Live Encore: Drawing Expressive Faces | Charly Clements | Skillshare

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Live Encore: Drawing Expressive Faces

teacher avatar Charly Clements, Greeting Card Designer and Illustrator

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Drawing Eyes


    • 3.

      Drawing Mouths


    • 4.

      Creating Skin Tones


    • 5.

      Pairing Colors


    • 6.

      Drawing Figures


    • 7.

      Adding Faces


    • 8.

      Adding Hair & Clothes


    • 9.



    • 10.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

Grow your illustration skills and confidence—while having lots of fun drawing!

Illustrator Charly Clements truly believes that drawing faces doesn’t have to be scary—but she knows it’s something a lot of people struggle with when getting started on their illustration journey. In this hour-long class—recorded using Zoom and featuring participation from the Skillshare community—Charly will walk you through three fun exercises to help you get more comfortable with drawing faces and figures. 

You’ll start by brainstorming as many variations on basic facial features as you can, quickly creating a library of eyes, noses, and mouths you can pull from when you’re feeling stuck. Then, Charly will walk you through how she creates natural-looking skin tones, and pairs them with clothing colors that really make things pop. Finally, you’ll bring everything together to create a whole page of quirky characters, practicing creating different body shapes, combining different facial features, and adding a lot of personality through hairstyles and clothing. 

Throughout the class, Charly will encourage you to remove any pressure to create something perfect and instead enjoy being creative and playing around with your drawings. Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned illustrator, you’re bound to learn something from Charly’s approach! Plus, students who participated in the live session were able to ask Charly questions, so you’ll get to learn more about her journey and process. 


While we couldn't respond to every question during the session, we'd love to hear from you—please use the class Discussion board to share your questions and feedback.

Meet Your Teacher

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Charly Clements

Greeting Card Designer and Illustrator


Hey, I'm Charly!

I’m a greeting card designer and freelance illustrator from the UK, mostly known for my stylised portraits and fun colour palettes. 4 years ago I decided to sell all my belongings and travel around the world armed with only my iPad Pro. I now run my creative business full time from my laptop and iPad, working on projects that I love, collaborating with dream brands and licensing my work out to stores around the world.

You can find my work online and in stores internationally on mugs, greeting cards, apparel, and more. 

I love sharing my latest work, process videos and mini tutorials on Instagram and YouTube so feel free to check them out :)

Join our amazing creative communit... See full profile

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1. Introduction: I know that drawing faces can be quite intimidating. I think a lot of the time we put so much pressure on ourselves to have a finished project or have something that we have to show people. I wanted to try and put some exercises together for you guys to just sit back, relax, and just enjoy some drawing. Hi guys, I'm Charlie. I'm a greeting card designer, freelance illustrator from the UK. I'm currently in Thailand. I specialize in greeting cards but also create skillshare classes. And I also have fun faces prompts that I do on instant about as well. In today's class, I wanted to walk you through three fun exercises. We're going to start with drawing some fun features and exploring some stylized characters. We'll then be moving on to skin tones in exercise two. I'll just be sharing my process on how I create my skin tones. I know that that is something that you guys struggle with a lot in my other class. In the third exercise, we're going to bring everything that we've learned in five exercises together. And we're going to create some more of poses and explore creative movement and personalities through the shoulders. That's another thing that you guys message me about in my last class that you found your As. To be quite rigid and stiff. I want to try and create an exercise that will loosen you up and most importantly, just have fun. I think getting started is always really hard. I love the fact that we can just be forced to start drawing here together. I hope after you take this class you gain more confidence. Enjoying faces. I know it's an intimidating topics. I want you to just have fun, let go of any perfectionism you have with your illustrations and enjoy the class. This class was Recorded life and I got to interact with the audience. As I was creating, working, and drawing. It was so much fun. Drawing characters, doesn't have to be scary. So let's get started. 2. Drawing Eyes: My name is Tiffany Chow. I work on Skillshare's community team. I will be the host for today's live class with Charlie [inaudible]. Hey, guys. I just wanted to say thank you so much for joining us today. I'm so excited to have this community where I can share some of my knowledge with you guys. In today's class, I'm going to be sharing the three fun exercises for you guys to just stretch your creative muscle. We're going to start with drawing some fun features and exploring some stylized characters. Thank you so much Charlie. Why don't we go ahead and dive right in. Brilliant. This is going to be excise 1, and I want you guys to start exploring different features. I've just divided my page into three parts, eyes, nose, and mouth. I want you guys to try and fill up the page as much as possible with different style of eyes. You can follow along with how I'm drawing them, but I'd also like to maybe see you guys trying to use your imagination and just play around with different styles of eyes, nose, and mouth. Once we've created this, we can move on to exercise 2. I'm going to start by using my 6B Pencil Brush in Procreate. This is a really nice brush that has this nice textured feel to it, and we're going to go in and start drawing different features. With this exercise, I love to do it to unwind and stretch my imagination a bit. I'm not going to look at any reference photos, I want you guys to maybe sketch out maybe 10-15 different eyes, and then if you're really struggling, either follow along with me or maybe go in Pinterest and have a look at some cartoon eyes. I'm going to explore different shapes, and start to draw different characters. With these eyes, I like to have this cat-like eye and some, and then I'll bring this arch up like this, and then I can create the iris. When I'm drawing eyes as well, I could explore with doing a circle now, and then having the iris to the side to indicate the direction of the character's gaze. I'm not going to spend too much time on this because there are a few things that I want to show you guys today, but I want you guys to get in the habit of loosening up. Getting rid of that perfectionism and drawing for the sake of drawing rather than worrying about the outcome. If this person's really tired, I could give them some really droopy bags under their eyes, straight away you know that person is tired. Then if I'm having this down eye, you can see this sinister look just from a few different marks. It's amazing from these little tweaks that you can create in your eyes, you can completely change the emotion of your character. I'm going to play around with different shapes. If I've done a more simple shape, I could go in with having the eyes like this and then play around with having some of the eyebrows going up like that, and having that suspicious look for your character. When you're creating your characters, there's so many ways that you could create a stylized character just from changing up the features. You can try with really big eyes and having this eyelid come over like this. I want you guys to spend about maybe 10 minutes trying this out. I could have some eyes like this where you have the tear duct in the middle, and having these lines to emphasize the eyes a bit more. We can go as detailed or simplistic as you want with this, and add some little lines, and play around with all of the different shapes. I'm going to go in with these dotted lines here and having some eyes. Also when I'm creating my characters, I normally add some wrinkles or play around with the eyebrows, so the thickness of the eyebrows as well. Then you can have sleeping eyes like this, really simple again, or you can have eyes that curve in an arch to illustrate someone who's laughing or who's really happy. If you have eyes going down like this, with the eyelids drooping down, just by changing the slope of the eye to downwards and this way, it shows that your character's really worried or scared. Those small tweaks can make such a difference. There's a question from the audience on how to do puppy dog eyes. Puppy dog eyes. Wow. I'm not actually used to drawing animals that much. Maybe you can go for a cute character. I suppose having those puppy dog eyes that always look like they want something, and you can maybe go for something like this, where the eyelids are looking quite cute. You could have the eyes or having folds of skin coming over the eyes to show that skin fold. But I think puppy dog eyes look cute, so I think as long as you keep the eyes quite cute and have that reflection as well going off, gives that really sulky look to a dog character. But hopefully, that answers your question. That's awesome. It's pretty amazing how you could do that in just a few strokes. I'm amazed at myself too. You should hopefully have a few eyes to play around with in exercise 3. I want you now to move on to the nose. If you are struggling or feel like you need some reference photos to help you out, that's not a problem. Hopefully, you've come up with some of your own ideas as well. 4. Drawing Mouths: I'm just going to go onto the mouth now. And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask as long as it's no more animal drawings actually. Do you feel like it's important when you're sort of developing or creating a signature style to always use sort of the same types of these features, Noses, eyes, mouth, et cetera. Yeah, that's a really good question and I think it's important at the beginning, especially to explore all of these styles. When I first started, I went through so many different before I kind of found the style that I liked. So it's really important to just explore as much as possible. You don't have to share all of these things as well. That's the amazing thing about these exercises is they can just be for you the pressure is off to stay consistent. Because there's been lots of times where I've done exercises where I've found something that I really love. And I'll incorporate that slowly and subtly into my own illustration without it being an obvious shift in style. As like if you look at my old Instagram, I have so many different styles at the beginning. And that was all part of the creative journey for me. It was to find what worked for me, what I enjoyed working with, and I wouldn't have been able to get to the style I'm at now if I just kind of stuck to one thing. So I think experiment as much as possible and don't feel the pressure to share it all the time on Instagram. If you don't feel comfortable with that. But just make sure that you're exploring in your free time with Mouse. I'm just going to explore some lips for a while. Just to kind of show this that the top lip is normally smaller than the bottom lip. Again, you can play around with having open mouth, maybe having teeth. Or if you want to go more simple, you don't have to add any teeth in. I sometimes like to add this cartoon tongue and it open mouth as well, which is quite nice as well. You can just go for the simple smiley face with that tiny little dimple on the side and just have a little mark here to emphasize where that mark is between the lip and the chin. Yeah, I normally just go for the very simple lips. But like I said, if you are working with a client that does want something a bit more expression, it is important to practice these gestures just in case they want a little bit more motion in your character as well. Do a big smiley face, and then sometimes you can just hint at the ellipse as well without going fully on the line. If you're working with, say again, a profile and you want a mouth on the side, you can have slip come down and then you can have this kind of bum chin that I quite like to do sometimes with my characters. There's a request from the audience to see a gap tooth smile. A gap tooth smile. Okay, of course I'll try and do this stretched out V. Then I'll close it off with this line. And try the line here. Then I like to create all the teeth and then remove part of the teeth. If you can see that, I'll just zoom in guys. I'll fill this in dark. And then to have this just thick line that would just emphasize the gate a bit. Then you can have some lighter lines for the teeth here showing where the teeth start and carry on, but then showing that they have a gateoth. You can go as detailed as you'd like that but hopefully that grmalous there. But hopefully that illustrates the point for you guys then, because I think we are definitely more prone to drawing female characters. I think I see that a lot in my students. There's probably a lot more visual interest in terms of creating lips and having make up and obviously hairstyles a lot more. There's a lot more variety in that. If you are creating lips, just again, just really try and hint at the lips without putting too much emphasis on it. And normally the brow line will be, I think that's what it's called. You can also try and create more of a male lip there as well. It's not always looking like they're wearing lipstick or have really plump lips. I'll just try one more mouth and maybe I could do one that's really wide and showing the Dan. Hopefully everyone's following along so far. I hope you'll just enjoy yourself because I think that's I really wanted to get out of today is just to kick back and just have some drawing review. You guys, hopefully you should have a page full of different styled features. If you are finishing off that, I'll just give you a few more minutes. Once you have finished this page, I just want you guys to click on the spanner here, click on Share, and just save it as a Jpeg. We'll come back to that in exercise three. I'm just going to save image, not worry about that too much. That is the end of exercise one. 5. Creating Skin Tones: Now that we're wound up, I'm going to show you how to create skin tones that are realistic. I'm just going to hide this layer now. Just move on to skin tones. Now, in this exercise, I want you guys to just put any color down, but have this color on different layers. We're going to change each spot to fit a skin tone. We're going to go from light all the way down to a dark shade. I'm just going to show you quickly how to create your own palette if you're new to procreate. If you go over to the palettes here, and then click on this X here and create a new palette. So I'm just going to name this skin tones and make sure that this is set to default. As you can see here, we have our new palette that we can start to build up. Now I'm just going to clear that up for you guys. This is where we pick the hue, the color. Then this in the middle is where we pick the saturation and also have control over the grinders. I normally work in classic because it gives me a lot more control over what color I'm picking. Normally, with the skin tones, I try to create my skin tones between the red and orange. Hopefully you guys can see that. I think there's a little bit of a glare from my light. But I try to pick my skin tones from this area here. If I go to red, then it will become too pink and not that realistic. And if I go to yellow, I'll have the same problems. So I normally try and really limit myself to this orange, red area. And sometimes with the browns, I'll push it to a bit of a yellow. If you can try and keep inside of this area, it will just give you a little bit more control with the skin tone color. I normally try and pick a color all the way up here. The reason why I say this is if you come down with your brightness, you'll start to see a really muddy gray color. So I'm just going to show you guys now what I mean, this becomes really dull and muddy. This is something that I think a lot of people struggle with with the skin tones. Is having this washed out, muddy, dull color. And it's because you're not keeping the brightness up when you're picking your light tones. I normally work within this area here, and I'll come down to about here. I'm just going to show you now how I'm going to recolor these. I'm going to just pick my selection here. I'm going to go over to the wand here and press recolor with this little x here. I'm just going to drag it over to the layer I want to recolor. And then just click up here where I have these colors. I can now see a comparison between this color and that color. And I can start to work on creating a darker shade of this color. Like I said, I'm working within this area here, keeping the brightness up and going up slightly with the saturation to create more and more of a bright tone. I'm quite happy with that, but I can also really slightly push it over to create a more pinky tone or a slightly warmer, um, yellow tone. But like I said, really do limit yourself to how much you change here. If I want the person to look a little bit more sunburn or sunk, I can just add a little bit more red to this. Once I'm happy with this being a little bit darker, I'll go over to the other. I'll just put that on there. I can just recolor that way. I'll just repeat this process. I'm just going to go slightly darker. I want it to be maybe a little bit more pink in color. Obviously, if I go too saturated, this becomes really harsh on the eyes and not realistic. And it's quite orange as well. I want to make sure that I'm keeping saturation down enough that it still looks realistic. Hopefully, you guys are following along with this. Now, for the bottom ones, I'm going to go even darker. I want to obviously go darker, but if I move this over to a saturation, the saturation will go orange. And we don't want an orange color. We want more of a tanned dark brown. Now this is where the brightness can come in handy. If you go down, you can start to find all of your browns within this area. Again, going to saturated becomes really harsh on the ice. And you don't want to go to desaturated where it becomes really dull and not enough contrast. I like to try and stay within this area here and just play around with the different tones. As you practice with skin colors, you will get better and you'll grow your confidence with picking colors and it will become quite intuitive. But I would just recommend you play around and see what works for you guys. This seems like a natural progression from this color here. It's a lot darker. I could try and just put the saturation up a little bit to create contrast with the background. Then I'm just going to do the same. This one I'm going to come down with the brightness and have a different skin tone there. Again, if I want to play around with adding maybe a cooler yellow or some warmth of the red, I can push that just a little bit. I'm just going to put that down then for the last one. I'll repeat again. Hopefully you should have six skin tones that vary in warmth and obviously ethnicity as well. 6. Pairing Colors: Next, we're going to pick some colors that pair well with these skin clothes. It's really important to create contrast when you're adding your character to a background. Like today, we are only using white background just to make it easier for us, but we'll be adding some color with the clothes. I don't want your clothes to get lost against your skin tone. Scaling the skin tone right is one thing, but also getting the color to pair with it is different. I'll just go to my color pallets. Now, I'm just going to go down to some colors that I picked earlier. And I'm just going to show you some of the colors that I chose. When you're working with light, you want to create colors that are darker, with more saturation. If you can see on the classic, we have some mid tone here. If we go too bright, I'll just show you. That will not contrast very well with the skin tone. You want to have a color that's just ever so slightly darker with the blue, just to be a bit softer on the eyes. We're just going to see how this color contrasts with the pale skin tone. I just want you guys to just play around with any colors that you guys like, maybe it's reds. Go really well with skin colors. Just play around with some colors that you have already saved in your palettes or you can try and mimic the colors that I'm using. I'm just going along to see how these colors are contrasting together. I just want to make sure that the purple is pop in against that. Let me just add one more. I just put that red there again, that's popping quite nicely. I found a trick to put your canvas in gray scale, create a layer on top of everything you've already created, and pick a black to fill your canvas. Then what I'll do is I'll click on the N here, go down to Saturation. And this will put your screen in gray scale. This is a great way to see if your colors are contrasting enough. As you can see, you can tell that these colors are contrasting. Sometimes it can be really difficult to see when you have all these different colors going on. It's really important that you put your illustrations in gray scale just to see if there are any pain points that you need to change afterwards. I'm just going to remove that layer and carry on with the dark tones. I'm just going to pick some lighter colors. Now to contrast with these nice dark tones, I have this yellow here. And again, this pops really nicely. I just want you guys to find, to pair all your colors together for exercise three. Then we have this blue here that looks really nice, pink as well, which will contrast nicely. Another thing to think about when you're creating your colors is make sure that there's enough contrast, not only with the skin tone, with the white background as well. The clothes will pop once you've created all of your colors and you're happy with the combinations with your skin tone here, I want you to just hold, start to copy these palettes into your palette here. This will just be a really fast way for you to work in exercise three when we start putting everything together, I'm just going to put the red there. There is one other question. In the classic color mode, when we choose a color to go with skin tone, are we looking for color that is opposite the bottom line of brightness? Okay. Are you talking about the saturation or when you're picking the colors? It's really up to you because as you can see here, there isn't many rules when it comes to what colors work. Well, I think it's just a matter of experiment. You just want to make sure that you're picking bright colors for the darker colors, for the lighter skin colors. But obviously, you can see that the blue works just as nicely with this as it does with this. It's just a matter of experiment and seeing what obviously you don't want to pick a that is very close to peach. Try and pick colors that would contrast a lot. So greens, reds, and blues contrast really nicely with these tones here. Whereas you wouldn't really work with like an orange or red with these darker tones just because there's not enough difference in the color. So hopefully that helps you guys. Yeah, thank you for that. There is one other question around colors too. How do you make sure the colors you choose are consistent with each other? This student is saying sometimes they end up picking colors that are pastel or sometimes they're too jewel tones all in one drying. So do you sort of have tricks or tips for keeping it all feeling consistent? Yeah, so I normally try and limit myself to three to four colors. And I do have a color class that has fun exercises to explore different ways of finding those color palettes. I think with color it's one of those things that I could bore you with color theory. But if you don't have anything tangible practical to kind of work on, it can just feel quite lost and the theory can just not feel relevant to your work. So I have lots of fun exercises for you to kind of explore and try and find certain color palettes. Then I try and keep that consistent on my Instagram feed as well. I have a set set colors that I use. Again, with my color class as well. You start to build up these libraries of colors that you can refer back to. If you're feeling a color isn't working in a piece, you can always look back at your color palettes and see if you can replace it with a color that you've already used. Try to keep that consistency with your colors throughout your work. That will start to become your signature style. In a way because people will know you for certain colors that you're using in your work as well. But obviously, if you're just starting out, my advice is just to explore as much as possible. The possibilities to colors is endless and it can become quite daunting. So I just want you guys to just build up your palettes slowly and try and work with a limited color palette. I can't stress that enough. Hopefully you guys have tried to pair your skin tones with some colors. And we're now moving on to exercise three, where we're going to bring everything in together. 7. Drawing Figures: Now we're going to bring it all together and create some characters. To start, we're going to create some basic body shapes. I'm just going to hide all of these so I can create a new canvas. Now that I have all of my skin tones saved, it's going to be so much easier for this exercise. Now, I want you to do a little bit more drawing again. But this time we're not just going to be drawing faces, We're going to be exploring, creating emotion through the way someone is holding their shoulders. I don't think you realize that a lot of people's emotion and personality will come through in the way they're holding their shoulders. If you're anything like me right now, I'm very hunched and anxious. I have my shoulders very high and close to my ears. Or if you have shoulders that are down and relax, it says so much about your character. As you start to get used to creating more movement with your characters, you'll have them tilting their head, having their neck moved a little bit. And you're not just having this rigid, stiff portrait that we can tend to lean towards because we're comfortable. Hopefully this exercise will get those creative juices flowing a little bit. I'm just going to start with my pale skin color first with quite a thick brush. And I think the studio pen brush, if you can see that it's studio pen in procreate that comes under. I think the inking in the brush library. I would just put this up quite a lot. You have this really thick pen that you can just make quite large marks with. I'm just going to really quickly draw a circle. Not really think too much of it. Draw a line and then have the shoulders like this. I'm just going to fill that in. I'm not going to think too much about it. I'm just going to create some fun quirky shapes. Now that I've done this head quite round, I'm going to do the opposites. I'm going to have a ET shaped face, maybe a thicker neck. Then we're going to have the shoulders up because they're anxious and a bit nervous. I want you guys to just fill your page with these kind of shapes and just have fun with it. I'm going to have a long face now, a net coming out from the side. And then have this person looking quite hunched. When you create the shapes of the heads, just think about different ways that you can present them. Now that I have these long, wide and round heads, I might try and go in with a really symmetrical round head. Quite a thin neck, quite a long neck as well. Why not have the body coming down like this? I'm trying to fill that in. Just at the same time, I'm just going working through my different skin tones, I just want to make sure that we're leaving a little bit of a gap between each character. Just so we can fill in the hair and accessories without interfering with the other characters. I'm going to have a really tiny head and then a really wide body. This is a great way to start looking for your style when you're drawing your characters. I know if you notice that there's so many different styles out there, and some people are known for drawing really small heads and out of proportion bodies and it can work. It's definitely worth paying attention to with these different ways of drawing characters. With this one, I'm just going to have quite a big face. I have the shoulders coming up. Maybe I'll just add one more there. And having quite a big head and a small body where the neck isn't even existing really. This is just a fun way. So these are just going to look like blocks on your page, but we're going to start bringing them to life with layers. 8. Adding Faces: Now we're going to create some faces with the features we've created in exercise one. I did say to save your exercise one, your features that we're now going to start using on our characters. I'm just going to show you a little trick now. Just to bring that J peg in at the bottom of the screen. I don't know if you can see my silhouetted hands. You can flick this little arrow that comes up here, we see that. Then we're going to pull that up. This will create a pop up, hopefully if you've been using your photos, if you haven't used it, just go back to the main, your home page and just click on Gallery. And then that will then automatically be added into this. But you don't click on it, you just drag it. Then this should pop up. You then have the illustration that you created in the first exercise. I'm just going to drag that over so it's not dominating my canvas. I can now use these eyes as reference for my characters. Maybe I'll go for this cat like eye, is everyone following along? So far everyone got their blobs. I didn't mention. Try and don't do what I did and always create your drawings on new layers. I just made a rookie mistake then. Okay, I'll do that again. Have this cat eyes. Then I could go in with this funny nose and end it with this really simple mouth. I could just add some ears onto this as well. I've added my first face. Then I'm just going to go over to my other characters. And I'm just going to keep playing around with it. Maybe this is going to be ET's cousin. I could have a little button nose and have the mouth really wide open like this. Then fill that in these really big accentuated ears. I'm just creating these fun characters that we can just start building on. I'm going to do this as a side view now this shape makes me think it's someone maybe who's lazy, who's just really has had a hard day at work. You can think about the character having these droopy eyes, or maybe these heavy eyelids on this really big nose. Then you can have what I call a half mouth. Then This is how you can start playing around with different ways of having your character look in a different direction. I'm going over to this one now. I'm still referring back to my sheet, but if you do think of something that would work better, you don't have to use this as reference. This is just to help you guys out and just to speed up your workflow a bit. I could have this character quite angry. Have a nose that's connecting and just a really simple mouth. Have these ears come down or maybe have really small ears. Then this character, just some really simple eyes. Why don't I just do a line? Keep this character really simple. And then have the lips, the draw. Not all of them have to be these crazy characters. If you feel like exploring a certain style that you've been wanting to do, that's fine too. I'm just really the style of these characters just to show you guys, maybe I could have a suspicious character. This is all in the eyeballs. So you have one eyeball going over and then the other eyeball going up. Let's try this. Notice maybe we could go for the dimple. I forgot to mention if you can just create a shadow underneath the chin as well, which will change up your character. You can do that afterwards if you want. This will just give that depth to your character in just like one quick brush stroke. This way you can control also the chin. Some people have pointed chins. This one could, my favorite, but chin, this one doesn't really have much of a chin. Again, it's just really rough. It doesn't matter, it's just about having fun with it. I think that's what I wanted to get out of this class today. It's just for you to let loose a bit and just not worry about it being perfect on to the last one. Now maybe this one is looking up. Sometimes you can be inspired by the way the character has been drawn for me. I actually originally thought I would do a front facing view, but actually now looking at it, it looks like this person is looking up at the stars. You could have amazement. That's what I love about these exercises is you just never know where they're going to go. I've done this a few times now just to practice for you guys. And I got so addicted to it that it's just really helped me just become a bit looser with my sketches and not to worry too much, this is how it looks. Now we're now going to go on to adding some cool hairstyles. 9. Adding Hair & Clothes: Then finally we can finish these characters off. For some really cool hairstyles and fashionable clothes, I'm going to stay on the black. I'm just going to change up my brush over to the studio pen. So I have that thick pen again, I'm just going to pull that down slightly, just so I have a little bit more control. And I'm just going to do some wacky hairstyles. This one looks like, it could look quite good with hair coming down. When you're creating the parting, remember that the hair parting always comes from a little bit further down the forehead. We're not starting the hair line at the top of the head, but just a little bit further down. I'm just going to fill that in. I'm done with the hair onto the fum bit which is the clothes. Hopefully if you followed along, you have your colors head here. So it's just going to make it a lot easier. We're going to start with this blue and we're just going to have fun with adding some clothing. We're going to try and mix it up as much as possible. I'm going to go with maybe a turtle neck for her. Again, I'll just put a new layer on top. I need to remember that myself. I'll just create this turtle neck and just draw over the top. It's just that simple, just to add some clothing onto her. Then I'm just going to go in with my purple and see what clothing I can add to her. I want her arms to be out. I'm going to put her in a vest top that's going to come down like this. Then we're going to have her arms wide like that, and then we'll finish it off like there. As you can see, this already gives this illusion of her being quite scared. You can see so much emotion in her shoulders, it's bouncing around a little bit. Hopefully that will stop. And I'm just going to move over to the net skin tone. I'm just going to repeat the process. This guy looks like he would maybe be wearing, I think like a dressing gown. But we can, it doesn't have to be too detailed because I think there's a lot of emphasis in his face already. I'm just going to really quickly now because I know we're running out of time off the shoulders with her. I want you to just play around with having different ways of your characters posing. And then we can take away and have this arm kind of come round like this as well. So you can see that she's very hunched, amazing. Oh, they're looking great. 10. Q&A: Now we're going to open up to questions from students in the audience. Maybe if you could just talk a little bit about your own creative journey, how you got started. Was there a time when you were maybe trying to get into a creative career while still having another full time job, and what was that like? Yeah, I was actually juggling three or four part time jobs. When I lived in Berlin, just after Uni I remember just hustling really hard at my creative career and I was just trying to build up my client base as much as possible while I had these part time jobs. So I think I get that question a lot, where people think that you have to be drawing 2047 in order to make it. And I think if you have the passion and the drive and you keep showing up to things like this like today, then that's actually more than I did when I first started out. I think it's amazing the commitment that I've seen from you guys and I just want you to know that you don't have to be drawing every day in order to make it. You just have to have the passion drive and also just keep working on it just every day if you feel like you just need to see yourself improving on a monthly basis, even if you create an illustration that you're not fully happy with, don't let that stop you, because we all have to start somewhere and it just means that you're not good enough yet. If you can try and work on your illustration and see those small improvements, you will see results a lot faster than you think. Just keep showing up and doing the work and fill the passion I think, which you guys clearly have. Awesome. Thank you so much for that. Do you ever use other programs than procreate to maybe fine tune your pieces or your work before finishing? When I've originally started traveling, actually. So just after Berlin, I went traveling with just my ipad and I was working on my creative career full time just from an ipad. I was working on client work, so commissions and also doing a lot of greeting cards for different companies that didn't actually require anything other than my ipad, which was amazing over time. Obviously, I've been creating skillshare classes for you guys, and I have needed to have a laptop in order to do that. But if you do just want to do freelance and work on commissions, then procreate is the perfect tool to get started with your creative career. I do use Procreate photo shop now, but I just use procreate. That's awesome. Thank you. So there's been a couple of questions around sort of facial expressions or features specific to maybe nationality or gender like you talked a little bit about. Or angles like three quarter angles, not just in profile or head on. Right. Would you recommend studying like photos, reference photos to sort of inform those or Yes, those. Okay, great. Yes, definitely. Definitely. I think the reason why I have done it from not reference today just because I wanted people to kind of just start using their imagination a bit. But when you do get into characters, that's really good to look at reference photos as much as possible. When you start to find your style, you'll work out how to incorporate your style and the way that you draw with those angles. Because with illustrations it's a little bit trickier than when you're doing illustrations like realistic illustrations, it is really about exploring the different ways that you can incorporate that stylized feel, but also showing different angles as well. Because we work a lot with flat illustrations, that can be quite tricky at times. Hopefully in exercise three, it might push you to explore that a little bit more. Wonderful, thank you so much. This person is also a teacher. In considering doing a skillshare class, would you recommend teaching on Skillshare? And then also from Katie and our audience today? How did you sort of become more comfortable on camera and hosting things like this? So the first question I'll just answer if you are thinking about teaching. I would say go for it. It's been such an amazing experience over the last year and a half of being on Skillshare. I've gained so much confidence as well. Am I going to teach and to kind of want to inspire the community over on skillshare. It has been amazing. And your with so many talented teachers that inspire you as well. I remember last year when I first started my Instagram journey, I think it was I think 10,000 maybe 13,000 followers. And that was after four years of taking Instagram seriously. But when I posted my classes to Skillshare, I saw a massive increase. And I'm now at nearly 100,000 followers. And that's only a year and a half later. It opens so many doors. Not just as a teacher, but I think as a creative and as someone who can lead this community as well. So I would say go for it. If you're already a teacher, that is a real positive. I never had experience with teaching. And it was something that I've had to kind of pick up along the way like anything. If you're nervous about being in front of a camera, there are ways around it. I did at the beginning. I tried to be on camera at the beginning, and I struggled a lot. I didn't want that to stop me from sharing my knowledge and my skills with other people, so I decided to just do screen share. And over time I've built up my confidence with being on camera now. And I can progress that way. But don't let being awkward or uncomfortable in front of the camera stop you from teaching. 11. Final Thoughts: Thank you so much for joining me today. Thank you Tiff and the team over at Skillshare for asking me to do this. This is amazing. So I just wanted to say that if you are ever feeling stuck or uninspired or just feel like you're not getting anywhere, just pull out your canvas and just do so far exercises without any pressure to share it with anyone else. This has been a lifesaver for me. There's been so many times where I've had creative block or just felt intimidated by the blank screen. So doing something always leads to something amazing. So just showing up, doing the work, and you don't have to always share it. And hopefully this class has just kind of taken away that intimidation that you might get from drawing faces. Because it's not, it doesn't have to be scary. It can be fun and hopefully I made it fun for you guys. Today, I host monthly drawing prompts from faces. So if you use hashtag, farmer faces, you can find lots of different drawing prompts to help you out with your portraits. I also have a really amazing community over on Facebook. So if you need feedback on anything, then be sure to join that as well. I have links to everything over on my Instagram in case you want to find that once you've completed the project, I'd love to see what you guys have done, so be sure to post it in the project gallery and I can give any feedback or answer any questions that you guys have. Thanks so much for tuning into my class. If you want to find more of my work, feel free to take some more of my classes here on skill share. I have classes on color, on stylized portraits as well, if you want to go more in depth after this class, Y.