1. Notion Template - Introduction: Thanks for checking
out my class. That's all about
building templates in Notion and helping you and your team get up to
speed with using Notion as quickly as possible. You might be like I was
at one stage coming into Notion and looking
at these blank page and wondering if I
set up in this way, is it going to be right or if
I set up in this other way, is it going to be right as well? Especially if you're gonna
be onboarding a team. You want to set up your
templates in a way that it makes it easy and
makes it scalable. They can find what they need. So after doing these classes, what you're gonna
be able to do is know the basics of templates. They kind of building
blocks within templates. You're also going to
be able to do things like build a CRM. You're gonna be able to do
things like plan out projects. You're going to be able to plan out content
for social media. Organized meetings. You're going to be obtuse. Have like a weekly
time block plan or have an actual plan
to plan out your week. You're generally going
to be able to come in, take the basic building
blocks within notion, set it up in a way that makes sense for yourself
and your team. And also set up the different
views and filters so that everyone can see
just the information they need when they need it. I look forward to seeing you in the class and look
forward to seeing the outcome of your project
within the class as well.
2. Learn The Basics Of Using Notion Fast: Hi Notion template builder. In this lesson, what I want to do is go through
the basics of notions. So if you know how to use
Notion, skip over this. I just wanted to get
these concepts right so that the people
who want to build templates know what the building blocks that
they're using and the kind of constraints and
all the features of Notion. Now I'm just going
to go through some of the basics for now. And then when we're doing the actual template
building training is we're gonna go into some of the more
advanced features that you might need when you're
building out a template. So notion has workspaces. And then within workspaces
they have pages. In pages can have additional
pages within them. They can also have databases or tables or sheets,
whatever you want. I call them within those pages. So really we've got
this structure setup, we've got the workspaces, we've got these
pages within there, so add a page, we click on here. You might say he's a
new template like this. You can start off with a blank page so we're
adding things in. Or you can create just
a standalone database. Now, if you create a blank page, you can embed, you can put
a table into that page. But if you start off with
a database like this one, then you can't go in and add in additional information
around that exact database. So what we're gonna do, Let's go through
the elements here. You can just click anywhere on here. You've got the option. If I hover just above
the title here, we can add an icon. They give you a default icon. You can put whichever
one you want to. You can even upload your own. You can also add a cover image. So they'll give you a default one and then you come and
you click on Change cover. That's where you can just upload from either their gallery, from your own website, from a link or from Unsplash. So you can just search
for things like, well, let me go and add that in. Now we've got this
template here, and you can see that when
we're hovering over things, you've got like an add comment, which you probably
wanted to do very much, especially in this early stage of actually template building. But what we're
going to be looking to do is when you
hover over here, you can see there's
little dots in a little place that
shows up here. You click in here
and your friend is the forward slash
key which is down probably knee or Shift on
your keyboard, forward slash. This is where you can add in the elements of each template. If you're still in
that concept of thinking of notion a
bit like Google Docs. Then you understand that usually you could
add in some text. You can add in like a really
simple table to there. You can do things like headings, smaller things in the bullet
points numbered list. There's quite a few of
the standard things that you'll know and
have used in say, Google Docs or in Word docs. But then there's some extra
things that you can add in and we'll kind of go
through a couple of those. If I just want to
put it in texts, I click on there and
I just say hello. Then I'm not one to let me
just click above there. I'm gonna put forward slash, start typing in head
for heading section. You can say that
similar to Google Docs or word I'm adding in those
sections that I want to. Let's have a look at some
other things that are probably not as commonly used
in Google Docs. So we've got a
to-do list option. The good thing about
this is I can say, I can just enter down to
put in my additional tasks. Really simple. And then when I check those off, they just kinda gray them off implemental
line through them. That's a neat way of
adding it to the list. Now coming down, I've
got a simple table. Now this is different
from the database option. Databases are powerful in that they can connect
to each other. You can kind of
pull in information from one database
to another one. This is more of a standard table that you might put into a
Google Doc or a Word doc. So you can say here I'm just
adding in a couple of rise. You can highlight some
columns, things like that. That's the simple table
option that you've got here. Bulleted list as normal. Toggle list is actually
really handy in templates. Because if I just put
this toggle this, if I click on this toggle, it drops down and it has the
empty section underneath. Now I might want to put some instructions on how
to use this template. And I can drag all these things. Into this little toggle. It doesn't fill up my screen. It might just be okay, here's how to use this
template here I'm going to embed a video which we're going to look at in a minute. You can put all those
details for someone and it doesn't have to take up half the page with all
these instructions. So toggles really
handy for the top, for the template builders. Coming down. We've got quotes, dividers. Sometimes you might
use dividers, other times you might
just use headings. You can have a links to an existing page
within your workspace. Got a call-out section, that's another common
one that you'll have. Remember to do this. With any of these, you can click on these dots, drag them around, just reorder how you want those
to be displayed. Really handy. So the way to add in
another little block, so each of these
is called blocks, is to click on either
the plus here. I'll click down in
this empty space here. Now I'm creating this
whole page here. As you can say, I can create
another page that is, I guess one level
deeper on this page. So if I go up to
this newer template, click on quickly,
add a page inside. I'll add another one. I'll just click in here. Guy. If we look over
on the side here, you can see that that's
kind of nested underneath. And if I come to
this newer template, it adds in a link down below here so I can go into
really new template. I'm going that step down. And if I want to go back
to the main template, then I can either click over
on this left or I can click up the top here and come back. So that's a way that
I guess you can have that hierarchy of
almost looking at. This top-level
template can be like a folder that contains
all the pages within it. It is a little bit of
a different concept to have this technically a page. They either folder and
everything within it. But it does get
really handy when you want to instruct people, add some content here and then
link out to all the pages. Instead of just
having a blank folder and Saint someone, you know, go jump in the
folder and find out, Find the information
that you need. You can set up things like help desks where it's
got all the information structured and all these links off to the information
people need. It's a really nice way of
structuring information. All right, let's jump
back into block town. We've got forward slash again. Coming down. We've looked at those main ones. You've got a few
things like mentions, dates, emoji, you
can add in here. Now I come down to
the database section. Now we're going to have
a quick look through these database options and I'll kind of show you
how you can have, you can just choose one of them. And then you can kind of see your information in different
ways once we're in there. So there's different ways
that you can get displayed. So we've got table kind of like your standard Google
sheets or Excel. You've also got a
board which is kinda like having almost like kind of post-it notes that you can kind of bring across and
you can show what you want to display on the
front of those gallery is like the post-it note. If our drawings on the front, a list is more
like a to-do list, a little more basic, less lines, really minimalist way of
showing the database, calendar. You want to see everything
visually from a date format. And then you've also
got timeline as well. That's an option as well
where it's just kind of showing you from
this date to this date. We've got some full-page options that you can add in here
if you want to have this entire page be
like an Excel sheet. There, the full-page ones. We're going to have a look
at those in a minute, but I'll just quickly jumped
down and show you some of the extra things that
you can add in here, similar to say, Google Docs, you can add an image. A web bookmark shows up
in a really visual way. You can embed videos, audio, you can have a
little code snippet. You can embed, um, you can put files in here
at bed those as well. Common one would be
embedding PDFs, maps, linking across to things
like Google Docs, tweets, all those
sorts of things. So you can embed a whole
lot of things within here. So some ones that I've
used before is Miro embedding a Miro kinda like a big brainstorm mind-map in their embedding a
PDF loom for videos, I've used embedding
a taut form so that your staff perhaps
could fill in a form. And have those, you can
actually have it set up using Zapier to someone who
feels in a form on one page they have access
to and in a different page, those responses come through. So if you think of like
kind of employee feedback, they've got access to
the input section. And then privately HR team can have access to the
output of that as well. There's some things to put in. There is a more advanced blocks
here, table of contents. You can put that on their
template button as well, is where you can
duplicate blocks across. Most of these you can
kind of experiment with once you've got the
basics of doing templates. But I really want to jump into, I guess the basics, which is you can have those kind of formatted ones like
web links and everything. But a lot of what we're
gonna be doing is either using this kind of tech sections and also using databases. So let's go in table database. Here we go. We've got
this little table, so I'll just call
it little table. On here. We've got the rows. Similarly to a
regular spreadsheet. I can actually add additional
ones either from here. So I click on there. And my options when I'm want this information that I'm putting into each
of these cells. You might just want to
have it's standard text1, similar as I kind of like Excel, where you can format something
to look like a number. You could format it
to look like a date, but you've got some
extra things in here, like a single select. If you want to drop down box, someone can only choose one
option you put this one in. If you want, multi-select you
choosing multiple options, put this one in. You've got an option
here where you can actually assign a
person to a row. So the way that this is
commonly used is it's like who's in charge
of actually doing this particular task
or this project. So use the Person one, we can link across
two files and media, which can be handy if
you've got that board view and you want to have say you
want to employee directory, you want people's faces
on the front files. A media is your go-to. We've got checkbox. So if you do end up using
either a table or a list, you might want to
have a checkbox for taking those things off. And we can filter the view. So that say all the boxes
that are unchecked displayed, then we have a different
filtered view. So we're looking
at the same table, but it's only showing us a
little subset of that table. We can have another view
that shows us everything. So all the things
that have been done, it can be handy
to be like, Okay, What haven't we done
and what do we, what have we done already? You can put a URL in
email, phone number. So all the basics I hear, there's also some advanced ones. So we're not really going to
be going into this that much in this course because it's pretty advanced for someone
just getting started. But you can have
formulas where you're doing the number of days between certain dates are adding
up some numbers across. You can have a relation. That's where you're linking one database to
another database. So let's talk about
an example of that. That would be say, you've got one database that is companies you're
dealing with, and then you've got another
one that's called people. And you've got, say, five
people in accompany that. Everyone on your team now is, instead of just
having company and whole lot of text underneath
that one company, you have one database that's for the people and one
for the company. And in that relation failed, we're going to assign those five people,
alter the company. And so we can kind of, from the company view, see who works there. And we can easily click
across into the people records to find them as
well. So that's great. We've got roll-up where that's actually pulling in information from that related database
can be really handy. One of the things is
if you use this a lot, it can slow down
your load times, but it can be really useful
for pulling in information from one database and putting
across into the other. So it could be that say that company that has
five employees work for, you want to pull in the
main phone number from that company that's in
the company section across into the people database. So that's where you'd use ROLAP. And there's a few others
that we've got here. So let's add in. I'm just trying to think of
some good examples here. I guess we could just
put in a person. We might say, we're going to kind of make this just
a really simple task database so we can
move these around. Now this is just moving
around his view on this front one I want
to click on Plus again. I might say done. Hover over here,
click on checkbox. Then I'm gonna move
this tags whenever. I'm going to click
on Plus again. And I'm gonna put in dite. Text, date. Pull that across as well. In just a couple of seconds. All the United technically,
I've a minute. We've got our own little table, which is actually a 2D list. Now one other thing that I probably could've
mentioned earlier, three dots up in the
top corner here. You can make this full width. If you want more room on there, you can have smaller text. You can also change between
these three typefaces. They are probably the
most common things that you would do
up the top here. But you can see here we've
got a little task list. So am I haven't changed
this to task list. Then. I'm going to add one
which is finish tutorial. I'm just going to
move these around a little bit so that
they're more in line. I'm going to assign
that to myself. I'm going to say that
that is due today. We've got our little
done checkbox saying got something else to do. And we got to say that
that is due months time. There we go. We've got
our task list here. We've got it set up. We could be ready to go. What I'm going to show you, and this could potentially be the last thing I'll show
you in this tutorial is getting setup because
I feel like this is the basics for the elements
for building a template. And I feel like you could
run with it from here. We've got these views. I'm going to click View. I'm going to say open tasks. Now I've got an option
to leave it as a table, or I could do it as a list. So let's do it as a list just so I can show you
what it looks like. Open tasks. Now, you can see
here I've got these. They didn't have all
the information that I wanted that was showing
in a TableView. So I come over to
these three dots, I click on properties. All right, so we've got
tags up the top showing. We don't really
need that to show. We're gonna say who
it's assigned to, the done and the due date. Now these go top to bottom
is actually left to right. I'm going to put the
data on the end, leave the assigned to, and leave it like that. So you can see that I've
got these tasks to do. And these are the open tasks. I just want to say open, I don't want to say closed. So what I'm going to do, and this is learning
a new thing as well. Three dots, filter. Kind of add a filter, click on filter again, come down, done is unchecked. There we go. That is showing
us just the unchecked ones. Now let's create another view. I can click down to open
tasks and I click on these three dots and I'm
going to duplicate that view. Then come in and I'm going to click on these
three dots again. I'm just going to click changed the name of this to close tasks. I'm gonna go list again. Then I'm gonna
change that filters are wearing the clothes tasks. And I'm gonna change
that filter to checked. You can say that I haven't
completed any tasks yet, so it is still showing
with nothing in there. Now if I click on this one here, let's rename this
one to all tasks. Will leave that as
a table for now. If I choose that old tasks and this is showing me the
different views on this idea. Let's remove this
filter on all tasks. Now what we've done is we've got a task list with all our tasks, open tasks, and
then close tasks. Then if I come back to
all tasks and we're working on it and I'm just
about to finish the tutorial, I click on the Done. Then if I wanted to
just open tasks, can say that one's gone. And if I go into close tasks, you can see that finished
tutorial is showing here and I can come back over, click on Properties and
set these up again. Just so I can visually say that. You can say that
a finished that. That's my clothes tasks. And so when I want to come in and know what I'm working on, I click on Open tasks. The good thing about
this is you can do filters have really
powerful ways of setting up these views and
then having a filter. And it might be I want to have sine to contains May. And so you can actually set
up these tasks, this and see, but per team member
who's working on what. These are, all the
basic building blocks of building templates. I hope this gives
you a whirlwind tour of how to use Notion. And in the next lessons that
we're going to go through, we're going to look
at using those building blocks to
actually build some of these core templates that you want to use
in your business.
3. How Do I Edit Templates I've Downloaded?: This class is all about taking a template that you've
downloaded from somewhere else and then
making it your own. And you've gone to
template, you've clicked on the link you've come through and you can see that you've got a template
that you want to use. Up the top here you've
clicked on Duplicate. It's come across. Once you clicked on Duplicate, it's come across India spice. So you can say one over here. You can even click
on that, drag it up. You might add it
into your workspace if you want to share
it with someone else. But you've got it to
the staging and like, what can I do next? So here's some things
you might want to do. You might come up here
and you might say, I kind of want to
change the cover. And I must say that I want
to have say you're in a particular area
and you want to have a lovely shot of the city, or you might have
a shot off trays. You can come into
this Unsplash area. Choose an image that you
want to have the top. So you've got that option.
You've also got the option. You can click in here and
you can use an emoji icon. You can upload your
own image or you can click on a link if you know
the link through 20 image, that will just update the icon. You can also change this
name here. I might say. So I can update that as well. One thing to note about
this is that it does change the URL of the particular
template that you're using. Next thing that you can do it, you can come down to
any of these areas. And if I wanted to
add another one here, I click into this
spice and I just click into, and I
can add another one. If I want to take 100 y, I can just highlight over
this delayed type that out. Otherwise, these
little six dots here, I can click on there, and then I can click
on Delete from there. That's how to delete things
and how to add things in. You can also highlight
over section. So if I come down
the bottom here, I've got some texts that's been added
into these template. I can click down in
the white space below, drag it right over the top, then click on Delete, and I'll delete that
whole entire section. That's how can delete the actual blocks within
this particular page. I can click into here. If I wanted to update this. So this has a video in it. It also has some text. If I wanted to add some
more, I can just click, click at the end of this list and then it click
into and add a new one. Something near. So pretty easy to be able to click and add things
and remove things. You can also click
on these dots here, drag them to where you
want them to go there. You can see I've moved that
down below and say I wanted to move this over
to the other side. I have to drag it across until
it's a little blue line. And I can also click, if I hover in the middle, I can actually say where the
border is between these two. You can see that I can make this shorter or longer and this is going to look
different on mobile. So make sure you check that as well and it's
pretty instantaneous. So I can make these
updates go onto my mobile and have a look at what all
these updates looking like. That's how I can edit some of the basic building blocks within notion as well in terms
of deleting any content. So we've got some
people in here. Same thing, click
on six dots there, click on Delete and
take those out. So you can delay that
all the sample ones. And then you can just add in
your own new one, someone. I've added them
in and then I can hover over and click on Open, adding the other
data, same as before. We'll click on those dots. I can delete out
these properties and then I can add
properties as well. So pretty easy to be able to go and delete out that sample data. I'll show you just quickly. Yeah, delayed. Delete. I'm ready to go with my
own database as well. You can do the same with
these databases as well. Just come into any of them, click on them, delete them, or add new ones. One other thing you
might want to do is you can add in new views. So I'll add that in now. You can add in the top
view that you would like. I want to list view,
List View, Create. That's going to add in
that new view as well. So that's how you
can update that as well as well to
make it your own. If you click on these three
dots here. Properties. This is showing you with
these toggle switches, which of these particular
fields are going to be showing as columns within this database view
at the front here. You might say, I got
all this information, it's kind of hidden behind. If I toggle this off, it's not going to delete
the inflammation, but it just means that
it's going to clean up that front view
when I come in here. You might say, all on a tonight. If I need it. Just
the basic information on a particular person. I just need to know their name. Went to last contacted them, what group they're in, maybe their email
and their fine. You just toggle those off. All the other information, if I open it up, is
still all in here. All the information
is still there. It's just showing me a limited amount of
information on the front here. That's another way that
you can customize and edit a template
according to your needs. One other thing you can do, click on these three dots here and then come down to filter. Add a filter. Click on filter here. Then I can filter this
by say I want to know the ones that 60 days is. Then I could actually
put in the MIG of, let me grab this
1 second filter. 60 days is slowly. You can cut adding
your own field up. Another example over here is
I click on these three dots, click on Filter, Filter if you've got
this as a task list. So thinking to yourself, how am I going to
use these tasks? They said it might
be like I've got a 100 tasks pretty de
motivating what I want to say. The ones with a due date. And we can say it is
a custom date or it is one week from now. But what we want to say is before there's a
few options here, or is within one month from now. That's just going to show us
the ones for the next month. Let's have a low
one week from now. Probably more likely if
you've got a whole lot of tasks and you want to say
just the ones for this week. You can set up those filters. Now, what people commonly will
do is they'll add of you. And that might be, this
might be called this weight. Then I set up that filter. Filter. Due date. We can have is ANOVA
for one week from now. Now we've got our
tasks this week. And then if you wanted to create another view of it out of you, and that would be
tasks this month. And then what I'd
commonly do is come back. And what I mean this view, I can click on these
three dots and change these typically have like all
tasks showing up the top. Then we've got a task this
week, toss this month. So have a think about guessed that structure
of how you want to see this information
because nation's powerful and you can create it and set it up in the
way that you want to. By having a look at
this, even this one, I might look at it and go, I don't really need the
created date showing that. Click Oliver, click
on Properties. Turn that off. Then I might actually
want to have done showing right over here. This is where you're looking at all this
information saying, do I really need this
information on this? I guess this particular
view that I've got it The front in editing
things coming in. You can toggle off the sections just to
get what you want. You can delete any fields
that you don't want to use. So say I came into here and say, actually I want to
know task assigned to, It's just me using it. I'll click in here,
delete that property. Now that doesn't delete it for all the records
within this database. So they a little
careful with that. But if it's something
you'd never going to use, then just take that out. That gives you, I guess,
a little whirlwind tour of how to grab a template, delete out the sample content, move some things around, and then set up the
particular views according to the way
that you're gonna be using this
particular template.
4. Build A Monthly Planner: In this class, Let's go through
creating a monthly plan, a template within notion. What we're gonna do first is
we come over the side here, we click on Add a page. You'll see it comes
up with Untitled. I'm going to just say this
is my monthly planner. Then I can hover over here
and I click on Add icon. I might like that icon or
I can click in and I'm not typing in the calendar. And I'll choose that one. I'll come up, I'll add a cover. Now I can change this. Let's put this one in. There you go. So it's pretty
quick to get started, start putting some of
those visual elements in. Now, what you can do if you want to add any
notes at the top, I usually just click in here. And I can add the ninth. That's where you can add
some notes in up the top. Now you'll notice that this content is quite
centered on the page. So if you come right up the top here and I click on
these three dots, you can change the actual width. You can also change
the face that is used. We want to use this one. You can make the text smaller. He'd like to, to fit more information on
the visible screen. But we'll just leave
it at that for now. I can say here, monthly plan on at the notes, then we're going
to want to add in our actual monthly
planning calendar. I'll just come
down another line. I'm gonna do with
that forward slash. Just start typing in database. Now we've got some options here. Table board, which is
more like Post-it Notes, galleries like
post-it notes with images on their list view. And we've got our
calendar view down here. I'm going to put in this
calendar database inline, which means it's going
to put the database into this page for
us. There we go. I'm just going to title
this plan on set. We've got the planning here. This is for the month. Now, if I click, I'm hovering over
a particular diet. You can use an actual
example to get started. Since I have gotten at an item. I might say drop
off cough, service. If I want to, I can
add an icon in here. It's up to you if you
want to do that for each different item that you're putting on the
planning database. But you can say that
I've added this in. I've got it at this
particular dydt. If I come over, I click
on these three dots. You can say I can
format the date. I want to have the date, and I might want to
include the time as well because I have got to drop it off at
a particular time. You can also add
in a star n n TA1. And that's if you're going
to be adding in diets that stretch over a few days. You're going to be adding
in something like a holiday coming up and you want to
have it go for a feed eyes. I can make an indict as well. Say that I have here, I want to drop it in eight AM and it's going to be
in there until 11. I am changed that date format. Now what I can also do, we can add tags in there, and that's just if
you want to tag things according to
different categories. But I might come in and I'm
going to just call this top. Come down to text multi-select. Now I've got this type field. What I can put in here, I can put in personal
work, family. And what this does
is that when I come in and I've selected
what this actual, what this is, I guess the type of task that I wanted to do. I might just drag
this one up here. What I can do later is if I want to filter and
say just what are the tasks that I'm doing
for at-home personal tasks, or what things do I
need to do for work? I can filter those out and say just the personal tasks for family and just
the ones for work. But then I also
have the ability to actually say all of my
tasks in one view as well. I've got these details here. I don't think it's anything
else I want to add in just at the moment. You can add in things like
say you wanted to have links across to
say, booking pages. You can put files and media if you're gonna go
traveling and you want to upload images of say, booking receipts,
things like that. So there are definitely ways you can kind of clicking
add a property. You've got all
these options here. So common ones that you'll have is might be
checking off tasks. Url, say that's for
actual Booking page. You might link through
to your eBay and Bei. You could have the phone
number of the person you've got a ring or a
place that you're staying. Files and media convey
way you uploading images or other things. And you can also add in
some advanced things that you want to have
some formulas in. Just some other advanced fields. You can add those in as well. But we're going to
kind of keep it simple because we're building this template from scratch. I've got this property here. Sometimes you'll notice
that if you add a new one, you've got something
you don't really want. So I can click on these dots. Delete the property,
and went back to here. And I might say, I don't really need tags
because I'm gonna be using that multi-select
one over here. Let's have a look. Drop
the car off for a service. So we've got our planner. I could just start using
this straightaway. I can just start adding in
all my tasks that I want. I've got this nice
calendar view of it. I can come up to these three
dots, come to properties. And I might say, let's
turn on the top as well. What this is going to do is
that in this particular view, it's gonna show me the name of that task and
then also what type it is, whether it's personal
or work on there. We've got that one as well. Let's jump into adding a view. Going to add in a view, and we might say we're
going to stick to calendar. So I'll just call
this personal tasks. Click on Calendar,
click on Create. Now that's duplicated that
front view that you had. And I've created
this new view that's personal tasks
that showing here. But what I need to
do to actually make this really personal tasks, economists, three dots, then come over and click on Filter. Add a filter, filter here. Then click on the
name one and go down to Type contains personal. If you wanted to, you can
actually add additional ones. You get have contains
personal and contains family. Let's do that now. Got an end. Or we can have an all taught
contains Family Guy it, so that's just showing
your personal tasks. Now I come up here. You want to say work
calendar, Create. Then I'm going to click
up to those three dots. Click on filter, filter. Then L top contains work. You can say that we, in
this work tasks one, we don't have any work tasks. We only added in that
one personal one. If I actually add one,
Let's add one in here. A laptop can even add
in an icon for here. If it's adding extra time, don't feel obliged
to add in the icon. Pick up the laptop for
work now and I work to us, this is showing up if we
go back to personal tasks, only the personal one. Now if I click on this drop-down again, that calendar view, I click on the three dots over here and I'm just
going to change this one to keep the
naming pretty consistent. I'm gonna click on all tasks. Now we've got all
tasks which shows personal and work
one's come down, personal tasks, come down. What tasks showing up there. There you go. That's how you can set up a
monthly plan really quickly. One other thing that you can do that we're going to probably show up more
in other templates, is that if I go and create
a new view this month, we can also set up, we're going to have a list view. Then I'm going to add
in filter, filter. We're gonna say the date is honorable for one
month through now. Let's just show up and are tasks that are within
that next month. Tasks or events,
things like that. That's what you can do as well. And you can see that we've got that kind of monthly plan of u, which is the calendar. Then you might also
find it's useful to have that ListView be like, Okay, I've got some tasks to do and I've also
got some events to do. I might want to
check off some tasks or see what I've got coming up. I can also click on these
three dots, sort it. And assault by sending. I'm going to have that sorted
by date sending you guys. So that's from today
going forward. So that most recent one
through to lighter ones. That way you can kind of
set up a task list and it's just a different view of
that same information can be really helpful for just kind of looking at what
you've got to do and then also switching
across to longer-time, what have I got in
that particular view? So that's it. You've set up your
monthly plan ready to go.
5. Build Your Own Custom CRM: Now in this class
we're gonna go through setting up a really
simple CRM to be used for either business
or freelance consultant. Now you can use CRMs as a
personal CRM and that might be where you want to
keep track of friends, family, colleagues, school,
university, college, friends. You can put in all
the information, both about contact information, but also things like remembering what the
name of the dog is, what the name of their child is, what the name of a particular gift the
might want to get them. This can be adapted
across TO personal CRM. But for this example, we're going to be
going with just a basic CRM that you can set up yourself and tailor
exactly how you need it, which is one of the great
joys of using Notion. Sorry, I've clicked on the ADA
new page over a workspace. Click on Add a page, come over. You're gonna call it
what you would like to. So it could just be simple CRM, name of your accompany CRM. Then we can add an icon. You can either
choose your emoji or upload your own image or icon. I can add in a cover. I'm gonna change these cover. And you can go from the
gallery upload Unsplash. Let's go to Chicago. And we're just going to
put in a skyline shot. Let's re-position it. Save the position
we are ready to go. Now, I always start
with these basic page. I click into this area where it says press Enter to continue. Like using forward
slash coal out. I like this section for
adding in some notes or some prompts for each time
you come into the CRM. So that could be
monthly targets, it could be goals
that you've got. It could just be help text around how to use this particular CRM changing
views, anything like that. Something you see
every time you come. I'll just add that now, but you just put in
whatever one you want. You can change this emoji here. You might want to have a
little finger pointing across. There you go. It's one of the handy things
compared to say, using a spreadsheet
is that you can have these combination of both
these powerful databases, but also the help text. And it's set up in a way, I guess it has that
more space around it. And also allows you to
kind of prompt people on how to use it rather than just throwing them into a
spreadsheet saying, I've told you once
how to use it, hopefully, you know
how to use it ongoing. Now before we add in
a database inline, it sits in the middle here. I'm going to go up to
the top three dots ellipsis up the top here. You can change the top face
around if you wanted to. We're going to go full
width is a common one. And we're going to
jump back over here. I'm gonna forward
slash database. And we've got some options here. We've got table. We
can have a board. So if you want to have
people showing on the board, one thing to note here is
that boards have categorized. The columns are categorized
by a multi-select field. So if you do want to have someone that it's
like a leads column, contact ID column, a new client column retained
to client column. You'd set that up
as a multi-select and then you can kind
of move them through those columns so we can have
a look at that In a moment. We've got gallery. If you are someone who
loves the visuals and perhaps your serum is going
to have images of people. Then we could go for gallery. Probably wouldn't use
list just because it doesn't show information
in terms of, I guess people database in the way that
you might want it. But we're going to jump back
up to table database inline. Then we're just going to say, just call it people for now. We go. All right, so we've
got our people. And if I come in here, Let's just add a sample, one. Sample. Now, I can
click on open. Now It's looking pretty
bare at the moment, Billy sample, and you'll like, if I was actually
going to have like a supercharged address
book for my clients. What's the kind of
information I want? Click on Edit property. I'm going to say I want to
get the accompanying nine, which can just be text. So we'll leave that on text. Move this one up. A monument, type these tags out. So I'm clicking on
these, these dots here. Come down to delete property. Got Billy sample. He works at a company. We probably need to get
in contact by email. So I'll go email, come down to. The text option here, across to email, all that's going to do
is make that failed. So kind of validates that
isn't actual e-mail address. And it's just going
to help you that you can actually click on
the email address and it's going to open another
page and send an e-mail That's handy
at another property. They might be terms that
you want to call Billy. Come down to these TextField, come across down to find Billy works for a company
that has their own website. I got a text down to URL. Let's add that in. Okay, now we've got some
basic details of belly. Now that interaction I'm
gonna have the ability is odd possibly I'm gonna
sell belly some consulting, some services, a product. I click onto property, I might say estimated value of this relationship
come down to text. I'm going to put that
across to number. Now I've got an option to say this deal was worth $15
thousand at the moment, it's just a number field, but if I click on
a six dots here, come down to format number, can change that to US dollars, say, and that's just
showing it as a number. What that's going to
help with as well is that I can actually see a title of the column of all these people a
little bit later on. Some other things
that I can put in, say last contact,
come down to text. I'm going to put
in a date field. I could put in next contact. I might want to put in
some little reminders for when I want to contact
someone the next time. I could put a segment in. Segment come down. Now we've got a single
select or multi-select. So let's just leave it a single. We could say, say
that I'm working in financial planning and unknown know that Billy
works in property. I've spelled that correctly. So I can come in, hover over these
three dots up here. Property. Let's click anywhere. I know that he works
within property. Now, the reason that things like a single
selective really handy is that later
on I could find just all my clients
working with the property. That there is someone
who works in finance. Say there's someone
who works in the arts, or they work in education. I'm gonna put back to property. But later on, I might
want to just say all the clients that within a particular segment
becomes really handy. We've got gonna put in a status. Status come down here. And we're going to have that
as a single select as well. So let's go through some of the common statuses that
you'd have in a CRM. We've got delayed. So I might just be that friend
of yours, Cynthia, across the details of
someone else and they're laid the contact yet. You might say contacted. That might be the
next stage proposal. Send it kind of wanting to get some statuses and stages that I guess you're at a fixed stage. It's not almost like a to-do
list of what to do next. But these are ones where it's
like, okay, they're lead. I'm working on it from that late stage and then I
got in contact with them. They're going to
stay in contact and then I send the proposal. Then we've moved
them to this stage. And then I've saw in the proposal and I'd
become a new client. So they sitting in that stage, then we could put
ongoing services. I've moved from that
new client stage. We've done all the sign-up. We've got them all on board. Now. They're just an
ongoing service phase where we're just giving
them ongoing service. That's where you can
kind of move them from that laid all the way through. We need some other ones just for all the things
that happen in life, like on-hold, they kind of Cain, but for some reason they're
not ready to go ahead yet. Interested. I might say actually
I'm interested, but can you just
contact me and lighter, we've got all these stages. You could potentially even update the naming
of these to be like one dot laid two dot contact
three dot proposal sent. If you want to have a
more numbered list, you can also come over to these three dots
for each of them. You might say that
lead is yellow. We've got a limited
number of colors. Again, a kind of start
putting them oranges. Yeah, they're a little cane. Green? Yes, there are new
client ongoing service, so they're all grind on
hold is not the best. So we're going to
put that in red. Red for not interested
and contact light or I might just put
it as gray. That way. I guess you've got that
kind of almost like stoplight kind of
setup where you've got from lead to new client
all the way through. We've got this basic statuses, everything they've got in here. Now, in some of the
more complex CRMs, you can actually have
additional databases that might be for
say, tasks and notes. And we could use the
relation failed, the link across tasks and notes here into additional
fields down here. If you want to keep
it really simple, you could actually just add
in your own task list here. And you would probably put that up at the top and
be something that you add new tasks to
delete them out ongoing. Something. You could add in
additional notes. Minute, with a client. Dog's name is Molly. There we go. I'm just going to add in
some random knight says, we're keeping it pretty simple. So we got to put
tasks and notes up in this section just here. You can have it in
additional databases. And we do have some
CRM's that you can download that have those
ones will connect it up, but we're gonna keep it
that simple, ongoing. Adding additional notes as
comments if you wanted to. Or you can add them into
this section right here. Now coming out to
this front page. Now this is your database. You've got all those fields
showing across there. If you want to adjust
where these are shown, you can actually click into
these three dots properties. I can move them from here. Let's say I want to move
those details around. I can toggle on and off. The ones I want to say. I'm not going to put
website up here, put phone next to email. And I can probably take
the e-mail out as well. Let's have a look.
What else we've got. We can move some of
these around just so the only saying the
fields that you want to, on this front page. Let's add some more
of these details in company sample code. Billy,, put in a random, lost contact with yesterday. Next contact or a
couple of weeks time. Alright, so I've just quickly
editing those details. Now. I only got four
fields showing here, but if I click on
these dots here, I might say, Actually what else are we
going to put in here? We might put it in the
next contact date. And the status, we're going
to move that status rod up. It's a narrowly can say
all our contexts are all gonna show down here and that's just in how people view. Now let's add in. So this is how
you're just adding all your contacts
into by six ARN. You've got them all. You've
got to next contact date. Let's have a look at adding some views that make
this really powerful. Let's have a look at statuses. I'm gonna set up the
view that is just for people who are
to contact later. I've clicked over here, I clicked on Add of view, setup contact light as
another table database. Click on these three dots. And I'm gonna filter, filter. And the filter.
Then I come down to status is contact later. That's going to show
me just the people who have this status
that a contact later. We can come down here
and we could say, let's add another view. And this might be
property clients. So people who are working
in the property industry. Going to create that
as another table view. Now I come over to
these three dots. I come down to filter,
filter, click that. And I come down to where
segment is property. That's just going to share
my property clients. Now if I click on this
drop-down for views, we've still got this table one, the one that we
had at the start, I always click into there. And I might say, or clients can just click
anyway down here. Now what we've got is
we've got our main, at least if clients. Let's add in another one. Sally. Sally in there as well. Let's give Salia status. She's laid. Now when we come in and actually let's put
Sally in education. Now when I come in
and I filter it, contact later, you can say that Sally doesn't show up because she doesn't
have that status. And also if I got a
property clients, she doesn't show up
for that one either. But if I added a new view, education clients, I click on those three dots
and I do a filter. To filter. The segment is education. Now Sally shows up and it's just a really powerful
way of guiding ICA. I just want to say
property clients or just want to say
education clients. I just want to say people
are at a particular stage. I want to say all clients. It's a way that you can have that all your clients in there. And then you can segment
them and you can set up segments that might be
contacted in the next week. You might have a
segment that's set up to deals for a particular value. You can also have
things like this. The bottom of your database. So I'm just going
to put a summing. They're actually add up some of the figures that
are within that column. It just takes a second. You can say that's the sum of the estimated value of the actual clients
that I've got here. Shows you about how to
set up a basic CRM. We've got the details in here. You can say that we've got
some notes on Belly's record. We've got all the details we
need front and center and we can set up those views
according to what we need. Hype that helps you get started. If you need any additional help, you can download some of our simple and
more complex CRMs.
6. Build A Meeting Template: Let's have a look at building your own daily standup meeting
template within notion. This is gonna be set up
in a pretty simple way. And the main structure of a daily standup meeting is what did you
work on yesterday? What were you work on today? And are there any blockers? So we wanted to have it so that someone can have
that standup meeting. And it's like, okay, let's have a look at what this particular team
member is working on. Let's say what they
did yesterday, what they're doing today. Any blockers have
some discussion, added any notes, and
move on from there. Okay, so what I'm gonna do
here is I'm just going to type in daily stand meeting. Just go on over to Workspace
and click on Add a page. Let's click on Add an icon. Just put a Smiley face for now, let's add a cover. Change that cover. Then I could just
type in meeting or even better upload
a meeting picture of your actual team.
Make it personal. We've got our daily
standup meeting. First thing that I loved
doing is either going for forward slash for any notes. Notes about using this, obviously you would make
something different. Otherwise, coming down
forward slash toggle notes. What you could do is
sum, know about this. If I click this toggle, I can click and drag
this up and in. It's up to you what option you like better whether
you want to have the call-out texts and
if you've got a lot of texts when someone first
comes onto this page, I might not want to have to read all of this
every single time. So that's why you could put that into a little toggle that drops out and it's just got
that single line on there. Now what I'd like to
do first to come up to these three dots will
go for full width. We can change around
the top face up here as well. Simple to do. But we're going to
add in a database. So forward slash database. Now, you could add
this in as a table. I'm going to actually add
this as a Board database. Adding that as an
Inline database. I'm going to call this updates. Let's look at the anatomy of the actual updates
that we need to have, the data that we need
to have in here. You've got these cards
showing here and it's getting sorted by a status
at the moment, we're going to
update that as well. Let's just click into
one of these cards. You've got a card
up the top here. This could be away. He said, if someone,
let's just have a single sentence to give us an idea of either how you're feeling about the
work that you're doing or whether you're on track with your
project or not. I could add that as the
actual text at the top. You could also have them adding an icon emoji for how
they're going at the moment. We'll just put mildly
happy on here. Let's go down and put
in some more detail. So at the moment we've got a sign for a person
and we've got status, which is a select
failed in here. So we're going to add our name. Let us start with
today's date. Text. Click on date. Drag
that one to the top. We've got today's date.
This is sine one. I can actually change
that to the owner, the owner of this
particular card. Now, I'm going to
take this status. I want I'm going to put in
I'm gonna put in some text is what did you
work on yesterday? Over here. Then? What will you work on today? Is just gonna be text as well. And then we can
have any blockers. Now this, This any blockers
could be either a text field. You can put any blockers. We might put it actually as
details down the bottom. You can actually add
it as a select field. You could say yes or no. Put that in there. You could put in some
sections around whether people need help
from other people. It could be that
they're requesting help from another team member. That's up to you as well. So let's just add in some
quick data aisles here. The inner gonna be Maine. Piaget calls yesterday,
entered a new learning plan. I've got no blockers
showing them. I've got these updates. So you can see it's
showing no ins status. We can click on these three
dots to hide that kind of any of these statuses that don't have an
actual I-naught. But I'm gonna come up
to these three dots. I'm going to go to
the group section. And I'm going to
group it by INR. Say if it hasn't
already been grouped, I'm going to group it
by owner on there. I can't hide in the groups and I can color the columns
if I want to as well. You can see here we've
got these updates showing we've just got the on track
and the name of the person. If I come back to these three
dots, click on properties. I want to see what did
you work on yesterday? What we work on today, any blockers now, what you can do What do you
work on yesterday? Let's bring that one up. We're going to
leave that block is in-between because
just visually, now when you're actually
in the meeting, we can take out
this owner because it's got a side Ionic column. Now what we can say, we might actually put today's
date on there as well. You come in here
and you say rich on this date was working on here. It doesn't have any blockers. Was doing that is today, no blockers and
working on this today, I could add in
another update for someone else on your team. Behind. Let's assume that
was someone else. We'll add in another update. All your team members
are going to show across this page here. When you're actually
in the meeting, you can show you these page and it's gonna show
all the team members. And they can just read out
the data else and give further explanation around what they've been working
on in the meeting. You can even click into that. And so it's like
Rich is on track. Maybe there's a manager saying, What do you work on yesterday? What are you working on today? I might give some suggestions. Team about two dot,
dot, dot, dot. I might even go, Okay, I'm gonna put in a forward
slash to do an update. We want to manage on like that. Then I've given my update. We've got some notes below them. If you haven't gotten
actionable to-do that can be crossed off later. Once the update Spain
done, you can have this, I guess visual way of
AMP to say what HE, your team members is working on. And as they giving that update, you can kind of click into that. They can kind of read that out, gives them background
and then you add in the additional
details below here. Now, one more thing
before we wrap up building this template is you can add in
particular views. What you commonly have. We might leave it, put
this on for board. Today is uptight. Click on Create. Then we come over to
these three dots and you come down to filter, filter. Its way. It today's
date is today. Because I use tomorrow's date. Nothing shows up here. Even come here. And I'm just
going to group that by. Again. This one is empty because I've done it for
tomorrow's date. And this is going
to be all updates. That was just that
initial one that we did. I got to all updates. It's showing because
it is tomorrow's date, it's showing an old updates, but you would generally
have this today's updates. You might even put
something like out of you. This month work. Create. Then click on the
three dots filter, filter. And then today's date is we're going to have is
after one month ago. That's gonna show it from
one month ago I forward. So that's showing
that last month. So you can just play around with these filters to
find the exact one. And maybe it's within this is probably a better one to actually within the past month. This month work is
within the past month. Today's updates. And we've got O
updates showing here. So that's a way that you
can kind of keep adding in. Those staff will come in here. And in those new
updates for H day, then you speak about
them in the meeting. And then it just gets
updated and you just coming in to today's updates saying
all your stuff Updike, going through that mating, adding in extra details to-dos. And then you can still
go back and have that reflective overview of a particular staff member and all their updates
for the last month.
7. Build A Social Media Post Planner: This is gonna be a fun one. We're gonna be setting up a social media post
planner within Notion. So I've come over to Workspace, clicked on the plus button at
a page media planner pair. Let's add an icon. Click on there. Let's just tap in post, and let's just put a
postbox at the top. We're going to add
a cover image. I'm going to change this one. Let's see what comes up. If I put social media, let's just pop this one. N. There we go. We've got the basics for the
social media posts planners. So I'm a fan of clicking up
the top here forward slash, either use the call out, one for some, some
notes to read. But if you do have a lot of
notes and you don't want to have all these notes take up this whole page every time
you come into this planet. Another thing that
you can use if I click down here forward slash, toggle, the toggle list, I'm going to add that in. Let me play it on nights. In that way you can say, first do this, then this, and you're adding those details. You might add in say, a Loom
video of how to use it. All these things. And then I click on
the toggle to drop it down and then you just
drag it on in there. You can even drag this in. Then my plan and night sit
nice and neatly at the top, drop-down and say how
it works, come back up. It doesn't take up
too much space. You can do some neat little
things like hover over that. I might bold it. Come over text color. Let's just turn it
pink, y naught. There we go. Another thing that
I like to do is come up to the top
right-hand side here. We can change around the top face that you're
using on this planner. I always click on the full
width just to give you that more information
showing on the page, you could add on small text if you want to
show it even more. The basic details of the top of the page for the
social media pies planet, the next thing we're going
to need is content calendar. So I click below the
plant and notes. I might just add
in another space, forward slash database. We've got some database
options and inline, which means we're just
going to grab like a big table, the database. And we're going to
put it into the page. We don't want it to
be the entire page, we just want it to be inline
embedded in the page. I'm gonna come down to calendar. Let's just call this planet. It's probably not the best
because I guess you're not really posting every way, but we'll just call
it Place planner. For now. Now we've got our basic
plan or showing him, I could even take this one off. What we can do to actually set up the
fields that we want. Let's add in something that
we want to post tomorrow. So we're going to add in item. We've got a new site where
cafe and we want to promote a festival that's coming up a list of all prime,
I will call this. Let's go through some of the elements of what we
might want to put in hand. Now it's up to you what
you want to include. You can put more,
you could put less. First thing we're
going to add in is this text field. That's fun. We'll call this title
slash caption because on some social media platforms
it is gonna be the kind of title and others it's gonna be the caption shown
below a photo. We can put in alternative
titles as well. If you've got some
some people are like, I'm not sure about that,
not sure about that. Then you can add in some
alternatives as well. Let's leave the date. We might actually just change this date field to postdate. We can also format that date. We're going to include
the time on there. We don't need an N time
because it is posted particular time on
one particular day. We've got a post date and time. We can have tags showing here. Gonna leave that one in there. One of the most
important ones is gonna be the media that
is attached to it. We hover over the text
here, falls a media. Let's move that one up. I've got media there. Now we've got some statuses
that we're going to add in. Now, why do we need statuses? Because come down here, text. Try not to do two
things at one time. Status is a really important because you might have
some ideas for posts. You might have some
ready for approval. We might have approved ones. We might have scheduled, posted. So status is very
important because then we can filter these view of
this whole calendar and say, okay, what are the ones
that we've approved? You might have a meeting and you got the idea is that we've got which ones are approved and we approve a
whole lot of different posts. You might want to just look at your calendar and say the ones that are approved
or scheduled posted. You could have a look
at your calendar with the view of which ones are
being shuttled posted. Then you can say perhaps the last few months
get a visual idea of what's being posted on
your social media posts. So you've got scheduled posted. Let's save what we're
going to add next. Next one is the type of Paste. Now we're gonna come down and we could have you say there is a select or multi-select safe, these types of posts
that may overlap. You could use multi select, but I'm going to
add in as a Select. Now let's go through I'm not going to get
through all of them. They are actually
all included in a template that we've got
over on template But the type, suppose we've
got some primary post. Maybe you've got, if
I parsed frequently, I'll re-post from
a different time. You might have a pro tip. Might have behind your business. You might have some, you might post a GIF some way. Maim white boy by
putting them all in. But you can say
that we're putting in a whole lot of
types of peice. And that way we'll be
able to visually look back over the month
and go, okay, what types of posts are we posting a lot off and
we can also look at posting engagement and
see which ones are working better than others. We've got that added in there. Let's pull this one down here. We've got another section
where we can say where. Now this one come down to
text choose multi-select. This is when you start typing
in say, Facebook. Tiktok. Blinked. This is where you can put
multiple options on here. So you might post to a lot of different platforms
and this is where those titles could
come in as well. So you've got the main title, it might be on say, Facebook and then an
alternative total for LinkedIn as well. We could put in here
location as well. He wanted to. You could put the
location of where the image is going to be. Then we can have this
one post engagement. Now this could be say, a number if you wanted. You could also have
select option on here. We might say cold, warm, hot. Let's just go through
and add in some details and then I'll show you about how this is all
going to work together. Local festival. These are gonna be
terrible totals. So bear with me. Let's upload that in there. Put some tags. Hashtag. There is a terrible
ones as well, but that is fine. Scheduled posted type of
post is a promoted post. Postdate is going to
be Friday at five PM. We're going to post it on
Facebook, Tiktok, LinkedIn. We can put the location. Borrowing by engagement is
going to be added in later. After, say, a month. We might do a retrospective, have the actual social
media accounts open. And then based on your followers and
typically engagement, you could go through and write H plus on the top of engagement. Then we're going to come
across to this page. But this festival prime i, I click on these three dots
here, come two properties. Now, what do I want
to display here? I could add in the
alternative titles. I could add in the media that
we're going to have there, we're going to have
the type of post. Maybe where to place. We've got that one. Then
we can add in another one. This one might be lunch menu. Add the media in my
use the same one. This one could be for approval. This type of post is it might
be a behind the scenes. Plus dydt is going
to be on Saturday. I can include a time off. I am opposed. Will just post this one on
just on Facebook location. And the engagement we
can add in a later. You can see that we're starting to get our calendar
happening here. We can say a brief little
snapshot off each of the items. What's gonna be included for it. We can also click on
them, drag them around. Z might say, let's have a look. We've got a kind
of primed my one. We've got a behind the scenes. Let's try not to like
have them too close together so we can kind
of move things around. Now let's have a look at some of the views
that we can set up. I might add in a view. This is also going to
be a calendar view. This idea board, create. And then click on
these three dots. And then I'm gonna filter, add a filter to filter. Come down and the status is. Now, you could also have the
idea board include how to filter or status
is for approval. So it might be that you've got some ideas on your
ID board and this some that have kind
of move forward to that for a peripheral stage. So you can have multiple
filters on here. If you want to adjust ideas, you could remove
that filter as well. But we're going to have both of these setup in the filter. You can say there is
that lunch menu one, we come up to these three dots again, click on properties. What are we going to
display it on the front? We can have the media displaying
on alternative titles. We can have tags. If you wanted to type
a post way to post, I will say the tags out. We've got that ID board section. You could also, if you had just filtered
by just the idea, you could also add in a view. Have this for approval. Calendar create. If I come in, you can see that
I've misspelt that. You can easily just come
in and change that around. So for approval is going
to have those three dots. Click on filter and filter. Then that status
is for approval. Now, this we might
add in another one. We'll say this is
scheduled. Stood. We're going to use that
calendar view again. Create. Click on those three dots. Let me click on
Filter, Add Filter. Then we go status is
scheduled at posted. What we've just done there. And if I click up here, one last thing I'll
do before I explain that is that calendar view
is actually everything. So we might just say This
is all posts, that top one. So you've got all posts. We've got that idea board. We've got the four
approval and scheduled and paste it down below
here, this ID board. Let's go into there. We can say that we've
got one on the board. We might have another
one, another post. That's in the idea stage. I will say that this
is going to be a GIF. We're going to place
that you spot's. Just put some basic
details in there. This is our ID ball and this is where you can put it
in a whole lot of different ideas for how
you could fill it out. Then perhaps you can see that I come over
to for approval. I've just got that lunch
menu one for approval. If I come back to here, I click on this and I'll move this across the
four peripheral. And from this idea is board. That's actually now
the idea is bought, also included that for approval. So let's just make
this a little less confusing. Taking that off. Now you can see the ID is board is just showing
the ones with that satisfy idea for approval. Now has two Pi that is showing here and then
scheduled posted ones. We'll show it across here. It just shows how you can
have that same database with all your posts showing. Then just turn this filter off. There's all outposts. Id is scheduled for approval. Everything's showing on here. But then we can click up here
and go, okay, our board, here's the ones that idea. Here's our posts that are just new ideas that
are showing here. Then we've got to have
for approval posts. Once those go from being for approval through
to schedule posted, it comes off here. And then it'll move through
to this view over here, which is scheduled posted. You can say that that's gonna be what we
can look back on. And then you would
click in here and say, actually engagement for this was warm and engagement
for this one was cold. You can see we've got this. We don't have many
fields selected. So if I come to Properties, I might say post engagement, I want to just have the
basic details of the image, the title, and also what
that post engagement was. We can start looking
at this and going, this price didn't go that
well, this one went well. It's just a way of kind of
having that retrospective look at what's working and
what's not working. Hope that gives you a good
idea of how to build out your social media posts planner in the most simple way possible.