1. Introduction: Hello, welcome to my course on reich. This is the only course that you need in order to get started to try and become an expert. In no time, I've been using project management software tools for years and years to do my job as a project manager, I've reviewed all the different project management tools that are on the marketplace in this course. Not only I can show you how to use Reich, but also economic, provide your comparison on how it compares with other tools, water, the main features and how you should use them. We're going to start by creating projects from scratch with all the different tasks that you need to create. Then we are going to have a look at all the different options that you have fun, right? Effing from approvals, time tracking, I think subtasks, creating custom fields, attachments, how to create dependencies, how to communicate with your team using the different options of sharing and commenting. Then we're gonna dive deeper into the functionality of the different views. We're gonna review the board view. Then we're going to have a look at the table view and how you can use the table view in order to further customize your project plan, we're going to dive deep into the specifics of the Gantt chart view and how you can use it in order to make your timeline creation really effective. But we're not going to stop there. And we're going to further look at the Files View and how we can use that. How I used the stream view when coming back from holiday time Luke view, the analytics field. Pretty much every single view that's available in reich. And I'm going to give you specific examples when to use each view and what each view is useful for. But before we even go to the projects, I actually going to explain you how the structure works in terms of space was the project was dusk in right? And how you can utilize the structure here in order to make a structure for your company will pretty much cover absolutely everything that you need to know. So in just one hour and a half from now, you're going to be on your way to becoming an expert in Reich. And you'll be able to handle any type of simple and complex project in Reich. So let's not waste more time, and I'll see you in the first lesson.
2. Creating your account: Okay, so the first thing that we will do is to get our Reich account. If you don't have a Reich account already, you can get on the free trial for 14 days in order to explore it and see if it's one of feature needs to do that. You just go to the right website and here you find the free trial. They might change the interface. So just look for the free trial at the moment. It's at the top right corner, and you have it here in the center. So just click on starts for free and then you just need to type your email address here. And as soon as you do that, you'll get a notification that you successfully, Jolson, right? And you'll receive an email in your mailbox. Just like this one, where you need to confirm your email address. And once you click on the link, you'll be taken to this page here where you need to choose which plan you want to try. And For starters, in most cases you can review them here or they actually include. But in most cases, our advisor to just go with the recommended business plan here because it includes most features and you'll be able to understand what Reich is oh about. So let me click on confident trial here you can invite some teammates already. Our skip this for now and we'll do it later. Let me just close this window. So all the templates, I will just continue with the default settings. We're going to explore templates. Later. I'll close this x we're going to explore and navigation anyway, and here we are locked into reich. In the next lesson, we're going to explore the interface.
3. Wrike Interface: Once you create your account, this is the page where you're going to lumped. As you see, I've also created a free trial. So I'm going to be on the exact same page ASU when starting to learn, right? So let's see what we have here. On the left, you have your inbox and within your inbox you gonna get messages from Reich. And anytime you have a communication from one of your teammates, in the middle, you have your spaces. You have two spaces that were created by Reich, which is your personal space. Let's click on it here. You will have information about your to-do list. It does graded by you and any task that you favorited. So you can see it here easily. Here you have your personal view of the tasks in a style that's right, put here, then obviously you have no folders because we just created a space. If I go back. The second one is projects with phases where, right? Criticism example project for you to show you what a complex projects in right can look like. And you see that the function, we divided it into a few different phases. I'll go back. And then the last one is team, which I've created during the setup of the account, could it asked me to create space, but we're going to create a proper space in the next lesson. Then we have the recently opened items. So for example, this was in the initiation that I've opened previously in the space is divided into four main things. So you have spaces, which is the main working area that you have. And within the space, you create your projects and folders. And then within the actual projects, you create tasks. So these are the four main blocks of Reich. So we have spaces. Then within the spaces, you have projects and folders, and within the project to have desks. And within the next lesson we're going to create our first base from scratch. Ok, let me go back. Then on the right, you again, you have your my to-do list created by me, start us, then you have calendars, dashboards, reports stream. I'm not gonna go into detail about this ones cuz we're gonna have dedicated lessons to every single one of these features. The only thing that you need to remember is that you also have here on the top right corner, your profile. And from here you can go to settings. And we didn't settings. You can change things such as your name, your company, your phone number. You can put the specific work schedule on, on which you work. So right, and take this into account when you create the project's accounting information, you can see that we are currently on the free trial. Subscription is the business one, and we can add up to 50 users emo preferences, then we have the deme. So if you don't like this, look like you can change it to something else. You have a lot of options here that you can choose from. But they're going to keep it for now to the standard. And I'm gonna go into every single one of those cause we're gonna cover them as we progress through the lessons. So let's go back. In order to go back, you again click here and you go to space. And that's pretty much the interface of the initial page from where you can get to the different options here. Now, in the next lesson we're going to explore the interface of the spaces. Once recreate our first space, let's proceed to the next lesson and dive further into Reich.
4. Spaces in Wrike: In this lesson, we're going to explore spaces and create our first space. Spaces are the top level hierarchy in reich, which means that all the projects are going to be based within different spaces. Different organizations set right in a slightly different way. But the most orphaned structure that I've seen that each department is go to a different space where they can place their projects related to their departments. For example, the IT department will have space, the HR department will have a space, and so on. In order to create a space, you do it from here or this button here. It doesn't matter. So I'm just going to trade and then I'm going to click on Create Space. One important thing to remember is that there are three types of spaces. There's a personal space that's already created for you, and we've explored it in the previous lesson. And then you have a private space which can only be viewed when you send someone an invite, and then you have a public space. And anyone within your workspace will be able to join this space. If you're working within an HR department, for example, it's a good idea to always have it as a private space. Say any sensitive project or project that you don't want everyone in the company to know about or view or the details about, you should create it as a private one and Eve, information sensitivity is not a problem. A public one, we'll probably do a better job because this is going to make it easier to just send it to everyone in the company. Say please just joined the space instead of you having to add them manually by invite. So let's create a space here. And I'm gonna make this public one. And I go no, name IT, IT projects. And we're going to use it to store all of our IT projects within the company. And then I can change the icon here in color if I want to select a different color, for example, and then change this icon to this one. And then from here I can add some members. We're going to add members in a later lesson. So unless not to worry about this for now, then you can manage the users that have access to the space where they can actually do. So. They can have full access rights, editor, limited or read-only. We're going to explore this in a bit more detail when we start adding users. And then we're going to just create our space. And here we are within the IT projects workspace that we've created. One important thing to know is that it doesn't matter which Reich plan you sign up to. You can create unlimited spaces and you can have unlimited number of members within every space. The space main menus here on the left and it's blank, so we don't have any dashboards, calendars, and projects here, which which is not going to be for long because we gone do that in the next lessons. And this is your space. It projects if you want to see every single space that you currently have fricking, click here on show spaces. And you see that now I have four. I have my personal space. I have my IT projects space that we've just created. I have and I have the other two spaces that we had previously from here also you can add some info about the space. So just our description. This IT projects herb is where we store all of our related projects. K closes and now I have my description here, stores for anyone that's new to the company, for example. And this is how we create spaces in reich. Let us now proceed to the next lesson.
5. Creating our first Project: Welcome back. So we've created our first space, which is IT projects. But you see that our space is completely blank. There's absolutely nothing in there. The first thing that we will do now is create our first project within the IT project space. In order to create a new project. I can use this button here, create and then select project or from the projects options. I can also do it from here at project and directly is going to take me to the create a new project options. The example that I always like to use when teaching people is a simple yet Muti phase project, which is creation of a website feedback form, which means our company choruses go to websites. But on the website they don't have a website feedback form and they want to create one. And they've assigned as the project manager of the creation of the website feedback form. So this is what we're going to, our projects going on because websites feedback form from here we can select the view. We're going to keep the list view. We're going to explore all these different views later, are going to be the project owner. You can change the owner here. You can also have a start date and an end date if you want. So for example, if the deadline to complete this is, for example, end of January, you can straightaway put that in here and you just create a project. So you see now that within the projects section, we have our first project website feedback form. You can collapse this here. If you want to only be on the project menu and then expanded from this button here. You can arrange also how much space you see. For example, the moment the right section is taking too much space. So what I'll do is I'll collapse it a bit to the right as much as possible to be able to see like this. And this is going to be the main working area of the project here in the center. And now let's proceed to the next lesson and see how we assign tasks within Reich.
6. Create tasks and subtasks: Okay, so now that we have our project created, let's create, owe our tasks. So I'm going to start by the creation of the business case. Anytime you run a project, usually need a business case on why this is done. Get approval over the business case. Are gonna sort these by date. And we're going to explore these options later than gathering requirements of mock-up. Approval of Mockup. Then we don't have assigned developer. Then develop the web, say feedback form. Then we will go to the testing. So we're going to assign testers testing or the forum. Then you are going to have final Amendments. After testing. Then we're going to need approval to launch the forum. And then we're going to launch the forum. Okay, so this is what, this is going to be at the moment. We've sorted them by date. Here's the one thing that I don't kind of like about Reich and there are not many things, but this is one of them. First of all, in right? You cannot put sections. There's not there's no possibility to put sections of phases within your project. You will notice in other project management software, because I have been using project management software is for years and years. You can create sections really easily. So there's a section for grouping or phases and you, you just created and you put them in. This is currently not available in Reich. So we get a long list of tasks, right? There's some workarounds. For example, what I tend to do is I, I create blank tasks, water golden blank task and does so workaround for you. And we can just blank task, which is the business case. I move the tasks related to it as a subtask. And this is what you can do as well. So this is my business case section. And then I create one for requirements. Requirements. And then I can move the requirements one within it. Could be closed. This. Requirements is this record center. Another thing that you need to notice is that the new tasks always appear at the top, which also don't like, for example, in other programming softwares, you can, you can put them at the bottom so you can intersections, you have new tasks and new, assign its new thoughts and goes last. This is just something to keep in mind as well. Okay? And then we have the development phase. And then we teen development. I gonna have the development of the website fig performed in our need the testing phase. Then go on to have testing on the forum assigned testers. Then I have one more which is going to be Lounge, which is the last one. Here, I'll have the launch, the forum approval to launch and final amendments. And now I have an intersection. So this is the workaround that you can use an Reich in order to get to your project into different sections or phases. Or the moment Again, this is not available feature. To notice that at the moment, the order doesn't really make sense, is gone, starts making sense once you start putting some dates in there. So straightaway gonna jump into scheduling the tasks. The first thing that we need is the creation of the business case. So let's say we need to create this in the next three days. And this is what assign. And you just assign it from here. And then once you do that, you're going to sort these by date. And you see that straightaway business case is going to be at the top and the creation of the business case going to be the first one. And this is the way you sort tasks. And then after that, let's say I need to get the approval by the 18th of November than I'm going to switch to a new Notice that the business case, the overall one can scheduled it for the last date of the ghetto pro of the business case. Because this is just a blank task that I use just to create my face cause right doesn't allow me to create phase. Then I need to assign developers in when you assign tasks, you also see the duration. Actually first, I need to take care of the requirements. And of course I forgot the requirements. So the requirements gathering, let's say this is going to take a week and you can also put a start date and end date. Usually the started and ended over's gonna be from the last task, for example, the creation of the business case. I need to finalize it by Twelfth Night and perhaps the start dates can be today. So this is what it's going to be. Then gets approved. The business case going to be from 18th. Until the 25th. Then Eigen and switch to requirements K here is going to be from the 25th. And do for example the second. Okay, I like this. Then the next one is requirement sent off. You just click here, and this is going to be from the second until night, for example. Just save it. Then the next one is going to be from the ninth 216th. And you're gonna keep, keep it consistent nine to 16th. And then it's actually this one which is approved, the mako. And for this one, I just want to give it lays dates from 16 to the 18th. Now save it. And this is our requirements phase. Then we need to go to the development phase, which is going to be starting from the 18th of December. So we start this at 18 for December and we finalize it by 23rd. Then we're going to have a break for the holidays. And then we're gonna start again 28. And then the development can take a bit longer, so let's say until 15th. Okay, and now I'll start off seeing the year because we go to the next year, then the testing our sign testers. Unless Asanga testers can take just two days and then testing or the firm's gonna be the 18 until second of January. And then I go to the last phase which is the launch. And then I'm gonna do final Amendments here, then Approval shouldn't take long, like this. And then we're going to launch the forum on the same date, on the 29th. And then for the overall section, I can also give it just a deadline. For example. I'm just going to give it a deadline here, 25th so I can get it proper sort on then for the requirements going to be 18th of December. Okay, and I'm gonna save this. Then we have the development which is gonna be until 15th. Okay? And then testing until 22nd of January. The due date. The last one is 29. Kay? So if you want to have your projects within sections, this is the only thing that you can do. You, you need to have a blank task, which you're going to use as your parent. And then the rest is gonna be subtasks. And now I have the business case section here, the requirement section, development, testing and launch, properly sorted out. And this is how you create tasks in reich. Let us now proceed to the next lesson.
7. Folders: The next thing that we need to talk about, our folders. And folders are going to be the building block of the structure in rank for every single company. At the moment, we've created this workspace which is called IT projects, which limits us to the IT projects that we need to handle for the company. But as seen, folders used the more company wide level. For example, the company is going to have one space that's going to be for the whole company. And then within the space, they have folders for the different departments. So what, what they would do is from here, they'll select, Create New Folder, and then they'll have departments. And this is gonna create a folder for the different departments. We tend to departments. You can right-click on departments and other new folder. And this is going to be, for example, HR. Then again, right click on it, then you can have IT, sales, and so on. And then within the actual folders, they'll have a different projects. For example, the website feedback form, which in IT you can have a separate folder which is going to be IT projects. And then within this folder, you're going to have the websites. But from an you can just move the website feedback form project within the IT projects here. And now, here it is. And you start to get to a proper structure for your company. And then within IT, you're also going to have other things such as IT inventory for example. You can have IT policies and so on. And within HR obviously going to have different folders. And here's our photo food IT projects. And now what happens is if we go back to this one, to the homepage. This is this is the IT projects space that we've created. But you've seen that now. It's actually more of a company white space. What I can do, I can go here to this gears button, which settings? And I'll click on Settings. And I'll change this to the company name for example. So for example, 99 for activity. And now if I go to my homepage, this space is called 99 productivity. And when they go out into space, I have folders for the different departments. And within the IT projects, I have my website feedback form, and this is now a proper structure. And this is best practice on how folders and products should work within most companies. This is how folders work. Let's now proceed to the next lesson.
8. Assigning Tasks: Okay, so we now have our structure in terms of folders. We have our project. What's now left to do is to invite people to Reich so we can work with them on these projects. Let me just close this binary can just click here and close the panel. The way you add users is pretty simple here at the bottom right corner, you have a button at users, and then you simply enter their email addresses. For example, Mary team at 99 per Duke,, Peter, 99 And then you have a fuel license types. You have regular user, external user and collaborator. And if you're wondering what's the difference, you can just go here and it's going to let you know, most oftenly, internal users that you're gonna work on, a lot of IT projects with, you're going to want to invite them most regular users so they can use all the features and view all the contexts within their account. If you are working with an external user, you can enable them all the features, but they will only be able to the context of people where they share folder source tasks. And the most limiting one is the collaborator on which they can, they can view tasks complete does add comments and touch files, but can only view contexts of the people with whom they share folders and n tasks. So oscillates regular user and I'll send the invite. And you can always see the pending invitations from here, from settings. And now that I've invited them, I could actually straightaway assign tasks to them. I don't need to wait for their invitation, so let's assign a few tasks for the business case and the requirements. Let me assign the first and to myself than the approval is gonna have is gonna be received from Mary, who who's our manger. And you will see this notification that the status was shared with Mary, which means that when you're assigned a task to a person, they'll receive an email notification. And actually when the start date of a task comes, for example, the start date for this one is 18th of November. Reich will actually remind the person by emails and there'll be sending daily to do email lists with the tasks that they're within her bucket. If the task is overdue, Reich is also gonna remind the person who you've assigned. Another important thing to know is that if someone changes a task that I've created, for example, this one here, I will get a notification through Reich sensor Lotus notifications for overdo tasks, for task data starting sexual, which is good improvements in comparison with some other tools for which you actually have to set the reminders manually. Sometimes can, it can get annoying, but people always have the option to turn off the notifications if it's causing too much GMOs to be received in their mailbox. So let's proceed with assigning the tasks. The easiest way to do it is from here. You'll notice that I don't have initials appearing straightaway, for example, I don't see Peter. This is because Peter hasn't accepted the invitation from Reich already. And he hasn't come into right in order to create his account. So right. Doesn't know what his proper initial should be. Because when Peter comes in, creates his account, he's going to say, I'm Peter Hilton or something and then you're going to have a pH. But at the moment, you don't have bitter Hilton, you don't have Mary silicone, you only have the email address. So that's why it's going to show you an emo type of icon here. I'll just go on and assign all the tasks to show how this is the easiest way to do it. Just click here. You can also right-click on the task and click on the sign and then select it from the rest here. But obviously the easiest one is the one where you can directly do it. I've assigned them. Oh, now. And this is how you invite people to write and then assign tasks. Let's now proceed to the next lesson.
9. Recurrent tasks: Welcome back. In our example project, we don't need recurrent tasks, but in a lot of use cases, you need a current task, repeats at certain interval. So our shadow in this lesson, how we can use the recurrent task options. And for this, I'll use the parent task, which is blank here, the business case one, and I'll click on the business case. What I'm looking for here is the three dots with more actions. And then from here I'll click on the second one, make frequent. And from here I can specify I can specify how often it repeats daily, weekly. So let me make it weekly and each repeat each Monday and Friday, for example. Then I can specify what period each should be over. So for example, I can say it should start from this Sunday and then you wouldn't have the option to select nth, cause you limiting this with the number of times it should go on for. But then if I tick off limits to, I can set it selects an end date, for example, the end of the year. Then from here, you can say how many tasks should be created for now. I just wanna leave it starting from the 15th of November, each Monday and Friday. And it should repeat for ten times, for example. And you save it. And you see that a recurrent task, let me collapse this a bit. This is going to have this icon on the right. If you later on the site that you want to edit it, you just go here and you click on Edit recurrence. And from here you can change when to receive it, how often? If you actually decide you can delete our deleted cause because we don't need it for the project dot-dot-dot currently mentioned. So i'll just delete it. And now I'm left with the business case again. And this is K. Let me just edit the name. Because when deleted it with the instance. So I'm just now again left with a business case, dusk. And this is how you use recurrent tasks in Reich.
10. Create task dependencies: In this lesson, we're going to create dependencies between our tasks. This is especially important if you're going to use the Gantt Charts view, which we're going to explore in a lot of detail in a later lesson. So let's proceed now and create the dependencies. Are going to create the dependencies on the chowed tasks within the parent or section here. So I'll click on get approval of the business case. This is going to open the menu forming here. And then I'll click on add dependency. And then I'll select that the previous task before the approval is the creation of the business case. And the task that follows after the approval of the business case is the requirements gathering. So the successor icon, select it from here and computed the requirement. And that's, it's a simple as that. Now I've traded my dependency between the two tasks and you can actually see how many days are there between the two tasks. Then if you go to the next one and open it, uci dot on the requirements gathering, you already have one dependency. Because if already created the dependency between the gate approved the business case in the requirements gathering. And from here, I can select the next one which is requirements sign-off. Goes this straightway, open the creation of mock-up due to, this is quick, quick tip for me. If you need to create a dependency, you can skip one each time. So you can assign to dependencies at the same time. Click on this, and then from here I can select the requirements sign off. And then the approval of the curve is going to be my successor. Proof more curb. Then obviously when you go to requirements sign-off, you have already two dependencies. So I can now switch to assign a developer. And from here I can select again to dependencies. So the previous one is going to be the approval of the mock-up. And then we have the actual development of the website feedback form. And then we click on assigned testers. The previous one is a development. Then you have the testing of the forum. And that set, you see how quickly we assign the most outgoing gonna go now to find the amendments and the dependencies here going to be testing of the form and approval Lounge. And that sets and the final one is counted form which is going to be dependent on the final amendments. It kay. Maybe I missed it. Here is the first one, and here don't have any successors of this liquid. This is the last one, and that's it. This is how you assign your dependencies between the tasks and you see how this is going to help you in a Gantt Charts view, for example.
11. Other task options: Welcome back. In this lesson, we'll dive deep into all the different task options and see how we can use them on a daily basis. So let's open, for example, the proof of mock-up and see what we have in there. So the binaural menu for the Tuscan appear here. You can add description here. For example, this is an approval needed in order to proceed to development. And you can put some description here. You cannot comment. I am in progress. And as soon as shut comments, people that are signed here for following this will receive a notification. Because you've created the tasks as a project manager, you straight away going to be following the task, right? Otherwise, you are going to be following the task that you are assigned to or have created. But if you want to take this off and not receive notification, you just going forward, I guess. And even if someone comments, you know, going to receive a notification on this one, you can actually click on approvals here, start new approval. Then you can select approvers. Let me just select my name. Then you can attach here files for approval and then started approval process. And then let me draw this and open it again. You see that straightaway, you have the button here to approve it. As known or obvious. You can set a due date which can equal to this one, the 21st. If you decide that you don't want that to happen this wave, then you can cancel the approval and that's going to disappear. And other co-option that you have in reich, which you don't have another project management tools. It's timer here. So let's say for example, as such, working on a task and I'm on the requirements gathering and I work on the requirements gathering task. What this does is it allows me to track how much time was spent to the requirements gathering. So the idea here is that you come into Reich, you click on this button to start the timer. This is means by the way, so that's why you don't see the seconds. And you worked for 20 minutes, requirements gathering destructure time, and then you stop with regard gathering and then you just pose this. And then this way you can track how much time you spend on a specific, on specific tasks. Subtask we've already done, attaching files is quite easy. You can do it from a few locations from your PC, Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive. So you have a lot of options here. You also have some more options here on the, on this menu here to add us to your calendar, to duplicate it, to save it as a blueprint, to convert it to a milestone. Let me convert it to a milestone. But what they find the most useful here is this request status update. Because let's be honest, when your project manager, you spend a lot of your time chasing people for updates, right? And this can, this can mean writing a lot of emails about different tasks and etcetera. What is button allows you to do is just click on this button and then you'll find an auto populated message here. And this is going to be sent to the task owner. The subject's going to be, please provide a date for the dusk. And here you have the default message. Hi, I would like to know how this task is going. If status is active in due-date his bust, please click on the link below and update the plan, et cetera. And you can just send this and it's going to be sent in, in the email. They don't have a link so they can click on it and just straightaway update task from here the top, you can copy a link to this actual task. And if you're following on a lot of tasks at the same time with an email. Let's say you sending all the tasks that you want to fall in one email to all the team members. You can then just put the link to the tusks if you want to, make it easier for them to access the task. So then when they click on this link in the email, is gonna SRE Duan De them to the task itself so they can update it. Just like this. Wait two minutes here, just so it's going to open the same location with the menu pining for the task and they can update is straightaway. And these are some of the most useful options of tasks in array, or advise you to spend a few minutes to go through them and see what's going to make your job easier. And don't forget that you can also add attachments here. In the commenting place. You can just add file here and then they'll be able to access it from here as well. And it's a good idea to use the commenting here as communication channel in order to keep history of fourth going on with the task. So if you have new team members or even see what's happened on a specific task. For meeting, you'll be able to straight away come here and see creating a team that works and communicates mostly in Reich is great in the long term, even if it gets some getting used to. And these are the different task options. Let's now proceed to the next lesson.
12. Custom Fields: Welcome back. In this lesson, we're going to explore how we can create custom fields and how do we add new fields. In order to add new fields, will need to switch first to the table view. In order to create the TableView, just click on addView here, and then you click on table. This is now going to show your tasks not in a ListView, but in a TableView with all the different columns. So you have the title, dusk the signs, then you have the status started a due date in duration. And if you want to add more fields, you can quickly do it from here, mu column. And you have some predefined fields here from which you can select. For example, if you use a time tracking that we've covered, you can select this one. If you want to delete a certain column. You can do to hide it. But let's say for example, I want to add something that's not in here. Then I need to create a custom field. And in order to create a custom field, I'll just type the name of the field. For example, let's say I want to track the budget for each item. Then I just type budget and you'll see this option here to create a new field, then a need to select what is going to be the field die for it is going to be decks, drop-down Number, Currency, percentage. I'll just select for my case currency and I'll leave it to dollar. I don't want any decimals. And I want this to be applied to absolute leveling. So it's available in both task projects and folders. And I want to share with everyone if you create specific fields, even budget is an example for fields that can be sensitive, you can then share it with specific people and you add the users from here. So for example, can only share with Mary and then I create the field. And then here this, I can just type here 5 thousand. This is going to be my field. Now, if we switch to the ListView, then what right does is it keeps this used to be really simple and you need to go into the task, for example, the creation of the business case, great business case. And then you see that you have one field here. And you can expose them by just simply kicking in here and you have it here and you can type $5 thousand for example. And this is why a lot of people prefer to use the table vehicles. You can see all the columns there straight away and we'll share more information about the tableView in a later lesson. But this is how you create a custom fields. You just click on the Table View, click on the sign button here for adding a new column. And you can just select what you want to create. And if it's not in here, you can just create from scratch. Okay, so let's now proceed to the next lesson.
13. Searching, Sorting, Filtering: Welcome back. In this lesson, we're going to explore searching, sorting, and filtering options in right? At the moment, we've created a real simple project management plan. We only have around 15 tasks to be completed or 15 to 20 tasks to be completed for this plan. But imagine when you use rate to create a real complex, complex plan that in some instances will have hundreds of different entries here, different tasks. Then what you can do is actually use a few different things. First here, in the options you've got filtering. And in the filtering you can show all tasks or active tasks, my active tasks. So this is going to be only the tasks that are assigned to you. This is going to be really useful for your teammates that want to see water their tasks. Instead of looking at everything, you can also look at the more filter options. And here on the right, you will get the filter options. You can filter by status, who's assigned. Thus awaiting approval. You can use the importance feature, the due date. You can specify a custom timeframe. So for example, I can specify that I want to only look at the tasks that are gonna be do over the next few weeks. And this is going to filter them for me. So this is a great feature that they use old-time completed date. You can actually use the custom fields created a budgeting, for example, I can filter only the tasks that are with the budget above a certain amount, which I find really useful spoke for complex projects. And this is how US filtering. Then you have the sort options here. So at the moment we have them sorted by date. You can also sort them by priority, status, by importance, by title, which couldn't be alphabetical order obviously. But I usually leave them a state cause I want my task to be sorted by the ones that are due soon. And if this does not help, you can use the search function here. You can search, for example, let's say I have countries of different tasks and quickly find the development of the field book form, just type develop. And what this is going to do is it's going to find all the tasks that have developed in the name. And you see that we also have the approval of mock-up. And this is because in the notes, if I opened the approval of mock-up, you see that in the notes in the description, we actually say that this is needed in order to proceed development. So this is why disappears here. So you just type a certain keywords and he's going to find everything within Reich. Thus go does keywords in it. If you want to search only within the current portion of that you've opened, you just take this button here. Websites feeble form project only. And it's only going to look at the things that are within the website feedback form. And this is how you use the search within Reich. Hopefully this was useful. Let us now proceed to the next lesson.
14. Reports: Hello, welcome back. In this lesson, we're going to explore reports in Reich and how they can help you in order to avoid manual report production. If you go to your homepage, you'll find an option to click on Reports here on the right, just click on Reports. There's some pre-defined reports that you can create quickly and you can also build a custom report. So let's create a report from one of the templates. For example, active tasks by assignee. Let's click on it. Then we just click on what we want to base this on. And in this case we want to base it on the project website feedback form. So you see here in the options I just got selected. And then I'm just gonna create the report. Simple as that. And you see that now it has a groped by the assignee. And you see that there are some the phases here that they are not assigned, so they're not grouped under anyone. Okay, so let's try one more. If you're using the time tracking, for example, you can use timespans this week. You can select the whole project or you can select a specific phase as well, but also your whole project. Then you can choose the whole team or just you. At the moment because we haven't used the time look too. There's nothing here to display. But if you're using the time tracking, you'll be able to see it. So let us now create a custom report. So click on Custom Report. I would change it to the name here at the top. My first report in Reich. I'm going to base this on the projects, websites, feeble forms, or find it within my structure. Like you can actually put some filters here if you want. Creation date, status, progress, owner, and et cetera. I'm not gonna put any filters. You see that there are optional and you can do that if you want. And I want this to be a table layout and click on save and view. You'll notice that this doesn't really seem like a real report. And the reason for this is we've selected the whole report. You should select the reports feature when you want to select multiple reports and see the start date they're due date was their status and et cetera. If you want to look into the details of a specific report, then what you should do is just go back to reports. Here are the top. Create a new custom report and this time, again, select, select tasks. And I going to find my project again. Websites feedback forum. You can put filters here if you want. Let's say that I want to put a due date over the next 30 days. So this will unlist almost always tasks that are due over the next Thursday's. I want this to be in a table format. And then we'll click safe in view. And here it is. This is my first report. You see that it lists all the tasks that are you over the next 30 days. The good news is that this is now saved. Let me put a proper name. So discipline be do over the next 30 days. For example, saved. If I click back on the reports, again, you see that this report is already saved for me. So each time I need to review what do over the next 30 days, I can just come here, click on it. And it was, and this is going to be updated instantly. You also have refresh button here. But as soon as you run it, it's going to be updated. And you see the tasks that are due over the next 30 days. Furthermore, you can edit it from here. So I can go back to the editing menu. And I can put additional filters, take out this field or change the layout to column. So let's select the column. Now, you see that this is listing how many tasks each, each one of my teammates have. And I'll go back and it switched table. Save it here from the share button. You can share it. For example, with my team. I can share it. If you've added people obviously, well, also you can subscribe to it. So you'll get a notification to embarks on a certain date at a certain time and you'll be able to review this straightaway. So you come into Reich, for example, Monday and at 9900 AM, he gonna receive it in your inbox. You can quickly cover look, was do over the next 30 days or the next seven-day, if that's what you want to do. Also here from the more options, you can export this to Excel. So I just exported this to Excel now. And there you have it in Excel. And the cool feature about this one is you also have this link here, which is gonna take you straight into reich. So I just clicked on the link requirements gathering and this is going to load the page from me, is going to ask you to sign in and then it's gonna take you to the requirements gathering. No, don't do it now, but just keep that in mind. Another option that you have is to send this email from here. You just resemble select Philip at 99 and you send it. And Philip will receive the report in their email box, which is a great feature. And you have the V0, which is going to provide you a list of the snapshots of the report. Here it is. Snapshot, which is the current one which I've done. That's pretty much it. It's really simple to create three ports in, right? The only thing to keep in mind is when you create a new report, just decide what you want to do. Do you want to review information about multiple projects? If you want to review information about multiple projects, then you select the projects. If you want to deep dive into a specific project, then you select, select tasks. Or if your team uses right to look how much time they spent on specific tasks, you can also use the time-locked to, in most cases, I find myself using the tasks report type and then creating reports for a specific project. The options are limitless you, so that you can actually customize this to receive it in your mailbox or you don't have to deal with constant reports creation h time reports in Riker's really simple and effective feature. So our advice to spend a few minutes and go through the different options here and think about how this can help your organization.
15. The Gantt Chart View: Let's now review the Gantt charts in reich because he believed that the Gantt chart in RI is much more flexible and usable than in other tools. In order to get to the Gantt chart, you're going to click on the sign button here at View and select Gantt chart. Now what this is going to do is you have your tasks here in a ListView. And the Gantt charts is going to be on the right. You can actually move this around. So you can cover the whole thing to be a Gantt chart if you want or you can collapse it. It can also amend the space you want to see. The menu and the Gantt Chart. I, myself tend to prefer seeing both because it's much easier than to work with the Gantt chart. Here. On the Gantt chart, you see that, that everything scheduled already. So as soon as you create a new task here is going to appear on the Gantt chart. And if, for example we want to move some tasks around, you can do this trace from the gant chart, for example. I'll move this with today's your new CC, the days here from the ninth and to the 11th of November. And the great thing about the gun charges, because we've actually linked the tax here with the dependencies. The whole timeline is gonna move to try one more time. See how quickly I can move the whole timeline of the project. If I create dependencies, obviously, if I don't want us toward this way, I can take out the dependency. For example, if I want this section to be independent, I just go and delete the dependency. I no longer have a dependency here. Now I can move my tasks. And only the tasks with the dependencies are going to move as soon as you update a date here. Obviously you get updated on the Gantt chart as well. If I want to put a dependency again, I can simply click on this and holds the key, and I'll put it to the requirements gathering. Now I have my dependencies or if I move the task, the whole, this whole section is going to move. The great thing about the Gantt chart view is that it's in my opinion better than the ListView because from this, from this gear menu here, you can actually select additional columns to display. So for example, if I want to see the duration, if I want to see the assignee, the importance and etcetera, I can, I can quickly do it from here. And then I'll have them displayed as a column. Most experienced project managers that they know then to use the Gantt chart quite often when you create a timeline of specific project. So it's a good idea to get familiar with the Gantt chart view in reich. Because I believe the more users, the more you're going to get used to it. And it's going to help you better manage the timelines of your projects. That's it. Let's now proceed to the next lesson.
16. The Board View: Another view that you may find useful, especially if you like the Kanban style of brainstorming and following up on tasks is the board fill. So you just click on again on the Add New View and you'll click on port. The board view will show your project tasks organized in columns by status. You can use it to see what tasks you need to work on, track the status of the different project, and you can actually change the status of the project. So for example here, because I have my projects using the workaround, create a thin sections. I can, for example, move the business case section to complete it. And all the tasks within this section are going to be set to complete it. I can say that the requirements also completed that development is currently in progress. And this can stay in mu or the, or the testing and launch can stay in their own code because they on hold until the in-progress tasks of development is done. You can also limit this to o active tasks, which means that only the things in progress are gonna stay here. Oh, task. You can also listen to my active tasks. This only I have nothing assigned to me at the moment. So this leaves nothing that's active and you can search it here. You can show the duration, duration in status. You also have the budget to display the budget for the different sections. Now, this is going to be more useful if we weren't using the workaround of creating a section for each task. Unfortunately, again, right, does not allow us to have currently sections within our projects. So you have to choose what's more important. So you do need the sections and then within each section to have the tasks and subtasks. But then this is going to limit how useful the board tool can be for you or you don't care about the sections and to just go and list all your tasks in order. And then you can use a port view and use all the functionality here. So this is just the choice that you have to make when you start using Reich. Hopefully, right is going to introduce the functionality of section soon. And this is not going to be a choice that you need to make. This is the board's view. Let's now proceed to the next type of view.
17. The Table View: The next view, which is the TableView, is one that you get familiar with for sure because this is where you're gonna be creating your custom fields. If you're used to other project management tools and apps and applications such as Excel. You're going to love the TableView and you're going to find it's really easy to use here. You can add all the fields that you want quickly. For example, I can add importance and I can change the importance of the different tasks very easily by just double-clicking and selecting the one that I want. I can sort my table by due date, by priority, by importance, by status. I can show only the active tasks. I can show oh, tasks. I can export this into Excel, where it is now is getting exported to Excel. And you'll notice that what's gonna get exported is what you actually see here on the screen. So if you know half your child's tasks exposed, you wouldn't see them. So let's click on Export again and open the Excel. This time you actually see that child's tasks here on the left as well. Another option that you have here is to amend the view of the table. So you just click here on these three dots. And you can switch it to compact. It can change it to standard, which is what we had, and you can change it to four. I tend to use the standard or the compact myself. You can also switch to full screen if you want to have a better focus on the table and have more real estate on the screen. Exit full screen. On older VOC obviously have the option to share the views. But I think what you're going to be using the table view the most often is to assign new custom fields, which as we explored is by you just type something here. For example, dusk specifics, comments for example, or comments. And you just create a new field. And then you decide what type of field it should be. For example, texts. And I just created. And here, have it. Again, I could put comments for each task. And this is how use the Table view. You definitely want to get used to it because this is where you're going to be creating the custom fields from. Let's now proceed to the next type of view.
18. The Files View: Next type of view that you should know about is the Files View. This is especially important if you projects a file heavy. At the moment, you see that we don't have anything here, but let's go back to the ListView. And let me quickly going here and attach a few files are just going to drag and drop a few files here. I need to wait for this to be updated and then I'll be able to send it. Now I have the dream ticks or I can send it. So this is now a touch here. Let me also touched something in here. You can just drag and drop the file. Okay, and let me touch one more here. So we have all these files within the different tasks of our project. And now imagine that you have conscious of different tasks we kinda project. Then if you want to find all the files, you just go to the File menu. And here you see all the different files, who uploaded them when and was their size. And you see actually the actual task here. And this is really useful and you have additional filters. You can further Joe down by file type, by uploaded, by applauded date. So this is really crucial for bigger, more complex projects. At the moment it's sorted by upload date. You can sort it by file owner or you already have other options here as well. And this is how you use the file view in Reich.
19. The Stream View: The next type of view that you have in Reich is the stream view, which is more like an activity type of view. So it's an activity log and you see all the updates made on the project's going back. And from here you can see everything that has ever been down to this project. You can have some different theaters, everything iPhone. You can switch to absolutely everything to things assigned to you. Oh, my conversations. If you only want to see conversations where you took part in, let me switch back to everything. I myself don't tend to use this very often, to be honest. But I believe it's an useful view if you only want to see was the latest that has happened on this project. So for example, what if use this for is, for example, I've been on holiday for three days. What I tend to do is I come to the stream view and they see all the things that have happened on the project over the last three days. This is what I personally find, find it useful for. So yeah, this is how it works. And you can think whether this is going to be useful for your organization and for your projects. Let's now go to the next type of view.
20. Timelog View: Another view that you have here is the time luck few. If you click on it, you'll be able to see here the time look by your team members on the different tasks. At the moment, we don't see Nv here because we haven't used the time look at option. If I go back, for example, to the ListView. And as we discussed, you open the requirements and you start timing this here at entry. Let me start some more studies as well. Now if we switch back to the requirements, and you'll notice that I have this option here from the menu here to have a look at all the things that I've previously started tracking. The other thing that you'll notice is that I can only do one at a time. So if you want to track your activities and later tracked them, keep in mind that it allows us to only track one thing at a time, which is, which makes sense at previously tracked this under something that's not within this project which is Getting Started, Thisbe trike, which is why we didn't see anything in the time. Lock me actually show you how you can actually manually apt entry. For example, if I am, I am at the moment on the requirements gathering, I can start the diamond like this and it's going to time activity. But let's say, for example, that have already done this task, but it wasn't possible for me to track this way cuz I didn't have my open or our hours doing an offsite with together with the client, then what you can do, instead of clicking this and timing it, I can simply over, over the time here. Then you're going to have this at entry. Then it can enter 0030, for example, which is going to be 30 minutes, and then going to add the entry. And I cannot even one more entry here, for example, 101, one twenty four, twenty minutes. I can also add a comment here. If I want. And now I have one hour and 50 minutes. And I'm going to close this. I'm gonna go back to time luck. And you'll notice that now I have both entries here and I have the total of one hour and 50 minutes summed up here. And this is how you use the time luck. In order to use a time lock, you first need to have the time locked into the different tasks. So, and in order to do that, you can either start timing them using the timer or you can do a manual entry. If you time them in, you pose them, but then it cannot simply leave it like this because the entry is not going to be done. For example, let me switch to the creation of the mock-up. When start timing this. When I have it at one minute, I still need to click on add entry. And then at the entry again, this is going to be then Antoine it. And they need to then add the entry. Otherwise, it's not going to appear on my time, Luke, because right. Believes this activity still not over. It just posts for the moment. So this is how it works. And now I'm going to have three entries here. 30 minutes, one hour and 20 minutes and one minute. And this is how, how the time luck works.
21. Analytics View: Welcome back. We're now going to explore the analytics view in right. This is such an useful view that's available to straight away and in other project management tools who you actually need to create. So let's not waste more time and review it. So Ugandan, click on addView. And this is the last one that's available here. So we're gonna click on analytics and you get this dashboard view that's going to provide you a lot of information about the project. On the top left corner, you're going to have the number of tasks. Then you have a breakdown of the tasks. How many are unassigned? How many are martyrs important? Then you have the milestones here. And you see that the next milestone that we've, if you remember from previous lessons, we assign the approval of the mockup to be a milestone. And this is where this gets important because in this view, you can see on the timeline here that the pro of the MOOC is milestone. Then here below, you have statistics on the full-time tracking for example, you see that at the moment is one hour and 15 minutes. Here you have the formal charge on how the tasks are progressing. Ends. You can switch these two, go back if you want. You can scroll here. Then here you have a baseline chart where you'll be able to see visually the different phases of your project. So this is the business case phase requirements, phase development phase into testing and how they fall on the, on the calendar. The analytics view is great if you want to see a visual representation of your tasks and you can actually add additional charges here. You cannot performers work progress doesn't we're user and baseline, which are also predefined. You can add them. We actually had this. Here are the bottom-most row. So you can also move this around and rearrange it. And I would advise you to have a look at it once you actually have used right for some time. There is no point of reviewing this in the beginning of a project when all the tasks syrup, instead it's new and you haven't done any work on them. But when you project has progressed for some time, it's gonna be really interesting for you to come here and find some insights about your tasks. So advise you to start using Reich. And once you progress for Martha to have a look at what the analytics view going to show you and see how this can be useful for you. And this is the Analytics view in Iraq.
22. Thank You: Hey, I just wanted to say, thank you for taking the time to go through the whole course. In this course, we covered all the features that you need in order to get started with, right? Obviously, everyone's best learned and mastered by actually doing something. So please go ahead and start the projects. We trike and I'm sure you're going to become an expert in no time with everything that you've learned in this course, we've explored all the views. So don't forget to have a look at all the views and see what can be useful for you. Also, please leave a review and let me know whether you found this course useful. If it can help you in any other way, let me know. Thanks again for letting me be your teacher. And good luck with all your projects.