Learn To Make Wire Wrapped Jewelry from Scratch | Rachel Truax | Skillshare

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Learn To Make Wire Wrapped Jewelry from Scratch

teacher avatar Rachel Truax, Jewelry Maker, Photographer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Getting Started with The Foundation


    • 3.

      Pattern #1: Simple Wrapping


    • 4.

      Pattern #2: Twisting


    • 5.

      Pattern #3: Heartbeat Pattern


    • 6.

      Pattern #4: Weaving


    • 7.

      Wrapping The Stone


    • 8.

      Finishing Up


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About This Class

Want to learn how to create intricate, handmade, wire wrapped jewelry that 

In this course you will learn how to create intricate patterns using wire and wrap the patterns you created around a gemstone of your choice to make a necklace pendant! These patterns I will teach will help you step up your wire wrapping game and allow you to begin creating desirable, sellable pieces of jewelry. Please stay tuned for my upcoming coursed releasing May 2020 including 'Advanced Wire Wrapping Workshop' and 'Marketing Tips For Starting Your Own Online Biz!'

In this course you will need:

- 20, 21 OR 22 gauge round wire. (The higher the #, the trickier to work with.) A minimum of .5 troy ounces is suggested. **Linked below**


-30 OR 32 gauge round wire. (The higher the #, the trickier to work with.) A minimum of .5 troy ounces is suggested. **Linked below**


-22 gauge HALF round wire. A minimum of .3 troy ounces is suggested. **Linked below*


-Rounded nose pliers and wire cutters. **Linked below**


-A crystal or gemstone of your choice, preferable between 1 & 2 inches in height. 


I can order everything you need for this workshop including a gemstone, wire and tools, and have it all sent it right to your door for $60 USD, shipping included. 


I'd love to see the piece you created from this workshop as well as pieces you create in the future. Send me an email or a message on instagram to show me what you've been working on! I'm also available if you have any questions and will get back to you within 24 hours. 

Instagram: @wire_you_wrapping

Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/wireyouwrapping 

Email: everglow.crystal.jewelry@gmail.com

Meet Your Teacher

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Rachel Truax

Jewelry Maker, Photographer

Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction: Hello, everyone. And welcome Teoh, my wire wrapping workshop. Just introduce myself before we get started. My name is Rachel and I am the owner. That glow crystal jewelry. I have been wiretapping for five years Now. We're gonna make a piece, start to finish. Enjoy this video. Enjoy messing up. Enjoy the creative part where you're flowing and you're learning because it's the most beautiful when you learn something. So all right, with that being said, let's get stormy. 2. Getting Started with The Foundation: So today we're gonna be wrapping this piece of malachite. It is a kabash on. So for those who don't know what a kabash on is, it has a flattened back and a sort of rounded front. So any kabash on will work. You don't need to find one the same size or shape. Um, this is a very open tutorial that should help you. No matter what stone you're trying to wrap. Once you wrap the wire, I'll show you how to sort of free flow it around the stone in order to make a necklace pendant. So let's get started. So for this pendant, we're gonna take four pieces of base wire, so I'm using 22 gauge round, and you're more than welcome to use 21 or 20 or whatever wire. Um, I wouldn't go any higher than 22 but when I was just starting out, I would use 20 gauge. And 22 is a little thinner, so it's not as easy to work with so use anywhere between 20 and 22 gauge. We're gonna be taking four pieces about this length, so I would say maybe eight inches, cut four pieces and What I do is I cut one piece and then when I'm unraveling the next piece, it's sort of lineup, the piece I already cut and I get for even pieces. If one piece is shorter than another, it really does not matter. All right, so I have four pieces that are about the same length, and I have my wire cutters and my pliers, and that is probably all be using for this piece. I don't really need any other tools, so I'm going to start off with half round 22 gauge and this is basically the start of detail work. So this is our frame wire. This is the thickest base wire. That's sort of the structure of dependent. And then this is gonna be the half round which gets are pendant started. So I'm going to cut a piece that's probably two feet. I always think it's better to have too much than not enough, so I will cut more than I think I need here, and I'm gonna make sure the wires are all sort of even. It's possible, and I'm gonna take right in the middle and use my half round wire to wrap the base, so I'm squeezing all. And you can use your players here, too. I'm squeezing all four of my wires flat together, as you can see, And I'm taking the half round wire and putting the flat side of the half round wire around my base. So with half round wire, if you done any research, half of it is flat and half his round. And so I am wrapping the flat side up against the base wire so that the round side is showing. You don't have to do that very open to doing it the opposite way if you like the way the flat side looks on the outside. But basically, I'm rapping over and around. I'm not sort of twisting and wrapping like this is the flat side right here. And so I'm making sure by going straight over that the flat side is the only side staying up against the base wire and then every like, two or three rounds, I'm gonna just take my pliers and flatten it against the wire. In that way, the wires don't clump up and it doesn't matter if they clump up. If you decide to wrap him, sort of a little more smushed like this. It's fine. I just like to have sort of all four wires next to each other like this. So take your time. Flat side of the half round wire stays up against the base wire and flatten. And if they're a little too spaced apart like that, you can always take your pliers. If they're a little too spaced out, you can always take your pliers and sort of push them together a little bit. This is the back of the wire up, So don't worry right now. If you're not, if you're not vibing yet, this is going to be the back of dependent. So if you look closely at the half round wire, make sure that the round side is showing and that the wire isn't twisting. When you're wrapping it around, you can sort of tell when it starts to twist. So if that's happening, just try and figure out how to keep the flat side of the half round wire up against the base wire and then putting medium pressure here in order to wrap under and over. I'm not pulling too tight, sort of clamping those down there if you can see that, that is sort of what we're going for. I'm gonna do a few more here, smush him down, and that should be good. So we have a tail here. I'm just going to wrap that around the same way a couple of times and then flatten you, and I'm just going to cut about right here. So there's a little part sticking off, and I'm just gonna fold that part under. And so on the other side, it is sort of tucked in there, and I'm gonna push these together with my fingers. And so the idea is that the stone is going to be placed on it like such. And we're gonna have patterns coming off stemming off of that main structure. And those will be wrapped around the stone once we get those patterns made. So that's what we're doing right now. So that's about good. You don't want it to cover the whole stone. You just wanted to fall somewhere strong in the middle. So right now, this is gonna be on the back, and as you can see, it doesn't go the whole length of the stone. And that's what we want because you don't want it to overextend and stick out. All right? So don't cut this long piece of wire. What we're gonna do is take one piece of base wire and sort of pull it off to the side, bend it, make it kind of over to the side and then just took the other wires off to the other side for now. And we're gonna take this piece of half round wire and just wrap it completely around this one piece of wire. So try and get it as close in the little area as possible and wrap around. Same idea. With the flat side up against the wire and the round side showing. Try not to have it twist too much, and we're going to go until either you run out of wire or you go all the way to the end of that particular piece. So again, I'm going over and under, and if it overlaps, you can always just sort of wiggle it with your fingers. But you want them as close together as possible. So when I'm rapping under and over, I'm making sure that it's right up against the last wrap that I did, and then right up against again, right up against, but not overlapping. So it's clean. They don't really need to be pushed together. It's harder to push together when you're doing one piece of wire as opposed to four, so just try and keep it as close as possible in order to maintain, like a clean look. And don't worry if it's perfect or not, because ultimately you want to be able to express how he would like it to look. So don't worry if it's not perfect, your wire up will still look great. And I know the piece of wire is long and it's kind of all over the place. That's just something that you'll have to get used to. And sometimes it's easy if you take the flat side with your thumb and just pull almost like what you do with ribbon with scissors, it'll like, curl up. And so then it's not like flying all over the place, and you could just focus more on the part you're wrapping without everything, like all the wire hitting everything like this. So I'm just gonna speed up a little bit, but take your time. Ultimately, I have sort of a flow that I have found, - so just continue to wrap around flat side up against the wire and it might look like I'm just sort of blindly twisting. But I am focusing. I have the flat side of the wire, um, continually going up against the base wire. And it's just cause I have practiced doing that. If you mess up, use your pliers and just sort of do whatever you need to dio to get the desired look. And I'm having to grip very firmly right here. So you kind of have toe white knuckle it and grab right next to where you're wrapping. That's the easiest way for me because you need a lot of pressure in order to tightly wrapped this around. So my fingers air like cramping right now, but we are almost done with this part. I'm getting a little sloppy cause I'm going too fast, but I will stop right about there because I don't want it to go all the way to the end, because then if it falls off, it's a a problem later, so I'll go tool right about there and cut it, and again, I'll take my pliers and sort of tuck in the area that is poking out to just completely wrap around that piece of wire until it is flat as it can be. I don't want any pieces sticking out. And then what I usually do is I grab the end of the wire with the pliers and I pull all of this down so that it looks nice and put together. All right, so now we still have these three wires over here. And these four over here. So let me teach you a couple other patterns that I like to use. 3. Pattern #1: Simple Wrapping: All right, so now I'm going to use 30 to gauge round. I recommend using 30. If you're not used to wire this small, this is like the smallest wire possible. It's the thinnest. And so it's what I use for all those details in my work. 30 gauge is a little easier because it's a little bigger, but we're basically just gonna take a big a piece the size of my arm and 1/2. And then I always cut right before this little loop so that I can just tuck it in and the wire will stay. So now I have this really long piece of 30 to gauge. I'm going to sort of pull one wire off to the side over here, and we're going to just use one of these wires. So it's the same side that we did the last rap. Just pull another one over here, and then I'm gonna leave to in the middle. So this wire, I'm just gonna straighten it with my fingers and then take the end of your 30 to gauge wire and sort of leave a long tail and pinch up against the base and start rapping. I wrap clockwise around this piece of wire and wrap right up against the other loop that you just did. And I sort of like push in with my finger while I'm wrapping around so that the wire is nice and clean and you're literally wrapping this whole piece and you won't be able to see any of this. It's just gonna be this wire that you see. So just wrap around real slow and every once in a while, sort of run your hand all the way down the wire till the end because it will get tangled. So maybe every five loops do that, taking this wire and wrapping it around the base wire just in circles right up against the other wire. So it's all just sort of going to go this way until I'm out of wire. And it's easier to just go like straight over the wire like this rather than like this, because then it's gonna be really loose when you pull it together. So just try and keep the wire, like right on top, swirling over, and once you get the hang of it, it gets pretty easy, and you just keep going and I always use my fingers toe like push the wire after a few loops around, and then it's easy to use your thumb toe like push the wire that's sticking out up against the other wire. So it's all nice and like, taught, and that's what makes it look clean. That's what makes those details look really nice. And I'm just going to go fast here and see. I'm starting to get a little tangled in the wire down later, so just make sure you're gently like untwist ing that so that you don't get any loop de loops because the thin wire just tends to want to, like, spiral up like a phone cord after a while of this. So, yeah, just make sure, like once I do three or four, pull all the way down to the end and then keep going. And again I am white knuckling it, grabbing right up against where I'm rapping. So my fingers were right on the edge, and I'm wrapping right there because otherwise, if you're wrapping down here, when your fingers over here and you're wrapping, like at this end, the whole piece of wire is gonna go like this So, like, watch what happens when I don't use my fingers to pinch that The wire doesn't want toe like wrap around. It's very sort of all over the place when I don't pinch right there. So I do like to pinch right next to where I'm rapping so that it holds the wire nice and still And I can just sort of easily wrap the wire around without it getting all wonky. So we're gonna go until we're out of wire from the piece that we cut or if we hit the end, whichever one comes first. And as you can see, they're not overlapping. So I'm not rapping over the wire that I've already done. I'm simply wrapping right next to each little wrap all the way to the end. So again, the reason I pinch right here is because watch what happens if I don't? If I pinch here, this piece of wire is just going to go everywhere. So and the rap isn't gonna be nice. So a pinch right next to where I'm rapping and I wrapped straight over go all the way until about their I never go all the way to the end and I'm going to clip it and make sure that I use my pliers to wrap the wire around and make sure that it doesn't poke or stick out. And so now this whole piece is wrapped. So now this whole pieces wrapped and this piece is wrapped, so you've got to pieces with patterns on them. And just take this tale from the 30 to gauge wire and cut it as close as you can to the base and then tuck that piece of wire in so that it's not going to poke. 4. Pattern #2: Twisting: All right, So now we're gonna finish this side. And with these two pieces of wire that air done, well, just gently pull them down and we're gonna work with these two pieces. Okay? So we are going to start by taking our pliers and grabbing the base and holding very firmly , and we're gonna be twisting knees. So I make sure that they're at about a 90 degree angle and I grab pinch as tight as I can with my fingers and just rotate my wrist So I'm not wrapping one wire around the other. I am merely twisting them and wrapping them both the same direction at the same time. So I've got a firm grip with my pliers in Grab and Twist, grab and twist, grab and twist. You need pretty firm grip since its thick wire grab and twist, grab and twist and make sure the wires continue to stay straight and about a 90 degree angle. It's OK if it's a little more or less, and then I'm gonna move my players and grab the actual twisted part. Now grab and twist, grab and twist, and so it's gonna give you a clean, twisted look sort of pattern. If you keep the wire at the same angle and twist evenly rather than rap one wire around the other, you're going to get a nice look. So I'm just going to continue that all the way to the end with ease. It's all in the wrist. If you need to continue to adjust, that's fine. I'm twisting them both at the same time. The same direction on That's about good right there. So now this side is done, you have sort of, Ah, Pearlie wrapped side, thin wire outside and a twist. So now we're gonna come to this side. 5. Pattern #3: Heartbeat Pattern: We're gonna split two apart from the other two to make sure you put two over here and sort of tuck him away. And we're going to just work with these two right now. We're going with your fingers if you want. Make him straight. Been sort of lineup together. Awesome. So now we're gonna take 30 or 30 to gauge wire again, and I'm going to do another really long piece. So about the size of my arm and 1/2 again, and then I'm going to cut right before this little slot so that I can tuck the wire in so they can talk the wire in. Voila. All right, So this is similar, Teoh our last pattern, um, of wrapping around the wire. But this time, we're going to be wrapping around both for eight wraps. So make sure you've got nice tail over here and pinch it up against the base with your thumb and pointer finger and wrap nice and tightly around both wires. Make sure the wires air pretty together, if you can. And to three for five, six, seven and eight. So now I'm just going to take one wire and I'm gonna Onley wrap that wire. So I'm gonna go in between basically, I'm going in through the wires and I'm only going to wrap this bottom wire for 10. So one using my thumb to push it all the way in to in between them three, four, five, eight, nine, 10. So now you're wires, probably getting twisted. So do the technique where you go all the way down to the very end of your wire and make sure it's straight, and then we're gonna wrap around both wires again. So try and get them close again, and we're gonna do eight more one to three, and you don't want to be doing as tight as you can because this wire will snap. So just be careful and aware. Make sure it's nice and clean and tight, but not so strenuous that you're gonna break it. And I think I lost count. So I think I'm about 678 does not have to be perfect. It's just gonna be a pattern of both wrapped and then one wrapped and then both wrapped and then one wrapped. So if you mess up and have too many or not enough when you're going around for the 10 and eight count. It does not matter. So now I'm going to go around this bottom wire again for 10 one, and I'm talking it in as far as I can in this wire, so it's right up against if you can see that. Three, four. Let me clean my wire out real quick. Five, six, seven. Night 9 10 I'm going to sort of push him together with my fingers. So it's nice and, like, put together. So now I'm gonna go over both for 812345 89 10. And I'm gonna fix this. You don't want the wires to ever cross. There we go. So you can do your own pattern. You don't have to do 8 10 8 10 8 You can dio like 20 and three and 20 and three. You can dio any amount you want. Just wrap one wire for a while and then both for a while and then one for a while in both, and you can even rotate between just wrapping this one and just wrapping this one and then wrapping them both. There are a lot of options, so I'm basically just teaching you how to go about getting an idea for a pattern of wire. So if you wanna start doing wrap this 1 10 times and then both of them 20 times or this 1 10 times in both of them three, do whatever Do whatever you think would look good and just sort of play around with it. So I'm going to continue with 10 and eight. One on 2345678 No, wait. I'm only doing eight for those and then 10 for this bottom wire. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. And then I'm sort of pushing it with my fingers. So if you didn't see that pattern, we're just going to continue doing that all the way. And again, I'm not rapping as tight as I can one to So as you can see, my thumb helps me push the wire. Once I wrap it through, I just sort of pull. I put tension on the wire, and then I push in with my thumb so it gives it, like a clean look and see these wires look like they're about to cross. And so I'm just gonna like, pull it away a little bit and, like, adjust so that they're not going to cross and see. I wasn't careful on. I got a little sort of swirly dent in my wire. So I just go and try and flow out of it and, like, untwist it the way it was twisted. There we go. That happens a lot. So ultimately, you will get used. Teoh figuring out how Teoh avoid those or fix them. Hi, Mom. Okay, six. - All right. So I'm gonna end it there just so that we have a little extra room in order to use these later to wrap around other wire. So I'm gonna go ahead and cut it as close as I can to the wire and then wrap that piece around so that it doesn't poke and you have got a pattern 6. Pattern #4: Weaving: All right, so now we have almost everything done, and we just have to wires over here. So I'm going to teach you the pattern. That is, um, the trickiest. So far. So we're gonna use 30 or 30 to gauge again. We're gonna unwrap, probably, um, to arm's lengths. So quite a bit. - So the wire pattern that we're gonna do is a we've and it's like an over under. We've. So as we do the weave, the wires spread further and further apart. So they start really together like that. And basically, as they look here, we want the wires to continue to gradually go out. So let's get started, get the tail of the wire and pinch. So basically, we're gonna be going from the bottom through the two wires, so the wire is coming up right through the middle of both. Now we're gonna wrap clockwise over the top one, go back through both wires and over again. So we went over that one twice and then come back through the two wires and I have the wire sticking up. Now we're going to go over the bottom one counterclockwise and back through counterclockwise and back through. So it's over, over, over, over, over, over, over, over. And it's like it's kind of like an infinity sign. So we're gonna go over the top one and then bring the wire back through over the top one, bring the wire back through, and then to go over the bottom one. We go counterclockwise now, So over the bottom one back through, over the bottom wire and back through. And the reason we want the wire to gradually get bigger is one. It looks cooler. And two in the advanced tutorial. I'm gonna teach you guys how to add gemstones like little tiny gemstones along a piece. And this is the pattern where you do that. Were you at them so we're not gonna add any today. But this is a powder in that you should try and master because it will be very helpful for future y wraps. So then over and through and over and through, over and through and over and through. So if your understanding, it's basically we're not wrapping the two wires at the same time at any point, it's just wrapping this one twice and then this one twice, and the reason we don't wrap it once is because it's too tight and it actually puts too much tension on the wire and it doesn't look good, so you have to wrap at least twice. You can always do more, but I used to because I don't like a lot of spacing in between. So if he wrap it three or four times and then the other 13 or four times, you're going to get Gap Ege in the weaving pattern that we're going to start to see. So I just used to over the bottom one counterclockwise, over the bottom one counterclockwise and by the bottom one I mean this one and then through over the top over the top. Make sure it's nice and tight, but not too tight. Don't put too much pressure and then come back. You always coming under when you go through the wire, you're coming, like underneath both wires, so you're never going down through both wires with wire counterclockwise over clockwise over clockwise so you can start to see we're sort of getting a weaving patterns, so I'm going to speed it up so you can see what it's gonna look like and I'm not pulling too much when I'm going around. I'm not pulling very tight. I'm just keeping like a medium amount of pressure because ultimately we do want these to spread out. So if I'm putting a ton of pressure, they're just going to stay like this. So make sure these wires are going apart even before you wrap, because it'll sort of form to wherever the wires are now. So make sure they're not like this right now. And if they are sort of pull them apart a little bit, just enough to where it gradually gets bigger. You don't want anything crazy like that just about like that. And I do adjust these wires every once in a while to make sure that they're going apart a little bit. That's about where I want it. This pattern took me a while for its click, so that's why I'm sort of being redundant trying Teoh, get it in your head because it is such an important pattern. And once you get it, there's so much you can do with it. This is usually the pattern that I make a lot of the necklace pendant bails out off just because It looks cool, and it's pretty sturdy once you've done it or once, it's like finished. So as you can see, it's gradually getting wider, which is the goal. Obviously, Like I said, it's not gonna get this wide. We're actually almost out of wire here. So just gonna go till I run out because you can see it looks like a cool weave pattern and I'm going to end it. So basically, I'm going to wrap maybe four or five times just around one side and then cut it as close as I can to the wire. And then I'm going. Teoh again took it also. It's not poking and boom. So we have everything wrapped. We have a pattern here we have the twisty pattern. We have this pattern. We did this and the weave 7. Wrapping The Stone : So now it is time to figure out what we want to do with Stone. So think about which piece you want to be. The bail. So for me, the bail is going to be the let's. See, I think I'm gonna use this as the bail. So this is the one where we use the half round wire. So basically, I'm just gonna move the twisty part over here so that this is in the center and just sort of flat in that part. And so now my stone is going to go on the middle of the base where we started and I'm gonna make the bail first, which I usually dio with smaller wire ups. So basically, you just want a shape that will fit any size necklace chain, so that's probably good right there. And so what I'm gonna dio is once I have the bail shape, I'm just gonna wrap that same piece of wire fully around itself once to sort of lock that in. And I might even tighten that with my players so that the bail is sturdy and it's there, and we can do something with this piece later. So now the Stone is going to go there and it's basically a free. It's basically a free for all. So you can wrap any peace first around any part of the stone, and the goal is to just get the stone to stay in. So there has to be something on all sides keeping it in, making sure it's not gonna fall out and making sure that it's locked in on the back. So I think what I'll start with is I kind of want to take this piece and sort of wrap it around the corner here, and I'm just gonna bend it gently. So that wraps around the corner. And then I'm gonna bend it the other way right up here so that it sort of just goes back around to the top. You could do literally anything with that. You could just wrap it up the side of your stone. Um, you don't have to make bends in it. You can dio all sorts of things. This is just personally what I'm feeling, and so I'm going to move this out of the way and I'm gonna bring this around the bail area like that, so I sort of just formed this piece to bend around the wire wrap and sort of give it like a flowy vibe. So far. So now, in order to attach those, let's flip it over. And basically, I'm gonna take I'm gonna squish all this and so that it's not sticking out. And I am going to take one of these pieces and wrap it through the base, the main part of the rap, and then around again and pushed down. So it is locked in, and I'm not gonna do anything with this one yet because I'm not really sure what's gonna happen. So I'm gonna flip it back over and keep working. So this kind of stuff happens a lot where, like it moved once I attached it and ultimately wanted this piece to be sort of around the corner like that. And now the bales all the way over here. So, you know, maybe ultimately I will put the bail behind. You just have to play with it and trust your gut with something. Move things around. Don't worry too much about, like a certain outcome if you want it to look a certain way, because ultimately that's almost impossible. at least for me. So now I'm going to maybe do something with this other pattern that I have coming out down here. So maybe I will just sort of let me think, sometimes. Just stop and think. It's not a huge deal. Things don't have to be done right that second. You don't have to know. Honestly, this part up here is bugging me right now. So I am going to just wrap it around the bail, like, two full times just so that that part isn't going to come undone and then put the stone back. So maybe I'll go around the corner like this, and then I'll just tuck it in back here. Basically, I'm going to take these and put it underneath this mainframe. That's why we make this frame so sturdy initially, because you are gonna be wrapping a lot of things around it on the back later on. So that half round wire makes it really sturdy and durable. Once you get into all this detail work later on, some going Teoh, just take my pliers and sort of twist my wrists to wrap this around the back and you have to keep a firm grip on everything. Like I'm holding this as tight as I can with my left hand so that it doesn't move around. Yes, I might get arthritis. Um, but that's just kind of the way it is. So once it's wrapped on the front tightly, it looks like I still need to move it around Mawr, basically, just gonna get under it and twist, and that's about good. So now I have this whole part of the stone secured over there, and I can sort of bend it with my fingers if I wanted to come up on the stone, more etcetera and then I'm just gonna take this piece that's coming off the side and sort of hopefully you can see this Is it blurry? And I'm going to just maybe twist it, my mind even slide these wires underneath this other pattern and sort of grabbed him with my pliers and pull him through so that there is sometimes I smushed things with my pliers to it's always just, uh, an interesting game, I guess, and then all rap, because this is pretty loose right now. This piece that I just did, and so I'll probably loop one of these around the bail just to keep it nice and steady and locked in. So now I know it looks like a mess, but we're actually sort of getting somewhere and again. You just sort of have to keep wiggling everything and making sure that things air gonna hold the stone in. So this is where we are so far with it getting a little bit of sunlight here, which is awesome. So All right, So now what do I have left? I have my twisty pattern over here. I have my simply wrapped piece over here, and I have a bunch of little like extra things. Like I have a fun little piece here and then a bunch of extra wires up there. So what I'm going to do with this is probably just outline the wire that I already have in this corner and sort of double it up because I think that kind of looks cool, and I might even spread it apart. So it's sort of like that and then bring it back around and I am going Teoh again. Tuck it under like this. Pull it through with my pliers. Sort of wrap it over. So there you go. Now I can do anything I want with it. I can sort of either bring it back up through here where this is. That kind of seems like a lot going on to me. So I might just wait and work on another part right now and leave this down there. So let's see. I might use the same piece and just double up the bail. Sometimes I do that if I don't know what I want to do because doubling up the bail never hurts. So, like you can always just wrap around and have a second, sturdy area to the bail. And then I'm gonna take my pliers since this piece is short and wrap it through some of the bail areas and security as tight as I can because this is the end of that piece. All right, so that's done. And it's not sticking out or poking, And I kind of have this cool double loop and yeah, it's kind of fun. I can always go back and adjust it, so let's see what else we can work on. I mean, the stone is still not in there. It would fall out in two seconds. So I have to figure out something on this side to secure. And so sometimes you just have to stop and brainstorm for a second, and this piece is sticking out. So maybe I'll fix that while I'm thinking, just don't take it too seriously and don't stress out if you need a second, Just put it down. Because obviously, this is stressful. And it's a lot of new information for you just throwing this all together on a stone. And so if you're getting frustrated, just put it down and just sort of envisioned in your mind. Okay, Well, how do I close in the one side that I can't seemed Teoh close in, like, right now, this side, the stone would fall out in a second, so maybe I could put it down and just think, you know, what could I dio on that side that would keep it from falling out and also look aesthetic. So I'm still sort of working on all these pokey areas at the top. It's all just about smashing and twisting and making sure that all these little sharp pieces aren't gonna poke the person that ends up wearing your wire up. Even if it's you, you don't want to be poked. Hi. But so what I might do here is take one of these pieces of smaller wire that sort of sticking out and wrap it right up against right here. You can see that, just sort of fit it in that little area and then attach it back here somewhere. If I can might even just wrap it around this piece of wire right here that I have sticking out and sort of push it down. So it's not sticking out? No way. This piece, for now, is sort of holding that in so that the stone isn't immediately gonna fall out. But ultimately, that's not very sturdy. So why don't we go ahead? I'm gonna taken old piece of already cut 30 to gauge wire. So even though this is here, it's not very secure as of now. And so I'm going to try and take a piece of 30 to gauge wire. It's just a scrap from earlier. And try and get it through. This may be else, even used my fingernails to sort of separate this down here. And I want to just try and get the wire through taking a piece of scratch 30 to gauge wire , and I put it through the weave and also through this loose piece here, and I'm going to just maybe double lap it and go through one more time and pull nice and tight so that it's on there. And then, in order to finish off, I will twist these wires. If you twist him too tight, they will snap. So be careful. Little twist him just enough to wear. It's sort of a security thing, and then all attached this back here again since it came undone. And then this can be tucked in underneath both sets of wire. So it's just a little tiny piece here that holds those together, and now that's not really going anywhere. So good stuff now, since this piece is basically what is attached to this piece over here. I wanted to go the opposite direction so that there's tension where this is hooked on said it doesn't come and done so honestly, I may just go around the corner one more time here and then sort of hook it around the back of the mainframe and just really put pressure so that it doesn't come undone. It's not gonna poke anybody. Boo yah! So that's all really secure right there. This extra piece here, I think I'll just wrap it around a few times around the bail just to get it out of the way . And I'll cut it right about here and tuck it in so that it doesn't poke anybody ever so obviously, the back is not very pretty, but the front is kind of cool looking so far. So the bail is sort of not exactly the way I would like it. It's not very secure. It buns a lot, so attaching it here would be ideal. So maybe I will just take this piece that's going through, wrap it around similar to the other one and get rid of that. And then what I might do here is you kind of just have to go with the flow. I might at the top take a piece of the half round 22 gauge where it isn't visible and stick it through the pattern. I'm going to put it through the back, not the front, cause we want this to look really clean But I'll put it through back here and then put it through the bail sort of around the bail because that's what the Bales made out of is this half round, and so it doesn't look disruptive. And then once that part is secure, I'll take this and sort of wrap it around the base of the bail a few times and then go back through the bail, maybe twice, all right? And then maybe these two pieces air sticking out. So I will twist, um, a few times again, not too tight, because they will fall off Andan. You'll have sort of an interesting thing to re Dio. So twist him a few times. Cut it with a little bit of the twist sticking out, and I'll tuck the twist into the bail where it won't be Oppa against anybody's close, and I'll smash it down so that it's not poking or anything like that. All right, so now we just have this twisted part left. I don't know if you've already worked with the twisted part or what order you've been going in. Um, I have a lot going on on my wire app, so I think what I'm going to do with the twisted part is just rapid. Maybe around the bail, and sometimes I do something and then I'm like, Oh my gosh, I don't like the way that looks. That was kind of one of those moments, so we'll see what else I could do with it. I could potentially go through the bail with it, make a sort of s shape design here with the help of pliers, and then wrap this, like around the bail. You just have to play with it and give yourself time and be patient with yourself because it's very This is the most stressful part of the whole rap. And when I've done in person workshops, a lot of people have the same feedback. It's all fun and games when you're making the patterns, but wrapping it around the stone like it's all just you have to just wing it. And so cause you're wrapping stones of your choice. So there are some wire wrapping tutorials and workshops that tell you exactly what stone to get and exactly what to dio. But I think this way shows you a little more of like how to free flow with it and how to just be open to whatever wants toe happen. So obviously, I didn't plan on making this an s shape, and that just sort of happened right off the bat. And then I didn't really plan on having a lot of wire on the stone. I wanted it to be around and ended up on it. Um, and that's fine. That's like the beautiful part of this is having a plan, but being totally okay if the plan doesn't work. So I'm going to continue to wrap this around the bail. So I'm just going to cut this back here with a little extra sticking out and then wrap it around the bill, so that's not sticking out. It will just be tucked in like that. And it's not poking. Nothing is poking. So voila, I'm proud of you. And I would love to see it. So please follow my instagram, which is linked, and send over some pictures. I would love to see what you create and how you went about your process. 8. Finishing Up: Let me show you guys what it looks like on you Did it. Congratulations on completing the intermediate wire wrapping workshop. I hope you got a lot out of it and are able to create your own designs. If you're interested in learning how to set really small gemstones, wrap multiple stones, stuff like that, that is gonna be my advanced workshop. So keep an eye out if you're interested. If you like, follow me on Instagram or connect with me, be a Facebook or etc.