. Leave me Commons down below and get Let's get going.
3. VISUAL STORYTELLING - THEN: right. So now we're in the first section, which is visual storytelling, that so what I want to do before we get into the practical examples is really tell you a bit about visual storytelling, the origins of it, because it's quite fascinating when he actually started thinking about it. Because visual storytelling, as you can see here, started when ages ago in the caves, before we all were here. Even this was the first language that humans really used. We forget that that we didn't use Italian, French, anything that people told stories by drawing by expressing their journeys and drawing their families and what happened to them and the stories that they went through, the families that met and moved from one place to another in the case on the walls anywhere that they could find a place that they could express where they come from. So I always love that this is the best example. I haven't invented. It just really use it for what we need to do with the clients and help people get their message across. But really, that's where everything started when you think about it, and then I would say, Well, we all through his kids, right? We all did that. Whether we really liked it or no, really, we all did that in art cost me old, did it at school. It was very natural to us on whether you were drawing a lot as a kid or not were still aware of it doing it more or less for myself. I remember all I need is a pen and a pencil, and I was really fine was sorted for the day. But basically this is a very interesting for me thing here, where we old Louis kids, we all did Every. Actually, we didn't even double thinking If he had to draw an elephant with a lion's tail, wouldn't even double question would just do it. And these days, as adults, well, no one really requires from us using art or pictures. If it's no for a specific reason for a specific job, so we just don't do it and we get a bits of conscious and we stopped doing it. And if we're not naturally interested in art or we don't have nephews or kids, we just don't do it right. So that's where kind of the visual storytelling gets a bit lost and get into the slide world and the summaries world and the words work, which is so important as well. There would be no companies or no actions being taken without these. But me definitely forget about using more visual storytelling visuals in the way we tell our stories and get the message across eso. This is one thing that I'm definitely very, very interested in and always try to talk about an explain. And it's a lost skill, which I always say it's basically it's kind of like if you don't run well, don't expect to run amazingly after first time. Or if you don't do salsa, how will you do all the terms and everything necessary after one class? But the more you do it, sadly, it becomes more natural when you can do it, and you could do your five K in your tank in your Martha's and everything. So it's It's litchi like any other scale. If you don't do it enough or at all, don't expect to create beautiful, dizzy like pictures, anything like that. And I always say it's no really about that. With pictures in using visuals at work or anywhere around you is really the message that you want to give and the clever moment off when it's good to put these visuals out and who are speaking so again, it doesn't matter how you draw stick. Men are amazing as long as you can get your message across. That's all you really need. So let me now guide you through the next thing which will be visual storytelling. Now I hope you join me for that.
4. VISUAL STORYTELLING - NOW: right. Welcome back. Thank you so much for sticking around. So we talked about visual storytelling them. And now I want to bring you to them now. So the visual storytelling know what's happening around us now in terms of visual communication and things like that, because they're center things that I'm sure that we haven't really thought about. So the first thing, if you wanna have a look at the slide I mean brands, bronze used visuals, so much more than in the past. It's the main way of communicating, and we can see things like Instagram. I mean, it's blowing up. It's all about visuals. It's all about telling your story through visuals. And so many individuals and brands are really kind of using that fact. So especially if you're in the A business where you can post anything that's a photograph or video or a picture a doodle, anything like that, that's great for you. But if you don't actually, then there's so many ways you can get inspired through what you see other runs are doing these days. I mean, it's so easy to get into it and just kind of have a look, have a have a wander around the Internet to see what's happening. Things like pinches. I mean, when it started, I be honest with you. I thought, It's one of those places where I will be able to make a braid or something like that, or it's a space for the ladies that get married or anything like that. But no, actually, no. You can buy a car there. You can regulate your house. You could travel from there. It's a beautiful library off visuals again. And there's so, so using the fact that we just all are very, very, you know, kind of overwhelmed with all the information that's coming at us, and we lose our attention like that. So that's where this whole kind of world is becoming very relevant these days. Individuals are the way to go now, have a look at something else. I always like to play with that, and I always like to screen shots. The latest embodies that I'm working with. So it's actually from my phone. And if I want to kind of discuss energies, I mean, this is how we communicate these days, right in the past, you would say Let's say I meet you at 7 p.m. Down the road. Let's go for pop or something like that these days. If someone us, you all should we needed seven, you know. See you there. What do you think? All he said That is the thumbs up or a smiley face or anything else to the leg. But if you're going to the dogs Plus you just said the dancing girl that one knows, right? And you can see very much of my slide. I'm always kind of, you know, a bit hesitant, showing that because it just shows 3 60 degree or kind of all the emotions of the day. But I just want to really pinpoint the fact that that's how we're communicating more and more, and especially with the clients that we know and we work with. And I'm sure you have all these kinds off. Certain people are crimes that you feel more comfortable talking about different things or communicating. We sent em. Oh, jeez, Everywhere that we can. It's became a massive, massive way of communicating. And guess what? It's visuals, and it can tell the entire sentence sometimes a phrase through one picture. So just bear that in mind. Next thing I want to discuss this a bit of a interesting one. I want you old observed that whenever next you walk around, walk outside of your door trouble or go into any certain places. So, yes, there's the world off pictures and using visuals and photographs and videos and things like that. But we don't really discuss the visual symbol. That's so what I mean by that. Is that humans? Us? Naturally, we connect with visual symbols, which means, for example, guess he and slide here actually can guess where these girls are going to in terms of the concert, Any bills he finds out there like me, and then you can see on the top, right? Where do you think these people are going are going for corporate meeting? Are they going to a wedding thing? So right. They are definitely in some sort of festival and just having the best time in summer right again with these boys that I found, I'm sure you would say there's no way for corporate meetings either. They all just stop in a certain way to kind of express that they event or the moment they're they're going through together. Some would say the next time when you travel or something like that notice. Let's say, Is it easier? Free to kind of maybe come up to a person that little has a T shirt with the flock where you from and ask them for the route to the hotel or something like that? Just noticed these kinds of things because we all actually like to basically use visuals to express certain event or certain moment in life or certain kind of feel. So I'll give you a little personal here. Hint. I always Heston. It's sharing these, but to make a point S are my parties. I organized a few parties. I really love them, and basically my poor friends just go with it. And always I put some kind of a fancy dress coat, and it's no to make people feel open anything like that. The opposite, Actually. The moment I asked them to wear something completely out of the blue, they come so much more happy they connect with each other much quicker. They have these little chats and moments that I could see an involved in terms of like, what are you dressed us. Oh, I'm just that or something like that. It breaks down the eyes like nothing else because I'm playing here. They don't even know now. I don't know, maybe, but they don't even know that I'm playing here with soda. Visual symbol is where I'm trying Teoh. Get them into the same spirit. It's OK to wear that Christmas jumper and look silly. It's OK to wear an outfit that result resembles and mock or anything like that. Why? Because we've all done and we all feel kind of the same level here. No one's kind of feeling out there if you actually don't dress up to one of my parties, might be awkward. So the point of this whole kind of section is for you to see how the visual world is really out there and it's so used. It's it's really the first way of communicating with your audience, whoever that ISS so study that when you next kind of go into the Internet, when you go out into the world when you live, he observed. Yourself and people around you every day and I really, really encourage you to kind of have a moment and study that for your own purpose.
5. ENGAGE: right. So we've gone through the visual storytelling, a bit of a history and what's happening naturally in the world and why you should care. So how about we just jump in into the 1st 1st kind of practical examples off one and how you can use this whole visual storytelling world in your work? And when you do so, the 1st 1 is engaged. Now we're all about with our business, about engaging any audience that comes our clients way. So the clouds will come to us to create a pitch. They will say, We've got an event. We need to engage all these folks. We've got a strategy session, How to go about it. We create a new vision. We have a new kind of ways of behavior. We don't know how to go about this. We have a new product and we want to launch it. How how can we engage engaging age? So I'm sure that there's something that will be interesting to you, and let's just dive into it. So I just want you through literally examples that work for our clients, and they basically make a difference. I don't know if you're familiar with something called graphic facilitation. Now have a look at it. It's something that's been around for a while now. Sometimes it's being used a lot in some other areas. People are still quite new to it. Not sure about you, but basically think of it as you got an event. Whether that's two people discussing something or it's a massive 5000 people event somewhere is basically capturing the output. The key messages, the key facts from anything that people discussed during these events. It could be sessions, workshops, internal meetings. There could be big conferences with speakers, and basically the power of it is lying behind the fact that again we're all overwhelmed. We don't remember suffers. We used to, and there's so much information coming at us that it's really hard to kind of make sense out of it. So once you kind of create a beautiful visual story with photos and with words and with pictures, it just makes much more says and then after a year even pick it up. You're like, Oh, yeah, there was this speaker that he was talking about this thing and this I could use that for my work or I could get in touch or something like that. Also, we were with companies like my purse solved Google and all these kinds of guys. When you use the sort of visuals during big conferences and events in real time and you tweet them out, use hashtag. See talk people in those visuals boom. They really, really boost the way that your event in your messages being taken across and as being kind of scene, because all these different people can suddenly engage in real time and kind of get this sort of like, Whoa, that is what I said. Well, that's what's happening now. I should be part of it. There's a lot off visual pitches that were asked to do so whether a company wants to work with a client more and let's say they have a big pitch, a big bid to put together or meeting, they'll be like Antalya. We need something that will just tap into emotion because he visuals also get out all the emotion and us because it's something visible. We can imagine things better. We can tap into that sort of this is possible rather than just work. So visuals as you can see from the examples are really, really useful creating animation. So what about moving in just the visuals, not just flat visuals. What about putting the visuals into kind of a moving a moving platform? So animation is big for people. And if you can tell story where you got the voiceover, you've got this sound. You can tell a story about a product about your idea about your pitch. What do you want to send to the world? And why should why they should care? Animation is the way to go. Any sort of video, any sort of moving visual. It's definitely something that will entice people and make them look. What about physical spaces? So we're asked a little to create visual murals all over, Let's say offices or out outdoors or at events and things like that. And it's a fascinating, an amazing way to kind of bring stories to life. So the example that you can see is actually one of our clients offices. They had 11 years off their practice, and they thought, Well, instead of this wide big wall, can you just tell our story would happen year by year and just engage people with that and people love clients come by, Have a look. People feel more kind off, let's say, attached to the company. And it means much more because they can see how much stuff they don't actually, throughout all these years, and we are asked to create these big, big, kind off think off big digital pieces that can be reprinted. We used Slap them on the wall. Ask people that Say, What do you think about this area? What do you think about that area? Just like in the last example? Let's say What do you think should be our vision? What do you think should be our strategy for next year? What do you think we should do with the talent and just ask people? Engage them. That's why we call that these kinds of pieces really engaged because you want to know what your audience things right. And often I think when we get busy, we just forget it and we just get on with everything, and we think that that will we share. It's enough, and what we shot about is enough but actually asked people around you and what what more fun way than to use visuals and actually engage them in that. I do. This looks interesting. I'm going to take part of it. So all these examples hopefully just give you a little scoop into how you can engage through visual storytelling?
6. PITCH: right, So now we're in pitch, So I want to show you how visual storytelling can really really help you to pitch. Really? Any idea whether that's idea your startup, where that's idea for your product or whether that's anything else that you want to engage some humans with and make them listen and make them notice and make them call you back has so with pitching, were us a lot to create these visual pictures off all sorts off four months and ways of doing that. And I just want to run through a few so that they could give you some ideas for whatever you're thinking about pitching. So we're asked a little to create these visual stories, whatever. There's a client that needs to calm and kind of listen through. It says you can see here. Sometimes clients go really bold. I mean, I'm not saying to you need to find a big wall or anything like that. But often again, visuals in a Big Four money, even if he can print them out or show them on a big screen, really, really can help to kind of get that emotional side of things. That's a emotional side of the pitch because I'm sure you've got your summaries and texts and everything prepared and even probably a swanky great video or something like that. But think how the visual story could literally lead people through what you want to do and what you're planning to do and how you're planning to do it says you can see here and examples some of the companies that we work with, especially agencies and people like that. They invite the clients themselves there and run the litchi, walk through the story by a big wool or by a big screen or anything like that, and just kind of walk them through it and make them engaged and make them listen to make the really kind of tap into that emotion where they're like, huh? This is interesting. I almost see what you mean. And then off course, we can think about something. Okay, you don't have all. You don't have anything big to work with. Things fall. There's so many digital kind of visuals that you can work with, and it doesn't have to be again anything wrong? It could be photographs. It could be Anything obviously can show what you mean, but with visuals just really helps, as you can see here. Run them through steps off what you really proposed to do. Get them excited for it. Make them believe you much quicker, in a much simpler way because they can see what you mean. And again, it doesn't always have to be a top top quality or visuals. If you don't know how to draw or anything like that, you can get stuff from the Internet. You can get someone else from your team to do it. There's so many websites these days when you can get some help and get somewhat involved to help you to express What do you really want to say? But the point of it? ISS pictures really tell the entire story at some award so they can help the people that might need the words still there. So don't get lost in the kind of just maybe drawings out some wars. Be very specific. You some key words, but just give that pitch. Give that idea big, more life to it. Funny little fun fact as well afterwards, Let's say if you showed your presentation anything like that, all the screen how about printing it for the clients and for the guests they have, leaving them with something physical so that it can be a tangible thing. And that could be something that I can go away with and feel like, Oh, this person really put a lot of effort into it. It's a bit different because nowadays we live in such digital world and I love it and we work with so many tech companies, and that's the way to go forward. But the physical touch is something that we missed all of us. And trust me when I say it makes a difference, it makes people remember you, and it's just ask that little little layer off. These people really cares for what they're trying to propose here. So this few little examples visual examples off. How could pitch in these visual storytelling to boost what you want to say to everyone around you?
7. STRATEGISE: Welcome back. Thanks so much for seeking around, so we talked about how to engage and how to pitch. Now I would like to focus on how to strategize using visual storytelling because it is a great to to help you get the team engaged, give your stakeholders engaged and just kind of really strategize with a punch, if I may. So have a look at the first example. Basically, we run a lot of a lot of workshops and kind of meetings where the climate goes. You know what, Natalia? We need to have this whole strategy kind of visualize otherwise is just too many things to many angles to it. It doesn't make sense. People don't get engaged. They don't remember stuff, even is too many of us in the company or is just the words won't go. So it's There's an example for you. Whenever you have a meeting, have a session talking about the future of your company or for your client, and you want to really bring that to life and get everyone engaged. Used the visuals. There's so many ways you can visualize strategy. As you can see, it's just a example of a tree so kind of would say, grows from the roots. Let's say off the company or anything in the background of it up into the future, but very much you could use a sort of a rolled mop you could use from left to right, which usually that's how we read the stories. With our eyes, you could basically just create anything you want. The world is literally your oyster so you could create a humongous house could create any sort of little bits and pieces. You could go into creating an island. And that's what let's say, the stretchy strategy is so there's just so many ways you can display your story depending on who's your audience where you work, What do you do? What do you think? It's kind of will be useful. Here is another example, Let's say off a internal get together workshop, and basically everyone waas very, very kind of engaged because they could see all those boards being kind off. That's a drone and filled with visuals in kind of the key output off what their strategy will be going forward and also, if you want to kind of add that layer onto it get them involved. People shouldn't be just sitting, you know, possibly a kind of waiting for the tea break. We always love to get people up and kind off doing stuff with us, because that's where you get the biggest results. You want them to get going, moving and at some stuff to it. And I always say, Don't make people feel awkward that they need to draw as well as you or you need to draw as anyone else. It's all about ideas. Doesn't matter how you draw. It's about the idea. So if you can just create some sort of strategy, even with Stick hman, we're doing this. We want to do that. No, none more off that going forward. And it's just using stick men some round circles, some mountain or something like that. We all can do things like that. Great. You know what? If you can make sense out of it, amazing. And then I just want to show you just a few examples off kind off again, how you can show a strategy so it could be a big Roma going from left to right where you got points, kind of making sense of the one on the left hand corner of the top. I wanted you to have a look at that because it's one of the oldest ones that we've done but actually was so powerful that I was like to mention it. It came from 10 pages of text. The company went tally. I would go this director coming in. They need to hear about the strategy. They need to be impressed by it. Only love it, what do we do? And then we let you created the simplest road. As you can see, we add a few visuals off Lucy. The key stuff that's going to happen. Number one, this school would going to happen. This is the next. This is the next word. That and this entire program was just visualized in terms off this. You using 10 visuals or so and people loved it. They still actually using, which is so old. But you know what? If something works, why change it? So hopefully this gives you some few ideas off? How can I Archy, show a strategy and explain it to my team? To my stakeholders, to my clients, to myself, Really? Because it's so much use visuals. Wherever you can use that, I encourage you so much. Even if it's the simplest visuals, just go for it.
8. PROMOTE: right. Welcome back. Thank you so much for sticking around. So this time I want to talk about how you can promote what you do your product or service your message to the world using visual storytelling. Now, I'll give you some practical examples once more off the way that our kinds promote their products and what their companies do and what messages they want to put out there. And hopefully there's something there for you, and you can kind of see how I could use that I could do that. Eso There's many, many off course mediums you can use to promote what you do your business and we've mentioned before. Social media thinks like instagram. Things like Pinterest things like I mean, even linked in everywhere around, you know, necessarily just your website. You can promote what you want to do or what do you want people to? I say to You are kind of where they want you want them to go, whether that's events or anything like that. Just practical examples some of the companies that we work with, for example, we promote their content through social media, so let's say they'll be an agreed amount of stuff that we want to talk throughout the week , whether that will be new events or things to buy or things to go to our things, to see and basically create some creative, clever way of using visuals to kind of add to the social media feet and give a bit more life to it and make people go like, Oh, this is cool, this nice again. It's visually captures attention. So one of the examples that say, a dance school that we worked with and we thought Okay, well, how about we engage the community off the dance school and we bring out the people that actually go to the school themselves? And we created say, these very cover visuals will be promoted, and we highlight that people that go to school, their names, who they are, what they like, just give them a bit of voices. Well, you want to give your audience engaging on them, too, as well have a voice. So that is a perfect way of doing that. Promoting classes, promoting different kinds of ways of state fit and things like that. Another one of we work alone with Peabody these days, so if there's any basketball fans out there that it might be good for you again. Any articles that they have, that they would like to kind of highlight and boost the visibility, visibility off or any sort of events that come and they want to kind of bring a bit more attention on social media or anything like that. Here is an example. Basically, players and way draw these players, but we had a bit off again, kind off, nice kind of spittle it because they have kind of nicknames and things like that. And we just add that onto the visuals, promote certain facts, certain dates, certain events. And it really, really works well in terms of adding that kind of angle to whatever you want to promote and also doing events and things like that coming back to how you can reuse these visuals, let's say you produce them during an event. How about promoting these visuals as well, Social media, adding them to your newsletter, adding them to your email, sending them as a physical again form to your clients minute, maybe a little booklet or a little card with something that you want to add, or after meeting you make you want to just a set of cards, a very kind to go away with. Or maybe you want to reuse them during your pitch. Anything that really comes to your mind basically promoting any of your products or services anything. What about there? So many online spaces now where you can do that, you can do very quickly. You don't have to pay a lot of money to do that. Of course, if you want to boost the visibility off, your let's a visual or slider off course, you can always add money behind your post, and that's a boosted in that way. But often you notice that anything visual that he asked to whatever message, whatever promotion you want to give to your clients and your audience, it will really make a difference. If you use those visuals and be cover with them, have followed with them. It doesn't have to be anything serious. Just brainstorm. A few ideas even prepare. So for, let's say, a month off Colton like that and just give it a go. See how people like it
9. ENTERTAIN: Right now, let's talk about entertaining visual storytelling, which might be a bit of a different type off. That's a lesson episode for you on my something that no everything you'll be able to use or know everything you'll be able to use outside. Let's say how your company IHS speaking and how companies communicating. But I'm sure they'll be so really good tips there in terms of even internal communication, would your clients or doing something different way because that's kind of how we like it. Before I get into the examples, let's say how we entertain as well. That's a ourselves as a business is, for example, myself by starting to lead you five years ago now. So it's these creative drawing experiences for adults. It's all about being stimulated and doing different things, mind and drawing games and just throwing people into some sort of uncomfortable state where magic happens and they just connect, have fun and really enjoy themselves. That's kind of us as well, entertaining just outside of let's say, the company where we produce so much work for different clients and it's very much in total is very much between the client and ourselves. so this way, just in terms, off producing something like an event like that, then we run, though for five years in different countries with different companies. It's been an amazing thing in terms of entertaining, just something for you to very mind. Another thing that I could was from my own experience, is having started a podcast, which is called Drop Part, if you would like to join it myself and not my good friend. That was brilliant by Valentine, we started this podcast about drawing sounds. So you hear sounds and you try to draw them, and we thought, It's just gonna be a small thing, But people seem to enjoy it on Twitter. So if you want to drink file, we're now producing Season two, so hopefully you can do that. Now let's get into the examples off visual storytelling and entertaining through it. I have examples for you. So, for example, we were a company called City Hopper. I'm sure you know them. If you live in a big city like myself. London and basically they had kind off top tips listed on the absolute top tips on how to get from London brute to water or things like that. And let's say we took these wards and brought them into life by turning them into entertaining and full of humor. Little visuals now he was back in the days when they were starting as a business is very nostalgic for me, but they amount of people kind of going through the top tips and reading through them was much higher, and the Asian was much arias. Well, next one, a little bit cheeky one, Let's say, personally, I've done years ago now, my friend, who runs a company that basically makes the best burgers if he asked anyone that wants to draw me my hamburgers for life. And in the past, I had a bit more time with me, I have to say, and I just thought, Okay, I was gonna do it. Why not? Side drew him. I treated it in the right time. The right moment. And guess who? All the burgers for life now. I'm not saying I eat them every day, but what they're stroking Burger is the best kind of food out there, literally. And you told my friend now, since you know so it's not even about the unusual in itself. Now I look at it, I'm like I could do it so much better. It's about the clever way off using those visuals at the right time at the right moment. So it's kind of what they do for you rather than how they look. If that makes sense and not the one we kind of work out in the YouTube space with influencers and people like that. This is one of the influencers that I really, really enjoyed myself. I like her videos. I'm sure we will settle to be Warsaw videos on. Basically, there was some sort of moment that wasn't great for her, something like that that she tweeted and I thought in the right moment I just sent her little picture off her and her family and just kind of a little picture of who she is, what she does with her world, and she retreated it she loved. It was such a nice kind of energy off course. We got so many requests for, you know, also, it's a different type of work, retweets a lot of likes, but it's not even about that. It's just about finding the right moment kind of responding to it a bit differently, communicating they would normally do. So we're get the boards for a second and just use that visual. Another one per se. Personally, I love Meghan Markle hurry and them getting engaged and married. It was a big deal. I loved it if you're from here or if you like royal family. And again, I felt were just throw a little visual as a happy news that they got engaged and gets well for three days. Days old Instagram hashtag grow couple our visuals trending, and I would like if I said it didn't bring us work, didn't bring attention to bring us people that want to talk to us again, finding the right moment at the right time. We just do something like that, thinking about twice in the last one I really like, because it's kind of very practical, and it's from our client will set us Natalia. We are no pay for a long time. What can you guys do? Anywhere we could communicate and engage with them because no emails can do anything. They don't respond. Please help. So you go right. Let's just draw a sale. Bringing an invoice to your client and they felt okay. Okay, let's try and literally, I promise you, they just put that visual in the email. That was nothing else said, Do you know, send it over and next day they responded. Today I'm saying, like, sorry, we had a big shift in our company and all that kind of stuff. Finalize this old and we're going to pay double. We're so sorry. So sorry was really, really delayed again. It's not even what this visual loss. It's pretty simple. You can see in its form. It's about finding the right moment to respond in a different way than you would normally do. In that example. Use visual storytelling. We tube. We told a story through a picture, and it made an impact. Now, from all these examples, maybe not everything will fit your style. What do you want to do? But I really, really encourage you to try and just think of ways. Okay, well, with the whole entertaining kind of thing with the whole kind of Saturn humor, where else can I use that and what I do? Where else can I kind of share my story or cut off share news to the world and make a difference. So I really encourage you to give it a go try and let me know in the comments below which one which exactly really, really liked You want to try yourself?
10. TECH: Okay, let's talk about Take. So for some of you, it might be that you are not really interested in what's out there in this world. What can you draw on? What can you visualize on what set off tools and take would allow you to achieve better and quicker results. But I'm sure there's some of you possibly curious to know. For example, you see someone and you're like, What is this person drawing on? How did they achieve that? How are they getting this super cool visual out of nowhere? Something like that. So let me just right around you through a few examples, all these tools, we test it as a company. All these tools I played with myself and some I like some I love. Some are very basically bespoke to your needs and what you like, what you don't. But I really want Teoh show you some off the kind off, take latest tech out there that will help you to work with your visual storytelling techniques. So how about we Daoyu Finn, and I'll show you the 1st 1 that I really like and I used in my company uses and we're definitely using it for many, many years, and we just actually got the latest version 8020. That's why I'm showing you the latest fancy picture by basically iPod. IPod Pro has been on the scene for many years in terms elf visualizing things in terms of helping you to create visual content very quickly, very easily. And to be fair, we It's not even about being a super talented person in that so many people just get it to try and see how it feels and do tow away and create some very creative notes and create their own funds. Eso If you are interested in exploring take, I'm not saying you should buy the latest version. They get all fans here in fancy each time, but do give it a go. If you're curious about starting, may be using more visual language in your work. Whether that's an investment for your team member who does it or whether that's an investment for yourself. There's so many options for iPod Pro. I've got an older version. I'm just exploring the newest one, and also you can get from oppo refurbished versions. That's always an option, which is much cheaper. But All in all, it's a very powerful to it can do the job. It has a lot of amazing tools and programs that I will run you through. Andi. It's something to consider, Um, now in terms of other tools, there's so many out there and again it's so personal to you what you want to achieve and what do you want to play with, what he can afford, what you like. We played with all these tools. So, for example, Microsoft surface very, very interesting to, um, very much more affordable than iPod and Apple, I have to say. But it has its limitations, of course, so it won't be as sleek in terms off. Let's say all the programs that you can use. It won't be as powerful maybe a times, but it does the job if you want to create some very simple visuals, whether for your social media or for your bloke or for your email communication, Or maybe add that very creative signature in your email, or maybe then create some cool pulse on your linked in surface is definitely an interesting tool to explore and look at it comes as a computer as well so very need. Just like iPod. Actually, they just made it into this Almost computer s Oh, that's something. Definitely. I would suggest to look at another one. Much more loved, I would say by artists themselves. Wacom, wakame Walk home, depending where you're from, I think you will say it in a different way. Ah, very, very interesting. Very kind of artistic tool. So purely Walk Holmes interest is to create art. It's not a computer. It's not for you to do other things. It's for you to plug into your computer using with the pen. The pen is brilliant, I have to say, Personally, I still prefer I punches because it's much more. It's quicker, It's neater. It's all that. But to be fair with you guys, I still haven't found the perfect surface that feels like, you know it's a paper. But walk home is a very interesting to if you feel like being a bit more artistic or again , you have AH, team member that's purely working as a designer. They will love you if you get walk home and explore that, um, now I want to talk to you of through few take kind of Softwares that you can use on your devices. Let's say so. Some will work on them. Some not necessarily sits for you to explore first. Before, of course, you get the two that you like, and you may be like this sort of program. Just explore if it definitely works on the on the surface on the tablet that you like in terms of walk Home again. It's not the same surface and iPad pro. But again before you commit to a software, just make a research, the one that everyone and their mother loves in terms off. Let's a our work. Any sort of designers work to create very simple, well working visual tools and elements and assets. Procreate is a brilliant, brilliant program. It's very cheap, actually, still before it probably goes and someone's gonna buy it or something like that. But it's a very, very good program to start off with. You don't need to be a professional again, so I'm not speaking here to professionals. I'm speaking about different tools and tech that he can explore for your visual storytelling journey. Eso I would say, if you do have an iPod probe, do you get a procreate is Lucy like, You know, they really go well together. Um, it's a beautiful, simple program with layers, and you can create all sorts of different techniques and effects. Would it? And we've been using it like crazy. So, um, definitely give it a go in terms of the next one. Concepts. It's one very interesting one because it has the infinite converse. So it's for you to explore if you want to create some sort off, maybe a big strategy plan that ever evolves. Or if you want to brainstorm maybe with your team and co create certain things on a big, big file that needs a bit more space than your specific converse, something that procreate doesn't do. So Concepts is amazing if you want to have this infinite converse, and also, if you want to create in Vector, which so many of our clients require, if they want to print things, if they want to blow them up to a certain size, Andi just have that option that if they want to do something with the file physically, they can achieve that. So with procreate, you can also said that up. But concept is definitely straight away in Vector, where it's procreate. Dozen working Victor. So again, you want to be too technical, but just giving you some options and kind of ideas off tools that we've been definitely using. We sign our name under and works really well, and I mean, of course, guys. Adobe who doesn't know Adobe? It's the gondola off creativity. I mean, there's so many different programs you can explore in Adobe. And whether you have a professional team on your in your company, I'm sure they use it or they know about it. If you want to start on double with things, am I being a bit intimidating? But I think it's something for you to try and, you know, you have to start somewhere. When I first started on photo shop, I had no clue, and now I couldn't do pretty a lot of things, and I feel like with these programs you can never fully learn. But there's so many YouTube tutorials and things like that. Just give it a go and try, and the tools that we definitely always use from Adobe would be for a shop illustrator, Premier Inn for filming and in design that would be my first for that, I would sign my name under intense if I used it. It works amazing, but Adobe has so many tools, it's not so right. So whether you're a UX designer, you might use something else. Whether you create presentations you might use in design. If you're filming, you might use Premiere in, um, so it's really diverse, but it's a really, really good too to use on that tech. Um, and also this one, of course, goes with laptop. So if you want really strong, beautiful delivery, you might want to still create on the laptop, you don't have to create on iPad or anything like that. So yes. So this is a very quick, just a snapshot off the sort off tech that we definitely use. We recommend. Um, but again, there's no pressure. You can totally express something else. You can use the tablet that he have. You can use the software that he have. You can even visualize things on the paper and be original and just do it like back in the days because no one's doing this anymore. So how about maybe actually not trying digital if you want to explore something else. The point is, there's so much stuff out there in so many ways, you can create visual elements and visual assets. It's almost impossible to not see them in front of you. So hopefully this was helpful and you can have a think. You know, there's always things like you can buy and return. If you don't like it, you can watch tutorials. You can learn with your friend. You can ask someone to help you. You can really, really quickly get that kind off love for creating visuals yourself if you want. So I would say Don't get discouraged by the fact that everyone needs to be professional to produce visuals. No, there's so many people out there who prepare things very quickly who sketch things out. It's about the idea. It's not even how you create the visuals. Of course, they should be, you know, nice to look at. But if you are one of those people that I just want to do though my thoughts and send it to my clients with my email, or I want to add some really sketchy carnal visuals to explain what I do on my website these days, there's no rules. Just go with what do you think you should be doing and have fun
11. TOOLS: Okay, well, let's talk about tools, different online tools that can make your visual storytelling easier, quicker, more fun. And I mean, there's so many different products right now, and so many APS that creating visual content could never be any more easy than these days. And it's almost impossible to say I don't know how to do it. It's not for me. I'm not an artist and all that stuff, because even if you don't have anyone on your team or yourself, you don't draw at all. You don't do do it all there, so many tools that can help you apart from people who can draw if you want them to. Who can design, Who can film, who can create visual storytelling for you that it's so, so engaging and powerful. So I just wanted to run you through different tools that we definitely tested. We've been using. We like it's literally a few of them. I'm not going to throw towns and turns off different tools at you because you can definitely google those. But from our perspective, the tools that we like tools that work well and and never never fail eso how about starting with the 1st 1 con va. I'm sure you heard about it. Convert kind of came about a few years ago. I was probably more than I think right now. And Abdullah B and Photo Shope and Illustrator programs like this used to be the main thing that everyone uses, and if you didn't really know it well or you were a bit intimidated by anywhere, bit like who? I don't really work in these programs, and it's no that easy or I don't have someone to help me with it. Well, Con va is literally came from heavens to help anyone like you or me or anyone else. That kind of is, let's say, may be new to visualizing content to make it easy. I promise. I'm not being paid to say these things. These are basically tools that we use as a company. I use myself and a bloody helps us so there's free off course and paid versions, probably of all these ups. Some we have free some we have paid, depending on what we need. As a company, we produce so much visual content or a mix between different styles, so it's always useful. But again like with anything. These are just my personal suggestions. Test it out for yourself. See if you like it. Don't get discouraged. If it's difficult at the beginning or anything like that, these are quite easy. You can just download them on your phone and have a play so conv I would say it's really good if you want to create some visual social media content. If you want to create instagram stories, presentations, campaigns. I mean, I can go on. It's so easy. Just Logan. You pick what you want to create off course. If you pay for the pro version, you have so many more options with phones with designs. I think it's like 60,000 different designs available these days, or maybe even more as it's pretty bloody amazing program. I would say, if you want to quickly explore and create visual content for you, for yourself, for your company, give it a go, then more for my apple folks. If you're out there, I movie, it's I mean, it's so quick and it doesn't have to be even this program, but any simple program that you have to create a video. There's no excuse thes days. You can just put a few things together and just put it in and up like that and build a video. We've produced so many simple. That's a campaign videos or company videos that would used to take so much time and so much production. And now again, it's so easy you can just use your phone, connect few things together at some music at some takes, there's your video. They have, of course, a limitations. They will never be as sleek or is amazing as working a proper program like Premiere Pro or anything like that. But it does the job if you want to quickly communicate a few things, maybe want to present what you do for your clients or maybe want to create a new quick video off. Let's say what happened in your recent project or how you've been working from home and how that looks like for you. So there's so many different ways. But I would say the deaf me Ah, I movies been a favorite, and I'm speaking from experience of using Apple's off course. Have to take that in, in short, really interesting program. I think I was quite impressed how, in a matter off an hour so literally I produced myself where I'm not a movie person. I have a team that creates movies and videos for the clients if we need to. But I produce myself a very needs quick, odd for our new experience for our new session. Virtual sessions with clients, a team social just using. In short, yes, I paid for the professional version again. Thes prices are really note big, I would say for what they do, but it's super simple. It does the job. It lets you use older royalty free music. You can think off very sleek. I mean, very good eso I would say Give it a go. I'm sure you can do a try or something like that. And now they're too that I really, really enjoy with the team unfold. So if you're really big on instagram and if you're into your stories, which is such a amazing to in terms off doing visual storytelling, Um, at the beginning when stories came up on Instagram was like, What is that? What is this new way off? Adding more content to the content. But actually, when you look at the power of stories It's pretty, pretty damn good. And doesn't matter how many followers you have, even if you have not many on your brand or yourself is individual, depending what you dio. Stories can be very, very powerful because you can just update people very quickly what you're up to. You can keep them up to date with what you're what's going on in your world. What is new, what inspires you. What are your thoughts? You can do a quiz you can do A Q and A. You can share some thoughts. You can share some quotes. I mean, the limits are not even describable. So I would say that Unfold has been really meet nice to again. I think there's a free and paid version up to you to explore, but very, very need tool. Teoh, make your stories look really pro so suddenly you have more phones, you have more styles. You can make everything look sleek and beautiful. You cannot few photos easily to your story, so let's say you could share. These are the things we've been doing. These are that, say, our insides, whatever it is you want to be, you know, used some humor and at some visuals in that way really, really nice to sell. What suggested? Highly, as I said, Few tools, but definitely really on point and working for us well, and then a bit of an inspiration just for the end. Um, it's, you know, the tools are out there. Few free to test them there. So many you might like this. You might not know it like this. It's super personal as well, because we all work differently. But I love certain inspirational websites. So, for example, instead of just having Google Page, I'm sorry, Google. I'm not trying to dismiss you. But instead of kind of opening every day my Google page, just with Google search on my chrome, I installed muesli. So I don't know if you guys know mostly is this and you can see in the pink kind off name mostly is a comic connected kind off its That's a packaged, well inspirational tool that shows you all sorts of design inspirations every day, and it could be a article. It could be a beautiful new website. It could be a really interesting designer that did something could be a super quirky, weird website that came up anything from architecture to design to doodles. Two interesting people. I just find it like a coll ated beautiful, inspiring first page. Whenever I need to search for something saying for my team kind of we just like that's the first thing that we see And sometimes I'll click on something sometimes not. As you can see, there's a weekly design inspiration. There's also itself amazing articles and tools. I don't know how they do it, but they really find interesting stuff. So maybe give it a go. It's a Google chrome extension. Mostly it's no on safari. I don't think so. It has to be on chrome. I think so. But correct me if I'm wrong and it is pretty cool. I find it that I'm almost forced to look at something else than just like a regular search . If that makes sense. And yeah, and then we have thinks like so many inspirational blokes and again it's so bespoke to you guys. One of my favorites is called It's Nice that it has a lot off interesting again articles. Visual inspiration. What people do is famous artists, and it's simple people. It's very, very clever, different sort of type of contact that even if it's not at all connected, what do you do? Which often is the case for me? So, for example, I loved is een website as well, But I don't really do architectures. A brand is a company, but so much inspiration. Love it. So it is again personal. Pick your favorites. But I would say have that is your kind off inspirational feed and go to these places more than if you were just kind off scrolling through your irregular social media and kind off forgetting that has been 40 minutes of looking at cats. So any sort of visual inspiration if you're not sure how to start with the visual storytelling with you're not sure what to say and how to kind of go about it. Even simple kind of blocks like this definitely will help you to get some corks working and get some ideas. Yes, I hope this was helpful. How? I hope you contest some of these tools. Do let us know how you find them if you want. Tweet us, D. M s whatever you want. Email us. Very curious. These are just literally a handful of the tools that I've been using as a company and myself personally, if I ever feel like creating something myself. But it really helps just to get you going rather than like saying, But I don't really visualize. I don't have a person in my team who does it. That's OK, that's OK. These That's why these people build these tools for us to have that confidence, I would say Give it a go. You'd never know what's going to happen. You might just find your style. You might just find your weekly updates That looks certain way. And you had just go untested, go and tested probably.
12. BE YOU OR GO HOME: now this one is a bit different, but I wanted to add it really, really strongly because I truly believe in it with all my heart and soul. And recently I heard someone saying, especially with everything that's been going on in the world, it is very important to be you or go home, and it's nothing too serious is just for you to think how it's important now more than ever to be yourself into himself, your brand in terms of how you are online, whatever is your goal with this whole introducing visual storytelling into your brand or your own individual brands, or your work at team or just for yourself, even because you want to explore something for your brain and express your ideas in a new way to be yourself. It's very important, guys, and I'm going to share litchi six different tips on and explain them how I strongly strongly believe throughout the almost nine years off running my business, how being myself, no matter what, as a business as a brand, as a you know how we sound, how we feel the same no matter what, especially again these days when, well, lots has been going on. So let's David, shall we first thing stripped down and yourself. So I feel like what's been going on in the world. It's very, very important that we are just really now more than ever, exposed to being a bit bear. So we literally there's no makeup. There's a bit. Maybe now because I'm a bit ready and I want to look for you good guys. But most of the time there's no makeup. There's just there's no fancy offices or anything like that. Um, you know, at least for the moment we're in and we just have to kind of almost sell ourselves and just sell the story and kind of be who we are. And this sort of stripped down, laid back kind off, way off, how we've been seeing our contacts and clients be online or us. You know, how many zooms did I have, where I was just like hair in a bond, you know, T shirt or whatever, Not a fancy background whatsoever if I don't have a fancy zoom background, but just being yourself, just just it's very important now. I think that we're almost pushed to do that, and I feel that maybe in the past there was a bit more to sometimes shiny fancy things, like fancy dinners for clients Or, you know, going to Aruba to take that new photo shoot or, you know, hiring very, very. Let's say expensive. I don't know people to discuss what you do for your business and things like that. And now it's very much about Who are you? What is your story? What do you want to share with the world and how you want to share it? And so the visual sense of it can help you so much. These days is crazy, So using visual communication could be even yourself. How are you presenting yourself? Do you really need to older, flashy stuff around you and everything, Or can you just be like, Hi, guys, this is who we are. This is what we do, and that's the value that we bring to the world. How can we help? And in my experience, at least doing that for the last. How many years has been really, always, always a good thing? Whenever I feel like I'm being myself, Um, that's when it kind of worked, and it's not even about what I put some makeup on today or not. It's more that I still feel like myself. I'm being quite honest with you guys. I'm even. I decided to put my head in there so I can run you through these slides but still show myself. And I just truly believe that whether when we work with clients and we tell their stories or whether that's where ourselves, whenever we are expressing how it is and how we are, what we feel, it really helps eso That's something for you to think about, hopefully and, yes, see how you feel about it. Is it something that you feel like you should change? Is it something that you already do? Is it something that fuels right for you? Or do you feel sometimes that you still need to kind of hide yourself behind how your brand sounds or how you shoot sound? I don't know. Explore, maybe ask your clients may be observed how everyone else is being right now. Do what feels right for you, but I would say that definitely being yourself is a good thing. Don't overthink it, guys. So with the whole over thinking what I mean, and I'll give you my example. You know, in the past how many times we would just be like planning a page on a new website for, like, months thinking how we should price up a new product for a few weeks, thinking how we should like, I don't know, edit this bloke for the best result for a few days rather than just posting it when we're happy in the right time in the right moment. Don't overthink it if I can give you one advise, even from this whole thing, try to go with your got a feeling if something feels right, if you want to share a message to your clients if you want to give it a go, especially even with the whole visual storytelling. If it's something you want to try and you haven't done before, you don't know if it's gonna work. Try send that email polls that you know, Social Media post share with someone a doodle or two. Create a quick visual insights E book. Who knows whether you need someone's help or whether you can do it yourself. Just try. You don't know until you try, but one thing I've learned that at any time we are over thinking we're still doing it. It's not like we're perfect. We're still doing it. Still kind of like, but how will this website look like? But how will this go? How is this presentation? And I'm every time I'm thinking like, Why do you spend so much time thinking about it? Just do it. So, yes, just do it. Don't overthink. And that kind of connects to the next one. Don't spend too much time on. It's the one thing, especially now in this whole climate that we've learned is a brand. And I've learned as a person is don't specialize time too much time on things. If you know that you've gotta important message. Let's say it's a mental health week or something like that. And by the time you planned to share something about it because you're very passionate about or you want to say something is gonna be to exact er, I don't think that's the best way to kind of, you know, be in the now and here. So whatever you produce, I think we all can see. And I'm speaking from my experience, my clients experience. We've been thrown into kind off, pushing things out there like there's no tomorrow. We've been pushed into pivoting our ideas. We've been pushed to producing them much faster than in past. To be fair with you in the past, I wouldn't even know how to produce the set of video. I needed a bit more time than usual, but I achieved it very quickly, and the past will be like sit and read about this. Do this, create this, plug this in. It's done, I would say, especially with this climate. Right now, things are changing so fast. Don't spend too much time on thinking about things If you want to send a newsletter and it should be going on Thursday, extended on Thursday. Don't wait. If you have a very important message to clients and you know it's really timely that he say it now, do it might be not perfect. Maybe you never gonna get the perfect copy. Maybe that visual never look as you wish. But why No, just giving that go. And often the note. I feel like we think that something is really not perfect and looks this way or that way, but actually to be fair with you. Often our clients don't see what we see. Our audience doesn't see what we kind of worry about, and they don't take it as tough as we are so often, I feel like definitely for myself. I'm being too harsh on like I didn't add this visual here. Who? I didn't say what I wanted to say properly who? Maybe I should have ascended on this day. Just continue and go with the kind off pace that is now. Because now world has a bit speeded up and waiting for ages to produce. Something will throw you off, I think so, definitely suggesting to not spending too much time on things and just making them happen. Guys don't plan for too far. That's another thing very connected. So whenever someone's asking me, especially now, although in the past we've been kind of like that, I'm very transparent. We never had a proper kind off in three years. We have this business strategy that's gonna take us there. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's the type of business that I'm in, that I'm approaching things like that. Of course I'm not comparing it to what you do all your businesses or what is your interest ? But one thing I know, especially again now. If we plan to far and in the matter off one week, things can change and there can be different news and there could be something else happening. It just doesn't work. So I would strongly, strongly such as to focus on shorter increments of strategy. So, for example, what we've been seeing is when we produce visual strategies for our clients, it used to be properly like to three years in 23 years. We're going to do this, and that's brilliant. I mean, what a confidence and water humongous plan, right? But often, you know, we've noticed that even whenever you know the world will stew a bit more, you know, calm, let's say, um, it was then it was decreasing, decreasing. And now what we see is, for example, clients are asking for six months strategy. That's kind of almost the longest. Maybe there's some that have a one year because they almost have to produce things like that. So we visualize them. But often people are like, Can I have a next three months plan for my team? Can I have a one plan visual plan for my team for the next six months. It just It's just a bit more immediate right now. And, um, definitely from what we've been observing, and from our perspective, I would say you will feel less overwhelmed if you tackle things step by step and don't think about dozen 22 or 25 cushion on a free couch, right? That's kind of that. So again, another thing that's kind of connecting to everything, really everything is intertwined, to be fair react to now and here. It's something that we've been observing a lot of kinds doing, and you know, the way the content and the kind of storytelling has developed throughout the years. It used to be a big, more long term planned, futuristic kind of looking into whatever is happening. They're not here. But again, looking at what the clients have been talking about, doing what we've been observing, what we do is a brand staying very relevant and staying on now and here will really give you a lot of benefits and engagement with people, because if you're gonna be thinking too far ahead, even like oh, well, I do after the lock down. Will I do in the next year? What will I do here? Will you do here? That's great. Off course. Plan for yourself or your company if you want to and can. That's brilliant. But also react to now in here. So what is happening now? What are people discussing now? What is the interesting thing now? What are the concerns now? Where are the exciting things now? Who is the leading person in my space that I'm inspired by? And I love what they talk about and what they produce Water is now relevant. So how can our stories be relevant and be interesting? Um, Stephanie Suggest to be a bit more present in the now And don't lose your E S p. That's so important. I always find I always kind of speak about whenever I speak of universities, whether online or whether in person USPs so important. So even through what happened has happened recently with the world and the craziness that we've been going through and we'll be going through coast, this is a big change for everyone of us. As I speak in 2020 I would say that it's still very important to make sure that you don't lose your USB meaning your unique selling point. If that's something that I need to explain, whether that's, let's say you use always, you always used to more in your work a bit off Satel humors, implying that and people know that you're a bit sarcastic or you're a bit cheeky or your updates are at funny times or you are a bit controversial. Maybe in your opinions, or you do things a bit differently than everyone else. That's okay. I would strongly such as Don't lose that be yourself again, coming back to the first thing and, you know, be timely. Of course, be delicate about whatever the world is going through and do things as they feel right to you. There's no right or wrong in terms off how we should communicate what is okay to do what is not OK to do. That's for you to establish your team. Whoever's in your company, your stakeholders that are watching you, you be you. If there's something that you've been doing always and you are almost forced to stop it or your force to slow down or something like that, I'm not saying disrespect, that everything that's going around you, because of course, people be like like maybe not even interested anymore. But please continue. So, for example, if we've always been a bit, let's say relaxed in the way we speak our copy the way we talk to our clients, they've always been very kind of like you guys are so friendly and just easy going and stuff like that. Um, we will continue to be that we won't kind of now at hair, too. We need to be this or that, because the world has changed. Of course, it has changed and will always be changing. But make sure that you are staying. You so introduced new tools introduced new other adventurers. Ideas creates a visual content. If you feel like it, start blogging. Start podcasting, explore whatever you feel like. But please don't lose yourself. Make sure you are who you are. Um, Just to add on the end like I mean, Bill Murray is telling you you're awesome, so just stick with it. Make sure yourself please don't change anything that you know you've been doing in terms of just just express what's always been in you continue. Be strong. I would love to get any comments for me in terms off would inspire. Do what sort of ideas you see for visual storytelling, content and ideas you could explore. Is it for your social media? Is if we're internal comes, Is it for your email? Is it for your briefs for your data out to be a bit more engaging? Is it for your events to have more impact? What is it that you would like to test the whole visual storytelling world with and I would love to hear from? You would love to hear comments. So I am always online. Edna, talk a design or anywhere else. You can find me in the details. Um, yeah. Very curious to hear from you, but just make sure you're awesome. Remember that. Stay cool by
13. CHALLENGE: right. So we've gone through all the classes around how visual storytelling can really help you to page, to promote, engaged, to entertain, to strategize and all that good stuff. Now it's time for a bit of a challenge, because I want you guys, as I always say, to get involved and try it out, even if you have no clue how to do it. So I would love to pick up a piece of paper or an iPod, just like myself. I use it every day. Doesn't have to be an iPod, just any tablet that he can draw with. I remember coming. This one is really good. There's actually a new one that came out. Hey, minds really good works really well, piece of paper. Always a good thing, but basically I would like you to draw now a roadmap, and it could be rolled up to a strategy that he about to put together. Take pitch tonight D I want to put together even. It could be something personal, doesn't matter. But let's just go through simple steps on how he can create a Rome up. If there's anything specific that comes to you, you work all right now, let's say a pitch tomorrow a bit or a kind of a program kind of structure, anything like that used, that is your little kind off idea off. How could go from step to step five? Let's say, But in the simplest way, there's so many ways to create a Rome up and just kind of take someone on that journey. But if you have a look, actually, all this life, it can be really simple. All you need to do this kind of draw, that's a kind of a line in form of an S or anything like that. Can you? Straight line? I'm going with a bit of the curve blind, Y know, just to kind of give that sort off. Almost tournament kind of feel on. I'm going to add two lines to it. Why, no said actually looks like a road again. You can draw your world as you like, by the way I help you going to share these in the comments below, cause I would love to see your stuff and then basically any idea, any sort off a bit or pitch or any any story that you need to tell needs kind off some stop some pit stops. So all I'm gonna do is and it's up to you again. You can draw a circle. We can draw literally a pit stop. I'm just gonna go with those because it seems like our kinds at peace. They really enjoy the kind of like step one, Step two, Step three. Nothing more s. I'm just going to draw litchi. Okay, let's say four or five pit stops on that world. You pick where you like that it's up to you. I'm drawing now with you, So hopefully you're turning me. You can see how this involves. So I maliciously going to kind of draw number one, number two, number three, number four, number five and whatever else I want to add to it. So let's say I to number one. I want you, at some words, cause do burn. My words really helps Teoh for people to understand what you're trying to convey. It could be a visual that going toe, add any two little words or three or a sentence. So let's say I'm going to say, collect all the data and then I'm going to Let's a draw a computer just to make a kind of relevant to what I'm talking about. The next thing, maybe I want to connect with some people. Some just go right back down and then draw a few people. And that's kind of it. So I'm just coming up with stuff as I go because there's nothing really specific that I have right now that I want to tell. You know, I don't want to guide you or anything like that, but if you have any sort of idea off, I've got this kind of process I need to explain. Actually put this kind of rolled into place, then obvious little pit stops and just fill in what stuff you need to do. And it could be a simple us. That's my day today. Number one, the need to do this number trading to do that, or this is how I'm going to cook this lasagna, coming from the first step to the last one, have fun with it doesn't have to be anything specific again, but often as I'm saying, if we're talking about business world and kind of promoting our ideas and kind of engaging and trying to learn your skill with you here. I'm not saying don't use any salary or slice anything like that. But imagine adding that little roll about two presentation at the end, or actually showing being confident and showing that blasting it on the screen and running your clients do it now How much more attention you get? I promise you, you will, because it's such a different thing and so unexpected. Andi just will take those people on a journey with you if you want. If you created digitally or even on the paper, put it in your slide or anything like that and just zoom in during your presentation. All these moments when you are describing them just to get people that kind of child information, run them through. It s so hopefully this waas helpful to you and you will be sure he's down in the comments below. And I'm looking forward to seeing them. And again, thank you so much for sticking with me. Hopefully you learned something. You think so much
14. RECAP: well done. You finish the whole program on visual storytelling. I'm so happy arrived till the end. Thank you so much for joining in. It was so much fun to share some off my practical ideas on how to use visual storytelling and in general, the visual communication more in what you do in your work in your everyday life. Hopefully there's even one little thing that he can try out for yourself because it doesn't have to be everything. Everything will 50. What do you do or not? Everything you even like. That's OK. It's just about learning new stuff. Kind off. New ideas come even from you. Just watching these results and kind of learning something. You eso Thank you so much again. I really appreciate it. Please do common below any questions you have anything like that. Connect with me on social media. All the details will be there and hopefully we'll continue the conversation now before I would love to suggest few books just because Why not? If anything kind of inspires you, Then there's few of my favorites. They always change, but at this point I just pick up a few basically at couples creativity It's a brilliant book about in general, just really good ideas coming up with stuff. It's not necessarily just visuals. It's Pixar Disney. So yes, I'm sure some of you will be or all of you familiar with it. But it's just a really good book about coming up with ideas and kind off getting your mind toe space. Christoph Niemann is words and all his books, Really, I highly highly recommend Christofi minutes, someone that I follow for now, many years. I love him to bits and just such a clever person. How uses visuals in everyday life and everything is just also asked me like an artist by Austin Clean and show your work. These two books are fantastic. They're very time. They're quick to read. It's just really good ideas for your brain, some new kind of concepts and just kind of clever insights on how to show your work. Better and again, you know, kind of be more visual and what you do on last one oldie but a goodie. It's basically something that oh my God, so many people used in my let's a working space and kind of my experience at work is David exhibits a visual meetings, and I don't know if you've kind of seen these, But if you're doing a lot of workshops, sessions, things like that, this will be really, really helpful. Even if you just need Teoh, I don't know, warm up your clients or something before meeting or do a little work show person like that . There's a lot of a lot of good ideas on how to use visuals during meetings and kind of sessions and just get people engaged. So hopefully that's a good one for you. There's loads more. So if you have any questions or anything like that, I get pop them down below or get in touch with myself. My name is Natalia Tonko. Scott followed her in a taco design and do we do? And it was a pleasure to spend some time with you. Think so much again and keep on drawing, keep on doing and keep in touch