Learn Microsoft One Drive - Keep your files safe | Georgi I. | Skillshare

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Learn Microsoft One Drive - Keep your files safe

teacher avatar Georgi I.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Create OneDrive account


    • 3.

      Getting Familiar with the interface


    • 4.

      Upload Files and Folder


    • 5.

      Renaming and Deleting Folders


    • 6.

      Adding new files, donwloading files


    • 7.

      Creating Album, Viewing file details


    • 8.

      Restoring files


    • 9.

      View and Sort options


    • 10.

      Searching and Filtering


    • 11.

      Setup One Driver on your PC


    • 12.

      Working with files using Desktop App


    • 13.

      One Drive app Settings


    • 14.

      Collaboration Using One Drive


    • 15.

      Create a Peronal Vault


    • 16.

      Setup One Drive on your phone


    • 17.

      Troubleshooting syncing issue


    • 18.

      Syncing a different account error


    • 19.

      Troubleshooting error codes


    • 20.

      Next Steps


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About This Class

Whether you want to safely store your data or want to become Microsoft One Drive power user, you've come to the right place.

This course will give you a deep understanding of Microsoft One Drive functionality by using hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why Microsoft One Drive is awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways.

This course is for individual users and not SharePoint administrators.


By the end of the course you'll be able to:

· Easily navigate the One Drive interface

· Import folders and files to One Drive

· Manage folders and files in One Drive

· Sync your computer data

· Create Personal Vault

· Use One Drive to collaborate and share files

· Filtering, changing viewing options and more

I have been using One Drive fo years to backup my files and this has saved me in two instances - stolen laptop and a computer breakdown! Get your files properly backed up before it is too late.

Meet Your Teacher

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Georgi I.



I am Georgi. I am a software geek that have been using software tools for years to increase my productivity and advance my career.

I love teach and my goal is to help people master software tools that will enable them to achieve any one of the following goals:

- Get the next promotion at work by utilizing software to set yourself apart from the competition
- Make your CV standout by adding trending skills
- Improve the operations of your business

My mantra is teaching by doing. Let's get going!

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello, welcome to MySQL shared class on OneDrive. I've been using OneDrive for more than eight years now. And I'm gonna take you through all the steps of creating our account, uploading files, uploading folders, looking at photos and how we create albums. We also going to explore how we delete and restore files that have been deleted. We're going to have a look at all the sorting and the options that we have here in OneDrive. We're also going to look at the search functions. But not only that, we actually going to install one drive on our PC. Look at the OneDrive mobile. Then we're going to create a personal vote to keep our sensitive files safe. And then I'm going to share with you some of the troubleshooting techniques that you may find useful. Don't forget to have a look at the class project, which is the most important part of the class. And let's not waste more time and proceed to the first lesson. 2. Create OneDrive account: Okay, so let's go ahead and create our account with one triumph. Now the easiest way to create the count will be to go to OneDrive.com. Click on Enter. So this page is going to be displayed to you. Now. You have two options. If you already have an account with Hotmail, Live dot, dot UK or so, you actually already have OneDrive accounts, right? And when you login, you say it, however, let's say that you don't. So then you click on sign up for free. And from this page you have a few options. First of all, you can create the account with any email address, right? Doesn't matter. Gmail or so or Hotmail, it really doesn't matter. You can create it from here. This is going to be the case for our, say, 99% of people because everyone has an email already. But let's also explore the other option just in case. So if you don't have an email address or actually you don't want to use the same email address that you already have, then you're gonna click on get a new email address. Then you have two options, Outlook.com or Hotmail, let's say tasting 5-6, one. Just for the sake of showing you how to do it. Then you're gonna create passwords. Just remember that there are some special requirements here. Then water name, test1, test2. United Kingdom. For example. I will delete the account aided. I'm just showing it for training purposes. Then you click on next. Then we have to let them know d2 here, not just spamming the website. Okay, well, so here we are in our OneDrive account. It's gonna let you know that you can provide you some quick training here. And it's going to ask you to upgrade already outgo covered the different, the different plants in the next video. So don't worry about this for now. So this is a, this is, we are now in our OneDrive account. 3. Getting Familiar with the interface: So we've created our OneDrive account and we are now locked in. Let's explore the interface and some of the settings that you might want to change based on your preferences. Here's the interface. Starting from the top left corner. If you click here, you see the different apps that are available to use in files that you can save. Here we have the left side bar. Here we have your name, my files. In the next lesson, I'm going to show you how you can applaud your first files into one drive. Then here you have the recently used files. As we start uploading files and using them, you'll start seeing some of these different tabs with more details. Photos where you have all photos, albums, and places. Obviously, at the moment we have nothing in there, but we're going to have in the next few lessons shared. You can share files with friends and family. I will show you how to do that. Then we have the recycle bin where we delete files. You can see that I've already deleted two things that I did for testing. Then you get the prompt here to upgrade to premium. We don't need to do that for now. And then you have the get the One Drive apps, which means that you can actually use OneDrive straightaway from a desktop. If you have Windows ten is going to be already stored in UPC. Actually going to show you how you can do use OneDrive from your computer in one of the next lesson. So we don't have to worry about this for now. Let's just close it. K, And then let's get to the top. Here. You see that you can create a new file from here or you can upload files. We're gonna explore all this later. From here again. One drives going to ask you to create. You don't have to worry about this. And now let's get to the settings. This is what we really want to explore in this lesson. If I click on Settings and go to options, this is where you can configure OneDrive based on your preferences. Now from here, you can see how much space if you used to empty the recycle bin. If you click here, you see what's taking the space is showing you or to current plan. Actually, you can refer people to OneDrive in Uganda and get extra space. So at the time of recording this, which is the sum of 20-20 OneDrive for each person that you refer is gone, gives you an extra half a gig of space for you and the person on the jury force, for example, if a refer for people are going to get two gigs of extra space to use for free. And then the next, the next option here is again a 100th prompt you to upgrade and to anode paid versions. Then you have the Office file formats. Our advice you to keep the formula to Microsoft office space, to the dock, pptx and et cetera. Don't really don't have to change this. In my opinion. Then you can allow OneDrive to tag your photos. For example, if you've been to Paris, dike photos to perish in et cetera. So it's up to you devise backups. At the moment, we don't have anything connected to OneDrive in monologues. Next lesson, we're going to cover this, but this is allowing you to dry, for example, your phone to OneDrive. Gain notifications. If you want to receive notifications, anytime someone makes changes to your files when you're sharing, then you can do that. This is actually going to just send you an email. So it's, it's, this is what it does. Some other cool features that we gonna exploring one of the next sessions are the personal vote and the restoring your one drive. So in case something goes wrong with your, with some important files that you have, you have this really fantastic option to restore the files to a previous version. We're going to explore this later. And you can search. This is really basically it's so as you can see, one drives gotta really simple layout. Doesn't have a lot of different complicated menus. So you literally just have the side menu here, that the top, the top menu, the sidebar here, and different options, settings that you can explore. Now let's actually jump into the next lesson way where you can actually start gun starts using OneDrive. 4. Upload Files and Folder: Let's now start exploring how we can start uploading and structuring your space in OneDrive. At the moment, we have a few folders, we have documents and you have pictures. But let's say I want to personalize this space rise. The first thing that I will do is I want to add a new folder. So I just want to click on New. And from here you can see that you can add a new folder. You can actually create new ors, Excel, PowerPoint, et cetera, documents straight away from OneDrive. But let's go on and click on folder for now. And say, for example, my photos. And click on Create. In just a second, you'll see that we have just brand new folder here. Okay? So we have all my photos folder here. Let's going actually, before we go in, let's create one more. So let's Creek and folder and create ample my personal documents. And let's create this one as well. Now, let's go into the my, my photos folder. And you see that it's empty. What I want to do here is upload some photos. There are a few ways to do that. First, I can upload and from here. So let's click on files. And I can search them on my desktop. And because this is where I've saved them, obviously, based on where your pictures are gone and practice. Select a few photos. The photos that have half are on my desktop under a folder called picks. So you're going to click here and you see that I have found, I don't know, 1015 photos here. And let me select all of them. For example, this one, we just now and click on open. And now one drives going to upload the picture. So I already have the picture in here. This is one way to do it. The other way would be if I can actually drag and drop. So if I do that and let me open the folder, I can actually, for example, this photo of a dog, I can just drag and drop. Uh, here's this in my OneDrive, I consider a butterfly photo. Here. This, I can also select muj Posts. If we go down the control key, I can select multiple photos. And then I can drag and drop them and upload them. K. If I went divide them, I obviously can create sub folders in here. So I can create a new folder. And animal photos, for example. And let me go back. So you can see the structure here if we go to my photos. So now I have my photos. And you can see that as I have seven items within this folder, if you click here, you see that actually have six photos. And the second item is the actual folder. What they can. Now, if I want to move something into the animal's folder, I simply select them. Let's select o the animal photos. And let's click on move. And from here, I can select again my my photos folder and then the animals folder and your photos folder. So you use this site menu on the right to select where you want to move the photos. And it just glue and click on move. And now the photos that they've selected are gonna be moved into my animals photos folder and they're going to be left with this one. Let's go on and also upload the rest of the photos. So the actually the way I'm gonna do that is by clicking on upload files and select the ones that I haven't uploaded it yet. If I remember this correctly. This one, this one, this one, this one. And I just go and upload them. Ok, so now I have all my other folks here. So let's create resemble new folder. And this is going to be cold places. I have a new folder. And just to again show you one more time how you do that, I just select a few photos. I click on move. You can actually copy them to also. So let's say for example, you want the photos to be in two places in triumph, instead of move to digital, you can copy two. And you're going to navigate to the place where we want to cut them too. And you're gonna click Copy. And this is gonna, this is going to create a copy. The photos in there. Let's now, let's go back to my files. And let's say, for example, you don't want to deal with uploading individual photos. You can actually just upload the file folder, navigate to the space on your computer where this is, and click on the folder and upload. Click on applauds. Andre is going to say that it is going to applaud 17th files to my site. So I'm just going to click upload. And here is this. And now my pigs are safely stored into one triumph. And this is how you easily upload files and folders. Let's explore now the next lesson where we're gonna see how we can look at the file DDOS. 5. Renaming and Deleting Folders: Let's now explore how we rename, delete and the old files and folders. So we've created our own folders here. My photos, bakes, my personal documents. But these are kind of duplicates to what I've already created for us. So we have this documents, folder and pictures followed that one draft crates for us when we first created account. So what we want to do now is to remove duplicates. So the way you do that is by selecting the folder and just clicking Delete. Alright, then also Creek on the documents one and click on delete. Also, I cannot delete this getting started on OneDrive guide here because I didn't really need it. So I'm gonna delete it. So now we're left with the my personal documents folder that we've created, my photos, pics. However, pixels kind of duplicate also to my photos. So also delete this to make it a bit more claim. Okay? So let's say, for example, I don't want this to be called My personal documents, but just my documents. I'm going to click here and I'm going to click on Rename and rename it to my documents. Now, you can do all this by also right clicking on the folder and you get the same options. So you can rename it from here, you can delete it from here, you can move it. So we're now just left with this two folders and we can explore more options in the next lesson. 6. Adding new files, donwloading files: So now we have this really clean interface here with just three folders. However, we only have photo. So far, we haven't added any documents. Now. Similarly, two photos, you can simply drag and drop or upload files from a PC to OneDrive. But also what you can do if you're starting from scratch is created the document from by clicking on New. And here you can create a brand new PowerPoint presentation. So let me click on the PowerPoint presentation. And this is going to open the PowerPoint up. And I can actually just start from scratch going create more PowerPoint. I can, it's gonna take a second to load. I can select from here a template, for example, that's available. I can rename it my Power Point presentation. And the good news is that one drives ultimately gonna save it. Do you space so you don't want to lose information and it's going to keep on saving, saving whatever you do here. Version control, which I gonna cover later in another S. So if I now go back to OneDrive LC that the, my presentation is already saved and I can do the same with Excel and awards, for example, let me open word. Again. Meeting minutes. Oh, August meeting minutes. Resemble our save it. And then when I go back to OneDrive, This is also going to be saved for me. Now, I want to move this to my Documents folder, so I'll have a few ways to do that. I can select it and drag and drop it. It's gonna take a few seconds for, for the, for one tries to process this. In the meantime, I can also use the other ray, which are found, find quicker, which is you click on move to end, you select my documents. Just click on Move. For some reasons it didn't. Okay. Now I can drag and drop it. So I have both now into my documents. So what happens if I want to download something to my PC? So let's say the photos that have saved, I wanted to know them. I can the load the whole folder. I just click here and click on the load. This is actually gonna sip it for me. So here's the photos in the zips formats. So I can just drag and drop them to my Desktop for example. Or it can also the load individual photos if, if I want to. So if I come here and I select these two, for example, I can click on the note. Again, this is gonna slip. So if you select multiple files, is usually gonna unzip it through. If I select only, click on only this one and then click on Download. I only going to get this picture here and I can drag and drop it again to my bc. And this is how you create new files within OneDrive and how you don't know them. 7. Creating Album, Viewing file details: Let's now go ahead and create an album for the fortunate that we have in order to get some extra functionality in OneDrive. So the two ways. The first way is to go to photos. Click on the albums tab here. And at the moment we don't have an album, so we're gonna create a new one. So for example, an animal, animal for photos. Our boom. And here we're just gonna select the ones that we want to have an album. We don't have to quote control key here, and you just select the one that you want to add, and then you click on an album. So that's our first album before then, I would let me show it the other way to create an album. You can simply go to your photos here. So what it can do is I am going to click on one picture and are going to select a few. And then I'm going to click on ads to Album. And I'm going to create a new album here. For example, it can be places album for example. And I'm going to create. Another thing that you might want to explore is if I click on this picture, for example, I can add it as a cover for the folder. So if we go to the photos here, angle two albums. You seen that now I have Q albums. So let's open the first one. Here's this. Then in the next lesson I'll show you how you can actually share this with other people. The next thing that I want to show you is how you can actually view the details of a specific picture, for example, or a document. So let's say I click on this one, I just click on the top-left, top-right coordinate to select it. And then I click on detailed info. And what you can see here is the type of image when to stake in what are the dimensions. In some cases, if this is in the metadata, you also see the camera that it was taken with other information about the picture. Then you see when I was when I created it, right? What was the power for the size? Every picture is going to have different kinds of information depending on what's in the metadata. So if opened this one, for example, this one, you see that it doesn't have the camera type it was taken with. The other way to get to this is gonna be to right-click and then click on details. And this can open the same thing. Another thing that you can do is it can actually open, for example, the animals photos folder. I'm just gonna click here. And then I just clicked on the first photo and I can lay a slideshow. Let me end this. Also. If and to create an album from the whole folder, you just click here and the whole folder. And then you just create the album from the folder. This is how we create albums and how we can view details about a specific file. Just to further shrew how how this worked with document. You go to my documents and I right-click on this one, and I click on details. And then I'll be able to see when this was last modified, when it was created, was the size and et cetera. And that's, that's how we do that. See you in the next lesson. 8. Restoring files: Let's now talk about restoring files and version of individual files. So let's say I for some reason, I've deleted the word document to have here. And I no longer have it, but I'll find out that actually needed, right? So what, what you can do is go to the recycle bin. And they're psycho beans going to have all the things that have the deleted over the last 30 days. So what I do here is I can restore or items. So this is.o files that have deleted are gonna go to the to the places where they were in my files, folders. Or I can click on just the or document that I've just deleted and I can restore it. This is going to move it to again to the My Documents folder where I had it previously. Keep in mind that the recycle bins gonna keep the files for 30 days, which means that there is no issue of restoring fires that you've deleted over the last 30 days, but you wouldn't be able to go beyond the Thursday's. And this is why I would advise you to never empty the recycle bin if you don't really need to MTS, cause once you delete it from the recycle bin, there'll be no way to get it back. The other thing that you can do some let's say that I've made some changes to the document that I want to reverse. What I do is I right-click on it and I click on version control. This is so this is going to bring all the changes that have done to the document are saved in older version. So this is the latest version that I have here, for example, as you can see, if I select the first version, this is going to open the version that, for example, didn't even have the writings of this is the first version of the document. So I can click here on the restore. Or if I don't want to overwrite what they currently have and simply want to load a previous version of the document. I can simply click on the load. And the load. This is one of the best features of one's life in my opinion, is that it's it makes your files so safe in terms of anything that you do wrong to them. Or if I want to store a previous version, you can do that by simply right-clicking and yeah, in the loading or restoring it. Let's go back to this. See you in the next lesson. 9. View and Sort options: Let's have a look at the view and sort options in OneDrive. For this, let's go to my files. Then let's click on my photos folder to go in. The view's data available. You will find here at the moment, we are in the taus V0. This is usually the default that one Dr. provides. You can switch to list view where you see it usually does the way you see most folders on a PC if you don't change the view format. So this is just a list. Also. You can even do a compact list to fit even more things that you can see on the screen. Another options going to be also the photo here, where it's almost like an album. So you see them. You see the photosynthate, not the full size, but in a really big them now that you can see the photos in there and here the albums. Okay, so let's switch back to the normal view and look at the lookup, the sort options that we have. The sort options, you can sort by name. So this is, you see that its start when the AB and et cetera. You can sort by the modified date. We can also sort it by the date tech and wed, the date the actual picture was taken. Which can be really useful if you're just uploaded a lot of photos that you've taken over the years. Okay? And then you can sort by size and ODEs. You can do either in ascending or descending order. And if you're not happy with any of these options and you want, you want to do are customized way of sorting. You can rearrange it. So you click on rearrange. And now I can decide the order of the pictures. So I just drag and drop where I want them to. And and then I click on Save sort order k. This is, this is how you use the view and sort options in OneDrive. Play around with it for a few minutes. It's pretty simple to use. See you in the next lesson. 10. Searching and Filtering: And the moment we only have 15 to 20 different files on our one tribe. But what happens when you get to the hundreds, even thousands of files? And you want to look for something. Well, it's pretty simple as you see, we have this search bar, right? And if you remember from a previous video, we, for example, we have a picture here of flowers, horse. And if you have in the name something that's searchable, you can use it. So in this example, let me type flowers. And you see that this is going to find a picture of a flower. And if I click on show more details. Here, have it, right. However, what may happen is that not all pictures, not all flowers gonna be properly named. And then you're going to have a hard time finding it because if you don't rename your pictures, they're usually going to be something like a string of numbers with the type of camera. Then what you can do in this case is if no, approximately when the picture was modified, you can use the date range. So again, silicon, Something that was modified last week, last month, last year. Or you can use the type. So you can select specifically photos, documents, music, and folders on, on your OneDrive. And this is gonna make it much easier for you to find something. If you don't know where it is on OneDrive. 11. Setup One Driver on your PC: So far we've been exploring the OneDrive web interface. However, one drive is so much more. One of the best features of OneDrive is that you can synchronized folders on your computer with OneDrive. So your files in this folder is going to be always backed up and safely stored on your OneDrive. And this is what we're going to explore in this section, how we can use the desktop app. So the first thing you do, as you are in OneDrive, you'll see this link. Get the One Drive apps. So we're gonna click on it. And this is gonna take us to this page. Now, if you're running Windows ten on your computer, then you're probably going to have one drive overridden stoked. For example, I'm running Windows ten and OneDrive was already installed. Whoever discourse I just uninstalled its in all showing how you can do it. Now, if, if you have it, is even if you're running Windows ten, if you click on start OneDrive, This is probably gonna open it, open it for you straight away. But now let's go ahead and start from scratch in case you don't have it. So let's click on download. Now we have this exact file here, pop-up. Then what we're gonna do is we're going to click on it. Not take a few seconds, but it's, it's really fast installation. So it's literally going to take less than a minute to install OneDrive. And here it is. We are actually now have OneDrive installed. And you see it here. You see this cloud in your menu down here. So let's click on it. The reason why it's grayed out is because we haven't signed it assigned in already. You just mentioned that is finally fully installed. So let's open it now. Okay. Then it says OneDrive isn't connected yet, so we need to connect it. So we're going to use the same email address and login details that we use in order to sign into the web interface. Okay, let's click on sign-in. Then you're gonna use the same password, K. And let's go through the installation process. This is asking you to send optional data, which means that they are going to use it to improve the software. I usually don't do it. So I don't take from my bandwidth of the computer. And the sets where the OneDrive is going to be located. See users, user OneDrive. You can change the location, but that's fine for me. I one driver for or desist on this piece in my case because already had it. This is what it says, but I just going to use the same one. K. This is now going to prompt you akin to upgrade, but you don't have to do it. Then it's going to provide you some details on how to use it. You don't have to worry about it cause we're gonna coverages. Now this, this screen is going to ask you to get the mobile app. Don't worry about it. We're going to cover this later. So click on later. And that's it. One drive is now ready and I can open the folder. And here's the OneDrive account. And you'll notice that we have the same documents here that we've already had. We have my documents. We have my photos. So if I run it, you see that this is exactly what we have we had on the interface. In the next lesson, we're going to look at how we can manage files locally on our PC. 12. Working with files using Desktop App: In this lesson, we're going to explore how we use OneDrive from your pc instead of the web interface. You'll notice that at the moment I have six folders and the personal vote, which we're gonna talk about later. Don't worry if you have less folders. The reason is, as I previously mentioned, I've had OneDrive installed previously in the same location. And this is why he picked up the photos that they previously had here. So you're probably going to have less folders. So if I switch to the web interface of OneDrive, you see that I have exactly the same folders here. And what we wanna do now is I want to delete the ones that I don't really use, right? So attachments UCI at that I don't have anything here, so I don't want this one. Also documents. I don't have anything here. Pictures. I have some pictures. So I'm going to leave this and public. I'm just gonna take out the polygons for so I'm only now my documents, my photos and pictures. And if I switch to the web interface, you see straightway, they disappear. So you see that the web interface and the local location is fully synchronized or whatever you do in one place going to be reflected in the other. And I think that you need to know is the status here. So you see this tick. The tick means that the folders of fully synchronized, when you see the cloud, the cloud will mean that you need, you really need internet connection in order to use the file because the files or notes not available locally on your PC. So let me go to my photos. You see that some are, but some are not. Which means that if I now lose my intrinsic connection, the only files that they'll be able to use locally are gonna be the ones with a tick here. Anything else? It's only stored in my WIP space, so it wouldn't be able to use it if you want to use your files both when you're offline for let's say for example, I gone on a flight. Maybe I want to be able to use my documents where I want to fly to work on a Word document. Then in this case, you need to synchronize the files. The moment you open a file is going to be synchronized. Well, this is this is one option. The other option is going to be simply select all the files and click on always, keep on this device. This is now going to synchronize your files and you can do this with the whole folder. So if I want to have the files also available on my PC, instead of just in the cloud on my OneDrive. I gonna right-click and I'm gonna click on always keep on this device, which means that now this folder is going to be fully synchronized. So it also going to have the files on my computer and the, and the web interface of OneDrive. And here it is. And let me also the last one. Always keep on this device. Now let's do some changes and see how this is reflected in the web interface. So let's see. So let's go to my photos here. Iso that we had around 16 photos. So we have this market photo here, for example. Let us go into my photos and let's delete the market picture. Okay, less deleted. Okay. And let's switch back to the OneDrive. Okay, it's synchronizing. You see that this is now not available here as well. You just disappeared. Now what happens if I want to actually free up some space on my computer? So let's say you use one of the bigger versions of One Drive, right? And you can store a lot of gigabytes of data and you're pieces getting lone datum. Then in this case, what you can do is you can click on free up some space. And now this is going to turn back the files to only be available online. So you still want to have them here. And if you connect it to the internet, when you hear you still going to be able to see them. However, if you go offline, these files are not gonna be available locally to, for you to use. So this is another important thing to keep in mind. And it's, it's an easy as that. So anything that you're doing this folder is going to be reflected in the web interface and vice versa. So if, if for example, I delete this photo from here, and if I go back, you see that I don't have it here as well. And this is how it works. If I make a copy of the New York City one, make a copy of the same picture here. And if I go back to the web version, I gonna see, see it here, copy it. So you have the two copies here is the most important thing to keep in mind is that anything that you do in the web version is going to reflect it in the local folder. And anything that you're doing the local folder is going to be refracted in the web version. And the other most important thing is if you want to use the 5s online, you should always keep it on this device. And if want to free up some space on your PCM and only have them on OneDrive. Then just use the free space. And that's, that's it. See you in the next lesson. 13. One Drive app Settings: Let's now talk about the OneDrive desktop app settings. As usual, you can find the wine one drive up here is going to be available to you to strum dislocation of all time. So if you cannot find it here, just click on this arrow button. You've got more icons. And yeah, so OneDrive is up to date. You can always also open the folder from here. But what we're going to explore in this lesson are the settings. Click on Help and settings. And then you click on settings from here. So what you see here, you see that the space that you have available and the space that you have used so far. In my example, 11 megabyte out of the five gig who'd been in your so far. You can choose folders that are to be backed up from here. In some cases, if, for example, you don't want to back up one of these folders anymore to one trafficking just switched off from here. Don't worry about the personal vote. We're gonna cover this in a separate session. So let's go to backup. From here, you can decide what folders on your PC are going to be backed up to OneDrive and you can backup more folder. So let's go to Manage backup. So as you can say, for example, we can backup the over the whole desktop. You came back up, documents, pictures. So you can decide, but you'll notice that I don't have enough space actually to backup my desktop because I have this big folder here which holds round 19 gig worth of data. And my plan with OneDrive, not, not big enough, right? I only have five gig of free space, so we cannot talk about sinking issues in another session. But just remember, in some cases, if you don't see some of these folders backed up to your OneDrive in most cases is simply going to be because you don't have enough space in your plan. So just keep that in mind. Also. You can have the option to save, overuse and photo. So let's say, for example, a plug my sum so-called iPhone to my PC. You have the option here to select this to backup. So as soon as you plug in for it to backup the photos and videos from your phone. So you can say to whether you want to do that. Also, you can decide whether you want to have all the screenshots that you take on your PC to be backed up in one trifle, which can be useful in some cases. Then you can decide whether you want to limit the upload rate. Now, I never limit this. It's only useful if you want to run multiple things at the same time and you don't want OneDrive to take a lot of your bandwidth. And you can also do the same for the downwards rate. Okay? This option, whenever you open, for example, Word document or PowerPoint, is gonna sync up your files. This is, this is really useful if you want to work on the same file with multiple people. So for example, you open the file, you do some changes. This is, this is going to save your work. So later on when, when your colleague or someone opens the same file, there'll be able to use the latest version. This is what this is about. And then the last one here is where you can get some help on one tribe. Read the terms of fuels, Eden, reading it. Worry about the about section here. Let's go back to the first one. This is important. So here you can decide whether one drive the app. Here, it's gonna start when you're designing to Windows. I usually keep this ticked because I wanted to just start thinking, oh my fall straight away. The next option is whether you want the thing to work. If you're in butters saver mode, for example, if your laptop is not plugged in. And this one is two, let's say for example, you're connected through something that charges resemble you're traveling to another country and you're using, you're using a mobile data in order to connect to the internet. It may be in this case, you want to turn this off so the thing doesn't work. And the next section is on vacation. This so this is really going to let you know when people share. Why did your files you're gonna not fire when files are deleted toward new and someone's remote moving a lot of files. So I think the best practice here is to keep them all ticked. So you know, if something wrong is is about to happen. So you don't have to worry. So if this is distracting you, if so, if you're getting a lot of pop-ups, you might decide to turn them off, but they usually keep them on. And that's our say these are the most important ones. So have a go exploring the OneDrive app. But I will say in most cases, these are actually the defaults that the OneDrive comes, comes with. So I simply, in most cases don't bother switching the options here. So that's about the OneDrive app. If you've got any questions around this session, let me know. Let us now proceed with the next section. 14. Collaboration Using One Drive: In this lesson, we're going to explore how we can share files and folders with other people. Collaboration is obviously one of the most important things when you talk about file management. So let's review how we can do that. Let's first go to the web interface. So if I go to my documents, you see that I've added this new Excel here that we just gonna use for this exercise. So the way you shared the Excel file will be to click on the item. And then you can click on share here. And then you have a few options. You can share this with anyone with the link. So anyone with a link that you, I'll show you how to create in a second. We'll be able to view this Fire1 if you allow them, there'll be able to edit it. If you were to upgrade to the premium versions of OneDrive, you'll be able to also set an expiration date. So this link is only going to work, for example, for one week from now. Also E4 to if you were to upgrade to the premium versions of one tribe, you're going to be able to set a password. Another thing that you can do is share it with specific people. So if we choose that and apply it, I can share it with anyone with a Microsoft account. So let's say for example, Peter at Hotmail.com, just as an example, I can select him. I can add other people so well, and I can message them. Hi Peter. The Excel file, this is an example, right? And you can send it. And this is going to send an email to Peter saying letting him know that a file was shared with him. Now, what you can also do, let's, let's, let's now right-click on the excel instead of clicking here on share. So if you right-click, you again have the share button. And now let's create a link that anyone with this link will be able to view the file. So it's pretty simple. You simply click here, click here on Copy link. And this is going to create a link that you can share it with, share with anyone. So let's just copy it and I can put this in my email for example. Or again, even send it to someone where Messenger and Facebook or whatever, right? Let me, let me show you how it works. So I'm gonna open this new browser here, Firefox, and they're gonna copy and paste the same link here. What's going to happen is this is going to straight away take me into the Excel file. And I can, okay, this is he read only. But if I appointed for editing, I can actually edit the file now, right? So I can say, for example, Web site search bar added by. It doesn't matter. Let's now see what's going to happen if I switch back. To my home where I'm actually logged in and go inside the Excel file. You see voila. So I also see now the entry. So now I'm locked in in the original Chrome in the original Chrome account, right? Where am login, undermine them. I can see guest is also editing. And I can see that if put a new, a new row here, websites search bar added by night. And this is a great feature about one drive. You can actually work on the same multiple, multiple people can work on the same file at the same, at the same time. Okay, so let's go back to the five-fourths and disclose it. So what happens if for some reason I don't want other people to be able to edit the files anymore that I've previously gave them access. For example, the limited company or something else. Or they simply not working on this project anymore. Then what they do is they'll click on the file and I'll go here on info. What this is gonna open is going to open all the history about file that previously reviewed toward what what kind of information the info page provides. But also you can manage the axis from here. So if I click on Manage axis, I'll see that I've provided two accesses. One to Peter at Hotmail.com and he can edit and 11 with anyone with this link. So what we can do now is click here and stop sharing. Or I can also make Peter only be able to view the file instead of being able to edit it. But I just gotta stop sharing. And also going to take out the axis to anyone with a link. And this is it. So this file is again, not shared and it's only me who can go in there and change it. So yeah, that's how use sharing, where the web interface. You can also share holders. So it works in the exact same way. You just click on it. Share again, you can send it as a link or you can send it to a specific people if you want to. Let me show one more thing. Let's go now, this is how this works in the web, web interface, but let's also show you how this works in the windows up. So let's go to the AP. And here I see the most recent updates in OneDrive that have been made. Let's from here open the folder, the OneDrive folder. And let's go to my documents. Here you can see the same Excel file and same thing. I just want to right click on it. I'm going to click on share. And then I have the absolutely same menu here, right? So I can again make a copy of the link and then share it with someone or it can share it to specific people. And yep, that that's that's how it works. I would advise you to go ahead and just spend a few minutes, 5-7 minutes, just exploring the options because it's always best to do the things as soon as you learned them in order to memorize them. Onedrive is great in terms of sharing. So I believe you'll find these features that we just covered useful. See you in the next lesson. 15. Create a Peronal Vault: Terrific, great. However, a lot of people worry about uploading their personal files online. This is why OneDrive came up with a personal vote. The personal vote provides an extra layer of security for your more sensitive type of files and photos that you want to store online. Now there are two ways to create a personal vote. In this lesson, we're going to look how we can create it through the web interface. You can also do it from here. So if you come to the desktop app, thank IAP settings, you can unlock the personal volt from here. It's pretty much gonna be the absolute same steps if you decided to do it from here. But let's do it through the web interface. So let's click on the personal vote. As you can see, it says that this is going to provide a secure to step diversification is gonna lock after 20 minutes of inactivity, which means that you open it. And if you don't use it for 20 minutes, maybe you went when to take a break or something. It's gonna look it up. So let's click on Next. We need to verify our identity that this is our email. We saw we email the count. Then they're going to email a code to your email address. So so you need to go into the email address and get it. Let me do that. So this is what it's gonna look like. So you need to get the security code from here, and then you need to place it here. And then you verify it. Then he's going to say that you can get an app for your one drive. We can look at this a bit later, but for now, let's skip it. And here it is. So if when you go back to my files, you're gonna see personal vote unlocked. And let's do the following. So let's click on move from. And let's say that, for example, document is sensitive for us. And then we just click on move items. And this is going to now move this item in our, in our vote. You can also upload new files from here. Is it pretty much worse in the same way like any other folder in OneDrive. We can now look at the personal vote settings. So from here you can manage how you're signing into your personal vote. So let's click on Manage. At the moment it's set up. It's gonna send a security code to my email address. And then I need to put the code in there in order to in order to sign in. But if you click on execute info, provide your phone number. So instead of it's sending an email, every time you want to signing is gonna say new code to your mobile phone, which is usually what I do because I find it's easier. But if you want, you can keep it as them sending an email each time. So let's now come back here. So if you click on disabled personal vote, this is going to remove it, but keep in mind that it's also going to delete all the files that you have in the vote. And even if you enable the vote later, the files are gonna be deleted and you cannot get it back. Oh, just click now here and go to OneDrive to again, I'm taken to the, again to the homepage. And let me show you how this works now. So here's the personal vote, and you see that I can actually lock it. And the vote is now locked. So what happens now? I click on it. First. It's gonna ask me to verify my identity. And then in order to do that, is when I click on email, my address is going to again send me. The code, is gonna save me new code. So here, MI, This is the new security code. So I need to copy and paste it here. This is going to load, is going to take a few seconds for it to load. And here it is. Again, inside. You will notice that you don't have much in terms of flowers that you can save if you're using the free plan. So on only consists three fires here, which for most people it's not good enough. This is just one of the ways how Microsoft tries to prompt you to buy more one of their plants. So let me look the vote now. Yep. And that's pretty much how use the personal vote again. Now, our advice you to go on, have a look, tried to set it up for. The only important thing that you need to decide freely is whether you want the security code to be sent to your mobile phone each time, in which case you will need to provide them with your mobile phone? Or should they keep on sending the security call to your email address? And I'll see you in the next lesson. 16. Setup One Drive on your phone: Okay, so let's have a look at how we install one drive on our phone so we can backup any pictures or other files that you have on the go. So I'm using assumption form, so I will need to go to the Play Store. Clarinet. Then no search for OneDrive. Here it is, open it. Onedrive comes pre-installed on my phone. So even if I click on uninstall, I still don't have it. It's just going to be their disabled in your case, may be if you your phone doesn't come with one's life, you'll need to install it first, but as soon as you install it from here, you're going to have this open. So you're just going to click on it. And then we already have the OneDrive account. So I'm gonna click on sign in. And then you can enter the email trace or the account. Okay. This is now going to ask me for a password. Let me sign. And here we are. We can the account that we've created. So if I go now here to my documents, you see that I have the list that we've looked at in the previous session. I have the presentation here. I also have the photos that we've loaded up. Yeah. So here you see the options. So at the bottom you can see the recently used files that we've used. You see the two items that were shared by me, which is the list and the PowerPoint. So you can also manage them from here. So the list, alright, I can rename it. I can share it. I can, I can also from here, aged who can see it, right? Stop sharing for example. So this items no longer shared. Depending on your weather using Wi-Fi. Here's the photos that we have there. So we can select a photo, then I can save it to my phone, for example, if I want to, I can comment on it. And I can also share it. And the sharing course the exactly same way, like we looked at. So you see I can copy the link which you can create the link that we've talked about. I can invite specific people. I can send it via Outlook. I can even send it UC logic here. We a messenger here. So it's really useful to have one drive on your phone goes. You can share all these files in a lot of different apps that you have on your phone so easily. And yes, so here it is. Go to my account here and that's about it. You can you can if you want, you can sign out from here. And this is how you install a news OneDrive on your account. 17. Troubleshooting syncing issue: In this section we're going to explore some of the most common issues with OneDrive and how to fix them. One draft grade, but as with any application, you may get errors at 1 or another. So one of the most, the most common issue that people experience is the sinking. So there's no proper sync between your web interface and the local folder. So for example, you play something hearing and doesn't go to the web interface, to the cloud or the other way around. You play something on, on the web interface ANY doesn't load here. What are the, what are the most common issues? First of all, I will say that the most common issue is that you simply run out of space. For example, with the free version, we only get five gig or free space, or if you're using that. And if you place a really big folder here, right? That's for example, ten gig one drives non gonna sink of the file to your cloud. So the first thing if you have issues with thinking is to have a look whether what you trying to place and in the local folder is not bigger than what you have available in terms of space. And now the second way to fix sinking issues, to be honest, is to simply close one Dr. Golden connection and then reopen it, right? And in a lot of cases, this simple closing of fun trough and then reopening is gonna restart the thinking process and eat may fix the issue. Another tip that I provide to you is because one of the most common issues that we don't have enough space. Another thing, if you're, if you have almost enough space, but really you're missing a few, for example, megabytes or something. Another good practice, practice is for anything that you don't use that often and you simply want to backup, for example, some pictures. Here. Are you, you, you might compress them. So you just right-click. You just right-click and then add to our high fried and then, yeah, just go through the process. So this is another thing that you can do. What I have noticed also is that if you're running a really old version of Windows and you haven't updated it in some time. You may get a lot of issues with OneDrive in some cases. So another thing that you may want to try to do if the previous two only if the previous two options didn't fix it, is to go on and upgrade. Go on and update your windows. Maybe perhaps there is a missing drive or something. So for example, you will see that I haven't, there's one pending the load from o, so here. So this is another thing that you can try to do. If these three things don't work. What you may also try because it's causing issues for some people is to switch off the office upload. So because this sometimes can mess up the ongoing sinking of one drive. So you access this from here. You go to settings, then you go to office and you just turn this off? Yeah. I usually keep it on. I only try to switch it off if I'm really gather. Gather options don't work for me. So these are the four options that they usually go through. If my OneDrive is not sinking, of someone's OneDrive is not sinking. Our say, in 90% of the cases. This is going to work. So check Dick's options and hopefully they're going to work for you. Hopefully you're not going to experience any issues at all. But just in case I wanted to provide you some of the ways you can fix the sinking issue. 18. Syncing a different account error: If you're trying to sign in to OneDrive and you get the error, you're sinking a different account, or you're already thinking this account and it doesn't let you to sign in. Then there are two things. First of all, maybe this happened because you just recently changed your Microsoft account password, so you need to start and then once you restart it, maybe it should be fine. But then if, if this doesn't work and you haven't change your passwords, then you should do the following. In order to fix this issue. You go to start in Windows and you go and type credentials manager, and you can open it. Then here you're gonna go under Windows credentials. And you're looking for January credentials, and then you're looking for one drv cached credential that they dislike here, right? And then what you want to do here is you want to remove them, remove this, and then you want to restart your OneDrive. And this is, this is going to fix it. 19. Troubleshooting error codes: So we've now covered some of the main issues that you may experience with one triumph, hopefully, you wouldn't experience in issues. I will say that it's not very common that you get issues, right? If you don't change much with your windows. But if you experience something that we haven't covered, if it's really something really specific, such as error code that pops up when you're trying to do something. Just remember that you can find more information about each error if you, if you search for it. So for example, if you search for error codes 0 x 80004005, for example, you get this resource for micro saying exactly what you need to do in order to face the, the issue. So just keep that in mind, just, just in case some error pops up that you can always go to the Microsoft documentation here and see what each error means in order to fix it. And yeah, just wanted to let you know anything that happens, you can always find a solution pretty quickly. 20. Next Steps: Hello, I just wanna say, thank you for making it to the whole course. And to remind you to do the skew share project, which is going to be the most crucial part in terms of keeping your knowledge for the long-term. Thanks for letting me be you teacher and teaching you how to use this amazing tool for keeping your file Save, Let me know if you have any questions in the discussion section of skill share. Thanks again and good luck.