Notion: Build a Digital MIND Palace | Robert's Theory | Skillshare

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Notion: Build a Digital MIND Palace

teacher avatar Robert's Theory, An obligation to share.

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      What is a Digital Mind Palace?


    • 3.

      Building a Weekly Agenda


    • 4.

      Aesthetic consistency


    • 5.

      Building a Creative Project Tracker


    • 6.

      My Links (information processing)


    • 7.

      Favorite People (learning & networking)


    • 8.

      Building a Flashcard System (learning)


    • 9.

      Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) + bonus


    • 10.

      Closing Thoughts


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About This Class

Hello! This is Robert. Nice to virtually meet you!

Welcome to my class on building a Digital Mind Palace with Notion.

Notion is probably the most popular app for people who want to become better at structuring information but also for those who are already good at it. The physical/digital architects.

Short and sweet info:

  • This is an easy class that will introduce you to Notion but also put you on a path to transforming it into something else, something I call your own Digital Mind Palace.
  • This is a class for beginners looking forward to exploring more advanced Notion structures.
  • I will go through the basic functionalities of Notion while adding my own twist to it and will also allow you to do the same.

Remember, I am only the messenger providing a simple framework you can use to organize your creative life.

I encourage you to enhance this framework and make it your own, personalize it, make it beautiful, and colorful as well!

I also encourage you to complete the below series of tasks and share your feedback with me.

Thank you for reading and see you at the class!

Feel free to send me a message in case you have any questions or leave a class review!

Meet Your Teacher

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Robert's Theory

An obligation to share.


Hello, I'm Robert.

I have a lot of dumb ideas. I tend to write them down and then revisit them from time to time.

I create video essays where I am attempting to explain things to my future self. Trying to improve my delivery methods. You can check one of my videos below, I think it can be interesting for you.

I am also fond of productivity, collecting self-improvement resources like books, articles, podcasts, tools, and gadgets that can help improve the overall state of one's workflow.

Link to My YouTube Channel
Link to My Weekly Newsletter 
‍Link to My Website 


See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hello and welcome. My name is Robert. I'm a Digital Creator, a bog or a marketer and a YouTuber. I've been using Notion right from its launch, and I've seen it evolve into this space that sort of interconnects your whole web of ideas, either those you've taken from outside the physical world or the inside Internet, the digital world as well. And what I noticed is potential. I started building what I call a digital mind palace. And they will get deeper into the mind palace concept in a future lesson. But what is essential for you to know is that you can use this system to preserve enormous amounts of information and store this information in various rooms of your digital mind palace. And you will be the one holding the keys. We can then use the digital mind palace system as an idea generation tool, a notebook, a journal or calendar, a project tracker, a project builder link management tool, a place that you can use to automate things and also connect with your peers. And you can use the palace to capture information from both the physical and the digital world as it sits at the intersection of both. And notion is probably the most popular app for people who want to become better at structuring information. We'll also, for those who are already good at it, the physical and digital architects, I will swiftly present everything you need to know. Providing a stable will also flexible structure that can move and adapt to your needs. And as you start building, you will gradually get used to how Notion works in y can become the Swiss Army knife. You can have in your back pocket. It all starts with a single page that's waiting to be transformed by you, the user, into remarkably large market of complex tools and resources. Here's a sneak peek of what you learn in this course. And the biggest thing I like about Notion is that it is this tool that encourages structure more than any other app out there, while also giving you room to explore, connect ideas and come up with new ways of structuring and finding information. I also like the speed of it and the fact that I can jump in and find the information I need running smoothly in the browser and on the phone as well. If you join the crew, I'll be mentoring and guiding you through so that you can start building your own digital mind palace. I should be able to answer any questions you've got and give you feedback throughout the process. So thank you for watching and I will see you on the other side. 2. What is a Digital Mind Palace?: Okay, now that I've introduced you to how this course is structured, I want to take you to a brief history of the memory palace just so we can have a framework and better understand how you can use Notion to create a digital memory palace. Memory palaces and imaginal technique known to the ancient Romans and Greeks, were the subject memorizes the layout of some building or your arrangement of shops on the street, or any geographical entity which is composed of several discrete loci, where loci being the Latin word for places. And again, a mind palace is not a physical location. A set of rooms or specific locations you construct in your mind. You can then start associating the information you want to remember, such as facts, feelings, emotions, poetry, concepts, biases and so on. With a location you are familiar with, and usually the best place to start building a memory palace is using the model of the place which you usually remember vividly, such as your childhood hope you can start attaching information and linking it to the objects in your front yard, backyard. And then you can start entering the house and attaching information to specific rooms in objects. And you can go crazy with the objects you want to use. You can use doors, decorations, pieces of furniture maybe had a favorite share, various knick-knacks, anything that you enjoyed. For example, I was using the memory palace technique back when I was in college and studying for an exam on European civilization. So I was writing this essay and I thought I would insert a fun fact just to spice things up. And the fun fact was that in some European cultures, in this case, I was focused on creation. There is a Christmas custom where people used to bring a big wooden log in the house on the evening of Christmas Eve. And that is called body. Ok. And to remember this particular bit, I attached the word to an old log I used to have in my backyard that was there since pretty much forever. So I close my eyes and I was walking to my backyard picturing all of the stuff that I have there and using the stuff, using the log to trigger what have read about the Christmas traditions in Croatian culture. And when resolving to remember a set of items to the subject, walks through these loci, through this memory palace in his imagination and commits an item to each one by forming an image between the item and any feature of that place. Retrieval of items is achieved by walking to the memory palace, allowing the ladder to activate desired items. And the efficacy of this technique has been well established with professional memory athletes using this technique to quickly memorize huge lists of numbers or decks of cards. But say that you don't want to become a memory athlete because I find that the downside of a memory palace is the need for a peaceful state of mind. It can be quite hard to be stuck in a subway during bar shower and, and tried dipping it your memory palace in a time crunch, you actually need speed and also accuracy. We nowadays have lots and lots of tools we can use to store information so that we can easily retrieve it. Also visualize it as well. And this is when the digital memory palace in Notion can come in handy as you're not trying to count cards. Here, you will not attach information to objects but keywords instead, this notion is a great tool when talking about collecting tons of information into a single bucket. The great thing about having a digital mind palaces that you can search for information using these personal flavor keywords, tags and tracking patterns. And the more you will use it, the stronger it will get your digital mind palaces only limited by your imagination. Now you can think of a series of things you'd want to be member. You get started with to-do lists, recipes, grocery lists, anything you'd like to remember really, this will sort of free up your mind from the clutter of the external world while also allowing you to keep what is interesting to you and in case of need, come back to it, read it once again, updated, were white. Trash it. And remember that your mind is for having ideas, not holding them. Although you can store them in Notion. You can imagine notion being like a giant set of Legos. And if you imagine what that means, you can think about what were you able to deal with a few pieces of Lego and just starting out playing with him as a toddler. So you'd probably start small, build a house or a tree, and then you would gradually explore and get better. Only realize that you can actually build a tree house. Now notion will do this for you in the digital space, you will have an infinite set of Lego blocks you can play with. And our main goal here again, is to make our everyday use of notion of satisfying experience as you do not want to enter inside an ugly palace every day. So if you don't have Notion install, I suggest you go to their website and simply create an account, download the app locally work, simply use the browser. So what you will see in this course is what I currently have in this particular mind, palace of mine. But other than that, open up your laptop, have some coffee or tea and get ready to get storing. 3. Building a Weekly Agenda: All right, welcome back. Now that you have Notion installed, you can start creating your first page so that can start building your digital mind palace. And, and actually the first page I'm going to create is the one I will call a digital mind palace. So I can go here and say add a new page or I can just like go here and say add any pages. Well, so I'll go here, I'll say digital mind palace 1. And the first page I want to create that sort of like inside this macro page, this macro hub, this macro mind, this macro palace, I would simply call weekly agenda. And to do it, I'm going to hit the forward slash key. I'm going to say Page. And I'm going to say weekly agenda and say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Now the reason why I don't say Saturday and Sunday is because I'm keeping the weekend was a separate bucket and then we'll talk about that as well at some point. But the main idea here is to sort of like divide your data into two separate categories. The first one I'm going to call craft, or maybe just like say all caps craft. And then the second one is going to be nurture. Now what this craft, Minecraft is essentially just a simple to-do list, but I found that this word helps me tackle, do things I need to do with more ease. I would say craft is something that makes me feel like craftsman. So it's just like something I need to do during the day. That's craft related, right? But in essence, it's a simple to-do lists, but I'm using this word to kind of nudge myself, make more willing to actually tackle the things I want to do that day. And under the nurture category are things I need to take care of. Essentially, not every single day, but you know, maybe every single week, every single month, sort of like these tasks that are recurring, like watering your plant or changing your water filters or cleaning your email inbox and also things such as like, you know, reading for 25 minutes, making sure we get enough exercise, making sure you are meditating. So imagine that you're taking care of yourself, your brain, or your future self by murdering everything you already have. And I know that this kinda looks like we'll trust simplify for airway. I'm gonna make it beautiful, I promise. Okay, So let me push these bits here and just, let's build a simple way like a simple Monday. And let's see what I can add on the list. So other crafts, I will go and hit Enter and then I can just like you forward slash key and just do toDo. Or I can do this. So let's say something simple like script writing, processing. Then say something like batch, record two videos for next week. And then maybe say send out the newsletter. And under nurture, I can say something like organize computer folders. Maybe say 25 minutes of reading, 25 minutes of reading. And then maybe say something like website back log, clean up. Right now what I can do next, I can just like make this more aesthetic in a way and also make sure I keep rooms just like add everything else that's here. So for this purpose, I can just simply close this bar up here so I can make it more visual. And then what I can do, I can actually double-click on Monday, hit the ball button, make it bold, and then I can make below hit the forward slash key and you are a divider as well, or I just kinda looks better now. But what I'm one of you, I want to make sure I can keep the room again for these other days as well. But before I do that, I want to also do crafts and make it beautiful as well. I can change the colors from up here and say I want to make it yellow and more joyful. And then I can do nurture and then I can say something like blue, right? I can also underline them, right? Command you if you are using a Mac or Control U, if you're using a computer, obviously like the commands or still the same everywhere. I can do like nurture command, you commend you. I can also add a quick emoji like this and say maybe leaf. And then for nurture, say gear. I can increase the space here. And now what I wanna do, I wanna take all of this as a template and kinda like replicate everything, just like add these quickly here as well. So one thing you can do is just like pre-selected retain, keep command B so that you can have everything like Monday. And then just like move them around like this. And what I wanna make sure is that every single day of the week has Joan category. So to do that, I will duplicate this divider line. You can either like hit these dots and just like duplicate, or you can hit Command D As you can see right here. So for this purpose, I'm going to try duplicate and then I'm gonna hit Command D. So I have 22 dividers, three left, 123, right? So now that I have these three dividers, and I can now take each line, each divider and add it underneath each date to create more structure and simply build my future column or ICU. And then we want to get you a point where I'm going to have the same categories underneath each day of the week, right? So I'm going to want to have crafts and nurture under Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday as well. So how can I do that is essentially by duplicating everything I have here. But if you're going to use Notion a lot, you're going to learn a lot of shortcuts as well. So again, pre selecting everything and hitting Command D. And now I can actually put it just underneath this particular day, right? But before you do this, I want to show you a quick trick. If you just like dumb this here you'll see like the scaling is not, is not that good, right? I mean, you're going to have to reframe this and reposition and do all this crazy stuff. So just to undo this, make sure you go on these three dots on top and make sure that your pages full width, right? This will give you more space to play around with the page. And this will prevent this whole resizing thing happening. So now I can go back here and just like pre-select everything. And again, I'm going to dump everything under, let's say Friday in this case. And you're already can see that I have more space and this looks more aesthetic. So I would do just like put this one up here as well. So I have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and then I can just simply duplicate Control D, duplicate and duplicate. And now, as you can see, I have the structure. So of course, if you're following this example, we're going to have to probably delete everything NGOs like add your own craft related tasks and nurture related tasks. But if you want to just start from scratch and just like freed everything and have everything as a blank slate. You can pretty much let me delete everything and let me say, I'm going to delete these things real quick. And then you can pretty much like Keep this is a shorter like a micro template and duplicate it and then add them micro template like that, right? So I'm gonna say 1, 2, 3, 4. It's actually not four. So bringing this up here as well, bringing this up here and bringing this whips up here. And I can delete this part. Yep. So there we go. But now I want to take care of the weekend as well, right? So what I can do is actually create a new header by easing for slash. And just like peaking heading to. And I can say we can and I can simply add tasks for the weekend as well. But in my case, I want to keep the weekend as simple as possible. And let's say I want to add tasks such as grocery shopping. Maybe say something like go out into the woods and say like reflect on your past week or right, cool. And now for the purpose of this demo, let me simply repopulate this with some tasks. Migrate your tasks to do next week in case you haven't had a chance to complete it and also archive your current week. Okay, so now that I have repopulated this with all my craft related tasks and nurture related tasks as well. What I wanna do next is create this sort of like an archive folder, right? N5 page where I can see like a sequence of all my weekly agenda by weeks. So to do this, I'm going to just do a quick trick. I'm gonna go back to the digital mind palace. I'm going to create a new page. Then I'm going to name weekly agenda chronicles and say something like a macro level view of my past weeks. So now this page stage inside the mind palace, right? You can actually go here and just like view this weekly agenda chronicles up here as well, along with your current week's agenda. As a matter of fact, I would probably have to name this accordingly as well. And this is why I'm going to say let's put like week of August 9th, 2021. And then the next step would be to just simply replicate this structure and create a new week. So it simply do either duplicate or Command D. Again. I have a copy of my past week. Together with the tasks I have left uncompleted, right? I will name this one week of the 16th, 2021, which is the next week. And I'm going to actually archive my past week and dump it into my weekly agenda Chronicles. So if you go back up here and the digital mind palace, you have your current week and you also have your archives, right? Can go into the archives. You can then start seeing your weeks. And usually the way I do it is I'm simply bookmarking and favoriting this list. So we have this pin on top here. You can just do this and you have this as a favorite. And then once you're okay with it, you can simply like when we move the tasks, you don't want to take care of any more because you already completed, right? And then you can just simply read this as well. Just simply keep the tasks that you have left and then repopulate other craft related tasks and other nurture related tasks as well. And yes, in the same way, if you are done with this week, you can simply just like duplicate it again. Put the name of your next week, right? You are archiving this one as well. And then you are using the Favorite button to bookmark your next week and actually remove this old one from favorites. So now again, you have the same place. You're in the same place in a way you have your current week and then you can just like go and browse through your hives. And also again, you can simply just like shuffled tasks around and migrate them wherever you want. But yeah, essentially, this is your macro-level view of your weekly agenda. Nothing too complicated as you can see, a simple archiving system in place, easy to reshuffle, easy to split into categories, and also quite easy to adjust and update along the way. 4. Aesthetic consistency: Oh Re ku will come back. Okay, So now that we have created this Digital mind palace 1 starter page for us, what I wanna do next that before jumping into the needy greedy, what I want to do actually is make this page more beautiful. I want to enhance it. I want to add colors, I want to add icons. I don't want it to be blank. So if you click on Add icon, notion will automatically add an icon to your setup here. But what you can do instead is actually you can just like sitters through their emoji marketplace in a way. And as you can see, we have all of these emojis ready to be deployed for you. And I suppose they are adding new emojis every single day. I'm not sure about that. But you know, once like the WHO global emoji market evolves, this will evolve as well. So you can obviously assign like a random icon to it, such as a brain, because you have like a digital line palace and it makes sense. What I wanna do, I wanna go a little bit deeper and have consistency all across my icons. And the reason for that is like I view I can as apps that I can deploy. So imagine that you have your phone, right? And you have the apps on the main screen. Most of the times you're actually accessing the app by reading the app's name, but by simply tapping on the icon, you remember how the icon looks like. And this process actually saves a lot of time and you get this consistency going. You can actually import a special icon pack inside Notion, making sure again that you have consistency all across your icons. So what I usually do is I visit this website called notion VIP. And I go straight to your notion icon section. And as you can see, they have all of these different categories here you can choose from any have icons for essentially every single thing you can think of. So in my case, I want to simply find like a brain I can, with this consistency in this aesthetic. So what I can do is just hit Command F and call brain. And as you can see, I already have a brain icon up here. So what I can do next is actually hit Copy. Go to my notion here, and simply hit the link and paste it here. And now I have the brain icon assigned to my digital mind palace 1 page. Now one other thing I can do is add a cover and notion will automatically assign a cover for you. But I pretty much like discover, let me close the sidebar and this looks pretty neat. Obviously, you can change the cover, you can reposition the cover. You have all of these colors available for you. You have all these nice, nice pictures. Art provided by notion can also upload your own or maybe link something you found on a website the same way you actually, you're actually linking your icons as well, right? And you also have your unsplash page where you have suggestions coming straight from the Unsplash website. But for this particular view, I really like this, this randomly assigned page. So I'm going to keep it. Next. What I wanna do is actually assigned some I can see my weekly agenda as well. So I'll go on this website again. I'll search for agenda. They have nothing on agenda, but I can search for calendar. Right. So I have this calendar over here, this one and this one. So let's pick maybe this one. I really like it. Close it. You can either go straight into the page and you can do a sign, I can write. But you can also do kinda this and change and change the icon straight from this macro view level, your page. So in this case I'm going to say link, right, because I already copied my icon. I'm going to hit Paste. I'm going to hit Submit. And I'm going to have a new icon assigned to my week, to my weekly agenda page. We're going to do this for chronicles as well, but for chronicles I can actually find another icon. So let me go back up here and say for chronicles I10 find something that's more R5 inclined rights. So let me choose this file box and go back. Change icon, another blue unit of h with link, and then paste. All right, So now as you can see, you can obviously move these around, right? And just like juggle with them all across the page. But for this particular purpose, less keep them like they are right now. So we're in a nutshell. This is how you assign icons to pages and also the why behind why you should choose a particular icon set and the importance of this as well. So make sure you keep your consistency going throughout your pages. This is not a necessary step, but oh, but I found that improving the aesthetics of the page makes me more willing to come back. And having all of this consistency puts me in a more calm state of mind. 5. Building a Creative Project Tracker: Okay, Hello, welcome back. Now the next thing I want to do actually is create a creative project tracker. And this is how I name it. There's no proper way to name it. I would say you can actually pick like content calendar or macro to-do list, or you can actually name it however you want. But for this particular purpose, I choose creative project tracker. And what this is is actually a simple page that I want to create where I can track, oh, my projects. So I'll say page and say creative project tracker. I will assign an icon for it. So let me go back to this website and search for something creative. Nothing yet. Let me just simply browse 0 test tube. This one looks cool. So let me go back actually let me close this one. I'm going to assign a Nikon, not an umbrella, paste it. And let me just do it like this for now. And here the way I structure it is pretty basic, pretty simple, but I think it's quite powerful as well. What I usually do is choose a Kanban board. What I want you to go into now is actually how I use it to produce YouTube videos. And the action of producing YouTube videos has actually many components to it. And in order for me to just like go through all of these components, I need a plan. So what I'm going to do, I'm going to use all of these functionalities here to start planning. So the first thing you'll see you have these no status category here. And usually I'm leaving this as it is because this is the bucket where I will dump all of my ideas. So if I'm reading something and I found something online, I have an idea on how to just like do something about it and transform that something in PG project. I'll come here and I'm going to say Idea one, right? And I'm going to write some notes on this particular idea. Then. I can just like Creeley, no idea three, I get radiate to video three. But please pay attention to that as you can see, once you have an icon assigned to a page, this means that this is actually a page in itself, right? Like dC over here. Don't have an icon assigned to with which means that they are only titles. So ideally this is going to be the place where I'm going to have my macro-level view, the projects I'm working on. But the next thing I want to do is actually change the status labels. So as you can see, notion gives me the no state has not started in progress and completed. But you can actually add new groups as well or change the labels yourself to for my particular example, I'm going to change the labels to fit my YouTube Project Tracker, my writing process, magic mean change in my links, my assets as well. Plus of course the idea bucket as well. Now, obviously I'm not going to keep the Not started label. Mostly because for me at least this kind of like the same thing as no status. So what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna change the name of this too. I'm writing in progress. Now the reason I'm say writing in progress is because it all starts with the no status bucket. So let's say I have a quick idea for a quick video and I can just like dump this in here if I'm going to start writing about it, right? So what I can do, I can come in here and just actually start writing my future script. Then if I don't feel like I have enough juice, enough ideas to finish this up. I can leave it alone. No problem. I can take my second content idea and I can put it under here as well, writing in progress, and I can start writing about this one as well. So I'll get to a point where I'm going to have like constantly two or three pieces of content that are labeled those writing in progress. And this can be different for each one of us, right? Each one of us has zones. Special workflow may be one, focus on finishing one script and shipping one video, but I found that this works best for me. Now let's say I'm done with writing the script for one idea. So what I will do next, I will move this idea into the next bucket. But currently this next bucket only says in progress. So what I will do, I will change it to you, ready to film. I will then put a year number 1 under this bucket. And now I'm gonna position where I have three different micro projects I can work on, right? So I can come in here essentially every single way. And just like look at this creative project tracker. And I can choose which project I want to work on. I can, of course, assign deadlines and stuff like that. But right now I'm not gonna keep things that complicated. But what I wanna do next is actually changed the stag and this label as well, because there are a few more steps till the project is actually completed for me, was this idea one is completed right after you shot all of your BI roles and whatever else you want to shoot for a YouTube video. So once you process this idea of one and this is no longer ready to film, I want to put it in a bucket, which signals that this micro project is ready for editing. So I will name this ready for editing. And I will place this under here as well. And this signals again that I have one project that's ready for me to edit in this mice LCD, right? If there's only one person working on this project, but at some point, you might want to share this dashboard with say someone else, that particular someone else. If he or she chooses, you, engage in help you with your projects. They can spend their time, say writing. You are able to spend your time filming. And essentially you can check the status for what everyone else is doing as well. Now one extra category I want to put to the table is the one I call published on YouTube. And this is the one where I'm placing my project once the project is actually published on YouTube. And the reason why I keep this on the screen is because I want to create a new category which I'm going to name publish on vlog. Now this is kind of like the final stage of my creative project tracker, because what I wanna do is transform my YouTube script into a blog post as well, which is going to be obviously different from the YouTube video essay in some sense. Because you obviously not going to have the voice inflections in and the pauses and it transitions. So I created this category because I want to place like the whole script, the whole video, the whole essay underneath, under this category so that I can transform again the essay into a blog post as well. And this way I'm going to have two buckets of content. 14 people who actually like visuals and the other for people who are more fond of in text. So as you can see, I kind of like started with a no status bucket, had three ideas on. And then I can just simply migrate these ideas around the XYM progressing on each project. And this sort of like gets me in a position where I'm never bored and I can juggle with multiple items in the same time. I can jump in in particular project and just like finish that one up, maybe I want to switch to something else. But this gives me this flexibility and this freedom to work on the stuff I care about. 6. My Links (information processing): All right, cool, Welcome back. So now where I wanted you actually is create a bucket page designated for links and stuff that I want to process. So say that I am browsing the Internet and I found like a relevant article I want to read and I don't have time in that particular moment. I want you to have a place where I can save articles and send them straight into this new bucket, this notion bucket. And I can come back later and reordered go when I'm going to have the time. And I'm also using this. You collect links for my weekly newsletter and he says I'm sending every single Friday. So say it's Monday and I found a relevant article. I'm going to just like save it into the scheme box and I'm going to process it. I'm going to read it throughout the week. And then if the article is interesting, I will share it in my newsletter as well. So what I would do, I would create a page and I will call the page my links. And in brackets I'm going to say q process, right? Because I want to process them later. I'm going to choose an icon as well. So let's go and pick maybe likey clip or something. Maybe choose like this inbox, right? Or a paperclip. Yeah, paperclip, sounds good. So I'm going to have this. I'm going to have this, I'm going to have link, I'm going to have this and this. You can also assign a cover today, but I'm not doing this because I like the simplicity of a black and white design. Let me close this up. But in order to make full use of this, you'll have to install a browser extension. And I'm going to show you how this browser extension actually looks like opening this up. So this is the notion of Web Clipper you can install for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox as well. It works well on brave as well on opera. But essentially this is an extension which allows you to simply save articles, hitting it like few times. So once you install it will have the extension up here on the browser and say that you are on a page. You'll just click the extension right here and you're going to do save the page, right? As you can see in this demo, they have my links. But in our cases you can actually choose where to add your link. So in our case I'm going to have my links to process, right? And all your links will go here. And at the end of the week, you can come in here and just like process where you want to process, read what you want to read, the score where you want to discard. So here's a quick look on what I have and what I'm actually saved inside my, my inbox here on my links. The process I named it inbox because I want to differentiate it from the one I'm building right now. But as you can see, a lot of heavy like a lot of things on here and I kind of need to take care of them as well. So yeah. Now you're in a place where we have your weekly agenda, your weekly agenda or HIV, your creative project tracker to track your projects. Links that will eventually help you build more projects as well. Because ultimately you can see these as few that will help you create more projects, create more ideas, come up with more concepts. And this is why I think it's important to have both a place you absorb and also a place to create. 7. Favorite People (learning & networking): All right, welcome back. Now the next thing I wanna do is actually create a page that's designated for the people I consume content from and the people I enjoyed reading about. Maybe I have some favorite authors were musicians or researchers, visionaries as well, film producers, essentially the people that I admire and that kind of helped me throughout my Internet journeys in a way. So what I wanna do, I wanna create a special page and create multiple categories for this page, where I can create individual sub-pages for each individual in a way. So enough with the talk, let's get to work. I'm going to create like a new page and say favorite keyboard. Now here what I wanted you, I want to create like a special call out. Right? And I want to please a kind of reminder for myself on what the page means, right? So I'm going to copy paste something that I found online at some point and I don't remember where exactly I found it. I suppose I can Google it. But anyway, this says a list of people you want to work with someday. Maybe 100% of them will not be available when you write their names down, you probably believe you'll never actually get a chance to work with more than 80 percent of them. But keep it long enough and you'll be stunned by how wrong to work. So this is again, is a kind of reminder on why I'm keeping this list. But say I want to create a category designated for barbers, right? I'm going to say hanging to and say bloggers. And then I'm going to create a page. And I'm going to assign a bloggers name, which is 10 service in this case. I would also need to assign an icon to keep this esthetic consistency so I can either go on the internet writing and just like simply Google Tim Ferriss. And just like choose a picture of Tim Ferriss maybe. And I can do like copy image address. Come back here at icon and say link, right? And then I'm going to have an image with Tim Ferriss. But if you don't have time for this type of stuff, what I would do, I would create a template, right? So up here, I'm going to do this. I'm going to create like a page. And I'm going to name this page template and in brackets. And if I go back to favorite people, have this template which I can essentially. 8. Building a Flashcard System (learning): Okay, Now the next thing I wanna do is actually create a place for me to learn new stuff on a more direct kind of way. And one of the best ways to learn stuff is actually to flashcards. And you can actually create a flashcard infrastructurally notion as well. And I will show you mine in a couple of seconds. But ideally what you want to do is just create a new page, call it flash cards, and maybe learning in brackets. And what I will do is create four main buckets. The first one I'm going to call effortless. The second one, decent. Do it again. And maybe waiting in line. I want to make these more visually appealing. So I will select everything, hit these dots, turn into and say Heading 2. And this is yet another cool feature where we can actually hit the Q dots on the keyboard and type something. And if that particular something links you an emoji, you're all set. So I'm going to type tree. And I'm going to choose this tree up here. I'm going to have decent. Let's see what three we can pick. Maybe this one for decent and 4, do it again. Tree, maybe coconut tree. And maybe for waiting in line, I can have something like Yes, this one. And I'm going to start creating flashcards. And the way this works, I'm going to rearrange this a bit like this. Let me close this bar to gain more space. And here I can start adding my first flashcard, right? And you produce one flashcard is actually easy. You just need to input the name, right? And then you can do this thing where you can turn it into a toggle list and then you can start adding the stuff you need to remember, right? You can also do this thing where you are generating this toggle list by hitting Enter. So you're going to have a continuous flow or you can hit Shift arrow on the keyboard and then space and notion will generate a toggle list for you automatically. I'm going to say name to the stuff that I want to learn. And I'm going to close it as well. So in my example, in my case, I'm going to actually copy paste some of the stuff I use you want to learn about. And I believe this one was about actually the blockchain. So let me see if I can paste these here. Let me delete this one. So I wanted to learn about the Blockchain about crypto a while ago. So I created this flashcard system for myself so I can understand, you know, what the blockchain is. I would come in here and actually toggle this off, I would come up with my own definition. And if and then if I wasn't sure about the definition, I would just like toggle this on. I would read this again and then try to come up again with my own definition. What I understood that the block chain is, then let me bring some of the stuff which I think that I'm decent in terms of understanding them, right? This is still like a flashcard system going place for the decent, essentially the same approach, the same structure. And then you have the do it again category where I had like this sort of thing. So you can essentially juggle with these buckets right here, right? So if you consider that you are decent enough, you need to just like do it again, right? And if you advance, if you want to advance and if you think that you understand what a transition block is, you will move this to this bucket up here. Now you also have this category which says like waiting in line. I view these as ideas that I would want to learn about someday. So I can say something like idea one, idea to idea, idea for an idea five. I would take each and maybe do turn into toggle, right? And maybe someday I would be in a position where I would like to learn about a year one idea to idea three. And that will move this to its specific bucket. And ideally how I would do this, I would create flashcards for each topic. And to actually do this, you can say page and maybe say crypto, right? Because in this case I was trying to learn about crypto. And then what I can do actually is take everything from here and boom, move it to here. Obviously assign an icon automatically. Maybe you want to do this thing where you are actually doing and choosing one icon as well. So let's say piggyback, putting the PG up here, Submit. And then obviously going to have to rearrange this a bit. As you can see, notion is pretty flexible in terms of debts, right? But ideally, you end up having like a flashcards learning system for each topic you want to tackle and learn about. 9. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) + bonus: All right, welcome back. The next part I want to tackle is what I call SOP's Standard Operating Procedures. As you can see, I have created a page where I keep mine and this page is the bucket, the place I used together and store all of my repetitive actions I need to perform when working on a particular kind of task, but also information that I need to reference. And I usually follow the rule of three, meaning that if I stumble upon a task that I need to repeat more than three times, I will create a standard operating procedure for it. Is it is going to be likely that I'll have to do it again. I keep OK, only 40 information I constantly need reference. So how would the casual user use an SOB? Well, I have the perfect example, as you can see, I have created one for changing my water filters. I usually need to do this once every six months for some and once a year for others. In each filter has a code I need to communicate when buying it, and also a specific type of store from where we can get it. So I did was first change the water filters a few months ago and create a standard operating procedure based on that. So that the next time when I will have to do it, I will know exactly what I need to buy and where I also have a photo with the positioning and everything sits in Notion. And by the way, I'm interested in what you're puppies will be after you start reading this for yourself. As I'm always looking for ways and new ideas on what repetitive tasks you can automate. That if you are a creative way, a freelancer or a photograph, or how would you use an SOP? And one other great example I have is to show you some of my SOPs I have for video editing because I'm constantly working on improving the video essays I publish on you if you want a weak base. And so I need to keep track of some things like font changes from physicians and other particles I've put in place as I'm still learning software, and most of the time feels like I'm always learning the software. So just like spend a few seconds to take a look at the video editing SOPs I have friend of mine also send me his computer backup SOP quite a few days ago, which kinda looks like this. And this is his workflow. These are the steps he needs to perform to make sure he has a clean backup system in place. So you can find various ways to sort of automate your work true document in your work, right? But now let's imagine that you are managing a business. How would you use an SOP for that? What type of SOP you create by hand? What I want to say is that please remember that this whole SOB, concept is being used by large companies in clinical research and also in the army. But for you, it doesn't matter if you have a large or small business, you can use it as a container for solid, invaluable information that you need to access and use. But not necessarily the members. Here you can have marketing SOPs, checklists, you need to reference credentials, names, contacts, emails, and the list goes on. So any type of information that you need to standardize your processes make them more predictable as they should be, and that ensures fine tuned outcomes. This is a type of resource that is meant to help you streamline the processes. Maybe you have a few new team members that you need to quickly on board and put them up to speed with what you were doing. So if you're working with a coin that is somehow quirky where you know, picky. What you can do is create a standard operating procedure on how to approach a conversation with that particular point. And then each time a new team member comes on board, you can send that SOP. The new key members have standard operating procedure so that the team member can quickly get up to speed with how you engage that particular quirky customer. So how does the client like his materials to be delivered? Are there any particularities they need to know? Again, small things, more Lego blocks, you know, are important but not want you memorize entirely. I have also created a quick checklist and this outlines the components of a standard operating procedure. Hi. 10. Closing Thoughts: All right, So this is the final part I wanted to thank you for joining this course on how to build a digital mind palace with Notion. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the notion structure that I have presented in. I am curious to see what type of structure are you going to build as well. But what I'm hoping is that you are going to take my initial structure and enhance it and adapted, make it functional for your own needs. So feel free to let me know again, mainly find me on my YouTube channel where I post weekly videos on mental models, book reviews, rationality, productivity, and some philosophy of everyday life. You can also find me on social media as well. I'm pretty much active in these places, but other than that, thank you very much for your kind attention. Thank you for watching. Hope you learned something new and have a great rest of the day.