1. Class Intro: Hi, everyone. This is Natalia Telco Scott. I'm the founder off Ataka Design, and we do strategic and engaging visual storytelling for businesses. Now, I've been doing this nine years and I've got a lot of ideas of Got some skills and today I would love to run you through a class about how to deliver and design a very, very engaging presentation. Now, why does it matter why? Because presentation is power. If you know how to share your message in a very powerful way, you know how to get to that audience. You know them, you know how to look into their eyes. You have a very, very strong message. And you just know certain tips and tricks on how to really engage you are winning whether you are looking for a new job, whether you want to engage your team, whether you're starting a business and you just need to get out your message whether you have a huge pitch coming up, there's certain skills and tips that I can definitely teach you on your journey to presenting much better, much stronger, much more confident. And who knows in the future you might just feel like this is your new skill they can use and get better at and even maybe, who knows? You can teach it one day, but I'm very excited to be here with you today. The costs will be very simply, cut into short classes, all within kind of 4 to 5 broken down messages so you can fall over easily. You can go back to them when you need to. And here, let's get on with it. I'm super excited to see you. They'll be also a challenge. So I hope you take that with me. And, yeah, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. I would love to hear your comments, how it's going and one last thing. There's no better time to present as present, so let's go with it right?
2. Project Overview: Okay, everyone. So we said hellos. Now is time for the project overview. So the little challenge I have for you all it's called Pitch me and all. I would like you to do iss crop any information. So whether if you still have encyclopedia great, whether that's a article where there that somewhere on the Web, anything, anywhere there's text, even book anything you have around you and take your finger randomly from one of the pages or on your tablet or in your phone scroll down. Pick one ward. They go, you've got the word. Then pick second Ward from any other page. Any other beds? We have two random wards. Write them down. So let's say our rundown wards are leg and mountain. Great. Now write them down and I want you to spend next 10 minutes using any tool and approach. You like to create a presentation around the newest product that's going to be called Leg Mountain, which you will present and pitch to me or to anyone that you are around your friends or your colleagues. So you go 10 minutes to from these two words, come up with an idea. What is this product. What does it do? Why is it amazing? What's the value of it? And why should we owe by it and literally, you know, give our money to use. So again, grab any information you have picked two words. Spends 10 minutes only 10 minutes using any to you like so go to par point to take a video , use a visuals, catch it out whatever you want to do or even just speak and pitch me what it is. That product that, well, what it is, What does it do and why should we care? I'm super excited to see your projects and see your Komen's. How did you dio? It's an amazing way to practice practice, practice your scales to get a bit into that space off practice and just think about presentation but actually designed one and deliver and make sure you share with people that , you know, get some feedback. It's a great way to kind of go through all that we're learning here and practice it in real world. So go ahead. Have fun, be open minded, whatever the two words are and I'm so so looking forward to hear from you how it goes. CIA
3. The Basics: right. Well, welcome to the basics off. What is a presentation even? And why should we even consider doing one or presentation? Is, Wikipedia tells us, is a form off presenting a topic to an audience. And that could be a demonstration that could be in informative piece. That could be a lecture, a speech that could be presentation of a new product or new idea. I mean, there's endless, endless ideas why a presentation even happens. And what is it usually a presentation? Is there to very much in four inspire, Maybe persuade may be motivated, the listener to engage with you and very much. Why are we presenting? We want people to respond to us. We want people to engage. Maybe we want people to take some action. Maybe we want people to make a change. We want them to engage with our in your idea and say yes to it. Or maybe we just want them to notice our thoughts and reflect on them and learn something. You. So there's so many ways. Well, why we present and why presentation is very important Now. I'm sure you've seen a lot of different presentations in your life. I have definitely where they can be. Nobody engaging there too long. There's too much text. People are very kind off. Not really there with you there. No looking into your eyes. There's a lot of bad presentations out there, but it's OK. It's OK. It's all about practicing it. It's if it's new to you. This is a brilliant way to introduce you to how he can prep and plan and how you can just feel more comfortable and to get new tools and just get you going into the world of presentation. But one thing I will definitely say if you want to get better than to get new skills on how the presentation can really help you. To move that message from one place to another, engage with another person and make them do something that you really want to do. Make sure you show your passion. Make sure to keep it simple and start strongly and just share your message as best as you can. Now, if it's a topic that you're not really familiar with, that might be a good thing to definitely research the topic and prepare yourself well. If it's a topic that it's very widely known. Definitely make sure that you know your facts and you know your information. But if it's a completely new topic, it can be something so surprising that people don't even know what to think about it. That's your space to play with the story and literally just tell your story. This is the best, I think advice I could give in terms elf the world of presentation and why is it important if you give your best and speak from the heart, look at people's eyes and just share your passion for this topic. You are definitely in their minds and in their hearts. So I'm very, very excited to go with you now through the next classes, which will explain a bit more and dig a bit deeper into what can you use and how you should be and want to look out for. But from this basic class, all I want you to remember is what is really presentations. You can think what you could use it for. Why is it important? So what is your Why? Why do you want to share your message and just make sure that you really, really show your passion and show yourself in that presentation because that's number one thing. People really engaged with other people. And when you presented strongly and confidently, they will trust you in whatever you say. So yet. Thank you so much for hanging out with me for this class. And I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next one.
4. Prep & Plan: So we've done the basics. Now we're in the important important part, which is prep and plan, so something that we can forget. And it's very necessary if you want to present a powerful E with confidence without a minimum, a gnome so prepping and planning is very, very important. And from my experience, when I was speaking internationally on Ted Eggs, where there were limitations to 18 minutes, he had to stand in the circle or where I was speaking of different conferences that were always certain different things. I had to prep and we'll child for so prepping and planning beforehand was very, very important, especially how long was a speech versus this event versus that. So jumping right into it first thing, guys, what is your style? Tried to understand and think, What is your style of your presentation? Watch? Do you want to use even Teoh present? Is it that you want to use slides? So, for slides, there's a lot of different tools and will be speaking about them. You could go off course with Power Point where you could go with any other program, but do you want to take your audience through a journey off slides from 1 to 10 from 1 to 20. Don't go anywhere more because you might lose them. Eso that's one. Do you want to use the software? So maybe there's a specific software that you really like and will be going through it and tools as well get you inspired. But yet how do you want to present? Would you like to use maybe a video? So, do you want to just stand and film yourself? Or would you like to use a program like this, which is called Loom, which I also run you through? Would you like to use maybe visual so something that we do a lot. We sometimes just create for a client's one page where they explain everything on one page , step by step through pictures. Or maybe you just want to use yourself. How about just relying on yourself, your own person? And maybe there's nothing you want to use in your presentation but yourself. So hey, this is something to definitely take into account Walt your style. Now, second thing, research eyes highly, such as that Don't just go out there and start talking because you will feel so much more confidence, so much more at ease and so much more powerful. And you will motivate people so much more when you actually done your research and you will look like you know what you're talking about. So why not? One of the first things you could do is go to skill share. Hey, there's so much information out there. It's crazy. So many different skills and knowledge I would highly recommended. I used it for so many different courses and learn somebody different things, even about filming light All these things that interest me try skill share. Hey, we're on it had maybe go to YouTube. Good old YouTube as well. I mean, the amount off stuff that YouTube has in terms off typing in and researching anything you need, is there. What about Google? Google has all the information we need. Back in the days I had to go and look for encyclopedia and find the things that I need. And now you can just type in things you can find beautiful pieces off writing. You can go into articles, you can go into university information. Whatever it is that you need, you can find really very much in Google. And lastly, ask your network. So what about if the topic is something you're not familiar with If you're presenting, but you're not sure about it yet you need some help. Ask your friends us, the people that you know, maybe to your teacher. Maybe it's people that you work with. Maybe it's your boss, but it could be easily your friend that you live with or your partner. So research research research is very important for you to think more clearly, make more sense and be more confident next one plumb the time. So are there any recommendations from people you're presenting to that? For example, they asking for five minutes presentation or they're asking for two minutes presentation appropriate, Pidge. Or maybe you have 40 minutes to speak to students or lecture about something. This is very important that you either get recommendations from other people. If you they know. What would you like me to cover? And how long would you like me to speak about? If you're not sure, Google again and find out what usually your type of presentation could last for next one. Attention spun, so I don't know if you know guys, but human roughly has eight seconds of attentions fund. Now eight seconds is not a lot, and you really need to get someone's attention to use that attention spot. We we lose it very quickly. Used to be 12 seconds. That was eight. I mean, it's nothing. So make sure that you have a very powerful start and make sure you remember about that so it gets me to the next one. Less is more. Yes, we all want to speak for hours and want to say as much as we can. Especially, you're very passionate about your project or your message, and you want to present everything that's in there. Less is more so Maybe there's a way that he can present for five minutes and then let your audience know that if they want to grab more more information, they can just go to a certain website or they can email you or anything like that. So make sure that you don't overwhelm your audience because again coming back to attention span, it doesn't really help us if we go with 20,000 slides and then I always suggest plan for less time. So what? I mean by that, if you know that your speech should be 18 minutes just like I did a Ted X, I was planning for 15. And why? Because who knows? When I'm life with my audience, I maybe click on remote a bit slower. Or maybe I added one more sold that came to me out of the last second, and I really didn't plan for it. But I'm going there. It really is working and I want to express it. Or maybe if I'm engaging my audience into an exercise or something, I won't their engagement and they're taking just two minutes more than I thought. Next one practice. I still need to practice just too few, much more confident. And just to know that how on presenting is engaging enough hopefully and is good. So first they always such as is watch other people. If you're not sure if you've never done that, if you haven't done it enough, watch how other people are doing it. See what you like about their presentations. Where can you find them? You can find them anywhere old skill share on YouTube anywhere online. There's so many presentations. Pick something that you like or a person that he really follow and look at their specific little 90 degree T things that you really like about the way play present is that their tone of voice is that they're animated behavior. Is it what they present? Is it how they speak? What is it that you like? And definitely no, these things for yourself using their That's another one, I would say. Don't just rely on speaking through the nodes and not really seeing yourself. You need to go into that mirror and really look at yourself and see Okay, how am I behaving? How is my facial expression? How am I moving my hands and my standing straight? Am I making and asked article intact? It's super super important. So go ahead to find yourself a mirror and practice another one. Go to your friends and network again. I mean, you need to use the five that you know other people because they can really give you great feedback and be very honest with them. Please tell me, is that engaging enough? What would you such as? Give me constructive comments so I can get better, And you would be surprised how many times. People are super happy to help, even though we might be shy and things like that. If you're very, very shy, start with your friends, people you trust and then maybe go into someone from your team someone that you know, maybe your mentor. Maybe someone from your business. Just get out there and practice of port of people so that when you go into the real presentation, you know you got it, and then the last thing find the balance. So make sure that yes, you parked is. But also I wouldn't suggest over practicing. And that sometimes happens, especially with the young people that I work with students. They sometimes get into such nerves in terms off. I need to practice. They do it 20 times in one hour, and then they burn out and feel less focus and kind of confident about it. So I would say yes, do it, but also give yourself breaks. Come back to it in the day in two. Don't go fooling on stove because you feel almost like you can reflect on what you are doing. Give yourself space and time and don't overdo it. And then, lastly, I would suggest Record yourself. Yes. Be confident to record yourself even like myself here. I want to Then come back and have a look at it. How I've been speaking any two will do as I'm saying here. So whether you want to use your camera whether you have a phone whether you have ah, software like this on your laptop, there's many ways you can film yourself. So go ahead and do it because it really helps you again to look back at it after reflect on it, See will work 12 see what didn't work so well and maybe edited next time and then think, What can you improve on? So is again Is it that you need to look more into the camera? Is it that you should be a bit more relaxed because you're kind of looking a bit stiff? Is it that you should smile a bit more because you're kind of giving me enough energy here , or is it that you're may be saying the same war too much or you forgot to mention something very important? What could you prove on? Definitely have a local reflect and then last thing. As I was saying don't over practice, but it's very important that you actually practice practice practice, so don't overdo it. But then also, I wouldn't such as just go out there and never practice even once. It's very important for your brain to catch that information. Be more confident I should wake you up at four AM and you know what you're presenting. Not that I would, but just saying so, finding the balance. That's kind of what I'm saying here. But it's very important that he actually practice because again, I know people who tried to just jump into things and then they come back. They are like, this didn't go so on and they know they should have put a bit more time into it. So then, when you've done all these bids, you're good to go. You're ready. And well, I hope you take all these points into account. Always come back to this classic need to and next step. We have tools, so I'll see you there
5. Tools: Okay, well, let's talk about tools. Something that will definitely help you too well, make your presentation even better. So I'm going to run you through different software quickly through video and animation and different visuals that he can use and see which one works for you. So let's blitz through that first up software. Different little suggestions on what could you do in presentation? That's actually no just bar point. Some of them might actually surprise you. Um, Number one. It's called Slide Dog. Some of you might know what some of you might be new to it. Let's just think of it as much more cooler power points not to take any way from it, but it does give you a bit more. First thing. It combines various media so you can use a lot of different media pictures, visuals, videos. Also, things put in into slides, graphs and things like that make it very, very versatile. You can import from other software so you can use it very kind off collectively without the software and really make it work for you. It's very flexible, basically two. So the best thing is for you just to play with it and you can share your findings in real time so you can call, create what other people and you can make it work in real time, which is a very, very good thing. You don't have to be kind of separated, kind of like power point and then posted or then share it. So check it out. Next up, we have crazy. I'm sure some of you know what it's been on the market for a while, but it's ever evolving its ever changing. So it's something that you mind find actually very attractive Azaz. We go into presentation world. It has a very light lab library of templates, so you can use any sort off templates that you like and see what works for you. Is it a short presentation? A longer presentation? Do you want to make it very moveable, or do you want to make it very static? You can zoom in and out in the presentation, which is very, very good if you want people to focus on the specific thing and then come back into the big picture and it can be worked on by up to 10 people. So it's a very, very interesting to where you can co create with other people. See, if you like that. Next up we have combat Convoy is a very, very interesting tool that's just growing and has more and more people using it. Let's just call it a much simpler creative suite, kind of adobe little sister. Since it's been on the market, people have been going crazy for it. It has hundreds of templates, So again there's so many choices where they want to create a bonnet. A pollster presentation of flying or whatever is that you want to present you can do. It has over one million stock images, which is crazy. Seriously, there's no picture you can find on it. And there's no pro knowledge needed, which I think a lot of people really appreciate, especially if you're new to presentation world. You don't want to kind of lose your time and trying to figure out a new program. You just want to jump into it, make something happen. It's very flexible. Quickly at your logo. Boom, You've got it next. One. Very interesting one. I'm actually using it right now, Loom Sam Moultrie. If he heard about it, think of it Let's see what I'm doing right now. We can present and also show your face which, as it shows here, that makes it much more much more personal because you can express yourself can actually talk people through what it is that you're trying to present. It has many exporting features, which is really nice, so I can export in many different ways, depending on how I want to upload my presentation or send it to the client or to the team. And it's very simple to learn. I would say very simple. It looks like I've done something crazy here, but actually it's very quick. I just set up my presentation. I'm adding the little loom button on my computer, starting recording and off we go super, super nice and easy. Try it out and then this one is very, very interesting. I'm very excited to try it, actually set up myself or beat a. So as you can see up there, you can grab an invite. It's not yet on the market, which is very interesting. It's called as the name is there and basically what it is is you can live. She show your whole self your whole. That's 1/2 a body or whatever you like. You can be there on the video, and you can show your slides next to it, just like in a real presentation. There's a lot of creative features, so I'm very excited to try and come tell you yet exactly what it is. But you can zoom in, zoom out. You can make yourself make bigger. You could make the slides bigger. You can out some things. Take away some things. It's very flexible. It's crazy. I've seen the kind off quick set up a bit concede on their website, and it's very, very interesting. So next up we have visuals, something that we use a lot in our company for our clients. Why not present in a visual way and surprise your audience with something very original? It's striking. You can think about creating visual road map, so taking your audience from left to right and explaining everything that he wants with just one picture. How powerful is that? And you can make it as wild and as rich as you won't or keep it very simple. So that's something for you, too. Take into account. Why not turn a few pages of text into one simple visual that is very striking and last one video and animation. So that's something that we also produce a lot for our clients, and you can have a look here. Things are just moving, so I can either speak and the pictures are following me. Or maybe you want to just send a very original pitch to your client or potential business partner. And just explain through little animation what it is that you want to present now. How powerful is that? And few to just basically a quick mentions about programs that can help you to greet presentations and video to very simple to use and kind of edit on the goal programs that I would definitely say they're really good and have a look at them. In short, you can download it to your phone very, very fun, very quick, lots of different changes and kind of edits and different ways off creating a video or the simple my movie, of course, if your own a apple phone or any sort off tech. So I would say these two are quite powerful and simple yet, but you can achieve a lot creating a video. Now if you want to go a bit more professional and produce a presentation that has any sort off effect that you really wish for and it's very versatile, powerful professional to I will say, Adobe Creative Suite programs like Premiere Pro are amazing. So if you really, really want to read something powerful, maybe it's for your website. Maybe it's for an amazing investment pitch or something. These tools are amazing. Eso again, that's all from me and himself, different tools that he can use.
6. Fear of Public Speaking: whoa! Never gonna talk about something that we all know definitely well about the fear off public speaking. Now, I know for many of you that must be a big, big heard. Oh, and there's something that whatever tools and things you're gonna learn, you will always have it. And thats so okay and normal. First thing I need you to understand this is normal to have a fear of public speaking. Maybe some of you are like, I've got it. I've done it. I'm okay. Well done to you. Please teach me. But to be fair, when you guys, even for me, after nine years off speaking internationally on so many different global stages off 10 eggs and a big conferences, the public fear off speaking is always there. I mean, I would get a bit off kind off shore to breathing, and I would have sweaty palms and I would feel like I forgot everything that I want to say . It's so, so normal. Brain likes to play tricks with us, and that is something that we can't escape. But at least we can always do certain things to prepare ourselves better to almost no, This is going to come and then make sure that we are a bit more prepared, even like a little breathing in and breathing out will help us. So these will be few little tips on how to deal with the fear of public speaking. Here we go. Number one, understand your fear. So what it is really that you're scared about? Is it the amount of people that are on the stage outside? Or is it maybe the technicalities, all that you're not sure how it's gonna go? Or maybe you're not prepared enough or you're just naturally not a good speaker or just not someone who naturally would go on the stage and speak. Maybe it's even your first presentation you've ever done Well, every severe try to understand it and really think to yourself. OK, well, if it's a lot of people, how can I kind off almost get aware of it? Okay, If it's 100 people, well, it's 100 people. But to be fair, the lights will be so strong. I'm not even going to see them if it's lack of preparation. Well, hey, maybe that means seem to spend a few more hours and prepare yourself so really home down the reason and understand What are you fearing? Because that's, I think, very important. The moment you understand what you're fearing, you will almost make it more normal. You will normalize it. And suddenly it's not gonna be as crazy as it seemed. When I thought about my own, it was always about just being in front of people. I don't know, just kind off. I'm was prepared. I knew what I want to say and everything, but I was a bit like there's a lot of people and then the moment I came out to the stage, I was like Okay, and they're fine and they're great and they're waiting for me to say what I want to say and it's actually amazing. There's a lot of people. So try to understand really what it is that you've here and try to almost, you know, sit in front of it and try to almost understand what it is. And if you kind of make it normal in your brain that this is what it is, suddenly in, my just know be as scary as it waas. If it means that you need to require more prep or something. Go ahead and do that number to dealing with stress. So how can we really deal with that stress? Because, OK, we've got that fear. It's coming all over us. How can we do that? The simplest things you can do is take a breath. I mean, it sounds so simple and so cliche, but I can't tell you enough how breathing deeply before any serve presentation I've ever done or any of my clients can help. Just close your eyes, take a big breath and breathe it out, and suddenly you will feel like your voice is a bit more strong and you feel just a bit more relaxed. Stand straight, that's for sure. You will feel much more in a strong position. Suddenly, if you don't just slouch there and be scared to stand straight, take a breath and just try to again internalize what it is that I'm really fearing. And what is the worst thing that can happen? I wasting to myself, even if everything breaks apart. Even if nothing works, what is the worst thing that can happen? I had so many issues on my presentations, you have no clue the remote would have work. The lights were funny. I couldn't see where I'm standing. I mean, I can list endlessly and I'm sure you have similar experiences if you already done any off presentations. But what is the worst thing that could happen? Guys, really? When you think about it, suddenly everything is going to be OK. Another trick Practice with friends Practice Would anyone that you know that you may be live with is that your mom is your friend? Is it your colleague? Even if you need to do it remotely virtually hop on on a video call with a friend as them Hey, could you spare literally two minutes? I would love to kind of share with you how my even beginning off my speech or my presentation goals if they have enough time. Great. Just do the whole thing, depending how long it is. But just ask friends for help. Don't sit there all day and try to practice yourself because they might come up with the best ideas they might say. Well, you know what? You look like. You're a bit nervous with your hands or you do too much or something. Can you just You know, relax and be a bit more straight and stuff like that. Or can you please look into my eyes a bit more because I'm losing? You're losing that message and it's really important. I'm looking at you. So how about just coming out of your shell a bit and practicing with your friends? And this will be the best thing you can do before the real pitch, The real lecture that you're gonna be giving the rial speech, Whatever it is that you need to say to the rial audience, you can at thes practice and get better at. So let's talk about boosting your confidence again. I understand we have the stress. We have the fear. It is there. It is normal. Now we're trying to kind of normalize it. We're trying to understand it. We're trying to breathe more. We're trying to practice, but really, how can you boost your confidence what it is that you could do to make yourself better about presenting this topic again? It comes down to How well are you prepared and we're going to cover this. Definitely if you going back to the prep and plan. This is the class for you. So if you need to prep implant, I definitely suggest that this will so boost your confidence about presenting. How about as well looking really confidently. So is it that you need those glasses that you have that really give you the confidence? And you can actually clearly see what you're presenting isn't that you wear certain attire that makes you feel a bit more strong and confident? Maybe block color makes you always feel amazing or anything like that. This could be the smallest things, but what would help you boost your confidence? Is it the attire? Is it the way you stand is it may be buying. And you, Mike, if at the presentation that you're giving there's no Mike and you want to be heard and want to sound better, is it the new tools that you should invest in? Is it a lot of preparation that you should put into it and you're kind off not really doing it. So what would boost your confidence? Ask yourself and list these things and do them and last one overcoming your fear. So we're getting there were trying to understand that this is normal. Our bodies going to do it. There's not much we can do about it, but we can always try to edit it. We can always try to normalize it. So the moment we feel that we are getting that sort of fear, how can we overcome it? So isn't all those things that we just talked about practicing a bit more? Feeling confident about ourselves so well doesn't mean Do I need to present myself better? Do any to stand still and straight? Do I need to actually move a bit more prism bits to stiff? Is it practicing with friends? How can you overcome your fear? So ask yourself these questions. What it is that you could do for yourself, too. Get a bit missed mortar place. We can relax. Is it? Taking this five minutes of breather before isn't maybe meditating, literally for a few minutes before your speech. Is it turning off all your phones May because they kind of stress you out and bother you. Is it prepping for a bit longer than you wished for? Is it reading about the topic A bit more is it may be actually speaking to someone that has a lot of knowledge about the topic that you could get a bit more confident with. Is it going to a course that will help you to speak with more confidence? Because there's a lot of courses like that, isn't it? Right? So find what would help you to overcome those fears and practice it. But from my perspective, definitely the thing that I can suggest from my experience is practicing with friends is taking a moment to breathe is understanding Wolf is this fear that is stopping me and trying to work against it and almost fight it? Because, hey, you know what you want to say? You know your topic well, you know how to tell stories and you are great at it. So all you need to do this kind off, do it more and more and more because we all know what guys when we practice and we do it more, it happens. So don't fear off. Public speaking, don't fear at all if this year comes in the super normal and often can be almost exciting to get it and kind of a good feeling to have a bit of stress there. But do certain things like we listed to get you dare there and be more confident. So try to understand your fear. Deal with stress, practice with friends, boost your confidence and what it is that can overcome your fear. Now I'll see you in the next plus for understanding your audience. See there.
7. Understand Your Audience: Okay. Welcome to the Understand your audience. Plus now this is very important. Who are you speaking to before you speak to them before you present to them? So how about I'll run you through a very quick class with few tips on what to a child for if you want to understand. Who are you speaking to? Who is your audience? First up. Well, who's your audience? That's very, very important. Sometimes I think we go into presentations and projects without actually knowing who is on the other side. Who am I speaking to? And this is something very, very important. And whoever invited you to present if someone invited you to present, please make sure you ask them who is the audience. Is it professionals? Is that students? Is that people looking for a job? Is it senior audience? Who is it? Who is it that you're speaking to? It's very important than to think what could be their motivations. Why are there sitting in that audience? Whether remotely or whether in person, why are they there to listen to you now? If you can get that information because you're not sure, try to make a research try to see what maybe other people are doing with the type of presentation that he liked to create and kind of from the back. Try to figure it out if no one can really tell you. But very, very important thing to remember is, Who is your audience? Next up? Look for boredom. So let's be honest. Naturally, we are all sometimes destructed, sometimes nervous. Sometimes there's a problem that we have. Anyone in the audience can respond to you very, very differently now. Sometimes you can see it if you're in front of real people face to face. And sometimes it's very hard, because maybe you're presenting on the webinar. Or maybe you're sending a presentation. You're not sure who's gonna be looking at it, But if you are looking at people, if you're lucky enough to see them, maybe own zoom or maybe in person, make sure you break the ice for so do something that will make them laugh. Ask them. A question may be involved. Them in a little game. Anything like that will really have to break the ice and make this sort of emotional connection from the start. Joan, don't just start with that blond. This is my slide number one Boom. Here we go. So make sure to break the ice and mix it up. Mix it up in terms up. Surprise them. Maybe you have a bunch of slides, but suddenly you're gonna put in a very funny gift. Or maybe you add a very cool video that will break up a bit, their attention and the blue cop literally as you speak and as you're playing something for them. So it's very, very interesting to remember these two suggestions just to kind off. Try no to get them board, but also don't be discouraged if someone does your own or doesn't look at you all the time is just human nature. They are still listening, but people are not really good at constantly looking at you, especially if it's a longer presentation. Just be okay with it. Try these two suggestions. Next one. Keep eye contact. It's super important. It's super important. I would say two things scanned the room so Jones just kind off sit on one person and then really scared them off that you're really looking at them because for some reason you just called there. I scanned the room, so try to speak and kind off. Make sure that you are looking at everyone because they came all here to listen to you. So please acknowledge them old and I would say always as well mix it up. So let's say I'm going to say something, maybe with humor and ask certain person. But then I'm going to make sure I mix it up and look at everyone. And then again, maybe there's a moment where I'm catching someone's eyes naturally and finalizing my thought on them. But then again, I'm mixing it up and I'm back in the room to just make sure you work that room. You keep the eye contact super important. And then lastly, where are you? Where are you presenting? This is super super important, because nowadays you can present remotely you can present as well face to face. So it's really important that you acknowledge your body language. So let's say if I'm presenting remotely, um, I want to be the big more. I kind off and contact in a bid more a facial expression just to kind of be that lively person on that little screen that people look at versus if I'm speaking in front off people , I have to get up. I should move a bit more, should be standing very straight. So acknowledge. Where are you really giving the presentation to kind of manifested in the right way to your audience and then prep materials accordingly? So don't forget that if it's a remote presentation, you might want to put a few more. That's a visuals to kind of help you tell the story or you mind me to screen share. How is that going to work with your face versus the slide? Will you cover anything important or not? And then in terms, self speaking and face to face, What are you using? Is it a big screen? Is there anything there with you? Do you need to hold something in your hands? What are you doing with your presentation? It's very, very important. So acknowledging where you are definitely definitely makes a difference. So think about that when you plan your presentation and next up we have how to captivate your audience. I won't see you all there
8. Captivate: right, well, come to captivate class. So now that we understood who is our audience and what to expect, how can we captivate their attention? Something that's so so important? And any professional presentation maker will agree with me that this is super important. First of all, guys keep it simple. Keep it simple. Less is more and all that because, as I mentioned before, attention, Spahn is so low in humans, we are all overwhelmed with data and information popping at us. So when you present, how can you make it simple to things that I would suggest waltz the core message so really focused on what is the first core message main thing that you want these people to remember after they've seen your presentation. They heard you speak. They thought about it. What is the one thing that you can leave them with and focus on that and say it in few words, This is super important. Don't try to explain it in so many ways that your kind off coping yourself just what is the fewest words that you can actually make a point? This is a very big challenge, but it's an amazing want to kind of try and train yourself into trying to keep it simple and less this more. Keep the pace. That's very important. So if you are, especially in an environment when you need to tine, your presentation is the two minutes. Is it 18? Is it in our I don't know. Make sure you keep the pace, so find your natural pace that you speak with and try to kind of keep it. Think of it is like a music flowing when there's a music rhythm. That rhythm doesn't suddenly change, usually, right, so try to find your natural pace, breathe in and breathe out and make sure you can say it in one kind of nice rhythm and flow . And I would suggest as well to keep the pace to emphasize so two awards. So if there are any words that can lead you, let's say into the next phase or anything like that, or you can mention a tight or something like that. Make sure you emphasize the words to kind of keep the pace and keep the flow. So these are two things that definitely will help you keep the pace next one. Make it interesting so There's a world of presentations, and we all want to say everything that it's on our minds. But how can you make it interesting so people remember it? They connect with you. They're engaged. Would you? What can you do? So, first up, I would say diversify, diversify your message. How can you do that through using different, medium, different tools? Maybe draw something, maybe speak something with a speech kind of mountain, maybe us, then the question and leave it open. There's so many things that he can do. Look on Google again for inspiration and see what other people are doing to make it yours just get inspired. And naturally, I have to say, coming from our backgrounds and what we do it, our clients. Visuals makes such a huge impact and powerful message to everyone that you can easily say so many things by just using one visual. Try to not put too much text and try to engage people with visual four months. Whether that's video animation pictures, anything like that will help them understand so much better visuals in terms of graphs and everything still great. So try to make it more interesting by using any off the set of tools that we discussed and I always say, Use humor. Were all humans there? At the end of the day, we're all here to listen to stories, learn something, get inspired and motivated, make a change, maybe buy something or acknowledge something or change the way we think. Whatever it is, there's so many ways you can use humor and show your personality so that's so so important where you can just thought something that will just make that presentation so much more memorable. But one thing to very much remember is find the right moment. Don't just fiddle. Suddenly, 500 jokes that people, and suddenly it will become like a comedy show. It's no the point. Just be yourself, but tried to find the right moment where maybe you can collect it with your personal experience. Maybe you can come back in your memory to something that he really remember. And it's funny, hopefully. And if you're not sure, always practice with your friends and ask them what they think. But finding the right moment and being able to show more of your personal anti will really help you engage. People are listening to you. Don't go monotone. So if you need to just amplify certain words, don't just go. This is my presentation and I will tell you this and ex wives it. No, because people will lose their focus, try to amplify certain words. So let's say, Can you ask the question? Can you raise your voice? Can you say it louder? I didn't say it a bit quieter, so just try to really diversify in front of amplify certain words to get that sort of attention going and break it up again. Break it up. So, are you speaking too much? Then Maybe so in a video are you may be showing too many actually pictures right now, and people really need your story. So try to break it up on DSI. What's the kind of right amount off what in your presentation. So it's not too saying, saying we don't want that, And at the end of the day, smile. Please smile. This is such a human thing. It will connect you with the audience. There's no other way if you're smiling, whether you're have a bad day or something, it's just makes it over real and natural and more human and it will actually reduce your stress. So this is a scientific box that if you are smiling and kind of going into it with this kind of amazing energy, it will reduce your stress. It will make you more confident, and they will make you fuel this tensed, which is very, very important when we present, because it can be very, very stressful, as we all nous right in many levels, and at the end of the day, it's very contagious. So if you smile, people will naturally smile like I mean, they might look atyou, so they want smile, bark or they're really serious. People were there really focused. That's where they're not smiling. But most of people will come back and smile because it's just a very contagious thing to do . Try when you even walk on the street. If he smiled someone, hopefully they'll smile back. That's usually what happens, right, s. So don't forget that it's very, very important in your presentation skills. Right next up, we have re cup. I'll see you there
9. Class Recap: Okay, guys, to wreak up a few little tips before we end this class that hopefully will keep you motivated and ready to prepare your most amazing presentations out there. Number one. Keep it short, sharp and sweet. Make sure that your presentation is to the point it tells. What do you want to say? It's very sharp. It has a start, middle and finish, and that's it. Don't forget to smile. Everyone likes to look at a face that smiling. Keep an eye contact. Stop. Don't lose it. Don't feel shy about it or anything. You know your topic. You know what you want to say, so make sure you smile. Use a bit of humor now and then. If it's of course, okay, too. It just shows your personality, and it makes everything a bit more more human and natural and easy. Don't forget to show your passion, whether that's a topic that is very new to people or whether that's a topic widely known anything. Whatever that is that you're presenting, just show you really care about that topic because it will engage me as your audience so much more. Don't forget presenting is like telling a story. Think of it as you're sitting with a friend and you're telling a story about where you went for your holiday or anything like that. It comes naturally. Your behaviors natural. Your relax. Just think all these people, whoever that is, even if one person remotely on a computer or if you're speaking to thousands of people on the stage you're telling a story. You're just sharing a rial life story and you're hoping that people were engaged with, like it, learn something from it, get inspired and motivated. Whatever is the topic? Tell a story. So to recap, we learned all sorts of things from basics of presentation waters, even at presentation. And why should we care? Why should we use it? Why should we learn how to be better in it? We went through different tools. We went through fear of public speaking, understanding, captivating your audience, everything. I hopeful. I hope that it's there for you and you really enjoyed it and I will see you in the last final video, where I'll just a little conclusion. But hopefully this little recap is going to keep you motivated and strong. And you know what? Guys just practice. Just go for it and practice and make it yours because we're all different. And that's why this whole world is so beautiful with so many different presentations. Just go for it. I'm super excited to see you going for it and presenting more and more.
10. Conclusion: Well, well done, guys. You did it. You did it! We did it! Oh, my goodness. I'm so, so happy. I'm so excited. We got there in the end. This is so, so amazing that you put your time into learning something new or better in your skills and just getting more confidence in whatever it is that you want to present. As Albert Einstein said once, everything should be made. A simple is possible, but not simpler. So just take that away hopefully and get inspired to create something that really will respond to you and your audience and make it your own practice. Go ahead, create the project that I've shared. Please, please, please practice the pitch me project. I'm going to upload everything into my course so you can have a look at it. Pick two words used 10 minutes off you go and presented. You will find it. Probably hilarious. But that's the way to kind of go through it in practice in a fun way. Because why shouldn't we have fun? So again, thank you so much. We covered from the basics of presentation we went through prepping and planning, which is super important. We went into the fear of public speaking, how we should deal with that, the tools that we can use. Who would have known there's so many tools out there to keep you so much my art variety we went through understanding and captivating our audience. And how important that ISS, and basically the last thing I just want to say it's Please, please practice. Don't be scared. Get your confidence going because you are all amazing. You have a story, whether that's the tiniest pitch you want to give or a huge lecture in a big boardroom. Go for it. There's nothing to be scared about. If you know your topic very well, if you know what you're saying, people who will love it. So off you go, Conway, to hear from you and see your comments how you're getting on any questions you have. Please ask me and thank you again. My name is Natalia. Tell cops got from the taco design and this was how to deliver and design a very engaging presentation. So thank you again. Bye.