Reading: How to Read a Book! | Filipa Canelas | Skillshare

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Why should you read more and better?


    • 3.

      How to Read More Books!


    • 4.

      How to Read Books Effectively


    • 5.

      How to Find Great Books to Read


    • 6.

      Do you forget what you read?


    • 7.

      Remember what you read (1)


    • 8.

      Remember what you read (2)


    • 9.

      Remember what you read (3)


    • 10.

      How to Apply what you Read!


    • 11.

      Book Questions


    • 12.

      Share... to Learn!


    • 13.

      Facebook Group


    • 14.



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About This Class

At the end of this class, you’ll be able to Read a LOT, to Retain the MOST important concepts and information and to apply what you read! There’s no better feeling than improving your life after reading something valuable. And after this class, you’re going to learn how you should approach any book, in order to read, learn and apply more! You can use these methods in any book, but they work especially well in non-fiction and textbooks.

I’m going to help you to read a lot more but also teach you how you can retain more of what you read. Because reading for the sake of reading is not enough. And of course: reading a good book is better than not reading at all. But reading a good book and retaining the most important lessons and making them a part of your life is incredible. Commit yourself to read more and take this class to find how you can do it in an effective way!

I’m sure you struggle with keeping the habit of reading a little bit every day. The time seems to fly, and you always end your days with no energy or focus to read a book. Or, if you do read every day, you can’t really remember anything after a few weeks! It seems like a waste of time to read books if you can’t really use that information to make your life better.

I found myself in the same situation. Although I’ve been reading every day for years, I felt that I forgot most of the things I read! I wanted to talk about the books I read, but I couldn’t articulate more than 1 idea.  

Since 2015 that I’ve been reading more than 50 books every year. And with so many books, came many ideas, lessons, habits, knowledge, and action.
So, I decided to start my journey to find the best practical and simple method to remember more of what I read. Because I also write on my blog about the books I read, it became even a bigger need to recall more information.
Thankfully, I found a way to make things easier and better for myself, and I want to share everything I learned in this past 3 years.

In this class, you will learn the method I use to read more than 50 books each year.

See you inside!

Meet Your Teacher

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Filipa Canelas

Content Strategist & Content Creator



Hi, I'm Filipa Canelas! I'm the founder of Able-Academy, a content strategist and author.

I Empower Businesses & Entrepreneurs to Build an Effective Content Marketing Strategy and Leverage their Content for Brand Awareness.

Content is my jam -- I've written 200+ blog posts, 50+ hours of video content, a 150+ page book on time management, and a LOT of social media posts.

I have been featured in Thrive Global by Arianna Huffington, the Authority Magazine & Billion Success. I've reached +40,000 people (just like you!), including professionals from NYSE, Airbus & Hitachi, just through the power of content marketing.

If you're frustrated with your content marketing strategy and are ready to accel... See full profile

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1. Introduction: hi and welcome to this class India and you will be able to read a lots to retain the most important information, as well as supplying the most important principles that you learned. There's no better feeling debt, improving your life after reading something valuable. And in this class you're going to learn how you should approach any book in order to read, learn and apply more. You can use this methods in any books, but they were especially well in textbooks and nonfiction books. I'm sure you struggle with the habit of reading a little bit every day. The time seems to fly by and you always endured a with no time nor energy to read. Or if you do seem to read every day after a few weeks, you can't remember a single idea from a book. And so it seems like a waste of time to read a lot of books. If you can't remember what you just read, I found myself in the same situation. Although I've been reading every day for years, I always felt that I couldn't remember a lot of information about the books I've read since 2015 that I've been reading more than 50 books every year. And with that came many ideas. Knowledge, important principles do apply habits, lessons and many other things. So I decided to start my journey on trying to understand and learn how I could retain more of the information I read as well as apply it more in my own life. Thankfully, I found a way that made things much easier for me. And so I wanted to share that with you. You take this class, I'm going to teach you how you can will read a lot more every single day, but also how you can retain what your reef and deploy I That information, because reading for the sake of reading is not enough. And, of course, reading a good book is better than not reading at all. It's far better to read a good book who retained the most important information and apply that same information to make your own life better commit yourself to read more and take this class to find how you can do it effectively. So see you inside 2. Why should you read more and better?: if you think about it. Books are a collection of thoughts, ideas, experiences and knowledge, and those were collected. Why someone who dedicated their attention, time and focus to join everything together and compact. Those ideas in a book that Onley takes you a few 100 pages to read. And so you f access to all of that information in only one book that you can read in a few hours. When you read a book by Tony Robbins. Stem ferries or charge are well, you have the opportunity to download a piece of their mental software that you can later apply what you learned into your own life. Basically, by reading books, we can learn in a few hours what the authors spend months, years, decades or a lifetime learning. It took me 15 minutes to read a chapter about the book, but it took years, years and years to collecting this information and make it possible for me to understands. So I really wanted to reflect on this idea U F access to the most brilliant minds on this planet by Onley reading books. You have access to their wisdom, their experiences as well as their past failures so I think it's not possible to not enjoy reading. You might think you don't like it, but maybe you just weren't picking up the right books for you. Remember, with a single book, you can download a beast of someone's mind. The question is, whose software do you want a hack or download? If you're interested in, Stones says you can hack the mind of markets are really years or Sonika. If you're into management, you can hack the mind of Peter Drucker. If you run a business, you can hack the mind of Jeff bases by reading his biography. So ask yourself Whose software do I want to access and do it? Charlie Munger said. I constantly see people rising life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most ill inject. But the are learning machines to go to bed every night, a little wiser than the war when they got up. And boy does that help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you. Do you need another reason to read more? Besides having the power to access someone's mind? Well, the most successful people on earth read every single day, and they are certain. That's one of the reasons why they are so successful. Here's what Warren Buffett says about reading. Read 500 pages every day. That's how knowledge works. It builds up like compound interest. All of you can do it. But I guarantee you not many of you will do it. I surely don't read 500 pages every day, but I would love to. Bill Gates reads 50 nonfiction books every single year. Elon Musk grab an entire encyclopedia when he was nine years old and Bed frankly also sat from a child. I was found of reading, and all the little money that came into my hands was ever laid out in books. Reading a bunch of books is not a requirement to be successful, but it surely helps. I've been obsessed with reading books since I was very young when I was a kid, I slept with books instead of sleeping with adults, and I got into nonfiction books a few years ago, which was a life changing experience. I keep a record of all the books I read in good REITs, which is kind of a social platform for people who read books in 2015 I read 53 books in 2016. I read 57 books and in 2017 I read 54 books. So I've been quite consistent with the habits of reading every single day, and I really want to help you out. Create the same habit for yourself. 3. How to Read More Books!: in order to read a lot of books every year, you need to make progress every single day, and there's no shortcut besides sitting and actually reading. If you read for 15 minutes you are already doing with, most people will never, ever do. And yes, you can dedicate 15 to 30 minutes to read every single day if you just make it a priority. Remember, you are the one deciding to which things you dedicate your time. You can scroll through social media for 15 minutes, or you can read for 15 minutes. It's your choice, Steven Covey said. The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. So make sure your schedule some time to read every single day. Put it on your calendar just like you do with your doctor's appointment. Brennan Bouchard have been reading a book a week for 17 years. He makes reading one of his priorities because that will make him move forward, and it will give him access to New York to new information and contents that that he can later teach to his students on his online courses or books. But here are a few tips that really helped me out to make reading a consistent habit. So the 1st 1 is to add on your calendar the activity of reading for 15 minutes every day. If you do it consistently, it soon becomes a habit that you just don't want to skip. So set a goal right now to read every single day for 15 minutes and put that are in your calendar, Jim Rohn sat. If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things rebuilt, end up building us. If you have a morning ritual, you can have the activity of reading on that part of your day. Reading before going to work is a profound experience that I experience everyday because in the morning your willpower is charged, you have attention. You have focused U F energy, so that's the best time to read. Your mind is clean and sharp, which will help you to retain more of what you read Teoh and when most people are just starting their days, you have already retained and learned a lot of new information. Reading is my favorite part of my morning ritual, and so I never want to skip it. It requires discipline, but it surely is worth it. Jim Ron said. Discipline as within it the potential for creating future miracles. I've got a class showing you how you can design your own morning ritual, and reading is a part of that. So if you want to check it out, I highly recommend you. The second tiptoe read more is to always carry a book with you. While you are waiting for the train or having your lunch break, pick a book and start reading it. You can keep physical book. Would you any reader like Cuba or Kindle or you can listen to audio books to that are a lot of occasions during the day where you have time to read, or you can also replace social media with reading. But that requires a shift of your priorities and habits. Why do you want to read every day? Write down your reasons so you can get more clarity in motivation to just do it as Jack Canfield. Sad no, your priorities and identify the five powerful action steps that you intend to take to move your initiative forward each day. So what are some of the moments where you could just grab a book and start reading it? Think about it and act on that. The third tip to read more every single day. I used to listen to a book. Audiobooks. Allow me to gain knowledge by listening to books while I'm exercising, cleaning on my commute to college work or any other place as well as while cooking. If you claim not having time to read, you can always listen to your audiobook while you are in car or waiting for something. Another very simple but very efficient tip is to set your audiobook speed to one point X or two X speed. Mostly, aerators read very slow so he won't lose any information by speeding up the audio book. By doing this, you can read a book in health of the time. I also use this trick to YouTube videos, podcasts, online courses in many, many other things that uses video as their formats. Even what I'm editing my own online courses, I set the speed to to to have it all of those clips much quicker. And then I set them again to the normal speed. Jim Rohn recommended everyone to make their cars their own universities. Remember, your education does not end with a degree. And so if you listen to books, seminars, podcasts while you are driving instead of complaining about the traffic, you are making huge progress in your own life. You have access to the most brilliant minds in your car. It seems like they were sitting right next to you, talking to you and helping you out. So don't waste that opportunity to use audiobooks to make you progress in your life, goals, career or anything else. You can always listen to a book that will help you out with problems in your relationships . Career off goal setting in many, many other topics, such as business psychology, the brain. The possibilities are endless when you include audiobooks in your own routine, because that will help you to make the most out of your time. To listen to audio books, I usually use Audible, which is a subscription based service, and it allows you to have access to thousands and thousands and thousands of audiobooks. The fourth dip is to actually enjoy reading. If you want to become an avid reader, you have to really enjoy reading and learning. And there's a reason why you shouldn't. Reading about new things and topics will give you the excitement to wake up every day to experience a completely different world because you have access to different perspectives, different minds, different ideas that will really improve your life. So cultivating our passion for reading and learning is one of the best gift so we can give ourselves. Choosing incredible books to read is also a very important factor, and we're going to cover that topic later. The fifth tip is don't wait for the perfect opportunity or time to start reading and cultivating this habit. We all know what it means. I will do it someday. It means never, so don't wait for the perfect time to start developing the habit of reading every day. The perfect day to start is today because you already have the momentum to keep going because watching this course, the best way to beat procrastination is to just do something. So pick a book right now and commit yourself to reading it for one minute, two minutes or five minutes. Just that you'll start early. You will see that when you actually start reading a good book, you will very much enjoy the whole experience As Brendon Burchard Sad all progress comes from small acts that gather momentum. So no matter how small you start start something Dad to matter. 4. How to Read Books Effectively: When you travel to a new place, you grab your DSLR camera and you start taking photos of the beautiful things. You see, you've never been in that place before, so you just shoot would grabs your attention. In the end of the day, you check the dozens of photos you have and you upload them to your computer. You pick your favorite ones and you end up with only 10. You edit three or five and do post them on social media. The process of reading a book and optimizing the whole learning experience is the same. You grab a book and you start reading everything that interests you and that you find incredibly impactful. You've never read anything like it before, so you just read what catches your attention. In the end of the day, you end up with a lot of principles and ideas, and they're lined, so you read them again to make sure your memory saves all of that information. But only a few of those really seem to impact you. You edit your favorite ideas by connecting them with other lessons you've learned before, and they stick forever within you. In the end, you choose to share 3 to 5 of your favorite ideas with others. This is exactly how you should approach any book in order to read, retain and apply more. First, you have to know which books to read. Second, what parts of the book you should read. Third, how to collect valuable ideas and principles. Fourth, How to make the most important ideas stick fifth. How to apply the most important lessons in your own life. This is exactly what I'm going to cover on this course to help you out with, Read more, apply more and retain more. The biggest misconception about reading is that you must be able to apply everything that you learn in a book in your own life to make it riel and effective. If I've applied everything that I've just rat into past three years, I would be kind of crazy. It's impossible to apply everything. The key is to find the most important ideas and to create a plan to act on them immediately because it's better to make small, incremental changes that stick then to try to change everything at the same time and stick with none of those new habits 5. How to Find Great Books to Read: Now that you are excited and committed to start reading every single day, it's important to know which books you should read. A great way to keep track of those is to use good REITs. It is a social platform for readers where you can store in digital bookshelves, the books you want to read, the books you read and the books that you are currently reading. It also allows you to review books and to connect with other people that are reading the same books as you are. When I find a book that catches my attention, I search for the name of it in good reads, and I see what people have to say. A barrettes, and if it really steal makes me interested, I add it to my want to read books. Health can find really good books to read inside. Good reads. You can browse for a specific book to to agree and find which books have a great ranking and review. You can see the most read books in one week or find lists with a lot of books on a specific subject and topic, and pick the ones that interests you the most. But my favorite way to find what books to read is to search for a book recommendations of people who are an inspiration for me. If we're talking about very successful entrepreneurs, they probably have a block, and maybe they shared their which books changed their life. You can find more information about those books in good reads and see if you really want to read them. So you just have to search on Google for Tim Ferries, book recommendations, Ah Warren Buffett book recommendations or Bill Gates or any other person. I've done this dozens of times and pretty much all the time. I love the books that they recommend. So, for example, if you want to start learning about investing, you can search for Warren Buffett book recommendations. I found this list on the Internet and specifically this book called The Intelligent Investor. And according to Buffett, after reading this book when he was 19 he learned the proper framework to start investing. So this book is definitely a great choice. If you really want to learn more about this topic, if any of those books have any impact on, you can see they're emailing the person thanking them for the book recommendation and state what you enjoyed about the book, you might be able to create a meaningful relationship with your favorite author, entrepreneur, CEO, psychologist or any other. And this were especially well if the person you are contacting isn't so famous after all. 6. Do you forget what you read?: Have you ever read a book? And after two weeks, you just forgot to pretty much everything about the book. You try to name a few ideas and principles, but nothing comes to your mind. Studies have been done and showed that after 48 hours, 80% of the content you just read vanished. So how can you overcome the forgetting curve? The reason why most people forget what they read is that they don't do anything with the information they breath from my own experience. The books I remember the most are the ones that I decided to act upon. Basically, I took some time to collect the main ideas principles, and I wrote them down. And I also apply in my favorite ideas to when we talk about retaining and recalling the information we read doesn't mean remembering hundreds or dozens effects. But instead, when we make the most out of a book, we retain three or five main ideas and whip, and we apply a few of those. What matters is keeping in our memory. The most important and valuable asked lessons to us. I found that that are three reasons why people forget what they read, and none of them has to do with your lack of capacity to memorize new things. The problem is the lack of attention, effort and clarity. So the first reason is because people read every single word in the book, begin to really focus their attention on the main ideas and principles that will really change their own lives. Solution is to clarify before hands what you are really looking for in a book. By setting intentions, you can then go through the index and select chapters that will fulfill your intentions. The second reason why people forget what they read is because they don't use of the book to their own benefits. People go through a book with only the intention of reading it, instead of trying to make the information useful for them. The solution is to ask the book questions in order to get clear answers that will then help you out with your own problems. If you're dealing with depression, ask a book about the oppression. How can I overcome, or at least minimize my depression to moral morning? What can I do tomorrow to help me out? To go through today with more ease and happiness. You will then start looking for very positive and impactful ideas that will really help you out. The third reason why people forget what they read is that after finishing a book, they don't take the time to collect their favorites, ideas and principles. And so after a few weeks, they 10 states any important idea that they really loved at the time. The solution is to write the three most important ideas right after finishing a book. By doing this, the concepts take longer in your long term memory, and you can always go back to your notes to see what were the most important ideas. 7. Remember what you read (1) : I'm going to help you to overcome the forgetting curve to make sure we remember more of watch you read. So let's start by dealing with the first reason why people forget what they read, which is lack of clarity. So every time I sat intentions before reading a book, I take much more from it. This happens because I know exactly what I'm looking for in that book. When you know exactly what you are looking for and what you really want from a book, you retain much more information from it. What do you wish to learn in the productivity book? A better way to manage your time, a system to delegate your work and you tool to manage your tasks. When you set your intentions before reading a book, the whole experience becomes more meaningful and useful for you specifically at that time, I think about it. When an author writes a book, he wants to appeal to a lot of people in order to sell more copies, which is normal. But some concepts in the book might be useful for some people, but not for you at that moment. So it's very important to clarify beforehand what is really important to you at that time, so you can understand which chapters you should really read. We've full attention and focus. So about the example that I gave before about the productivity book, it might be useful for you to learn about the allegation, but if you're not planning it to do it any time soon, maybe you should skip. Skip that chapter. You don't have to read a book from cover. It's of back. When you go shopping, you don't enter every open store you see you on. Lee, choose the ones where you think you will find the things that you really want to buy. It should be the same thing about books. You pick the chapters that interests you the most, and you go find there what you're really looking for Before starting reading this book, Change your brain, Change your life. I set my intentions because I wanted to learn more about how the brain works. But specifically I wanted to learn more about anxiety and stress, which are things that I experiences, and I have to really deal with outs. So I skimmed through the index to find where the topics that I really wanted to learn were covered, and I underlined the chapters that caught my attention. So I also skimmed some chapters that at the time didn't really interested me, such as the A, D. D and the Addictions chapter. Because of that, I retain and deployed much more of the information than if I would just read the whole book from cover to back. Anyway, I also allow myself to read the whole book if I'm really enjoying it. But I truly believe that the obligation to really finish a book and read it from cover to back on Lee the Dirty rates, the learning experience. You should select the parts of the book that you are really interested to learn about and remember. If you sat your intentions before and you are not seeing how that book can fulfill those intentions, maybe you shouldn't you should not read it. I think that most people who claim not enjoy reading made bad choices on the books they picked, and they forced themselves to read them till the end. But if you're not really enjoying the book, you should stop reading it. It makes no sense to read something you are not enjoying nor benefiting from when there are so many books, that would be the perfect fit for you. 8. Remember what you read (2) : the second reason why people forget what they read is they don't use the book to their own advantage. After setting the intentions, you will probably have a few questions in your mind. So why do I want to learn more about anxiety in this book? Well, because I want to find more methods, techniques, facts related we vets that will help me to deal with my own anxiety. So what I should do is ask the book. What can I do today to overcome my anxiety or to deal with it when you have one or more questions in your mind, your brain will try to look for the answers inside the book, and so you will be primed to search for the solution to your problem or the answer to your question. This is a great way to find actionable steps to deal with whatever problem you are facing right now. As Voltaire said, judge amend by his questions rather than is answers after finding the answer to your questions. If you write them down, you will have in actionable step or a method to deal with your problem that you can apply and refer when you need Teoh. Many, many, many successful people reinforced the importance of asking questions toe everything in your life, because when you do it, you gain more clarity over it, an issue your prime your brain to search for the solutions that you really need to find, and also you instantly prioritize the information in the book. So by doing this, you are using the information you are reading to you to apply to a specific problem you are dealing with. So you are using a book to your own benefits. And so, by actively engaging with the book, you will be able to retain much more information from it. This is called active learning or active reading. Karl Forsman is a master questioner, and that ability that he trained Joe came very, very far in his life, and you can learn anything much quicker when you take the time to craft much better questions. As Sonny Robins said, successful people ask better questions, and as a result, the gets better answers 9. Remember what you read (3) : After reading a book, select the three most important ideas that you get from that book. Make sure those three ideas really impacted you. Because of this process of selection and active learning, you will be able to retain the most important information much easily. Have you ever been reading a book? And suddenly an incredible idea pops up and your brain in creativity light up, and you have to put down the book to assimilate those ideas. So why didn't you write that incredible idea down? So make sure you always keep track of those important ideas that really caught your attention. This is probably one of the most important steps, because when you write it down the three most important ideas on a book, you can always extract the the essence off that same book in only a few minutes. And if you feel like you forgot to the contents of the book, you can always re read the three most important ideas, and you will remember pretty much all you have to remember about the book. Along with your favorite ideas. You can always write a specific statistic that really caught your attention, a fact or even a story that was really interesting for you. You can share that with someone to make sure they are also excited to read that book. If you find an idea that could help someone record it and then send it to them. Most people, including myself in the past never take the time to set intentions, toe ask questions or to capture the most important ideas. And so after a few days, you can't remember anything that they just read. But when you take the time to go through this process, you will retain a lot more information like you never did before. This transforms the whole reading experience because it turns something that it was passive to active because you actively try to clarify your ideas and you sick to learn and apply the main principles in your own life. In some books, I also write all their ideas besides the three most important ones, because I like to refer them on my own block. These three steps, intentions, questions and most important, ideas don't take much time to go through, but they make a very important parts of the whole reading experience because they will help you to learn more, retain more and deploy more of watch You read For me, reading a book doesn't take willpower because it's a habit and I really love it. But these three steps required commitments, but in the end, I know it will be worth it, because I will be making the most out of a book. 10. How to Apply what you Read! : We are going even further now to focus on how you can apply what you read in your life after capturing and retaining the most important ideas and supported that you focus in which ones you really want to apply, because when you put ideas into practice, you memorize them even more by putting them into long term memory. You are also able t o change some aspects of your life to improve it for better. In fact, when we read books, we try to learn new lessons that weaken later, apply and make our own lives better. So it's very important to make a conscious efforts to create a short plan to apply what you just rat in your own life. It's not very practical nor realistic to try to apply all the suggestions that are given in the book in your own life, because some of the ideas that you, my reader, might go a little bit against your values or principles, your priorities or your habits. If you pick two or three ideas to implements, you can already impact positively your life. The key is to try a few things first and see the difference that they can make in your life . Usually, the things and habits that I try to commit myself to apply have to do with the intentions. I sat in the questions I ask the book. So I asked this book, How can I deal with my anxiety? I found the answers, and now I have to know exactly what am I going to do to apply what I just learned in the worksheet. I have to keep all the information about the book I read. I also create a section with the three things that I'm going to try today. It's very important that you put those things into practice right away. When the ideas in the book is still very fresh in your own mind. I add those three things into my own schedule, and I make them a priority. When you make an effort to try to apply what you read, you become a true active learned you gain really experience from the principal stated in the book, and knowledge becomes a part of your long term memory because you dedicated time to strength the narrow pathways in your own brain. So after reading all the information you were looking for in the book come up with the three next actions that will help you to implement some of those principles. It's very fun to experiment with different ideas and strategies, and I really like this process, and you should like it, too. After trying three different ideas, you can pick one of them and try to make it a habit. Most of the positive habits that I have now came from ideas that I read in a book. I decided to try them and implement them, and because I really enjoyed it the benefits I decided to make them a habit. It's one thing to read about the advantages off something, but it's another thing to try it and experiment those for yourself. So make sure you come up with three ways about how you can implement what you just read today. 11. Book Questions: many nonfiction books contain sections with questions that the reader should answer in order to get more clarity over the topics. Answering those questions is a great way to maximize their attention off the principles off a book as well as to apply that information in your life. Some books incentivize you to try to apply what you just read in your own life, which is basically what you did in the previous step, and this will motivate you even more to make your life better by using that book to your own benefits. A great example is the book High Performance Habits, where Brendan gives you a bunch of questions in the end of each chapter that when you answer, you get more clarity in motivation to implement new habits in your life. And when I really take the time to answer the questions that the author suggests, I really learned more are retained more. I apply more and I become much more aware of those principles in my own life. When I really take the time to answer a books questions I learned a lot more. I also apply more, and I have more motivation to really change my life by applying the principles off that book. Because when you take the time to answer a books questions, you're making the content your own because you're adding to the book, your previous knowledge, experiences and ideas, and there's no better way to learn something. You then dick connecting it with other things that you previous learned. I don't answer every books questions, but I can reassure you that when I really take the time to answer to those, I apply much more of what I read. And I make the content of the book much more present in my mind. 12. Share... to Learn!: After reading a book and collecting your favorite ideas and principles, you can share those with other people. This includes your family, your friends or any stranger on a Facebook group. As John Green Sad. Sometimes you read a book, and it feels you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that to shatter world will never be put back together and less and until all leaving humans. Read the book. When you decide to share what you learn with other people, you are revisiting the information, which is great for memory, and you are also condensing what you learned in the few principles that other people can learn from and apply in their own lives. This also will make you much more committed and motivated to apply those principles by yourself, because if you're teaching someone a principle that you don't apply in your own life, you will sound a little bit fake so your brain will make you do everything to start implementing it in order to have the credibility to talk about it. So this is a great way to increase your motivation to start to implement new habit. A really interesting idea that will make the whole reading experience more fun is to read a book at the same time that other another person is reading it because after finishing a book, you can discuss the ideas, the principles and the ways that you are going to apply what you just read, which also increases the commitment of both parts to implement those ideas because you're basically having an accountability partner who went through the same experience as you did . That are a lot of Facebook groups where the members of the group read the same book every month, which then generates a lot of discussion and sharing of ideas and experiences. So this is a great way to level up your game when it comes to reading, implementing and applying. Applying Watcher read doesn't have to be something painful. It actually is a very profound experience. You can always bake three things to implement tomorrow. Answer a book Questions for more Claire Clarity and engagements, Teacher favorite principles to someone. All of these will motivated to start implementing those practices in your own lot. When you go through all of these steps, you're turning reading into a passive to a inactive experience. There are no right or wrong ways to apply what you read. What matters is actually doing something with the information you read to make sure it goes from your short to long term memory. 13. Facebook Group: Hi. Just a quick video to tell that I recently created a Facebook group that you can now join to be part of a community of people who are interested in personal development in constant growth. See you there. 14. Conclusion: reading more books can later become the reason why you were promoted, hired for a new job or progressed in your own personal projects. There are so many great books in all different fields that you can always learn something you an incredibly powerful We all can choose to dedicate 15 minutes to read every single day. And the best part is that you are now able to read, apply and retain the information you read in all the books. So thank you very much for watching this class and being interested in learning more about books. The fact that you took this class tells me a lot about yourself. He tells me that you have a deep interest to become the best version of yourself, and books are a great way to do it. Please concede there, leaving a review with your thoughts on this class to help me out. And remember that you can always come to these class to review the concepts or to get a little bit more motivation to continue reading every day, sharing the discussion of this course. The next book you're going to pick and start to reading. Let's create a community of people that are really engaged and excited to learn in you thinks. If you need any help, use the discussion of this course and now will answer your questions. Reading every day might be challenging, but when he used right strategy, it soon becomes a thing that you really look for every day. Replace the TV with the book and you will be much better served. As Groucho Marx said. I find television very educating every time somebody turns on the set. I going to other room and read a book. Thank you very much for watching this class and I see you in other classes.