1. How to Successful Launch Your Book on Amazon KDP: Hello and welcome. My name is Ronnie and thank
you very much for joining this course on how to successfully launch your
book onto Amazon kVp. Now my journey started
back in December 2019, and since that time, I've sold in excess
of 100,000 copies. And I've also become a
bestselling author across several different platforms
and marketplaces, including the US, UK,
Canada, and Australia. Now what I wanna do in this
course is bring together all of my launch strategies
that are used for my books. Now there have been
plenty of mistakes that I've made over the journey. But what I've done now is
create the blueprint that I can show you that I use personally
to launch all of my books. Now the first 30
days of launching on Amazon KP is critical. So this blueprint will show
you the steps that I take and the steps that you can take to launch your book
successfully as well. So in a moment, I'm
going to go through the contents of the course. You'll be stepped through all the critical areas and I can show you the
blueprint that I use. So let's show you the
contents right now. So this course is split
into four key areas. Firstly, the introduction,
going to introduce you to the course and why developing a book launch strategy
is so important. Section number two, the
planning and preparation. So what are the
seven key elements that make a great book launch? What about tailoring
your launch? Each book requires a
new unique approach, so we'll discuss that. Then I'm going to be
looking at planning and preparation and the steps I take in
preparation to launch, then budgeting and financial
cost of launching a book. Then we look at book
promotional sites. So what are some
of your options? In section three, we look
at leveraging your launch. So we're going to investigate
Amazon advertising and how we can use
Amazon advertising to boost your visibility. Then we'll look at
using social media to your advantage and then
obtaining reviews and gaining that critical
social proof section for applying what I teach. So I'm gonna show you my
exclusive book launch strategy. Then I'm going to
show you how to build a book launch team. Additional marketing
strategies, post-launch, the 12-month book launch
for long-term success. And then finally developing your own book launch
strategy and template. I'm really looking forward
to showing you the steps. I want to be able to help you to successfully launch your
book on Amazon kVp. With this launch plan, you'll have a much
better understanding of why you developed
it launch plan, why it's important to do the steps and what
she can do to make sure we give you
every opportunity to sell and to become
either a brand new, new release, a number
of new release, or even a best seller. So let's get into
the course right now and stop less than one.
2. An Introduction and My Book Launch Success: Hello and an official, welcome to Lesson
one of the course. Thank you for joining me. And again, I really
appreciate you choosing this course to help you with
your book launch strategy. Now, in lesson one, I'm going to go through a bit of a history about the
success that I've had. And also how I've
managed to evolve my book launch strategy and
the blueprint that I use to maybe allow my book to have the most success it can and
get the most exposure it can. To help the algorithm of Amazon pick it up and show
it to more customers. As we know, the more
customers see your book, the more likelihood you're
going to get sales, the more likelihood that
Amazon will lift your book, so it does get visibility. So let me show you
a few of the books that I've had success
with my launch strategy. And during this course, I'm going to show
you a book that I've recently launched and why. What I'm teaching you
is always working, why it's going to
work for my book, and why it can
effectively work for your book of different kinds of books that you're creating. There are different strategies
that we can implement. But if we can come up
with some similar tools and similar ways that we
can launch your book, then there's no reason why
you can have success as long, as long as the quality of your book is evident
to customers. Because you can create a
great launch strategy. But if your book isn't
going to resonate or solve a problem
For a customer, then regardless of how good
your launch strategies your book may not sell. So that's where a combination
of having a great book or high-quality book that addresses the customer's needs or wants. Combining that with a
great launch strategy that you follow a
process and system with. In combination is
really effective. So let me show you a few of the books that I've
had success with. And then we'll move on
to lesson number two. Having published over 300
books on Amazon, kVp, I've certainly learned
a number of lessons about how to successfully
launch and publish. But when I first started, I wasn't even implementing
a proper launch strategy. And those books really have
just died, a slow death, because I didn't give them the appropriate launch
that are needed to make sure that
they are visible to customers worldwide
on the Amazon platform. As time has gone by, I've been able to
refine that process, work out what strategy works, what things don't work. The different
step-by-step blueprint that I find effective. And that's what I
want to teach you. An effective strategy that
she can tailor yourself to create a great launch strategy for each book that you create. And that's why I'm a big
advocate of taking things slowly when it comes to
creating books for Amazon, kVp. There are a lot of people
that do try and publish many, many books on Amazon. Canopy and ice initially
started like that. It was a race for volume
rather than quality. But as time has gone by, I've really found that the
more time I take to get the launch strategy right and the quality of
our book writes, the better it is
for the long term. So let's have a look
at a few of the books that are launched
that have really had great success and continued
to have great success across different global distribution
areas such as the UK, Canada, Australia, and
the United States. This is just a small
sample selection of a few of the books that have either received
a best-selling tag or a number-one released tag. Now those tags are
important and I'll cover more about that as we
go into the lessons. But what you can see is
that these books of, received some great reviews. And also as time has gone by, those books he continued
to sell because I've had either a
number one new release, a bestseller, and I've
got to social proof. But this is just a
small selection. What I do want to
show you is one of my newest releases and how they implemented this strategy
to really make that a great launch and to be
selling lots of books. But this was just a bit
of proof on to show you some of the success that
I've had with my launch, just to give you comfort that or know what I'm talking about. And I know I can help you with the launches of your books. So now let's get on
to lesson number two, and let's get a little bit
deeper into how we can create a successful launch
strategy for Amazon canopy.
3. Why Develop a Book Launch Strategy: Listen to why develop a
book launch strategy. One of the key things RC, that causes people to have a
book that doesn't go well, is that they don't realize the importance of
prioritizing the book launch. Consider it this way. When you create your book, That's the 50 per cent mark. The remainder is
your book launch. Yes, you put a great deal of effort into creating your book, but no one will ever know about your book unless you market it well and you launch it well. So that's what I'm
here for is to help you and guide you
through those steps. Now in the next lesson, I'm going to be covering
off five critical reasons why the book launch process
is just so important. Now why are limited to five? Well, it's going to
be easy for you to remember and to implement. If I was to come up
with ten or 15 reasons, you'd probably
forget most of them. But by reducing it to five and phi are the important
ones that helps you really to apply them with your own
book launch strategy. I've found that if I
launch a book well, then the long-term success of that book is so much greater. I see people create
some amazing books, but they fail to create a launch plan that will give
visibility of that book. And why I spend so
much time and effort creating that book if you're not going to launch it properly. So let's get into
lesson number two, where our highlight the
five critical reasons why a book launch strategy
is just so important.
4. The Key Reasons to Develop a Book Launch Strategy : And welcome to this lesson. As mentioned in the last lesson, I wanted to highlight what the five key reasons on why the book launch
process is so important. So let's stop those
five right now. Number one, you
want your book to rank for customers search
terms and keywords. When a customer goes and
types into the search bar, you want your book to
appear at that time. Now your book wince first publish may not
appear until page 2025, 30, maybe 35 pages away. How can you get you a book to elevate itself and to maybe
even appear on page one. Well, that's where the
launch strategy comes in. We need to try and get our book ranked as quickly as we can. So at some stage in the future, when we start to dial
down the advertising, your book will
continue to appear in part on page one,
possibly page two. But we really want page one. Because like many different
online platforms, if you're searching
for something, you rarely go beyond page one. So you need your book to
feature in that space. That's why we want to get a book ranking very quickly
for search terms, which is what you might talk
if you had a book about learning to gather for beginners and a customer was to type
that into the search bar, like we got down below there. You want your book to appear. Either learn to
garden or learn to garden for beginners or
beginners gardening book. You want your book to rank for
those particular keywords. And that's where our launch
strategy comes into play. Because what I'm going
to teach you will help you book to appear at
that point in time. That keywords. You
may even need to put the right keyword in your title to help
your book get ranked. But when you also do
marketing and advertising, you also need to include
those specific key words in those tasks and in those marketing
targeting programs so that your book can appear. So that's number one. When we launch our book
as quickly as possible, we want to have book to be
featured on page one and to be visible when
customers search for particular words that we want
our book to be shown for, and they need to appear
at that point in time. So that's number one, why a book launch is just so important from
the very beginning. The second reason why
your launch is so important is because you need
to develop social proof. Social proof is
something that really allows people to have
comfort in numbers, knowing that other people have tested and tried your book
or your product, e.g. and I are giving
it the thumbs up, beginning it a good rating, they giving it a good review. I know that if I'm searching for products on different platforms, if it's got strong reviews
and positive reviews, are much more likely to
purchase that product, something which has
no reviews at all. Therefore, people like
to see social proof and you'll launch strategy needs to incorporate
social proof. You need to develop social
proof as quickly as you can. And in the lessons that
I'll be providing, I'll be talking
about how to attract social proof your book
during a launch phase. So that is number two. Developing social proof for your book is going
to be critical, too big to get more sales
and to get them quickly, which ultimately helps your book rank better for those keywords. So that's number two. So what's the third reason why book launches so important? Well, it is because
early sales will trigger the algorithm of Amazon to
take notice of your book. If you generate sales,
Amazon loves it. If your book is general, generating no sales, they probably won't take too
much notice of your book. Amazon being they don't market
your book for you? Yes. They might be a period
of maybe a week, may possibly two weeks, where they might
give you a bit of an opportunity to prove
your worth on the platform. And they might put your
book on page one, page two, just to give it an opportunity
to put in front of us and customers to
see if it sells. Now, Amazon loves
books that cell. Therefore, if your
book is selling and you're increasing
your sales, then the algorithm
will pick that up. And Amazon wants to make money. Therefore, they are attracted
by books that cell. So what you do want to
attempt is as you launch, you want to gradually
build your sales. What you don't want is for your sales to go up quickly
and then just drop off. And then maybe just
have a few sales. Over the first 30 days. And I'll elaborate
more on this later, is that you want
consistent styles, but growth in those
consistent sales. So by day third, you should be hitting
the highest sales Mark, not by day three, you need to make sure you have a consistent sales
growth strategy and plans on your launch. So that's number three. You really want early
sales to attract the algorithm and trigger
it to look after your book, to put it on page one when
customers are searching for or searching for
particular keywords that are in your title
or your subtitle. The fourth reason why
our launch strategy is important is because you need
to think of the long term. The sales of your book are important for
the first 30 days. And if you get that
right and you consider your long-term
proposition of your book, Let's just say five years. Then if you can invest
time and effort to get things right
for your launch, it will come back to
many, many times over. In regards to sales and
profitability of that book. If you focus hard on
those first 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, even first 12 months. Those days, the important
days to begin with, we'll give you long-term
organic sales. So that's why it's important. If you launch a book
and you don't do anything about and then think three months
down the track, look, I'm not
getting many sales. It is very hard to rejuvenate and bring back
to life a dead book. So make sure that you
spend your time and effort and sometimes money
to get your book rent early. And again, we'll be
talking more in length, length of this in later lessons, but that's number four. And finally, gaining Amazon
badges in the early phase, launch phase will
significantly help book sales. If people see a bestseller tag, a number one new release
or an editor's peak batch. They are attracted to that. Amazon know this. They will attach
badges to your books, particularly for new releases. If you can get the most
sales in your category, then you get the number
one new release tag. And nice attracts customers
that will help your styles in the initial phase and attract the algorithm to what
to lock your book. So that's why you'll launch strategy is again
important to get that tag because the number one
new release tag only lasts approximately
for the first 30 days of your book going live. You're given a small
window to get that batch, to get the number one
best seller badge is even tougher depending
on what your niche is. Now, I'll show you a
book that I've created. It is in a very tough niche where the number one
best seller book, I think he's ranked about
600 in the world, amazon us. So i'm, I'm really going to find it hard to get a
number one best seller. But you'll see the
strategy used to get a number one new
release that is now helped that book to achieve
an average of 19,000 or 20,000
as an Amazon rank, which these enormous, considering there are
millions of books on Amazon. And the consistency
of that book is now being demonstrated by the work that we're putting in as
part of your launch plan. And it'll be again elaborating more on that during this course. So that's number five. Your launch plan helps you
receive different tags, different, different
recognition of your effort. And therefore, that's recognized by customers because they want, they sell books, they want, number one new releases, they want editors peaks. So that's why it's important. Therefore, I wanted to finish
with this final point. The first 30 days are
critical to your book launch. It's when you make the most of your efforts to get your book in front of as many
customers as you can. It's when Amazon will
take notice of your book. It's when you can start
getting your book ranked and a different search terms that
customers are looking for. I can't highlight
enough the importance of the first 30 days. You really need to
do what he can to generate those consistent sales, the build over time during
that first 30 days. And we're going to
be implementing different strategies during those first 30
days to help boost your books recognition
to Amazon and to put it in front of
more customers more often so you can get
those consistent sales. Let's get onto the next lesson.
5. 5 Key Elements For Your Book launch Strategy: Welcome to this lesson, the five key elements
to support your launch. What I wanna do in this
lesson is to run through these five critical
elements that will actually help
you upon your launch. Now, what I wanna
do is ensure that you're aware of
those key things. What will help you to sell
more books during a launch? What will attract customers? What will allow you to get those critical sales
in the first 30 days? So let's look at those
five elements now. Number one, uh, well laid-out, structured and easy to
implement. Launch plan. You need to keep it simple. If you try complicated than you might start
to miss things. A launch plan shouldn't
be overly complicated. There are some key things
you need to include in it, which I'll show you
during this course, that will allow you
to follow day-by-day, a structure that
needs to happen. Now you need to be active
within the launch process. You can't sit back and
let it all be automated. You will need to be proactive. You will need to be
doing things every day or every couple of days to make sure you keep that
momentum happening. So let's keep our plans simple. Let's make sure that we can
follow it nice and easily. Number two, you do need an appealing your
professional cover. Without a professional cover, you're unlikely to have
customers drawn to it that will make them want to
click on the book and have a look into what the book
really provides them. Is it going to be
solving a problem, helping them with an issue? Is it gonna be a gift book? Is something that really need to use to be able to progress. So that appealing
book and I'm sorry, appealing and professional book cover is a critical component. So that's why it is
positioning number two. Number three, but
needs to be well formatted in tossing and have any tossing
book description. So particularly when you're
using Amazon advertising, if a customer clicks on your
book, they liked the cover. But the description
doesn't draw the mean, doesn't give them a
reason to buy your book, then you're gonna be
spending my money on marketing that you
don't need to waste. So we need to make
sure that you have your well-formatted and
enticing book description that really draws
in the customer, wants them to purchase it. And again, that will really help with your launch because
we, as we said earlier, we'd need as many
sales as we can, particularly for
those first 30 days. Number four, we need a strategy to gain
and attract reviews. Now, your first 30 days, you should be really
trying to get maybe 20 to 30
reviews if you can. It's not always going
to be possible. There's a lot of work that goes into helping to attract reviews. And we need to make sure we
do reviews in the right way. They need to make sure we
need to make sure they meet the terms of service of Amazon. And we need to gain social
proof from different ways, whether that be reviews, whether that be through social
media posts, with that, even be interviews that you
might conduct on podcasts. Whatever you can do to
attract reviews or check that social proof is
another key element to your launch strategy. A number five, we need
an allocated budget. But for those that don't
have a budget available, I'll also provide a free launch strategy
later in the course. But when we have our budget, we need to have that
allocated so we know what our spend is going to be
over the next week, two weeks, four weeks, even up to three months. Remember, if you're using Amazon advertising and I'll talk more about that
later in the course. It's actually okay to break
even or even make a loss. For your book earnings and
the first 30 to 60 days, you need to think long-term. And so those were the
five key elements to support your launch. Remember, you need to
make sure that you've got a great book cover and
enticing book description. You've got your
budget allocated. You're looking for
social reviews, and we're doing whatever we
can to make sure that we're supporting our launch
and making it simple. We don't want to
over-complicate it, need to keep it simple
so we can then replicate that strategy for every
other book that we create.
6. Tailoring Your Book Launch: Elements of your book launch may differ depending on the
kind of book that you have. So in this lesson, I'm going to be talking
about tailoring your book launch depending on the kind of book
that you have. So let's look at the
different kinds of books that could impact the
way you launch your book. Now you may or may not be familiar with some
of these terms. We're looking at no
content, low content, high content and different
other formats, e.g. a. Books. Now, no content books, no content of books
like notebooks, where it's just like on paper, blank paper in them. It might be something
very simple, local learn like a child's learn to write a
book with nothing in it, just lined paper so they can
learn how to rock correctly. No content has a
different launch strategy compared to low content. Low content being books that would contain more
information might be a children's picture storybook with maybe a maximum 500 words. Low content books cover
quite a big range. It could also be coloring books. So no content is when you've
got a lot of this line. Pages are blank pages. Low content is when
there's limited rioting. And they might be
more illustrations, photographs, pictures, those sorts of things
within your book. Then we move to high content. High content involves books
with a lot more words. So your typical novel, it might contain 15,000 words. It may contain 150,000 words. They're more high-end books. And the way you launch will definitely change if you were
to do a no content book. So we need to think
about tailoring our book launch strategy
depending on the book. You could also
argue that there's a change in your
launch depending if it's fiction or nonfiction. If it's just an e-book
version of your book. So let me try and highlight what I mean by these
different kinds of books. So that when you do develop
your launch strategy, you're considering the
different elements of these books moving forward. In a very quick look at these
might be high-content book, which is your novel or
your self-help book. While content might be a
children's picture storybooks, and you'll know content might be a primary
composition notebook. Let's identify what could
influence your launch. So if you have an
e-book version, if you have an e-book version, it's actually a lot easier to develop reviews
because you can send a digital version of
your book to reviewer to provide an unbiased
review makes it much, much easier than
having to organize a physical copy to be sent to someone for
an unbiased review. Be the length of your book. So when you're again
trying to get reviews, if you have a 30,000 word book, By the time I review rates that book and
provides that review. It might be a much, much longer. It could be a number
of months before they get your view back to you. But if you have a
low content book, that review could be
done within 15 min. So that will also determine your launch and how
you do that launch. The different language
you might have is adjusting English isn't in a variety of
different languages. Is it a book that's only in Spanish that might impact
your launch strategy as well. What about the country
you're launching from? You might have a larger audience if you're in the United States compared to a
smaller country that you might be part of or your residents,
your resident from. And you're trying to launch. You need your preparedness as well to invest in the launch. So how much time do you have? How much money do
you have to be able to help with the launch? You have any contexts? Are you well-connected,
enduring, or through your social
media platforms? How prepared are you
to invest your time and money and effort
to launch your book. Then finally, the type
of book you have, as we mentioned on
the previous slide, is it a low content? No content. High content isn't an e-book. Even the bonding
type could change it if you have a
different if you have a hardcover or even a paperback
compared to an e-book, those can be minor
things that can have a play their
part in your launch. So they're the kinds of things that could influence
your launch. And therefore, you do
need to tailor each of your launches depending on the kind of book that you have. It. So it comes down to these, There's a variety of methods, but you choose what is best suited to your book
that will give it the best potential and opportunity to sell and get
reviews on Amazon. I'll be showing you a
very simple blueprint and a step-by-step process
that I use for my books. But you might have a
very different book and you might need to slightly adjust some of the steps
depending on your book. There's not always going to
be a one size fits all model. And they shouldn't be because
your books are unique. And every book is unique
and every market and a different rate of that you have the different niche
that you might have. So someone that locks
books about the history of a country that launch will
be different from if I'm releasing a children's picture storybook about
visiting the beach. So when you think
through your launch and when I show you the steps that are taking the mass strategy, you just need to think about
how you may need to adapt your strategy depending
on the book that you are creating and
launching yourself.
7. Planning and Preparation For Your Book Launch: Planning and preparation. The steps I take in this lesson only get this
a little bit more practical. And we might skip ahead a little bit just to the steps that I personally take
to make sure that I'm organized for
my book launch. Now, I am quite an
organized person in nature, but I want to try and
help to demonstrate what steps you
should be doing to prepare the best you can
for your book launch. There's a number of
different steps that I take. Now pretty much go
through a tick a box, and make sure that they're
all completed in order. So it's nice and easy to follow. As I mentioned, lesson back. We need to keep our
process simple. I want to create this
blueprint so that anyone can really grab
that blueprint and go, Okay, these are the steps that are needed to
start to follow. There might be a few small
and minor adjustments that you might need to take. Again, depending on the kind
of book they are creating. But overall, I'm hoping
that 70 to 80 per cent of this blueprint can be used to effectively across any
book that you create. It's the strategies that
are going to help you. So I'm going to show you
the steps that I take to get myself ready and
prepared for my book launch. Let's get into it right now. So these are the
five areas that I really focus on and get organized with when
creating my book launch. Number one, or create a
simple spreadsheet from negative five being five days
before launch to plus 30, 30 days from the launch day
of foreign relevant keywords. And this will assist with
my marketing on that, map out my goals. For the first 30 days, what do I want to achieve? And this keeps me focused. And before I developed my mock book covers and
other marketing information. On the next slide,
I'll show you how to, where to find the best place to do your mockup book covers. And number five, I have
my book loaded and in draft mode on Amazon
kVp, that's important. So I upload the book, therefore, are now
it's ready to go. I can do my preparation. Then when I hit Go
Live or publish, I know that it might
take some time 72 h or longer for
my book to go live, but I know that I'm
prepared for Amazon kVp. Let's have a look about
mock book covers. I use book And here's an example of a book cover that
are created for a different course about I'm creating standard
book cover designs. And it's simply book And you can create free
mock book upside this one. So it's a great way of doing it. Let's have a look at developing your launch plan
and the checklist. Again, this is a practical
part of the course. All you need to do, and I'll provide a template at
the end of the course. But what you need
to do is create your simple launch plan by using a simple
checklist like this. So let's start with
minus five days. Just hear that amount
b minus four days. And then day one, that's the day the
book goes live. So they might be quite
a few different things I need to action on day one. And again, I'll go
through this in later lessons, day to MRP, a couple of things
into action day three, all the way through today
30 and then ongoing for the first 30 to 45 days. They were not
completed that action, I'll take it off and
that will just help me to be organised. Know what tasks I've
got remaining as well. As mentioned, I'll
walk you through this process in later lessons. But I wanted to introduce
this concept to now because this is how simple
I want to make it for you. I'm going to have a structure in place that you can easily follow tick off and you
can create yourself. I don't want this course to be something where you completely reliant on a software program
that you need to utilize. As simple as a spreadsheet
is as simple as your, your launch plan needs to be. And that's what our
main focus will be on this course to
keep its simplified, but very, very effective.
8. Budgeting and the Financial Cost of a Launching a Book: When you're launching your book, there is going to be some cost, whether that be cost of
time or money, your effort. So there needs to be a consideration towards what that might look like for you. In this lesson, I
want to talk about your launch budget and the financial cost of
launching your book. For those of you that do
have an allocated budget, then I want to talk specifically about how
that's going to impact you. But for those that
don't have a budget, then I'll also outline what extra things you
will need to do to ensure that you
can gain traction to get your book
signed by customers. By having a budget, you will significantly
help your process. And you have a
distinct advantage compared to other people
that don't have a budget. So personally, I think it's
important to have a budget. And remember, as I've said, anything that you invest in
your launch will help for the longevity of your
book and consider it as an investment
and not an expense. Therefore, what are your
budget considerations? Do you go for the free
or the paint method? So let's identify
the paid method. If paid expenses could
be Amazon advertising, they might be social
media advertising. You might have book
promotion sites that you decide to use. There might be book giveaways, so that could come
at an expense. And there might be other
things that you consider are important for your book launch that might cost you some money. Let's look at the other side. If you decide not to have a
budget for your book, watch, if free, you'll
have no expenses, but you will have to
significantly increase your output to generate the
exposure to sell books. Number two, what are you saving money will ultimately
cost you in time. So you need to weigh up what
is more important to you. And if you will gain
exposure required, for Me, Time is money. And you've heard
that saying before, if I can use different platforms to accelerate the opportunity for my book to get exposure, I'll take advantage of that. Because the effort that I need to put in to get that exposure without using paid advertising is going to be extremely hard. So even if it was a
small budget allocation, that's better than
not having a budget at all in my situation. But starting off L. So do understand
that people have limited budgets when
starting its while. Also want to provide
a free method. But just know that
it's going to take a lot more legwork to
get the same exposure. And in some instances, you will never get
the same exposure. Because if you're
using Amazon ads, you might get that book in
front of 100,000 people. But to do the same for free, We'll be a big, big challenge for you. So what do the expenses look like when you're
launching your book? Well, on Launch, let's call
this cost neutral way. You're just about to launch. You haven't spent
anything at all. What you can expect compared to the book sales is
that it's going to be costing you perhaps more than what you're getting back
in regards to book sales. So you'll have a bit of a
downward trajectory over the first 30 to 60 days as you try and gain that exposure. But you're spending money
on advertising, marketing. What I tend to focus on is
any money that I do get back from sales on reinvesting that back
into my marketing, my advertising, I
find made $200 in my first month of book
sales for Amazon. I would then use that $200 to bring this back into
marketing for the next month. Just to try and continue to get that traction on
knowing the long run, it will come back
many times over. And it's very,
very hard to think that way when you're seeing
a couple of hundred dollars, maybe more being spent on marketing and you're not
really seeing profitability. But over a six month, 12 month period, that
will start to come back. But it's just that initial
stretch that you need to make. So you might make a loss
in the first 30, 60 days. But then as the marketing
becomes more effective, your book gets better ranking
on Amazon, more exposure. And you might even pull
back the advertising just a little bit or make sure
you're optimizing, which we'll talk about during the Amazon advertising lesson. But you'll start to
see an increase. And from 90 days, if you're using the
right strategies, you'll start to see
profitability within your book. And like any business
you do need to invest in your marketing
and advertising. With many businesses,
I start up, they've got a great
product or a service, but they fail to do that. Marketing and advertising
get that exposure. And I know that I don't buy anything. If I don't
know about it. The best way is to make sure that you're giving your
book every opportunity. And that is through the
marketing advertising. Again, you can use some free strategies
to get some exposure. But it just might be
as broad and across as many customers
as you would if you were to have a budget
allocated for that.
9. Amazon Advertising - Boost Your Visability: Welcome to this lesson with a focus will be on
Amazon advertising. Amazon provide a platform called IMS or Amazon
marketing services. It's also known as Amazon ads. Now there are some key
benefits of using Amazon ads, and I'll cover that in a moment. But it's important to know
that this platform is one of the key strategies that I use
for my book launch process. Now, if you want to register your account with
Amazon advertising, let me just go to the next page. You can simply go
to register via
forward slash register. And you can set up your account if you're not sure
how to find it, just Google, Amazon advertising register
and it will come up. Now, you can register
your account. What you will need to do is set up a way for Amazon to charge. So that might be
through a credit card. You need to provide some details and you need to be O2, um, have funds available so that
when Amazon do charge you, the funds are
available right there. Because if they're not, then the Amazon ads will
just stop and neck can really significantly impact your ability to
launch your book. So you need to
make sure that you have funds available for. Now if you haven't had much experience with
Amazon as before, and you'd like more of a
masterclass around it, then you might be interested in a corset of credit about that. And I'll provide a link to
that later in the course. And this is the thumb now, and you can find that
on this platform. So if you want some more
information about that, please go and utilize that. This course isn't about
Amazon advertising. It's using this strategy of Amazon advertising to help
with the launch of your book. So just check that out. If you want a much
more in-depth insight into Amazon advertising, it's the kVp
marketing element of your book launch and
why use Amazon ads? Well, firstly, they can drive initial sales and as we know, and I keep going on about it, the first 30 days is
just so important. So if you can drive sales
from marketing to our book, that's gonna be
really important. Your Amazon advertising
will increase the relevance for your keywords. So because the Amazon ads
platform is completely linked to Amazon with canopy or with Amazon
as a bookstore. Then when someone searches
for a particular book, your book will feature as part of a what they
call sponsored ad. And no other platform will allow you to do that
directly with Amazon. If you want to market
your book through another social media
like Facebook, you would need to assume that someone has
an Amazon account. So they click on your link which have been taped
them to Amazon, which would then, you'd have to then buy the
book from there. But by using Amazon ads, it's direct link from the customer who's
already on the platform, who's ready to buy
it right there. And then the Amazon ads can
help therefore increase review's due to sales and also not getting East direct
to the Amazon customer, as I've just mentioned before. And that's why I like it, because it ease that directed
link and I'm not having to get a customer to go through
several different processes. First Pharma book, have an account and then to
proceed through the payment. It is in front of
them, brought there. And then and that's why if we can make that shortcut
for customers, it just makes it so
much more efficient. So what I wanted to do is provide you with a
bit of a case study, the first 30 days of marketing and what
that might look like. Now, I had experienced
with Amazon add, my experience may be
different from yours. If you haven't had much
experience using Amazon ads. If you've used them a lot, it might be actually
quite similar to these, depending on the kind
of book you have, the amount you're
spinning, a budget. So this is the first 30 days of a book that I've
recently launched. I've had $1,438 in sales
of spent $503 US dollars. And I've got what
they call an icon. That's the, that's the
spin versus your sales, and that gives you a percentage. So about 35 per cent. Now to make it cost neutral, it all depends on the price
of your book as well. And then what that looks like. For me, I need to
probably get it to rant about 30% a cos to be what
we call cost neutral. I've had 207,000 impressions and 144 orders over
that first one. I did initially have
four campaign setup. I have turned to
off just because the a cos wasn't where
I wanted it to be. But the other two campaigns, I've continued to run
from August 22, 2022. And you can see the
performing quite well. And that's why you can sort of see what can happen during this
period of time. There are lots of dips, lots of peaks, and you've just
got a rod at the average. That's what we're looking for. You don't want to
look anything really under 30 days in
regards to the range, you don't have
seven days because sometimes things
can happen a lot. Data can be delayed
coming through. So you can see my icon
is slightly going up. But you can see here it also sparked and then
dropped significantly. And you have these throughout your first 30 days until you start getting more of
a pattern of behavior. But that's a bit of a case
study for my recent book. And you can see that by
generating 144 sales, that will really help with its ranking to get a guy on Amazon. So they locked the book
and they will help promote that book because it's
generating sales. There are different
kinds of what we call a campaigns that we can set up
within Amazon ads against. This is not the
course to go into great detail how to setup ads, have to optimize Amazon ads, had to create
everything in need to. But if you didn't eat that, I've spoken about what I have that can
help you with that. But all I want to highlight some key
features of Amazon ads. So you can have autos. An automatic campaign
with Amazon really choose the different
keywords categories that they want to put
your book in front of. And then you can actually
choose your own keywords. So you can have a broad keyword, phrases and exact
keywords advertising. So there are many
different options. Again, it's probably another
2 h worth of content to really highlight the key features of
Amazon advertising. But I just wanted to
highlight that to you that there's some of the
key things you need to know about with Amazon EKS. Therefore, what are the
key points that I want to highlight regarding
Amazon advertising? And how can this really help
you with your book launch? Well, the Amazon
ads will leverage the largest online
retailer in the world. If you can use the power of Amazon ads to
boost your book, it relevant keywords get more
sales, get more reviews, then that is a great benefit and long-term investment
for your book. You can sit up advertising
cross multiple countries. So it's not just a
focus on United States. You can set up ads for Canada, for the UK, for Australia, for spying, for Germany. I think in total is about 12 different countries you
can sit up Amazon ads for. So if you had a book that you translate it in a
different language, you can advertise that
book on those platforms. Marketing your book will be
the key driver of sales. Need to get those. It's
happening fairly quickly. You need to spend money to get those ads happening or
starting to get traction. And it will definitely
be a key driver for you. And this is certainly not a set and forget system using Amazon ads because
you're spinning money. If you're not optimizing, which means you're removing keywords in your campaigns
that are not effective. And try to adjust keywords
that are working for you. If you're not doing that, you'll spend can
get out of control. And that's my last point,
the warning there, you can spend your daily
budget very quickly. So Amazon ads permits you
to set a daily budget. And off I go back a screen, you can see that I've got daily
budgets here for $5, $10, $6, and that last one, the daily recommendation
is $25 US per day. So that would add up very, very quickly for spinning that. But I am getting some traction. So at the moment I've
got it set for $16, but I could adjust
it if I wanted to. Before the key points of
this lesson to highlight the importance of using Amazon advertising for
your launch strategy. They are going to help
you as long as you select the right keywords are relevant keywords
for your campaigns. Again, that's in
the course of golf. You need to make
sure that you're setting budgets that are
realistic that you can afford. You need to ensure that your cover and you'll description and good
because Amazon ads won't be effective
if you don't have a very good cover because customers aren't going to
be clicking on your cover. Two, then proceed through to read the description
into purchase the book, the Amazon ads, like that. Very first lesson
where I spoke about those five critical things you need to consider
with your book launch. And that includes the book
cover and the description. And that's the same
reason why people's ads on Amazon advertising are not effective because they'd not including those key elements. But Amazon ads is almost the number one thing that I take advantage of when
I'm watching my books. So make sure you investigate. Amazon adds further if you haven't had experience
with it before.
10. Using Social Media to our Advantage: Welcome to the lesson. In this lesson, I'm going to be discussing the importance of social media and the role it plays when
launching your book. So when it comes
to social media, what can we do to
take advantage of the social media
platforms to help bolster our book sales
when we're launching. Now I use social media in a
variety of different ways. Some platforms I'll find a
more successful than others. But it also depends on how
well connected you are, how often you use social media, the kind of audience you have on your different
social media platforms, the relevance to the audience. You don't want to be promoting. Children's picture storybooks. If your audience
is more business and you've just got to be very careful on how you do that. I'll explain more in the next few slides
that are present. But I do find that we're in a very fortunate position
where we've got a lot of different social media
platforms that can be leveraged to help us
with ebooks sales. Some of the platforms you
might be very familiar with, other channels or other
platforms that you use. They might be a YE can use
those to help with promotion, brand awareness, and getting
more sales in your first 30, 60 days, even 90 days, or even over a 12 month period. So it does depend
on your experience? I've probably not utilized social media as
much as I should. But it's not to
say that I haven't had success by
using other ways of marketing my books and leveraging even
Amazon advertising to sell the books and to
make sure that I'm taking advantage of Amazon
providing that platform. But this lesson is more about
the social media platforms. So let's get into the
slides right now. The way that we can
use social media is incredibly powerful.
And that's my first point. Social media sites, not all are very powerful component
or the book launch. Many platforms can be
used to promote for free, which is great for
Independent Authors. And these sites can help boost initial sales and
also gained reviews. So in combination,
all these things are gonna be really important
for us, for our launch. We need to use this
to our advantage to make sure we can get
as many sales as we can, as much exposure as we can. And the reviews are going to
be really important for us. So we can leverage the sites
to do that for us today, for how do I personally
use social media? But as I mentioned
in the introduction, I'm probably not as good at social media as many people are. I'll try to use it
as much as I can. So I have a YouTube channel, I've got subscriber list, and I do use platforms at that
do help promote my books. Although my audience
has changed a little bit since our first
data publishing books to where I am now. When I first started publishing, I was doing a lot
of self-help books, long form books, habit
development books, journals about
business development. But as my journey
has evolved of now, move more towards children's
picture storybooks. So therefore, the audience that are started with
at the beginning, which I started to build my
social media platforms on, isn't really suitable for the books that are now creating. It's an interesting place to be as you try and
change your audience. But if you want to start
fresh with a new brand, you can do that. And you can do that for free, which is, which is fantastic. So what sites do
I personally use? What impacted they had and
are they valuable to me? Remember, every one of us have
different kinds of books, different niches
that we're creating. So what platform
may work for me, may not for you, and what
might not work for me. It could work for you. It's about picking
the right platform that will engage your
audience the most. That will also help direct
sales back to your books. Because we know the importance of getting those initial sales. And if you plan to use
a free launch strategy, then these platforms
are the ones that you probably need
to leverage the most. E.g. doing Facebook posts, creating YouTube channel, putting things on
LinkedIn, on Instagram. You might have a Twitter
account, whatever it might be. But how do I
personally use them? Let's go to the next slide. I usually try and run Facebook ads for the
first 14 to 30 days. And Facebook ads
can be hit or miss. So it's hard to determine the success of your
Facebook ads sometimes. But I do feel that if you've got the right kind of book and you can be strategic
with your audience, then that can definitely help. But you just need to be
careful about how you determine the success if you get a number clicks
on your link. But then how do you know if they've actually
purchased the book? So it's a hard one. But again, I do use
Facebook ads too, generate some initial sales
or help get exposure to the book in the first 30 days. Linkedin, a post about the book. You could do that, but it depends on your
connected audience. So as I mentioned before,
when I first started, I was doing a lot of longer-form
books, business books. And the audience I have now is different to
what I had previously. So I'm just very mindful
of placing posts on LinkedIn that might not be
suitable for my audience. Google ads, I've
tried them before, then worth using
if you're familiar with them, that can really help. And if you can get
the algorithm working for you and get
your book training, if you can help get keywords that are going
to rank for your Google, then that's really
going to help. And that's what it ties
in with YouTube as well. Because, because YouTube's
owned by Google. If you run, if you create a YouTube channel and
have different videos, then Google will pick that
up as well and place it. Hopefully on page one. Instagram. I don't use Instagram much, but it is amazing for brand
awareness and book awareness, difficult to determine sales conversion success
that I've found. But again, I'm not
great on Instagram, but I do have
friends that are in self-publishing that you use it absolutely to
their advantage. Sign with Facebook if
you wanted to credit Facebook group and
help self publishers. And then you can tie in the development and
creation of your own books. And you can even mark
at your own books. You can have private groups
that will definitely help. Then finally, YouTube. So you can create a channel for free and can be very powerful. However, I've gotta,
however, though, I have seen instances where self-publishing books up and talked about how
that created them. Then there's been a huge swell of people that have
jumped onto that knee. Sure that those keywords and just made it impossible really for many books do well
because it's just smothered with different books of the same books in that
nature, all those keywords. So I'm always very
conscious of that. And yes, you want to market
and promote your book. But you just need to be mindful of the audience that might be watching
it you think. But I always think
if people want a copy or try and
replicate my books, well, Amazon will pick that up and then they market
their account terminated. If I say any books that
are similar to mine or very close to mind with
Khafra covers or content. I will absolutely notify
Amazon about that and let them determine whether that is a copyright
infringement. So yes, it's just a thing that I have and I'm very conscious
of people copying content, but also I'm also wanting people to know the success
that I've had. How are creating. So you can learn from my
mistakes, from our successes. So that's important too. So that's sort of, I ran up of maybe the top five or six different social
media platforms and the way that I use them, Let's just quickly go to a talk. I spoke about Facebook
and running ads. And so I've just,
I've got my dashboard that I create my campaigns with. And this is the dashboard
that you would have for creating your advertising
through mesa or Facebook, through the dashboard
for the campaigns. Now, as mentioned
here are usually around one to two heads
for the first 14, 30 days to bolster sales. And then I may consider
a third Facebook ad, depend on the success. But as mentioned before, creating ads and determining success can be
quite challenging. If you're going through
your budget very, very quickly and you're
not seeing many sales come through on your
Amazon dashboard, then maybe it's time
to switch them off. But I usually allocate
50 to $80 per campaign and run it sort of 10-14
days per campaign. I usually find that that's
enough to sit at home and if it's assisting with
those book sales, and I can see those coming
through from my kVp dashboard. Although results can be
delayed on your dashboard. And usually it's when
they're distributed that you see the results or the sales on your dashboard for Amazon. So it is a hard one. Whereas I know
that if I get onto my dashboard for Amazon ads, I can see the success
that I'm having. Again, even though
there might be a 12 hour delay or eventually
do see that success, that those campaigns are having. An arc can limit the budget
adjusted accordingly, add new keywords and
things like that. So that was just
touching base on my Facebook marketing campaigns and what my thoughts
are around that. So to summarize this lesson, what I think it's important
that you do is list all of these social media
platforms you might be familiar with that you are
currently connected with. And if they are
applicable to the book or the different books that
you might be creating, we need to leverage them
as much as possible. As mentioned earlier, if
you're planning on launching books with no budget
or very small budget, these platforms
could be critical for you because they're
going to be the way that you can gain as much attention to your book to
generate those sales. Social media is going
to continue to grow. The more content that you
create for these platforms, the more beneficial it
will be for the long term, particularly the algorithm
of these platforms picks up your content and you just don't know
where that might reach. It might generate
hundreds of thousands of different views that people
actually see your book. And therefore, that
will help move sales from one book that you create perhaps to another book
that might be similar. What you need to do is to
list these platforms and be prepared to bring these
into your launch strategy. When we talk about that
further on in the course, we can start to plan out
when you should include, include these platforms,
how you might use them, and just make sure
you experiment with different ways of marketing
or books as well. Because it is about marketing, brand awareness, generating sales, and
generating reviews. And the reviews sort of thing is what we're going to
be moving on to next. Because social proof, this is so important for the launch
your book and long, sorry, in the longevity of
your book over months, years. And therefore, that'll
continue to generate sales well beyond
your launch strategy.
11. Obtaining Reviews and Social Proof: Obtaining a reviews
and social proof. In this lesson, I'm
going to be covering the importance of this
is part of your launch. We can obtain reviews. The difference between a verified and an
unverified review, and some important conditions you need to follow regarding your reviews to ensure
that you're meeting the terms of service
outlined by Amazon. Prioritizing the ability
to get reviews and social proof of
your books during a launch phase is
just so important. The hard thing is though, how do you get reviews
if you can't get sales and headache, it's sales. If you don't have many
reviews, It's a hard one. But there are different
platforms that we can look to use during
a launch phase. Again, it will depend on
the type of book you have. Say it might be a fiction
or nonfiction book. It might be a low content book. It could even be a
no content book. Is the book in electronic
format or an e-book? Is it only in
paperback or hardback? The type of book you have will have an impact on what you can do to get
your reviews happening. I will show you
some platforms that you can consider using. And therefore, you can try and get those reviews
happening much earlier. And I've found that if I can get maybe ten to 15 reviews in
the first couple of weeks, it just makes such a
significant difference. But reviews, I've had
to look into this. And if you had 20 reviews, are you more likely to
get sales if you had, rather than having 100 reviews? Will all have had books that
have done exceptionally well with only 12 or 14 reviews. And I've had books that have had well over 150 reviews
and don't do as well. So the number of reviews
doesn't necessarily matter. It's the star rating you have and the quality
of those reviews. One thing I would
definitely encourage you to do if you were to get reviews. And I'll show you a
way that you can do this later on in the course
with your launch team. But if you have a photo or
a little video that he's attached to review which Amazon permit as part of a
customer is rotting review. If you can get them
to provide a photo or a video of them looking
through your book. That is gold. It is highly valuable
and allows customers to see another customer
with the book inside the book and what
that might look like. So if you can get that,
then that's amazing. And you've also got verified reviews and
unverified reviews. And I'll show you
this in a moment. But a verified review is when a customer purchase your purchases your book
and it'll be in orange. And then unverified, nothing's
listed is just a review. But I'll show you some
examples of this in a moment. So let's get into gaining social proof and reviews
for your book launch. Before we start though, I just want to
identify some terms of service rules that Amazon have. And also a couple of
recommendations for me. Firstly, Amazon reviews, no
close friends or family are allowed to provide reviews because I can be
considered as biased. You need an unbiased reviews. How Amazon determining
if there are framed. Well, I probably got a few
different ways I can do that. So you just need to avoid it. And you can have a close
family member or a parent, or a sibling or a cousin. Review, review your book. This, they might love it, they might review it, but you just have to be mindful of that. Number two, no one
leaves at your address. Again, I don't know how
Amazon might do that. It could be through point I'm three now and that shares
the same IP address as you. So those couple would come down to perhaps
a similar thing. And then now on that
could be considered biased when providing a review. That could also include
what we call review swaps. You couldn't approach another
author and say, Okay, if you review my book, can give me a five-star overview your book and give me a file. I'll give you a five-star. You're not permitted to do books swapping
with book reviews. It must be an unbiased review. Make sure that when
you do your reviews, you need to make sure
you're following those terms of business. With reviews, you can stop by getting organic
reviews, 100% organic. So what do I mean by that? When someone
purchases your book, you will get what they
call a verified purchase. And that will show
up on the review and I'll show you some
examples in a moment. This is one that I had for
my habits, switchboard. And this person, Matt, purchase the book,
provided a review and therefore came up
with verified purchase. I've never met Matt before. He purchased the
habit switch and he's been able to provide
very commonly a review for that book. There's a verified purchase
or verified review. Reviews can also come through
what we call a launch team. And I'll expand on this later in the course and how
to develop a lunchtime. But D. J. Christiansen, he provided
a review for my book. I've never met DJ
Christiansen before at, but he was part of what
I call a launch team. And he's acknowledged the received an advanced
copy for free from the author and
enjoyed immensely. And you can, as part of
Amazon's Terms of Service, you can provide a free copies to potential reviewers as long
as it is an unbiased review. If you need to search
that up, please do so. But yes, you can provide dance free copies in return
for an unbiased review. What will happen now if they
don't purchase the book, they won't be a
verified purchase. Orange label there. It'll just be the review. And when customers
are searching, they may or may not take notice of if it's a verified
review or not. But that's what it looks like. So let me go to a
real world example. And what a verified review
looks like on Amazon, ADP, and a few other
things as well. So if I go to Amazon, I just taught fitness habits. If we scroll down and
I'll pick a book that has 40 or 50 reviews. And let's have a little
bit of a closer look. So let's have a look down here. Look and see if there's
anything not sure whether any of these are
suitable for me to look into. Here's one I was
looking at before. So let's go into this one. So the ultimate kids God
to being super healthy. It's got 58 ratings. This is the paperback version. Let's have a look down here. It's got some reviews
here, editorial reviews. It's ranked at 56,860. And it's currently got a
4.6 out of five rating. So you can actually
click on here and find out what the four-star
ratings are, e.g. and that will show as
a verified review. So if we click Filter here, Let's go back up to other ones. So we've got verified, verify, which means these
people purchase the book. If we go down further, this one here, see how
it doesn't say verified. So I think the author has
sent a copy of the book to this person and they've actually
provided a photo of it. So you can see just here. Go back one and you can see how they've taken a
photo of the book nets. Very, very powerful to
have a photo of the book. So other customers can see it. If we go backwards, go back to say three stars. It's actually the
persons provided. Three stars is provided just a room without
a written component. Required clear filter. And we go back up here. Let's go to the one-star. Again. Someone's provided a review
but without a comment. And we've got two-star.
Same thing again. So if we go back to
five stars, as I said, when it says verified, we know the purchasing
person has purchased. If we go back to another book, I go back a couple.
Sorry about that. Here we go. Let's have
a look down here. Let's have a look at this one. This is the paperback
versions got 239 ratings at 4.2 out
of five will be able to tell if this person
has got verified or unverified so we can see
a verified again is a photo. They're verified, verified. All these purchases. And the rest are just writings rather
than actual reviews. Verify there. They do provide a photo as well. So it's interesting to see talks about inflammation there. This one's got mostly
verified reviews. So you can see that these have been purchased or the
book has been purchased, which provides a more
comfort as well. And I also think it works
in the Amazon algorithm that will help lift the
Booker ranking as well. Now we go to, let's go to this one here. It's only got three writings. Let's see if they verified
or unverified reviews. So it's a one verified purchase and the other two ratings. It doesn't mention
whether or not this person has also got
a photo of the journal. And that is, again,
very, very important. So as you can see, it doesn't necessarily matter
the number of reviews. So he's got only three reviews, but it's ranked as 75,000, which is, which is
very, very good. We compare it to other
books that have been. This one's got 113
reviews and this one is ranked once it
opens up at 96,000. This one has 1,524,
22,000 seats. One's got 13 reviews. That's Kindle. Paperback. Will say what ranking that is. So thrilling reviews. And it is ranked at 297. Where's the other book? I only have three reviews. And that was ranked in
the top 100, 100,000. So you can see how
reviews are powerful, but they're not everything, but no, not critical
for the volume. It's more the quality
that you need to get. And that's what I
wanted to highlight by quickly going through
some of these books. Therefore, how can we get more reviews and how can we
utilize Review Services? I'm just going to touch on these briefly here because
the next lesson will also transition across to how we can get reviews
with different services. There are three He that I'd have identified once called Puppy. One's called get
books And another way could be
through written word media. These platforms allow
you to get reviews, unbiased reviews for your books. So let's have a very quick
look at the platform. So I don't want to have the opportunity going
through every one of these platforms because it will take a considerable
amount of time that I would encourage you
to explore these options. See it is suitable for you. I've utilized these always in the past and Phelan
very, very successful. And if you want to get reviews, then this could be the
way to go for you. Some services which
obviously require payments. But for the power of reviews, it's worthwhile looking
into the services. The first platform is
called Puppy, And the way it works is you will read a book that you
choose on the platform. And when you read the book, you get what they call
pubs or puppy points. And you can then
utilize those points to get your book reviewed
by an unbiased reviewer. And those reviews think
it placed onto Amazon. And you can see
what those reviews. You can get five to ten reviews every week for your books
using this platform, there is a monthly
subscription that you pay depending on the number of books you'd put
on the platform. But it's easy to use. But please just do your own
research to see if it's suitable and if you feel
comfortable using this platform. So that's The next one which
you might consider is called get books reviewed. Again, there is a
different pricing model, different features
that you can use. You can try it for free
and see how it works. You can watch the video. But again, you can get
reviews using the service. It's free for ten days
and then $15 a month. And that includes
online reviews, no charge or fee
for book reviews, individual customer support
and cancel anytime. So it's similar to the way you would
review someone's book. And in return, you get someone randomly to
review your book. And you can use the service to start to build the reviews from the very beginning
for your launch. The next one I want
to show you is called written word media. So you can join login. You can actually go if
you had a free book, that was a Kindle
book that you put for free on Amazon for a certain period of time
as part of your launch. Then what you can do is pick one of these
and it will tell you the audience and the
price you need to pay for a spot where they will
put it in a publication. Reviewers will be at
to say it for free. And you can purchase
that that package. So e.g. if it was
let's go to travel. Because a travel book
go to approximate 159,000 people cost $30. You're not going to
get guaranteed to get everyone that gets that
book to provide a review. But it will flag that
your book is for free. These people will have an Amazon account or
an Amazon account. They can go and
download your book for free as part of
your book promotion, you get five free
book promotion days with Amazon to
market your e-book, and you can do it that way. So this is one option. If we go back, you can also, you can pick a prime and pick a date book information
and payment. And if we go back one step, if you wanted to go
to bargain boxy. Again, it will depend on
the kind of book you have. And you can choose if you
plan to discount your book. So it's between $0.99 and $5. Then it might be right for you. You pick your genre, and then you find out. You can see the
audience tarp and how much it's going to do
and you purchase it. So you do, you pick
the data in advance. This is only going
to be working for those with a Kindle e-book. You can't use this
service for a paper if you had a pipe back there is
only available in paperback. And e.g. it was a coloring book. It's gonna be very odd to use the service if
it's a coloring book. But if you had more of
a longer form book, then bargain boxy or free books, he would be perfect for you. If you're using puppy e.g. then you could provide a PE, can provide a PDF
version of your book. And I've done this before, we've learned how to rob books. You provide that
PDF to the radar. And I can see the quality and what's involved with
it without having to have a physical version of
your book in their hands. And therefore, you can get
the review started and happening without
actually having to provide a physical
copy of the book. So there are some options
that you can consider. Again, just make sure
it is right for you. You're comfortable with the
way that platform works. And you can go through the
features, the pricing, and the frequently asked
questions, and explore. Puppy. There's another one
called Book cave. So you can have a
look at that one, written word media and
get books reviewed. So there are a few
different options, and I've got some
more options for consideration in
the next lesson.
12. Reviews Without a Subscriber List: In this video, we're going
to continue along with the theme of how to get reviews and social
proof your book. But really focusing
on how to get your reviews without
a subscriber list. Having a subscriber
list will give you a greater opportunity to get reviews and we'll talk about
that in a future lesson. But let's continue with gaining reviews and other
different sites that we can utilize
and leverage to get our reviews
and social proof. During launch, I
want to identify the different things you need to consider about getting reviews. So let's look at
the first three for gaining reviews
without an email list. So let's assume that you don't have a subscriber
list or group of people we can mail out to notify them that you're
about to launch your book. Firstly, you will
need to be more resourceful to
gain your reviews. Number two, reviews can
take longer to come in. So when you have a subscriber
list or an email list, you can put a bit
of a time frame on when you would like
that review down. And also depends on the
length of your book. But you can actually
create more of a push for the reviews to come in
much quickly when you've got direct contact with
potential unbiased reviews. Number three, I've
personally had success launching with
the alanine mylist, but it just took more
focus and effort and perhaps triple the
time periods again, the same number of
reviews that are wood with my e-mail
list or my launch team. How about gaining reviews
with an e-mail list? Well, this method
will accelerate your capacity to gain
reviews from day one. You can notify your reviewers, your launch team prior
to your book going live, that you've got
an upcoming book. And from day one you'll
provide them with the direct link and had
to provide that review. When you don't have
your email list, then obviously a lot
more challenging. You'll have an engaged and
active audience if you already have your email list and build trust through
that email list. And number three, better chance or their views being positive. Because I know you,
they trust you. They, they know you've provided though each of them
in the past the be more inclination for them to provide a bit
more review, review, they might think these
are worth of 3.5 star, but because I know you, they'll give you a four
or because they they give you a thinking about a four-and-a-half
out of five stars, just knowing you and having
that credibility might, they might think, you know what? I might just give Romney a
five-star review for his book. So that's the difference
between gaining reviews without an email list and gaining
reviews with an email list. Then we have other options
to build our reviews. Again without an email list
through different means. And I've covered a
few off already, going to explore a
couple more this time, we've got good reads. You can even use Facebook to gather reviews
and Facebook groups. We might want to
post your book into the group or provide
a link to it. A free link might have
books sovereigns, and is also book sprout. We've already covered puppy and we've also got
a in Discover. So let's go through a few days and I'll show
you how you can gain reviews from these platforms in addition to the other ones
that have already provided. And the first one we're
gonna be looking at is called Book sirens. So you can use the site
to help get reviews. And you pay up front and
then you pay per reviewer. Let's go into getting reviews and what that
might look like. So what you can do, you can create an
arc which is an advanced read a
copy of your book. So you can reach
influential reviewers, grow what they call your
arc team, get more reviews. And what she ought
to do easy create your arc and you can start
getting reviews the book, so you pay approximately $10. It's $2 per, per book. So here we go. So pricing plans, if you want
to promote or not publicly, it's $10 per Advance Reader
Copy plus $2 per reader. So submit your book
and how it works. So you can look through that. And you can also get a
yearly subscription through. And you can run private
advanced 3D copy arcs. Now, if you are someone that
wants to actually read, read books for free, you go to for readers. And what you can do is
choose thousands of different books and
you get free access to and UP become a reviewer. But for us as self-publish is, we're wanting to
get the reviews. So we would get you would provide those reviews and you look at the different
arcs that are available. So you can submit
your book here, you can register and grow your portfolio or
books you providing. Remember it needs
to be in digital format for this to work. So that is called
Book sovereigns. You can investigate
that a bit further. The next one we can look
at is called Book sprouts. So we've booked sprouts. You can have look at the
pricing options here. So you create your art, your Advance Reader Copy. And you pay a monthly fee. So e.g. growing older, and this will allow
you to get access to reviews and you provide an advanced 3D copy
with the link. And once you book
becomes available, you can add the Amazon
link and then I can start providing
their reviews for you. It's usually around
about 70% of people that take up your book will be the
ones that provide reviews. Also do a yearly plan if
you wanted to do that. So it's $90 per year. So you get active campaigns, 125 reviews per campaign. So it's limited to 25 people
that get your arc download. And there's obviously the
limitations here as well. It used to be free, is to be able to do have a limit of 20 reviews for
free on books prep, but they've changed this
now where it goes to $9 per month and you can become a reviewer for books
sprout as well. Now the other one, you can
do the same for good reads. You can have a look at
different releases it around. And you can provide, get reviews and be a
review on Goodreads. The last one I want you to show you is called aims at Discover. Now, what you do is you can get a whole list of people that are privately sue provide
a reviews for Amazon. And I'll provide some for some people that direct
contact details. You can contact these people
and you can get reviews. So let's go to how it works. It's on here once it loads up. So it's an online search
engine which can help you find Amazon reviews
and potential customers. Just copy and paste the
URL of an Amazon products. So you might have a
competent compared to this book that more beyond, let's just say
habit development. You might have created the habit development book and they provided a review previously
about habit development. Well, you know,
they're interested in that topic and you can see that they've been a reviewer and you can actually
contact them directly. Now you have to pay
for two points. You might pay $10
and that'll give you the opportunity to find 500 different people that are review as you need to reach
out personally to them. So the review is collected by ions and discover a
real bars on Amazon. And some of them choose to make the email address invisible and do not like to be bothered. So you may find, or you might find that a lot of reviews are not available. But you can also find plenty that do allow you to
be able to contact them. It's a long process
to get this going, but that's not to discourage
you from looking into, because I've had success, particularly if my
early books to develop a great launch same by
using this service. So that's one field
checkout as well. You can have a look how
it all works by watching the videos and it will talk
you through everything. So I think it's worthwhile
looking into further. I know I've been providing a lot of information
about these sites. As you can see, if I went
individually into H1 on them, then we would take a
long time to go through. What I recommend you do is to
pick three or four of them that you think would be
best suited to your budget, your time frame, the amount of time you have to do search, e.g. aims at Discover
might take you a long time but can
be very powerful. You could use books r ands are book sprouts to
get your reviews. And the other method
which is down here, the Facebook method, where you could tap into
different groups. You might have a book about helping children
to start school. Your bookmark be suited to families that have
had their child starting school for
the first time. And you might be able to reach
out to that group and say, Hey, look, I've got a book
that I'm about to release. If you'd like a free copy, then please let me know and I'll arrange that through
a link for you. And you'd set up a link
through Cloud Storage, google, something like that, which just allows
you to send a link that I can then
download a free copy of your book and they would then provide a
review for you on Amazon. I've had, I've had
some success with that method more so
using books sprouts, using puppy, and earlier
on using ANZ, discover. And then the power of Amazon
ads to be able to get your reviews happening
as well through more, through organic reviews. But there are a few
different methods that you can look at with
building your reviews. So I think I've given you a
roundabout six or seven to consider and to have a looking to make sure you do your
due diligence though, because some of them,
as I mentioned, are paid, some of them are free. Some of them you need to
spend a fair bit of time. Others, you, you might struggle
to get reviews initially, but they build over time. But remember, just need to do what you feel is going to
be suited to your book, your timeframe, and your budget. And there are different
subscription models. They are one-off payment models. So it is giving you
options for consideration. That's really what
this lesson was about. Because I want you to
have all of these options available to you so you
can explore further. And then as we go through
our launch strategy, you can start to
include those into that strategy and make its
power and make it very, very powerful for you in that first 30 days to get
those reviews happening. So you can try and
get a target maybe of 20 reviews in your
first 30 days.
13. My Exclusive Book Launch Steps and Stratagies: Welcome to this lesson
as I go through the important and exclusive book called strategies that
I personally implement. Now it's actually
perfect timing because a friend of mine has a book that she actually asked me to help with her book
launch strategy. So I'm going to run through some of the
things that she had to do to get her book ranked
really well on Amazon, ADP. And I'll give you a
little bit of background about the book in a moment two. Now, what I unfortunately
can't show you will be the cover and
the details of the book. Why can I show you? Well from experience? Unfortunately, there are
people that will jump on to that book and provide
negative reviews. Or they might try and replicate
that book or copy it. And then there are copyright
infringement issues that do arise. Now I don't want to
put my friend in that situation where she is
granted me the opportunity is showing you
some of the things about her book and what I've
done to help her launch. But what I can show you is day 14 and day 35 of the launch. And also, what I wanna do is teach you the different
skills that you need to implement or techniques you need
to implement when you do launch your book that
I personally use herself. So let's get into
the lesson now. I'll give you a few
details about this book. My friend's book was officially
released in August 2022. She had a professional
illustrator that was engaged, and it was a children's
picture storybook. It took five months to create. And there was a 30-day launch
budget allocated $500. During the next few slides, the timeline exceeds, she dies. And the budget, just
trying to think, I think the budget was
exceeded by about $50. So not too bad. But let's get into how the book looked after day
14, upon launch. So from day 14, the
book had nine ratings. So the early reviews a really critical when
you're launching. During that time it became
a number one new release. So 14 days in,
which is fantastic. The pricing of the
book was $9.99. And as you can see down here, the bestsellers rank was
31,167, which is fantastic. So that was a really,
really good start. So let's what happens, see what happened after day 35. And this was including
the Amazon marketing different social media posts and making sure the book was
getting some traction. And people were actually
getting to know that. This is day 35. There were
12 reviews after day 35. So it continued to
build the reviews. And we're looking down
the bestsellers rank. It has got down to 24,511, which is an amazing result. So 35 days after the launch, continuing to build on the
ranking and growth of sales. So that was gonna be an important component
of my friend's book, Making sure that she could
continue to grow the reviews, continue to allow that BSR, and also ensuring that she continued to market that
book where ever she called. That was an excellent result and happy to announce
that after day 60, the lowest the book has
got, gotten is 11,900. As a ranking, which
is brilliant if you consider there's about 20
million plus books on Amazon. That's a great, that's
a great outcome. One thing I've probably
improve on would be trying to build more reviews. That's probably one thing that she could probably
work and you probably want to be up to reinvent
2020 reviews or ratings after that day, 35. But apart from that
though there's not much more she could have done. And if she's got a ranking
of 24,500 at this stage, to just stay 35, will the algorithm will
be picking that up. And if she can continue to
make sales and there'll be a brain ongoing book that will generate sales
for years to come. So let's have a look at some of the non-negotiables 14
days prior to launch. So before I even get my book going, I have the book written, of course, formatted and ready to go that's
14 days prior. That gives me the opportunity just to double-check everything, make sure it's all correct. And I've got everything
I need to give that. I've developed what
they call a lead magnets inside the book
to capture emails. I'll talk about that further
in, later in the course. But it's basically
something which someone can download or utilize and I can capture
their email details. And not every book is going to be applicable
for lead magnet, but it is a great way of
building a review team. Next one is you have your
book launch plan mapped out. In the next, I actually
later in this lesson, I'll be going through
my plan that I use. Then we've got
pre-launch e-mails, marketing or anything to
gain attention ready to go. So if you have a least, you can get that drafted
ready to send out. Again. I can talk about
that in a later lesson. So they're the non-negotiables for 14 days prior to launch. And this is where the valley really surface during
this lesson right now, this is my paid method. This is what I've had great
success with personally. I'm going to talk through what
I do from minus five days up here down to
day 14 and beyond. Five days prior to going live. Our research Facebook groups where I could potentially
market by book. I mentioned that in the
previous lesson where you might have a particular
book that seats well in a group or has a could help people
in a Facebook group. Therefore, if you provide a free copy for an
unbiased review, you could flag that with the
administrator of the group. And you might even have discussion points
prior to offering a free book because you need to develop some trust within
that group as well. So all research phase, facebook groups to see if
there's any applicable groups. Next, research categories that might be applicable from our
book that I can add as well. So you can add a total of eight categories to your book
and you can contact Amazon, kVp to add the
additional categories. But remember they must
be relevant categories. There's no point having
a financial book. And you put a Egyptian
history as a category. It's just not relevant. And it is actually
a way that Amazon can communicate to you that you need to
remove it immediately. Otherwise, I could even put
a pause on your account. So he's definitely
not worth risking. And trying to gain the system
by putting your book into, into very strange categories to try and get a number
one new release or are bestsellers tag minus three
days from launch or develop a list of 30 to 50 keywords to use for my Amazon
ad campaigns. And there's various
ways you can get those by doing searches
in the search bar of Amazon for what customers are searching for and copy and pasting those into
your spreadsheet. You could also go
to other websites. There's a website called
Book bolt dot, dot, dot io. And you can use Book
bolt to get keywords. So there's quite a
few different methods you can get keywords. But the most important
part of this is that I'm developing a list of keywords that have either
included in my title, my subtitle, and now I think the customers are
gonna be searching for. That's the most important point. You want keywords that
customers are topping for when you do your
Amazon ad campaigns. That's why it's important at broad term keywords and
not just the exact, because you might have variations of keywords that
need to be search for. Day one, my book would go live. I'd reach out to subscribers, to my email list to join
my book launch team. To get early reviews. I add the book to book
sprout, requesting reviews, as I discussed in
the last lesson, on my gain reviews from partly based on the
appropriateness of the book. I add my a plus content, then add the additional
six categories because when you
load your book up, you can add two categories. You can add additional
six months, it goes live. Then it can increase the
look inside feature. I normally do it by
up to 20 or 30%. That can also help
making sure that customers can see
inside your book on my contact with the
Facebook groups and make a post or credit Facebook
advert promoting the book. Then I'll create a broad and fries keyword campaign maximum of 50 K words. The more, the more reviews, the better I can get
from these keywords. Then chase up any
outstanding reviews or create an auto campaign
for our book if needed. Or create a category in ice
and target campaign and promote the book on
promotional sites that I've shown you
in a previous lesson. Then ongoing for the
next 30 to 45 days, review Amazon ads
every couple of days to continue
to optimize them. Follow up with any
outstanding reviews from books sprouts from
people that haven't yet provided a review and
continue to review Facebook groups where I may
be able to promote my book. And then finally
consider running a boost to maybe a previously
done Facebook post. So remember, if you do
the look inside feature, it can take up to ten days
for that to become active. Therefore, for an
overview of the strategy, you can see how well
organized on a too big, this is important to structure
and you can use a template exactly what these two
structure and just tick them off as you
go through each day. You can see it's progressively including actions that
are needed to take. And they're not
difficult actions, they just consistent
actions. And up-to-date. 14, there's something
that I need to do every day or every few days to keep that process
moving along. It's important that you do that. You can't just launch your book. Do a few things on the
first two or three days and then just leave it. It needs constant action. And you need to ensure that your first 14
days is very, very active. Then it can slow
down a little bit as long as you keep the
pedal on the middle. Four, maybe be Facebook ads or it could be
Amazon advertising, or it could be another way
of marketing your book. But you need to ensure
that your strategy, whatever it is, involves
consistent actions. But he's a really good look
at what I personally do. And then I've used for
my most recent book, and it's heads an
excellent results. What I wanna do here
is just outline the key steps or summary of the important steps that I
take when I launched my book. So number one, the
book goes live. So that's the key point. Knowing that when you do put
your book onto Amazon EMR, putting the draft mode, but when you push
Publish with book, it can take a couple of days. I've even had to take seven
days for the book to actually be checked by Amazon
and available. So you need to factor
that in if you're booking in any days for
promotions and things. Number two, getting reviews, getting it strong, social
proof very early on. So therefore, if you
are running Amazon ads, you've got that social proof. So if people click on your book, hopefully they can be
converted into customers. Then I'd like to add
the a plus content, which is extra marketing that
you can add for your book. And that is available
for for for books. I'm just trying to I can't
think if it's available for no content books. I
don't think it is. I know the look
inside feature is limited with no content books, but with many low content books, you can do the a plus feature. And then also the looking
side can be increased. Then number four is adding
additional categories for better exposure for your
book as long as irrelevant. And look inside. Then I have the
Amazon advertising which you need to turn
on and turn on failure. It does help if you have some initial reviews that
you can actually showcase, what your book, the value
of your book to customers, and then social media. So adding your book two
different platforms, creating campaigns
if you need to, for within Amazon
advertising on Google ads. And that will again
help pick the book up, giving me in front
of more people. And you can go from there. Just in a, an example of how you want the trajectory
of your book sales to go. So just imagine that these little dots are book
sales. Is it coming through? So as you get started to get
more sales, you're ranking. So we'll say this is the
ranking and book ranking. Your ranking starts to go up. You might have a
few days ago down, then it starts to
pick up on top. I'm an app. And you want your
book ranking to have this trajectory up upwards,
up to the top here. So you might start at, say, 700,000 BSR,
the book ranking. But by the end, you want it to be under
100,000 if you can, for your book ranking
over the from, from day one through day 30, you want increasing
trajectory of books silence. And as promised,
I wanted to show you a free launch method. It's not really a rocket launch, it's more like a slingshot. And yes, it can
have some success. But it was important
I include this in the course because I
want you to know that if you do have a limited
budget or no budget at all, there is still options
available for you. So minus five days, you can still use
Facebook and you could potentially use groups
to market your book. Yes, you can research different
categories and add those. When you book goes law
and make contact with the Facebook groups
and make a post. Seeking reviews. You can email, notify family and friends to purchase the book. So it helps. They just can't provide reviews. The content at the book to
social media platforms. And then you can add
your categories. You can even make a YouTube
video about your book and help promote your book
and generate sales at Y. And then increase a
look inside as well. So remember, it can, it can be used instead of, I'm paying for different
strategies, but remember, your payment that you do for your book launch is an
investment back into your book. You spent a long time and
effort making your book. Hopefully you have. And so therefore,
you need to give it every opportunity to
be seen by the world. And I made that mistake initially where I was
creating books but not really doing much
advertising and they didn't sell because no
one knew about them. So you need to do whatever
he can to get your launch correct and implement
the strategies that I'm suggesting
in the course. Finally, let's look at the
tips when launching your book. These are my top five tips. Number one, complete
your keyword research and create a list
audiobook going live and your keyword research
will help you with your Amazon ads and even
Google ads, Facebook ads. Just making sure you've got the right keywords and
know who your audiences. Number two, when you
book becomes live, start with a broad
keyword campaign. You can check out my Amazon ads course if you require
more help in this area. Most effective when you have five to eight
reviews on your book, because it's social
proof and customers will more likely purchase your book if there's
reviews on it. Number three, Angel
increase social proof via reviews is discussed
in the course so far. Then number four, increase
the look inside feature. We can add P to 20%,
even up to 30%. This enables customers to get a better feel for your
book and what's inside it. If they know what's inside it, they have comfort and trust. Nine, What's, what's in it? And number five, optimize
your campaigns once the data, this is Amazon ads, optimize your campaigns once the data starts to
show, remember, Amazon advertising data
can be delayed by up to 12 h. The bonus tip do not take your pedal
off the accelerator. Monitor your
campaigns closely for the next few months
as you optimize them. And that will create much more efficiency
for your ad spend. But it also ensures
that you're getting consistent sales and building
those sales over time. So they might have five key
tips when launching a book. Stick with those. And you've got a
great opportunity to launch your
book successfully. And it's what I personally
do to launch my books.
14. Update - 4 Months from Launch - Amazon Ads Performance: Hello and welcome
to this lesson. It is actually now January 2023. And I wanted to provide
you with an update or the Amazon advertising for
the book that was launched. Because I wanted to show
you that over time, you need to continue to monitor your Amazon ads if you're using Amazon ads to
launch your book. Now as you know
during the course, I definitely would
recommend that you use Amazon ads as part
of your launch strategy. But I thought you'd find
it interesting to see what the Amazon ad spend
was during December. And the book ranking
fluctuated 55-75 thousand. It did get down as low in a
few days is about 35,000, which is still really
good in currently, he's tracking at around about 45,000 BSR in January,
invariably January. And it's a period
with not many people buy a lot of books, that things start to happen
again by mid to late January. So you've got to continue
to monitor your ads. So let's go and check out what the spend is versus the cost or the percentage of
what was spent versus the sales during
the last 30 days. To give you a bit
of an idea of what was done during that
period of time. So let's jump into the Amazon
Ed's dashboard right now. This is the current data that I've received and I've got
it at the last 30 days. So today's currently the
3rd of January 2023. So this will take us back
to the first week of December as being $262 spent. It's been $1,008 in sales
through this one campaigns. I've only got one
campaign active at that point in time
and are deliberately did that because I felt the keywords had
got good ranking. So I didn't need to be as
aggressive with my Amazon. Answers are needed
to maybe initially, the a cos is 26%. I think I'd love to
try and get that down to 2020 per cent. That would be an amazing
target to get to. And I've had 125,740 impressions and 101 orders
during the last 30 days. But let's have a look
at a longer term. So if we go to the last let's go back to November to
the current period of time. Let's just go to 2 January. And father are 91, spent $2,000 in sales
and 40, 27% a cost. I can see it really
jumps around a lot. There was one day
they're on December 5th, date was $89 in sales and
an a cos and 9.7 per cent. And you can see during this middle part here
there's no data available. I think that's nice. It's nice, I think. And then it jumps up
id2 per cent icons, which is not ideal. But then it changes again, $59 in sales and 14% agarose. You can see jumps a lot. But it's important that you
continue to monitor your ads. And this campaign initially
was launched on August 22, which is the day the book
was launched as well. And you can see that it is
generating some good revenue. And this is purely income
coming from the ads. And it doesn't account for organic cells which have started
to really gain traction. So I could turn this ad awful most and still
continue to get great sales. But I have reduced
the budget to $1.50 initially when I launched and it may have been a random at $15. So there you have it. Just a bit of an
update of the book, how it's tracking from the
launch with the Amazon ads. And I'll continue to optimize these campaign and
try and reduce these costs to about 20. Well, we go back to
the last 30 days. I wanted to get about 20
per cent, currently 26%. Let's hopefully continue to monitor the situation and
maybe further down the track, I could provide an
update of where these keratin book
he's tracking and the sales and a cross and there might even
be calmer have to, I can actually turn
this off and are no longer require it because
it's tracking so well. A neat Amazon algorithm.
15. Update - 16 Months from Launch - Amazon Ads Campaign: Hello and welcome back. We're now well into the future. It is now December 2024. The last update I did for this campaign was back
in January of this year. It's almost been
another 12 months. So let's have a look and see how this one campaign has gone for the book that I launched
back in August 2022. So I've spent just over
2.5 thousand dollar. However, it's brought in 11,011 a half thousand dollar
worth of sales as of 23. So you can see the cost is
starting tick up a little bit. And I think as campaigns do age, particularly after the length of time this one's
been running for can impact the success
of the campaign. Usually 12 months Maximum is pretty much the
lifespan of a campaign, but this one has out lasted
that by a long time. You can see the Cos
23% impressions closing in on 1.5
million impressions. And it's been a highly
successful campaign. That was just an update. Just wanted to show you the
power of running Amazon ads, what can be generated
from those campaigns. And the book is still
ranked around about 75, 80,000 BSR in the United States. It does fluctuate down as
low as 30,000 as high as 180,000 but on average it's around about 85 to 90,000 VSR. And now it's Christmas time or heading towards the busiest time of the year for Christmas. So it could go either
way because people may not be buying this kind
of book for Christmas. But then it should do okay as we approach January and
February of next year. Anyway, this is the update
and I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks again for
participating in this course.
16. Building a Launch Team: What is a lunchtime? And how can you launch
team help boost your sales and boost your
reviews? When launching? In this lesson, I
wanted to discuss the importance of a launch team, how to develop a launch team, and how they can provide important reviews and
possibly even sales when you're launching your book. When I launched my books, I have a group of
people that have probably been part of my launch team now
for about 12 months. So these are people that
trust the work that I do, provide an unbiased
review and in return, I'll provide a free
copy of my book. Now, is these
permitted with Amazon? Absolutely. And I'll show you the policy
around this with Amazon kVp. You have comfort
knowing that you can provide a free
copy of your book. In return for an
unbiased review. The unbiased review must be conducted by someone that's not connected to you being
a friend or a relative. The normal standard
conditions regarding reviews. But it's important if you can develop this launch team
because it develops that social proof and
that's what people are looking for when they're
searching for books. If you can develop that
momentum to begin with, particularly in the
first couple of weeks. That significantly helps
your chances to get ranked early and to get into
the algorithm of Amazon. So let me go into a
little bit more detail about a lunchtime and about, hey, can start to develop
your launch team. Every book you create, your launch team becomes bigger. And therefore, you give
yourself every opportunity of gaining more reviews in the
early part of your launch. So why have a launch team? Why is it important belonging
to identify two key reasons why you should seriously
look at developing a launch team for any
future books you create. Firstly, a launch team will significantly increase
the opportunity to gain early reviews. Now let me show you a
snippet from Amazon kVp about giving free books to
readers to provide reviews. Radius directly from Amazon. Kvp cannot give free
Discounted copies of my books to readers. May provide free or
discounted copies of your books to readers, as long as you do not require
a review and exchange or attempt to influence
the review, offering. Anything other than or
free or discounted copy of the book,
including gift cards, will invalidate a review and the Amazon community
team will remove it. So in summary, yes, you can provide the free or
discounted copy of the book. That might be a physical
copy of the book, that might be a electronic
version, a PDF version. But you can influence
them by saying, look, if you provide a review, I'll give you a 10-dollar
Amazon gift card. If they don't want
to provide a review, they don't have to. You might have 20 people
on your lunchtime, but only five people
provide a review. There are why, are there reasons why some people can't
provide a review? One of those is that
they must have spent $50 within a 12-month period on
Amazon to provide a review. It's one thing for
consideration if you are providing copies of
your books to people, just find out if
they actually are eligible to start with
to provide a review. Mixing is a launch team
will significantly increase your opportunity to gain
the early, the early sales. And that will boost
your ranking as well. So yes, it's good to
get early reviews. But you need to combine
that with getting the early sales because
you can have 30 reviews, but you may not have sold
a book because you've given all your free copies
away to get the reviews. Another way you could
potentially do it is to provide a heavily discounted
opportunity to purchase that book for
launch team members. So you might offer the book
in an eBook format at $0.99. So therefore, when they
do provide the review, It's a verified review. And we covered that
in a review section. So there's two reasons. The early reviews,
the yearly sales. They are the two key reasons why creating a launch
team is so important. So again, it's a group of people that you will provide
your book either at a heavily discounted
price or for free In other physical
or electronic format, whereby they can then. Read it, review it, and then provide their
review on Amazon, kVp. And you then benefit from
getting that social proof. So what's the mutual benefit
for a launch team member? While I've got launched
team members for my courses and my books. For my courses. I will provide that course
free of charge or provide a free access link to that
course for maybe 60 days. So that launch team member
will get free content, will get the benefit
of being Ahmad launch team so that they can review it. And they're getting a free
course, which is amazing. Now if they don't
provide a review, they don't broader review. And that's okay. But ideally, if you're
providing something, most times people will do the right thing you hope
and provide a review. The review could be A1
star, could be a five-star. You've got no control over that. But that's the benefit
of having a launch team. Some of them may even provide
feedback to you as well. As part of that
process, which is good, you can continue to
evolve and improve. And I'll do the
same with my books for the launch
team with marbles, and therefore might have
a book that's going live. I will provide a free copy of
that book in a PDF version, maybe a week beforehand, depending on the
length of the book. So if it's a 30,000 word book, obviously you need to allow them to three weeks to read the book. But if it's a children's picture storybook and it might
take them 5 min to read than a week is certainly adequate,
accurate, adequate time. The reviewer, the
launch team member, will get something for free. And in return, they just
provide an unbiased review. You can't change the review. You can influence
their review at all. But what you can do
is provide people, reviewers with the free copy or heavily discounted copy of your book so that they
can provide that review. And if you can get
15 or 20 reviews within the first week or two, that will really help you
boost your launch, the sales. And therefore it's an effective launches strategy technique that you need to implement. But how do you build
a launch time? The next thing we're
going to get onto now, first way you can build
your launch team is through the creation of the
lead maintenance within your books to develop
an email list. So what isn't a lead magnet? I'll show you a way that this is developed in a way that you
can include it in your books. So you might have your book, this is just a fictitious book. How to sell more books online. Within the book, you would have you would have
created that might be just a PDF document that you
then host on a platform e.g. Locke convert kit
within your book. As we conclude how
to sell more books online and wanted to remind
you of the free gift, or you're welcome to
download three steps, two more book sales
provides an overview of the key steps you need to take to sell more books
as if self-publish up. Then what you do is guide
your reader to download your free copy and simply click on the link below or
scan the QR code, you get your free copy today. Once they scan the code
or click on the link, that would then be taken
to a landing page. And this is all set up within a platform
called convert kit. Many other different
platforms you can use. It's this the one that I use. And then the landing
page will show up. And we didn't let
any page you have included the free
download that quick yeah. Then they will
receive fiery Mao. They're free PDF
document or a gift. And in return they providing
you with the email address. Now you can then
build your email list up by doing this
your subscribers. You can then reach out to those subscribers and say that you're creating
a launch team. And if they would
like a free copy of your book in return for
an unbiased review. Then you can then
start to develop. You'll launch team. And I've created a full course. It's only a couple
of our course about email marketing and developing a launch team and
developing lead magnets. So this is the one here. So that's of interest to just
make sure you check that out on my portfolio
of the other course. So I create, but I'll give you an example of a lead magnet. So there's a book called size, which I've been reading. And in here, it'll talk about the opportunity of
getting more resources. And you can then
use this QR code, then download a free gift. And another example might be for another book
where if pretty much To stop your free gift. And so provides a data link down below about getting a free gift. And so what they're
doing in their books is providing you with a link. You then go to a landing
page like I just showed you. You enter your name and
your email address. You then receiving return, a free gift that a PDF document or what have you would create as part
of the free gift, depending on what your
bookmark be about. The person would then get the free gift and you
get the email address. And then I become a subscriber. And you can build up that list. That's a great way
of being able to get readers to
become subscribers. Then you can reach
out to them to then ask if they would love to be
part of your launch team. You simply just create an
e-mail that says, Hey, I'm creating or
credit a new book on launch it on the
15th of October. And I would love for you to
be part of my launch team in return for in return for
receiving the book for free, I would love for you to
provide a review if possible. And then what you do is provide the link to the book
once it goes live to that reviewer so that they can then go on and
provide their review. So that's how creating lead magnets will then move into Procreate subscribe isn't
getting a review team. You can also use a service like AMC discover to build a list. So I showed you that earlier
on regarding the reviews. So aims at Discover is a
list of people that are provided with these
previously for on Amazon. And you can reach out to them, you can purchase credits to bin, go through and check out what people have provided regarding different books that they've
reviewed previously. So that's IN say Discover. Then, as I mentioned, you use platforms like
convert kit to create landing pages and
attract subscribers. So it's a bit of detail to go through because I covered
in the other course for about 2 h. But it's incredibly important to
develop this launch time. So that will give you
a really good insight into how to create
your subscriber list, had a credit lead magnet, had to create a landing
page and how to gather the details of those to do subscribe and where to
place it in your books, like the other authors
have that off. Then finally, you
can also create a launch team through
social media. So you might have a, you might be able to reach
out to some Facebook groups and that are aligned to
what your books about. And you can ask them that in return for
receiving a free copy, they can message you and you can provide a link to
get the free copy. And then they can provide or they can provide the
review and then they can be part of your lunchtime. The most important
thing that I've found is that when your cranial launch to make sure you list the names of the people,
their e-mail addresses. And this might be just
using a simple spreadsheet. They'd have a
column of the books that they've reviewed and even what rating they've
given you as well. Obviously, it's nice to get
those five-star ratings. Therefore, I keep a track of what ratings people
have given my books. And therefore, it's
gonna be a lot easier for me to reach
back out to those people would have enjoyed my content previously because
I'm probably a little bit more likely to get
a positive review. But again, negative reviews
can have their place as well. I've had negative
reviews where I've read the review and I thought
what you're actually right, I do need to go back
and correct that within the book and
change something around. But remember, it's always just
one person's perspective. And reviews can
sometimes be hard to take if they're negative, but they are a learning
tool for you as well. So make sure you take
all that on board. That's the launch team. It's a group of people that come together that
you reach out to provide a free copy
of that book in a PDF version or a
heavily discounted book. You can even let them know if you're taking advantage
of the five days. Free promote promotion on TDAP, which is an option if
your kVp exclusive OR exclusive when you provide your e-book or you can
heavily discounted and $0.99. Therefore, if your
launch team member does purchase the book, then it is a verified review. And it tends to have more white within the Review
Structure of Amazon kVp. What I thought I'd do is
just provide you with a look at how I set up my
launch team spreadsheet. So basically I've got the
name and the email address of the link directly to
Amazon that I've sent. Have I been required to send
a reminder email to say, look, have you
provided your review? Then I've got review
completed and then ease the review now live. There might be another third, fourth reminder potentially. And then I've got the
different star ratings that these particular reviewers or my launch team reviews
have provided. So it gives you a good insight
into how I structure it. And the follow-up required. Just make sure that you die, rise it to be back
in touch because every view is important. This is how I set up my review or my launch
team structure. So I know all the details. And therefore, it's
easy to follow up and keep on to people because some people just take
their time to do reviews and do need a prompt
to provide those reviews. So having a structure
like this does help to get it set up so
you're well-organized. And one final thing I
wanted to show you is the email template
that you could use or to adjust
to your own book that I've used when reaching
out to potential reviews. This is using AMZN, discover. It's where you use the you bought credits and
you can reach out to people that have provided
reviews previously. Aims at Discovery will
provide the email address. And you can then reach
out to these people to see if they can
provide a review for you. So it would simply read, hello, I was researching this review
session of Amazon over the weekend and nice
that you've left a review for
whatever book it is, habit stacking these point and Ostia email on your profile. So I hope it's okay to reach
out as an introduction. So you introduce
yourself and then talk about your book
and how it might help them and why it would be good for
them to read the book. And then I would greatly appreciate if you
would be open to provide an honest
review in return for a free e-book.
That was okay. So in summary, how it would
be sent to all would use books brat to send that
out and use that platform. And I've spoken about that in the review component
of this course. And then you would then request that review in the first
week of launch on Amazon. So then you'd have
the book cover and con regards and you'll know. That's just an example of a template that you
can adjust yourself to reach out to potential
reviewers to get your book reviewed upon launch. So hopefully that helps
with a real life example.
17. Choosing the Right Book Categories: Welcome to this lesson. In this lesson, I'll
be talking about book categories and adding additional categories
to your book. And this will help
to get your book more visibility for customers. When you load your book
to Amazon card a peak and select an initial
two categories. But what a lot of people
don't know is you can actually add a further
six categories, a total of eight categories. What you do need to
ensure you do is choose appropriate and relevant
categories for your book. There's no point choosing a relevant categories
because firstly, it's a bad customer
experience if your books listed under
the wrong category. Number two, Amazon KT P, are actually coming down
hard on those people that are choosing
irrelevant book categories. In fact, if you do it too often, they can actually
terminate your account. So make sure you're choosing
only appropriate categories. And even though you
had the opportunity of choosing up to
eight categories, they might only be three or four that is suitable
to your book. But let me show you choosing
the right categories, how to go about it, how to research it, and then had to add those additional categories
through Amazon kVp. So these are the key tips and I'll bring this slide
back up again at the end. But the key tips, you can choose two categories when uploading your
book, two kVp. And in addition,
you can choose an, a further six categories
by contacting JDP. And I'll be showing
you that process. Makes sure that your categories are relevant to your book. Again, I'll show
you some examples where they're not so relevant. And you risk getting your
account suspended or even terminated if you're not
using the right category. So please be very, very careful. And you can use Book
bolt to help with Katy's category
selection, which is free. In addition to that,
I'll show you how to use Publisher rocket four categories
selection because that's the best method of selecting the further six categories when you contact
caddy P to add them. So let me get into the video now about the process and what it looks like when you're
adding your categories. So my aim here is to do
all of this under 10 min. So I want to be able to give
you as much information as I can about your categories
and doing it the right way. So when you have
entered your details, you get down to
this section here where it says Choose
your categories. Now, it can be a
bit of a minefield when you actually
go here because you think there are
so many different categories that I
can choose from. And it depends obviously
on the book you're doing. So as a bit of a mock
demonstration we're doing. I just came up with
this cover here. It's not a real book, but it's a book that
I thought would work well for this
demonstration. So it's a lack of letter
tracing Preschool book. And if we went back to this
one and we went to juvenile, there'd be so many different things that we
could choose from. So to help and reduce
the time that it takes, there is a free thing that's
called Book bolt dot IO, but you just go to
Resources here. And you go to tidy
pay category Fondo and E's category foreigner to plugins and
keywords that will provide some different
options for you in regards to your categories. So L L with a tracing book, it might be to do
with handwriting. Handwriting. Yeah. We enter that
and we go search. This will actually bring up hopefully some categories
which we can do. Just say it was juvenile nonfiction language
arts handwriting. So juvenile nonfiction language. So we go to juvenile
know non-fiction. We go to down to language. Which was what about down here? Juvenile nonfiction? That's what I've done done
wrong, Juvenile nonfiction. And then we go down to language, and we choose Language Arts. And then we go to handwriting. Then we could go to another
one and have a look at Mobi to do with alphabet. So not all keywords
might help you, but it could help as well. So we go juvenile
fiction concepts or even nonfiction
language arts disciplines. So you can choose any of these, even this one here, this one
is probably a better one. Juno nonfiction and concepts. Okay? So we get on non-fiction, we go to concepts
and we go alphabet. We've got our two. However, you can actually add eight categories
altogether to your book. And some people
don't realize he's. In a moment. I'll show you a way that
you can contact KT P, customer support to add a
further six categories so your book can be
found more easily and more broadly by customers. Now before we do that, there is one other thing
that I want to show you. Another tool that I use, it's a one-off lifetime payment, is called publisher rocket. And I've got laser description in the link in the
description as well. But one of the things I
use E's category search, and it's a really,
really helpful tool. In regards to searching
for categories. So if we had that same book, we would go to book. And then we know
probably handwriting. Okay? This will give us
different categories that we can use or we can identify that they're gonna
be suitable for our book. The other thing that I sorry that publisher
rock and helps you to do is to determine how many
sales you'd need to get to get to the
number one best seller. So if this category was here, we would select this
124 books we need to sell to get to number 19
books to get to number ten. And you can do the
same for Alphabet, whatever it might be. Just say you have another book that you're writing
and MRP about fashion. Okay? So we go to fashion. If you are writing a book, let's go, let's do a sort. If you're writing
a book about for teens and young adults about music, photography, and fashion. You'd only need seven
sales to get to the number one rank or one
book ticket to the number ten. Then you can go and check out the category page and do
more research into that. So that is an excellent
way also to just go through here and there might
be other ideas you can get. Now, the important
thing is if you e.g. wanted to add your book to
this, so your book too, with this category,
you would then go to practicality pay. You would go to Help. And we're going to continue
without saving it. As I mentioned, you can add
a further six categories. And before you get
to this section, you'd need to copy
your ISO number from your book so that
you can identify which title you want to
add the extra category. So you go down the bottom here, you go, Contact Us. And then you'll be brought
to this page. Here. You go to Amazon store
and product data. I'll click that one. Then you get a drop-down
and it will say, add extra categories
to your book, which will come up in a moment. What's actually called
update Amazon categories. And from there, you can submit an additional six categories, a total of eight
for that one title. So you just enter
your ISO number. You would then enter e.g. if it was this one here,
you just copy that. And you'd go back to
your listing here. And you would list like that, and you would do it for the other categories
you wanted to add. Then you do send message, but remember to add the
ice and number as well, the title that you want to. So that's a way you can add a further six categories
in addition to the, to the ad when you are
loading your book to K P. And it's a great way
to be able to have your book found more often
in different places, different marketplaces as well. And the last area
you can try and find categories
would be to go to a, if you were to just write
handwriting for kids. And you would hover
over different books. You can actually see
educational workbooks would probably be a good one,
or early education. This one is children's
handwriting books. Children's books,
notes and study aids. So you can actually go
through different books and find out what they're
actually ranking under. So this one would be
educational workbooks, again, children's
handwriting books. So you can actually check out, That's another one,
children's grammar books. So these are different
categories you can actually add. After you books loaded,
you can equate, request those additional six
categories for your book. So that's another really
good way of doing it. So just to go over those
category tips again, remember, choose your initial two categories
that are just showed you. Make sure you contact caddy P to add an additional
six categories. And it's best to use
Publisher rocket for that string with a full length to be able to contact caddy P, ensure categories are
relevant to your book and use football and
or publish a rocket to get that category selections always probably you can use Book bolt to begin with for
the first two categories, but use Publisher rocket
if you have access to it for the additional six. So it just makes it easier when you contact had API to get the right string so that they understand the category
that you want to go into. Choosing the right categories that are relevant to your book. A great way to further enhance the search ability
of your book for customers. And that's going to help with
your launch if you can get that book visable to more
people in those first 30 days, then that's going to be
great to be able to generate more sales and boosted up the rankings of Amazon they pay. So hopefully that category
lesson helped you to discover what a relevant
categories and how to find them, and then how to add the additional categories if you feel the appropriate field book.
18. The 12 month Launch Strategy: What do we need to
do to ensure that we can maintain traction of
the book for the long term. What you need to do is shift your mindset to
implement more of a twelv month book
launch strategy and not just a 30-day
launch strategy. Yes, you need to get the
first 30 days, right? But you can't just stop there. You'd need to ensure that you're putting things into action. Because if you can maintain your launch for the longer-term, then that's going to
help the overall sales of your book for years to come. Let's look at what a
successful launch looks like. Perhaps what a poor launch
looks like as well. The key to any successful launch is to get consistent sales
that build over time. What you want to avoid
is a boosting sales at the start that then just die off and your book
becomes effectively did. What we want to do is create a sales or sales of your
book that do grow over time. What we don't want is
initial sales that peak, and then suddenly just drop-off
and we get a flat line. So let's have a look at what a successful launch mark look like and what a poor
launch might look like. Ineffective launch
would look like this. So we'll look, we'll
look at a day one to 90. So you launch your book, you get your initial
sales happening. You might have a launch team. You get stuck getting
some reviews here, really starts to build. You'll draw the
Amazon ads towards that book and you really start to see a peak
brought there. But these sort of driving sales can actually sometimes hurt you because they can be cliff on the other
side of those sales. I've personally
experienced it before. We've had a budget driven
sales to begin with, and then pretty much run out of the budget or I stopped
optimizing my advertising. So then the style
start to drop off and then starts to flatline. And once you get to
about this point here, she very, very hard to
revive a dead book. You might have been
going for 90 days. And then suddenly
you're getting on the utricle of sales
becoming through. So what does a successful
launch o'clock? Well, this, this is what
it should look like, although they might
be a few more tips. But she want a trajectory
that if you were to intersect all these
peaks is increasing. So what you want to avoid is the lowest styles day to be any lower than
the previous day. So you can see how
even the lowest days a building and they're higher than the
previous slide points. So if you could appoint
their low point, their low point here, just a bit higher than this one. So you can see the consistent
sales will start to grow. What happens is the algorithm of Amazon will pick that up. As I've said here, amazon
loves consistent sales, the algorithm loves that. And now continue to put your
book in front of customers when they're searching
for your book or keywords are in your book. And that's where
it's important that you maintain this if possible, for 12 month period. You can continue
to run your ads. You can continue
to do marketing. They might be different
strategies you can implement that can continue to put your
book in front of customers. Let's have a look at
three key tips as part of running a twelv
month launch strategy. Firstly, continue to
market books using AMS or Amazon marketing and optimize your campaigns
once per week. After month three, for
the next nine months. Your keywords this point
should have a great icon. So that's the percentage of ad spend versus sales revenue. Watching need to do, is just continue to optimize just the ones per week
after the first 90 days. And then for the
next nine months, just once weekly number
to continue to seek out any sales opportunities by Facebook or different
forums or social media. Facebook avatars in Google ads. Regular boosts to book
sales really help elevated importance to
the Amazon algorithm. You must keep feeding the beast. Amazon, the beast. Number three, update
the manuscript. That's your book
manuscript if needed. Based on review of feedback, you find that there is a
regular pattern of commentary about any improvement you can
make Tupac then just do it. You can then add information to your book that will help to get better reviews. So if you're getting a
regularly reviewed as say that there's some grammatical
errors in your book. Just make sure you fix those
grammatical errors because too many negative reviews about that might attract people
from buying your book. That's very, very important. Remember? Yes, the first 30
days are important, even the first 90 days. But as important is to maintain your strategy of marketing
or book for the longer-term, we can just take your
foot off the pedal. And that's the problem with many people who create
too many books. They don't continue their
focus on the books. I already have the only
focusing on new books. So that's a key piece
of advice for you. That's how to look at maintaining your
book and marketing. For the first 12
months from lunch.
19. Why Did My Launch Fail - Troubleshooting: If your book launch filed or
you've had issues before. I just want to run through a few troubleshooting
elements that you can consider to get an understanding of why your book
launch may have filed. So let's go on to why a
book launch can file. Firstly, your book cover doesn't grab the
customer's attention. This is just 101 design. You need to ensure
that if you don't have covered design skills
or experience, that you look at outsourcing
that component of your book. If you don't draw
the attention of the customer from
the very beginning, then you simply just
won't get them to click and borrow the book
or even look any further. Secondly, you booked description is poorly written and format it. So your book cover
more, be great. The customer wants to
explore some more. But the book description
just doesn't grab their attention enough for
them to want to buy the book. The customer may not
want to partway with $15 for a book description these poorly written
because if that is an example of what the rest
of the bookmark look like, they now are unlikely to buy it. Number three, you would active or aggressive enough
to market from the start. So this might include
those that don't allocate a budget for
Amazon advertising. They're not prepared to seek out different groups or audiences
that might lock their book. They might not have
a launch team. Therefore, some people are prepared to give a why they book for free in return for reviews or even the chance
of not getting reviews. Sometimes you have to move past the financial element of
things, particularly on launch. You might have to
give away 30 books. And you're thinking,
well, I could have made $100 from those 30 books. But you need to think the long-term issue might have to give away
$100 worth of books. But she may receive ten reviews. And those ten reviews
will generate more than $100 if you continue
to market the right way. So you need to consider how active you are going to be with your marketing
from the start. Don't think that Amazon's gonna do that marketing for you. You need to be proactive
and get yourself organized and allocate a
budget for your marketing. Whether that be through
Amazon ads, google ads, Facebook ads, what do you think
is appropriate fuel book? Get yourself out there.
And about number four, your book is in a highly
competitive niche. It's, it's gonna be
harder to market. It's gonna be hard to get
those keywords ranking. We can need them to be. It's going to cost more for you, for your Amazon advertising. That's where you need
to consider the initial in and whether it's gonna
be highly competitive. The heart, the more competitive, the more expense you should be expected to pay for
your marketing, and the more time involved
with doing that as well. Number five, it didn't get early reviews or your
social proof fast enough to then help drive sales and still stimulate
the canopy algorithm. It could therefore have missed the initial 30-day
launch window. As I mentioned the very
beginning of the course. Those first 30 days, you're going to be so
important for you. And you need to dedicate those first 30 days to doing
what he can to get sales, to get reviews, and
to continue to market your book for it to become
part of the Amazon algorithms. So when someone searches or uses keywords
from your title, your subtitle, then your book
will stop the shirt show. But without points, number
one and number two, then you don't really
stand a chance because regardless of how
much you market your book, how much you
advertise your book. No matter whether it's in a
competitive niche or not, you will not going to be able to get sales if you don't have a good book cover that grabs the attention and the book
description is poorly written. So no matter how good
your launch strategy, those two elements aren't
right from the beginning, then you're likely to
have a poor launch. I can't emphasize that enough. Just make sure you get
those two elements are on. The other elements you
might want to think about is that you priced
your book too high. So customers weren't
prepared to pay that for the social proof that
was evident with your book. Also, you just need to
ensure that you've ticking all the boxes for the
book with the cover, the description, the grandma
reformatting of your book. Just all those key things that come as part of
having a great book. So that's why a book
launch can file. These are just five things. Sure, there's plenty
more reasons, but this is a good starting
point to get those right. So you can have a successful
launch on Amazon, kVp.
20. Developing Your Own Tailored Book Launch Strategy : So how do you tailor and develop your own
book on strategy? What do you need to get
organized so that you can run through that structure and tick the boxes off
as you go through. I'm going to go through a good launch strategy and the way that you can actually organize
your launch strategy. So let's get into that now. And you can create
your own template to tailor your book launch. The key things you need to consider when you're developing your own tailored book launch is the top of book that you have. Is it low content or
high-content book? Is the format of the book. In a book format, paperback, hardback, or even include
an audio book option. To what budget do you have for your first 30 to 90
days from launch? Number three, do
have an email list or starting value,
starting from scratch. Can you form or create a launch team like we have
in a previous lesson? It's just so considerations
you need to think about. Because when you do
tailor your launch, these are things that
are important to have an understanding of because you're launching is
gonna be different. If you have a launch team or if you have an
allocated budget, or if you have a
great social network. Combining these elements will help you to tailor your
book launch accordingly. So what I would recommend is to credit simple
template like this. You've got minus ten days, minus five days, minus one day. And the different launch steps
that you're going to take. You simply fill in this template and start to work through what you'll launch strategy
actions you're going to be because without
taking action, nothing is going to happen. And with this spreadsheet, you can optimize all the
different actions you take and on the Pacific
days that you will have. So you might have it for
minus five days up to day 30. Not eaten the
up-to-date, naughty. But once you add your action, then you need to make sure
that you are accountable for that action and you take it off on the complete a
box as you go through. And if we reflect back
on my launch strategy, is exactly how I set it up. So it's nice and
easy to follow for minus five days
through the day 14, then I've got
ongoing 30-45 days. And remember that it can take some time for your book to
become live on Amazon caddy p. So the top couple of points, you just need to
affect that lean from day one when it goes live. And this will optimize all the different
things you need to do. Your launch is going to have a few different things than
what my launch might have. You might actually have some review sites that you
would like to utilize. And so I'll show you a previous launch that I
did for a longer form book. It's not in this exact
format that I'll show you the different sites
that I was able to go through and use that
help with more launch. And that book ended up
becoming a best seller. And also how to achieve
that within day 30. So let me go to a previous launch that I did
and how I structured that. It's a bit different
from this one. It was also very effective. This is a structure
that I had earlier on. It was for a high content. This structure might be different if you
had a low content. But what I had in here with some targets that I wanted to achieve and different marketing. I had the book name
and the launch date. Reviews from day one, I was going to aim to get
four reviews from books sprout for reviews from
puppy review team, I wanted to get ten reviews from our review team or launch team. Then they might be Facebook
reviews that I can target. So I wanted to get approximately 18 reviews
from day five onwards. So the marketing side
of things or turn on the Amazon marketing to
bolster the sales e-mail, e-mail at the Facebook
groups or head. Then I'll email out the list to notify them that my e-book was gonna be on sale for $0.99. Then there are different
groups that you can book in for your
promotion of the book. So one was called Bargain
boxy strong cells. I'd previous experience
with that, booking, reading deals and became
another one called bookcase. Then campaign must have a
minimum of ten sales over 15 days for you to be eligible
for some of these sites. Them into different tiers. So you've got a lower t, which is a little bit successful, high or medium tier
of review sites. And then I've got a higher tier. So what I had was a pre-launch, different things that I'll
do 20 days prior to launch. Just making sure it
was all formatted. Book cover was all done. Team, All ready to
go and make contact. And I had 15 days beforehand that line in the
book on the caddy pay and credit the book spread Advance
Reader, Copy group. Then five days before launch, sent a reminder to that arc team and all keywords are downloaded. Then I had the
official launch day. We're not talking about
the primary sites. These are different
primary sites you can use if you wanted to, if you had a high content. So some of these may or may
not be in existence now. But there was awesome gang
book goodies, pretty, discount book man that
I had the website and the link and I had the cost
and then I had the terms. So e.g. if you wanted to use many books, five
reviews required. And you would need a very large mailing
list or reading deals. You need five reviews
on Amazon for reading reviews too,
except your book. Then I've got the total spend that are not considering
all highlighted. Those groups are those platforms I would mark on my book from. Then I've got a medium tier. So the ones that pricing
wise or successful rating. And I've had again, the different things
that different name of the review sites and then
also medium or high tier. So minimum of three
days or days, day three, I'll do this. And I've also got a little picture that
I drew about that. I then had my countdown, so I had my little
ticket boxes here are preferred the spreadsheet, but this great way of doing it, and I had my launch strategy
implemented this way for, for the high-content book, structure has changed
a bit since that time, but they're still very
effective ways of doing it. So setting up your e-book
price during the reviews, placing chain, adding
the gifting categories. I also have another
platform and I'll load my books called Ingram Spark
and is also drafted digital. And then I just went through and ticked off as each of
those days went by. So just another example, how set up these smart work better for you rather
than the spreadsheet. But this is going something that would work
for me previously, but I prefer the new
structure that I have. And again, it shows you the
different strategy that are utilized for a high-content book can pay to maybe a
low content book. And that's what you got to think about when you're doing these. But make sure that when
you're structuring and tiling your own launch
strategy, that you can see. What different
platforms revival, the kind of book you have, a book format, paperback back. Can you get free
copies to people? Can you get them in PDF format? There are different
considerations for you for the launch. So I really hope that
helps you again, give you a real
life scenario and practical way of
creating your launch, a strategy, and
making sure you have action points for your launch. And making sure that you
don't take the foot off the pedal as you launch your book and get
that momentum happening. So hopefully that helps.
21. 7 Steps to Launch Your Book (and eBook) - Resource: I wanted to provide you
with one further lesson. And it's because I
didn't cover the format and launching of e-books
much during the course. So therefore, I wanted
to dedicate this lesson to launch strategy that
you can implement. If you do have an e-book. Now you might have a
children's picture storybooks. That's an enabled, you might
have a high-content book, Let's see, in an eBook format. But these strategies
worked well for me. And what I've done is create a resource around
an e-book launch. So I'm going to talk through that strategy in a moment and that resource will be attached to this course. So just find it. One of the files under the Resource Files section
of the course, all the project
elements of the course. And therefore, you can utilize those launch steps to help you
to launch your own e-book. Let's get into it now.
This is the resource, It's called seven steps
to launch your book. And I wanted to show you the different steps you can
take. You've got an April. So let's go to the next page, just a bit of an
insight and talks about the different strategies that you can implement
for the e-book. Remember, no strategy
will ever guarantee success because there are other elements that
come into play, like I've mentioned
during the course, such as your book cover
and your content. So you just need to keep
that in consideration. What I've done is broken it
down into these seven steps. So talk about pricing. The day of launch,
post-launch, die three-day, five-day D6, D7, and step seven. And then the key
takeaways as well. And a reminder if you need Amazon edge training
that's available. And then there's also the
free book launch method. But I just thought that that
would actually help you. And I've gone to a fair bit of effort to create
that for you. So do hope you enjoy that. And the resource will be free to download as part
of the course. So thank you, and I
hope you enjoy it.
22. Course Recap and Summary: Congratulations on making it
to the end of the course. Let's do a quick
recap on some of the important things you need to consider with your book launch. Number one, you need to make sure that you get
that cover, right. Make it appealing
for the customer. Because without a great cover, your customer is going to
be drawn to your book. And therefore, the
next steps can be progressed because you won't have a customer to
purchase the book. So you might have the
best launch strategy in place with oil key
actions ready to go. But unless your book
is attractive for the customer and he's
going to solve a problem, then you won't get that. So secondly, we need to make sure we have
a great book description. Because again, you need to draw in the customer
who then will read your book
description and click on Buy now to
purchase your book, those first 30 days
are so important. You need to put
all your effort or your energy into making
sure those first 30 days. At the most important
for your books. You need to take advantage of those little boosts you can get from Amazon in your
first couple of weeks. Then it is really a requirement for you to just do everything you can
to market that book. When you're creating
a launch strategy, carefully around the
kind of book you're creating or you have created. Because that will tailor, that will determine the way
you tailor your book launch. I've had successful launches. I've also had some
filed launches. The reasons why they failed
is because I haven't really worked hard enough to take action on those
important tasks. And I haven't kept
my foot down of probably pull back
after about day 14, day 30, books going well. And I lose all that momentum. So just make sure
you do whatever you can to keep taking action and creative and multiple
tasks every couple of days or even once a week that you can follow up
with after day 30. Remember the 12 month launch is even better than a
30-day launch if he can maintain that energy and
opportunity to market your book. So what I want to
finish in saying is, you've got every
opportunity to do an amazing book launch
of torture you. Some key in bouquets steps to create your own
Taylor book launch. Showing you through review sites of showing you the
strategies that I've used, of even shown you exclusive
look at one of the books that I've launched recently and
the steps that I've taken. So best of luck with everything you're doing with your publishing
in the future. I really hope you have a successful launch
with your books. And you're using strategies
that you've learned in this course that also
take action to learn new, new and evolving strategies is always going to be new
things that come up. And I'm gonna be doing
the same as well. That I hope you've got, you've
got a lot of value from the course and that
you've been able to, one of the things that you
hadn't known about before. Remember, if you are keen on looking at different
content for self-publishing, just check out other
courses that I've done. They're all under
my author profile. And you can see other
things that you can learn to evolving with
your self-publishing. So you become a better publisher and even a better author and a successful one if you can
launch your book properly and get those sales for the
long term. So thanks a lot. It's been a pleasure to be
able to create this course for you and all the best
for the future. Goodbye.
23. My SkillShare Instructor Profile Page and Self-Publishing Courses: Hello and welcome to
this updated lesson. Now, since creating this course, I've created a number of other courses in the
self-publishing space. And I thought it would
be good opportunity to introduce you to some of those courses and you can view those at by my profile page. So what I'm gonna do
in a moment is go to my instructor profile page and show you some of the
other courses that I have. Now, these courses
can take time. You need to make sure that when you are doing these courses, that you're stopping and taking action and applying
the information. Don't just become an
information junkie where you are absorbing information
beaten, not applying it. The most important
thing that I've found along my journey
of creating books and creating courses and
other information and content is that you need to take that critical key action. Now, it's just the first
step you need to take. Then you tend to
get some momentum. Make sure that you're jotting down some of your goals
that you want to achieve. What sort of things we'll you'd like to create in
the next 12 months. So let's go to my
author profile page now you can see
those other courses, and therefore, they
might apply to helping you to scale
your self-publishing. Or they might be
an area that you wish to specialize in
just a little bit more. So let me hit the instructor
profile page right now. This is my instructor
profile page for Skillshare. If you scroll down, you can see the different
courses that I have available. How to create low
no content books on Amazon Cloud API currently
has 3,004 students enrolled. I've also got my email
marketing course to increase your book sales and in also
increase your email list. If that's what you intend
on doing to increase the number of customers that actually know about your books. I've also got a course with over 600 students on how to create and
design a paperback. People can have book
covers using Amazon API and also a very
popular course on how to create and publish
a children's book. Another popular class which is growing is mastering
Amazon advertising. There's also a course on
mastering habit development. If that's what you're
interested in. The doses are looking to
expand outside of Amazon. Kvp of created a course on how to self-publish
with Ingram Spark. Now that's an in-depth
course that will really help you to provide diversification with
your publishing. And then finally, new course
at the time of filming. And that is how to successfully launch a book on Amazon, KD pay. So these are some of the
courses that I do have. The self-publishing space. Please check out my
author profile or with my instructor profile to access
these courses and you'll be able to join them along with the many other
students that have to successfully scale
yourself publishing business. So hopefully that
helps you to select other costs of created in
the self-publishing spice.