1. Introduction: Hello and welcome to my PowerPoint master class, where I'll teach you how to design professional PowerPoint slides and how to animate them. This is the main topic, but we will also talk about kinetic topography, making templates in PowerPoint, and creating videos out of presentations. Additionally, we will learn many tricks which only professionals in PowerPoint use, like creating overlays, painting the format over, or using trigger animations. It will be helpful if you already know something about PowerPoint, but if you don't, you can also work slow and you can go through the entire content, learning all the things that professionals should know. I wanted to show you a few of the slides we will design and animate together. So you'll have a better idea of the quality we are aiming for. After this course, you will be comfortable boat with designing in PowerPoint, animating with PowerPoint, and creating videos with PowerPoint. We will not only have fun together designing in PowerPoint, but you will be also granted all the templates. And I've also prepared a reward system that will grant you vector icons and vector maps in PowerPoint. Now it's time to make your decision. Do you want to keep guessing or do you want to learn in an engaging, fun, and professional way? I hope we will see each other inside. I'm waiting, prepared there for you. So see you inside the lesson.
2. 01-01. Your Instructor and Resources: This is a pretty big moment
for me because I'm recording this lesson as I'm already
done with all the content. Hey, my name is Andrew pack
and I'd like to quickly, very quickly introduce you to the course content and who I am. You already now know my name. So why should you trust me as a designer and know that I
will teach you something? My daily work consists
of freelancing, preparing online
content, and publishing online material, mostly videos. The majority of my
work is done with Microsoft PowerPoint and
Adobe After Effects. To reinforce what I'm saying, I'm also running a
YouTube channel, it free and educational content. I'm also a freelancer at Fiverr. I'm rated as a
top-rated seller order, and I have already
3 thousand reviews, which is about 4 thousand
completed jobs for clients. It's not the numbers
that matter, but what matters is that I've worked with over a couple
of thousand clients. I've published a couple of 100 videos and I've
created online courses. All that made me realize
what are the weak sides of students weren't are the
strong sides of designers. What could I teach? What should I teach? What people want to
know and what makes their design an overall
careers and lives better. That's why I feel I'm
very confident going into this course because this will be a PowerPoint masterclass. I will not go over the most basic element
unless you told me. So, if you will have
basic questions, I will of course answered
and an icon even record a new section for you regarding PowerPoint specific basics. With here in the
course I've prepared, currently, the setup
looks like this. The first four sections of content are there to
prepare you to the work. You will search for
photos and icons. You will learn some
basics about PowerPoint. Then I'll teach you
advanced PowerPoint tricks. Let me show you later what that is and how to animate
in PowerPoint. This will make you completely prepared for the bigger section, which is slide's design and then animation
of those slides. We will start with the first
slide and then we will continue in the next sections
with the other slides. Since this is a masterclass, I'm also explaining
how to make videos with PowerPoint which would be ready to publish to YouTube, or how to create complete
explainer videos from scratch. And also how to create
PowerPoint templates. What would be a masterclass without telling you
how to do this? The very last thing I
would like to inform you about is how to
download the resources. There'll be one file or multiple files depending
on how I set this up. All resources and
shortcuts I mentioned are also available in
the PDF I'm attaching, which is that quest
and shortcut list. You will have all the resources. And if you would like to track your progression in
their course, you can, for example, print this out and track what lessons
you completed. And there are small tasks to
perform after each lesson. This is also completely optional for those who would
like to gamify the content a little
bit and make the course more enjoyable when taking it. This is when it comes
to my introduction. If you have any questions, please let me know and I'm sure we will work something out.
3. 01-02. Please add a project!: Hi, it would be amazing. And you can help
me on Skillshare by starting a product
for this class. Nice. At first, it doesn't have to be the ready product is go to the
Project and Resources tab. Hit on Create Project. And right, You're
welcome message. Later on when you create
slides from the lectures, you can share a
screenshot of that slide. You can do this by going to File Save As Selecting Browse. And you can select to
save as a JPEG there. By saving JPEG, you can select all slides
are just this one. Then you can come
back to the project, select Image and to just add
a slide that you created. I will be really happy to see it and it will also
be very helpful. Please start the
product right now. It will take only a few clicks and helps me a lot
here on Skillshare.
4. 01-03. Dig Into PowerPoint Right Away: hello and welcome in this hands on warmup lesson. I'd like you to learn something in Power Point within the first few minutes off the course , so let's get right onto it. At first, I would like to enter the picture into this design. You can use your own picture or you can open. The resource is the presentation files, and I'm attaching also older pictures I've used. So I'll use simply the first picture and let's do some photo manipulation. Let's assume that I want to fill out the slide with this picture, and I would like to change the color off this guy. Now, how would I go about this? At first, I would click on the picture. Please go to the cropping options. Click on crop. Try to extend the crop area to the entire slight. Now, you don't have to extend the picture because Power Point can do that for you. Please click on the drop down button and you should have Phil and fit. Please select Phil Boom, and it will automatically fill the entire area with the picture. We select it, I'll pick crop and now I'll show you a very cool trick. I will press insert shapes and I'll insert a rectangle shape well later. Or do this as well many times. But I would like to show you how to create those overlays. Greet a shape like that. Once you have it, please click on shape, outline and select no old line because power point adds an outline here around automatically. Okay, Now, this blue color is pretty ugly. So please selected right click and opened the former shape options in the form of shape options. You need to select the Phil and you need to go over the Grady in film. Now you might think, Why do we need a gray? Didn't. Well, actually, we don't need a Grady int. We need the transparency options because those are very amazing. And you need to remember about them when you work in power point at the beginning, we have four colors. Please delete health of them because we only need to off those colors, select the last color and make it completely transparent. Now you understand where I'm going with that. I will select the first color and I'll select the core. I would like that overlay to have So let's maybe go for something crazy like this. Burgundy Red, The star Great. I'll select Dark Red. Now you can see it's pretty crazy, but I can adjust how crazy it is that the most important thing is that I can adjust a transparency off this very color. If I make the transparency a bit higher, the red color suddenly isn't as strong anymore, and I can make an overlay over the sky off this picture very quickly. We created an overlay on this picture, and we will definitely do this in this course because overlays are one of my favorite things to do in Power Point and I could also call this photo manipulation Power Point will never come close to photo shop or adobe light room when it comes to photo editing with the basic things like clicking on the picture, going to its former and clicking on the color gives us access to at least a few color options like grace scaling the image or selecting a few car overlays for them. So as you can see if I would, for example, select this yeah, this yellow kind of looks cool, and I would combine this with my overlay Look how cool oven effect I can achieve. I can off course change that. I can change the color. I can change the grade and I can change. Sorry, I'm not precise. Here. Let me go back to the form and shape another Golding. You can also adjust the brightness. The rightness makes how warm the color is. You can make this red color brighter. Orders red color darker. So as you can see, we kind of have a few options. And it's really fun to do those in Power point. We can adjust the great and as we want, we can do custom overlays like that. And with help of that, we can become Power point magicians. This was a first introduction. Every lesson I hope you did already learn something in Power Point, for example, like making those overlays or cropping pictures immediately to a felt. By the way, you can also crop two shapes like crop to a triangle, and the picture would be a triangle. But this all will come later. I'll expand upon the knowledge we are gaining here. That's completely enough. When it comes to the first lesson, we need to prepare ourselves as professional designers do so we will need to research some images, some icon, some colors and later on we'll work on a real life presentation.
5. 02-01. Gain Inspiration: Hello there. What a beautiful
start into this course. At first, I'd like to go about a few things every
designer should do, especially before a big project. If you are aiming to do
a high-quality product, you would at least need a few minutes to look
over other projects. What people design currently? What is trending
to not copy them, but to inspire yourself for great design in order to
get good in PowerPoint. Powerpoint can be used as
any other design software. And in my opinion, if you want to be
a good designer, no matter which tool you use, this time you will
use PowerPoint. This will be your tool, but you also need to
be aware about design. I'll make here a
game plan for you, which you can do step-by-step
exactly as I do here. Two gain quickly inspiration, and then we will head right
into PowerPoint. At first. It depends if you are doing
a business presentation or just a free
product for yourself. You can write, for example, business brochure
and go to Pinterest. I wrote business brochure, but you can also
write poster flyer, website, presentation,
design, inspiration. I've listed those tax here, which I think are very
relevant to everything. And right off the bat, I just wrote this here. And I have my first two links. I go into the link, for example, business brochure, and
I'm gaining inspiration. Now. Already. I'm setting myself for a color. I think, oh, this blue
design looks really good. What if I created something
similar in PowerPoint and just with a stronger
blue or this red one. Look at those brochures. They look totally beautiful. I really liked the designs,
the funds, everything. And as you can see,
my normal game plan includes getting inspiration, selecting colors,
images, icons, and font. For the sake of this course, we'll go over all of them. Each of us will
select a few of them. And then it will get
into your workflow, your blood, and you will
aim for better designs. And if I see those design, my mission is to make a design which will be not
worse than that. Because right off the bat, as I look at those designs, I see they are clean,
well-prepared. Obviously. They are
greatly presented here. And I wanted to show you
a few websites like that, the same deck which you
will use for your project. You can write the same
things on Behance. You can simply click the Search. The same thing goes for dribble
and for another websites. So at B hand, we have this Adobe's website and people have
their portfolios. You will need to click
over a few things on those websites to soak those graphic designs
a little bit in. Okay, we need to move forward. And the very last thing I want
to show you is SlideShare. What is this last? Not first. I'm sure you most
likely already know it, but slideshare is about
sharing presentations, PDF slides, and information
from companies. And you can even upload
your designs here. But what's more important, you can also gain inspiration. I'm placing this as the last website because
those are presentations, but they might be not the
most designers presentations. You can get inspires how a well-prepared presentation
should look like. And since, for example, this is a high
training presentation, you can think yourself, well, something must be done
right in this presentation. If it's trending, maybe this
person has a big following, or maybe this presentation
is that good? As I see here, it's
pretty well-designed. It's not outstanding,
but it's a clean, nice-looking
presentation which I could eventually gain
some inspiration from. Okay, this will be
the first step. After each lesson. In this section, I'll
give you a small quest. And you can probably anticipate
that after this lesson, I'd like you to visit all of those websites just to get
a habit of checking them. Please go into the first
website right here in your tech and your
selected type of design, for example, brochure,
browse to all of them. And you will know a
bit more about design, a bit more about those colors. And you will get a little inspired before we move forward. I hope you'll have fun. I
always loved to watch designs. Let's move forward
in the next lesson.
6. 02-02. Select a color: selecting a color scheme, and I want to say something that I didn't say previously. We can select colors. We can select images, icons in front, and still, when we'll design, it can change. But if you like, come more prepared, it's easier to switch out colors than to start without nothing and go buy or got Go by what you like, and those color schemes will make sure that if you use those multiple colors together, they most likely will fit each other. You can off course tinker with colors yourself. If you are a super design design mind, and you have this art is, um, in you. Yes, you can, of course, select any colors you're like, but I really love working with color schemes and what I often do. I can, for example, print screen this and paste is in tomorrow, my power point, so it's easier for me to work. You will have three main websites off course. You can have your own websites, but I usually use them and obi call RCC. It was previously called Adobe Cooler. It's most likely the biggest website and the most popular one, which has a lot of use a lot of new incoming color color schemes, so it's definitely one to watch. I'm setting all dealings here in this product file that I'll share it. You colors adobe you consort by most popular, most used recently and so on and so on, so you can browse through those colors. The next little website will be color hunt. Color hunt has also very nice color schemes, and you can as well use the heart, the popular or some random ones. And those color schemes are also really beautiful. And as you can see, we have the Heck Scout. We can click here and we have a bigger we can print screen. We can use this anywhere, and also it tries to show us similar colors called similar color schemes to that which is a great kick start for us. That hurt and is also like my favorite website to use. You click only explore and what's great here. You can browse it with your keyboard. If my website will be smaller, this will get smaller and I can right click and browse those colors. This is really beautiful. I believe they also have an extension, which you can insult until you're you're Photoshopped programs, sadly not into power point, but that's no problem. We can simply copy the colors over from here. As you can see, you can view we can export and weaken saved them to a PNG which is perfect for use. So this is it when it comes to selecting the color scheme. Your quest for this lesson will be to visit all those websites. Please visit those three websites and get familiar with their interface. For the beginning, you should select at least one color scheme that you really like and would like to use in your presentation. See you then.
7. 02-03. Select Images: All right, let's say that we previewed a few designs. We have some inspiration, and we've selected a color scheme. I'll for examples like this one. I'm not sure that we will stick to it with. I really like this set up, so I'll just saved it in the background. Your next step would be to select a few images, and you can say No, I won't use images in my presentation. I'll use only icons or I'll use only text Well, it's important when you do a product and you wanted to be professional to have a few fall back plans. If something is not working out, you will have always. Those few photographs and those photographs can be either selected complimentary to your to your color scheme. Or they can be generalized photographs in the same fashion and type off the presentation you are creating. So depending on what you need, I would like to tell you about a great website. Library stock. This is a website which accumulates all free photo sharing websites into one search. My favorite website with free photographs is on slash dot com because those photographs here coming very high quality, but the advantage off library stock. If I, for example, select MM People People office. Let's say something like that and look at that download at stock snapped pics. Obey picks up a picture of a barn. Images Exel's. These are all websites. Find the photo. These are all websites with free photographs to use free off charge. So it's totally awesome to use this website because we can use free photographs in our presentation we can use. The photo is we can recall or it later, and then it will enhance our design. I'm usually going to an splash that come at first to see if I can search for something fitting because it's so amazing that detail in the quality off those images is out off this world. It's like 5000 pictures for 2000 pixels. Those photos are even too big, so I always go to photo shop and make them smaller. You just click Donald Free Boom and it downloads on other websites. For example, picks, obey or pixels. You can change the size off this, and this is important. Creative Commons zero Creative Commons zero means free for commercial use without linking back so you can of course, appreciate this design. Thank this designer that you don't have to attribute him at all, even in your commercial work. So even if this is a product you are doing for your client, you can use this image and it's no problem. That's why those images are so amazing, so great. And I've used them several times, and I'm always satisfied with them. So this is it for this lesson. I'd like you to select at least five images and download them to your product folder. So now we will have some inspiration, some colors and a few images to work with. Off course as we create. The presentation will download new images when we'll revisit this websites. But I wanted to make this one comprehensive chapter where I show you everything step by step, which you can follow and replicate. So this is why we select the images before we start the work. A few images I also download now five of them. I'm not entirely sure if I want to have people images or animal images, I don't really care. I'll select a few of them and we'll see what we come up with later. OK, Let's get it on for this lesson. You know your quest, select five images, download them and have them proper for later work.
8. 02-04. Select Icons: Now we finally get to my personal favorite spot. Aikens. I really love icons. I think they do a lot of work and presentations, and I believe you can create outstanding designs using just icons. For example, I would like to introduce you to two websites. Or maybe you know them. I confined her and flat. I can that come flat. I can, and I can further are both great. For example, you can select another like search for person. Aiken. You have those premium Aikens with You can purchase and you have those free icons and look at the left side. What's great here. You can select any or vector you can select, for example, only Free Aiken's, and then you can go one step forward and select no link back. This would be totally free icons, which you can use for any type of project. And look at how many are here. You can really get outstanding Aikens and what I enter a Nikon. I can not only change the size if you want a bigger print G to download, but since sometime they have added I can. Currently, it's a new feature, but you can click boom you can change the color of the icon right away. Okay, so I can find her has become better and better over the years. The same thing goes for flat Aiken. And in my opinion, this website is top one under icon website. Not only Great Aikens, they are not completely free. You need to link back here, but you can also purchase like a 10 bucks a month and you can use all selection without credit. But what's great here? You can not only search for Aiken's, you can click on the menu and you have top Icahn's latest icons. You have packs and this is so amazing. Look at that Essentials at 380 Aikens in the same fashion in the same style designed the same way I come here, I have a pack off 400 similar design icons which I can use from right presentation. How amazing is that? And not only that you remember that we've selected a color scheme click on download pack, you have the free download and the premium download. But before I don't know them, I could click here. Boom, boom, boom, boom. I select plenty off those icons. I for example, select all the icons I want to download. You can see on the right topside. I have the icons here, so I've selected like on these are previous icons I selected. So I have 60 icons here, and I want to change their color. You want to download all at once, and that's so amazing. I click here, I said, Paint collection. Boom. I select my color scheme. You remember we had the colors. Previously, we just select the right colors. Boom, for example, Red one, and you select and download 60 icons at once or even more. Aiken's in all the colors you need. You select those now knows collection free Boom. You go to paint collection, you select the Net scholar you need. And now you would have Aiken's in several colors preferred for my work. How amazing is that? I'm always so happy to see that that those websites work so well, and I can give them credit any time, for example, at the end of my presentation, because they provide me with such amazing tools and the designers gain as well because the designers can make money by uploading icons here and designing for this website. So it's a win win situation. I give them exposure. Designers have a place to work. The icons are really perfect. Just look at them. They're beautiful. Why not use them? So this will be your quest for this lesson you can use Either I confined there. You can, of course, use other websites. If you know websites with icons, I just personally thing flat. I can is a great website which we all can use. And this is from the free pick family Free pick is also a great place to download free material for your graphical projects. Okay, this is it for this lesson. We've learned really a ton of ratings. We gained inspiration. We selected colors, images and some icons and we're nearly done. The last step will be to somewhat tinker with the funds with That's just a smaller step. I'll show you how, when and where, and we will see each other in the next entertaining hopefully lessen
9. 02-05. Select a font: there. We arrived here. My second favorite thing when it comes to designing is selecting funds, and the good news is for power point and overall for presentations. I wouldn't extend over to funds. You can select one good fund and roll with it until the entire presentation. Or you can select two phones, which will be complementary looking with each other where you use one fund for titles and the second for the main text or text boxes. Overall, I think I don't have to show you those website, but I will go over them. Doesn't that come? 1001 Funds 1001 Free phones and fund squirrel. All of those websites accumulate plenty of funds, and you don't have to serve so much because you have, like top list or top fund deal oil deals. Not with the reason and the hot phones and some say, funds, which will be always good. For example, one of those phones is definitely open sense, open sense and what's even better about this font? It's a fun family and you have lied it our exam abled, bold, extra bold and let me say you that our but isn't perfect with funds. Some funds will not work properly in Power Point, and Power Point has its own front list, which it draws from windows. So not whole phones were worked perfectly. As you can see, for example, I have obviously also open sense installed. And when you go here, I have only a few of them. Why is that? For example, we don't have open sense bold. This is because PowerPoint as a software reads that you can bolden it here with the normal Windows options. This is a little downside, in my opinion, because, for example, Adobe software like Photo Shop, they read all the funds you've installed, and you have all off them here with Power Point. It's a bit tricky, but as I said, you can select those say phones. I've listed a few of them a few good friends here, which I believe will work for any presentation, always like Open Sands Monserrat Lata Fund. These are totally awesome phones, but you can, of course, search for your own, and I think that you should select two funds here. Go around makers, research and insult to funds if you will have troubled to select proper funds or they will not appear in your power point. You need to exit and open power point again because it loads the funds from windows, and it needs to reload them if you just installed them. But if you don't want to search for them just instant open sense or let off on or Monserrat . These are great phones, which will 100% work properly in your power point. If you want to be a bit more advanced and you want to explore a few funds, please search for some top funds or new funds and make sure they are free. For example, here we have free for personal use. We can also select 100% free phones, which is even better. Baba's knew that totally, totally beautiful fund. You should also have it installed. It's like the go to phone as a designer, for example, or another fund. I want to show you off course. You know it already. Lobster fund. How many designs that you see with this fund? It's because it just works. It's a great front, and it's just something to know about as a designer. That lobster found is also very popular and it will always make a great design. I hope this part off the course wasn't boring for you. We didn't need to go over this because I couldn't live with myself. If we would go forward with the design without knowing what we do well regarded from and just randomly using images, photographs I need to have everything structure to be prepared to like have a portfolio off resource is which I can go to. And once you are from in there with those websites, this is really all the arsenal you need. You will go fluently through them. You'll select quickly a color scheme and you will normally go right into the design. Okay, I will leave. We are more than enough prepared to start creating off course. Everything will unravel and unfold as we proceed with our work with. For now we are prepared. I hope this was enjoyable for you. You like those tutorials? Let me know if all the lessons are okay so far. And if yes, let us proceed
10. 03-01. Brief Overview: Hey there. I'm so happy to open up this chapter. Now, in this lesson, ID like this will be the most basic lesson off this entire course. I'd like to give you a very brief preview off power point and just to compare it to other Softwares, for example, you have photoshopped, you have a layer, you create a new layer. You, Adam asked, Do it. Once you've established the mask, you add an adjustment channel. Then you add effects. Do it as you add effects to those shape layers and you create a clipping mask of it, for example, like that, then you group it. You would have no way of knowing what just happened if you are not a photo sh abuser, because I would call this software very advanced, and you need some time to practice it in order to get familiar with all its features in Power point. In my opinion, it's different power point. It's a program where you can jump in and use it properly right away. The menu is very intuitive, and it's definitely helpful. If you already used some Microsoft Office programs like Excel like Word and Obviously Power Point and you are a bit familiar with the ribbon system. In this course, I will not go over each single thing, like telling you that these are the front options. It's obvious that you can bold a phone that you can like justify the font. Then you can. It'll like them. You can underline them. You can change the fund, you can change the font size, and you can make it bigger, smaller like that. These air obvious things, which I want you to also explore while working because we will use them over and over again with this lesson. I just wanted to tell you that in Power Point. In case you don't know since 2007 we have the ribbon system. Terrible System is a great feature, which groups similar editing options in tow. One big container. And that's what I really like about Power Point. And it makes our workflow well, pretty much easier because if you click on an item, you get this additional former tools. And those former tools are especially here for the object you selected so it makes it easier to edit object. It makes it easier to edit pictures. It makes it easier to edit text like here. I simply go to this former tap, and I'm 100% sure that I will work with this very text. This section is here to teach you the totally essential things important while working in Power point and having a good work. So I'll show you only the important stuff. And I want you to definitely get ready to work. Now, open up. Power point. Please create a few slides. Slides obviously can be created by right clicking and selecting a new slide. They can be rearranged freely, so you'll have much freedom in your work. And it will be helpful if you would drop some icons into Power point and an example image just to get a hang of it and know how to work with this software and get a bit around and you'll see in a moment how easy it is to edit, to change, to reshape Everything will go over those important options. All right, this was the brief overview. I wanted to introduce you here with that, and in the next lesson, we will right away at just our shortcuts. Can't wait to see you there. Your little quest for this lesson will be to open a power point and drop a few items into it.
11. 03-02. Adjusting our shortcuts: hello. Back again in the work. Now, this will be something super important because you can see on the very left topside. Probably if you had your great in power point last time, you will have out of sight here. We will, of course, delete that. But basically, this is the quick access toolbar. The quick access to over allows you to quickly grab certain options from power point here and what's cool about it. You can bring up with the left old key for probably the option key on Mac. This little shortcut buttons. Now, as you can see, for example, at eight in this case, I have the textbooks. I distressed old Cypress eight. Boom. I have my textbooks. I wouldn't have to goto insert, click on text box, click here and then start typing. This is very effective when it comes to working in Power Point and I want to teach you how to use that. I am not sure that the older versions meaning 10 4007 or 2013 could do it the same way. But here in the newest version of Power Point, which is 2016 you can simply right, click and at too quick access toolbar. Most likely, you can do it exactly the same way. If not, you can always click here, select more commands, and then you can search for the appropriate command and place it here. It takes a bit longer because, for example, you select all commands and this is a lot of commands. But you confined your important ones. What I want you to do here, in this lesson is toe at two important shortcuts. Inserting shapes and inserting text boxes. Because this is like the bread and butter off power point work. You can do everything with those two options and it will take you unnecessary. Timeto always cook here. I'll do this myself. Right now I'll select more commands. I will delete everything here, maybe apart from creative video, because I like it very much. I removed everything I select. Okay, and I want you to replicate my steps now. Please go to insert and consider adding shapes and textbooks. I will right click at two quick access toolbar, right click Add to quick access toolbar and I have both my shapes and my textbooks. I would like this to be my number one and two, and as I click my left old key. Now I see it's number three and four. Well, it depends. How handy are you? How do you remember those shortcuts? But basically saving saving isn't as important because you can always press control as to save. It's a very common shortcut. You don't need to have it here, but it could be more to the rights. And that's why I will customize my quick access to a bar and let us make shapes the first ones and inter textbooks. The second once or even insert textbook will be number one, because it's such an important feature now. Each time you work in power Point and you create something you alter one boom a boom old too. You select the appropriate shape old to you, select the next trip old to boom and the workflow get quicker. Because of that, you can not only use this road cuts by clicking old, you can get in the habit off inserting something else. It takes a bit longer, for example, if there is more than one letter like I did here for a simple oppressed and and I have a one you need to press a. Then you need to press one. This is something that you need to remember, because if you have more than 10 shortcuts, it will place a 010203 and so on. So you can remember old. And if there are two letters, you just need to press them continuously as three well, three D models and Power Point. This is a new feature. I don't quite like it because, well, it isn't harmful, but it's, but it isn't as necessary in the software like power point. All right, for this lesson, this is it. Your quest is to add those two short cuts, insert text boxes and insert shapes. In the next lesson, we'll go over the selection pain, which is also very important, and not everyone knows about it. So see you, hopefully in the next lesson ASAP.
12. 03-03. Selection Pane: Hello and welcome back. There is something in power point that is being overlooked, Just as in order graphic design software is like photo shop. We have layers here and we see all the layers we are working on the same way we have our selection. Pain in power point. Please go to home and under very right side. You have editing, click on select and click all selection pain. I know there was a little problem because in power 0.2011 for Mac version, I guess we couldn't access the selection pain. I'm not in the area. Shorebird. I know that some features in the power 0.2011 Mac version aren't there but power 0.2016 for Mac has this implemented? Definitely. So my students reported So we have this selection pain. As you can see, each object which is here is listed in the selection pain, Each picture we can de select it. We can rearrange it. For example, this one This is now under this star. But I can take it. Place it at the very top side and it will be over it. So here you can not only select items. If you have troubles grabbing them, for example, one is very big, one is smaller and you can click on it properly. You just de select other ones. You click on this one and you have it selected. You can also work with the visual hierarchy, meaning which comes first, which comes last. Another great thing to remember about selection, pain. And really not everyone uses selection pain, but it's such an important feature because we can double click and we can rename layers. Why would be that important? Well, later on, I'll also did you about animation, animating elements and overall, working with this this tap. So in the animations, we can make a brief stop here. We have the animation pain and just look at it. I animated this Aiken and I animated this. I can and I animated everything else. Now you have no idea what this picture 12. What is textbooks? Eight. What is auto shape? 100. But you will remember what rename waas because we just renamed it. So this is important because depending on how you name those objects in the selection pain this way they will appear across animation, pain and everywhere in Power Point. You don't have to precisely remember everything about that now because I'm just making a brief stop here to show you. Yes. This is something we will work with. You just need to memorize somewhere that I was talking about this. And once we designed our slides, everything will come come natural to you because you already know that there is something like the selection pain. If you are using the selection pain Right on. Spot on. Well done. That's the way to go. Okay, this is it for this lesson. I'd like you to have power. Point opened. I'd like you to goto home, select selection pain, open it up and click around with this object. Make them invisible, reorder them, check their hierarchy. And overall, try to rename something so you'll get in the proper habit off using the selection pain. Once he will be done with that. I want to show you something cool. With the format options off each and every object in power point
13. 03-04. Format Shape Option: okay, we will already talking about quite a few things. And this may seem a bit chaotic for you because I'm not going over everything step by step . I'm just showing you some important things which we will definitely use in this course and in our workflow. The next thing I want you to remember, because I have several questions of students how to get this this tool bar on the right side is the format options I want to show you. This is a simple image or, for example, this is a textbooks. I go to the textbooks for my options, and I have. It's Phil, Meaning this shape, Phil as I as a If I click it, I get this orange color on the left side and on the right side, I have the text feel options. We have options like changing the color, using another color with the eyedropper. This option was also not available in the older versions of Power Point, sadly, but in 13 4016 we have it. We can select the Grady in a texture. For example, when we go to the shape outline, we can select the weight off this outline. But students also reported to me, Hey, I can't make it more than six points and I wanted a big outline here, a bit weight off this outline. What's happening? How can I change that? This is because here in this part of power Point, we only have limited options if you want to get to the details options. Well, I wouldn't call them advance because they are simply a bit more details. You always right click and you select former shape everything. Which is he here, like changing the shape? Phil, Changing the text field, changing the size off this little object. Everything is available here, meaning we have three boxes and two options. We have the shape options and the text options, just as we have here the text options and the shape options. But here they're far more detailed. I select my shape options and I have my bucket fill. I have my effects, which I can add. The effects can be also applied here shape effects, but here it's kind of more professional because you have, the priest said. You have all the options available, and here it's a bit more difficult to work with the options because here, for example, I can only click a shadow. I was here. I can change the color of this shadow. I can change the size of this shadow, the blur. I can ch