Mastering Substack: Strategies for Newsletter Success | John Valentine | Skillshare

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Maîtriser Substack : stratégies pour réussir une newsletter

teacher avatar John Valentine, Digital Marketing, Social Media Expert

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Maîtriser Substack - Introduction


    • 2.

      Chapitre 1 - Qualité et qualité


    • 3.

      Chapitre 2 - Partager


    • 4.

      Chapitre 3 - Collaborer


    • 5.

      Chapitre 4 - Demander un feedback


    • 6.

      Maîtriser Substack


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About This Class

Êtes-vous prêt à faire passer votre newsletter Substack au niveau supérieur ? Découvrir les stratégies et tactiques clés pour réussir votre newsletter avec notre cours complet "Maîtriser Substack."

Dans le paysage numérique d'aujourd'hui, Substack est devenu une plateforme puissante pour les créateurs, les écrivains et les journalistes qui souhaitent communiquer avec leur public et monétiser leur travail. Cependant, naviguer dans les subtilités de la plateforme et se démarquer dans l'espace numérique bondé peut être difficile. C'est là que notre cours intervient.

Dans ce cours, nous offrons un aperçu de ce que vous pouvez attendre de "Maîtriser Substack". Vous apprendrez comment optimiser votre newsletter Substack pour la croissance et l'engagement, de l'utilisation des bons buttons de manière stratégique à l'exploitation des réseaux sociaux efficacement. Découvrir l'art de créer de véritables partenariats avec d'autres publications sans avoir recours à des pratiques manipulatrices.

Nous soulignons également l'importance de rechercher des commentaires de vos lecteurs, afin de vous assurer que votre contenu évolue en permanence pour répondre à leurs besoins et préférences. Notre cours vous permet de créer des conceptions de haute qualité qui résonne avec votre public cible.

Que vous soyez un débutant dans Substack et que vous cherchiez à établir votre présence ou un écrivain chevronné qui souhaite affiner votre stratégie, "Mastering Substack" vous équipe avec le savoir et les outils pour vous épanouir dans le monde de la publication de newsletters.

Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage passionnant de réussite à la newsletter et découvrez tout le potentiel de Substack.

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John Valentine

Digital Marketing, Social Media Expert


Hello, I'm John.

10 Years experience in digital marketing. Always looking to stay ahead in the newest developments of social media, online business and everything to do with digital marketing.

Voir le profil complet

Level: Beginner

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1. Mastering Substack - Introduction: Welcome and hello. My name is John Valentine and welcome to this class on skill share. Grow your newsletter on Subst. Now if you click on this class, you have a newsletter. You're interested in starting a newsletter and you want to use substack in order to do that. Well, subst is a great platform in order to start getting customers, getting your audience built up, and sending out that newsletter to get subscribers, get views, get everything on your newsletter. In this course, I'll be going over a couple of topics as you can see on screen. First, I'm going to talk about the difference between the quality and quality that you want to do. You want to have quality and quality in your newsletter content, right Then I'm going to talk about sharing, then partnering up using social media, requesting feedback. And then towards the end, I'm going to have some final thoughts and some concluding thoughts on this whole class. So feel free to skip around. Feel free to sit back, take some notes, watch everything. And then afterwards, maybe watch other sections that you want to rewatch or you're not sure about. And if you want to have more questions, then you can put them in the comment section on below. I will be going through these periodically and trying to answer them as best as I can. But enough set. Let's jump on into the first topic here. 2. Chapter 1 - Quality and Quality: Now let's go ahead and move into the first topic here, which is quality and quality. What does that mean? Well, it means that you should focus on your quality rather than quantity, right? Some social media sites can get away with less quality, but just frequency and higher quantity to sort of overwhelm your audience with content. For example, Twitter is a lot like that. You can just shoot off a lot of good tweets, but sometimes just the amount of content can help. Sometimes Instagram can be like that. And then of course, there is social media sites where the quality really matters. For example, Youtube as well, right? You want to do videos, do well. You want to have high quality videos similar to substack. If you have a newsletter, right? If you send those out once a week or even once a day, you want them to really have that quality, right? You don't want to just send it out twice a day or once a day and give it less thought. It's better to send it out once a week with higher quality than once a day, or just with more frequency, right? Because the difference is people are, the aim is for you to get people to pay for it, right? You want to start with a strong base, get consistent, because you don't need views, you need subscribers, right? This is a substack. It's not Youtube, it's not Twitter, it's not Instagram. People don't consume it for free. People don't, you know, click on it 1,000 times and then you still get paid. Right. People can click on Youtube videos and can click off. But as soon as you get to a certain number of seconds, you get that click and you still get paid. Right. So if 1 million people click on it, even if they might not like it, Sure. In the long run it doesn't work. But at the end of the day, right, if it's good enough for people to watch, it'll be okay. Because it's free content and people can watch it. But subs Stec, you want to attract people enough to make them care enough to like your newsletter, to actually subscribe and have that subscription going. Right? Because that's how you make your money and that's how you build your audience, right? So that's the key difference. You can focus on quantity as well. But if it's not quality, if it's not consistently good, people are not going to be able to pay for it. People don't want to pay for it, right? So you want to start having that audience where you see wow. You know, this is the value I'm getting out of this newsletter or whatever kind of topic that you choose to be, right? But the big, big difference is that it's not free because people have to pay for it. So people would only pay for it if they really, really enjoy you as a person, as an influencer, as you enjoy your topic, enjoy your style of writing. Enjoy whatever they're getting out of it, right? Because they have to make that decision to actually pay for it. It's not just a Youtube subscription they can click on. It doesn't matter, it doesn't cost anything. Who cares if I have it or not? Even if I subscribe it. I don't watch the videos. It doesn't really matter. All right. This is completely different. People are spending money on you every month to get the information that you're putting out. So make sure to focus on that quality. 3. Chapter 2 - Share around: So let's move on to the next topic which is the Share option. Now what you want to do is customize your newsletter, right? You want to customize your options. And a big thing that you want to focus on is customizing your button options, right? You want the share button and the subscribe button. All right. These are big, big pieces of creating a newsletter and growing on a newsletter. Right? Because Substate has a couple of offers of some button options. All right. There's share Common Subscribe, become a paid subscriber and more and more, right? So if you do too many it can overwhelm the reader and look spammy. And also if there's a lot of buttons, sometimes people don't click on any, right? Think of the sort of paralysis of choice, right? If there's two or three options, you might just click one of them is there's two options, okay, Maybe I'll click on one of these. If there's ten, you're like whatever else, give over it, right? So think about it from your audience member. Think about it from your client perspective. How it would look, how good it would look. And so of course, some of the most important buttons are the subscribe, like the pay Subscribe button and of course the Share button. Right? Because sharing allows people to get that comment, get that newsletter out to other people, and maybe share it with their friends if they saw something interesting. And then next thing you know you get a new subscriber, right? So sharing is very important for word of mouth and for marketing. And of course, that subscriber button is good because that's your end goal, right? You want to make it easy for people to subscribe to you, right? So try not to use too many buttons, but having a share option really, really helps you with the organic growth. And then of course, making it easier for people who like the article, like the newsletter, to share it to someone that they want. And of course then click on that subscribe button to keep engaging with your content. 4. Chapter 3 - Collaborate: Now let's move on to the third topic here, which is a partner up. Partnering up in all kinds of models of social media and content posting can really help. Partnering up, AKA collaborating with other people can really be helpful, right? Of course, think about the follow a follow things from Instagram, especially back in the day. You don't want to do that kind of spammy partnering. Collaboration fall a follow model, but you can partner up with other people, publications, and then publish articles and newsletters on each other's platform. For example, you can do it in a couple of ways. First, you can collaborate an article, right? Maybe you are two influencers in the same niche. Maybe you talk about phishing or something like that. And then you can partner up on one article. Maybe it's the top ten fishing spots in the United States. You have five and then the other person has five. And you post that newsletter on your substack and then on their substack linking each other's accounts. And if you have a similar sized audience, then you really reach out to new people. It's a win win situations, right? They reach out to someone new, you reach out to someone new, and for free, you guys can just partner up. And it's sort of a collaboration that helps expand that audience and really helps expand the potential reach that some of those newsletters, right, have, right? The second option you have is not only can you collaborate an article, but you can share each other's article in each other's newsletter, right? So for example, maybe you are even in different niches, maybe you're in the same one, maybe you're in different niches, right? Let's say you talk about digital marketing and then you touch on AI or something like that. And then you say, but my partner over at this newsletter has another article about AI, check it out here. And then similarly, if they publish a newsletter, right, they can be like. So we talk about AI, but at the end it'd be like and it can really be used in digital marketing, just like my friend at this publication talks about. So these are some kind of examples that you can use in order to work together and gain a new perspective on an audience, right? Gain some new members, people looking at your stuff. So it's a really, really good way to get some of that organic growth, especially early on when you, for example, don't want to spend money on marketing or don't have much money to spend on marketing, for example. So really connecting with people, networking and getting some of that collaboration going can really add value, right? Not just to your newsletter, but also for the other person and in turn for you, right? So not only is it a win win in terms of exposure for audience, but maybe the audience from your newsletter really actually like some of the stuff that the other person wrote, right? Maybe you can have a guest article that they can write or a link and be like, wow, this was really, really cool. Thank you for bringing in an expert on this topic for your newsletter. I really enjoyed reading his insights into this specific topic, even though you don't cover it. But I'm glad it was all in one newsletter, right? Because what if they wanted to learn more about AI now? They had to Google it, now they had to go to another newsletter or whatever it is. But if you present that information in your article, in your newsletter, maybe your audience will like that because they're happy that they get all that information in one. Really try to connect with some people. Look at the subs Stec recommendations, your author recommendations, and you can reach out to those people that way. You can really get some recommendations going from other people and collaborate on the actual newsletter or article itself, right? Get creative in that way. But these are the options that you have when it comes to partnering up with people and when it comes to collaborating with other publications or other creators. 5. Chapter 4 - Request Feedback: Now let's move on to the fourth, and last but not least, topic that I want to cover in this class, and that is requesting feedback. When it comes to requesting feedback, you want to have constructive criticism. Constructive feedback, right? It's always a good thing to seek out what people like and what they don't like, right? So as I said here on the slide, realize the importance of constructive feedback and direct input from content consumers, right? Actively seek your reader opinions on newsletters, on length content layout, and see if they can engage effectiveness and identify areas for improvement, right? You want to put maybe some, of course, maybe not every newsletter, but try to put surveys out there. And a really popular way to get people to do surveys is have giveaways, right? Say once a month you put a survey in new newsletter and say, you know, anybody who does this survey is entered into a giveaway for $50 Amazon gift card. And then you pick somebody at random after you get a certain number of surveys in. Right. That way you can really try to get some feedback from your actual customers especially. This is different too because especially from customers who are paying for it, right? If they're subscribed for however much money a month, then they will be a little bit more inclined to leave their feedback because they want their opinion heard. They want their voices heard. They want to get the value, what they have for their money, right? They, of course, already see enough value to pay for it. But if they feel like they are heard and they can express their opinion and you would actually start changing some things, then that will play into even more of a really connection with your audience and they will like it even more, right? If 100 people tell you that you should have 200 more words in your newsletter, then maybe you should start looking at having more words in your newsletter, right? If they say it's always too long so they only read half of it but they still like it. Then maybe look at that, maybe they want more pictures, maybe they want something else in it, right? So really try to gauge what people actually like, especially your customers. And you can also do that through social media, right? Go on Twitter, go and read it. Going on Youtube. Go on whatever social media is you're using to boost your newsletter as well and try to interact with them, right? Try to get people to comment, like reaching out to my customers who are subscribed, a subst. What did you think of the last three newsletters? What can I improve? You can be honest with them, right? People like transparency, especially if you're creator rather than a big publication. People will want to talk and engage with you, right? You could say, I was thinking about doing these changes thoughts. You can make polls, for example, on Lincoln. You can do it all kinds of stuff on Twitter as well or X. Just try to connect with your consumer in some way and see what can be improved. And of course you can be your own be critic as well, right? Do an audit, see what you think works and what doesn't work. Great. Look at your newsletters, how they changed over the last few weeks, over the months. See if the change is good. See if the interaction is good, right? And see what works, what doesn't. It's always good to self audit and always good to audit your own work and your content and newsletters to see you can do better what you can improve on and of course what you can change, right? That's always an important part of creating content, and in this case, creating newsletters. That way you can use that to become better improve your ways, improve your newsletters. And in turn, of course, grow and get your audience bigger. And get your newsletter out there and really get some new members that people might like in the future. Maybe somebody looked at your newsletter, didn't like it, but you changed it. You became better, you improved. And three months later they saw it again and they, wow, I like it. Now I'm ready to subscribe. Right. You never know. Reach out, be own critic and try to improve continuously. 6. Conclusion - Mastering Substack: That has basically been it. Thank you so much for joining me today. So just to summarize, again, going back to the content that we covered today. Quality and quality, right? Focus on the actual quality rather than the quantity, because it's a subscription based model that you want to focus on. Substright. It's not a social media site like Facebook or Instagram or Youtube where you can just shoot out content. People enjoy it for free. If they like it, they like it. If they don't, they don't. Here you want to have quality content to get people to subscribe on your newsletter, right? Number two, share. Right? Get that share button there so people can share with their friends and have that organic growth. And you want to have that subscribe button to make it easier for people to subscribe. Of course number three, partner up, focus on collaborations, right? Focusing on connecting with other people and publications to have a win win situation and get your name out there. Then of course use social media, as I said as I covered. And last one at least request feedback, right? You want to look at feedback that you have. You want to constructive feedback, constructive criticism. And in turn, again, use it with your social media to collect that feedback with social media to push your newsletter and get that feedback as well, right? That makes it easier, run giveaways, run simply polls or just asking people for feedback. And sometimes people can be more responsive than you think when it comes to that. People who will give you that feedback that you need, right? Because people who care enough to give you feedback will actually be excited about you listening to them as well, right? Use social media to get that feedback and then request the feedback again. Use it, give away polls in whatever kind of ways you can think of. Yeah, that's basically it. Thank you so much for joining me today. My name has been John Valentine. Really appreciate you spending your time with me today. Make sure to go on my channel, my account, to see what other videos I have. I have a lot of videos covering all kinds of things related to digital marketing. And whether it is Twitch, Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram linked in, I have a bunch of videos out that cover all these kinds of topics that interests you. If that interests you in digital marketing and growing things of that nature, go ahead and check that out. Make sure to put any questions you have in the comment and discussion section below. Make sure to check out the project for this. And I will give you criticism. I will give you help, I will give you feedback and so on as well. Yeah, make sure to check all that out. Make sure to follow the channel. And I appreciate you for today. Thank you so much for watching and joining us today, and I will see you next time. Goodbye.