1. Introduction: In this class, I'll
be teaching you the fundamentals of
react, what it is, why I think it's a
great library to get to grips with
and how to implement the newest and best practices
into your web projects. React is one of the
leading frameworks or libraries in creating
seamless interactive UIs. So it really is essential for any front-end web developer
to have some experience in. Throughout this class,
I'll teach you how to work with React
functional components, JSX, props, hooks,
state management, how to debug and test
your application. Hard to add styles
and much more. All of which are
crucial parts to know when building great
UIs with react. By following along with me
across all these lessons, you use these newly
acquired skills to build your own quote generator. Each step of building this
quote generator will cover so many important skills
you will need to be a complete and confident
React developer. Hey, I'm David and I'm a front end web developer
from Northridge in England. I have many years of
experience creating digital applications for a variety of
international clients. Enjoy helping fellow
web developers like yourself to
improve their skills, which will help them
further their careers and ultimately help them become the best or random
developer they can be. But I do hate talking
about yourself. So let's quickly move on. This class is I under
students who have some basic knowledge of
front-end technologies including JavaScript, but would like to learn react. Even if you've come from a different coding
language background, you could still be able to follow along as long as you know the basic concepts of
functions, arrays, and objects. If you are a
complete beginner to react, That's absolutely fine. All you need to create
your class project is your favorite IDE. Vs code will be my code editor of choice
used in this class. But any others that
you are comfortable using yourself are
absolutely fine. When you finish building
your core generator, you'll be deploying a product
to the web using Netlify. They worry, I'll show
you how easy it is to do that and it's all
completely free. With the skills you'll
gain from this class, you'll be able to offer so
much more as a developer, whether you're a freelancer
or if you work for a company, react is still the most
popular JavaScript library used in the world. And so many web applications
are built using React. Once you require
these new skills, you'll be able to demonstrate your knowledge to any
company looking for highly skilled and solid
front-end developer. By the end of this class, you'll be able to create
slick and highly performance, use interfaces using the
latest react features. Without further ado,
let's get started.
2. Project Introduction: In this class together
we will be building a random quotes generator
all inside, react. When you press this button and new random quote will
appear instantly. This will be a single page app, which will include
an area to populate the quote, a simple footer. And I will show
you how to manage the state of your application. If you're following
along with me, which I strongly
encourage that you do, you can also build
something like a random fact generator or a similar application
that looks at some text data and randomly populate a
random text string. The text itself was
not too important. It will be all the React
techniques that we'll be showing you in each lesson
which are important. Now I've chosen a
quote generator as a project to build as this is an ideal web app
that we'll cover many important
concepts of React. This includes working with state management paradigm
child components, working with props,
working with hooks and height data Kennedy
used inside react. First successful project. Try to use all the
concepts that I will show you in this course. If you're feeling particularly confident for bonus points, haven't read through
the official React development docs and include more contexts that are not covered in this course. You can also try to include additional components
like a header or even additional pages. Also try starting your court
generated differently to mind using your own
layout, fonts, and colors. The students should be
using their favorite IDE or code editor to build
their class project. I'll be using VS code, but any IDE will
work just as well. Now you'll need to use
a terminal which is available on most
operating systems. But I will be using
the terminal which comes bundled with VS Code. Any will do, of course, you use the terminal to create
the project and also to help you deploy your final
project using Netlify. Don't worry, I'll show you
how easy it is to set this up and push your work to a live
webpage for all to see. And we can do this all
in under a minute. All my work will be on
GitHub at this URL. So you can see my final project. I would use this for reference
if you do get stuck. And I will include
this URL in the course notes to when you have
deployed your project, it will be great for you
to share screenshots and link to your
completed generator. You can do this by
uploading your work to the your project
section on Skillshare. This is a great way to
get feedback from me, from the other students and
really to priority show off your work and your
new friend react skills. Of course, if you do
have any questions, please let me know. Now, let's take a look at what React actually is
in the next lesson.
3. What is React and why use it?: So what is React and
why learn it at all? Quite simply, as stated on
the official react website, React is a JavaScript library useful building user interfaces. With React, you're
able to design simple views for each
state of your application. React to so efficient it
will know to only update the correct components
when your data changes, instead, reloading
the entire page. This makes it ideal for the single-page
application we will be building in this class. This means your React
application will have great performance
and be super speedy. Each component is encapsulated, which means each component
manages its own state. Componentized, work
mixed, easy to manage all your code allowing you to reuse components throughout
your application. To react is now used on over 10 million
websites worldwide. This also means there is
a strong community with great resources out there to
help you on your journey. There was also a much
smoother learning curve compared to its
counterpart Angular. And I hope to show you
just that in this course. Shall we set up our project? Let's do that in
the next lesson.
4. Setting up your React project: Now let me show
you how to create your React project and how
to get it up and running. So I've already opened
up VS code here. So this is the code
editor I'll be using. So please do the same, open up yours and just
follow along with me. The first thing
I've done is create an empty folder called
quote generator. Course what you want and
save it where you want. There are no files
in there just yet, but that's what we
will be setting up. Now to create a React project, you will need to make sure
you have Node JS installed. If you don't have no
JS already downloaded, go to Node You'll be presented
with this page. Now, as you can see, it's already detected that
I'm on a Mac iOS and you want to download the latest or current download
files just here. Now, I already got
Node installed, so I don't need to do that. But when you click
on this, you'll be presented with an
installation wizard. And you just need to
go through the steps until you have node
on your system. And then how do you check
if you've got node? I'm just going to
open up a terminal. And so if VS Code
in new terminal, if you're not using
VS code and you don't have a terminal inside
your code editor. You can't just use any
terminal that is bundled with macOS or Windows. So I've just opened
a terminal here, but I will just close this
because I'll be using the total inside the S-curves. So I hope that makes sense. Anyway, to check that I
do have Node installed, I'm just gonna be
writing node dash V, which stands with version. And he can see that 17.9, so that is installed. If you see these numbers here, after writing node b, then you have node
correctly install. What exactly is node
and why do we need it? Basically, it's a
server environment and it's completely
open-source, cross-platform. Now what this does, it allows you to use JavaScript to write command line or terminal tools
for server-side scripting. And this is exactly what we need to create this React app. How do we create the React app? We write n px, create dash, react, dash, space. And then you can either
write the name of your folder or application. But I just wanted to
use quote generator, which is the name of
my folder up here. So to do that, I just use a dot instead of a name and hit Enter. I need to install,
Create, React app. Okay, to proceed, yes, I hit Y. And here is crammed the React app and all the
necessary files and folders. Just give this a second. May take some time
depending on high phos to a machine is sorry, I don't have to spend our
entire installation process because it was taking
a little bit of time. Here we want to
store full, correct. All looking good. As you can see on the left here, we have this folder
structure which it created. So we have sauce
with various files. App.js as the base
root application. Many other files here. We'll get to those in a minute. Now to start up this
application in your browser, again in the terminal, let me just clear everything. If I write npm stopped, not MPS, NPM, which stands for
Node Package Manager, which gives you various
scripts which you can run it. So I just wanted to
stop this MPM space. Stopped Enter. I presume it's a little
goes through fine. It should open up
a tab or a window. And if it doesn't, or
you need to do is go to local host three times
and there we go. Now, if you can see this page, then your replication
reacted when setup. Starting. All fine. Now if
you don't see this, you don't see this in
local host 3 thousand. Then I must have been
an error somewhere. And then it's worth checking
what your terminal is saying because it will probably give you some error messages, which we will explain
exactly where the issue is. Okay, now we know that
this is up and running. Let's just tidy up some
files inside app.js, which is the parent file
for the application. We won't need half of this, so let us actually get rid of everything inside
the div, the header. I'm just going to
include an H1 to say. Jen. Just to make sure we
know what this is. This updates in real
time, as you can see, we've lost the animation
and it has the new text. So there's no need
to keep refreshing this or to keep
starting the server. It's all looking good
updates in real time. We don't need to import
the logo anymore either. Save that. Inside source as we're here, let's set up a folder structure. Now, this is the way I like to do to keep things neat and tidy. You can cause copy me or
do you think differently? But we will need a folder
for our components. This is inside
source, by the way. Also inside source, let's have a folder for our
data, our text data. And then we're going to do
the same for styles folder. For styles. That's all looking good. What else can we
get rid of here? Get rid of cool web phi tools whenever we're doing any testing this and get rid of setup tests. That's all good. Which means it's index js. We can get rid of what
we've deleted there. And also this part
of the bottom. There we go. Compiled
successfully. Index js holds our app.js, which should simply
have the court January to also get
rid of this test. Yeah. And a half to do this, but has been not
using this files. Let's keep it neat and
tidy, nice and simple. With the school loading
fine at this stage, let me just show you some
useful extensions that I'm using in VS code
just to save some time. So throughout this course
you'll see me using some keyboard
shortcuts and things just to kind of saving
time and effort. You might find this useful
to show you this in. So components, I'm
just going to create a component for the footer just to test these things
I happened to show you. So we'll call this
footer dot js. Usually is the
normal convention to start js component
with a capital letter. First useful shortcut is to create a React
functional component. I'm simply going to type II and tab and it's created
component structure here. What's doing this is
an extension which I'm using code snippets, DX7 snippets and updated. So this is giving me a load of keyboard shortcuts just
to save some time. So keep an eye out for
this exactly extension. Another useful extension that I'm using is called prettier. If I was to just move this around so
that doesn't look very good. If I then highlight the school and use the
keyboard shortcut, Bennett formats it into place. Now this is using pretty Act. So if we go to Extensions time, again, I'll have this
already installed. Since you're prettier. It should be this top result
here. Code whole matter. You can see that this file is using protein dying in the
bottom right here. I didn't quite see
that is prettier here. Let me just move that up. Just so you know, this is running in this file. That's a great time-saver. Another one, we were to
change this opening tag. If I change this to
a one, let's say, you can see that the
closing tag also updates and get your extensions. This one is called
auto complete tag. Yet there we go. So
this top one here. Again, very useful, especially if your files
are growing in size, then you don't need to find this lower closing tag right at the bottom
of the documentation. You know, if you update this, then the second tag well, the closing tag updates as well. With that, your application is all set up and ready to go. Let's look at some more code. And that's actually
create the app itself.
5. Components and JSX: Let's talk about
components and JSX. First of all, on
the screen we've got the cost component and
a functional component. Throughout this course, we'll be working with functional
components by just wanted to show you the
difference between the two. When react was first made, it was quite common to
use cost components. This would involve the rocking, the word class, the
name you can component. You'd have to extend
React dot component. You'd have to include
a render to return the actual HTML code. And if you are changing state, you'd have to include
a constructor. You'd have to include super, have to use this, the, this keyword to change a state. Functional components.
We're only really used to if you are rendering a
component or some code. If you were working
with changing state, you'd have to use
a class component. But this is all changed now. You can use hooks to manage state inside
functional components. I find function Comparing. It's a little easier
to understand. But this may be different
for someone from an object oriented programming
backgrounds such as Java. But I find that function
components use up less code. And like I say, with the introduction of hooks, you can now manage state. There is less code. I think it's neater,
so we will be working with functional
components throughout. No, functional
component is basically just a JavaScript function declaring the name
constant Hayek or fitter. And it's just a simple
arrow function. And then we're returning
the HTML code. Now there isn't
actually any need to import React from react anymore because this application already knows that
this is a React file. The only time we'll be
importing it this way is when we start to use hooks
later down the line. But for now, we can remove that. It makes the code even neater. This might seem weird. Putting mock-up
inside JavaScripts don't show you will
get used to it, but this is essentially
what JSX is. Now, all the logic and
work for the footer willing will stay inside
the footer dot js file. And it's easier to
manage markup and logic in the same file. React is focused on separating concerns
more than anything. Down here, this is where
we export the footer. And we're saying
that this footer is the default thing to export. You could return other
components or functions in here. We're just saying there
is the footer that is the default to explore
from this file. Now inside the return
here is the markup, which is essentially HTML. So if you're already
familiar with HTML, you can write it
in the same way. However, there are a
couple of cases where some attributes are named
slightly differently. For example, if you
wanted to add a class, say distalless for the
class is a reserved word, as I've just shown you earlier. You can use class-based
components in React. Class becomes
className like this. And already my candidate, is it telling me or
suggesting the class name, Here's the right thing to use. So remember to use
className and not class. Also, if you were
working with Forms, let's say creating, say a label for a form
smoothest time to another line. If you are linking
this to an input, normally you would have four and then the ID of the input. Four is also a reserved word. You need to remember
to include HTML Full with camelCase like this. Just useful to remember
that this is removed. We won't be adding
any styles just yet. But whilst are in the footer. Let's just change
this to a footer tag. Then I'm going to put the text inside a
paragraph like so. And then let us update this
further to say something like co-generation to David
JC Lee, that's me. And then we'll add a copyright symbol like
this, ampersand copy. Remove those characters. I'm saying copy semicolon 2022. Another thing to be aware
of is in this return, if your HTML is starting
to get quite large, which is here, you can, of course, mu is M on
two separate lines. It like so, but just remember to include parentheses
around everything in parentheses like this. Using prettier, I'm just
going to format this on the press Command a
to select everything. Then I'm going to hold
Shift option F to Format. And then we'll save
that much neater. That is essentially
our footer complete. Let's move onto
another component. You can select the
components directory. Let's create a component
for the quote. So the quote ab.js, because this is just
really a JavaScript file. And then using my S7 extension
shortcuts or the ICF tab, actually removed the input because it already
knows it's react. Quote. Okay, great. We've already got
parentheses for multiple lines on the return when it's returning the
mockup. So that's handy. Let's just space
this a little bit. Inside the div. Let's actually use
a blockquote tag, and then we will just
hard code some query. This is a great quote
I'll do for now. And then for the name of the
person who said the quote, let's put it in paragraph tags. Let's just put your name. Of course, when I'm working
with real data down the line, we will make this dynamic
both the quote and the name. But for now we're just putting the base component together. Again, I'm gonna hit Command a shift option F,
lovely at formatted. And that is our second
child component. Now, when I say
Charles component, that means they both the
photo and the quote, needs to live inside
a parent component. Now apparent component
is the app.js, which should've been
created when you created your React app. Earlier. We've just hard code it in
this one quote generator. Whilst here, let's just
change so the mockup. So actually we'll
leave that Davidson, but we'll put it in a section, wrap everything in this
section like this. We will eventually have
the quote area here. Comment that they're
in-between the div, The section we will eventually
have the footer here. Let's just comment
that math for now. Below the query, we will need a button to randomize
each group. So let's just create
a button there. And I'm going to write the
text generate for the button. Now you can see nothing
is changing on the right. That's because we need
to start the server. Just do npm start inter. Wait for that to load up. Starting the development server, they're compiled successfully. And then we can see
our Generate button. Before we bring in the
quote and the footer, just like to point out a handy tip while it's already tip is something
that you must know. Inside our return, we have
got essentially one wrapper. So it's the section. If I was to put a
second one here. Second section. Second section, you can see
there's red lines everywhere. It's complaining,
it doesn't like it. If we hover over the text, you can see JSX expressions
must have one parent element. What happens if you
did actually need two siblings like
this two sections? Well, you need some
kind of wrapper. It would work if you
had an outer div. Is both of those. But if you didn't want to include a day of just
for the sake of it, you can use a React fragment and all that is is an
empty div like this. You can see an empty table here and an empty closing div here. These are React Fragments. Luckily, we don't need
a second section. I was just showing you
that as an example so you can get rid of that. Get rid of this opening
fragment, and save that. Then. Let's import our quote component
that we made ever head. Below this input of the CSS. Again, this app dot CSS was bundled with his
Create React app. We might not actually need that, so let's delete that for now. To import a child
component into the parent, we can do input quote from. Then as a string, we need to go into dot slash
components, slash quote. Okay, great. It says quote is declared
but its value is never read. All we do here is have I self-closing quote
component like this. Only bracket name of the
component slash closing bracket. That Let's save. And then on the right ear we can see we have our heart
care did quite right. Let's do the same
for the footer. Footer from sorry, dot
slash components slash. Better. Doing same footer. Close that save. And that is our footer. We've imported child components into our parent component. Now, the great thing about separating out of these
components is you can use them everywhere because
they are componentized. So this is essentially
quo component. We could doublet, triplet, save. There we go. We've got three of those. So this is quite component
can be dropped in anywhere inside our app and it
works independently. Each comparing them,
manages its own state, its own styles and
everything like that. So it can just be dropped in everywhere whilst we're here. Before I forget, if you did
want to stop your server, you can see this is
still running inside your terminal or you do
is do Control and C. And then you can see
that has stopped. And then if I was to
refresh this page, there's nothing there because
we have stopped the seller. I hope that all makes sense. Now let's move onto
working with prompts.
6. Props: Let's take a look at working
with properties or props. Now, first let me just
start up the server again. We'll do npm stopped, hit Enter. Props are rating useful
for passing dynamic data from the parent proponent to its various child components. What can you pass down? Well, almost anything really. In this example, you don't
need to follow along with me. This is just some examples before we start working
with our actual data. So what I'm gonna
do first is let's say we wanted to change
the name in the footer. So here's our footer
in the parent. We can add an attribute,
let's say name. You can call this
anything that you want. But we changed the name. And then let's change
this name to say, Jim, Let's save that. Are inside our footer. How do we receive
back text string? Well, the parentheses here, the parameter needs to be props. Props, game pulled in the same. It's declared that its
value is never read. How do we update this text here? Let's delete that. And then what we need to do
is to open some curly braces. And this is how we use
JavaScript inside this JSX. We can write any kind
of drugs within here, but we're gonna be working
with the props variables. We use props and then stopped and whatever we
named the attribute here, which is named
approximate dot name. We'll save that and it's
updated to Jim over here. We can also use
this multiple times over the second photo and
let's change the Dave, is that the honest thing
named Julie will hit save. And there we go. We've got
the same for two-component, used three times over, but it's accepting three
different types of props. Now you can also
pass in variables, hit the inside our app. Let's create a const. We'll call this name one. Will save as a
string called Jamie. Name one can be used inside
here instead of Jim, but it's not a string. So make sure you
use curly braces. And we'll put name one in there. I say Save. And there's Jamie. Remove the footers. What else can we pass in here? Let's get rid of our name one, Let's let us pass down
some kind of Boolean. So we'll have a true or false. And what we can do is, let's say to the footer will
show up or hide this date. Let's call our
constant year score. And we'll set this to
false because we're going to hide it in the footer and
let's remove this attribute. Let's say we'll call this.
This is called a year. Then in some curly
braces we're passing down our variable above. This is called year, so
that means in footer, we need to just change
this back to my name. So hard carry back. How do we show and hide? This year? Again, we need to
open curly braces. And we're just going to use
a shorthand conditional. So we'll pass down props, props dot, just called year. I think we're just passing down. If props dot year equals true, then we'll show the
string of 2022. Otherwise, we'll just
have an empty tree, empty strings, so
we'll just hide back. This is just a shorthand. The question mark
is basically an if, if true, and this codon
is basically an else. Let's see, We'll save that and
has indeed it in our year. So if we go back to our parent, let's change that to false. Sorry, change that to true because we do want to
show you over here. We'll save that and
showing the year. This is really handy to show
and hide things such as text content or even change class names because
different styling. Let's just reverse this back
to when we had name here. Yeah, approximately
name over here. We'll change this back to name, would change this to name, and then let's change
our variable name. Changed the name to Keith. Keith has created this query generator,
well, donkey teeth. My next example is you
can set default props. For example, we've got
props dot name here. But if Keith is no
longer available, we can do double pipe, which means all props
dot name, or pooling. That hasn't changed,
that's still says teeth because Keith
is declared up here. If this was an empty string, Let's say the props are
no longer available. So remove that. Then we've got pooling here
because name is blank. We're passing down a blend prop. Inside of props, props dot
name is not available. So we've devoted to pulling. That's also useful for
backup if you don't have any data or there might not be any data getting passed down. Okay, I hope that makes sense. No, we can make
this even neater. Imagine you have multiple texts. Then you're having to write
props over and over again. We've used the word
props four times there. But what will we need is name. Now, we can what's called
D structure these props. So we can just get
name and do that. Delete prompts again
in curly braces, we can just write the word name. Just get rid of these
multiple names. And that means we just
need your name like fat. That's very much needed. You're just savings
and texts that. So remember to use the curly
braces to get hold of any of these prompts that are getting passed down from the parent. Even though we've
been using the footer here and we don't
actually need to pass down anything
to the footer. So let's get rid of that. Let's reverse this
back down to my name. It will be yourname. Of course, if you've created a photo of
yourself, Say that again. That's back to normal. I think we've done
with a photo for now until we start styling it. So we're more concerned about the quote generate to
the quote component. So this code is hard-coded
and this name is hard-coded. The course we want to pass down actual data inside the app. I'm going to create your
object and we are going to call this data equals, and this is going
to be an object. And the reason this is an object is because we're passing down. Well, I need two things here, the quote and the name. Let's say name
equals Joe Bloggs. And let's say quote
is in the string. This is an awesome court. This data is what we
would like to pass down to our quote component. Let's call this data. We're referencing the
data object above. Inside quote, Let's
start with a name here. Let's delete this,
some curly braces. And before I forget, we must bring in props up here. It's accepting props and M, we need to reference
props dot data. And then in our object, we've got name, name. Let's save. And there we have. Joe Bloggs would use the same for the quote to
need the hard-coded text, open curly braces, props, dot data, dot quote. This is an awesome quote. Great. Okay, I'm gonna be really
annoying and just add some quotations there so it looks like an actual
quote has better. Remember, we can
destructure this. Let's get rid of props to make
this neater curly braces. We'll call this data haven't. Which means we can get
rid of prop dot data, dot data dot name should
remain exactly the same. We will be working with multiple quotes
because the idea is we press Generate and then
it shows a random quote. For now, let's just hard code, let's say five different quotes. So that means this isn't
going to hold one object. It will hold five objects, which means we must
include this in an array. So square bracket,
square bracket makes it easier and clearer space the side and all I'm gonna do is hit a comma there and I'm gonna copy this five times over. And then I'm going
to change the name and the query for each one. So use whatever text you want to use,
whatever name you want, wherever you want, you don't
just have to have five, you can have three
where you can have 100. Just make sure it
follows this format. So make sure you use your own quotes wherever
you gather information. You can't just write this act, but I'm just going
to speed this up. I'll do this very quickly
and then we'll be back soon. Great. If hard-coded
five quotes there, five objects inside
the data array format. That's, that's all neat. Now you can see this is
not populating here. And that's because
we're now working with objects inside of an array. So it doesn't know what
I've just pass down. Essentially I'm not
passing down an array. Therefore end quote. This no longer makes sense
because data is an array, so it doesn't know
which query to pull from this being an array. Let's just pull the
first quote down. So let's just do data
square bracket 0. For now we'll say this is putting through
our very first quote. Again. I will soon show you
how to change this. So this is dynamic and sharing
random quotes and names. No, to do all of this, we're gonna start
looking at hooks and hooks our set before are quite great way to manage state and change the
effects of things. Let's go through that next.
7. Introduction to hooks and useState: Let's now talk about hooks
and then we'll delve into our first took US state. Now just explain a few things and then we'll have
a look at some code. What are hooks? As you can see here, hooks do allow you
to use features that were found in
class-based components. We can now use them inside
of functional components, and it is functional
components that we will be using in this course. These features include
stateful logic. So it does mean that
you can add states to each component
completely independently and reused from
component to component. For me, using hooks in
functional components, the code seems to be so
much shorter, simpler, and neater, whilst
they're having all those features that were found in
class-based components. Because the code is shorter? Or do you think that hooks have a shallower learning curve compared to the equivalent
in the classes, which is great when you're first learning this kind
of stuff in React. Hooks were only
added in React 16.8. So yeah, Kind of Kind of new-ish in the life
span of React. One quick tip. Don't use hooks withinside loops inside conditions
or nested functions. You would just call hooks at the top level of your component. As kind of touched on. And hooks do avoid a lot of the overhead that
classes require, like creating class instances, like binding events and
creating a constructor as well. Now if that doesn't make sense and that's absolutely fine, we're now gonna show some code. So first, I'll create a
class-based component, and I'll create this counter. So when you press a button, increase the number
on the screen by one. Then what we'll do is we'll create a functional
component using the US State hook to achieve
the equivalent thing. And then you can
see a comparison with the amount of code
and the difference in the code to achieve the same thing using
the US State hook. This is what a basic class
based component looks like. We'll just be creating a
simple state function. So when you click on
this button, it adds 12. Well then Amazon
there at the moment, but I'll show you how
that looks in a second. With classes. First need to import
the component, will need to use
the class keyword, the name of our component, and we have to extend component. So this is already longer than the first line of a
functional component. If we're updating state, we need to include a
constructor and super. Then to set state, let's say ever default number, we'd need to use the, this keyword, this state equals. And then an object we
can call our variable, let's say count, and we'll
set that default of 0. We'd need a function to
increment the number. Let's call it increment. And then to set the state again, we need to use the
this keyword and we'd use this set state. So this will change the
value inside an object. Our variable of
count would need to be updated to this dot state, dot count plus one. So we're taking the
original value and updating it by one each time. To use the increment function on the button we use onclick. Then we need to call
this dot increments. Then to actually get this
increments function to work, you have to bind it as well
inside the constructor, which is easily forgotten. So yeah, this is included or needed in
class-based components, you'd do this current
equals this dot increments, dot bind dot this. When you're first learning
things like this, especially in
class-based components, this is quite confusing. There's a lot to take in here. And it doesn't immediately
make sense why this is needed. But it is. Again, I'll
show you how this differs inside a functional based
component using hooks. And then to display a number, the number is now this
dot state dot count. Let's just save that
number is now one at one. There we go. It's changing
the state each time. Okay, so quite a
lot included there, about 20 lines of code. Now let's take a
look at our hook. What I'll do is I'll
just comment out the class and I'll
comment in the hook. Okay, The number is
nine minutes blank. Okay, so how do we achieve the equivalent result inside the functional base component
using the US State hook. First, we need to
import US state. Third from React. Need to import you
state like this. And then what does
use state look like? Initially, we would need
to declare a constant, which would equal you
state brought in above. And then inside
the parentheses is our default value, which is 0. So we know this. And then what happens
before the equals. So as I said, it's a const. And then we need to destructure
what you state gives us. There are two parameters
we must include. In fact, it says it hit. It expects a value or return to stateful value and a
function to update it. So those are the two things. The value is called count, we can call this
whatever we want. And then a function
to update this. Usually the conventional syntax of this function
would be the word set and then the variable name, or in CamelCase in this current, in this case it's
set count like that. You can't count set
current, use state. Inside our button, we need that increments
function or onclick, at least onclick equals. Then what we need to do is
we use an arrow function. Every time you click on this, it triggers the
function and we can just use set current here. So set count. We can do count plus one. Then the number is now current. We don't need to use the, this keyword anywhere we can
jumps reference current. There's no binding
of the function. We can simply do it all in line. So theory, pressing one updates the number without
updating the page. And look how much neater
this is compared to our class-based component class. We have to include comparative. There's no need for that. The function name
is so much simpler. We're not extending react, we're not extending
the component. There's no use of
constructor here or super. We didn't have to
bind the function. We just use one line
of you state here. There's no need for this
additional function. We don't need to use
the, this keyword here. We can just reference
count as we've done here. You can see how we've
saved so much coding here, just using the US State hook. Okay, so we will be using the US statehood in our
actual application, but we'll get to that shortly. Let's just look at a,
another useful hook, but we'll be using cooled user
effect in the next lesson.
8. useEffect hook: The US effect Hooke. Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be using the US effect
Hooke in our application. We use to fetch our local data, so our array of quotes and ease. In fact, Herc is great for that because it lets you perform side-effects within components
and that is a side effect. So that's data fetching, like setting up a
subscription and manually changing the DOM inside
React components. Let's look at some code
now so I can show you some practical examples of
the use of effect hook. Okay, So this is very crude app. What this will do is we're going to update the title
here of the tab. When you click on the button, it will set number up in the title and
the document title. And this can only happen
after everything has loaded, after the comparative
has minded. It can't be done
straight away because we're accessing the document. Do we use effect so
similar to US state, we can bring it in appearance of important effect in
these curly braces. What does the bees
effect look like? You can write these effect. Then we open some parentheses and then empty
parentheses for now. And then we'll just use
an array function and open that up with
some curly braces. Okay, so I've said
we want to update the document title
after everything has my document dot title equals, and then we'll change the message to
something like clicked. Then we'll just
interpellate the current. So using US state, which I showed you in
a previous lesson, to update the counter by one. You clicked count however
many times the default is 0. You can see it's updated on
the topic clicked 0 times. Then in theory, if
we press increment, you see that number
changing up there. Now this would not work outside
of the US effect Hooke. And that's because as I said, this is a side effect. What we're doing here, we're
updating the document. We need to wait
for everything to load before this happens. Now we can pass in a
second parameter here, which will be some
square brackets. What this tells the component
is basically like this. By default, this use effect
side effect runs both after the first render and after every other update after
any rendered on the page. So I didn't square
brackets means this will only
happen the one time. In this example, that's
not actually useful because we can see I'm
hanging increments. It's not updating anytime
anymore times because all I'm saying is just get this information once
and never again. Scenario where this is useful
is when you're fetching external data or any
data actually which will show you an
example very shortly. In that scenario, you just
wanted to gather information the one time when
everything lows. But here we want to
update this many times. We can actually specify when we want this to
render or to change. I'm going to put every
time that count changes. This will ignore any other
time the page renders, but only if count updates
then do this theory. If I press increment now, it's updating again because it's recognizing the
count is changing. What about external data? So if we wanted to get some
data from an API or does use effects come into play then is a get external
data component. Here we are just
listing art of to-dos. So this is just basically
placeholder text box. This information is coming
from this external API. You can see here
with our US state, this is a load of to-dos. So the initial default value
is just an empty array. Sorry, Initially we
don't have the data, but we know it's going
to be an array of to-dos or an array of text. So in our user effect, here, we just fetching
the data and this is a function I'm
calling down here. As you can see, I'm
using the empty array. This just gets cooled once on
the first render because we only want to get this information
when everything lows, when everything is mounted, just the one time I'm
using async await. Eventually you can this
data, which is Jason. And then when we
have the response, which a pivot variable
here, setting the to-dos. So our US state to
be the response. The response is a load of
information inside an array. And that means to do's. Now we cause the response mapping through all the
to-dos because it's an array. And then in a paragraph tag, I'm just listing
out the item title. This variable here can be
called anything we want. We can call it to do if
we want to import item, then I'm just accessing
item title and it's displaying this
information here. Because this information, this data could be a
massive, massive file, will find hundreds and thousands and thousands of entries, which means it can't get
access to this immediately. We have to wait for
everything to Mt. In the side effect. It could take a second
to load this data. And that's why we're
using these effect. And then when it's
ready and it's access to all the
data we can display. It does use Effect apply to
our application and our data. Where I'll show you that in the next lesson when
we start to hook up all our hooks
and use our data. So we'll be using US
state and you use effect in our application
in the next lesson.
9. The data and hooking up our...hooks: Now we've learned about
the basics of hooks. Let's actually use US
state and use effect and work with our
actual quote data here. So the first thing I'm going
to do is actually move this data to a data file. We created this data
directory inside source data that's just
create a data dot js file. Please follow along
with me if you can. I'm going to copy
this arrived data. See if that actually break
because data is not defined, let's paste it in here. And let's not forget to export
the data itself format. Okay, that's exported. We just need to import
date and I import, don't forget curly braces. Data from slash data. Slash data is working
great in its own file, so easier to maintain. Again, if this was a, a 100 lines or more than it would just make more sense to have it
in its own data, a file. So at the moment we're
just hard-coding in the first quote from our array. And we're doing
that by passing tag dated quotes for opened
the quote component, you can see data and
then the first one is 0, and that is the first quote. But we would like to change this when you
click on the button. Will be updating the state, which means we need to bring
in use state, new state. And then you can see that
it says you state snippet, I'm just going to hit Tab and is populating almost what we need. So I'm gonna call this quote, then set quote, that
needs to be CamelCase. What we can do the equivalent of hard-coding the first in
the array is just do data. Then 0 state is not defined
because I've not important it up here in Fort
straight from React. Great. And then what we need to then do is instead of just passing
time, all the data, we just need to pass down quote, quote is declared here
and pass it down here. Let's breaking because inside
are quite competitive. Pricing down all of data
against this needs to change. To quote, it's not
worth quarter. Note, we are calling
data my mistakes. I changed that bytes of data, but we no longer need this array deleted form
the quote and the name. There we go. Okay?
If I was to change this default value to
one, then it's ideal. Other quotes, Judy Smith, if we get to our data, then yes, it is the correct one. The next one in the array
that is hard-coded, that's our default quote. But then on the button, of course we want to on click. Just use that set quote
to change the value. For now, we're just going to hard code a value like
let's say to the data, to the next one in the array. So in theory it should
change it to me. Hit Generate. There we go. This will always be backed. Third one in the array because this is what
we've set it here. What we really need to do is
randomize this number here, because the idea is you
hit Generate and it picks a random quote from
our data already. So let's work out
a random number. Let's put this in a const and we'll just call
it random number. Just using standard JavaScripts, we need to utilize
math dot random, which picks a random number
between 01, so 0.10.2, etc. But then we need to times this
by the length of the data. So we have five quotes here. We can do data dot length. This means that even if we end up with a 100 more and
we keep adding to this, then data dot length will always be the length of our data. Because we don't
just want a decimal, we want it to be whole number. We need to add Math dot floor. Okay? This is our random
number theory. We just log random number. And let's just inspect what's
happening in the console. We getting 23340144. We're getting random
numbers here. Now our explain and
soon why this is happening twice because we only want it to happen the ones. And then what we need to happen is instead of hard-coding this, we need to randomize
the number onClick. So let us create
randomized function. We'll call randomize. I'm just going to be
an arrow function. The function was simply
going to use the set quote. You state values here where
getting hold of the data. But then instead of
a hard-coded number, we're using random number here. Then instead of on pattern
calling set quote, we can just use
randomize like this. Let's see what happens.
Why is that not changing? Of course, we need
to use US effect. Bringing in you use effect here. Just delete some
of these values. Delete the value in
the square brackets. So we'll leave this empty because we just want
to get the data. The first load. What we're gonna do is call
randomize inside use effect. Now do you have one issue? When I click Generate is not continuously
populating the quotes. The reason is when we set our random number here has
only happening the ones. Of course, we want to
get a random quote. Every time something changes on the page they're on first
load when everything's magnitude and onclick randomizes getting cause is getting cold and use a vector
which is correct, but we just need to get that round number be populated
on each click and after every single theory for agenda right now are getting
the different quotes. Excellent. And one thing that is
useful to do is if this was a huge data file
of thousands of entries, this may take a little while to load when you first
load the page. So it's useful to
have some kind of loading text and loading file you use to tell the user
that the data is coming. Majorly effect what
we're doing here because there is normalized
data to work with. When you're working with
larger applications. This is useful to know. We can do this with
you state as well. So up here, we'll just create the US data snippet
and we'll do recall this is loading and then set
is loading the capital I. And then we'll set this to true. Because it will
be true initially when it's trying
to get the data. It will be loading the data
when you first load this, but then when it has
got the data and we can say is loading back to false because the data
has been received. But what do we do with
this is loading value. Well, we can use it
as a conditional to show or hide certain
text or content. This is a Boolean to true. Then we set to false
when it gets the data. So we don't want
to show this quote until the loading
has been completed. Underneath the H1. To use some JavaScript, we just opened
some curly braces. Then we can do is loading. So if this is true, then what do we need to do? Let's show a paragraph
that says quote, loading. This is fine for now.
Else, if not true, if it's false and learning
has been completed. That's where we want this
quote which can sit in here. Even if I refresh this page, you'll just not going to see
that because it's so quick. Let's set is loading to false
here, exclamation mark. Refresh the page and you can see it says quote now learning, so this is what it would look
like to reverse this back. There, we basically
have our hook setup. We're using new state
to set a quote, to set if it's loading. We're essentially using user
effect for the side effect, where are we getting
a random number and then setting it to the data. So this all happens after everything has
loaded on the page. We can then use
the conditional is loading to show and
hide different content. Passing down our quote to our
quote component, onClick, we're randomizing the
random number and we're randomizing the
quote to get from this data which is in
its separate file. That will make sense at all, nice and neat, just
using the symbol hooks. And actually because we
are using this user fact, we can delete this
default value because huge effect on node is already
randomizing this quart. Every kind of note that
brings a new quote, Great.
10. Testing: Testing, testing 123. Okay, here's what
we're gonna do. Now we basically completed
the React part of the work. We can test the data, we can test our components. And the best way
to do that is if you're using Google
Chrome is go to the
slash webstore and search for React
developer tools. This is the official dev tools because it's offered by Meta, which is the new Facebook, who make react if you
didn't know that. You can see I've
already downloaded this to my chrome because it
says removed from growing, but yeah, make
sure you get this. What this gives you. Let me just close this. I'll show you how you get two. And you get to that. We're on an app before your
time to inspect. Open your normal dev tools where you're probably
familiar with. And then you can
see these new tab, sake opponents and profile. Click on Components. And he is our application. So we've got our app, which is our parent component. And you can basically
see the hierarchy, Sir. You can see that the app has to child components,
quote and Footer. Click on those, also highlights it on the front end as well. And it's also great
if we go to quote, we know about on our
current component, we're passing down
the quote data. You see helix,
maybe it's across. We've got props. We can see the approximate getting passed
down to this core component. And it is indeed data that we've got a name
and we've got a quote. If we update this, generate, then
updates in real-time, you can see how that's changed. We can even test our proxy so I can write anything I want. And there we go. It's
updating on the front-end. Got to. We can also see there's
the state which we are declaring in our
parent app component, which indeed is this was realized spelled
exceptional wrong plants, not very exceptional of me. Ignore that, please. We've got our state here. We've also got a second state. So this is our loading state. It's currently set to false. If I was to tick this, there's a checkbox all the
way to the right here. You can see in our
quote now loading. So it's a good way to test
things you can interact with your actual data and
prompts within here, turning this on and off. And you can then see also in the hierarchy hit
hides the core component, which it should do when it's
loading is set to true. It turns out the false
and it's back again. Another thing to quickly show, this isn't part of
the reactive tools. If we go to elements, we can see that footer
has a class of Footer. Remember that class is a
reserved keyword in reacts. If I just go to my code, you'll see that in footer we are using class name correctly. And then it just
shows that it is compiling the correct
word of class here, which is good to know. So when you're having a play
around with URN app, yeah, definitely download
this and have a click around and see what
data you're passing. Also, it's a good way to debug your hand if you're
not getting the data, if you're not getting the
correct props passed down, if the state doesn't look right, this is the best place to see what is going wrong and where you might
need to fix something.
11. Adding styles: Right? Well, but more
or less finished with the React part of this course, which is the most
important thing. In this lesson, I'm
just going to add some styles is
completely up to you if you want to follow along or
watch this lesson at all, I will literally just be
adding some CSS styles. But if you're happy to add your own and you don't
need to follow along. Feel free to skip
this lesson, right? So anyway, for those sticking around inside our
styles directory, inside source, I'm just going to create a styles.css file. Let's get going. In the body. I'm just going
to set a nice font family. Let's go for something like Gilroy liked that font-family. We'll just do Helvetica
sans-serif to finish that off. What we can do is inside App, let's import slash styles slash styles.css,
him after styles. Okay. Let us create some
styles for the page. We haven't created
this class yet. We need to add that
to our markup. But for now let's just add some styling to choose a
nice green background, 70 BC to AD, yep, y naught. Then let's get back to our app. Let's add our class
name to our section. Don't forget its class
name and not class. Page K There is our green. I'm going to change this class
name of app to container. And then what else
should we change? Our is loading text, we can stall that as
add a class name. All just learning is fine. Our quote, and let's
just put this onto a new line so we can see
that a little bit better. I'm going to actually
wrap this quote in a div class name of
quart container. Just run fact. Was our footer looking across name of
fertile, That's fine. Then how about our
queer comparator? Did block word
paragraph for the name. Let's actually add a class name. Name here. This point, I would
encourage you to just have a mess around
with the Oregon College and we already in funds and make this application you own
your style, David's own way. So it's slightly different. Mine. Inside the page, I want everything to
be stacked on top of each other just to make
sure that it's happening. I'm going to set display
to flex side-by-side, but then we can change
direction to column better. And then I will set
the height to be a 100% of the view height, okay, green everywhere,
exactly what I want. Next, what should we look at? We've got a container. A container. We're also going to
do this display flex. And again, let's put this into a column, flex direction column. I want to put
everything centered, justified content center. Then the height
of the container. Let's just do 95 view height. Now in the center. Make sure send to
properly with margin 0, the top and bottom or
two in the middle. That's looking good. We'll do a max width of 1200 pixels just
for larger screens. Then let's set a width of 80 per cent because I didn't want to go
all the way across. There we go. This is check. There we go. You can see the max-width
working nicely there. Let's look at our H1 header. H1. Going to make this
a slightly dark green, so a hash 2676. Let's do a font size of
5050 pixels and quite big. Margin zeros 0100 picks a
little gap at the bottom. That's how our
quote contain an x. I want to do is add
a bit of a margin. Management bottom 50 pixels. The quote itself
blockquote, centered. We'll make sure it's white. So hash FFF, font-style
to make it italic. I hope you can see how useful this is for this to be
updating in real time. So we can, in real-time affect the styles and see it actually
working and how it looks, which is really handy. Margin and we'll move that. Imagine zeros on the left. We will do a font
size of 90 pixels. Nice and big. Massive, but quite like it. Alright, so the name
down the bottom, Joe Bloggs, class name. I am going to set the
color to hash CA 755 C. Yeah, good kind
of orangey color. Almost like I've
pre-prepared these colors. Amazing. Font size to 20 pixels. Way to make it bold or 800. Be good. Actually, I will make text
transform to be uppercase. Yeah, Nice. Okay,
We're getting close. Next, take a look at the button. Background color. I'm going to set it to a
dark green 267, a border. Let's get rid of 0. Text color and make it white. Let's make sure the cursor is pointer when you hover over it. Nice. Font family for the button. Actually let's steal
or you've got here font-weight, bold, 800. The width is too big, so it's a max width. 150 pixels. Needs some padding of 5015
pixels around gaps and good, and we will do text transform. Uppercase. Nice. Just like to add a hover
state to this button, button colon hover. I'll change the background
color to be white. And we'll change the text
color to be the dark green. Basically just reversing
everything to 66 F. Look nice. I think we've just got the
footer down the bottom here. I didn't actually add a
class of footer to that. Let's use that class of footer. Text color. Let's make this gray. Yeah, that is fine. And we'll make sure text
align set to center. Yeah, that's fine. That will do this looking for
our loading text. Let me just go to the app. What we'll do is we'll
set as learning to false. Here's an exclamation mark, coordinated loading and see, my paragraph has got
cough name of loading. So let's go to styles. Certainly doesn't need
to be to Francine. Constantly learning
color can be white. And we'll just do a
larger font size of six deep pixels here. Absolutely fine. Just reverse that back. Save. That is looking pretty decent. Yeah, nice one. That's our code generator.
Nice and simple. But working, looking
pretty good.
12. Deploying your work: Now it is time to deploy
your fantastic app, but you've just built so
the whole world can see it. And I'm now gonna show
you how easy it is to do using Netlify. Netlify are a great team
and have a great service at various tools for building
and deploying apps. Yeah, I've got quite
a lot of features including analytics
and split testing. Deployment is really great. And that's why we'll be using Netlify deployment service
to deploy your app. We're going to do this all
inside the terminal here. Open up your terminal. Inside your app. Make sure you build a
production ready application. To do that, we're just
going to run npm run build. As it says in the terminal, creating an optimize
production builds. So this is going to
compile all our files into these very small size
files, which is great. And if we look to our
folder structure, we've now got a Build folder. And this is exactly what's
going to be uploaded. So essentially it's created an index HTML file
with all our work. There's also a static folder with our styles and JavaScript. This is production ready, build up our app. Just click once on the screen. Then we just need
to install npm, install the Netlify client, which is Netlify space CLI, and we'll do space dash g. So it's installed globally. If you run into any
permission areas like I have, just write the
whole thing again, but put sudo in the front. This gives us admin permissions to install the Netlify client. Sudo npm install Netlify. Cli, space dash g. We have the Netlify
client installed. Let's just clear it was in the terminal and then it's just a case of writing
Netlify space, deploy. Hit Enter. Make sure I spell it
right. Missing a T there. Next lo-fi, I spelled
it wrong again. Net lift phi. Deploy. Again for having
permission areas do the same with
sudo in the front. Netlify. Don't notify deploying. And then this will open
up a page that looks like this and you need to
log into Netlify. You can use it depending
on what you have is you have GitHub or Bitbucket, or you can just use your e-mail. I'm gonna log in with my GitHub. Already populated for
me. We just sign in. We've got two-factor
authentication. Let me just sort that out. Then we'll authorize Netlify. Then again, we're
just getting through the security steps, authorize. We've just go back
to our terminal. I'm going to select
these two oxygens. I'm going to select Creighton, forget a new site
name as optional. Let's just go
freelance, undefined. And then it's asking me
what directory to publish. Well, it's our Build folder. I'm just going to
write build here. There is deploying our work, just waiting for the Go Live is pretty quick and
deployment is live. In theory. This URL which has been provided
in our terminal. We go to that night. That is our app. Working as expected. This is all free as
well and we were able to deploy this
pretty quickly. I hope all that terminal
stuff made sense. This is how you
can deploy work to Netlify and it is
free, which is great. Chart to follow these steps, follow the terminal
instructions. Make sure you create
a build folder that is the target that you need to tell Netlify to look at. Then as a final quote generator at the URL provided
in the terminal. Now I would recommend that if you have got to this stage and it's all successful and
you've got a link to share. Please make sure you share
your work on Skillshare. Or you could also include a nice screenshot
if you'd like. Would be great to
share your URL. So myself and other
students can see your amazing work and I
didn't get feedback to. And whilst do that, why
don't we take a look at the other student's work. Nice one. You've just completed building a
quote generator or no react and has been
deployed to the web as well. Well done.
13. Where to go from here?: Might say, you've made your app, you've learned the
fundamentals of React. You're awesome, but how do you become more awesome at react? Well, these are just a few
suggestions from myself about where you can possibly go next if you wanted to do
some further reading, but with regards to react and then it's more intermediate, advanced kind of
stuff I think you should do is have a look
at some other hooks. There are more hooks other
than you state in use effect. Here are a couple. Use href and use context. We'll get to those in a
second and many others. So take a look at the
React documentation. Then next I've
listed react router because it would be
great for you to know, understand how you can
work with other pages. So we just build a
single-page application. What happens if you
have other pages you need to get to grips
with the routine system, then you could utilize
some frameworks. And Next, JS is a very popular
React framework and has some really handy
features to simplify your process and
for optimization to make more of a more complete
and optimize React app. Other hooks use ref I mentioned, and this is a great way
to access DOM elements. In this example, we've
gotten use href here. Initially it's null. We've added this to a constant
called input element. And on the input
itself we're using REF for input element. So this input element
is now a referenced. So when we click on
the button, on button, click up here, this
is the function. We've got inputs dot element, the reference dark
current, dark focus. So we're adding focus
to this element. We've accessed this
DOM element with use ref, use context. So as I've written here, it's used to create
common data that can be accessed throughout the
component hierarchy should be highlighted because that's the most important thing without passing the paroxetine
manually to each level. So imagine you have got
children five levels down. So when our app, our app, sorry, we had one parent and two
children on one level down, but imagine if there's
more children, their grandchildren,
great grandchildren, the levels keep going down. You don't want to keep passing Prop school all the way down. I will get quite annoying. You can do you use, use context or create context, the context at the parent level. So in this example
they're using themes, system hey, or color
system for light and dark. And then you would wrap
the app with this theme, constant contexts
provider passing through your values and
then with the child. So this can be any level down instead of
passing the crops all the way down
inside the child, any child, you can
use these context. We picked in a
constant called theme, and then you just have access to that context or background. Think of foreground. This theme is being
accessed from the parent. I mentioned routing. Take a look at the official
documentation is here. The URL is just a collection of navigational
components which can be used within your application. So take a look at this
if you want to work with multiple pages in
your app frameworks, I've mentioned Next JS. Again, take a look at the
efficient Dr. orientation. It has many, many
great features, static and server-side
rendering for good performance, smart bundling, full
TypeScript support, rude prefetching
and the routing. A particularly like in next
and makes it so simple. It's almost just like a
drag-and-drop system in the sense that you would have
a directory for pages and you would drag in, you'll compare
them or pages into that directory and source either rooting for
you more or less. Yeah, Nice and easy. It also comes with the
image optimization and many other features. So once you've got your head around reacts
annual comfortable, next-gen x would
be worth a look.
14. Summary and reasons why you're awesome: Well done. You've done an awesome job of getting all the way through
this course and creating your own quote generator using the latest techniques
you've learned. Certainly important features
of React including JSX, props, hooks, state
management and testing, just to name a few. Being a front-end
developer and having knowledge of modern
React fundamentals is such a useful
set of skills to have no matter what
level you're at, whether that be junior,
mid-level, or senior. React is still the most popular JavaScript
library in the world. So the fact that you've made a single-page React
application puts you right at the top of the front end web
developer space. Congratulations to you. Now can you take
these skills and use them in your future work? Finally, I just wanted to say a massive thank you for not only signing up to this course, but also for completing it. Without your support,
teachers like myself would not be able to
create content like this. So really, thank you so much. If you did enjoy this course, and I really hope that you did, it would mean so much
to me if you could take the time to leave a review. I read every bit of
feedback that I get and I take on board any comments
that you may leave. So you can keep on improving
my lessons and keep making the courses that
you find useful. So with that being said, thank you again so
much, you're awesome. Night go forth and code.