Mastering Text Animation in After Effects | Abhishek Dubey | Skillshare

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Mastering Text Animation in After Effects

teacher avatar Abhishek Dubey, Motion Designer

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Mask Reveal Text Animation


    • 3.

      Text Animation Properties


    • 4.

      Adding Multiple Text Animation Properties


    • 5.

      Handwritten Text Animation


    • 6.

      Trim Path Reveal Animation


    • 7.

      Bonus Tip Create Custom Text Presets


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About This Class

In this class, I will teach you how to create Text Animations in After Effects. You will be learning different ways to animate text in after effects using different techniques. This class will help you in creating text animation which you can use in Title Animation, Kinetic Typography, Lower Third Animations and much more.

Text Animation Techniques:

  • Mask Reveal Text Animation
  • Using Text Animation Properties (Single/Multiple)
  • Handwritten Text Animation
  • Trim Path Text Reveal

Bonus Tip: As a bonus tip I will show you how to Create and Save your own Custom Animation Presets. You can have your own custom library of text presets to use in future projects.

Meet Your Teacher

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Abhishek Dubey

Motion Designer


Hello, I'm Abhishek and I'm a Motion Designer from India. I love animating things and working on creative projects to brush up my skills and to learn something new. I love sharing my work and knowledge with others so here I am on Skillshare to teach what I know and to learn more.

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1. Intro: Hi, My name is Abby Shake, and in this course I will teach you how to create smooth texture, real animation. In after effects. We will be covering different techniques such as mosque reveal and using animation properties to create some really nice and smooth texture. Real animations. You can use these techniques to create title animation. Can erratic topography or Lauder's? This course is for everyone from bigness who are just getting started and people who already know how to use after effects. At the end of this course, you will be able to create your own custom text animations. So without any further ado, let's get started. 2. Mask Reveal Text Animation: Hi. So before I begin with this course, I want to tell us that I'm using a Windows machine. And if I say control, that means command on Mac. And if I say all that means option key on Mac, so make sure off that. So, first of all we're going toe create a simple a mask reveal animation. So in order to do that, we're going to create a new composition. So let's call this animation and make sure different in height on 19. Don't back 10 80 frame rate. You can go with 60 FPs and duration 10 seconds after that, let's create a new solid. So let's go to solid and make sure it's name SPG for background, and you can just whatever color you want. This simply click on OK, now let's create the text by selecting the textile, and I'm going toe type animation. You can dive whatever you want, the simplicity like Delia and make sure to take up on this in the same press. So in order to do that, what do you have to do it? Just simply select this pan behind tall and while holding the control or command key on Mac just simply double click on it. So you here, you can see that the anchor point is in the center. They're simply place it in the center of this composition somewhere around here. So in orderto do the mask revealed, we have to create a shape. So let's selected rectangle tool. And over here I'm going to draw a rectangle shape, and you can play around with its position so that the textures physical something like this , and we're going to quickly rename it Toe Mosque. And after that, make sure you have selected the animation layer text late, then press be on the keyboard for position at a key frame and let's move it around one second. And in the beginning, we won't the text to be over here, and you can see that the Texas below the mosque less so it is not feasible so we can select the key frames and pass F nine on the keyboard. Or you can go to keep from assistant than easies. And no way you can select track my adoption over here and settle find water. And in case you guys are not able to see this track, my adoption you can simply click on this icon, and it will make it visible. So once you selected the, I'll find motive. If I play back, you can see that in our textures revealing behind that mosque, and you can enhance it more by selecting the key friends than go to the graph editor. And over here you can play with the craft, and now you can play back then mission. And here you can see that we have this sort off any mission in the same way you can animate detects from any other direction. So if I want to win made detects toe come from left side, I can just simply move the point of the first key for him. And in the beginning, we can change the position off the text toe, be over here, and we can probably delete the mosque because we're going to create the new mosque and let's create a mosque on the left side because we won't to hide the text and something like this. And here you can see that we have all the day's selected deal. Fine ordered, must all we have to do it just simply on hide. Hide this layer. And if I play back here, you can see that now. Are Texas revealing from the left side in the same way, you can animate the text to come from any direction. So this is how you can get the masks reveal animation. 3. Text Animation Properties: So now we're going to animate are excusing the animation property. So where you can see that I have this motion graphic text layer and in order to animated using the animation property to simply go to animate And over here you can see that we have different properties. So first of all, we're going to choose the position property. So right now you can see that our text is in the middle of this composition. So this is going to be our final position and the starting position. We can set it from this perimeter. You can set this value toe come from left side or right side were from wherever you want. So for this example, I'm going toe set the by position toe 200. So we want our text to come from bottom and now in order and made this text again. Click on the pain selector And over here you can see that we have this start perimeter solar. It's and major using the store foot. So in the beginning, we won't devalue Toby zero on overhead. We can set the value to 100 if I play back here, you can see that we have the position and mission going on. So in the same way, you can set the value toe wherever you want. So if I said two to minus 200 so where you can see that now are textures coming from top. Okay, now let's type morninto this so you can click on this act wants option. So where you can see that we have Thean mission began Saturday to based on words. So fair play back here. You can see that now. Individual word is animating Oh, you concentric lines if we're multiple lines over. But for this example, we're going toe choose the correct animation And over here you can see that we have the shape permit and you consented to whatever you want so accepted to ramp up. And if I play back here, you can see that now our text is animating with some different type of animation. But there is one small problem that Texas not and meeting from the bottom. So, in order to fix that, we are going to animated using the offset property. Insert off this start perimeter. So just click on this stall foot because we do not want to animated using to start property . So let's have a key frame and over here in the sixth next started from negative 100 and at school go over here and we can set the value back to one under. So for playback now you can see that now, our taxes admitting and it has this really nice easing in the animation, we can enhance it more by playing with these ease High Aeneas, low value. So let me just take some special where and where you can see that we have these high Aeneas low value. So if I said this 200 so no ever play back here, you can see that our Texas starting really slow and as Thea Animation and it was very fuss . So if I teen see, he's high value back to zero and is low value to 100 now if I play back against that now, we have this really nice easing at the end. We can probably select the key friends, process nine to ease ease them. And now, if I play back, Hagen said that we had this really nice easing at the end. We can also add the mask over here, so it's by just simply create a rectangle. Alexis places lower text, and you can against that the track Matte value Tau Alpha inverted and now fair play backache and see that we're this really nice and smooth text animation so you can play along with the other options. So if I selected and my disorder and turn it on agency that no random characters are coming up that said the track matte none so that you can see clearly. So here you can see that random characters are coming up in the same way you can change the position. So if I want the next to come from back side, I can set its value, does something like this. And now for playback. Hagen says that our Texas coming from the right side in the same way you can and make your text to come from whatever direction you want. So this is how you can animate the text using the animation properties 4. Adding Multiple Text Animation Properties: So just like we added the animation property toe the text. We can also add multiple properties. Toe this on in order to do that, to simply go to add under proper place, you can select whatever property you want. So, for example, let's select the skill and you can set the initial scale value. Does Cedo. So if I play back against that in our text is revealing, but its scale is also animating with the position. So in the beginning it's zero on. As the animation pursuits, its value goes to 100 let's had another property. So again good, weird property and let's have some rotation to it. So you can set the rotation value to whatever you want sold at school with 90. And over here you can see that in our text is also treating. And if I play back here, you can see that now we have created this type off animation in the same way you can admire people purpose, so let's check out a few other so you can add some tracking. Solar set its value to 50. So now we have this new kind off next animation, which has a patient scale as well as striking like this. And you can also add blur toe this so I can set the blur value to 50. So in the beginning, you can see that now, are Texel having this nice blood and effective XO? You can see that now we have this really nice bluff, the bill in the big me and in the same way you can add the character off certain corrective value, Solarte said. The correct value toe can and know if carefully back here. You can see that in the beginning all the characters have this different value. So these are like animating from one character to another. And as the animation and all the characters fill a line and make the your final text something like this on in the same way you can and made all these and add multiple for pesto. These also there's one more thing you can also enable through the animation. So just simply click on enable three deeper corrector and over here you can see that now we have the unusual perimeters so I can add probation values. Professor Devalue to 90. So now our text is not only rotating in the Z axis, but also in the Y axis. You can probably lead few off the effects like this. So if every record against either now or text is rotating in the Y axis also like this, so in the same way you can and with the text in through this piece 5. Handwritten Text Animation: So the next text animation, which we're going to learn is three handwritten text, an emission. So here you can see that I have this typography text on bond for this kind of animation, make sure you select our four, which has this and return type of fields so that it looks natural after funds. We have animated detects. So I'm using this. Why do for? And you can use whatever for It is kind of similar toe this so in the big England says select, dependable, and we're going to create the mask and traced the outline off the specs. So there's Lexus quickly, Zuman, and you can select the mentum and make sure they feel is set to none and stroke. You can go with whatever color you want, and you can set this trophy toe, whatever that fits the next sold. Let's begin vacating by clicking over Hit, and they're simply praised the old burn off the text like this, like this. Make sure no lofty gaps are visible and the important thing is make sure all the dressing is done on the same layer, so make sure you have Delia selected whenever you are going to create the, but otherwise it will create the next year, which you do not want to do. So the simply select Delia and like the endpoint. After that, just continue creating the Oak Lane. We are cooperating precisely so that none off the white area is visible like this. Just keep on going until the full text ISS covered. So I'm going to fast forward this process that you can check out the end result. So I'm done with the tracing part and this is defined a look. So we're not too animated. We're going to add the Trump property. Just simply click on this arrow and go toe ed from us like the trim pot on under the gym part. We're going toe. Choose the These start and end points sold its animate the end point. So in the beginning we want Devalue Toby zero. Look on the straw first where the key for him And let's just move somewhere around second and said Devalue toe 100 so that they Texas countries like over Buddy. But something like this and the final step is to set the track. Matte Tau alpha alpha matte. So if I play back here. You can see that. Now we have this and return text animation can play around with the easy. You can probably press f nine to disease them so that you have this kind off and returned text animation. So this is how you guys can create these type off animation? Just make sure to two so far, which has this 100 feel so that it looks natural after animating something like this. 6. Trim Path Reveal Animation: So Knowledge Creator, Last text animation. And over here you can see that I have this motion graphics text layer, and I'm using these Gibson semi ball for So for this type of animation, you have to make sure to select a phone at first because they're throwing. You want people to change the for, so let's begin by selecting DeLay and right click go. To create and click on. This creates shape from text, and over here you can see that we have the shape of a plane off the X Later on again, we're going to add teach, impart property and under the trump. But we are going toe any magic from zero set the end point and in the somewhere around hair , Let's set the N value toe 100 on. You can probably just like the key frames. Easiest them. Then you can play around with decaf and also politic. You can see that we have this kind off extra real animation, something like this, and in the same way you can do the fade out animation Solar. It's at a key from for the start property on over here. Let's set its value toe 100 again Izzy's Dickie Frames. Then you can lividity trafficker something like this. So if I play back here and see that our text is revealing and after that it because of a something like this. So this is how you guys can create this type off trim park text animation. 7. Bonus Tip Create Custom Text Presets: So here is a bonus tip for you guys. If you had made the tax using the air emission property like Reddit recently, we created this animation by using the animation properties over here, and you can see if he's as, ah, custom text presets so that you can use it later on on different X layers without having toe do all these kind of stuff. So we know to do that, you can simply select the animator property like this, and after that, go to an emission. Over here, you can see that we have the save animation piece adoption. The simply Klay contact, and it will ask you toe save your presets so you can type for the value name you are solar . It's type it skills, share precept and just simply click on safe and mostly peace. It has been safe. You can choose it. So let's have simply disabled this text and I'm going toe. Create new text. Let's type graphics design on. Just quickly line it in the center of this composition, something like this, and in order to access your custom preset, you can go to the animation visit under defects in control Panel and where you can see that you have to use the precepts. And if I drag it down here, you can see that you have the precept which is just recently safe. There's a place selected and drag it on top off your text and away you can see that all the emissions have already been applied, so you can just simply play around with the properties so visibly Presti Yuki, to reveal the offset property on you can play along with the key frames something like this on again. You can go inside the and mission broking and you can play around with the positions and whatever expertise you want. Something like this. So this is how you guys can save the next piece it and you can use them later on to whatever text you are on in the same way, you can create your own custom text animation like ready and you can use it later on. Oh, you can also search for your A project like this and it will appear in the hospital. So I hope you guys enjoy this class and learn something and I hope you will create some awesome text animation. So that being said, this is appreciate, Can I'll see you in the next class