1. Take this Class : Hi and welcome. In this class, you're going to learn how you can learn any skill quickly and effectively. After taking this class, you're going to pick one skill and learn it in record time. What is that? One skill that would make you more confidence and capable, as well as make you progress on your personal and work related projects. Can you name a few things that spike your curiosity? Maybe it's photography, video editing, guitar, counting, anything. And remember that everything is trainable so you can learn anything that you set your mind to. And as commonly you port sad, if you can't learn, you can't thrive. So I'm sure you remember the frustration you felt when you've tried to learn new skills in the past, it felt so difficult to make any progress. And I bet you gave up on learning some of those skills because you didn't have the right resources or the right strategy to progress every day. So you ended up and motivated and stuck. And that's going to continue to happen throughout your life if you don't have the right strategies. And I felt the same way too. So I gave up learning Spanish 2 times, Japanese, piano, even chess because I didn't have the right strategies nor the right way to learn those skills. My name is Phillipa, and I'm a passionate learner, like I love to learn everything about everything. I'm also a productivity addict and that made me create my blog. And when I first started blogging, I focused a lot on productivity tips because it was something that I was really excited about. And I'm always, always, always trying to learn new things to try to level up my productivity. I'm also an avid readers, so I love to read everything that I can put my hands-on. In fact, I've always been like this in this class. You're going to learn a lot of things, at least, I hope. And if you're thinking about learning a new skill, which you should, you first, you must first know what really is that one skill that you should be learning? It's also important to know a little bit more about the theory behind learning any skill because it can really help you out in your practice. But most of this course is practical. So I'm going to give you a lot of examples of different skills and how I would use the techniques I teach with some skills that I've already learned or even skills that I didn't. You're going to find the four-step process to learn any skill that you want and how to make progress quickly, because that's what this course is about. It's about learning a skill in a very short period of chunks. But basically you will get a detailed map on how to learn any skill in a short period of time. Commit yourself to learn something new and tick this class now in fine, what you can do today to learn a new skill quicker, Don't waste your valuable time trying to learn a new skill by cramming or doing things that are not effective. See you inside.
2. Introduction: What you're going to Learn: so welcome to this class. I really hope you enjoy what you're going to learn throughout all of this Video's first of all, my name is Phillipa, and I'm a passionate learner. Like I love to learn everything about everything. I'm also a productivity addict, and that made me create my block on When I first started blogging, I focused a lot on productivity tips because it was something that I was really excited about. And I'm always, always, always trying to learn new things, to try to level up my productivity and also an avid reader. So I love to read everything that I can put my hands on. In fact, I've always been like this. So when I was young, I would sleep with books. And I've learned so many things throughout books, because by reading books you have access to the most brilliant minds ever. Anyway, I also love to travel, and I've traveled to a few countries, but I just want to see the world as it is and to know new cultures and to meet new people making you connections. I think it's amazing to travel, and I'm very, very grateful for all the opportunities that have already have to travel the world. I'm currently in college studying management in this class. You're going to learn a lot of things. At least, I hope. And if you're thinking about learning a new skill, which you should you first, you must first know what really is that one scale that you should be learning. And so I'm going to help you to find which skill we should focus on first. It's also important to know a little bit more about the theory behind learning any skill, because it can really help you out in your practice. But most of this course is practical. Eso. I'm going to give you a lot of examples of different skills and how I would use the techniques I teach with some skills that I've already learned, or even skills that I didn't. So you're going to find a before step process to learn any skill that you want and how to make progress quickly because that's what this course is about. It's about learning a skill in a very short period of time. Of course, it can become a world class performer in one skill in on Lee. A few weeks. But sometimes you don't want to master a skill. You just want to learn the basics. You just want to learn how you can use it in your own life every day. And I'm going to focus on that in discourse. I also have another module where I'm going a little bit. Um, you know, further away. And I'm going to teach you how you can master a skill if you want to, and learning a new skill. Focus a lot on deconstructing that skill, and we are also going to cover that on this course. So basically, you'll get a detailed map on how to learn any skill in a short period of time. And you can use this map in basically everything that you feel like learning right now. Like I told you, I'm going to have a lot of case studies and practical examples so you can understand a little bit more how you can use it to your own benefits alongside all the methods that you can use to learn a new skill quickly. I've also found that there are a lot of things that are not entirely related with the process of learning any skill, but I'm also very useful in order to master a skill in order to make progress in order. Teoh, make sure you commit to that in all of those things. So I'm showing you how you can apply to 80 20 principal on learning any skill. And the 80 20 principal basically says that 80% of your results come from Onley 20% of your effort. So the key is to find the 20% of steps on any skill that will make you progress more. And we'll give you the 80% of the results alongside all of this. You're also going to learn how you can enter the flow state where basically you just forget the time is passing and you just focus on one thing at a time. That thing will be practicing the new skill that you want to learn, how to build the habit of practicing every single day and how to commit to that how you can focus during your practicing sessions to make them much more effective. Yes, When you're trying to learn a new skill, you can do it by two way. So the first method is you actually do learn a new skill, but it takes you years. He takes you months. It takes you a lot of frustration. You won't make any progress because you're not focusing on the right strategy. You're not focusing on the right goals. I guess of that skill. And the other method means that you're going to use your time effectively in smartly. So this course is not about telling that you can master a skill in only a few weeks. That would I would be lying if I said that. What? What this means is making the most out of your time. So in the end of this class, you will have a receipt on how to learn any skill at any time so you can pick it whenever you need it. I'm also covering some of the resource is you can use in order to learn a new skill. Thank you.
3. Introduction: What Skills should you Learn?: Now that you've decided that you want to learn a new skill, you must be asking yourself. So what's heels Should I be learning right now? Brennan were charged in his book High Performance Habits as a lot of questions that you should ask yourself in order to find what skills you should be learning right now. So the first question is, what is your primary field of interest? And what are the three skills that are most important in that field? So maybe you want to learn about leadership, so your primary field of interest is leadership. But what are the three skills related with that? So I would say communication people who are leaders also learn a lot quicker. So they are quick learners, and maybe they know the yards of taking action and changing their approach along along the journey. So they no wonder when they've making mistakes and that they need to change their approach . So those three skills are the ones that you should be focusing up. In order to find his three skills. You can do a quick Google search like what are the most three important skills on learning guitar playing drums, learning Adobe Photo shop. Um, maybe designing anything. So the second question you should ask yourself is, What are you going to do to develop those three skills? Do you need to read a book, get a coach practice, go to a semi inner anything? And then when are you going to do those things and set up a plan now and commit yourself to those things now? But remember, by doing one thing at a time, so I'm not going to learn to three different skills at the same time, because that will be confusing for you. So big one start with one that makes the plan for the 2nd 1 do the 2nd 1 the 3rd 1 and that's it. Very important toe blend that ahead. So that will be no excuses. And remember what Brendan for Charts said. If you leave your growth to randomness, you will always live in the lands in mediocrity. So one of the skills related with leadership was communication. So what can you do to start learning how to be a better communicator? Now? You can take an online course on communication skills. You can read one book on the topic search like top 10 books on communication and read one of those. You can also attend to a seminar on being a good communicator, and you can practice your communication skills every day by approaching your employees or your friends or even your family. So make a plan of those things So taken online course on communication skills today. Read one book. I'm going to start it next week. Attend a seminar. So it's like one month from now, in practice of my communication skills with other people, you can start it right now. Put those things in your calendar because if you don't, you won't actually be doing. Those high performers block their calendars to learn new skills, so they know exactly the three skills they are going to learn in order to progress in their projects on their careers on their future. Those skills will make them more successful in the long run. So look to the future, identify key skills and then obsessively practice those skills
4. Introduction: Your Why! : So in this lecture we are going to study the learning process, and this process is the only one you need to follow in order to start learning and use killed today. But the first thing I want to tackle is your Why and finding out why you want to learn a new skill is really important to keep your motivation high and to stay committed. And I've got here a few questions that I recommend you to answer because these questions will increase your level of commitment and motivation to start working in your goal. So the first question I ask here is, Why do you want to learn a new skill and this question My bring all their questions that are here, too, because you might want to learn a new skill because benefits you because it will increase your job performance, and maybe it will lead to a higher salary. Or maybe you just want to learn this skill because you've been feeling really frustrated and you want to learn something you or you want simply to have fun or because you for let's say you are going to learn a new language, maybe you want to learn that language because you're going to visit that country in the future. Or maybe you want to play guitar because you want to teach your kids how to play guitar later, and you want to learn design because you want to monetize that a skill by making freelance work. If you write down your why your purpose when learning this skill, it will help you to understand and to commit more to your main goal, which is learned that skill. And here I've got also, I've got this question. Do you have a partner or do you have someone who can help you to stay committed like a friend? Maybe you can. I also have someone who will, um, working the same goal. We deal. So let's say you and a friend of yours or you and your partner article Lee who want to learn guitar. If you learn guitar together, that will probably increase your motivation because you have someone to share those experiences. But if you do not have, it's totally okay if you want to talk to someone with. That is also willing to learn that specific skill that are attentive forums and Facebook pages and Facebook groups and Twitter, where you can connect with those people, too. But like I told you, it's really, really important to decide why you want to learn that specific skill, because that will help you in the long run, to stay committed and to stay focused on acquiring that specific skill.
5. The Learning Process: 3 Stages on Learning a new Skill: as you learn in practice. In use kill. You create narrow pathways in your brain that then connect with other neural pathways. And the more you practice is kill, the stronger those connections become, according to research that are three stages on the process of learning any skill, the competent stage, the associative stage in the autonomous stage. The cognitive stage means that you're just starting to learn something about music. You. So you just starting to form neural pathways. But they are still very weak, and they need practice in order to grow and to be stronger. As you keep practicing, more and more, you reach the associative stage, and so you gain the ability to spot your mistakes and to change the approach in order to stop making them. And the more you practice is killed, the stronger your neural connections will be, and so the better you will be at that skill. The autonomous stage means you've mastered the skill, and this only happens when you dedicate your hours effort, a lot of practice, a lot of focus and dedication. Malcolm Gladwell refers that it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill, and when your master is skill. It becomes second nature to you and you can use it anywhere at any time and you become very creative with it. And it's OK if you never reach this last stage of mastery because there are certain skills that you might only want a certain level of proficiency and and you are not willing nor interested to put in the time in hours to master that skill. I relate to this because I love to learn new skills, but I don't really want to master all of those skills. So what I usually want is the ability to use those skills regularly in kind of basic to a medium level. The video editing is an example where I just know how to edit videos. I know how to do a few things, but I'm not professional on that's also playing guitar. I just know how to play a few songs for fun cooking and many other things
6. The Learning Process: Learn any Skill in 4 Steps!: Josh Kaufman in his book The 1st 20 Hours, explains how it can get a basic level of proficiency on any skill with four steps. So the first step is to deconstruct and sequence a skill so you'll break. It's killing too small parts, and then you prioritize those in order to become more efficient on the learning process. And we're going to cover that on this course with a lot of practical examples. And a mind map is a great way to go through this step in order to deconstruct a skill. The second step is to start learning that skill. So you start learning and gathering information about a skill, and this doesn't mean you're going to read all of the books in the market on that topic. So do not overwhelm yourself with information before starting. I've done this mistake a lot of times where I just start reading a lot of books and then I find myself lost because I see that I have made no progress because the only thing where I focused my attention on was on reading and I made no progress at all. So most people, including myself, spent too much time searching, pondering planning and do not take action is the most important thing. When starting to learn a new skill is to take action is to just simply start with, no matter the resources you have, I could have right now a basic level of proficiency in many other skills. If I just started, don't wait for the perfect time. Nor the perfect resource is start doing something now because acquiring a basic level of a skill doesn't take much time. What are the three simple steps you could take right now to start learning a new skill? But the 1st 1 might be continued to watch this course in order to learn the effective method you can use. The 2nd 1 would be watched a YouTube video off an ink with an introduction off the skill you want to learn. So if you want to learn Adobe photo shop, search for a dough before the shop for beginners on YouTube and watch a 10 minute video on that topic. Anything but do some type of action right now to keep the momentum going. And the third step might be to buy or to borrow, to get whatever the resources you might need to get started. So if you want to learn how to play guitar it, maybe it's good if you just order and Yogi taught. Or if you just ask a friend, if you want to learn a don't before the shop, maybe it's a good idea. Teoh, uh, download the software to your computer. Or if you want to learn a new language, just buy a new notebook. Joeckel willing. A Navy SEAL says the only way to beat procrastination is just start. Don't think about where do I start? When do I start? Do it? No. And he says, Stop thinking about it. Stop dreaming about it. Stop researching every aspect of it and reading all about it and debating the pros and cons of it. Start doing it. Take the first step and make it happen. Get after it here and now. So the third step of learning any skill is to remove physical, emotional and mental bere ears that stop you from practicing. So regarding physical Bere ears, it's my bigger toe order the things you need to start practicing that skill. Like I said before, maybe it's mean buying a guitar or tuning the guitar, changing the strengths. Something like that day. Mental and emotional bere ears are related with your mindset, and those are more difficult to overcome. If you keep thinking that you can't learn a new skill, then it's true. But if you keep thinking that you can learn a new skill, it's also true. Start trying to control your negative thoughts because they have a huge influence in your ability to learn or to not learn. So start writing your negative thoughts and then try to come up with ideas in reasons why they are not true. I learned the end technique automatic negative thoughts on this book. Over here, change your brain change, written by Dr Danielle Ayman, who is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist. First, I'm going to share some science behind every thought that we have, and by only reading that on this book, I became much more aware off the impact that every thought has on myself. Your thoughts directly impact the way you feel in the way you behave. Every time you have a bad, cranky and unhappy thoughts, your brain releases negative chemicals that activate your limbic system and make your body and mind feel bad, and your thoughts are not always true, so you have to question them. But if you come up with them and you do nothing about it, you will feel bad. Make fun of your negative thoughts, challenge them question, talk back to them and then try to correct them. Because most of your thoughts most of your negative thoughts are not true. And so if you question them, if you make fun of them, they will left. They will have no power over you. And every time you have a happy a good thoughts, your brain releases chemicals that will make your body in mind feel good. So your body reacts to positive and negative feelings, even if you don't say them out loud. So every time you want to feel good, think of positive things. When you are learning a new skill, you will have a lot of discord inking thoughts. Baby is D. I will never learn this. I don't have the mental capacity. I don't have good member Lee good memory to learn and use kill. Each will take me years to learn this. I suck in a lot more, and all of those thoughts should be challenged, and if you do challenge them and question them, you will have no power over you. And remember, you don't have to believe every thought you have. So when you have a 90 thought, ask these four questions. Is it true? Can I absolutely know that it's true? How do I react when I believe that thought, Who would I be without that thought? Or how would I feel if I didn't have that thought right? Those answers down and question your thoughts make them have no power within yourself. So the fourth step on learning any skill is to practice the sub skills until you reach the level you desire. So when I was starting to learn how to, I could add it videos. I watched a lot of YouTube reels, and then I would replicate what they were doing, and that way I could practice myself because I replicated. But I was also learning at the same time by practicing and by learning through imitation. So imitation is a powerful tool when you want to learn something new, so this means you can learn with others by doing what they are doing. So go find a few people who are doing what you really want to do and then copy them. Austin Clean as a great book called Steal Like an artist, and he talks about the power of imitation. But he said, Start coping, Watch you Love co Peko, Peko, Peko P. And at the end of the Kobe you will find yourself. So the author copied a lot of artists in order to learn with them. This is not about using other people's work and telling. It's your own work. This is about getting inspiration from their work and their results and then trying to learn it from yourself. If you steal from an author, it's plagiarism. If you steal from many, it's research, and that's what also I learned in college. So if you want to learn photography, check other people's photos and then try to do the same photos yourself. It's much better to one with others by watching YouTube videos, reading books, taking online courses or taking personal having personal lessons than to try to go through everything by yourself. Watch recreation, it failed practice and repeat and and remember failed fast. I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work. When you make mistakes, you learn quicker. So don't stop yourself from drying, even though you know you're going to fail. Using the right method to learn a new skill will help you to progress much quicker. But it won't avoid failure because if you want to avoid failure, you also have to avoid action. As Barbara Oakley sack the law off serendipity, Lady Luck favors the one who tries. So don't feel overwhelmed with everything you need to learn about a new subject. Instead, focus on nailing down a few key ideas. You will be surprised at how much that simple framework can help. And remember that the number of hours you put into learning a new skill the bends on your own goals. So if you want, we want to learn a few things on guitar. For fun. You might only need 20 hours of practicing, but if you want to become a professional guitar player, you might need a lifetime. So it's important to set your goals before starting learning any skill and to know exactly what skill level you desire. But allow yourself to go further if you're feeling like it's
7. The Learning Process: 11 Principles to a more Rapid Skill Acquisition: so the first step toe a quicker skill acquisition is seduced. Something that you are excited about. We must stop doing things that don't catch our interest. If you're curious about something, go try it. I remember trying to learn chess when I wasn't even interested in chess. So guess what I gave up after two days. So it's very important that you choose something that you are really interested on. The second principle is to focus your energy at one skill at a time, so you might decide that you want to learn photo shop. But then you start thinking about it and you are like, Well, what photos am I going to edit? I should start learning how to take better photos. But I also live to added videos. So why not also learning Adobe Premiere Pro? But why am I going to film? Well, I could learn cooking in order to fill myself cooking. Then I could added the cooking footage and posted on social media well, but I also should learn how to market my videos on social media and without noticing. You already have a bunch of skills that you just started learning and you will basically learn none. There are many things to learn, but it's very important that you focus at one skill at a time. You have time to learn all of them, but focus on one first, so big ones Skeel practice and try to reach the level you desire. And that's the third step. The find your target performance level, because this is really important to know when you should stop practicing and learning and dedicating daily daily Time to learn that skill or when you should move on to another skill . You also should know how to deconstruct skill into small sub skills, and that's going to be something we are going to cover here. And you can use a mind map to help you on this desk. The fifth step is to obtain critical tools. So this is not about having the perfect resource is, but at least having some of the things you might need to help you on your journey. And also remember to remove the careers that are stopping you from progressing. Those can be your nightie thoughts, so to make sure you deal with them, the seven principle is it might be one of the most importance, and it is to make time for your practice. So establish how much time you want to learn a new skill. Every day you are the one decided the amount of time you want and then convince yourself to doing it every day, putting on your schedule and don't skip it. So the comedian sign Fill decided that he wanted to become a bad comedian, and early on his career he would mark up his calendar with a huge X. Every single time he wrote a joke, so he had to write one joke per day. And by doing that practice by keeping that habit, he became one of the vast comedians in the world. You can level up your skew level if you just commit yourself to practicing every single day . The other thing you should do is to create fast feedback loops, so you try to evaluate your accomplishments, and then you see if you're making progress or not, and if you're not, you must change your approach. Also, remember to practicing short bursts, so focus your attention for a small period of time. But during that period of time, you give your full attention and also your energy to practicing. Eskil Dent Step is to emphasize quantity and speed. So if you want to alert you still quickly, you have to combine both learning speed by eliminating unnecessary steps and also the amount of time you put into practicing. So in the beginning kind of fridge, it's a little bit the quality, because the first things you're going to put on it won't be very good, right, because you're just learning and accept that and the last principal is sleep. So studies have shown that sleep plays a huge role on learning, and you skill. So when you were sleeping, your brain removes some useless information and reinforces the things that you want to learn. So where you learn something during the day and you sleep well at night, your brain stronger the connections in the narrow pathways in your brain. Also, lack of sleep means less concentration, less focus, less energy, so make sure you have a good night of sleep in order to learn a new skill quicker
8. Practical Examples: The Learning Process (1): So the first thing you gotta do to start learning a skill is to deconstruct that same skill . So you're going to break your specific skill in small, tangible golds. And you can definitely do this by starting backwards by reversing the engineer off the thing. So let's So let's imagine you want to play guitar if you look to someone was playing guitar . Ah, he does attend of steps that will produce at the music that his plane like learning to change court, learning the courts, learning how to change them quickly. They know how to play your specific rhythm. They also in the backstage. I mean, they know how to t under guitar, how to change their strings. There's a lot of things, but behind the scenes, I guess, between playing guitar or any other skills, and what I'm going to show you is how I can break a specific skill in a small, tangible goal so you can check and see how I do it. So then you can replicate the same strategy where the specific skill you want to learn, and you can apply the strategy toe any skill you want, and those skills can be more practical skills, like playing guitar, learning how to skateboard learning, let me how to play drums or anything like that. Those are more practical skills because they require more practice. But you can also apply this this method Teoh skills that are a little bit more theoretical that required more study in theory like, for example, learning economics, learning, marketing, learning any language off course. They also require some practice. But they are also a lot based on theory and on the learning process that is more focused on memorizing and understanding a specific things.
9. Practical Examples: The Learning Process (2): So I'm now on a specific website called app dot mind map dot com, where you can create a mind map in a mind map is a connection off ideas. It's really, really simple to understand and to use. And I found this software by searching on Google for a mind map online, and this was the 1st 1 to came up. And so I've been using it, and I really enjoy because it's really easy to work and you can organize your ideas and false much easier. And we are going to use this website in his mind map to break our skill or remain skill in small, tangible goals. So I'm using two different examples here. One is more practical and one is a little bit more theoretical, so you can understand, and you can apply these techniques to the skills you want to learn whatever skills the Ark . So I'm starting with playing guitar and playing guitar is something that a lot of people want to learn, but most of the times they give up during the process. But I hope this time you won't give up. So what I'm doing here, I'm writing in the first rectangle here. The main thing in this case is the main skill, which is Lord guitar. Or learn how to play guitar whatever. Then we are going to break this queue in small, tangible goals. And again, you can use the reverse engineer to reverse the skill of playing a song and seeing every part that is necessary to play a song. So what I'm doing is I'm clicking on this keel over here, and I'm clicking here where it says insight and Sir Child Node. And so you can write things here again. And what I'm writing is, for example, it can be whatever you want to, of course, but let's say you need to know how to play the chords right, so play courts. And here you can specify which wards you would like to start with. Let me say, D C g A E A. Like this. Those are the first chords you want to learn to respect, to learn how to play a specific sunk. Then you click again on the main skill, and you do the same thing, but with another small skilled. And this would be play a rhythm, and these could be like down, down, up, up, down, down, down, up, up, Down. Which is a rhythm that some people start with when they want to learn how to play guitar, which is, ofcourse, is necessary to know how to play rhythm to display specific song. Then you can you could know how to tune guitar. And let's say you want to learn a specific song you could right here, the specific song you want to learn. So let's say I want to learn. Come as you are, Vanna or I want to learn another one like other side by high thought chili peppers. Or, you know you can basically tackle down small, tangible goals that you will then will learn. Also, for example, how to change the strings of the guitar strings. Change chords quickly, which is something important. If you want to learn how to play a song, you need to change courts a little bit quickly, which is something that requires practice but can be done. So I'm done with this example. I'm not going to specify it's too much because this is just an example to show you how you can do it. So now I'm going to use another example, so you can understand how you can work with this if you want to learn more, a skill that is a little bit more focused on the theory. So I'm clicking again where it says Insert root node And here's our hopes, our other mind map and I'm creating a name which will going to be marketing. And this is what we want to learn in this other example. In this case, I'm going to specify this a little bit more by writing social media marketing, which is something that most people now want to focus on because that's where most people are so they can market them well. And I'm going to create a child and wrote Node. And I'm going to write Facebook in other social media that people who are learning how to market on social media want to tackle because if you want to learn how to see how to do marketing on social media, you need to focus and learn how to market own specific platforms because each one is different in each one, a specific as specific marketing strategies that work best. So Facebook, Twitter Oops, Twitter interest, uh, instagram, LinkedIn and other platforms. So, like you can see, I broke this goal off learning how to social media to do social media marketing on smaller , tangible goals, which in this case, you are simply going to focus on foot Facebook's marketing first and then been Try us in the name Seagram, Twitter, whatever.
10. Practical Examples: The Learning Process (3): The next step to create a learning process is to sequence the goals we created in the previous lesson. So each go each small tangible goal that you have. You now need to sequence those all of those goals to create a sequence. So, for example, when you are want when you want to learn guitar, you are not going to start right away by learned by playing this song because you don't know how to play that song. So you need to break that goal and probably start with blame courts in learning courts in learning the name of the strings and then learning the rhythm. And then yes, you can play a specific sunk. So we are going again to use the mind map website so I can show you how you can create your own sequence.
11. Practical Examples: The Learning Process (4): So I'm here again on my mind map and what we are going to do is we're going Teoh, use all of these skills that we have here and sequence them in order to create our first received in our guide so we can follow in order to learn a specific news killed. So my main goal, he still learn how to play this song over here? Other site. And I know that to learn how to play this song, I need to know how to play the courts that come with it and also hard to play rhythm. So, like you can see now I've got first how to learn how to play these courts. I'm pretending these courts are the ones that this song has. I mean, this is just an example, so I have no idea if those are really the courts. But anyway, let's pretend that the core D, c, G, e and A are the necessary courts to play other side the music all their side by red offs and the next thing you need to do is how he's learned how to play rhythm and then you will be able to play this song over here, even if it doesn't sound that great. Because when you are first learning how to play guitar, the courts and this the sound of the courts doesn't sound that good, but the key is to continue to practice. Um, and then we still have some things over here that are necessary to Blakey tart. But in my opinion, they are not that important in the beginning, because you want to see results right away and to see results. And if you see results right away, you will feel much more committed and excited to continue to learn him. How in learn how to play it. So in this case, I don't think that tuning a guitar and changing strings is that important. So in my opinion in this case, I would put that in the in the end of the list because there are other things that will keep you much more motivated and excited to continue learning. Because if you if you learn how to play a few chords first and then learn how to play a rhythm and you learn how to play a song because of this Onley two steps, you will feel much more energetic and much more happy because you already know hard. Apply ricotta play a song which is something really cool. So in my opinion, those could be the last once because, in my opinion, those are not the most important. So I'm tuning a guitar, and changing strings will be like the last things I'm going to do. And so let me put them over here. Change strings. He's not really that important, OK? And you might say well, but my guitar is not tuned so the courts doesn't don't sound good. Well, you can just buy an electric tuner, which Israel really cheap, and you can tackle this problem really easily without spending much time or energy on it. Then, after learning this song, I want to learn this song over here, which has come as you are, and let's I also want to learn the name of the strings. But not that I'm not that excited to do it right out and off course. If you want to learn this song, you have another two steps which are learned how to play the courts that are in this song and learn how to play rhythm. You can create a child. Note in, Let's say again, you need to learn their or plate whatever Play the sea D E Court. Let's say those are the only chords in this song which I don't know again if you if you are starting to learn how to play guitar, of course, I advise you to start with, um, a really easy song that as like two or three quarts in Mex. But this is just an example, like I told you before and played a court to see eat C D E courts. And also you need to play that rhythm, so this would be more or less the process in the steps on starting toe. Learn this new skill that is playing heat are using now the social media Marketing example . We are going again to sequence these goals, and I'm going to sequence them by no logical order. So let's say you want to learn first Facebook, then Instagram Dan No than Twitter than Instagram than Pinterest and LinkedIn. So let's just take That's what you want to learn. And the these mind maps that I'm creating here are a little bit small, so your mind maps should be bigger than those because you should break your skill into even more small, tangible goals. But because this is just an example, I'm not being very specific here. But the more specific your mind maps are, the more, uh, small drug goals are the better, because you will progress much easier and you will feel much more committed and excited to continue to play and to learn and you completely skilled.
12. Practical Examples: The Learning Process (5): the last step to create a learning process is to eliminate unnecessary goals and group some of the goals you already have in order to improve your learning method. And you think you should think about your own method by thinking, How can I be good quickly? How can I start learning something new today? And because of that, you will need to eliminate certain goals that right now aren't that useful for you, but in the future, you can off course learn them. But you want to start with something smaller and you want to start by something by doing something. And of course, you can't focus on everything, and you can just think that you can learn everything, everything in a short period of time. So we need to focus on the more important things by focusing on that rule that says that 20% 20% of some things produce 80% of results. So that's exactly what you are going to do. You are going to eliminate most of them not so important skills, so you can tackle down the ones that will bring you more results and quicker
13. Practical Examples: The Learning Process (6): So in the example of learning guitar, what I'm going to do is I'm going to eliminate some of the things that are got here that, in my opinion, are not effective or aren't really going to bring any results quickly because they are kind of boring. And they do not bring anything very special to your skill, and they will probably not help you to feel more more more motivated. So the ones I'm doing, what I'm thinking about delaying here is learned the name of the threat, the strings. And in my opinion, you're only to learn the name of the strings right away, because when you are learning and progressing, you will just understand, and you will learn names of those without really focusing on that. So I'm deleting this step over here. I also I'm going to the elite how to tune a guitar because you can do that with another Elektronik device, which is so simple to use and so we don't need to lose time. Tuning your guitar manually and change strings is also something very optional, because when you buy a guitar most of the times they already come with strings or you can simply visit a guitar store so they can help you. Ah, place your string. So it's not something very importance on learn on learning how to play guitar. Then I could delete the change courts quickly. But in my opinion, it's important to learn how to change them very, very quickly because that's what most songs require in the social media marketing. I'm going to delete three of those social media because social media marketing strategies are effective. But off course they take a little bit of time to learn and to understand. So focusing on all of these social media is not effective. So in this case we could first elite LinkedIn, then Pinterest and then Instagram. So we would going. We are going to focus specifically on Facebook and Twitter. And of course, as we progress, we can start adding again instagram in LinkedIn and Pinterest and learned them. Aziz, the time comes, can group some specific goals in this case, I already group those in this category over here because this song requires to know how to play the C d e chord and also how to play a specific rhythm. But you could do exactly the same thing with this song over here. So I'm creating a Charl note and let's say, played rhythm and also play chords D C G E a. And I can delete those ones. So what I'm doing here is I'm grouping goals and changing courts quickly could also be a part of both of these of learning these songs. So I'm actually going to add it to here and to also here, and I'm deleting it from here like this. And on the other hand, where we have social media marketing, we could be a little bit more specific here so we could improve a little bit our mind map. So we would open Facebook and we are going to add Facebook ads, which is a way to market on social media in on Facebook. And we could add Facebook. Engage Facebook. Um, headlines. Let's set. I don't know. No, not headlines. Facebook s CEO. I don't know or improve improve, For example, a page description. Those could be some social media marketing strategies and on Twitter also, Twitter ads. Um, let's say increase engagement's greats ands, um a create attractive have lines and things like that. So we are being a little bit more specific, but we are also grouping this specific social media strategies into small, smaller at tangible goals.
14. Practical Examples: The 80:20 Principle on Learning a Skill: So we're going to talk about the 80 20 principle, which is an amazing principle to waste last time and achieve more. So the first thing is to exactly know what is the any 20 principle. Then I'm going to give you a few examples of how to apply it in your life and also a few ideas of how to use any 20 principle to, um, learn and use killed. And I learned most of the things about this principle in the book The 80 20 Principle by Richard Koch. But they don't also a lot of stuff on YouTube, and some bloggers also talk about it. The basic idea is that 20% of our efforts creates 80% of our results. Wilfred Peredo was an Italian economist who found this pattern, and it soon became a phenomenon known as the Pareto principle or the 80 20 principle. So the key is to be very aware of the activities that you execute in your daily life in order to find the 20% that the produce that produce 80% of the results. Unless we do it, we are actually wasting a lot of time and energy doing stuff that doesn't matter and that we don't really enjoy. But if you apply this principle, you can literally achieve much more with last time, and this can be applied to anything such as business relationships, language learning or any squeal any skills that you really want to learn. Region Koch, the author off the 80 20 principal, recommends to doing Venturi of the 20% of activities that give you the most joy in your life. Now spend your time on those things and not focused too much on the exact percentages it might be 70 30% or 90 10%. The key is the minority of the causes bring the majority of the effects. So here I've got a few examples. So you probably only aware 20% of your clothes 80% of the time so the other 80% of your clothes usually stay there in your wardrobe, and you probably never pick them up. I can also relate with this principle with my website traffic, so 80% of my website traffic comes from spending 20% of my time promoting it on Pinterest. The other social media, like Twitter Instagram or Facebook, don't bring me any riel results, so it's kind of useless to spend a lot of time in those. So in those accounts, right? So what I should do is focus most of my time on bench arrest because that's where I know that my results or most of my results come from. I can also tell you that 20% of my relationships bring 80% of my happiness. So I have a lot of people in my life. But really, I know exactly who are the few people of my circle of friends and people. I know that brink riel happiness to me and that make me happy on a daily basis. So I should try to spend more time with them instead of spending time with people that you just know that aren't really all right. Interesting you. And don't bring anything valuable to your own life. And if you take a close look to your own life, you will see very similar patterns related to books. In most books, you can extract 80% of the content in 20% of the time, and this is very, very important if you want to learn. For example, in your skill, and you are going to use books to learn some of the principles behind that skill because there's no need to read a book from cover to back unless you really you are really enjoying it because you can learn most of the content in the book in one hour or even less. In this way, you can celebrate your learning process, also related to costumers. Most businesses say that 20% of their costumers produce 80% of their profits, so they should focus their time on or most of their time in those customers trying. Teoh built a better relationship with them. Tim Fairies, who is a blogger, podcaster an author and an amazing person. He actually applies the 80 20 principal toe pretty much everything he does, such as language acquisition business or any skill that he wants to learn. So Tim Ferriss came with this language learning receipt. That is amazing. And if you check his block post on this subject, you will have a lot of insights if you aren't planning on learning a new language. He uses 12 English sentences in order to learn a new language, so he translates those 12 sentences into the language that he wants to learn. In this way, he can master the basics off any language in a few hours or dates. He also believes that Aqsa Leary verbs are the ultimate cheat on learning a new language fest. So all you need is to memorize the congregations off a few birds like to want or to have or to need. By applying this principle, you get much faster results. Then, if you just try to memorize thousands of words burbs and different congregations. According to Tim Ferriss research, 100 well selected words make 50% of the practical use of all the words in the Oxford English Dictionary. So spend most of your time learning the common verbs on a language instead of trying to memorise thousands and thousands of words. Tim Ferriss also has a block post where he talks about learning guitar, and if you spend 80% of your time learning the most used courts like 32 5 chords, you can actually be able to play most of the phones off course. You won't become a guitar master in a few weeks because to become a master, you probably need years or the 10,000 hours that my Malcolm Gladwell talks about. But if you really want to see results in the first days, which is very, very important in order to motivate yourself to continue learning, it's very, very important that you select the right materials to start with. And if you do that, you will see progress very, very quickly. And this way you can actually feel more motivated and interested on continuing learning this kill. The most important thing is to be creative with the 80 20 principle because it can be applied to any filled in your life, and it's one of the best techniques to increase your overall performance and happiness, so try it out.
15. Build the Habit: How to Build Strong Habits: building good habits was one of the most important step for having a successful career relationship or life. In fact, if you want to learn a new skill such as playing guitar, for example, it's very important that you build a habit around it. So if you want to play guitar, you must practice it every single day in order to progress. So it's very important to create a habit of practicing guitar, for example, every single day, or programming every single day or writing every single day or simply just the habit are waking up early or exercising. You might think that it's very difficult to create new habits, but in fact our brains are very, very good on that task. The problem is that our own brains can differentiate bad from good habits because that's our job. So basically here we're going to learn how you can start and you have it and how to actually be consistent with them. Also, how to stop bad habits because that's very, very important to in some of the contents of this presentation is based on two books that I've read. 1st 1 is the Power of Habits by Charles two hick, and the other one is willpower. Rediscovering the Greatest Humans Trains by Roy Mr. Most of the things that I'm going to teach here are proof by science, so they actually work in practice because they were already tested with different people, myself included. All habits can be broken in a three step process que routine and reward, so habits are triggered by cues, which then tell our brain to go into automatic mode. Queues lead to a specific routine, which is the habit. In doing that routine, you expect a reward. So let's say you want to play guitar every single day. After lunch, you can literally put your guitar next to your kitchen table, and that's that will be your cue. That will then lead you to practice guitar, which is the routine, and the rewards can be the sense of progress. Or you can associate other type of rewards that you know that will make you even more motivated or if you want to get into the habit of exercising, which you should, you can put your gym clothes next to your bed and put them on right after waking up, which is exactly what I do every single day, and that will be your cue with chill, which will then lead you to your routine of going to the gym or working out at home. I also know some people who sleep with their gym clothes so they want full back on their on their new habit, right, And the reward will be the endorphins and the energy you will feel throughout the day, which is one of the most important things that you can have in order to have a successful career or successful life stop. So in order to get into a specific routine, which which is also be habit that you want to start, you must be exposed to a Q, And those cues can be related with location, time, emotion or last actions. So, for example, a specific location, my trigger, a specific habits or a specific routine. If you are in a gym, you're going to probably start working out or at the specific time of the day. You have an action that might be triggered. So let's say that after lunch you have the abbot off starting to check social media. So the time of the day after noon or after lunch will be the Q That will then lead you to start checking your social media accounts. Emotions can also be a que Because, for example, in my case, if I feel sad, I have the tendency to start eating food. And also last actions play a huge role in this. Because, for example, if my last action was exercising, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to make a lot of other decisions after that that are good for me. So if I exercise, I'm probably going to eat a healthy breakfast to, or I'm going to start working and feeling and being productive during the day so you probably have some bad habits going on, just like I do. The key is to find the cue that leads to that bad routine. For example, if you have the abbot of eating junk food after you come from work, you need to find why you do that specific habit. Maybe the trigger is when you actually sit on your sofa watching television, and your brain in that moment will crave the routine of grabbing some junk food. But you can't delete a bad habits, but you can replace it with a good one. In this case, you can simply stop buying junk food. Or you can place a healthy snack right next to your sofa, so that's the first thing you will see that and then you can off course grab it. This also works with the habit of playing guitar with the example that I gave previously. So if you have the abbots of checking social media right after lunch, if you put your guitar next to your kitchen table, you can. Instead of checking social media playing and practicing guitar in order to learn that news killed. Another example of a bad habit is smoking. And if you want to stop smoking, you should substitute that bad habit with another one. The problem is that some people stop a bad habit and start another bad habit. Eso that are a lot of studies that show that most people, when they stopped smoking, they stopped. They start eating more. In this case, what he could do is they could stop smoking and try to get into the habit of exercising. You can't delete a bad habits, but you can replace it with a good one, and that's exactly what I'm trying to help you here. I'm also in this process every single day because you can't really be perfect on doing your daily habits every single day. Sometimes you will fit. The most important thing is when you feel one day don't fail the second day. Really? When you fail one day, please keep up in the second day and don't fail it again. And here I've got a quote that I really liked, which says change might not be fest and it isn't always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped. And I totally believe this. I had a lot of had a bad habits going on. I changed some of them. I still have other bad habits, but like I told you before, I'm also in this process of trying to replace bad habits with good ones. Charms. OIG gives a very cool advice that I really enjoyed, and it is to predict possible difficulties that might emerge in the process of starting and you have it. So let's say you want to start playing guitar every single day, but now we just broke your hand. Well, if you had actually blend that things like this could happen. You wouldn't be so prompt to give up this new habit. So in the beginning, you could do something like, Well, now I'm getting into the habit of practicing guitar every single day. If I break my are or if any other thing come up, I will instead of practicing, watch YouTube video of people playing in teaching guitar, and now you will also start. It's a music theory, so we won't basic. You're basically predicting some, ah, bad stuff that might happen, but you will also trying to find a way of overcoming that in continuing with your habit. So let's say you also want to start exercising every single day. You can do something like this like you can write this on a paper which I think is better than just repeating this to yourself. So it might say something like, Well, I'm now starting to exercise every morning. I know I can make time for it, no matter what. The fact that I will have three different new projects at work next month want to be the excuse? Won't be an excuse really excuse for making me stop exercising so I will keep up with it. No matter how many work projects I've got. This way, you will feel much more prompt to not give up when something comes up. The most important thing is to commit yourself to doing it every single day. Sojourn. Seinfield is a comedian who decided her early on his career to commit himself to writing one joke per day, and that was it. So he would then markup is calendar with the huge X, and his goal was to never break the streak. And that's how he became very good on writing jokes and writing Jobs is also was killed. So by practicing, it's every single day. He learned to new skill, and he also became much better on self discipline when the keys don't miss a day. And like I told you before, if you do, don't miss two days, really make it easy for you In the beginning, if you just started learning how to play guitar, you don't need to set a goal of practicing for one hour every single day, sets only 15 minutes and feel okay if it sounds horrible, or if whatever you might produce is very very bad in the beginning because you're just starting. You're just learning you're just in the beginning, so make it easy for you in the beginning. And don't be too hard on yourself. Like Tony Robbins said, Issue. Do what you've always done. You will get to what you've always got it. And remember that when you build a good habit, you will feel more motivated to start more positive habits. Maybe the habit of playing guitar will motivate you to start learning other skills or reading more about different topics. Or maybe the habit of exercising will motivate you to start to meditating or waking up early. Don't underestimate the power of one positive habits in your life. One important tip is to also write down why you are trying to replace a bad habit with a good one. Or why do you want to start this new habit? Why do you want to start waking up early or learning how to play guitar learning how to program? Or why are you now trying to write ar 15 minutes every single day? Right? You're why write your reasons because that will motivate you even war to continue every single day, like the author of Power of Habits, said in his book. Typically, people who exercise more start eating better and becoming more productive at work. They smoke less and show more patients with colleagues and family. They use their credit cards less frequently and say they feel less stressed, so exercise is a keystone habit that triggers widespread change. So don't underestimate the power of one positive have it in your life because that can change the whole other habits that you might have. According to the research made by Mr and Tierney, willpower is the key to success into a better life, and here it is a very interesting, ah thing that they found in their studies. So it's self discipline predicted academic performance more robustly than did I. Q Self discipline also predicted which students would improve their grates over the course of the school year, whereas I Q did not. So the self discipline, as a bigger effect on academic performance then does intellectual talents. So my question is, why aren't entry teaching willpower in schools or self discipline? Right? That's a very, very important skills, and that can be improved by anyone. So will power is like a better and guess what? It drains throughout the day. So when we wake up, our willpower is charge and it is ready to be used, so you must use it wisely in order to create new habits, which will then ran in autopilot. That's why I exercise in the morning, because that's when I have, uh, most. When I have my willpower full right, my battery of willpower is full, so I use that willpower to create this habits of exercising every single day and also every single day it becomes easier in more automatic for me. Instead of wasting our willpower in dumb decisions, we should use it to our own advantage in order to create a new habits such as the habit of learning a new skill. We need real power, and willpower is finite, so don't use it with an important decisions. That's why some entrepreneurs, such as the creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, where is the same T shirt every single day to make sure he doesn't waste any, will power deciding which clothes he wants toe to wear, right? So But if you're not willing to wear the same clothes, every single day, which I'm not really willing to do that you can plan the things they're going to wear the night before. So you don't waste your morning willpower with that. Those type of decisions as the author of Willpower says the clear implication was that the best advice for young writers and aspiring professors is right every day. Use your self control to form a daily habits, and you will produce more with left with less effort in the long run. So the most important thing is to create a habit around skill or something that you want to learn and you want to start practicing every single day. And in the long run, that will be the most important decision that you've ever made for your career or life. If you want to start a new habit off, for example, practicing guitar or meditating, make sure that your physiological needs are fulfilled, and I learned the Eric Eve needs my Maslow in my college degree. If you want to fulfill your top needs, you first must figure out the needs that are in the base of the parliament, so make sure you exercise. You eat healthy food and you rest, and then you can focus on other type of habits. So will power is very, very important in order to create and build strong habits and here not a few ways that you can use to increase your willpower. So the 1st 1 is to eat because if your glucose is low, your willpower will also be low. So don't forget eats and especially eat healthy foods. A good night of sleep is also essential for well being in to recharge your willpower. When you meditate, your brain gets stronger and better on controlling impulses. It also builds new neurons. It helps and focusing building your discipline muscle. So meditation is amazing for also increasing your will power. In one experiment, a group was exposed to a nice needs laboratory room while others sat in a disorganized place. The people in the massive room scored lower in self control on many measures. The same happens when participants visited a clean website in the sloping one. So it's very, very important to keep your environment the place where you work very organized and clean, so make sure that after you win your work sessions to clean and to leave everything in its place, Exercising is also a wonderful way, probably the best one to increase your willpower does it reduces cravings and makes you much happier. And, if you are happier, will also ah, feel more motivated to start a new positive habits, such as living in use, kill or simply waking up early. There are three tools that are very, very important if you want to keep with good habits. So they are optional, of course, but I think they can become very useful in this process of creating and replacing habits. So the 1st 1 is momentum, and momentum is an application where you can write your goals and then you simply click when you finish that goal that they right, so it basically just allows you to keep track of those goals. You can also do that on a huge calendar that you just place in your house and you mark down every time that you achieve a goal that you want to complete every day and be minder is basically an application that takes you money out of your accounts every time that you don't do the habits that you wanted to do. If you fail today, they will actually take a certain amount of money from your bank account. You are the one deciding which amount they will take from you. But if you actually follow the principles of these app, you will probably be much more committed and motivated to continue on this habit because you just don't want to lose money with it. And the most important thing is believing that, yes, you can change your bad habits. And there is this question that Brian Johnson recommends us to ask ourselves, which says, Which is the one have it that if implemented right now, would change your life, and it doesn't have to be something that big. It could be exercising or starting learning a new skill or eating healthier. Those can become very, very powerful in the long run. And if you believe you can change if you make it a habit, the change becomes real. So keep up. And if you have any skills that you really want to learn or anything, make it a habit and try to practice every single day, no matter what, Even if it's just for five minutes, don't a break the streak. Thank you
16. Build the Habit: Commitment: in this next module, we are going to focus specifically on commitment, because now that you have a plan that will lead you to learn a completely new skill, you need to commit yourself to practice every single day. Because if you don't you will never learn that specific skill, of course, and it's really important to create a habit of practicing in learning every single day, even if it's just for 10 or 15 or 30 minutes, whatever whatever you can. But you need to ensure you practice every single day if you want to build a nabit and if you really want to learn a new skill. So the first advice I've got for you in order to commit yourself to learn a new skill is to plan your day so right, everything. Everything you need to get done to the next day. Those can be work work projects, shores you have to do at home. Whatever you are working on, just right. Everything you need to get done that the next day also meetings and things you have and block periods of time to do those things. So let's say you need to finish a work project block, for example, two hours in the morning from nine AM to 11 PM to complete that project. And in those hours you Onley work on that project. You focus your attention specifically in finishing that project, and you do the same thing about blocking periods of time with all the tasks you have to do . So if you have a meeting, you will block 30 minutes or one hour whatever of your time to go to that meeting at a specific time. And the cool thing is that you are going also to block a period of your time to practice and learn your news. Killed and again. Like I said, there's no, um, there's no right amount of time that you should practice. You are the one deciding how much time you want to dedicate to learn this new skill. But the important thing here is to bring it to build, inhabit, and that habit. It will be really important in order to progress, but to build a habit, you need to commit yourself to practice every single day. So if you have to go, you really have to go to the meeting. You also really have to practice and to learn that new skill in that day. And those can be 10 minutes 15 30 minutes, one hour, whatever you can. And it depends, of course, on your availability, but it's really important to work on that every single day. And if you can try to learn the news, he'll always in the same period of day, because it will be easier for you to associate that period of day. Teoh your skill, the skill you want to learn, and it will be easier to commit. And Teoh dedicates time to that specific skills. So let's say you always practice in after lunch, so after lunch will remember, Well, I need to go practice, and if you do this every single day in the same time, it will be easier for you to get used to it. But if you can't, if you have, ah, a difficult schedule to manage, then it's completely okay. Just make sure you work on your goal in this case, to learn and use kill every single day. Another thing that can really help you to commit is to reward yourself and your brain. Associates rewards with pleasure, and if you do something that will give your brain pleasure. It will like it, and it will force you to do that thing. So let's say that you create a reward. That is, each time you practice every day, you will be able to watch a Netflix movie or your you will be able to watch a game of Thrones episode. So you only watch that came influence episode If right, if you, uh, practice your news killed and your brain will think and really associate the activity of practicing your new skill with the reward of watching a game of Thrones episode, which is something you love. So if you associate and if you reward yourself for something you did, you will be much more, um, excited. Teoh train your skills and to warn, um, in practice the skill you want to learn. I also know some people who do this kind of things, which is if they complete seven days a week of committing themselves to train their skill every single day. So if they practice every single day for one week, they will reward themselves with something like they will buy themselves a book or a piece of clothes off or something like that are going to the cinema. So you need to associate your goal. We the reward. And this will be one of the best tools that you will have in order to commit yourself to learn a new skill. Another way to commit yourself east. You punish yourself and your brain again. Associates punishment with pain in this punishment can work a little bit as the same way is the rewards. So let's say each time you do not complete your goal. You do not work on improving your skill. You will not watching a an episode of game of Thrones or you will not to go to the cinema. And this works really, really well because you love game of Thrones, right? So if you do not complete that goal, you can't watch game of Thrones. And for you, that's a punishment and your brain see it as pain because you love watching game of Thrones . So So why are you not watching it? So it will see it as pain, and it will avoid pain. And how does your brain can avoid the pain of not watching game of Thrones? Well, if you work towards your goal. If you work to improve your skill, then you will able to watch episode an episode of Game of Thrones. So that's exactly how it works. And it's actually really, really simple. And there's also another a method that's I've never used, um, myself. I've never committed exactly to this kind of software, but I know some people who do, and it works amazingly with them, which is paying money each time you fail to accomplish your goals. So what you are going to do is you are going to associate a goal with money. So let's say each time you do not, um, practice your skill. You will lose $1 or $10 or $100. You are the one choosing the amount, but I have to recommend you to choose an amount of money that you are not comfortable toe lose. If losing $1 doesn't make you really upset, then you need to choose a higher amount of money. So each time you do not complete your daily goal of practicing, you will, for example, lose $10. And if $10 don't mean much to you maybe $20 or 50 or 100. Of course. This depends on the way you feel about money. And of course, how much money you have If I use this method, which I don't yet but I'm probably going to start with it. If I lose $10 each time, I do not practice. I'm telling you, I would practice every single day because I wouldn't be able to lose $10 on. The cool thing is that there's an app called B minor in that app lets you create the goal and then you can check and and tell the yep that Yes, you completed the goal this day and or you didn't complete that day. And you really need to be honest with yourself. Because if you did not complete your role, you really need to go to the app and click on. I did not complete the goal, right, s so we need to be very honest with you because the method won't work if you if you are not and they will associate your credit card with your accounts and each time you do not complete the gold, they will take the money. And this can be scary. But I'm pretty sure can work amazingly so I highly recommend you to do this
17. More Productivity: How to Focus Intensively: I'm a very distractible person. I would sit for 10 minutes trying to study, but when I actually found myself, I was already cleaning my room, like looking into the walls, checking my phone or any other thing. After really trying different things to try to increase my focus, I came up with a few things that really helped me out. I really believe that they can help you out. To and being focused is an essential part of learning any skill. And remember, the more you practice focus, the better you will become at it. Just like with any other skill discharge. Look is set. Always remember, you're focused. The Germans, your reality to be really honest here, what mostly impact My ability to focus wants to mute my phone and put it away. So please, if you're doing anything that requires your focus, such as learning a new skill, put your phone away in Don't check it. If we are already very distractible per people, why do we keep our phones near us Each time you check your phone, your brain switch, its context and the more your brain switches its contacts, the more tired you feel and the more tired you feel, the less ability you have to focus, and the less ability you have to focus, the more difficult it will be to learn anything. As Caroline leave, SAT multitasking is a persistent myth. Being deep, focused attention to one task at a time is the correct way. And that's called report puts it. High quality work produced equals two time spend. Multiply it by intensity of focus, so focus is just an a requirement to learn anything. Here are two tips that you can use to focus more so the 1st 1 is to choose the exact time you are going to start. You're focusing sessions and the location. If you have a lot of trouble focusing, starting for doing it for 25 minutes might be the best way for you and then progressively start increasing your focusing time. If you are learning in a place where other people are around, make sure you tell them to not interrupt you and keep the place where you are going to learn very clean. In one experiment, a group was exposed to a very clean laboratory and the other group to a messy one. The people that visited the messy room scored much lower in a lot of measures on self control. The second tip is to decide what you are going to focus on, whether it is to learn some basic principles through a book or to play a specific court in your guitar. Make sure you decide previously what you are going to focus on. Bring everything you need to the place where you're going to start and do it. Remember to keep your phone away and, if necessary, block certain websites from your computer. After the focus sessions, take a break, walk outside, drink a cup of water and stop for a minute. Barbara Oakley, in her book A Mind of Numbers, states the importance of making breaks to learn anything. So after focusing for a block of time, you have to leave that place and to go for a walk to do some type of exercise meditation in order to trigger your diffuse mode of thinking, which which is also very important to learn anything
18. More Productivity: The best Productivity Hack: in this module. I'm going to teach you the Pomodoro technique, which is, um, a productivity tip that I always use every single day because I know it's really effective and it will help you a lot to focus on achieving your goals. And I decided to include this productivity tip in discourse because I find it's really interesting to associates, uh, learning a new skill with productivity tips, how to learn how to commit. I think it's important to associate this three ideas because they are connected and they do not leave without each other. Because, yes, you can try to learn a new skill. But if you are not committed to learn that skill, you won't do it. And yes, you may want to her to learn a new skill and maybe where I committed. But if you do not have a productivity, a method to work effectively on your goals, you will probably give up sooner or later. But what is the Plumadore technique? So first you are going to decide how much time you want to spend learning that noose killed . Like I told you before, you are the one choosing that time so you can choose 30 minutes or one hour whatever you want. The one choosing it and you are going to block 25 minutes in 25 minutes is usually the time that people who use a Pomodoro technique uses. So it's kind of, um, it's kind of the rule of popular technique is, most people use 25 minutes of working and then five minutes of a break five minutes breaking. So again, you are going to block 25 minutes of your time in a recommended to use a timer or a nap, because there are some gaps that have this poem, ode or technique, and you are only focused for that. Those 25 minutes on achieving a specific cool. In this case, your goal is to, ah, work and learn your news Killed. After those 25 minutes, you will have a break for five minutes, and then you continue to work on unlearning and use killed. And of course, this is optional because let's say you Onley committed yourself to learn 25 minutes a day after those 25 minutes. You don't need toe to continue to work on that skill, but let's say you committed yourself to learn and use skill for 15 minutes a day while you are going to block 25 minutes. Then you have a break for five minutes and you go ahead and block more 25 minutes and ever again and more of five minute break. So it works this way. It's really, really easy. But I also wanted to teach you an advanced technique, Um, which I found online and I really enjoy it. And I'm using it now because in this improve the technique, you are not going to focus on a task for only 25 minutes. You want to go in to experiment with different time intervals because some people can stay focus for way more than 25 minutes, which is my case. I feel like I can stay focused for like, more than one hour. So for me, only staying focused for 25 minutes and then having a break, even that isn't that effective because 25 minutes isn't them much for me. So I feel that's not effective toe on lease a focus for 25 minutes and then stop and then continue. So in my case, I could try for example, staying focused for 45 minutes and then having a longer break for 10 minutes and come back to work or simply stopping the bench. And there's another technique I related with a Pomodoro technique, which is right in a paper. All the distracting thoughts that came to your head during that focused session. So let's say you remember that tomorrow you will have to delivery paperwork that you completely forgot to do. You are not going to stop your, um, focusing session, too. Do that paperwork. No. You are going to grab a piece of paper and you are writing there. You are going to write their that tomorrow. I need to deliver this, or if someone calls you during your session, you are going to write in that paper. This person called me, but you do not pick the phone. You will wait for the break, and in the break you will see which thinks are distracting you so you can tackle them later . So if the person is, if a specific person called to you during your skill focused session, you are going to call them if you want to. Of course, in the break session but you can't interrupt your focus session to do those things. The only thing you can do is write them down the things that are distracting you so you can deal with them later. And this is really important because you need to see those 25 minutes or those 45 minutes, or whatever the time you choose to focus on as a really, really important time that you can't just excuse yourself. So you really need to focus for that period of time and you need to commit yourself. Teoh Onley do that thing so you must see your commitment to learn a new skill as a really, really important meeting that you can skip. It's the way I see it in. It's the way it works the best.
19. More Productivity: Get more Motivation to Learn a Skill: In the beginning, you are super motivated to start letting you look forward to start and take you practicing every day. But there comes a time when you lose motivation and you don't feel like doing it. What to do when this happens? I like to refer Brendan Birch Art, who is a high performance coach. When he first started, he knew nothing about social media marketing. Ah, video at video editing, public speaking, nothing but still, he didn't give up, and he forced himself to learn all of those skills during several years because he wanted to pursue his lifetime dream to share his message. If you really believe a certain skill would help you a lot to pursue any dream or any mission that you might have, don't give up anyway. There are a few things that you can do in order to get those spikes of motivation again in your life. So the 1st 1 is to answer some questions that will give you more clarity. You can do this by reviewing your why or the reasons why you are doing this like, why did you start learning this skill in the first place? Why do you want to acquire this skill. How does this new skill will improve your life? Can you progress in your long term goals with this skill in your toolbox? What are the three things you can say to yourself when you feel unmotivated? Can you journal about them? Can you put a reminder on your phone with the three reasons why you are learning this skill ? This might give you an extra motivation. So do answer these questions, especially if you lack motivation. Right now, when you find yourself constantly and motivated an entire it might be a sign of that. You really need a long break. And in fact, taking a break might be one of the best things you can do to progress in your learning curve. Because it is vital to keep your brain healthy in order to learn anything. Taking a break doesn't mean replacing, practicing a skill to checking social media all day. Really take a real break, traveling to a new place or going to a different restaurant or facing your CD as you are a tourist. When you come from your break, you'll feel much more excited and eager to continue learning and practicing and mastering a skill. Anyway, Joeckel willing says, motivation is not consistent. It comes and goes, and you can always count on it. So when motivation fails, you count on discipline, but make sure you give yourself a break when you are really needing it.
20. Facebook Group: Hi. Just a quick video to tell that I recently created a Facebook group that you can now join to be part of a community of people who are interested in personal development in constant growth. See you there.
21. More Productivity: How to enter the Flow State: how to experience flow and how you can actually get into the flow states in order to enjoy your work. So you're basically going to learn what is flow, how to experience it, how to focus intensively, which is one of the most important skills in this crazy technological worlds. And also it's a pre requisites to enter the flow states. Also, we're going to learn to Pomodoro technique with a few pro tips that can really help you even more. And Flow is a book that was written by me high chicks in me High and was one of my favorite books ever. I took a lot of lessons from it Start that are here inside of this class, and I also give my personal experience on this because flow is something that can really improve our daily lives and can make our careers much more successful and also makes as happier in our workplace. And it's very, very important to experience it every single day. So the flow state is when people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter When you want inflow time slides by without you really noticing it because you are enjoying the activity you're so concentrated on on an activity that you can't worry or think about your problems. Most of us at experienced this in the best, but the key is to learn how you can experience flow every day because this state's makes is happy. And it's in wonderful feeling to optimizing our lifes and me high texting me High said this in his book. So the flow experience, like everything else, is not good. In an absolute sense, it is good Onley in that it has the potential to make life more rich, intense and meaningful. It is good because it increases the strength and complexity off this self. So the author off the book interviewed different people with different jobs in different salaries, and they were all able to experience float no matter what the activity. Waas. Actually, the way you approach a certain activity is more important than the activity itself because they actually actually found that people executing the same job in a factory at totally different experiences because one of those people try to make their work more meaningful and challenging and the other one just keep doing the work and one of those people. Of course, you can predict which one it was was much more happier and satisfied with ease. Career. So to be in flow, you must have clear goals. So before start practicing a skill or working, make sure you know exactly what you want to accomplish. Don't leave space for randomness and boredom. If you want to start practicing guitar, know exactly what you want to practice right now. If you want to practice in you cord. If you want to learn and you read them, know exactly what you want to do. Especially try to get immediate feedback because when we receive feedback while executing a task, we can experience flow much easily. So if you're playing guitar, the feedback comes from what you hear. If it sounds good or not, because if it sounds good, you're probably doing it's wrecked. If it sounds bad, you also know that you must keep practicing, and that doesn't mean that you can't be in the state of flow, but you just have to continue practicing and gaining more skilled. If you are programming, you can also execute the code and see if it runs or not. So it's very, very important to get feedback on the task you're doing. The concentration is usually possible because the task undertaken has clear goals and provides immediate feedback. This is also by the psychologist me High Chicks in me High will study of this topic of flow very, very in depth. So this chart is very, very well known because of this book, and the author created two states, and people actually talk about three states and going to talk about the two of those. So warden happens when you have a task that is very, very low on challenge and your skills are high. So in this case you must challenge yourself. You must had one more element that will make task more difficult for you. So if let's say you've been practicing guitar for three months now, and you are starting to feel bored, so try to play a more difficult song. Try to add another more rhythm. Try to add something new to your practice sessions in order to elevate the challenge so it can actually meet your skill level. And this way you will be able to experience float. What also can happen is when you feel anxiety when you feel overwhelmed. And this happens because rescue level is lower than the challenge, so you must increase your skill level by practicing more and more. Or you can lower the challenge. You just started learning how to program, and you immediately expose yourself to advanced concepts. You'll probably feel anxious and overwhelmed, so in this case, you need toe low. The challenge of the task itself and the flow state happens when there's a balance between your skill level and the challenge that the tasks that the Basque provides. So here's what me high chicks and me high as to say about this. So the optimal states of inner experience is one in which there is order in consciousness. This happens when psychic energy or attention is invested in realistic goals and when skills match do you opportunities for action. The pursuit of a goal brings order in awareness because the person must concentrate attention on the task. It hint and momentarily forget everything else. And there is a story off an Indian tribe that were living in the reach place in Canada, full of food, resource is and lent, and so they become very comfortable leaving dear. So the elders every 25 years would decide to move the entire population to a new place in order to find challenge. So they had new areas to explore, a new things to figure out. So they moved from a comfortable place to a more challenging one. And that's made all the tribe feel rejuvenated and actually healthy and more happy. So challenge is actually something that we must pursue because it makes us happier. It might be useful to breathe deeply before starting any task, because in order to feel in the state of flow, you must feel actually relaxed in peace of mind because when you experience flow, your thoughts and your actions are the same. Which means that your mind is only focusing in the task you are executing so a person can make himself happy or miserable regardless of what is actually happening outside, just by changing the contents of conscientiousness. So there's no problem and worried that can excuse you from experience. The amazing feeling of float you were the one deciding the importance of miserable or bad events in your life. And don't let those bad events control your life and not allow you to experience float In order to be inflow, you must be able to focus your mind in a certain task and disability of state. Focus requires practice. Actually, you must be able to ignore what's happening outside in order to experience the state of float. The most important way to eliminate distractions is to put your phone away, and I mean very, very far away, because we have an addiction with boats, myself included. So it's very, very important to stop checking our phones if we want to experience float. Working in a peaceful place is also a very important step to be concentrated in to experience. Flook. If you can't put your headphones on with some classical music playing, you can find that on YouTube. Or there's a very good sites called Focus at Will, which have some amazing music to concentrate. Also, no TV, of course. I used a promo daughter technique to make sure I can stay focused for periods of time. Most people start with 25 minutes, but I really believe that you can increase that time if you feel that it's not that much for you. And if you can stay focused for way more than 25 minutes, so I usually I block 45 minutes to my own promo daro sessions. So first it's at a timer for 25 minutes, and you focus on Onley. One task. During that period, Daniel, have a five minutes break and you focus for more 25 minutes. And in the end you can give yourself a reward if you really need Teoh. Because, for example, in my case, the reward for me is finishing a specific tax court is to get in the state of float is to be productive. For me, it's the outcome that makes me experience more joy. So it's totally depends on how you feel about it. Like I told you before, you can increase your focusing time, and you can also write the striking thoughts that might come to your mind while you are trying to focus in a specific task. So let's say that you remember that you should call a friend or a colleague today, but you just forgot. So you just grabbed a piece of paper and you write that down so you then can check it later . And that thought would be kind of always on your mind during the period that you are executing the desk at him, I decided to include some activities that my butch you in the flow state. But this totally depends on you, really, on your preferences on the skills you have on the things you like to dio. But here I've got writing, exercising, playing an instrument, reading, practicing new language coding, playing games, surfing, studying, having deep an interesting conversation, stupid and the high chicks in me. High says it was found that the more often people report reading books, the more flow experiences they claim to have. While the opposite trend was found for watching television. So, like you can see here is not watching television. So when you're watching television, you're not experiencing float. So try to avoid that aura to least reduce the amount of time you spend watching television and start reading more books because it's actually a great way to experience more float. I really, really hope that you try all of this tips with your next activity and see if you can get into the flow state. If you can't keep practicing because this actually improves with time, just like anything else, Thank you
22. Master a Skill: How to Master any Skill: in the previous modules, we focused on learning the basic things about any skill and how to put it into practice. With those previous lessons, you can pick any skill and learn it with a quick and effective method, starting by deconstructing a skill than sequencing and finally prioritizing those sub skills. With those three steps in mind, you can learn any skill you want, and if you practice every day, you will start seeing results in the first week or even in the 1st 3 days. Now let's say you just start practicing a skill, and now you became kind of obsessed with it, and you want toe go a step further. You feel like really mastering a skill and become a top performance on it. You might be even thinking of showing your skill in life events. So what can you do to master a skill? Call your port? In his book, Deep Work says do court abilities for thriving in the new economy, the ability to quickly master heart things and the ability to produce at an elite level in terms of both quality and speed. So the tips I'm going to share here can be used in more events to levels of any skill. But also you can pick some of those dips and use it. Even if you're just starting. The 1st 1 is the beginner's mind. No matter how much you already know about anything about any skill, you should always have a beginner's mind. This means do not think you are the best, and you already know everything that that is to know the world is constantly changing, and even if it was always the same, you can look toe the same thing with a different pair of ice. People progress quicker are the ones who are eager to learn anything, even if they already know a lot of things. And they are willing to look at old things and basic things with a different through a different perspective. So don't let your expertise cover your eyes to the novelty into the new possibilities. In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities, but in the experts that are a few, the second idea about mastering a skill is about DNA in hard work. There are still a lot of misconceptions about what it takes to be good at anything. Some people believe that DNA is the most important factor. I don't believe that in my opinion, hard work plays a much more important role on that. It is true that our genetics also have a huge impact on us, but that's something we can't control. The only variable that the bends on us is our ability to work harder towards our goals. Malcolm Gladwell says. It takes around 10,000 hours to master anything. It doesn't matter if he takes more than 10,000 or Lesson 10,000. The idea is that it takes a lot of work to do it, and DNA is not enough. As Barbara Oakley said, persistence is often more important than intelligence. Approaching material with a goal of learning it on your own gives you a unique path to mastery. The third step is the intense focus I've said before that it's really important to focus on one skill at a time if you really want to learn it quicker. But this principle is even more important. If you want to dedicate your time, energy and focus at mastering a skill, it's much more valuable to try to master one thing at a time. Then two or three or five things. It might be even impossible to try to master five skills at a time. And remember that you can't multitask when you are trying to master a skill. You have to dedicate blocks of your time to practice that skill, and during that time you Onley do that thing in times of difficulty and challenge. The most important resource you can have is persistent in resilience, but those can also be practiced every day by sitting in your couch sitting in a sofa, whatever, practicing and mastering what you really want to master. As Barbara Oakley said, multitasking means that you are not able to make full reach connections in your thinking, because the part of your brain that helps make connections is constantly being pulled away before neural connections can be friend up. The fourth idea has to do with soft in hard zone, the ideal state of mind to practice and learn. A new skill is relaxed and focused or, as we call it, this soft moat or the soft zone. But sometimes there are things that you can control and your minds falls out of place. The hard zone, the way to deal with things that you can't control is to accept them and deal with them, Easier said than done. This requires a lot of practice. I recommend you to journal everything that it's not going well in New York process of mastering a skill. The act of writing things down will make it easier to deal with them. If you're going to show your skills in the concert for an audience, it's even more difficult to keep your mind in the soft sell. Josh Wait Skin, a chess master, once lost a game because he couldn't stop thinking about a song to avoid situations like this. He started practicing chess on undesirable conditions in order to prepare himself for future events so he would practise chess with music until he could actually aligns thoughts with the music rhythm. I think this is a really interesting way to deal with obstacles that my emerge when you are trying to show off your skills, so you basically use some of the distractions that might emerge in your practicing sessions , so we will be much more used to deal with them. So after you become very familiar with a skill, you can try this approach and try to place and obstacles in your practicing sessions. By doing this, you will be able to switch from the heart zone to the soft zone, even when the conditions are not the one that you wanted or expected. The fifth idea on trying to master a skill is turning this advantages into advantages. Josh Wait Skin was also a Daichi master, nor only a chess master. But else with I t master. But then he broke his right arm. As you could imagine, this event could be a tragedy for most athletes. Well, Josh fought this adversity with courage, resilience, and it actually made him better. So his doctor said he needed to recover for six weeks. Did he stayed in so far for six weeks? No. In the next day of that event, he showed up for training. For six weeks, he tried to fight his hoppin ins with Onley, his left hand. This became a huge advantage for him because he mastered some of the techniques with only one hand, and also, every time he did some practices with this left arm, he would imagine himself doing the same exercises with his broken heart. These rights are. He didn't exactly know if this would change anything, but he did it anyway after the six weeks his doctor was impressed by his ability to recover so quickly, and Josh was able to compete again easily. So when you find yourself in a challenging situation regarding your skill, your the development of your skill, staying in the sofa is not the right idea. So if you are a football player and you want to master it, what you can do is try to practice kicking with Onley one foot like the one that isn't so used to do it. Or if you are a basketball player, try to score on Lee with your weaker hands. If you're learning photography, try to take photos with Onley, your smartphone or with type with one type of lens. This is an excellent way to practice to improve your abilities and to take you to the next level of mastery. I know some people who do this type of practice by doing something with their opposite hands, so that might be brushing your teeth with your left hand or with the end that you don't use very often, or maybe even cook or eat with the opposite and that you are used to using and remember that simple practices like this skin became a huge advantage for you. When you're trying to master anything, The sixth idea is about recovery. What separates the best from the good is their ability to deal with stressful environments . It is very important to deal with stress and to try to focus when you are on a new situation in the very challenging one. If you are learning speed reading techniques and you find yourself losing focus, it's important to know how to recover, and you can sit for one or five minutes. Do breathe some breathing techniques and then come back to your practice. Come back to your development, your developing off a skill you for practicing a physical skill you should give your best through, like five minutes, 15 minutes. One hour depends, and then you sit down. You recover. You do other type of exercise in order to recover, and then you can come back to it. If you're mastering the skill of writing and you've been doing it for 45 minutes and you are already a little bit tired, it's very important to stop into rest and then, if you feel like it, come back to it. The recovery method can be applied to any skill you're trying to learn or to master. As I'm recording this course, I'm also making some breaks so I can rest and I can recover. So currently in Portugal, there, like 40 degrees Celsius? It's one of the hottest days this year, so I have to make a lot of breaks during this recording sessions because it's very hot in here and I can turn on the air conditioner because it makes a lot of noise. So, like you can see, recovery and breaks are very important. No matter what you are doing. And by doing this practice of recovering every day, you will be able to learn the skill much quicker. And also, if you are competing, this becomes a huge advantage to and why, including recovery practices. In your practicing sessions, you will be able to learn a skill much quicker, and also it might be a very smart way to recover when you are competing or on a more stressful environment. The seventh step is about triggering the zone, and I've learned this technique on the book The Art of Learning by Josh Wait Skin, and it consists on creating a routine that will put you on a desired mode. So a man created a routine that he would do every single day before playing football with his kit. And it consisted on a few activities, such as eating breakfast, 10 minutes, meditating 15 minutes, stretching 10 minutes and listening to a Bob Dylan song. He practices this routine every day for one month before starting to play football with his son. He then repeated this routine before going to meetings, and those meetings were always very stressful in suffocating for him. But because he did this routine before going to those meetings, he went there and he was much more relaxed, much more happy, which more creative with humor. So everything went much better, and this happened it because his brain associated that routine with a much more fun and enjoyable moot. This technique is great specially to do before some stressful activities such as meetings, presentations, competitions and many others. Each person should have their own routine in order to trigger before any stressful activity . Each one of us should have a personal routine that you can associated with an enjoyable activity, and then you use that same routine before a stressful events. But it's also very important to adapt your routine two times when you don't have that much time to complete it or something just happens. This is why you should progressively reduce the amount of time that it takes you to do your routine. The father of the example started reducing his meditation practice from 15 minutes to 12 D , stretching from 10 to 8 minutes, and he listened to the Bob Dylan song while he was eating his breakfast. This type of changes should not affect negatively your mood, because they should be done progressively so after a long time mastering his routine, the father was able to be in a desired mood whenever he wanted to buy Onley listening to the Bob Dylan song. Wouldn't it be great to think of a song to listen to a song and then immediately feel in the focus and relaxed the mode? And that is the exact same know that you should be in order to learn, practice any skill. You can do this by creating your own morning routine. I've got my own, and I'm obsessed with it because having a morning routine changed my life because really set the tone for the rest of my day.
23. Resources: Where and How to Learn?: in this module, you are going to learn where you can find re sources and information to learn and use killed. Because, of course, if you want to learn a new skill, you need to have re sources and waste where you can learn right and their intent of ways to learn. You can use blocks that are attentive. Blog's on a bunch of topics, and I'm pretty sure there will be a block in the specific skill you want to learn. You can also find YouTube videos and blocks and YouTube videos usually are free, right? And then you have books, which costs a little bit more of money. But they are not expensive, and they can bring you a lot of knowledge. Then you've got online courses, which some of them can be a little bit more expensive, and then you will have classes and teachers and mentors. And this is probably the more expensive way to learn a specific skill because you are hiring someone. But of course, it also can be the most effective way toward if you decided to choose using books, I've got a method to organize my book notes, which is I read a book, and I underlined the important text. So each time I read something that that I think it's important, I underline it, and I used book flags to mark those pages into mark at those pieces of text. So when I finished reading a book, my book is full off book flags, which is something cool because those bookmark flags will help me to then find where the most important pieces of the book art. And after finishing the book, I edit and organized my notes using a software. In this case, I use Evernote to organize my documents and book notes. So each time I finished your book, I grabbed my book. I open all the pages that have a book flag and I CO P or I simply writes simple resume or a summary off what is in that paragraph. And I write that on my ever notes on Evernote file, or you can use a word file document, whatever. And so in the end of the book, after writing everything on my documents, I will have a summary of all the book, and this summary is really, really useful because when time passes, you will forget most of the things that you learn in that book, but because you have a short summary in your pocket. If you use Evernote, you can have it in your smartphone. You can just read that your you could just read your own summary, and you will recall most of the information most of the valuable information. And so that's why I really like to learn through books, because I think it's a great way Teoh learning new information in to learn a new skill. The next way of learning is to ask questions to people who have mastered the skill you want to learn. So if you know someone who have mastered this skill that you want to learn, you can ask them questions. But if you do not know anyone who have mastered that skill, you can go to the Internet, which is a great resource. You can go, for example, to Twitter or lengthen or Google simply or Facebook, and try to find people who have master that skill. So then you can ask them questions, and most people are really willing to answer you if they are not popular enough like we are not talking about gurus with a ton of following. I'm talking about people that are the event that huge following so you can contact them. And most of the times I will answer you and you will help you. And you should be specific in some questions and more general in others. So I've got here three questions that I think I really, really useful to get a ton of valuable information from those people. And the first question you can ask someone is what are the biggest mistakes you see people doing when learning a specific skill can be whatever you want to, Um, and this question will help you to also avoid those sames mistakes that most people dio. So this can be really, really useful for you. Another one is if you could train me, what would you start by teaching? And by asking this question, you will learn a little bit more off their own method and their favorites and more the way they think it is more effective to learn a specific skill. And of course, this also can be really, really useful if you are learning a specific skill, and another question is, how can I learn to, for example, play guitar into shorts in the shortest amount of time. And in this question they will probably answer you with specific techniques and tips to improve on playing guitar much weaker. And they will also probably focus on the really important stuff, because if you want to learn how to play in the short of the most of amount of time, you need to exclude some things about playing guitar and focus on the most important things . And he I created examples off specific questions to help you a little bit more with it. And the first question here's he is how can I learn to play the guitar song in the shortest amount of time? So they will tell you, for example? Well, first, Linda learned the cords, then learn how to change them really, really quick, then play a rhythm, blah, blah blah. Another question is, what marketing strategy can I use on Facebook to turn my followers into buyers? And how would you do it? And this How would you do it? Thing will probably make that person explain exactly to you how they can turn followers into buyers how they would do it and this can give you a really specific strategy and plan . Teoh, turn your own followers into buyers, which is something really, really awesome. Another one is what are the best free APS or websites to learn Spanish. So if you know someone who has been learning Spanish is already really, really, really good at it, they will probably know APS and Softwares that will help you to learn Spanish quicker. And the other question is, what are the essential tools on photo shop to created a good logo. And here they will tell you the main tools to create a really, really good logo. And so you won't need to learn all of the tools before because you can just use some of them and already created really, really good local on it. So we were also saving time with this strategy.
24. Secret Sauce: Track your progress & Make Money: a really important thing when you are learning a new skill is to track your progress and the tracking the act of tracking your progress. Can Dan become a receipt toe? Learn that specific skill. So if you track all of your progress is learning how to play guitar. You can later turn that turn your progress into a receipt to learn how to play guitar, and you can also monetize that receipt. But, well, the first thing I really recommend you to do is to keep a journal that can be a paper journal. Or you can simply use your phone or a documents to write into documents. Your journey. Trying to learn a new skill. So let's say Well, today I learned how to play the C chord or the G chord, or I learned to learn new rhythm. Whatever. You are also going to write the difficulties you are having like Well, it's really difficult for me to change courts or to learn this specific rhythm whatever. And you are also going to write important things that you learned during that day or during your journey. So maybe it will be well, I found that it's easier to start by learning how to play the C chord than the D. So you can you write those things and those notes that can become later they're useful. Um, tip. For somebody who is starting to and also keeping a journal to record your progress is a way to commit yourself because you are forcing too, right. You are forcing to, um, to track your progress, and that is really, really important to commit yourself and to feel more motivated to continue. And like I told you before, your journal can become a detailed re seep on how to learn, for example, hard to play guitar or how to learn how to play drums or how to learn marketing strategies . And then you can teach other people how martyr that same skilled off course. You can only do this when you muster the skill yourself, but because you have a record of everything, you will have your own receipt of how to master a specific thing, and you can then teach other people by creating a new book, an online course er or simply teaching someone of that. You know how to learn that skill and you can make money with it, and this is really, really amazing. Let's say you are learning how to work with adopt photo shop or illustrator. You will learn how to make logos and banners and Facebook covers and things like that. In the end, you will have a receipt on how we learn design or photo shop, and then you can create an online course that are 10 of online courses on that subject, because people are really interested in learning those those and you can create an online course yourself and teach people how to do those things. And you can, of course, monetize that. Or you can also create a block around that subject where you teach people and you give them advice on learning how to play guitar or any other thing.
25. Conclusion: learning that new skill might be the best opportunity you have to progress in your career or in any personal projects, or even to improve your brain in your memory. Remember, the more you add your memory, the more you can handle. Never stop learning, because that's what keeps us a life and this call, Newport said. If you can't learn, you can thrive. But do something with what you learn. Thank you very much for watching this class and being interested on learning how to learn a new skill. The fact that you are interested on improving yourself says a lot about you, about your values, about your commitment in about your future success. Please can see they're leaving a review with your thoughts on discourse and remember that you can come to this class when you need help, motivation tips, methods, techniques or simply to remember what you learned before. As Benjamin Franklin said, Tell me and I forget teach and I might remember involve me and I will learn. I really want to involve you in this process of learning a new skill. So share in the discussion of these class what skills you are thinking of learning. Let's rate a community of people interested in learning new skills and improving themselves . If you need handy help, use the discussion of this class or send me a message and I will help you want. Learning new skills can be challenging, but when you used to write strategies, it becomes something fun, exciting and enjoyable. And don't be hard on yourself. Failure is a part off the process to and remember believe that you can learn any skill you set your mind to because you can thank you very much.