1. Introduction: Hi, beautiful human, and welcome to this course. I'm super grateful and I'm honored to have you on
this journey together. This will absolutely help you to attract easily your
high-paying customers. I'm your instructor for this course and my name
is Therese Eriksson, and I'm an award-winning
Swedish filmmaker. I do a ton of content
creation with video online. I've been doing videos
online for a long time. Both for myself, but also for clients. I suppose that you know
what the best marketing is. That is, of course,
word of mouth. But do you know what
the second-best option for marketing is? The second best is
video testimonials. I'm super excited to teach you
in this course how to take your social proof on your website and to
your marketing online, to the next level. I will take you on this
journey on how to create Zoom interviews with your
clients that will sell for you. As a filmmaker and
content creator, I have produced a wide range of different testimonial videos. Everything in between, very easy Zoom interviews that
I want to teach you here, but up to very complex
storytelling videos. By the end of this course, you will know how to do Zoom interviews
with your clients that will do the
selling for you. Now, in the resource tab below, I've put down some
materials in a PDF, that I hope that
you will find very valuable that will help you
to create these videos. Are you ready to begin? Let's
get this party started, bring else pen and paper. Let's go for.
2. What you will need: First, in order for you to
do these video testimonials, you will need, a happy client, Zoom installed on your
computer, an editing software. I am in this particular course going to use Adobe Premier Pro. But if you have any
other software that you are familiar with or if
you use our free software, feel free to do that. I'm just going to share my
workflow and how I do it. Basically its working
in the same way, but this is not an
editing course. If you want to dig deeper
into data and learn more, I think you can find a lot of different courses
online on Skillshare, but you can also
find it on YouTube, and I also have some
editing courses. Now when we have got that out
of the way, let's continue.
3. Why you should do Video Testimonial: You might already have some ideas on why you want to use videos and why
you want to create them. But now, we will dig
a little bit deeper, and I hope I can inspire you
to get started right away. If you find this
course valuable, please make sure you are not selfish and keeping
it to yourself. Make sure that you
are spreading it to your coworkers, friends, or other business
people in your network so they also can make
their business grow. Let's continue.
You probably know, or maybe you haven't
reflected on it, that no one believes in written video
testimonials anymore. In the modern society, with the technology, it's so easy to fake. Basically, it's just
to Google a name, and you will get up a picture, and you can just write a text, and you have a testimonial. It is much harder, though, to fake a
video testimonial. Of course, you can,
but is much harder. In a video, we can see
facial expressions. I can see how you move. I can see how you talk. I can resonate with you. If I feel that we
are the same and I see that you have got a result from a problem that
you have been facing. Maybe the same
problem that I have. Well, if you say that
you recommend something, I have trust in you, and I will absolutely
do what you say if you recommend me to take a
course or buy a product. You can be standing
all day long, downtown screaming
people in their ears and saying how good your
product or service are, but if you don't have
anyone that they are confirming that they have got results from your
product or service, well, no one is going to
listen to you, honestly. You need to show real
results from real people. Isn't much better to have a sales force that are
driving traffic to you, that people are recommending you and your product or service? Of course, that is better. Of course, word of
mouth is always better. If you can capture
that on video, I promise you it will
do so much for you. So show them.
4. Length of a Video Testimonial: Let's talk about length
of a testimonial video. How long should it be? I love one thing that
you have to keep in mind when we are
talking social media, we're talking videos, this is a rule all the time, is that the shorter the better. But you still need to tell the story that
you want to tell. People only care about
the nitty-gritty and the most important
parts of the video. From a testimonial video, they only want to know
that they will get result with your
product or service. My old media teacher always
told me, kill your darlings. That sounds weird maybe if you never have heard that
expression before. But what it means is
that you should cut out all the BS all around it and just keep the
nitty-gritty and the most important parts
to tell your story. I want you to keep
that in mind even if you're doing video testimonials, or if you're writing,
or anything, you need to keep it
relevant first because our attention span these
days are so short. Even if you're doing a
video testimonial that is maybe 15 or 20 minutes long, you do not use all that. You always take out
the best parts. I would say that
your video that is going to be posted
online should not be more than two minutes and
maximum three minutes long. But then it needs to be very, very interesting
all way through. That was everything
for this lesson. I see you in the next one.
5. Pros and cons, Zoom vs High produced video: How do you know if you should
do a high-produced video testimonial or if a Zoom
recording is enough? For me as a filmmaker, it is very important to have as many high production
videos as possible, because my brand is
reading quality and I want the people to know that
if they're working with me, everything is on top of the
line and it's high-quality. Depending on what
you're selling and the quality that you
want your brand to have, that is going to decide
what will suit you best. Also, your already
existing skills and knowledge regarding video creation will decide what you should be focusing on, if you should have
Zoom recordings or a more produced
video testimonial, or you can hire a freelance videographer
to shoot it for you. To help you decide on
which road you should go, if you should do
a Zoom recording or a high-produced
video testimonial, I'm going to list some
pros and cons on each. First, let's take a look at the high-quality productions. One of the first pros in doing high-quality
productions is that, of course, the quality. You will show that you are a more luxurious brand that probably charge premium for
your services or products. Further on, you can
capture B-rolls during the moment that you are spending with your customer. If you are filming out
testimonial video, you can capture them in
their environment and adding a little more
oomph to your story. Lastly, I want to address
here that when you are out shooting
with your client and doing testimonial videos, phase by phase, you can actually build more
relationship with your customer and maybe you end up doing more work together. That have happened to me. Let's go over to
the pros when you are doing Zoom testimonials. You get a more authentic look. If you are a global company, you can capture
video testimonials from all around the world. You have a low production cost, you have a quick production. Let's go over some
cons when you are doing the high production
video testimonials. You often have a quite
high production costs. You need to travel
to your customer. That can take time and it can
also cost a lot of money. It takes longer time to set up, to fix the lighting, to edit off, etc. Sometimes, I have felt that
it can be a little bit tricky to find the time
that suits both of us. Some filming skills and
equipment is required. Let's go over some cons
on Zoom testimonials. You can't capture
beautiful B-rolls. Internet connection
can be poor sometimes. You can get pixely and
low-quality videos. The customer may do not have any good camera,
lighting, sound, etc. I hope you are now a
little bit more clear on what video you should
produce and what suits you. I will see you in the next one.
6. Examples of Testimonial videos: [MUSIC] To give you
some inspiration, I'm now going to
show you some of the video testimonials that
I've been doing for myself, but also for clients. First video I want to share
with you is from a client of mine that is
located in Canada, but her customer was
sitting here in Sweden. So I went to her and filled
her video testimonial. I wasn't expecting it to be as much work as it was
[LAUGHTER] to be honest. So how has it changed for good? For good, it has made me look
at absolutely everything in my business that I
needed to take a look at, and that I have been putting on the side like, I'll
get to that later. I want to work on this. You always work on the things that you really like to work on first and then you never
get to those other things. But she forced you to do that. Every single day we had
to work on these things. That was a lot of work, but it was well worth it. We learn by watching
other people. So Bianca is an
excellent example of someone that
works really hard. She's building a
lot of businesses. She's doing a lot
of great things. It helped me to see
that if I think more strategically in my
business versus being, well, we'll see what happens. No, you need to create what's going to
happen in the mindset around like setting a schedule for quarters and
thinking in quarters. That's something I've
never done before. I've always thought monthly or annually and she had us break
things down into quarters, which was also very helpful
in setting calendars and just getting processes and systems in place, which I love. The investment is
negligible compared to what you're going to get if you are serious about
wanting to run a business. I chose to be outside when I was recording this video because I wanted to have a
natural feeling, because that was important
to my customers and brand. Also wanted to capture the natural light that
we had outside that day. In film-making and when
you are doing interviews, positioning is very important. So in this case, when I was doing her interview, I was positioning my
object to the left in the camera and I was sitting on the opposite side
behind the camera. In film-making, this
is very important. When you're doing interviews, you want the person to look at you and not into the camera. In this case, I made
the interview and the testimonial
video very simple. It was just plain
without any B roles. I covered up my
questions by using a technique where I was zooming
in on each second clip. So first, I was zooming in, I was asking a question, cut out my question, and then I was zooming
out on her answer. I was working like this on each question that I
was using in the video. Next example I wanted
to share with you is a little more low
production costs, where I was helping a
client of mine to capture his clients that have
went through his program, where he was teaching them
how to pitch for investors, for them to give money
into their startup. This client also had a lot of customers that was globally. Zoom was really good for this. Our experience of
the five weeks of investment readiness
process was interesting. We didn't expect it
to be that intense. We didn't expect to
answer or think even about the subjects that
Bjorn put in the process. For us, it was unexpectedly efficient and
interesting and really valuable that we
three founders stick together and thought of the
parts of our venture path. But we would never made it
alone without this program. As you can see, the quality
of the video was quite poor but the point came across. The point was to show that even though this is a
really high program, that they were paying for, it's a high ticket course. They got really good
results from the program. I'm going to share one last
video testimonial with you. This is one shoot for myself. This one is a more high
production testimonial where I use B roles and more
storytelling in my video. FOREIGN]. As you can see, I have captured some beautiful B roles that I've used in-between questions. I've covered up my question to the next answer that the
customer is answering. I hope these videos
have given you some inspiration on what
video you can create. [MUSIC]
7. Don't do these mistakes: Lot of times when I've
asked the client if they want to be a part of
a video testimonial, they reply to me and say, okay, I can feel myself,
what should I say? First answer to that person that is sending me
that request is no. I want to tell you that you
should never lose control. You need to have
control over this. It is your brand
and you absolutely need to have control
over the production. I made a mistake so many times when people have replied
to me and said yes, sure, I can do a
video testimonial. What do you want me to say? I have replied with, well, do you have anything nice
to say about my service? Please let me know
that. Not ideally. When you do this, you have
no control over quality, what the person is going to say, or what you actually want to highlight from
their experience. Your job is to show results
and your job is to drag out from your customer
the nitty-gritty what made them succeed. You want the viewer
to feel that if they can succeed with your help, well, they can succeed too. When we are now
covering this topic, I also want to address
here, my love. Please pay close
attention to this. Never send your
questions in advanced. That is something I learned
at journalist school. You do not want them to prepare. You want them to have the
real authentic answer. You don't care if they have
perfect English or anything. You do not want to have
practiced answers. You want to real
authentic answer because people are feeling through the screen
if something is practiced or if it come natural. Take my advice and
please avoid that.
8. How to set up automatic scheduling - Part 1: Congratulations. You have come far in
this course and now I hope you are ready
to start working. You now have your happy client, and now it's time
to start recording. Now I'm going to focus, if you have chosen to
do Zoom recordings, that you are going to collect your video testimonials
easily through Zoom. I have to mention
that is really good, and you should tap yourself
on the shoulder that people even one to be a part
of video testimonials. Because honestly
it's not a lot of people that want to see
themselves on video. It is that sad actually, that people do not like
how they look or anything, so they rather skip it and
help you than being on camera. So celebrate that
they have said yes. To make it as easy as possible
for you and your client, it's now time to set up an
automatic scheduling service. If you only have one or two clients that
you're going to film, then you can skip this video. But if you have a lot of videos that you are going to create with a lot of customers, I think that you
and your customers will be very happy to
have this in place. Also, if you have people
in different time zones, this is very handy. You don't need to convert and do all rethinking of what time
zones these people are in. The auto scheduling service
will create that for you. What I'm going to go through is a service called
Acuity Scheduling, and I'm on the free plan and that is working really,
really good with that. There's of course a lot of other auto-scheduling
services out there, but this is what I've used, but otherwise you
have other services that will help you to
do the same thing. Let's jump into
Acuity Scheduling and see what I put up here. I suppose that you have
created an account on Acuity Scheduling or
some other platform that you might want to use. But as I said, I'm going to show you inside Acuity Scheduling, how I have been doing this. Right Right, we are
inside the platform, and here up you can
see the calendar, and here you can also see
the calendar that I have. Right now it's December 6th, and this week I've had one testimonial video
that I have been doing with a customer
testimonial. But you will not have
anything here of course until people have
started to begin. This is the online
calendar that you also will see your bookings on. Here you can see the
appointment calendar and there is where you're going to
find this little calendar. The first thing we
want to do is connect our calendar if you have like a Apple Calendar
or Google Calendar, and also connect
Zoom because we are going to do our
interviews through Zoom, so we will need to be
able to connect that. When we're talking about Zoom, I have to just leave
a question mark. It might be required
that you have a paid version of Zoom in order for you
to connect the two. But you need to try it out because now I have
the paid version so I can't even look if
it's working or not. You can of course do your
own branding that you can do below Customize Appearance. Here you can upload, if you have a logo, or your business name, if you want the template
to be monthly or daily. Here you can see how
it will look like. If you have it monthly, it will look like this. When you scroll down here, you can see that you can
write inscriptional, put the language and what
time zone you are in, etc. Here you can fix
some appearance, scheduling page options,
and press "Okay". You can also show
different buttons, disable recurring appointments, and phone number, if you want to
have those things. Here you can see what you want to have with your calendar.
9. How to set up automatic scheduling - Part 2: The first thing
we want to do now is to go to integrations. When we are inside here, you will be able to choose, Zoom as your integration, and now I have enabled that, but it's just to scroll
through here and find Zoom and connect that. You just walkthrough the instructions of
installing Zoom, but that you find
beneath integrations. After you have done
that and you want to sync this with other calendars, you have this
little button here. You can connect it
to other calendars. I have earlier
connected to iCloud, but you also have other like Google calendars and stuff like that that you
can connect it to. When you have set
up the integration and if you want to sync
with other calendars, you want to go to
appointment types. it's here the magic
is going to happen. Inside Here we are going to set up a new appointment type. Here you can see that I
have two different ones. The first one is to book
a little chat with me, and the second one is for one of my customers
that I'm doing right now, a testimonial interview full, so I'm charging him for the
testimonial interviews. I have here a new
type of service. There we can write, testimonial interview, Therese, your name for instance. You can write what you want. You can put your duration time, how long the schedule or the calendar will be
blocked for this meeting. If you want to charge, if you wanted to do other
services, you can of course, put a price tag if
you want to operate your account and want to
take money for your service, I'm going to want to sell something through
accuracy scheduling. Also if you want to create a new category or
stuff like that, if you want to have a
picture like your logo, for instance, you
can use that or another type of photo
that you want to have. Also, if you want it to be
a public or private event, this is something
you can have in mind if you want to have a public button where they can book a time with you to do a testimonial interview
on your website, for instance, then you might really want
to have it public. But if you only want to send it through two people
through an email and not have the appointment
type public for other people that is coming to
your scheduling a meeting with me page, well, I would say have
it private and just send just a person that
you want to have as a testimonial that link. Let's say we want to
have it as private, you can also have
forums and stuff like that if you want to have that. But either way, now we have testimonial, interview, Therese. Now, this is published. Now we have set up that this is an appointment type that is
something people can book. Now we want to set the time, we want to go back
and we want to set a time where people
actually can book the time. I need to free up time where
people will be able to book. We're going to go to
availability here, and in here, we are going to set the time that we are available. For instance, here I have
put up on Friday, I'm available between 1:00 in
the afternoon to 3:00. Here it's 1:00 to 3:00 and here is in the morning,
10:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:00
in the afternoon. You're going to open up the
calendar by what time you are available and then you're
going to click and write, for instance, 10:00
AM to 12:00 PM. If you have different blocks, you are going to put a comma between and then you
write the next time maybe between 1:00
PM and 2:00 PM, and you set hours on that day. Now we have that. If you have regular
hours every week, you can of course, press in
that little option here. I prefer to set my available
time like two weeks in advance so my clients can book the time up
until two weeks. You can also inside availability
here put up some limits. For instance, me, I have put
up that people can't book an appointment less than
two hours in advance. That is of course very beneficial because
then I will not get a surprise that I have a meeting in an hour and I'm out shopping, for instance, for a day
or I'm somewhere else. That can be really good. Now we have set up our times and now we going to go to home. What I want you to do
now is that I want you to go to the
scheduling page link. Here I want you to choose your, because here you can get a
general scheduling page, but you can also go to
each specific service that you want to grab your link for, the scheduling page. I wanted to take the
testimonial interview page and then I get here a link. This link, you can
also press some copy, but this link I'm going
to send to the customer that have approved to be a
part of my testimonial video. In the next lesson, we will take a look at what you should write in these emails, where you're going to put this
link and you will send to the customer that have said yes to be a part of your
video testimonial. I will see you in the next one.
10. Prepare your customer: [MUSIC] Great job, well done. Now you have set up your scheduling page so
people automatically can choose time that suits them to talk to you and
do your video testimonial. When you have set that up, we are going to create an
email with instructions that is going to guide your customer and prepare
them for the call. Because trust me, you do
not want them to come unprepared to your video
testimonial recording. In the resource tab below, I have put up predawn template for you with this email
that you can just use but I'm going
to go through it so you have some background on
what you should do with it. You have your customer that
have said yes to be a part of your Zoom interview and
be a testimonial for you. If you haven't even started
yet to get people to say yes to be a part of
your video testimonial, make sure that as soon as you finish a program or
someone have been using your service or product make
sure you ask them as soon as possible after you have completed this service
that you're providing. Make sure you ask them as
soon as possible after, and also make sure
you record it as soon as possible so they had
everything fresh in memory. To the customer
that have said yes, this is what you write. Hi. I'm so thrilled
and honored that you want to do a video
testimonial for me. Thank you so much from
the bottom of my heart. Now, the next step is to
book this time with you. Please look at my
calendar and here you paste in the link that in the previous video
we're creating from your auto scheduling or if you are booking
them time to time. If you just have one or
two clients that you are going to capture a
testimonial video for, you give them maybe two or three different
times to choose between. You decide, is it one, is it time 2 or 3? Give them three different
options to choose from and you continue writing and book a time for
you that suits you. Here you want to paste in some
guidelines for the person to be aware of and control before you jumping
on the Zoom call. You want to make sure that
they are on a computer. If they have to be in a phone, then you make sure that they're putting it on a tripod
or something so they do not need to hold
the phone up all the time because you do not
want to have a shaky video. You also want your customer
to put their phone or computer at eye level so they are not looking up
and not looking down. You do not want to have a camera looking up to
the nose and you do not want to have it from the top so they
are looking small. They want to be at eye level. Tell your customer to use headphones or if they
have a microphone. You also want to make sure
that your customer is in a nice and calm environment. They should not have a crazy living room with
clothes all over the place. They should have a natural, clean environment in the
background, no craziness here. Make sure that they
are using some light, either if it's in front
of a window or that they have some light source that they can put
in front of them. Inside the video
settings in Zoom, please make sure that
they are pressing HD quality that will make
such a difference for you. In the Resource tab below, I put up a print screen
that you can download and use to send to your
customer inside this email. I'm looking forward to talk to you sincerely and your name. Now it's time to wait for the booking and
prepare for the call. Good luck and I will see
you in the next one. [MUSIC]
11. Your Preparation: [MUSIC] Let's continue. Now, we're going to take
a quick look at what you should prepare
and do in order for you to capture a really good interview
with your clients. You want to make sure
when you're jumping on the Zoom call with your clients, that they have understood what you sent them in the
email, your checklist. Do they wear the headphones, have they pressed
the HD quality, all that you just need to do a little quick check with
them before you start. Here's the checklist
for you that I also put down in the
resource tab below. Make sure that HD quality is checked for you
and your customer. Also, when you are
starting your Zoom call, go up to the right corner
and choose gallery view. Choose to pin the
customer's video. You do not want
the video to jump back and forth between you
and the customer's video. You should always only record the video that is your customer, not you when you are speaking. Press "Record" and make sure that you are
choosing that they should record it to the local computer
and not out to the Cloud. Because when you
are recording it down to your own computer, you will have the best
quality of your video. I'm so excited for you. Now, you are ready to
start the interview. I will see you in the next one.
12. The Interview: Now the fun part begins. Now it's time for the interview. It's time to ask your questions. You have pinned the video, you have made sure that HD is marked for you and
your customer, and you also have checked
so the framing is good, the lighting is
good, and the sound. You have pressed record
and you are ready to go. The first thing when
all this is set up is that you want
the customer to repeat off to you and give
approval to use the video. Make them say I, followed by their name, approve that your company
name to use this video in marketing purposes for this
service or this product, what it is that they are here
to do a testimonial for. When these formalities
are out on the way, you want to continue
to guide them and give them a little guidance
of what to expect next. You want to guide the customer
to look into the camera, tell the customer to answer
with the question in it. For example, if I ask, what is the color of
your sweater today? You would reply today I'm
wearing a black sweater. This is for you. The editing will
go much easier and you can use each answer alone. When you got the permission, let's start the questions. These questions are
right now adjusted for people that have
some sort business. Overall, what was your
experience of doing X? [MUSIC] Here, you just
make them rumbling about the experience
that they have had with your
product or service. How has it changed things for
you in small or big ways? [MUSIC] What was your
biggest aha-moments or moments with clarity from X? Your program or service or whatever you
are offering them. Where would you be today if you wouldn't have taken
this program? [MUSIC] If someone is on the defense of
taking this program, what would you tell them? [MUSIC] Compared
to other programs you have taken in the past, what is the biggest
difference with this program? [MUSIC] What did
you think and knew before the program
about topic X? [MUSIC] What do you think and
believe now about topic X? What would you like
to tell us would have happened after you completed X? [MUSIC] This question is something I learned from
my journalist education. Ask them if there's
anything they want to add or highlight that you
haven't brought objects. Congratulations, you have
completed your interview. When you have finished, make sure you, of course, thank the customer
that they have taken the time and the effort
to be in this interview. If you aren't happy with
anything in the interview, make sure that before you leave the meeting that you may ask for them to do a retake or if it's something else that
you aren't happy with, make sure that you cover that before you
leave the meeting. When you're ready to end
the meeting on Zoom, Zoom will automatically save your recording on your computer. You just need to
press End Meeting and you will be able to save
your file on your computer. Now your interview is ready, you have your file, and now the more technical
part begins; editing. [MUSIC] I will see
you in the next one. [MUSIC]
13. Editing Part 1: [MUSIC] I know you have a video file that we
can work with and start editing and put together to a nice little testimonial
video that is easy to digest for
your potential leads. As I mentioned in the
beginning of the course, I'm editing inside
Adobe Premiere Pro, you can use this in any
software that you like. The technique is often the same. It might differ where of
course, the button is. If you even have the same
tools that I am going to use, but the most basic, all editing software
should have. Also, if you feel that I really do not want to
learn how to edit, feel free to jump on
Upwork or Fiverr, and let someone else take
care of the editing. As I mentioned, this is
not an editing course, so I will only cover
this very quickly, and go through my workflow, what I do inside Premiere Pro. Now we are inside
Adobe Premiere Pro. I first need to create a sequence and also
import some materials. Down to the left in this box, I will import some media. I import, and I will find
the file that I recorded. That is my Zoom
testimonial video. Now we have imported the video. If I double-click, I
will get it up here. You can see, where's the video. Now I want to create
a new sequence, so I get the right
right of my video so I go up to "File",
"New", "Sequence". I already created a saved frame that is 1920
multiplied with 1080. But if you don't have
saved any presets yet, you can go to ARRI, and you can go to 1080p 23976. You can now look
at the settings, then it's 1920
multiplied with 1080. That's the right framing. You can also save the presets
if you want to save it. But we will give
this project name, Olena, the girl's name is, and maybe the last
name if you want that. Press "Okay". Now we have
the framing that we want. I can take this project and
drag it out to the timeline. I want to keep the
existing settings. I do not want to have the
framing from the recording. I want to keep the settings. Now you see that
it is too small. My video is too little
because Zoom can have some bad bad sometimes so we
go to "Effect Control", we have the clip
marked the video, and we increase the scale
so it matches so 150. Now before I do anything else, I'm editing the sound. I'm editing my sound
inside Adobe Audition. But if you just want
to adjust the volume, you can drag up and down
this little line here, but you can also
right-click and edit in Adobe Audition if you have that software and you can
do more adjustments there. Of course, you can do a
lot of sound editing in here too with the facts
and stuff like that. Inside here, audio you can do some editing inside
Premiere Pro. Also, I am using Audition
to edit my sound. I also walked
through the colors. Is it anything that I need to
change regarding to colors? I can see here,
here limited color, then I can adjust the contrast. Maybe if that is
something I need to do. If I need to change the
white balance to anything. This control is
something you need to play around with if
there's something, you need to change
regarding to colors. We have checked the sound, we have checked the
image so the colors are correct and now I
walk through and listen and cut out all my questions and all chitchat in between so
I walk through and listen. Yes, here she starts to talk. Then I take the cutting, you can find the razor tool here and now I want
to delete this part. Then I mark the clips, press "Delete",
and now we've got a long blank space here. Then I mark that I
just clicked and I press "Delete" and this
will be in the front. Now I go through and see
when she stops talking. Here is my question again. I want to edit that out. I take the razor tool, cut, cut, and now I delete that. Delete. and now her answer. This is what I do. I walk through the whole
clip looking at where it is I'm talking editing that out. Like here. Here is me. Then
I edit that out. Now we have all her
answers in one video. You have all her answers. Now what you want
to do or what I do is that I do a new sequence. So "File", "New", "Sequence", and what I do know is that I take the same settings
like last time. I want to have 1920 by
1080 in the frame size. Now I have two sequences which
I can choose between and now I want to take the
answers that I really liked. I look through the
whole clip like where is her good answers. Let's say that this is a good
answer that I really liked. Maybe I don't need
the whole clip, but in this case, I will take the whole clip. I take that and drag it into the short version and I put
it on here on the timeline. I want to keep the
existing settings. I don't want it to change and
now I go back because now I have one clip and this
clip is almost 35 seconds, up to two minutes that we can
have then I go back here, look through her answers. Maybe I one up here, this answer then I take this one and I drag it
into the timeline here. Now we have a clip here where the first clip and
then the second clip. Now you have created your short
version and you also have your long version
and now it's time to walk through the whole clip, the short one, and see so you
are happy with this result. That was it for this video. I'm excited to see
you in the next one. [MUSIC]
14. Editing Part 2: Now when you have
completed your video, now it's time to make it a
little bit more beautiful. The first thing you want to
add is for sure captions. Inside Premiere
Pro and of course, other softwares too, you can add manually your words into captions but if
you do not know how to use it or if you do not
want to put in the time to manually do it yourself
because that is very time-consuming
you can always go to, for instance,
Fiverr or Upwork to find a freelancer that
can do this for you. Or you can also send away your exported video to
services like that is also going to do the
captions for you and there you can
also let them burn in your captions into
the video so you get back a pre-done
video with captions. Secondly, you can cut
down a lot of seconds, maybe 20 seconds of
time of your video by excluding the
person's presentation. Instead, you can use something
called a lower third. A lower third, if you don't
know how to do graphics, you can always hire someone
on Upwork or Fiverr or go to stock libraries like Motion
Array or Adobe stock. This is very, very handy
because as I said, you want to kill your darlings
and this is absolutely a 20 seconds or 10 seconds
long introduction on who I'm you can do that very easily
with just a lower third, introducing the name and
the title of the person. Regarding the title, I often ask the person that I'm interviewing what
title they want, but I also want to address
that it's also depending on what service or product
that you are selling. Something else you can
do in order for you to bring out your
brand more is to put your logo in some of the top right or
top-left corners. If I use a logo, I always make them a
little bit transparent, so it's not popping. It should be a
little transparent. Something else you
can do if you really want to spice up and brand your video more is to add
at the end a little outro. In the investment
readiness process. Please don't make
it along outro, just make a super
short outro with maybe your website address
or something similar. To add some extra
feeling to your videos, I recommend you have
some background music. Nothing loud, nothing crazy, just something to get the
mood right because music, it's so strong to connect
with people's feelings. What I prefer to use is
to go to Epidemic Sound. That's my go-to
source everywhere, and Epidemic Sound
is super great to find good background music
to use in your videos. If that is something
that interests you, in the resources down below, I have put up a link there so you can try it out yourself. Now when you have spiced up and made your video
more beautiful, it's time to export your video. I will see you in the next one.
15. Export your video: [MUSIC] Congratulations, you have finished your video and now it's time to export it. Let's export the video. This is super exciting
because now you are finished. You have a looked through
your whole video. Everything looks good. You have your titles,
you have everything. What we do now is that
we go up to File, then we go to Export, and then we go to Media. I want you to choose H.264. This one, I want you to choose, so we export the video
in the right format. I want you to choose high bitrate so you can
have a good quality. If you want to have a little
bit smaller file size, you can choose medium, but I would say High bitrates, you can have the highest
quality that is possible. Here you change your name, I want it to be Olena SHORT. But here you choose
where to save it, on your hard drive
or on your computer. I want to export video and audio so make sure
that they are checked. We go down to this area
and we choose Video. I scroll down, and here for the
bitrate encoding, I want you to choose that Premiere Pro is going to go through the project two times. The file size will be
a little bit bigger, but you will get better quality. This is a good setting
to have the target bitrate around 10 and
maximum around 12. The maximum render quality, the box is checked. Also, if you have chosen to add captions yourself
inside Premiere Pro, I want you to go to Captions, and here then choose Burn
caption into videos. In this particular video, I haven't added my captions yet, so I can't show you
where to choose that. But here it will say burn caption into video
and choose that. Now you're ready to export, and you press
"Export". Great job. You should absolutely
celebrate this because now you finally have a video testimonial that you can
share and you can spread it online and you can start attracting customers
when you see. I will see you in
the next one [MUSIC]
16. Distribution: We're super excited. We now have a video, but how should we use it? This is powerful, but
how should we use it? It's time for the distribution. How can we use it to
attract new customers? You may ask. You, maybe already have some ideas. But maybe I can come with some input that will
expand your point of view and maybe you'll find some new ways that you
can use your videos. As you probably understand, you can use it in so many ways. But what to have in
mind is that you should always highlight the person. What you want to do
is talk about them. Talk about how impressed
you are with their results. You can say things like, "Wow, X in just X month or months, you have done X. The growth you have done impress me and I'm excited to be
on this journey with you." I'm honored that you say XXX, quote something from the testimonial that they
are talking about. Make sure you post it on
social media and tag them. Post the videos on your
sales page. Like Bianca did. She posted her videos that I was creating on her sales page. Show your videos on
your sales call. Post it in your newsletter. I hope you get the point
I want to address here. I will see you in the next one.
17. Conclusion: [MUSIC] I hope you now
feel that you have a good understanding
in how you can collect powerful testimonial
videos that will drive sales for you
because it's really, really powerful of
using videos and using other people's
word about your company. Please, if you
feel that this was valuable for you, this course, make sure that you are not selfish and keeping
it to yourself. Other people really needs
this and people are struggling a lot to keep
their businesses alive, so make sure you
share it to them. It would help me a lot, if you would leave a
review on this course. It would really help me spread this knowledge
out to more businesses. Also, when you have created your first video testimonial, please share it with me. If you want to share
it here on Skillshare, feel free to do so, or if you want to share
with me privately, I would love to hear from you. I have a lot of freebies online, so if you want to
learn more from me, I have a ton of resources and freebies out on [MUSIC]