1. Introduction to the course: In this article training series, we are going to explore how to use Anki card as a design tool. And we will take whatever
things we are dreaming about in our heads and bring it into the software and see
how far it can get it. Now to get the most
out of the software, we're going to explore the
different tools that are available to us,
the drafting tools, the Design Tools, and
then document tools in order to document
a storied building. Now this series is
going to take you from scratch all
the way to document in your first started
building while using the most architect
tools available. Hi everyone. It's neon here at Analytics Studio and I'm
pretty excited today. Now this series is being prepared with hacking
at version 25. But if you have an
earlier version or even later, that is to say 26, you should be able
to follow along just fine because most of
the tools that we are going to be using are available for a whole host of
African version. So you should be able
to follow along just fine without much further ado. Let's get started
with this series.
2. Get familiar with the interface : Alright, so let's talk about
the aggregate interface. Through the top right corner, we have the file name, in this case it's
called studios. Then just after that we have the version that I'm using
and currently I'm using 25. And just below that
we have the menu bar, which is right in this
corner we have File, Edit, View, Design, Document,
all the way to help. These actually contains
most of the stuff that we're going to talk
about in this video. And of course, if you are using any other software in Windows, you should be familiar
with the menu bar. Just below that, we have
the standard toolbar. Now the standard
toolbar contains editing tools such
as undo, redo, find and select,
pick up parameters, inject parameters, and
so on and so forth. And these are actually
contained within the edit. If you can see we
have undo redo. And if for some
reason you cannot be able to see this kind of w may want to go to
Window and go to bars. And then we have
a standard there. If I click that, it disappears. If I go back, which is Window toolbars, we have here standard and
right there, it's back. So and then below that
we have the info box. So the info box will display information of anything
that's being selected. E.g. you can see here, I already selected, That's the information about the arrow. If I select my queue, it's changes to that. If I select this, it changes to that. I select column, it
changes to that. And then this leads us
to this panel here, which is the toolbox. The toolbox is where we have the different
elements that we shall be using in order to come up with this design that you're
seeing right here. It's as simple as drug peak and drop it in
there and it will be created. Alright, That's
not for this time. Within the toolbox
we have three tabs. We have the first
one as the design, and the next one
as the viewport, and then the next
one as the design. Within the design we have the elephant elements that
we have, like you have seen. And within the viewport we have the different symbols
that we can use, section and division,
stuff like that. If I go to the ground floor, you can see that when
they they appear. So you can be able to pick like a section Android
within elevations, interior divisions, detail
worksheet on camera. And below that we
have the document which contains things
like lions fields, polylines, circles,
and the rest of the things that we shall be
looking at life dimensions. And if for some
reason you can be we do not have bad toolbox, you may want to go to
Window palettes and you can see toolbox right here as well. You can see info boxes in here. So if I say toolbox,
it disappears. If I go back to window
pilot's toolbox, it is brought back to
where it is right now. And to the right, we have what we call
the navigator pen. And this helps us to go to the different views
that were created, e.g. you have a ground floor, first floor, like that. All those are contained in here. We have sections, we
have innovations, and mostly all the other things that we shall be working on. So we shall be using
these in order to create, to navigate through
different views. And this has four tabs. Do it, we have the first step, which is the project map. And that is what contains
what we have talked about. And then after that we
have the saved views. So that contains the views
which you intentionally save. And then after that we have the layout book where we
shall be putting the Buddhist saved views onto
layouts in order to be exported into PDFs. And just after that we have
a publisher right there. So Publisher here is
where you can save, publish four months for the web and also for other
people that you work with. E.g. if you have colleagues who are doing engineering
and they need a DWG, you can publish that and
send it over to them. So that's a quick overview. And in case you cannot
be able to see it, you can click on this icon right here such
that you can be able to right-click here and say navigator can see that
right now it disappears. But in order to get it back, you can right-click
and say navigator, and it will be embedded
to the right there. Then to the bottom, we have what we call
a freak options. Here you can see there
is previous Zoom. Next Zoom. We have
the Zoom tool. If e.g. I. Click on it
and zoom to this area, it will definitely
take me to that. And then if I click
on previous Zoom, we go back to where we were
next to zoom, previous Zoom. So you can navigate
between those two ones. And then there's fit to window, which will beat everything that you have drawn the same window. And then we have the percentage
representation, e.g. if you want to know how it's going to look like
when it's printed. You can put it at 100%. And then by holding down
the middle mouse button in order to grab the
paper with the hand. You can see what, what it would look like
once it is printed. Then we have this rotate, which you can use
in case you want to rotate this paper temporarily. You can definitely do that. And you can see the
different angles by which you can
rotate this thing. Maybe like 180 and
then back to zero. Then after that we
have the scale. By default we have one to 100. But you can always change it, e.g. one to 50. You can see we get to
see more detail within the wall and the text gets smaller because
there's change. The scale has changed. But let's go back to one to 100. It's wet, where we are
going to walk by default. The rest of the things we share be talking grim as
the need arises. But that's a quick overview
of the aggregate interface.
3. How to move around with in archicad: So let's talk about how you
can navigate around you, the software and fast. I knew I'd like to mention
that you may need a mouse in order to be able to
navigate quite easily. So if I zoom out, you can see by using
the scroll wheel, I can zoom in and zoom out
using wheel up and down. And I have a shortcut
here so you can be able to see exactly
what I'm doing. Then next, in case you wanted to zoom into a
particular section, we have a quick Options. Bar are along the bottom here. So you can be able to click e.g. here and create section here. And I kick God can actually
take you to that place. And if I zoom out, as you can see, we go back. So if I go previous Zoom
to take me to that. Next Zoom, we go back to
where I had zoomed out too. If you hold down the
middle mouse button, you can click and take yourself to the next
part of this drawing. If I do hold down
middle mouse button, I can be able to do
what is called panning. Zooming into this section, I pan across by holding that middle
mouse button like that. Of course, make sure that if you double that went up that
middle mouse button, it will fit to page or
this icon right here. E.g. if I'm here, I can click on fit to page and it will bring
everything to pitch. That will be very helpful
in case I am somewhere that I don't even know
where the work is, e.g. this is now empty. But if I click here on fit
to screen it to window, you can see that it
gets fit to that. Or double tap the
middle mouse button and it's the same thing. And to navigate around
different views. We have these tabs
here which take you to the different, different areas. If I click here on this tab, you can see that it displays all the different
views that we have. E.g. it's good with 3D and
you can easily see them. And they, them
things still work. If I read up, I zoom in, if I will
down here, zoom out. Then in order to orbit, we have an icon here for orbits. If you click that, it
enables you to go into orbit mode and you Can
be able to do that. Alternatively, you Fresco,
you can be able to go through the same orbit mode
in order to go around e.g. and let's look at what's
happening behind here. Easy. Okay? So that's how
you can easily navigate. And of course, the plans still
works also in a 3D case, you wanted to pan
across this view. And if you have
played games before, you have this guy here, this small icon here that can
take you to the Game Mode, which has WASD keys
to help you navigate. I click here in 3D explore, you can see that now it
turns into a game mode. I can press W to go forward, and S2 go backward, and D to go sideways, and a to go the opposite side. And of course, I can do multiple operation
at the same time in order to enter into some way. Yeah, I cannot write simply. Alright, so that's
a quick way to get you up to speed
with how to navigate. In aggregate.
4. The basics of drafting : Alright, so let's start
from a blank file. And in order to make sure that all of us are
on the same page, we're going to go to Options. We go work environment, and let's apply a profile. In this case, we're
going to apply architectural profile 25. And this should reset
everything such that we are all on the same page,
something like that. And one more thing that we
need to do is to expand these such that we're able to see
the names of these things. So if I click on this edge or should be
able to move this across. And now you can see the names of these
elements which are here. So in this video, we're going to try and make the outline of the building
that we're going to create. Let's go ahead and
select the polyline. And we will go ahead and
draw the shape of it, which is going to be 13 m by 9 m. If you're using the imperial system instead
of the metric system, you might want to go
to Options and go Preferences and go to
working units in there. You can choose the to
use the imperial system. But for me, but in this case
I'll be using millimeters. So I'll say, Okay, and I will use this polyline. Now with this selected,
you can see that in the info box we have three
methods of construction. The very first method is for creating shapes or across by
just clicking on every edge. The next method is for creating the boxes gesture easily by
creating rectangles in here. And the third method is for drawing angular shapes
which are parallel, which are still rectangles. And that's what we're going
to use on this thing. So let's go ahead and have this selected, the
polyline selected. Go ahead and select the third
method of construction. And I will draw the first row from the first point and hold down Shift to keep
it horizontal. And let's put click D in
order to add in distance. And in this case is
going to be 13 m by 9.5. So that's the shape
we are looking for. And if we wanted to center it within this box which is here, we can move it around, not move anything in Africa, you might want to have
it selected and say right-click and
say move and drag. And you can see the
shortcut right there. So I'm going to
leave a PDF which contains shortcuts with below in the description says that you
can be able to familiarize yourself with
shortcuts because they make your life so much easier. So drug. And I'm going to drag
this middle path. So if when you hover over here, you should be able to
see this middle part. And holding down Shift
keeps it horizontal. And you can be able to align that here in
the same manner. If you wanted to
align vertically, you can right-click, go, move and say drug. And with this, you can click this edge and align
it on this one here, holding down Shift and click. And now you can see that this is apparently in the
middle of these views. Alright? So now we want to be able
to demarcate these things. So let me make it red so you can see it somewhere
and have it selected. I go here on the pen
color and just make it red so that it pops out. So let's go ahead and
create some quadrants, some divisions within
this rectangle. And for that, we just pick
a line and a document. Then let's just draw here. So I'm going to
draw just like so. And I will divide
these just like so. So in that case we have
studio wants to do 234. The four quadrants. Let me make this rich. It had not reached. Okay, great. Now we want to be able to demarcate other spaces which are within these four species, e.g. we are going to create
here a washroom and washroom as well in these two. So for that, let's
pick this one. And in order to pick it
stays at a tool for that, which is a pickup parameters. So if you click this on the standard toolbar and
come and click on this line, and you should be
able to pick it. Once you do that, you can now draw
with that red line. So this washroom is going
to be 1.5 by 3 m. Alright? So that's what it's
going to look like. And in order not to
continue drawing, you can drag a
copy to this side. So with it selected, we can right-click and
say move and drag a copy, which is control
shift D right there. And then we can be able to get this corner and take it to
this other side as well. We select these two and drag
a copy by right-clicking. Move, drag a copy and take
these to the top there. So now we have the marketed where the wash rooms are
going to be located. Right in the middle. We need stairs that take us to the first floor because we have a ground
floor, first floor. So let's do a market where
the stairs are going to be. So for that, I'm going to
just take this and offset it. So let's offset it by a meter. So like we saw the shortcuts, I'm going to use it Control
Shift D in order to offset this one by 1 m on the left. And then you can mirror a copy. Now Control Shift M to mirror
this copy across here, or just dragging a copy, but this time on
the opposite side. So if we say this one and
drag a copy and say by 1 m, it is the same thing
because we just need to create this line
and that line, 1 m away, 1 m away. Great. Let's recreate space where the staircase is going to
be because people are going to enter from here
and dispatched to different rooms and take the stairs which are
going to be here. So let's drag a copy. Let's pick up this parameter, which you can do by holding
down Alt and clicking this line or going
to this icon here, which is the pickup parameter. And then once you click this, it's been picked because
it's being selected, then you can go ahead and draw this shape
which is going to be that size of 2 m by 3.4. And that's where our
stairs are going to be. Finally, lets the market where
the doors are going to be. So let's pick up this one and go ahead and
create 3 m here. 3 m by a meter in order to demarcate
the entrance area here. And now we can drag a copy Control Shift D to
drag this to somewhere here. And now we have
ourselves an outline. So we expect to have a no
here to enter this room, that do here to enter this room. And then people to enter from here and dispatched
to these other rooms, which on this other side, and to take the
stairs as well to the same arrangement which is going to be on the first floor. Now. Right now, it's
still hypothetical, but you can still
hopefully you can get a picture and a sense of where we're
heading with this.
5. The wall tool: Welcome back. So in this video, we're going to draw the walls. And for that, we will have to peek tool here and
be able to draw. And within the world settings, if you click on this
icon right here, you should be able to see some of these words
settings which are here. We have three methods of was
that I drawn here in Africa. We have the first one, which is the simple one where you just choose one material. We have the second one,
which is the composite one, which is a combination
of other worlds. This is nice if you're trying
to do things like walking drawings and you want to put multiple layers
because in real life, when we draw a wall, it can be blocked work that
is plastered on either side. Then finally, we have this
one here where you can draw a custom shape and save it and use it as a
costume wall profile. In this case, we're going to
use a simple and for now, we proceed to make
working drawings. We might come back and use some composites or
something like that. So let's use a word which is
going to be 200 mm thick. And then we will go ahead. So let's make it in
brick structure. And under here model is what
it's going to look like. We're going to make it
stucco quite rough. So let's look for that in here. Stucco OID rough. And once I click on
this element here, all of them tend to
struggle white rough. Just to keep it simple, we're going to make
all of it white. And then I say, Okay, and now we can go
ahead and draw. But before we draw,
we need to understand the different methods we
can draw this war from. So if you can see here, we have a wall, a single wall here, then you can see once
we click on this arrow, we are presented with
other options which include the polygonal
method of construction, which include also if you
want to draw a complete box. And then as well in the method which can be
an angular, rectangular. And in this case, I think
this works just fine. So we can go ahead and
draw something like this. So you can see that the wall is being
formed on the inside. Sometimes it can be formed on the outside depending
on where this is. If I click on this icon here, you will see that the world has been formed on the outside. But for this case we
want it on the inside. So let's switch here such that we decrease
wall on the inside. And the ones we click, you
can see that has been formed. So we have our very first wall. Wanted to look at how it
looks like he forgot to 3D. You should be able to
see these switches. Kind of nice. Now there's this
phenomenon which is so cool because you can see that there's
a jagged lines here. In order to get rid of it, we need to go to Options
and go work environment. And then we say advanced
redraw options. This is just an advanced option that we need to
change in order to have the cleaner lines
which are not jagged here. And when we say enable 3D anti-aliasing such that this
model is going to be clean. We say, okay, and it
doesn't work straightaway. So you can see that the lines
have not been met straight. But we just need to
clean clothes that 3D window and then open it again. I'm going to do that
by clicking here on 3D perspective within
the project mode. If you remember, we talked
about the project map. And once you scroll
down here, we have 3D. And once you click on
the 3D perspective, you should be able to go back. And this time, you can
see that these are much better lines
than before because they are much cleaner grid. Now, let's go back here in 2D and draw our
wards in there. So we'll pick the word tool, and this time we
do not need a box, we need a simple
polygonal method. Choose that, and then go
ahead and draw these in. And this time we need
this wall to be on the, on the, on the center. So once you click on this icon, you can change,
choose the center. And you can see that now
the world has been drawn on this center line and that
has been created like so. And then let's go
ahead and draw this. Like so. Double-click to finish. Make sure you
double-click to finish. I think I left in
some wall here. And because we chose
the 40 go no method. You can see these have been
identified as one element. Now in order to be
able to edit them, you might want to click
on this icon here, which is ungrouping elements
polarity temporarily. So once you click that, now you should be able to
select elements independently. And I'm going to
delete this switch I accidentally created. And I'll go ahead and
pick this war and draw this polygonal method of construction such that this x. And then we also want to continue this wall all the
way to the seller side. So make that we double-click to finish and create
this one as well. And we'd go ahead and
put in the wolves, essentially in the
elements that we created. And this one as well here. And on the left side as well like so and
double-click to finish. And the other lane that
we do not want to draw a warmth in is this
center line here because that doesn't
even make sense. Let's just delete it so
it doesn't confuse you. Because then actually we
do not need this word here because we're going to have a staircase in this place
so we can delete this one. And we just have only these
because we're going to have an interests to the side and an interest
to this other side. If you wanted, you can also
delete the one which is here, this one which is in-between. And in order to do that, you can hold down control. In order to click, you can see that the cursor
changes to a Caesar. And once we click this, it removes that war which has been connecting
there like so. And the same is true if we wanted to get rid
of this one here, because people are going
to be passing here. So you can say
control-click in order to get rid of that one. It's very easy. Once you go to 3D, you should be able to see what this thing actually looks like. Awesome, isn't it? But we need a wall as well for
these going on the inside. So we need a one which is going
to be on this other side. So with that selected, we can just create a simple word here because we need to
be somewhere at them. Because we have
some steps in here. Let's do market them
because we're going to put in those slabs
in the next video. So it's just now the market where those
steps are going to be. In this case, we're
going to have here 300. And another step
here, the final step. And then we can select this
one as well, which lines? And bring them in here. And you can see that
we can stretch them. It's just streets them
all the way to the end. So one by one. And then we bring
a cookie to here. So we have a few steps
where you enter in here, through steps to enter here, a few steps to enter
in this one as well. And of course we need
is there in this area. But finally, let's just put some words on
this other side, which are nice features to have. This was going to be much
thicker than the ones we have. So let's select this tool here. Then we need to make
them 300 mm thick. So if I scroll here, I can be able to see that
thickness and make that 300. And then I go ahead
and draw that 300. But remember, we chose
something like 1 m. Yes, there. So I'm going to do that. But of course, we need to change the area from which it is drawn. So here, once we come here, we can select outside. It's actually the other one
which is on the inside. So you can see that that's the editing
line, the blue line. And depending on where
you put the wall, it will show here in
3D in the floor plan. Let's make a copy here. And then three again, this one to be on the outside. It says that that was
set aside as well. We can have a copy in this area and then we have
another copy in these areas. So let me mirror that or
change to the outside. And that should be like so. Right? So let's head over to the next lesson where we
will put in a flow slumps.
6. The Slab tool: Before we can have a fluff
Scilab for this house, we want to create
the story settings. So in order to set
up our stories, we might want to go
to the project map. And in here we want
to select the, we went to right-click on any of these stories and we can
go to stories settings. This is where we get the
story's setting settings from. So currently we have a ground
floor which is a 3 m high, and story one, which we can
rename to be fast flow. And the second story, which is going to be
our terrace or roof. I think we'll just have it
tell us there and below that, we can incite below here. If you click on insert below, we will have something here called street-level because
we have some street level. And how high is going
to be the street-level? I think only 600 because
we have only three steps. Yes. So 600 will be enough. That would be three steps going to the ground floor
level, which is at zero. And then we have the first floor flow in case we wanted to add
something above, e.g. you can say Insert above
and say perhaps roof plan, let me put here roof because we haven't
terrorists and then perhaps you can have
a roof up there. Alright, so that's
a simple way of setting up your stories. And now we can select the
ground floor and say, okay, it says that we
are on the ground floor. And you can see that
if we double-click, we are taken to
the street level. We are taken to the first floor, terrace and roof plan. Now, in further purposes of mentioning if you are coming
from something like AutoCad. But here even Aggie card, it's better for us to use the different flows in
order to draw the elements. Instead of drawing everything
on one sheet of paper, it is recommended that we draw each blend in each
respective flow area. So e.g. here we have
the ground flow brand. Right now let's start to
draw the floor slabs. And for that, we just
have a slab two here. And like we did for
the water tool, if we go to settings by
clicking on this icon here, we get this pet palette, which takes us to edit box, which takes us to
different elements here you can see
the first option is this simple layout which has one material you
and stuff like that. And then we have
this other element, which is a composite
element that you can set up with different layers stacked
up on top of each other. So for now we will just pick a simple one and we'll
make a simple slab of, I think slabs are
about to 50 high. And then we can go ahead. And the other thing we can
change is the model display. We can just change. The outline here says that it's the Kuwait at
the extreme end. And you see in a
moment why it's rough. And we can go ahead and
draw like we saw before. We have three methods
of construction. The first one is polygon, where you just draw a slab
like the way we did before. You can see that
now it's been drawn or we can draw rectangle. And as where we can draw a skewed rectangle,
Something like that. Let's use any of those. I'm going to pick. Let me select this lab again. And I'm going to pick
this middle one such that I'm able to draw
something like that. And you can see that
that is selected. And remember, if I have the
arrow selected, it's easy. The cursor turns into a magnet. And I'm able to select
this lab which is here. If this magnet is turned off, then it would be way harder to select that slab
which is here. Even if I hold down Shift, It's almost impossible
to select it. Be sure to have the magnet selected such that
you can be able to sit this slab
like so simple grid. So let's remove this
shape here because we want this area to
be street level. Like we said. Let's click on the edge. Once you click on the edge, you get a bit palette where
you have these options. And we can pick, subtract from polygon
and be able to subtract this
polygon right there. And then we can put in those small steps
with just this lab tool. And draw a simple slabs here, just simple rectangles here. I'm going to draw the first 1, s one, and the third one. Now, these three change
their height as well. So the very first
one need to see it. We can change the reference
to this line here. Let's go to the same
thing so you can be able to see it by Control T, which is the easy way
to go to the settings. We can change the
reference plane to this side if we have
the reference frame below. Whatever we, we demarcate here as the height from the ground is what
is going to be formed. So we can say this
should be negative 600, it should start from negative
600 and it will be 150. Great. And that will
be our first slab. The next slab is this one here. So if we go to settings, we want to make sure
that it's as well, is starting from zero. But this time it needs is
starting from the bottom. And it should be
negative 600 as well. But then this time this should
be 150 plus another 150, which makes it 300
mm high grades. And the final slab
with it selected, we can go to the settings
and make this one taller. So let's make this one
start from the bottom. But then this one is
going to be negative 600, which is the height,
this street height. And then this one would be 450 because it's 150 times three. Okay. So let's just look at what
that looks like here in 3D. I said to you understand
exactly what I'm talking about. Yes, we have something
pretty cool going on here. We have this step, this one, and this one. So therefore, go ahead and have these three slabs
and you can group them in order to have
them easy to select. In order to group them. You can go edit grouping. And you can see group
elements or these shortcut, which is Control G
that I like to use. So now they have been grouped
and they can easily be taken to another place
like holding down. By if we make a copy of this, we can have these steps
also, this other area. And remember, we
also need a copy of this to this space
which is them. Now, in order to have these
grouped elements selected, you can select them
one by one or we can. And as I spin group because
we suspended grouping before. So once we answer aspirin group, all of them will be
selected such that we can be able to move
them to this area here. But I think the best way
is for us to do it in flood plan such that
you can be able to see what's happening here. We can see that then
we have this here. And Benny, it needs
to stop here. And because we have
these elements grouped, It's not possible to edit them. So you want to make sure
that we suspend group again. Recess been so unless if you cannot be able to
edit your floor slabs, be sure that the grouping is suspended such that it's easy for you to draw
those elements. Bye, coloring these
edges, whites, we can be able to achieve
some nice colors if you have. So you can see we have
a floor slab here and we have these steps in here. Now in order to cover
up these areas here, we can go ahead and draw the walls that are supposed
to be on the street level. So once we go on
the ground floor, you can see that we need to be able to trace what's above. Now in order to trace, we have an icon here
which is for tracing. Once you. Turn it on, you
should be able to see elements which are below. Now that would work if we
were on the first floor, e.g. if we got the first floor, you can see that now we are tracing what's on
the ground floor. But now that we are on the
street level which is below, we might want to go in this drop-down here and choose
our reference to be above, because then our
ground floor is above. And now we can be able to see
snow peak the world to e.g. remember, we can pick
up parameter and pick the wall and then we can be able to draw
the wall across. So let's see if we are
actually able to do that. So let's choose this other
book, see being shaped. And now we have drone was across our streets here as well. Let's not forget to draw the 300 millimeter thick walls are going to make my words 300. And make it here. Make sure that I change
these to the single wall. And I can see that this has
been grown on the wrong side. So I will just flip that here. So there we make a
copy and put it here, leap that assistant or we still have this
on the same line. And then we can
make a copy here. And it could be there such that we close the gaps that were created because of
the Street View. Now, if we go to 3D, we should have those gaps
close though fried towards K, which is very, very amazing. Unlike this wall which
we need to get rid of. So we know that
to get rid of it. We can edit by
having it selected. And we have something
here called the split. So once you click on that, you can be able to
split this war. And in order to know
what to do with it, once you click on Split world, we have a status bar
at the bottom which there's you click an alkyl edge or draw a line to split
the selected elements. So that's how it works. So once you have that clicked, you can go ahead
and draw, Can edge. And then you can be
able to split that. Let's split again. Critique on this edge and
we can delete this war. So now we have something
much, much, much cleaner.
7. Add doors to the walls: Welcome back. So today we want to add some
openings as to these doors. And in order to do that, we went to the ground floor. So I'm going to do that
by double-clicking on the ground floor so that we
can see that trade away. So we have an entrance in this
area and this one as well. So for that, we'll go
to the DOE tool here. And once we double-click, we get to this dialog box
and we want to select the double door with transform because we want
to put some transom above. So first of all, we want to go to preview
and positioning, and we want to take
this to be 2.4 high, which it already is. But we want it to be
also 2.4 in width. And then again, we want to make sure that each
stats from the ground, so currently it's
100 from the ground. So we will say zero such that the ground
level is at zero. And then as well, don't live under those settings. We can change the
door leaf to be style or T. And as well, we can change the handle to
be one of these modern ones. This looks kind of cute. We can go with that. So once you click on
this drop-down here, we can go to
transform and change that transforms us
that it's event sash. And we can produce seed as well to fixtures and fittings and get rid of casings because
I do not think I need some casings in here and
that will be it for now. So as we said, Okay, I can come in here and
place the door in there. You can see that the first click is going to show us where
the light is coming from. And this is where the
light is coming from. And it can open to
the outside like so. We draw it as well. When they set aside
for good to 3D. You can already see
what those look like. Now that I see it, I think we should
make them metal, so with them selected. And then if we go to settings, we select more attributes, which is the one which is here. And we can be able to change
to uniform those surface, which is going to make
everything metal. So we choose mental minium. You can see that
everything has been turned into MATLAB minium
except for the Louvre's, which i2 desire
them to be metal. So m with n, I can see that this metal
or ammonium here and say, okay, and everything turns
into metal or ammonium, great. Then we need a dough here
much smaller than K. And in order for us to do it, It's also going to be in WE DO. We can measure here and see
it's going to be about 1.8. So in order to place it in, we need to go to settings. I can pick this one as
well, but that window, that door, it's essentially
going to be the same dough. So all I need to
change is 1.8 here. We say, okay, and
that is going to be in here so we can play, place that door right
there or right. And now we can place
this much smaller dose, which we can do by going
to the, those settings. This time. We look for a single
dose, but with transform, which I believe is
this one right here, single door with transform. And once we have that selected, we make sure that
it's 2.4 by 900. And we go down in here
in the settings and we do the same thing by
looking for saved 40. There you are. And we change the handle
to something like this. Under three. And then we go at the transform, we make it then
such transmission. Then we go to modal attributes. To make this. We check this to make
it uniform materials. There's M and MIT
has been selected. And then M as well
for the Louvre's K. And that's all for this one. So we can go ahead and decide how we're
going to place it. And I think it's important that it is placed facing
on the inside. Then here we can place it
and the light is coming from the outside but facing on
the inside those to indoors, but we also need to
put in those here, 1234 entering the law firms. So in order to do that, we tend to only two parameters
on these existing dork. So under preview
and positioning, we change this to 800 and then go under hinged
door settings. We will go all the way to the door leaf and change it from style for D to
something like 55. I think that's going to work. We will use that here. Yeah. There. And there.
8. Add windows to the walls: For the windows where
you went to use the window tool
which is right here. So let's pick your
window, the basic window. And we're going to do much
bigger window on this side, and smaller windows on
this other side, k. Right? So let's peek a double window. And we will put a
transform on it. And before we do that, let's go to preview and positioning and make
sure that we have 1.5 width and it's
going to be 2 m high. And since it's 2 m,
we need to start from around 100 from the ground. So we have that window. And under basic
settings we want to go here and scroll up such that we go to shape and enable
upper transform because we're going to
have an upper transom since it is 2 m high. We want this to be 1.6 sets that only 400 is
for that transform. And then we can change that to transform
to be a vent sash, yeah, in this sash options. And then as well, we need to change the model attributes such that it's metal. Aluminium can see only
one has been changed. But when we click on this thing, same as those materials
to everything. And we went as well, this slew Louver to be metal. Okay. I'll say Okay. And then that window, we can place it in here. And you can see it has
been placed in there. But we need some review, some window reveal so
we can at that here, think about 120 is I
said it's on the inside. Maybe that's a bit too much. It's use 100 such that,
yeah, much better. And it's also place
the same window here, read it splits and much
smaller window here. So if we go to the settings, use this double sash window. And this time we
need it to be 1.5. And it's going to be
one point too high, since it's one branch to
eat here to be one point to the distance from the
ground to the window itself. Because we are going to have some kitchen equipment
in this area. So the 1.2 is unnecessary
gap two from the ground. And like we did before, we can go here in the
settings this time we do not need the
sash, the vent sash. So all we have to do is change the way it's
going to appear in 3D. So let's make all of it
uniform and market metal. And that will be enough. And then that's
placed that in here. Okay. We have that window. And like we did before, we need to reveal some of it. So it's like 1 m for review. I think I put it in the
wrong, very wrong dimension. We select that again and
put in known unknowns, 100 not 1 m. That was a mistake. So let's just pick that wall and window and place it in here. So we have ourselves those
windows and then as well, we need a small window. It is going to be for these, these ones, but then
have a kitchen here. So we have the same window here. And as where we have
another window which is going to be here to make sure
to select that and move it, drag it to this point here. Okay, So let's add
in the final window, which is the small windows that are going to be on
the washroom groups. Okay, So in the settings
where you want to choose this small window and all we have to change
the dimensions here. So let's make it tiny 600
and we make it 1.2 as well. Hi, and that means that this one brings
to East fine for us. And then we change how
it looks like in 3D by enabling uniform material and putting in metal, aluminium. Okay, and then we can place
this window here as well. Review 100 here, and pick the same window
and place it in here. Okay? And we will place here and
buying any there as well. So let's inspect what that
looks like here in 3D. So you can see we have ourselves those
nice windows there. We have one for
the washroom here. Alright. We can see that the
Vint Cerf here, we placed it in the wrong
side of the window. And I feel like this
window is a bit too small. We can make it like 1.8, can be a little larger. But in the settings, we want to go back to
this sash options. Okay, so let's go here. Search auctions and change
this back to no grid. But make sure that in the drop-down we select
the transform, the transform that we
shall change to Vint sash. And that's more likely
how I imagined it. Okay, great. So those though,
windows and doors. And just before we leave, we could get rid of
these casings as well. So we can predict
even here in 3D, by holding down Shift
and clicking on these doors such that we
get rid of those casings, these metal casings, which you can do by
going to settings. And in the drop-down, you look for where
we have fixtures and fittings and get to read over the inside and
outside the casings. Just so that it looks neat
in the world there. Alright.
9. Place Furniture within the spaces: Now let's add some furniture to see how these spaces
actually work. Let's go back here
and the ground flow. And we tried to lay
out these basis. Okay? So for that, we go
to the objects tool, which is right here. Once you double-click on that, you should be able to
get this dialogue box, which displays the
furniture which is available in the native
wacky cat library. Okay. So in this case, e.g. is this nice chair. I like it. But in case you want
something else, you can type it in there and
it will be presented to you. E.g. I. Like it a bit. Let's begin with a bid. As you type it in there. I can, he's going
to search for it. And these are the bits
which are available. And I need it doubled bid. But the one which
has a side table inside bit taper to it. They, I'm likely going to need
only one of these tables. So in the layout, I need to make sure that I change the night table such
that it's on one side. Okay. That's all will be for this one and make sure that
it's on the ground. So I'll put in zero at the
height from the ground. And once I place it in, it should be at zero. So let's skip that says that I'm able to select it and
we place it in here. So it's quite simple. It's just selecting and
placing furniture in there. And it's trying to place
it where it is due. And below that, I think I need some piece of furniture here. So we'll go back
and get something. Let's look at the sofas that are present and it is small one. This looks nice. I think it's going to work. Say Okay. And we'll just place it in there making sure
that it's at zero, that's at the ground. Besides that it doesn't
float in the air. Okay. And then we have the 90. Do that. I think some you need to be aware
of how to actually rotate. And MEN do that says that you can see how
you actually rotate. So with it selected, you want
to right-click and go move. And then you have something
here called rotate, which has a shortcut here, Control E. So once you
have cliques that we want to make a horizontal line, which is this one here, along one of the signs
of this furniture. And then the next
time you click it, it will be rotated
to that place. It's not that hand. You can try it. It's nice. Next is another piece of furniture that to
remain need in this place, which is going to be I think, a coffee table, right? Well, this place, it's
quite a tiny space, but I think some of
this stuff looks good. I think I like
this coffee table. So we can place it here
just next to this table. And then we have a
kitchen area here which needs some of
these furniture. So let's go back. Look for a cook top. And I think this will do. You can go through the tops and maybe you
want something specific, like type eight here
on the cook top. And that's okay for now. We can place it in here and be sure to rotate
it the right way. These are knobs that
are controllable. So I imagine this
would be the buck. So in order to rotate it, like I said before, move. We say rotate. And we rotate a point each side such that this
is 90 degrees. And then we can drag
it into place by move drug and take one of these
corners and put it there. So we have ourselves
a cooked up. Then we also need
a corner in it. So we'll go ahead and look
for a kitchen cabinets. Okay. Okay, so this beginning one, so I can see we have
a corner on here and we can go ahead and
place it in this corner. You can see it's been
placed there that way wrong so we can mirror it. And in order to mirror, we have select that Phoenicia, right-click, move
mirror, Control M. And then we are able
to mirror that. Okay? And now we need this side
to be a little smaller. So we will take this down, hold down Shift to keep it in
line in the vertical sense. And let me first place
it by clicking on the outside and says that we can see where
it's supposed to be. Now when we bring it, we know that it's supposed
to be at that place. Okay. And we need one here, which is just going to
be straight cabinets, which is this one here. And base block cabinet.
We place it in. And like the ones before, it needs to be mirrored, because this is the buck
Control M to mirror. So I mirror that what
it right there and stretch it across such that it aligns with this
piece of furniture. So now we have ourselves
a kitchen layout here. And I feel like we need
a sink in this area. So he will do that by going to settings and making this
cabinet space sync. Let's go choose a cabinets and let's make it into a sink here. If we go to the drop-down, you can see that
we need to make. Here is sink. And you can choose any
type that you like. I think style nine
would be just fine. I say okay, and it has
been formed right there, although it looks way too small so we can stretch
it a little bit. And I think that the style
doesn't quite look nice. Let's see if we have any
other style in here. Stay with three, actually, because that was way too big, so we need them to
be the same size. This size? Yes. Like so. We can make this a little
smaller as well if we wanted. We could drag this across S
that it's more on the side of the window such that this sunlight goes through
onto that sink area. And as well, we need
some furniture within here within the washroom, which is just going to be a WC. So let's type in that
BC for close it. Close it. And you can choose the
type that you like. Just one to have a
default one in here. And that's simply done. Next, you can add
in a shower head. So let's put in shower. And it's best we removed WC. And these are the shots that we have and this shower
head is going to work. So go ahead and
place it in here. And we did select it. We can rotate it. Quick move, rotate. And we have it there. We have it came as well. We can have a top
cabinet if we wanted something here on the
top cabinet area. So we need to get
a wall cabinet, one of these which hung on top. Okay. And we can place it in here. And yes, it's supposed
to be rotated. So say Control E, Andrew rotated here and move this cabinet says that
it stretches because here we are going to have the hood
on top of this a place so we may not need to have
that there so we can move. This says that the window is
not in the cabinet itself, so we have some storage above. Let's look at what
those look like in 3D. And my guess is that this furniture has been
placed in this room. So I press or two, ovid says that I'm able to navigate and see
what's happening here. So we have some furniture here. We have kitchen
cabinets as well. It needs a tab on top. So this sink, you
can put it top. If we click here, we should be able to
sit up just the next. And you can add one here. That is a top there and
there is a sink area there. And then we can see
that we have a cooker. And then we have
some furniture, bed. Michelle are here together
with NWC in this place. That's a simple
layout which we can duplicate to the
rest of the rooms. So if we have the
object selected, we can say control a, which selects all of the objects that we
have in this scene. Because currently we have
only these as the objects. And you can see
that's an easy way to select elements
which are similar. Now we can make a copy
and put it in there, e.g. let's right-click. Move drug, copy. And we will move these
two right there. And that's where we need to mirror copy
to this other side. Then before we do that, we might want to get this
furniture out of the way. So I imagined for this rule, we are going to rotate
this furniture, says that it is usable
across, against this wall. And then this coffee table
can be somewhere, right? And it probably
could be smaller. Alright, so let's select all of those furniture and mirror. This time Control Shift M
in order to mirror a Coby. And we mirror from
this center here. And the furniture which was here is now mirrored
to this other side. Cool. Okay. Awesome. Now, I like to have some
pillows on these meds so we can select them and
go to the settings. And we can enable pillow, which we can do on bid
hedge your settings. We can just have
here pillow checked and they will be added
in there as well. The final piece of
furniture we can add would be a wardrobe. Says that these guys have
where to store the ACLU this by looking for wardrobe. And we have a few designs here. Let's use this one. Now. Let's just keep the defaults
and we'll place it in there. I'm going to drag it and
put it against this wall. So Control E to rotate. And against this war like so. In the settings you can actually change how it's
being represented. If we go to the settings and look at the symbolic
2D representation, you can change from by
bimodal view options, which we'll talk about later. But you can make it
seem more existed. It's one of those things. Yeah. So if that's what you like to see and we will need
a copy to be here. And then these two shouldn't be mirrored
onto the opposite side. Which is really awesome.
10. How to add a First Floor: Alright, welcome back. So today we are going to do the fast flow or these drawings. On the ground floor. You can see we have all these elements and we want to do the same thing
on the first floor. So let's just copy everything and put it on the first floor. And in order to do that, you can, with the
selection tool selected, you can select everything and copy it and paste
it on the floor. But what I like to
do is to remove the lines because I
do not need them. Or we can delete them later. So let's just copy control
C in order to copy and then paste this stuff on
the first floor, everything. Okay, so let's go
fast flow and control V. And it should be
pasted on the floor. Because what just
happened is that whatever was on the ground floor has moved to the first floor. And we have a few things that
we might need to delete. Like you can see, we do not need some
of these elements and we need to make
some changes obviously. So what we can do, select everything
here and delete. We do not need all of these
lines and these ones as well. And these ones also as well. And for the front, we do not have
these two windows, so I'm going to select
them and delete them. In. This feature will
actually moves to the end. So we move that by dragging
Control D to drag. And I'll put it on
the extreme end right there. This one as well. I'll select it, Control
D to drag and move it to the extreme
end somewhere here. Great. So now we
have ourselves a, an area for a balcony. So now we can expand this
if we so wish to the end. So I'm going to move this to the extreme end and move this one as well to
the extreme end. And as well, this one should
move to somewhere here because we have
cornea right there. Okay? And for this flow, we do not have these
when those door here, it's not going to be there. It will be at the extreme end. Let's actually keep it, but we'll put it at
the extreme end. So I'm going to drag
it and make sure that it's right there because we will make it into just a door that just opens to light up
this bulk this corridor here. Okay, great. So now we have ourselves an arrangement on
the first floor. One thing that I need
to change is this dose. So they need to be bigger
because currently it's 2.4. I'm going to go to the
settings and make it bigger. But by making it bigger,
I will have to make, to make three pins. So we might need to choose
another kind of dough. First of all, let's
make these beacons, make it 3 m. And after that, we want to go down and
look for the sidelight, the one with a sidelight. So Control Alt. And then I click. So this will enable us. When you control alt. Left-click enables us to have the same parameters
that are not changed, instead of going all over
to change these things. Once we control alt click, we have just what we need, but in the same with
everything set already. So now let's head over to this size shape where we can actually make
this a little bigger. Because it says said
light and it needs to be, I think, a meter or so. We look at how these
athletes affected, because I can see that now
the leaves have become 900. Maybe this could be like 950. And such that it's the door leafs are the ones
which are much bigger. Alright, so now we say, OK, and there we should have those, those transformed into
double dose with sidelight. We might need to come in and
position them correctly. We drag these to the side, making sure that perhaps
this touches right there. And then we need to mirror. This, says that the side
light is on this other side. So Control M to mirror. And then this dough, we move this side lights
such that this side light touches the beginning of
this pump, this cabinet. And now that's looking good. And then we need to get rid of this furniture because we
need a way to access these, these rooms in here. Okay? So we will need a normal DO like the ones
which are already existing. So pick the store
and move it here. And pick this one as well, and move it to this other side. Because when someone
reaches the first floor, they aren't going to go all the way out in order
to enter the house. Now that I look at it, I think sliding doors
would be a better option. So let's select these doors, go to Settings and
we're going to make them into sliding dose. By looking at the
category of sliding. Under here sliding, we choose
the same door that we have. But within sliding,
which is right here, I can see we have a
sliding door that has it transform and transform
undecided, right? Okay, so let's say
Control Alt, click. And that should pick up
everything the way it is. And that is looking good. Although, like we did before, we may need to make
these ones 950, like we did before, 950 and this 1950. And as well, they need to be
mirrored like we did before. Andro empty mirror and tap that may read to have
exactly what we need. Says that the
cabinets are not in the way as someone tries
to approach the outside. Okay. That is looking awesome. So let's look at what
that looks like in 3D. And just by those few steps, we have ourselves something
similar to what we saw at the beginning
of the video. Okay? So we have ourselves
this kind of pattern. You can see that we have those shelves within this
side light somewhere here, which is totally fine. Though now we want to change
these into folding though. It's stained it into
a folding door. So let's go and look
for loading dose. Okay. So we will pick this, Let's pick this one, which is this one here. But Control Alt,
Click to click them. And then we choose a
style like this one. I think the one that I use, whichever you choose,
it depends on how it will look like here. And I think we can make it only two pens
because those are multiple number of leaves. Let's use only two leaves. And that will work
for now, that fun. Andrew, come in and change
it to what we want to see.
11. Working with the stair and railing tools: Now we need a staircase
in this place, so we'll have to get rid
of some of these slabs to create wafers thick is
and I think as well, we may need to step
this a little bit back such that we can have a
railing in this place. Alright, let's do that. On the floor plan, we
will create the staircase starting from the ground flow that goes all the
way to the top. And we will do that by
using the stair tool, which is here in Arc get. And we'll use the
default things. We are not going to
change a thing and making sure that we change
the width of this test. So let's scroll up here and look at the width
here of this there. And we will make it 900. Yeah, as small as it can be. So let's start from right
here to place the staircase. And all we have to do is to
make a journey all the way to the end here. And these prompts us
to create this space that runs all the way to
this line again, we click. And as we're here, we do the final thing. And then once we have
placed it like so, we may need to clean
it up a little bit. E.g. here on this line, we do not need any step. So to clear that we make, we click on this edge. And then we go in here
in the properties here, and decide that that is a
landing that has no step on it. So we don't have any flight. Okay, so now that that's much, much better, then we also
need this leg to be balanced. These other ones.
So we might need to make these, these expand. But before we expand it, we may need to go to
settings and make sure that we have
a friendly razor. Because I believe right
now it's too steep, 200, which is too high. So we choose the
minimum which is 150, and see where that gets us. If that 150 is, it makes this, they're too big. I think this day is too huge. Maybe we can make
some compromise and choose something like 170 max as the maximum riser. So let's use 167 and see
whether we can work with that. So once we choose that, we now have the
liberty to come in and reduce this such that
it lines up somehow. You can see it's still too much. And perhaps 176 should
do the trick for us. And now we click on
the nodes to adjust. And I think this is way better. So much better. Balance
it out just a little bit. Tmi 100 says that it fits perfectly in there,
which is great. So once we go to
the first floor, like we said before, we need to select this lab and get rid of this
portion of this lab. So I said this deck and pass. So we will take a negative
here and be sure to create these moocs that allows
this to show up once in 3D. Now we have that space there, which allows this debt
run across like so. Alright, so now let's put some
reading both on this ray, the staircase and here. Alright, so the first
kind of reading, we will just use
the default Rail. So let's say okay, and just space hold down the spacebar to
click on this area. You can see it's going to
be formed on the inside. And I'd like it to be
formed on the other side. Okay. So we change that and
make sure that it's it's formed on this other
side along the staircase. That's okay. And then next is we need
to be able to create. Recs on this, on this balcony. So let's dress in a
buttress reference. And because we had already
changed the reference, we might change it back by
choosing below current story. So I said we are able to see what's happening on
the ground floor. By turn this off, you
can see it goes off. If I turn it on,
you can see that now we can see what's
happening on the ground floor. Now we select this lab and
we want to be able to remove just a little portion of
this design purposes. Let's remove about 1,000, 100. Yeah, that should look good. It's just remove a small
portion here. Hundred. Alright. Let's see what
that looks like in 3D. You can see that we
have some kind of races that allows
these to go through. So around this area. And then we have the rating which is
happening here on this side. So now let's have
some glass reading on this area which
overlooks the balcony. And we'll do that by
selecting the rating tool. And once we go to
favorites right here, that has already some
predefined gradients. I think maybe that can work. You can go ahead and modify
as you wish to have e.g. for me, I don't think
this is important. I'll get rid of it. Which means I need to
make these taller. So with it selected, go to inner post
settings and just make it only has about 50 mm from up, such that it gets to
be a little taller and make this dog breeding
to be thicker. Right now it's 70, let's
just make it like 75. It's 40. Let's make
it identified. And what else? Let's make these a
little thicker as well. They tend to be way too small. Let me make an amount about 35. The posts as well can
adjust the thickness. Let me make them around 40, says that they're bigger
than this horizontal member. Now, this is the glass. The glass we can decide how far it is from this other side. I think a gap of like 15 mm, just the taller tolerance
is enough for the side. From the top, from the top, I think 100 is still fine. Okay, So let's show that you can do that either in 2D or 3D. Here in 3D, we can click the first point node and go ahead and click
holding down shift. We can click on the final point by
double-clicking actually. So you can see it
has been formed. And because it's at
the extreme end, we might want to move it back to where we specified
right there. Because that's where it's
going to be needed most. Okay. And then we drag a copy and place it along this thing. Now you may need to go to 2D and verify wherever it's
in the right place. And you can see that the second one is
not quite there yet, so you can delete it and just pick this and
make sure that it is coming to shift D and move it to that place. Awesome. Isn't it?
12. Adding the terrace level: Let's add the third
floor to this thing. Alright, so we will go to the Paris because that's going
to be the terrorists part. And we want to have this
staircase in this place. So let's grab this staircase on the ground floor and
its rating as well, and paste them on the
first floor because we need them to take
us to the terrorists. Okay. Copy control C. And then I will paste it
on the first floor, right? Just on top of this. That will do alright. And now we have ourselves a something that
comes to the terrace. Right then. We've addressed enabled, makes sure that you
have trace enabled, and also making sure that you
choose below current story. It says that you are able
to see on the story below. Alright. So let's say that's
now we want to create, we want to create
a space in here, which is for the caretaker. So let's pick a wall and
begin to draw the place here. So let's use the center line in this case and be able
to draw something here. It looks like this wall is way
thicker than what we need. So select it and make it 200. Okay, so let's select
it, make it 200, alright, and peak it and be the one that we
will use. Okay? And let's say go all the
way to somewhere here. Because we have a
rule displays here. And I'll close it
off this other side. In order to intersect these, you can select this, both these walls
and hit Intersect, which is this icon right here, intersect and those
to be intersected. And then we can create a door
that goes on the outside. So holding down Alt, we can pick the one which
is on the forest floor, the one which we are
seeing on the terrace. So all left-click is
going to peak that. Do you can see that
door has been selected. And we can go ahead and put
a door here that runs to the outside to have it
terrorists in this area. And then we need to
know that enters into the caretaker's house. Okay. And in the caretaker's house, all we need is one bed,
so that furniture. So let's just take this bid
and a piece of furniture, copy that, and have it
on the first floor. And then make sure
that we pick a slab as well on the first
on the first floor. So hold down old critical in this slab and then we'll put
it on the first floor here. And you can see that we have it may take it all the
way to the very end. Because we need this lab
to run across this entire, but because we are going to have it terrorists at this area and the rest of these other paths are
going to be roofed here. We have a roof here and the
roof on this other side. Alright. And now we can open up, let's open up this side. We've a window. And most probably it's going
to be this one which is on the ground floor is good to the ground flow and
peak this high window, the side window we used
for the kitchen area. Let's pick this one
by clicking it. And then we'll go
to the terrorists. And we will have it
here that is going to be overlooking here to provide
light into that space. Then we also need a window. Small one. I think this will
work for this area. Let's see what that
looks like here in 3D. And we have also something
pretty cute up there. Then you can see we will
have a terrace in this area. And then we have that
window and then we need this opening
on this stair case. I said we have enough
light entering onto the staircase. Alright. And for that. We will create we can create one wall which
runs all the way to the top. But since we have
already created 1 mol here and
another one there, let's just create a single
door window opening. And then the rest here we can put openings, empty openings. Okay? So let's go here on the ground flow and decide
to put a long window. Let's speak like this. This one that we will
make it very tall. And it's going to be
like five data store. Let's make it like
that from bits, make it start from 1.5. After the landing of this one. We make it start from right there and then we
can make it like I've made does I don't
know what that could be. And I think we keep
everything else as glass. And let's say that we have
this one, this place. Okay? So let's see what that
will look like here in 3D. Of course, it's
going to show here. And then it will disappear
into these other worlds. So if I select it, you can see that it's meant to go all the way to
the top bits actually make it even taller by making
it go all the way to here. Alright, that's what
we desire to see. But we will have to create an empty opening here and
an empty opening here. So we'll do that by
using this Sims opening. It says, pick these opening, go to the first floor and make sure that we
make it an empty opening. For good settings. We have here under Window, we have empty opening. Okay? So this one, we can
say Control Alt. Click says that we have the
same dimensions that we had. We have the empty opening and there where we put
that empty opening there. And also on the on
the terrace flow. Although we did not
walk on the height. So we might need
to do that in 3D. So you can see that we have some issues
here to deal with. So let's select
these empty openings and make sure they all start on the ground flow by putting
in here zero, right? Base that on day zero. And after that, we make
sure that this very one, which is kind of hard to select, make sure that you have
the window selected. And I have it selected here. And you can see that
it's really tall, so we can take it from either
way where it is up here. I think. Yes. Or we can measure press M to measure
to make sure that we know how high this
is. This is 2.4. So that's all we can
make this window to point to one, okay? That's what we need. And we need to go
ahead and get rid of these slabs which show
up on these areas. So let's go to the
ground terrace. And we'll sit minus to get
rid of this staircase. Go to the first floor. With these slab selected, we can expand these
openings such that we get rid of that opening. And now we should
pretty much have a window which cuts
across the entire thing. Alright? And I can see that it
flushes with this, so we can reduce this to make it like 50 says that
the window comes out. Yeah, something like
that. All right. That's looking cool. Although now we need
these to be really tall. We need, we need the separation to run all
the way to the top there. And then we can have like
two more divisions in here. Score as well. If we wanted to get rid
of these guidelines, we can change the glass to be
the type, the opening type. Let's go here in Windows settings and change
the opening type from say, down to fixed glass. If we change it
to fix the glass, we will not have
those lines in there. So fixed glass, everything. And then we need to
go to such options. And the main sash, we divide it. We can use HV grid, which is going to be divided. Color is the
horizontal divisions are these ones which are
going to be vertical. Horizontal division is
going to be only one. And then the vertical divisions
are these ones switch, which will make us a
horizontal divisions. And those can be two. And we do the same
for the second one. And make into h v grid, the horizontal is
going to be one. And then the vertical
divisions are the ones which make the
horizontal Booleans. It's going to be two. And then we make
sure that we have a height that we did this
thing insignificant. Let's make it like 50
mm thick such that it is this waste beaker. Okay? Alright, I say, okay, and then we should
have these disappear, and then we should
have those divisions. So we can see we
have two divisions, which is this one and this one. But we might need to
have perhaps three. Okay, so let's change
that in the settings and make sure that
it's choose three. Man go here, make
these three as well. I would love to get some divisions in the
shape on the transformer. It's divided up. That transient really
looks not right, so it should divide up there and have
someone divisions in here that she's looking cool. Don't you think that's enough for this video is
great into the next where we will look at how to
actually prove this thing. Get done with the model.
13. Add A Roof to the building: Alright, so let's
remove this thing. So we're going to have a roof
that goes all the way to this other side and some other roof that
pause to this other side. And we will use a
small beach, true? If I think about seven
degrees would be enough. So let's go to the terrace and then we put those
roofs right there. For the roof tool. We want to pick the
roof directly here. In aggregate, we have
a roof tool here. And this time we will choose the very first option
which is presented to us, which is the simple profile. If we wanted to
see the settings, we can go to the dialog
box once we click here. And you can see this is where we change the
parameters from. The very first option, which is there by default, is a compensator of which has different materials
added to them. But for this case, we're just
going to take a simple one, which is this one here. And we can decide how
thick it is going to be. And I will use I think I know what 300
would be enough because we use the wall which is 300 for the part which
shows at the front. So I think 300 would
be a good combination. And like I said, we will
use seven degrees of angle. And we also need
it to be vertical. We need it to be at 90
vertical like this. Perpendicular is the word
ok. And then as well, we need to have how
high it's going to be. I think 3 m is fine. And we need to see what
it's going to look like so we can enable
these surfaces. So we want these to be looking like the
way that we chose. I think stucco white. Is this is okay. Then stuck away
too rough is okay. And then we have these roof
which is going to be gray. I think this gets asphalt
roof as far as gray, which is what I love about this. We need the roof in
here and because we have it at 3 m high, so we might want
to take it to zero if we're drawing
it on the floor. So let's take it to zero, says that it's on
the ground here. So let's draw a reference
line, reference line here. Once we have drawn that line, you can see the stilling us to click for the upward pitch of the roof so it needs to
face this other side. And then we can be able to
create this kind of shape. So we need it to be like so you can see that it
covers this pad pretty well. Let's go ahead and
create the same. On this other side, we create a line. And then we specify where
the roof should face. And then we draw our
service this shape. But then after
drawing this shape, we may want to get rid
of this other side. So we say minus by clicking
on any of the edges. And then we can go ahead and
get rid of this portion. I can't quite see where the
rest of this stuff are. So I'm going to assume for now and then I can go in and clean it up after
you have opened up. Okay, so let's open up and bring this
whole array to them. So right now we have
that proof that for as they're right there, if I select this one, it should pour down here. Alright, Then before we go into 3D to see what's happening, we need to also roof this
pace which is in-between. And I will use a slab for that. So I will add the
polygon shape here. I'm going to add all the way. There. We go 3D. Let's go to the 3D and
see what just happened. We should have our
serves, the tool roofs. Okay? We have
ourselves this roof, we have ourselves that roof. And as where we have ourselves a flat roof on top
of these corridor. Alright, so now we need these
words to go all the way up, says that we are able to trim them according
to their roof. So let's go ahead
and take some of those roofs up so we can go e.g. on the first flow and
pick and pick them, or even we can pick
them from here. E.g. we can pick this war. And for purposes of visibility, we can hide how this roof is represented
in the flood plan. If we go to the settings, we can say that let's temporarily hide the
floor plan display. Here. Once you scroll down, you have what we call cover few. If we hide that cover for you, now we should be able to see
what's happening beneath. Says that we make
decisions on what to draw. If we pick the one which is, let's pick any wall here, and we will draw it on
top of this one here. Okay? But making sure that
it's in the right place. And as well, we need to
pick the one which is here. Then we have a bigger wall here. So we will pick that we're the
one which is beneath here, and we'll draw it. Let's flip such that it
faces the right direction. And let's flip these. It's flipped this one as well to make it fit
the right direction. And we'll go ahead and do
the same for this one. And let's do that. Let's really nice, okay? And, uh, also we
will have to draw these very roof here because we have a rough going
over that side, because we will be able to
see what's happening here. So now we can go ahead and
trim those walls to that, to that, to that surface. Okay? Here in 3D, you can see
those words, weight torr. So we may need to
get this and trim them to roof by clicking on this icon, which is right here. And we click, double-click
on top of this roof. So once we double-click
there, Record, should shrimp elements
to the roof. Like so. Which is really nice, right? Let's go ahead and do
the same for this side by selecting all these walls
which are cut by this roof. And then we go here on
trim elements to roof. Well, you can select
the roof as well. And right-click and say, and say Connect, and you
say trim elements to roof. And then God is going to ask you whether you need to
use that roof to trim. And there you have it. You have it trimmed. Pretty great. We have
one more to go here. And let's also inspect
this other side. We have another one
here to create, which is pretty simple. So let's go here on the floor plan and
identify that we actually need a wall in this place there, which means our roof
should be able to cover the entirety
of this place. We can expand it by clicking
on this X offset edge. And there we have it. It goes all the
way to that place. And as well, we need to
use the same one and create the world which
should be on top of this. So let's make a copy this, put it in this area, and move it all the
way to the end. And do the same in this place. And let's see what that looks like in 3D so we can trim it. Well. Alright, so you can see that this stuff
is going through. So we can go in there and
trim elements to this roof. Double-click. And it will be
treated to the roof. We select this one as well. And selects the elements. And double-click
such that we are able to trim element to room. Right? Now when we go
here in elevation, it looks really, really neat, ok. And then as well, we need a roof, this patch right here. So we need a roof to be like so. Let's go ahead and create it. So I'll pick this roof and
then I'll go on the roof plan, which is the topmost flow. And I will draw
that roof on here. So all I need is a line on this page and I specify
where the roof should face. Continue to draw that. And then we also need to
have walls on this side. So I'll pick ones from the
floor beneath its peak like this will go up and be
able to draw those walls. Let's pick a mux here and
be able to draw fees. These, and let's change the reference to
the outside here, something like that
says that there was a directly on top. And then as well, I think we need to
get rid of this one. This one is not necessary. So like I told you, we need to suspend grouping such that we are able
to select this one and delete it because this is
going to be low in 3D. Let's see what's happening. We have an element like so. And all we have to do is select these walls and
trim elements to flex. So double-click on the roof. And that looks very, very good. So to crown up this flow, we just need to have a
railing in this place. I think let's choose that glass framing and
drop it in there. So let's go on the ground floor. Actually the first floor. Pick this reading by
clicking such that we pick it with all its parameters and then we go to the roof. And the roof, but
the terrorists, because that reading is
going to be on the tellers. And we start to draw
it on the inside, make sure it's being
drawn on the inside. And also moving inward. So we can expand it to be
in the middle of this war. Expanded such that it's
within this wall K. And I think perhaps
we may need to expand it such that its
way along this whole, Let's see what that
looks like in 3D. So you can see what I'm
talking about, right? So you see, we have
something going on here. This, we may need to push
it all the way to the end. So we don't have anyone diving. Now cross that space. Okay. Yeah, it looks pretty
convincing and like it. Okay. So let's head over to
the next lesson where we just finish up the
module by landscaping.
14. Add a Street level: Alright, so let's get done with this modelling part
of this thing. So we have a street-level to put here and also some
spacing up here. So let's do that
with the mesh tool. Because the mesh is what creates the ground around this big mesh. And we will draw the mesh across these design starting from
where these buildings dots. Let's just do draw a simple mesh in this place.
And do you know what? I think we're going to draw
it across the entire space. You can see that by default
we have something in the mesh which signifies
that that's grasp. But for this case I want to use some other materials
which are not grass. So I'll go ahead and let's
expand this such that they're building breathe is a little k even behind
something like that. And then this one is going to be negative one-fifth just
for one state, right? And let's go ahead and
go to the settings. And this time we're going
to get rid of this cover. Phil and Lil change this
surface to be picked because I imagine across the building will just have paving, simple paver. And they've meant for e-commerce
is going to do for us. Okay, So now we have ourselves
a simple mesh and paved. And then below that we will
have also a street-level. So this would the street level
on the streets area here. So let's click that. Put this street level in this place in order to see
it and align it on the toe, we may want to change the reference layer by choosing the reference
to be above. When we do that, now we can see
whatever is happening. So we have something like so. And remember, this goes inward. So we may need to add
this pass place here. So we can add this small
section here, here in plan. And as well on the ground floor, we can subtract it from this
polygon, from this mesh. Besides that, it
doesn't hide our steps. Okay? So be sure to remove this part says that
we are able to see our steps in this area. Okay? So here in 3D, we should get something like so, which is not bad. It's suddenly where
we will begin from. For the sake of representation, we might want to turn
this stuff down. E.g. this one, we need
it to be at zero, says that it aligns
with building like so. But then this one can
stay where it is. Then we can make this shorter. Let's make this 500 perhaps, and make it longer. Instead. Says that we have more space. Maybe we have a car
park in this area. And for this one, we can make it shorter by
clicking on any of the nodes. And then we can
reduce the height, says that it aligns
this one right here. And to avoid this
flickering effect, we may want to take this back. And let's take it back by 2 m. Because we would love to have
something happening here. And as where we'll take
this back by 3 m, okay? Although this is going
to affect flood plan, so what I recommend doing, you can see that we have
some lines crossing through our loop glands
which don't make any sense. So we can just add these parts, this part like so, such that it gets
hidden within there. And let's add this
paddle-like so. But anyway, it doesn't matter. We will have to do to
work it out later. So I usually like to push this inside such that it
doesn't show at the extreme, at the ends, at the ends, at the wall surfaces. And what that leaves us
with is space between. Between this level
and that level. And we need something
to feel up here. And with that we can
use the mesh itself. So let's use this mesh, the one which we already have. So let's draw, even here in 3D, Let's just draw a
simple elements, which is that roof and you can see it fills that
gap pretty well. And as well, we need
to get to reduce this ever so slightly such
that it doesn't affect. And also let's create a simple Few mesh in this area. And once we have created it, the beauty about mesh is
that we can elevate them. E.g. we can elevate this node by clicking
on elevator node, which is the last options that you have on
the pit palette. Then you can see that this node is being elevated to this point. And then we can edit
this node to this point, which is kind of cool, right? So now we have bridged the gap between this level
and not at level. So people can get, get across. And we'll do the same
for this space here. Econ, this node. Take it to the top and
click on this node. Take it to the top and we have ourselves something pretty cool. Alright? Then something that I didn't noticed on
the ground floor. We have these large dose here which don't make
any sense really. And opening like this is not really space efficient because our design is quite compact. So I would think that
maybe we should choose sliding doors instead
of this swing dose. For this, this one
can be side hangs. I can be this type of door, but perhaps we can flip it. So let's select this window, which is not easy to select. And in order for
you to select it, you may want to hold
down shift but then keep pressing tab when you're
around this area, especially on the nodes. So you can see once you hold down Shift and
keep pressing Tab, you're able to change to
different things and you can see you can select it. Once it's selected,
I want to flip. It says that this
one opens inward. Says that once you
go onto the steps, you can open our world. But then these two doors, we can make them sliding. So let's go to the second, to the settings, making sure that we do not
change any dimensions. We will go to sliding doors
and look for a similar, similar dose which
is going to be endowed with a transform. Great, So this is what we want. So you don't want to
click it directly because you will lose everything
that we have setup already. So Control Alt to click. And then it means
that we will keep everything that we
have in the settings. The only thing that's going
to change is that it's going to be a sliding door. And that's really awesome. So it goes up some space. So we just have one here where you can slide back
and you enter the house, which is kind of cool. And then finally,
before we leave, the other thing that I did
notice is that this store, we can make it a little better
such that it looks good. Let's choose another
type of door, e.g. so we will make
it a single door, a single pen door. I'm going to make keeps
an EHV grid instead. Then of course, it's going to be two leaves since
it's a folding door. And I need to go to the
settings of this Malian. Okay, so let's go. In the width. Currently we have only 12, so let's make it a little
thicker, maybe 50 mm. But then I need to work on this. The horizontal, Let's
keep it as one division. But then vertically, I can
put as many as I like. In this case, I think I'm
going to put over 15. I think 15-20 should be a
nice number to work with. Okay. I think that looks way better. It looks way better,
in my opinion. And for that case, I think I'd like
to have some ward in this place because this
too much metal going on. So for this one, I'm going
to have it selected, go to the Settings, and then I will choose a
model attributes here. The very first model
attributes such that I change these into wood mahogany. So let's go to
some old mahogany. And that will do for me. Okay. I think that's pretty cool, isn't it? Right. You can see in just a few
steps we have ourselves a clean and nice
model to walk with. Alright, so the first part
of this series is done. So we can head over to the
next part where we create working drawings that can be used to be able
to do this thing.
15. Outro: Hi everyone. I am really glad that
you have made it to the very end of this
training series. And I hope that you did learn a thing or two in the process of making your very fast
storied building in aggregate. And so I can't wait to see what you have
done by yourself. So be sure to share those in the discussion and to
keep the discussion going and also get some help in case you
encountered any challenges. And therefore, I would encourage you to check out
Analytics Studio on YouTube because we
have a huge library of videos that can help you in your journey of
creating designs like this one in architects software. Now this has been part one
of the design development. But then we have a patch tool because we need to know how to document this 3D model
into 2D drawings, which you can handle
that were contractor. And the contractor
may be able to implement this thing
on the ground. And as well, we need
a pad three to create stunning images that you can be able to present to your client. Because the model is great
and it looks, looks good. But then we need to
take it a step further because with the
advancement of technology, we need more photo-realistic
images that can be breathtaking as we present to the client and give
a good impression. So we shall be able to
explore those using some other software such
as lumen or twin motion. And I will be preparing for 2D motion specifically
in the bath three. And if that's something
that you're excited to see, please follow Analytics
Studio here on Skillshare. And by the numbers of people
who will be following our, I will get to know that this thing is something
that you're interested in and soil will speed up the process of
preparing those videos. Otherwise, I am really
grateful and stay creative.