Learn to Fold 5 Unique Dollar Origamis | Kevin Hutson | Skillshare

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Learn to Fold 5 Unique Dollar Origamis

teacher avatar Kevin Hutson, Origami Artist

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Practice Papers


    • 3.



    • 4.



    • 5.



    • 6.



    • 7.

      Change of Heart


    • 8.

      Dollars Finale


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About This Class

5 Unique Dollar Origamis: Learn to fold 5 unique origamis from dollar bills.

Dollar origami is a great way to leave a tip at a restaurant and is a unique present for weddings, holidays, graduations, or birthdays. It is also an elegant decoration for your home.

This course guides you through the basics of dollar origami while you learn how to fold 5 different dollar origamis. These range in difficulty and include a sailboat, box, leaf, peacock, and ends with a more difficult one called Change of Heart. You don't need any previous knowledge of origami to fold these! All you need are some dollar bills.

What You'll Learn

At the end of this course, you'll have some awesome origami skills to impress your friends! We start by going over the different types of paper that can be used to practice with so don't have to worry about messing up on your money. There are many different options for you to choose from, and I'll give resources and instructions for all of them. We then jump right into folding some dollar origami, but don't worry: we start out very simple. Every time we encounter a new type of fold, I thoroughly explain step-by-step how it's performed and fold it slow enough so it's easy to follow. Each origami we fold is very simple so you can transform a dollar quickly, hone your skill, and have fun.

This course is part of a larger series on dollar origami that I plan to release. These courses will cover how to fold other simple dollar origamis and some more difficult ones. Make sure to click 'follow' so you don't miss any videos! I'm excited to share my passion for origami with you and will answer any questions you have along the way.

Dollar Origami Courses:

5 Simple Dollar Origamis: https://skl.sh/2Rcyxfq

Dollar Origami Wardrobe: https://skl.sh/3coKZTp

I also have many courses on origami from a traditional square:

Boats: https://skl.sh/3faaXKw

Flowers: https://skl.sh/327xlRc

Birds: https://skl.sh/2EncsaN

Modular Spinning Top: https://skl.sh/2XeKrZP

The possibilities of what you can fold from a single sheet of paper are endless!

Meet Your Teacher

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Kevin Hutson

Origami Artist


I am an origami artist that has been folding and designing origami for over 10 years. Origami is one of my favorite passions and I love to share this unique art form with other people.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi everyone. In this course I'm going to teach you how to fold five unique dollar origami. We'll start off with a sailboat, then fold of bops, leaf, a peacock. And then finish up with one that's called a change of heart. Beautiful one that's a heart that has these little flaps that hold a quarter perfectly. That's where the clever name comes from. Change of heart. Dollar origami makes a great tip at a restaurant. It's a perfect gift for graduations, holidays, weddings or birthdays, or just as an elegant decoration for your home. This is a beginner course so you don't need any previous experience with origami. I'll teach you everything you need to know along the way. All you need is some dollar bills. It does get progressively more difficult as we go along the change apart is a bit more intermediate, but you'll learn all of the skills that you need as we move through each lesson. I'll also give you some resources to be able to print a fake dollar bill onto a regular sheet of paper with the correct dimensions. You have something to practice with so you don't waste any real money. My name is Kevin and I'm an origami artist. I've been folding and designing my own origami is for the last ten years and I love teaching new people how to fold. I find origami to be a very meditative and fulfilling art form, and I hope you enjoy it to. This course is part of a series of courses I have sharing my passion for origami. I have other courses on dollar origami is, as well as many courses on origami folder from a standard square sheet of paper. These include flowers, animals, boats, birds, action models, modular origami and much more. So make sure to click follow so you don't miss out on any of my future courses. But let's get down to folding. I'll see you in the next video. 2. Practice Papers: I'll be using a standard dollar bill in each video to pull these. But it does help if you have a really crisp dollar bill. If here's her all old and worn out, then you can go to the bank and thus switch them out for you. I have personally gone to the bank and asked for 50 crisp dollar bills to fold origami with before these videos, I'll be using $1 bills so that you can use any denomination. News fives, tens, twenties, fifties, hundreds. If you're folding just for fun, you're probably using ones. But if you're folding these as a gift or a wedding or a graduation, or if you're leading a tip at a restaurant, you might be using higher bills. They will all work if you want to practice these without filling up a real dollar with a bunch of, you can print out some fake money to practice with. This is just a template I found on a website called principal fake money.net. I'll link to that website below. They have a bunch of different play money templates. I picked one that had the same ratio with a dollar bill, which is 6.14 inches by 2.6 million engines. Then I just added a stock photo I found on an origami crane. Then I just adjusted the size in Photoshop just to make sure it would come out the correct size when I actually printed it. I'll post a file for this down on the resources section so you can download it and have something to practice with. Just make sure that when you go to print it in the print options come up, click it to scale at 100%, then it will print out at the correct size. You can see it is the exact size is an actual dollar bill. But you can print these out of any size. You click fill page and it'll print out a little bit bigger like this. Or you can flip it and print out a really big one like this. Those are great to practice with as well. It helps a lot if you need to work out any small details on something. Another option is to print out an actual image of a dollar bill. Just be aware that there are counterfeiting laws that apply to US currency. And most importantly, the size has to be either less than three-fourths or more than 1.5 times the size of an actual dollar bill. And it can only be one sided. So lengthwise that would be less than 4.605 inches or more than 9.21 inches on the low end, that's really small, but on the high-end, That's a great size to practice with. Does fit on the size of Sanergy to printer paper. You just have to print it in landscape. This one here is about ten inches long. I got the file for this from Wikimedia Commons, which I'll link to as well. They have all the other counterfeiting laws listed on that website. So just make sure to follow those if you do go this route. But again, I'll have all of those resources linked for you below. So let's get to folding. 3. Sailboat: In this video, we're going to learn how to fold a really cool look and sailboat that does stand up on its own. This is a modification of the traditional sailboat adapted to fit onto a dollar bill. Sort of start with the bill facing up. Now a valley fold in half lengthwise will bring the bottom edge until I along the top edge. Let's make sure it lines up corner to corner and then increase it all the way across. And we'll valley fold in half width wise. So we'll bring the right edge over to the left edge and then unfold. Next, we're going to bring this bottom edge on the right in to lie along that center vertical crease we made. And then the same thing on the left side will unfold both of those. Now we're going to turn both of those into reverse folds. So we're going to open these layers up there. We're going to swing this point up through the center of the model and reform these two creases. This long crease is going to reverse. So if we begin to fold that up. And then if we reverse that long crease, should be able to reform the creases that we had at the bottom as well. It'll look like that. Now do the same reverse fold on the left side. Now we're going to take this layer on the right and just act like you're turning the page of a book and then turn the whole thing over nu the same right here, just turning one page. Next we are going to make a valley fold that starts right at this point on the left, runs up this way and do this with just the top layer. So we'll start at that point all the way on the left. And now this edge should be parallel to the top edge. And this edge should make a right angle was at top edge. Just like that. And then do the same thing on the right side. Just making sure it starts at the point, right. Just like that. And then turn the whole thing over. Next, we're going to make a valley fold that runs from this point on the left, but it's going to extend up to the center on the top. So you'll notice the small crease that extends all the way to the top. Started from that crease and then get it started from the corner. And then just connect those two little pinches. Just like that. Notice the same thing on the right side. Both points and then meet in the middle. Now we're going to make another book, volt. So just act like you're turning the page of a book with just one layer or one flap. And then turn it over and make another book fold. Listening to hold layer in place underneath so it doesn't slide around as you pulled up. I'm going to turn this over again. And valley fold this point on the bottom into where this edge meets these edges right here. And you can open that up a little bit so it's sticking straight up and then turn it back over. And that should be able to stand. Now you can try reforming that again, but with the dollar bill facedown and see which one you like more. I hope yours looks great. Please take a photo of it and posted out on the project section, I'd love to see you what you were able to fold. And then I'll see you in the next video. 4. Box: In this video, we're going to learn how to fold a box with handles. This is a cute little box. And while we're folding this, we'll learn how to fold variation that has more square handles, but I like this one that has the appointed handles the most. So let's get started. So we're going to start with a bill face up. And we're going to valley fold in half lengthwise and width twice. So I'm going to bring the bottom edge up to meet the top edge. Just make sure that lines up corner to corner, increasing all the way across. And then unfold. Next we'll bring the right edge over to the left edge, increase that one down. And then unfolds. Next we'll bring this top edge into lie along this center crease we made and bring the bottom edge and that same increase. Next we're going to make a diagonal crease. Where the center of that creases right? The center of the paper. So we'll fold it like this. And then you should notice decrease where we follow the model in half. That should line up was these edges. And it should look, go straight up from there. Now unfold that. Then we'll do the same thing, but it was the diagonal line running this way. And then unfolds. I should have an X running right through the center x. We're going to make a valley fold that extends from the two points of that X where it means the edge. And then unfold. We'll make a valley fold on the left side where that x meets the edges and unfold. Next we're going to fold this flap over to the left as we're opening out these two layers. So we're going to open these two layers out along these creases we made in the previous step, along those diagonal creases. And as we're doing that will swing this flap over to the left and is keep opening those out until it looks like that. Then you can increase that down. Now we're going to valley fold this edge into the center. It's just reversing the crease we made in a previous step into the same thing on the bottom. Next you're going to valley fold this top flap out to the right along these edges. Now will repeat all of those steps on the left side. So we're going to open these two layers out as we swing the flap over to the right. And we'll valley fold this top edge into the center. And the bottom edge. Then we'll pull that flap out to the left. Now if we just pull on both of those flaps, box should open itself. If you like the way the box looks like this, you can leave it like that. Or you can make these flaps a little shorter. So to do that, we're going to turn this over. And we'll just bring this edge into this crease or the box starts. Just like that. You know, the same thing on the left side and then turn it over and your box and look like this. That if you want, you can leave it just like that. Or you can shape the handles even more and make them into a point. And I'll show you that as well. Fetus fold, this edge in starting right where the center crease line is. Just like that. And do the same thing on the top and repeat at all on the left side. Then the box looks like that. There's lots of other ways you can shape the handles. Feel free to play around with that. Try making a bunch of pleats for adjusting the angles on these Lots of options. I love looking at what you're able to create. And then I'll see you in the next video. 5. Leaf: In this video, I'm going to teach you how to fold a leaf. This is a really cool look in one and I'll be teaching you how to fold the simpler version that looks like this. And in the end, I'll explain how to fold the more complex version that looks like this by just adding some more fleets and then following all the rest of the steps the same. They both look great. And we're going to start with the bill face up. Next, we're going to bring this right edge up to this top edge bisecting this angle. Just make sure it lines up all the way out to the corner and then increase it down. And do the same thing on the left side. Bring this edge up to the top. Next we're going to valley fold the whole thing in half. So we'll bring this bottom edge up to the top edge and just try to hold these layers in places you do that so they don't slide around. And then unfold. Now bring that bottom edge into that center crease we just made. And then unfold numbering the top edge down to that center crease we just made. And then unfold. Now turn the whole thing over. Next we're going to bring this bottom edge up to that first crease. And we're going to complete this all the way up. So we're gonna take that first crease, form it into that mountain fold. And then we're going to bring them mountain fold up to this next crease. And then do that again. So a mountain fold decrease underneath and bring it up to the next Greece. And do that one more time, bringing this up all the way to the top edge. Then I'd like to pick it up and pinch through to make sure all those creases are firm. Next we're going to take the whole thing and hold it. So this side is facing up. We're going to compress it in the center. Then we're going to valley fold the whole thing in half. So we're gonna bring these two tips up to meet each other. And once those tips are lined up, compress everything down. So you can actually decrease on the bottom. Now we can turn that over. You'll notice there's one layer here. We're going to fold that layer up over this crease that we have. So take one layer, bring it up over that edge and we're gonna tuck it into this pocket between these two edges, springing up and over. And you can do this in either direction. Whichever one works easier for you. You could bring this crease up over that way. And once you have that over, compress it all down again. And then if you hold the tip, you can open these layers out. And it should hold itself together nicely like that. If you want to make it a little more permanent, you can turn this over. And we're going to take this point and folded down along this edge. So if you just make sure those are tied together and then fold it across, there's an edge underneath, so it'll kinda catch on that as you're folding. The digital lineup on the other side like that, you just hold all that down and then close it up and then turn it back over. That will lock everything in place nicely. Now if you'd like to fold one that looks like this, you're gonna need to fold everything into sixteenths instead of into eighths. It looks really cool like this. So during the step where we folded everything into fourths, then we turn the paper over and pleaded all the way up in aids. Before you turn the paper over and start those pleats. You will fold into eighths on the original side, just dividing every one of those areas in half. And then you'll fold over and fleet all the way up into sixteenths. The steps look just the same. Us down one more step where you make some extra creases. Multiple options look really great. And we are all done. Not hope yours looks really good. You can go take a photo of it and post-doc down in the project section. I'd love to see it, but that's it for this video and I'll see you in the next one. 6. Peacock: In this video, we're going to learn how to fold a peacock. This is a really beautiful one, but it does have some smaller details. So I'll try to make sure and go really slowly to make everything clear and hopefully you're able to fold it. So let's get down to it. Now we're going to start by Valley folding the entire bill in half lengthwise. So we'll bring this bottom edge up to the top edge. Just make sure that lines up corner to corner and then increase it all the way across. And then unfold. Next, we're going to bring this top right edge until i along this center crease. And then do the same thing with this part of that edge. Will, should just meet in the center. We're going to fold those and again, so we'll bring this top right edge into that same center crease. And the same with the bottom right. Next we're going to make a mountain fold that runs right through where these edges meet. So we're going to start that mountain fold on this side. Just so we make sure it starts in the right place, which is right there. And then we're going to turn it over so we can set this down and then make sure this point mines up in the center. That'll increase at all the way down. Then I'll turn it back over. Next, we're going to bring this edge on the left into the edge on the right. And then unfolds. Now bring that left edge into that crease that we just made. Now bring the right edge into that crease. We may, well letting this point flip out. Now unfold all of that. So we're going to bring this edge on the left into this crease that's running right here. And then unfold. Now will bring that same edge into the first crease. And then unfold up. Next we will take this mountain fold that we have. Now we're going to bring that over to this crease right here, which is now two from the edge. So 12. And then unfold. Next, we'll bring that same mountain fold into that crease that's closest to it. Next we're going to turn the whole thing over. And we're going to make cleat folds. They go all the way up this direction. So we'll start by bringing this edge on the left into the very first crease. And then with that first crease, we're going to mountain fold that. And then we're going to bring that mountain fold into the very first crease. It'll repeat that again, just form that mountain fold and bring it into the next crease. And do that again and again all the way out to the final crease. Gold again. And this one is a valley fold, but we'll still fold up to that next crease. And then we'll turn that over. Return that mountain fold into a valley fold on this side. Next we're going to valley fold this whole thing in half. Now we're going to make an inside reverse fold. So we're going to swing this point up through here. And there's not an exact reference for this, is just affect how large the body is. Swinging up, point up through the center. Then you close it back up. Just about there. Again, it's not an exact reference that is folded or something like that. Now sure gonna make one more inside reverse fold to form the beak. So assuming that point down through the center and then close it up. Now we're going to start to just open these up. So it does it a little Naturally. I'd like to make small little creases right here. They're not full creases, but just so it will tend to open itself up naturally there. And now we're going to close that back up. We're going to look right in the center where these edges meet each other. We'll look at this from the back. You'll see you there's just single layers on their own here. Now I need to isolate the part where those layers are. And then we're going to valley fold those layers together as one. Now it's a really small details so it's hard to show. And then to lock it in place better than that will lead to a valley. Fold those over each other again, I'd like to do this with tweezers. Take those layers together, and then fold it over again. Then once you have it decently crease, you can fold all the layers together. And now there should be locked in place. It's already don't talk too hard. They should stay there. I like to hold those layers together and then push all the pleats out. On both sides. Should look something like that. Now we are all done. And I hope you are able to fold that one. If you were a please take a photo and post it down in the project section. I'd love to see it. And now I'll see you in the next video. 7. Change of Heart: Now in this video we're going to learn how to fold one called a change of heart. It's a really beautiful heart and it does have a little section in the middle with these flaps that you can lift up and then insert a quarter right under them. Now we have a heart with some change in the center. So it gives the clever name change apart. It looks great if you start with the bill face up or face down. And this one also does have some smaller details. So I'll make sure to go really slowly through those. Hope you're able to make it to the end. Let's get started. First are going to valley fold along all four of the angle bisector will bring this right edge down to the bottom edge. Make sure those edges line up all the way out to the corner. Then you increase it down. And then unfold. Now line that right edge, list the top edge and preset all the way up to the corner. And then unfold the same thing on the left side. Let's bring that left edge up to the top. And it unfold and bring it down to the bottom. And then unfold. 2x is. Now I will turn the whole thing over. Next we're gonna make two vertical creases that run right through the center of those x's. So we'll start on the right. We'll bring this right edge over to lie along. We're in these two creases meet the edge of the paper. So there's line these points up on the top and the bottom. And then down and unfold it crazy. My age should run right through the center of that x and do the same thing on the left side. And then unfold. Now turned the whole thing over. Next we're gonna collapse all those creases at the same time. So we'll start on the right side. Bring the two edges of that vertical crease and start to fold them in and then all the creases should start to collapse at the same time. Spring all those crystals together and form a nice triangle. Then you increase that down firmly. And do the same thing on the left side. Form all those creases. Increase it nice and firm. Next we're gonna swing These points out to the corner. So as this top point with just the one flap will bring that point. Out to the point on the write down. The same thing with the bottom point on the right. And repeat those steps on the left. Next, we're going to turn those into squash folds. So we'll start with this point right here. So swing that flap open. You'll notice a small pocket. If you spread those two layers apart. You can open up pocket up. And then this point, this right on top, you'll swing, let straight down. And you'll notice that point lines up right in the center and it forms a perfect square. Should look like that when you're done. Now we're gonna squash folds, other three flaps. Next we're going to focus on this square on the top right. We're going to bring this bottom edge until i along this crease that runs diagonally, will show you what I mean. Crazy it down just like that. Then do the same thing on the other side. Edges should line up with each other when you do that. Now we're going to turn those into squash folds. So we'll start with this lower one. Little, just open the pocket between those two layers and then squash it down symmetrically. Feel it closely, there is a little crease that will lie right along an edge underneath it. Squashed fold that other flap. And if you're having trouble separating the layers, you can use some tweezers. So anything that you can spoken there to open those layers up. Now we're going to repeat all of those steps on the other three squares. So we'll bring these edges into the center and then squash full dose. Next we're going to make a mountain fold. The runs directly where this edges. So to do that you can just pick it up and make a crease that runs right along that edge. Lay it down and show you what that looks like. Next we'll take that new edge that we just made and bring it over to the edge on the right side. It's this one to make the crease nice and firm. You can turn it over. Next we're going to swing this flap down as far as it will go. Leaving these two flaps where they are should all line up symmetrically on the bottom. Then this crease that across. Next we'll take these two points right here and valley fold em right along this edge. Valley fold those points together like this. And then unfolded and tuck it inside. So if you open that flap up, tuck it into that pocket. That'll hold everything together. Next we'll make a valley fold on the right to bring this point in. There is not an exact reference for this, will fold it in about this much. Just making it look like a heart shape like that. And do the same thing on the left. Tried to fold it in the same amount as you did on the right. Now turn the whole thing over. Then the model is all done. Now if you take a quarter, it will fit perfectly into the center of that. So there'll be sliding it in under each of these little flaps here. Theatres take it in and slide it under two flaps at once on the left. And then bring the flaps on the right up over it. I try to do this without making any new creases. Softly lifts them up and bring them over. And that's why the model is called a change of heart. And we are all done. Thank you so much for folding this one. I hope you are able to make it all the way till the end. And now there are some difficult steps in there. If you did make it to the end, please take a photo. I would love to see what you are able to create. You can post that down in the project section. I love looking through all those photos and then I'll see you in the next video. 8. Dollars Finale: Thank you all so much for watching this course. I hope you had a lot of fun folding everything. You can post all your photos down in the project section below. I would love to see them also, if you can please rate and review this course, that would help me out a lot. And if you did enjoy it, you can click follow. I have a ton of other courses on origami, but I have a whole series on dollar origami. I also have a series on origami folding from a traditional square that would include things like birds, boats, animals, flowers, modular origami action models, and a lot more. So go quick follow if you want to learn more. And I, thank you all again, keep folding and I hope to see you in the next course.