Landscape Photography Masterclass | Mario Guimarey | Skillshare

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Landscape Photography Masterclass

teacher avatar Mario Guimarey, Photo | Video | Youtube | Editing

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Landscape Photography Masterclass


    • 2.



    • 3.

      Things You Need To Know


    • 4.

      Let's Talk About Light


    • 5.

      Recommended Equipment


    • 6.



    • 7.

      Planning Your trip


    • 8.

      Panorama photos


    • 9.

      Using an Object


    • 10.

      Detailed photography


    • 11.

      Golden hour Photography


    • 12.

      Editing our Landscape Photo


    • 13.

      Editing Panorama Photos


    • 14.



    • 15.



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About This Class


What would you think if I tell you that you can start taking amazing LANDSCAPE photos as soon as you finish this course?

With this LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY MASTERCLASS, you'll learn everything from the gear you could use, composition, best times to take pictures, how to take panorama pictures and I will show you how I edit landscape pictures and I will help you to start creating your own style.

Things you will learn in this LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY MASTERCLASS course:

  • gear you need for landscape photography
  • Planing your trip and your photos
  • Why the light is important and how to use the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO
  • I will give you tips for you to create a good composition
  • How to take panorama Photos
  • How to edit landscape photos to make them look amazing

Photography is art and needs practice, I want you to start taking pictures since the first lesson. You can always pause the course and get out there to take pictures, and then come back and keep watching. Actually, I need you to do that. Take as many photos as you can, like this you can choose the ones you like and the ones you don't and start creating your style.

If you want to start taking amazing LANDSCAPE PHOTOS, this is the course for you. I'll see you in class.

Meet Your Teacher

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Mario Guimarey

Photo | Video | Youtube | Editing


Hello, My name is Mario. I was born in Lima, Peru and since I was 18 years old I've been traveling around the world working in cruise lines. I found my love for PHOTOGRAPHY and VIDEOGRAPHY watching the beautiful scenarios that the world has for us.

I started to study PHOTOGRAPHY online as well as VIDEOGRAPHY and I opened my first YOUTUBE channel to share my adventures with family and friends, but something happened...

Many people around the world started to watch and comment my videos, that was so exiting that I wanted to make more videos and with better quality.

I kept studying but now, it was the turn of SOFTWARE, Premier Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.

After Years of editing videos and photos, learning more and more about YOUTUBE and social ... See full profile

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1. Landscape Photography Masterclass: If you like to take photos, especially outdoors, if you'd like to go for hikes, the mountains, if you like to travel, if you want to learn how to take those landscapes to another level and make them standing in your pictures. This is the course for you. I designed this course for beginner photographers that want to take landscape photography to another level. During the course, we will talk about equipment spoiler alert. Any camera is good, even your smartphone, we will be using pictures from landscapes all over the world. I will talk about techniques, composition, tips, and tricks I use for my photos. And to finish the course, I will start editing with you. We will edit a few pictures together and I will help you to create a good workflow for the editing that you're gonna do so that you can start creating your own style. Are you ready to start improving your photography? I'll see you in class. 2. Introduction: Welcome to my landscape photography course. I'm really happy to see you here. My name is Mario and I'm a travel photographer and you do have trouble blogger currently living in Slovenia. I love landscape photography and that's why I decided to make this course for you. And this introduction is basically to explain you how the course is going to go and what is that I will need from you. We'll start with the year you'll need. And then we will learn the meaning of shooting RAW photos. We'll talk about light, by the way, without light, there's no photo in photography, this is translated as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. After these first part, we will talk about the best time for taking pictures, composition, and techniques that I use to get the best out of the places I go. I want to show you how to take landscape pictures like sunsets, panorama pictures, and much more. Don't want to the end, we will go to the post-production, that means editing. We will edit our photos with a good workflow. And let's see if we can start creating our own style. What I will need from you is very simple. I want you to go out with me and take pictures. Landscape photography needs a lot of practice. So don't be just sitting down watching this course. You have to go outdoors and start using the techniques I'll show you. You can put, pause and go out, take some pictures using the things that you're learning in this course, and then come back and keep watching the course and re-watch whatever you need as necessary. Also, if you think I missed something, take notes and let me know with a comment or a question, because I want this course to get better and better. So I promise I will keep improving it with your health. Now, let's start with the course. 3. Things You Need To Know: Landscape photography is the art of capturing pictures of nature or outdoors in general. And in a way they do make your viewers feel what you felt when you took the picture. In a way, did you bring your viewers to that specific place with the photo? Now, landscape photography doesn't need to be done just in popular touristic places. It doesn't even have to be done in nature. You can actually just go outdoors in your hometown and maybe get a nice feature of the buildings. Or you can go for a walk in the woods and get an amazing short there. So there's no excuse not to go outside and start experimenting with landscape photography. Now, I want you to know the difference between raw files and JPEG files that for sure you heard about. So every single camera take JPG photos, but not every camera take raw photos. Jpg photos are compressed files becoming that takes all the information that your sensor captured and compress it so that the photo is ready to go, maybe to posting social media or wherever you want to do with the photo. So remember that the image is already compressed. So a lot of information from the file was already used. On the other hand, raw files contain all the information captured by the sensor and there is no compression. And that is why these files are even heavier. Normally raw files are flattened color, but don't worry, files have so much information that the idea is to fix everything in post. I always take raw photos and I wouldn't suggest you to do the same if possible, because with JPG photos, there are so many things that you won't be able to fix because of the compression and lack of information with raw files, you will be able to rescue details like from the shadows or the highlights because you have all the information that the sensor capture. Nowadays, even some smartphones can take raw file. So I would suggest you to check your phone, cameras, settings. You could be surprised. 4. Let's Talk About Light: Let's talk about light. Light is the most important part of the process of creating a photo. Without light, there's no photo. The camera is going to have three ways of getting light to the sensor, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Let's start with the aperture. And for that we will call the lens of the camera or the eye of the camera. And the aperture is basically how big you can open the eye of the camera. And we are going to control this with f-stops. And it's a little confusing because bigger the f-stop, smaller the aperture. For example, an F22, we'll have a very small opening, so no much light is coming to the sensor, and this makes most of the image in focus. Then you have, for example, F1 0.8. That means that the opening is b and a lot of light comes in the sensor. In this case, not everything is going to be in focus and you will have to select a specific places in the image to be in-focus. And that creates a shallow depth of field. And this is very good for portraits, for example, when you have a very in-focus subject and the rest is not focused. Creating these beautiful shallow depth of field that is also called bouquet. You have to practice to understand how these will affect your photos. You will have better choices while taking landscape photography. Shutter speed is how fast the eye is going to open and how long is it going to stay open? Of course, if it open super-fast, less light is coming very fast. Shutter speeds like 500 of a second or a 1000 of a second are very good to stop motion. For example, if you want to take a picture of an eagle in the mountains that is moving fast and you want to capture the action, a fast shutter speed will get the job done. But remember, the faster the shutter speed, less light is coming to the sensor and the image could be dark. So then when you play with the aperture to give more light, believe me, this is like a game. It is fun. Now IS always a camera setting that can give you light, but it's digital. So we have to be very careful. There is a moment that when adding ISO, the image starts to get noisy. Adding grain to your photo, you have to know which are the capabilities of your camera, because every camera is different. Some cameras go from 100 they are so do even more than a 100 thousand ISO a lot. But when you go too high, your cameras starts to add noise. Some cameras is start to add noise at 6400 ISO, but their cameras that can go higher with no problem at all. So you'll have to practice again and find your common or limitations. However, I will always suggest you to shoot at the lowest ISO possible and play more with the shutter speed and aperture. So the first thing you need to do is to get the composition and start thinking about your priorities. For example, if you want a shallow depth of field where everything in focus then set first-year aperture and then compensate the light when the shutter speed. But if your subject is far and you're using a zoom lens, shutter speed would be a priority to avoid the camera shake. But what happened if you want a fast shutter speed, but also everything in focus. Then after you set up your shutter speed and your aperture, you can compensate with the ISO. I told you that this is like a game with practice, you'll get it right. So get outside and start taking pictures in your town so that when you go to take your landscape photography, you'll be an expert already. 5. Recommended Equipment: First, I want to mention that you don't need expensive gear for landscape photography. You can even start with your phone and you're in the correct place at the correct time, you will get the shot. My father is a journalist and I saw pictures that he took 40 years a goal while traveling. And they're amazing. Just think about it. A 40-year-old camera that is approved, that you don't need an amazing year to take amazing pictures. Now let's talk about cameras. You have the crop sensor cameras and you have the full-frame cameras all begin. Their cameras are going to be crop sensor. But let me tell you that there are some mirrorless cameras with the crop sensor that are actually professional cameras. So it is relative. Now as a note, the difference between mirrorless cameras and DSLR cameras, he's very simple. Dslr cameras have a mirror that moves every time you take a picture. Dslr tend to be bigger cameras because they need this extra space for the mirror. The mirrorless cameras don't have that mirror. So they are smaller. I use mirrorless cameras because of the size and I traveled a lot. And let me tell you that you can feel the difference in weight because also the lenses are smaller. Start to pay a lot of attention in mirrorless cameras because all camera companies are trending to mirrorless cameras, DSLR, little by little, are going to disappear in my opinion, because I don't see canon or Nico a1 or Sony or any other company putting the same effort for the new technology in DSLR as they are putting for mirrorless. So like I said before, everything is relative. So my suggestion, my advice to you is to define your budget and then check camera comparisons in YouTube for maybe Google chip cameras that are around the same price is actually a lot of fun to watch camera comparisons in YouTube. And you will learn a lot, is good to know both cameras before you purchase one. Now lenses and here's my recommendation is to start with wide lenses like the 12th, 235 Millimeters. Normally if your camera came with the lens, those lenses are called Kid lenses and they are normally like these, like 12 235. And sometimes there's some lenses that even goes higher and higher range like from 12 to 50 or 60 millimeters. This is what I recommend to start because after that, it would be nice for you to get a telephoto lens like from a 100 millimeters or more. Sometimes you want to get these details in your pictures, like a picture of a mountain in the horizon or maybe an eagle that is passing by if you're shooting with your phone, don't worry. Nowadays the fonts are coming with more than one camera. So that means more than one lens. When you see that your phone has a macro lens, zoom lens, wide lens, That's crazy. Smartphone cameras are becoming so good. I will always recommend getting a tripod, maybe for a panorama photo or super close up photo using a zoom lens, for example. Or just because you are going to take a few pictures of the same scene, you know, the light keeps changing and you want to take some pictures with differing lights. You don't want to move the camera. Tripod is for that. For example, if you're taking a picture of a sunset, another example would be when you take a long exposure photo, you don't want to move the camera because cameras shaking these kind of pictures is very bad. And low exposure photos are very common in landscape photography, like for example, these long exposure of clouds or water that is so beautiful when you see the water so smooth like a cloud. These are long exposure photos. And of course, for this kind of photography, I will suggest you to get the lightweight tripod. Remember that you will be carrying it all the time. First, we will need a polarized filter there like sunglasses for a lenses, when the light is strong, it affects the quality of our pictures. Also, if you want to take a picture of a sunset pointing at the sun, they help. The difference is b. Now you also have the ND filters, but they're not necessary to get at the beginning. But if you can get them, I would suggest you to do it there in a way very similar then polarized filters, but you can make them darker and darker, removing stops of lights and they are amazing for long exposure photography when you take photos with a shutter speed of 1 second, for example, a lot of light is coming into the sensor and filters are going to be the solution. I will suggest you to always get some spare batteries because you will be outdoors for a while and you don't want the camera to die. Also carry a microfiber cloth because you don't know if the lens is going to get dirty. So you needed to clean the lens from time to time. Last but not least, get a good backpack for your camera and lenses. You're going to be carrying some way, so you have to protect your back. 6. Composition: Composition is basically how we arrange the elements in our scene is the most important part of the art of photography is even more important than the camera and the lenses that you have. You can actually get amazing shots with the cheapest cameras in the world. Just remember the amazing pictures taking for the National Geographic magazine back in the day. Just for you to know, National Geographic was first launched in 1888. Nowadays your cell phone picks much better pictures and the most professional cameras in the past still, we're talking about incredible photos that were taken and everything was in the composition. So let's talk about some guidelines that we could use to make our photos better. Sometimes I use negative space to attract the viewer's attention to the main subject. So basically, negative space is the use of a lot of empty spaces to help define your subject, or like I said before, to attract your viewers attention to your subject. Normally in these kind of pictures, your subject is going to be in a small part of the photo. For example, look at this boat in the middle of the ocean. Here we use the ocean as a negative space. The ocean is not distracting at all. So you make your viewer focus in the boat. Try to keep your horizon leveled. Some cameras are going to even have a guide to level the horizon. If not, you can always use the greets that your camera has. There are very useful, not just to level the horizon, but also to follow certain rules that are very popular in photography. You can always fix the horizon imposed, but he will crop some parts of the picture. And that's why I always tried to do everything on camera. One more thing about the horizon in pictures is that it doesn't have to be on the top. You can try different pictures, positioning your horizon in different parts of the photo. But please always try your best to have it level. When you are in the place to take the picture, you have to move. And I don't mean to move two steps, you have to move around, look for different perspectives. You can have a lot of different photos from the same place just by moving. Like I mentioned in a previous lesson, check Instagram or Pinterest for ideas. And you will see pictures of the same subject but from different places. So start moving. Some photos can use leading lines and they make the picture very pleasant to the eyes. Leading lines are lines that you can see in the photograph. And you have to put them in a way that are going to draw attention to a specific place in the picture. It is fascinating how the brain tends to go to specific places in the photo, but unconsciously follow the lines. Let's start saying the rule of thirds doesn't mean that this is a rule. In art. There are no rules. This is a guideline than it is very simple. You have to break the image into thirds and then you're going to create nine frames. The idea is to place your subject in any of the intersecting lines. This is the most popular guideline. And normally this is the first one that you learned in photography, maybe because it's very easy to understand. And believe me, that helps a lot. Major picture in most of the cases, very pleasing to the eyes. I believe that with the guidelines I just gave you, your photography is going to improve very fast, bit more guidelines, more rules that I could give you. But I think we BCE once you can already start. And the idea is for you to get out there and start making photos at the end, landscape photography requires a lot of practice. So if you start getting out and taking photos, broccoli is going to make you a master. 7. Planning Your trip: As I mentioned before, the most important part of a picture is light. Without light, there is no picture, so you have to plan your photos based on the light to get an amazing picture. You don't need the best year. Of course it helps a lot, but you don't need it. What do you need this to be at the right place, at the right time. And planning your trip will help you to have all of that. So first thing to do is to find a place you will be going to shoot. And if you have no idea yet, you can go to Google and search for night places around you, or you can Google the place you're planning to travel to. I also use a lot Instagram and Pinterest looking for the places that I go and I always find amazing photos and that is already a star to have an idea. You can have an idea of the place on times checking other people pictures. And it can help you to see that you could get the picture from another angle and actually get a better shot than them. Okay, Now that we have the place we need to look for the best time to get the best pictures in that specific place. There are two times that had the best for photography and every professional photographer will recommend you. And they are called the golden hours. And these times are exactly after sunrise and just before sunset, every day is going to be different. And that is why you have to Google what time the sunset or sunrise is going to be on that specific day. In my case, I use an application on my phone that is called photo time and it's really cool. It will tell you when exactly the golden hours are going to be in this specific place that you are looking for. And also it tells you what time are going to be the blue ours, blue ours actually the opposite, the golden hours. And it gives you this moody blue tones to your photos. And this is the application. You can see the first thing that it's opening on the top, you can see the place I am I am hearing copper. Okay. This is a Slovenia and he says August 13th. So that's today. And it says the length of the day, the solar noon local time. And then you can see the blue hour, the sunrise and the golden hour that's in the morning for the sunrise. And then in the evening for the sunset, you have the golden hour. The blue hour is really cool, is telling you exactly, for example here, golden hour from 544 am to 645 VM. Here down you see level up your photography. So actually you can pay for the application and get many more features. On the bottom, he says Son, but we are already using that. This is actually this information here that's sun next to it. You see this icon, it's like a drop. If you click here, you can see where the Sunrise was here in the morning and then you can see the sunset here in the evening and it's really cool. And here where it says noon when you click here, well, it is funny because it has known 110, but it means when the sun is exactly in the middle, okay, that's at 110. But here you can see SIT time. If you said the time, for example, you are planning to go for a hike and the height is going to be like by the lake over here. And you're gonna go like nine in the morning. You go nine in the morning. And then you can see it's going to tell you exactly where the sun is going to be at that time. And now next we have these two other icons. And these icons are basically view pay for the application that is like $4.5 dollars, something like that, then you're going to get all of these features x, right? But this is really cool. I always use it. Actually, if we go back here, I forgot to tell you this. It says August 13, but what if today's like Thursday or Friday and you're planning to go on Sunday and then you can come here or was 14, almost 15. Or you can come here to the calendar and you can choose the day like the 26th. I'll tell you exactly what he's going to be, the sunrise and sunset, then everything is really cool application. Now you have the place and the time. We just need the wheel and the strength to wake up really early to take pictures during the sunrise. Let me tell you most of the best landscape photography is we're taking during the golden hours. And for me the best is the first one, the sunrise, because it's so early that there are not many people around. On the other hand, during the sunset, there are so many people waiting to take pictures. So pick your camera and enjoy. Just wake up early. Go take the picture. 8. Panorama photos: But what I, my photos are very nice and very easy to do. The idea is to take few consecutive pictures following the horizon and then put them together to create a wide picture. Some cameras are going to have the option of Panorama photos and I'm going to have a horizon line because you have to keep the horizon straight when you take these kind of photos. You can also take panorama photos with your smart phone. Most of them have the panorama option and they have the horizon line to help you. Now there's a couple of tips I would like to give you. First, if your company doesn't have the option of Panorama or maybe your camera doesn't have the horizon line to help you, even though you could do it manually trying to keep the horizon's straight and then fix the little imperfections imposed. I will suggest you to use a tripod, and in that case, I will suggest you to level the type of first and then you level the camera. Older TPS not to use ND filters. They tend to give you this vignetting in the pictures. And then to take this vignetting imposed, it's a nightmare. Other thing is to avoid moving objects. They will look like ghosts. So if there is a moving object in your landscape, just wait until it's gone and then take the pictures. Now again, if you don't have the option of panorama pictures in your camera and you're taking the pictures manually every time you take a picture, when you go to the next one, always include a little bit of the previous picture to be able to stitch them together, imposed, and don't worry because we will do editing sessions in the course as well. And I will show you how to stitch our photos together and edit them to create a beautiful, beautiful panorama picture. 9. Using an Object: The first time you come to a place that you've never been there, maybe you just saw in pictures is normally a little bit overwhelming and sometimes you don't know what to do or where to start. There are no proper rules written for these kind of situations. And every photographer is going to experience them in a different way. Like I mentioned before, photography is an art and it's practice. You will start getting your style and little by little as soon as you start taking pictures and don't be afraid in taking hundreds of them. Because like this, you will find the ones that you like and the ones that you will never do again. One way to start feeling comfortable in the scene, to look for a subject, and it could be a house, a church, a breach, a dog, a person, even a tree. You can also use the rule of thirds, or you can actually break it like in this case, putting the subject in the middle. The idea is to avoid destruction. If you want to make a picture with the main subject, trading away that everything around, even though he's still aesthetic, is not going to distract you from the subject. A good example in this case is the use of negative space, where you can focus in the subject or you can use leading lines in this picture, for example, you don't see them, but they're there for this picture also, you have to be creative and move around to find the correct spot. You also have to be very patient. So the subject can be anything but tried to choose one that is going to be recognizable, a dog, for example, here following rule of thirds, also want to mention that if the subject is moving, you want to use the continuous focus in both. You don't want to get a shot and then realized that it was not focused. And nowadays, cameras are so advanced that some of them have animal I out of focus and that is incredible. Now, if you want to get a picture of a bird or something moving very fast, use a high shutter speed because this object is moving and you want to capture the option. 10. Detailed photography: Outdoors, we will not just find the spectacular scenes to photograph. If we pay attention in the details, we could find beauty in the smallest things. Sometimes it's not necessary to take pictures of waterfalls are mountains to show how amazing nature is, if we pay attention, for example, in some drops of water in a leaf, or as simple as some leaves in the ground in autumn, we could find great pictures and show the essence of nature. These pictures are not easy to get. And as I keep mentioning, practice will help you to get better and better. Now for this kind of photography, you will need the lens that allows you to focus close to the subject. Those lenses are called macro lenses. And let me tell you that some of the new smartphones are going to have these macro cameras. Those are actually macro lenses. So like I said, you can get good photos even with your phone. Now, it would be great if your macro lens allows you to have a big aperture. Those are called fast lenses, like 1.8 or 2.2 for example. These lenses are going to help you a lot to isolate this object. And they're creating these bouquet around the subject with these fast macro lenses, you will have to practice to dominate them manual focus, but you're going to get amazing pictures at the end. You have to pay a lot of attention and be aware of your surroundings for these kind of photos, sometimes a flower is not that attractive seen from normal perspective. Being laid down on the floor with a macro lens can make a big difference. So take a lot of pictures, strike everything, and you'll get there. Remember to isolate it, the subject using the aperture. And also you have to use a higher shutter speed to get the best quality of the images. So don't be afraid to use like 500 of a second, 800 per second, or even more like this, you will correct this camera movement that could be caused by your hand. Now we don't have these combinations of shutter speed and aperture equal happen that your picture is going to be allele will underexpose. Well, here is when you're going to compensate the light using your ISO. 11. Golden hour Photography: Sunrises and sunsets. They're so common in landscape photography and so beautiful that tips and techniques to get the best are the same for both of them. You can actually just get out there, take your phone out and shoot a nice onset. But proper sunset pictures are taken with planning and care. So first thing to do is to use the application I showed you to see where the sun is going to be. You can actually use any other app or whatever that can give you that information like this. You know where the sun is going to be and you can start thinking on your positioning. I normally use two kinds of lenses for this. One wide lens and one zoom lens to make nice close-up pictures of the sun. Also remember that the camera will be pointing at the sun, and that is a lot of light coming into the lens. So a polarized filter or an ND filter would be nice to have. Sometimes you want to get a long exposure shot to get this beautiful and smoothness in the water. But then you will need ND filters for sure. And also for long exposure photos, you will need your ISO to the minimum. Of course, you will need a tripod. Remember that in these kind of photos, I'm minimum movement can destroy the image, making it blurry. Also, you want to get everything in focus so good aperture, like F 16 or more would be perfect. Using the zoom lenses, you can get amazing pictures. You can get these very close up pictures to the side. They're like amazing. But weeks smartphones, I would not suggest you to use this soon because normally the quality is not the best. Normally when you think about sunsets, you think about the camera pointing at the sun, maybe the ocean as well, maybe some mountains, but always pointing at the sun. Well, you have to change your mindset. Remember that sunrises and sunsets consider very important to the photographer, but there is a reason for that is because they come with the golden hour. So don't think about sunset like the perfect picture of the sun. Use the golden hour, turn around and look for the colors that you can get. They could banish of the light and the colors that come with it and take pictures around you, you will not regret. So to summarize and give you extra tips, one of the biggest mistakes for sunset photography is coming too late. The golden hour is before the sunset. So come like one hour or one hour and a half before the sunset. Bees. You will also have time to take pictures around you using the golden hour. And also you will have time to position yourself appropriately for the sunset or sunrise. Also, another mistake is to live a fairly just then to 15 minutes after the sunset or 10 to 15 minutes before the sunrise. Look for the clouds and the horizon. The colors are amazing. Those pictures are my favorite. And after the sunset comes the blue hour as well. Take more pictures and experiment these scholars as well. They are really cool. And if you go for Sunrise, it would be like an hour before sunrise. But if you're using an application or your checking online, you will see exactly when is the blue hour another tip. Polarized filters help you to avoid the reflection of light from the sea and brings up the colors of the sky. Awesome. So there you go. Another reason why you should get polarized filters. And to finish this lesson, I will repeat this. Don't forget the sunset are not necessary just to take pictures of the sun. Turnaround, do a 360 degree turn and look for better pictures and take all the pictures that you can look for the color. 12. Editing our Landscape Photo: Okay guys said these are the photos that we are going to edit. Basically, these five here are the panorama photos that I took. We're going to see them properly, Don't worry. And then I have these two pictures that are very similar, the same time of the day. So you can see the colors are very similar and we're going to edit one of them. And I will show you how to copy the settings and put it in the next picture. Okay, so let's go to Lightroom. We're going to select all of them and we're just going to pull them to Lightroom. We release and now we have all the pictures here. Now what we're going to do, because I always like organization, is come here to Add To Collection and we're going to create a collection. You see here the plus button. And we're going to put in the title lake bled, because actually these pictures are from Lake blip in Slovenia. Okay, and we're going to put Create. Now we created the collection and we're going to import. And there you go, we created the collection and we have the pictures here. So you can see we are in library. By the way, this course is not about Lightroom, is about landscape photography. So I'm gonna give you just some tips about how to edit these landscape photography. How is my workflow, how I do it? But if you want to learn Lightroom, if you want to learn how to use the program, I'm telling you I have a course of more than four hours of lessons of everything in detail. Library, Develop, map, a book, everything in detail. So I would suggest you to look at it, like just check my name and you'll find the course is because I have a lot of courses also, because it's necessary to know Lightroom if you want to be a photographer, okay, to start editing, we're going to go here. There you go. And we're going to start editing this picture. I like this picture is very nice. Okay, now here in the left side you can see that there is a little arrow here. We don't need this part for now. So we're going to click on the arrow and now we have a bigger space, as you can see now here on the bottom we have the same thing. We can click here and we have even a bigger space. Now here, I always like to do these, as you can see in this part, if you come here to the edge, you can actually make it a little bigger. And I like to do that because I have more access to this lights, you know, and it's going to be more into detail, is going to be what I want before we start to edit the picture, I want to show you something here in the composition of the picture, as you can see in the composition at like these three here, this looks like messy, but actually eat attracts your attention to the center of the picture. This is like a frame. So also in the composition that I didn't mentioned before, tried to look for frames because it makes the picture very nice. And then in the editing, we're going to make our viewers come to the middle of the bigger here. We're going to emphasize in this part for the best editing. Let's start to edit. First thing I do before I start anything in the editing, first thing I do is come to the tone curve and do a curve. I saw some photographers that are really good. I like their photography. They have different styles and one of them actually is using this technique that it's doing curves in the red, then in the green, and then in the blue, and then altogether are going to be making like a really nice image, really nice colors for me. I don't want to use this technique now, so I'm going to do the curve just here. We're going to do click here, click here, and click here where creating three points. That's to start. As you can see, I'm using the white button here. That means that it's all over the picture. Okay? Now I like to put my meat tones in the middle. So I'm going to put it in the middle. I'm going to create the contrast. Pulling a little bit the curve here. Don't worry if it's getting dark. Don't worry because we're going to fix that later. But I want to create a contrast. Blacks have to be black and the whites have to be white. I'm creating another point used to pull it a little bit more here. And then these wide can go like here, I think it's okay. Now it's done. Some people are going to start cropping the picture and that is correct. That is correct. I do it sometimes, but the thing is that when you edit the picture, when you crop it, it's the same thing because the picture is already edited, so he's not a big deal. If you skip the cropping at the beginning, as you can see, Lightroom cropped already the picture for me because it's actually a wider picture. And I like actually the composition I did from the beginning. So I'm going to come here to As Shot and I'm going to put like original. This is basically the original picture that I did. Okay? I think the horizon is okay. I'm just going to check the horizon a little bit. Just in case a little bit. Okay. Remember when I told you to try to do the best to put the horizon is straight because then you can fix it in post, but you're going to crop some part of the picture. As you can see, I fix that because it was not perfect the horizon I did these handheld, I didn't use any tripod for this picture. But you can see here that I'm cropping these little part is not a big deal. It's not a big deal, but I prefer, and I will suggest you to do it to try to put your horizon properly in camera. Okay, I'm gonna put Don, very nice. I like the colors here. You can see that these clouds are reflecting in the water and the color of the clouds. I like orangey because he was like a sunset. Remember that I told you when you take pictures of sunsets, you don't need to point at the SAN You can also turn over and take pictures of something else because of the callers were going to rescue the colors. You'll see why. Because I should erase Oh, okay. Because I should enroll. I can recover everything. Now we're going to come to the Basic Correction tab over here, basics. Now, the next thing I do after my curves is to try to fix the exposure. Okay, you can see that I'm fixing the exposure there. I don't go too far because I'm losing the sky as you can see. And I don't want to lose this guy and don't worry because we can actually fix this posture by parts of the picture. So I think that is enough steel we're going to fix this posture here, don't worry. Actually highlights. I'm going to take a little bit of highlights because I like the sky, how the sky areas, it's the skies is very nice. There you go. I think I'm going to put a little bit more of exposure. There is. Okay. Seal the sky now is a little bit over exposed, but I'll fix that, don't worry. I'll fix it. Okay. So let's go to shadows is fixed, some shadows. There you go. Exposure. This is the bar that it takes a little bit longer, actually, the basics because sometimes you put highlights, you take out highlights, but then when you are finishing your arete again or you're finishing, you come back to exposure again. It's, it's like the sum. Let's add a little bit more of contrast because it's like the sunset you can see here the reflection of the clouds in orange. Let's add a little bit of warmness to the picture. That's, that's okay. I think that's okay. It's a little bit warmer. I'm going to take out some whites. I'm gonna take out some blocks because it's a landscape photography. I love to add texture to the photo. So I want to add a little bit of texture, a little bit of clarity in landscape, the dehaze sometimes helps so we can go extreme. We can go a string to the other side, you can see what he's doing. So I think the dehaze, there would be very nice. The Byron's, I use first the vibrance and saturation, because saturation saturates the colors in the pictures and the buyer brands actually what it does is more intelligent. It saturates what it needs to be saturated. So I actually use just a little bit, not too much. I don't want anything to appear like it's a fake little bit of saturation and I think it's okay there. So I'm done with the basic. The picture is not done. But let's see if you click the slash button like backslash, you can see how it was before and how it is now. You can see that there is a big improvement, big improvement, but we, we're not done. We're not done. Okay, let's go into the HSL. These greens are like a silhouette and I like that because like these you're going to focus in here, but you have also greens here. And I would like to give a little bit of saturation to the greens. The water also the water. It's choise here you can see if I go to stream, the changes are very subtle. I don't know if you can see it in your, in your computer, but it's, it's very subtle, but it helps a lot. Let's see what happened with the blue. Wow, the blue goes is stream. Okay, let's add a little bit of blue, but not too much. I think that's okay. Now what I want to do is these colors that I just used, the orange actually a monad because it's the sunset, so it's going to make it nicer. Now. These colors are, I add, I want to give them luminance. So I'm going to add luminous to the blues, Okay, why? Because of the water, I want to make the water a little bit more shiny. There you go. Maybe green moles, so I can add luminance. I can go even extreme. There you go. Excel is done. Now I go into detail. And in detail, I'm going to take out a little bit of sharpening. It's too much noise. Someone out a little bit of noise because, because I know that some places are going to have some noise. So it's just a little bit, it's not gonna, not gonna make a problem. We add the noise in the corners also, and that's it. There you go. We're almost done with the basics, okay, with the first part of the editing. In effect, you can actually hear a vignette, as you can see, I'm exaggerating like it makes like a dreamy picture. I don't need it, but I'm going to add a little bit just to use the effects. Okay, there you go. Now we go and we're going to start to actually do the little parts of the picture, okay? If you press J, you will see which are the bars that are overexposed or which are the parts that are actually completely black. You see, the blue shows you completely black and the red will show you overexposed. But as you can see, we don't have any red, so I think the colors are okay. But we're going to fix this really black colors. Okay? So what we can do is we can use these. The adjustment brush is don't make it too big, let's make it a little smaller. Let's press the letter O that is going to activate these part here, show selected mask. You can actually take here. And you're going to select the mask, but if you press O, it's faster. It's just a key that I like to use. And now what he's going to happen is when you paint, you're going to see a red color that's going to show you one. Are you painting? Okay. You see and then we go here a little bit. These are all the parts that were under exposed. Okay, we're gonna give a very, very subtle fix. Chile I can do also here. There you go. Now I'm going to click 0 again. The mask is done, which is one to see what is happening. And we're going to add shadows. This play with the shadows first list, take out shadows a little bit so we can see everything better. As you can see, everything is getting better. Here I can see a little bit more of the tree and I can see actually the back. Now if we add a little bit of exposure, just a little bit, it's even better. Now let's press down because I think that's it. That's all I want to do there. Now, if I press J, you're still gonna see some blue parts there, but I like them. I don't want everything to be visible. Also, silhouettes are very nice and silhouettes are normally dark, so that's perfect. It's not a big deal. Okay. What I'm going to do is I'm going to put a little bit of light in the center of the picture that is basically where I want my viewers to focus. So what I'm going to do is we're going to click here. This is a song that I just did. I'm going to use the radial filter. Okay, the radial filter, what it's gonna do is I'm going to create this circle opera. Actually what I'm asking now it's all outside, not inside. This is by default. If I press O, you can see actually that everything outside is selected. So I'm going to press O again and I don't want that. What I want to do, I'm going to come here again. Remember that we are in the radial filter. We're going to come here, we're gonna go down, down, down, down, down. And it says in bert. And now if I press all, you will see that we embed the selection and we are here, we are in 50 percent of feather. That's nice because I don't want to do changes here. And they're going to look horribly like exactly around though I want to feather, I want it to be nice. So what I'm gonna do, press O again so I don't see the mask, but the mask is there. Okay, and let's do something with this. Let's give a little bit more of exposure, a little bit like take out some shadows. Not much because I don't want it to look like weird. Okay. We're gonna do the sharpness. Every time you add sharpness, you add noise. So let's put some noise reduction here to fix that problem. And this is done. It's very simple, very, very simple. As you can see, you know, I love that picture. If you press L, you isolate the picture in a way. Yeah, you still can see something here, but what happened if you press L again or the picture is completely isolated. So you can see the picture. You can check your mistakes. If you can fix something there, you know what, I'm going to tell you a secret. Something I always do. I always, always when I'm editing, when I finish, I think I'm done, but know. And I finished. I go for a coffee, maybe a glass of water. Then after five minutes, I come back and I look at the picture again and let me tell you how many times it happened to me that I changed the picture and then I go again and then I change the picture. Oh, my God. So do at the onetime, don't do it too many times. Go for a coffee, come back, fix it, and that's it. Okay, so this picture is done that now I want to show you something, of course, remember, remember that photography is an art, so it's up to you. What you like. You don't need to lie guar I like. So come on. I'm saying that I'm done with the picture, but maybe you will do something different with this picture. So it's up to you, is your creativity. Now we can actually check how it was before and how it is now at the end, That's the picture that we had. And that's how it is now. It's really nice. I love it. Now we have this picture here that is very similar, very similar. If we want to crop it, we can see that already Lightroom is trying to crop it. I think Lightroom did a good job. I'm going to leave it there. But what I wanted to show you is that this picture has very similar colors at the picture that we just edited. So what we can do is we come to the picture that we edited. We're going to right-click here in the picture. So you can see here that the cursor, the arrow is here, right-clicking the picture. And we're gonna put Develop Settings and we're going to copy the settings. And then they're going to ask you, what do you want to copy? Basically, I want to copy everything. Okay. Normally, these local adjustments are going to be unmarked. Why? Because local adjustments are locally in these picture, in the other picture not necessarily are in the same spot. So we're going to have to fix the other picture, but we're going to save time. If we come here and we copy these, then we come to the new picture that we want to edit. So you can see it's this one. We do exactly the same Right-click Develop Settings, but we're gonna put Paste. And as you can see, we pasted them, we copy it exactly what we did in the other picture. What happened in the other picture is that we have like a frame here with the trees. And it makes some darkness. Now in this picture, the same settings are making these over-exposed weekend fix it. We already saved time with the basics. Okay, Now what we're going to do here in this picture, for example, let's go with the graduated filter that we didn't use until now. There you go. And we're gonna do this. Now if we press O, we can see that we selected the top. Okay, Now let's go a little bit higher so we don't touch the church. I think there is. Okay. Now what I want to do is to fix this guy, okay, because it was overexposed. So what we can do, we come here down in the right side. These mask, I want it to have a range. So range mask off. No, we're gonna put luminance. What is going to happen is we're going to select the mask is specifically the highlights of that part of the mask because we want to fix this guy. We don't want to touch the trees here or the dark parts of the mountains here. No, we want the highlights. So remember, always in Lightroom, highlights are in the right side and dark parts and shadows are in the left side. So we're going to go all the way here. And then as you can see, we come extreme here. You can see the just the sky and the over-exposed parts are selecting now because he's the highlights. Okay, It's very settled. You can see that dark red. The mask is very settle. Okay, you have this mootness here is if 50 percent, we can actually go all the way here and it's going to be very dark. But I want the settled parts, so I think that's okay. We're going to press O so you can see what I'm going to do. We come here and the first thing when I'm fixing the sky, first thing highlights out. As you can see, it was a very settled fixed. It was a fixed actually winning exposure. I can come just, it's a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny down. Okay, Now actually I can add blue to the sky if I go all the way here, look what he's going to happen. I don't want it that blue one and maybe there, okay, There is, okay. I think this guy is already better, so that's nice. We're going to leave it there. Now we come down here and clarity because he's this guy. I like to take out a little bit of clarity to make these softness in the sky. And now the haze for sure I'm going to use it because you're going to see what the phrase is gonna do to this guy. If we add the dehaze, look at this guy's getting darker, but in a blue way, look at this guy is super nice. So let's add a little bit more and I think that is okay. Now what we're going to do is to come to HSL and we're going to add luminance to the greens. As you can see, they have aluminums here, but I want all the way illuminance in the greens. Okay, let's add luminance to the water also, okay, then noise reduction, the details, everything is the same who has already done? If you come to the curve, for example, you'll see that it is the same because we'd copy these settings, so that's perfect. But remember that in this picture we copy the settings, but not the local changes that we did. So I want to do again these radial filter, okay, and I want to do it in the church. Remember that we did it, so we isolate the church a little bit. Let's do it here, let's come here a little bit. You remember in the previous picture, what did I do here first, the first thing to do, Let's press O and you will remember, as you can see, selected the outside. So the first thing we do, we come here and this is just because we want to fix the middle, okay? And we're gonna do the bert, and now it's okay, let's press all so we can see, well, we're going to do and hear exactly what we did before. Just a little bit of exposure, we take out a little bit of shadows just to put a little bit of light there and make it beautiful thing, a little bit more of exposure. I took it to the next level. Highlights where we're a little bit, Let's add the little bit of contrast in here. And I like to add a texture clarity. This is very nice in details for buildings, for example, There you go, I think there is. Okay. And now we're going to press Done, as you can see, is this very, very little changes. But like I said before, the beauty is in the details. Okay. I forgot something. I forgot something here about the noise. So what do you do when you forget something is you come again to the radial filter. And if you did 20 radio filters, there's going to be a lot of spots here, a lot of dots. You can see it's over here in the middle. You can see the hand. I selected it again. You know that he selected because he changes to black, it was gray. If you do different radial filters, you will see different spots here like a gray dots. Soon as you select them, they changed to black. And now we go here that I forgot this thing. We add a little bit of sharpness and of course, a little bit of noise reduction because sharpness always brings noise and done. And that's it. Let's press L. And L again. Look at the picture is beautiful. Now let's go to the next lesson and let's create our panorama photos. 13. Editing Panorama Photos: Okay guys, Now we're going to do our panorama photo. As you can see, we have this picture, we have this picture and we can keep going. And we have five pictures here. Remember when I was talking about panorama, I told you when you take the picture, you can see this is the first picture. When you're going to pay this second picture, you have to take a little bit of this part also. I took it to the next level. I took it a lot of these parts, as you can see when we come to the next picture, I still have the church, I still have these. So I'm going to the next and the next and the next, but I'm always taking a little part of the previous picture. Look, I'm going to go to the third one. You can see that the Church is becoming more towards the left side. So I'm adding new spaces here, but I'm always leaving this part here. I'm always leaving a little bit spot so the computer is going to understand what to do. And the same in we come here, we keep moving to the right side, and then we come here and we're all the way to the right side, right? We want all of these pictures to go together to merge and become one picture. So how we do it, how we do the panorama pictures, we're going to click in the first picture. We're going to press Shift and we're going to click in the last picture in these cases the number five because we have five pictures. Okay, so as you can see, we selected all of these five pictures. Now, in the last picture that we select it, we're going to click, right-click. You see here on the almost on the top of these list of menu you have photo merge. You have HDR, you have panorama, and you have HDR panorama. What does it mean HDR? Very fast. I'm going explain. Agi is when you take your camera and you, for example, take a picture that is a little bit underexposed, then you take another picture of this same place. You have to use a tripod because he has to be exactly the same picture. You cannot be taken pictures that are a little bit moved to the other side or to the other side has to be the same. Okay. So the first one is a little underexposed. The second one could be a little bit more of exposure. The third one could be perfect exposure, and the last one could be like overexposed. So what the computer is gonna do here when you merge the HDR is it's going to take the perfection of all of these pictures and make a perfect picture. It's going to take the darker parts and their brightest parts of the pictures that you took is going to make a very, very, very good picture. It is a technique that many people is using. I use it a lot and not all the time, but I use it a lot. Now what we're going to do now is panorama. Panorama. So let's go and we click Panorama. Dc's what he's going to open. And as you can see, it's creating the panorama preview. And there you go. As you can see it created the picture is amazing. Look. But I didn't use a tripod. Remember when I told you when you're gonna do panorama pictures, it would be perfect if you use a tripod, you use a tripod is going to be all flat, all perfect, as you can see here, because there was no tripod. I lose little parts of the picture, don't worry. Computer can fix it always. So we're gonna do our auto settings here. That means that the computer is going to a little bit kind of edit your picture, but you can fix it if you don't like it. Now you have these two options. Fill edges in our crop out a crop. It means that the picture is going to be guarded like here. It's going to be, got it. So you don't see these white parts around, okay, is going to be carried, remember carrots. But if you put feel the edges, that computer, it's like artificial intelligence is going to assume what it would be good to add here is going to add it. And let me tell you, Lightroom is always doing an amazing job. So just to show you that I'm really, really excited with Lightroom, I'm going to use fill edges and you'll see what is going to happen. Okay? It's building the preview. Luke, what Lightroom, D8. Beautiful. Look. You don't see that this was a feeling. The edges, you think the picture was taken like that. It's amazing. It's amazing. Now what do we do when we finish already everything? We just click Merge. And as you can see, we have to wait a little bit. It's precessing here on the top, on the top left corner. You can see the line. You have to be patient, you have to be patient. And the picture is here. I don't know why the periodic number five in the middle of everything, but it doesn't matter. Okay? The picture is here. Look at the picture is beautiful. Actually I'm going to press L and L So you can see how the picture is. Dcs, a panorama picture. There are five pictures together to make these amazing picture. Now, let's press L. As you can see, the computer already edited the picture. You see it's already edited, but still you can fix it if you want. Why? Because I love to add the tone curves. I love it. I always like to add these contrasts. So I'm going to add the tone curves. Like I said before, I like the mid tones in the middle is very rarely when I put the mid-tone somewhere else. I'm going to move a little bit here. I actually didn't need to do this one, but it's good. Or gate still. You can see that this guy is a little like overexposed for my taste. So what I'm gonna do here, so you can already use the picture, you can already use the picture, but I just want to fix it a little bit more. So I'm going to add the graduated filter. Just like that. I'm going to press O to see what is selected. And you know what I'm gonna do exactly what I did before. I'm going to go to luminance and hearing luminance, I'm going to go to the highlights. I think there is. Okay. And still I'm going to move it a little bit high because I don't want everything to be changed. There you go. Now I'm going to press O so I can see what I'm going to do and just the highlights. I'm going to take a little bit of highlights. So this guy is a little bit better. I think this is okay. I'm going to add a little bit of bluish color here. I think it's okay. There's some little things that we cannot, but I guess you got the point. This is actually a picture that it can be printed already. By the way, black is beautiful. Oh my gosh. If you're in Europe, eastern Europe, you have to be Slovenia. There's like everything here. Everything is amazing. I leave here. So if you come here, just let me know and I'll pick you up in the airport. Okay, We did the panorama picture, we edited other pictures. Again, I will suggest you to check out my course, Lightroom cores. It's amazing. Lightroom masterclass. I took so much time to build up course is more than four hours. Check it out because it's everything into detail. We're not gonna do this fast entities there. We're gonna do everything into detail. We use all of these buttons and we come here and we use all of these. So I will recommend you that course. And now, happy editing. 14. Project: For the project of this course, I want you to start taking pictures. I want you to get out there, take as many as you can, and then I want you to choose one that you would like to share with us and share it with us. I promise I will give you a feedback and I will ask you a favor. I want you to also give feedback to other people that are sharing pictures with us. Let's create a community. So now get out there and start taking your pictures. 15. CONCLUSION: I am so happy that you finish the course and I want to thank you so much for choosing me as your teacher. I hope you had fun watching this course as much fun as I had making it. I would like also to invite you to check out my profile and took all the courses that I have. Remember that I have light room masterclass and that's like more than four hours of lessons where you can start editing like a pro. So I want to thank you again. And now it's time to get out there and start taking pictures until next time.