Seamless Repeat Pattern in Procreate (no other tool needed at all) | Disha Sharma | Skillshare

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Seamless Repeat Pattern in Procreate (no other tool needed at all)

teacher avatar Disha Sharma, Artist & Illustrator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Procreate Overview


    • 3.

      Creating Canvas


    • 4.

      Importing Elements


    • 5.

      Creating Pattern Tile


    • 6.

      Creating Seamless Edges


    • 7.

      Testing Pattern


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About This Class

Hi Everyone

Welcome to my second class on Skillshare.

The idea of this class came into my mind when I found a very quick and easy way to create a seamless pattern exclusively in Procreate without using any other program like Photoshop. The previous version of Procreate did not have the features for adding grids and guidelines in the canvas due to which designers could find it hard to create a perfect seamless pattern in the app. And they had to use other apps for the same. 

But now with the latest version, we can do so much on this app. This class is for all the procreate users who have some idea about the basic functioning of the app. 

But even if you are a complete beginner, not to worry as I have covered all the essentials that we need to create a basic seamless pattern in this class.

I have divided this class in very small videos to make it easier for you to follow along. If you have any questions , please feel free to ask me in the discussion section. I will make sure to answer each one of them.

So just take your iPad and Apple Pencil and let's start creating some beautiful patterns.

Note: This class is not a basic Procreate class and I have not covered all the basics of Procreate in this class. But I have covered all the essential tools that are required to complete your project. SO even if you are a beginner, you will be able to create your own seamless patterns after taking this class.

Meet Your Teacher

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Disha Sharma

Artist & Illustrator


Hello Everyone !!

My name is Disha. I am an artist and commercial illustrator who loves to dive deep into the world of watercolors and gouache. My work includes food illustrations, loose watercolor florals, Realistic botanical paintings and fun gouache illustrations. I work with magazines and creative agencies for editorial and product packaging. I have been featured in Shoutout LA, Uppercase Magazine and Gravy Magazine.

I love combining traditional and digital media and bring life to the illustrations for commercial design, patterns and product packaging. I teach classes on many subjects from traditional watercolors, gouache painting and digital tools including Procreate and Adobe Fresco.

You can have a look at my complete portfolio on my Website or on In... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction : everyone by the shot off illustrator and designer based and welcome to second class politicians. And this last teaching you how you can create basically be seamless patterns was in just one that's appropriate. Initially, I used to struggle a lot with appropriate to creating this patterns, and I just which would be appropriate for a shop a lot to create the perfect happens. But now, since one conversion program came in, it has really changed the way I work. And I share almost from creating a new canvas, learning about resolution and layers on creating new elements in different layers. How to import elements from one canvas to another canvas, creating a pattern tile and then learning about how to create seamless edges and finally testing our Parton your baby. I don't have to worry, because I've covered all the basic essentials that require big this class and at the end of the class will be able to create your own. Seen. This wasn't just broke. All you need to take classes, and if so, that's job one X section in which child don't about basic features that 2. Procreate Overview: all right. So let's have a look at the basic functions of procreate that we need for this class. So I just opened a canvas and we can see on the top and on the left inside, we have some options here. I'll open the brush here. This is the brush tool. When you opened this, you will see a fresh library. Appropriate comes with a bunch of pressures and itself, and you can also create your own custom brushes by clicking on this plus sign here, next to the brush tool, we have this March tune just like in photo shop on. You can use the same library off brushes for much, too. I'll just show you it. It's like just smudging your artwork. If required, you can use tools from different brushes just as a brush tool. Same thing applies to this a razor. If you want to raise your artwork, you can choose from different brushes Here. Andi, you can also give different effects now, looking at the left inside there to slide bars. One is for changing the size of your brush, and another one is to change the opacity on below these lighters there are undo and redo buttons we can also under when we do it, just by tapping on the screen with your fingers. But to finger tap, you can undo the last action on with three finger tap You contrary to the last action. This is undue and this is radio. Next one feature is swiping down with three fingers. You will see all these options just to copy and paste er talk, or even if you want to cut and paste, you can do that. So I just copied my artwork on Based It. It got based on on a new layer. Another thing is ah, selection tune, which looks like a ribbon or an S hill. So when you click on that, you will get all these options below so you can make a selection on. Let's say I'll go with free hand and select the stroke here on the top layer like this, and I'm going to swipe down with my three fingers again and cut and paste. So basically I just cut toe selection. You on this layer on face started normal. New layer may not only after that we have this move tool, which allows us to select a layer or any element and move it to change the direction. Change the size like that. It's Tuesday. Since I have all the elements ready for this class, I'm just going to show you how it created these elements. So let's take Ooh, that's a technical pen, Andi. I'm going to create a leave simple leave like this and fill in our color, whichever you like. Just choose a green color. Maybe on just drag and drop in here. And I'm going to create each and every eliminate a different layer just to make it easy. If I want to make any changes in a single element, I can easily do that. I don't have to select with a selection to liken, simply choose the layer and make the changes to my element. Select. Say I have these two elements and I want to march them on one layer. I can simply tap on this layer on the Doppler, and we have an option march down like this. You can also morsel layers by just pinching the layers with your two fingers. I just show you that like this, it's that simple. Procreate is a fun. I mean if you're gonna hang off ready will love to work with this tool. Now, when you click on this wrenched on the left top corner, you can see we have many options. Here at you can insert a photo file or take afforded from you. Next option is scandalous. Where you get so many options you fosters crop and re size, which was just released in the four point. A worship of procreate on even just change the size off the canvas like this over a man really putting the height and right off the canvas in the section below. After cropping, he says. We have an option drawing guide, which will be using in this class a lot on. If I click on drawing guide, you'll get many options. We can change the color of the guys like this below. You have four options to the great isometric perspective symmetry. Apart from that we have, we can change the thickness off the guides by sliding this slight bar. Our rapacity. We can change the opacity also, if I increase the great size to the maximum, that will divide my canvas into four equal parts, which will be doing in our class. Next comes adjustments where you can play with huge saturation. Here. Let's sell select this layer. Ondas changed the values off you saturation you if you want to change the color scheme, all that stuff you can just play around with all these options here, since this is not appropriate basics class. So I have not covered all the basic functionalities off appropriate in this class. But if you're a beginner appropriate, I have tried to cover each and everything that you need to create a seamless pattern. Inappropriate. In case you have any questions or confusions, you are most welcome to put them down in the discussion session. Off this class on, I'll make sure I'll answer each and every one of them. And now this is the eyedropper dune. There you just click on it and you will get this circle, and you can pick any color that you want to use on that will appear in the color section. Here you can see them on. You can use that in your artwork. Now let's move on to our next video. Where will create a canvas for our seamless part? 3. Creating Canvas: Okay, so now let's open procreate App on the iPad When you open procreate, you'll get this Tom Neal Gallery, which shows all the designs of projects that you have done so far not to create a new project on appropriate. I'm going to click on this plus sign on the top right corner on there. You can see a lot off options like screen size, a four size square, and I've created many other campuses by my own for different projects like this pattern design 2000 by 2000 pixel in or now I'm going to create another custom canvas for this class. So by clicking on that Britain, we get the screen. We can select any size that we want to. I'm going to select 5000 by 5000 Vixen on 300 dp I in case you want to print these patterns on different products, so it's better to choose 300 as a DP I and larger size. Let's try 500 by 500 pixel agency. Maximum number off layers are 128 which is pretty good. But if we increase those size to 10,000 the number of players are going to be decreased to 70. So this is one thing we need to keep in mind while working on procreate, that there is a limitation on layers. Now let's just give it a name. It's a new pattern canvas, and we're done with creating a new canvas. Here it done. So we're now on our new canvas, which is 5000 or 5000 pixels in size with 300 DPR resolution, and it's perfect to go now. We have our elements ready in another canvas, and I'm going to show that how we can import elements from one canvas to another campus in the next video. 4. Importing Elements: in this video, I'm going to just explain a little about how you can export or import different elements from one canvas and appropriate to another canvas. There are many ways you can copy them to clipboard and then paste them in another canvas like this. I'm going to show how you can do that. No, I have all these elements which I want to take to my new canvas. What I'm going to do with select all off them, copy them on the clipboard and then going to a new canvas and paste. And to do that, I'm going to use my three fingers and swipe it down to the on screen. We get this option, I can just go ahead and select copy on which actually got with all the elements that I selected on the clipboard. Now I open new gambles and swipe, so I don't with three fingers and pieced like this. Now what happened here is I realized later that I actually copied the background from the previous canvas, which I do not want to. For that I can just do one thing. I can hide the background in the previous canvas and do the same thing. Coffee all and paste it here. So I'm going to delete this layer. I'm going to show you how I'm going to just take the elements without the background. I'm just hidden the Bagram layer who swiped down copy on going back to the new campus. Swipe three fingers based. Now you can see that I got all the elements here on one layer, and I'm going to show you how you can transfer the elements from one canvas to another canvas on their respective layers. They're not going to be copied on single air. What you can do is go to your original artwork. Clear. I'm sorry, canvas, and you have to select all these layers. What I'm going to do is select one there and then swipe from left to right on all the layers that I want to transfer to another campus like this. So I'm going to select all these layers like this. After I'm done with the selection, I'm going to drag the selection like this and go to gallery. This took gallery you finger and then opened the canvas and drag them to the layer spanning in your new campus. Now you can see that all the elements are being copied on the respective layers, not like the previous matter. They were copied on one single there. This is a very nice method to transfer your elements from one canvas to another canvas on separate layers. I really found very helpful in my workflow. And now let's jump to our next we do in which I'll show how I'm going to cover the whole cameras with these elements. 5. Creating Pattern Tile: All right. So this video is all about how we are going to create a pattern time. We're just going to be used as a swatch for pattern. Now I'm going to select each one off these elements one by one. By using that arrow on the left that you can see, it's highlighted with the blue color. This is the move dune, which allows you to move your elements around the cameras. You can also change the size, change the direction like that. I'm duplicating the layers to get more off these elements like this on moving each one of them, simply using the move toe, changing their directions and all. And now that we're just limited to 17 layers, I will march these layers. By selecting this option. You march down, are you consume plea? Pinch them with two fingers to march all these layers. Now that all the elements are on one layer, so selecting each and every element using the selection tool which is just next to the arrow on the left dark corner, you can see and doing the same thing as I did before. This is the most time consuming part off the whole process. So I'm going to speed up the video a little bit, and I'm not really concerned about placing these elements and the edges. In fact, we should not touch the edges at this point of moment. At this point a moment, I'm just covering the middle part off this canvas because I'm going to move that part towards the edges in the next video. And now that we're done with the placement off the elements, I'm gonna show you how to make the style work seamless in the next video. 6. Creating Seamless Edges: All right. So we have our pattern tile ready, Which is also called this a swatch. Andi, though this tile, as I told you before, it is 5000 or 5000 pixels. 300 db I It is completely fine to use different dimensions. It completely depends on your personal choice. Plus the project that you're walking on and off the specifications that are given by the I'm going to make a copy off the Slayer because I want to preserve my original artwork. I don't want to use it and we hide it and lock it on. Name it as original like this. So I don't want to touch this layer at all in case I make any mistakes. I can always come back to this design and we'll get so we have layer for as the liver damage, we are going to work now. Number four moving further. We need to know where the center of this canvases for that winning to divide the square into four equal parts. So let's click on the wrench tool on the left off corner select canvas, and from there you can select drawing guide, and when you select drawing are you can see the grid. Endo canvas. Just click on any drawing. I hear you have many options. You can change the color off the grid if you want to. It's completely okay. We don't change the country and below. There you can see many options to the isometric perspective. Symmetry Again change the Tekken ease off the lines capacity. Now I'm going to change the great size, and I'm going to increase it to the maximum. That will give me four equal squares that are dividing our canvas into four equal parts. That is the purpose of getting this drawing right here and now. Select. Done, and you'll get that grid on your canvas. You No one in modern thing that I will talk about is when you do this election off the layer on which the elements are sitting, you would see that the selection is made, but it's not covering the whole campus area like this because there is no artwork on the edges are the corners off this Blair. So the thing is, we need to get a selection to cover the whole area, so what I'm going to do is there's a quick fix for that I take around them going and make some random strokes are little dogs on the corners, all the gardeners off the scans. So I'm just taking this off some pinkish stone and any paintbrush will do. I'm going to make dot which will be, you know, covering the whole Gardner off this campus like this dot are maybe a triangle, something like that which has to cover both the edges like this not. And now when I click on the arrow, you can see that it's selecting the whole can this size, which is the purpose of getting these little corner discovered with the random strolls. So now I'm going to duplicate this layer and using those guidelines on thinking about that , we have to cover the edges. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take one layer and move it towards the top off off this campus like this and snapping into the Sando. And if you find it difficult to move over the epa pencil because we need to be very precise in this step, I usually use my finger for that because with the finger, I find it more easy and I have more control on the movement as compared to the apple pencil . And I leave it like that. Select Andi, select another layer and move it towards the bottom half off this campus like this one portion is done. Now we have to remove this marks which were made and you can see that the flower that was starting on the top is ending at the bottom on. You can just check the elements like that only all the elements No. I'm going to wash these two layers by pinching them together, are selecting, marched down and raising those months which we made on the corners. And now I'm going to do the same process on going to do all the left and the right inside of this scammers. So making I'm sorry, making those corners again. Just make sure that what the layers are marched. You just have one layer now. And after making these Connors, I'm going to duplicate this layer as we did previously on we're going to do the same thing moving one layer towards the left on another later would write half off this campus again, merging these two layers on going to delete this mock you. Now the edges are done. I'm going to work on the areas where we see some gaps here on Go doing the same process. I'll just beat up the radio a little bit. So now our patent Tyler's done. It's complete and I'm going to just march all these layers on Give it a name, Let's say bad done on. I'm going to save this as a J pick. Fine. And we can also change the background color we can. I'm just going to share it as Jay Peak first with my white background, I'm going to hide the layer the background color on Save S P engine case you want toe, get this as a PNG without the back room. You can also change the color of the back room. I just cooking on the bag earlier and changing color. So just trying to free different shades, that sport of choice. I think I'm gonna keep that dream ish color. You You have many options. You can just play around with this a lot. I'm gonna go with this cream ish lair and save us J peg to my for hybrid library. And now it's time to jump over to our next video, in which will be testing those patent on whether we're getting the right seamless pattern or knock. 7. Testing Pattern : all right, so we're going to test our time that we just made for that. I'm going to create a new canvas you on for that? I'm going to take some random, larger size. Let's stick the 14,000 size, which I already have in my gallery, and I'm going to pull those images which I saved in previous video. And before that, I'm going to make the drawing it again on dividing this canvas into four equal squares. And this time I'm going to use this option symmetry on and click on quartering, which will divide our canvas into four equal squares. And then I'll import the image that we just wait in the last video. I'm going to fix one in each quadrant like this, no duplicate in this layer on going to move the second layer to the next quarter in and doing the same for all the four quadrants. I just don't off the drawing. I know on I could see that it looks full fake now so you can get this uploaded to your print in Amman. Websites like decide the sex trade, less red bubble, spoon flour and many others also, you can get them printed on the stuff you want them to be printed on. So your pattern is ready to go. And I would love to see what you make out of this class. So just create some beautiful patterns on upload in your project gallery. I would love to see there.