1. Ikigai Interview Introduction: How to do an Ike Gai
interview. Hi there. I'm Tim Tamasio. I'm the author of an
Amazon best selling book called How to Ike Gai. This book has helped so
many people from all over the world discover the magic of their purpose, their Ikigai. I'm so excited that
this book has even been translated into ten different languages all over the world. But this course, the
Ikigai interview, this is where you're going to find the guide and take you on a journey of self discovery,
clarity, and connection. By the end of this
course, you'll not only have named
your own Ike Gai, but you'll also have helped your partner discover
theirs, too. By the way, if you'd
like to take a bit more of a deep
dive into Ike Gai, feel free to take
my other course. It's called Do What You Love
and Introduction to Ike Gai. It's available right
here. So, what is Ikigai? And why does it matter? Ikigai is an Okinawan
concept from Okinawa, Japan. It basically means
your reason for being. It's the intersection of
doing what you love to do, what you're good at, what
the world needs from you, and what you can
be rewarded for. Think of it as your
personal compass that points you towards a fulfilling
and meaningful life. Understanding your
Ike Gui, though, can bring you so much
more fulfillment and clarity in your daily life. It'll help you deepen your
own self awareness by aligning your actions
with what truly matters, and it'll also help you build meaningful connections
by living with purpose. What you'll gain
from this course, right off the bat, I'll tell you that you will name your Ike Gui. You see, naming your Iki
Gay is the beginning to understanding and
living your Iki gi. Then you'll also help your partner figure out
what their Ike Guy is. For that matter, you'll
also be able to help others uncover
their Ike guy, too. You'll be the Ike Gui go to person. What we'll do together? Here's a step by step
process that you'll follow. First off, we're going
to explore Ike Gi. We're going to build some
trust and understand this concept together so that
we can get better at it. Secondly, we're going to
create a supportive space, set the stage for a nice, warm, open, respectful
conversation. After that, we'll dig into
discovering passions. We'll take a deep dive into what lights you up and brings
joy into your life. And then we'll identify
your unique talents, both learned and natural. And finally, we're going
to name your Ike Gui. We're going to combine
your passions and your skills into a powerful
personal statement. Once you've named your Ike Gui, the real journey begins. You'll see how your gifts enrich your life and the lives
of those around you. Every day it becomes
an opportunity to live with intention
and purpose, you'll know what
your Ike Gui is. Throughout this course,
you'll not only begin to gain clarity
and confidence, but also feel the joy of helping someone else uncover
their purpose. So let's get started on discovering and
naming your Ike Gui.
2. The Ikigai Interview Outline: Iki Gai interview Outline. Now, before we dive in,
I'd like to direct you to the Iki Gai interview guide that is included in the bonus
materials of this course. You just look down there for bonus materials and
it'll be there for you. It's there to walk you through every step of this
process with prompts, reminders, and extra
tips to help you make this journey as smooth and
meaningful as possible. Understanding Iki Gi
and setting the stage. The first step of the
Iki Gai interview sets the tone for
everything that follows. This is where you
and your partner lay the groundwork for a thoughtful, honest and open exchange. And the goal here is to just
simply create a safe space where both of you feel
comfortable sharing, exploring, and reflecting. Let's go a little deeper into the concept of Ike Gai itself. It's helpful to think of it
as your personal sweet spot. It's that magical intersection of what you love to do,
what you're good at, and what brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment to you
and the people around you. It's the stuff that
makes you really want to be excited and get out
of bed in the morning, and it gives meaning to the little and big things in life. So take a moment to explain this idea to each other
in your own words. It's amazing at how
much clarity comes from simply talking it out. Before diving into
the questions, it's important to set the stage literally and figuratively. Think of this step as
creating a nice, calm, supportive bubble where
you and your partner can focus entirely
on each other. This is your space for reflection, connection,
and discovery. So let's make it as warm
and welcoming as possible. Start by finding a quiet, comfortable place, free
from distractions. This could be a cozy
corner of your home, maybe a quiet park bench or even a virtual space if
you're doing this online. The key, though, is to
minimize interruptions and create an environment
where you both feel nice and relaxed. Bring along your
favorite cup of tea, light a candle, or just simply ensure that
your chairs are comfy. Whatever helps you set the tone for a
thoughtful conversation. Take a moment to acknowledge the unique partnership
that you've embarked on. This is a place for honesty, curiosity, and mutual respect. I agree to approach the
interview with a wide open mind, valuing what the other person
shares without judgment. It's not about perfect
answers in this interview. It's more about exploring together and supporting
one another with kindness. Lastly, you set expectations by briefly outlining how this
interview is going to flow. Knowing what's coming can help
both of you feel at ease. You might say, Okay, first, we'll explore what
you love to do, and then what you're
good at, okay? And then after that, we'll combine those insights
into creating your Ike Guy statement or naming your Ike Guy.
You see what I mean? Let them know that
there's no rush. It's okay to pause, reflect, or even
laugh along the way. Make this conversation human. The goal is to make this experience as enjoyable
as it is meaningful. And with your space prepared, your intentions set and a shared understanding
of the process, you're ready to
begin the interview. Oh, one more thing. Have a paper and pen available to write down anything that you notice during the interview
as the interview. Note anything that stands out, maybe a phrase that
was said frequently, a change in energy from your interviewee
during their answers, or maybe even any
moment of clarity that you might have felt your
interview E experience. So jot down whatever grabs you. It's going to help when it
comes to naming your Iki.
3. Exploring Passions: Interview part one,
exploring passions. What do you love to do? Now, this step is the heart of the whole Iki Gai interview, discovering what truly lights your partner up as
the interviewer. It's all about
uncovering what brings them joy, excitement,
and fulfillment. So your role is to ask
thoughtful questions, listen deeply, and help them connect the dots between
meaningful moments. Start with that
big core question. Begin with what do
you love to do? Give your partner plenty of
space to think and respond. Some might have the
answer right away. Others might need time
to chip away at it, but reassure them
that it's okay if their answer feels
broad or incomplete. Most people feel this way. This is just the starting
point, though, remember. If they hesitate, encourage them by saying something like, this isn't about finding the
perfect answer right now. Just think about what makes
you happiest or what you just naturally enjoy doing.
And that could be anything. Make sure you ask open ended questions as the follow up to what do you love to do? Help your partner dig deeper by asking follow up questions like what activities make
you lose track of time? This reveals moments
of flow for them. So when they're so absorbed in something that time flies,
that's a good thing. Another question
might be, when do you feel happiest or most fulfilled? This type of a
question brings out experiences that make them
feel alive and content, or what excites you or
fills you with energy. Passions often come with some sense of
vitality or a spark, and this question uncovers
what energizes your partner? Go deeper with why
and how questions. So once they've
shared their answers, guide them to maybe
reflect a little bit deeper on why those
activities are meaningful. For example, maybe painting
might be fulfilling to someone because it provides a creative expression
or freedom, or maybe it's a
chance to be able to emote their expression
or their emotions. Another question could be,
how does that make you feel? Connecting passions
with emotions can reveal their deeper significance
for anybody, really. Another question could
be, when did you first realize you
loved doing that? That's a good one.
Reflecting on when a passion began for someone can often show its importance
in their life. Throughout the
interview, the interview we may spot some
themes and patterns. So as your partner talks, listen for recurring themes, maybe they mention
creativity or connection or maybe problem solving
on a regular basis. Make sure you highlight those patterns for them on your notes. For example, you might say, It seems like you're drawn to creating meaningful
experiences for others. Does that feel true?
This kind of question helps them see connections that they might not have
noticed before? Make sure you end with encouragement in
this portion, okay? Wrap up by affirming the value of whatever
they've shared. Say something like,
you know what? You've shared so many interesting
and insightful things. It's exciting to see how these passions might
connect to your purpose. So let's explore how we can align with
your strengths next. So by the end of this, what
do you love to do phase, your partner will have already
come up with a little bit of a clearer understanding
of what they love to do and why. That's important.
With your support, they'll feel energized and
ready for the next step.
4. Uncovering Skills: Guy interview Part two,
uncovering skills. Okay, now it's time for
the second key question. What are you good at? Give your partner lots of space to think and
respond to this question. Some people might
answer quickly. Most people won't, though. Others might just hesitate
and not have anything. But reassure them by saying, once again, it's not
about being perfect. Just think about anything you've done where you might feel
confident or capable. That will usually spur on. Remind them that skills
can take many forms. They can be technical,
creative, interpersonal. They can be practical skills, stuff what they do
with their hands, encourage them to share anything that comes
through their mind. And sometimes the simplest
skills will reveal the most. Your follow up
questions will help them dig even deeper
to these skills, targeted questions
like what comes naturally to you that others
might find challenging? You know who does
things amazingly well that I am just gobsmacked
by accountants. I can't figure that
kind of stuff out, so they're just
naturally good at it. So what comes naturally
to you that others find challenging helps uncover innate talents that these
people might have, things that they just do easily, like staying organized,
connecting with people. Maybe they're good
at problem solving or maybe even solving puzzles. Another question
could be, what skills have you developed over time, and what are you proud of, as far as your skills
are concerned? The answers to this question
highlight abilities like mastering a craft, maybe leading a team, maybe
teaching other people. Another great question is, what strengths do people
often compliment you on? Hearing how others recognize your partner's strengths can boost clarity and confidence. Explore learned skills
and innate talent. Learn skills may include abilities gained
through effort like maybe cooking or managing
projects or public speaking. Discuss how these skills shape their sense of
achievement every day. They also might have
innate talents, natural gifts like empathy or creativity or quick thinking. Show how these enhance their learn skills or
help them succeed. For example, they might
mention project management, and then you might say, My, it sounds like your
natural organization and communication skills make you
a better project manager. Have a little chat about
hidden strengths, too. Many people downplay their
little hidden skills. If they say something like,
I'm just good with people. Point out how valuable that talent is for them
for building trust, resolving conflicts
or leading teams. Other examples such as remember how you brought everyone together
during that event. That took leadership,
creativity, and problem solving. Those types of things are
very encouraging to them. Build up their confidence
and possibility. While you're chatting,
make sure you tie their skills to
future potential. Maybe you can say something like you've shared so many
incredible strengths, both natural and learned. It's really amazing
how these things come together to make
you uniquely capable. I can already see how they align with what you love to do. You'll notice that the answers
that your partner provides will often lead to the next
question that you'll ask. And this helps dig deeper
and deeper and deeper. By the end of this
step, your partner will have a much clearer
understanding of their skills and how they contribute to their own unique
potential, their Ike Gi. This sets the stage for
combining their passions and strengths so that they
can name their Ike Gui. And that's coming up next.
5. Naming Your Ikigai: Naming your Ike Gui. Oh. Now is the time for the most exciting
part of this interview, and that is naming your IkeGui. This is where everything
you've explored, your passions, your skills, and your insights come together in a clear and
powerful statement. Your role as the interviewer
is to guide your partner in capturing their
unique purpose in words. There are a few steps
in this process. The first step is to
find the intersection. And what I mean by that is look back at the notes that
you've written down, reflect on what your partner's
passions and skills, maybe how they've overlapped, ask them where do what you love and what you're
good at come together, help them see how their strengths
enhance what they love, how their passions can shine
through their abilities. For example, if your
partner loves storytelling, for example, and is really good at
connecting with others, you might say it sounds
like your gift for communication helps you bring stories to life in a way
that resonates with people. How do you think those
two work together? The next step in naming
your Iki guy to refine the words that resonate
with your partner. Encourage a partner
to explore words. That truly capture
their Ike guy. A Thesaurus can help them find synonyms that feel
inspiring and personal for them. For example, if they say, I love helping people, they might resonate
more with words like uplift people or empower
people or support people. The Thesaurus is
your best friend, so make sure you jump
online and give that a try. If they're good at teaching,
they might prefer guiding or mentoring or SIPA in that
SHIPA. That's a good one. Experiment with language to make the statement feel
precise and meaningful. Step three is to create your
very own Iki Gui statement. This is where you
name your Ike Gui. So help your partner craft their IkiGui statement
using two components. The first is the word two. This is a word that signals
intention and action. It means you have an intention on doing this on
a regular basis. The second part of your
ike Guy is an action, a verb or some sort
of a phrase that reflects their purpose, okay? For example, to create joy expresses an intention to bring happiness
through creativity. Another example could be
to inspire confidence. This reflects uplifting and
empowering other people. Encourage your partner
to start abroad, like maybe to help others. And then refine it down
into something more specific to support growth
or to empower resilience. The goal is to find
something that feels authentic and
actionable to them. It's important to not prescribe
Ike Guys onto people. Let them figure out
what their own words are and how it
resonates with them. If they want to dig deeper, they can dig deeper, but it's up to them to name
their own Ike Gui. The next step might
be to experiment and adjust your Ike guy. You can remind your partner that this process is very
personal and flexible. It's okay to take different
phrases and change it into something that makes it feel so much more
right over time. Let it kind of stew, ask them questions like, what words make you
feel most true to yourself and what makes
you feel inspired? And if that changes over the next couple of
days, that's okay, too. When they land on
the right phrase, you'll see a spark of clarity
or excitement in them, and it's going to feel
like a real natural fit. The last step is to
celebrate the moment, because once the
Iki Gai statement is either started or complete, it's time to celebrate. Let's acknowledge the effort and the insight that went into
crafting this statement. Say something like, This is such a beautiful
reflection of who you are. It perfectly captures
your passions and strengths. This
is really you. By the end of this step,
your partner will have a clear and powerful
name for their Ike guy. It's not just a phrase. It's a guiding compass
that points them towards a life of
fulfillment and purpose.
6. Celebrate Your Journey: Conclusion, celebrating
the journey. Congratulations on completing
the Ike Gai interview. You've not only gained a clear understanding of your
own passions and skills, but you've also helped
someone else uncover theirs, and that is no small feat. It's a testament
to your openness, thoughtfulness, and
commitment to growth. Take a moment to
celebrate this milestone. Reflect on how your
Ikigai statement or your Ikigai name can
guide your choices, enrich your relationships, and inspire your everyday life. You've created
something really deeply personal, yet
universally meaningful. You have a compass
now to navigate is, opportunities
and challenges. And finally, I'd love to hear your thoughts
on this course. Make sure you take a moment to review it and share
your experience. Your feedback helps us refine and improve the journey
for others in the future. More importantly,
it reminds us how impactful the discovery
of Ikigai can be. So thank you so much for sharing
this experience with me. And remember, your Ike Gay is a gift to yourself
and to the world. Live it fully, share it. Let it shine. One more thing. I encourage you to share
the Ike Gai interview. Now that you've experienced the transformative power
of the Ike Gai interview, consider sharing this
process with others. You know how to
do it now, so you can do this on a regular basis. Helping someone uncover
their unique purpose is not only deeply rewarding, but it's also a meaningful way to strengthen your
connection with them. And you've seen how powerful it is to reflect on passions, uncover skills, and bring them together in a clear,
actionable statement. Imagine how impactful
it could be for a friend if you help
them name their Ike Gay. Also do it for family
members or a colleague or someone that is looking for some sort of
direction or clarity. By offering an Ike
Gai interview, you're giving them the
opportunity to discover what lights them up and how
they can live more purposely. The more we help each other
uncover and live our Ike Gay, the more purpose driven and
connected our world becomes. I have a little Ike
Gay statement that I really use to encourage
people to live Ike Gay, and I always say, Do more you. And here's hoping
that you do more you.