1. Introduction: Hi, I'm Katie from the Customer Success team at Typeform. If you haven't heard of Typeform, we're a company that's trying to make data collection a little more human. So, if you need to run a survey, ask for feedback, collect contact details or just set up a fun quiz and you want to do that in a fun, engaging conversational way, then, we're the tool for you. Today, we're going to learn about NPS. NPS stands for Net Promoter Score. So, nothing to do with the National Park Service. If you're looking for migrating buffalo, you'll need to go somewhere else. NPS is really trying to gauge your customers attitudes and feelings towards your product or service. NPS is really the gold standard for gauging customer loyalty. So, everyone from Apple, and Nike, and Southwest Airlines are using it. But also it's really relevant and useful for start-ups like ourselves. So, in today's class, we're going to look at three main areas. First of all, gathering the feedback, second, processing it and then, thirdly taking action and actually doing something with it. So, the biggest takeaway from this class, is to recognize that well, NPS is really great to get a school. The key thing is to listen to your customers and implement changes, it's going to really help you grow your business. So, off to the class, I really hope you go away and build your own NPS in Typeform. I'd love it for you to share it with us. So, we can see what you've done.
2. Getting Started with NPS: NPS stands for Net Promoter Score. You've probably answered NPS without even knowing it. There's a very standard question that's asked and that is; on a rating scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague? Then, the answers are categorized or broken down into three categories; 1-6 would be a Detractor, seven or eight would be classed as Passive and nine and 10 are classed as Promoters. So, to put that in a little bit of context for you, we're in New York. Let's say I run a hotdog stand. Someone is going to give you a 1-6, they would come along, take a bite, and throw your hotdog straight in the bin. Seven or eight, they are in the middle. They came, got a hotdog, went away. On the other side, you've got your promoters nine or 10. They're going to take a bite, they're going to love it, they're going to tell their friends to come down and try your hotdogs. I don't run a hotdog stand or we don't run day hotdogs at Typeform but the idea is still the same. You're really trying to categorize people's attitudes towards your product or service, and that's the real crux of NPS. NPS is really the gold standard for gauging customer loyalty, so everyone from Apple and Nike and Southwest Airlines are using it. But also it's really relevant and useful for start ups like ourselves. So, back in 2014, we were 40 people in our office in Barcelona and we'd created this product. We want to know what people really felt about it and their attitude towards us. That's when we decided to launch NPS. So, a funny story, we thought we would launch NPS and we chose 11,000 of most active users so people who had logged in and used the product relatively recently. NPS is about engaging with your customers, so we really wanted to reply one by one to the responses that we got. We thought we'd get at the industry average of about 7 to 10 percent response rates. So, we crafted our email we sent it out and went on our merry way until we got absolutely slammed by responses. We got about 14 percent reply and spent about two weeks replying individually to each and every one. What the main takeaway for us was is that when you ask people what they think they really do want to tell you good and bad and all that feedback is fantastic for us to know how people feel about our product and what we can do to make it even better. A really common question when you're starting out with NPS is how many responses do I need before I start taking action. For us, going off of the industry average response rate is around 7 to 10 percent. I would advise that you work off this percentage instead of trying to think of a golden number. So, if you have a million customers, then perhaps 100,000 responses is great for you but if you're a smaller business with only about a 100, then maybe 10 responses is more indicative of your customer base, more representative of your customer base. So, really do try and work off the percentage and really remember that the key thing about NPS is that this is an opportunity to engage with your customers, hear what they have to say and start implementing feedback based on what they say. So, if you're getting a lower response rate you might want to rethink how you're engaging with your customers, you may want to change the channel that you're reaching out to them through. You may want to change the email that you're sending and restructure it. The key is to make NPS quick and painless. So, presenting someone with just a rating scale as we do is a great way of getting them to engage very quick and give an answer straight away. So, to give you some real figures, at Typeform, we target just our paying customers. As I mentioned before, we send this out to different stages in their life cycle. So, when someone's been with us 20 days, when they've been with us three months, when they've been with us for six months. So, we're sending out to around 400 every month and we're getting it back around 50-60 responses every month. When we look at that over the quarter and we also combine it with data we're getting from other sources which is again something we're going to talk about later on in the class. So, we've decided to go for a targeted user base, simply because as I keep saying NPS is this opportunity to engage with and start a conversation with a lot of your customers and we genuinely want to read every response, not necessarily apply to everyone but read every response. In order to do that, we do need to be a bit more conservative about who we send it out to. If you've got the capacity to analyze hundreds of thousands of responses that's really great and that should be what you do. But at the moment for us this is what works for us and it really means we can take the time to read the responses from our customers and implement the changes that's going to affect them. So, the great thing about NPS is that it's actually quite simple to get started. It's one question, well it's two questions really. You ask an opinion scale on 1-10 and then we ask a follow up question as to why someone gave you that feedback. So, if you've just got those two questions it's really easy to get started with NPS. So, now you know a little bit about NPS, and where it comes from and really what it's trying to do. So, let's go ahead and start looking at how you ask that question and start gathering some feedback.
3. Gathering Feedback: So, there's many ways of asking MPS. Either via email, perhaps an in-app popup, even some companies do it on the phone or in face-to-face. At Typefoam, we use email. We've decided to use e-mail because our customers are throughout the globe. Also, it allows us to add an extra layer of analysis. So, we don't only want to know who gave us the score and what score they gave us. We'd like to know what plan they're on and how long they've been with us. This really does help us when we're analyzing the MPS scores. So, email allows us to target our audience so we can send it at a specific time in their lifecycle with us. A pop up is a good route to go down but perhaps people find them a little bit annoying. The thing about MPS is that you want people to be candid and it's supposed to be a positive touch point for your customers, so it's their chance to give you feedback. So, email, we found, is slightly less intrusive but allows people to be candid. So, essentially, using email, we combine it with a feature that we have in Typeform called Hidden fields. This allows us to take whatever information you have, in a CRM perhaps, or even in a spreadsheet, and pass it to your Typeform so that you can get that extra detail. So, things you may want to know is how long they've been with you, what product they're using, and what tier of plan they're on. This is all really interesting information when you're analyzing MPS. Different groups of customers may give a different score and that will really allow you to make changes that affect specific groups of customers. So, we're going to go ahead and set that up now. So, I just need to choose the block, Hidden fields. Here, I define the variables, so I define that data that I already know. So, I know their email, I know their name, I know their plan, and I also know the milestone, so how long they've been with us. This is my Typeform URL role and you'll see that straightaway, it's changed and added those variables onto the end. So, now, it's just about filling in those blanks with your customer's information. Now, there's a really easy way to automate and do that for you. Most CRMs or e-mail marketing managing tools like MailChimp will have a feature called Merge Tags or Merge Fields. So, we're going to take advantage of that and I'm going to show you how to be able to automate the population of those blanks. Let's go ahead and save that, grab the URL of our Typeform, and I'm going to show you in a simple piece of software called Yesware. But as I said, this is just to show you how you can use the merge type functionality. So, I've got the details about my customer here and I'm going to put my Typeform URL into the email that I've set up. Now, what I need to do is go ahead and fill in those blanks. Email, name, plan, and milestone. Okay. When that's all ready, I can send it out. So, here's the link and you can see that information has been pulled in. So, when they click through, you're seeing automatically the email, the name, the plan, and the milestone come up in the URL. When they click and give you feedback, you're going to go ahead and see that being passed straight to your Results field. So, let's go ahead and see how that looks. We come over to the Analyze panel and look at our Results. Here you see the score that someone gave me, the comment they gave me. But there's all the additional information that I passed through. So, really, you've got two options. You can grab that code to be able to structure the email really easily and nicely in MailChimp or you can do it this way where you use Hidden fields to bring that additional information through. So, if you've got coders you may want to go use the Hidden field route but if not and you'd like to just grab the code and do it easily, maybe this email embed ability route is for you. So, of course, you might not want just to send that link out as it is to your customer. But there's ways of making it look prettier. If you've got developers who can code for you and do a lovely image as we did or most CRMs or email marketing tools will allow you to configure a button or an image with a link behind it. So, there are ways of hiding it and making it look a lot prettier. Okay, so the email asks them to rate us on a scale of 1-10 and that's great for getting the score. But there's that second follow-up question where we ask why, and this is really important for MPS. Because you can get a score, you can see how people feel about you, but really understanding their motivation for giving you that score and making changes to your product or business based on that feedback, that's the real key thing about MPS. So, if someone in the street asked you to rate them on a scale of 0-10 how likely you are to recommend them to a friend or colleague, would you react the same way to someone who gave you a zero as someone who gave you a 10. The truth is you wouldn't. So, why do we do that on an online form? I'm going to show you how in Typeform, you can tailor that response to match the tone of the score that you got, really to elicit and engage with your customer so they can write that all-important why and give you that feedback. Okay. So, let's see what this actually looks like. So, here is the email that we actually send out. As you can see, we've got the rating scale in the emails so it's really easy for someone just to click and give us that score. When they do, the Typeform automatically opens and asks for that why feedback. So, while we have some clever developers who code this for us, you can actually do this quite easily yourself within Typeform. This is Typeform's Share panel. You can come here to Start in an email and the MPS question scale is already set up there for you. All you need to do is grab the code and then you can drop that into your MailChimp builder, for example, and then you'll have an email that looks something like this. So, how to tailor that follow-up question? This is the Typeform Build panel. I've already gone ahead and set up my opinion scale question asking how likely someone is to recommend us from 0-10. I've also gone ahead and tailored three follow-up questions; one for my detractors, those guys who are giving me a 0-6, one for my passives who are giving me a seven or eight, and one for my promoters who are giving me a 9 or 10. So, each one, I'm really tailoring the response to the score that they gave us. So, once I've got those all set up, I can use Logic Jump to tell question number one where to direct depending on the score that we were given. I'm going to go ahead and show you how to do that. So, you choose the Logic Jump block and add a logic jump. The question how likely are you to recommend us, I'm going to set the condition here. So, under these circumstances, it will skip to question number two, the question I set up for my detractors. So, if the score is lower than or equal to six, I want to show them the question for my detractors. If it is equal to seven or equal to eight, I want to set it up so it jumps to the question I set for my passives, that was question number three. Finally, if it was equal to or greater than nine, I want to show you the question that I prepared for my promoters. I need to do one final thing. So, question one now knows where to direct and I just need to let question two and three jump to the Thank You screen so it doesn't follow on and show three and four. So, I can just come here and very quickly jump to the Custom end. Then we're going to go and see that in action. Okay. So, now, when I view my Typeform, if I had clicked the six, there's that question that we prepared for our detractors. Eight is showing the question for the passives, and 10 is showing us that question that we've prepared for our promoters. You can do this as well on your Thank You screen. So, here, we've got a common Thank You screen but you could even tailor this to show a different Thank You screen for each of those categories. So, that's how you build your Typeform. Once you've got that ready, you come over to the Share panel, grab the code, and then you can drop that into your MailChimp campaign builder, for example, and then you'll get that opinion scale question coming up in email like we saw before. So, you've set up your Typeform, you've asked the question. The next stage is how to process all that feedback that you're getting back from your customers and that's what we're going to look at in the next video.
4. Processing Feedback: So, in the last lesson we saw how to gather your feedback. In this lesson, we're going to look at how you go ahead and process that. So, a quick reminder. Anyone rating you a zero to six is class as a detractor, seven or eight is a passive, and nine or 10 are you're promoters. Now, calculating the score is actually really easy. You just turn that on into percentages and you take the percentage number of your detractors and minus it from the percentage of your promoters, and you'll end up with a score somewhere between negative 100 and plus 100. Anything over zero is generally considered pretty good, anything over 50 is considered excellent. But remember, it's not all about the score, the really important thing is to listen to that feedback and start taking action. So, we're going to show you now how you can start categorizing that feedback so you can get ready to take action. The real point of NPS is to listen to your customers and get that feedback and that will start allowing you to make changes that are going to help you grow your business. You really do want to listen to everyone. So, even if someone's given you a 10 and they absolutely love your product, they might have really great suggestions on how to develop features or suggestions how to improve service. So, you really do want to listen to everyone. If you do get a negative comment, it's really common to feel a bit disheartened, but don't rush to make a change based on just one negative comment. Wait and see if those trends over time, see if other people have the same feeling and then you can take that, collate it and present it to your product or service teams and allow them to make decisions to see if they go ahead and improve that. So, while reading every piece of feedback that you get might seem daunting, people don't tend to write essays that give you a sentence or two or a couple of words. Once you have a system in place for reading and categorizing all that feedback, it becomes pretty easy. This is also why we focus on our paying user base, because we really do want to read every piece of feedback and categorize every piece of feedback. So, we've set up an integration between type form and Google Sheets and we're doing that using a tool called Zapya, which really is a great little tool for basically getting your apps talking. So, every time we get a new submission on the NPS typed form, it's straightaway sent to our Google Sheets, and this makes categorizing the feedback a lot easier. So, once we get that information through, I've got the information from the hidden fields, and I've also got the score on the comment that someone gave us. Now, we've decided to use three levels of tagging. So, one is about, generally, what this comment is about. Is it a comment about a feature that we don't have yet, so they would like us to develop? Is it a complaint? Is it a complement? So, this is a very high level of tag, the first one. The second one that we're going to add on, begins to drill down, what area of the product are they talking about? Is it a specific panel? Is it about sharing? Is it about building? The third one are really dig down, tell us what actual features someone is talking about. If we take this comment here, it's about our calculator function. So calculator is great for adding a score to an answer. So, if someone gets the answer right, you can add a score. If someone gets the answer wrong, you can subtract. It's also great for LEED qualification; there are many uses of it. So, if someone here obviously really enjoys the calculator function, but says it's a little too simple and they'd like to see multiple options added in. So this would be a feature request. The second one, well it's an add build panel, it's about building the Typeforms, so build. Finally, it's about the calculator function. It is easy as that. Once you got that system in place, every time you read a comment, you can very quickly categorize it. Then once you've got it in this format, it's much easier to go ahead and start running more analysis, and building bar charts, and pie charts, and whatever charts your CEO want to see. So, when you're thinking about the tagging system to use, remember it's going to be used by probably not just one person but a whole team of people, so it needs to make sense to everyone. Now, you want to start broad and then narrowed down as we do. So, if you've got various products, you may want to first of all categorize a product someone's talking about. You may also want to start by categorizing as is it something to do with the service, or is actually to do with the product. So, starting really broad before you start treading down. So, once you have this system in place, and you are tagging all your requests that come through, you can start running some really interesting analysis. So, you can now could take those numbers and see how it compares month for month, you can see how what part of your product most people have comments about, and that's going to really help you to start making those decisions about where to prioritize making the changes. A great example of this is actually our calculator feature. So, we started seeing people love the feature but wanting to see it do a little bit more. But we didn't react just based off of one piece of feedback. We wait to see what the volumes of people asking about improvements to this feature were, and see if it was trending over time. That's when we decided to go ahead and actually add, and multiply, and divide. Even now, we're still getting feedback that people love the feature, but again I'd like to see even more improvements on it. So, now we're working on adding in multiple variables. So, this is a really good example of why you don't just react to one piece of feedback or every piece of feedback, you wait and see what the numbers tell you how many people are asking for it and seeing if that trends over time, and that's really going to allow you to make those and prioritize those changes that are going to be great for your business. So, looking at that trend over time, at Typeform we run the report once every quarter. So, that allows us to see if quarter by quarter the same requests are coming up time and time again, or if it's changing as we make changes to the product and improve what's people asked for us the last time. So, it really is important to make NPS a continual cycle that you run, so that you'll look at these changes over time. Okay. So, we've talked about the scores, really well and good for kind of gauging how people are feeling and their attitudes towards your product or service, and then there's the piece of the feedback. So, what is really interesting, they are kind of two different pieces of the puzzle. So, the score is going to give you that overall feeling, but even if you're getting a 50, 60, 70 even 100 on the NPS scale, you still want to be reading that feedback and taking actions to continually improve your business.
5. Taking Action: So, in this lesson we're going to talk about taking action. So, all that feedback that we've gathered, all the reports that we've built, how we're actually going to use them to make changes that are going to be positive for your business. So, perhaps this is actually the most difficult part. So, if you've built the MPS survey or like us in customer success, we run the survey, we gather that data and compile the feedback. The real challenge now is to put it into the hands of those people who can make decisions and drive changes that can really impact your business. So, closing the loop really has two sides to it. There's closing the loop internally, what we just spoke about getting that information from the people who are going to be up to make the changes and closing the loop with your customers. So, on Typeform we've decided to run a quarterly report which we quite aptly named the Customer Voice. Because it's designed to be just that. Sometimes when you're on the front line in customer success or you're the one facing the customer, you kind of forget that everyone behind the scenes is not getting that constant feedback and hearing those constant comments that you do. So, the customer voice is really designed as a chance to present the whole company, what our customers are asking for, what they like and we can show them these trends that are really interesting. Say you're a developer, you're the one coding this amazing product but it's really great for you to hear that people are enjoying using it, what they're liking and also hear what they're not so happy about. That really helps your company become customer focused and really helps put the customer really at the center of your business. So, it's not just your developers who can benefit from this, everyone throughout the company can really use that data. So, for example, your marketing team may want to know who your promoters are, so as they can reach out and work with them on blog articles. For example, we also have our HX team or user experience team. They reach out to our promoters as well to find out and interview them a bit more in-depth about the comments they've given, about features we're looking to develop. So, this is really information that everyone in the company can use. So, MPS is one part of the picture. So, what we'd like to do and what you should be doing is seeing MPS alongside other data. For example, your financials, so we are a subscription based business, so we are going to see MPS alongside our monthly recurring revenue. Most are going to pull in data that we've got, feedback that we've got from our support ticket. So, all the request or customers proactively write into us. I'm also going to put in Churn date to people who leave all platform. When you've got all that data, you can start seeing some really interesting trends come out. So, does a peak in MR also go with a peak in your MPS score? One very interesting piece of data that we saw was actually when we looked at MPS alongside Churn. What we could see is that people actually love the product but perhaps it have a reason to keep using it. So that's when we took that feedback and we created a really great blog which is designed to inspire people, to use Typeform in different ways. Then we link them to our help center which shows them actually how to build it. That was one way that we could really practically see those two piece of data together and make a change that would effect that. So, I keep saying that MPS is a real opportunity for you to engage with your customers. So if, let's take our detractors for example. We want to leave the door open, we want to leave the conversation open so if someone does give us a score between zero and six, we do have a message that goes to them thanking them for their feedback and asking if they'd like to talk to us further about that. I think as, we have all been consumers at some point in our lives, If you've ever given negative feedback you do expect to see someone react to it. If someone is giving you two and written comments about the service they received, then it's a really great opportunity for you to get in touch and maybe even to understand what happened and even bring that person on board a bit more. Closing the loop is really important to understand what pain points or what frustrations your detractors have and make them feel like it's not just a one way conversation. That the door is open, feedback after all is a two way street. It's not just all about asking people to give you feedback, it's about responding to them and keeping the conversation going. Trucking customers MPS score over the journey with us really helps us make sure that people are happy or keeping the same positive attitude as they did at the beginning, as they did six months later. So, if you start seeing that trail off, you might want to think about ways in which you can keep your user base more engaged and using your product. So, we track our users at various stages in their life cycle with us. So, let's say, if you started to see that the MPS tail off after three or six months, you want to think go back and really dig into what those people are saying, what's changing between when they first joined, it was super enthusiastic, to three months later when they're not feeling so confident. That's when you use that written feedback to really dive in and find out what they're saying and what is making this change in the score. Then you'll be able to go back and make changes so that these people stay on track and you'll hopefully see your MPS either stay linear or even go up. So, I think one key thing here is that, you're not going to make everyone happy all the time. We don't have infinite resources to make all the changes that all our customers request from us. So, it's really about prioritization and seeing where the biggest pain points are, where the biggest feature requests are and then making decisions based on that. Now, you can make a really great improvement, but there might be something else in the pipeline that other people would like to see. So, seeing those changes over time, you might not always see really big fluctuations if you have a product like ours which has various features. If you've got a product or service that is more basic and you make tweaks that affect the whole user base in a very big way, then you might see those big changes. But the important thing is to see that it stays fairly steady or that there's a trending up over time as you make all these little changes that are hopefully making one great user experience.
6. Conclusion: Thank you so much for taking this class. I really hope that you've understood a bit more about NPS, about how it can benefit your business and really how to set it up. So of course, I'm here from Typeform, I showed you how to create an NPS survey on Typeform. I do hope that you go away and use Typeform for your NPS survey. What you'll see is, you can do some really cool stuff with it. You can apply designs that really comes into line with your brand and your business, and I'm really interested to see how you put that into practice. So, it would be great if you take a screenshot of whatever you've done, upload it to the Project Gallery, and share how you've been able to use NPS and implement the feedback that you've got. So, the main takeaway from this class is that NPS is a really great opportunity for you to connect and engage with your customers. So, it's all really well and good to know how people feel about you, that attitude towards your business, but really it's about making those connections and I really hope that you enjoy those conversations that you're going to be having with your customers.
7. What's Next?: