Productivity & Time Management Strategies for Goal Setting & Eliminating Distractions | Patrick Dang | Skillshare

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Productivity & Time Management Strategies for Goal Setting & Eliminating Distractions

teacher avatar Patrick Dang, International Sales Trainer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Productivity Machine Sales Video Final


    • 2.



    • 3.

      Dream Big


    • 4.

      The Snowball Effect


    • 5.

      Smart Goals


    • 6.

      Smart Goals Worksheet


    • 7.

      Your Why


    • 8.

      Making Excuses


    • 9.

      Your Highs and Lows


    • 10.

      Planning for the Short and Long Term


    • 11.

      Managing Your Time


    • 12.



    • 13.

      Crafting a Healthy Routine


    • 14.



    • 15.

      Managing Your Energy


    • 16.

      Dangers of Saying Yes


    • 17.

      The People Around


    • 18.

      The Journey


    • 19.



    • 20.



    • 21.

      Productivity Machine About Me v2


    • 22.

      Next Steps


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About This Class


No matter who you are or what you, we all face a similar challenge…

There’s so much to do and so little time!

And as our lives become busier, it’s incredibly easy to fall into the trap of trying to do everything, but by the end of the day, end up accomplishing nothing.

Unfortunately, most people still try to squeeze every minute out of the day and hustle themselves to death.

And this typically leads depression, physical and mental exhaustion, and ironically, can be extremely unproductive.


Fortunately, I’ve created a PROVEN Productivity Methodology that will show you how to have crystal clarity on your most important and ambitious goals and accomplish them without working yourself to death. And it’s called Productivity Machine.

Unlike other courses, Productivity Machine is the COMPLETE MASTER COURSE thousands of people have used to take their productivity and time management skills to the next level while getting more done in less time.

As long as you use our proven Productivity Machine Methodology (which I’ll show you how to do step by step), you’ll be able to find the time to accomplish anything you set your mind to!

Here are some of the many things I’ll cover for you in this course that trains on how to master productivity skills:

  • We will show you the core foundations world class performers use to get more done in less time
  • How to set crystal clear goals and develop a step by step plan of execution
  • How you can unlock your full potential and accomplish your wildest dreams
  • The best way to hyper focus on your most important task while eliminating any distractions
  • How to best organize your day to get the most done with the hours you work
  • How to be productive in every aspect of your life from work, family, friends, health, and hobbies
  • The best way to design your life that will allow give you the freedom to do anything you want
  • How to make sure you always have time for the things that matter in your life

This course will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to develop your productivity and time management skills and become more productive in your professional and personal life.

I’ve personally tested these bullet proof productivity strategies during my time as one of the TOP sales professionals at Oracle, a Y-Combinator backed startup, as well as in my everyday life.

I'm confident the Productivity Machine Methodology WILL WORK for YOU.

Now, if you’re ready to take your productivity to the next level, I’ll see you inside!


Meet Your Teacher

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Patrick Dang

International Sales Trainer


Hey, it's Patrick here!

Now, I’m on a mission to help everyday people to generate more sales for their business using the most cutting-edge B2B sales strategies.

After a successful sales career in Silicon Valley, I packed two suitcases and booked a one-way ticket to Thailand and started my journey with the aspiration of creating world-class online B2B sales training all while living a digital nomadic lifestyle.

And since then, I’ve traveled to many countries while creating programs training over +30,000 students in over 150 countries.

And over time, it became clear that no matter what country you’re from, what your background is, or whether or not you think you have the talent to sell...I’ve found that sales is a skill anyone can learn... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Productivity Machine Sales Video Final: everybody. Welcome to productivity machine, the complete productivity master courts, where you're gonna learn how to better manage your time, accomplish your most ambitious goals and finally become more productive in your everyday life. Mining's Patrick Deng and I started my productivity journey at Oracle, one of the largest tech giants in the world, and within my first year became recognized as one of the top 1% of sales professionals in North America. After a successful career in sales, I'm now on a mission to inspire others to do what they love and help them become the absolute best that they can possibly be. And since starting my journey, I've trained thousands of people across the globe on how they could achieve their most ambitious goals simply by learning to become more productive in their every day lives. Now, no matter who you are, what you do, we all face a similar challenge and that is there so much to do but so little time. As our lives become busier by the day, it's easy to fall in the trap of trying to do everything but end up accomplishing nothing, and typically this leads to physical and mental exhaustion. depression and, ironically, can be extremely unproductive. And since starting my journey to productivity at Oracle, I read all the books, took all the trading and tried all these productivity strategies and tactics myself and created the productivity machine a step by step system that's going to show you how to become more productive and effective in your every day life. And to accomplish this, we're gonna show you the best strategies and tactics World class performers used to get more done in less time and how you can apply these skills in your every day life. And next, we're going to show you how to be hyper focused on your most important goals while tuning out any distractions. And finally, we're gonna teach you how you can get rid of any limiting believes on what you think you can achieve and help you develop the right mindset so that you can accomplish your most ambitious goals. And at the end of the course, you're gonna walk away with the tools and the confidence to be crystal clear on your goals . Better manage your time and become mawr productive in your every day life. This course was designed for anybody who wants to get more done in less time and apply the same skills in your personal and professional career because it's not about working more hours. It's about getting more done in the hours that you work and whether you're already familiar with productivity strategies or if you're just getting started. I'm confident you're gonna get a lot of value out of this course. So if all this sounds good to you, I'm looking forward to seeing you inside. 2. Priorities: Hey everybody, what's going on? So welcome to the first section of the productivity foundations and the first thing we are going to talk about our priorities now to start things off with priority is I'm going to start off with a little example to kick things off. So everybody has to-do lists, right? We make these lists of all the things that we need to do for the day or for the month or whatever the time period is. So this was my to-do list back when I was in college where I actually use this app called any do. And what I would do is I would every day I would put down all the things that I needed to do for that day. I like to do my laundry, call the bank. I read a book or work on my side business at the time, like working on my pop-up shop and, you know, emailing different vendors. And this was for a side business. And you know what the interesting part was that in the morning, every day when I would wake up, I would do all the easy task first, like do my laundry. Then I would make an excuse of, Oh, you know, I wanna get my marketing better. So I'm going to read a book by Seth Godin. And in reality, I should have been doing the things like working on the colors for my pop-up shop and e-mailing out of different vendors. But I did the things that literally did nothing for my business and it was really neat just being busy and checking things off. So it's not just me, but almost everybody has fallen into this trap where we make the mistake, not prioritizing the most impactful task first. And a lot of times when we make these long lists, we either do the easy ones first. So we go top to bottom without really realizing and thinking about what's the most important thing that's going to move the business or going to make a difference in whatever it is you're trying to do when you're trying to become more productive. Another con of this was that I used all of my energy on the easy task in the morning, like doing laundry or reading books. And the interesting part about energy, and we'll cover this later in the course is that you have the best energy in the morning after you just wake up event throughout the day, you're going to be using your energy. And so if you use your energy on really easy tasks like doing laundry or reading a book rather than doing the very difficult things. You're just setting yourself up for failure. And that it was literally what I was doing when I was checking things off on my to-do list. And the last thing I'll say about to-do list is that it's easy to get caught in the illusion of just checking things off to feel productive. But the reality is the secret to becoming more productive. It's not just checking more things off on your to do list. It's actually doing the things that are actually important to whatever it is you're trying to do. And that is what prioritizing is all about. It's prioritizing the most important thing. And so let's go ahead and define exactly what prioritizing is. So the first step is you want to identify what's most important to your success, whether it's career success, family success, being successful at a sport, whatever it is, what is going to be that one thing that is going to move the needle. The next part of prioritizing is you want to relentlessly focus on that one task. And the reason is because you don't want to be bogged down by all these random tasks like doing laundry or reading books. You wanna do that. One thing that's incredibly important, that's going to move the needle in your business or your personal life. And you got to know that everything else that it's not that one thing or in your priority list is a distraction. It does not matter. Leave it for the end of the day. You have to do laundry, but you don't have to do in the morning where your energy is your best. You can do it late at night where you can just turn off your brain. And lastly, it's really easy to make long list of random task and check them off. But it's very difficult to get the most important work done. And this is where most people get it wrong when it comes to productivity, because most people get in the trap of trying to find these productivity hacks to check more things off the list. And really it's not, doesn't even have to be that complicated. It's just understanding usually what's the one most important thing that's going to move the needle. It could be one or two things that is going to move the needle in your life and then just focused relentlessly on getting that done and forget about everything else. And that is how you can become more productive and accomplish the things you want to get done. So I'll give you an example of this. So typically, like a to-do list that I showed you earlier, we have things that are important and not important. So as you can see here, it's like not important and not important, important, important, important. So we just randomly put it down depending on when it pops up in our mind. So instead of having this type of to-do lists where you have a bunch of things down, you want to change it into your priority. So instead of having a long list of things that you should do, have a priority list where you just have the number one most important thing or maybe you have two things and whether the two most important things that you need to get done. And so rather than being so distracted and having this long list and feeling like you have to just check all of them off, break it down and understand and be mindful of what is actually the most important and critical in your life that can actually improve it. And just make a short, shortlist of that, meaning literally just one or two things that are very important and forget everything else and you want to pry or ties this and forget about all the busy work that most people get trapped in. And to further explain why this makes so much sense as we're going to go over the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80 20 rule. So this Pareto Principle, or 80 20 rule, was popularized by Richard Koch in his book, the 80 20 principle. And then it goes like this. The majority of what you want will come from the minority of what you do. So that means the majority of your success or your wealth will come from the minority, the little things that you do. So an example of this is 80 percent of your financial success will come from 20 percent of the work that you do. I know this was true during my career as a sales rep where 80 percent of my financial success actually only came from 20 percent of the customers that I were talking to. And it could be the different variations. It doesn't necessarily have to be 80, 20, it could be 75 and 15, where 75 percent of your success from 50% of the work that you do, or 60, 55. So there are different variations of it, but the most common and what's going to be like, almost like a universal law or rule of thumb is going to be the 80 20 rule. Another example of just like a random nature example is in the earth's surface, 80 percent is covered by water, 20% of it is covered by land. Or the fact that majority of the wealth in the tire world is controlled by a small percentage of the population. So the Pareto principle, it's not just for productivity, but it's just this fundamental rule of thumb that applies to all types of thing and human nature or in nature in general. So how are we going to use this to become more productive is instead of doing all these random task, instead you want to keep doubling down on that 20 percent. So when you find that 20 percent of its certain thing that you're doing, it makes you 80% of, let's say your income, just keep focusing on that 20 percent and expand your income rather than just having 80% of it wasted on random tasks. And so the interesting part is we all have the same 24 hours. So how is it that people who are successful can accomplish so much more when we're all human beings, we all have the same amount of time is what, What's going on here? How do some people get more done than others? That's the question that we all want to figure out, and that's why we want to become more productive. And the secret, the foundational secret to all of this is that you need to prioritize your most important goal. And normally you can just narrow it down to one thing. And you might think, Well, one thing is a little vague, like, well, how can one thing lead to the success of everything? Well, let's go ahead and give you an example of this using the Pareto principle or the 80 20 rule. Let's say you have a to-do list and you just write down 25 things that you need to do that just come up in the top of your head. So applying the 80 20 rule, that's break it down. So taking only 20 percent and you only have five things. So these are the five most important things that you need to get done so that you can move your life forward and become more successful in life. Could go even further and further until you break it down to one. So 20 percent of five is going to be one. So you started with Alyssa 25 broken down to 20 percent, and then you got five things and then 20 percent of that is one thing. So then you ask yourself, what is that one thing that I need to do that we'll move that needle forward in making my life more productive and making it more successful. So again, don't trick yourself into believing that you have to check by 25 things off your to-do list, you can always narrow it down to that one thing because like we said before, if it using the 80 20 rule, 80 percent of your success is going to come from the 20 percent of work that you actually do. So let's just keep breaking it down all the way to, it's all the way to the point where it's that one thing that you can do that will lead to all of your success. So an example of this is actually Dr. Dre. And so if you listen to hip hop music, You know that he is a legendary producer where he was a producer for NWA and all these different artists. And his focus was becoming the best producer that he could possibly be. Because if he was just an incredible producer, all the business side, we'll work out because he has that talent that everybody loves and he can make incredible music. If he can make incredible music, which is just one thing, everything else starts to form. So he started his own label, aftermath entertainment. Dan, he produced for M&M, one of the big as rap stars in history. And then he also produced for Kendrick Lamar, who is also one of the biggest rap star in current modern history. And not only that, but he started a company, Jimmy I V01 and started beats by Dr. Dre, which cell for a huge amount of money to Apple. And so by becoming the best music producer that he could be, which was the start of his career. Starting a record label producing talents, starting a technology company, beats by Dr. Dre. All of these things were only possible because he was an incredible music producer. Hadi not focus on that literally one thing, all of this would not happen. And so if Dr. Dre focus on one thing and all the he could built this crazy a successful life and round it. I don't see why we can't take the same principle and do the same for ourselves. And the reality is you never want to say that you're busy. You know, everyone I talked to you. I asked them, Well, what are they doing over the weekend? You know what they do last week? Busy on, Busy on, Busy on Busy before it, and then they're never specific with what they do. They're just doing obvious, mindless, busy work, just push it in papers around. But if you've got dreams that you want to accomplish or you're an ambitious person and you have something that proved then instead of saying you're busy all the time, I recommend saying that you have priorities and you tell people if somebody asks you, what were you doing last week and yours, you could say, I was busy working on my priorities are I was busy working on my dreams, which was two, you know, build whatever, whatever, whatever. So instead of being busy, have priorities and focus and narrow it down to one thing because that one thing going to be super important in terms of becoming more productive and this theme of one thing and long-term planning and understanding what your long-term vision is and what you need to do on a day-to-day That's going to be coming as you continue throughout this course. But in this section, I just want to show you guys how it's so important to apply the 80, 20 principle. Focus on one thing that's going to lead to the majority of your success and then we will continue from there. So with that said, let's go ahead and move on to the next lesson. 3. Dream Big: Hey everybody, what is going on? So in this section we're going to teach you all about dreaming big and why dreaming big is going to be so critical when it comes to being productive is because once you dream big and you have a vision on exactly what you want your life to be like and what goals you want to accomplish. You can work backwards from there and do the things you need to do today to make that dream a reality. But to explain this even further, I want to start out with a little story. Back in high school, I went to a school called Mark hippo high school. And during my freshman year we had everybody had to take this class called Career Pathways. The goal of career pathways was to teach freshmen students in high school about all the different types of jobs that existed. So we can start thinking about what kind of career we wanted to choose as we entered college and onward. And so in that class, when the projects that we had to do was everybody had to pick a career on what they wanted to do in the future. And then they would have to write a report and present it to the class in front of everybody and detailing on what occupation they chose and why they chose it, and exactly what you need to do to become that certain occupations. So this was really exciting for me because at the time what was really cool at my school, some of the cool occupations were becoming a doctor or being an engineer or being a lawyer, right? And these are the ones that were perceived as high paying, very respectable, and very stable. With that in mind, I thought that being a doctor was why I wanted to do my report on, but I looked on the internet to see what it would take to become a doctor. And I saw that it would take four years of being a bachelor's, another four years, I did more and more schooling and it was expensive and at the time I wasn't necessarily the best student. And so when I looked online on what it would take to become a doctor, I literally just told myself, Wow, this is way too hard for me. And then I just decided that was not going to do a report on becoming a doctor because it was just too difficult. So I thought to myself, okay, so what is the next best thing? And I just came up with the idea of becoming a dentist because that's in the health profession and it's kinda like being a doctor. But then I thought that it might be a little easier because you're just dealing with teeth. And then I looked online to see what it would take to become a dentist. And true, it's a little easier than becoming a doctor. However, it seemed extremely hard because you needed so many years of school after high school, and I thought that was going to be too difficult for me, so I decided not to do my report. I'm becoming a dentist and instead I thought to myself, okay, well, what's the next best thing after a dentist? And I decided that I was gonna do a report on becoming a dental assistant. Literally the person that helps it dances, do whatever they need to do when they're working on teeth. And I looked online to see what it would take to become a dental assistant and it didn't seem like it would take too many years of school and the pay was decent. And so that's how I made my decision. And what was really interesting is that when I talked to my friends who sat around me, everyone thought it was cool and nobody said anything. So I did my report on what it would take to become a dental assistant and why I wanted to be at that ptosis in and I went in the front of the class and I gave this whole presentation. And then at the end everybody clapped and everything was good or so it seemed because looking in hindsight, it was really strange to think that nobody ever questioned why I wanted to be a dental assistant. Nobody questioned why I didn't go for it. Becoming a dentist or becoming a doctor, or choosing a more difficult career path that maybe had more rewards. But and I'm not saying that becoming a dental assistant is a bad thing at all. I'm just saying that from my perspective, I thought I wanted to be a doctor, but then I didn't believe in myself. And so I just kept going down the chain until I found something that seemed possible. Looking back, I wish I had people in that class telling me that maybe I should shoot higher. And again, not that being a dental assistant is bad or I'm not saying that there's any negative connotation to it, but all I'm saying is that why not just shoot for the stars and dream big instead of choosing occupation just because you feel confident that you could actually pull it off versus doing something that is challenging. This is where I really learned about the lesson, where in life you get what you asked for. And so during that rapport and doing it on becoming a dental assistant, if I asked life or my career have to become a dental assistant, that is exactly what life would give me. There's no way life would just hand me the option to become a doctor or to become a dentist because if I never asked for, I would never look for the opportunities to actually get into that occupation. So if life is going to give you exactly what you asked for it, you might as well dream as big as possible because most people, like I was when I was younger are too afraid to dream big because they're afraid to fail. I was afraid to fail when I thought I wanted to become a doctor. And then I did in and then when I I was afraid to fail when I thought I wanted to become a dentist at the night. And then I did my report on becoming a dental assistant. Basically, I just kept going down until I found something where it was highly unlikely where I would fail. But the thing is dreaming big gets you in the mindset to start thinking about how to make your dreams a reality. So because I didn't even think about becoming a doctor was a possibility. I didn't even think about what steps I would need to take to actually get there. I just kinda googled it real quick and said, oh, that's too hard. And then I moved on to the next occupation. Instead, if I really dreamt big, I could have said things like, Well, what do I need to do to actually do that? Is it really that hard? Do I have the chops to get there? And said I just took the easy way out and I just didn't have that mindset where I was just dreaming big and looking at hindsight, what I believe I should have done was just a dream as big as possible and figure it out and not be afraid of failing and just going after what I care about. And reality is, no matter how big your dreams are, whatever it is that you're going after, there are going to be points of failure. However, if you're not even thinking about doing it in an understanding that it is a possibility. You're never going to take the steps towards doing that and you just never gonna get there. And so with that said, I actually have an exercise for you to kind of demonstrate this. So I want you guys to close your eyes and think about one big dream that you would like to accomplish within the next 10 years. And I want you to dream as big as possible, whether it's become someone famous or a singer or wrapper or to Be a Millionaire, whatever it is, dream as big as possible, a goal that you want to accomplish within the next 10 years of your life. And now I want you to open your eyes and, you know, instead of going directly to the thought of saying, oh, that's impossible, I can never do that. And most people will get into that mindset and start doubting themselves because that dream is too big. I want you to try asking yourself, okay, if I were to do this, where would I start? And so we're completely flipping that mindset from instead of dismissing your dreams because you don't believe it's possible. I want you to just think about, okay, let's just believe it's possible for a moment and entertained the dot, where would I start? So if your goal is to become a famous singer, you want to be world-famous and you want to have hits and be on the Billboard Top 100, you've got to think, where would I start? Well, I got to write my first song, I got to record it, I got to put it on SoundCloud. See you, people like you. So whatever your dream is, think small and think about what you need to do to actually make that a reality in your mind starts thinking and just start to come up with ideas of how to make something possible. And the reality is once you believe your dreams are possible, the little details always work themselves out. Because the most important thing actually is to have that vision on what you want your life to be like. Then all the little details on what you need to do on a day-to-day basis or a weekly basis, monthly, yearly, or even five years, they're going to work themselves out because once you have that long-term dream, all you really have to do is work backwards to understand what those steps are to actually get there and why this ties directly into your productivity is because if you don't dream big and you don't have a vision of what you want your life to be like. You might find yourself trapped doing all these menial tasks and just pushing papers. And that's essentially what you're gonna do all day. And you're just not going to feel happy because you're not going after what you care about. And so when it comes to productivity, the most important thing is to have that mindset, have that mindset of understanding what you want your dreams to be. An understanding that it is believable. And once you believe in that dream, you can actually work backwards and believed that you could take steps today to achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve. And that's how you're going to get massive results. Because when you aim high, you're going to shoot high. But if you aim low, you're going to shoot low and you're not gonna get much done. You may be doing a lot of busy work throughout the day. But if you're thinking too low and your dream too low, you're only going to get these little things done. However, if you want massive productivity and you want to do things that actually make a big impact on your life. The first step, again, is to dream as big as possible and then work backwards from there and take the steps to actually get there on a day-to-day basis. And throughout the course, we're going to give you some tips and tactics and strategies on how you can do this, like managing your schedule, how you spend your time, how you should avoid things I steal your productivity. We're going to handle all of those things. But the first thing I want you to get down is that I want you guys to have a mindset of dreaming big and going after whatever it is that you want to go after without the fear of failure. So with that said, let's go ahead and move on to the next section so that you can make your dreams a reality. 4. The Snowball Effect: Hey everybody, what's going on? So welcome to the section where we're going to talk about the snow ball effect. And this is going to be one of the most critical elements in the productivity foundations because it's going to show you how you can have a long-term vision and what you want to accomplish. And then we're going to break it down into actionable steps. And you can figure out exactly what you need to do today to make that dream become a reality. So with that said, let's go ahead and dive right in this book I really enjoyed by and Lamott's and it's called Bird by Bird. And essentially it's a book about writing, but there was a really good story that I want to share if you guys in this book, and it really relates to productivity. So there was this boy and let's go ahead and just call him Timmy for the sake of this explanation, he had a project where he needed to do a report on birds, right? Not just one bird, but multiple birds and sell Timmy, being a kid like he is and I definitely guilty of this when I was a kid, waited to the last minute to actually finish the report and he only had one day to do the entire thing when he procrastinated and just waited to the last minute instead of doing it steady month by month, he literally waited for the last day. And so Timmy, sitting at his desk, kitchen table at the desk was just confused and crime because he just didn't see how he was going to get this done in time. And you just bawling and he just not sharing and confused. And I'm sure we all felt like this at some point in our lives where we have this ambitious goal and then we wait till the last minute and then we feel like we don't have an assignment, then everything falls apart at the end and we just don't feel good and bad happens to the best of us. And in Timmy to so as that being a good father that he has came to Timmy and he said, hey buddy, don't worry about it. You want to just focus Bird by Bird buddy, Just take it Bird by Bird. And so what do you mean exactly by that? Is before to me, had all these birds that there are so many he wasn't even sure where to start. But if you just broke it down from Bird by Bird and really just doing it one bird at a time, he will eventually get his project done. Because even though from a high-level perspective, it's a really big project on doing so many reports on these birds. If you literally just take it down and break it down into pieces from one bird at a time. Suddenly it becomes very easy because what if you just had to do a project on that one bird? You'd get it done in ten minutes. And then just as a next one and that's another 10 minutes and the next one, and next one and the next one. And so Timmy just took a Bird by Bird and he was able to finish the entire project in one day. And just a moment ago, he was just bawling and crying because he wasn't sure how to figure this out. But by taking it Bird by Bird, broke it down into pieces and made it something that was reasonable and easy to understand and he just executed on it. He's only a child, but Lesson can be applied to everything that we do on a day-to-day basis. So the thing I want to really cover with you guys again is you want to take things Bird by Bird. And this is something I always, constantly remind myself as I work on whatever products I have in the future when I feel like something is just daunting and I, there's a lot to do. I literally just break it down into one simple task at a time and then take it Bird by Bird. And I literally say that in my head. A question that you might be wondering at this point is, how do I figure out what the first task should be, right? Because you might have a long-term vision on what you want to accomplish. But what is that first step that you need to take to make it a reality? And so in this section, and we're going to go deeper into what that first step will be and how we're gonna do that is we're going to introduce you guys to something I like to call the snowball effect. So if you ever seen a snowball wrote down a hill, essentially, if you get this little small snowball, you roll it down and then eventually it gets a little bit bigger and bigger and bigger until it's something huge, right? And it's not only just getting bigger, but it's getting bigger exponentially in that as it gets bigger, it's going to grow bigger even faster until it's this massive snowball. And so you want to think of productivity like this. You start with one little task. You wrote that little snowball down the hill and then you get more done and more done and more done and more done. So one little task that you do today, influence what you will do tomorrow will influence what you do for the month, for the year, five years, 10 years. In that you can see that you're really breaking down a long-term goal into something actionable, which is that small snowball. So like I said in the previous videos, you want to prioritize your most important goal. And typically you can always narrow it down to that one thing that's going to really move the needle in making your life more successful. So from there you want to plan the steps to achieve your goal, Bird by Bird, and start with that little small snowball and selectivity did having all these things that he needed to do, the high level goal was to finish his project and all he had to do was take it Bird by Bird and he got that done in no time. So for this section, I'm going to use myself as an example and I'm gonna show you the process that I took to my business. And so the first question I asked myself was, what's my most important priority again, you just narrow it down to that one thing that's going to move the needle and making your life more successful. And so that priority for me from a long-term perspective is to build a profitable business that allows me to travel the world and inspire others. It doesn't necessarily say exactly how I'm going to do it. There's no step-by-step plan, but it's just that one thing that I need to accomplish for the long-term. Then I broke it down to the mid term goals. So to actually make that long-term goal reality, what do I need to do? Well, I need to create a new course by the end of the month, right? And that it could be this course that you're seeing. So I gotta create this by the end of the month so that people can see it so I can accomplish my long-term goal. And then short-term priority would be to record one video lesson for the new course, right? So if I'm trying to complete an entire course in one month, the first step is to make one video lesson and then it even breaking it down into smaller pieces in that. Okay, what does it take to make one video lesson? Well, I gotta write it. Well, I gotta record it, you know, like you break it down to as granular as possible until you get to the very last variable. And then that's the thing that you need to do right now to accomplish your logo. Again, we start from the long-term priority, build a profitable business, then midterm go create a new course and then short-term go create one video lesson. And throughout the course we're gonna go into more deeper detail on how you can do this. But I want to give you a high level understanding that all you're doing is going from long-term, the short-term having a vision and breaking it down into a step-by-step plan. Like I just said, start with a high level goal, then bring it down into actionable steps. And again, something I wanted to really share, share if you guys is that a dream without a plan is literally just a dream. It's just something that comes and goes and it, you never get it done. But a dream of a plan can change your life. And I know for me, absolutely change minds where I can still on the journey. But in a sense, I accomplished my goal in that I'm creating products that people enjoy all around the world. I could travel anywhere I want. And hopefully this content inspires you to want to become more productive. So with that said, remember, have a long-term vision of what your biggest dreams, our dream as big as you can, even if you feel uncomfortable doing it because you might fail. Literally dream as big as you can, work backwards from long-term, mid-term to your short-term goal and then work at it Bird by Bird. And I'm telling you if you actually do those steps one at a time, you will accomplish anything that you want to happen. So with that said, let's go ahead and move on to the next section. 5. Smart Goals : Hey everybody, what is going on? So in this section we're going to talk all about smart goals. Now, the reason why this section is going to be incredibly important is because this is a framework that you can use to set your most ambitious goals and then really have a plant like a concrete plan to make it a reality. And the purpose of it is to really just the find exactly how you're going to make it a reality. Now, to explain to you exactly what smart goals are, I'm going to start off with a little story on how I even discovered this entire concept. Now, like I said before and throughout the entire course, life will give you whatever you ask from it. So if you ask for something small, you're going to get exactly that. However, if you ask for something grand and big and you're dreaming huge, that is exactly what life is going to give you, but you need a concrete plan to actually make it a reality. So sorry, no, sorry. I remember back when I was in high school, I remember my class took a trip to the University of Southern California. It was just a little school trip where they want to show us what the school was like to get us inspired to get us applying for colleges. So again, I was a junior at the time, that's the time when you start applying for colleges. And so me in my class, we took a walk around USC. I remember thinking to myself that wow, you know, this school is so beautiful, It's so nice, man, I'm never going to get in here. It's too good for me. And so that's exactly what happened where I didn't believe that I would be able to get into the school. And so when it was time to apply for colleges, I didn't even bother to apply when I was high school because I literally believe that I was not good enough. I believe that so much that I didn't even try. And part of the reason for that was because I wasn't necessarily a great student either. You know, my GPA was 3.17 out of a 4, which is okay, but it's not that great. And my SAT score was 640 at a 2400. And that was honestly not that great at all. And even for the writing section of the SAT actually scored below average. And English's my only language. So I don't even know how that happened. And so I wasn't I wasn't a great student, right? So anyways, because of my grades were low, I wasn't really doing any extra curriculars. I literally did believe that USE was a school for high achievers and I was not one of them. So back then I once again to the school called UC Irvine. And the reason was because I felt like USC was too much of a longshot. And so UC Irvine, what the grades that I had, I didn't really have a great chance at it, but it would be like a miracle to get in. And if I got in, then I'll I felt like my life was gray. I will never ask for anything for the rest of my life. So I apply for UC Irvine and a couple of other lower to your schools. And the thing was, I actually did not get into my quote, unquote dream school that I believe was something that was actually obtainable and I just didn't get it. And so what happened was I settled for school. It was basically the only school that accepted me and it was called UCR, UC Riverside. And what's really funny is that a lot of people that go to this school, we have this inside joke where we call it UC rejects because this is a school that people go to when they don't get into UC Irvine or they don't get into USC. And so yeah, you know, I spent my first year. You see rejects or UCR and now no, I'm not hating on UCR. Yeah. It was a cool school, but that's just, I'm just joking around it. That was the reputation that I kinda had in California at least. So again, know, hey, if you go to UCR, I went there. It just course-related is what it is. So anyways, moving forward, you know, what's interesting about going to UC Riverside was that I read on the internet that you could apply. And if you get good grades at UC Riverside, you could apply to UC Irvine and get in within two years. So I was thinking, okay, well, if I do get at Riverside, I can apply it, then I could go to UC Irvine, which was my dream school at the time when I was in high school. And so I was like, Okay, that sounds like a good plan. As I spent my first year at UC Riverside, what actually happened was my roommate. He told me that one of our acquaintances, his sister, actually went to UC Riverside before even within one year SHE transferred into USC University of Southern California, which is a school that I walked around as a junior in high school. And I said that I'm never going to get in here. What was interesting is that for someone similar to me where they only gotten to UCR, they were able to transfer to one of the top tier schools that I thought I would never be able to get in. And so by just seeing observing her, No, I didn't even know were personally and she has no idea who I am, just knowing the fact that it's possible that actually inspired me to want to transfer to USC as well. So instead of transferring and getting into UC Irvine in two years, I was like, Well, she gone to USC in one year. I'm gonna do it in one year 2. And again, I didn't know her at all. I just I just heard this random story then I googled it and I realized that it was possible. And I say, Okay, this is what I'm gonna do, this is my goal. And so at the time when I was at UC Riverside during my first year, I was also depressed and sad and I didn't really like my environment and blah, blah, blah, blah, just making excuses and complaining. And I really need to get out if I didn't get into a good school after one year, I was literally going to drop out at UC Riverside and figure it out because that's how unhappy I was. This is one of the first critical moments where I really dreamt big. I just dream big. And to me at the time, dreaming big was getting into USC because at 1 in my life, I thought that was impossible goal, I wouldn't ever be able to do it. And so that was my new goal. I want to get into USC and that was it. This is where I started to read about smart goals. And I read it somewhere randomly on the Internet. And basically a smart goal. The purpose of it is to define what your goals are and to really ask yourself how realistic is it and exactly when you want to make it happen. So going down, we're just going to break it down so you get a better understanding of this. And there were obviously smart goals, its acronym. So the first letter being as specific, what do you want to accomplish? And for me, I wanted to get into the University of Southern California and transfer out of UC Riverside is a measurable. So that's the second part. How much or how many? So if it's a dollar amount or something like that, if you're a salesperson and you have a sales goal That makes lot more sense. But for this specific goal, for me, is it measurable? Well, it's binary whether I get in or I don't get it and so so yeah, yeah, yeah, they get in or you don't. Number 3 is achievable. How realistic is this goal? And this was a critical one because I knew that acquaintances sister did it, so I knew that because she did that. I could do it. So yeah, it's realistic someone did that before. Okay. Makes sense. Going on to the fourth one, relevant. Does this goal matter to you? Hell, yeah. Matter to me because if I actually gone to USC, which completely changed my life time-bound, when will you accomplish this goal? One year, right, retina, two years. I wanted to do it in one because I wanted to get help with UC Riverside and get into USC by breaking it down. I've had my smart go. I knew what I wanted to do. I knew it was achievable. I it was relevant to me, it would change my life and I knew the timeline, I want to get it done, breaking it down even further. The long-term goal is again to USC. And how I was going to get into USC was have a killer application and get in, right. And how do you have a killer application? Well, I read on the Internet and as you can tell so far in this course that I learned a lot of things on the Internet. The midterm priority was to get straight A's. So if I got straight A's in all my classes, I would have a killer application to apply to USC and increase my chances. And how do I get straight A's in all my classes? Well, my short-term priority was to get A's on all my midterms and all my finals. And so from there that's a long, mid and short term plan, breaking it from a to Z. That's exactly the strategy I used to plot my execution into getting into USC. And so what I did was I literally just worked extremely hard, as hard as I ever did in my life and I literally got straight A's in all my classes. My GPA was a 3.93. I only got one a minus and I just killed it and I got in, in one year and was really interesting is that my experience I USE I was right, a completely changed my life. The people I was around was completely different from what I was exposed to at UCR, really opened my mind to believing myself and all the opportunities that existed in the world and being part of the Marshall School of Business is really beneficial. And so it was just a fantastic experience. And what's funny is that back when I was in high school, I wouldn't have even dreamed of getting into USE, didn't even think of as a possibility. And a few years later I graduated from USC and I actually graduated with honors. And you can see the little tassel around my neck. That's what you get when you are on your honor list. So crazy how throughout time I completely changed so much from being someone that don't even believe in themselves, being someone that excelled in this kinda academic environment. And so what was even more interesting is that I actually, my brothers were actually worse students and I was in high school. And basically, when I got to USC, I basically just sat them down and I say, Hey, look, you can apply to all these like random like colleges aren't that good at UC Riverside and all these other ones. Or you can just go to a community college, get straight A's and transfer the USC in one year. And they thought about it and that's what they did. They literally barely even apply to any colleges. And the younger, youngest brother, he didn't apply to any colleges at all and went straight to the community college, gosh, raise like we planned. And then he gone to USC and my middle brother, he also gone to USC. And so we all graduated from USC and we are these kids that didn't even believe that it was possible at one time. And we all did it. You know, it's not genes, it's not luck. It's literally having that belief in yourself and having a dream and what you wanna do, and then breaking it down into actionable steps and making it a reality. So like I said before, at the beginning of the video, in life, you're going to get what you asked for. So if you think small and you're only going to do these small, whatever things, That's exactly what life is going to give you. But if you dream big and for me and my brother's getting into USE, that was the big dream for dream big and actually have a plan to get their life is going to give to you if you put it in the work, but you gotta put in the work, right? So after you make that ask of whatever big dream you want, you have to break it down into a concrete plan. Because if you do the first part and you don't do the second, a dream is just a dream, but a dream with an action can change your life. So once you ever go and you could obviously use the smart goal like I did, the only thing left to do is actually put that plan into action and do it. And so the whole point of this productivity courses, especially at this section with the foundation, this dream big, understand what you want your life to be like. What is your vision, and then break it down into actionable steps. And if you have that framework in mind, you can literally accomplish anything. So with that said in the next lesson, where we're going to do is I have a worksheet for you guys to help you better understand what your priorities are. And then we're going to help you utilize a smart goals to figure out exactly how you're going to make your dreams a reality. So with that said, let's go ahead and move on to the worksheet in the next video. 6. Smart Goals Worksheet: All right guys, so like I said in the previous video, we're gonna go over the priorities and smart goals worksheet and it's going to be a PDF that's going to be attached to this video so you can directly download it from there. So once you download it, we're going to move on and you don't have to fill it out as we continue this lesson. Just go ahead and watch the video, understand how to use it, and then download the PDF and then fill it in so you can download it and just write directly on the PDF on your computer. Or you could actually just print it out and write on it with pen and paper up to you. So with that said, let's go ahead and move on to the worksheet itself. All right guys, so now we're actually in the priorities and smart goals worksheet. And so the first section of it is actually going to be the priorities. Essentially, this entire worksheet is going to be a two-page worksheet. Very simple. And first we're going to figure out what your priorities are. And then after that, we're gonna get that priority. And then we're going to create a smart goal around it so that you can actually make it into reality. So let's go ahead and dive into the first part. So priority. So there's number one, number two, number three, and number one in the area below, write down all of your goals you feel like you want to accomplish and remember to dream big, like I said in one of the videos in the previous sections, sometimes we have this to-do lists where it's like 25 things long. So in this section, I want you to write as many things as you possibly can about all your big dreams. Whether it's to be a senior, a wealthy person, to have a beautiful family wherever it is, maybe it's to be healthy. You put it down here, doesn't matter how longest is just put literally put everything in here. And again, you can just type directly into this PDF itself or you can print out and write it by hand. So once you put down all your things, I recommend putting at least 10 things, probably closer to 20, but at least ten things of your most ambitious goals that you want to accomplish. So from there in number two, what you're gonna do is you're going to look at your long list of 10 or more things. And then in the area below, you're going to narrow it down to your top five priorities. So what are the top five things that you want to get accomplished in your lifetime? Again, this is your most ambitious goal. From there, once you narrow it down to your 10 or 20 to five, what you're gonna do in number three is you're going to narrow it down to your number one priority. So that's going to be your one goal. So out of all these things, you're funneling it down into one thing that you want to accomplish. Again, whether it's to make a million dollars or to be a senior or a rapper, or to be an athlete, whatever it is, that is your one go. And again, I don't want you to have like five here. I don't even want you to have two. I want you to have one priority that it's so important to you that that's the thing you need to get done. And it will completely change your life. So have that and put it down here. So once you have your number one priority, wherever gonna do is we're gonna go to the second page of the worksheet and this is where you're going to craft your smart goal. And in this worksheet, what you wanna do is you want to take your number one goal from your priorities worksheet and create that smart goal, like I just said. So again, going over the smart goals like recovered in the previous video is a specific, So whatever this thing is, write it down here. What is it that you want to accomplish? And maybe it's to build a business where you are financially free, you could travel the world. So let's just go ahead and use that as an example. So what do you wanna accomplish? But it down here, Is it measurable? Yeah, you could put how much money your business wants to make or how many days off you a year you want to travel. So be as specific as you can in terms of defining your own success. And then for here achievable how realistic is this goal? And to kinda explain what that means is you just got to think, is this possible if you actually put in the work in time, can you actually make it reality? Go on the Internet, see if other people are doing it. Because if other people can do it, they're just human beings with the same 24 hours. I don't see why you can't do it either. So go ahead and put that there. And then relevant. Does this goal matter to you? And if it's something like building a profitable business that allows you to travel the world and live life the way you want. Hell, yeah, it is going to matter to you. So whatever your goals are of everyone's going to have a different goal, but isn't irrelevant to you. But it's important to ask that because you don't want to do things that you don't care about. For example, some people, you know a lot of my friends and build successful businesses that are successful entrepreneurs, but they're doing businesses that they just literally don't care about and the trap themselves into a job and they just end up miserable. And entrepreneurs are one of the most miserable people because it's a tough route. So again, it's kinda be, it's going to matter to you, right? That's going to be very important and know that you're defining your own success. Don't compare yourself to other people. This is not a stick measuring contests. You get to define your own success. So if you think it's important, maybe it's to be the best mom possible, then that's going to be here. It's relevant to you. So that's all that really matters. So the next thing is time. When will you accomplish this goal? And you want to be concrete about it, whether it's ten years, five years, 10 years, half year. Again, you define your own timeline. Now I recommend being ambitious with it. So if you want to get this done quick, put it down, be ambitious would fit. If it needs to change, that needs to change. It's okay if you don't always hit your goals, but you want to aim high and try to make it as real as possible. So with that said, that's everything for the smart goals. Again, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time. You can write directly on the PDF or print it out and read it by hand. But once you finish this video, again, you really want to put down your priority, narrow down to that one thing. And then with that one thing that really define exactly what that goal is and make it measurable, make it achievable, make it relevant. And you'll put a timeline to it. And then what you want to accomplish is going to be so concrete, it's going to be incredibly easy to do what you need to do day-to-day to make that goal a reality. And throughout the course, we're going to show you exactly tips and tricks and tactics on how to do that. But the first step is to actually write down that goal. So with that said, I'm going to go ahead and let you take time to fill out this worksheet. And once you finish it, I'm gonna see you guys in the next lesson. 7. Your Why: Hey everybody, what's going on? So welcome to the section where we are going to talk about your why. Now, why this section is going to be incredibly important is because when it comes to productivity, having the tactics and strategies aren't very important. But if you don't understand why you do what you do, everything else, that literally does not matter. So that is why we're going to cover exactly what it means to discover your y. Now to start things off, like I mentioned before in this course, my mission in life is to inspire others. So right off the bat, I'm telling you guys exactly what my why is I want to help other people live the lives that they want to live. And so with this said, a lot of people, they come up to me or the e-mail me and ask me questions. One of the things I get a lot is, Patrick, where do you get your motivation from n? That's a really good question because they see me out here making content and trying to help as many people as I can. And they wonder, where exactly am I getting this drive? Why is it that I want to do what I wanna do? And the reality was I really didn't even know this from the very beginning. In actuality, this is something I discovered recently within the past few years. And how it all started was after I graduated from the University of Southern California at the time I was a fresh graduate, very confident in myself. I was on the honor roll for the business school and everything was going good. I'm you know, my resume looked really good on paper. Now some of the most popular jobs when it came to graduating from USC as an undergraduate was the first one was consulting. Most people went into the consulting world after they got a business degree, or they got into accounting, or they got into investment banking. And so these were the, really the three big jobs that most people were getting after they graduated from college. And there are a group of people who are interested in startups. So you've got all these random people who are just joining startups for whatever reason. And the thing for me was accounting, consulting and investment banking and even startups at the time weren't something I wasn't necessarily interested in. So in actuality, I just didn't apply for any jobs after I graduated from college because I was confident in my ability that can get a job if I actually applied myself. But the thing was there was no sense for me in getting a job, just to get a job and just joining that nine to five because I was in a fortunate position where I wanted to take some time off and figure out what I really enjoyed rather than getting a job just for the sake of getting a job. The challenge for me was I didn't exactly know what I wanted to do. Just like most people who are graduating from college, instead of taking a job and letting life passing by, what I did was I sought out an answer and where I looked first was books and so on. All types of books. After I graduated from college, like I was interested in real estate, so I read a book, a couple of books on real estate agents. Then I read about startups with 0 to one that I read about communications and smart cuts like life hacking, productivity. And I thought I might want to go into the music industry. So I started reading music industry books and then I started reading more venture capital books because maybe, maybe starves was what I wanted to get into. So instead of complaining and letting life pass me by, I just kept reading book after book after book. And about six or seven months I literally read about 60 or 70 books. Looking for my answer, what was really interesting was a friend introduced me to this book called The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss and it's fairly popular book internationally. And this is actually the book I found out my life's purpose or really not necessarily found out, but crafted it on my own using inspirations from this book. So in the book itself, there was this one chapter where they were talking about what was the purpose of working. We know why is it that you do what you do? And it didn't really state this directly in the book. But what I got from it was my purpose in life is to love and be loved, which is essentially giving love to other people and hopefully they would give me that love back, Not that it expected. And the second thing, which is where I crafted my entire business around and that is to inspire others. Because throughout my entire life there are people that inspired me and what brings me great joy is inspiring others. And right now it's through the form of education and teaching you guys how to become more productive. So that was my core. I figured it out. I literally figured out from reading this book and really reflecting on my life in my childhood. And I came to the conclusion that I was going to and I am dedicating my life to inspire others. And so that really shaped everything in my life where after I figured out my life's purpose, which is to inspire others, I joined the company Oracle to develop my sales skills because I knew one day I wouldn't want to start my own business. And having the ability to sell is it's going to be critically important. And that's what led me tactically to join Oracle as an employee. And at Oracle because my mission was to inspire others. That's when I first started teaching and consulting and I created my own lead generation cores at the company teaching people how to use LinkedIn to generate leads. It was a smash hit where a lot of people really enjoy the content that I put together and they really enjoyed my presentations and I'm not necessarily at the end of the road. Yeah. I'm I'm really just back then. I was just starting out and even now I'm still on the journey. But my mission in life is to inspire others. And because I enjoyed the journey so much of helping people, I feel like I've already won and that's why every day I get a wake up and I feel incredibly productive and motivated because I'm living the life that I want to live, even though I'm not even at the end of the rainbow quite yet. And so through that mission to inspire others, I've been fortunate enough to be able to have students all around the world where I get to teach. So my content, whether it's productivity or sales or lead generation, business development, consulting. A lot of different subject and it's so fortunate I've been able to, in some way inspire other people all around the world through the form of online education. So when it comes to productivity, understanding why you do what you do is key because like I said before, my y essentially is to inspire others. And then once I figured out the vision of what I wanted my life to look like in the future. I've been able to make the right moves from joining oracles, starting to teach sales training, starting to make content online, and starting to get into the e-learning business and teaching people how to be more productive or start their own consulting businesses or whatever other courses that I teach my wife, it's always going to be there and it's the core and that is to inspire others. So once you've figured out what your core is, everything will build around that core function and you just got to figure out why you do what you do and what you really care most about. And most people, when they get to this stage or once you've watched this video, the first thing they're going to ask is, well, where do I start? Everything sounds good, but I don't know what I wanna do. I don't know what I'm interested in and blah, blah, blah, blah. And I totally get it because at 1, not too long ago when I graduated from college, I was in the exact same boat where I didn't know what I want to do. So here's a simple way I want you to visualize figuring out your why, basically the entire global economy and what people do on a day-to-day works like this. On the left side, you basically have who you are as an individual. And now I'm not necessarily talking about business. I'm talking about you personally, who you are. On the other end, it's going to be who we are becoming. So essentially, everybody in the present moment is a version of themselves and they have an idea or a picture in their head of who they want to be. So the first question to figure out what your why is, is figuring out who do you want to become? Because in life we're gonna go through stages of evolution and understanding where you are currently and understanding where you want to be. It's going to help you visualize what exactly your y is. So when it comes to productivity, actually productivity is, is really just that gap between who you are and who we are becoming. And so the productivity side of it is the work you need to do to actually become the person that you want to be. So the first question, again you want to ask is, who do you want to become? And for me, it was to be a person that inspires others. And it doesn't necessarily have to be so specific like a job that, you know, it's defined and created. It could be as vague as just the ability to inspire others and help people live the lives they want to live. But it could be more tangible like things like being a top sales rep or maybe something like being financially free where you never have to worry about money or living a lifestyle where you get to travel all around the world. Being wealthy, helping your family being healthy could also be something that you want to be having a healthy body and just living life and enjoying who you are. Or you may be even family oriented where your life revolves around your family and you want to be the best mother or their father or best family member that you can be. So getting to the bottom of exactly who you want to be. And again, it's not going to be easy. You have to do a lot of deep reflection on what you actually care about. And I recommend looking at your past, your childhood and how you came up. And he, if he still get a little stuck, you can still talk to different people who you admire or you read different books that might give you some inspiration like it did for me on exactly who you want to be. So the first question again is, who do you want to become after you ask the question of who do I want to become? The next question, you have to really figure out, why do I want to become x? And x is going to be the variable of whatever it is that you want to do. So for me it would be why do I want to be a person that inspire others? And my answer to that is because other people inspired me and they helped me live a better life and I just want to do the same for other people. And so once you get very clear on who you want to be and why you want to be that person. Understand your y is going to be so much more easier and it's going to help you become so much more productive because when you, when you get out of bed in the morning, you know exactly why you're doing what you're doing and all the laziness just kinda dissipates because you have a mission and you know why you're doing what you're doing on a day-to-day basis. And that's how you're going to become more productive and that's where you're going to get that motivation that other people seem to be lacking and just fallen, let life pass them by. And the last thing I'll leave off for you in this session is that if you don't have a purpose quite yet, make it your mission to find one. And this is where it's really important to not make any excuses for yourself because a lot of people will say that they want to start a business or they want to do this, they want to do that, but they just don't have an idea or they don't have a purpose, you don't have a mission, and you just make a lot of excuses if you don't quite know who you want to become yet and why you want to become that person. Make it your mission to find out who that person is that you want to be. And it really just spent a lot of time on this because if you don't figure out why you do what you do, everything else is not going to matter. And it really sobering question that you should ask yourself as you try to figure out what your mission in life is, is on a weekly basis, ask yourself how many hours you put in into finding your mission in life. And most people that I talked to who haven't figured out the answer for themselves. Usually the answer is 0, 0 hours. And if you start putting in the time and the effort into discovering who you want to become and why you want to become that person. It's basically going to be an inevitable before you find out exactly who you want to be. So again, if you don't have a purpose in life quite yet, make it your mission to find one. So with that said, we're gonna go ahead and move on to the next lesson. 8. Making Excuses: Hey, what's going on? And everybody, and in this session we're going to talk about making excuses. Now this is going to be one of the most common pitfalls when it comes to something that kills your productivity. And that is when you make excuses for why you are not doing what you should be doing. And honestly, once you've figured out your why you pretty much know exactly what you should be doing at all times. But, but sometimes we may fall into the trap of being a little lazy. And so in this section, I want to show you guys how to avoid the pitfalls of making excuses and what to do in its replacement. So but that said, let's go ahead and dive right in. Now to dive a little deeper in the story that I told you in the beginning of the course where I quit my job and I traveled to Thailand to try to start different online businesses. When I was actually in Thailand, honestly, I spent the first two months just kinda playing around in India, really just enjoying my time off. And that's me over there. When I, when I traveled up a mountain in Chiang Mai and I jumped over a little river and took a picture on this rock and, you know, honestly everything was gray. I was taking a lot of trips, but the reality was I honestly was not working as hard as I should be in. The challenge was that I was living off of my savings and if I was not generating any income, then this dream life would come to an end at some point. But the thing was instead of putting that pressure on myself and you're taking full responsibility and understanding that was not making any income even though I was having a time in my life. I was telling myself I'm not making money because and I will just put any random excuse that I can think of on the spot. So I would say I'm not making any money because I haven't had time off and I just want to enjoy my time. I'm not making money because environment and Thailand isn't as ambitious as it is in San Francisco or whatever excuse that I can think of, I would just literally just say it. And that was really preventing me from my growth because instead of actually taking responsibility and learning from my mistakes, I was just making excuses and I was basically stagnant, again, not growing and more importantly, not making any money to sustain this lifestyle. And so clearly to visualize what I was doing was that whenever I would have a problem, I would blame it on any type of external factor and what those external factors were were whatever was convenient at the time, whether it's the weather or maybe it was a chair that was not ergonomic or the Internet to slow whatever it is, I've found something to blame. And like I was saying before IT, productivity tactics are effective and we're going to show you some of them later. But having the right mindset and understanding that When you're understanding, when you're blaming external factors, when you should be actually blaming yourself and take responsibility. Understanding this concept was going to be extremely critical when it comes to becoming a productive machine. So the moment you start blaming anybody else but yourself, it's basically over. You're not gonna get any done, anything done. If you're going to blame Facebook or you're going to be the Facebook algorithms or you're going to blame Instagram algorithms? Are you going to blame the weather? Are you going to blame your spouse or your loved ones for taking up your time or whatever it is it's over, you're not gonna get anything done at all. So what do we need to do the changes? So rather than blaming external factors, we're going to adopt this mindset where everything is your fault. Now this may sound a little harsh, or my feel like having this kind of mindset, maybe too much responsibility. But when she started understanding that everything is literally your fault, that is when your productivity is going to skyrocket. And so instead of blaming external factors, like blaming the Internet, The, whether your girlfriend or whatever it is. What you wanna do is you want to say, okay, this is the situation I'm in and I put myself in this situation so I gotta get myself out. So if I'm not making any money, that it's 100% on me, not my environment, not Thailand, not the internet, not the weather, not that I'm vacation. It does not matter because everything is your fault at the end of the day. And if you want to take control of your life, you have to take responsibility for that because the, one of the most critical skills when it comes to becoming more productive is you want to learn to take for responsibility to break the habit of making excuses. And so the productivity machine is all about the veiling that mindset where you're not blaming any external factors anymore. You're only taking responsibility for your actions. And even when things don't seem like they're directly your fall, know that you can always do something to make your situation better. So in life there are going to be a lot of negative things that happened. And you have to realize that regardless of how they happen, sometimes it's just dumb luck. You have to take responsibly and pulling yourself out of that hole and becoming more productive and becoming a better person. No one else is gonna do that for you. You gotta do it for yourself. And the most amazing thing about what happens when you take for responsibility and you have that mindset where everything is literally your fault. When you know that everything is your fault, Everything is also in your control. And that is the beauty of the productivity of machine. Because once you assume that everything is your fault, and no matter what happens, you take full responsibility. You could have done something better. That means that everything in life, no matter what it is, whether it's something random negative that comes into your life. You have the power to make that situation into something that benefits your life in a positive way. So again, when everything is your fault, Everything is also in your control. And when things are in your control, you can literally do anything. And so if you want to be productive and you wanna get your stuff done, whether it's a startup business or have time for family and work or whatever it is. Know that everything is your fault and know that everything is also in your control. 9. Your Highs and Lows: Hey, What's going on, everybody? So in this session we are going to talk about your highs and lows. And now so in this particular section we're gonna talk about exactly what it means to understand what your highest version of yourself is and what that lowest version is. So let's go ahead and just dive right in so you get a better understanding of what I'm talking about here. So like we've been doing the entire course. We've been setting your goals and helping you guys think as big as possible, meaning dreaming big, understanding what your most ambitious goals are and crafting a plan, a step-by-step plan to actually get there. So of course, it's fantastic to dream big. But the thing is, even if people dream extremely big and believe that they can accomplish anything. Because maybe after we watch Gary V video on YouTube or receive a motivated or we see a motivational speech and refueling pumped up. Sometimes I feeling doesn't always last and then it can kinda dissipate and we may not be our productive selves anymore. So most people actually went to, they feel that rush of energy. They go back to their lazy self as time goes on. And for the most part, I would say most human beings on Earth feel this where there are moments where they get really hyped up and excited and they want to get as much done as they possibly can. And then sometimes we go into waves where we just don't wanna do anything and we'll feel lazy and feel tired and we ask ourselves what's even the point? And so in this section, as we dive deeper, we're going to show you exactly why this happens and what you can do to counter it so that you make sure that you can be your most productive self, that you can possibly be. So you want to imagine yourself here right in the middle and at the top, that's going to be this line over here, which represents your highest version of yourself, which is going to be your maximum. When you feel pumped up, you feel you productive. It's when you are getting stuff done. And at the bottom over here, it's going to be your lowest version of yourself, which is your minimum. And that's going to be the phase where we're really lazy. You don't really want to do anything and you just don't care about anything frankly. And so everybody has this. We have the highest version of ourselves and we have the lowest versions are selves 1, the highest version is going to be your most productive, and the lowest version is going to be your lease productive. And so here's the interesting part about this. You're actually not the average of your highest and lowest version of yourself. Most people believe that they take the highest version and the lowest version and they kinda combined it and then an average, but that's actually not true at all. You are actually the lowest version of yourself. And so let me explain to you what I mean by this. The highest version of yourself is what you believe is possible. It's basically in your head, your vision of how big you can actually make your life and how great it can be. So it's more of a mental thing of believing. Now the lowest version of yourself is what you actually do on a day-to-day basis. So let me go ahead and give you an example. Let's say you're living in an apartment and on some days you feel really clean and you clean everything up. And some days if you're lazy where everything is just everywhere, right? So you can't necessarily take the average of the highest version and lowest version and get this middleware. You're somewhat clean and somewhat dirty. It's more like if your if your room is messy, it's almost binary where it's messy, no matter how much you believe you're a clean person. If your room is just messy, you are literally just the lowest version of yourselves because it's binary. It, if your room is messy or not and even comes to productivity, there are days where you can work like 10 hours a day, right? But there are days where you only work two hours a day. I mean, you can take the average of them and say, These are the amount of hours I worked over the course of a month. But the thing is on that day-to-day basis, if you only work two hours a day, it you literally only work two hours a day and that's binary. That's period. You're not taking the averages. You'd literally only work two hours a day. So you are actually the lowest version of yourself. And if you're only working two hours a day, then you're working two hours a day. You can't take the averages, you can't massage the numbers so that you could say, Oh, I worked ten hours on this day. I'm going to combine it with this to our day and suddenly everything is okay. It doesn't work like that because you want to make sure that you are consistent in your productivity on a day-to-day basis. So what do you need to do to make sure that you can become a productivity machine? Well, what you want to first do, and we've been doing this throughout the entire course, is you want to keep increasing and erasing the highest version of yourself. You want to imagine what your life could be when you're dreaming as big as possible and push that limit as far as you can. And when you get to that limit where you feel a little uncomfortable and you wonder whether or not you can pull it off. You keep on pushing because hi, are you push yourself in that? The more you believe in yourself, the more you actually get done because your day-to-day will change based on that high level vision of what you want your life to be. Now at the same time, what you wanna do is you want to constantly increase the lowest version of yourself. So you not only do you have that mental stamina and mental vision of who you want to be at your highest version, you want to make sure your day-to-day is constantly being pushed up. So if you're only working two hours a day, you want to bump it up to 3, 4, 5, 6, and you want to hit those minimums. So instead of saying One day I work ten hours, the other day at work too, you want to always make it so that minimum, you want to work eight hours a day and that's period, no excuses, no averaging know massaging any numbers. You want to keep a consistent lowest version of yourself and you want to keep raising that bar. Because once you understand that you can believe and you could do anything you want and you raise your lowest version of yourself. You can actually do the things you need to do on a day-to-day basis because you're not massaging numbers. You're not trying to make it sound like a productive. You are literally productive because instead of averaging things, you're taking that lowest version and you're increasing that standard, it's literally one of the greatest productivity hacks because instead of believing that you're the average, highest or lowest version, always imagine it like you are always the lowest version of yourself. And what you do on a day-to-day is literally how you live your life. So you got to pay attention in the present time and keep raising that lowest version of yourself and be mindful and be honest with yourself whether or not you're actually working hard and you're being productive and getting things done, or just being that low version, busy version of yourself. And so with that said again, to summarize, it always, constantly increased the highest version of yourself and at the same time increase that lowest version of yourself because that's practically how you're going to spend your life on a day to day basis. So with that said, let's go ahead and move on to the next lesson. 10. Planning for the Short and Long Term: Hey everybody, what is going on now? Welcome to the section where we're going to talk all about planning for the short and long-term. And of course, this lesson is going to be critical just like all the other lessons will be. And the reason is because it's not enough just to plan for the short-term and execute on a day-to-day basis. You also got to have a long-term vision in what you want out of your life and what you're trying to become productive in. So without further ado, let's show you how you can plan for your short and long-term, not only for your life goals, but your business goals as well. Now if you guys watched Alice in Wonderland, there was this one scene once Alice entered the fantasy world and she first encountered this cat. And Alice obviously being lost like she was, she asked the cat, where should I be going? And the cat replied, Well, where do you want to go? And Alice responded with, I don't know. And the cat responded back by saying, well, then it doesn't matter which way you go. So why I bring up this lessons? Because in this story, Alice doesn't really know the direction that she wants to go in her life and she's completely lost, but there's no end destination. And so if Alice is asking directions from the cat, even if the cat knows exactly where everything is in this entire world, if Alice doesn't know where she wants to go personally, how can the Cat Helper, because he can only guide her to where she wants to go, but where she wants to go. She has to figure out that for herself and bringing it back to our lives in our reality, it's exactly the same. And sometimes we can't expect others just to give us the answers and how we want to live our life. Because we have to be the ones that decide how we want to do ourselves and can't search for the answer externally, we have to dig down deep inside to understand what our long-term goals are only then we can understand which direction we should go. And so like I was saying, if you don't know where you're going, how can you even take the first step? And understanding where you wanna go will allow you to take that very first step, then the second, then the third and the fourth. And you're on your way to accomplishing wherever it is you want to accomplish. So you want to start with a vision, then build the plan to make it reality. So it's not enough, just the dream about what you want. You've got to really understand the concretely what that vision looks like, whether it's five or ten years out. And then from there you want to build a plan step-by-step to actually make that vision a reality. And so how we're going to do that is we're going to apply the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80 20 rule. And just to give you guys a refresher. And one of the Pareto principle is examples. I said that if you have a to-do list that's 25 things long, you can narrow it down by 20 percent and bring it down to five and then you narrow it down by 20 percent again and you narrow it down to one. So from 25 things that you thought you had to do, you narrow it down to one priority, one priority that you focus on that's going to be critical in moving your business or life further. And so just to remind you what the Pareto principle is, it's basically saying that 20 percent of the work you do will result in 80% of your success. So that's why you want to narrow all your things down and distill it into one priority that you can focus on it which will lead to a majority of your success. What do you understand what that one priority is? Whether it's to make $10 million by a certain age or to be a famous senior or to have financial stability. So you can try it with the world wherever that one priority you have in life is focused deeply on it and this is how you're gonna do it. So essentially what that one priority is, you wanna think of it like a dream goal. Or if you want to make it a little bit more tangible, you could put a year on it and say it's the 10 year goal. And that's usually how I recommend people plan their things out. You want to think ten years ahead. Sometimes it'll take longer, sometimes you could accomplish things quicker, but as a rule of thumb, Let's go ahead and use ten years. Then whatever that dream goal is, let's say it's to make $10 million within the next 10 years. So if that is your goal, then you say, okay, so that's my goal, $10 million within the next 10 years. And then you want to break it down step-by-step. So once you understand the 10-year goal, now you got to ask yourself, what's the five-year ago? Where do you have to be in five years so that you're in the position where you can accomplish whatever it is you want to accomplish within a 10-year timespan. So in five-years, you might say, well, if my dream goal is to make $10 million, I want to have at least $5 million by year five. And so you break it down even further. What's your a one year goal? Well, in one year you may not have a million dollars, but you could say, okay, in one year, I want to create a business where I get to generate passive income every single month at a rate of 10 K per month, $10 thousand per month. And so when you bring it down like that, you really make it into concrete cells because you can say, okay, in one year I want to build a business that makes 10-K. passive income per month and I'm going to invest that money so I can make more money. And then with that money that I'm investing, I want to have 5 million in five years, at 10 by 10 years, I'm going to have 10 million. And so as you can see, you start with a vision and you start breaking it down step-by-step from ten years to five years, then one year. And then we're going to even go more narrow than that and we're going to go into your monthly goals. So based on your one year goal, what's your monthly goal that needs to achieve to make that one-year go possible. And that's so let's say I'm going to use myself as an example and I'm making my money through teaching people with online courses. So my monthly go would be to create a new online course for the month. And then if I create that new online course, then it's going to help me get closer to that one year ago that we talked about and which was to make 10 K a month passive income per year. So that could be your monthly golden, you break it down into your week. We go, you look at your week and say, Okay, what do I need to do this week to achieve my monthly goal, which will accomplish my yearly go, which we'll accomplish my five-year ago, which we'll accomplish my 10-year go. And you see, we're working backwards from there. And then finally you break it down into the daily goal. What are you going to do today to accomplish that weekly glow, which will help you accomplish that monthly go and so on. So as you can see, you want to narrow it down from ten years, five years, one year, monthly, weekly and daily. And so that's exactly how you're going to figure out what you need to do on a day-to-day basis. Because if your goal is to make $10 million, there's really no excuse for why you don't know what to do today, to actually take a step to get there. Because if you really break it down like this, you know, the exact plan to get there, although obviously things are going to change as you move along in your process and that's totally fine because you can always change the plan to adjust to the market or whatever situations you're in. However, I want you guys to stray away from making any type of excuses. The saying you don't know what to do or you don't have a business idea or you don't know what actions to take. Because if you break it down from your 10 year, five-year, one year, monthly, weekly, and daily goal, that should not be an issue. And you want to even apply the snowball effect as you think about these long-term and short-term goals. Because like we said before, the snowball starts at the top and it rolls down the hill and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and it's getting bigger exponentially. So the main lesson here is that what you do today is going to affect what you do in one month and that's going to affect what you do in one year and it's going to affect the 5-year and 10-year. So you want to think of it like every single day, every day does count because it does contribute to making your 10-year goal or your dream goal a reality. And you just got to take it one step at a time, row that snowball in rolling down the hill and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. And you're going to see that you're going to be accomplishing more things and taking on more ambitious challenges. Because all the game of productivity is, is just getting that star in building momentum and staying consistent and is whatever it is that you do. And eventually you're going to build that giant snowball that's going to destroy all of your goals and it, you're just going to crush it to recap everything when it comes to short-term and long-term goals. For your long-term goals, have that vision for what it is you wanna do, boiling it down to that one priority, and then set a goal for your dream goal. And I recommend going ten years out and then breaking it down to your five-year go one-year, monthly and daily goals. And then you're going to know exactly what you need to do from a long-term perspective and you have a clear vision on what you want in life. And you also know from an execution perspective what you should be doing on a day-to-day, monthly and yearly basis. So with that said, I'm gonna see you guys in the next lesson. 11. Managing Your Time : Hey everybody, what is going on? Welcome to this session where we are going to show you how to better manage your time. So for this particular section, a lot of people have been asking me exactly how they should structure their day-to-day, especially when they understand what their long-term vision and they understand what they need to do on a day-to-day basis, but how do you even break it down and we'll schedule that by the hour you how does your calendar look like? How much time should you be spending on creating? How much time should you be spending on managing other people? So with that said, we're going to cover all of Bill's questions within this section. So the first thing I want to say to you guys is that most people have long to-do lists and get trapped with busy work. And I know a lot of people like this who work in large companies where essentially they might have a general business job or they might be an analyst or consultant. But in reality they're really just pushing papers around there, getting information from one area. They're giving it to another person, and that's literally what they're doing all day. And you want to stay out of that trap. And even if you're an entrepreneur or you have your own business, there's a lot of things that you could be doing that will move the needle and your business and can generate more revenue. However, if you get trapped just doing the things that don't really matter and you're busy for the sake of being busy, you're working long hours but not making much money, that's not going to be good. So we're going to cover exactly how to stay away from these long to-do list that don't get you anywhere and how you can actually focus on the work that matters. So how are we going to teach you guys that is we're going to use something called the Paul Graham's maker schedule. Now, Paul Graham is a notorious investor for one of the founders of Y Combinator. And this is how he recommends all of his founders who are part of his incubator to schedule their schedules. And this is how some of the most productive founders handle their schedule on a day-to-day basis. So the Paul Graham's maker scheduled to give you a high-level overview before we dive in it, you are basically categorizing your time into two buckets. The first category is going to be your maker category, which is the time you spent to create things. And the second part is manager category, which is to oversee and direct other people. Now to give you a better understanding of what that means, let's say for example, you are a coder who is working on a startup. So you want to spend portion of your time categorized in making, which is coating, and the other half of it, you want to make sure you are managing the business properly, making sure your employees are happy, and you're making sure that you're hiring new people. Those kind of paths would be Manager tasks. Clearly, there's a really big difference between Maker, which is creating something, manager which is more administrative. Both are important. However, you just want to divide your time in this way so that you can spend a long duration of time doing one thing and then the rest of the ration doing the other. So maker time, basically that's when you're coding, creating painting wherever it is, that is the form of creating. It requires huge chunks of time, whether it's from coding, generating leads for business development or to just develop new ideas to make the business even better, or even if you're creating a new product wherever it is, the maker category takes a lot of time because sometimes you need a sit down and you need a few hours to get creative and come up with good ideas. However, the manager time is a lot more straightforward. You're really just telling people what to do and overseeing operations. You could divide that into increments of 30 minutes or even hours or one hour, two hours because this is just really overseeing things and having meetings and that's not as creative. And an example of that is for meetings, you don't necessarily need a huge chunk of time, like four hours to have a meeting. You really just need to maybe 30 minutes or an hour to get everyone on the same page. But for Maker time, which is when you're creating, sometimes you literally need four hours or more just to do straight coding or straight creating or a straight creating a new product. But for manager time, you could really divide it into pieces. How I recommend you guys scheduling your time is that if you're in a business where you are making and managing, you want to make sure that your make your time is in the morning and your management time is in the afternoon and onwards. And the reason is because you want to make sure that when you wake up you're at your best, you are at your highest level and energy. And that's what it's gonna take to create the best product or service as possible. And then from there you can just spend the rest of the day managing other people in doing the things that aren't necessarily creative, but are the things that keep the business running. This is how most people spend their day. They'll spend 80 percent of the day doing busy work, which is like moving papers, having meetings and those kinds of things. And then they'll save 20 percent at the end of the day to do the most important task, which may be generating leads or hiring new employees or creating new product. And this is how most people, they fall into the trap of just being an operator and operating their business on a day-to-day basis without doing the important task of pushing in innovating and making something new. And so this is how most people do it and we want to switch this. We want to make sure that if you want to be productive and you wanna make sure you're doing the important things every day. You want to spend 50 percent of your day doing the most important task and then 50 percent of the other day doing the busy work that just has to be done. Two things I want to mention to you about this new productive day is, again, you want to schedule a minimum of four hours per day on your main priority. So like we have talked about throughout the entire course, there's this idea of having one priority, whether it's a five-year goal or 10 years ago and you just hardcore focus on that and you try and make that a reality. And you want to make sure you spend at least four hours per day. And this is assuming you're working on at least eight hours a day. So you want to spend at least four, which is half of it on doing the most important task, which is usually making and doing something that pushes the needle in accomplishing your dreams and then you want to save the other half were doing all the other busy work. They just have to do, whether it meetings, making sure everyone's on the same page or writing an email to make sure that everyone knows what's going on. So those kinda busy works. You want to save for the end again and focus on the most important thing in the first 50 percent of your day. However, once you get really good, you'll start realizing that if you're only doing the important tasks that lead to the majority of your result, you might as well bump it up and put 80% of your time throughout the day doing your most important task. And this is exactly how I plan my personal calendar, where I literally spent 80% of my day doing one thing, whether it's the create new videos for my course or doing marketing for it or whatever it is. I usually to one thing per day that's going to push my business to the next level. And then I leave the end of the day that 20 percent of the day to do the busy work like sending wiring money to another bank account or, or writing an email to me share my entire team is on the same page. And because those things aren't necessarily extremely critical or time sensitive, they just need to be done in as long as you get them done by the end of the day, it's fine. So you want to use all your energy in the morning and just go hard and doing that thing that's going to take you to the next level and just forget everything else. Because if you focus on that one priority, everything else is gone that you're going to realize that it does not matter because if you're a senior Erin, you spend 80 percent of your time creating the best music possible, then if that music is actually good, people are going to gravitate to it and you don't have to do as much marketing. You don't have to have as much meaning. People are going to want to work with you because your music is good. Or if you're creating a product, if you just spend your time focusing on creating an amazing product and everything else is going to come and gravitate to you. And so when you're thinking about business, you can literally pointing down. So one thing that is going to be extremely critical, and again, I recommend doing at least four hours per day focusing about one task. However, once you get to that level, you can bump it up and actually bringing up to 80. And if you're really good, you can get it to 90. And you realize that this is how the most productive people plan their day because you rather do that one critical thing that's going to change the game, then do a 100 things that aren't really going to move the needle at all. And if there's anything that you remember from this lesson is that focus on your priorities and everything else will not matter. I promise you guys this, that if you really do focus on the things that are going to be the most important, and usually you can boil it down to one priority That's going to be significantly more important than everything else. The rest of your life will just fall in place because that priority is going to carry you very far and all these other things do not matter. You might feel like they matter now and you might have this long to-do lists of all of these things that you just need to get done. But I promise you if you boil it down using the 80 20 rule, boil it down to that one priority and then just hardcore focus at least four hours per day on that priority, you're going to make any dream you want a reality. So with that said, I hope you guys really take that to heart and really understanding that you're focusing on one thing does pay off and getting more things done. And now we're gonna move on to the next lesson. 12. Batching: Hey everybody, what is going on? So now we're gonna go into the section where we're going to talk about batching. Now the first thing I want to talk to you about batching is that the more you switch tasks while working, the less productive you will be because of switching fatigue. And what do I mean by this? Is that throughout the work they obviously you're going to have different types of tasks, whether it's going to be your one priority or all the type of busy work that you have. And sometimes you're working on something very important and another Corker just comes up to you and asks you to do something and suddenly you're doing one thing that you're doing another thing and the next thing you know, the end of the day and you haven't got anything done. And so the problem with this is that the more you switch tasks throughout the day, the less productive you're going to be. Because every time you switch tasks, there's this thing called switching fatigue. And what that means is that basically making your mind switch to a different task reduces the amount of productive energy you have throughout the entire day. And that's why you want to batch your work up. And so an example of this is that let's say we're focusing on one priority and I'm going to use myself as an example. So this is literally the process of creating this course. Essentially, I have to first write the course and then from there I got to film it and record it. And that's what you're hearing now. And after I feel that I have to edit it and put it all together. Now, before when I first started making courses, I would go through this process where I would write the course film and edit. Then I move onto the next video, right film edit, and then I go to the next video, right, film and edit. So as you can see here, to create one video in this, how I used to do it, I would have to switch tasks twice before I actually got a video edited, meaning I would write it switch task, film it switched has edited all of these three different tasks, take different skill sets. And every time I switch, it's going to take more of my energy. And this is not an example of batching. This is actually just constantly switching tasks and it's not productive. So what you want to understand is that batch in your work saves your energy from switching fatigue, meaning you don't have to keep switching to get something done. You can actually just focus on one thing at a time. And so let me show you what I mean by this. So the process of creating a course. So instead of doing what I did before, which was right film edit, right film edit. And I would do one video at a time instead, what I do now is I spent a couple of days writing the course, putting it all together, making sure that everything looks great. And then I'll spend the next few days filming and I will just film All day for the next few days and I'll do it day after day after day. And then after I film it, I would spend the next few days editing everything together. So instead of doing things where I'm writing it, filming and editing it all in one day to create one video. I'll spend an entire day writing, and then later on I'll spend an entire day filming, and then later on I'll spend an entire day editing. And so that is an example of batching because to create a course, it does require a lot of processes just like creating anything, whether it's coding or creating a product or providing any type of service for someone. If you just patch up your work and you're literally boiling it down to one priority per day. And for me it could be, you know, my priority for one day might be writing, the next day, might be filming in the next day might be editing. And that's how I put myself in the position to succeed because I can spend a majority of my day doing that one priority. And now we'll just do it day after day after day and I stay consistent and eventually I'll create the course. However, if I put myself in a position where I have to constantly write film edit and I constantly have to switch tasks and it's going to fatigue my brain and I'm just not going to get as much done and it's gonna take a lot more longer to complete my goals. And it's gonna take a lot longer before I complete a course. But by batching it, it's significantly takes time because I don't lose any of my energy on a day-to-day basis from switching fatigue. And so with that said, you got to look at your life and understand in what areas can you categorize and batch your work where you're only focusing on one priority per day. And if you do that, it's going to help you become infinitely more productive because you are not switching tasks throughout the day. And you also want to make sure that other people aren't bothering you and asking you to do certain things that will make you have to switch tasks. Remember, you've got to block out at least four hours per day doing that one priority and then save the end of the day for the busy work. And that's where people ask you for things or customer service or whatever it is, save it to the end and don't even worry about it. Focus on that one priority and focus on it hardcore and do that day by day and you're going to get whatever you want to get done. 13. Crafting a Healthy Routine : Hey everybody of what is going on and welcome to the session. We are going to show you how to craft a healthy routine. Now why this is going to be extremely important when it comes to becoming the most productive that you can be. Most people they focus on the work that they have to do, but we, sometimes we forget to take care of our bodies and our help. And so in this session, my goal is to show you guys exactly why taking care of your health is going to be critical in becoming the most productive that you can be. You know, one of the things that people tell me all the time is that they are too busy to exercise. They just don't have time because dr. the work in the morning and they gotta work then they're tired. They want to drive home and, and they just want to chill when they get home. Not only that, they also say that they don't have time to eat healthy, so they're always eating fast food and they even say they don't even have time to sleep. So I mean, this is a majority, the people that I know they don't exercise, they don't eat healthy and they do not get enough sleep. As you're even thinking about this, you may even ask yourself whether or not you fall into the same buckets as well. And the people that tell me this, what they don't realize is that they're setting themselves up for failure in the long-term. Because when you're going at such a fast pace, your barring something and that's usually borrowing against your health. So a lot of people who think of themselves as very ambitious, they're, they're always go, go, go. So you go to work, they work and then the way they just crash at home and then that's the process that they have. Maybe it's five days a week for 12 hours day and you do it over and over and over and over. And then when you ask these people if they're exercising or if they're eating healthy or if they're getting enough sleep. They don't, you know, there are a lot of people out there that I know personally that tell me that they only get five hours or four hours asleep because they're so cool, unquote, busy working that they just don't have time. But the thing is when you're going at that fast pace, meaning you're just focusing on that, getting your priority selling. You're not focusing on your health. You're borrowing against something and that something is your health. And if you borrow against it for too long, you're going to feel the effects of it long-term. And this is how I want you guys to think about your body. You want to think about it as if it were a machine, literally a living machine. So when it comes to the three pillars of health, It's essentially how you eat, how you exercise, and how you sleep. So you want to think of these three elements as inputs. These are things that you're putting into your body and how our machine operates is that your inputs, the things that you put into the machine, will directly affect your outputs. So if you're not eating healthy, you're not exercising and you're not sleeping well, that's going to affect your performance obviously, because you got to ask yourself, how can you perform your best if you're always feeling tired or if you're a body hurts, if you're literally sitting at your desk trying to get some work done, working on your dream business. And you just feel tired and your eyes feel like you can't even open them and you're aching are over in. Your heart is hurting in all of these issues. How can you actually perform your best and you just, it's just impossible because you don't feel at your 100%. And the problem isn't that people don't have enough time. It's that they don't make their health a priority. When it comes to health, you have to make time for it. You can't just say you don't have time for it because it's the inputs that you put into your body that directly affect your output. And so what we wanna do instead is we want to craft a healthy routine. We make sure that you're eating healthy, you're exercising and you're getting enough sleep, and you're not making excuses as to why you're not getting these things down. And I'm going to use a personal example for me and how I craft my routine. And you can use it as inspiration to craft your own. And that basically I'm going to divide it into three sections. It's going to be the early morning, your Workday, and then it's going to be everything afterward. And so for me personally in the morning, I like to wake up a little early so I can meditate a really a 100 spending five or 10 minutes just sitting with my legs crossed and thinking of nothing and making sure that I'm in the right mental state to tackle the day. And obviously there's going to be a lot of benefits to meditating. You can meditate if you want. I recommend it, but that's not your thing. That's totally fine. After meditating, I'd usually go into breakfast where I'm getting some eating healthy breakfast. Usually it's a yogurt, parfait and some Jews and maybe some tea. You want to make sure that you have a nutritious breakfast with that you have energy throughout the day. And then after I eat breakfast, usually I spend time with my loved ones and usually that's my girlfriend. And because the reason why you want to spend time with loved ones, whether you have a girlfriend or wife, or husband, boyfriend, or if you have kids is because you want to remind yourself why you're working so hard for whatever it is that you're doing and that's gonna give you even more energy. So in the morning, you want to just charge yourself as much as possible. And how I do it is first I meditate, I get my head right, then I have physical energy from breakfast and then I spent time with loved ones. Just gives me that internal energy to give me that push that I need to get the hard things done throughout the day. So after this early morning routine, which typically only takes like maybe an hour, move on to the workday. And so in the beginning of my workday, what I like to do is I spent the first 10 minutes just planning my day, understanding exactly what I'm going to do for that day and then I just go and how I usually do it is I just focus on the priorities for the majority of the day, meaning all the thing that's going to be important in moving my business and my life forward. And then I save the last 20% of it for everything else, whether it's just any emails to my team or just staying on top of something. And so that's essentially how I. And plan my workday and it's usually around eight to ten hours. And afterward what I like to do is I like to exercise, de-stress to get my body going and really making sure that feeling good after exercise. I usually just like to relax my girlfriend after work, maybe watch a movie, whatever it is. And for me, I don't necessarily have to work 15 hours per day. That's not necessarily my style. I like to say a little more balanced where I have time for my loved ones, I have time to relax, I have time to E, and then I always get at least eight hours of sleep day-to-day basis because there's a lot of studies that show that you do need that sleep so that you have energy throughout the day. Because throughout this entire time and when I have my meals and during breakfast and lunch and dinner, I'm always eating healthy and I'm not eating junk food every day and I'm not making excuses to y, I can't eat healthy because it's very simple to just pick any type of restaurant that sells a healthy foods or if you make it at home and you just have to really craft out time to make that reality. And so my philosophy is that it's better than Carvel time making sure that your body is healthy so that when you work the hours that you work, you're making sure that you're maximizing those hours because you can work 15 hours a day, but they could all be low quality hours, meaning you're not producing the highest quality of work. And if you're working 15 hours a day doing that, then that's just not going to lead to a happy long-term life. However, if you're working, let's say eight hours a day and you're sleeping eight hours a day and you're meditating, you're exercising, you're eating healthy, and all of this eight hours of work that you do per day could actually be way more productive than actually working 15 hours where they're bad hours where you're just feeling tired. And so that's why you want to understand that maximum output. What do you need to do to set yourself up for success so that the hours that you do actually work, that they're going to be the most productive that they can be, because it's not about the hours you work. It's what you get done during the hours that you work in, done during the day and what you can accomplish. So if by making sure that you have a healthy routine for yourself, that's going to take you extremely far and getting the most per hour. And the key to all of this is that you want to plan and visualize your daily schedule. And the easiest way to really break it down is to have break it down by the early morning your work they had then afterwards just three simple categories where you can understand in each category what you're doing in essentially I only have nine total variables throughout my day and it's a very simple. And so for you guys, you want to plan to visualize your daily schedule. And again, you don't have to have a scheduled like minds. Maybe you like to work at different hours. Maybe you like to exercise in the morning versus afterward, but it doesn't necessarily matter how you plan your day. You just want to understand and have a visualization of how it's going to work so you can plan accordingly and don't fall into the trap of doing things when you feel like it just set a time and put it into your calendar and just do it. So if you want to go to the gym, just set the time and make sure you just go. If you set it for 06:00 PM after work, just go No matter how you feel. Because if you wave to do things when you feel like it, you just literally never going to get it done. If you just make a habit of scheduling time on when you're going to do things and you consistently do them, they're going to be so easy once you actually build that habit internally. And then when she went she got that, then you're on your way to building a bulletproof, healthy schedules. So again, it's not the hours that you work, it's what you do during those hours. And to maximize those hours, you want to make sure that your body is as healthy as it could be. Eat well, sleep well and it get plenty of exercise. And I promise you you're going to get a lot more energy. So with that said, let's go ahead and move on to the next lesson. 14. Multitasking : Hey everybody, what is going on? So welcome to this session where we're going to talk all about multitasking. Now a lot of people out there believe that they're great multitaskers, meaning they can do multiple things at once. And that's how they're able to be so productive in their everyday life. However, I wanted to debunk this and really give you the truth about multitasking from a scientific perspective. Before I even get into that, I remember back when I was working at Oracle and I remember we would sit in rooms like this and we have team meetings. I remember there'll be people at this table who would literally be on their computers while somebody is talking. And they believe that they're listening to that person and then doing some type of work or some type of e-mail. And they're doing two things at once. And not just one person, but there are a lot of people that I have encountered who did this in any workplace actually, whether it's Oracle or at startups or literally anywhere. And you can always find these people because they believe that they can multitask. But the really interesting part about that is that in the 2009 Clifford and ask from Stanford University, he conducted a study and he discovered that human beings, just like you and I are terrible at multitasking and this is not something that I just made up or I heard someone said, this is a real study done at Stanford. He was studying to see whether or not multitasking was a real thing. And he found that compared to people who focus on a singular task, meaning just focusing on one task at a time. Multitaskers who tried to do multiple things at once. We're outperformed on every single level. And this is just a scientific fact at this point where you're not going to be overall productive if you're trying to do two things at once. So going back to the example where I was in the meeting room with my co-workers and they were on their laptops while trying to listen to whoever was speaking. The reality was they weren't really listening to that person and whatever work they were doing probably wasn't that high-quality. They were probably just rearranging things on their calendar or sending quote unquote, an important email. When in reality, if they really just wanted to be productive, they could have just done the meeting, got it done quick, and then go back to this and do all the things they need to do at a high level of a 100 percent of their focus. But because people multitask and they believe this illusion that they can actually do two things at once. At a high level. They actually are just less productive overall and do everything at a lower level. And so that's a really important thing because many people out there fall into the trap of multitasking. But the reality is if you focus on one thing at a time, you're gonna get things done so much more better and faster than you would have if you tried to multitask. And here are going to be some multitasking examples. Sometimes you're at your desk and you're just working on an Excel sheet or working on something. And someone comes up to you and they start talking. Some people will sit at their desk and they're literally tried to do their Excel sheet while that person's talking to them. And the reality is they can't necessarily focus on what that person is saying and do something as complex as an Excel sheet at the same time. So in reality, they're just wasting everyone's time where they're not really listening to the person and they're not getting much work done. Instead, they could just listen to the person first, spend about a couple of minutes there and get that information and then just go back to whatever it is that they're doing. But even if that's the case, there is also the concept of switching fatigue. Because even if you do one thing at a time and in that sense, meaning you're working on Excel, then you switch tasks and you're talking to someone taking in information and giving information. And then you go back to doing your Excel sheet every time you switch tasks, the cost of switching that task cost about 35 to a 100 percent, meaning you're going to be 35 to a 100 percent slower when it comes to actually getting the job done for. So the first thing we understand is trying to do two things at once. It's just a no-go. You're not going to be able to focus on either, and that's just a waste of productivity. So we already understand that. Now, when it comes to you, another level of multitasking where you do one task which to another, talking to somebody who switched back to the Excel sheet. Every time you switch, it's going to cost you 35 to a 100 percent. So what you need to do is when you focus on that one priority per day and you're spending at least four hours per day on it. You want to make sure that you have no distractions and you want to be in an environment where no one's bothering you and you just want to focus deeply on that one thing for a long duration of time. Because every time you have to switch tasks, talks to somebody, or when somebody needs a quick minute, you're losing 35 to a 100 percent of your productivity in terms of speed. So focus on that one priority, one at a time, Bird by Bird I then from there, that is how you're going to be truly productive. Don't try to do many things at once. Don't try to do two things at once. Don't think you can do one task, switch to another, switch to another, switch to another switch or another, do one thing, focus on it deeply and then save the rest of the busy work for the end of the day. And if you plan your schedule in that way, you're going to save your energy from being wasted on switching task. And you're going to be 100% focus on your one party which you need to get done so that you can accomplish your dreams. 15. Managing Your Energy: Hey, what is going on and everybody, and welcome to the section where we are going to talk about how you can't manage your energy. And managing your energy is going to be extremely important when it comes to your productivity, because each individual is going to have a finite amount of energy per day. And if you know that your energy is limited, you want to make sure that you are spending it on the most important priorities. So that kick things off. Let's go ahead and dive into a story. Now, back when I was at USC in the Marshall School of Business. Obviously we had midterms and finals and we had projects and all these things that we have to spend a lot of hours studying and working for. So at business school I remember I would have a group of friends who would always study together and we would go to this place called Levy library and we call it club Levy as a joke because a lot of us would go here after class late at night and this place was open 24, 7. So you would find people here at line 11 AM or two or 11 PM or two. I am just like studying or working or wherever it is. So we just made a joke. I this is Club levy. That's where we come chill and do our thing. And it was almost like a party where people would bring snacks and candies and blankets and pillows and they will just all go to this club Levy and just work throughout the night after class at a first-class. This doesn't necessarily seem like a bad idea because you go to class and then everyone rallies together. You buy all these snacks and you bring your blankets of pelo. Then you go to club, leave you a levy library. And then my friends would book a room and they would study together. But the problem was that for the most part they were just really playing around and hanging out instead of actually studying and getting work done. Because there were fatigue throughout the entire day of hardcore day of class when they actually got to studying and having to do long durations of work, they ended up just not doing it and just talking, gossiping most of the time and really just playing around and they would literally be there from, let's say at the start at 08:00 PM, they would be there all the way to like 2AM and think, Oh, they were there for six hours. I was like great day or great night of studying. But the reality was they really didn't just get much done. And after I did this a couple times, I realized that this was ridiculous because these guys who are doing this like every other day or not getting any results, they're just wasting their time at the library and I didn't I had no intention of living at the library, turning my college days. So instead of going to the library late at night with my friends, what I did is I decided to just recharge my batteries. And what I mean by this was instead of going to a library, what I would do is I would just go home and sleep early and set an alarm for early morning. Everybody needs to sleep no, regardless. So I knew that if I got a good amount of sleep during the night, I could wake up early in the morning and get work done. When I woke up, I would be recharged and refreshed and I wouldn't have been tired from class. I would be doing studying or doing that project first thing in the morning before class. And I would be at my 100%. And that was just incredibly more productive than trying to just do everything late at night from APM to 2AM, like eating candy and snacks and just talking and gossiping with friends in which ended up just being a distraction. So I never went back to doing that at Club levy and I just did this process where I would just go to sleep, wake up in the morning, we study on my own and just get that thing done quick. Here's the lesson that I've learned from. It's all about managing your energy, like I said it before in the beginning of this lesson, we all have a finite amount of energy throughout the day and we use it throughout the day. And you want to think of your personal energy similar to a battery. The more you use it throughout the day, the more depletes. So if you go to class or you go to work and you're using a majority of your energy during the day. Whenever you're finished at night, you're going to have a lot less energy than you did at the beginning of the day. So that's why it's very important and this is my recommendation to you guys, is you want to focus on the most difficult task first because that's the thing that's going to take the most energy and that's the thing that's going to require the most energy for you to get it done. If you wait for the last minute after you use all your energy on the things that don't really matter, then it's going to be incredibly difficult to get that thing done. It's gonna take a lot of hours when it could be done in a short amount of time, had you just manage your energy better and focus on that difficult thing. First, one of the slides I showed you guys in a previous video, there was this thing called the new productive day, where essentially you're spending at least 50 percent of your day doing in the important tasks. You're one priority that's going to help you move the needle in your business or your life or in school. And then you want to spend the other half on the unimportant task, all the busy work, right. And so like I said before, it's four hours per day on your main priority. And you want to make sure that that most important thing is at the beginning of the day. So I've been using this strategy since I was in college where studying for my midterm or final, it was going to be the most impactful in terms of getting a good grade in the class. So why did we do is instead of trying to study and cram everything late at night. And I literally never did any all-nighters because I didn't feel like I needed to because if I just went home, got some good sleep, woke up early in the morning maybe like three AM or something like that and refresh and recharge. And I would just get all the work done I needed before class started again or before my midterm and I would just kill it that way. You wanna do the most difficult tasks first and you want to block at least four hours throughout the day to do that important thing. And again, when it comes to your renewable energy, the reason why you want to do the most difficult things first is because the activities that takes the most energy you're going to want to get them done first when you're at your peak. And here are the things that drain the most energy and things like building new habits, dewy things you dislike, hiding your emotions, trying to oppress others are taking tests. These are the things I just literally drained the life out of you. And if you leave them at the end of the day, it's going to be so difficult for you to navigate and do a good job when it comes to execution. However, if you get a good night's rest and you're at 100% in terms of your battery, meaning your personal energy, it's going to be so much easier to build new habits, do things that are just hard or you just don't like. And just be aware that when you suppress your emotions or if you're trying to impress others, that's just also going to completely drain your energy. But when it comes to productivity, and I want to focus on building new habits and doing things you don't like. The hard things are usually the things that move the needle in your life and business. So that's why you want to prioritize them and do them first thing in the morning. Because once you build those habits of doing the hard things, things are going to be so much more easier and you're going to build so much more momentum for yourself. And people are going to wonder how you're able to become so much more productive than they are when you start at the same place. And sometimes it's just as simple as managing your personal energy. The last thing I want to leave you guys with is that you want to protect your time and energy at all costs because no matter how much money you have time and energy as something that is finite, you, we all have the same 24 hours per day and we all have a certain level of energy per day and it gets drained throughout the day. So because these are the things that you can't buy back, you want to make sure you protect them at all costs. Because when you have nothing, these are the things that you have every single day. And when you have everything, you still have to protect these things because it's literally your life. It's how you spend your time and how you spend your energy. This is literally everything. So as you plan your day, as you manage your time and you manage your energy, you just want to think to yourself, don't fall victim to another person's scheduled because your time and your energy is literally how you live your life on the day that they basis. So what that said, let's go ahead and move on to the next lesson. 16. Dangers of Saying Yes: Hey, What's going on, everybody? So we're gonna go into another productivity pitfall. And this one is going to be called the dangers of saying yes. Because a lot of times when you say yes, when somebody asks you for a favor or request, sometimes I can actually take up a lot of time and can derail you from doing your number one priority. So in this section, we're going to deal with defined the dangers of saying yes and what you can do to get yourself out of those sticky situations, starting these off of a story, I remember one time I was sitting at my desk just working hard on my one party. If I get a text message from somebody and somebody from Vietnam that I've met. And that means it's a first language and English as their second language. So they're trying to improve their English. And they texted me and they say, Hey Patrick, can you help me with my English homework? And then this person sent me a screenshot of his English homework and he wanted me to help him out and explain exactly how to do it. So I'm thinking to myself, well, he's a nice guy. Maybe I should help him. But then I realized that I have a dream and I'm trying to make it a reality. So this English homework is kind of an inconvenience because here I am working on my one priority, trying to make my dreams real. And this guy is asking me to help him with English homework, which has nothing to do with my dream. So obviously I'm in those sticky situation where I don't want to say no to the guy because he's been so nice to me, but at the same time, I just don't have time to help him with his English homework. You should find somebody else to do that. What I like to do as I like to do something called the Oprah test. And I asked myself, well, if you are oprah, what would you do and why I say, it sounds kind of funny at first, but let me explain to you why I say it like this. Imagine if your ambitions are to make a difference in the world, there's just so huge and you want to impact millions of people and help make the world a more positive place. Okay, so these are some big dreams. These are some Oprah level dreams. Now, when you compare that to helping an acquaintance with their English homework, that is not going to be a priority right? In each homework seems so small when it compares to actually doing something that impacts millions of people around the world. And this is why it's so important to say no. And the thing I was asking myself was, was, would this person ever asked Oprah, like literally Oprah to help him with his English homework. No way this person would never in a million years as Oprah to help him with his English homework. Because obviously he understands that Oprah's a busy person. She's trying to make a difference in the world and make it a better place. Why would she take time to help someone with their English homework where that just not going to have much effect, especially if there are only acquaintances. So if this person is not going to ask Oprah, why is he asking me right? And so you wanna think of it like your time is valuable. You don't have to be Oprah to value your own time. With that said, if you value your own time and your time is energy is one of those things that you have to protect our cars. Saying No becomes so easy because you just have to think with this person as Oprah know. So even if they're asking you what would overdue in this situation, the upper would kindly say no because you, Oprah has dreams and at the same time, you have dreams and you have goals and what you wanna do when you're alive. So when anybody asks you to do a favor or to do something for them to help you with this or do something for that. You just got to think what would operative. And usually the answer is over, just didn't have time for these trivial things and neither do you. So now that you understand that you gotta say no to that person, how do you actually do it? And I'm going to use an example where people ask me all the time. They said Patrick, can you help me with sales training, right? You know, I'm a sales consultant and I hope a lot of companies out and they want my help and a lot of times they want it for free. So here's how I say no to them. The first way is I redirect their request to another person who may be able to help them. And so there are other consultants that I know. And I will just say, Hey, you know, I can introduce you to this person and I don't have to deal with that person anymore. The second way I can say no is I can ask them a question that will inspire them to solve the problem themselves. I can say like, hey, you know, I can help you with training, but have you read these books on sales training to actually get you started? And then if they say no, then I'll say, okay, well, yeah, that's a great place to, sorry. And so by doing that, I'm recommending a solution without having to be the solution myself. And the last way I like to, you can actually say no that somebody is, you can make a suggestion that doesn't require you to help at all. Meaning you could say if somebody asks me for sales training, I can say, hey, what do you think you can actually just improve on just the top of your head and then they'll say, you know, I could do this, I could do that. I could practices, I could record myself and record my calls and analyze it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And that sense they're solving their own solution, right? You know, you could kindly just make a suggestion that where they can figure it out on their own and whatever solutions that they come up with, you can say, okay, well, you do that because you already know the answer to your own problem and you think about saying no is that you always want to say it promptly and you want to say it kindly don't wait to the last don't like drag it out. Don't wait a week before you tell them no, just how no. Right on the spot. You don't necessarily have to use the words no, you could do it in these three different ways. So you wanna make sure that you say it kindly. You're not being disrespectful. You're telling them no, right. When they asked you so they don't you don't leave them on and you're redirecting them or you getting them to solve the answer themselves. Because essentially if you don't have time to help them out directly, they are going to have to figure out their own situations for themselves while you go work on your dreams. So with that said, the three different ways of saying no and just remember and if anybody asks you for something, you just got to think, what would Oprah do? So with that said, let's go ahead and move on to the next lesson. 17. The People Around: Hey everybody, what's going on? So in this section we're gonna talk about the people around you and how that is going to directly affect your productivity. Now this is saying where you're the average of the five people's your closest with n. For the most part, I find that to be very true where energy in mindset of the people around you will literally directly influence how you think and how you live your day to day. So obviously you want to put yourself in the best situation so that you can be as successful and productive as possible. Now back when I was at UCR, I remember UCR is known to be a party school. So everyone who wasn't necessarily serious about business or their academics hadn't just wanted to party and have fun and enjoy life at being young and that that was okay there, but it wasn't necessarily the scene. I want it to be around. I wasn't necessarily happy, so I knew I had to get out of there. So eventually, after a year, I transferred to the University of Southern California where there's a lot more difficult to get into the school. And because it's a lot more difficult, they're going to be people who are a lot more ambitious. And so the people around me actually uplifted me literally the people in my environment, they helped me think more differently. They expanded my mind. They may be more ambitious. They made me question myself and in the beginning they were very challenging at first, but then this was the environment I really need to be in to become the best version of me that I could possibly be from there. Instead of having a negative environment which was UC Riverside. My outlook on life and just who I was as a person was constantly going up when I was at USC. And then from there it led me to Silicon Valley where everyone is like working extreme crazy hours and they're very ambitious and you want to change the world. And that again, the people around me directly influenced me to want to be something similar where I wanted to make it impact on the world. I believe people around me believed it was possible to do things like become a millionaire and make a positive impact all around the world. And I started to believe in myself in, and I could do that and that became my reality and I started doing it. And so that was a great experience for me. However, again, like I said before, the people around you really influences your outlook. And when I was in Silicon Valley, something I noticed there was a lot of people around me, even though they had this positive mindset, they want to change the world. A lot of them were just doing it for the sake of doing maybe for the money or the procedure, whatever it was. And that just made me sad because I was just surrounded by people that are very ambitious wishes great in the beginning. But later on it felt very empty because people are, we're just working, just the work and I was just like This is not where I want to be anymore at the moment. Nothing wrong with Silicon Valley is just as you grow and you progress in life, your mindset changes. So even though, even now as I make this video, Silicone Valley is still a place of innovation and it's a great place to be ambitious and start companies and meet people who are like-minded. But you're also going to find a lot of people who are just working for the sake of working. And I just didn't want to be in that environment anymore. So I change my environment and I decided to live a nomadic life where I get to travel the world and I get to work on my business online and everything's good and it's been great. So I'm being uplifted once again, like I've been saying, you know, you are the average of the five closest people. And as I started to surround myself, different people with different mindsets all around the world that come from something different from an American culture. It really opened my eyes and open my eyes to how big the world actually is. And instead of seeing it from my bubble and, and so just like working hard and grinding, I started to think more about lifestyle design and having freedom. And a lot of the people that I've met while traveling, they also have similar mindset where it's not enough just to make a good living and support your family, but it's also important to live the life that you want to live. Because essentially you only get one life and you might as well just live it as big as possible, as free as possible. And so as I started surrounding myself with people like that, when my mindsets are to change like that. And I had been signed to go upwards in that direction ever since. The point that I'm trying to make here is that the people that you're around is going to directly influence how you think on a day-to-day basis. So when I was in the Riverside, everyone was party, they didn't care about their academics and that was really affecting me and making me feel sad. And so that's why I had to leave. And then my life was a lot better at USC where everyone's ambitious and I started become more ambitious myself, leading me to Silicon Valley where I became even more ambitious, but change my environment once again because I wanted to live a more free life. Now I'm in the space where I get to live a very free life at the same time have a very big impact on the world. And that's just something that makes me very happy on a day-to-day basis. And so I wanted to share with you guys that Jamboard. You guys think about who you guys surround yourself around and how they're influencing you. Are they helping you become more ambitious or are they pulling you down and making you do things that you don't want to do. And these are things you really have to challenge yourself with. Because when it comes to productivity, the who you surround yourself is really directly going to affect how you think and what you do on a day-to-day basis in the effects your day-to-day. Then you learn through this entire course that your day-to-day affects everything, especially your long-term goals. And so you just want to make sure that the people around you are supporting you in whatever it is that you're trying to do. And the thing I want to show you guys is I also, there's no such thing as a perfect environment because as you've seen through my story, I constantly have to switch my environment from different schools, different cities, and different continents. And because I was always changing and always evolving and I'm not saying one is better than the other, but you as a person, are going to have a directional how you want to live your life and things will align and some things won't mining be constantly have to adjust it. In. Of course, you've got to find the right people that align with your priorities. And of course, even if you have a long-term goal, those priorities are going to change depending on what you learned and just new information that you take in and the people you meet. So just know that your priorities will change even if you have a solid 10 year plan right now that may change tomorrow. And if it changes tomorrow, you got to make sure that the people around you are people that actually support your vision, who you surround yourself with may change throughout your life. And for me it's going to constantly change and I still consider myself young and it's probably going to constantly change every few years because what I want for myself constantly changes as I evolve in and learn more about the world. But the thing I always remind myself is that I'm always grateful for the people that I've known in the past, whether or not they are still my friends now or maybe we don't talk as much anymore. But I'm always grateful that people that have known because they have shaped me to who I am now. And even in the present time, I'm very thankful for who get to experience my life with on a day-to-day basis because this is not the past, not the future like who you live your day-to-day with, your friends that you hang out with for your significant other. This is your life and you got to be thankful for them just being there. And that's been able to help me a lot in understanding myself, in helping me shape my future. And not only do I understand my past, my present, but I'm very optimistic of who I'll meet in the future. So I'm not a closed book where, you know, some people are very no new friends where they've been hanging out with the same people for so many years. But for me I understand that my mind will change and the things I want to change them. I'm always grateful for the people that I've known. I'm always thankful for the people that I experienced life wolf, but I'm also very optimistic in how I will change the people that will come into my life in the future. And I really recommend being appreciated for everything that you have past, present, and future. And by that, you can always shape your environment to fit whatever it is that you want, whatever your vision is, just make sure that the people around you again are aligned with that vision and they don't have to directly help you, but they support who you are and what you do and that it could be as simple as that. So I want to end this lesson off with just the idea that you gotta be very mindful with who you surround yourself with because they will literally affect your mindset and how you perceive your daily life and know that your friends will always change throughout your entire life. Some people will have the same friends for the entire lives and that's fine. But then if you are constantly changing and evolving and you're constantly creating new visions for yourself based on just what you've experienced in life than just know it will change that. That's just a natural process. That's everything that we have to cover on this lesson. And I just want you guys to be very mindful in who you are spending your time with. So with that said, let's go ahead and move on to the next lesson. 18. The Journey: Hey everybody away is go and non. So in this section we're going to talk all about the journey. And throughout the entire course we've been talking about different strategies and tactics when it comes to productivity. But I want to touch on something very important and that is focusing on the process, not necessarily on the end result. Now the start things off. I want to share a story with you guys where back when I was working at Oracle, I remember my first year, man, I was working extremely hard every single day. I would obviously come to work early and grind as much as possible. Then after work, either I would be reading different books on sales or communications and I was going to Stanford to take more courses and I wishes on die grinder, even on the weekends, I would always spend that time trying to learn new skill sets, whether it was negotiating, lead generation, whatever I need to do at the time for sales to become the best salesperson I could possibly be. I was just grinding and it was a very tough year and I didn't really spend them anytime for my friends. But I've loved the grind because I was constantly becoming better and better as a salesperson. And I remember when I was working at a startup after Oracle, I really hated my day-to-day to be honest. And again, I have nothing against the company. It's a great company. It's going to do well. But personally for me and what I was doing in the situation I was in, I was depressed and then I hated my day-to-day and it didn't matter how much money they paid me, I just kinda take it in. So I left and I showed you guys this before I went to Thailand to become essentially a digital nomad and start my own online business that but the reality was during the first year, I've literally did not make any money as an entrepreneur. I didn't I had money, you save it from commission. My first year I lived entirely on those savings and I did not make a penny. And actually throughout the entire year as, you know, as I was being a digital nomad, traveling, trying different businesses, I literally lost thousands of dollars actually move them from my parents. There was a point where I was laying in my bed and I was wondering, men like, I'm I'm broke. I used to make all this money working in tech sales and blah, blah, blah. Should I go back in and do a normal job? But to type things back with the story, even though I was at my lowest points, I loved every moment of it. And you've got to tell you that a lot of it was fun, especially in the beginning when I had a lot of money and I was traveling and living in Thailand. But towards the end of it, it was hard. I literally lost thousands of dollars living with my parents and just trying to make things work. Even at my lowest points, when I was laying in my bed thinking about whether or not I should get a normal job again, because I can instantly go back to making money. I just love trying to figure things out myself. And the real thing was I was in control of my own destiny and that was the most amazing part of it, no matter how much money I make or loss, I knew that every day I controlled how I live my life and because I enjoyed the process of playing the game so much, I knew I did not want to quit and I was just going to keep going. And I remember during the end of the first year, I was down to my last $200. I had thousands of dollars in the bank a year prior to this and I used everything from traveling and just let my everyday living expenses and I was down to my last $200 and I didn't ask for money from my parents and shoot man, I really did not know what to do and to kinda tell you how that story ended. That during those days, during my last few $100, what actually happened was she she started making money and I went from having $200 to having thousands of dollars and having that grow and grow and grow and not been able to sustain a lifestyle where I can travel the world and make a living inspiring others. And throughout the entire experience we're going high and low, high and low. The most important thing is that at the end of the day, it's not about the end result of what you have. It's the journey that counts. So it doesn't even matter how much money I have in the bank. It's all about being able to play the game of entrepreneurship and inspiring others and traveling. Those are the things I care about most. So who cares how much money for me personally, I don't care it necessary how much money I make. It's all about being able to play that game and sustain that lifestyle and make a difference in this world. And that's why I do what I do. And you don't necessarily have to have the same reasons for why you do what you do, but you have to understand that it's not necessarily about the end goal in mind. And of course, throughout the entire course, we've been talking about how to have that vision, what you want your life to be like and work backwards from that. However, I want you to know that even if you never get to your goal, playing the game is going to be the most important part because if you don't enjoy the day they process of what you're building and what you're doing. The whole thing doesn't count, doesn't matter what the end result is. Because once you get it, you're going to ask yourself what's next. If you don't really know what's next in your life becomes empty. But if you have that mindset where it's all about the process and I'll put the journey and you're enjoying that day-to-day from the ups and downs like I was, you're going to you're already successful. And that's how I feel about myself, where even if I lost everything again, I know that if I get to play the game of entrepreneurship and I get to play the game of creating content that inspires others than I've already won. I already feel like a millionaire because of the fact that I get to play this game regardless of whether I get there or not. Confident I will. But even with that said, it's not about the results, it's really about the journey. So as you think about being productive and accomplishing your goals and achieving your dream goals and your 10-year visions. Now that you've got to enjoy the day-to-day because that is what makes account and your day-to-day is literally your life. And really be mindful of that because that is going to be extremely important. And just know that when you enjoy your day to day and just enjoy the process that much the results are just bound to happen is just a matter of when. So that's, again, I want you guys to really understand that it's not about the end result, it's about the journey that really counts. 19. Regret: Hey everybody, what is going on? So in this section we're going to dive deep into one of the greatest human motivators and that is regrets. Now the sort of things I have, I have a quote from when a Kanye songs call, I thought about killing you and it goes like this, yea, yea, yea, season. We obey. Baby was born at that DO way. And when DOA, that actually stands for dead on arrival. But the line, but I really want to emphasize here is we was all born to die. Doa. The reason why I want to use this, because Connie as an artist is one of my biggest inspirations for sure. And not only does he inspire me, but he inspires a lot of people in the hip hop community and fashion from the mainstream world with his easiest way you've been doing with Adidas now his own brand, easy. So why Kenya is such a big influential factor for me is because from an outside looking in re, obviously I'm coming from the perspective of being a fan. I don't know him personally, but he's somebody that really speaks as mine and he's somebody that really does whatever he wants to do, whether or not people see it as something good or bad. And if you've been following the news lately or whenever you're watching this, there are a lot of things that Connie West's, you kinda just search on YouTube. There's a lot of things that he's done that really made some people mad, that was really controversial and some could argue, had the potential to just completely and his entertainment career. But he does those things because he speaks his heart. And not only that, he actually does the work and he doesn't just talk the talk, but he walks a walks and he makes his dream a reality. Rather it's fashion or music or what he believes in. The reason why I find Connie was so inspirational because he's somebody that just speaks his mind and he does what he wants to do. And sometimes that does come at the cost of offending other people. But the thing is, we were all born or die, right? Essentially every human being is born. Eventually one day we will die. And so something that I've been really thinking about lately is that in life, there are no rules. You can literally do whatever it is that you wanna do. The reason why we are afraid to do what we wanna do is because the procession of other people were afraid of how other people will perceive us. We're afraid to fail, we're afraid of being shunned from society and con us is someone that defies that. And he does when he wants to do, and he just makes everyone who studies him believe that whatever it is that you wanna do is actually possible. And where I want to take this as that, I wanted you guys to know that there are an infinite number of ways to measure the success of your life. Whether it's financial success, how happy you are with your family, or how successful you are in your career, or maybe how many people you've inspired in the world, wherever it is, they're just an infinite number of ways to define that success. So if there are an infinite number of ways to define success, you might as well define it your way and live the life that you want to live. And that's why it's so important to do this. Because when it comes to productivity and getting stuff done, you got to understand that whatever your goals are and know that they're your goals and nobody else controls you. Nobody else should be telling you what to do because you get to decide how you want to live it. That's how you want to live it. And the thing is people get so caught up in what other people think of them that has a lot of times they'll pick goals that their parents want for them or their peers want for them. But the reality is you can do whatever it is that you want to do because they're literally no rules in this world. And whatever success is men, we're all, we're all going to die one day. So minus HOH, just do whatever it is that you want and define success your weight, and put yourself in the position where you can always win. And like I said was saying, we all have a limited time this world we all literally going to die. In the beginning I talked about regret where a lot of people, especially as they get older, when I talked to my parents or my my grandma who who recently passed away or anybody who is older and has more experienced than me. The thing that I always do is they look back and they talk about the things that they wish they would've done. All of these regrets. Maybe they should have created this business Or maybe they should have done this well with their life. Be like if they lived in another country. So as we get older, we get all these regrets and we think that it's too late to do this or maybe it's too late to travel the world because we have kids or it's too late to start a business because we need that stable income because we had to take care of our kids and they got to eat somehow in ME, if you're watching this, you got to really understand that we all have a limited time in this world and there's never a too late for anything because that's just a human made-up concept. And reality is we can write our own rules, we could define our own success, and we can do whatever it is that we wanna do. Because when we get older, it's so much better to look back at your past and laugh at all the crazy things that you did, then look back and regret all the things that you didn't do and that's just the truth. You I mean, for me I plan to live my life where when I'm older, I just want to laugh and look back and be like, Wow, I can't believe I failed all those businesses. Oh, I can't believe I talked to this gear on got rejected and whatever it is, man, that I would rather live in laughed and live in regret because that's just the truth of it. Because when you really think about how much time we have on this Earth, it's really short. And so if it's sure, there's no point in living life for other people, you have to live it for yourself and you have to live it the way that you want to live. And when it comes to productivity, it's not about the strategies and tactics that we've learned throughout the entire course are important. But the real important thing is to understand what you want your life to be like when you're older. What are the things that you actually want to do and just do them? Because, because when you get older, regret is going to be a killer. And so if you have the opportunity, the time and energy to do the things that you want to do today. You might as well just go all out and all these productivity, tragedy and tactics, they're going to be great in helping you get to where you need that be. But you've got to understand that when you really get, put this in perspective and it becomes a life or death situation. You're just gonna get the things done that you really need to get done. So like I said, again, it's better to look back at your past and laugh at all the crazy things that you did. Then look back and forget all the things that you didn't do. And when you really see things from that perspective, this is going to be the most motivating factor in getting you to do the things that you want to do in life. And again, just live life for yourself, do the things that you wanna do and the productivity will come. Trust me, when you know that one day we will have to leave this world. That's going to motivate you so much be more productive on a day-to-day basis and to live your life. So with that said, I really hope you guys took that to heart and really think about what you want your life to be like as you get older and as you get to that age where you might have to leave as well because we only get one life. You might as well make it count and do the things that you want to do. 20. Conclusion: Hey everybody, what's going on? So now we are diving into the conclusion. And the first thing I want to say to you guys as congratulations on completing productivity machine. So to recap everything that we learned first, we talked about the snowball effect and how it's important to have a vision for what you wanna do and breaking it down to your five-year goal. You're when your ego, your monthly goal to your daily go and know that as you roll that snowball down the hill, it's going to get bigger and bigger and it's going to get bigger, faster and you're going to build momentum to be unstoppable and getting the things done that you want to get. That. We also learned about the importance of prioritizing and making sure that you save your energy and do the most important tasks at the beginning of the day, you want to spend at least a minimum of four hours per day doing that. And if you get good, you can actually spend 80 percent of your day doing the most important tasks while you're leaving the last 20 percent for that busy work. And towards the end, we started learning the importance of having no regrets and living that life of no regrets where there are no rules in this life and you get to define your own success, you minus1 to find it your way and do all the things that you want to do in life and touching on that point of regret, you want to make sure that you focus on the journey and understand why you do what you do. And trust me, the productivity from there, it's going to be a byproduct because when you have a vision on what you want to accomplish in life and you're looking from the perspective where you're older. And I really understand that you want to do the things that you wanna do instead of living life and regret, the productivity is just going to come naturally and you're going to have the focus and the energy to do exactly what you wanna do on your terms. Because you're going to be able to define your own definition of success. And of course, if you need help during your productivity journey, feel free to reach out to me at any time. And of course, if you've got a lot of value out of this course, make sure you leave a five-star review because every review does count and I read every single one. So again, if you've got a lot of value out of this course, go ahead and leave a five-star review. So with that said, congratulations once again on completing the productivity machine. And I will see you guys in the next one. 21. Productivity Machine About Me v2: Hey everybody, Welcome to the productivity machine. Now before we go ahead and get started, I think it's a great idea for you to get a better understanding of who I am and how this course came to be. Now I wanted to start things off by letting you know what my mission in life is in that is to inspire others. Now that's me over there as a five-year-old and kindergarten, seeing my two front teeth. Now remember when I was younger, I used to be so afraid of what people thought of me that I would literally just never say anything because if I never said anything, then nobody would have an opinion about me. Right. And the challenge I had with this was that I wasn't able to really effectively communicate with other people frankly. And this really led to a life of loneliness and depression. And really my life which is not that great, big. Fortunately, as I got a little older, there are people who came into my life and they inspired me to be more okay with who I was into, be more comfortable in my skin and express that to other people. And since then my life became infinitely more happier because now I'm able to just be the person that I want to beat. The reason why my mission in life is to inspire others is because I want to give back and do the same as what other people did for me. And obviously that's the reason why I created this course to inspire you guys to do whatever it is that you want to do. And for the sake of this lesson, that is learning to be more productive in your everyday lives so you can do whatever it is that you want to do. So now that you have a better understanding of who I am, I want to start off with a little story of how I got to creating this course in the first place. Now back before I started my own company, I used to live a totally different life where I was a salesperson in San Francisco. Now it wasn't just any old salesperson. I was very successful salesperson selling technology and, you know, I had a really nice apartment in the middle of the city. I was making good amount of money and I could help support my parents and life seemed like it was great. Now, the challenge though, even though everything looked good on paper, I was literally just depressed because I felt really trapped in the city and I honestly didn't want to be a salesperson anymore. Now instead of following the stable career path that I have created for myself, I decided to call it quits and to follow my dreams. And I wanted to start my own business because I was tired of working for somebody else and now it was just the time to do me. So I didn't really know what I was doing, but I knew that I wanted to travel outside of the United States, which is where I was born and raised. So what I did was I gave a third of my savings to my parents and I took the other two-thirds and decided to follow my dreams. So at the time, I didn't really know where I want it to go. So I asked one of my good friends who was teaching English and Thailand and ask them, hey, you know, where do you think I should go? And well, he said You should come to Thailand and he was actually living in Chiang Mai, Thailand at the time. So I did a lot of research and I realized that a lot of digital nomads and entrepreneurs actually live in Thailand. And just like that, I pack my bags and bought a one-way ticket to Thailand. And so when I got to Thailand, obviously I want to get to work. And so what I would do is every day I would wake up from my apartment and I would wake up at 10:00 AM. And, you know, obviously when you're on your own schedule for the first time, things aren't very structured. So I would wake up at ten AM and then I would drive through the Thailand traffic which is not necessarily the best. And I had a little motor bike and scooter ring around and I would go to one of my favorite coffee shops, restraint TO lab. I would come here and get a nice piccolo latte. And jury, I write in my notebook and have a little coffee. I would be leaving the coffee shop around 1130 AM. And so after that, I would drive my little motorbike and I would go to this place called pun space, which was a co-working space and would start working at 12:00 PM. And you might be thinking pm, That's a little late to be starting work and you're absolutely right. It was a little late to be starting. And so I would work for 12 PM all the way to six PM and then I would drive home and go back to my apartment. And so effectively, I was only really getting six hours of work done, but not really because obviously you got to eat lunch and take breaks. So at a six hour workday, but how many hours I might actually working probably not that much. So I had a really big problem when we hands because I was living off of my savings for and this was from the sales commissions that I made as a salesperson and I was running out of time and I needed a way to get my business off the ground and start making money. So the question I asked myself is, how can I become more productive? Because working in a six hour day is just not really cutting it. And during those hours I wasn't even effective. And so rather than just trying to dive straight into my business and grind it out, I took the strategy of learning from the success of others. So I would be reading all these books like Deep Work, the 80, 20 principle of smart cuts. And for our work, we, just to name a few, there are quite a bit more. And I was just trying to learn what do the top performers do to become more productive in their everyday lives? Because for the first time I was on my own schedule and I was really honestly struggling and I need to learn how other people did this. So there are a couple of key principle that was really instrumental in the next following month. The first concept that really changed the game for me, what's this concept called the snowball effect? So if you're not familiar with snowballs, essentially, if you roll a snowball into a ball and you roll it down a steep slope is actually, the ball is going to get bigger and bigger as it goes down the hill. Now it's not only getting bigger, but it's getting bigger exponentially, meaning that one little snowball will get bigger and bigger faster as time moves on. This is really game-changing because it really showed me that if you really start small and you stay consistent, whatever it is that you do, eventually what you accomplish becomes bigger and bigger and bigger and then you get better, faster. So what I did was I was able to break down my goals into first, you start with a vision which you're ten years ago, you break it down to your five-year, year, one year, your monthly, and then you have your daily go where you're gonna do on a day-to-day basis to get things done. So instead of just wallowing around and not really getting much done, I had a clear goal of what I wanted at the end. And then I broke it down into daily goals and I knew exactly what I needed to do on a day-to-day basis and how much time I would need to spend on it to actually make my dreams a reality. So from there after they snowball effects, another thing that I learned that really changed the game for me was prioritizing. And prioritizing really all I meant was figuring out what was most important and accomplishing that 10-year goal and just doing the things that were important to make it true. So in prioritizing, basically this is what my calendar look likely I would make it so that 80% of my day would be important tasks that actually matter, that move the needle and helping me build my business. And then I would leave 20% for all the busy work like setting up a new website domain or setting up my email or doing my laundry, whatever those things I literally does not matter. I just saved it for the end of the day and then made sure that at least half of my day was for important task. But I got to the level where 80 percent of my day now is on important things and 20 percent are just the things that I just need to get done. And so prioritizing was a big game changer because instead of doing random tasks, I only did the things that were my priority. And the last thing was actually studying the success from others. Because the reality is if you kinda study what other people do, you can decode exactly how they got to, what they got to. So some of my inspirations where Steve Jobs, Kanye West and Gary vein or shock and all people that I admire and inspire to kinda take bits and be like but do it in my own way. And not just them, but people like Lewis Howes, asap, Rocky Tim Ferriss, and Tony Robbins, loci Hafez and set goals. And these are all people that really inspire me. And so by studying exactly how they did, what they did and breaking it down step-by-step, I incorporated what they did into my daily life. Then that's how I figured out what I need to do on a day-to-day basis to achieve my long-term goals. So studying the success of others is almost like a shortcut to achieving whatever it is you wanted to achieve. And since then, doing all these things from prioritizing, studying the success of others and using the snowball effect here is what I've been able to accomplish in a very short amount of time. So the first thing is I built a thriving consulting in e-learning company, inspiring thousands of people around the world to make a living doing what they love. And part of that is creating this productivity course to help you achieve whatever it is that you wanna do, achieve your greatest goals. That's been a huge bussing. Because of that, I have the financial stability and freedom to travel anywhere around the world while working and just let you guys know I'm actually recording this in Vietnam. And you know, obviously I spent the majority of my life in Los Angeles, but now I live this nomadic alternative lifestyle where I can literally live wherever I want to live and make money doing it. And lastly, I have the freedom to live however I want to live. And this has been the biggest change in my life since I quit my job and started my own business. Because not only do I have the financial ability to do anything I want, I have the flexibility and freedom, travel anywhere I want, and I'm location independent and now I'm completely free end. And this is exactly what most people want in life. They want to be able to make money, right? And they want to have that freedom. And so the purpose of this course is to give you that framework so that whatever it is that you want to achieve, whether it's something similar to what I'm doing, or maybe it's to be a famous singer or to be a millionaire or to be the best mother you could possibly be, no matter what it is, being productive and setting your goals is key because first you gotta dream, right? You gotta understand exactly how you want your life to be like and you gotta have that vision. And then once you have that vision, you've got to work backwards and create a concrete plan to figure out what you gonna do on a day-to-day basis to make that a reality. And this is what the productivity machine is all about. It's all about goal setting, understanding your full potential when dreaming big, and then building a concrete plan to actually make that a reality. And because I use this framework in mindset to achieve whatever it is achieved during this short period of time. I know it is possible and I know that for whatever your goals are, it is possible you just need a framework that actually worked in this is what the productivity machine is all about. So with that said, I'm really excited to have you guys join this class and following along in my journey while crafting your own journey and having you become the most productive that you can be so that you guys can make your dream a reality. So with that said, if everything sounds good to use so far, I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next lesson. 22. Next Steps: Now, if you're getting any value out of these courses, make sure to leave a positive review. Sharing your experiences. I read every single review, and I really do appreciate your feedback. And if you want to see more videos like this, make sure to follow me on skill share so you could be notified on when I release my latest courses.