How to Use Visual Storytelling Strategically in Business | Natalia Talkowska | Skillshare

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How to Use Visual Storytelling Strategically in Business

teacher avatar Natalia Talkowska, Founder of Natalka Design and Doodleledo

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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About This Class

Hello back everyone! In this class, we will learn how to effectively use visual storytelling in a business. This class is for all sorts of business owners, all levels of managers dealing with marketing, comms, strategy, innovation, events, website design etc or individuals trying to expand on their knowledge. Basically this information is suitable for anyone!

You can be a beginner and have never used or even heard of visual storytelling used in business context or you have already used some of these techniques before - there will be always something new to learn. The skills taught in this class will give you the ability to effectively communicate ideas in a business setting using clever and strategic visual communication tools.

Buckle up and let's go!

Meet Your Teacher

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Natalia Talkowska

Founder of Natalka Design and Doodleledo


Natalia Talkowska is an international speaker and the founder of creative design agency Natalka Design based in London, and Doodleledo - a creative and empowering experience for anyone who says ”I can't draw.” She is a leading visual storyteller who has helped many high-profile clients including the British Government and British Royal Family, numerous Blue Chip companies, and some of the biggest names in the tech industry bring their stories to life. A five-time TEDx speaker, Natalia is passionate about creative ways to connect people, and help them solve problems through visual communication and more human approach.

Natalia also runs two podcasts: Drawpod - drawing on the radio and #resisttheusual - asking unscripted questions... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. INTRO: Hello, hi everyone and welcome to another course. And my end frame. That's very strange. Well, hello there. Hi, welcome back. My name is Natalia Titicaca and I'm the founder of natal co-design. It's a strategic and engaging visual storytelling company that we run in London for the last nine years. And today, I have something very, very special for you. It's been requested many times. The class will be on how to use visual storytelling strategically in business. So what can you expect from this class today, you will learn all the different tools and tips and ways of how you can use visual storytelling right now today at your work, in your business, in your projects. Often people are a bit confused. What is visual storytelling and how can you really use it in a business context and get big, big results? And here I am giving you very, very specific real-life stories and tips and examples of how you can use visual storytelling in different scenarios to get different results. The course is for anyone who is interested in creating more engaging, more impactful, and more memorable and creative content. Whether you're a business owner, whether you work for someone and you work in internal communications and marketing and social producing a website or a UX designer. Or you're naturally interested in how to bring a bit more storytelling through visuals into your work. So you could work in strategy and innovation. It doesn't really matter. You could be a CEO. All that matters is that visual storytelling is universal and you can bring any story and content to live through it and engage so much more. So the classes will be structured in a very, very easy way. There'll be a bunch of them. There all will be divided into tips and bullet points just to break it down easier for you. I'll be with you all over the time. I'll be showing you slides and we'll examples. And hopefully with that you will be able to get the gist of it and grasp all the different ways you can use visual storytelling in business. Right now, there'll be also little project that I would love you to take home as we are learning. So make sure you do join in. Make sure you write your comments down below how you get on with that, so that you can start using those visuals actually on an example that works for you. So enough of rambling, let's get on with it. I'm super excited to have you guys here for another class. Let's go with the project. See you there. 2. PROJECT OVERVIEW: Welcome, welcome to the project overview. So before we dive into the classes themselves, I have a little challenge for you because mod is learning without practicing. So guys, very simple. I would love you to get any pen and paper or any tablet. I'm sure a lot of you own tablets if you prefer to draw and write on that. And the project is very simple. I will hope find Amy to random wards that he can around you just look around you in your house or open any book or Google search, whatever it is that you need to find two wards. So that's number one fine towards and then mold them together. These two wards, we will now be your new pitch. So I want you to call make these two words. Imagine you found dirty cat. Don't judge. Let's just say you found that dirty 6x. Now I want you to take these two words and then matter off. I'm giving you just to be quick about it. Ten minutes. I'm giving you ten minutes, not more. Right down that dirty cap, the two words that you have on your piece of paper. And I want you to think about a two-minute pitch. You're going to pitch me and everyone else. What is this latest product that he wanted to sell to me? And I want you to think about it for two minutes basically. And whilst you're thinking about it, draw it. So make sure that you draw that new product, that new service, whatever it is, that new business. And I'm giving you only two minutes for that. After that, I want you to pitches to a friend, to a colleague, to yourself. If you don't have anyone would emerge to your mom, to your grandma, whoever it is. I want you to practice it as much as you can, but basically, again, fine towards online or anywhere around you put them on a paper, draw it up for me. What is this product? What is the service? Go crazy. Headphone wooded. There's no rules. And then go and pitch one of us myself, your friend, whoever you like posted below, please engage with me. I would love to see your results. So this is your project and I'm super looking forward to your results. Let's go. 3. WHY BOTHER: So welcome to the first kind of class explaining what do you see on the screen? Why bother? You can ask me, why bother, why use visual storytelling in a business environment? Why not just do the things that we know that we do well and they work. And why would I even be interested in something like that? Well, this could help you make a decision. And this is based on research after research, after research. And these are not my words. These are smart scientists words. People remember 10% of what they hear. Most of us, let's call it most of us folks around the world, 20% of what they read and 80% of what they see or do. Now, I should leash the stoke my course here and move on and wait for you guys to get in touch with me. But I will continue because there's a lot to show you still. But this one little slide is here just to give you an idea of most of us humans based on history and how we started as first before there was any language or anything to read or write. We were sharing stories visually. And that is very natural to us. Whether you prefer to hear still things or whether you really like to read things. It's all OK. I like those too. But if you look at the per cent, at the amount of people that respond to visuals much stronger. There's your answer, there's something to bother than about and to listen for the down. So what does it mean for your business if you were to start using visual storytelling and all different tools that come with it right now, right here. More visibility for your brand. So what does it mean? If you start using visuals? If you start bringing that visual language into your brand, you start getting more visibility. Why? Because people can stare at things. People like looking at things. People don't just want to read. They don't want to just look at a difficult and big text or kind of not engaging pages or longest summary that doesn't have anything in there that I can hook my interest into. People really like to look at stuff. Our attention span is going down would every year it went down from 12 seconds to eight seconds in the recent studies. So if you want to have more visibility to your brand, and that can mean many things on social, as internal communications within the network, whatever that means, you want to be more visible on Google and all that stuff you want. You might want to bring visuals into your business, higher engagement from your audience. So as I said, people really like to look at stuff. People connect with any sort of visual input. If you show them stuff, they will respond to you more rather than tell them staff or ask them to read people again from scientist, it's not even my information. Stopped reading not as much as they used to. We still read, but we don't like long reading, especially when it comes to anything to do with business with websites. I want to skim read and I want to get it in the first few seconds. So if you want to show me something quickly rather than tell me to read ABCD, guess where my interest will be. Simplified message means more action. So if you allow me to understand your message much quicker, much easier, I will respond to you with quicker action and that could be, I will give you my like, I will call you back. I will invite you to that talk. I will say yes to that pitch. I will actually get on board with your plan with your strategy for the business for the next year because I'm getting it. It's simple. Pictures can simplify any confusing, difficult, complicated message. And there's so much going on there, so many messages we all are pushing out De Li non-stop. Why not help at the some of it and make it more digestible and easy to understand. Stronger emotional connection with your audience. Now, visuals are more than just pretty pictures that are working for you and have a purpose in a strategic form. They also evoke emotions naturally as humans, we are drawn and respond to emotional things when we see things we believe in them more, we connect with them more. We can respond to them more if I'm reading or if I'm hearing things, it's coming at me, but it's not evoking any emotions. If I look at something like yeah, that works purely because of how we were brought up, our background, our history, we are all taught in pictures. Usually when you think about your past, do you really remember exactly what a person said or do you remember more the setting you're in? How that person looked like? What kind of shirt color your grandpa head and all these kind of things. These are tiny little visual symbols that evoke emotions. Say again, if you show me something, I will believe in it more. I will connect with it more for different reasons, something to bear it. Definitely mind increased credibility and understanding of your message. So if I'm showing something through pictures, if I'm trying my best to explain something to you so that you get it you understand and you connect with it more. There's a big chance that folks out there who understand that message more and think of it as more credible. Because again, I believe and things more when I see them and that is proven time and time again, rather than read it, rather than hear it, I will forget it much quicker. It will be out of my mind. If I see things, they seem to be more credible, they seem to be more, more visual, more easy to get. Why so many websites are putting little Stamps, event kind of like certified or why do we have the trust pilot and Google stars on many websites kinda quickly, visually and you'd be like, Okay, okay, of course, it's amazing. It's good. It's 5-stars, Of course I trusted, I believe in it. If I didn't put those little stars, would you still believe in me? That much as you would when you look at those websites that had all those visual stars. Again, credibility goes out from the tiniest emojis to more complicated visuals. Stand out as innovative, influential, and creative brand. So let's, I'll forget that there's a lot of us out there. It's getting busier and busier and it's not going to stop anytime soon. And if you want to stand out from that crowd and show that you are different and you are original and people should call you not the other ten people in the line. How about trying something else? How about bringing a bit more visual storytelling into your business? There's so many ways you can use it. There's so many ways you can express it from the tiniest things you can try, which will go through later on in the class to fully embracing the visual world and kind of getting into it and throwing that visual storytelling in every part of your communication. Why not? Why not now why note here, if you don't do it, someone else will foster line team. So if your purpose is to, you're working with people who are in a char, you're in LND, your really carrying about whatever team you have, whether you're a student or you have your own business or you work in a company. It's always nice to have a more aligned team, isn't it? And people being on the same page with you and people shaking hands and understanding what it is that you want to achieve. So I always give that little example of an apple. If I have a room full of 30 people and I say to them, please think about an apple. Guess what? Everyone, naturally you will have a different vision of an apple. What is an apple? There'll be a small one, there will be a red one that we agreed one day. There'll be a bit one, there'll be an old one. All sorts of outposts, right? So we kind of get would an apple is, but everyone has a different imagination. If I show to you a slide with an apple, you will agree with me, at least because we're all staring at a nice full rounded pink apple, right? And I brought you all together into one room that understand that our plan is that pink apple. And this is a metaphor, but it's just to understand for us through that example that visuals are so much more and can do a lot of things. They can transform their businesses. We wouldn't be doing what we do for the nine last years in strategy design, in transformation, in change management. If we didn't see how much it impacts people moving forward, the more ROE, the more ROI. So you guys all know What's ROI? Edwin speaks about it. If you don't know its return on investment, which basically it's number one thing for any business. Businesses in order to work and thrive, need to think about their ROI. So what are the things that I'm doing? What are they bringing back to the business? The things that I'm investing in, what are they bringing back to the business? Now we always say, Don't forget about ROE, return on engagement. Return on engagement is massive. Maybe you can't quantify it sometimes, although I think you can, of course, in social you can see how many likes a pulse does getting in newsletter, you can see how many percent of people are clicking on something and so on and so forth. So return on engagement is massive if you engage those humans constantly, consistently and bring on something very interesting to the table that I'm alive who just thrive. So that's something that we can't forget and we need to always think about that as well because sometimes we are just bombarded with ROI. Roi, ROI, OK, great. But a heavy thought about ROE first before ROI, which naturally will progress from there. So on that note, I will bring the now into very specific example based different tips and case studies that we can go through to explain how we use visual storytelling right now, right here with different companies. And you can just get inspired and see what's going on. And these aren't going to be practical examples of visual storytelling, an action based on all these six spaces we're going to explore. So graphic facilitation, something that maybe you've heard about is also called Live Scribe inscribing, Life, Recording life sketching, sketch notes, whatever you wanna call it is basically there's an event, song sort of event or session. And the content is summary of the key points are taking into account visually, are created visually in real time. It's something that companies love. It's something that brings eyes all over that content and it's really, really loved all around. Then we're gonna go into explain our animation. So how can we use that visual storytelling in a moving form? And so where everything can move and engage us even more, then we're going to look at strategy design. So looking into more internal pieces of work, are you involved somewhere, whether you're a student again, or you work in a business, or you're thinking to build something yourself, we all need a bit of a strategy. So we're going to look into how visuals can help you bring that plan to life. Then we're going to jump into content marketing, something that is not going anywhere way and it's just gonna get stronger and bigger. We are all content builders and we will be looking at social marketing and everything like that. I mean, is just going to blow up and continue infographics and murals, something very interesting and always needed infographics. I mean, if you need to explain something, visuals, are your friends murals, just to show you how people can, in a very smart way, use different smart ways to explain their stories on actual surfaces. And then in the end, branding, so jumping into the whole beautiful space of what is a brand, how to build it, what to use to add life to that brand and what to kind of not forget. And Mickey, somethings are actually quite new to you. So stick with me. We're going to jump into the next class and I'll see you there. 4. GRAPHIC FACILITATION: Right, well, welcome to another class continuing from why bother? Hopefully you are interested enough to bother. So the first real life example of how we can use visual storytelling strategically in business. And I mean strategically. So what I mean by that is always think or these visuals can do for you. Yes, they're pretty ears, they're nouns. But we are not here to make just pretty pictures, right? We are artists, but with a purpose for business. So always ask yourself, right, I've got a challenge. What can these pictures do for me? Can they give me more likes? Can they give me more signups? Can they give me more engagement from my event? Can they give me more replies on my news? Can they give me a Wong's pitch? Can they give me a more aligned and excited team to move forward? Can they give me a more views on my website and so on and so forth and so on. So always think wald Can these visuals do for me, right? Instead of just, they're pretty, I hope they work. No, we always want to think quite strategically about what we do. And whenever we talk to our clients, we always ask a lot of questions. So what would be the best way to use that heavy thought about that? So what will you do with these visuals after how we'll use them? Have you thought about that, and so on and so forth. So jumping in quickly to the first example from real life graphic facilitation. Maybe some of you heard about it may be not. We also call it scribe, Live Scribe these days also virtual scribe. Of course, there's so much going on online instead of virtual events, graphic recording. So think of it as creating pictures in real time, doing conferences, workshops, sessions. You name it, pitches, and bringing stories to live there. And then it's a fascinating tool. It's quite rare still because you need to have that specific skill of being able to record something here and now make sense of it, make sense of all the complicated messages and create something visual on top that makes sense. It's engaging and beautiful. And usually from experience, guess what? When you put it on social, these visuals are always top media tweets, top tweets, and I'm not taking that out of anywhere. These are just a few of the examples of how during conferences and sessions and webinars and all those kind of situations where people are discussing some stuff. How do we get that content? How do we capture it? How do we use it in a very strategic way to promote our brand, to promote our speakers, to promote the event, and bring more of that awareness around. So these days, as I mentioned, we do lots of things virtually. So there is no problem about kind of old, Let's say physical events stopping in todays world. So you can deliver everything online virtually can just plug-in yourself to a webinar or a session and you can deliver these easily. No problem. And you know, sometimes just to prove my point when people are a bit like, is it for me? Maybe it's just for smaller brands. You know, we have a big brand. We have to watch out for our kind of guidelines and things like that. Or if you think like not everyone would actually be interested in it. Well, guess what? The biggest guys out there like Microsoft, like Googles of this world, the government even and I'll touch on that later. They all are interested in use these tools and you can see examples of how they would even splattered all over their Twitter and social to make a point y, because we only need to tell stories and it doesn't take away from your brand and can only live in it up. And of course, we keep two bribed guidelines. For example, if we need to keep the same colors, keep the same behavior, keep the same, let's say wording and things like that. But it only can improve experience for your audience and make it more exciting. And we use tablets, we use iPads and recreate everything digitally. No problem, we can do it on any surface you like, say if you really want to impress your clients, it can be virtually, it can be on different surfaces. It can be all over presented in a very, very exciting interactive way. Just a few little pieces of work as well. How he can bring this to life and share it on screens in real-time. Again, in today's world, that might be just a very different experience. So for example, you can share it on screens in the virtual world whilst you have that event. So we can screen share whatever is happening here and there. And again, just to make a little proof and point, even Mr. Sadiq come from London, our mayor has been using the sort of pictures and we've been invited to do these. Why? Because again, he needs to make a point. He has a story. What is the purpose of history? He wants to get more engagement. And how do I get more engagement if I just have so many speeches per week that, you know, it can get lost in the cracks. Words are not enough, words get lost. And how amazing is to put something together so powerful like visual storytelling and bring it to life in that way. And last example, just to make like a super point hopefully to you guys. And this is not to brag around, but we've been even visually storytelling speeches at ten Downing Street. And if you know UK and London in Great Britain, you know that this is the most famous address in UK and London. Probably one of the most known interests around the world. So I've been invited there to visualize may, our Prime Minister's. Then there was few years back, David Cameron's speech in his private garden, again, to very high profile businessmen and business leaders from around the world. Why, why did he go for that? He could just have a sample speech and move on. He wanted to make an impact. He wanted to strategically make sure that the content that he's giving them, the story that he's giving them is not going to run away and be forgotten. He wanted to beautifully capture that for them. Make sure he shares that with them, and just make it a bit more special and creative and memorable. And after we've had that project at ten Downing Street, you know, if you are a non-believer and visual storytelling anywhere possible, I mean, I don't know what else I can show you. And this is again, not to brag just to show you that it doesn't matter if you're an individual, if you're a student, if you are in a huge corporation and a small business, visual storytelling in general, storytelling is so important we are all naturally responding as humans to stories, not to fake staff, not to summarize staff, not to kind of stuff written and complicated. You just not gonna get the same engagement if he want to get engagement. Think simple thinking pictures. Think very basic stuff, right? So next up, we're going to get into explainer animation. See you there. 5. EXPLAINER ANIMATION: Okay, welcome back. Oh comeback. And another real life example of how you can use visual storytelling strategically and business. And one of the ways to do it, still very much, very strong, very strong candidate explainer animation. I mean, guys, how many things can you explain through moving pictures that will engage your audience? It's unheard of. So there's beauty in static images and you can do so many things with them, but animation, moving pictures, still one of the strongest contestants out there to bring that engagement Back to your brand into your business. And I mean, when I speak about animation, there's so many things you can do. Explain what's your process. Explain how your business works. Explain your pitch. Explain your idea. Whether you're a student with an amazing new project that you want to bring to life and make everyone understand what you're after. If you want to bring a team together and tell a story of the business or how you want to proceed. Or maybe you just want to tell a story based on what you do in in the work that you do and the kind of department that he wired, there's so many ways you can use animation. It can be on your social as a one-minute promotion campaign. It can be in your newsletters weekly, monthly to just engage people in a bit different way on Twitter. I mean, Twitter, Facebook, love videos, and that's not going to change. Take Talk is coming off and it's going to be even bigger and bigger. Video content is not going to go anywhere. Way is just going to get stronger and stronger and stronger. And if you want to explain something rather than having five pages of texts that I might really not go through, I'm not really engaged with you. Do consider using animation. You can start by getting in touch with, for example, ourselves or any other company that does it. And you can either bring them ready script of your idea or you can work with them on a script. That's how we do it. Again, an example of a client that we worked with, how we enjoy. You can of course, decide on colors, on the length of everything you wanna do. There's so many things you can go and create. There's voiceover world that he can explore those free royalty music that he should add to give it more life. There's so many different things you can do. Grazie. And then it's up to you. What are you gonna do with it? Of course, if that's a marketing campaign or social campaign or anything like that, you might want to consider putting in on social platforms like YouTube. And what does YouTube do? And of course, if you, for example, want to even add some advertising payment advertising into that continent, push it and boosted which you know, you can both on Facebook on need to wherever you want. It can actually get a lot of you. So for example, this is one of the pieces of work that we've done. Just to explain kind of London real business. If you are from London, he would know London real. Have a look at their count views, 30 thousand just for a small animation and it's still growing every day. And you would think that is nothing but then when you think about it, that 30 thousand peep art, she engaged with my content and maybe that went into new opportunities and new avenues. Wouldn't you want to invest in that and give it a go? So again, very strongly, I would suggest you guys have a look at an animation because it's very interesting and something that you can definitely have produced. It's something that he can either be prepared and off you go whatever AD script to someone or you can get help just like we do. So we either sit down our clients and start from Scripting. Brainstorming was the best way. What's the best length was the best way to show things. All that stuff is very important. And then we get on into production. I wouldn't suggest necessarily just gifting everything to someone and not having any say in that because you might end up having a product that you are not happy with or just not what you were expecting. So I would say get involved, Think about your story and then of course, discuss it with someone that knows their thing because it's very, very important as well, will sort of language you use. How long is the video? What's sort of hooks are using? Are you asking a question at the beginning? Are you not? These are little, very, very creative and smart tools and tricks that you can use to get someone engaged and get someone to do something for you. Say again, think again about these are not just pretty pictures. What can they do for me, right? Walk and they do. So maybe I'm going to create an animation around an event. And my purpose underneath is sign up for that event. And try with animation. For example, to bring people into that sign-up link. Just make a one pager. Interesting, interesting results so highly, highly suggest you have a look at it. Next one in our goal is infographics and euros. I'll see you there. 6. INFOGRAPHICS & MURALS: Okay, welcome to Infographics and murals bits. So this is the bit where we're going to look into that side of the story where we can really strategically use visual storytelling. So have a look at this. Is that easy to grasp? Is that easy to understand straight away? Don't think so. Now this is super important information and some of these things need to be presented in that complicated manner. I understand not everything can be drawn up, not everything should be never never. I told me write my name under that. But there's space and time to express everything in a visual form if we know that we can or we can create visual storytelling supporting written summary, supporting written texts. So here is an example of a real life case study that we've done with our client. And they came to us with this massive crazy amazing summary and text. And they said, this is pretty, this is great. But we want more engagement for that piece because we worked so hard on it. It's going to get some press, is going to get some interest. And we would love to turn it into a visual form to support all this amazing knowledge. So we took that on board. We discussed everything with them from start to end. And we thought, well, wow, there's so many dependencies on this picture. It's not easy. We want to create an infographic, but would I create a flare, something that will support the message, something that we can at least start from to get those eyes looking at all that information. And we turned all that story into beautiful visual islands. Now you might say, well, this is pretty, but it's a bit of a confusing and everything. This is to support what's happening here. So we didn't get rid of this beautifully written down, supported by pages and pages of findings. This is to hook you in, to engage you, to believe in it, to be interested in it, to think what's going on in there, what's happening, to get excited about it, to click on that summary more, to share it, more to feel like you are proud of grading something very creative, very innovative, and tell a story in a different way, especially if the topic is very confusing and not straightforward. So this is, for example, an example of an infographic that's been built from pure text and dependencies and things like that into a visual. Now, if you have a space, and I know that these days spaces are in very different times now some of us are not working in offices, some of us are coming back, some of us are trying to build new spaces around us. There's always a space we need to work. If you do have a space to where clients do come in or where you have a team. Guess what? You can tell stories on actually walls. And in the, let's say, possibility that you can run to your clients and show them and tell them the story. Why note, pitch that story and tell that story literally in physical format on a big scale. And hey, you can say, well, I don't have a world like that. That's okay. You could project that or you could print it off and put it on a wall. It's all about kind of coming up with different ways. Again, coming back to my point, what can these pictures do for you? How can they strategically meet your business needs? This guys need right there, wants to sell a pitch and wants to engage those people to say yes to him. Now guess if he got that. Yes. Yes, he did, because those people were super impressed with the fact that he took all that information and he brought it to the next level. He didn't just come back with slides. He brought it to the next level to tell them why they should work with them there. And this is another my amazing phase, home they left. I actually don't know where those earrings anymore. But this is purely to express a idea of what the company does. We painted a beautiful mural in London offices for accompany, explaining what they do, which spaces they take geographically, what sort of companies they have in world countries. I mean, this broke saw much engagement internally within the team. And again, I understand that not all of us might be now in spaces like this. We might be somewhere else. But hey, imagine creating something like this digitally and sending it off to all your team, putting it on the background of your slack channel. I'm sending it through to everyone in a printed form, putting it as a your background on your zoom. I mean, you name it. There's so many ways you can do it, of course, are creating it into social or internal communications piece anyway, or former shape. Take that even from that ball, that miracle can become something so inspiring and something so connecting for everyone in the team, for everyone in the school, for everyone in the group, which ever part of a community or social group you're in. Another example of space, how you can bring it to life through pictures. This one actually tells a story about future city. And it was based in London again in a space that was all about future and creating new things. Those pictures basically again, brought new conversations, new engagement, beautiful background for photographs, beautiful background for the space. It just added life to it. And we were very, very proud to be part of that project. I want to bring it a bit into the modern virtual zoom world life we all eat. Now guys, if I got a pound for every time I was told that my background during my zoom calls, it's creative and what is it? I would be rich by now. But I wanted to bring the kind of sort of neural storytelling into the background of your computer. Because we're all sitting in front of computers that's beyond us more and more. And why do we all just use either no backgrounds and worry that our cuts gotta jump in into the frame. Or we use their well being in this space or whatever and half of your head is kind of gone and that's if you move in a wrong way, why not bring a bit of life to your background in terms of zoom calls, in terms of all the video calls that you do. Tell a story, make a joke, show your brand, lists things about your brand. I don't know. Even maybe start something that will be a conversation starter. Forget it even about your brand. You could add your little logo, but make it fun, make it entertaining. Why does it have to be so serious every time that we've done stuff like that. And we prep some freezing backgrounds and they are available at natal co-design dot com slash free tools for you to download if you want. I'm going to bring that link down as well into the course. I mean, the amount of different conversations that we had and fun and just icebreakers and people are like, We want one like that. It's unheard of. Why not bring that visual storytelling literally in front of your camera and make a change. Something for you to think about. What does it do for your business? What does it do? It can literally break the arms. I mean, how many times are they call? We've been sitting there were like a honey to do another call, I need to do another kind, coal something, make it more fun. You're sitting in front of the computer anyways. How many different things can this do for you? Walk, could you do? Well, could you put behind you? That's going to start a conversation now, that's up to you. And for someone to create, off you go and have a creative thing. Right off we go now next to strategy design class. I'll see you there. 7. STRATEGY DESIGN: Hello, hello, hello, welcome to strategy design. So for some of you it might be, I don't really work on strategy. Think then in a much more wider, again wave. Of course, some of these things you may be Nope, don't work on. Or again, if you're a student, you don't really get into this kind of world. Or you work on websites and you don't really work on strategy. Think about it in a more broad way because at the end of the day, strategy means plan and whatever you're working on or your thinking to do or you thinking to implement. Everything is a plan. So that's strategy. I'm giving you here kind of real life. Again, examples of how visual storytelling is completely transforming companies within sight out. So let's dive into few little examples literally from the world we live in. People meet for a workshop, for a session, for a get together for an off-site. And of course these days, very much virtually no problem whatsoever. And all this plan of what they're gonna do, what they're going to implement. What are the visions? What are the values? What is the plan forward? Whatever the plan is, should be, and it would be really good if it was captured. Now you can go with posted notes. That's fine. You can write it down. That's okay. But led me, guess what will bring the biggest engagement and the highest impact within the company, within the team, within whatever community you're part of, your part of a class, you're part of a team, you're building a team. You're a team of two, you're a team of 200, doesn't matter. Visuals will bring you on the same page, is the same thing that I was discussing with an apple. If we just think about an apple, we all have a different idea of the apple. If we draw it, it becomes 11, same apple. And you can do this in so many ways during strategies, do workshops, doing planning sessions, client planning sessions, whatever that is, you can bring it into life through digital pictures. You can bring it to life through drawing them on a paper or whatever you want these days, very much digital. You can just bring everyone on the same page. You can be as creative as you like, create something very rich and lasting. You could create something that will last for a year or more. Or it can create just a very, very simple plan, literally having few steps, like you can see here. We've done that ages ago. I'm always a bit shy to share it because I'm like, Oh, I wouldn't draw it now this way. He's a better font or something like that. But I always like this example because it, it proves a point. This is an example of a piece of work for Network Rail. So the UK rail company that deals with all the trains in all the systems like that. And they had a, basically a presentation to show to their new director. And all they had was loosely, literally ten pages of text. And they came to us ages ago now Ho, and they said, guys, we can't just show the ten pages, we can't because it's just not going to cut the chase is just not the same. It's not going to engage, is not going to make any impact. Can you help? And so we had very limited time and we thought, well, how about just taking all these top key points from that humongous summary and bring them to life in the form of pictures from one to another to another and slap it on the screen and talk through it to your audience. And the results were amazing. Until today they use this visual which is like guys, I would say I can redraw it like don't use the same one please. But hey, if something works, it works clearly write one little investment into a visual that strategically brought business results. And what were the business results? Engaged team director saying yes to the plan implemented Visual being used time after time in the mentoring program going forward in the company. The investment into something so small, looking like nothing, and the ROI that it brings. I rest my case. I rest my case. So on that note, Outbrain you into branding. See you there. 8. BRANDING: Okay, welcome to branding. Now friending might be quite a big one for some of you. I'll keep it very simple and I'll show just a few things because branding can go crazy and Kogi could head, can go everywhere. I shoot, delete that, but I'll keep it to make it more real. So again, branding, I mean, it's humongous, right? Branding involves logo design, website, content for the web side, patterns, phones, everything. I mean, it's humongous, right? But our focus purely on how you can use visual storytelling again, strategically in the business. And I'll just give you a few little examples because I could go on and on, but I'll focus just on view. So first one, a very interesting example of a client that was set up was doing really great at, is doing really great and amazing company based in London. And they had everything sorted. They had their website, their head, they're beautiful copy everything. But yet something was missing. And something that was missing was a bit of visual, visual storytelling. And they actually came to us to ask to add a bit more visual life, identity, personality to the brand, you name it. So what that meant to us was right here is this amazing already working concept. But they want to add something on top of it. Why? To make it more memorable? Standing out for me too, when I look at them, I know it's them, not someone else. And we had so much fun creating this for them. So the brief was to create some sort of characters, persona's That will lead the storytelling through the website from the star till the end. And feel free to go to that website is awesome and you can see kind of everything going from top to down using our visuals. And we created these few characters. And you would think, well, you know, characters. But actually the impact that they brought to the website, to that story has been massive. And they loved it from the get-go. And they've been using it on social. They've been using it everywhere, throughout the website, everywhere through their conversation. So that whenever I see those posts, I'll see the same colors. I see the same characters popping at me. Each character has its own personality and describes a different story, the amount of things you can create on top of that, from that, on your social, on your internal comms, on your client communication, on your strategic pieces, on your pitches, on your campaigns, on me. It's up to you, it's amazing and you would think the simplest thing like creating something so small, yet so meaningful, creating this kind of face to the company has brought so much goodness to them. And until now we're so proud to see their social and everything. Even in their slides. There's the characters, there's movement, there's a life to it. And it just brings that life that face to the brand. And it brings just so much more creativity, so much more interest. They extend out again, they are doing something different. There are so many other companies like them, they could just go with them. Beautiful website design that they'd had yet, they wanted two step, one step further to 0 version of themselves and bring that storytelling to life. And it's just fascinating to see how they reuse these. So that's another thing to think about when you invest in these visuals, whatever it is that you will go for, how can you reuse them? So the question is, again, coming back to the same thing, how can you strategically used them somewhere else? How can you milk that content, that production, those visuals? Don't think about something as a one off. I guess sometimes that's the case if you if you need some visuals for a one-off piece, that's okay. But how can you reuse them? Where else can you put them? What else can you do with them? And they've been so good at doing that, their investment versus how they use the content that we produced is just immense. It just so impresses me because we've created a bunch of things that they can just reform, rejig we puzzle, we use wherever they like, wherever they want. And it's very, very powerful because they're straightening their brand identity there, look there, feel their personality would every post with every communication they gave out next week? I'm just a very simple again, set of visuals just to give you an idea, a client wanted to bring a brand to life. We've done the logo, we've done the patrons, we've done the fall and we've done all that stuff that easy to do. But yet he was like, I want also these visuals to tell a story on different pieces of communication. Whether that slides, whether that's web site, whether that's whatever, wherever I'm going to use them, it's up to me. Similar story. I'm going to build this bank of visuals. And as you can see, that's a facilitation kind of Space zone. If you're in it, that's great. If you're new to it, have a look what it is. But it's just been so interesting to see that when you build something like this visual content, it can just do so much for you and can be set in so many different scenarios wherever you need. And lastly, I want, I want to kind of talk about something like personal branding because I feel like we don't really talk about it enough. And I feel like it's something that some of us are a bit afraid off or are not too confident about or just don't know how to approach it. This is my LinkedIn profile. And not to brag or to make you go straightaway and you can connect with me, which I would love to, please see you there. But LinkedIn is a very interesting tool. And I say that to anyone, whether you're a student, whether you're in business, whether you're starting a business, whether you're deep down for many years working away in a company or your own company. Personal branding is something that's going to help you connect with new people. That will giving you opportunities that will present your best self in front of other people that don't know you. And I mean, there's so many ways to connect with people these days, but we're all connecting very much online these days. And for you to bring a bed of personality to your personal brand can bring so much goodness. And I will say that from my own experience, me having a regular picture of myself on LinkedIn, let's say like this may be a time, maybe not a whatever, beautiful yet. Kind of if one does it kind of it's there all the time. Everyone does it. And me bringing to LinkedIn something different, a creative version of myself looking up with some doodles, I don't know, come up with anything you like maybe either made your own phase, may be add some pictures in the background. Maybe just have a picture, a photograph. That's all you need, but with a twist, with something that's going to entice me. And this is, for example, how I presented my LinkedIn and I kid you not. Again, I could get a pound for every time someone says to me, oh, I'm Italian. Wonderful profile picture. Tell me more. You know, it you can claim its nothing, but you can also claim a brings me new opportunities, brings me new conversations. Presence me from the point of view that I want to be seen as a creative, as an innovative, is a fun, playful person to speak to someone that you can easily get in touch with and not worry at all. That's something I'm highly, highly suggest whether you're starting a business, whether you are young, whether you're older, doesn't matter. I speak to so many students and I always say, Where's your LinkedIn profile? You know, why is it not on a why is it nulled out there? Why aren't you sharing things that you do y and she connecting with interesting people that you really, really like and follow. Because one day you become older and you want to kind of be around and know what's going on and be part of the conversation. And these websites are not going anywhere away. They only get stronger and stronger and stronger. So my little suggestion to you and look at your personal branding, refresh it, rejig it, see what you can do there. Can you add a little doodle? Can you add a little visual? Can you add a beautiful photograph? It's up to you, but tell me a bit more story. Be more strategic about the people that you want to connect with, about how you want to be seen, how you want to create your conversation. Please give it a go, and I'll see you in content marketing. See you soon. 9. CONTENT MARKETING: Welcome, welcome, welcome to content marketing. So in other words, creating content, I mean, we're all creating content right now. Whether you're new to it, whether you've been doing it for many, many years, even if you're working internally in your non-working on social media or anything like that for a company, for yourself or for your project, you're still creating content. Whatever idea you want to put out there to the world, you know, whatever you want to create that you want other humans to engage with that content. So I hope you take out anything from these examples there again, real life stories, how we can market things using pictures, using visuals. First example, if you live in London in any other big city, maybe you heard about guys and app called city mapper. It's been amazing living in London. I couldn't get from one place to another if I didn't use it. Back in the days before, the app was super sleek and finish and everything. We worked with these guys and they had a very interesting challenge. They had one specific page on their app, which wasn't getting enough reading, which wasn't getting enough cliques. And they said to us, well guys, Is there a way we can bring it to life? Because no one's reading these top tips so that we're top tips on how to get around the city. Simple, right? You would think that people will go and just read it. Not really. They were in engaging with that page. So we decided to bring all these little stories, all these top tips into these pictures. So our job was to tell how maybe it's the quickest to go from here to there. Or, you know, how to use free metro or how to cycle around the city, whatever with a top tip was, we were bringing these stories to life and guess what, the readability of that page went up 64%, if I'm remembering correctly, after so many years because it's been a while. But it was amazing to see the stats and to see how much more engagement again was there by just implementing pictures into the game. And it wasn't about him and making them pretty as we can see, there were simple, they were fun, they were cartoony, but they were working for our purpose. What was our purpose to get more readability out of these pages, to get more engagement. Boom, we got it. Next one. Something interesting maybe for some of you. So that influencer world is massive. I'm sure, you know, even if you're not into it, you would know that on YouTube and on Instagram and places like that, there's so many influencers these days. In media, in skin care, in fashion, in lifestyle, in home, in travel, in sports, you name it. And we sometimes like to play with kind of our skills, let's say and see what can happen. And one day we were observing kinds of different influencers, what they're up to, what's going on. And we'd just to say that decided to create a beautiful visual for one of them and tweeted out to her. And guess what happened? She replied. She as as you can see, she loved it, which is super sweet. That's my old name on Twitter, no, even as the business yet. And the amount of likes and that was taken. Way past when now there would be more the amount of likes the amount or free tweets, their amount of DMZ that I got after this one picture because I picked the right time, the right moment to tell a story, to engage someone was unheard of and I would never think it can happen. I was so surprised and I was like, wow, there's something there. So it's all about with visuals in terms of content marketing, to find the right moment, to find the right time to again think, what can this visual due for me? What can, what can it do? And here an example that is, I'm going to engage it human, a human to start a conversation. And why is a strategic? Because that human is followed by a load of people. And if that person like something, retweets response to you gives any glimpse of reaction, you're going to have a snowball effect. And that's what happened to us. And sometimes we like to do that also because we love these people we follow them were fans. Whenever we find that the conversation is we're having, we jump in with our literal creation and just try it out. And I always say if you can't draw, if you are not artistic or you don't have even anyone on your team or whatever. You guys, there's internet, There's people who do it for you. So there's no excuse. You can create ideas these days with help of so many different people. It doesn't have to be you, you can just have the idea of bringing on, bringing to the table. And you really would be surprised how often the simplest idea, the right timing, saying something when the right moment can bring amazing effects. Next one, Just very quickly, when we do like company photo shoots and team pictures and things like that, we like to have fun with it. And this is the example of my LinkedIn that I told you about. We bring people to the table, we play music literally. We asked them to do crazy things and we draw around it. And this is just an example of how we can make content stand out. If you have a team kind of members to put on your website, or to put it in your social, or to share who's the latest speakers, or to create any sort of information content around people in a community, in a space, in a group. How about bringing it a bit higher with engagement and with the creativity and innovation by bringing in some visuals. Why not play with this and this? Why does it have to just be one? Can you bring that into the space where photography can meet visuals, where animation can meet visuals, where visuals can be visuals, where photography can be the animation. I don't know. Come up with stuff and be creative, be bold because there's so much to be explored there. And this is an example of another way to create content and beautiful creative content marketing. And that's through VR. We play with it a lot. We love having fun with it. And it's been an amazing thing to kind of explore in the last few years how VR is really bringing stories to life. So imagine creating visual amazing worlds in 3D space. I can take all that visual storytelling and what can I do with it? I can summarize an event. I can create a visual pitch for a client. I can draw up a world inside the VR and kind of explain what's going on. I can draw up a sketch of a project. I can bring in other people to create, co-create something. I mean, amazing, amazing ideas. And we thought we were coming up with some interesting stuff. It kind of ended up in bloating Forbes, if I may say, I was very surprised, but really, to be fair with you guys, VR is very interesting to explore if you have a way to get your hands-on on any glasses. So quest or Oculus or whatever. There's so many, there's, you can ribeye them these days. You can, you know, get them in all sorts of ways. May be your school can do that. Maybe your team can do that, your boss can do that. See what's possible. Maybe your friend has an, you can just test it. See is that if there's anything you could do in that space, because it's such a growing massively space in terms of content creation, it's crazy, but what is the kind of strategic use for you that you could do is that you can invite your clients into a conversation in a VR 3D world and you can discuss latest project, or is it that you create beautiful little visual worlds in 3D and you can share them on your social, can super engaged people with this new idea. I mean, there's so much you can do, but I would suggest to start very simple. And if you would like to draw and create, let's say in VR, we highly suggest using Google Tilt Brush. It's very known or gravity sketch. These are the programs that we, for example, play with. There's so many, many, many, many more. I'm sure you know that. But if you want to kind of start with anywhere, you know, why not give it a go? You could, even by the glasses and if you don't like it, you can always return. We all know that's possible. It's a very, very interesting space to be in. We've been testing and more and more, there's been more and more interest, especially in the world we live in now where it doesn't really look like we'll be seeing each other impersonal as much as we used to. So the idea of bringing everyone into a virtual space is becoming more and more attractive. And I highly, highly suggest you have a go at it. Okay, well, see you in the next class, which is called experiment. So something that I really, really, really feel passionate about for you to try. So I'll see you there. 10. EXPERIMENT: Well, hello, hello, welcome to experiment, and I'm super glad to see you here, guys. I hope all this information is kind of getting there and locking down and you're getting ideas for your project as well that I'm hoping you're working on in terms of your pitch. And now I would like to talk about something that I'm really, really passionate about because our work as well and what I do with the business and everything, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for often experimenting because it's something that we, I think sometimes are scared to do. Wear a beat. Kind of be careful about the business or about the ideas or we're trying to be safe about it, or whatnot. Experimenting is so good for trying to achieve new results. If you don't experiment, you can't really expect the same results, right? So I think as with anything in life, if you haven't ever run, how do you expect to suddenly run amazingly, and stuff like that. So I really, really sign my name under that. And I will give you a few little examples and I hope you enjoy it. First of all, there's this one. So we've been dabbling a lot with the world of podcasts. Podcasts are humongous now, right guys, amine F12, listening to podcasts is such a beautiful new way of getting the information. They are much lighter than books and there's so much good content, others crazy. Some of my favorite ones right now are happy place secret leaders, if I can suggest to you, and someone that we worked with recently heights. So these guys have been doing podcast masterclasses, UK based podcast. And their guests were like Stephen Fry, GI shed tea and people like that, amazing, amazing people go and check it out. But what I want to do here is give your attention to what happened here. Experimenting, continuously experimenting. So how we became their creative partners, but for the entire, entire series to create visual output out of each of webinars, out of each of the, sorry, of the podcasts. That was an amazing experience. And how did it happen? We watched one of the podcasts. We like to the lot. So he decided to draw it. We decided to capture all the key points because well, to be fair to you, I love Stephen for I mean, that man, Gandalf of information, I highly suggest you follow that men, super, super interesting. So we created this visual and then we poked the leader of the podcast, the host, Dan, amazing data whose also leading secret leaders podcast. Go check it out to what he's doing. And we were like, here you go, here's your visual. And look when he replied, holy moly, someone, Metallica design has already created this insane artwork demonstration of what Stephen Fry and I covered in our Heights, working in chat tonight. If you missed it, no need to catch up. Just look at this instead. And this was screenshot with 76 likes. And by now there's more because that was done in April. But just to prove a point, we did something without any permission or any questions or anything like that. We posted out there. They loved it. We became their creative partner. And you can see here below, this is a screenshot of a newsletter. And why I'm saying this not to back, not to look like I'm cool. It's to show you how using visual storytelling in the right moment, in the right time, trying out stuff can bring results. And what did it bring in terms of if you want to go back to the why we're doing this class, this strategic visual storytelling for business. For them, it brought more creativity, more, more views, more engagement. People loved it that we're getting the visual from every episode that we're sharing it on social. It was part of their amazing newsletter that became so much more lively and interesting. People were kind of like where's the visual? And that became kind of a beautiful part of the series. And it brought so much, so much attention to them, to us, if I may be honest, so many eyes on that newsletter and that Podcasts, What do you think happened? More DMZ, more people interested to work with us, more people following our work, amazing stuff. So here we go from a simple concept to stretch EEG results straight away. But what happened? We just experimented next one, a bit more, maybe casual, but why not? I'm just throwing you my experiments out there ages ago. Now one of my friends, he posted, he was making burgers in shortage in London, amazing, amazing times, amazing guy and a burger bar back in the days. And he posted online, guys, I'm doing a competition. I will give someone free burgers for life if you draw me. Well, what do you think I did? And that is like a does it go look at my logo? It's like we don't calm and it's like super old school. I drew him without even thinking about it ages ago. Yes, Juan, me. I got the bloody burgers for life. Not that I go there every week anyways, but the most amazing experience, amazing friend to have now Tom as motor talent, what an amazing guy. And yeah. And why? Because I experimented. I wasn't asking anyone for permission. I wasn't thinking about the challenges, the problems, the brand, that whatever, whatever anyone will think. I just tried. And again, if you can't do it, find someone who's gonna help you. You come up with ideas, you strategize it, get someone to help you, and it doesn't have to be anything amazing. You can work in other mediums. You can paint, you can letterhead, you can create graphic designs, you can create whatever you want. A one-line cartoon. I don't care. It's up to you. But this is an example of experimenting and going forward and trying something that no one knew is going to work. And the other one, you might laugh at me because it's Khloe Kardashian. But I would say that to be fair with you. These people are amazing businesswoman and unlike all about their amazing journey. So for example, ages ago, when you look at the Facebook, it looked super, super old. That's my name on top. Yes, that's me. And I was following Chloe carta action ages ago. Huh? I didn't even know what that was, My goodness. And one night she posted I'm looking for a new Facebook background. If you wanna send me stuff, please do. I'm I choose something. What do you think I did? I drew something late at night on my old old tablet. I don't even remember what it did was it wasn't a fancy iPad. I send it over lookup. That phone is not even an ice pond. I send it over. I went to sleep. What happened? Do you think the next day I wake up to tons of DMZ to my friends going nuts and telling me the tally up. Did you see she used your picture? I'm like, Oh, who would picture were deemed me what's going on? She used my picture and again, not bragging, but what am I showing you? Experimenting? I tried. I just go for it. I just send it over. I didn't think about it twice. What happened? So I use the right moment. I triggered something through visuals. I made them work for me and do something. Right. So I strategically approach it because yes, on one hand, I like her, so I'm gonna do it. But that wasn't my agenda. My agenda was my when y naught maybe something will happen after that. Again, the amount of DMZ was going nuts. That's all I'm saying. Next one, super random, quite recent if you follow politics at all in those crazy, crazy times. Politics and everything, not really into it. So I'm not here to make any politics, political judgments or statements. This was purely satirical. This was purely to commemorate the moment in history. We drew our PM, current PM kind of standing in front of the pop, opening pops again after log downs and things like that that we've been going through, like anyone else. And it was just a very interesting moment in time to draw up and create. And what happened. We just shared it. People were like, do you do Prince, Can I have a print? This is very interesting. I would really like that on my wall. We made prints. They sold out. Again. Experiment. Don't ask a question, just go for it. Tell a story visually engaged someone. Again, we're not here to make any political statements and I'm not here to discuss that. I'm just here to show you another example of taking pictures and making them do something for you, making them work for you in a very interesting way. Next one, which is very close to my heart. Ages ago when Meghan and Harry in London decided to get married, the royal family, if anyone follows. I was so, so, so into the, you know, it's a beautiful kapo and I was so happy for them. We decided to draw a congratulations little visual because why not? Weekend. And we were trending on royal family hashtag for like a week or something. You can see on top posts, royal couple, sorry. And I got an invite to the Buckingham Palace for a tea. And no, I did meet the queen. I can't claim that, but dammit, I went there and it was fabulous. And I was like, wow, one moment of me reacting to the situation in society basically, again, if you can't do that, find someone who can help you. But what am I discussing here? Visuals being strategically put in the right time at the right platform, being looked at by people who love that stuff. And we're the what happened, we were trending. We were getting more and more business asks. We were getting more interactions and it was fabulous and I was loving every minute of it. So these are basically just few, few examples to show you how we can experiment with visual storytelling and make it very strategic and make it work for your business. Whether that's for social media, for a newsletters, for your internal comms, for your next plan, for anything that you're working on. I really, really encourage you to try and not be scared because why not? Just get it out there, try it. There's no rules these days. The more you experiment, the better, of course, within the space that you are creating. So, you know, if you, if you're doing something that's completely different of your brand or your values or anything, of course, don't go crazy. But if you want to bring a bit more life to your brand, to your work, to your plan, to your whatever you're working on. Try it. Now, I'm gonna take you to top tips because it's time to wrap this up. Ci. 11. TOP TIPS: Okay, we're almost there. You're almost at the end of the course, well done. Now before we head to the conclusions and you're going to finish your project, a few top tips on how to really bite this whole thing because it's a lot of information and I do appreciate we have to kind of hone it down into three top tips I'm going to give you at the end of the course right now. So number one, find the right use for your brand. Not everything might work for you, not everything. My sound like you can really do anything with that. Some things may be required too much work and preparation. That's okay. I'm not saying tried to now load your entire Bund or business with all these ideas. The really good approach here is to look at everything, take it in, and find the right use for you. Now, this might come with time. You might need to test a few little things here and there. But take it step-by-step and don't get overwhelmed, but all the information, just grab what you need from that information Tip number to be consistent. I don't expect you as well to get all the crazy results and all the change in the world by using just one thing at one time, your audience might not be used to using visuals. You might not be used to using them. You might need to find just a few different ways on how to really hone it down and get that engagement from people. Is it that you're going to be sending NOW more visual newsletters monthly? Is it that your social will become a bit more visual, less takes, less photographs, less of stock stuff. Is it that you're going to use now visuals every time you run events or webinars or anything like that, get yourself and your audience use to the fact that you're bringing in a bit more life to your brand, to your work, and be consistent, not one goal kind of thing. Be consistent, give it at least few months, try different things. Really, really sit yourself up for a journey with this because there's so much to explore. Tip number three, experiment guys at the end of the day, you know, your brand and your work the best in your project. You know, what sort of things work, what don't say, I really want you to be bold and experiment and some things might work, some things might not. That's ok. Just be bolt and try different things. Maybe you've never sent a visual in your email. Try it, see how it feels, maybe, and never put any sort of kind of more personalised little imagery or animation on your website and feels a bit weird. Try it, experiment, have fun with it. Ask your clients, ask your audience, ask your network, what do they think? Do they like this to data like that? Try different things to different options. Play with maybe some characters you're going to bring into your brand or company. Just experiment. There's no right or wrong, just go for it. So hopefully these tips where useful. I really, really enjoyed being here with you and giving you all that information. Let's jump into the conclusions and the project overview. I'm hoping that you're going to post everything down below and you're going to let me know how you're getting on. So, so excited where here and you stayed and you stuck with me. So let's get to conclusions. 12. CONCLUSIONS: You did it. You did. I'm so proud of you. You went through then TY year class on how to use visual storytelling strategically in business. We went through all the different parts of it, all the different suggestions from how to use it in marketing and branding. Use it in animation, all sorts of different places to explore for you. Now some of them will be useful, some of them will be new to you. Just find the things that work for you. I'm so proud of you, so excited for you that he went through it. I'm hoping you're head is buzzing with ideas and I would love to see your projects down below. Please upload them, please comment, please interact with me. That really helps me to know how you're doing and what it is next. And he would like to learn from us. And also please make sure you check out to other courses that we have on skill share about the power of visual storytelling. So a lot of different ideas there and how to design and deliver an engaging presentation. So much more looking into a lens of presentation and the ins and outs of it. Also make sure you follow us on our social, get in touch with us. We'd love to hear from you if you have any new ideas for new courses, if you have any comments, how to better these courses for you. And in general. Just really, really thank you so much again, my name is Natalia talk coughs scarf from Metallica design. And this was how to use visual storytelling, storytelling strategically in business. See you next time. Let's try this again, or I will never start. Well, how well come to a new cores by an attacker design.