1. Introduction: Hello, everyone. And welcome to my class off the five keys of project management. This class is in the context of construction projects his ass and won the introduction. So what's that? This class about this class is about being very practical, very precise to give you what you exactly need to become a project manager, you'll be able to have a road map with lists of requirements that you need to fulfil in order to become a project manager. So at the end of this class, you'll have a clear plan of how to become a project manager, a list of requirements you need to fulfill, and an understanding or different knowledge areas off project management. The Scots were present to you five G's. Within those keys, we will have 10 doors on. In the content of those 10 doors, you'll be able to become a great project manager. We'll be looking at the construction industry as an example. The project with last project that represent at the end, will be about you presenting the five keys and 10 doors as reflected in your industry. My industry being construction. I'll explain the keys and doors in the context of construction, and I want you in the project at the end to present those keys and doors within the context off your different industries. That's it for this doesn't and see the next lesson.
2. Construction Projects Example: welcome to listen to and this isn't I will look at why I believe construction projects are a very good example. Off project management there are many characters. Six that construction projects have are representing a few. First, the duration construction projects do not finish in days or hours. They finished in months and maybe even years. The longer is the duration of a project, the more efficient you need to be as a project manager next. There are too many people involved in a construction project. The number of people involved is very high. You have the client of the project which may be an individual or a company. You have the consultants which would be doing the design and supervision works off a project. You have a main contractor doing the main execution works, and we have too many subcontractors and building material suppliers working with the make a tractor. So we have too many people involved in any construction project, and this adds a lot to the challenges the project manager will face. Next. The number of disciplines involved, just like we have too many people. We have too many disciplines. We have architectural engineers, structural engineers, mechanical and electrical engineers. We have building material suppliers and manufacturers, um, wooden doors, for example, or within element suppliers, and the menial elements will be in a building. We'll have tiles, paint, light fitting. And so under too many disciplines involved in any construction project. And this again as much to the complexity off the project management scope of folks. Next, is that construction projects have complex technical requirements. Keep in mind that every construction project is a unique project. So even if you take the design of an existing project, the fact that every project has a different plot makes every project unique, that always of prizes and always technical difficulties that you will not be able to identify until the project starts. The issue happens at sight, and only than us a project manager will need to solve it. Next is that we have very critical contractual and financial models in construction projects because of the off the huge amounts, we talk off any construction project which can go to millions off dollars. We need to have very critical and precise contractual and financial models to govern the obligations right rolls on the financial application off every party on the remaining team members within a construction project. Next is that construction projects are coming around the globe. We have construction projects all around the world, so giving an example of construction project will be at some level relating to the attendees of this class. And finally, we have a wind three wide range of options in construction projects. We have too many options whether desire, alternatives, material options, colors, aesthetic elements and so one and having many options as much more to the challenges of project manager will face so and believe these are the main reasons why I believe construction projects are a very good example to be presented for project management cases . That's it for this lesson and see the next list.
3. The First Key: What? Come to listen. Three and assess in our look at the first key, the key off science and every lesser prison presenting in Yuki and always be showing this chart on, I'll be adding to it the key that we have studied. So we'll conclude for in Italy, with the chart showing the five keys on 10 doors I'm going to present in this class. So let's go into the content off our first key, the key off science. What do I mean by science by size? I referred to the science behind the project enhance. For any project, there must be a minimum technical knowledge required. Us. A project manager will need to have the technical knowledge to understand the basis of the project. We have two main doors here. We have the technical grounds and then we have the materials and tools by looking at the technical grounds. The stick construction as an example, technical grounds off a construction project will be understanding the architectural design , the structural design, mechanical, electrical and plumbing designs, the building materials, technical requirements and so one. These are all forming the technical grounds off a construction project by looking at a structural design. For example, every building will need to have a structural engineer studying the structure off the building to make sure that the building is designed to be safe and stable for US users. A structural designer would have originally studied engineering on the principles off physics and physics. We study how forces affect on different objects, So a building is a structure which carries a lot off loads. We, the users off a building. The furniture we have are all lowers applied on this rusher before building. These laws are force is applied on the structure. The structure needs to be designed to carry those forces without going into collapse or failure. So a structural engineer will have a background off engineering studies where he studied the principles off physics. He will apply those principles in order to design the building structure to be sound unstable and safe, of course, for the users off the building. So what are the materials were going to use in the first year of mentioned the technical ground off the project in the second door will talk about the materials involved to apply those grounds, for example, looking at the same example of the building structure we have. Concrete cockatoo is one of the most common materials used to construct construction projects. So where does concrete come from? Concrete is a chemical material made from a mixture off cement, water and aggregate. What are the prices of concrete house concrete use? What are the requirements off corporate and so one in this door? The second door? You need to understand the materials involved with the application off the first door. It is not necessarily only physical materials such as concrete and other building materials . If, for example, we have mentioned that in the technical grounds will have on architectural design MPP design. All of these designs are generated in drawings very common in the construction industry. So part of the materials were going to use are the design software. Softwares, which are used to make the insulating drawings are also part off the materials involved in order to apply the technical grounds off the project. So that's it. For the first lesson, we have looked at the key off science which involved in technical grounds and the materials involved see you in the next lesson.
4. The Second Key: What? Come to listen for? Here. You look at the second key, The key off people again. As ah mentioned, I'll be showing this chart. So we have already seen Science key with these two doors. And here we're looking at the key off people with $3. So this key is about identifying the people involved in a construction project. Who are they? What are their liabilities? What are their scopes? What relations? Tie them to each other and to the project. I have three main doors here. We have the first door off parties, corpse and liabilities. Second door of the contractual and financial relations on the last door off the communication channels. So starting by the first door, who are the parties involved in a project? What are this cause Off fours. And what are their liabilities? Looking at the construction industry as an example, The parties we may have in a typical construction project are the client, the consultant, main contractor and subcontractors. These are the main parties we can have in a typical construction project. So what are the scopes off those parties? The client is the person who initiated the entire process and who always the project. The scope off the client differs on the case. We may have some selections and decision making to be done by the client. The consultants will have the scope, off design and supervision. It may even extend to complete project management. That's all done by consultants. And then we have contractors and subcontractors will have the scope off executing the works of the project. The consultant would be doing the design, preparing the design drawings. The contractors and subcontractors will take those drawings and translate them into a project. In reality, what are liabilities off every party? It depends on the case. The client may be liable to certain selections and decisions. We have also very important liability on the client, which is to pay the consultant and the contractors against their works. The consultant is liable to his designs and to the side instructions which are part of the site supervision the contractors are liable to. The execution of the war is to be executed in the manner agreed between the team parties. We have a very important concept to understand. In construction project, we have different procurement truths in different construction projects, so I've already mentioned that the parties, our client, consultant and contractors main a subcontractor. We can have a different arrangement off parties, and according to that, we will have different scopes and liabilities. I'll explain further. We have three million procurement routes that are using cause of your projects. We have a traditional route at design and built route and a construction management truth. A threat to Cheryl Route is where the client hires a consultant to do the design and then hires a contractor to do the execution. This is the case which I have already explained a typical case of construction projects. We have a design and build route, which is a bit different from the traditional route. We have the client and the design and built ruit, hiring a contractor only and not hiring consultant to do the design. The contractor will be the party than hiring a consultant to do the design so the client will only have one focal point. The client will be hired a contractor only, and then the contractor will be hiring the designer. Following this arrangement will give us a wide difference in these courts and liabilities off the parties involved in the project. And finally, we have a construction management through a construction management route is where client hires a consultant to do the design but then does not hire any contractor but hires only subcontractors for small work packages. So, in other words, the client himself will take the role of the main contractor in terms of coordinating different activities. And again, this route also differs from the traditional on design and build Bruce in terms of the party's scopes and liabilities. So it's very important for you to understand who are the parties involved and what are their liabilities In the case you have in the project you have in hand, Next door is the contractual and financial relations. So we've already seen that we have many parties involved and everybody is having a difference. COPA liability. We must have contractual links, tying those parties to each other. Looking at the construction industry, we have Fedyk forms of agreement used in many parts around the world. Fedyk, which is originally French phrase translated into the International Federation Off Consultants, is an international organization which forms standard forms off agreement to be used in construction projects. So these down the forms of agreement list the contractual obligations. Roles are rise every party has on the other. Within a construction project, for example, the clients main obligation will be to pay the contractor. The contractors made obligation will be to execute the works as agreed with the client. We must also have some financial terms governing the relations between the parties and construction projects. For example, we have financial mother that are either price based or cost based so enterprise based model. We will have the contractor claim to the client to pay to him an amount which considers all of the course the contractor had in terms off manpower, materials, transportation and so one plus the contractors profit. So the contractor will claim an amount to the client, which covers up the entire course on the profits the contractor must get. This is a price based method. We have a coast based method where the contractor will only claim the cost to the client on the profits will be dealt with separately in a separate agreement between the client and the contractor. So, for example, we may have an agreement that the contractor would be getting a 5% profit on every work he does for the project, so the contractor would be claiming his costs and only course to the client. The client would compensate those amounts paid to the contractor plus 5% as a fixed profit to the contractor. This is a cost based method versus the price based method where we have the A mosque clean by the contractor, inclusive off his profits on overheads. So depending on what kind of project you work and you need to understand what is the financial model between different parties involved? The last key, the last door in this key is the communication channels. We must have communication between different team members. So how will these parties communicate? What are the methods and what are the loops off communication? In construction, for example, we have different communication methods, such as e mails very common in many industries letters, side documents and so one side documents include documents such as mes and or if I nes is a material approval sheet. So if the contractor intends to use any building material at site, he must first get that material approved by the supervising consultant. So the contractor will prepare a document listing the details off the material he proposes to use. They make brand warranty technical specifications, and so one submit this document, which is commonly called an MES, to the supervising consultant the consultant will review and approve, and only then the contractor can use that material at site. Another example isn't are off I and ah defies a request for information. If the contractor finds that there are some missing details within the drugs off the consultant or there are some challenges which he needs a technical clarification to solve, the contractor will write it down in a document called in. Or if I raise it to the consultant, the consultant will review, write a reply and send it back to the contractor. So these documents and the S R. If I and many other side documents our farm and construction projects are part off the communication channels we have. The communication loops in a traditional procure intrude typically involve having the consultant as the mediator between the client and the contractor, so we will not have the client contacting the main contractor directly. All communications will be done through the consultant, and similarly, we have the main contractor acting as the point of communication between the consultant and the subcontractors, so consulted and subcontractors will not be communicating. Durkee. So whenever you're working in whatever project you haven't had, you must know very well what are the methods off communication and water. They look off communication better for the ski and see you the next lesson.
5. The Third Key: working to listen. Five, he will look at the third key, the key off program. So just going back at the chart, we have already seen two keys on five doors. Here we will look at the third key with additional two doors adding up to seven so far. So what does this gay about? This key, your first of the activities you need to do in a project we've already seen. Who are the parties involved? What are their scopes and what relations tied him to each other? Now we need to see what are the activities they have to do to get the project done in a successful manner. So we have two main doors here. We have first the individual activities and next we have is the activities relations starting by individual activities. You need to know every single individual activity required for your project. What is the duration off every activity? What are the resource of unit for every activity with a human or material resource is looking at an example from the construction industry. We have plastering works which are commonly done after Brooke work. So if you have seen how look work is done Once a war is installed, the ducks for a wall are installed. The surface off the wall will not be smooth. The court does not have a very smooth surface. You cannot have paint applied directly on the block. You need to have a smooth surface. So we have an activity cold, blustery, where a layer, a leveling layer is applied on the wall. After Brooke, work is completed to give a smooth surface which is ready to receive paint. So plastering the material off clustering is a cement based material. So it comes from cement and monsieur off cement and water. Of course, we will need to have someone applying this plastered on a wall. Typically, a single worker can have 20 square meters of plastering done per day. That is, if that worker is assisted by a helper. So by identifying all of these, um, requirements for the activity, we can see exactly what's the duration was the material we need on what resource is. We require human and material resources. You need to have a very clear idea off every single activity, every individual activity in the project and all of the details I've just mentioned for that activity. Once that is done, we can then go to the second door, which is activities relations. So we have identified how individual activities are to be done in the project. Now we need to see how do these different activities really relate to each other? You must have some activities depending on each other. For example, you cannot have plastering works done until you have the block work done. So you must first complete the block work and then do the plastering works. So by identifying the relations off the activities after we have identified the individual activity requirements, you will actually end up forming a project program. You will have a timeline or chart depending on which manner you decide to present it. Where every activity is shown on the relations between those activities are also shown. By doing this, you have actually completed a big my stone off your project. That's it for this. Listen and see you the next list
6. The Fourth Key: welcome to listen six. Here we will look at the fourth key norms. Looking at the chart, we've already seen three keys earlier. We will look at the 4th 1 now on. We'll have a single door here. So we've already seen What are the technical basis of the project? Who are the people involved? And their roles? What are the activities those people need toe perform? Is this enough to get the project done? That a few more things that you need to know off these things is the key Off knobs is very important for you to know. What are the norms followed in this market and in the environment you're working in So we have a single door here the door off processes and procedures. These norms or processes and procedures may not necessarily be contractual obligations. However, in every industry you go and every environment you work in, you will find that there are certain norms that are followed by all people involved. These knows maybe, for example, approval procedures, review procedures, auditing procedures and so one in construction industry avoid explained what an mes is An mes is in norm. That's very common in construction projects where the contractor is not allowed to use any material at site unless that material is approved first by the supervising consultant. We also have a norm off inspections. We may have some inspections on the structural elements, which are critical elements for the safety off the uses of the building being implied as an obligation, a contractual obligation or may be required by the local authorities off the construction project you have. However, it's a common norm to have the supervising consultant visiting the site and carrying inspections on all activities, not only structural activities, so such processes may include things like documentation, methods, off approval, reviewer rejection and so one is very important for you to understand and identify what are the norms followed in the industry for you to perform your project management activities as required? That's it for this lesson and see the next list
7. The Fifth Key: work up the lesson seven. Here we look at the last key, the key off mastery. Looking at the chart, we're now have five keys and 10 doors. Complete it. So what is this key about this key? Depend on life experience and practice of project management. When you apply the knowledge that you have gained from the previous four Keys in time will start developing some skills and personal traits. These will develop the fifth key. The key off must re we have two main doors here. We have personal traits and skills in wonder. And then we have supporting two and techniques. Looking at the first door, project managers must have many skills. You must be good in communication. You must know how to deal with different parties and personalities. Winner project. You must be patient. Come proactive. There's also have other skills such as good presentation skills, public speaking skills, negotiation and so what? These trays and skills are very important for your job as a project manager, and they typically require some real life experience to be developed. Next is the last key. We have the last door. We have Norton, the second door of the key of mastery, which is about supporting two, isn't techniques in every field. There are some tools and techniques used in order to enhance the Implication office activities. In construction, for example, we have value engineering a very important technique. Value engineering. It's a technique about increasing the value off a project it looks of the equation of provided here, which is V value, is equal to function over cost if you're having to lots off 1000 square meter, each one plot is located at the centre off the capital off certain country, and the number plot is located in the desert. So if both of these plots are having the same area and both are sold at the same price, which one is having more value? Definitely. The plot you have at the center off a city is having mawr value compared to the plot in the middle of the desert. So by looking at this equation, we have the higher for the first plot. Cooperate with the second, even though cost, which is shown here, a C is the same. We have higher function. We're having a higher function because of the location off the first plot so the equation off value engineering looks at the function divided by cost to identify the value. It's a very common technique in construction projects where we try to increase the value off certain design elements or materials used in the project. So if, for example, you're using a double glazing element for the windows you have in your building, so you have two layers off glass used. Those layers need to have some insulation properties to ensure that he it is not transmitted inside the building. You need to have some heat insulation properties so you can have both layers off glass as an insulation uncirculated glass with high properties. That is one option. Another option you can have is that the layer the outer layer off the glass is to have strong insulation properties. Why the inner layer will be a normal clear Plus, if you look at studies addressing this matter, you will see that having a layer with high insulation properties as the outer layer and an inner normal class layer still gives very good insulation to the building. It's not much lower than the case of having both nears off glass with strong insulation properties however, the cost makes a huge difference. Having a layer off clearness is, of course, a lot cheaper. So in this example we have seen two options where the function is almost similar. However, cost is different. So by having a lower cost, we satisfy the equation here and we increase the overall value. So this is an example off a value engineering technique performed in the construction industry. That's it for this lesson and see the next list.
8. Class Project: work up to listen. Eight. Here, look at the class project. The class project will be to create a charge expressing the keys and doors. Asberry industry requirements. I have a simple example here. So this is a very simple chart. When you prepare the project for the class, you can and a lot more details. We have all keys shown here with the 10 doors on a brief about the contents off every door . So in the key off science, we have technical grounds, materials and tools, the key of people. We have parties, scopes and liabilities, contractual financial relations, communication channels. Imagine, for example, for the door off contractual financial relations. I will list down here all of the contractual obligations rose and rice every party will have and a construction project. This could end up being very long pages. The more details you add, the better it just next to the key of program where we have individual activities and activity relations. The key off knows is where we have processes and procedures and finally, the key off mastery where we have personal reasons, skills and supporting two and techniques. That's it for this distant and see you the next lesson
9. Conclusion: welcome to listen. Nine, This is the conclusion. So if you look back at all keys and doors presented, do you find them covering all aspects? You need to manage a project so started by looking at the technical grounds, the materials and tools we moved into the people who are the parties course I built its relations contractual and financial and communication channels the activities. Thus parties need to perform on all details of those activities in the key of program, their processes and procedures and finally, some skills, personal trace and tools that you, a project manager, need to have. So I believe Yes, we have covered everything you need. What do you notice about those keys on doors? Most of them do not require real life experience and this is something very important for me. So out off all of the doors and keys we have seen we have four doors, not depending on a real life experience. So even though having a very long time spent in a certain feet will definitely add a lot to the project manager, it will give you many experiences. However, was even more important than how long he spent is how you spend that time. It's not about the length. It's about the quality off the time spent. So if you spent the right time in the right direction by identifying exactly what you need to become a project manager, I believe you can give very long years off experience. So that's it for this class. I look forward to hear your feedback and thank you very much for attending.